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Chimney Flue Inspection Report 092809
Ro�ky Mounta� ����`���'`����,���"���i � � 0 ��mney Flue Restoration CHIMNEY FLUE INSPECTION REPO �tT PREPARED FOR: ���:�� � ' �� � 3�� g � � ���t�J � r 6 � �3 ,,��._�._�� �r.'�.� � � N, VAIL TRAII,S CHALET VAIL, COLORADO {:��; ..� � h� " E J 4 � �i:3 :� �" >.: ' ����vL_ . ,. .:� .... REPORT DA`TE SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 �. `NS��SU7E OF,V,peP �4.~� �r9 MEMBER WPCEfiTIFIEn NATIONAL ��HIM�+N/E�Y .:, CHIMNEY = S�CEI' " SWEEP � R GUILD i' n '- 11975 WADSWORTH BLVD. BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 ( 303 ) 946 - 9990 CHIMNEY FLUE INSPECTION REPORT VAIL TRAILS CHALET __ __ _ ___ __ __ . _. __ LEVEL II INSPECTION Rocky Mountain Thermocrete received a request to complete level II inspections of chimney flues in the Vail Trails Chalet condominium complex. These inspections were completed at the request of Tom Barela of VaIl Home Rentals,Inc.These inspections were completed on Wednesday September 16, 2009 and Monday September 28, 2009. The contents of this report are the results of these chimney flue inspections. General observations: • Flue TjJpe: Masonry construction (Primarily terra cotta tiles with some cinder blocks and bricks)with mortar joints • Number of flues inspected: 17 (All boiler,water heater,wood burning and gas log flues.) e Last cleaned: Unknown (Note: Boiler&water heater flues are not part of properry chimney maintenance schedule.) • Flue size:Round, 12"diameter General Comments: Due to the age of rnaterials,general exposure to elements,thermal dynamic impact and in some cases the frequency of fireplace use,there is a level of deterioration present in all�lues inspected.This report will review the specific condition of each flue inspected and include photographs that detail the reported condition. Important Note: It ha� been cietermined that several flues laave tile liners and/or mortar joint� th�t l�ave softened, cracked, or otherwise deeeriorated or been damaged so that they appear to no longer have the cor�tinued ability to contain the products of cornk�u�tion properly i.e. heat, moi�ture, creosote, and flue ga� (CO). 'I'herefore it will be noted in red where speci�c flue� shoiald not be used until repairs have t�een completed. Other flues are at ri�k, but elamage may not be as �ever. 2 __ _ _ __ CONDITION REPORT _ _ _.__. __ __. _ • Boiler Flues: o Boiler flue(Chase B,Unit 2):Priorit��:N/A ■ Steellined o Boiler flue(Chase C,Unit 3/4):Prioriry:High ■ Flue m<tv not have that abilin-to c�ntaul the product of conlbustion! ■ Misaligned tiles � Deterioraung mortar joints • Cracks in tiles o Boiler flue(Chasc C,Unit 5/6):Priority:N/A • Fluc liner ■ Recommend termination with cap be improved. o Boiler flue(Chase D,Unit 7/8):Priorit��:High ■ Fliie uia��not have that abilita to contain the product of combusdon! ■ Misaligned tiles ■ Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tilcs o Boiler fluc(Chase D,Unit 9/10):Prioriry:Higli ■ Flue ina��not ha��e that abilin�to contain the product of combus�ion! • Dtisaligned tiles • Deter.iorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Boiler flue(Chase E,Unit 11):Priorit��:High • Flue mae not have that abilin�eo contain die product of con�bustion! ■ Misaligned tiles ■ Deterioradng mortax joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Boiler flue(Chase G,Unit 12):Prioriry:High • Fluc maT�not have dlat 1!�ilin�co contain the product of combustion! ■ ivLisaligned tiles ■ Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Boiler flue(Chase G,Unit 13/14):Priorit��:High ■ Fhie mav not havc tl�at al�ilirn to contain thc product of con�bustion! ■ Misaligned tiles ■ Dcteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Boiler flue(Chase U,Unit 15/16):Priority:High ■ Flue ma��noe ha��c tltiat abilitt to contain d1c product of combustion! ■ Misaligned riles • Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles • Water Heater Flues: o Water Heater flue(Chase C)Priority:High " Fluc mat�not havc that abilin'to contain the product of combustion! ■ i�fisaligned tiles ■ Deterioraring mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Water Heater flue(Chase D)Priority:F�igh ■ Flue ma��not have t1�at abilin�to contain the product of combi�sCion! ■ Nlisaligncd tiles ■ Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles 3 o Water Heater flue(Chase G))Prioriry:High ■ Flue m<ti�=not 1�aee that abiliYV to contain the producC of coi��bustioni ■ Misaligned tilcs ■ Deteriarating mortar joints ■ Cxacks in ules • Fireplaces Flues: o Gas Log Fhie(Chase B,Unit 2)Priorih�:Hi�h ■ Flue ma��noe ha�e tl�at abilitt-to mntain d�e product of combustion! ■ iViisaligned tiles ■ Detexiorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tilcs o Gas Log Flue(Chase E,Unit 9) Priority:Hi�h ■ Pluc ma��ilot l�a��e that abilin�to contain thc product of conibustion! ■ i1�lisaligned tiles ■ Deterioraung mortar joints ■ Cracks in alcs o Wood Burning(Chase D,Unit 5):Prioriry:Higl� ■ Fluc ma��not I�avc that abilitv to contai�t1�e pioduct of combustion! ■ i'vlisaligned tiles ■ Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tiles o Wood Burning(Chase D,Unit 6):Priority:High ■ I�lue mae not have t��at abilitt-to contain the product of combusdon! ■ Damage observed during inspccuon.(ivledia/data failure.) o Wood Burning(Chase U,Unit 13):Priorit��:High ■ Flue mav not have tl�ae abilin�to contain t1�e product of combusYion! ■ Nlisaligned tiles ■ Deteriorating mortar joints ■ Cracks in tilcs __ __ _ __ ___ _ _ ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION _ _ _ __ Includcd with this report: • DVD documenting the conditions observed during the chimney video scan. • Photos capturing some detail of the flue damage 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ REPORT SUMMARY _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _. Based on the conditions observed during these chimney flue inspections, the use of most fireplaces, boilers and water heater chimney flues should be stopped immediately and discontinued use until recommended repairs have been completed b}� a Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified chimne5�service professional. All flues are eahibiting various signs of deterioration and aging.There are varying levels of severit}�. This report has been prepared by Rocky Mountain Thermocrete.If additional information is needed or there are additional questions,please contact us. Rocky Mountain Thermocrete 11975`Uads�vorth Blvd. Broomfield,CO 80020 Phone: 303.946-9990 Fax: 303.466-1810 Email: srott�rock��mounttintherinocrete.coin 5 PHOTO EXHIBITS BOILER FLUES Boiler flue (Chase B,Unit 2) photos: ���, �. �� I l� �t a�'�,,��, 7 - �, A'..� t�����, -�� � � _�zj ,��,°' Boiler flue(Chase C,Unit 3/4) photos: ��� r� ` �� � ,, F �. . , . .. . . f � _ '�� , . � � �..�: � ht � a �: s. ' �. . �:, �i� ,�_x Boiler flue(Chase C,Unit 5/6) photos: {�. �:�� -�� _� :�-�°� � �"''�`�� /`# � � s ,� �� ,�'��"` .� ;} r � r ` � , ��` � _ _.-_ , ; �� ��� , ���. �. . ,� ' � ,k# �, � �; ._ . 6 _ _ _ PHOTO EXHIBITS BOILER FLUES (CONT.) Boiler flue (Chase D,Unit 7/8)photos: _ „ � ���� � ��� �„ *� ,����y �'�k ¢ ° .n� � � 'h` ���'� 3 ������� � � � ��� y �� y x � � � ;��c r �r ! `� , x, t . �rs- .'b'3'. � 'x,} .�,�.,. a,.: _s. �'�' • �� �� ��` � �2 �s 1 � ',��� ��€ ���' ��' �`� �� '�: � �� s� "` �`_� `��������,.,. Boiler flue(Chase D,Unit 9/10) photos: � � � � �, �. �y��'��� �� �� �� � � �� �, � � ��� �.� � � � ; �� � ��� �. w� � �� ����.� �� � � � w ��, � Boiler flue (Chase E,Unit 11)photos: r i�r � , �-� � � I! � �� � " � � , , � i� `���r,b ,� � x � ��� �""`�' �a��° � '*�'a +'� _ I I�', f 4 E'� �v'�i II I t � i�� I �� � � i��-. 7 PHOTO EXHIBITS BOILER FLUES (CONT.) Boiler flue(Chase G,Unit 12) photos: �� 4� , ��_ .� � � `� " � � � ��. � �:w� �: � � �� � � �a � � �a � x� r � �s= �''� ��� .�� �� �" �, ���> �� ' , __. _. � __ :� �_.'�� ;t� ,���-�`� Boiler flue (Chase G,Unit 13/14) photos: ���� ��,� � i���l ,s¢,- ��� t $ � �� ��a �:� � � � �•, ,s;�t, S {�'a ;,� �� � �� � ��. f7��� �`` � �� �� � �k, �,: -- —__ �.,�� Boiler flue (Chase G,Unit 15/16) photos: � � �G � ,. k _ �. � � £} .4 ' .e� � A �, ?��.�,� 3 .. � . � Y' �'. ��� �'�o j � :% �� $ *�� �.�"�� '�"�i '�� �� � y��y' ,�i."l .���� ,� �_ , � � g� � 4k yZt1. ��' t' '-� ,� v � _ ;�'"� aE.�{ .. y ?i*,w.. _ ,� '^6 �_ . . .:.:' .' 2 i,,r,:; � ���., 'i. ... . __ _ _ 8 . _ _ PHOTO EXHIBITS WATER HEATER FLUES Water Heater flue (Chase C)photos: �nd � a x� � �� � � r ��� ��4 �g ��. :;4:. � � �, �* .��' :�� � _�.- - ��,..,. ... , Water Heater flue (Chase D)photos: ���� �.� ��� `` _�_' � � � " ������"� �,� �' < � , �� .��. �� � ,s. � � �M� � � �r��y � ` �� � ' � � a �� �� � � �`���'a;�` �t�� '� ,� �' -�-"�,s ����.,.�e� `J �� ��^�.. w �,. �� �a ,' ��, '`' `:�:� ` �a ��:. �..^ �.tv: _ ___ _� �� , Water Heater flue(Chase G)photos: iq �� II �µ� tF �r +�� � ," t � � �S 7�1� � q # �r; � � � �y�� � �ri <,��� �� 3��''�'�H �1;�����+ . ��,:,.: � � f.�� '� �`-� � � ��'>� �a m��3�'°�?,�*�e���, � kr �� �,`: — �``�? �;t�_ 9 PHOTO EXHIBITS ___ _ _ __ . _ __ _ _ PRIORITY LEVEL: HIGH Gas Log Flue (Chase B,Unit 2)photos: �';9 `y � S''�r �+ " ..7�. > �`X3'{� z., ,� � ,,.¢ ��� z""• . Ws� �1 e,�p., ' ,r' �.^.x-a '1�". �,��: ' �,-°�-°2 �� � � .e. d � i�^ � Ya 4,C� r',�:v "��E� '_' �,: '� " (� Y � c.. ���� ,"�� •,� , � Z�:x� � ..+h.� , ,. Gas Log Flue (Chase E,Unit 9) photos: ,'��,'� I f�� � I �, ��� �a � � �, � . �� � x �fi�. �.. � ., . � . , � � Wood Burning(Chase D,Unit 5) photos: � ��,�� �� j'._.— nae:°+t4'C" 1� PHOTO EXHIBITS PRIORITY LEVEL: HIGH Wood Burning(Chase D,Unit 6) photos: Media�Data Failure Wood Burning(Chase G,Unit 13) photos: � � , �� ��.` i {Y ` r�� .� y � � .��. ��,�e��; �, ` n � �� � `� � — --f � �`:; 11