HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-01 Agenda and Support Documentation Town Council Evening Session VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING SESSION AGENDA "fi TOW VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 6:00 P.M., MARCH 1, 2011 NOTE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. ITEM /TOPIC: Citizen Participation (15 min.) PRESENTER(S): Public 2. ITEM /TOPIC: Silver Wreath Medal of Valor Award Presentation (5 min.) PRESENTER(S): Dwight Henninger BACKGROUND: The PD will present the department's of Silver Wreath Valor to Melissa Bixler. Ms. Bixler disarmed a suicidal person on January 4, 2011 thereby saving the person's life. The silver wreath is the highest award the PD can bestow on a Vail citizen. 3. ITEM /TOPIC: Consent Agenda: Approval of the February 1, 2011 meeting minutes and February 15, 2011 meeting minutes (5 min.) PRESENTER(S): Pam Brandmeyer ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve meeting minutes from February 1 and 15, 2011 meetings. 4. ITEM /TOPIC: Town Manager Report: Revenue Highlights - Kathleen Halloran Forest Service Land Swap Exchange - Diane Johnson (15 min.) PRESENTER(S): Misc. 5. ITEM /TOPIC: Preliminary year end results and first reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011, An Ordinance making supplemental appropriations to the Town of Vail General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund, Dispatch Services Fund, and Heavy Equipment Fund of the 2011 Budget for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and authorizing the expenditures of said appropriations as set forth herein; and setting forth details in regard thereto. (30 min.) PRESENTER(S): Kathleen Halloran ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide direction regarding the Vail 3/1/2011 Valley Foundation's request for $250,000 in 2011 to be used toward the 2015 World Alpine Ski Championships; Approve or approve with amendments the first reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011. BACKGROUND: To be provided in attached memo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approves or approves with amendments Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011, upon first reading. 6. ITEM /TOPIC: Proposed amendments to 12 -13 -5: Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Vail Town Code (30 min) PRESENTER(S): Nina Timm ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: As this is a work session item, staff is requesting feedback on the following policy questions from Town Council this evening: *Is the existing Exchange Formula still an appropriate method for establishing the "value" of an Exchange EHU? *Should a formula or value be developed to establish the Exchange Rate for EHUs that do not require occupancy by an employee? *Should cash payments be an option of the Exchange Program? BACKGROUND: On January 6, 2009, the Town of Vail adopted the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Chapter 12 -13 -5, Vail Town Code. On February 15, 2011, the Vail Town Council requested staff present amendments to the Exchange Program at a Town Council work session. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following: 1) Continue to utilize the existing Exchange Rate Formula 2) Town Council adopts an Exchange Rate Formula for EHU owners who are not required to have their EHU occupied 3) Fee -in -lieu payments are the preferred Exchange method 7. ITEM /TOPIC: Discuss proposed amendments to the Town of Vail Employee Housing Strategic Plan (30 Minutes) PRESENTER(S): Nina Timm ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Does the Town Council support the amendments recommended by staff? BACKGROUND: On September 2, 2008, the Town of Vail adopted the Employee Housing Strategic Plan that identifies a number of action steps for the Town towards achieving its goal of ensuring there is deed restricted housing for at least 30% of Vail's workforce within the Town of Vail. On February 1, 2011, Town Council recieved a memorandum providing an 3/1/2011 update on the actions taken. At that meeting Town Council requested staff propose amendments to the Employee Housing Strategic Plan to address the full spectrum of wage earners in Vail, with a particularl focus on families earning greater than 120% of Area Median Income, ($103,920 per year for a family of four). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Town Council moves forward with funding for the infrastructure at Chamonix Commons and adds the Middle Bench, 2507 Arosa Drive, and Sandstone Park to the Implementation Matrix. 8. ITEM /TOPIC: An overview of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone District; the development review process and the five development review applications intend to facilitate the Ever Vail Project. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the detailed plan recommendations for West Lionshead (Ever Vail), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC 110002) Major Subdivision: A request for a review of a preliminary plan for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13 -3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of two lots for the redevelopment of the properties known as Ever Vail (West Lionshead), located at 862, 923, 934, 953, 1000 and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West right -of- way /unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080062) Rezoning (Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2011Y A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for a establish Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District zoning on Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision located generally at 862, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road, and the South Frontage Road rig ht-of-way/un platted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080061) Special Development District Amendment (Ordinance No. 8, Series of 2011Y A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12- 9A -10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for the removal of Development Area D (Glen Lyon Office Building) from Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, and for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to include the subject property in the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, located at 1000 South Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivison, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090036) 3/1/2011 Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, Amendment ( Ordinance No. 9, Series of 2011): A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for prescribed regulation amendments, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to amend Section 12- 10 -19, Core Areas Identified, Vail Town Code, to amend the core area parking maps to include "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead) within the "Commercial Core" designation, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080065) (15 min.) PRESENTER(S): Warren Campbell ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: The Community Development Department requests the Vail Town Council table the Major Subdivison, Ordinance No. 7, 8, and 9, Series of 2011, and Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 to the March 15, 2011 public hearing. BACKGROUND: Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan: On January 24, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for proposed amendments tot he Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, by a vote of 3- 1-2 (Rediker opposed, Viele and Cartin recused). Major Subdivision: On January 10, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the preliminary plan for the major subdivision to establish Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 5 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Rezoning: On January 10, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a zone district boundary amendment to establish Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District zoning on Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 5 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Special Development District Amendment: On January 24, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a major amendment to Special Development District (SDD) No. 4, Cascade Village, to remove the Glen Lyon Office Building from the SDD in order for it to be incorporated into the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 4 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, Amendment: On January 11, 2010, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a prescribed regulations amendment to Section 12- 10 -19, Core Areas Identified, Vail Town Code, by a vote of 4 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends the Vail Town Council continue the public hearing on the request for the Major Amendment, Ordinance No. 7, 8, and 9, Series of 3/1/2011 2011, and Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 to the March 15, 2011 public hearing. 9. ITEM /TOPIC: Adjournment (8:25 p.m.) 3/1/2011 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Silver Wreath Medal of Valor Award Presentation PRESENTER(S): Dwight Henninger BACKGROUND: The PD will present the department's of Silver Wreath Valor to Melissa Bixler. Ms. Bixler disarmed a suicidal person on January 4, 2011 thereby saving the person's life. The silver wreath is the highest award the PD can bestow on a Vail citizen. 3/1/2011 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Consent Agenda: Approval of the February 1, 2011 meeting minutes and February 15, 2011 meeting minutes PRESENTER(S): Pam Brandmeyer ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve meeting minutes from February 1 and 15, 2011 meetings. ATTACHMENTS: February 1, 2011 meeting minutes February 15, 2011 meeting minutes 3/1/2011 Vail Town Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 1, 2011 6:00 P.M. Vail Town Council Chambers The regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was called to order at approximately 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Dick Cleveland. Members present: Dick Cleveland, Mayor Andy Daly Kerry Donovan Kevin Foley Kim Newbury Margaret Rogers Susie Tjossem Staff members: Stan Zemler, Town Manager Matt Mire, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. There was none. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda. 1) Resolution No. 2, Series of 2011, A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Town of Vail and the State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado (LOCO) Trust Fund for the Red Sandstone Elementary School Playground Improvements Grant; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto; and 2) Resolution No. 3, Series of 2011, A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Town of Vail and Eagle County School District REJ50 for the Red Sandstone Elementary School Playground Improvements; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Matt Mire, town attorney, stated there was a change to Resolution No. 3, Series of 2011, as the IGA that was attached was not the correct one. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 1 3/1/2011 Gregg Barrie, Public Works representative, requested the Council approve both resolutions and authorize the town manager to sign and enter into the IGA's with GOCO and Eagle County School District in forms approved by the town attorney. Foley made a motion to approve the consent agenda for Resolution No. 2, Series of 2011 and Resolution No. 3, Series of 2011, with the correct IGA attached and authorizing the town manager to sign and enter into the IGA's. The motion was seconded by Newbury. Aaron Whitty, from Red Sandstone Elementary, stated they had preliminary drawings for the Redstone Elementary School playground and they were very appreciative of the Council's support. Newbury gave special thanks to Gregg Barrie for making these grants possible. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously, 7 -0. The third item on the agenda was the Town Manager's Report. Kathleen Halloran, budget manager, reviewed the December 2010 Revenue Update memorandum stating the November sales tax revenue for 2010 was a near record high of 20.4% year -to -date ; RETT was up with $7 million in collections, another near high; and year -to -date for 2010 was up 4% from 2009. She said overall revenues are up 18.9% for 2010 and up 8.8% from the budget. The fourth item on the agenda was the approval of a Legal Service Agreement. Cleveland stated Matt Mire, Vail's town attorney, is currently a town employee. The Council and Mire have agreed to change the status of the town attorney from a full - time town employee to a contract employee. He said a lot of municipalities have part - time, contract attorneys. Mire said the town attorney, is duly appointed by the Council as the town attorney as set forth in Section 7.1 of the Town of Vail Charter and he has served as the town attorney since November 1, 2001, per the employment contract, dated October 31, 2001, (the "Contract ") which creates terms and conditions of the town attorney's employment and establishes the town attorney as a full time Town of Vail employee. The Council and the town attorney wish to terminate the contract, and the Council wishes to retain as the town attorney on an hourly basis and pursuant to the terms set forth in the attached Legal Services Agreement (the "Agreement "). The contract calls for the town attorney to have office hours two days a week in Vail and be effective beginning March 12, 2011. Michael Cacioppo stated he has concerns about not having access to the town attorney five days a week and inhibiting open dialogue. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 2 3/1/2011 Cleveland stated the town attorney will be available to handle public inquiries as before. The public will need to make an appointment to speak with the town attorney on the days the town attorney will be in the office. Rogers made a motion to approve the legal services agreement, and the motion was seconded by Daly. Foley thanked Mire for his service to date. Newbury wanted to know who will direct Mire to attend other town meetings. Mire said he would be sensitive to who is asking. Cleveland said he would like to have the town manager or his designee added to the contract. Zemler said there is some uncertainty on how this will evolve. Newbury said the council members may change and this detail will be needed to make the transition easier. The intention of this change is to not deny staff Mire's expertise but to use it when he is in the office. Mire said some cities do not allow members of the public to contact the attorney and others allow it. Rogers amended her motion to change paragraph 6a of the agreement to add "as directed by the town manager or his designee "; and the motion was seconded by Daly. A vote was taken, and the amended motion passed, unanimously, 7 -0. The fifth item on the agenda was a final presentation on the findings of the "Ever Vail Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis" report, dated January 13, 2011. George Ruther said on December 7, 2010; the Vail Town Council heard a presentation by EPS on the findings contained in the "Ever Vail Fiscal and Economic Impact Analysis" report, dated November 11, 2010. Council asked staff to have the consultants answer questions on the final report and this meeting is in response to the questions raised by the Vail Town Council on the 7th. Ruther said the things the Council should keep in mind are hot beds, service plan, etc. Andy Knudtsen and Brian Duffany, of Economic and Planning Systems, presented the Council with the Ever Vail fiscal and economic impact. The key findings were Ever Vail would expand the town's economic base by expanding visitation as hotels provide the most fiscal and economic benefit to the town. Knudtsen said they called the general managers at Four Seasons Hotel and they stated 75% of their hotel guests will be net new to Vail. The general manager thinks this is a low estimate, as they have a big following and international traffic will be high. The Arrabelle general manager said 45% of their guests are new, a change from a previous 60 %. The Lodge at Vail stated 35% of their guests are net new. Four Seasons said Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 3 3/1/2011 they have captured an international and loyal following and welcome competition for high end guests. The Vail Marriott stated their room rate is modest and more competitive for group business and said 55% is net new. Knudtsen said the Ever Vail hotel could bring in additional summer and shoulder season business by marketing to groups and events. He said additional findings of the economic analysis indicate that cannibalization of existing retail and restaurant sales by Ever Vail businesses will be minimal. The 35,000 square feet of office space will make a modest contribution to the town's economic diversity. Daly said there is a need to size Ever Vail properly as it relates to the retail and hotel components. Knudtsen said there are comparisons in the report and that proportions are similar to what is in Vail and Lionshead now. The report was discussed at length and the report used a blanket net new of 50 %. A 102 room hotel does not seem conducive to groups and so it's important to have lock -off units. He said rental programs and units can be designed so they can have lock -off's to put in a rental program. Rogers said she is uncomfortable that the report used 70% net new in the analysis. Knudtsen said they will use 50% net new business in the economic analysis, which is a more conservative approach. Kaye Ferry, resident, said she is concerned about cannibalization of businesses such as Solaris. She also asked where the 1.8 million skier day figure came from. Knudtsen said that figure is not skier days, but visitor days only. Ron Riley, a Vail business owner, said he is doubtful in the ability to generate the percentages of net new businesses the study has estimated. Rogers said she wants another survey done specifically from hotels on the percentage of rooms that are in a rental program. Knudtsen said they will do additional research. A joint work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission and Council for an afternoon work session will be set to discuss continued actions and recommendations. The sixth item on the agenda was Resolution No. 5, Series of 2011, a Resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with the Vail Village Inn Homeowners Association to fund up to $25,000 of the cost to complete below -grade tunnel improvements necessary to fully implement a dispersed loading and delivery system in the East Meadow Drive neighborhood of Vail Village; and setting forth details in regard thereto. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 4 3/1/2011 George Ruther, Community Development Director, stated on January 18, 2011, the Vail Town Council instructed staff (6 -1 Cleveland opposed) to prepare a resolution authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with the Vail Village Inn Homeowner's Association to fund up to $25,000 of the cost to complete below -grade tunnel improvements necessary to fully implement a dispersed loading and delivery system in the East Meadow Drive neighborhood of Vail Village. Funding of these improvements closes the gap in the financial needs of the project and furthers the town's goals of creating a pedestrianized mall in Vail Village. Ruther explained the existing conditions located south and east of the Main Vail roundabout. He said tunnel improvements need to be made to make the final connection to complete the loading and delivery system on Meadow Drive. He said the town should not have any financial obligation for construction and believes the $25,000 request is reasonable. He said staff recommends the completion of the loading and delivery system addresses a number of town goals and objectives. For instance, a long term solution to an ongoing need for loading and delivery in the East Meadow Drive neighborhood is addressed; the business, resident and guest experience in Vail Village is enhanced; vehicle noise and congestion along East Meadow Drive is reduced and public safety is improved; and the community benefits from the completion of the improvements. Daly said the payment of $25,000 should be upon issuance of a building permit and not issued up front. Jonathan Staufer, Vail Village Inn representative of the property owners, said he is in support of the loading and delivery tunnel improvement project and thanked staff for all the work involved to get the tunnel done. Jim Lamont, Vail Homeowner's Association, said he is also in support of the project and said it is the last of the projects needed to complete the dispersed loading and delivery system in Vail. Cleveland said the way the resolution is written, the cost is going to be $25,000, not up to $25,000. He has problem using public funds for the tunnel. Foley made a motion to approve Resolution No. 5, Series of 2011, spending up to $25,000 for the tunnel completion; and the motion was seconded by Daly. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6 -1, Cleveland opposed. Council directed staff to return to discuss a pilot loading and delivery program on East Meadow Drive as there is a need to understand what's working. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 5 3/1/2011 The seventh item on the agenda was First reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011, an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 7, Contractor, Registration, Title 4, Business License and Registration, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. George Ruther reviewed first reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011, with the Council saying the changes need to be adopted by code, and staff recommends amending the chapter. He said the current process for contractor registration is subjective, outdated, time consuming and costly to administer and that the process has remained unchanged for more than 33 years. He said this ordinance aims to solve the problems associated with the current contractor registration process. Ruther said the proposed amendments create a contractor registration process which is objective, eliminates waste, is cost effective and relies upon current technology to improve productivity and customer service. He said a high amount of staff time is consumed and this shifts the responsibility to the contractor to have proof of insurance, automates the registration process, and the contractor registration fees don't reflect what it costs to process. He said the registration would be good for three years and spreading it out will be more effective for staff time. The fee increases from $75.00 annually to $200 every three years will be more effective as well. He said there is a penalty clause, and staff is proposing an administrative penalty up to two times the cost of the registration. He said this will end the current bureaucracy and redundancy of the process. Homeowners are exempt from the process. However, general contractors, plumbers, electricians and fire related businesses will still be required to have general liability insurance. He said violations of the registration and proof of insurance process will also have an appeal process. There will be customer service computers at the Community Development counter and customers can use the computers to process their registration. Staff will be announcing the change on the town's website and send out an e-mail newsletter. He said there have been no negative comments to date. Foley made a motion to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011, and the motion was seconded by Rogers. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7 -0. The eighth item on the agenda was the discussion of the Lionshead Transit Welcome Center - Packages A (Pre -Cast Concrete), B (Elevators), and C (Mechanical Equipment) Contracts Award. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 6 3/1/2011 Tom Kassmel, stated staff requests Council to award separate Contracts to the recommended contractors for the Lionshead Transit Welcome Center Packages A, B, and C. The Town of Vail is in the process of completing Construction Documents (CD's) for the Lionshead Transit Welcome Center (LHTWC) Project that will replace the existing Lionshead Auxiliary Building. The CD's, also known as the Lionshead Transit Welcome Center Package D, will be complete and publically bid in February, with a General Contractor (GC) contract award on March 15th. Kassmel said in order to save six weeks in the 2011 construction schedule, proposals for the LHTWC Packages A, B, C were publically solicited. The LHTWC Packages A, B, C, were solicited for Pre -Cast Concrete (A), Elevators (B), and Mechanical Equipment (C). These three packages are for long lead items that will significantly impact the construction schedule if they were to be awarded in mid -March to a General Contractor, with the LHTWC Package D construction documents. He said the purpose of this Council session is to award three separate contracts for the LHTWC Packages A, B, C to the recommended proposers. The contracts will be awarded to the recommended proposers with a Notice to Proceed on the shop drawings portion of the contract only. He said by the time the shop drawings are complete and approved in mid - March, Package D, the complete CD package, will have been publically bid and awarded to the recommended General Contractor. At that time the remaining fabrication and construction portion of the Package A, B, C contract will be assigned to the General Contractor for coordination and assimilation into their construction schedule. By awarding these three contracts, the LHTWC project construction schedule can be shortened by six weeks allowing for an anticipated substantial completion in December of 2011. He said the town received two bids for A, two bids for B and three bids for C. Kassmel said staff recommends directing the town manager to enter into contracts and award for: Proposal Package A (Precast) to Stresscon for $710,610.00, with an initial Notice to Proceed in the amount of $45,064.11; Proposal Package B (Elevators) to Otis for $116,300.00, with an initial Notice to Proceed in the amount of $8,720.00; and not awarding Proposal Package C (Mechanical Equipment) at this time. Awarding contracts A & B now will benefit the whole project and allow these parts to be done before July 4, 2011. Daly made a motion to approve contracts for Proposal Package A (Precast) to Stresscon for $710,610.00, with an initial Notice to Proceed in the amount of $45,064.11; Proposal Package B (Elevators) to Otis for $116,300.00, with an initial Notice to Proceed in the amount of $8,720.00; the motion was seconded by Newbury. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7 -0. Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 7 3/1/2011 The ninth item on the agenda was adjournment. Foley made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tjossem. A vote was taken and the motion passed, 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dick Cleveland, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Town Council Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2011 Page 8 3/1/2011 Vail Town Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 15, 2011 6:00 P.M. Vail Town Council Chambers The regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was called to order at approximately 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Dick Cleveland. Members present: Dick Cleveland, Mayor Andy Daly Kerry Donovan Kevin Foley Kim Newbury Margaret Rogers Susie Tjossem Member Absent: Kim Newbury Staff members: Matt Mire, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Acting Town Manager Staff members absent: Stan Zemler, Town Manager The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Michael Staughton, business owner and Vail Chamber and Business Association (VCBA) member, asked the Council to add a work session item to discuss solutions for loading, delivery, and parking of service vehicles (plumbers, refrigeration, etc.) in Vail. Cleveland said Foley has brought this issue up before and staff will add it to a future work session to discuss and resolve. Jonathan Levine, owner of Eco Limo Vail, a limousine service in Vail, wanted clarification about why the limousines cannot have access to the top of the Transportation Center (VTC). He said restricting all limousine services at the VTC due to bad behavior of limousine service providers is extreme. He stated he is in favor of supporting the police department; however, he would like to meet with the police department, shuttle service companies and limousine companies to come up with other solutions. Cleveland said they questioned the police department staff and misbehavior of shuttle and limousine services personnel has lead to this solution. He said Council gave the police department a directive to designate a place for the limousines to stage their vehicles while waiting to provide service for the town's guests. He said there will be cards available with limousine services contact information so hotels and other businesses can hand out to guests to call limousine services. He said the limousine Town Council February 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 1 3/1/2011 3 -2 -1 services must abide by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulations regarding these services, which includes having prearranged pick up and drop off services for guests. The limousine services cannot loiter or stage their vehicles at the VTC. Levine said restricting limousine services at the VTC doesn't work well as everyone goes to the transportation center to get picked up. Rogers reiterated that the guests would call the limousine service provider and could arrange for them to be picked up or dropped off at the VTC. The police said the limousine service providers would have access to the transportation center so they can drop off or pick up guests at the transportation center. Cleveland said the town doesn't have the resources to monitor all activity and the Council gave the police department a directive so the impact is minimal to legitimate service providers. Levine wants to add video monitoring at the VTC to monitor misbehaviors of taxis and limousine services. Rich Ten Braak, Director of the Vail Chamber and Business Association, stated the parking for service vehicles has fallen through the cracks and needs to be addressed. He also gave Council an update on the Premier Impressions program, a town -wide customer service initiative. He said the nomination numbers started out slow but picked up and they have 92 current nominations. They have expanded the locations where nomination forms can be picked up. He said each qualified nominee gets a $50 gift card to a business in Vail and they are invited to attend a party at Eagle's Nest. He invited Council members to attend the party on April 7 at Eagle's Nest at 5:00 p.m. Cleveland asked if the marketing has changed as he hadn't heard about it. Ten Braak said no, the information is in the newspaper, sent out via their newsletter, e-mail, and forms in various business locations throughout Vail. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda. 1. Approval of the January 4, 2011 meeting minutes; and 2. Approval of the January 18, 2011 meeting minutes. With corrections page 3 Daly Rogers made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of January 4, 2011, and January 18, 2011; and the motion was seconded by Foley. Daly had a minor correction to the January 18, 2011, meeting minutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6 -0, with the correction. The third item on the agenda was the Town Manager Report. There was none. Cleveland stated Zemler and Chief Henninger are in Garmisch and will be back tomorrow. Town Council February 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 2 3/1/2011 3 -2 -2 The fourth item on the agenda was second reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011, an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 7, Contractor Registration, Title 4, Business License and Registration, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. George Ruther stated on February 1, 2011, the Council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011. The proposed amendments create a contractor registration process which is objective, eliminates waste, is cost effective and relies upon current technology to improve productivity and customer service. Town staff recommends the Town Council approves Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011, on second reading. Rogers made a motion to approve second reading of Ordinance No. 3, Series of 2011; and the motion was seconded by Daly. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6 -0. The fifth item on the agenda was a request to table Ordinance No. 15, Series of 2010 to the Vail Town Council's March 15, 2011 public hearing. Ruther said the applicant requested an extension of this item. Daly made a motion to table second reading of Ordinance No. 15, Series of 2010, to the Council's March 15, 2011, public hearing; and the motion was seconded by Tjossem. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6 -0. The sixth item on the agenda was a request to table Resolution No. 23, Series of 2010, a resolution amending Chapter VII, Vail Village Sub - Areas, East Gore Creek Sub -Area ( #6) to include recommendations related to a new Vail Village Townhouse (VVT) District, and setting forth details in regard thereto; to the Council's March 15, 2011 meeting. Ruther said the applicant requested an extension of this item to coincide with Ordinance No. 15, Series of 2010 to the Council's March 15, 2011 meeting. Daly made a motion to table Resolution No. 23, Series of 2010, to the Council's March 15, 2011, public hearing; and the motion was seconded by Tjossem. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6 -0. The seventh item on the agenda was the Lionshead Transit Center Phase III Request for Proposal (RFP), East Lionshead Plaza and Concert Hall Plaza Streetscape. Town Council February 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 3 3/1/2011 3 -2 -3 Tom Kassmel, said staff wanted direction from Council to finalize and release the Request for Proposal (RFP) to begin the process of hiring a consultant team to produce design and construction documents for the redevelopment of the Lionshead East Mall Plaza and Concert Hall Plaza projects. He said the Lionshead East Mall Plaza and Concert Hall Plaza Streetscape Projects are the third phase of the Lionshead Transit Center redevelopment. The two projects complete the link between the Lionshead Transit Center, the redeveloped Lionshead Mall commercial core and the hotels and lodges of west Lionshead. He said concept plans for these streetscape projects were developed and reviewed as a part of the Lionshead Transit Center Phase I and Phase II projects in 2010. Since that time, the Council has issued Vail Reinvestment Authority (VRA) bonds and established budgets for the two project areas in the 2012 fiscal year. The establishment of the budgets suggests the Council is ready to move forward on the projects, and if this is still the intent of the Council, the design work will need to begin April 2011. He said staff has drafted an RFP to hire a team of design and engineering professionals to finalize the design and prepare construction documents. He said once proposals are received and evaluated, staff will bring a recommendation to Council to enter into a contract for design and construction documents. Cleveland asked if the Concert Hall Plaza area can be reconfigured to accommodate more drop -off options for temporary parking. Kassmel said the design team can work on that request. Kassmel stated if the Council approves the submittals, this could be completed in 2012 because $2 million is budgeted for the East Lionshead Mall and approximately $750,000 for the Concert Hall Plaza area. However, in order to do these projects in 2012, the town needs the design and construction documents this year. Kassmel said staff is proposing to use the Part Three Concept, East Mall Plaza Improvements, Modest Lower Plaza Landscape, is the one they would be using to simplify the project. Additional special features could be added. Foley asked how this project affects Lionshead Center and Treetops access. Kassmel said access would have to be provided and maintained to these areas. He said staff has a stakeholder's list and this information has been distributed to them. Staff would take this particular concept to the stakeholders for feedback and then bring back the feedback and scenarios to Council. Bus movement around East Lionshead and Concert Hall Plaza areas was discussed, as well as additional bus service, turn - around areas and additional alternatives. One alternative is to run more buses; however, Mike Rose, Transportation Manager, said it was critical to maintain this area instead of adding more buses. Town Council February 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 4 3/1/2011 3 -2 -4 There was no public comment. Cleveland and Rogers stated they don't want an island or curb in the Concert Hall Plaza area as it will invite people to park there with vehicles. Tjossem would like to see a water feature, if possible, and make it inviting to children. Donovan said when she uses the short term parking, she walks out the garage instead of the portal. Kassmel stated the next phase of this project will include more lighting in that area and people will see it is the main portal area. Daly made a motion to direct staff to finalize and release the Request for Proposal (RFP) to begin the process of hiring a consultant team to produce design and construction documents for the redevelopment of the Lionshead East Mall Plaza and Concert Hall Plaza projects; the motion was seconded by Rogers. Kassmel clarified the budget approved for the project was $2,075,000 for the East Mall area of Lionshead and $750,000 for the Concert Hall Plaza area. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 6 -0. The eighth item on the agenda was adjournment. Daly made a motion to adjourn, and the motion was seconded by Tjossem . A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 6 -0. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dick Cleveland, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Town Council February 15, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 5 3/1/2011 3 -2 -5 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Town Manager Report: Revenue Highlights - Kathleen Halloran Forest Service Land Swap Exchange - Diane Johnson PRESENTER(S): Misc. ATTACHMENTS: Revenue Highlights USFS Land Exchange Letter 012711 USFS Land Exchange Proposal Eagle Valley Land Exchange Memo from ERWSD 3/1/2011 TOWN OF VAIL REVENUE HIGHLIGHTS February 24, 2011 Sales Tax Upon receipt of all sales tax returns, January collections are expected to be $2,776,501 up 10.3% from budget and 8.3% from last year. The ski season (November- January) is up 11.6% from prior year. Inflation as measured by the consumer price index was up 1.6% in January. Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) RETT collections through February 22 total $582,966, up 13.8% from this time last year. Approximately $350,240 or 60 %, was from major redevelopment projects including Manor Vail, Mountain View, Ritz Carlton Residences, Solaris, and The Sebastian. Collections not related to major redevelopment projects total $232,726 compared with $325,318 through 2010, a 28% decrease. Parking Revenue Pass sales through February 22 total $113,635, up 28% from 2010. Daily sales from the parking structures total approximately $1.3 million, down 30% from 2010, however the 2011 sales are only as of February 22, not the full month. -1- 3/1/2011 4 -1 -I USDA United States Forest White River Eagle/H Cross Ranger District Department of Service National 125 West Fifth Street Agriculture Forest P.O. Box 720 Eagle, CO 81631 -0720 (970) 328 -6388 (970) 827 -5715 FAX (970) 328 -6448 FAX (970) 827 -9343 File Code: 1950 Date: January 27, 2011 Dear Interested Party: The White River National Forest — Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger District is considering a land exchange proposal involving the Colorado State Land Board (SLB), the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, and the Forest Service. Other involved parties who may acquire certain National Forest parcels conveyed to the Colorado State Land Board immediately following the exchange include Eagle County, the Town of Avon, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, and the Town of Minturn. Western Land Group, Inc. ( "WLG ") has been retained by Eagle County with the agreement of the other parties to facilitate the land exchange and serve as the point of contact with the Forest Service in a manner consistent with the role of a third -party facilitator. The non - Federal parties are proposing to convey three parcels of non - Federal land totaling 1,285 acres, more or less, together with associated mineral rights, to the United States in exchange for up to eleven (11) parcels of National Forest System land totaling 986.49 acres, more or less. All o f the exchange parcels are located within the White River National Forest in Eagle County as described below and in the attachments. The attached map shows the lands to be exchanged. A description of the lands follows: Federal Parcels Federal Parcel 1 — "West Avon" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 4 S. R. 82 W., sec. 34, SE' /4SE%. T. 5 S. R. 82 W., sec. 2, lots 3 and 4, S %2NW' /4, SW %4; sec. 3, lot 1, SE' /aNE' /a, N E' /4 S F?' /4. X � Caring for the L "dl�d Serving People Ponied on Recycled Paper 4 -2 -1 Containing 478.09 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. This parcel consists of 478.09 acres, more or less, within the boundaries of the White River National Forest in Eagle County. Transfer of this parcel will provide a more logical property boundary for both the non - Federal Party and the Forest Service. Elevation ranges from 7,400 feet to 8,000 feet. Vegetation consists primarily of oak brush and pinyon juniper forest. The Town of Avon is planning to convey a conservation easement on this parcel to Eagle Valley Land Trust following acquisition of the parcel from the SLB. This parcel was previously approved for conveyance by the United States in connection with the Vassar Meadows Land Exchange, for which a Decision Notice was issued in December 2001. However, it was ultimately not conveyed to Vail Associates because they were unable to obtain specific zoning for the property as provided in the Vassar Meadows Exchange Agreement. Federal Parcel 2 — "Forest Service Village" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 81 W., - sec. 8, lots 1 and 2. Containing 85.99 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. This parcel consists of 85.99 acres, more or less, within the boundaries of the White River National Forest in Eagle County. The parcel is located east of Avon. The transfer of this parcel will provide a more logical property boundary for both the Non- Federal Party and the Forest Service. Elevation ranges from 7,600 to 7,800 feet. Vegetation consists primarily of sage and brush. . Federal Parcel 3 — "Highway" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 81 W., sec. 9, lot 1. Containing 48.99 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This 48.99 acre parcel is located approximately 2.3 miles east of the center of downtown Avon. Elevation ranges from 7,700 to 7,800 feet. Vegetation consists primarily of lodge pole pine with small patches of spruce and fir. The parcel slopes gently to the east and drains into the Cucumber Creek to the southeast. Federal Parcel 4 — "Cordillera" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 82 W., 3/1/2011 4 -2 -2 sec. 7, lots 1, 2 and 3, NE' /4SW' /4. Containing 167.95 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This 167.95 acre parcel is located approximately 1.0 mile west of Edwards, Colorado adjacent to the Cordillera subdivision. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. Eagle County intends to manage the parcel as undeveloped open space once it is acquired from SLB. Elevation ranges from 7,800 to 8,400 feet. Vegetation consists primarily of sage and brush Eagle County is planning to convey a conservation easement for this parcel to Eagle Valley Land Trust when the parcel is acquired from SLB following the exchange. Federal Parcel 5 — "Homestead" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 82 W., sec. 9, lot 1, S %2SW%, SW'/4SE %4. Containing 162.07 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This 162.07 acre parcel is Iocated approximately 1.0 mile south of Edwards, Colorado adjacent to the Homestead subdivision. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. Elevation ranges from 8,200 to 8,600 feet. Vegetation consists primarily of sage and brush with small patches of aspen. This parcel is included in the proposed land exchange for equalization purposes, if necessary. If acquired by SLB and subsequently conveyed to Eagle County, the parcel would be managed as open space under conservation easement held by EVLT. Federal Parcel 6 — "CDOT Relocation" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 81 W., see. 22, a portion of the E' /2; see. 23, a portion of theW %2. Containing 9.8 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. This parcel is located on the east side of the Eagle River. It is needed for relocation of the CDOT maintenance facility currently located on State School Trust land, T5S, R8 W, section 16. Acquisition is a high priority of the SLB. Federal Parcel 7 — "CVC Water Tank" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 4 S. R. 82 W., sec. 31, NE/4NW' /4, NW' /4NW %4. 3/1/2011 E 4 -2 -3 Containing 5.0 acres, more or less, together with all- mineral rights This 5.0 acre parcel is located approximately 1.0 mile northwest of Edwards, Colorado adjacent to the Cordillera Valley Club subdivision. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. Elevation is at approximately7600 feet. Vegetation within the parcel consists primarily of pinon - juniper and sage. The parcel is already under Special Use Permit (HOL419) to the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority for construction of an underground water storage facility. Conveyance of this parcel to the permittee would relieve the Forest Service of further permit administration responsibilities. Federal Parcel 8 — "Mountain Star Water Tank" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 4 S. R. 82 W., sec. 25, SW' /4SE' /4. Containing 5.0 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This 5.0 acre parcel is located approximately 2.0 miles north of Avon, Colorado adjacent to the Mountain Star subdivision. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. Elevation is at 9200 feet. Vegetation consists of primarily aspen stands. This parcel is included in the proposed land exchange for the purpose of providing Eagle River Water and Sanitation District[Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority a location to install a buried 300,000 gallon tank that will serve as gravity flow source of water for the Mountain Star and surrounding area. Federal Parcel 9A — "Red SandstoneNail Water Tank A" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 81 W., sec. 1, a portion of the E%z E'' /z. Containing 4.5 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This parcel is located on the lower portions of Red Sandstone Road in Vail near the Potato Patch subdivision. The water tank proposed to be constructed on this parcel will serve a pressure zone serving the core of the Town of Vail as opposed to the existing permitted tanks on Federal Parcel 9B (see below) which serve a higher pressure zone. The water tank proposed for Federal Parcel A is needed to meet current and future fire fighting water storage shortages in the core zone of Vail. The proposed water tank will be underground. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. 3/1/2011 4 -2 -4 Federal Parcel 9B — "Red SandstoneNail Water Tank B" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 80 W., sec. 6, portion of the unsurveyed portion the S'' / - 2S W' /4SW' /4NW' /4. Containing 5.0 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. This parcel is located on the lower portions of Red Sandstone Road in Vail near the Potato Patch subdivision. Two existing water storage tanks ( #'s Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 6 and 7) are located on this parcel and are authorized under a master special use permit issued to the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District in 1987. These water tanks are part of a higher pressure zone that feed homes located above the zone serving the core of the Town of Vail. Conveyance would be to the permittee thereby eliminating the need for future administration of these tanks under the permit. Federal Parcel 10 — "Cross Creek" Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 81 W., sec. 36, a portion of the SW` /<. Containing 14.10 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights This parcel is located on the southern end of the Town of Minturn. It was most recently considered for conveyance as part of the Vassar Meadows Land Exchange. However, it was not included in the package of lands that were processed due to Mintum's lack of funds at the time. This parcel could be conveyed to either Minturn or SLB as part of this exchange depending on the availability of funding. Non - Federal Parcels Non- Federal Parcel A — North Edwards Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 4 S. R. 82 W., sec. 16, all. Containing 640 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. The "North Edwards" parcel is a Colorado State School Trust property located approximately 3 miles north of Edwards, Colorado along Berry Creek in the Eagle River Basin of Eagle County. The parcel is an inholding in the White River National Forest. The parcel is within the sub alpine ecosystem at approximately 9,400 to 10,000 feet. Berry Creek bisects the property. The North Edwards property is accessible via Forest Service Road 778, which is a Level 2 four - whecl -drive road. The subsurface mineral rights would be conveyed along with the surface estate. I 3/1/2011 4 -2 -5 Non - Federal Parcel B — South Edwards Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 5 S. R. 82 W., sec. 16, all. Containing 640 acres, more or less, together with all mineral rights. The "South Edwards" parcel is a Colorado State School Trust property located approximately one 1) mile south of Edwards, Colorado adjacent to McCoy Creek in the Eagle River Basin of Eagle County. The parcel is an inholding in the White River National Forest. The parcel is within the sub alpine ecosystem at approximately 8,000 to 8,800 feet. There are no roads that access the property. The subsurface mineral rights would be conveyed along with the surface estate. Non - Federal Parcel C — Beard Creek Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado T. 4 S. R. 82 W., sec. 32, W %zSE %NW' /4NW %4SE' /4, W'/NE' /aS W V4NW'ASE' /4, NW' /4S W' /4NW' /4S E' /4. Containing 5.00 acres, more or less, together with mineral rights. The "Beard Creek Parcel' was acquired by the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority from the Forest Service in 2004 as part of the Vassar Meadows Land Exchange. Conveyance to the Water Authority was subject to a perpetual patent restriction limited future use to construction of a water storage facility. Subsequent engineering and construction considerations determined that this site is not suitable for the planned water storage facility. Thus, reconveyance to the Forest Service is proposed. This proposed land exchange is in compliance with the Land and Resource Management Plan for the White River National Forest (2002 as amended). The White River National Forest believes this proposed land exchange is in the public interest for the following reasons: Conveyance of the Federal parcels to the Non - Federal Party is consistent with the guidelines provided in the Forest Plan: • All of the Federal Parcels are either located in a highly developed area or in an area that is being developed, that is in the process of losing its National Forest character; 3/1/2011 4 -2 -6 • Following the exchange with the SLB, Federal Parcels I and 2 will be conveyed to the Town of Avon and managed as open space in accordance with the terms of a conservation easement held by the Eagle Valley Land Trust; • A portion of Federal Parcel 2 may be used for deed - restricted affordable housing. • Federal Parcel 3 will be conveyed to the SLB which intends to develop the parcel in a manner consistent with land uses on the adjoining State section to the south. • Following the exchange with SLB, Federal Parcel 4 will be conveyed to Eagle County. Eagle County intends to convey a conservation easement to the Eagle Valley Land Trust protecting the open space values associated with this parcel. • . Following the exchange with SLB, Federal Parcel 5 (if needed for equalization purposes) will be conveyed to Eagle County. If this parcel is exchanged, Eagle County intends to convey a conservation easement to the Eagle Valley Land Trust protecting the open space values associated with this parcel. • Federal Parcel 6 will be conveyed to the SLB. This parcel will be used for a new CDOT highway maintenance facility. Inclusion of this parcel is necessary to secure the SLB's participation in the land exchange. • Federal Parcel 7 will be conveyed to the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority while Parcels 8, 9A and 9B will be conveyed to the Water Authority's affiliate, the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. These parcels will be used for the development of additional water storage in various pressure zones of the regional water system. • Federal Parcel 10 will either be retained by the SLB or subsequent to the exchange, conveyed to the Town of Mintum. Regardless of the ultimate owner, future land use is likely to include an affordable housing component. Acquisition of Non - Federal Parcels A, B and C would be consistent with a number of considerations and/or opportunities identified in the Forest Plan for land acquisitions. These include, but are not limited to: • Non - Federal Parcel A and Non - Federal Parcel B have outstanding scenic values, and possess critical ecosystems which would be threatened by change of use. Management of these parcels would be enhanced by their inclusion in the National Forest System; • Non - Federal Parcel A and Non - Federal Parcel B include streams, floodplains, wetlands and associated riparian ecosystems; • Non - Federal Parcels A, B and C include key wildlife habitat for deer and elk; • Non - Federal Parcel A and Non - Federal Parcel B contain lands with important value for outdoor recreation purposes and contain lands with outstanding scenic conditions that would be protected; and, • Acquisition of Non - Federal Parcels A, B and C would consolidate Federal landownership patterns in the area which would reduce the miles of interior boundaries and number of interior comers requiring survey management. Based on the above factors and other considerations, the proposed land exchange is likely to result in considerable benefits for the Forest Service and the public. As pant of the environmental analysis process, the Forest Service is inviting public comments regarding this proposed land exchange. Written comments can be addressed to: Bill Joluison, 3/1/2011 4 -2 -7 Realty Specialist, Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger District, P.O. Box 720, Eagle CO 81631, FAX: (970) 328 -6448; Email: wrnf scopingcomments a,fs.fed.us Persons commenting should include: 1) name, address, telephone number, and organization represented, if any; 2) title of this project (Eagle Valley Land Exchange); and 3) specific facts and supporting reasons for any comments for me to consider. Names and contact information submitted with your comments will become part of the public record and may be released under the Freedom of Information Act. Anyone needing further information should contact Bill Johnson, at (970) 328 -5869 or b i ohnsona,fs. fed.us Sincerely, DAVID NEELY District Ranger Enclosure 3/1/2011 4 -2 -8 1 .ti•: ``' o ;.. GUI Z% Sri. Soda �S"'•• 7n ,fix ,y fyareia�. ly ` 1 - .__._. Mendrari.." _� $tale 11 - 3* Ret Mtn "I peak v . 7Z � tY I , c i N { i a uAas Qpr 6" Ess Oark Spy Res Rao A o }- - `Res '.1ts�pr) • , 3! �' � r Vie SprPaoi Rea WexSpr f � ® 9 Edwards North ee;r "' ��r mom � K61vrn j t , t Sias ddd ._ /c O i r y 1 Tx T� to F� nT;av l,c. f` - 14 111 U /r JS 't y'iL aS 21 ! f i!. [7 i V ro Wefl Beurd Ij a4 - y _ E Ref , s L i X123 r, Rte: Fn Star rre So; Na :' l Re I? � ( \:x A � C,UCi North �� 4� rr 1" x �K rr - , ad rr n a Re G a rr Reuel IN C f7ir, i" Red Sandstone J ' .� 1S ... yM• West Avon a a I - a Cordillera - .,1 � rr' atalr i �' Vi y 'a Homestead FS Village aid Highway wee . � • ' "` , Girl_ �' a _ A 1 e -. e l , J: r"'. .. I� S - c�r,Y cR . ran 4't7L CDOT �( v —' DOW ., A I.B r'. ' r�� , un c Edwards South ,,. Fled r. t a X11 3 29. — ? CrOss Creek x O 3aY{e l Pari1 a Luke -� Luke r 7 7P23'' cia. v + Sri, /aA "LS, o. �� y1 ii �ll�Y]} 15 14 �k is ,d `+': y , F6 ss 14 ;Lu YnI .4lur iddlc +Fe T11GlWOIU i won COaraj.( e FAoF r Rare ll01W Ld ;y ' .f 7 F1Q9 3/1/2011 4 -2 -9 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: March 1, 2011 SUBJECT: Information Update: United States Forest Service Land Exchange Proposal I. PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Vail Town Council with a visual perspective of the three (3) Federal parcels within a half -mile from the incorporated Town of Vail boundary being considered for land exchange, according to documentation provided by United Stated Forest Service, White River National Forest, Eagle /Holy Cross Ranger District dated January 27, 2011. II. PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS Federal Parcel 6 — "CDOT Relocation" Federal Parcel 6 contains approximately 9.8 acres and includes all mineral rights. This parcel is located on the east side of the Eagle River. It is needed for relocation of the CDOT maintenance facility currently located on State School Trust property, TSS, R81 W, section 16. Acquisition is a high priority of the State Land Board. Federal Parcel 9A — "Red Sandstone /Vail Water Tank A" Federal Parcel 9A contains approximately 4.5 acres and includes all mineral rights. This parcel is located on the lower portions of Red Sandstone Road in Vail near the Potato Patch subdivision. The water tank proposed to be constructed on this parcel will serve a pressure zone serving the core of the Town of Vail as opposed to the existing permitted tanks on Federal Parcel 9B (see below) which serve a higher pressure zone. The water tank proposed for Federal Parcel 9A is needed to meet current and future fire fighting water storage shortages in the core zone of Vail. The proposed water tank will be underground. There are no encumbrances on the parcel. Federal Parcel 9B — "Red Sandstone /Vail Water Tank B" Federal Parcel 9B contains approximately 5 acres and includes all mineral rights. This parcel is located on the lower portions of Red Sandstone Road in Vail near the Potato Patch subdivision. Two existing water storage tanks (Eagle River Water and Sanitation District tanks 6 and 7) are located on this parcel and are authorized under a master special use permit issued to the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District in 1987. These water tanks are part of a higher pressure zone that feeds homes located above the zone serving the core of the Town of Vail. Conveyance would be to the permittee, thereby eliminating the need for future administration of these tanks under the permit. III. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. 3D Perspective 1 3/1/2011 4 -3 -1 Attachment A 0 ID � l. �.. -_—�� •r —_ l�` ---�_� Q C rp Co �' ■ mdo 4i > * G' 1 O N Q Q m cn rM Z3- UIP CL Q- CD 1 J 1 S O CD Y w E (D vI � CD ID ^ 1 o i _ �..$ $Gin 3 ,(i• -,�� �J �` �,. � R i 3/1/2011 4 -3 -2 Attachment B Federal Parcel 6 — "CDOT Relocation" jt or r I � � I � f � .,rte • - I i - LS yam.. " '��: - • -.:�/ ,' Z < _ � • 3/1/2011 4 -3 -3 Federal Parcels 9A & 9B — "Red Sandstone /Vail Water Tank A & B" lira j.1 4v dt s:sa.� � • !!!�� 'sue _ � i • - �: 3 ', .� } ice t .- .�.. _tea .Ir�` - • .� - a '�.. c b }► / ' �•' � S i �"t�'i _} � r ' � ^- . i "'fit Jt t-✓.r t .'�r'�fx -pj'"T •.�. f 1► ,I y' _ r s I t r �..y. Y. "� j � , � V.,'�E 1 ' it •r �, 3/1/2011 4 -3 -4 Pam 6randme er From: Diane Johnson <d}ohnson @erwsdorg> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 10:22 PM To: Council Dist List Cc: Stan Zemler; Pam Brandmeyer Subject: Eagle Valley Land Exchange (USFS land swap) information for March 1 evening meeting Attachments: EVLEX Public Comment Letter -Water Tank Sites.docx Dear Vail Town Council, Thank you for providing time on your March 1 agenda to briefly discuss the Eagle Valley Land Exchange (EVLEX). The proposed exchange involves a number of local governments and possibly up to fourteen separate land parcels in eastern Eagle County. The focus of my request, on behalf of the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District and the Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority, is to ask the Town to submit a positive comment letter to the US Forest Service by the March 11 deadline. My knowledge about the EVLEX is limited to the parcels that the District and Authority have an interest in. While the Town may have a broad view on the EVLEX, our request that the Town submit a support letter is narrow —to support the proposed exchange to secure water tank sites. Attached to this is a draft letter of support which details the parcels and facts surrounding the water tank sites. Our hope is that the Town executes a letter similar to this and is able to use this information to convey the Town's position on the EVLEX to the USFS by March 11. I understand that your Council packet had the January 27 USFS notification letter along with maps of parcels located close to Vail. The attached draft support letter expands a bit on the information you already have. Again, we appreciate you making time to hear this request at your meeting. Diane Johnson Communications and Public Affairs Manager Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Direct: (970) 477 -5457 erwsd.org Providing efficient, effective, and reliable water and wastewater utility services in a manner that respects the natural environment. 3/1/2011 4 -4 -1 to he put on Organization Letterhead March 1, 2011 VIA E -MAIL (wrnf — scopi ng_comments @fs.fed. us) Bill Johnson Realty Specialist Eagle/Holy Cross Ranger District P.O. Box 720 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Eagle Valley Land Exchange Dear Mr. Johnson, Please accept these comments on behalf of ( organization name and incorporate them into the public record for the proposed Eagle Valley Land Exchange project. This letter pertains to Federal Parcels 7, 8, 9A, and 9B, as well as Non - Federal Parcel C, each of which are critical to the current and future water supply system that serves the eastern half of Eagle County. We support conveyance of Non - Federal Parcel C to the Forest Service since Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority determined it was not the best site to locate a water tank, for which it was acquired in 2004. Conveyance of Federal Parcels 7, 8, 9A, and 9B to the Water Authority and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District would mean that water storage tanks that are vital to the water distribution system would not be located on leased land. Ownership of these parcels secures an increase in water storage capacity which is essential to meet current and future growth in our community. The water tanks planned for, or currently located on, the proposed sites are part of long term planning efforts that increase public safety by having sufficient water available for firefighting while ensuring the reliability of the public water system. We support all of the proposed transactions for the four water storage tank sites, as follows: • Federal Parcel 7 — where a 2.5 million gallon buried water storage tank is currently being constructed onsite and is authorized under a Special Use Permit. This tank is a critical component of the Authority's public water system, providing regional supply to Edwards area communities such as Arrowhead, Homestead, and Cordillera. • Federal Parcel 8 — where a 330,000 gallon above ground water storage tank is planned to serve the Mountain Star development and surrounding area, which is currently deficient in fire fighting water. • Federal Parcel 9A- -where a 2 million gallon buried water storage tank is proposed to be constructed that will provide water to Vail Village and Lionshead, the Town of Vail's largest business service area. The new tank is needed to meet current and future fire fighting water storage needs in Vail. 3/1/2011 4 -4 -2 • Federal Parcel 9B — where two existing buried water storage tanks, totaling 1.25 million gallons, are currently located and are authorized under a master special use permit. These tanks provide water to an area higher in elevation than Vail Village or Lions head, They provide critical storage water for this area and can also provide additional supply capacity during emergencies to areas in lower elevation zones. We support the Forest Service being relieved of further permit administration responsibilities associated with Federal Parcels 7 and 9B. In summary, the proposed Eagle Valley Land Exchange should proceed given that two of the proposed water tank sites have existing permits, all of the sites are located adjacent to developed areas, and all the sites are needed to sustain our community's water supply and safety. For the Record, please note that our address and telephone number is: mailing address, City, St., ZIP and (0001 000 -0000 Sincerely, Contact Name Title Organization Name 3/1/2011 4 -4 -3 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Preliminary year end results and first reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011, An Ordinance making supplemental appropriations to the Town of Vail General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund, Dispatch Services Fund, and Heavy Equipment Fund of the 2011 Budget for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and authorizing the expenditures of said appropriations as set forth herein; and setting forth details in regard thereto. PRESENTER(S): Kathleen Halloran ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Provide direction regarding the Vail Valley Foundation's request for $250,000 in 2011 to be used toward the 2015 World Alpine Ski Championships; Approve or approve with amendments the first reading of Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011. BACKGROUND: To be provided in attached memo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council approves or approves with amendments Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011, upon first reading. ATTACHMENTS: Ord 6 1st Supp 3/1/2011 MEMORANDUM To: Town Council From: Stan Zemler Judy Camp Kathleen Halloran Date: February 23, 2011 Subject: 2010 Preliminary Results and 2011 Supplemental Appropriation Recording of the town's 2010 financial transactions is nearly finished, with an audit of the town's finances scheduled for mid - March. The completion of 2010 financials sets the stage for this supplemental appropriation of 2011 with the identification of capital projects that span more than one year and need to have funding re- appropriated to the current year. In Tuesday evening's session, you will be asked to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 6 making supplemental appropriations and adjustments to the 2011 budget. The following information is provided for your review: • Summary of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances — 2010 Actual Compared with Amended Budget and 2011 including the first supplemental appropriation • Ordinance No. 6, Series 2011 2010 RESULTS Incremental growth in tourism and conservative spending contributed to moderate financial gains for 2010. The town ended the year setting an all -time high for December sales tax with nearly $3 million collected due to favorable snow conditions, completion of the remaining renaissance developments and strong international visitation. For the summer season, Vail continued to lead the industry in lodging occupancy, average daily rate and revenue per available room. Sales tax revenues for the year returned to 2006 levels with $17.7 million collected in 2010, a 4.5% increase from 2009 and a 6.3% increase from budget. The unbudgeted collections of $1.1 million were all recorded into the Capital Projects Fund, resulting in a split of 57% to General Fund, 43% to the Capital Projects Fund. Collections from Real Estate Transfer Tax of $7.0 million for the year surpassed expectations for both major redevelopment projects and normal "base" transactions, resulting in the second highest collections in history. Sixty -one percent of collections were for sales from major redevelopment properties including Arrabelle at Vail Square, Chalets at the Lodge at Vail, Landmark, Lion Square Lodge North, Manor Vail, Mountain View, Ritz - Carlton Residences, Solaris and Sebastian. While activity for the major projects were more than 4 times the volume in 2009, collections from base sales increased 60% from the prior year as well. Ski Lift tax collections of $3.4 million exceeded prior year by 10.1 % and beat budget by 7.8 %. While construction permits and fees of $1.4 million were down 3.7% from prior year, they exceeded budget by $180,000, or 15 %. Use Tax collections of $1.1 million were more than double the "normal" annual base activity, and exceeded 2009 revenue by $398,188 or 56 %. Although 39% of the use tax came from major projects, "base" projects were up 65% from 2009. Across all funds and revenue accounts for 2010, total revenue of $51.5 million was up 18.7% over 2009 and up 5.0% from budget. 3/1/2011 5 -I -I Expenditures were also favorable to budget, with General Fund operating expenditures of $27.2 million below budget by nearly $2.0 million, or 6 %. The $2.0 million in savings came from the following: 2010 General Fund Expense Savings: Salary savings from vacant positions $270,000 Salary savings from eliminated positions 170,000 Overtime savings (Fire /Police) 116,000 Subtotal: Staffing Savings: $556,000 Utilities (natural gas, electric) 355,000 Contract Labor / Professional Fees / Bank Charges 244,000 Supplies & Equipment 176,000 Professional Development / Recruiting / Employee Programs 164,000 Developer Reimbursed Expenses (will be spent in 2011) 135,000 Repair & Maintenance 101,000 Loading & Delivery — savings on operational expenses 102,000 Planning Projects (Zoning code updates, Green Building Code, Comprehensive Master Plan) 100,000 Town vehicle operations (fuel usage and maintenance) 48,000 Total Estimated Savings: $1,981,000 As a result, the General Fund fund balance now totals $22.5 million, or 74% of annual revenues. By having healthy reserves in 2010, the town was able to save approximately $4.2 million in projected financing costs by contributing $3.7 million toward the construction of the West Vail Fire Station. Capital Projects Fund expenditures came in below budget by $10.8 million, of which $10.7 million relates to ongoing projects, and $153,258, or 1.1 % of expense savings. The RETT Fund expenditures came in below budget by $4.0 million, of which $3.6 million relate to ongoing projects and $527,530, or 6.7% of expense savings. Details of ongoing projects are outlined in the Supplemental Appropriation section below. Increased revenues and expenditure savings both contributed to the town's financial outlook during 2010, maintaining the town's healthy reserves as we head into the new year. -2- 3/1/2011 5 -1 -2 2011 SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION The main purpose of this supplemental is to re- appropriate funds for 2011 capital projects that were started in 2010 and are continuing into this year, or projects that did not begin as planned in 2010. There are also adjustments needed to the General Fund, to reflect events or decisions that occurred after the 2011 budget was finalized. General Fund Revenue will be adjusted by a total increase of $97,999. A majority of these funds are reimbursements for expenditures, such as $33,379 in repairs to the parking garage from damage caused by guests' vehicle accidents, $23,320 in negotiations for the Comcast franchise agreement, and $1,300 of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) — funded training for police officers. The only other adjustment to revenue is to reflect the $90,000 received from Volvo for the 2011 partnership with the Town of Vail ($50,000 to be used for uniform jackets and $40,000 cash contribution). General Fund expenditures are proposed to increase a total of $350,173. Other than the three items listed above, expenditures adjusted by this supplemental include: • $250,000 for the 2015 World Alpine Ski Championships, pending discussion by Council. • $168,325 in professional fees for the new contract with the town attorney (using maximum monthly fees). This is offset by a reduction in salary and benefits expense totaling $118,217. $14,714 of overtime expense within the Police department related to the regional Drug Task Force. The town already received federal grant funding for the same amount. $7,000 in consulting fees for the Guest Service Enhancement project as approved by Council Feb 1" These adjustments to the General Fund 2011 budget results in a surplus of $175,372 for the year, with an estimated fund balance of $22.7 million by the end of 2011. Capital Protects Fund Staff is requesting to supplement 2011 expenditures by a total of $11.1 million. Of this, $10.7 million represent projects budgeted in 2010 but not yet completed such as the West Vail Fire Station, LionsHead Transit Center and Welcome Center, neighborhood road and bridge reconstruction, bus replacements, and library roof, to name a few. New projects or increases requested include: • $275,000 for design work on the east and west portals into LionsHead (originally budgeted in 2012) per Council's approval Feb 15t $80,000 in utility /water infrastructure work done for a future housing project at Chamonix (work was completed during site work at the West Vail Fire Station, based on Council's approval October 5, 2010). • $50,000 for continued legal and rockfall mitigation regarding the redevelopment of Timber Ridge. • $31,803 added to the Buy Down Program to reflect the balance of Employee Housing Fee -in -Lieu collections. Staff has also requested a re- appropriation of the town - funded buy down program balance of $552,118 until future projects are identified. $25,000 contribution toward the Vail Village Inn loading and delivery facility improvements as approved by Council January 18 These adjustments will result in an estimated fund balance of $5.8 million by the end of 2011. -3- 3/1/2011 5 -1 -3 Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT) Fund Revenue adjustments include $161,000 in GOCO grant money for the Red Sandstone playground improvements, which will be a pass- through to the school district (the same amount of expenditure is included below). The town is not managing that project, but was able to assist in getting the grant funding. Budgeted revenues will also increase by $40,000 to recognize Eagle County's reimbursement for the town's recycling haul -off fees paid throughout the year. Staff is requesting to supplement 2011 expenditures by a total of $3.7 million. Of this, $3.6 million represent projects budgeted in 2010 but not yet completed such as $1.4 million in improvements to VRD- managed assets, a $253,500 carry- forward of the recreation enhancement account which is funded by VRD's annual golf lease payment, public art projects, reconstruction of Red Sandstone park, final billing for Eagle River Water and Sanitation District's raw water project, and the Bald Mountain underpass repairs /bike path. Other small projects are requesting re- appropriation, as outlined in on pages 10 -12. Increases to budgeted expenditures are requested for the following: • Recognition of revenue that was collected during 2010 on behalf of public art projects. They include donations for the annual Winterfest event and revenue from Manhole cover and jewelry sales. Total increase to these projects total approximately $35,000. • An increase of $15,600 to the Black Gore Creek Sand Mitigation project requested by the Eagle River Watershed Council. During the 2011 budget process, they were granted $50,000 out of $90,000 proposed. They are now requesting the additional $15,600 to continue the bio- monitoring done by the US Forest Service ($8,000), perform a data comparison between government and third -party sources regarding the "bugs" and health of the Gore Creek ($5,000) and administer these programs ($2,600). • Staff is requesting to use $20,000 of unspent 2010 funds in the Environmental Sustainability project toward a county -wide water quality improvement plan spearheaded by Eagle Water and Sanitation District (total cost estimated at $140,000). These adjustments will result in an estimated fund balance of $9.5 million by the end of 2011. Dispatch Services Fund The Dispatch Services department is working to replace the "voice logger" system, which began in 2010. This project was externally funded by the E911 Authority Board, with monies received back in 2009. The $70,000 requested is a re- appropriation of project dollars not spent in 2010. Heavy Equipment Fund Three replacement vehicles were ordered (and budgeted for) in 2010, but delivery is taking place in 2011. A re- appropriation of $140,416 is requested to cover payment. -4- 3/1/2011 5 -1 -4 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERALFUND 2010 2011 2011 Amended 2010 Variance Original 1st Proposed Budget Unaudited Fav /(U nfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Comments Revenue Local Taxes: $ 16,600,000 $ 17,717,619 $ 1,117,619 $ 16,900,000 $ 16,900,000 Sales Tax Split b/t Gen'I Fund & Capital Fund 61/39 57/43 61139 61/39 Sales Tax $ 10,143,624 $ 10,143,624 $ - $ 10,310,000 - $ 10,310,000 Property and Ownership 5,013,647 4,951,490 (62,157) 5,055,000 - 5,055,000 Ski Lift Tax 3,115,000 3,357,717 242,717 3,193,000 - 3,193,000 Franchise Fees, Penalties, and Other Taxes 1,074,564 1,219,953 145,389 1,087,402 - 1,087,402 Licenses & Permits 1,207,200 1,387,336 180,136 732,200 - 732,200 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,927,208 1,929,121 1,913 1,524,065 1,300 1,525,365 FEMA grant for training (offset by expense) Transportation Centers 4,932,744 4,607,507 (325,237) 4,911,500 - 4,911,500 Charges for Services 799,768 843,324 43,556 702,963 90,000 792,963 Volvo contract 2011 ($50K uniforms, $40K cash) Fines & Forfeitures 260,000 271,561 11,561 305,000 - 305,000 Earnings on Investments 115,000 129,140 14,140 194,000 - 194,000 Rental Revenue 882,796 861,951 (20,845) 869,816 - 869,816 Comcast reimbursement for negotiations expense ($23K) Miscellaneous and Project Reimbursements 407,800 386,271 (21,529) 161,658 56,699 218,357 and 3rd party insurance reimbursement for parking structure accidents ($33K) Total Revenue 29,879,351 30,088,995 209,644 29,046,604 147,999 29,194,603 Expenditures Salaries 13,611,200 13,045,160 566,040 13,671,012 (65,854) 13,605,158 $14.7K Drug Task Force overtime paid by grant in 2010; $(80.6K) transfer town attorney to contract basis Benefits 4,621,972 4,620,816 1,156 4,595,579 (37,649) 4,557,930 Transfer town attorney to contract basis Subtotal Compensation and Benefits 18,233,172 17,665,976 567,196 18,266,591 (103,503) 18,163,088 Contributions and Special Events 1,285,025 1,283,494 1,531 1,348,750 250,000 1,598,750 2015 World Alpine Championships $168K town attorney contract at max; $33K repairs to All Other Operating Expenses 6,433,876 5,083,569 1,350,307 5,869,021 233,324 6,102,345 parking gates; $23K Comcast negotiations; $7K Guest Svc Enhancement consultant; $1.3K FEMA training Heavy Equipment Operating Charges 2,067,124 1,993,320 73,804 2,071,117 - 2,071,117 Heavy Equipment Replacement Charges 671,944 697,630 (25,686) 546,104 - 546,104 Dispatch Services 522,213 522,213 537.827 537,827 Total Expenditures 29,213,354 27,246,202 1,967,152 28,639,410 379,821 29,019,231 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 665,997 2,842,793 2,176,796 407,194 (231,822) 175,372 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (3,749,000) (3,742,673) 6,327 - - Total Expenditures 32,962,354 30,988,875 1,973,479 28,639,410 379,821 29,019,231 Surplus Net of Transfers & New Programs (3,083,003) (899,880) 2,183,123 407,194 (231,822) 175,372 Beginning Fund Balance 23,423,417 23,423.417 20,340.414 2.183,123 22,523,537 Ending Fund Balance $ 20,340,414 $ 22,523,537 $ 20,747,608 $ 22,698,909 EHOP balance included in ending fund balance - not $ 690,000 $ 6 0 00 $ - $ - spendable 3/1/Mi -5- 5-1-5 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE GENERALFUND 2010 2011 Amended 2010 Variance 2011 1st Proposed Budget Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Revenue Local Taxes: $ 16,600,000 $ 17,717,619 $ 1,117,619 $ 16,900,000 $ 16,900,000 Sales Tax Split b/t Gen'I Fund & Capital Fund 61/39 57/43 61/39 61/39 Sales Tax $ 10.143,624 $ 10,143,624 $ - $ 10,310,000 - $ 10,310,000 Property and Ownership 5,013,647 4,951,490 (62,157) 5,055,000 - 5,055.000 Ski Lift Tax 3,115.000 3.357,717 242,717 3,193,000 - 3,193,000 Franchise Fees, Penalties, and Other Taxes 1,074,564 1,219,953 145,389 1,087,402 - 1,087,402 Licenses & Permits 1,207,200 1,387,336 180,136 732,200 - 732,200 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,927,208 1,929,121 1,913 1,524,065 1,300 1,525,365 Transportation Centers 4,932,744 4,607,507 (325,237) 4,911,500 - 4,911,500 Charges for Services 799,768 843,324 43,556 702,963 90,000 792,963 Fines & Forfeitures 260,000 271,561 11,561 305,000 - 305,000 Earnings on Investments 115,000 129,140 14,140 194,000 - 194,000 Rental Revenue 882,796 861,951 (20,845) 869,816 - 869,816 Miscellaneous and Project Reimbursements 407,800 386,271 (21,529) 161,658 56,699 218,357 Total Revenue 29,879,351 30,088,996 209,645 29,046,604 147,999 29,194,603 Expenditures by Type: Municipal Services: Town Officials 1,279126 1,175,447 103,679 1,295,860 73,428 1,369,288 Administrative Services & Risk Management 3,359,732 3,120,880 238,852 3,306,565 7,000 3,313,565 Community Development & Housing 2,017,525 1,721,733 295,792 1 - 1,644,765 Police 4,622,344 4,279,750 342,594 4,591,150 16,014 4,607,164 Police Communications 522,213 522,213 - 537,827 - 537,827 Fire 2,905,273 2,815,835 89,438 2,981,136 2,981,136 Public Works & Streets 3,652,561 3.528,274 124,287 3,553,226 - 3,553,226 Transportation & Parking 4,701,320 4.493,416 207,904 4,661,727 33,379 4,695,106 Facilities 3,872,255 3,323,015 549,240 3,733,319 - 3,733,319 Library 805,119 794,585 10,534 800,580 - 800,580 Economic Development 1,475,886 1,471,054 4,832 1,533,255 250,000 1,783,255 Total Expenditures 29,213,354 27,246,203 1,967,151 28,639,410 379,821 29,019,231 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures 665,997 2,842,792 2,176,795 407,194 (231,822) 175,372 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund (3,749,000) (3,742,673) 6,327 - - - Total Expenditures 32,962,354 30,988,876 1,973,478 28,639,410 379,821 29,019,231 Surplus Net of Transfers & New Programs (3,083,003) (899,881) 2,183,122 407,194 (231,822) 175,372 Beginning Fund Balance 23,423,417 23,423,417 20,340,414 2,183,122 22..523,536 Ending Fund Balance $ 20,340,414 $ 22,523,536 $ 20,747,608 $ 22,698,908 EHOP balance included in ending fund balance - $ 690,000 $ sso,0oo s s not spendable 3/1/2011 -6- 5-1-6 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2011 2010 2010 Variance 2011 list Proposed Amended Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Project Information Total Sales Tax Revenue: $ 16,600,000 $ 17,717,619 $ 1,117,619 $ 16,900,000 $ 16,900,000 2011 flat with 2009 actual; 2% per year thereafter Sales Tax Split between General Fund & 61/39 57/43 61/39 Capital Fund Sales Tax -Capital Projects Fund $ 6,474,000 $ 7,573,995 $ 1,099,995 $ 6,590,000 $ 6 Use Tax 1,050,000 1,103,119 53,119 500,000 500,000 No major projects assumed after 2009; 3% annual increase after 2011 Federal Grant Revenue 5,028,500 3,583,142 (1,445,358) 1,428,000 1,428,000 2010: $5.OM for transit center; $28.5K for Police Live Scan Interface software; 2011: $828K for bridge reconstruction, $600K buses Lease Revenue 184,500 183,170 (1,330) 184,500 184,500 Per Vail Commons commercial and residential leases Employee Housing Fee -In -Lieu 100,000 106,764 6,764 Project Reimbursement 1,455,100 1,507,522 52,422 Resale of Arosa duplex 816,000 816,541 541 Resale of Arosa duplex constructed by the town Earnings on Investments and Other 18,000 91,794 73,794 2009: Based on earnings at .5 %;2010 1%: 2011 - 2014 at 2% Total Revenue 15,126,100 14,966,047 (160,053 ) 8,702,500 8,702,500 Maintain Town Assets Bus Shelters 27,000 1,046 25,954 27,900 27,900 Parking Structures 486,000 246,985 239,015 504,000 239,015 743,015 Re- appropriate to use toward energy projects: Plan will be presented prior to 2nd supplemental Re- appropriate approx. $130K for energy audit work, $20K for final payment of mechanic Facilities Capital Maintenance 1,073,000 231,246 841,754 450,000 866,754 1,316,754 garage doors at PW Shops and set aside remaining $691K for implementation of energy projects (to be presented to Council); $25K added for Vail Village Inn loading & delivery facility improvements Library Roof Replacement 400,000 287,775 112,225 - 102,840 102,840 Final bills for Library root project; Savings of $9,400 Main Vail Station Roof Replacement - - - 250,000 250,000 Added root replacement 5/4/10; station remodel previously included in 5 -year plan removed Need to gut plumbing; electrical wiring; roofing, etc.; asbestos and mold remediation; 4 units Creekside Housing Improvements 110,582 110,581 1 160,000 160,000 were completed in 2010; plan to do 4 more in 2011; in 2012, complete remaining 4 units and replace exterior siding, stairs and decks Vail Village Inn Condo Roof TOM Portion 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Capital assessment from owners' association fors ace owned by town Street Light Improvements 67,500 67,496 4 67,500 67,500 New street lights and to refurbish residential lighting Re- appropriate to construct the following: a portion of Rockledge drainage improvements, Big Horn Creek culvert repair /replacement at Columbine and Spruce Way, Capital Street Maintenance 730,000 270,321 459,679 1,153,500 459,679 1,613,179 Booth Creek improvements to mitigate future flooding of culverts, tennis courts and playgrounds. On -going maintenance to roads and bridges including asphalt overlays, patching and repairs Flood incident repairs 9,040 992 8,048 8,048 8,048 To cover remaining bills for Gore Creek assessment Audio Visual 33,879 1,883 31,996 10,000 31,996 41 996 Re- appropriate for mixer board and cameras in the Council chambers for recording of meetings Document Imaging 130,592 112,169 18,423 116,000 18,423 134,423 Supplement for continuation of historical scanning (outside vendor); Annual maintenance, licensing and contract position thru 2011; later years annual software licensing Software Licensing 26,724 18,323 8,401 33,640 33,640 Upgrade Microsoft products on all equipment in 2010; renew licenses in future Hardware Purchases 95,200 95,158 42 65,000 65,000 Scheduled rotation of PCs, printers and servers Data Center (Computer Rooms) 15,000 7,117 7,883 15,000 15,000 Based on annual replacement schedule of security and power systems for 3 computer rooms Website and e- commerce 12,000 - 12,000 27,000 12,000 39,000 Rescheduled the website redevelopment to 2011 to coincide with the Guest Service Enhancement project Comm Dev ArcGIS System 25,700 3,472 22,228 16,000 16,000 Web access to town GIS information (similar to County's website GIS product) Fiber Optics in Buildings 24,376 24,375 1 17,000 17,000 Cabling /Network Infrastructure: to repair, maintain & upgrade Network upgrades 34,700 34,693 7 21,000 21,000 Computer network systems - replacement cycle every 3 -5 years Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) / RMS Project 70,000 69,204 796 57,000 57,000 County -wide "Computer Aided Dispatch /Records Mgmt System" : includes patrol car laptops and software used to push information to TOV and other agencies 3/1/2011 - 5-1-7 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2011 2010 2010 Variance 2011 1st Proposed Amended Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Project Information Intergra software upgrade 80,000 80,000 TOV portion of upgrade to computer-aided dispatch s stem Live Scan Interface 28,500 14,250 14,250 - 14,250 14,250 Funded by grant above; re- appropriate for second half of project; Links our Live Scan software to other agencies Total Maintenance 3,416,793 1,614,086 1,802,707 3,071,540 1,769,005 4,840,545 Enhancement of Town Assets Comm Dev Interactive Permit software 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 Replacement of Permit Plus software; allows for web access by customers New Fire Truck 570,000 316,083 253,917 253,917 253,917 New fire truck for additional station; Deposit made in 2010; delivery in 2011 Library Self -Check System 90,000 83,673 6,327 Funded by library grants West Meadow Drive 83,189 19,555 63,634 Village Streetscape 767,389 594,961 172,429 - 172 428 172 428 Re- appropriate for newspaper boxes (approx. $76K) and signage of $21,000 with remainder for Guest Service Enhancement project (capital expense ... some of this project budgteed in RETT) Neighborhood Road Reconstruction 429,469 190,768 238,701 1,800,000 238,701 2,038,701 Re- appropriate to cover design for Vail Valley Drive project, with construction budgeted in 2012 Matterhorn Bridge reconstruction moved to 2011 due to CDOT fiscal year and requirements; Neighborhood Bridge Reconstruction 150,000 4,118 145,882 1,050,000 145,882 1,195,882 Partial funding from federal grant Parking Entry System / Equipment 78,000 75,123 2,877 - - Metered lots; equipment obsolete and not servicable by vendor; Time sensitive for installation prior to next parking season Replace Buses 2,283,214 2,283,214 1,203,400 2,283,214 3,486,614 6 buses ordered in 2010- will take delivery in 2011; 2011 2 Hybrid buses Timber Ridge Legal /Zoning 66,080 65,243 837 50,000 50,000 Continuation of negotiations, legal and rockfall mitigation efforts Manor Vail Street Plan 83,800 - 83,800 - 83,800 83,800 Expenditure related to impact fee paid by Manor Vail development; Keep funds in bugdet due to develo era reemen, Total Enhancements 4,826,141 1,349,524 3,476,618 4,053,400 3,452,942 7,506,342 New Assets LionsHead Transit Center (VRA) 5,500,000 4,410,909 1,089,091 - 1,089,091 1,089,091 Continuation of the project; $5.0 million from Federal grant; $288K transferred from VRA Welcome Center (VRA) 469,681 358,294 111,387 6,830,319 111,387 6,941,706 Continuation of the project; Funded by the Vail Reinvestment Authority (see Transfers below) Surface Parking Addition (VRA) 65,000 2,521 62,479 900,000 62,479 962,479 Continuation of the project; Funded by the Vail Reinvestment Authonty (see Transfers below) East LionsHead Portal (VRA) - - - 200,000 200,000 Design work approved by Council Feb 1st; Originally budgeted entire project in 2012; Funded by the Vail Reinvestment Authority West LionsHead Portal (VRA) - - - 75,000 75,000 Design work approved by Council Feb 1st; Originally budgeted entire project in 2012; Funded by the Vail Reinvestment Authority Library Remodel 475,000 475,000 Funded by the Vail Reinvestment Authority (see Transfers below) West Vail Fire Station 5,300,000 3,271,096 2,028,904 2,028,904 2,028,904 To complete construction of West Vail Fire Station Arosa Drive - Duplex for Employee Housing 297,466 297,393 73 Development project for deed - restricted housin Buy -down Program 552,118 552,118 552,118 552,118 Carry forward program funding Buy -down Program Funded by Pay -in -Lieu 186,000 - 186,000 - 217,803 217,803 Carry forward current balance of program funding: Housing funded directly by Pay -in -Lieu tees collected from developers Variable Message Signs / Way- Finding Re- appropriate for variable message sign installalion;'2010: Solaus $93.6K and Main Vail Improvements 193,653 23,381 170,272 180,000 170,272 350,272 off ramps;'2011: $180K for Main Vail off ramps; 2012: Four Seasons /Middle Creek; 2013: EverVail: 2014: $65K each for Ford Park and Vail Parking structure 1 -70 Noise 383,180 5,040 378,140 378,140 378,140 Re- appropriate for utility relocation for Bald Mountain berm extension Chamonix Area Planning 50,000 38,944 11,056 - 92,600 92,600 $80K for water /utility infrastructure done during construction of W Vail Fire Station; $12.61K final amount due to Martin & Martin Traffic Impact Fee study 21,645 21,645 Delayed; if additional work needed later, staff will come back to Council at that time Total New Assets: 13,018,743 8,407,576 4,611,165 8,385,319 4,977,794 13,363,113 Total Capital before Financing 21,261,677 11,371,187 9,890,490 15,510,259 10,199,741 25,710,000 3/1/2011 -g. 5 -1 -5 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 2011 2010 2010 Variance 2011 1st Proposed Amended Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Project Information Debt Service and Financing Debt Service on Outstanding Bonds 2,273,959 2,273,957 2 2,279,572 2 Annual debt service payments Timber Ridge Debt Service Guarantee 925,000 925,000 925,000 925,000 Annual debt service guarantee - requirement of TR debt Total Debt Service and Financing: 3,198,959 2,273,957 2,279,572 925,000 3,204,572 Total Expenditures 24,460,636 13,645,144 10,815,492 17,789,831 11,124,741 28,914,572 Other Financing Sources (Uses) 2011: Welcome Center construction ($5.5M), and LH Pkg mite $315K; 2012: LH Portal Transfer from Vail Reinvestment Authority (1,194,681) (1,194,000) 681 (8,520,319) (8,520,319) improvements $1.1 M, LH Pkg mtc $365K; 2013: $2.5M complete LH Portal and LH Pkg mite $31 OK; 2014 mtc $340K; 2015: mtc $350K Transfer from General Fund (3,749,000) (3,742,673) 6,327 - - $3,659,000 transfer of GF fund balance for West Vail Fire station; $83,673 transfer from Library grants to cover new sell check system Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (4,390,855) 6,257,576 10,648,431 (567,012) (11,124,741) (11,691,753) Beginning Fund Balance 11,233,206 11,233,206 6,842,351 10,648,431 17,490,782 Ending Fund Balance 6,842,351 17,490,782 6,275,339 476,310 5,799,029 'Promissory note due from Childrens' Garden of Leaning included in ending fund balance - not 10,000 spendable ,i1 2011 9 5-1-9 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND Amended 2010 Variance tat Amended 2010 Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) 2011 Supp 2011 Comments Base sales flat with 2009 through 2015; Over 5 -yr period, major redevelopment sales Real Estate Transfer Tax $ 6,083,000 $ 6,900,638 $ 817,638 $ 4,670,000 $ 4,670,000 assume only 2/3 of units sell at 80% of list for Four Seasons, Ritz and Solaris; then only 2 resales per year thereafter for all major redevelopment projects Federal Grants 17,000 14,524 (2,476) - - Federal grants for Stephen's Park restoration ($61K), $31K for NWCOG Regional Energy Efficiency grant; $81K for weed control Golf Course Lease 122,000 126,768 4,768 124,400 124,400 Annual lease payment from Vail Recreation District 2% annual increase - deposited to "Recreation Enhancement Account" (accompanying expenditure listed below) VRD repayment for promissory note 257,000 1,028,000 771,000 Loan was repaid in full in 2010 Intergovenmental Revenue 32,324 25,679 (6,645) 20,000 161,000 181,000 $161,000 GOCO Grant for Red Sandstone playground (matching expense below) Project Reimbursements 81,000 72,902 (8,098) - 40,000 40,000 Reimbursement of recycling haul -off by Eagle County Recreation Amenity Fees 10,000 39,181 29,181 10,000 10,000 Earnings on Investments and Other 46,402 135,381 88,979 15,879 15,879 2011 based on 1 % Total Revenue 6,648,726 8,343,073 1,694,347 4,840,279 201,000 5,041,279 Maintain Town Assets Annual Park and Landscape Maintenance 1.333,114 1,190,432 142,682 1.317,340 1,317,340 Ongoing path, park and open space maintenance, project mgmt Management Fee to General Fund (5%) 304,150 315.231 (11,081) 233,500 233,500 5% of RETT Collections - fee remitted to the General Fund for administration Rec. Path Capital Maint 156,324 119,241 37,083 104,094 37 1417177 Re- appropriate for rec path work at Red Sandstone school / pedestrian overpass and Red Sandstone park Tree Maintenance 127,843 57,331 70,512 65,000 20,000 85,000 Regular maintenance for tree health within the town (spraying, removing, new trees); scale spraying on town -owned property at approx. $120 per tree Flood Incident Repairs 272,200 269,167 3,033 Forest Health Management 265,000 201,309 63,691 145,000 - 145,000 Pine beetle mitigation in conjunction w/ forest service; 2011 -2015; Reduced manager to part-time and reduced seasonal positions from 6 to 4 Street Furniture Replacement 22.500 22,472 28 22,500 22,500 Annual replacement or capital repairs, includes bike racks Park / Playground Capital Maintenance 115,000 94,609 20,391 90,000 21,891 111,891 Re- appropriate for Big Horn Park pond spill way; the additional $1500 reflects a payment from Hyder Construction to do landscape work at Four Seasons Bald Mountain Ftg Rd / Underpass Project 200,000 5,100 194,900 200,000 194,900 394,900 1 Reconstruction of retaining wall that supports bike path through the underpass and widening for future bike path shoulders. Alpine Garden Support 65,620 55,620 10,000 55,620 10,000 65,620 Re- appropriate $10K to extend an off -cycle grant if BFAG raises $90K in donations (they have currently reached $73,000) Black Gore Creek Sand Mitigation 90,000 55,478 34,522 50,000 15,600 65,600 $15,600 for the Eagle River Watershed Council for additional water quality monitoring Public An - Operating 85,157 92,370 7,213 89,371 89,371 1 AIPP salary and operating expenses related to RETT $40,000 for recycling expense reimbursed by the County (see revenue above);Re- Environmental Sustainability 378,160 234,801 143,359 250,000 69,350 319,350 appropriate $20,000 for water quality improvement plan; $8,850 for Governor's Energy Office rebates; $500 for Vail Daily recycling ads Total Maintenance 3,415,068 2,713,161 701,907 2,622,425 368,824 2,991,249 Enhancement of Town Assets Timber Ridge - Buffehr Creek Rd separation 15,000 4,123 10,877 - - - To finish path from TimberRidge to Roost; offset by Federal Grant of approx. $150K 3/1/2011 to- 5-1-10 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND Amended 2010 Variance tat Amended 2010 Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) 2011 Supp 2011 Comments Stephen's Park Stream Repairs 66,000 63241 2,759 - 2,759 2,759 Re- appropriate for streambank stabilization sign (requirement of the grant); Rebuilding of streamside area due to erosion; partially funded by federal grant Trailhead Development / Improvement - - - 24,000 - 247000 Improve trailheads; Continued need through 2012 (one trail per year); Eliminated 2010 as of 9/15/09 ADA Compliance w/ VRD 25,000 533 24,467 10,000 - 10,000 Shared costs with VRD - ADA access at recreational facilities;new ADA regulations go into effect 2011 Greenhouse 5,000 1,576 3,424 4 miles of bike lanes (6 foot shoulders) to be added prior to CDOT overlay project; first Frontage Road Bike Lanes/Traiis 119,268 29,610 89,658 2,275,000 89,658 2,364,658 priority is Blue Cow Chute to East Vail; path from Vail Mtn School to E. Vail exit; construction was budgeted in 2010; now pushed to 2011 and 2012. Re- appropriate for design Ford Park Master Plan 328,017 145,093 182,924 1 2.150,000 182,924 2,332,924 1 On- work for project design related to the master Ian Ford Park Improvements 200,000 200,000 Ford Park pathwork, restrooms and other improvements Seibert Circle 17,774 16,459 1,315 - Water supply infrastructure; Ong plan to include in water bills, but interest rate now 5%, Raw Water/ Irrigation Control 366,493 - 366,493 - 366,493 366,493 so paying up front instead of financing; ERWSD working on bringing system up to consistent operation prior to bill being paid Kayak Take -out 10,000 10,000 - 10.000 10.000 Re- appropriate developer contribution to be used for whitewater improvements Stream Tract Encroachment Survey 14,081 14,081 - 14.081 14.081 Survey along Gore Creek Reconstruction of playground per safety plan; 20 years old; in -house design currently Red Sandstone Park - Per Safety plan 464,000 - 464,000 - 464,000 464,000 underway and staff working on a plan to deal with parking and ADA requirements. Recent acquisition of parking parcel - staff will present park options at future meeting Red Sandstone Playground GOCO Grant 161 161,000 Pass through GOCO grant proceeds to school district for Red Sandstone playground Booth Creek Playground - - - 15,000 15,000 Design in 2011; deferred construction until 2012 Booth Creek Park redevelopment - - 50,000 50,000 Design in 2011; deferred construction until 2012 To purchase sculptures, artwork, art programs and events; remainder is re- appropriated Public Art - General program / art 221,816 24,813 197,003 80,000 205,224 285,224 each year to accumulate enough funds; Annual Manhole cover sales add funds each year ($8.2K for 2010 is added to the 2011 budget) Public Art - Morales relocation 164,728 44,036 120,692 95,000 120,692 215,692 Re-appropriate to continue relocation project Public Art - Winterfest 63,446 38,921 24,525 - 51,600 51,600 Recognize donations made in 2010 for Winterfest event; approximate cost of $25K per year Guest Service Enhancements - - 100,000 100,000 Planning and design only; implementation currently unfunded; Will present plan to Council for approval Frontage road medians alongside redevelopment projects;Re- appropriate to modify Landscape Medians 190,311 3,256 187,055 - 40,000 40,000 landscaping in front of the Sebastian to reduce water usage and ongoing maintenance Open Space Land Acquisition 350,250 350,261 11 Total Enhancements 2,421,184 721,922 1,699,262 4,999,000 1,708,431 6,707,431 VRD- Managed Facility Projects Recreation Enhancement Account 242,000 - 242,000 124,400 253,500 377,900 Carryforward balance: Reserve account for golf course improvements - funded by annual lease revenue Golf Course Irrigation 1 22,000 23,405 1,405 2010: to complete irrigation project (50% share with VRD 3/1/2011 it - 5-1-11 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND Amended 2010 Variance tat Amended 2010 Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) 2011 Supp 2011 Comments Re- appropriate for clubhouse renovations; original 2010 budget had included Golf Course Clubhouse 562,450 23,349 539,101 753,187 539,101 1,292,288 clubhouse roof replacement. HVAC, boilers, stucco and trim work.. and parking lot asphalt 2010: Improvements to golf course: 7th tee box retaining wall, 11th and 17th hole Golf Course - Other Improvements 575,100 200,799 374,301 - 374,301 374,301 bridges;impmvements to maintenance building including stucco, wood trim and soffits; 2014 asphalt driving and parking area Re- appropriation includes $10,000 for electrical panel upgrade; $120K for louver Dobson Ice Arena 240,000 58,843 181,157 128,159 181,157 309,316 system upgrade; $25K for refurbishment of wood exterior; $26,157 for landscape plan Ford Park / Tennis Center Improvements 290,986 84,656 206,330 227,423 206,330 433,753 Re- appropriate to refurbish Ford Park tennis courts Youth Services 25,000 - 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 Re- appropriate to help fund transition expenses (FF &E, interior finishes, etc) with new Welcome Center project Gymnastics Center 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Waiting on energy audit prior to installing cooling system Nature Center 10,000 4,471 5,529 5,529 5,529 I Re-appropriate for new wood siding and trim Total VRD- Managed Facility Projects 1,992,536 395,522 1,597,014 1,233,169 1,609,918 2,843,087 New Assets Public Restrooms 670,000 670,000 Restrooms at W. Meadow Drive & Vail Road; Pushed from'09 to'11 Total New Assets: 670,000 670,000 Total Expenditures 7,628,788 3,830,605 3,998,183 9,524,594 3,687,173 13,211,767 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (1,180,062) 4,512,468 5,692,530 (4,684,315) (3,486,173) (8,170,486) Beginning Fund Balance 13,188,947 13,188.947 12.008,885 5,692.530 17,701.415 Ending Fund Balance $ 12 $ 17 $ 7 $ 2 $ 9,530 3/1/2011 -12- 5-1-12 TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE DISPATCH SERVICES FUND 2011 2010 2010 Variance 2011 1st Proposed Amended Unaudited Fav /(Unfav) Budget Supplemental Amended Comments Revenue E911 Board Revenue $ 754,108 $ 750,440 $ (3,668) 743,656 743,656 Interagency Charges 1,162,231 1,158,151 (4,080) 1,214,925 1,214,925 Town of Vail Interagency Charge 522,213 522,213 - 537,827 537,827 Earnings on Investments 5,000 6,513 1,513 7,500 7,500 Federal Grant Other 3,000 15,741 12,741 - - Total Revenue 2,446,552 2,453,058 6,506 2,503,908 2,503,908 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 1,854,062 1,702,093 151,969 1,849,958 1,849,958 Operating, Maintenance & Contracts 514,633 456,998 57,635 519,006 519,006 Capital Outlay 123,000 34,571 88,429 800,000 70,000 870,000 Continuation of voice - logger system Total Expenditures 2,491,695 2,193,662 298,033 3,168,964 70,000 3,238,964 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (45,143) 259,396 304,539 (665,056) (70,000) (735,056) Beginning Fund Balance 1,290,681 1,290,681 1,245,538 304,539 1,550,077 Ending Fund Balance $ 1,245,538 $ 1,550,077 $ 580,482 $ 815,021 1'201 1 5 -1 -13 3- TOWN OF VAIL 2011 BUDGET SUMMARY OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE HEAVY EQUIPMENT FUND 2011 2010 2010 Variance 2011 1st Proposed Amended Un aud i ted F /( Budget Supplemental Amended Co Revenue Town of Vail Interagency Charge $ 2,836,464 $ 2,789,389 $ (47,075) $ 3,243,653 $ 3,243,653 Insurance Reimbursements & Other - 39,921 39,921 - - Earnings on Investments 10,298 10,937 639 10,172 10,172 Equipment Sales and Trade -ins 168,240 87,734 (80,506) 233,580 233,580 Total Revenue 3,015,002 2,927,981 (87,021) 3,487,405 3,487,405 Expenditures Salaries & Benefits 965,912 945,691 20,221 986,368 986,368 Operating, Maintenance & Contracts 1,244,911 1,164,544 80,367 1,282,258 1,282,258 Three vehicles ordered in 2010, but will not Capital Outlay 1,082,928 907,615 175,313 980,100 140,416 1,120,516 take delivery until 2011; Need to re- appropriate 2010 funds into 2011 Total Expenditures 3,293,751 3,017,850 275,901 3,248,726 140,416 3,389,142 Revenue Over (Under) Expenditures (278,749) (89,869) 188,880 238,679 (140,416) 98,263 Beginning Fund Balance 2,343,601 2,343,601 2,064,852 188,880 2,253,732 Ending Fund Balance $ 2,064,852 $ 2,253,732 $ 2,303,531 $ 2,351,995 3/1/2011 -14- 5-1-14 ORDINANCE NO. 6 SERIES OF 2011 AN ORDINANCE MAKING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS TO THE TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND, CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND, REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX FUND, DISPATCH SERVICES FUND, AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT FUND OF THE 2011 BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO; AND AUTHORIZING THE SAID ADJUSTMENTS AS SET FORTH HEREIN; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, contingencies have arisen during the fiscal year 2011 which could not have been reasonably foreseen or anticipated by the Town Council at the time it enacted Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2010, adopting the 2011 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and, WHEREAS, the Town Manager has certified to the Town Council that sufficient funds are available to discharge the appropriations referred to herein, not otherwise reflected in the Budget, in accordance with Section 9.10(a) of the Charter of the Town of Vail; and, WHEREAS, in order to accomplish the foregoing, the Town Council finds that it should make certain budget adjustments as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO that: 1. Pursuant to Section 9.10(a) of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Town Council hereby makes the following budget adjustments for the 2011 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado, and authorizes the following budget adjustments: General Fund $ 379,821 Capital Projects Fund 11,124,741 Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund 3,687,173 Dispatch Services Fund 70,000 Heavy Equipment Fund 140,416 Total $15,402,151 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2010 3/1/2011 5 -I -15 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 1 st day of March, 2011, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 15th day of March, 2011, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building of the town. Dick Cleveland, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2010 3/1/2011 5 -1 -16 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Proposed amendments to 12 -13 -5: Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Vail Town Code PRESENTER(S): Nina Timm ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: As this is a work session item, staff is requesting feedback on the following policy questions from Town Council this evening: *Is the existing Exchange Formula still an appropriate method for establishing the "value" of an Exchange EHU? *Should a formula or value be developed to establish the Exchange Rate for EHUs that do not require occupancy by an employee? *Should cash payments be an option of the Exchange Program? BACKGROUND: On January 6, 2009, the Town of Vail adopted the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Chapter 12 -13 -5, Vail Town Code. On February 15, 2011, the Vail Town Council requested staff present amendments to the Exchange Program at a Town Council work session. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following: 1) Continue to utilize the existing Exchange Rate Formula 2) Town Council adopts an Exchange Rate Formula for EHU owners who are not required to have their EHU occupied 3) Fee -in -lieu payments are the preferred Exchange method ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum Gardner Letter 3/1/2011 MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: March 1, 2011 SUBJECT: Amendments to the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program I. PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend amendments to Chapter 12 -13 -5: Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Vail Town Code. Problem Statement: • The goal of increasing the number of employee occupied EHUs is not being met by the current Exchange Program Staff is recommending the following amendment to the Exchange Program: • Allow for a 100% fee -in -lieu exchange option based on the existing Exchange Rate (3:1 or 2:1 based on location) and the current fee -in -lieu per square foot for Inclusionary Zoning Does the Vail Town Council support the amendments recommended by staff? II. BACKGROUND On January 6, 2009, the Town of Vail adopted the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program section of the Vail Town Code. The program allows owners of deed restricted employee housing units (EHU) to exchange the existing deed restricted unit for another unit elsewhere in the Town of Vail. The program applies to all non - appreciation capped, deed - restricted employee housing units in Vail that are attached to a private residence and are not required by the Town's Zoning Regulations to mitigate a development's impact. There are currently 699 deed restricted employee housing units in Vail. There are numerous variations within each of the restrictions. Generally, there are five categories of restrictions based on the time the restriction was recorded. 1. Deed Restriction: not required to rent or provide annual verification 2. Deed Restriction: not required to rent and must provide annual verification 3. Deed Restriction: required to rent and required to provide annual verification 4. Deed Restriction: required to rent and provide notarized affidavit annually 5. Deed Restriction: required to be owner - occupied, appreciation capped and provide annual verification 3/1/2011 6 -1 -1 By the Numbers: • 31 EHUs are not required to be rented or provide annual verification • 22 EHUs are not required to be rented and must provide annual verification • 81 EHUs are owner - occupied and appreciation capped • 45 EHUs are owned by the Town of Vail • 108 EHUs are required to mitigate development impacts • 198 EHUs are at Timber Ridge Village Apartments • 142 EHUs are at Middle Creek Village Apartments Approximately 125 EHUs are eligible to participate in the Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange Program. Included in the 125 are 53 EHUs that are not required to be employee occupied. The current Exchange Program does not take into account the "reduced value" to the Town of Vail of those particular deed restrictions. Amendments to the Exchange Program should take those EHUs into account. This will allow the Town and those owners to achieve the Town's goal of increasing the number of employee occupied units in Vail. Taking into account all of these factors, there are +/- 75 EHU owners that could benefit or be able to utilize the Exchange Program. Prior to adopting the Exchange Program numerous program options were proposed and discussed by the Vail Local Housing Authority, the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Vail Town Council. It was determined the most effective method to facilitate an exchange was to establish an "exchange formula" based on the square feet of the exchange EHU and the location of both the exchange EHU and proposed EHU. It is important to note that since this program has been adopted no one has used it. Numerous owners have made inquiries, but the current method of mitigation does not make it practical to use. Changes in market conditions have further reduced the practicality of the existing Exchange Program. An additional concern is the Exchange Program is designed to place all control over the Proposed EHU on individual owners. This was deliberate based on then existing conditions. The recommended amendments to the Exchange Program ensures the Town achieves its goal of providing deed restricted employee housing for at least 30% of Vail's workforce within the Town of Vail and the goal of the Exchange Program by increasing the number of employee occupied housing units in Vail. III. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Proposed Changes: • Allow for a 100% fee -in -lieu exchange option based on the existing Exchange Rate and the then current fee -in -lieu per square foot for Inclusionary Zoning • Use the highest exchange rate for each location • Continue to provide the existing exchange option 3/1/2011 6 -1 -2 Example No. 1: A 450 sq ft EHU within the Commercial Job Core 450 sq ft X 3 (current multiplier) = 1,350 square feet to be exchanged 1,350 sq ft X $236.65 (fee -in -lieu) _ $319,477.50 Example No. 2: A 450 sq ft EHU outside of the Commercial Job Core 450 sq ft X 2 (current multiplier) = 900 square feet to be exchanged 900 sq ft X $236.65 (fee -in -lieu) _ $212,985.00 Pros: • Opportunity to exchange a non - required and possibly unused EHU into new EHUs • Increases the quality and Town control over EHUs • Ensures more employee occupied EHUs in Vail • Provides the Vail Town Council with money and complete control of the types of new EHUs generated by the exchange o Could be used to pay for Chamonix Commons infrastructure • Increases the square footage of EHUs in Vail • Provides an easily administered exchange option Con: • Shifts the burden of replacing the EHU on the Town of Vail IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the following: • Continue to utilize the existing Exchange Rate • Town Council adopts an Exchange Rate for EHU owners who are not required to have their EHU occupied • Fee -in -lieu payments are the preferred Exchange method V. ATTACHMENTS A. Chapter 12 -13 -5, Employee Housing, Vail Town Code B. Letter from W. Whitfield Gardner dated February 3, 2011 3/1/2011 6 -1 -3 ATTACHMENT A 12 -13 -5: Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Program: A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to provide occupied livable, affordable employee housing units within the Town of Vail through the establishment of an employee housing unit deed restriction exchange program. The exchange program allows for the release of a deed restriction from an existing employee housing unit in exchange for the conveyance of a free - market dwelling unit to the Town of Vail to be deed restricted. B. Applicability: The program established under this Section applies to existing employee housing units. This shall not apply to any existing employee housing unit that is already price appreciation capped or any employee housing unit established to meet the on -site employee mitigation requirements of Chapter 12 -23, Commercial Linkage, or Chapter 12 -24, Inclusionary Zoning, or as part of an approved development plan. C. Definitions: For the purpose of this Section: Commercial Job Core: Those areas located south of Interstate 70, east of the intersection of Forest Road and South Frontage Road, north of Vail Mountain, and west of the Town of Vail Soccer Fields on Vail Valley Road, as further defined by Exhibit A in this Section. Exchange EHU: The existing non -price appreciation capped employee housing unit with a deed restriction that is being proposed to have the deed restriction released as part of this program. Proposed EHU: The existing dwelling unit that is being proposed to be conveyed to the Town of Vail for the purpose of placing a new employee housing deed restriction as part of this program. D. General Requirements: 1. Exchange EHU requirements: a. The exchange EHU shall not be part of any employee housing project developed or deed - restricted (in part or in whole) by the Town of Vail. b. The exchange EHU shall not be part of any on -site employee housing mitigation required by inclusionary zoning, commercial linkage, or as part of an approved development plan. 2. Proposed EHU requirements: a. The proposed EHU(s) shall be located within the Town of Vail. 3/1/2011 6 -1 -4 b. The proposed EHU(s) shall be within a homeowners association that does not preclude deed restricted units, does not have a right of first refusal, does not have right to approve the sale or the sale contract, or have any other requirements deemed to be similarly restrictive by the Administrator. 3. Exchange Rate: a. If the exchange EHU(s) is within the commercial job core and the proposed EHU(s) is also within the commercial job core, the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed EHU(s) shall be a minimum of two (2) times the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the exchange EHU. b. If the exchange EHU is within the commercial job core and the proposed EHU(s) is outside of the commercial job core, the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed EHU(s) shall be a minimum of three (3) times the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the exchange EHU. c. If the exchange EHU is outside of the commercial job core and the proposed EHU(s) is inside of the commercial job core, the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed EHU(s) shall be a minimum of one and one -half (1.5) times the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the exchange EHU. d. If the exchange EHU is outside of the commercial job core and the proposed EHU(s) is outside of the commercial job core, the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed EHU(s) shall be a minimum of two (2) times the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the exchange EHU. 4. Exception; Fee -In -Lieu: The applicant may elect to provide a proposed EHU(s) that is within 80% of the minimum required gross residential floor area (GRFA) for the proposed EHU if a payment is made for the remaining minimum required gross residential floor area (GRFA) at the rate established by the Vail Town Council for Inclusionary Zoning payments of fee in lieu established by Chapter 12 -23, Inclusionary Zoning, Vail Town Code. 5. No Credit Given: If the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed EHU(s) is in excess of the minimum required gross residential floor area (GRFA) as set forth in Subsection D3 above, the additional gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall not be eligible for use as any form of future credit or for the Commercial Linkage or Inclusionary Zoning employee housing mitigation banks established by Sections 12 -23 -7 and 12 -24 -7, Vail Town Code. 6. Compliance with Zoning Regulations: The properties that include the exchange EHU and the proposed EHU(s) shall fully comply with all requirements of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, and Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, upon exchange of the deed restrictions. 7. Conveyance of Proposed EHU: The proposed EHU shall be conveyed, fee simple, to the Town of Vail. E. Fees: The Town Council shall set an application fee schedule sufficient to cover the cost of Town Staff time and other expenses incidental to the review of the 3/1/2011 6 -1 -5 application. The fee shall be paid at the time of the application, and shall not be refundable. F. Review Process: 1. Submittal Requirements: The Administrator shall establish the submittal requirements for an Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange application. A complete list of the submittal requirements shall be maintained by the Administrator and filed in the Community Development Department. Certain submittal requirements may be waived and /or modified by the Administrator and /or the reviewing body if it is demonstrated by the applicant that the information and materials required are not relevant to the proposed exchange. The Administrator and /or the reviewing body may require the submission of additional materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the application. 2. Review Procedures: a. Administrator Review: The Administrator shall review the application for completeness and compliance with this Section, and shall make a determination of completeness and compliance with this Section within fourteen (14) days of application submittal. Should the Administrator deem that the application is incomplete or not in compliance with this Section, the Administrator shall deny the application. Should the Administrator deem the application is both complete and in compliance with this Section, the Administrator shall forward the application for review by the Vail Local Housing Authority. b. Vail Local Housing Authority Review: The review of a proposed Employee Housing Deed Restriction Exchange application shall be held by the Vail Local Housing Authority at a regularly scheduled meeting. A report of the Community Development Department Staff's findings and recommendations shall be made at the formal hearing before the Vail Local Housing Authority. Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, the Vail Local Housing Authority shall act on the application. The Authortiy may recommend approval of the application as initiated, may recommend approval with such modifications as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Title, or may recommend denial of the application. The Authority shall transmit its recommendation, together with a report on the public hearing and its deliberations and findings, to the Town Council. c. Town Council Review: Upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the Authority, the Town Council shall set a date for hearing within the following thirty (30) days. Within twenty (20) days of the closing of a public hearing on the application, the Town Council shall act on the application. The Town Council shall consider but shall not be bound by the recommendation of the Vail Local Housing Authority. The Town Council may approve, either in accordance with the recommendation of the Vail Local Housing Authority or in modified form, or the Council may deny the application. 3/1/2011 6 -1 -6 W. WHITFIELD GARDNER Town of Vail Community Development Department February 3, 2011 75 South Frontage Road W. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Town of Vail Community Development Department & Vail Town Council, I We are writing to request a modification to 12 -13 -5: EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT DEED RESTRICTION EXCHANGE PROGRAM that would allow for either an exchange to take place as contemplated or for the participant to pay an amount equivalent to the prevailing fee in lieu price per square foot multiplied by the number of square feet necessary to satisfy the square footage requirements of the current exchange program (i.e. 2 to 3 times that of the subject E.H.U. dependent upon its location). We are greatly appreciative of your efforts to continue to improve the community as you have done so successfully over the years and are hopeful you see this modification as helpful in that regard. We understand the need for employee housing and thus your efforts as they relate to it. In particular, we understand the original intent of the EHU - program as well as its challenges and can appreciate both as residents and owners the effort made to try to improve it through 12- 13-5. Our belief is that our modification gives the town an added benefit, which is complete control. The town can decide how and when to deploy the proceeds from the exchange, not only allowing it to decide what is best for the community, but also potentially deriving a greater benefit than that contemplated by the current exchange program. Additionally, we believe that owner participation in the program would be more likely given the simplicity of the proposed modification. If this modification meets with your approval, we would be interested in participating as soon as you deem practical. In our specific case, based upon today's formula in the Vail Town Code, we would be required to pay $255 Our EHU is 360 square feet. Our proposal would abide by the current multiple of 3 (based.upon its location) and then multiply, that sum by $236.65 (the current fee -in -lieu) yielding $255,582 to the town. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, W. Whitfield Gardner, cc: towncouncil @vailgov.com 3/1/2011 6 -2 -1 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: Discuss proposed amendments to the Town of Vail Employee Housing Strategic Plan PRESENTER(S): Nina Timm ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Does the Town Council support the amendments recommended by staff? BACKGROUND: On September 2, 2008, the Town of Vail adopted the Employee Housing Strategic Plan that identifies a number of action steps for the Town towards achieving its goal of ensuring there is deed restricted housing for at least 30% of Vail's workforce within the Town of Vail. On February 1, 2011, Town Council recieved a memorandum providing an update on the actions taken. At that meeting Town Council requested staff propose amendments to the Employee Housing Strategic Plan to address the full spectrum of wage earners in Vail, with a particularl focus on families earning greater than 120% of Area Median Income, ($103,920 per year for a family of four). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Town Council moves forward with funding for the infrastructure at Chamonix Commons and adds the Middle Bench, 2507 Arosa Drive, and Sandstone Park to the Implementation Matrix. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum 3/1/2011 ITL1 Oil VAIL TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: March 1, 2011 ITEM /TOPIC: An overview of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Zone District; the development review process and the five development review applications intend to facilitate the Ever Vail Project. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the detailed plan recommendations for West Lionshead (Ever Vail), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC 110002) Major Subdivision: A request for a review of a preliminary plan for a major subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13 -3, Major Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the creation of two lots for the redevelopment of the properties known as Ever Vail (West Lionshead), located at 862, 923, 934, 953, 1000 and 1031 South Frontage Road West, and the South Frontage Road West right -of- way/unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080062) Rezoning (Ordinance No. 7, Series of 2011y A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for a establish Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District zoning on Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision located generally at 862, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road, and the South Frontage Road right -of- way /unplatted (a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080061) Special Development District Amendment (Ordinance No. 8, Series of l y. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12- 9A -10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for the removal of Development Area D (Glen Lyon Office Building) from Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, and for a zone district boundary amendment, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to include the subject property in the Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, located at 1000 South Frontage Road West /Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivison, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC090036) Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, Amendment ( Ordinance No. 9, Series of 2011Y A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council for prescribed regulation amendments, pursuant to Section 12 -3 -7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to amend Section 12- 10-19, Core Areas Identified, Vail Town Code, to amend the core area parking maps to include "Ever Vail" (West Lionshead) within the "Commercial Core" designation, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080065) 3/1/2011 PRESENTER(S): Warren Campbell ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: The Community Development Department requests the Vail Town Council table the Major Subdivison, Ordinance No. 7, 8, and 9, Series of 2011, and Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 to the March 15, 2011 public hearing. BACKGROUND: Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan: On January 24, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for proposed amendments tot he Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, by a vote of 3 -1 -2 (Rediker opposed, Viele and Cartin recused). Major Subdivision: On January 10, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the preliminary plan for the major subdivision to establish Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 5 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Rezoning: On January 10, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a zone district boundary amendment to establish Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District zoning on Parcels 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 5 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Special Development District Amendment: On January 24, 2011, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a major amendment to Special Development District (SDD) No. 4, Cascade Village, to remove the Glen Lyon Office Building from the SDD in order for it to be incorporated into the Ever Vail Subdivision, by a vote of 4 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, Amendment: On January 11, 2010, the Planning and Environmental Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval, with conditions, for a prescribed regulations amendment to Section 12- 10 -19, Core Areas Identified, Vail Town Code, by a vote of 4 -0 -2 ( Viele and Cartin recused). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends the Vail Town Council continue the public hearing on the request for the Major Amendment, Ordinance No. 7, 8, and 9, Series of 2011, and Resolution No. 6, Series of 2011 to the March 15, 2011 public hearing. 3/1/2011