HomeMy WebLinkAboutRich Brown Vail Village letter 021611 ���L BR�WN -W�LIN CUNS'�RIJC"I`I� N , IN�. RICHARD G. BR�W�! SERVING VAIL VALL EY 511VCE 1972 GENERAL C�PJTRAC:T�R & DE51GN CflNSUI.TANT REMODELS, PROPER7Y MRiNTENRNCE, NEW C�N57RUC7lON February 15, 2�1 l P.O. BOx 7D1 VRIL, C�LORAaa 8i558 (970}949-4186 FAX {g7D) 949-6847 Vail Town CaunciE 75 South Frnntage Road Vail,CO 81b57 �ear Vail To�•n Council Members, My cn�}sciniis dictates that 1 ���rite this letter because I he�ie��e safety is paramaunt. Rules are estahlished for reasons.`I�awn emplQyees are hired to enforce ordin��nces. Fnr the last twa years I have been ��arning the T�V Suilding Depanmenl and the TOV Fire Departrr�ent abaut an ilEegal sleepirig arca ir� a Vail Village cn�idnminiu�z3 �vhicfi is offered to sliort-term renters. During tl�e reiriodel process of tl�is u�iit tfie"I�QV desi��lated this space "uninhabitable". The area is anly accessible �ia an unsecured ladder located inside a clnset. For t��•o years(uE}til as recently as t��n���eeks ago}the o�vners ad�crtised t}iis space as a`'laft with a queen-siae hed a�id flat scree�i T,V." I ha�e been coricenied ahout tkie lack of'resporise, sa six weeks aeo ctty lawyer cQntacted t}ie TOV Ilttorney. 'f'lie result of this cnm�ersatinn was a polite letter to the homeo�4•ner notifying him of the complaint. �I'odav the online listi�i� for tl�e un�t in qucstion says, "Tlie lnft is a nice getaway witl� a lar�e sky�ight and flat screen �I�.V." Is tl�is listing c}�ange en�ugti: }ias tlie bed heen remo�ed,the �ion-compliant guard rail replaced? �'ti��a wreks agn, Mike Mc{Jee of the Vail 1=ire llepartme�t informed me that even though he was aware bf the situatinn, he had little power t❑ interfere; sighting the owners' rights and tl�e fact that the internet advertiscm�nt didn't count as �ronf nf iklegal use nf the attic. 5ince town emplayc�s can dn Tinthi�ig, �3�}in insures tl�e safety of at��er residents and guests? My cons�iaus says lhat sUmeone rnusi be responsible. It is nuG��time for saE��eane else to take a turn. Thank you, I� I�]-�,�— f�i�h I3ro�vn President, Bra���n-Wnlin C'onstructinn, inc.