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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110037TOWN ,V%1JH11 —'i DE ELOP MEhaT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fi,ontage Road r Vai Ir Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web; Project Name: FOREST ROAD TRUST ADDITION DRB Number: DRB110037 Project Description: ADD 19.5 SQ FT TO UPPER LEVEL MASTER BEDROOM. Participants: OWNER FOREST ROAD TRUST 02/21/2011 C/O ELIZABETH GOLDMAN 135 17TH ST WI LM ETTE IL 60091 APPLICANT FOREST ROAD TRUST 02/21/2011 C/O ELIZABETH GOLDMAN 135 17TH ST WI LM ETTE IL 60091 Project Address: 224 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 11 -B Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101 - 071 - 1501 -7 Comments: BOARD /STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 03/14/2011 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and /or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12 -3 -3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 f} #' A, f w. W R e � x ids R i1 p �� i — � � u w Application for Design Review - Additions - Residential or Commerci ul FEB 2 12011 General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of af0WJh@ViVA0ng net floor area and /or gross residential floor area (GRFA). This also includes proposals for' `interior conversions'. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information - Town Code Online. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit ap- plication. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Commu- nity Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and /or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $300 X Single Family Duplex Multi - Family Commercial Description of the Request: b a�� Addition of sq ft of GRFA (Residential) or sq ft of net floor area (Commercial/ Office) Physical Address: i/ Z Fo r e-,E�j- rr r Parcel Number: Z 10 1 0­1.1 '� 7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970 - 328 -8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner:n Y PS"t`Vr� Mailing Address: Phone: Owner's Signature: >' C' J'e't Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Mailing Address: . O1 For Office Use Only: Cash CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # Check # 3 `7 (o3 Fee Paid ­�P 3 D ,. O C) Meeting Date: Planner: Zoning: Location of the Proposal: Received From: DRB No.: -- ID C31 l (JD �t Project No: IP(Z,-s I) ` Land Use: Lot: 8 Block:_ Subdivision: J %f} t L V) u, ftC E i J L u(i I_ 01- Jan -10 s PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Tvne of Material Color Roof noAeenL !G- mo)(�1r 1 Siding Gather Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Gather Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. f: \cdev\ forms\ permits\ Planning \D R B \D R B_Additio n_010110 Peel /Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C. David M. Peel, A.I.A. Kathy Langenwalter P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 970 - 476 -4506 Fax 970 - 476 -4572 plarch(c-) SAMUELS ADDITION 224 Forest Road Lot 11 -B, Secondary Unit Vail Village First Filing Town of Vail, Colorado SITE AREA: 22,261.30 square feet ALLOWABLE GRFA: Total Lot 11 22,661.30 - 10,000.00 X.46 - 5,000.00 X.38 7,261.30 X .13 Secondary Unit Maximum Existing Lot 11 -A GRFA = GRFA Remaining for Lot 11 -B = EHU on Lot 11 -A GRFA = GRFA CALCU Level 1 GRFA Level 2 GRFA Level 3 GRFA Level 4 GRFA Level 5 GRFA ice/ DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL 2 -21 -11 = 4600.00 '- = 1900.00 = 996.00 7496.00 square feet X .40 2998.40 square feet FEB z 12011 TOWN OF VAIL j - 5220.00 square feet (70 %) 2276.00 square feet (30 %) 356 square feet LATIONS LOT 11 -A: 216.00 X 24% Exposed = 1380.00 1419.50 1247.50 + 215.25 s.f. above 16' _ 906.00 TOTAL LOT 11 B GRFA GRFA CALCULATIONS LOT 11 -B: Lower Level GRFA 735.36 X 48% Exposed = Main Level GRFA 1128.44 + 92.75 s.f. above 16' = Stair GRFA 77.25 Upper Level GRFA 291.03 + 48.00 s.f. above 16' = Additional GRFA 19.50 TOTAL LOT 11 B GRFA 51.84 1380.00 1419.50 1462.75 906.00 5220.00 square feet (70 %) 352.97 1221.19 77.25 339.03 19.50 2010.00 square feet (26.8 %) Peel /Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C. David M. Peel, A.I.A. Kathy Langenwalter P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 970 - 476 -4506 Fax 970 - 476 -4572 plarch(cDvail. net SAMUELS ADDITION 224 Forest Road Lot 11 -B, Secondary Unit Vail Village First Filing Town of Vail, Colorado SITE AREA: 22,261.30 square feet DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL 2 -21 -11 ALLOWABLE GRFA: 22,661.30 - 10,000.00 X .46 = 4600.00 - 5,000.00 X .38 = 1900.00 7,261.30 X .13 = 996.00 Total Lot 11 7496.00 square feet X .40 Secondary Unit Maximum 2998.40 square feet Existing Lot 11 -A GRFA = - 5168.25 square feet GRFA Remaining for Lot 11 -B = 2327.75 square feet EHU on Lot 11 -A GRFA = 356 square feet GRFA CALCU Level 1 GRFA Level 2 GRFA Level 3 GRFA Level 4 GRFA Level 5 GRFA LATIONS LOT 11 -A: 216.00 X 0% Exposed = 1380.00 1419.50 1247.50 + 215.25 s.f. above 16' _ 906.00 TOTAL LOT 11 B GRFA GRFA CALCULATIONS LOT 11 -B: Lower Level GRFA 735.36 X 48% Exposed = Main Level GRFA 1128.44 + 92.75 s.f. above 16' = Stair GRFA 77.25 Upper Level GRFA 291.03 + 48.00 s.f. above 16' = Additional GRFA 19.50 TOTAL LOT 11 B GRFA 0.00 1380.00 1419.50 1462.75 906.00 5168.25 square feet (69 %) 352.97 1221.19 77.25 339.03 19.50 2010.00 square feet (26.8 %) FTR _ PLANNING CHECK SHEET Property Information Property Address 226 Forest Road Parcel # 210107115017 Legal Description Lot 11, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 1 Development Site Area Ac 0.5111 Sq Ft 22,661.3 Buildable n/a Zoning / SDD # Two- Family Primary Secondary District (PS) Land Use Designation Known Non - Conformities None Previous Approvals Hazard Zones Sections 12 -12, 12 -21, 14 -6 & 14 -7 Snow Avalanche Na Debris Flow Na Rockfall Na Excessive Slopes (Site Disturbance 12- 21 -14) Na Floodplain Na Wetlands Y/N No Creeks, Streams Section 12 -14 -17 n/a Setback Proposed Sidewalks/ Trails n/a Contact Information Planner/ Date Rachel Dimond 03/10/11 Owner Contact Info Forest Road Trust c/o Elizabeth Goldman 847 - 853 -0881 Primary Contact/ Owner Representative Info Kathy Langenwalter 970 - 476 -4572 Project Information Project Description Add 19.5 sq ft to upper level master bedroom Land Use Application(s) # DRB110037 PRJ11 -0041 Proposed Uses (As defined by Zoning) residential Permitted, Conditional, Prohibited? Permitted Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Commercial Floor Area Existing na Proposed na Gross Residential Floor Area (Chapter 15) Total Allowed 7496 - Existing 4137 - Proposed 7268 +Credits See notes Primary Allowed - Existing 5221 - Proposed 5221 +Credits See notes Secondary Allowed 2998.4 - Existing 2027 - Proposed 2047 +Credits See notes Total Remaining 228 Primary Total Remaining Secondary Total Remaining Max 228 left 250 or Interior Conversion? Zoning' District Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Projections 14 -10 -4 Front 20 Proposed or Y/N >required Side 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Rear 15 Proposed or Y/N >required Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required Proposed or Y/N Site Coverage % Allowed 20% % Proposed No change Building Height Allowed 33 ft Proposed No change Landscaping Sections 14 -10 -8 & 14 -10 -9 % Required 60% % Proposed No change Plant size Proposed Fences Proposed Retaining Walls Height Allowed Proposed NC Setback Proposed NC Sec. 14-6-7 Driveway Max Curb -cuts Proposed NC Max -Min Slope Proposed NC Sections 14 -3 -1 & 14 -3 -2 Max -Min Width Proposed NC Heated Y/N Drive Material NC Snow Storage % Proposed NC Parking Stalls Required Proposed NC Loading Proposed NC Sections 12 -10 & 14 -5 Lighting Allowed Proposed NC Section 14 -10 -7 Waste Management Wildlife Proof/ Screened Section 5 -9 Resistant Screening Required Proposed Sections 14 -10 -9 & 14 -10 -10 Roof Material Complies Y/N Yes Sections 12 -11 -3C & 14 -10 -5 Building Separation Complies Y/N Building separation permitted Section 14 -10 -6 Adopted View Corridors Complies Y/N None Utilities N/A (Location, easements) Section 14 -10 -10 Grading (Less than 2:1) Section 14 -6 Development Impact Fees / Employee Housing None Traffic Impact Mitigation Art In Public Places Lot 11A GRFA Calculations: Lowest Level garage = 705 sq ft garage (all credited because permitted up to 4 garage bay credit for 2 units) Lowest level floor= 216 * 24% exposed = 51.84 Level 2= 1380 Level 3= 1419.5 Level 4= 1462.75 Notes Level 5= 906 Total GRFA= 5221 sq ft Lot 11B GRFA Calculations: Lowest Level= 812 (including stairs) * 48% exposed= 390 Level 2= 1298.44 (including stairs) Level 3= 339 existing, 358.53 proposed Total existing= 2027.47 Total proposed= 2046.97 12 -15 -3: DEFINITION, CALCULATION, AND EXCLUSIONS: A. Within The Hillside Residential (HR), Single - Family Residential (SFR), Two - Family Residential (R), And Two - Family Primary /Secondary Residential (PS), Districts: 1. Gross Residential Floor Area Defined: For residential uses, the total square footage of all horizontal areas on all levels of a structure, as measured to the outside face of the sheathing of the exterior walls (i.e., not including exterior wall finishes). Floor area shall include, but not be limited to, elevator shaft; and stairwells at each level, lofts, fireplaces, bay windows, mechanical spaces, vents and chases.