HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC110013 Community Garden CUP Attachment E 021411 January􀀃21,􀀃2011􀀃 􀀃Rachel􀀃Friede,􀀃AICP,􀀃LEED􀀃AP􀀃 Planner􀀃II􀀃 Town􀀃of􀀃Vail􀀃 75􀀃South􀀃Frontage􀀃Road􀀃 Vail􀀃Colorado􀀃􀀃81657􀀃 Dear􀀃Rachel,􀀃 My􀀃wife,􀀃Jan,􀀃and􀀃I􀀃just􀀃moved􀀃to 􀀃West􀀃Vail􀀃this􀀃past􀀃summer.􀀃􀀃We􀀃are􀀃lucky􀀃to􀀃have􀀃had􀀃the􀀃 opportunity􀀃to􀀃work􀀃with􀀃the􀀃volunteer􀀃team􀀃that􀀃is􀀃spearheading􀀃the􀀃development􀀃of􀀃a􀀃 community􀀃garden􀀃in􀀃W est􀀃Vail.􀀃􀀃We􀀃are􀀃fully􀀃in􀀃support􀀃of􀀃the􀀃garden􀀃concept􀀃and􀀃have􀀃seen􀀃 other􀀃community􀀃gardens􀀃in􀀃other􀀃places􀀃we􀀃have􀀃lived,􀀃like􀀃Pittsburgh,􀀃offer􀀃benefits􀀃that􀀃are􀀃 both􀀃educational􀀃and􀀃constructive,􀀃not􀀃to􀀃mention􀀃environmentally􀀃attractive.􀀃 The􀀃proposed􀀃design􀀃of􀀃the􀀃community􀀃garden􀀃will􀀃fit􀀃in􀀃nicely􀀃on􀀃the􀀃vacant􀀃lot􀀃and􀀃 complement􀀃the􀀃surrounding􀀃alpine􀀃setting􀀃that􀀃defines􀀃our􀀃great􀀃community.􀀃􀀃Bringing􀀃 residents􀀃together􀀃to􀀃help􀀃grow􀀃sustainable􀀃crops􀀃is􀀃a􀀃very􀀃contemporary􀀃use􀀃of􀀃the􀀃pr operty.􀀃􀀃 The􀀃proposed􀀃flowers􀀃and􀀃vegetables􀀃that􀀃will􀀃be􀀃grown􀀃on􀀃the􀀃site􀀃will􀀃beautify􀀃the􀀃 neighborhood􀀃and􀀃add􀀃to􀀃the􀀃attraction􀀃for􀀃all􀀃Vail􀀃residents􀀃and􀀃visitors� �who􀀃visit􀀃the􀀃adjacent􀀃 Stephens􀀃Park,􀀃which􀀃recently􀀃has􀀃been􀀃improved􀀃much􀀃to􀀃everyone’s􀀃satisfaction.􀀃􀀃􀀃 I􀀃know􀀃many􀀃of􀀃our􀀃neighbors􀀃are􀀃in􀀃favor􀀃of􀀃the􀀃current􀀃desi gn􀀃and􀀃hope􀀃that􀀃the􀀃planning􀀃 committee􀀃will􀀃recognize􀀃the􀀃value􀀃of􀀃bringing􀀃people􀀃together􀀃so􀀃that􀀃we􀀃can􀀃demonstrate􀀃 how􀀃a􀀃local􀀃garden􀀃can􀀃have􀀃a􀀃positive􀀃impact􀀃on 􀀃health,􀀃the􀀃environment􀀃and􀀃on􀀃enhancing􀀃 the􀀃cooperative􀀃atmosphere􀀃that􀀃typifies􀀃living􀀃in􀀃Vail.􀀃􀀃􀀃 We􀀃appreciate􀀃the􀀃consideration􀀃of􀀃the􀀃committee􀀃and􀀃offer􀀃up􀀃our􀀃un animous􀀃approval􀀃for􀀃 proceeding􀀃with􀀃the􀀃project􀀃as􀀃currently􀀃outlined.􀀃 Sincerely,􀀃 􀀃Douglas􀀃G.􀀃and􀀃Jan􀀃D.􀀃Smith􀀃 2782􀀃Kinnikinnick􀀃Road,􀀃Unit􀀃C,􀀃West􀀃Vail,􀀃970􀍲476􀍲0515� � Dear Rachel, I am writing to tell you how excited I am about the plan for a community garden in Intermountain. I have lived in the neighborhood full time for 13 of the past 15 years and have always wanted to pursue my interest in gardening. I am more than happy to help with the work involved in making this happen. I will definitely be at the meeting on Feb. 14. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Sincerely, Linda DeLaria 28928 Kinnikinnick Rd. 970-331-2794 January 31, 2011 Planning and Environmental Commission 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Planning and Environmental Commission Members: I am pleased to write this letter of support for the West Vail Community Gardens. The proposed gardens will provide a community space like no other in Vail. While they will serve as an education setting, a gathering place and a new beautified location, they will establish a unique sense of community. By learning and growing together, members of the gardens and of the public who may participate are able to share a common goal and bond. Community gardens are not only a place to grow vegetables, but a place to meet neighbors and to work together to build community. As a resident of the Intermountain Neighborhood, I would enjoy seeing this empty lot be used as community space. I support the goals of the West Vail Community Garden committee to create community gardening space, educational opportunities and community enrichment. I believe that these proposed gardens will preserve open space, provide a space for growing food, as well as building and beautifying our community. Sincerely, Marian M. Cartin To Whom It May Concern: Community Garden 􀀄􀂕􀀃􀂔􀂇􀂕􀂋􀂆􀂇􀂐􀂖􀂕􀀃􀂑􀂈􀀃􀀐􀂇􀂃􀂆􀂑􀂙􀀃􀀆􀂔􀂇􀂇􀂍􀀃􀀆􀂑􀂐􀂆􀂑􀂕􀀃􀂙􀂇􀇯􀂔􀂇􀀃􀂘􀂇􀂔􀂛􀀃􀂇􀂚􀂋􀂖􀂇􀂆􀀃􀂃􀂄􀂑􀂗􀂖􀀃􀂖􀂊􀂇􀀃􀂒􀂔􀂑􀂒􀂑􀂕􀂃􀂎􀀃􀂖􀂑􀀃􀂊􀂃􀂘 􀂇􀀃 a community garden in our neighborhood. I think the garden would be a wonderful addition! Not only would access to a community garden provide an opportunity to grow our own healthy food, but an alternative outdoor activity we can do together. This will also provide a productive educational, and social, opportunity for the families of Vail. Thank you, looking forward to it! Barry and Pamela Davis 1 Rachel Friede Dimond From: SARA NEWSAM <snewsam691@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:20 PM To: Rachel Friede Dimond Subject: Vail Community Gardens Dear Rachel: As a resident of the Intermountain community I am in favor of the community garden currently under consideration for the town owned property at the corner of Kinnikinnick and south frontage road. I live in Meadow Creek Condominiums at 2753 Kinnikinnick Road, Apt. B2, so I drive by this site several times a day and think that organized gardens in this area would be a definite benefit to the neighborhood. Should you have any questions I can be reached at 970-476-5686 during the day or at 970-476-5829 in the evenings. Sincerely, Sara Newsam P. O. Box 753 Vail, CO 81658