HomeMy WebLinkAboutEver Vail Fiscal Report No Date Early Report Subsequently Updated �� ��, Thompson & Trautz LLC.
Ever Vail Fiscal Impact Report
Thompson&Trautz LLC has been retained as an independent consultancy to provide
analysis as to the potential �nancial impacts,revenue and expenditures,the planned Vail Resorts
development project Ever Vail will have on the Town of Vail. Our analysis is based on
information provided from Vail Resorts Development Company,Town of Vail, Eagle County
Assessor, and various other consultants currently engaged to work on this project.
The results of our analysis estimate that the project will generate for the Town of Vail
onetime revenue of$31.6 million as well as $7.4 million at build out in ongoing annual revenue
that includes$4.7 million from Tax Increment Financing(TIF).
Annual Revenues
TIF Revenue $ 4,�37,318 ,
Sales Tax-Condo Lodging 691,734
Sales T�-Hotel Lodging 505,890
Sales Tax-Utilities 54,260
� Sales T�-Retail&F&B 837,456
RETT 486,000
$ 7,312,658
One Tirne Revenues
RETT $ 9,666,000
Use Taa�-Building Materials 16,000,000
Permits&Fees 5,430,000
Traffic Impact Fees 500,000
$ 31,596_00�
We estimate the additional operating and capital costs to the Town of Vail will be less
than the estimated annual and one time revenues. A detailed analysis follows with explanation
as to the ind�vidual components of the revenue and expenditure totals. It is critical to note that
all amounts used are in today's dollars and are NOT adjusted to reflect inflation and are pre 2007
recession. The estimated revenues are based upon the project being 100%built out and all
commercial spaces occupied as presented. See the enclosed spreadsheet at the end of this
document for the calculations. Unless noted occupancies and room rates are annual averages.
t �
This report does not attempt to address or quantify the obvious significant economic
benefit and spin off in the commlu�ity at large resulting from Vail Resorts Development
Company spending in the region of$12 billion on materials, labor and services,providing jobs
and trade in the comrnunity, during the course of colistruction on the Ever Vail project.
Property Tax Revenue
The Ever Vail project,upon completion,will increase the assessed properiy valuation in
the impacted area by$102 million. Currently the assessed value of the properties occupying the
impacted land is $5.5 million. The project is in the Lionshead TIF District that was formed in
2005. The TIF district has a 25-year lifecycle starting in 2005 thereby having the capacity to
- generate revenue through 2030. Based on a TIF mil] levy of 46.124 the project is estunated to
generate$4.7 million in TIF revenue annually. Once the TIF district expires the incremental
property tax revenue to be generated from the Town of Vail's mill levy of 4.979 mills is
Incremental Assessed Value by Source
Acival Value Assessed Va1ue
Condominiums $ 966,600,000 $ 76,941,360
Deed Restricted Residential 34,560,000 2,750,976
� Hotel (Cost is actual value) 66,000,000 6,960,000
Comrnercial-Office 12,218,1$2 3,543,273
Comrnercial-Restaurant/Clul 17,689,091 5,129,836
Commercial-Retail 44,442,424 12,888,303
$ 1,141,509,697 $ 108,213,748
Current Assessed Value 5,505,440
Incremental Assessed Value $ 102,708,308
Assessed value is the actual value of real property determined by the county assessor
multiplied by the assessment rate of 7.96%for residential property and 29%for commercial
property. The actual value of the 358 condominium units is based on a sales price of$1,800 per
� square foot. The assessed value of the 120 hotel units is $200,000 per room which is determined
by comparing assessed values of other comparable hotels in Vail, Beaver Creek and Bachelor
Gulch. The County uses an income approach versus a market value approach to determine the
assessed value for Hotels. The cost of the proposed hotel will be approximately$66 rnillion but
the income approach to determining assessed value produces$24 million which is substantially
less than cost or market value.
l 1
The 155,575 square feet of commercial space includes office,restaurant/Club and retail.
The commercial space is valued for property taxes by dividing the projected lease rate per square
foot by a cap rate of 8.25%. The lease rate for office and restaurant/club is$30 per square foot
and retail $50 a square foot. The cap rate of 8.25%is based upon discussions with the county
assessor staff.
Sales Tax Revenue
Sales tax revenue will be generated by lodging, food and beverage and retail sales. The
sales tax rate on all but short term lodging sales is 4%and on short-term lodging revenue it is
5.5%. The Town of Vail does not colleet sales tax for sales made on the mountain;however, a
lift tax of 4% is paid to the Town of Vail on passes and lift tickets sales. Total annual sales tax at
build out is estimated to be$2 million as follows.
Sales Tax by Source (thousands)
Condo Lodging $ 692
Hotel Lodging 506
Utilities 54
Retail&F&B - 837
$ 2,089
i The sales tax on lodging sales is based on the short rental of condominiums and hotel
rooms. We estimate that$l.l million in lodging sales tax will be generated frorn the proposed
lodging. It is estimated that 50%of the condo owners(358 total units)will rent their units at an
average daily rate(ADR) of$550 with an estimated occupancy rate of 35%. The 120 hotel
rooms will be rented 60%percent of the time at an ADR of$350. These numbers are based
upon what similar properties are experiencing. At this time there are no lodging revenues being
generated on the development site.
Ever Vail's buildings could generate$54,260 in sales tax on the electric and natural gas
used. Based upon other properties the annual gas per room is$843 and electric is$1,050. The
1,531 underground parking stn.tcture stalls is estimated to cost$295 per stall for heat and
We estimate the Ever Vail project will generate sales tax revenue of approximately
$837,456 on Retail and F&B sales. This estimate is based on the number of people occupying
the proposed lodging. We estimate that each lodging guest spends on average $100 a day in
retail and F&B. Condos are occupied by 4 people when either used by owners or when used by
guests who rent them. Based on prior experience of similar properties owners who are not in the
rental pool will use their units 25%of the time and units in the rental pool will rent them 35% of
the time. The combined occupancy of the Condos in a rental pool and non-rented condo's is
30%. Hotel units generate 2 guests per unit and are occupied 60%.
i� ��
The Town currently collects sales tax from approximately 4 businesses on the
development site. The sales tax collected from these four businesses has not been subtracted
from the projected revenue since that information is proprietary and was not provided to us by
the Town. "
Real Estate Transfer Tax Revenue(RETT)
The Town of Vail collects a 1%RETT on all real property sales. Onetime revenue of
$9.7 million may be collected on the first sale of a11358 condo units at$1,800 a sq. ft. The
resale of the units will generate on average $2.7 million or$27,000 in RETT revenue annually
per unit. We project the hunover to be at 5% or 18 units sell a year generating$486,000 in
annual revenue.
Lift Tax Revenue
The Town collects a 4%admission tax on all lift tickets and ski passes sold. We
recognize the Ever Vail project will have an impact on lift tax revenue the amount has not been
included in this report.
Other One Time Revenues
Use Tax and Permit Revenues
1 The Town collects a use tax on building materials that is anticipated to generate $16
million in revenue for the town. Permits and impact fees are estimated to generate $5.9 million
for the Town. The actual traffic impact fee is estimated to be $2.5 million but anticipates ari
offset of$2 million.
Town of Vail Fiscal Costs
Our st�idy projects the Ever Vail project could bring approximately 209,000 additional
guests annually to the Town of Vail. These guests,as well as the resources and requirements
that development adds,will require the Town to provide additional services.
The additional services to be provided are relatively small when you consider the
infrastructure of the Town is extensively developed and has the capacity to handle additional
service pressures. Additionally,it has to be considered that the Ever Vail project is mitigating
most of its impacts with the enhancement of roadways and roundabouts,the addition of
sidewalks and other pedestrian ways,and the addition of bus stops and transit facilities. The
project is proposed to be governed internally with a metro district with all of the internal
improvements,including streets and plazas,to be owned and maintained by the district and the
owners. All of these provisions act to reduce reliance on the Town for services.
To attempt to quantify any potential service impacts to the Town we reviewed the current
budget as well as the projected budgets. We also have asked the Town of Vail's staff to provide
r'� us with an estimate of what the fiscal impacts of Ever Vail will be and have not received any
estimates. Greg Hall the Town's director of public works said that the largest expense woitld be
additional bus service. Other expenses could include additional snow plowing for a larger
frontage road and maintenance, landscaping, lighting of inedians. Greg Hall,the Town's
director of public works did not seem to think the Town's costs would exceed the projected
revenues from the project.
There will be 3 other major developments opening in the Town of Vail over the next 3
years: Solaris,Ritz;and Four Seasons. The Town's 2010 budget and forecast budget for 2011 —
2014 includes no increase in staffing to service these new projects coming on line. We believe
from talking with staff and reviewing the Towiis 2010 budget that the projected revenue from
Ever Vail will cover any reasonable additional operating or capital costs to the Town of Vail.
Should the Town quantify the impacts to the operating and maintenance budgets,we are
happy to include them in this report.
Ever Vail Development
Annual Property Tax Revenue Generated from Ever Vail
Use of Space No.Of Value Value Actuai Assessed
Units Sq Ft Per Unit Per Sq Ft Value Value
Residentiai 358 537,000 $2,700,000 $ 1,800 $ 966,600,000 $ 76,941,360
Deed Restricted Residentiai 48 57,600 720,000 600 34,560,OD0 2,750,976
Hotel 120 200,000 66,000,000 6,960,000
Commerciai-O�ce 33,600 30 364 12,218,182 3,543,273
Commerciai-RestauranUClub 48,645 30 364 17,689,091 5,129,836
Commerciai-Retail 73,330 50 606 44,442 424 12 888 303
1 141 509 697 108,213,748
Minus the cuRent assessed value of land and property that now exists 5,505,440
incremental increase in Assessed Vaiue 102,708,308
Town of Vaii Property Tau Revenue(4.979 milis) 511,385
Potential Revenue TIF Revenue(a�46.124 Milis From Property Tax $ 4,737,318
Annual SalesTax and RETT Revenues Generated from Ever Vail
Sales Tax Revenue Gross 5ales
Condo Lodging(35%Occupancy,Room Rate$550,Units Rented 179) 12,576,968 $ 691,734
Hotel Lodging(60%Occupancy,Room Rate$35Q,Units 120) 9,198,000 505,890
UUlities 1,356,499 54,260
Retail and Food&Beverage(30%Occupancy Condo,60%Hotei) 20,936,400 837,456
(4/ppi per Condo,2/ppi per Hotel,spending$100/day in Town)
Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 48,soo,000 486,000
$ 2,575,aao
One Time Revenues from Ever Vaii
Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 966,600,000 $ 9,666,000
Use Tax on buiiding 16,000,000
Permits&Fees 5,430,000
Traffic impact Fee 500,000
Total One Time Fees � a1,5ss,000
i" �
( , People&Room Nights Generated
People Per Yr People
No. Of Rooms Per Room Generated
Non Rental Sales Tax
Condo(30%Occupancy,4 people per room) 358 438 156,804
Hotel(60%Occupancy, 2 people per room) 120 438 52,560
Peopie Generated 209,364
Days Per Year
Rental Sales Tax No.Of Rooms Per Room Occ Room Nights
Condo(50% Rented, 35%Occupancy) 179 128 22,867
Hotel(60%Occupancy) 120 219 26,280
People Nights 49,147
Data Assumptions
#people generated per unit 4
Number of Condo's 358
Percent of condos rented 50%
Occupancy rate of condos rented 35%
Condominum nightly rental rate $ 550.00
Occupancy rate of condos not rented 25%
#people generated per unit 2 �
Number of Rooms 120
Occupancy rate 60%
Hotel Rental Rate $ 350.00
Guest Spending Per Day in Vail(not on mountain) $ 100.00 /day
Annual Gas per Room $ 843
Annual Electric per Room $ 1,050
Parking Stalls $ 1,531
Annual per stall Gas&Electric $ 295.00