HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 3 Lift House Common Element0
The Town staff wishes to disagree with the findings of the Plan-
ning Commission on the subject variance for the following reasons:
I. We feel that granting this type of variance weakens the entire
parking section of the zoning ordinance, and especially the
requirement for parking within the building. In our view
there is no legal justification for the variance.
2. The granting of the variance would be a grant of special
privilege in that the parking can be put within the building
and other buildings within the Commercial Core 2 district
have provided at least a portion (in most cases more than 50 %)
of the required parking beneath the building although they
were built before this was a zoning requirement (Vantage Point,
Lionshead Centre, Treetops, Sunbird Lodge, Montaneros I,
Westwinds and Landmark). In fact, the Village Center variance
was approved expressly for the purpose of removing surfact
parking from public view.
3. They also found that there was practical difficulty or un-
necessary physical hardship if the variance weren't
The only physical hardship that we can find is an economic
hardship which may not be considered in granting a variance.
4. The Planning Commission felt that a precedent had been set on
Lionsquare North variance for parking not within the building.
We feel that the circumstances are much different because the
subject spaces are not visible (earth covered) and are under -
gr ground. The variance also allowed the building to be of a
lower scale and preserved views.
It is the view of the Community Development staff that the request
for variance by P,ober: T. Lazier for eight parking spaces required
to be within the building to be located adjacent to the existing
parking structure should not be granted based upon the applicant's
arguments for the following reasons:
I. Article 14 (Off- street parking and loading) - Section 14.100
of the zoning ordinance states "In certain districts (which
applies to this project) all or a portion of the parking spaces
prescribed by this article are required to be within the main
building in order to avoid or to minimize the adverse visual
impact of large concentrations of exposed parking and of
separate garage or carport structures ".
There can be little doubt that the existing condition of this
site obviously has an adverse visual impact. Further, in our
judgment, the proposed separate carport structure would not
lessen the adverse visual impact.
The argument has been advanced, though riot formally, that a
precedent was set with the approval of a similar variance
request for the LionSquare North project. It should be noted
that this variance was permitted to preserve views from the
Montaneros project by allowing the proposed building to be of
a lower profile. Secondly, extreme care was taken to require
that the enclosed parking was substantially underground and
not viewable from principal view corridors. Consequently,
the visual impact of this variance was of more benefit to the
surrounding neighborhood than if the variance had not been
2. Article 14, Section 14.400 (Off- street and Joint Parking Facilities)
states that "authority to permit off -site or joint parking
facilities shall not extend to parking spaces required by this
ordinance to be located within the main building on the site
but may extent to parking spaces permitted to be unenclosed.
Clearly, the intent of the zoning ordinance demonstrates
that the Lazier proposal is not permitted. Further, given the
explicit language of this section, it concerns us that a vari-
ance granted in direct opposition to this provision would
seriously undermine the legal stability of the "Enclosed"
parking requirement, particularly in CC2.
It must be noted that a similar legal quagmire was created in
CCI using the same presentation technique that is being used
Page 2
September 3, 1974
for the LionsHead project. We feel it is essential - that the
Concil understand the fundamental nature of the project. Once
the underground or enclosed parking concept is compromised,
it opens up unlimited possibilities for other existing sites
to request variances. This would in essence allow existing
underground or covered parking to be converted to other uses.
Secondly, as was pointed out in - the CCI staff memo, there are
obvious visual 'benefits accruing to the community by removing
'the automobile for surface parking areas. Further, that under-
ground parking should be treated as a nor,- renewab!e resource- -
once gone, it is virtually impossible to replace. Surface
parking can more easily be adjusted according to demand and
surface asphalt can easily be turned into landscaped area
should the parking demand diminish.
3. Article 19 (Variance section 19.600 - Criteria and Findings) -
A copy of criteria and findings is attached. The Lazier project
does not, in our opinion, meet any of the findings set forth
in this section for the following reasons:
a. A variance can be granted only if there is an "unnecessary
physical hardship ". Counsel for the applicant has stated
to the staff that parking could be physically located within
the main building. It is obvious t ".at locating parking within
the main building would diminish the available commercial square
footage thus creating an economic hardship, which is not grounds
for a variance.
b. The applicant has not demonstrated any "exceptional or
extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the
site ". The very Fact that he can physically locate the parking
within the main building and that he owns the site on which the
parking must occur and that grades, access points, aisle widths,
setbacks, etc. all meet zoning standards, point out that there are
not exceptional or unique circumstances.
C. At no time has the applicant demonstrated that not granting
this variance would deprive him of rights enjoyed by other
property owners in the same district. On the contrary, great
pains have been taken to insure that this area meets the pro-
vision of this ordinance. For example, LionSquare Lodge,
Antlers, Treetops, Vantage Point, LionsHead Centre, Sunbird
Lodge, Montaneros I, Westwinds and Landmark have provided at
least a portion (in most cases more than 50 %) of the required
parking beneath the building although they were built before
this was a requirement of zoning. In fact, the Village Centre
variance was approved expressly for the purpose of removing
surface parking from public view.
This project presents a particular dilemma in that:
I. The addition of a new building will in all likelyhood improve
the visual appearance of the area given proper design controls.
• Page 3
September 3, 1974
2. If a strong case cannot be presented by the developer that his
request for a variance from the enclosed parking requirement
is totally unique, then a potentially damaging precedent
could be established.
Therefore-, we suggest that the developer be required to present
his argument in terms of his project's complete uniqueness from
othe. projects in the same zone district. This must be done so that
a clear distinction is established so that other developers cannot
use this variance as a precedent. Failing to jchieve this distinction
we recommend that a completely enclosed garage be attached to the
proposed building on the west side. This would bring the project
into compliance with the zoning ordinance and allow for the necessary
commercial square footage to be constructed. A second alternative
would be to require that the parking be provided within the building
which is feasible, but would significantly reduce the commercial
square footage.
This project raises basic questions that, in our view, require a
detailed investigation by the Town Attorney. Caution should be
exercised to see that all legal requirements under the zoning ordinance
are strictly adhered to.
31 July 1973
The Subject
jointly by Vail
Parking structure and Lot are ised
21, LionsHead Arcade and the Lift
Due to leather conditions and unavailability of
asphalt material, the requirement that parking lots
be paved as required by the Vail Zoning Ordinance ware
delayed until 30 July 1973 by the Town of Vaii on
conditions listed in agreement dated 2 April 1973,
signed by Robert T. Lazier.
Since the submittai-of agreement, Mr. Robert
Lazier has, on several occasions, been reminded of
impending deadline and had chosen to ignore the
Importance of the situation.
At the date of summons' issuance, aspholting
underneath parking structure had commenced. However,
grading of parking lot, Installation of drain and
construction of ramp had not boon completed.
Jerry L. Aldrich
Chief Building Official
Town of Vail
box 1 o . vaiI, colorado 81657 • 303. 476 -561 3
April 2, 1973
As a cottn
btaining a certificate of occupancy
for the us e I agree to the following stipulations:
I. Grading and paving for the parking structure will be
completed by July 30, 1973.
2. Grading and paving for on -site parking will be com-
pleted by July 30, 1973.
3. A minimum 12" drain shall be furnished under ramp by
July 30, 1973.
4. Ramp, including guardrails nad hard surface must be
completed by July 30, 1973.
5. Wheel stops for parking spaces must be provided where
I hereby agree to above stipulations and understand that
failure to comply with the above will result in a summons
for my appearance before Municipal Court. Each day will
be considered as a separate offence.
igned this Date
J lk "4
0 0
box 100 • vail, colOradO 81657 • 303.476 -5613
December 12, 1972
Mr. Robert T. Lazier
Mr. Charles Rosenquist
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Conditional Occupancy - Lift House and Vail 21
In accordance with our agreement concerning the subject buildings, the
following conditions must be met in order to allow occupancy of certain
commercial areas of the Lift House and Vail 21:
1. Tenants who are ready to open before the Christmas
season will be allowed to occupy the commercial space
only No other occupancy will be allowed until the parking
structure is complete and a final inspection has been made
and certificates of occupancy issued. It is understood that
the following tenants will be ready to open under the condi-
tional occupancy: Harvest Table, Purcelt's, Gorsuch Ltd.,
Gore Valley Title, Lions Head Ski Rentals, the General
Store, The Place, Krismar, and Sassy Set.
2. Each tenant who wishes to move in before this deadline
shall be required to notify the Building Department and it
will, at that time, be determined if adequate parking is
available. In each case, the Building Department will take
into consideration the public safety, number of spaces
required and available, adequate access to those spaces,
as well as considering if all Building Code requirements
have been met and a final inspection made of each shop.
3. No occupancy will be allowed for any condominium area
in either building until the parking structure is complete and
a final inspection of the structure has been made.
4. We also remind you that all tap fees must be paid before
a conditional occupancy permit will be issued and the tenant
allowed to open for business.
- e s
Page 2
Mr. Robert T. Lazier
Mr. Charles Rosenquist
December 12, 1972
5. Construction debris and piles of dirt and snow must be
removed before we will consider the parking useable. The
area on the northeast side of the Vail 21 building which is
being used for construction debris must be fenced off for
public safety and to deter use of the north entrance to the
Vail 21 building. Doors exiting into construction areas must
be marked "For Emergency Exit Only."
Inspections will be made on a regular basis and summons will be issued to
the property owners for each violation of the above conditions.
Terrell J. Minger
Town Manager
TJM :lh
cc: Harvest Table
Purcel l's
Gorsuch Ltd.
Gore Valley Title
Lions Head Ski Rentals
The General Store
The Place
Sassy Set
... q 0
box loo . vail, Colorado s1657 • 303.476.5613
August 17, 1972
Mr. Robert Lazier
Vail, Colorado 81657
SUBJECT: Joint -use parking structure for "Lionshead Arcade,"
"Vail 21" and Lift House."
Dear Mr. Lazier:
Reference is made to the meeting on April 27, 1972 with Robert
Lazier, Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson, Ed Struble and Robert
ott in attendance. The subject of the discussion was the time
tiv a ble required for construction to commence on the joint -use
parking structure for the three above mentioned buildings.
Robert Nott' represented the position of Vail Associates that in
accordance with those understandings set forth in the contracts
made with the building owners, construction of the structure
was to commence during the summer of 1972. Further, Nott stated
that Vail Associates would not support any variance application
on the part of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of
this structure until a later building season.
To this date, the Town of Vail has not received an application
for a building permit or a complete set of structual plans and
calculations for approval in regard to this structure. Structured
parking must be provided for these buildings in order to comply
with the zoning and parking regulations set forth by the Town
of Vail.
Time is of the essence in the commencement and completion of the
construction of the joint -use parking structure as absolutely
no permit of occupancy will be issued for "Lionshead Arcade,"
"Vail 21," or "Lift House" until parking is supplied.
Please submit the required plans, specifications and calculations
as soon as possible to avoid further delays. If this office can
be of further assistance at any time regarding this matter, please
contact us.
cc Robert Nott, V.A
Canada's of Vail Ltd.
Trans America Titles
Titles Inc. Denver
Terry Minger
Larry Robinson
Very truly yours,
Rent R. Rose, P.E.
Town Engineer
NO 01M1�
July 17, 1972
box 631 . vail,
Engelke Architects
2186 South. Holly Street
Denver, �Colorado 80222
Subject` Li ft House
colorado 8 1 6 5 7
• 3 0 3. 4 7 6. 5 6 1 3
Revised plans received July 12, 1972 for the above - subject job have
been checked in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Uni-
form Building Code, 1970 Edition, Volumes I and II and the 1970 Uni-
Form Plumbing Code as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail.
The Use Zone is CCII; occupancy groups are B -3, F -2, and H; type of
construction is II noncombustible. The following items shall be
corrected by revised plans or addendum:
1. Submit a copy of your condominium declaration as required by the
Colorado Revised Statute 118 -15 -5 to the Town of Vail, as well
as to the State so that we may determine theownership of common
areas, responsibility for maintenance, etc.
2. In accordance with Section 365 (a) and (b), the owner shall employ
a special inspector who shall be present at all times during
construction on the following types of work:
(a) Concrete, including reinforcing
(b) Masonry, including reinforcing
(c) Structural steel
(d) Precast concrete
This inspector shall not be anyone employed by the contractor
doing the work and shall be approved by this office prior to
commencing the work involved. He should report to the Building
Official in writing, reporting any Code violations and other
required information.
3. A total of 69 parking spaces, 9 x 19 plus one loading berth,
12' x 25 are required for this building. The LionsHead Arcade
Building requires 36 parking spaces, plus one loading berth.
With these requirements, the Vail 21 building requires 58 parking
spaces plus one loading berth. Your new parking garage will
require a total of 163 . parking spaces plus three loading berths
which may be,Iocated elsewhere on the properties.
`Engelke Architects
July 17, 1972
Page 2
4. 1 would, at this time, like to remind you of our meeting of April
27, 1972 when Bob Nott of Vail Associates, Robert Lazier and
Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson and I met with regard to the
parking structure. The result of this meeting was the decision
that occupancy of these two building would not be allowed until
the parking structure is.completed.
5. Please be informed that the building site where work is in progress
or materials are being stored must be fenced and marked with
"Hard Hat Area - Authorized Personnel Only" signs.
6. Submit a completed Declaration of Land Allocation.
7. Submit complete mechanical �Iaan�s.� immediately. There are a number
of areas that will require mechanical ventilation, none of which
can be checked until these plans are submitted.
8. The first floor commercial area will require a minimum of three
water closets in each toilet, men's and women's or men's would
be acceptable with two water closets and one urinal. These will
take care of all commercial areas, including the restaurant.
9. West wall of corridor 116 and east wall of vestibule 120, hall
106, vestibule 105, all walls in lobby 102, and vestibule 124
shall be of not less than two hour noncombustible construction.
10. All construction shall conform with Table 17 -A.
11. Elevator shaft shall have a minimum of three square feet of
ventilation to the outside.
12. Walls between stair and shaft in stair #2 shall be two hour non-
combustible construction.
13. All glass at entry doors and sidelites shall be tempered or
safety glass.
14. All stairways 88" or more in width shall have an intermediate
15. On a typical floor plan there appears to be many shafts in the
corridor areas. Please note that these must be two hour noncom-
bustible construction in accordance with Table 17 -A.
16. On addendum #1, you show a two hour wall at the face of the fire-
place. In back of the fireplace you already have a precast wall
with a hole in it for the chimmney to go through. This opening
should be sealed up for a two hour rating. The two hour wall
at the face of the fireplace could then be a one hour wall.
17. In accordance with our Ordinance #6 amending the Uniform Building
Code, all exterior wood shall not cover more than 40% of each
wall area above the first floor, and shall be fire retardant.
18. Reference Chapter 47, all the plywood roof sheeting shall be
fire retardant except that area the Board of Appeals granted a
variance for.
y 19. 'Roof shall be one hour rated in accordance with Section 1906
and Chapter 32.
20. A -1 structural frames shall be protected with two hour fire rating
which will be in accordance with Table 43.
1 21. Reference Chapter 28, the ceiling over the corridor area next
to the stairwell is called with 2 x 6 noncombustible joists. If
this is used in the corridor area, two layers of gypsum board
\� both sides will be required. If the door to this attic area
� is used as shown on the section, all roof members and studs shall
be fire retardant treated.
Engelke Architects
July 17, 1972
Page 3
(` Y
Both wet and dry standpipes are required. Any questions regarding
this item should be referred to Bob McNeill of this Department.
With reference to the partial plan on sheet 3 showing the mechani-
cal equipment and elevator, janitor and stair #1, door #I2
between the mechanical equipment room T09 and stair #1 is not allowed.
Exit signs shall be in accordance with Section 3312. Please check
this section carefully as it appears your exit signs do not meet
these requirements, such as separate sources of power, and clearly
indicating the direction of egress.
Since a conditional building permit has been issued and the concrete
foundation and footers have been poured and there has not been an
engineer for inspection on the jobsite in the last 10 days, please
inform this office as to who is doing this onsite inspection at this
Prior to any deviations from the plans that have been submitted for
approval,before work is commenced, any changes shall be approved.
No inspections will be made on mechanical or plumbing until such time
plans have been submitted and checked.
Please submit the above required information as soon as possible to
avoid further delays. If this office can be of assistance at any
time regarding this project, please contact us.
Yours truly,
Building Official
cc: Robert T. Lazier
J A R C H I T E C T S A. I. A.
2166 S. HOLLY 5T. SUITE NO. 108 757 - 3790
Mr. Ed Struble
Building Department
City of Vail
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Lifthouse
Dear Ed, August 8, 1972
The following is in reference to your plan check letter of July 17,
1972. The numbered items correspond with the numbered items on your
1. Robert Lazier will handle this.
2. Robert Lazier will handle this.
3. Parking structure as designed meets these requirements.
4. Not applicable.
5. Not applicable.
6. Lazier will take care of this.
7. Lazier will take care of this.
8. Each tenant will supply his own toilet facilities.
9. Wails indiciated in these areas will be two layers of 5/8"
gypsum board on 3 -5/8" metal studs.
10. We have tried.
11. The elevator.shaft will have a 3 square foot vent to the
outside through the roof.
12. Walls indicated in these areas will be two layers of 8"
gypsum board on 3 -5/8" metal studs. ,�� f�
p `t+
® peg°
0 0
page 2
13. Sidelites at vestibule 105, entry to corridor 101, and entry
to corridor 117 shall be safety glass.
14. Not applicable.
15. As noted previously, all vertical shafts shall be of 2 hour
16. The opening in the concrete exterior wall for fireplace fius
is to be grouted full around the flu in lieu of placing 2
layers of gypsum board on the back side of the face wall of
the fireplace.
17. The note applicable to exterior stud wall construction should
read "5/8" noncomb cedar T1 -11 on I" weatherproof firecode
gypsum sheathing on 2x4 noncomb wood studs @ 16" o.c."
18. The note applicable to the lower roof over the storage area
is to read "built -up TO roofing on -f" noncomb plywood on
2x8 noncomb roof joists @ 16" o.c."
19. Not applicable.
20. All structural steel shall be protected with 2 layers of
5/8" gypsum board.
21. Chapter 28 (Aluminum) does not apply. Construction in this
area shall be 2x6 noncombustible joists with 2 layers of
gypsum board both sides. Access hatch from corridor is to
be relocated on the roof for access to the attic space.
22. Lazier will take care of this.
23. Move this door as per new drawing.
24. Exit signs do indicate clearly the direction of travel and
note indicating conformance to governing codes would mean
seperate power source.
Your question in regard to onsite inspection is to be handled by the
following people from this office: Robert Engelke, Rodney Seawright,
and John Eden. Prestress Concrete is represented by Barry Prentiss
and Stan Ruden.
As per our previous discussion: The upper most exit corridor is to
0 0
page 3
have two layers of 5/8" gypsum board. The 4" C.M.U. fire stop is
to be 8" C.M.U. fire stop set back a distance of 2" from the face
of concrete wall to allow for bearing of noncomb wood joists over
exit corridor.
Rodney D. Seawright
RDS /fdb
cc. Robert T. Lazier
91AItcoll"i - A. _1'
WoL 14-9 ace, CdaGf
3 6.
S 3z��
May 22, 1972
Ms. Diana Wygant
Building Department
Town of Vail
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Diana:
This letter is for the purpose of reviewing matters dis-
cussed at a meeting on April 27, 1972 in which Robert Lazier,
Chuck Rosenquist, Larry Robinson, Ed Struble and myself were
in attendance.
The subject of the discussion was the time table required
for construction to commence on the joint -use parking structure
which is intended to accommodate the parking demands of build-
ings completed, under construction or scheduled to commence
this summer on portions of Block 1, Lot 3, Vail /LionsHead First
Filing. These buildings are known as "LionsHead Arcade Build-
ing", under the ownership of Bob Lazier; "Vail 21" building,
under the ownership of Charles Rosenquist; and "The Lift House"
building, under the ownership of Bob Lazier.
Robert H. Nott represented the position of Vail Associates
that in accordance with those understandings set forth in the
contracts made with the building owners, construction of the
joint -use parking structure was to be commenced during the
summer of 1972. Furthermore, Robert H. Nott stated that Vail
Associates would not support any variance application on the
part of Lazier and Rosenquist to defer construction of this
structure until a later building season.
Yours very truly,
, > ?// �
Robert H. Nott
Vice President - Real Estate
AREA CODE 303 476 -5601 0 BOX 7, VAIL. COLORADO 81657
July 17, 1972
Engelke Architects
2186 South Holly Street
Denver, Colorado 60222
Subject: Lift House
Gent I omen: _
Revised plans received July 12, 1472 for the above - subject job have
been checked in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Uni-
form Building Code, 1970 Edition, Yoiumes 1 and If and the 1970 Unl-
Form Plumbing Code as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail.
The Use Zone is CCII; occupancy groups are 8-3, F -2, and H; type of
construction is If noncombust The following items shall*' �
correc e y revised plans or dendum:
1. Submit a copy of your condominium declaration as required by the
Colarado'Revised Statute 118 -15 -5 to the Town of Vail, as well
as to the State so that we may determine theownership of common
areas, responsibility for maintenance, etc.
2. In accordance with Section 305 (a) and (b), the owner shall employ
a special Inspector who shall be present at all times during
construction on the following types of work:
(a) Concrete, Inciudl•ng reinforcing
(b) Masonry, Inc reinforcing
(c) Structural steel
(d) Precast concrete
This inspector shall not be anyone employed by the contractor
doing the work and shall be approved by this office prior to
commencing the work involved. He should report to the Building
Official in writing, reporting any Code violations and other
required information.
3. A total of 69 parking spaces., 9+ x 19 plus one loading berth,
12t x 25 are required for this building. The LionsHead Arcade
Building requires 36 parking spaces, plus one loading berth.
With these requirements, the Vail 21 building requires 38 parking
spaces plus one loading berth. Your now parking garage will
require a total of 163 parking spaces plus three loading berths,
which may be located elsewhere on the properties.
Engelke Architects
July 17, 1972
Page 2
4. 1 would, at this time, like to remind you of our meeting of April
27, 1972 when Bob Nott of Vail Associates, Robert Lazier and
Chuck Rosenqulst, Larry Robinson and I met with regard to the
parking structure. The result of this meeting was the decision
that occupancy of these two building would not be allowed until
the parking structure Is completed.
5, Please be informed that the building site where work is In progress
or materials are being stored must be fenced and marked with
"Hard Hat Area - Authort-zed Personnel Only" signs.
6. Submit a completed Declamation of Land Allocation.
7. Submit complete mechanical plans Immediately. There are a number
of areas that will require mechanical ventilation, none of which
can be checked until these plans are submitted.
8. The first floor commercial area will require a minimum of three
water closets in each tollet,- men's and women's or men's would
be acceptable with two water closets and one urinal. These will
take care of all commercial areas, Including the restaurant.
9. West well of corridor 116 and east wall of vestibule 120, hail
106, veatlbuie 103, all waits In lobby 102, and vestibule 124
shall be,of not less than two hour noncombustible construction.
10. All construction shall conform with Table 17 -A.
11. Elevator'shaft shall have a minimum of three square feet of
ventilation to the outside.
12. Walls between stair and shaft in stair #2 shall be two hour non-
13. All glass at entry doors and sidelites shall be tempered or
safety glass.
14. All stairways 88" or more in width shalt have an intermediate
15. On a typlcal floor plan there appears to be many sbdtts In the
corrt4ok areas. Please note that these must be two hour noncom-
bustibte construction In accordance with Table 17 -A.
16. On.eddend" #F1, you show a two hour wall at the face of the fire-
place, in back of the fireplace you already have a precast wall
with s hole in It for the chlmmney to go through. This opening
should be sealed up for a two hour rating. The two hour wail
at the face of the fireplace could then be a one hour wall.
17. In accordance with our Ordinance #r6 amending the Uniform Building
Code, ail exterior wood sholl'not cover more than 40% of each
wall area above the first floor, and shall be fire retardant.
18. Reference Chapter 47, all the plywood roof sheeting shall be
fire retardant except that area the Board of Appeals granted a
variance for.
19. Roof shall be one hour rated in accordance with Section 1906
and Chapter 32.
20. A -1 structural frames shall be protected with two hour fire rating
which will be In accordance with Table 43.
21. Reference Chapter 28, the ceiling over the corridor area next
to the stairwell Is called with 2 x 6 noncombustibie Joists. If
this Is used in the corridor area, two layers of gypsum board
both sides will be required. If the door to this attic area
Is uswd as shown on the section, all roof members and studs shall
b• fire retardant treated.
Engelke Architects
July 17, 1972
Page 3
22. Both wet and dry standpipep are required. Any questions regarding
this Item should be referred to Bob McNeill of this Department.
23. With reference to the partial plan on sheet 3 showing the mechani-
cal equipment and elevator, ,janitor and stair #1, door #12
between the mechanical equipment room T09 and stair #1 Is not allowed.
24. Exit signs shall be In accordance with Section 3312. Please check
this section carefully as it appears your exit signs do not most
these requirements, such as separate sources of power, and clearly
Indicating the direction of egress.
Since a conditional building permit has been issued and the concrete
foundation and footers have been poured and there has not been an
engineer for Inspection on the ,joins i to In the lost 10 days, please
Inform this office as to who is doing this onsite Inspection at this
Prior to any deviations from the plans thtt have been sub - mitted for
approval,before work is commended, any changes shall be approved.
No inspections will be mdde on mechanical or plumbing until such time
plans have been submitted and checked.
Please submit the above required Information as soon as possible to
avoid further delays. If this office can be of assistance at any
time regarding this project, please contact us.
Yours truly,
Ed Struble
Building Official
cc: Robert T. Lazier