HomeMy WebLinkAboutChimney Flue Report 081409 �� ��� 0 �} u, �0�.� ,,r' , � 1197>���cls�a�m�tli �l�•c�. s���� � '��°��� ��•o���fie(c�g�� ��02t� ;� � ' ��03� 9�6-�93Q �� �, � � ey�lue Re�t������ `���J� �1,��` �� �r,,�i ��rir ��/� I , �r��1� ndc�� Frida��. Au��st 1�. 2009 � Rich B��o��n Bro��•n-��Jotiu Coi3struction Inc. PO Bot 701 Vail. CO�sI6�8 Dear Rich: Thanlc��ou for giving us the opportuiut��to keep�s orking to«-ards a chinuie�r re�air project�t��ail Traiis Clialet Our 1�riman°goal is cllinule�-flue safet��. C1�im11eti�inspections and needeci repairs: � Heli�preeent structural fires��-1�ich could be caused clue to deteriorating mortar joints and/or dainaged tiles. � Sealing the cracks and lealcs that can tead to possible carbon monolide l�oisoning. E1lclose z-ou�i�ill�ud our i�litiat conditioii report based on a part�ial le�el I iuspection. We«�ould co�lsider this a��a��tial le��el I since«�e had oi�iv roof to�access to the flues. As tl�e report and included photos document se��erat of the flues are damaged or deteriorated to a pouit that tlie�� ma��uo longer�roperl��contavl the pro�iucts of combustion aiicl should not be used. ��e�ti-ould therefore recommend a uiore detailed ins�ectioil referred to as a Ievel II. Tliis le��el of inst�ection«�ould i�iclude a�ideo scan. DVD. sCill photos and a eondation report We could then malce specific recommenclai�ions on repair-s needed and be specif c to«�hich uiuts beloiig to���l�ich flue. Tlie le��ei II inspection«�ould cost$125.0���ei-f1ue. «e�i�ouici be prepared to com�lete diese ins�ections as soon as i�e�t �i�esk in orcler that potentiallF�needed re��airs coulci be completed prtor to���inter season. 1 look fon��at�d to�-our re��ie���of this ii�formatiol�. Sincerel��_ �°`�-- .�.,�_��.�.n. _�,..U.. ��.�ej�__._ Scott Daeis Rocic��Motuitain TherinocreteT" � Office: �0�.9=�6.9990 Cell: �0>.�07-)17� Email:scotl(a�rockvmountcrinthermocrete.com Web:�vw►v.�ockvmourrtainthermocrete.eom gocky Mounta�i ���0�°_ 0 ��ey Flue Restoratiori CHIMNEY FLUE INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: Rich Brown (970) 949-4186 VAIL TRAILS CHALET VAIL, COLORADO � �edj�'�x' �� L'. � �i � , �9 i . . �. ... —.y�.; ^�•_ . " _ _ �A r. �����. � , � `., 2;1 Tr«lis C'._:<t!ct REPORT DATE MAY 13, 2009 �:� \. ��4,`NSS�'!UT E Op q�AP'Cp 4 MEMBER °P C�I'1�IFI�� ' NATIONAL 2��'MNET , CHIMNEY x �ry " SWEEP � S��E1:' - GUILD �► —�I n '- 11975 WADSWORTH BLVD. BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 CHIMNEY FLUE INSPECTION REPORT VAIL TRAILS CHALET PARTIAL LEVEL I INSPECTION Rocky Mountain Thermocrete offered to complete level I inspections (visual of accessible areas) of chimney flues in the Vail Trails Chalet condominium complex. These inspecrions were completed at the request of Rich Brown. These inspections were completed on Monday May 11, 2009. The contents of this report are the results of these chimney flue inspections. General observarions: • Type of fireplace:Masonry tiles • Number of flues inspected: 20 • Last cleaned: Unknown • Flue size:Round, 12"diameter General Comments: Due to the age of materials,general exposure to elements,thermal dynamic impact and in some cases the frequenry of ftreplace use,there is a level of deterioration present in all flues inspected.This report will review general conditions of the flues inspected and include photographs that detail the reported conditions.Due to roof access only,we were unable to determine which flue belonged to which unit.Therefore it will be one of the recommendations contained in this report that a level II inspection be completed on all units to deterinine which flue goes to which unit and then be able to document the specific flue condition of each unit. Important Note: �':����� �e��� �.������fl.g��� ���� �����u°�,K��'�:�� ���,�s� �IlS��m ���dl/�� s����v�� j�rb��:� ���� �����r����, ��°����c�1.v Q� c�����,�s���r�� ��t�:���.�u����r� sa�i�i��E:��. �?�������� �s� k:����s�Pz��' �1������s��� ���� ��s����T������ t�fi��N s:����i�i�a�� �ii��kll��r tc� �c����.�i;rli ��1�� �Sfi°���c�� ����°��li�r���r��r Jr��x•���x°TSr A!o�o �ltF2�fiy II�TQ'Il�tiUZ��s �`.Si�.'�����y '�L�ltt1 1�UtiTif `z�y'P�� ��.'41,�� '�'���°��'��� ���� �°���u����a��c� �Y��� ����:��n�: �`���� hsc� ��t��_���`n�� �����a� �� ��T����� c�� ���a���.�i�� ���i Ti�� ���a£i��t �fi��� �"��t�����.c�� �fl��u�.�.� �z�� P�� �a���. ������� ������G �x�v� �r��� �c��rn�s�e���o ��&��� ��T�� ��� �� �����5 l���t ��s���� r���� ;r��s�P�� �� ��v��-, 2 CONDITION REPORT General observations indicate the following (please �efer to attached photos.): • Deteriorating mortar between tiles • Misaligned tiles • Cracks in some tiles • Missing mortax and gaps in between tiles • There may be additional deterioration or damages that we�e not visible from the access point we were limited to at the top of the flues. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATTON • Due to limited access,it is the recommendation of Rocl.y Mountain Thermocrete that a Level II inspection (Video Scan) be completed on each unit to deternune e�tent and severity of damage and deterioration. �t that point addition documentation could be provided. REPORT SUMMARY Based on the conditions observed during these clzuruiey flue inspections,the use of several fireplaces, and related chimney flues should be stopped immediately and discontinued use until recommended repairs have been completed by a Chinmey Safety Institute of America (CSIA) cerrified chimney service professional. All flues are eghibiting various signs of deterioration and aging.There are vaiying levels of severity. This report has been prepared by Rocky Mountain Thermocrete. If additional information is needed or there aYe additional questions,please contact us. Rocky Mountain Thermocrete 11975 Wadsworth Blvd. Broomfield,CO 80020 Phone: 303.946-9990 Fas: 303.466-1810 Email: sc��:t�.rocl;�-r�ount_,�intl�erm<�cr�te.com 3 V����. ����� ���1� _- � � � :��� E3A-�B-4-5A 58-��: ����,; _� - �� ;.� t��. !}; {�`� � ,).� '�;, y� m s�� `� � � o _ti?T''`� s:�3 . ''c. ._. .c.. 1 ;' - �-� � ,�'"`4_ jw��, i � � � ' ,j�4 '� Y � L h 3 �� � �.5 L �v�}3e a. —��: ��' . '� �' } _ �',t�� s F -� ^ t � ,� VA � �5% k �,.kilt � 'Y: . � � �.'�. . � i �..;��::i. �� i��� �„, r � �;. � K n�ra,E,ys if 1:��-y,�s t €fl'.r a Yr. �a. � 3�i: � x 3 f�� �4 �,��} b� � . �� u�:� . .�..L;}' =z�� L,,.�.,,� t_�t�fi�....��` . . _."� .�� � j - ��,-�,....,,<h,n�«,. � w `'� �` � a - ���.. �r �w � �.ya �� . ,. �' `'�. 'f d _ " - ^�„_ . � _ ..... �, � � � •�,, , ' y�.i,,,,�'{ kr4s. .. �. ` 'a.F*: �' ,+ §a.�, �, k�3:�" 5� €, �w ': �' Y����i . � r. '�'`��: . � 4