HomeMy WebLinkAboutB06-0242.PDF a 1 _ � _ _ �. ������� � \ Department ofCommunity Deve%pment Budding Safety and Inspection Services 75 South frontage Road ,w �ail, Co%rado 81657 ',N,�°— g70-479-2138 ' FAX 970-479 2452 t www,vailgov.com Second Check Second check plan review comments are shown below original comment in bold italics. Other comments have been resolved. BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Applicant Architect copy: Viele Construction Gwathmey Pratt Schultz adam@arcinc.to Brent Arnold pro�# Marriott Ballroom FAX/Email #: brent@vieleconstruction.com gpsxvail@aol.com NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 FROM: Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner DATE: 10/19/2006 BUILDING PERMIT#: B06-0242 OWNERS NAME: Diamond Rock Hospitality SITE ADDRESS: 714 West Lionshead Circle OCCUPANCY GROUP: A-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: � NUMBER OF STORIES: ? BUILDING AREA: � The documents submitted for this pro�ect have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. �The fo/%wing comments wi//need to be addressed prior to issuance of a bui/ding permit; F�r processing: ° • Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containinq the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. � • Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creatin4 a resqonse letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the buildinq permit application number noted. • Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enQineer's or architect's"wet"stamp, si naq ture, registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural � _ ___ --- —- , ; details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of , the plans must be stamped. - Architect's General Comments As described in the Commentary for section 3403.1 of the 2D03 IBC, we feel that the scope of work proposed in the current set of drawings submitted on October 11, 2006 does not qualify as an "alteration"and should be allowed to happen without triggering any requirement to bring the existing „ building fire assemblies up to the current code. All new work (the A/V closets in the service corridor) have 2003 compliant assemblies. We feel that the work in the restrooms also qualify as°repairs" ' under the commentary but per our agreement will take them out of the scope of the work proposed. » That said we have done everything we can to satisfy your requirements given the parameters of this pro�ect. With regard to egress, I should point out several things. The requirement for exit width has been reduced by 25% from the old codes so the existing egress widths are more than the minimum requirements. With regard to the current practice of storage in the storage corridor exitway, the hotel management has seen the light and as of 20 October, is removing all permanent storage from the space. They are aware that nothing is allowed to be stored there. They were operating under the premise that they were allowed to block the exits when the Ballroom was empty- they are now aware that this is not allowed. They have provided a letter to the TOV documenting that nothing will be stored in the exitway or the exit stairs and that the exitway and stairs will be kept clear at all times. Per our meeting on 20 October, the electrical scope of work and the A/V scope of work will be allowed to proceed without triggering "replacement"of the existing fire assemblies. In an effort to save time and paper, the following drawings are not being resubmitted due to the fact that there have been no changes: A/V drawings, Telecomm drawings, Fire Protection drawings (the restroom scope was deleted from the project per below but the alarm drawings are in the shop drawing process and will be submitted to the VFD for their review when ready- all fire sprinkler work has been deleted from the pro�ect except for the relocation of two or three heads which was reviewed with Mike McGee on 10/19). Architectural Comments: 1 Amend plans to include a complete means of egress plan. Include occupant loads, travel distances, common path of egress travel, exit widths, location of exits and exit discharge to the public ways. Where exits pass through adjacent spaces include complete information and plans for the ad�acent areas. IBC 106.1.2, IBC ch. 10. , The north service corridor area is used as a storage area and does not provide access to exits Both nori�h exit stairways are b/ocked with tab/es, carts, chairs Exits may not pass- through storage areas This area wi//need to be�evised to provide a c%ar exit path fro�n n the ba//room exit doors to the exit discharge, IBC 1013,2, Amend the means of egress p/an to inc/ude existing and proposed occupant/oads, exit widths, common path of egress trave/and trave/distances on the means of egress p/an as requested, The room dividers are being rep/aced, so comp/iance to the code must be verified, � - -- - � Y Architect response: We have put this information on the egress plan, sheet A2.0. 3 Means of egress plan shall include analysis of exits for various configurations of room dividers. IBC ch. 10. -Sa/on E and F do not ha ve 2 comp/ying exits The north exits discharge into the storage area in the service corridor, IBC I013,2, The north service corridor is intended to be an exitway and therefore serves as the second means of egress for these Ballrooms. It is not allowed to serve as a storage area. As it exists, it provides � egress width for 720 persons at it narrowest points (approx 9'wide). This number represents 110% of the total occupant load for salons E and F combined. Therefore, we feel that the corridor provides the required compliant second exits for these spaces. As the Architects, we cannot control how this space is or has been used but the Hotel is providing a letter acknowledging that nothing may be stored in there. 4 Amend plans to show the main exit and other exits for the assembly area. Show compliance with IBC 1024.2. and 1024.3. Coordinate with means of egress p/an. Response indicates the main exit width is 165': The maximum occupant/oad a//owed fo�the ba//room wi/!be/imited by the 165"width of the main exit, When I gave you the number of 165"I was going ofF the original plans which showed the doors at this exit to be 3'-6" nominal and I was going on the premise that we would not be held accountable for the existing exit width per Section 3403.1. I was wrong on both counts; the total clear width existing is 182". Per table 1005.1 of the 2003 IBC, 182 inche5 of width works back to 1213 occupants (182 / .15= 1213). Since this is the so called main exit it is required to serve half of the total occupant load for the Ballroom and pre-function lobbies. Thus the total occupant load would be be restricted to no more than 2426 persons- well more than the 2215 person total occupant load derived from floor area calcs given on the egress plan. Thus the existing exit width is well in excess of what is required by the 2003 IBC. I apologize for the error. 5 Amend plans to specify the construction type of the building per IBC ch. 6. Response indicates II-B construction is assumed. This is not co�rect, The bui/ding is over the a//owab/e stories for II-B construction, Town of I/ai/bui/ding permit records and previous drawings for the Mar�iot Hote/ prepared by Gwathmey Prait Schu/tz indicates the bui/ding is type II-FR construction as previous/y c/assiFed unde�the UBC, or type I-B under the cur�ent/y adopted 2003 IBC, Revise p/ans Architect response: OK. We have revised the cover sheet to show Type 2 FR or Type Ib. � •7 Include fire resistive assembly details and listings for all fire resistive walls, floor/ceiling and roof ceilings. The existing roof/ceiling, floor/ceiling, structural frame, beam and columns are required to _ be protected as required for a 1 hour, 2 hour or 3 hour fire resistive rating per IBC table 601. Response indicates existing cei/ing construction wi//remain, P/ans show new raised cei/ings to be insta//ed per detai/2/A5,2. If portions of the existing cei/ing are removed, fire resistive assemb/ies must be rep/aced, Architect response: Per our discussions on October 20, we feel that the existing assemblies were probably intended to be one hour assemblies. Without trying to research what the original construction was supposed to be, we will repair any holes we make in the walls and ceilings with 4 same material and construction as exists. This agreement means that the raised ceiling cofFers in the prefunction areas have been deleted from the scope of work. We are allowed to replace the existing = grid ceilings with tiles and grid suitable for use in UL one hour rated assemblies (although we cannot provide an exact UL assembly number). For what it is worth, w e have discovered that the columns _ supporting Building 3 are fireproofed. ' 8 Include plans for posting of occupant load per IBC 1004.3 Response indicates owner wi//provide occupant/oad signage. Amend p/ans to indicate maximum occupant/oad for each space on the means of egress p/an, This information wi//be needed to review the occupant/oad signage proposa/, - Architect response: All of this information has been placed on the egress plan. 10 Include flamespread index and smoke developed index for proposed acoustic spray insulation proposed in the ceiling areas. IBC 719. The new sound partition wa//s above cei/ing are no/onger shown on the p/ans Please c/arify whe�e the sound insu/ation submitted fo�review is p�oposed to be insta//ed. Architect response: All proposed new sound wall partitions were deleted from the previous scope of work in our resubmittal. As currently proposed, the acoustical insulation is to be installed only in the 8"or so gap between the Partition wall track and the finish ceiling below. Per the Manufacturer's recommendations, we are submitting duct liner type duct insulation for this area only. If this is not acceptable to the Building OfFcial, we will delete it from the scope of the work for this pro�ect. 13 Amend registration counter to show accessible portion per ANSI 117.1 1998. ch. 9 The registration counter is not exempt from comp/iance with ANSI 1 Z7,1 Z998, Inc/ude an accessib/e area of the counter perANSI 117,Z 1998 section 902,3 Architect response: We have amended the drawings to show the entire width of both existing counters being dropped down to 36"AFF per the requirements of ANSI 117.1-1998, section 904.3. 15 Amend plans to provide complete construction details for the accessible restroom facilities. Include details for accessible fixtures, fixture mounting heights, grab bars, toilet compartment sizes, doors, dimensions, signage etc. ANSI 117.1 1998 ch. 6, IBC 3409.6 Response indicates existing bathrooms comp/y with ANSI 117,Z i998, This is incorrect, the existing toi/et compartments do not comp/y. The existing toi/et compartments are between 3=2"and 3=8"wide. IBC 3409.6 requires accessib/e toi/et faci/ities to be provided when an existing space is a/tered, Revise p/ans Architect response: All modifications and finish work has been deleted from the scope of this pro�ect. � The restrooms will remain as exists and will not be accessible. Mechanical Comments: - 16 Please clarify if ceiling space is proposed to be used as a plenum, or if all supply and return grilles - will be ducted. A duct plan was not provided for the ceiling space. If plenum ceiling is proposed, include specification for all materials exposed in the plenum. IMC 602 Coordinate with architectura/p/ans fo�any new insu/ation materia/s proposed above cei/ing. These proposed materia/s are not permitted to be exposed in a return air p/enum, Y � _ Specif ication Sheet ± �.. ToughGar °2 � t ����� 1.����. _ M , fi S k vx`?� M.wy+�yyv���_rta , _ {��°• �..{e�T.;V; a y�� C —�v�k � �. � � x�C'v � ,;i+� K'�?� sy�t j . ��?wf,s #�, A Text�le Duct L�ner �� a. �� � ; - �r ; 1. PRODUCT NAME composite surface on the air stream ToughGard�2 Textile Fiber Glass side The airstream surface contains b Duct Lmer an EPA registered antimicrobial � �; agent in order to reduce the poten- � 2 MANUFACTURER tial of microbial growth that may ; _ , CertamTeed CorporaUon affect this produd The antimicrobial : PO Box 860 properties are intended to only Valley Forge, PA 19482-0105 protect this product � -� _ � � Phone 610-341-7000 Limitations: Insulation should be '°° "" "`�" °�` '"��"""'�'�"""°"'° 800-233-8990 kept clean and dry during shipping, Fire Resistance: Fax 610-341-7571 storage, installation and system • Fire Hazard Classification Fax-On-Demand 800-947-0057 operation —(UL 723,ASTM E 84, NFPA 255) Website www certainteed com Sizes: See the table below for —(CAN/ULC-S102-M88) available sizes Contact CertainTeed Max Flame Spread Index, 25 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION for availability and minimum order Max Smoke Developed Index,50 Basic Use:ToughGard2 Duct Liner quantities • Limited Combustible (NFPA 259) is used primarily as an acoustical —< 3,500 Btu/Ib liner in HVAC sheet metal 4.TECNNICAL DATA physical/Chemical Properfies: ducts to absorb unwanted crosstalk, Applicable S�indards •Thermal Performance equipment and air rush noise • Model Building Codes —See table on back page This product can be used in most —(BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI, ICC) • Acoustical Performance types of comfort heating and cooling —California Title 24 —See table on back page duct systems, operating at velocities • Material Standards • Operating Limits up to 6,000 fpm (30 5 m/s) and —(ASTM C 1071) —Temperature. (ASTM C 411) temperatures to 250°F(121°C) —(CAN/CGSB-51 11-92) Max. 250°F (121°C) Bene�ts:ToughGard2 Duct Liner is • Fire Safety Standards more water repellent than standard —(NFPA 90A, NFPA 90B) duct liners This product is durable, abuse-resistant and easy to clean , ° STANDARD SIZES_ . �fl addition, ToughGard2 Duct Liner prndudTypes NommalThickness Length Width provides excellent thermal properties, ToughGard2 ASTM� m mm ft m m mm exhibits low air flow resistance and meets all applicable fire resistance �so i zs so&ioo �s z&3o s standards and building code require- oe�s�r,e�r i�iZ 3s ioo 3o s ments This product has a factory- czak��� applied edge coating that assures seal- 2 s� so �s z ing of the transverse edges as per Zoo , SMACNA and NAIMA Installation oe�5, zo I iZ i3 �o0 3o s za co�z 610 to 1829 _ N P� m /a in 6 mm Standards The product can be preci- c�z��� 7 25 50&100 75 2&30 5 increments• increments sion cut using both manual and auto- matic cutting equipment �n5300o � �i2 is �o0 3o s � Com osition and Materials: � P p c4a �� i zs so&ioo is z&3o s Composed primarily of long, textile- type glass fibers firmly bonded 7)ClassificationperP5TMC107Typelisrollform,7ypellissheetform together with a thermosetti ng resi n •Not all widths between 24"and 72"are standard Please contad CertainTeed for the standard s¢es overlaid W Ith dll extremely tOUgh •�v1ad�To-Order sizes are available and sub�ed to an upcharge,adddional lead time and minimum quantities and durable fire-resistant, black � � Architect response: As noted in item 10 above, if the proposed insulation is not acceptable to the �Building Official, it will be deleted from the scope of work. 17 Amend plans to show compliance with IMC 606 for smoke detection. =Response indicates the smoke detection is existing, Coordinate with fire a/arm upgrade p/ans Architect response: See attached letter from Fire Protection Engineer. � � C�>> . � VA I L M O U N TA I N Gold Ke� ��Conde Naste Toy Ten �YZ�� _ RESORT & SPA Reciptent Sk:Res�rts"Azua�d Wrnrier ��"�`°a� �,.�'��+ ,�,arriott. = October 20, 2006 � Town of Vail , To Whom It Map Concern: As part of the upcomtng Grand Ballroom renovation project, the Vail Marriott will remove all permanent storage shelving from the banquet service corridor and will keep the 2 fire egress stairwells clear of any items. Sincere ' d L. Pease General Manager � b � � 715 West Lionshead Circle • Vaii,Colorado 81657 • (970)476-4444 • Fax(970)476-1647• www vailmarriott com 1 CIRRUS Tegular (�ceilings ,o-YEAR AVAILABILITY � compatible GUARANTEE Items fine texture 584 8�589 CS+�: 1 f t i�al� yi i;.i�' 'SL� '�:.iT�b"t 'r''F�l� �p:'C e�A�i -�%1 �'f":� / �if��j:�F�r nt ka S�'i.tP:%����i��-°I!r �Y's�yF{f F��'Y����.S�tt�'ry ¢',��.- :.y„`>'^°t"'� .,t^. �'s`�'t>ai� �i ���`. ��`"� - .t��� •�� .xw, ur�r, � ,�;'�� <�,� ,a �4 r. �,b;!.t'�.�t;�3r.�".�%��P n .e. F a � r_�r,L*.r,. 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CIRRUS Beveled CIRRUS Angled CIRRUS Beveled Tegular CIRRUS Angled Tegular Hardware Fnendly mstrong Tegular Tegular with SUPRAFINE 9/16 with PRELUDE 15/16' Options Available Exposed Tee grid Exposed Tee grid c mstron � 0 g SU PRAFI N E� XLJ SU P RAFI N E M LJ 9/16" Exposed Tee Systems Suprafine 9/16"Exposed Product Description Tee System combines supenor durabdity and Materials " stabtlity with a narrow gnd A General face for a refined ASTM C 635(Intermediate-duty)(Heavy-duty)main beam classification,commercial-quality cold-rolled hot appearance dipped galvanized steel Exposed surfaces chemically cleansed,galvarnzed cappmg prefinished in baked 4 Key Selection polyester paint or anodized fmish Attributes +�< B Components ❑7501 (144",routs 6"OC, A�smm,� p o •PeakFormT�" r, 1A Mam Beams Double-web, a��6 0 ° Hea du ) patented prof�le . rota stitched construction, � � '+•'""" m increases stren th n' ❑7500(144",�outs 6"OC, —r„„, � - and stabdity for�improved web height 1-11/16"with intermediate-duty) '+'""", , performance dur�ng peaked roof top bulb and ❑7502(120",routs 6"OC, mstaliat�on 9/16"flange with prefinished intermediate-duty) •SuperLock*"main beam clip steel ❑754033(3600mm,routs ""'"'"� is engineered for a strong, 150 C Inter te-duty) secure connection and fast accurate al�gnment conf�rmed 1 g Mam Beams Double-web, F�re Guard Items: w�th an aud�ble cl�ck,easy to rotary-stitched construction, ❑8500(144",routs 6"OC, B '�„-j �-� remove and relocate(patent web height i-1/2"with Intetmediate-duty) ,�r pend�ng) rectangu�ar top bulb and ❑Other '°""" •Hot dipped galvarnzed coating g/16"flange with prefinished �',�;,, mhibits red rustmg better than electrogalvarnzed or pamted steel,One flfe expansion systems relief per main beam 8500 is _ •Rotary-stitched dunng not rotary StitChed ;',� manufacture by a patented � � method for additional torsional 2A Cross Tees Double-web, ❑XV510(12'� strength and extra stab�l�ty rotary-stitched construction, ❑XL7520(24'� A ,8',�„--I I-� dunng installation web he�ght 1-1/2"with O XL7540(48",routs 12"OC) "'r •Cross tees ava�lable in XL rectangular top bulb and ❑XL7541 (48",routs 12"OC) �7��? o °o (staked-on stab end detail) g/16"flange with prefmished �XL7558(60",routs 20"OC) "°"""' Oo° � and ML(integral hook end steei and overnde at each ❑753032(1200mm,center rout) � � a detail),provides secure locked o end Staked-on end detad ❑752032(600mm) connection,easy to remove, -{&+B f-- reuse and reiocate allows cross tee removal and Fire Guard Items: ��•mm� •Mam beams and cross tees remounting ❑XL8520(24'� offer dou6le-web construction �XL8540(48",Centef�out) (minimum 1-1/2"web height), ❑Othe� B �smm�-� �'- keeps cross tee vertical and i;�,"'�„„� o ° stable at light fixture interface 2g Cross Tees Double-web, ❑MU520(24'� T' oo ° •State-of-the-art expans�on rotary-stitched construction, ❑ML7540(48",routs ��m, Qo� _ relief on Fire Guard options, web height 1-1/2'�wlth �2���C) � �° provides greater strength and rectangular top bulb and ❑Other prohibits distortion of grid face g/�6"flange with prefinished -� �-- dunng mstallat�on steel Hook-type end detad °+Tm� •F�re Guard opt�ons for UL a�lows cross tee removal Designs A202,D216,G229, yy�thOUt t0ols G243,G244,G256,L210, P225,P251,P253 r •ML-se�smically approved in 3 Wall Moldmgs Hemmed ❑7800(144",angle molding, nominal 7/8' 'a�"' applications up to zone 2 (angle molding)(shadow � i •�0-year I�m�ted warranty,15- moldmg)with prefmished ❑7804(144",angle molding, -I ,,;�„ I- . year w�th HumlGuardTM Plus exposed flanges nommal 9/16'� r 7/B"HNGLE MOIDIN� and HumiGuard Max ❑780410(120",angle moldmg, � - products nominai 9/16'� z<"� ❑7824(120",shadow molding, L _ Typical nominal9/16'� r e�,e j tamm ❑Other 9H6°ANGLE Mq.�INO Applications ��".°� •Offices L •Schools ��� I ���r SHAWW MOLDINO � •Hospitality _ •Reta�l 4 Fixture Chp Prefinished dip 0 LFC �` •Healthcare for use at corners of light ❑Other ' I •Fve Guard applications based fixture modules " 1, on bwlding construction and �� local fire code requirements 1 • i � � e 1 : r� -• -�• •. • '• •• r ` • • • ♦ • •' •• -� ♦ •• 1 • if� -• •• • � ^• � • � ' /' ' •• • � •� • s �- • . -• .r - �• -a • �. 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' ! ��� i��{ �� i ��� i�� � � r � � • .� •� I ! 7 � � / 1 •V • �• , _ o — �' ` , ,` � FASTENER SPACING ," � ° . � — , Lapped and butted comer \� / - � � The coated side of liner \ , must face the air flow � � \ �\\ _ �' �\ �. m \ Alternate /�� � �`�� folded ~ \ ' �� U corner q �\ ��� \ G � � � � �� � .\� � � �� , ��, � � � \ �� \ F \ .�� All transverse x edges to be Duct �/ \ \ q factory or section adhesive (typically 4 ft or 5 ft) coated Dimensions Maximum spacing Velociry for fasteners A B C E Actualintervals are 0-2500 FPM 3" 12" 4" 18" approximate 2501-6000 FPM 3" 6" 4" 16" - METAL NOSING ' LINER FASTENERS•� Liner Type 1 �,� �`� Clinched Pin ; \ � � Integral Head- ; `� % �� Air Flow Impact Applied . , ,� Liner . '. '� ,' � TYPe 2 � � Welded Pin ' ` ' �` � Metal Nosing / `� ; \ Integral Head , . , � _ When veloc�ty exceeds 4000 FPM use metal nosing on every leading - edge Nosing may be formed on , duct or be channel or zee attached WaSher Lmer by screws, rivets or welds Type 3 � ��� Welded Pin ; �\ ; '�� Press-On Head ; ` � � � —Air Velocity (ASTM C 1071, " INSERTION L05S,d6 per ft of Lmed Duct - ` U��$�� 1"Lmer Odave band center 2"Lmer Octave band center - Max 6,000 fpm (30 5 m/s) frequencies, frequencies, • WaterVapor SorpUOn (ASTM C 1104) p�p��ft= HZ �zs zso soo i000 x000 a000 HZ iss Zso soo i000 z000 a000 —<3%byweight g 06 75 27 58 74 43 OS 29 49 72 74 43 ! Corrosion Resistance (ASTM C 665) - —Pd55 6 OS 12 23 50 58 36 06 23 42 62 58 36 • Baderia Resistance (ASTM G 22) a o a o s i 9 a o a� z a o s i 6 3 5 s o a i z s —NoGrowth Z 02 OS 14 28 22 18 03 OS 23 33 20 77 • Fungi Resistance (ASTM C 1338& � o� 0 3 �o z o �z i 2 0 2 o s i s 2 3 i > > > ASTM G 21) Duct Liner Insertions Loss—Data extracted from ASHRAE Handbqok,HVAC Applicahons,Chapter 46, —PdSS, No Growth 1999 P/A=duct penmeter,fUduct cross sectional area(ft') Exampie 12"x 12",P/A=4(1/ft) - • Water Repellency Rating —Z 4(INDA IST 80 6-92) 5. INSTALLATION ' A�� dUCt liner pfOdUCtS Shd�� be ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE`" ' installed IIl accordance With the Produd Sound Absorption CoeKcients�Odave frequencies(Hz) requirements of NAIMA Fibrous Glass NomimalTh�ckness Duct Liner standard, or SMACNA TYPe ,� mm �ZS zso soo i000 z000 a000 Nec HVAC Duct Construction standards i Zs o ia o z9 o ss o n o 9a o 9a o bs and the pro�ect specification �so i�h 3s o i 6 o a� o n o 96 � oa �o0 o so The products can be precision cut using both manual and automatic z si o z3 0 62 i oi i oa i oo i oi o 90 cutting equipment The liner shall be '� �3 0 06 o is o 33 o sb o�6 0 9� o as cut and fitted to assure all �oints are zoo i Zs o io 0 33 0 6s o a6 0 9a o 96 0�o neatly and tightly butted with no >>n 38 0�6 o a� o» 0 96 �oa i o0 o so interruptions or gaps z si o za o s� 0 90 0 9s o 9s o 96 o ss All duct liner products shall be ,n i3 0 06 0�s o 33 o s6 0�6 0 9� o as adhered to the sheet metal ductwork using an adhesive meeting the 300 � Zs o�o o s3 o bs o a6 0 9a o 96 0�o requirements of ASTM C 916 The �'� 38 o zo o a6 o si o 9a o 9s o 9i o so adhesive film coverage shall be a z si o z� o�z �oa �oz o 96 0 9z o 9s minimum 90% of the metal surface Sound absorpt�on tested in accordance with ASTM C 423 using Type A mounting per ASTM E 795 Secure the duct liner to the sheet metal ductwork using mechanical fasteners (impact-driven or weld- ' secured) These fasteners vary m THERMAL PERFORMANCE length and type Mechanical fasten- rroa�M K-Value c-vai�e R-Value ers of the specified type and length NommalThickness* s�,•�� w sm w n•�.�•°F m2i°c shall be used assuring no greater TY� �� mm h•sc�•°F m•°c n•n=•°F �•°c em w than 10% compression of the liner � zs osb oo3s ozs i az ao o�o thickness Maximum fastener spac- �so i�n sa os� 0039 oi� o9s 60 �06 ing shall be in accordance with NAIMA or SMACNA standards 2 si o26 oo3a ois o�i so i ai ToughGard Duct Liner provides 'h i3 os Zsa Zo oss clean "buttered" transverse edges Z� � zs ozs oos6 oza �ss az o�a However, some circumstances will i�n 38 oi� o9s 60 �06 require the use of adhesive to "but- 2 si oi3 0�� ao iai ter" raw exposed liner edges Final �h i3 oas z�3 z� 03� �ob site "buttering" may be required � ZS ozs tao 44 0�� to coat duct cut-ins and/or minor 300 �,� 38 oza oo3s oib o9i 63 i io installation damage ToughGard Duct Liner fabricated duct systems Z 5� oiz o6a 83 ia� sh�l I be kept clean and dry from the T�ermal conductance(Q and resistance(R)values are denved from the matenal thermal conductiwty(k) value Tested�n acwrdance with ASTM C 518 and/or ASTM C 177 at 75°F(24°Q mean temperature . point of fabrication through �ob site installation $pOCld� precautions et 'Actual finished thicknesses are 1 OS"thick(nominal 1 0"),actual 1 6"(nommai 1 5",Type 750), th� �ob site may be necessary to actual 2 1°(nominal2•,Type 750) i accomplish this The installed lined ductwork shall be protected to avoid contamination by water and dirt An HVAC system commissioning pro- gram should be considered to assure proper start up and purging of the duct system �� a z � Gwathmey � �c�����'I�T I Ol�ls ��'�l/� I 1�1G I 1�117�X Pratt � Schultz � ° �� �NGHOR �OLT �iZG f�I T�GTU fi��L � A a` , ��O` ,� Architects,p c t'li�Y Y " � �D �RE� DR?�11�1 � D2.1 D�MOL ITION i�L�N va°,°coio�ado e�i"e� r - Tel (970)476-1147 i �DJ �DJ�GEI�T D3.1 D�MOLITION �L�Y�TIONS ' Fmc (970)476-1612 ' k 1 . }��� ,4�01(� �I�115H �LOOR , D3.2 D�MOLITION �L�\l,4TION5 � ,�LUM �LUMINUM � ,4LT �LT��N�T� , , D3.3 DEMOLITION �LE1(�TIONS � �f' �GG�55 P�N�L D4.1 EXISTING SEGTION � 1S �NGL� �2.0 EGRESS PL�N � B.O. �OTTOM O� � A�2.1 Pi�OPOSED �LOOiZ i�L�4�1 GLG G�I L I NG k GI G�ST IRON �2.2 D�L�TED ' � r GJ GONTROL JOINT A�2.3 D�L�TED O � � G�NTEfi� LIN� h �3.1 PROP05�D EL�1(�TIONS � GL� GOLO� � � GMU GOUGi��T� M�50NRY UNIT ,43.2 P�OPOS�D EL�1l�TIONS � a i GO GLE�NOUT �3.3 S�D EL�1l,4TION5 � z GOL GOLUM�! ��.I D�L�TED O y GONG GONGRET� .2 DEL�TED � O . GONT GONTINUOUS DO DOUBLE W�LL OY�NS , P�5.3 D�L�TED ,�„U x DW D I SHW�rSH�R �5.4 D�T�4 I L SH�ET- M�I N ��LLROOM DOOR � k �Q �QU�L ,45.� D�TA�IL SH��T- M15G D�T�ILS � �Y �i�OOI� �I�/ �I I l O � i �6.1 DOOR SGH�DUL� Q � �Dl� �OUND�4TION 0 � � �iu �i�is�+ , / ( �lT�iz l Oiz ��51 C�1� 0 0 R �LR �LOOi� �I � �.O.1N. �,4G� O� 1N�LL(STUD,�TG) I172.1 Ti�IM D�T�ILS � ' � � �TG �OOT I NG ,� � � _ GYfi' GYi°5UM 1N�LL �O�i�D M�G���11G�� �YST�M� —� # � , r GL GL�SS/GL�Z I NG � � : � t�M HOLLOW MET�L MO.I M�GH�NIG�L SYMBOLS � C HT H�I GHT � � MI.O D�MOLITION IST �LOOiz PL�N INSUL INSUL.�TION O � KIT IGITGH�N MI.I IST �LOOR MEGH�NIGA�L PL�N � LP LOW POINT GO�� I �I�O�M�T I O�l M2 I D�L�TED � MO M�50NiZY O��N I NG M3.1 M I SGELL�NEOUS D�T,�I LS � `' MTL M�T�4L TH� FOLLOWING 15 B�tS�D ON TH� �003 I BG GODES � � �L.�GTfi�IG�� 1.._r�`�'OUT � - �l�G N�GE55�4i�Y EXISTING GONSTRUGTION TYPE I-b (OLD TYPE II-F� PER TOY REGORDS � � 1�lIG NOT IN GONTiZ,4GT �������� � � r OGGUPP�NGY L0�4D5 -- a�, Commun�ty Develo�ment Depa�tment �O.I G�N�R�L NOT�S � SYMBOLS '° � 1�� ����� PRE�UNGTION � 5 5Q FT lOQ3 PERSONS �j���r�� � Budding Safety an Inspection Services NTS NOT TO SG�LE GRA.ND B?�LLROOM � 7 SQ FT. 1122 P�RSONS �- E0.2 D�MOLITION PL�N IST �LOOR S��tion I?��• � � a �_.�� �. x � O� OPPOS�T� �-f,��lD � Internationai Building Code/lotemationai Residenflai EXISTING OGGUPANGY A-2 FOR BOTH BALLROOM AND PREFUNGTION LOBBIES Cod�ty af permit. The issuance orgrantmg of a perm�t shall �� � L IGHTI NG i�L�N IST �LOOR � not be ccnstruc�to be a permit for,or an approval of,any violation of ��.2 D�L�TED � Y O�G O�����G any cf t;�e provisions of this code or of any other ordmanc�of tho } PL L�M P1�ST I G L.�Nt I N�T� jurisdiction Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the � provis�ons cf th�s code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be �2.1 POW�R I ST FLOOi� PL��I = �'L�3G i�LUMB I NG va��d. The issuance of a permit based on construction documents and 4 other data c"ufl not prevent the budding official from requinng the �2,2 M I SGELL�NEOUS D�T�I LS � ��.., ��O���N L��� correction ef errors in the construction documents and other data.The a bu�ld.nc�oificisl is also authorized to prevent occupancy or use of a �4.1 P�RT1,4L �L�G RIS�� DI�Gi�,4M ' PLl/�117 PLYWOOD structure v.;here in vioiaUon of this co e or of any other ordinances of f � �I S�� this�unsdiction. �D ROO� Di�IN PIANS EXAMINER• p Zd �� af�'�`������; �- '�� �4.2 S�LON R�G�PT�GL�S � • DATE: �.»��� 6� ��:�� '"' , �,� �1�� � � a � iZ��L R��LEGT�D � �4.3 ETG DIMMING P�NEL SGH�DULE � � • R�Q R�QUIR�D E4.� DIMM�R P�GK DP-I SGH�DUL� _ I`�Y ��Y�I�S� m CoPYrlght � E5.1 LIGHTII�IG P�NEL � �IXTURE SGHEDUL� Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz � � �G�+ �o��+� � I ��GTO�'Y ,��h�te�ts.P� � All Rlghts Reserved i E5.2 W�LL ST,4TU5 P�NELS ` Thls document,and the Ideas a I`� i�OUGH Oi��N I 1�1G hereln,as an Instrument of OW�1��'S �?��R�5��1T�r11� LIG�TIKG GOKSULT�NT and designs Incorporated � ��� I O �I���� professlonal servlce,Is the RM ROOM �4RGHITEGTURr4L RE50URGE GONSULT?�NTS, ING ILLUME - SI�VE PETERSON s`c°hu p,rchlt ctshPCY/aPnd Is not ' S��tL S��L�NT 17�10 38TH STR�ET, SUITE 105 10055 WEST 43RD ?�1(ENUE to be used,In whole or In part,tor ' any other proJect wrthout the BOULDER, GOLOR�DO 80301 WHEAT RIDGE, GOLORADO 80033 M Gwathmey Jrtl Henry R PraTt, S�T SH��T T�L (303) 443-0330 - FAX (�03) 443-1508 (TEL) 303.421.6655 (F�4� 3034210331 (�M?�IL� steve �me-en ineers.corn ��O.I G�N�R�L NOT�S � SYMBOLS orSldneySchuRz * 5IM SIMIL.,4R OY�IN�R SP�GI�IGr4TlONS GOt�lSULT�1�lT �\ll.O D�MOLITION I5T �LOOfi� PL,hN '' SOG SL�� ON Gi�D� DI?�MONDROGK HOSPITP.LITY GROUP SPEGIFIG?�TIONS GONSULT,4NT5 - PAUL DeARMENT �{ S��G�D SP�GI�I�D ba03 ROGKLEDGE DRIY�, SUI7E 800 611 NORTH WEBER SUITE 103 ��I.I IST FLOOR PL�N PROi�05�D t BETHESDA, MARYL.�4ND 20817 GOLORADO SPRINGS, GO DA�: q S�� O6 Si��GS SP�GIFIG�TIONS (TEL) 240'1441166 (TEL) 71aS7�.q414 (F?�� 517.577.a455 (EM�411.� dearment�s ecsconscom �1�2.1 15T �LOOR PL,4N 5fi���4KER5 I Date• 16 OGT O � STD 5T,4ND�iZD ?�RGHITEGT �Ii?� PROT�GTIO�I �KGI�1��R �1�3.1 MISG�LL,hNE0U5 D�T�ILS ' STOR STOi�G� GWP�THMEY PRA�TT SGHULTZ ,4RGHITEGTS, PG SGHIRMER ENGINEERING - BRIAN THOMPSON Date: 23 OGT 06 � 3033 SOUTH PARKER RO�hD, SUITE 460 �V4 � M15GELL�N�OUS D�T�ILS @ 1000 S. �RONTAGE R0,4D WEST SUITE 102 � \(�IL, GOLOiZ4D0 816�7 (�i7�)476-1147 �4UROR�, GO 80014 � 9��,�'�°°� �� ���� (TEL) 3032830236 (F�4� 303.283.0241 (EM,411.� brian thom son�schirm.ren .com ���.2 �4UD10 SGHEM�TIG �[� �j �:�.�� �;�,,�,�, �.�,, � � 1�`MS _7 ���� �.r. 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UNL�SS NOTED OTH��WIS TI.I IST �LOOR PL�N T�L�GOM ,� NtEGH,hNIG�4L �1�1GI1�l�ER G�N�1�L GO1�l��GTOR o � ,4L1(INE ENGINEERING -.10HN ?, DELA�NEY J L VIELE GONSTRUGTION, ING T2 O MISGELL/�NEOUS DI�GR,4MS nr ������ � 1102 DOUGLP�S ON THE MP�LL 1000 SOUTH FRONTAG� RO?�D WEST, SUITE 202 x Y �'����5 OMAHA�, NEBR�SIGP� 68102 VAIL, GO 8165'I T4.0 J�GK �ND P�N�L D�T�ILS ' � (TEI.� 402.346."I00'( (FA� 402.346a5'i6 (EMAIL) delane �alvinecom (TEL� a'70.4'76.3082 (FA� q'704'16.3423 (EMAIL) BARNOLD�VIELEGONSTRUGTIONGOM � � w� �ir+� �L�GIRIG�L �1�1GINEER � I i�� i�fi�OT�GT I 01� : W/O WIT�-fOUT �LVINE ENGINEERING - RU55PLL 1? S?�GK �. ' 1645 N STR��T, SUITE B � . �G W�T�R GLOS�T LINGOLN, NEBR,451G� 68508 ���� v�'Sh08t,�Alumber = 1^l/D YV�SHEi�/I7RY��? (TELJ 402 4'77 6161 (FA� 402�"i'1 a616 (EMI�Il.� rsack�alvme com ��-D �I RE �LP�RM DEMOL I TI ON PL1�N [ �- ��- u `/ �_, ��,�,y � . ��-I �IR� �L?�RM PROPOS�L� PL�N _ � i� � _ , WT W�IGHT OC� ��.a �Q06 I��, ' �P-I �IRE SPfi�INKLER PL�.N ��� �_�� � � � � "R �C`"'.� E"` —" �'" `s � � , __ � _�__�_,� ___.�..u"�.___-- 9 a � I � � y � r i � k � fi z f � � � � Gwathmey � Pratt Schultz Architects,p c � � 1000 S Frontage Rd West ` � Vall,Colorado 81657 D41 Tel (970)47&1147 Fax (970)476-1612 . � /fr '.rd!✓✓r ./! J+�/ ,'r,J/ //f / ''r✓r /.. ' I,�P// r/i'� -J . ✓,� ',./ f/'i� i /s�' r?i^'/ . 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I ALL DOORS TO BE �IxI� I�X y REPL�.GED TYP � Gwathmey { � T Fnish#Loqtion Material ManufaMUrer S c�ication Contact Pratt � _ Darren Howard ; < �/ \ �\ CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Tai Pin Car ts See FF&E Drav�nn s 202 2323638 C/�h' t I}7 ' � r Darren Howard V�'�� ��'� �� _ % \ � '� CPT-2 PrefuncLOn Car et Tai Pin Car Ts See FF&E Drav,nn s 202 2323638 { ' Veranda-Sand P505 - � �,� �� � 8 � cr-a Resrooms Porceia�n rie Dal Tile 13"XLO'-Grout 1/16' Ma uos Architects,p c � \ j Verarxla-Custom P50.5&P501 r _ / \ �\ � � CT-5 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"x20'-Grout 1/16'M ei#OS Chartais 1000 S Frontage Rd West � � � `, Pattern Veranda S-44k9M Vail,Colorado 81657 ' . � � 'I CT-7 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile Color P50.5 Sand,4�¢0' TBI (970)476-1147 � t \� 1/ f F,. Profile#MB300,Dim 5"x4/4 Fax (970)476-1612 � . ,r y B-1 See Ele�s Wood Base Bosle Nbuidin Co Fmish Paint P 2 T 800 638 5010 j � i ,j � j � Verand�_P505 San_d,_6'�x12�,_____�__ ______�__� __�___ � � ;r f� � CT-3 See Elevs Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 1%6"Ma ei 1t05 Chamois I � l� VD1250W,_54°_�nndih Frank Sandor � 3/` 1 WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Co�enn Seabrook Fte eat WA � �� � M 800-406-4793 W W ; , � � i � VD1249N,54 Hndth Frenk Sandor : i - - � WC 2 See Elevs Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook Re eat WA 800-406-4193 j C4 VD1238N 54 Hndth Frank Sandor � �1' `�A' ' ���A�lOi' ^� �����lO` , i3 WC3 See Elevs Vin I W all Co�eri Seabrook Re eat 24 5'strai M match 800 406 4193 E TY�i.L r��r n , � � n 3 Jonathan 2DE�133�,21ox �__ Chnshna Bowen SGALE� I/4" � I'-O" � i WC 4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Covenn E kon 94 �nnd�9're eat � SGAL.� I/4' �I'-O° SW2834 Birdseye Maple _ __ _ --- ---------- - ---- -- P-1 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wdhams E shell t SW009 EasBake � P-2 SeeElevs Pairrt ShernnnWilliams Semi- loss ; � SW6388 C�Iden Fleece a P-3 See Elevs Pamt Sherwin Wdharns E shell y � � SW0012_EmpireGoid___......__._.__...... _______._..__ _._.._._ � \ � 3 P-4 See Elevs Pairrt Sherwin Williams Semi-Gloss � � / � SW6365 Dover White _ __ _--- -- -------- -- - - - ---- O r \ / P-7 Restrooms Paint Sherwin Williams Fiat F / �, � Semi_Gloss,White K101,3��?2�,�,_..�....._..�..._._._.._..____..._.__.___. � // \\ {? CT-1 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1%16 /Ma i#00 White \ � , ;� Accent Castle de�,er�e,_Uni�ersal CV14 � � ...___.._______ _.. .._.... ... _____ ____.___________._________________ __ _______ � � CT-2 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 3"x13' 1/6'%M ei#00 White W est side i / � / WD EMB CS-4 Ballroom Factor embossed u / Color to match sarrple,proHded�__� "r / ' �, /� Wd Stain WD-1 Wood Stain Sta�n S cies alder clear coat bw luster � �� � T� ` � / � � To match Ews6ng_„_,_____ ______ i� h ���` ST-1 See Elevs Stone � , � � Granite�Canaco C�Id __ ____ O � r, \/ -------_._ _________ ST 2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal dreNnn s � BuffetTop_ GraniTe,Galaxy Black_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _______ 5 Fi'j ST-3 Prefunction Stone Dal Tile Dims r deta�l draNnn s See Floor Granite,Absolute Black � ///'''��� ¢ u�� � I �/ T ST-4 Plan Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4 tluck x cut to fit door s�ze � 3 1 1�i..i� ��..�..T�1 lO� Vinyl Wall Covering, pattern Seneca,Col A73-640 Prarie 800-647-3633-e�307 � � �� , WC-5 See Ele�s Re�,erse han / Genes sNersa WdUi 52/54' W 2ooz T II Whitr�e Tridwell � I GLG �j I/4+ ��� liner above Pattem Liner,Cobr K101 White � - - - - - -- ----- ---________ __ __ --_-----_...___---__________. �_____ _______ " ' - -- CT-6 ct-2 Ceramic Tile Dal Tile U2"x6 flatto Grout Ma e�White 800 350-4127 � ���—��� ��� Glass Holl W alts � Panel G-1 See Elevs Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster LucentAP077 500-221-1540 , � SW6224 Nburrta�n Air � i � g P-5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wdharns Flat � ' ' ' -' ""' " ' ' ' - - -- \� �' SW 6385 Doyer W hite LRV O ; ` GLG P-6 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wilharns Flat � �4 ����� �� � � \` I5'-II" AP� � � TIO'TE� AMY NUh�ERS tyOT SfiDWN AR�ASSUt�D NOT USED PROYIDED FIRE RATED PL45TIG O O ) GL.G LAMINA'I�MATERIALS WFIERE REQUIRED SY GODE AND INDIGAIED ON DRAWIN65 3 � PREf�RRED PRODUGT/MAWJFAG'TURER SPEGIPGATIOtyS MU5T GOMPLY WITH 6ENERAL ,.� /r � GONDITIOt�LS,THE BIDDIN6 FR�GEDUiES,AND T1iE INTENT OF TF�VARIOUS SPEGIPIGATION SEGTIONS }� , ` � � V � �r�e�L r�r�s � , � � I ALL flIMENSIONS ARE TO FAGE OF ROU6H STUD,FURRIN6, � „ OR GONGRETE POUNDATION WALL,GENT�RLINE OF � � WINDOYVS,DOOR.� A POST3 GLG '7'-8 I/2" AP� 2 GOMI2AGTOR TO NERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS A NOTIFY � � ARGHITEGT OF ANY ERRORS OR DISGREPANGIES SEFORE v / BE6INNIN6 WORK / � � ' � 3. DIMENSIONS 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO FIEW GONDITIOr15 � � AND MATERIALS t 1�THODS U5ED GONIRAGTOR 5HALL SOUT� fi�fi`��U�IGTI O�l 1�O��Y %� �� �i�v�i�r cRiTic,�e rnHiriuri air�xsioxs Arm O � � � GLEARANGES AS REQUIRED BY APPLIGABLE BUILDIN6 q \ � � / GODES � 4 DO NOT SGALE DRAWIIy65 GONTAGT ARLFiITEGT FOR N � , .,\ � ANY flIMEN510N5 MISSINb OR�LLE618LE �� � � \�� j/ 5 ALL INT'E�IOR AND EXTERIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO BE �{,� � INSULATED NI/PULL DEPi'H UNFAGF�SA7T INSUL4TIOPL s SEE PFiOJEGT MANUAL F012 R[QUIRED AGOUSTIG � � ' GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIMETERS i PENETRATIOIyS ; t � if � �L�J"�TIOI`� b ALL WALL,GEILIN6 AND FLOOR/GEILIN6 GOtySTRUGTION 15 � ,{ � TO BE 5/8'TYPE 'X'6YP BOARD(U.M.0) y T 5G,4LE� I/4" v I'-O' � - � r INDIG�TES MATERI�L, FIXTURE I OR PART TO BE DEMOLISHED ' ° i, f� � r � � � � � ALL WOOD TRIM ON � -' DOORS TO BE R�MOVED TYP. i m Copyright Gwathmey/Pratt/Schuliz � Archltects,P C j ' All Rights Reserved { t .� �� This document,and the ideas �IRE DOOR ' �\ herenea9an�ir�utrumeneof '� �' �� professlonal seMce,Is the 1 �� property of Gwathmey/PratF � �. Schultz Architects,PC and Is not • ,/ to be used,in whole or in part,for PR��UNGTORY . \� any other pro)ect wfthout the � SPAGE ' (�� � wrltten authoriza?lon of Edward � I I /r M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pratt, � � L� �, or Sldney SchuHz �� �i � ` r , � ,� � . � Hr4LL ELEI��TION Pf�E�UNGTION LOSSY I Date: 16sOGT 06 � ti � `� SGALE I/4" = I'_O" v SGALE� I/4" � I'-O' Date: 23 OGT O6 � s � � � � � t � �fi���U1�GTION 1�O���Y �, ALL WOOD TRIM � ON DOORS TO BE GLG R�M01(�D, TYP � q'-10" A�P - - � / � /� � $ / ,` ' , � t f` . f� � E � � • f,�1 / i �, Sheat i�umbar , , � � � y n � nH�LL �LE1��TION � 7 5GALE� I/4" =I'-O' ° � � _ A � 3 � � k i � f{ f 4 _ � Y^ 1 � , ' ��N�SH �ND��C € V n��y k T Fnish#Location Materwl Manufacturer S cfication Contact �� � Darren Howard A� � CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Tai Pin Car ts See FF&E Dra�nnn s 202 232 3638 �+��� 3 � Darren Hov�ard V�� CPT-2 PrefuncUon Car et Tai Pin Car Ts See FF&E DraHnn s 202 232 3638 � Veranda-Sand P505 ���,p.C, a � CT-4 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dai Tile 13"�QO'-Grout 1/16'Ma ei#OS € ' * k Veranda-Custom P505&P501 ; � CT-5 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"x'10"-Grout 7/16"M ei#05 Chamois 1�S.FfCr1�OQB Rd.�M9{f E - Pattern Veranda S-44k9M WI,COIOfiOdO 81667 (��C7 CT-7 Restroortu Porcelan Tiie Dal Tiie Color P50.5 Sand,4�¢0' T61: (97�476�1147 ' "" ' " ' ' _ a ' ' " ' ''" ' "" ' _ roie# 300,_im5'x44 ' 13'—O" ��� _ ________ _- --- --- --- ---- ' � B-1 See Elevs Wood Base Bosle Nbuldin Co Finish Paint P-2 800 638-5010 y � GLG '� Veranda,P505 Sand,_6'�x12'_______._� ______ ______ _._.______ � CT-3 See Elevs Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/6'Ma ei#OS Chamois y 1 � u VD1250Wx_54_'^_^_�__.___._....___......._._...._FrenkSandor_.._..,_..�.._. 12 -0 R�� WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coven Seabrook Re eat WA 800 406 4193 � � VD7249N,54 Hnd7t Frank Sandor _ _ � i WC-2 See Elevs Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook Re at WA 800 406-4193 5?�LON A S?�LON B SALON G Sf�LON D c� vo�z3aN�sa �am FrankSandor F, 3 WC3 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coveri Seabrook Re at 24 5's[rai ht match 800 406-4193 k Jonathan 2DE-133,,21ox ChnsLna Bowen ' WC-4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Coven E kon 54'widUi 9'r eat ' SW2834 BirdseyeMaple______ ___ � ------- ---- --- -- + P-1 See Eleos Paurt Sherwin Wdliams E shell " / SW009 Eaztlake � f r ' P-2 See Ele�,s Paurt Sherwin Williams Semt- loss F i / � SW6388 Golden Fleece _ ? ,.� � P-3 See Eleos PaiM Sherwin Wdhams E shell i � SW 0012_Empire_C�Id_.__.___.__.____ ------- — � i ' '' 3 P-4 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams 9emi-Gloss � SW 6385 Dover W hite--------__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ O : P-7 Restrooms Paint Sherwin Williams Fiat , � Semi-Gloss�White K101,3'Fx6' __�________ t {� CT-1 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1%16'%Ma i#00 White r ;� Accent,_�, Castle de�.er�e*Um�ersal CVt4 � 3 CT-2 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 3 x13' 1%6'%M ei#00 White rv� � � � ° \ _ W est sde_ __ _ _ ____ _ ___ ___ _ ___----- ------- - - --------- - -- -- - - - - � � � � WD EMB CS-4 Baliroom Factor embossed � ; f Color to match_sarrple_proHded �_____� _____, � Wd Stain W D-1 Wood Stain Sta�n S cies alder clear coat bw luster � To match Ebshny �___� � ' ST 1 See Elevs Stone � Grernte,Canaco Gold ---__.._ ._ ._____ ________ O n�Ap/� y� ���+Tw� ST4 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal draNnn s 11�1��01_I �.7"��7 1 1 Y'{� � Buffet_Top_ Granite,Galaxy Elack _ ______ ___ _ _ ___ � O r � SGALE I/4° � I'_O" tiS ST-3 Prefunc4on Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal draNnn s See Floor Granite,Absolu[e Black � � ST-4 Plan Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4 tliick x cut to tit door size f Vinyl Wall Covering, pattern Seneca,Col A73 640 Prarie B 800 647-3633-eM307 � WGS See Elevs Reeerse han / Genes sNersa Wdih 52/54 W t 20oz T e II Whitrie Tndwell � � hner abrne Pattern Liner Color K101 White f ____________ ____.______�___________.._�___.._.___ _....________- ------,---- • CT-6 ct-2 Ceramic Tile Dal Tile 1/2'X6 flatto Grout Ma ei White 800350 4127 � Glass Holly Watts „ ' Panel G-1 See Elevs Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 �800-221 1540 � � SW6224 NbuMa�n Air _ _ P 5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Flat � � SW6385 Dover White LRV ___—__ _ _____ ......_.V _....�. O s P-6 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wdhams Flat � � NOTE� ANY NUF�ERS tQOT SHOWN AR�A55UMED NOT USED PROVID�D FIRE RATED PL45TIG � + LAMINATE MATERIALS WIiERE R�QUIRED SY GODE AND INDIGATED ON DRAWIN65 O O � PREFERRED PFiODUGT/MANUFAGTURE:R SPEGIFGATIONS MUST GOMPLY WITH 6ENERAL A /� � GONDITIONS,TF�BIDDIH6 PROGEDURES,AND THE IMENT OF THE VARIOUS SPEGIPIG4TION SEGTIONS }� , ` � V F � d 5�4LON G SALON H SA�LON I SALON J v�tV�R�L t�OT'�s � ` �: � a % i � oR co����r flaTION WAU.,GFNTC�tL.SNE OFU2RIN6, «� /' ./ � / WINDOYVS,DOORS d P0575 � F f �' 2 GONTRAGTOR TO VERIFY ALL.DIMEN510N5 # NOTIPI' � � I ARGHITEGT OF ANY ERROR�OR DISGREPANGIES SEFORE „ BE6INNIN6 YVORK � � ,' / � 3 AND MATERIALS d METHODS USED GONIRAGTOR TISFiAU. } ! � � FIELD VERIFY GRITIGAL t MINIMUM fllh�i�L510T�L5 AND O � � GLEARANGES AS RPQUIRED BY APPLIGA81.�BUILDIN6 ` GODES L � � 4 DO NOT SGALE DRAWIN65 GONTAGT ARGHITEGT POR � � � ANY DIMENSIONS MI5511�5 OR ILLE6IBLE � � 5 ALL INTC�210R AND EM'Ei210R PARTITIONS ARE TO SE ' , INSUL4TED W/FULL DPPTH UNPAC.ED BATT INSULATIOPL � C A' ' p� SEE PROJEGT MANUAL FOR REQUIRED AGOUSTIG 2 �1�L1��OM �T � GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIME7ER5 t PPNETRATIONS � � ���.�� _ ��-o„ fi 6 ALL WALL,GEILIN6 AND PLOOR/GEILIN6 GONSTRUGTION IS � � TO 5E 5/8"T'PE 'X' 6YP BOARD(U.N.O� � r _ � INDIGP�TES M?�TERIP�L, FIXTURE ` OR P�4RT TO BE DEMOLISHED � F � t ! I r f 6 l I I p I • i ��rnsY/P►att/SchuMz f > Rlphb �PRe�elved ' � 7F1Y doClsnent.�d the Ideae ` hereh�xae an I�of x / / � �C���rvlhmey�Pr�att ! j � Ilz ArcNFac.Ms.P.C.�d Y nat � f / to��,h who��t pQt.lbr � ' / Q1y me � W111MI1 O m�Q110�1 O1 EChMQd f I «.��,�'�lffy R.PD01f. � i t � � � .l� / 3 / f, ' , DA�: �1 5�P O6 I Date: 16 OGT O Date: 23 OGT O6 ��LLr�ooM NoR� w�Ll. � � `� SGALE: I/4' = I'-O' � x � / ; j, f t f� K , � �' , 1 // / � � ,/ i � Sheat i�umber � r j� �; � l R � J _ " nB�►LLI�OOM 50UTH 1H�LL ��1�1TRA�NG�J e— , �, SGALE I/4' = I'-O' � } � + � � � � � k � Y 3 � � F , ALL DOORPANEL TRIM ALL DOOR PAN�L TRIM TO BE REMOVED (SE� TO BE REMOYED (SEE �I�IISH INDEX ; DOOR SGFi�DULE) DOOR SGFf�DUL� Gwathmey ° T Fmsh#Location Matenal Manufadurer S cfication Contact P rai-t � Darren Howard � f� CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Tai Pin Car Ts See FF&E DraNnn s 202 232 3638 SC h�It'Z � Darren Howard ; - � \ CPT-2 PrefuncUOn Car et Tai Pm Car ts See FF&E Drawin s 202 232-3638 r f�� �'' \�� \ Veranda-Sand P505 ,4rCh(Y@CfS,p C S �, � \\ �kg, CT-4 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile Veranda Custom P505&P5015 k � � f �S CT-5 Restroorr�s Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"�¢0'-Grout 1/16"M ei#OS Chamois 1000 S Frontage Rd West # / ,,f � �� � Pattern Veranda S-44k9M Vad,COIOfOdO 81657 I � � �� � ` \ � �� � r ; CT-7 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile Color P50.5 Sand,4�¢0' Tel (970)476-1147 > , , Profiie#MB300,Dim 5"x4/4' ______ Fax (970)476-1612 � _ _ ________------- ---- -_____ \ � �� /' f � &7 See Elevs Wood Base Bosle Nbuldin Co Finish Paint P-2 500-638-5010 � � \� / f`� � Veranda,_P505 Sand,6'k12.....___.....____ ____._....________ __....._.... ' ,�� �� CT-3 See Elevs Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1%6' Ma i#OS Chamois � ., ,• � � � � , ��f �`� f VD1250W,,54'�nnd� Frenk Sandor � �� WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook Re eat WA m� m ��� 800 406 4193 �mm a � � g' VD1249N,54"width Frank Sar�dor } � WC-2 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coverin Seabrook Re eat WA 800-406 4193 S � VD1238N,,54'Hndth Frank Sandor i r I ��� ������I O� � WC3 See Elevs Vin I W�II Coverin Seabrook Re eat 24 5'strei M match 800-406 4193 � 3 JonaUian 2DE-„133,,21ox Chns4na Bowen______, � WC-4 Res7ooms Vin I Wall Coverin E kon 54"width 9'r eat SW2834 Birdseye Maple - --,-- - ------ ----_ � SGALE ��4�� =������ p-1 SeeEle�,s Pa�nt SherwinWilliams E sheil � SW009 Eastlake _ DOORS TO P-2 SeeEle�,s Paurt Sherwin Wilhams Semi- loss OUTDOOR TY W/ TRIM c SW6388 Golden Fleece __ _ _ _ � POOL PATIO TO $� R�MOV�D PIRE DOOR a � P3 SeeElevs Pauit SherwinWilliams E shell � SW0o12 Em�re C�ald__ S 3 P-4 See Elevs Pairrt Sherwin Williams Semi-Gloss SW6385 Dover White � p r _ _ ___------------------ --___________ ---- — O P-7 Restrooms Paint Sherwin Williams Fiat � � � Semi�Gbss,White K101,3'7c6' _ ____�_ � � f \\ � CT-1 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 1%16'%Ma i a00 White � ,, � r � � Accent Castle de�.erpe,Uni�ersal CV14 ____,,,,,_____m_� / ________...,.._. � � r,� �,�' ` / \ , 3 CT-2 Res4'ooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tiie 3"x13' 1/6'% ei#00 White Y,� � l,r f� 1 �BY Westside - --------_ ______......____ ___-------- ------- _____________________._.___�_------ ------.._._._..._.. __---- � \ _ WD EMB CS-4 Ballroom Factor emhossed "� Color to match sample proHded � - - � �� f Wd Stan WD-7 Wood Stam Sta�n S cies alder clear coat bw luster � � r� / , '� To maTch E�ds6nq � � ,r�� \ � ST-1 See Elevs Stone � \ Ganite CariacoGold_�_� ____ O ` % ST-2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal drawin s , , , ,. �' Buffet Top_ Granite,Galaxy_Black � _ _ _.___ _______ _ ____________ _ _ � O � i / f � ST3 Prefunc4on Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal drawin s See Floor Granite,Absolu[e Black _ _ � ^ • y ST-4 Plan Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4'Uiick x cut to fit door size � � � . ' ' A �� }���``,,�T I O" Vinyl Wali Covering, pattern SenecaA Col A73-640 Prarie B 800 647 3633-eM307_ 1--•� 1 Vfi i� T � 1 j WC-5 See Elevs Re�,erse han Genes sNersa Wdtli 52/54 W 20oz T e II Whi4ie Tridwell n, % � liner abrne Pattem Lmer,Color K101 White __ _ _ ___ ��F� SG�LE '/4ii =I�_Oii CT-6 ct-2 CerarrucTile DalTile 1%2"x6�flatto Cxout Ma ei White 800350-4127 G/ass Holl W atts ° Panel G1 See Elevs Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 800-221-1540 , � SW6224 Nbunta�n Air_ _ � � P-5 SeeElevs Pamt SherwinWdliams Flat O l � SW6385 Dover White LRV __ O � -----_______________________-----_._____ _.__. ------ ROLL UP DOORS TO STAY- P-s See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williarns Flat � REFINISH T10TE� ANY NUM�ERS NOT SHOWN ARE ASSUMED NOT USED PROYIDED FIRE RATED PL45TIG O ' L4MINATE MATERIALS WHERE REGlUIRED SY GODE AND INDIGATED ON DFZAWII�l65 ���:w�°:: ��:: �`a� PREPERRED PKODUGT/MANUFAGTURER SPEGIFGATIONS MUST GOMPLY WITH 6ENERAI_ � � GONDITIO►y5,THE 81DDIN6 PROGEDURES,AND THE INTENT OF TiiE VARIOUS SPEGIFIGATION SEGTIONS . ` � --- ----- 2 =— -- ,�� ,/f � v � TO ST?�IRWELL ---- — A5S ._ j 1 � ��1. � � � q -- - -_- - f� f � ` ` I ALL flIMEN510N5 ARE TO FAGE OF ROU6H STUD,FURRIN6, � � \ i OR GONGRETE FOUNDATION WALL,GENTERI.INE OF � - � � WINDOWS,DOOR� d POSTS � � a ��� � 2 GONTl2AGTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMEN510N5 d NOTIFY � Y � \ ARGHITEGT OF ANY EF2ROR5 OR DISGREPANGIES BEFOhtE ` BE611JNIN6►^IORK � > � � 3 DIMENSIONS 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO FIELD GONDITIONS AND MATERIALS A METHOD5 USED GONIRAGTOR SHAU. � FIEI�VERIFY GRITIGAL !MINIMUM DIMENSIOt�LS/4ND ' 3 GO�IG I��C�� ��117 ��5Ti�00M5 GLEARANGES AS REGtUIRED BY APPLIGABLE BUILDIN6 E GODES SGALE I/4�� =I�-0�� 4 DO NOT SGALE DRAWIN65 GONTAGT ARGF+ITEGT FOR � � ANY DIMENSIONS MI551N6 OR ILLE6IBLE � 5 ALL ITITERIOR AND EXTERIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO BE � ` INSULATED W/PULL DEPTFf UNFAGED 8�4TT INSULATIOK � . 5EE f'ROJEGT MANUAL FOR REQUIRED AGOU5TIG � � GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIMETERS t�NEIRATIONS � � 6 ALL WALL,GEILIN6 AND FLOOR/GEILIt�Ib GOI�LSTRUGTION IS � TO 5E 5/8"TYPE 'X' 6Yi'BOARD(U.N.0) S - T e 1 INDIGl�T�S MATERI�L, FIX"fURE � OR P�4RT TO BE DEMOLISHED � � - F � s � � � � l�lOM�l�I'S i��STt�00M � SG�LE: I/4" = I'—O° ' 5 � I�IOM�1�'S i��STiZ001� �� � '• SG,4LE: I/4" = I'—O" � o coPyri9nt � 1�lOM��l'S iZ�5Ti�00M �`h te�yP�tt,�hu�� All Rights Reserved F ' � SG��E. ��2u = I i_Ou This document,and the Ideas � and deslgns Incorporated � hereln,as an instrument of � ! IOM��I S ��S�OOM Protesslonal seMce,Is the " � property of Gwathmey/Pratt � Schultz Architects,P C and Is not , to be used,In whole or In part,for i SG,4LE I/4" _ �'-O" any other pro)ect wrthout the � wrltten autfiorizatlon of Edward M�1� S ��STiZOOM M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pralt, P � or Sldney Schultt � � � SG�hLE I/4" = I'—O" ; M�1�1'S iZ�5T1ZOOM flate: a s�� ob s � SG?�LE i�2° = i�-o�� I Date: 16 OGT O � M��'S ��S'�DOM Date: 23 OGT 06 � , �`� SG,4LE I/4" = I'—O" � M�1�'S ��ST�OOM � i I SG,4LE i/4" = I'—O" � � � M�1�'S i��5T1�00Nt SG,4LE: I/4" = I'—O" ' 13 M�1�'S ��STiZOOM SG?�LE: I/4 = I —O � I�, M��1'S i��5T1ZOONt 5G,4LE: I/4" = I'—O" � � ; M�1�1'S ��5T1�OOM � i� � , �`� SG,4LE. I/4" = i'—O" � � Nt��l'S i��STiZOON� ` I� SG?�LE. 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ALL INTERIOR AND EXfERIOR PARTITIONS ARE TD SE � � I-I'-�" A� IIySULATED N4/FULL DEPTH UNFAGED SAlT INSULATIOPL REGESSED _IGHTING GONTINUOUS � 5EE 1'ROJEGT MANUAL FOR REQUIRED AGOUr'TIG O $ � GAULKIN6 AT A11 P�IMETER5 t PENEIRATIOI�LS IN LOWER GEILING GLG I � O � � �� b TO B 5 8'GTYPE 'X'6YP ABO RDG(UN.0)��TRUGTION 15 0 0o GLG �PP � GLG � � � TRIM ,4LL �hROUND LOWER � I5'-II" AF� � GEILING 13'-7" fiFF MEGH,4NIG?�L SUSPENDED G�ILING DUGTS, ETG. i G�'�' t i 15'-I" A�P � k GONTI WOUS TRAGK FOR ?�LL MOVEr4SLE PARTITIONS � GLG O ` i O , � a�-io�, ,�� —� r , i O O G I � � r ���t�� �������� � —� � � � � � � � � - I SOUT� i�iZ��U1�GTION m � r i-�--� � I �D��Y � � • I � � � I ; I O ; I , � � I � � � , I � . ; � x _ T��OUG� �-3�� � �OQM �1�� ��'��Ul�1GT10�1 � � I � 5G�4LE I/10 " = I'-O" I � i � � �. . � � , �.� � y I � + � � t � � � I [` � ' i F ' ! -. � +, � ��sM/O1hR16'y�P1�t�3Chl�IZ � ' ArchlFs�Ms.P.C. , , � A�IilpMs Re�elvecl Cnd deNprti �hCOiponotsd ', F1�aY1,C�Q1 Iflihl�Yl�fY O} i TO. 5'T��L �� - ����� ` Mz N�CNFec1s.P.C.and Y no? ao'-1 o" ,4P� IsHS I8H5 �o�r������''� 4 I8H5 18H✓ ISFi5 I8H5 M.cwotrrr�sy.�r..Heny R.ama�t, � or 8ldnsy 8ch�lz. 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EXIT WIDTH f'ROVIDEDs 4 { E i EXIT WIDT}f REQUIRED: 10.2" � � r � � %. ;� ,/ .'fi f, , i f' ` i, � � � EXIT WID'Ti�i PROVIDED, 68Y and designs Incorporated � �/ /� i �I ,. f' /,,.''�%A �f�i ' / //'f i' i � � � 82=6 I I /" � 1 f i/�,/� / r, i r� f /� � - hereln as an Ins�trument of % ,:�� „f.�%�i r'!'�' /! i r�/f,/r'� �.r�'/ ����_. \ i n ��- ''��!,�;/,, y/' . �j .�`f,/�.% ./� / �__�4-o-- E, X , , . > ;,, .,, ,i�..F.'l,�l, �/.',, !. f , i•, r'/,/ '%�i' /!,.'_„�E,!?,I r`. �� /`•' _ � ` %/'�', ,. ,/,%f/.',./%��.;; �.,/ /.� ii.`�.� `,;t'' Y+. I x ------------------- . ;/'. '�� � /'�t i � '�� ` f f ��� , r'� �88 � Schultz ArchltecTs,PC and Is not A , ;,;r fJ. r` i;,%l' ��f // 'f � ,i.� ' 't -�I i 4'n I I professlonal seMce.Is the '� ��. /' '�'�"� '/rI/ ''F�; ��� /f'�ii'��,f./% � �3 3 ..�jJ��� �,�� i'1� � � i'�'!'J/.�.',� i`^i.'�.��•.,r.l,r`�ii;'; n i p I �fi�f,%'%'!%��,/ �'��'' �` % f I property of Gwathmey/Pratt ; �' f�, �%"�.F ,;,,.j ;;;;`� ,:,,;,:,';,�;,;��;;;;:;%,,,�,'� I � ❑ � � � -� ' f! �/f/`1i' i;� ,/��,,,,;/�`;,,,,/,. r'":/' '/ � 0 Y P 1 � /,% r; , ;.�: � f f. �f:'%'�f'?�.'//�' - �� °.+3�5' � written authoriz t oln of Edwa dfor s�° an other ro ect wRfiout the � ;r'1 /,.:'/' /r ���'• /•/�i�/�i� r rI' / ^� '- ❑ � I M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pratt, '.J/. ..i/ ;r ��! '`,. .'/... /: :�'. ��`l r J'%'%!'F /.� I ,r. /� ;/ r,.'�'!� f,, f/'%r',l,; f r.� �,f f.,,.�r , . ±-�p■ n � , ,�: ` :;:r /!i r�i�`,if/i l�•/f;� /r��j/,.',i/ �,/.�fi. ( t?O r � ' /�'`�'`� / / //'�i:�/` '� �; '���'�%```!!'%!`''%'�/.;%%� /''`f f;lf,�/,; . 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CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Ta�Pin Car ts See FF&E Dra�nnn s 202 232-3638 � Darren Howard � � f CPT-2 Prefuncton Car et Ta�Pin Car ts See FF&E DraHnn s 202 232-3638 E Veranda-Sand P505 I g, CT-4 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 13"�¢0'-Grout 1H6'Ma ei#Q5 Archrtects,p C � . ' g Veranda-Custom P505&P501 � � � CT-5 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"X20'-Grout 1/16' M i#O5 Chamois 1000 S Frontage Rd West Pattern Veranda S-44k9M Vail,Colorado 81657 � CT-7 Restrooms Porcelan Tiie Dal Tile Color P50.5 Sand,a�¢o� Tel (970)47fr1147 Profile#MB300L Dim 5"x4/4__�,,,___________________ ______,_,_ Fdx (970)476-1612 '� , � B-1 See Ele�s Wood Base Bosle Nbuldin Co Finish Paint P 2 500-638 5010 Veranda�P505 Sand�_6"x12'�„__„______.,�,mm_,,,,,,_,,,_„�_.._,�__�,,, i CT-3 See Ele�s Porcela�n Tiie Dal Tile 1%6' � i#05 Chamois i VD1250W,54�widtli ____ Frank Sandor � WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coverin Seabrook Re eat WA � 800-406 4193 ; _ _ VD1249N�54'width Frank Sandor - ' --- -_______ __ _ ----- ' �i' WG2 See Elevs Vm I Wail Covenn Seabrook Re eat WA 800-406-4193 � Cg VD1238N,54 Hndth Frank Sandor 3 WC3 See Ele�s Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook Re eat 24 5'strei ht match 800-406-4193 � Jonatl�an 2DEW133,21ox�__________ ChrisLna_Bowen__�____ WC-4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Coverin E kon 54'wndth 9 re eat f SW2834 Birdseye Maple , P-1 SeeEleas Paint SherwinWilliams E shell SW0o9 Eastiake________W---- ----- -____.r ._._.___ _.____ i P-2 SeeElevs Paint SherwinWilliams Semi- loss � � SW6388 Golden Fleece - - _ - - ____ ______ ; � P 3 See Ele�,s Paint Sherwin Wdhams E shell � SW0012 Empire C�Id_ 3 P 4 See Elevs Pamt Sherwin Wdhams Semi-Gloss � � � P-7 Restrooms Paint Shermn Wd6arns Rat6385 Dover White O R ________ ________ -------------�____..___.._.____ _------- 4 D4J Semi�Gloss,White K101,3"��_____ } m # � CT-1 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/16'/Ma i#00 White { ;� Accent____ Castle de�en,e Unn.ersal CV14 � ' 3 ______________�._..__.......___....._...__._ ____.________.__.__..__..... � PROPOSED A(V GLOSETS CT-2 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 3"x13' 1/6'/M ei#00 White � ALI6N WITFf Ari�FINISH Westside � --------- -----______._........_r -----------------------_ ____-________.___.-_----_-__._._...._.._._ � ALON6 EXST MOYEABLE WD EMB CS-4 Baliroom Factor embossed YVALL GL05ET � Color to match sa�le proHded �_ Wd Stain WD 1 Wood S[ain Stan S cies alder clear coat lowluster ` ���� �� s/./'�i' :� � /r'r. .fir. ..i� /.r..,� r/�fti. a., � ir+.� �.!/ ' r ,'r�; i �.�/, i�.. __ _ _ _ _ ____ �R //f,l`l. �/ � : < < ��F�� � ,r ���i�r. ��, �r , _, . ;�. , f ,:�, �, ST-1 See Elevs Stone To match Ebshng _ / %r.�f �,/.'.�r,'.i%.fF;/ %,�fj f:i/�j/ .,r /'!% �'ft% %`;�`/j� ,�r i!%!'// r.;`/ffj i,f.i':�1/r!i`��',:''/1,/i :.! ,,%'•` 'I'. ./�� / ,.i�' :/f /f . . � / � � ,.J r �`, � ,<<� F,.� . � I��/'.,.'.� , �. .� � i . .�,, /� . � J ,�• . /i, /,•� ���!/ ,/, / ,i. i. �,r,'/,` i� / ,�/� �:/,/�"�.��, ,//:, /i �`, :! ,� :r,,,r:" '.I',,f.i,��fi �. '.��,. �` iij i��,/,f i' �% l��� /'r Granite�Canaco Gold �.^. /i ��. ^i,�F� �/f��fr"F�r:r� /II ��/'�/ ��� 11�/f�� � ;i/i�/ /;�/� /��ii,� �, /' �f,/.� �� � �� /l �' : � / `i"'i�. / �r // � �.'.. �;�j;�`!ii.i � , .�i r•�,. „/�! ;:%///�,.'r' : /�;�`; ;�.f�f,;.ii.fi�r�i� / / fF/ � ,/�^ ST-2 SeeElevs Stone DalTile Dims rdetaldraMnn s O � � , ��'�. �/ � Granite Gal Black ..�• �f/J, ;% �'i'� ./'/ii/%��,,� ,��/./,;,. ,/,����/;..!i ,,�,/ l � /, ,.f ..�.;. �-` � . r./�ri' � /� /,f`��, � � �/ , %�`,r; , �/ .: ,,;/f�� ;,//ir,r,;,., i fy r���j�„ /.� .,,'%'�`�,,�,.���i i .:!f%i ,i �: ,�,�!` �r,�`r , / /'/� // ,�1 f r' %' o Buffet Top_ , a'2' - ----------- -- -- ---- ------- g ��'�/�'/ /�. :� .�/. /,%` ��:� r i r � . i��/% ,,,./ .�i�/.%'� i /r/ `�j,: r.i/,/`�./': / /� �f r. /,�'� -------- ��,� .iF��;'r;' f if���,/ �//, �f�/ f�.�� .f� :.�.`�f�r � ` f �,��i:f f„/;��,. .-� r, � ' :•'��,�� �/��f'� f � �. ST-3 Prefunction Stone Dal Tle Dirru r detal dramn s O k / 1 1 /� it.i / r �� F f!��• r�f if/ f!+ � I '�� i I� �/I .1 /r,I r';%J r ,.,I ,.r�. / „'� � .�/�fir�;l,�.,�/r;� / „��/�/�/�,/� '� ,�f;/,� /r,'% `f�.,�. ,',- . � � � ! f�_ �/ ,� I ,;`..: ./'/,,�,/. �;" ,F//� / f: ,.'� /� � /�r See Floor Cr�anite,Absolute Black_ / /..,� �` i /i/ /; f � !,. / ,! � r.'' .�'i/,.•� r• /' f ---- ---------______ ______ � i r r'� .,�;/,��� f.r/ f..� �,rJ ,/� � i ,�/ ` �i J. ..fi :% �f:r i`� /,/ . ,/f �� / .l s�� Plan reshold Dal Tile 3/4 thick x cut to fit door size� �/ � �Y ����� � / ;/f .'r,' / ,/r���. J��/f ,. r �!: /�1,,�'../; / /i f � �,f � ;,' f;. , _ /,/'`r./,'�'/f�':�,%`�� f�f�' • �'''':.i ;`',; ii ;;f�i .•'�� i;:.'/„F% ��:r;; ,/ r/,� �%{� / , ,r/ , ST-4 � Stone Th ,., , .. ., ,� ., / ,,,:'� .r� ..� , .� �.; ,,, ,,,,:,,:����r.•' ., ��f •;%f '� / ,��` ,,,/� f�� /.e',�i i 'J�,�'f.! ,!Y s'//.:;<%:.'4'� "'i`,:%1/.!/s,.J�.?`i:%/. . //,/i//r� , i � �+r �,^ / .� , i .'', ���.�/ . /� f�� � ii // E f / �F' /r .+�, i i '/� 1� � %` ':.!//,/`�.j /�.� /.�,,% f�/ - ,� ,f.� /'' �.�,'� /,/i ,! � �;�tf/l,.,f,,,!rf/' ,,�'J ,r,, ,/,./ ,,.�, f ; � � f,�' .!i i`.�r� �r f� ,�:� ,�,^ ,�i: �r r i / i,�r �. Vin I Wall Coven , attem Seneca Col A73-640 Prane�800-647-3633-eM307_� � � . �./� f,, i,./;� /,�i�/ � �..!' /,i,/ i. �/ r i, ,/ ir /-.:��.. �; ,� .i`�/ �i i Y �9 P -- „� ,/ /,` ,�,�., . ,,. f f �. f - - - - -- , / F ,� ,�1: ,/� ,,r --- ,/ � �;, � /i',=�� f /ir � , 'f'.�� i%' �f '� � ! / , /i 1 �/i /` i if � � ^i i'� / i I � �i�.'� / � � rf' �%.�' �./ /' Ji; �'�'� /� / �,� � ��. :/ ' / / / 1/' r i� . / / . � . � � _____ _ / / / I � a Wd�52/54 W+t 20oz T e II Whitrie Tndvuell i <./• i� �/.�' �r.. /.r `r`` iY / WC-5 See Elevs Re�erse han/ Genes sNers / 'f �'./' f, ,.,,,,. /,,,,, r/ '/i��, / �;`r� i //%' /'f , i/� ./� �i i> '�: ;i/< <f •,/ /'f.� • !.%'<�` r.�f /,' f%/ . /,`r� / '!/' ! J�'if fi'r' 1r% '�/ 'f{'l�/ ��'.:� `i'�� .^ / �./' i f�� i!t �: �i �,/' /�•I i ?f l/ �r � � / t � / � / .�'� .,i %f/� /� f � f� � f � /;� ��,`r` ` .^,, � ,J.,, � / �./ �i`f� .�%jr' �/ � t. �� � / % '/�' ��� .�`r f.'/. % /f f � ;. �;/ :i� r � /f/ � . �/� ��/� �.f f .:i,� ,/,,,� ., ;, ,.//.f..� .i,�,���/,r' ��! r/ / .F! � � � � r �r/ � Pattern�ner Color K101 White 9 <i r., fj . /. „� �i��� :� i',� .i I ���:�.�i. .:1 �. .f �`��, r�.�. ,:,. .��� !:r � ., .��r:%" r/..�/� ..��/ /�/, �•'�� Yi � / � hnerabove � _ _ � r>,•J/,•, .!�, ,,,, ,!"� / -, � %/,:. ..� �,. . .�/ ,'�;,'� .,/��, /� �/, ,.� f ,/,/,i , f � �/{�� , � /� , - ,/.'„ ,�'' ,.F i i!' ;. /; .�, ..•'` ;''` .,/F ., � , ,/ �� � i ��, r '/. ; i'/,/.... J ! i:/, .r�,• ./•! •f ` ••./`�Y.�/,t j �� r,I` . ..�:' �!! .�/ .'£/ ' .� . /' ./r • � � � rr .�i � ,! i � ii %•f� / r .� / ; i� �.r� . / ..i ��. :�/ /�, r i� i � / /. /' C / , i �'' I � , /, � , r/ / / /�% . �� ��/ . ,� �.� ..1 .�J� /` •� 1 / f // f r a ut Ma ei White 800350 4127 ✓ , / /.�% / / � /'/ ,'/�'r •/ � .:.'� r / "! :�i.',%.� I`�%; ,/ ,i. .% i/ CT-6 ct-2 Ceramic Tile Dal Tile 1/2"x6 fl t to Gro ,/�•` i.'/ r �, f , i ,.:, .j, ...�. � r!r / .. / / / r.%� , i' f /f, �!/ /%f / !/��/�•�. :�'i,/ �� / f f / '',' // � i /. r. �'�� r f { %' f.� / �i' ./.I/�,r . .r i .�,i% / � 1.� � � /,. ,r. !`` � /,•�,. ;/i 1 'i' / / '�� /` ff / �.. � 1 �//_I +/ �� l /Xj' ./� !/J/ / � .!f1/ '�J. �% �� 1 �'!, flJ. i� .!� f�f'� ��%` / % // 1 . � ..� f� i! .'f �i,. ! / '%'%;�!�� �� ,�i/'�� f.` �. / '�/. /,':' / "'r ,f , r �� � 1 �� / i./ � � �� � %./,� � f !� . � / f f, f../ r, /��r /`�' �./ :f r . .�'.'� � ,i -r � .� � r �. .� / � / J i . '`� GIB55 Holl WaltS d / , /'.: , � r.. � � /f � / , / i -� �� // � _____ . .+f.:��.�... � r ,f � '`i , r � i f� / . J � r.� � s. � � / �, % �. .: ft ./ i/� �f. f , � / //� � r �� ,� �/ . _ ....__ .._.X.._.,., .... ,� . 7s'+f" ':/ / .f r �� � :f� !, r � r J . i %. .� � ,r .�.� . �� / /'�l .'f � � . �i / __. __ __ �� , , f ,; . �� � f .! ,!• .r ,�`�, f � f � � r J I f f• /.� / - �', ..1� i' / f . /.�� r , i, �% / .� � /` .J �. � .i� '�I�F �i / �. / : , � ,'/. .r t � � f ;.;. ,�� � .� / � ,.J .,r. . i.. � �'i" r r f , / l i 1 /.' %:i' f;� � i. �� /�.� i : � �'/ ,� r 800-221-1540 � i Fusion m ster Lucent AP077� r�%�, �,, i f'% i r.%%- ,f :� /` r .�Panel '/ � f f ir `J �r. J �:�' ',/✓. / /'�' �,. '^ `'� � / � /, / G1 See Ele�,s Glass Panel Transom Des nTex i:'t ,i � / /, i , ..-/,i'' �/ '�`�I, f ., f.�r�� �jF �'.ii . •'� i.�! /'.� ���j r /` .F'r f �i ./`� '/ �f /, if.;;' �.i � ,.�. � , � :i ' J'/� . ,/ f 'r,:�: . �,. � . / //� . /:/ t ��. ,i ,: � . /� / ' ,//%;' 'i/ `.�'i �, r� / // �.�, i /i.•�' �.:%r�,�� ' % r :`�'i� /f �<��;/' i � �'/ � . �/i/ �,•, •f/ �/.- .� ,�/., -.� :.f�/ .,r � /' � r�, / �,i4,'�! f.,�.//�,.r i"'%'•�.� 7'r.;.. ..� :,.r .f . /� � i�, i' / . .r � ! +� � � / ,/ �•r+ i.E f , j ,r�, .�'/ /. �� -i /� i . . ,. .,,� r`,. f r/ ,,r i • r.fi f r . .� j �, r . '` . . ! � f � i /.� /��� � � '�"' . � � ,;„ % ��- SW 6224 Nbuntan Air / . // / , .'.'.i� ;. .,/.'�r;r ,..., ,rj ;'•:;:/ . : / �. /�. / I ,/� �. � ♦ �/�, , / !`�� ./ ,../..../ „�/,,.;�./, ,.,,1„�; .,.,..� /� ;/ /, ,...., /,,,f.r,..� ,: !��, ,./„��:.i �%, ,f �'f,� . !. .f /. ,//��.. �`�. .. : , . , � ;,,�,. , , �:,}'�. f -_ ___ ____- - ----------_ ______ � ♦, , i , /�� i'/f/`� , .,� � . ,/J �// .�. � /. / , !� :; /,.. ..� , �///, ,/%,. ,."f„ ,� , / /`� / /., r .•r��r. 1/. � � ,� :i, '���/,'r !� ,�.� i ,i � %i� i, �,� � .� r. ,�' ,j„ / !% / '/ /� �i, ,L r,� �� g' � a .,/'�� if".%y��, ,� 'v. �/ . �J i,i.r.,,i/„i f'%��,!f� /. :�� .r�:.�./. i, :!,'., ..� '.'���'.',,�:i���` �i �-//��,�i� i ii;/f .,f. � / i�`i /s�i v` i i� i; - P-5 SeeEle�,s Paint Shemm�Wdhams Flat I % '��� ����.'/•. � r,.;: � /��' /%:; /,�� /, �; /` ./�. .!�, � _ r v �.. / J� / � � ! k ry �// , v�> ./� � r,� .�i�� n,�� �.i ��i /,.:a F �7 � ' !'+ .cF" ' A `:f /��r'..r.. 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PARTIGUTARLY SFIORT /� � .�, / . � f /�.,r i,.' _I_-i_7._ _i-I I I I � I 13-O AFF �'1.� ��i/`�"`,.�,;.�/. �.'���"%�'r ,lr'� ; j,� ------------------------ ------------------------ �/�` /f/,� i'i f:',�% ,�.�` / ,;'�.�'� I I I I L � � ' ! I � � 5 �tRY I I T T T� � _I� I �f ;-.�f'£� ff fr `%'�,/%�'� ,�,%/ ,�,r,� ���/'j;,�%�r`,.:-- -� i �j � � I i i I__I__1'_T_1__ _ 1_.L I� . l ,;%' , ; '� ��r� ,.r.,, . s r�� 1 -1 I� ! 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B_� ,r \ B-� WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook Re eat WA ..� .... ���....�.������..�����..��..800-406-4193..�������.... � � � � VD 249N 5 Nndih Frank Sandor / -------- -_ ___ _ .------ � ---- ----------------`----____ __ _---- ---- - --- —-------- ------------- - ------ f ___..._Y.__.--- - -------- --___.-_-_-_----------- - _----______ � r, g' 1 4 �% f �J � � WC-2 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coverin Seabrook Re eat WA 800 406 4193 � VD1238N�54�Hndth Frank Sandor KIGK PL.ATE TYP KIGK PL4'T� TfP � wC-3 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coveri Seabrook Re eat 2a 5'strai M match 800-406 4193 � ; �f-6�LL �LEY�TIOK 0 ' 0 � ' � H�LL �L�Y�TIOK ___ Jonathan 2DE 133 21ox Chnsbna Bowen � SGA1.E= I/4° = I'-O" _____._______._____�._.______________ ____ __________._... _ WC-4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Co�en E kon 54'v�ndih 9're eat � Q SGALE I/4' �I'-O' SW2834 B�rdseye Maple -- - ---- -_- + P-1 See Elevs Paurt Sherwin Williams E shell SW009 Eastlake t P-2 See Elevs Paurt Sherwin Williams Semi- loss `s � SW6388 Golden Fleece _ a P-3 See Elevs Paint Shemm�Williams E shell s � SW 0012 Empire Gold______�_____ � ' , _ _ _____- - - -----______.._._____�---- j � P-4 See Elevs Paint Shemm�Williarns Semi Gloss �,\ / SW6385 Dover White-- - --___ --- -- _____ O F � � G- f I �\ G_ P-7 Restrooms Paint Sherwin Williams Fiat ..,...._.., wM_�___._ " � � � Semi,-Gloss White K101 3"xG' � .�..__W...�.._._.�..____..._...�._. f � CT-1 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 1/16 /Ma �#00 White �� \ / � ;� Accent Castle de�,en,e�,Uni�ersal CV14 � § \ / � � CT 2 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"x13' 1/6'/M i#001Nhite. W ~ m . �m . . , - ' � W est side_ __ _______ _ ______________ __ _____ _ ___ _ _----- _ _______ --- --_____ ,� f% WD EMB CS-4 Ballroom Factor embossed � 's / ` � �, ColorTo match sampleproNded_�,_,,,,_,_,_________,,,,_____,_,,,___ � Wd Stain W D-1 W ood Stain Sta�n S cies alder clear coat bw luster � { /1 \ � To match Ews6nq � � � � e m � m r e e e e m o E�e� Stone B_� � _ _ Grenite�Cariaco Gold...._.V_______�------ _____._.._._.. _._�___ a _�_________------------- ------------------------______--- -- --------------_____..____------------------------- --------___-- --_.._.__________________________________ _ -- - ----- ---------- G - - -- ----------------------------------- --- -----------._._.______________--- -- B I ,� G $ � sT-� see O ----- ---�_________ ' � F _ _ �, _ / ST 2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal dra�nnn s ; o BuffetTop_ Granite,Gaiaxy Black__ ! - ----- --- -------- -- -- -_____ , L'j ST-3 PrefuncLOn Stone Dal Tile Dims r deta�l draHnn s 7 See Fioor Granite,Abwlute Black F A� ST-4 Plan Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4 thick x cu[to fit door size � � � ��,.,,`., �.,.,,�YJJ'��lO� Vinyl Wall Covenng, pattem SenecaA Col A73 640 Prane 800 647-3633-e#307 SGALE I/4" m I'-O' WC-5 See Ele�s Re�erse han Genes sNersa Wdtti 52/54 W t 20oz T e 11 Whifie Tndwell � � GLG hner above Pattern Liner,Color K101 White _ __ _�,_,,,,,,_ _ 4 CT-6 ct-2 � Cerarruc Tile Dal Tile 1/2"u6 flat to Grout �ei VNhite� 800-350 4127 � � �� G/ass Holl W atts � 17 -5 ?�PP � � _� _� -�j -'r'.9 P_� P_� G�G Panel �,-� See Etevs Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 800-221-1540 _ i u � P-5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams FIat6224 Nbuntan Air_ _ _ _ _ __ _ : � _ �'rJ -�� ��� " # - ------ - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - �' SW 6385 Dover W hite LRV O 6 , P 6 See Ele�s Pa�M Sherwin Wdhams Flat � � � � � ��� � � -:n....,_-�� :. � . GL6 "'- , . - �-u, ; },.' T�10'TE� ANY NUN�ERS NOT SHOWN ARE ASSUN�D NOT USED PROYIDED PIRE RATED PLASTIG _p-;_'`� _ �r y LAMINATE MATERIALS WHERE REQUIRFD BY CADE AND INDIGATED ON DRAWIN65 O � _ x- _ _ �F `>'u-`n,^`., PREFERRED PRODUGT/MANUFAGTURER SPEGIPGA.TIONS MUST GOMPLY WITH 6ENERAL ����"�`f�n`� GLG GONDITIOPlS,TF�BIDDIN6 PROGEDURES,AND TF� INTENf OF TF�VARIOUS SPEGIFIGATION 5HGTIONS � � ` 1f� Y�'�--,^"`� �` __ � ` 1 11 V ! AM-403 _ Y`�_�- A�M-403 AM-403 �<°j, '4=� AM 403 '7 -8 I/2 APP � +A4�a �w � f ! � Vi�,7i�,� 1 A/ ,i�V � d '.'3 a-_ ' ' _ ,. "�,�.'.. f � � ! �'��'.�J _:Y t.��. R� ' =_� ' S �j,' ""�_ �-,-�. � I ALL DINIEPL510N5 ARE TO PAGE OF RDU6H STUD,FURRIN6, � E _ �. __ ---.,.;� f�' OR GONGRETE FOUNDATION YVALL,GENTERLINE OF ' _ x.: p � YVINflCJWS,DOOR� A POST3 � � k� ' 2 GON112AGTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS I NOTIFY f - �-�AM-404 , 9�G- __ : A�M-404 _ � ARGHITEGT OF ANY ERROR�OR DISGREPANGIES BEFORE � , � - �" ..;� V "'-" � BE6INNINcS YVORK � , - � .� . , �.>'"` € t :_r j'� "� T-I � �u�',W=�.` ST- � � 3. DIMEN5101�L5 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO FIELD GONDITION5 -° ' /� �� AND NU4TERIALS t METFIODS USED GONTRAGTOR SHALL � �-��-�-:x� �i �/ � PIELD VERIFY GRITIGAL d MINIMUM DIMENSIONS AND �_- �: :�Y BUILT-Ihl BUFP�T MILLWORIG - �f � � 4� GLEARANGES AS REQUIRED BY APPLIGABLE BUILDIN6 O F '- - BY OTH�R � G-I G- �5 - ,"x GR�D�NZA�, T- � 3..'`"":M I� 4 DO NOT SGALE DRAWIN65 GONTAGT ARGHITEGT POR t � _� ny R�=j__m�v \`\ /' ANY DIMENSIONS MISSINb OR ILLE6ISLE � a �-x'.,:' - ,-' � . .' ��, PIXED PANELS � k <�Y �; � \ � � `',� • �- � � 0 8 � � 9 � � � 5 ALL ITITERIOR AND�XTERIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO SE Y � � � �� � �. \ F IXED PAN�LS ti .' r` �' � � INSULATED N4/PULL DEPTH UNFAG�D SATT ITLSULATION. , _� �-- ��- = Xm� , . ,�' B-I � -' B-I �.-'.�- ' �" B-I B-I B-I ' • _ .: � =,,.�,'_,` • :' �. ; . ,- = - ------- �� � __ � uY� J _._- -------------------------------- ---- ---- �'�` _ _____._ __._______________ _ ---- ---- -- ------------------------------------------____________..______r.__����------- - -_._�.___ ��.__ �- ----------------------- x.; _ ,_; ______..____--- ---____._______— --._._______------------------_____._-- - ' ---------- _ _ \ SEE T fr , � GORNER GU�4RD � � GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIME'fERS t PENETRATIO GORNER GUARD �/�� � y�' 6 f4LL WALL,GEILIN6 P.ND FLOOR/GEILIN6 GON:57RUGTION IS �Li. �L��TIOI� TO SE 5/8°TfPE 'X' 6YP BOARD(UNA) � e � �fi���UNGTl01� 1�0�3Y i�fi���U1�GT101� f��1�1�1�I�Y � ; S�iAL.Ee I/4° � I'-O" i k a � 1 • P-5 P-5 ? € � ; � � P-I � O � .4M-403 ` � s f PIR� DOOR � g � p Copydght f Gwathmey/Pratt/Schuliz � Architects,P C r All Rights Reserved • P-I ' \ _2 J���\\ This document,and the ideas � and deslgns Incorporated � G- \ G- ./r �� G-I professlonal seMce,Is the � � hereln,as an Instrument of PRE�UNGTORY � P �r/ \�� or be ed,n who e or/nr part,for � _ Schuliz Archltects,PC and Is not � � SPAGE �_� � �.� any other pro)ect wlthout the k wrltten authorizatlon of Edward ��_—� j M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Prait, / __L or Sidney Schultr � � ' e e ���,� ,�� � � , m o e � �-i __�'__�_.� B-i e-i �` s-i B-i � -----------------____ --- —----------- ,� --------------------------- ---- --- ----- - ----_ ______--- -- ------ ------ ��� � _____--- -- -- --------..__--___------ — -- ----_.____-------_______ nata: a s�� ob k GORNER GUA?D GORN�R GUARD GORNER 6U�4RD .� �LL EL.�1��TIOI�I 6 PR��UN�GTIOI�I L.OS�Y I Date: 16 OGT O f SGALE� I/4" = I'-O" SGALE= I/4' �I'-O' ; Date: 23 OGT 06 r ; �, s -5 P-5 -S P- -5 P-5 � F 1 P-I � P-I P-2 P-I P-2 C � 3 O � O O �� R r ��4 AM-403 ?�M-403 AM-403 ,�@� Y R GI GI a�' 1 GLG � 4'-10" ,4FF AM-403 �°1 � \ 3 �� �"�, .�� ��,`�:. 20 � � �����.� � � ,..� �� �': � �4$4 �� °.�1 :��.: �. � :�..� , -2 G'� � ,� \ � �fi���U�IGTIO�I � 2 ����� `� ` � \ �� � ' \\ L��� I f� �� A54 � P-2 � � � � � \ ,�_ � , ;f� � \�.\ G- G-I �� -2 G' '`f �\ � a�G- G- �1� ��,\ � V!`�� � � � � %'�, � �/ � , \/ � \ \ �� � \ � ` � _ �' �D- � \ D- _� � ' E '' i I . i I a��/ + I i � ,� , , � ,� E_� ,,� � 1 � �� � ��' '�, � � / �_� , Sheet i�umbar R � '� r� �� 0 � �� e E�� � � 'j _ , , 1 � � G �, � _ ��� 0 � _ ; � � � _ � o ,'� _ , , � a-i B-i � e i ____ � ,� a-i B i e i B-i ; � ,J ! i,� -------_ _ _r__ __ _ __._._ _ .�._________ � _____ __-------------______- -- ---------------------- __ ____ __ ________________ - , r _ -- — --- - -- �, , - - r r � f . GORN�R GUARD GORHER GU,4RD KIGK GGRN�R GORN�R GORNE KIGK • PL4'T�, 7YP GU,�RD GUARD H�1LL �L.�Y�TIO� GU�4RD PL.,,4TE, TYP e � , � � SGALE� I/4" =I'-O' � � � I 4 j � i � 1 � �� r�. . �. - R'T _^'�^�..'_°° ���.,� ���.e�..i . � � 3� s W�41.1. 5Yh�3015 �IHISH INDEX � o �o���� Gwathmey � T Fnish#Location Materwl Manufacturer S cfication Contact P ratt FINI9H De516NATION Darren Howard � PAINTED � CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Tai Pin Car ts See FF&E Dra�nnn s 202 232 3638 ��hl I I� § _ ^ wOOD � ���yr�g p,,�gy, Darren Howard v � P�tj P-6 P-�j P-6 P-r'j P-(� P-sj P-(� P-� 0 ovrteT��e��ro�t TY� CPT-2 Prefunc6on Car et Tai Pin Car rs Ve anda-SaDnd P505 �2 232-3638 � P—,7 wD� g CT-4 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile Ver�a¢nda Custom P505&P o� �ChlteCfS,p G � . ' WOOD D � k CT-5 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"x20'-Grout 1/16' ei#05 Chamois 1000 S Frontage Rd West � Pattern Veranda S 44k9M Vail,Colorado 81657 � � CT-7 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile Color P50.5 Sand,4�0' Tel (970)47�1147 t Profile#MB300A Dim 5�xaia________ _________ Fax (970)476-1612 e 1 j t � - --- _____ _ f,L &1 See Elevs Wood Base Bosle Nbuldm Co Rnish Paint P 2 800 638 5010 � / _ , � — � Veranda P505 Sand 6"x12' / / � ..A. ...... 1..........__..................................__.....,.............. .........�.,..... � (� / � / \ �I 1 wDl 1r� (i , � i P2 ��v i � ` CT-3 See Elevs Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/6' Ma ei 805 Chamois 4 1 ' VD1250W,54'vmdth Frenk Sandor ___, ____ � , � � I V V� � � , , ' i ( WC-1 See Elevs Vm I Wall Coverin Seabrook Re eat�WA µ 800-406-4193 wp� � wDI i l� g' VD1249N,54 vndth Frank Sandor � i WC-2 See Elevs Vin I Wali Coverin Seabrook R eat WA 800 406-4193 -I 2 P2 L�� / ' P2 `f WGI � EQ �Q ( 8 yoizsaN,,sa Hndth ,,,,,_,,,__�Frank Sandor � // Q P2 =,`�I DR �L, PZ ���RN[/��L, ' �����1�L � � _ � i� WC3 See Elevs Vin I Wali Covenn Seabrook Re eat 245'strai M maich 800 406 4193 �Q EQ QQ� j ()ORS �—'4O2 1 � 3 Jonathan 2DE�133 21ox Chnsllna Bowen � �� .x.____�____._..._.._._.___..____.....____................._........ G � � � �' i , BOTH �RONT � � � WC-4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Coverin E Ron 54'widiFi 9're eat ' �� / f wGl � / � wG� ,r f Y AND RETURN � � �� P-1 See Ele�s Paint Sherwin Williarns EW sFaiell B�rdseye Maple _ _ __ _ _ _ _ � � M8-402 1 ,�` , SID�S r� I % swoo9Easeaice � �_�_�\. . �� A � '� � / ,j r �BOTH �RONT , / , r /' � t� P-2 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Semi loss ���� � �- � �� ��- ' BOTH FRONT BOTH FRONT �"'�DN B '°`HD R�TURK' ' < 2 NP �—� � � �AND �TUR�I AND REIURN ��D�S r aALONG f' ' � �xD � l �+ 0 \I � P-3 SeeElevs Pamt SherwinWilharns EWshelal�IdenFleece ' ,�� j �- � SIDES ,' SIDES '' 0 % 0 '`� i f'� �� m �/ � SW0012 Empire Gold____�,�,,, __________ __,_,__� � � � 1 wD� � J p� � � - \ 3 P-4 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Semi Gloss , � ` ' i f'' ' ' I � 0 SW6385 Do�+er White � �i-�J (�- \ �};��-� , ` �i- � , f �i� � j ' i' G-3 � � P-7 Restrooms Pamt SherwinWdharns Fat - -- - --- O ! ���— � � � � .\ , ; � � ; � Semi Gloss,White K101,3��ic6..:..___m____..._......__.....___...._...._...__ ° B � \ i J' B AV w� a a � j� � � �\ B a l�v 8 j,r � Jn,D� � �7 � e � � CT-1 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/16"%Ma i#00 White� , Accent Castle de�,er�,_Uniyersal CV14_,__„__ ._________,______.._. .______ � B�� B'� � ; S�� , 8—� � � 3 CT-2 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 3"x13' 1%6'/M ei#00 White � � , , �� � \ 1 West side ______ -- - ______ _ _ __ _ ___ __ ____ __ _ _ _ - --____ _ ___ _ � � \ � � WD EMB CS 4 Ballroom Factor embossed , ��� ColortomatchsarrpleproHded�__„_______�_,_,___, _____� ! GORN�R GORN�R GC�RN�R Wd Stam WD-� Wood Stam Sta�n S cies alder clear coat lowluster � s P-7 GUARD B-� GUARD GUiARD I To match Ewshn _____ � LLIZOOM T LL PAINT'�D SGALE I/4" =I'-O° ST-1 SeeElevs Stone W � Grarnte,Canaco Gold O � WOOD __ __ __ ___.Y.___________---------_____.._________ r ST-2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal drawin s , oBuffet Top_ Granite,,Galaxy Black__ _ ___ _ _____ _ __-__ � O tiS ST3 Prefunction Stone Dai Tile Dims r deta�l dramnn s ' See Floor Grernte,Absolute Black � ^ � ST-4 Plan Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4 Uiick x cut to fit door s�ze � � , Vinyl Wall Co�enng, pattern Senecax Col A73 640 Prarie B 500-647-3633-e�307 ;�� ' WC 5 See Elevs Re�erse han/ Genes sNersa Wdth 52/54 W t 20oz T e II Whifie Tridwell ^, ; liner abrne Pattern Liner Coior K101 White ;� ,___ -- - i CT-6 ct-2 CeramicTle Da1Tle 1/2"x6flatto Grout Ma White 800350-4127 � �i— Glass Holly.,_Watts p P-'1 P-'7 - - P-5 P-(� P-i"j P-(7 {�-�j P-b P-�j P-(D Panel G� See Elevs Glass Pane1 Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 eoo-zzi-�5ao � E �P INTED g P-5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wdhams FIat6224 Nbunta�n Air _ _ _ _ O � OD y�`o�j D �' SW6385 Do�rer White LRV __�_ ,,���____� � P-6 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Flat O � � TIOTE: ANY NUF�ERS NOT SHOWN ARE ASSUMED NOT USED PROVIDED PIRE RATED PL45TIG � � - LAMINA'TE MATERL4L5 WHERE RE.QUIR�D BY GODE AND INDIGATED ON DI2AWIN65 , j ' i� / e r� `��� � ����� PREFERRED PRODUGT/MANUFAGTURER SPEGIPGA.TIONS MUST GOMPLY WITH 6ENERAL O � � EQ �Q � G 1 ,i . G_ � � ` G- j � EQ EQ �I / GONDITIONS,THE BIDDIN6 PRAG�DURES,AND't}� IIQTENT OF T1iE VARIOUS SP6GIFIGATION SSGTIONS � . ` � t � WDI YVDI , � WD- , D-I � � v � � / J � � f i `` � ; ��������� � ������/`/ € `\ P - - - -- (�IRWA L`. P2 �H i \ j�l IRWA L; �� /: ' . I � � � � WGI � y P2 I P2 /I�OORS� , 2 �' `T�OORS� . P2 P2 `'�O�RRSLL` -2 �LON� I P2 � oR��e�r-oAUr flATioN w�n�.�.�,cerrt�t-�u.s�o���� � BOTH FRONT r , /� � ' ` ) i � i � f {�`�CiI i i` tf t � �-�•� Y'IINDOY�lS,DOORS d P05T5 ' '` AND RETURN WGI 1 / SIDES , r' \ � � j �� WGI ` � �MB-�FO? 2 GONTRAGTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMEN510N5 d 110TIFY � wV.on e MB-40 f� ` ; f j $OTi-I � \� j = ��OT RERTI�JRN� �t \ `, \� � 2 P AR�GHITEGT OF ANY ERtZORS OR DISGREPANGIES BEFORE � r` �, / + �ROHT ! �• � `� n- �E5 � � BOT�i FROHT J � ,a�2 e�bixHU�wowc. � f' ' � AND ,r' \ r� � `5 j � AND R�TURAI ' � 3 DIMENSIONS 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO FIPLD GONDITIONS � G- ,� i ; , �� j WDI WDI �. �a\ � �� � f � / WD- D-I> � 51D�5 t f' W17-I \� - p �` G- At�raA-r�inls a r�n�ovs usm cox�croR s►�,u.. � ` << �0 I FIELD VERI�Y GRITIGAL L MINIMUM fl11�1�510T�5 aND O � WG- ' ; �� I� � �� G- � , m <� , �' � � GLEARANGES AS REQUIRED BY AF'PLIGABLE BUILDIN6 � \ t , 1 \ j � � � , , \ , � � �0 �Q� co�s a @ 8 WDI B-I , 9 "" � '� ,/ 9 @�• �� � , � � �' � 9� "� � $-I �, f � � � I i 0 9 B-I a vo tror scA��wit�ss GONTAGT ARGFfITEGT F012 � G � ' � r �� � � t \ f . , l r ; � ANY DIMENSIONS MISSIN6 OR ILLE61Bl.E � t . ,l � i r \ /� i ' r�v \ r � � �__� ' _ 5 ALL ITITERIOR AND�XTE"RIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO 9E � � GORNER GORNER C.ORHER w INSULATED W/FULL DEPTH UNFAGED SATT INSULATION. p_� B-I GUARD -3 GUARD C�UARD .1 ��'ZOOM Y�ST rV�. 5EE PROJEGT MANUAL FOR RE�GtUIRED TIG � SGALE I/4" =I'-O° GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIMETERS A PENEIRATIONS F PAINT�D 6 ALL WALL,GEILIN6 AND FLOOR/GEILIN6 GONS�RUGTION IS � � � � WOOD �� �� TO SE 5/b"TYPE 'X' 6YP BOARC(UNA� 3 -.�-�-� EXISTING �--/ \��/ \����� i���I\��-•�'� EXISTIPIG �� \�/ \� � � �EXISTINGI-. _ Ti?IM TO PAINTED � �XISTIHG �-� ) EXISTING �� � PAINTED TRIM TO %�XISTING � � ' � TRIM TO 1� �� REMAIN WOOD �� TRIM TO � � TRIM TO 1_ WOOD REMAIN �� TRIM TO � ; � REMf�.IN � i REM/�IN `► � RENt/�IN �� � R�MAIN �� � � � P-6 P-5 � � �� �i � �� P-'1 P-b P-5 � � \► P�IN'T�D � � WOOD D i P-b �� P-'i �,/ P-b � l\ P-b ; i P-6 i WOOD � .l \ � �� `\ i � � � P-"1 G- P-5 P-6 �'"� ,1 i �-1 � „� _/` `�� �� ��,_� �-I �i P-5 P-6 _ P-7 ; `� . � � < � . ''� � ♦ � � � � \ 1 �,� / ♦ � � � �� � 1 �i6n � i / \ `'� � � � t'� ', \\l r� �` '1�� �`� �`��-�`� �`� � � �\�- �` � � � EQ EQ � � ' G- _ �� ��6�� � . � ^ I G- G- P2 ` � ', � � EQ EQ �� t r i , � t � '� ��- -� � i � � � __ ��, � � i ,� � �i J � ,' � , �----� � ; --� - � ` �" � - 3 �7, ` ( �—� �—� if \ � t � i� I �` � —^ � � i� � � i' ��1 / � � � � \� ' ( WD-I yyG� /� , , P2 WD-I WD-I �'2 A5.2 -. w�,M a.,uROOr, �` � w,M e►,uROOr, I _ �'2 WD- WD-I / \_. �_� � � e � � I P2 t'2 , � � �r , ��e 402 ,� f'2 Gwathmey/Pratt/Schulte � ' WD- P2 m copvr�ent \ / I f I � � ArChlteCts,P C � i' BOTH / � ' I� -4CZ2 t � WGI , , �wx� � j r �� MB-402 �� /� FRONT , WGI ,,� � � � , ; \ /� EOT�-f ; �I ,� f A�I Rlghts Reserved � ` % p� ( � ' 5 6 � � :� 7his document,and the Ideas � �� / �RONT ��Y�� r BOTf-f \ / �'-3 MB-402 and deslgns Incorporated � �\ _ � 2 P �,,�,�� RE7URN VWG-2 ' BOTH � � C� ' � I � ;� i0 � \\ a52 \\ f / SID�S �xRW,4LL DOOi�S ANDxT \\ / . —. r� �� , � AND ' ,41RW,4LL ' PRONT � f � � ,� �� ,' ¢ � F.ETURN / ,4Kp � � p of lesslonal seMce,s m f � / � � / � � �IDES DOORS � �R� \ / 2 p property of Gwaifimey/Pratt � � � Schuiiz Archltects,P C and Is not �� � 0 •� f , i i?ETUR N � J �v i X � , \ / i S I D E S � � � a s s � � WD-I WD- ; S ID�S D-I , W D-I f i� ` I - O � -� W D-I to be use d,In w ho le or In p a rt,f o r ' �♦ G-3 - � / � i r 1 � /! � �f' ��,�� i�\ �9 (A I � G i G- J� G- G-3 ' � G_ ti � (�_ � � wdtten arutphorizatlon of Edward ° � �� : ' r _ G� I � � , i f B—� M G w a t h m e y J r,H e n ry R P r a t F, � � � / � � � � � t; ,r� I � �9 � � i � 1 / \ � � , � l� _ I � � � . 1 l 1 . �\ 9� 9 0 9 8 � I / f 8 B_� � � // � \ 1 / \ or Sldney schunZ � / .�v � � i i ` 9 1� \ Q Q L� "v �I ', f I � 8 0.. � 0 i Av . B f g WDI WD- � @ ^v 9 �� � � / \ i � / \ I i / \ i / '. � I � J � ' � � � ` t f l ----- � --- - , �J� I > >! . � � �-'��' GORN�R �_�r GORNER GOR1�l�R �RH�R DA�: � S�� OG � P-'7 B-I GUARD � B-I $-I P-� GU?.RD B-I GUARD P-"T B-I B-I GUpRD B-I �L.�..�ZO�M NO�'�'I�•� YV�L.L. � 3 I Date: 16 OGT O ` �—� i .—. —� �� �— . � �� PA INT�D � v � i� • ���� �-� �—� � � v � sr,n� i/a = i-o E WOOD � �� EXISTING P�41N'TED �� � i P,41NT�D �XISTING i�`� �-� , � EXI5TIN6 � TRIM TO � EXISTIN6 y�� i �XISTING � WOOD TRIM TO � EXISTIN6 � �Q�. 23 OGT 06 s i �MAIN � REMAIN WOOD � �MAIN i. i� R��MMP�IN ��\►•-� REMP�IN � RE�1�IN � , � '. / � � L\ � � �.� �� P-6 P-5 � ` � /I � Q � P-� P-6 1` � �� WOOD D E P,4INTED P-6 � P-6 7 P-6 � � � P-6 � WOOD �` � ; � ��_1 i �\ � P-6 �_�� ��`I� _�� \_� �, .� � '-��� � �`_� �� P-5 P-6 _ P-'7 � P-'i G- �_. � �- �. � �� i � �-- i - f � � ._ � �� . _� � _ , . � I � � 3 �� 1� G� � ��2 � f �. � � u � i I � u ` _ �-- ,-, _ _ �-� � � i � �� Q \ j, ; 1Q 3 I/2 ,�,� GI � 3 I/ ; � i � � � 1 � .� � / •� i � �� �� �� �� ` \ / ^\ �i �i �/ �i _ � �� \/ \�/ / \/ V v f I � ��� / j / \ �, , � t - � \ \ WD I �..� ^ ^_ j � WD I � � � r \ �� � Q EQ � �' C ' EQ EQ + ' G- - G G- J � q � jj � r �� r � ,' � �'� A �\ ` � � � � � � ` I � A'��� � `�� I t � � / l�� � �e�\� \� \_ � ( ` (\ _____ I � � � � � I' t L �\ �. �� . . ��\ �' a� , i� `\ I / ----� � f ` � I °� } �� . I .� w .�. . . I � ----- ti / / — � � � �� ��� ��� ! � � � � a✓ �. � Jt �' � � €� �y, �� �a'. { `\ \ \ � / { \��� � WD-I , � :� P2 � � � ; . � I ' (AIRY�IA L � 2 I P ��? � �:��� z��., �,.;:a,; ( P2 � � _��\_�� , �P1 � "�._��\_ � �.���.���.���.���.� ����—��� � � 20 � � ;� �, P2 /� ,� P2 � I \ . : .....,, I P2 , DOORS� ; ,452 I \ / / � '\ `` �u.ar o �� I ' � �� � 1 / � � � �� ��- � / � ; ,' �� , ,' i { � WGI MB-402 �. � � WGI , �, � ,;,�;�°• � � � 1 MB-402 �, � MB-402 � � G� r MB-402 � ` i W1B-402 �, MB-402 Fj�.�,'C ,� �� \� s.�t.orro j / � ,t VWG-2 t BOTH �RONT ` \`. ' ' f �� � � BOTH �ONT i 01�OAl � `` � ONL'Y ON r � �D D- � � '� Q,�, � \ . AIRWALL ,t AND R�TURN � f WD-I� � ,456 . ONLY ONI ;• � J � �' I � 1 AND R�'UR1�1 � �11RINALL f � � s ��_ }.. \� � x � � �� DOG�RS j 51D�5 I f WD-I � ° I � `� , AIRWALL f � � WD-I WD-I �� �� I �rM,itte,�,uxoar, SIDES ` DOORS f 1 � I � ; � ~ I � ��_ � � WD-I � ��i � f ru�in '�` I �-� -i I G- � DOOR5 ,' ��� I �a.or+e ' f � 2 ' TYP x \ � G- � �0 � � (,_ ; ti � e,w.RO�or�r I � ' � � i �' '� � � �'�iJ] � ' 1 ac- �,t.or+F � r' `� � . r, `�.�9 � c- �; f nss ; � O �] c- 1\ j �\ � j f' � r �� t j �� �I ► �, i �� ! I � i 1 / " . �� o : � � �e ^Y e ,� , � ; � e �. 1 0 � ,,� e B-i � r' � �� % `., �' � e �t / i � ^� o � Sheet 1'�lumber J � i � ► f` , ; � � J � � , ; I \ � i � ,f / , . ; � ; --�� ' � ,'� ` � �,. ,, , � F � � ----- p — � ./ \ / � r Lr` f ' - GORNER '— GORN�R ` "• GORNI�R F ° ��� �' � ' �ua,� �v,aRV B-i �u,�r� s-� �LLiZOOM SOUTi-E YV�LL �1�1T� ; -� B-I p_7 B-I B- P-'7 P-"i P-"i P-'7 ( NG� h . PA I N'T'�D �� • WOOD scnG.E i/4• •i�-o• ; o.�-- � r F a � { F fs � t � k j ' ; � 9 ; _ , YV�L.L. 5Yr�01.5 PINISH INflF�C k � �o��� Gwathmey ' T Fnish#Loqt�on Matenal Manufadurer S cdication Contact Pratt � � FINI9H DE916NATIOFI Darren Howard � CPT-1 Ballroom Car et Ta�Pin Car ts See FF&E Dravnn s 202 232 3638 C�{'�1 1 I'�'� � Tg„�p���,qnq,�p,,�y„ Darren Howard �J � ��"� ' � � CPT-2 PrefuncLOn Car et Tai Pin Car Ts See FF&E Dre�nnn s 202 232-3638 r ,. 8 q7iLET(9��,BG pplt�YpE) Veranda-Sand P505 � �� �, CT-4 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 13"�¢0'-Grout 1H6'Ma e�#0.5 PVChIt2CfS,p C � - ' � Veranda-Custom P50.5&P501 cT-s Rernooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"X20'-Grou[t/16' M e�aos cnarno� 10�S Frontage Rd West ' , Pattern Veranda S 44k9M Vail,COIOfOdO 81657 ' CT-7 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile Color P50.5 Sand,4�QO" T61 (970)47�1147 Profile#MB300x Dim 5'7c4/4 ________ Fa7C (970)476-1612 1' �, &t See Elevs Wood Base Bosle Nbuldm Co Finish Paint P-2 800 6a8-5010 � . � Veranda,_P505_Sand,,6'�x12'�_________._ __._._._______._......_...._._.. � CT-3 See Ele�s Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 1/6' Ma ii05 Chamas i VD1250W 54;Nndtli Frank Sandor �� a„�. .._....__._. WC-1 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coven Seabrook Re at,WA � ��Tmm 800-406-4193 m � g' VD1249N,54 v�ndtli Frank Sandor � WC-2 See Elevs Vin I Walt Coverin Seabrook Re eat WA 800-406-4193 p Cg VD1238N 54 v�nd� Frenk Sandor ' 3 WC 3 See Ele�s Vin I Wall Co�erin Seabrook Re eat 24 5'strai M match 800-406-4193 b Jonattian 2DE-133�21ox____ _ Chns4na Bowen t WC 4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Coverin E kon 54"�nndth 9're eat SW2834 Birdseye Maple ____ ` P-1 See Eleos PaiM Sherwin Williams E shell j SW009 Eastlake t P-2 See Elevs PaiM Sherwin Williams Semi- loss � SW6388 Golden Fleece _ _ , -2 YVG-� -2 -2 _2 � P 3 See Ele�,s PaiM Sherwin Wilhams E sheli p YyYyy u�WWW__________..._..._______.,.__ GORNER 6UA12D GORNER GUAIZD SWOO12 Em ire Gold � � _2 3 P 4 See Ele�rs Paint Sherwin Williams Semi Gloss SW6385 Dover Whife ___ P-I P-I P-I P-I P-I Semi Gloss W hite K101,3"�c6•------- --- O € P-7 Restrooms Paint Sherwin Williarns Fiat ____________..�.......,�__._.____ __�__.�.__......_____.._._.___._..______ � % � � � \ � CT-1 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/16'/Ma i#00 WhiTe ' r`� �� \ � � \ ;� Accent____ Castle de�,erve Unrversal CV14 ' � _ _ A......_....____ _..................__._.._.....____...,_..._ _____________., � P � �� � � � � � \ � � \ � � � 3 CT-2 Restrooms Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 3'X13' i/6'/M i#00 White ��' " �\ � I � � I � � I � � � � � W est side -- ---------- - ___ _____ ___ -- ---- -- --- � r ,�'` �\ I � � I � � I � � I � ' WD EMB CS-4 Ballroom Factor embossed � j�/ L__ L-- L-_ L__ �,`� � � � \ \ Color to match sarr�Ie,proNded \ YVG-I WG-I �`� �� WG-I � _ �� \ � _ �� � _ Y'IB� � � _ YVBE � � WdSta�n WD-t Wood Stain Stan S cies aider clearcoatlowluster �� � � t y�p_ � y�_ y�p_ To match EwsVn \ � � ,' I � ( I � I I /� ST-1 See Ele�s Stone � `� ,�' _� _� � �_� ,� _� /' GraniteyCanaco C�Id -- --- -________ ________ O ` � � � r,� ! ,.i ! ST 2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile Dims r deta�l dra�nnn s � i �� �� �, � � � B 0 / 0 � 8 ff� B � � o Buffet Top_ Granite,Galaxy Black � ,, __ ______ _ __ ___ __ ________ � �\ �,'` / �,f �.' � 7'i'j ST-3 PrefuncLOn Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal dra�nnn s � � - i , \ _._ _.___�------ -- �\E ,�' _______ ____----------------------------------- -- J --------------------__________.__----- ------ -------- ,/ ------ --_____ _______.-- --- - --------------------------- - - - .f �._-- ----- ----— �ir --------- ST-4 PlanFloor Stone Threshold Dal Tile 3/4 nthickAXbs�o�uSo BI door s�ze ane - - - �7 � Vinyl Wail Covenng, pattern SenecaA Col A73 640 Pr S00 647 3633 eM3 � � t Q WG5 See Elevs Re�,erse h / Genes sNersa WdUi 52/54 W t 20oz T II -_Wh�fie Tridwell � j $_� $_� 8-I B'I 8_� $_� liner above Pattem Liner,_Color_K101 White � ,— � ���y/��lO� CT 6 ct-2 Ceramic Tile Dal Tile 1/2"x6 flatto Grout Ma et White 800350 4127� w i ( � �.T Glass _ _ Ho11y Watts ` � Panel G1 See Elevs Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 800-221-1540 SGALE� I/4" = I'-C � � � SW6224 Nbuntan Air_ O , P-5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Flat � SW6385 Dover White LRV___�_ �________m_•_-_-_ O V P-6 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Flat � � NOTE� ANY NUF�ERS I�IOT SHOWN ARE A55Ut�D NOT USED PROVIDED PIRE RATED PLASTIG O O LAMINATE MATERIALS WHERE REGtUIRED BY GODE AND INDIGATED ON DRAWIN65 PREFERRED PRODUGT/MAWJPAGTURER SPEGIFGATIONS MUST GOMf'LY WITH 6ENERAL � � DOOR�TO GONDITIONS,THE BIDDIN6 PROGEDURES,AND THE INTENT OF THE YARIOUS SPEGIPIGATION 5EGTIOf�LS GORi+lER 6Ua G���'�� G��R '2 ���� REMOVE EXI51TN6 N A SHELF -2 GORNER 6UAf�D � SEGURITY P'� _� SEGURITY P�� 6UARD POOL PftiTlO INFILL 6AP W/DRYWAU.A�ND FINI5H g 6ATE 6ATE W/ PROP05ED WALL GOVERIN6 FIRE DOOR � 3 _���._.ay�.s.�: ��::�»�ca�w�- I 1 �11TIW.. 11R./1=�7 � ` g � � i i r--�i � , -------- -------.._....._..------�-- -------------_.... _ R ___'_' "—". .._�"_:'"""—."'_ _"'._...___'____" _...""""" �� i I � F •=:---- _....__.......................__...._..._.__ -.. --- �. � � L--J � ISTIPI6 flOORS TO REMAIN _ f% r I � ---------- -- -------.-----.------.--------� :` / � I L———J � �jpp�*2c� I ALL DIMENS IONS A O TUD FU¢RI � 2 __:'-"" --"--"'-'_..__r. _ _2 �/ f ' \.\ r �� � � l \ OR GONGRETE FOUNDATION V'W1A.�G�INE OF � ..__. --•- � /' \ r� TO°TAI :.L A5S -----�--�------- ------ --- ------._...............-- f�^ � / � f �\ � � ` � WINDaWS,DOORS i PO5T5 � - f ..� � � � � � i T T-3 j� f' ,,�`" �� � ,�f \� � ? ,� � 2 GONTRAGT012 TO YERI�Y ALL DIMENSIONS#NOTIFY � z WG-I ,i ,� WG-I , PREPUNGTORY ARGHITEGT OF ANY ERRORS OR DISGREPANGIES BEFORE � I NIG-I NlG-I SPAG� ¢ \P3 \O _ ____�\. `' � I � l WD-I WD-I BE6INNIN6 Y�IORK � ` � � � �� ,,r' �� ,r� I �� � / 3 DIMEIy510N5 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO FIELD GONDITIONS 5T-I 5T-I $-I �\ � B-I � ,,, � B-i B-I : � AND MATERIAL.S d METHODS U5ED GOHTRAGTOR SHALI. � �i O O �� 8 � 0 � \ .� ,,` �� f � � O O � � / � � FIELD VERIFY GRITIGAL i MINIMUM aIMEN510N5 A1�D � m . , � .' i � O , GLEARANGES A5 REQUIRED BY APPLIGASLE BUILDIN6 (—__�j \ _'� �, A � � ,� GODES I �� � � � ,, . _ �R��A� 4 DO NOT SGALE DRl1WIN65 GONTAGT ARGHITEGT POR ' ANY DIMENSIONS MI551N6 OR ILLE615LE � � 2 GM GOUNTERTOP w/ n1?�615TR�4TIOK A�Nfl R�ST�?OOMS nH�J,.L �LE1��TIOI�I ; 4"DEEP APRON SGALE� i/4" = I'-O" ,i SGALE� I/4" ■ I'-O" 5 ALL IMTERIOR AND EXTE�tIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO SE ; INSULATED Y'l/FULL DEPTH UNPAGED BATT INSUTATION. - SEE PROJEGT MANUAL FOR REQUIRED AGOUSTIG � S Lpy,��p��,p��c GAULKIN6 AT ALL PERIMETERS t PENETRf4TION5 � TO MAKE ACGE551BLE � 6 ALL WALL,G�ILINb AND FLOOR/GEILIN6 GOFlSTRUGTION IS � � TO 5E 5/B'TYPE 'X' 6YP BOARD(UNA) ; e 1 nINOMEi�I'S RESTRDOM � } � � � SGALE� I/4" � I'-O" � f ��or�r�x�s �s�ooM , � `� SGALE� I/4' � I'-O° '' , nlNOMEK'S REv'TROOM ; ' � �,�, ���• _ �,_o. � ; �.,1WOMEK'S RESTR�OOM i � � SGALE� I/4° e I'-O° i -. nM�K'S R�ST�DOM ` p Copyrlght � �,q� ��q.a o ��_p• GwOthmey/Pfatt/SchUliz ; ArChltects,P C . All Rlghts Reserved ' ,nM�K'S R�S'TR�OOM � Thls document and the Ideas 5 � �,q� �/�• e �'-p" and deslgns Incorporated s hereln as an Instrument of ' ����5 I�L�1 IWVM P ope�rty oflGwathmey/Pratt � Schultr Archltects,P C and Is not � � to be used,In whole or In part,for SGALE I/4" e I'-O' any other proJect without the ` written authorizatlon of Edward i �,` ..�„.�� ��` , M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pratt, ` i��i�n �, or Sldney Schuliz � , ' i i SGAL.� I/4' e I'.-p" � �,M�K'S RE5'TR�DOM � � �,� ��4• ` ��-�� Data: �i 5��' O6 � nM�K'S 1�5'TR�OOM I Date: 16 OGT O „� �� SGAI.P 1�4' e �'-p° - Date: 23 OGT O6 { r�x'S 1?�5'TIZOOM � � S�.ALE I/4" = I'-O' s 1 � nM�H 5 1�5'TR�OOM � , ._... �v SGALE I/4' e I'-O' ,nMEK'S 1?�5'T'RrOOM ; �v SGALE I/4' e I'-O" t "n -.W � F �F E' C i � ��P � Y '� � � U2 t, ' � � � t � G� � ; 4 ��''i�`��;,�-� ? i , . Sheet �lumber � , , � , � . � e � s � • 2 • � � J Ap I � � i � a x Y�1�1.1. SYf�015 �IHI5H INDEX � � o �oN��� Gwathmey � T Fnish�lLoqtion Matenal Manufacturer S cfication Contact Pratt } � FIT119N DE916NATION Darren Howard � CPT-1 Bailroom Car et Tai Pin Car Ts See FF&E Dra�nnn s Dar?en3Fbward v���I�� Y : Q T9.8GOlt+IUNICd1TIONS FAIgL. CPT-2 Prefuncllon Car t Tai Pin Car is See FF&E DraHnn s 202 232-3638 � _ e qmp�(g����7ypp) Veranda-Sand P505 ! g CT-4 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 13"X20'-Grou[1H6' Ma e�#05 ArChlteCtS,p C { Veranda-Custom P50.5&P501 � • � CT-5 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3'S¢0'-Grout 1/16' M i k05 Chamoi 1000 S Ffont4g6 Rd WeSF � Panern Veranda S-44k9M Vail,Colorado 81657 � � CT-7 Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile Color P505 Sand,4�¢0' Tel (970)476-1147 � Profile#MB300,Dim 5'x4/4' _______ FC7X (970)476-1612 � B-1 See Elevs Wood Base Bosle Nbuldin Ca Finish Paint P-2 y��T 800-638-5010 . � Veranda�P505,Sand,6"x12' � CT-3 See Elevs Porcela�n Tile Dal Tile 1/6'�Ma ei#OS Chamois �� � �� � � VD1250W�,54��nndth_,,,,_____� FrenkSandor �,,,,_, � WC-1 See Ele�,s Vin I Wall Covenn Seabrook eat WA 800-406�4193 � � VD1249N,54 v�ndtli Frank Sandor � � WG2 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coveri Seabrook Re eat WA 800-406-4193 � � VD1238N 54'Hndth Frenk Sandor � i� WC-3 See Elevs Vin I Wall Coveri Seabrook Re eat 24 5'strai M match 800-406-4193 y 3 Jonatlian 2DE�133 21ox ChnsLna Bowen T l � WC-4 Restrooms Vin I Wall Coveri E kon 54'v�ndth 9'r eat SW2834&rdseyeMaple__________ � - ------ ----- - -- P-1 See Elevs Pa�nt Sherwin Williarns E shell SW009 Eastlake _ __ � P-2 SeeEle�,s Pamt SherwinWdhams � Sem�- loss � SW6388 Golden Fleece � � P 3 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams E shell � SW0012 Empire C�Id___ _v__�__�„_, k 3 P-4 SeeElevs Paint SherwinWdhams Semi-Gloss � Y � . % � J� P-7 Restrooms PaiM Shermn Williams Fiat O ti SW 6385 Dover W hite __„ ____ __ _ _ i r � �;� m Semi-Gloss�,WhitA K101,3"x6' �_,_,,,,,,,,,,, X i �� , {; CT-i Restrooms Porcelan Tile Dal Tile tH6"%Ma i#00 White k � f � Accent Castle de�er�e�Um�rsal CV14__________..._.__„___.___._.____ f'� � 1 � CT-2 Restrooms porcelan Tile Dal Tile 3"x13"1%6�M i#00 White � � /� \ � W est side --- ____ _ __ __--- --- --- ------- ---------- -- _ __ ___ _________________ _ ___ � WD EMB CS-4 Baliroom Factor embossed � �' � Color to match sarrple�roHded _� ° \� ;�� � WdStain WD-1 WoodStainSta�n S aes alder clearcoatbwluster ���� � r � ; � To match Ebstng� " e � � i' � ST-1 See Elevs Stone �� � a �— --�-='�'` \ ST-2 See Elevs Stone Dal Tile D ms��dertail drevo�nln s -�----�- -""""""""""_____ _____ O I ` i \;/ ` _ _____ __ _ _ _ � o Buffet Top_ Granite,Galaxy Biack_ _ LS ST-3 PrefuncLOn Stone Dal Tile Dims r detal draunn s See Floor Granite,,Absolute Black i B-I ST-4 Plan Stone Threshokl Dal Tile 3/4 ttuck x cut to fit door s�ze Vinyl Wall Covering, pattern SenecaA Col A73-640 Prarie B 500-647 3633-e#307 � � WC 5 See Elevs Re�.erse han / C�enes s/Versa Wdth 52/54 W t20oz T e II Whifie Tndwell �LL �L�Y�TIOI�I 1?�615T 1ZOOM 1?E615T i�00M 1?�615T 1ZOOM R�615T 1ZC'.OM Imer abov_e Pattern�ner,�o�_K,o,Wh�� _____ ; __________--------_ _ ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� CT-6 ct-2 Cerarrnc Tiie Dal Tile 1/2"x6 flatto Grout Ma e�White 800-350 4127 Glass Holl Waris � SGALE I/4" = I'-O" � SGALE I/4" = I'-O" � SGALE� I/4" � I'-O" � SGALE: I/4" = I'-O" � x/�,� �/4• _�'-p" Panel G-1 See Ele�,s Glass Panel Transom Desi nTex Fusion ster Lucent AP077 500-221 1540 � ' _ � SW6224 Mounta�n Air __ _ O � P 5 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Williams Flat � SW6385_Dover_WhiTe LRV__�__� _____—___.._.._.._._ O { P-6 See Elevs Paint Sherwin Wdhams Flat ���� � � TQOTE ANY NUh�ERS NOT SHOWN ARE A55UMED TyOT USED PROYIDED FIRE RATED PLAST�G �„ LAMINATE MAT'ER�ALS WHEftE REQUIRED BY GODE AND INDIGATED ON DRAWIN65 , PREFERRED PRODUGT/MANUFAGTURER SPEGIFGATIONS MU5T GOMPLY WITN 6ENERAL � 4 GONDITIONS,THE BIDDIT�kS PROGEDURES,AND TF� INTENT OF TIiE VARIOU5 SPEGIFIGATION SEGTIONS ■ 1 � � # 6�NERr4L N�OT�-5 � � r ; � 9 f I ALL DIMEI�LSIO1d5 ARE TO FAGE OF RDU6H BTUD,FURRIN6, � � rf j � OR GONGRETE FOUNflATION WALL,GENTERLII�OF n � j \ \ witrcows,nooRS a Qos�s (� � � J f� � 2 GONTRAGTOR TO VERIFY ALL DIMEN510N5 i TyOTIPI' �'�"� � � f � ARGHITEGT OF ANY ERROR�OR DISGREPANGIES SEFORE j �\ •. BF6IHHIN6 WORK � ~ �� � � •• 3. DIMEN510N5 61VEN ARE SUBJEGT TO PIELD GONDITIONS � / AND MATERIALS t METHODS US�D GON1R/4GTOR 5HALL O � `\\ � � FIELD VERIFY GRITIGAL d MINIMUM DIMEN310N3 AND ; � ` .f GLEARANGES AS}ZEQUIRED BY APPLIGABLE BUIL.DIN6 , � / CADES 4 � i`� 4 DO NOT SGALE DRr4WIN65 GONTAGT ARGHITEGT FOR � h ANY DIMENSIONS MI551N6 OR ILLE6IBLE � t 5 ALL INTERIOR AND EXTE�tIOR PARTITIONS ARE TO BE ? ' � T7�L�L. �L�l�TIOI� � TY�L.i� �L�l'�TIOI�1 �i1� �L�l1TIO1� INSULATED W/FULL DEPTH UNFAGED BATT INSULATIOIy � SEE PROJEGT MANUAL FOR REQUIRED AGOU�'TIG � = SGALE: �/4' =I'-O" SGALE I/4" = I'-O° �`� SGALE I/4' 3 I'-O° GAULIGIN6 AT ALL PERIMETERS#PENETRATIOlyS � � b A�LL WALL,GEILIN6 AND FLOOR/GEILIN6 GONSTRUGTION 15 4 TO SE 5/8"TYPE 'X' 6YP BOAf2D(U.iy.0) ; w i . � . ` r � � Z a 5 '> x p Copyright j Gwath m ey/Pratt/Schultz � Archttects,P C i All RightS Reserved , � This document,and the ideas 1 and designs Incorporated hereln,as an Instrument of � professlonal seMce,Is the ° property of Gwaifimey/PratF SchuHz ArchitecTS,P C and Is not � to be used,in whole or In part,for any other pro)ect wfthout the ` • written autfiodzatlon of Edward � M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pratt, � or Sidney Schuliz a , � � � � � nata: a s�� ob � I Date: 16 OGT O � Date: 23 OGT O6 � � � � r � f E � � �^6 � � � F C�C ���� YRp � S � 2O P � � ����'(�G ! � , r� ti 7 z s , Sheet l�umber � , . T 0 � `! � � �y`" / � � �� !R t f � � i ' c ±�a.*rms. 3 4 Gwath m ey ' P ratt � # _ Schultz x a , G Architects,p c � . " � 1000 S Frontage Rd West ± ' +,� Vad,Colorado 81657 � Tel (970)476-1147 g EXISTING GEILI :;> EXISTIhIG STUD WALL Fax (970)476-1612 ' PINISH �; VERI�I' 51ZE � • 9/4� x 5!<s" NOM TRIM �; � GABL� TR1�Y ?�T Ff�D NEW STUD WALL � AA1D .1P�MBS - S�E Ff M g/a" NOM WOOD � FRAME DETAIL PLYWOOD VENEER 2" � gi4' x 4" NOM GLEA A 2�� 5gr��� WOOD TRIM �'�" TYPE 'X' DRYI^WLL s PER TYP € � �, �, _ ; GONT METAL AN6LE j - N , AT P�RIMETER f � ,�� ;�,, T8 LIGHT PIXNRE � ' SEE ELEGTRIGAL � 4�� 2° s/a" x 4" NOM �S" SMOOTH PINISH � � � �s,b� WOOD STOP DRYWALL PAINTED WHITE R y O U1 e l� G �� �',%' V�RIFY !a" 61.,455 ; ,�' fi"�-;�. i r %,;:::,i:,. � f �r �f /. 1 /� � J � e / '� ,. �_ � +�f ./.;�'` '� ry � � l f'� ,". �� � � �f � � f� ri�' r f '` � l� ,/�•:✓' S/u X 4° NOM WOOD � � ; �iM Q�R rr� , � � � � ; ,� I (V 2�� 2�� i '' j � , Q � O a i �i; �i� � i � ,,�� % �r�� �� �� i �� .� � ;/ � ` N� ,� I�b , � �, .�. ; � � � ,,� ��„ WOOD STOPM � t ��' i �';�' f ' ` � %� ,� i---� ` " - TS LIGHT PIXNRE + ; ,,' f; �, f ' i� a� �� , � � ; - 5EE ELEGTRIGAL � � � ,` � } ,',f;� N �'';� ' 2�� g'b�� Y�RIFY ��'b 2�� 9/4' x I�" NOM i ,.,•, } f '�� !,.i ,ti i 94� X 1�2�� NOM , WOOD STOP ,� � � �' � � ; � '� _ / ` � ; � � � WOOD STOP � � . �; � ; O � � O , ! �'% ;� z;;� ��.:y �4" X 4" NOM -� ,>>:r, ����,j% ��� PIOM WOOD � r " � WOOD TRIM f 'i; TRIM PER TYP O � . . j' . ` � i , '� Gl}kZING - 5E� FINISH m � PER TYP if ;, O � / i if/ .l ��� f; r,'� ! ' r . � -- -- .' f i� � !; � l ;`1 - ri�iri�%. O ! / / �'/ � ffj :: / .�. �,, O II�SII - ` { f � ; I'-6" v 2�� ;; ,� ; , � �IELD YERIPY � �� ,, ;',./rr �, ti � , ! �,_g„ I" x 3" HOM TRIM � � ` � /:` � i ' V�RIFY � ; ; � ,� , y � ADHERED WOOD MUKTINS- 3'a" NOM WOOD ��' � ��';,� ' , ,< S�E D�TAIL I/A54 X � �` PLYWOOD VENEER � � A54 ��, r,�< ,% <,� �,��l.j EXISTING DOORS TO SE .~� ' � ' r �,,:.,';�'>>;j REFINISHED 8 R�-INSTALL�D � `� i � `� ;;;,,� ,,/,, J ,' � ,. w/ NEW HARDW,4R�, 5�� �, f `i ,%. DOOR SGHEDULE � � . i r�%i � '.�. E , � � �� r � �! O 3 �/ ' �`' ' i / 1 ,r k / � � � / f/ ,; / �r,/ �'� ` r/ f TfZ�1�50M S�GTIOI� � � /� �i � � � � _ ,�' �,' '� SG�LE: I%2�� _ � '-O" x t � , t � '�I � � � � f � � � � fJ/ ;'� y�h .� / � � J /, r' / � j � � / r 3' r + , �/,.., , /� , � EXISTING GOLUMN � �;,;%,,;' � , VERIFY • r/::'�:,;:_�:;;� �;„ : , j EXISTIN6 STUD WALL �,- - ----- -- -__ � , a `;. ;,` . �' VERIFY � ' ; f' ; ' �' � PROVIDE STUD ANGHOR� -,,: � ; ::���%/ ,,�,, ,� , ' AS REQ'D � ;� , GABLE TRAY �4T HE,4D ' ; ' � ',%. �.;�`;r.,. ;,,,,�,�f .4ND .b4T�5 - SE� Fi.M. � :jj, ,�� PR�ME DETAIL � ' HOLLOW METAL PRAM� � C �/'. : ;f,�: , �n�H rrP� - r�or� 1 :i'./i%f/9 `l.'%.�, � '"'.,./%,::�=' :'`.';,. �'4' NOM WOOD %� ,!j,:'!,;� ` ,' ry TRIM PER 11'P �,.,. � .•,;�,; i' fJ pc ,f; ,. � ,��,/,,�% ; Q„r� ,;; ,,, � , , , � ;., ''' ,� � ' ; 'r,`i �,/'f�; J .� , F /�/r f ' � f� �f i�f.,. . f�� ��;./ , �,r � /i , .�f.��, J,1: �''' 1:'� .�' �f I" x 3" NOM TRIM I'-8" ` ,./..,,r�i%: ,. "�r �� � ' �'q." NOM WOOD �IELD VERIP`t' � GwPar�ngmhev/aratt/scnuitz h ,+ %< . f �,"� Arcnitects P c <.3 ; , . � PLYWOOD VENE�R , ',:i;,.;; � �, y � j, ��`, r' All Rlgh1s Reserved :";%;%:;;;;;� � f ,i'ri;<;;`:�:i � This document,and the ideas { f r�� �J � j��' and deslens Incorporated � hereln as an Instrument of � professlonal seMce,Is the � /�;'� �% >'�;;; ' ,,r Property of Gwathmey/Proit �' �r ,f f Schullz Architects,P C and Is not 9 f '�' r to be used,in whole or in part,for ! > �,' '��� , /f f ��� �T �OO� any other proJect wFthout the r� � ,,�'',,I' r � written aufhorizatlon of Edward ;:,1,; . v 1 '"/,.', J I II 1— II M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R PratF, ` /,� or Sldne Schultz , ,, SG�LE: �/2 = � O ; f ; r Data: � 5�Q 06 � � I Date: 16 OGT O � Date: 23 OGT O6 a � � � F � �.^ F O VI � i 4 � 1 ' � ' ' ; � z 0 � � II i� N W EXISTIN6 STUD WALL �------ - ------ -% ' � � X � ; VERIFY �- - ----=_-------- - i ; � � �� , � � � Qr EXISTIN6 GOLUMhI ' i ; S� � 1/ERIFY ! ' � �b" TYPE 'X' DRYW,4LL ��+( � � � } � � s/a" NOM WOOD j �, � '1RIM PER TYP � "� 02 � � � i �` e I" x 3" NOM 7RIM , , „�,',% :�;..��: �.� i; �� � .�; : :� , �'a'� X ���� NOh�I ;y � A���''�' . WOOD STOP :,' ✓i, \ 4 \.���-� �" I�IOM WOOD fi � TRIM PER lYP ; �" SMOOTH PINISH ��'8�� DRYWALL PAINTED WtfITE PIELD VERIFY � • Sheet �lumber ; fi • . I 50M�TiZ I G - �OL.L.01�1 M�T�,1. � 1700�/T��1501� ��M� J�M� �T T ' � 1�SOM5 . . �- ; �� � �� � � �. • SG�4L�• 3/4 = I -O SG�LE: I%2" = I '-O" a _C � x x 5d • '1 3 k 7 , � � � � L� ���:�i ___. _ .,.,�_�.�..., — � Gwathmey � Pratt � Schultz a _ � I X NOMIN�eL B�SE W�LL B�YOND ��n�te�+�,p� i . R TR I M B�LOW 1000 S Frontage Rd West T , Vad,Colorado 81657 3 Tel (970)47�1147 Fax (970)47�1612 � ��G� O� DRYW�LL � • NOTE %2" MIN 01lERL�P OF �'-�" 2'-�" S-r3 2GM X 4" Gi�NIT� ��5G1� � STONE V�N��i� �X15TING ' s DRYW�LL i�-o�° ; ; S-�3 2GM GR�NIT� GOUNT�R + � --- ----------- ------------ — ---- ,�„ 2,_0„ EXISTING I HR 1N�LL x ; � � �/8" TYPE X I7EN5 SHIELD TILE EXISTING GOUNT�R SUi�PO�T ' � B�GK�i� BEH I ND STONE ' ,,-6�, " SHOW ON�X ISTING �S (fi��Pl-,4G� EXISTING) � DRY �LL , � 0 � _ 5T'3 2GM X �F" Gi�NITE ��GSGIP� �,�� o�„ \lER I FY STUD LOG�T I ON5 + P2 � 4 X 4 NOM P�INT Gi�D� IN �XISTING W�LL A�S SHOWN �, � 5/8" TYP� X D�NS SHIELD TILE � ; �OOD TizIM W/ E�SED EDGES �ND PROVID� �ND INST�LL � ,4DD'L STUDS ,�S NEG�SS�RY \ ��G��� ` ` . . �` � ; P-t !4" PLYWOOD — P�INT \ \ \ , \ � EXISTING STUD W,4LL O : �\ ' � O k Y�I�LL P�i��i� F I N 15H ,�45 `. � � � WG-I SHOINN ON �XISTING � E �� f DRYW�LL ,\� G�5EINORK SY OTHE�S � �, . � . m ; 2" NOMIN�L GUT STONE O 1� ST—I Y�NE�R TO BE DESIGN O � 2" NOMIN,4L GUT STONE � ,\ BUILT BY SUB— GONTi��GTOR — � R ST� 1/EN�Eiz TO B� DE51GN ��� M,hTGH �XISTING STONE BUILT BY 5UB— GONTR�GTOR — �NDL�YUP IN LO��Y W/ � . ST01�� �'I�i�5 M�TGH �XISTING STON� � lN,4LL TI�S �16" O.G. �.W. � � � 8 TiZ I M I7�T�I LS _3 ��fiZ��U1�GTl Ol� ,4NDL,�YUP I N LO�BY W/ .� -� �� _ � �� `� SG?�L�• I% " = I '-O" lN�LL TIES �16" O.G. E.W. �\ � � t SGA�L�: 3 - I -O 2 —� � f � � � � � �� � , - � TH15 15 DET?�IL�4— MOYED � � GPT— G,�RPE ; FROM SHEET }�152 � ; O � � � z � c ; ,� � 4 , � � � . y f x i . � _ 5�GT1 O�l G� I 1.I�lG iZ��I�� � , C�iZ�G I STf�T I 01� GOU1�T�i� �M,�I 1� ��LL�OONt � � � � � SG�LE: I%2" = I '—O" SG�4LE: I�2�� _ � �_0�� � � � � 4 Il�dn t G� VERI�Y EXSTItyG WALL 10" 10" � p Copyrlght NEW 2-I/2" 5TUD /�rcn�tects,Pc � Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz , Ib" OG OR AS All Rlghis Reserved NEGESSARY g/a" PIRE R�TARD?�NT TREA�'T'�D PLYWGOD �" =1RE RET�1RDAhlT TREATED PLYWOOD w/?�LD�R 1(�NEER PAGE (?S �1VAILABL� w/�'LDPR 1/ENEER FAGE (A5 �1Vi41LABLE d r �, mis document and tne�deas ''• A/G w/ STAIN OTHERWISEJ A/C w/ STAIN OTH�RWISPJ ;�. V J and deslgns Incorporated , NEW 4" NOMINAL 0 �� � h�erePin�s an Instrume�/Pr� � professlonai seMce,Is the ro e of Gwathme ; STUD , GOdT 2X2 GUT lR4GK AS NEGE55ARY �------��- --�--- --� scnunz o,rchltects,P C and Is not , � TO P�TTAGH PLYWOOD � j '� HAF�L� �24558.754 to be used,in whole or i�part,for � , , ,. , � 1L I ; I �LT wrliYtenhau horiza lon of dward f AUTOMATIG DOOR , , � r '� � BEHIND DOOR M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R PratF, t I NEW 6' STUD __.__ ___. -_. -- - -------------- -. -----».,---- .. .- -,_----- EXISTIhIG 5'ND u �--:T- �.�—,.: �—;--- � .`f 1 � or Sidney Schultz i —�^___�--,...--,..�---V. •----., ._ �• .,— _____ ' I �' � HAFEL� #23116.312 ` u �------------- ---i I VERI�Y �----------------------, � ; t j YERT KEY/GOMBIN,4TION � � � � ; � � � � ' � GAM LOGK w/STRIK� f LOG�TE N�W � I � �� � � � � OR EXISTING � I N�W 8 STUD � I H1�IFELE �24558'754 I PLA'f� AS NEGE55ARY - y � � :f � i I'�THI K DOOR PANEL T� I , STUD ,4T DISTANGE I I � I AIrOMATIG DOOR BOLT SHOWIV I � I � AND LATGH BEFiIND DOOR AT I ( �XISTING STUD I � TOP O� G.4BINET j f� � � �A�: � 5�Q �6 � I'-8" x 10 " GOMPANY SWITGH I VERIFY � I'-8" x 10 " GOMP�4NY SWITGH ' � � 35��� ; , � , , '` `� I Date: 16 OGT O + � ,•� �, - , - P`J�CISTL�ING STUD i i ' i _ _______ __� m � i i , Date: 23 OGT O6 ; YLRII I L_______—_ ______—__--CI �� L--_______ -- - - - - - l - - - - - - -- - - - - �I: 1 j � ' � ti 1 � t t � `� JI I � Ib0° GABINET HING�S �� 180° GaBINET HIIyGE5 �, � �f I ' � �" PIRE RETARDANT TREftTED A/G ' �s"=1RE RETARDANT TREP�TED?�/G � �� I � ' � j PLYWOOD w/"A" FAGE TO G�4BINET �� .� PL"WOOD rv/"�4" ��4GE TO G?.BIAIET � `' ,� I ��. �� SILE APPLY PREP +k VINYL YVAU.PAPER � ` ` ' �� f' S1D�,APPLY PREP 8 YINYL WALLPAPER , �____�____ ____�___ _ � H,4PELE �24858754 �� �' TO INSIDE �A�GE � M,4TGH P,4TT�RH `� ,/ TOIN5IDE F.4GE � MA�TGH P�4TTERN r � f4UTOMATIG DOOR BOLT � ' �4T f�DJAGENT WALLS Wfi�N DOOR , r' ATA�DJAGENT YV�LLS WHEN DOOR / P�ND LATGH BEHIND DOOR AT � � PULLY OPEN _ �. ' PU1LY OP�N `• T O 8 B O O� GAB I N�T � � � `-� � ��_ ��6 i � � 4 �" TYPE 'X' DRYWALL ON DOOR A55 '�` j� 1-b4PEL� #23116.312 DY � � PAGE, VINYL WALLPAPER TO MATGH !�"TYPE 'X' DRYWALL ON DOOR i VERT KEY/GOMBINATION .tQ� P/iTT�RN OH WALLS WF+EN GL05ED PALE, VINYL W,4LLP,4PER TO MATGH � f GAM LOGK w/STRIKE � � Pf4f�RN ON WALLS WHEN GLOSED `` PL.r4'I� A5 NEGE55ARY - ' ; �� � YERIPY WILL /�4DJUST TO � � � J-TRIM AT,�L L �DG�S - MUD IH TY P� J-RIM AT ALL �D6E5 - MUD IN TfPE ,,�� i" THIGK DOOR PANEL � p� $ � AT DRYNI�ILL, "L" TYPE AT PLYWOOD ATDRYWALL, "L" TYPE AT PLYWOOD �� , � � ' ,,.' �f HAPELE �24558'154 �' �i �,/ BEH ND DOOR � �LT „ '��Cj� � - :.'`� �s,9' � ir/�{ � .- B-� �1 �J..�l�l O� GOM��1�lY i�1.,�1� O� GOMfi��1�Y } F 5 I 1�1�G ��T�I L SY�I I TG� G��3 I 1�1�T 5l�1 I TG� G��I 1�1�T5 � � � r � , �� _ � �� � , �� _ � �� � , �� _ � �� Sheet i�umber } SG�L�: I/2 - I -O SG,4LE: I/2 - I -O SG�L�: I/2 - I -O , i � � �1.�1��T1o1� O� ` . GOM��1�Y Sl�l I TG� G��I 1��T � �, , * z � I II � I II i 5G�4LE: I/2 — I —O � � 3 ♦ � i i } { fa � � � � Gwathmey � Pratt $ Schultz � � � . , } ° Architects,p c . � ,. 1000 5 Frontage Rd West C ' Vad,Colorado 81657 � � Tel (970)476-1147 Fmc (970)476-1612 � � > . ? 3 r z r PPLIED YENEER PP�NEL w/ WOOD VENEER � E?�SED �DG�S \ � .\ \ � � � FLUSH DOOR �, FLUSH DOOR g \ \ ; . � g � � � � SEE HARDW,4RE SG�IEDULE � SEE H,4RDW,4RE SGHEDULE � � \ � - \ \ , � � � ; - -- � r �`� / � / ! � � ,� / � / �' � . �- � i '' ! 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GORR 3'-6" x �t'-O" WDI WDI YES YES YES Y�5 YES P�ANO NO NO �� � � - 20 5?�LG�N "E"/SERY GORR 3'-6" x '- " I YE5 Y�5 YE5 YES YES PI�1N0 1�� NO �� � 2� �Y GLOSET 2'-4" x 7'-O" (Pi� P?�I NT P�I NT MATGH �XI STI NG Y�5 YES YES NO NO i��NO NO NO I HR � , 22 AV GLOSET 2'-4" x 7'-O" (P� PAINT P,4tNT MATGH EXISTING YE5 YES YES NO NO ���� NO H� IHR t 23 Sf�LCJN "F"/SERY GORR -6" x 7'-O WDI I YES Y�S Y�5 YE5 YES ��NO NO NO IHR ' 24 5�4LC>N "F"/SER�/ GORR 3'-6" x 7'-O" WDI WDI Y�S Y�S YES YE5 YE5 F1AN0 NO NO IHR f ° 25 Sf�LC�N "J"/SERV GORR 3'-6" x 7'-O" WDI WDI YE5 YES YES Y�5 YES A�4N0 NO NO IHR � 26 SA�LUN "J"/SERV GORR 3'-6" x 7'-O" WDI WDI YE5 YE5 Y�5 YE5 YE5 A?�NO NO NO I HR E 2'I ELEc:TRIGP.L GLOSET 3'-O" x 'i'-O" WDI WDI Y�5 Y�5 YES NO NO 3 NO NO iHR � 28 SW EXIT ,4T SOUTH P�L 3'-O" x 7'-O" (Pi� WDI WDI YES YES YES YES YES FiaNO NO NO �� � 2q ELEVATOR-LOBBY KEEP EXISTING - - K�EP EXISTING Y�5 YES YES YE5 YES AANO NO NO EXIST (I Hi� E 3O GLOS�T 2'-8" x �T'-O" WDI WDI NO YE5 Y�S YES NO 3 NO NO I HR � 31 REGISTRATION KEEP EXISTING P3 P3 KEEP �XISTING NO NO NO NO NO A��� NO NO EXISTING DOOR, DOOR FIN15H /�ND HDW� TO REM�IN � 32 RESTROOMS KEEP EXISTING P P YES YES YES YES NO 3 NO NO � 33 RESTROOMS KEEP EXISTING P3 P3 Y�5 YES YES YE5 NO 3 �(p NO 34 MAIN EXIT (50UTH) 3'-5" x 7'-O" (Pi��� WDI � � MATGH EXIST Y�S Y�S YES YES Y�5 ? 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M.�y x � '� �, f ���N'��*s��'b 5..�.�t,y �... .� .. .,�.,��«,.,H.�.««w�,..�,,,,,..,w..,.�..-..�..�..a_...._.. �,.,....._�______.�»...,„......,..,.....,,,..w.�.,�.Rm�,.�..,�..:,.�,.��.. ^---�-- - Thls document, � h � p+� i ��x���s � and the Ideas + _ �,;,�',�"�F� � a � . •^^^��-•. -��, and designs IncorporaTed , � . �_.r...�...�.�....... ��" �y . ' ° x�, � •��r '���'����' ������'�«4.. a�r�� '1�.�� y G���{ �FCAM� �V�t L. here�n as an�nstrument of /! !'.,._�'" ��, �O� f��� pr Pess�alGwathmey/Pratt , - � �, �'�����. b���.� �;L°��: �fi e�''"�' �'���,`�(� E'' C"fY�'� K•+G��.atl.. T� ? - .* � � 1� any o her pr`oJect'without he not v fi � �' � �+���� � �� ����� '�� �`-��^. 1 � P� to be used,In whole or in part,for ;� �� ,�s�at � � � _ .y `�-'N��y '�M 5�Q ���Y�TR.rM wrltFen authorizatlon of Edward , ° �, l� , M Gwathmey Jr,Henry R Pratt, °° ° ' . - � .. ;h.. ��"�.,,,� ..i� �tNI7 G,A�>iNl." ` �u� ��+►� CTf�� or Sldney Schultt � � � � ���'': :�'�"�, r����«� t ' �....�......�.-v ���p�,�q�r1'' �������� �.�� �t°�"°'�,�� ' '' ��p� , ��ali. . .�t�r�� � '.��r nI'� � 4i �•�`M� e ' ' � � ' _ .. ' . . .�k ��rti� ��� ��N�l� �� � • • • , • . • . + ` r� ', . !�y. .� ' > •�'eP Yr� � p��p ,{� ♦, •• � '� t• I � �, s � �...; � . . •, . .r . . '�,� ,.�f'w'` �+'�v€���'� �� �'"$d,✓�d��'"°i ��.��``'.'�� :'�. •` _ . . � d ,��y 'p ag,��. Data: q S�P 06 � � ,i � a � .. ' " �MF,� • •d,�l1 ) P��� �'ry's`s'. �J'"'r A i'� } ap.++w...�.«.n�•...•--+...•i+es._.,`�...�,..�...........�. 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Weat m MECHANICAL S`�(MBOLS ABBREVIATIONS �°", �°'°r°d° 8,g5' � a Tel: �970� 476-1147 � PLUMBING A G R Fax: 9�0 4�6—,6,2 � � SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIP�ION SYIuIBOL DESCRIPTION A AMP GA GAGE RA RETURN AIR SAN EXISTING SANITARY DRAIN ABOVE FLOOR G GAS AC ALTERNATiNG CURRENT GALV GALVANIZED RD ROOF DRAIN � � C�WC WATER CLOSET - FLUSH VALVE FLOOR MOUNTED ACEG AC EQUIPMENT GROUND GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR REG REGISTER - -SAN— — EXISTING SANITARY SEWER (BELOW FLOOR) �— COLD SOFT WATER AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR GEN GENERATOR RELA RELIEF AIR S EXISTING STORM DRAIN (ABOVE FLOOR) �— HOT SOFT WATER APPROX APPROXIMATELY GFI GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER REQD REQUIRED � � WC WATER CLOSET - FLUSH VALVE WALL MOUNTED ATS AUTOMAl1C TRANSFER SWITCH GND GROUND RF RETURN FAN - - -S- - - EXISTING STORM DRAIN (BELOW FLOOR) �— HOT SOFT WATER RECIRCULATING ATU AIR TERMINAL UNIT GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE RGS RIGID GALVANIZED STEEL - -SS— — EXISTING SUB SOIL DRAIN PA PLANT AIR AUX AUXIIJARY RH ROOF HOOD AW EXISTING ACID WASTE ABOVE FLOOR V VACUUM BREAKER �O WC WATER CLOSET - TANK TYPE FLOOR MOUNTED A/V AUDIO/VISUAL H RHC REHEAT COIL � � AVG AVERAGE HB HQSE BIBB RM ROOM - -AW— — EXISTING ACID WASTE (BELOW FLOOR) "� GAS�COCK � AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE HC HEAl1NG COIL RTU ROOFTOP UNIT SAN NEW SANITARY DRAIN (ABOVE FLOOR) �E?' ',�-T— RUNNING TRAP UR URINAL HGT HEIGHT B HP HORSE POWER S oSANo NEW SANITARY SEWER (BELOW FLOOR) C.O. C). CLEAN OUT o0 81CSI BUILDING INDUSIRY CONSULTING HTG HEAl1NG SA SUPPLY AIR S NEW STORM DRAIN (ABOVE FLOOR) --0- GCO GRADE CLEAN OUT LAV LAVATORY WALL HUNG SERVICES INTERNAl10NAL HTR HEATER SAN SANITARY mSm NEW STORM DRAIN BELOW FLOOR) C 0 C). DOUBLE GRADE CLEAN-OUT BLDG BUILDING HVAC HEAl1NG, VENTILATING SCH SCHEDULE ( O LAV LAVATORY COUNTER MOUNTED BTU BRITISH THERMAL UNIT AND AIR CONDITIONING SF SUPPLY FAN OF NEW OVERFLOW STORM DRAIN (ABOVE FLOOR) --� HB HOSE BIBB C HZ HERTZ SM SINK AR z mOFm NEW OVERFLOW STORM DRAIN (BELOW FLOOR) � WH WALL HYDRANT (NON-Ff2EEZE TYPE) SINK C CONDUIT I SM SINGLE I�ODE O - -SS— — NEW SUB SOIL DRAIN ❑ Y.H YARD HYDRANT S CAB CABINET IC INTERCOM SP SUMP PUMP — AW NEW ACID WASTE (ABOVE FLOOR) BFP BACK FLOW PRE�NTER CAN CABLE TELEVISION IDF INTERMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION FRAME SPEC(S) SPECIFICATIONS �— ' r"��OFm NEW ACID WASTE (BELOW FLOOR) O❑ 2'� D=X FLOOR DRAIN SIZE-TYPE � SS SERVICE SINK - WALL HUNG CB CIRCUIT BREAKER IN INCH SS SERVICE SINK CC COOLING COIL ISP INSIDE PLANT STD STANDARD � - -AV— — ACID VENT � 2'� D=X FLOOR SINK SIZE-TYPE CCN CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION STP SHIELD TIMST PAIR � ° - - - - VENT �0 2" RD-X ROOF DRAIN SIZE-TYPE p CSS CLINIC SERVICE SINK CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE .1 SW SWITCH CH CHILLER JB JUNC110N BOX SWBD SWITCHBOARD O O COLD WATER (CW� Q D.S. DOWN SPOUT CKT CIRCUIT SWGR SWITCHGEAR HOT WATER (HW) O M.H MANHOLE � MS MOP SINK - FLOOR MOUNTED CL CENTER LINE K z Q CLG CEILING KCMIL THOJSAND CIRCULAR MILS T HOT WATER CIRCULATING (HWC) � VENT THROUGH ROOF OIJ RISER �] DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN CLR CLEAR KV KILOVOLT T-1 TRUNK LEVEL 1 � Q 180'— HOT WATER 180' Q CM COMMUNICATIONS CABLE KVA KILOVOLT AMPERE TBB TELECOMMUNICATIONS �/ - 180'— HOT WATER CIRCULATING 180' CMP COMMUNICATIONS PLENUM CABLE K4V KILOWATT BONDING BACKBONE SAN SITE SANITARY SEWER �— PLUMBING RISER NUMBER p EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER CMR COMMUNICAl10NS RISER CABLE TBBIBC TELECOMMUNICATIONS BONDING � � CO CLEAN OUT L BACKBONE INTERCONNECIING � ST SITE STORM SEWER COAX COAXIAL CABLE LAN LOCAL AREA NETWORK BONDING CONDUCTOR O O W SITE WATER PIPING � SH SHOWER � BT BATH — TUB CU CONDENSIN6 UNIT LBS POUNDS TDD TELECOMMUNICATIONS CUH CABINET UNIT HEATER LTG LIGHTING DEVICE FOR THE DEAF HEATING — VENTILATING — AIR--CONDITIONING cv CONSTANT VOLUME M ��LOM TELEPHONENICAl10NS � U SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION � MA MAKE—UP AIR TEMP TEMPERATURE � LPS STEAM (LOW PRESSURE) F'��` BUCKET TRAP CAP LBS/HR r�r� DD DOUBLE DUCT MAN MASTER ANTENNA TELEVISION TGB TELECOMMUNICATIONS � MPS STEAM (MEDIUM PRESSURE� T THERMOSTAT WITH REMOTE SENSOR TURNING VANES DF DRINKING FOUNTAIN MAX MAXIMUM GROUNDING BUSBAR —� — HPS STEAM (HIGH PRESSURE� DIA DIAMETER MCB MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER TMGB TELECOMMUNICATIONS T THERMOSTAT DIFF DIFFUSER MDF MAIN DISTRIBUTION FRAME MAIN GROUNDING BUSBAR � LPR CONDENSATE RETURN (LOW PRESSURE) � HO"` HUMIDISTAT EXTRACTOR DISC DISCONNECT MECH MECHANICAL TR TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM m � MPR CONDENSATE RETURN (MEDIUM PRESSURE) �-AO"` AQUASTAT SUPPLY, OUTDOOR, OR MIXED AIR DUCT DIST DISTRIBUTION MH MANHOLE TS FlBER OP11C TERMINATION SHELF HPR CONDENSATE RETURN (HIGH PRESSURE) DN DOWN MIN MINIMUM TU TERMINAL UNIT � SOLENOID VALVE (REFRIG) END OR RISER (SA) (OA) (MA) DWG DRAWING MISC MISCELLANEOUS TUR TERMINAL UNIT REHEAT � HWS HOT WATER SUPPLY � THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVE (REFRIG) RETURN EXHAUST OR RELIEF AIR DUCT MLO M�IN LUGS ONLY Tv TELEVISION f— --HWR HOT WATER RETURN ^ SIGHT GLASS END OR RISER (RA) (EA) (RLFA) E MM MULIIMODE TYP TYPICAL O EA EXHAUST AIR MTD MOUNTED EG ETHYLENE GLYCOL SUPPLY ''" MANUAL AIR VENT � �- EF EXHAUST FAN MTG MOUNTING �1 — EGR ETHYLENE GLYCOL RETURN �S REMOTE SENSOR S A � SOUND ATTENUATOR EL ELEVATION MUTOA MULTI USER TELECOMMUNICAl1oNS UG UNDERGROUND � ELEC ELECTRICAL OUTLET ASSEMBLY UH UNIT HEATER � CWS CHILLED WATER SUPPLY P� ❑T PRESSURE OR TEMPERATURE MEASURING POINTS SIZE TYPE EMD ESIIMATED MAXIMUM DEMAND UL UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY —CWR CHILLED WATER RETURN r�� FLOW SWITCH I �� SUPPLY REGISTER OR 6RILLE EMI ELECTROMAGNE�IC INTERFERENCE N UNO UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Q EMT ELECTRIC METAWC TUBING NC NOkMALLY CLOSED UPS UNINTERUPTI6LE POWER SUPPLY � PS CONDENSATE OR BOILER FEED PUMP DISCHARGE S� 0---- SMOKE DAMPER SIZE TYPE EQUIP EQUIPMENT NEC NAl10NAL ELECTRICAL CODE UR URINAL FOS FUEL OIL SUPPLY la— HEATING RISER CFM RETURN REGISTER OR GRILLE ER EQUIPMENT ROOM NIC NOT IN CONTRACT UTP UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR FOR FUEL OIL RETURN � ]qp ACCESS DOOR — SIZE AS SHOWN OR PER SPEC �ox�o �—� . NECK SIZE, MARK EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER NO NORMALLY OPEN UV UNIT VENTILATOR TYPICAL DIFFUSER S EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER NOM NOI�INAL FOV FUEL OIL VENT '"r�o• EXPANSION LOOP, WIDTH AND LENGTH �� 275 CFM EXH EXHAUST NTS NOT TO SCALE V G GAS UH-1 EXIST EXISTING V VOLT RL REFRIGERANT LIQUID LINE � UNIT HEATER , FR D. �— - FIRE DAMPER WITH ACCESS DOOR F OOA OUTSIDE AIR VERT VERTiCAL AIR VOLUME RS REFRIGERANT SUCTION LINE CUH-1 FS D. COMBINATION FIRE AND SMOKE DAMPER FA FIRE ALARM OC ON CENTER VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE RD REFRIGERANT HOT GAS DISCHARGE LINE �� CABINET UNIT HEATER u WITH ACCESS DOOR FAAP FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR PANEL OSP OUTSIDE PLANT VTR VENT THROUGH ROOF -, FACP FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL CS CONDENSER WA1ER SUPPLY FROM TOWER FINTUBE-TYPE (SHADED AREA INDICATES � FB FLOOR BOX P W CR CONDENSER WATER RETURN TO TOWER � FT-1 MOTORIZED DAMPER FCU FAN COIL UNIT PB PULLBOX W WATT MBH '� CAPACITY MBH ELEMENT LOCAl10N) u FD FLOOR DRAIN PBX PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE WAN WIDE AREA NETWORK • CD COIL OR EQUIPMENT DRAIN LINE RECTANGULAR DUCT TAKE-OFF FL FLOOR PERP PERPENDICULAR WAP WIRELESS ACCESS POINT OA OUTDOOR AIR �_� CONVECTOR u WITH VOLUME DAMPER FLA FULL LOAD AMPS PHC PREHEAT COIL WC WATER CLOSET SA SUPPLY AIR - - SINGLE BRANCH TRANSI110N TAKE-OFF FMG FACTORY MUTUAL GLOBAL PHVAC PLUM9ING, HEATING, VENIILATION WH WATER HEATER LINED DUCTWORK (ALSO SEE SPECS) FO FIBER OPT1C AND AIR CONDITIONING WMP WIRE MANAGEMENT PANEL RA RETURN AIR - - WITH VOLUME DAMPER FP FIBER PANEL PIV POST INDICATOR VALVE WP WEATHER PROOF EA EXHAUST AIR RECTANGULAR DUCTWORK ROUND DUCT - CONICAL TAKE-OFF FT FEET PLBG PLUMBING - 12/6 PNL FANEL X o cop��gnt MA MIXED AIR (FIRST NUMBER IS SIDE SHOWN� WITH VOLUME DAMPER PP PATCH PANEL XFMR TRANSFORMER A�hlt cts�PraCtt/Schultz RLFA RELIEF AIR �$»� _ 30' RECTANGULAR TRANSITION WITH PRV PRESSURE REGULAl1NG VALVE A�� Rights Reserved S P STATIC PRESSURE ROUND DUCT SPLITTER DAMPER PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FvOT Y Tnis document, and the ideas and PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH YH YARD HYDRANT designs incorporated herein, as an instrument of professional service, is B.D D. BACK-DRAFT DAMPER (COUNTER BALANCED� PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE the property of Gwathmey/Pratt 18 x10 -e- FLAT OVAL (FIRST NUMQER IS SIDE SHOWN) DOUBLE BRANCH TRANSITION TAKE-OFF py`,R ppy,�R s�n��tZ Architects, P c and �s �oc —�'a-- AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE, 2-WAY to be used, �� whole o� m part, for AUTOMAl1C CONTROL VALVE, 3-WAY a�y other pro�ect witno�t tne wntten FLEX CONNECTION 90' ELBOW Jr thHenry R Pratt WordS dney°thmey PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE (PRV) R=1xD s�nUitZ PIPE IN SLEEVE SECTION NUMBER VALVE IN VERTICAL PIPE VOLUME DAMPER (V D ) ,�, SECTION IDENTIFICATION SHEET NUMBER � �' AND T TRAP CAP LBS/HR. , DETAIL NUMBER ,�, DETAIL IDENTIFICATION SHEET NUMBER � Date• 03 AUG 06 PIPING Q REISSUED � � SYMBO� DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIP110N � 09 OCT 06 � TEE -�O ELBOW UP CONCENTRIC REDUCER � �} ELBOW -+O ELBOW DOWN ECCENTRIC REDUCER 02 23 OCT. 06 ���- UNION "-" GLOBE VALVE I-$O PRESSURE GAUGE WITH GAUGE COCK 0 22 NOV 06 STRAINER WITH BLOW-OFF VALVE �_P 1T PRESS TEMP TEST P�RT � THERMOMETER, SIDE FEED m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 � - m � Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing ,� � BALANCING VALVE �� GATE VALVE � THERMOMETER, BOTTOM FEED is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of _ [,��j ^ —� construction of this ro ect or archivin ���r � ISOLATION VALVE (BALL OR BUTTERFLY) ���— CHECK VALVE (ARROW INDICATES FLOW) ARROW INDICATES FLOW DIRECTION P 1 9 � ` -Q PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ��— FLEXIBLE PIPING ' ARROW INDICATES DOWNWARD PIPE PITCH Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use without written permission of Alvine Engineering is � prohibited by copyright law. �- ��� . N 0 TE. O�`,°���e � �ti�9� DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and c� L�;O clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and 2; �Q��.��,�,'� �� �.��n� other a ro nate drawin or at site. La out and 3�4 m� , �"$'"'"� � �"� PP P 9 Y • • !1�: :a�' ,r-��`"�,' �. ��, #-�, � coordinate all work prior to installation to provide �.� e;�:��E� �`�'���t�; , ' ,,;�r�,,�, '� ��� `��1.��. clearonces required for operation, maintenance, and �+�•.h����o.••'•��`� ,�%► � r� codes and verify non-interference with other work ss/pNAL�� /� DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES READ SPECIFICATIONS. ����/ _ � C� [� OM [� Sheet Number ��� 2 9 2006 Alvine ToWN O�' i/AIL Engineering Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � O 4 � 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Sude 104 4308 Unrversiiy Avenue Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Irncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 ��mer - Gwathmey '1 '0 9 $ � 6 5 4 FLAG NOTES P ra t t 1� REMOVE LINEAR RETURN AIR GRILLES S C I"1 U I t Z Architecta. p.c. I � � � � I � � 2� ADJUST EXISTING LINEAR AIR GRILLE LENGTH TO ACCOMMODATE NEW POCKET WALLS 1000 S. Frontaye Rd. Weat Vatl, Colorado 81657 3� REMOVE EXISIING SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSERS 3 Fax: �970� 476 i 6 2 I � � � � I I I i i 0� Q� i i i i i � DEMOLITION GENERAL NOTES � � 1 THE OWNER SHALL HAVE THE FIRST RIGHT OF SALVAGE FOR ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING ITEMS BEING REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED IF OWNER DECLINES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE FROM � I � � � � � I THE PREMISES AND DISPOSE OF PROPERLY. VERIFY OWNER'S INTENT PRIOR �P TO REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION UP 20/1 18/10 � � 2 INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE EXISTING BUILDING HAS BEEN OBTAINED I THROUGH THE BUILDINGS ORIGINAL DRAWINGS WHERE AVAILABLE. REP 48/36 RA 16�$ �2�6 3 3 CONTRACTORESHALL FELD VERIFYTALLGEXISTINGRCONDITIONS PRIORLTO N z ��P� � COMMENCING WORK � I I � � � XiS�TI�N� 3 � 3 COORDINATE SHUT DOWN OF ALL UTILIIIES FOR DEMOLI110N WORK WITH THE � 20/12 � ' -10/4 OWNER � , 4. DISCONNECT, DEMOLISH, AND REMOVE MECHANICAL SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT, - 24/18 RA T 3 /30 RA T AND COMPONENTS INDICATED AS HATCHED TO BE REMOVED. � y I � 10/4 � DUCTS TO BE REMOVED REMOVE PORTIONS OF DUCT AND PLUG REMAINING O DUCTS WITH THE SAME OR COMPATIBLE DUCTWORK MATERIAL. 0 �a�4 DUCTS TO BE ABANDONED IN PLACE: CAP OR PLUG DUCTS WITH THE SAME Z � SALON J 1 � SALON A 18/10 OR COMPATIBLE DUCTWORK MATERIAL W Q T 16/8 5. IF PIPE INSULATION OR EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN ►S DAMAGED IN APPEARANCE � I � _ � � � OR IS UNSERVICEABLE, REMOVE DAMAGED OR UNSERVICEABLE PORTIONS AND � � T 14/8 o REPLACE WITH NEW PRODUCTS OF EQUAL CAPACITY AND QUALITY. O � 3 , XISTIN 6. REMOVE ALL ITEMS SHOWN HATCHED ALL ITEMS SHOWN HALF TONED ARE � � � 48/36 � 3 � � � 250 8/l o � EXISTING TO REMAIN 0 O 16/18 7 C�NDITION� PRIORE�TOI BEDD NG PIRIOJEC1TE- AND FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING 0 U � 16/18 i T SALON I SALON B 8. COORDINATE DEMOLITION WITH THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES PROVIDE � .. 16%18 � � 1 � SALON F � � I TEMPORARY UTILITIES AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW THE WORK OF OTHER TRADES � � � 16/18 - SALON E — 32/30 I T � �6 TO PROCEED. � Q ' 3 � X STI � / 2 � 32/30 I T�P � I 50 � 16/18 � ' � 16/18 � - - - - - nP - - —II�- - - � �c - - - - - - - —�6 f� - � - - - - - - - - � O 16/18 � SALON C T /10 � _ I 24/24 � SALON � I I � � EXISTING 48/36 � �50 3 � � � 3 . XISTING 3 I � I � � 230 2�6 . EX S ING � 12/6 I 0 _ _ _ 28/ 0 12/6 II � � I 3 � � 3 � SALON G SALON D T EXI�TING T � 1 :5p I EXISTING 20/20 SA AND 3 20/16 RA UP 48/36 RA _ _ � �— - - - I ��� - —�-- - - - �-- - - - -1 - - - - - 20/8 24/8 - �. �/ - - - 24/24 - - - - - - _ _ _ — H2 � H 2 - - - - - - - - � - 24�18 30 26 � � E ISTIN�. 10/6 XISTING I � OH 3 °�o oxo oXo � 3 XISTING 200 200 � H 3 28 0 RA 16/$ 16/8 N N N N 250 3 3 � p � o � o C' o �T�� / O � OO Copyright 3 3 Z �n 2�} 24 SA BELOW z ° ° _ r-10 8 Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz � I � ,_ � � �_ "' � "' � � "' � 3 THERMOSTAT TO RE IN �� g g � 'r' 2 60 RA v' � �' B�6 � Q o,rchitects P c X x X x / � All Rights Reserved W W W W 16�6 - t LOBBYNCTION 12�6 T 3 3 � � Tnis docume�t, and the ideas and I I � EXIST O I XIST�M XISTING 0 I designs incorporoted herein, as an 101 instrument of professional service, is I 16/6 Q � �2 1`J� 1`J� O � Schultz Architects, P C and is not 3 3 EX�S G the property of Gwathmey/Pratt 3 1 � to be used, in whole or in part, for � — — _ — — — — — — — — any other pro�ect without the written �6 — J Jr thHenryl R PrattWOrdS dney�thmey Schultz n� -- - - - - - - - - �P - EXIST G I U I �s� � 1 � � 50 160 163 UP J1 J1 — — — — — — 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 103 10 _ _ _ ,02 104 _ J2 Date 03 AUG. 06 J2 — — — — — I — — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � Q REISSUED � 09 OCT 06 I 148 143 139 135 131 127 119 115 107 i �2 23 �CT �6 � ,5s � 156 — 124 12 _ _ _ � 0 22 NOV 06 ooz �5 �4o Q36 ��� — — — — — �3 m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 J3 — — — — — 14 142 � r 138 �134 130 � 122 � 118 r ^ � D/D CONVERTABLE 149 � � � � � � � � Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing , _ �44 _ _ � L _ i 32 i 2a J i 2o i�s L _ i os _ _ _ - -L - �4 co st uc tionaofe his pro�ect orearchi en9 purpose of �4 - - - - - � Unauthorized copy�ng, disclosure or construction use '� � 0 " � � i5o �as �T without written permission of Alvine Engineering is � 0 O 5 2 3 g n prohibited by copynght law iss �1 0 H 154 153 004 006 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 �24 I I N OTE. 4 '� �� � �s�� O � � � � � � � DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and �,��'�o � �L%9�`'� WEST MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING � '� i TIMBERLINt MV DD MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING MV C�D MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, �TRUCTURAL, shop and Z� other appropnate drawmg or at site. Lay out and ;� 33484 m: � � I coordinate all work prior to installation to provide �� e� I 145 i4i o o i3 133 �2s iz5 0 �2> >i� o _ iia ios _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cleorances required for operation, maintenance, and �•. .•',k,`'�' K 1 — — — — —152 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — K� codes and verify non-interference with other work. F�S''••••••••��f � 151 - - - - - _ DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF �4NAL� �Q� o A _ _ A _ _� � —� _ —�- CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES READ SPECIFICATIONS `i" V" _ a - -�— - - � - -�- � �, — — — — — — I � I KZ . K2 � O - Sheet Number - � � FIR�ST FLOOR PLA�N — iViECHANI � AL — DEiV10 � ITION ' ' Alvine SCAL : ', " = 10'-0" Engineering � � � � I � � Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � 1 ` 0 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1 S00 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue � Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 11 �� 9 8 � 6 5 4 F�one �402)341r95�76 Faxne (402)477•9666 Phone (515)243-0569 Gwath m ey 11 ta 9 8 7 6 5 4 FLAG NOTES ra Sch u i tz I I I I I I I I 1� ADJUST EXISTING LINEAR RETURN AIR GRILLE LENGTH TO ACCOMMODATE �+�tecta, p.c. NEW POCKET WALLS 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Weat Vail. Colorado 81657 � PROVIDE (3) 24"x6" RETURN AIR OPENINGS UP WITHIN LIGHTCOVE Fax: �s�o3 ai6 i6 2 I I I I I � I I I COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD. < 3� IN AREAS WHERE A NEW CEILING IS BEING INSTALLED REPLACE EXISIING DIFFUSERS WITH A NEW T1TUS (OR EQUAL) MODEL TMS—FR FIRE RATED DIFFUSER (D-1F). DIFFUSERS SHALL HAVE AN INTERNAL FIRE DAMPER I I �D DO I I I I I I AND THERMAL INSULATING BLANKET. DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY SHALL BE A � � °UL CLASSIFIED FIRE RATED CEILING DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY" _ 3 I I I I I � I I I UP UP 20/� �s/�o �E (�) 3 HVAC GENERAL NOTES: 3 I I I 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR EXACT DIFFUSER, REGISTER, GRILLE, AND CEILING MOUNTED DEVICE LOCATIONS. 48/36 RA 12/6 12 6 �6�8 1 Z/6 2. DO NOT RUN DUCTWORK OR PIPING ABOVE ELECTRICAL PANELS OR IN CODE z 12x6 R-1 12x R-1 REQUIRED CLEARANCE SPACES. COORDINATE ALL ROUTING WORK WITH ALL O TRADES I I 2��12 I I 3 F . � F . � I 0 I 3 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LOCATION OF DUCTWORK IN CEILING SPACE � � 10/4 WITH ALL TRADES PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF DUCTWORK. Q - 24/18 RA T 3 T 4• FOR GENERAL DUCTWORK CONSTRUCTION, SEE DETAIL 1/M3.1 � r I _ 3 � 5. DUCTWORK AND EQUIPMENT SHOWN HALF-TONE IS EXISTING TO REMAIN 2 10 4 DUCTWORK AND EQUIPMENT SHOWN FULL-TONE IS NEW. O O 2 ALON J 1 SALON A / 6. PROVIDE VOLUME DAMPER IN ALL BRANCH TAKEOFFS CONNECTING TO z 0 T 18/10 DIFFUSERS OR REGISTERS W � I I I I I (TYP) � 6�$ � 7 PROVIDE CLEARANCES TO ALL EQUIPMENT AS REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURERS' � � , T � g o INSTALLATION AND OPERATION REQUIREMENTS AND/OR BY CODE. O D 1 3 $ DUCTWORK SHALL NOT BE FABRICATED UNTIL ALL COORDINAl10N CONFLICTS � 48/36 00 ° HAVE BEEN RESOLVED � - I I f I I g/10 � 9 CAP ENDS OF ALL INSTALLED DUCTWORK DURING CONSIRUC110N TO MINIMIZE O O 16/18 DIRT, DEBRIS, AND FOREIGN OBJECTS FROM ENTERING THE DUCT SYSTEM � U 16/18 T SALON I SALON B 10 COORDINATE SCHEDULE OF SHUTDOWN FOR EXISTING HVAC SYSTEMS, FOR � 16/18 INSTALLATION OF NEW HVAC SYSTEMS, WITH THE OWNER�S REPRESENTATIVE „ � 16%18 2 � � SAL N F � SALON E � 2 � PRIOR TO SHUTDOWN � _J 32 30 T /6 11. COORDINATE LOCATION OF DUCTWORK WITH ELECTRICAL CABLE TRAYS � � 3 D-1F � > '— -1 I 32/30 200 I I I 50 16/18 �- �c - - - - - - �6�18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �' 16�8 SALON C � � I 24/24 I SALON H � I � T 2 ��� O 2 48/36 2 � � I 1 I I I I — 2 �F 3 Q 0 � - - � 8/ 0 � 3 D-1F 1 I I I I I 200 (TYP) SALON G SALON D T 2 � T EXISTING 20/20 SA AND 48/36 RA 20/16 RA UP � — —�— — — — � — — — --� — — — — 0 8 2 / — — — --{ H ) -. � — — — — — — — — � � 24/24 � H 2 — — — — — — — — I — — — — — 24/18 — — — — 30 26 — I — — — — — — — H 2 OH 3 oxo oxo � oXO _ — — � H 3 28 16 � � � d- 0 N N N N Q I I - - �z—. ° 2� 2 SA BELOW � o � °o � � o � � T ER ST T 0 E IN O � � �Copyright w /6 R — w � � Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz Architects, P C PREFUNCTION 12 6 O f a.ii Rights Reserved I I I LOBBY � EXIST 101 V`-' This document, and the ideas and I a I designs incorporated herein, as an �2 � the rp opertyfof rGwathmey/Pr tlte. is O — — EX�S G Schultz Architects, P C and is not 1 � to be used, in whole or in part, for � — — — — — — 162 — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 — — any other pro�ect without the written O UP � authorization of Edward M Gwathmey Jr, Henry R Pratt, or Sidney I �si I I EXIST G � s�n�icZ iso is3 50 J1 — — — — — — 6 — — — — — UP — — — — — J1 143 10 J 2 — — — — — I -- — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 102 104 — — — — I — J 2 Date 03 AUG 06 ' 9 Q REISSUED 09 OCT 06 � 148 143 139 �35 131 127 � 119 115 � 107 � 0 2 3 �C T �6 J 3 — _ _ _ 002 _ �58 15 156 — _ 140 1� — '24 118 '12 110 �3 m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE 20069026 0 22 NOV 06 � p D/D CONVERTABLE 149 147 142 I ii 138 134 130 ' � 122 � I I � # " � � � L J � Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing '_ J 4 — — — — — — 144 � _ _ i32 �2a i2o 116 _ 108 _ __ _ _ �_ _ �4 is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of 0 � �onstruction of this pro�ect or archiving ^ � � �50 �4s CT Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use / � O O 5 2 3 9 Q I I without written permission of Alvine Engineering is 155 prohibited by copyright law � '' H 154 153 004 006 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 � I N 0 TE. pn V �p000 e s DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and c��;�� N L�:�4�� WEST MV DD MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING MV DD MV DD MV EXEC KING MV DD MV DD MV EXEC KING MV DD ' '�s TIMBERLINE � ADA ROOM ADA ROOM clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and 33484 m: � other appropnate drawing or at site. Lay out and . I � I � coordinate all work prior to installation to prowde eo �a�� ia-s i4i is 133 i2s �zs i2i �i� 113 ios clearances required for operation, maintenance, and ���.�.e •.•°�� � K 1 — — — — —152 — — — — — O o — — — — _ _ � — _ _ � _ _ — — _ — — — K� codes and verify non—interference with other work. ���'�S'S�°••°•°t ,c^ ;� r ea,,� . i5i �.. Q��AL `. o DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF _- �� a -�— I � �- I �— �- � �- � - - - - � - CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES READ SPECIFICAl10NS ���� K2 � O K2 . _ ' ' ' FIRST� F'LOOR PLAN - ' MECHANICAL' � � Sheet Number Alvine SCALE: 1 'n = 10'-0" • • � � � � � � � � Engineer � ng Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � � ` � 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1 S00 0 Street,$wte 104 4308 Unrversity Avenue Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Phone (402)341r7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 Gwath m ey Pratt Schultz D Archttects. p.a DUCTWORK MAIN 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Weat Vail. Colorado 81657 Tel: �970) 476-1147 Fax: 70j 476-1812 � R = 1 X D (UNLESS SHOWN H E T (HI—EFFICIENCY TAKEOFF) OTHERWISE) WITH VOLUME DAMPER VOLUME DAMPER ROUND DUCT TO DIFFUSER SEE PLAN FOR SIZE 90° ELBOW DIFFUSER TAKE—OFF 45' ENTRY BRANCH CONVERGING TEF 30' MAX RECTANGULAR DUCT � 0' MA� FLEXIBLE DUCT 36" MAX z � NOTE• � WHERE FITf1NG ' NOT POSSIBLE, Q � USE EXTRACTOR DIFFUSER > � SINGLE BRANCH TAKE—OFF DOUBLE BRqNCH TAKE—OFF SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER z O 36" MAX W � S � � �—�{ S S � � I I �� SHEET METAL O ` � 90' ELBOW ROUND DUCT � � F��1 `ti °` O 0 • �3 O U FLEXIBLE DUCT � 4° �°° � .. � � Q Q X+4" S = 2" STANDARD DIFFUSER � > 45° LATERAL CROSS W/ REDUCER TWO WAY 45° WYE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER � DUCT FITTING DETAILS o 1 NO SCALE o����2 9/13/95 M3.1 � � Q � � � DIFFUSER REGISTER AND GRILLE SCHEDULE •, o MARK R-1 G-1 D-1F 3 DESCRIPTION LOUVER SUPPLY LOUVERED FACE LOUVERED FACE . DEFLECTION DOUBLE SINGLE 4—WAY MAXIMUM STATIC PRESSURE(IN W G) 01 01 01 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL STEEL STEEL STEEL ' FINISH WHITE WHITE WHITE o coPyright Gwa�hmey/Pratt/Schultz FACE SIZE �IN� SEE PLANS — VARIES AlicR ghts'eserved MANUFACTURER TITUS T1TUS TITUS Tn�s document, and the ideas and designs incorporated herein, as an MODEL NUMBER 300 RL 350 RL TMS—FR instrument of professional service, is the property of Gwathmey/Pratt ACCESSORIES Q B.D — — to hbe u ed h in whole or�in dpart,�for REMARKS (1) (�) �11 /21 any other pro�ect without the written i � ` � authorization of Edward M Gwathmey Jr, Henry R Pratt, or Sidney Schultz REMARKS. (1.) CONTRACTOR SHALL VERFY CEILING CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO FURNISHING MATERIAL 3 (2) DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY SHaL BE A "UL CLASSIFIED FIRE RATED CEILING DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY". Date 03 AUG 06 Q REISSUED 09 OCT. 06 �2 23 OCT. 06 m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 0 22 NOV 06 . Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing _ is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of • construction of this project or archiwng. � Unauthonzed copying, disclosure or construction use � without written permission of Alvine Engineering is � prohibited by copyright law. NOTE: o.,o��� �.� � ,��, aoma , DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and �'� y �%�e•o other appropriate drawing or at site Lay out and � �34g4 m� coordinate all work prior to installation to provide g ; clearances required for operation, maintenance, and �„o •c�, °• o codes and verify non—interference with other work �`��°ba.m..o•°'�.�'��`', DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ��,��t�AL�-�°�'`� CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES READ SPECIFICATIONS. �`j�'�i (/� l� Sheet Number � Alvine Engineering Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � /� � ` � 1102 Douglas on ihe Mall 1800 0 Street,Sude 104 4308 Universiiy Avenue I v I Omaha,Nebraska 68102 �ncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 � � r r r r r r � - � � � � � � � � � � � � �•� � � ... _ _ .�. � •� � � . - - �ii.ii.ii�.,ii�i.�o.s�r�iiii�ri..s��ii�i�sii�iiiiiiii.riiii�isiirii��i.�ii��iri.�iiios�iiiii�.i //////!//!/.'%1/i///I'//f�//////i'///i'1///J!✓//////%/�l1'1////%//////i%e%////1///////1//�'///l�///.�/� � •�� � � � � �• j�%�!���j � � � i ��:.� �_ •� . ,�//;�;/rU��;j j j � � ••� � � � ��' //�I�%I��/,�% � ,,.�.�� � �• ;. ,� � � % '��'I%��j �//%� �� I���I�/��Ii%/! �� .� 1 � 1 :1 1 � %/1//////////O�///J///.//�:'1//J//i'.///1f////J1/%r:�:%//.'_/�1:'l:'%///:�� ��%'J////////'//1/f71//�J.%Os�/!'101%////�'////if////!//////////.%////!�/// �. � ••�• �• ��•� • �/ ';:;:::::�i a` � ��/ .�,,,.......�_: % %j �%%%�%%%��� % ;%�j / �%%%%%%%%/ � � . � , .. .. �.. , ••.� , ,� � ��� ,�����%y;� � :�� � ,,,,����� � � ..�. . . . . , � � . . � � � :������'s%� � / /� / ��������� % , . . . .� : i ;//////� / . �, , . /. � �. �,/ . / /� ,////// / / //////�� � ,� � / �� � �i �� i� -,�. -.i �! _.i �� ,////// / / �/////�� / �/ � / �/� �/ ���'i/ � �� /�. � /� �///// / : � � �� � � � � i ;iiiir,, 9 / �/ / � / � /� �/ / /,��/ � .,,, .�/ ,iiiii .� � s ii,_c.��� � / � �/, / ,/ � �/ , �/���/ / � ,iiiii i /�//a,._.._.._..__._. � �/ / ��/ , /��� �/ � ..� / / .. , . . �� � / /._ . � . _ . r/�i//�,,,,,////,,,,./�i...._..._.._.._.. � - � . - �, � , �. .�.: � . . r ,. � / . / , �. , � ,� .. . . . ✓�t �����.�����i�.i'.��i�� � � . .. i /�'///"//I/////r%/!///////J//� //i/J�///J..��//O/i'/!/J////�'//LU////,'%///N/////Y/1///���� � � /��///�///O/J�///./�////,'�///i'/f///////!J/H/i///�'�JiO//O///J////////.�/'/��/f/////'%/ / / / � / , ii s`ii,�,�///,i�:..,�i,ii,�.�.�iio`.�i��ifii�iiiii�iiiii�iiiiii�ii�iii // �j ^ . � � � , � � � •. � ��•� , �I%�_ ____,-;� �i�iiii.�iir� �:I n'��i � ••� • � �� � � �I�j I�I�� � r` � � ' � � •i� •-1■...- •.--� . �' ��� / •I/ ''''// ..■ 1�,�■,..J�..' /�� � �� � � � � �� � 0 �� j%�,� � �� ,• ��� , ■■■■- � �-.�:::-::-::-_:-::-., 1...l��■I�l. .� ._______ . . . . , . � �• __/ � •� i •� � _...._..._..._......._......, � ' � �� � - -- � :; -- � _ � I _ 1��1\■IC�r� • ,. �° ,. � ,,,,._ ,� , �, � � , � � � �;� �%� � �i == �. � ,: � ����� �i1Q1'_ i �, ___ �. i, ����� ;:I�G�ii���� // , .,�, �� � ��i :ui �� ��� u���. ,�� �� �p����� � �.!:��.�i��n�� ��� ��i i�i ir 1' / 1 �' � 1 1 • %/ ; � m 4 �: � "� `� 0��� �� � I—I�Jr�� � m ►:�� " � Q ' �:� p m Q �;�������� � � � / �/�.... �,���, ,r, -— �����•—'�'•------- � ----��..,���, �� � - �,�, � _��j►��� .��- . �,1����1■�� � � %/!///�'fJl.�JI�%�//I//.///✓///////f/////.///!/A!////J///Ii W .rv v.� � / I • � \Y �v v� �I , � ••� � � . • �• ,R.�� iiI � �i�� '� ■ ■ �� �►■� ■ ���i� �i i ,I�C%'''�J■ j '' ' • ,��r-- ;�;o� 'V�Co,I �:� o 0 o c� � ���.._•� '� ���.���� c� c► o o a:> ;; o ,... r -,� �� � ..,�_ �,__���_ .,�_ ,� .�.� .�1 � 1 � �,����►i■■ /% � �. , , : .,. ��'"ll.■■■II ' .�i �� . �'cc �v �v av (��zr �y �v �v I � ����� %� � IruJ !'—•---,---- 1 ' � 1 '1 %�II.■�•�:-a'� �� � • ��� �) 0 � � �I (� � 4 � .. . . � (� • J 1�' • � I � 'i..■�'�-J'■■� / �/ � � �� . � �� � ;�. • �, � ;` � � .,i���— ��,.i% im.J������ '.�C:� � c� C�� . -�17������ . � .. � ♦1 (.�Q �■ � � � •� � •� - iy �0�� '�� _ I 0 0 Q �. •:�: �• ., �• n �, �� � � � �I��■'.■ � /;���.J��l.�� ,; � �• ; � � '=;' • :;•�; � � �� _ I,—;� � �rp CI� . �� �•. :� � . �� . � ��������� ����,�',y,����,� .. ��:,���,��,s,����,� `►�� . , /iiiiiiiiiioi�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiii!%�� � �������I� � � .y. 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Frontage Rd. West • Vail. Colorado 81857 Tsl: 970 476-1147 Fax: 970 476-1612 0 0 i � LIGHTING PANEL SCHEDULE ^ LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE � >z � PANEL CIRCUIT QUANTITY AND SIZE BRANCHES � FIXT LAMP DATA � DESIGNATION NUMBERS � N� MANUFACTURER CATALOG NO (NOTE 1) VOLTS MOUNIING DESCRIPTION REMARKS � ACTIVE SPARE SPACE REMARKS ' QUANTITY AND SIZE TYPE v4 GBRA 1 -30 23 20/1 4 2a/1 0 r A1 COOPER CX7170GSD FURN. W/ FIXT. LED UNV WALL EXIT SIGN NOTE 2 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W 1 60/3 � 100A MLO � C1 COOPER SSL232—UNV—EB81U (2� T8 3000K F UNV COVE STAGGERED STRIP 2 W/ GND BAR ( SUFtFACE MOUNTED �' C2 COOPER SSL225—UNV—E881U (1) T8 3000K F UNV COVE ST,aGGERED STRIP 30 POLES ( C3 NOT USED GBRD 1 -30 22 20/1 4 20/1 1 � z 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W 1 60/3 r C4 NOT USED 0 100A MLO \� — LARGE BALLROOM I— W/ GND. BAR D1 BY OWNER — � 120 PENDANT SURFACE MOUNTED � _ CHANDELIER Q 30 POLES � D2 BY OWNER — � 12� PENDANT SMCHANDE IEROM > , ( D3 BY OWNER — I 120 WALL BALLROOM � WALL SCONCE Z O GBRE (TUB 1 1 -42 41 20/1 1 20/1 0 � W 0 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W ( D4 BY OWNER — I 120 PENDANT CHANDELIERN Q ' 200A MLO � � W/FEED THRU LUGS AND GND BAR /� D5 NOT USED O SURFACE MOUNTED t 42 POLES �' E2 ATLAN11C A89126E1-80X/8910CL (1) 26W QUAD 3000K CF 120 RECESSED 8" DOWNLIGHT NOTE 3 � � � O , ( F COOPER IC-232—UNV—EB81 (1) T8 3500K F 120 CHAIN INDUSTRIAL O U GBRE TUB 2 43 —84 24 20/1 5 2G/1 13 � , 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W G COOPER SN-132—UNV—E681U (1) T8 3000K F 120 �ANSOM NARROW NOTE 4 � 200A MLO ( WINDOWS CHANNEL —I W/ GND BAR � � � - SURFACE MOUNTED H1 NOT USED � 42 POLES ( � ' H2 NOT USED � � GBRF TUB 1 1 —42 41 20 1 1 20 1 0 ( P1 NOT USED �— 208/120V 3,PH, 4 W / / � RECESSED ADJ SPOT NOTE 5 � 200A MLO r P2 COOPER H1499T/1493P 35W MR16 FLOOD I 120 O W/FEED THRU LUGS AND GND BAR � SURFACE MOUNTED � P3 NOT USED � 42 POLES ( NOTE 6,7 � T1 COOPER L530070ESCPL 70W MA (7038MH—FL) I 120 TRACK TRACKLIGHT � GBRF TUB 2 43 —84 22 20/1 4 20/1 16 � , 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W 200A MLO 1 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LIGHT FIXTURE CATALOG NUMBER AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING. . W/ GND. BAR 2 COORDINATE TRIM / HOUSING FINISH WITH ARCHITECTS PRIOR TO ORDERING • SURFACE MOUNTED 42 POLES 3. PROVIDE ADVANCE MARK 10 DIMMING BALLAST. � 4. COORDINATE FIXTURE INSTALLAl10N AND LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 5 ADJUST DIMMING MODULE TO MAX OUTPUT 90% GBRG 1 -30 23 20/1 4 20/1 0 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W 1 60/3 6. PROVIDE SINGLE CIRCUIT TRACK,ADAPTORS,COUPLERS, END PLATES,ETC. FOR A COMPLETE WORKING TRACK SYSTEM. 100A MLO 7. PROVIDE QUANTITY OF HEADS INDICATED ON PLANS W/ GND. BAR 8 DO NOT PROVIDE DIMMING CIRCUIT TO RESTROOM CIRCUIT SURFACE MOUNTED 30 POLES GBRJ 1 —30 23 20/1 4 20/1 0 O Copynght • 208�120V 3 PH, 4 W 1 60�3 A chit cts/Pr C t/Schultz 100A MLO All Rights Reserved W/ GND BAR Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns SURFACE MOUNTED P corporatedherein,asaniPstPum�ntof rofessionalservice,isthe ro ert of 30 POLES Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArch�tects,P C andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for ♦ anyotherpro�ectwi ou ewn en authonzationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, Henryl2 Prott,orSidneySchultz PFRA TUB t) 1 -42 34 20/1 8 20/1 0 � ` 208/120V 3 PH, 4 W 200A MLO , W/FEED THRU LUGS AND GND BAR SURFACE MOUNTED Date: 03 AUG. 06 ' 42 POLES Qj REISSUED . 09 OCT 06 PFRA (TUB 2) 43 —84 32 20/1 2 20/1 8 0 2� 2 3 0 C T 0 6 2os�,zo� 3PH, 4W � DISTRIBUTION PANEL SCHEDULE 200A MLO o W/ GND. BAR � m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 SURFACE MOUNTED a CIRCUIT NAMEPLATE Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing 42 POLES � DESIGNATION NUMBER DESIGNATION ACTIVE SPARE SPACE REMARKS is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of construction of this pro�ect or archiving °4 DPBR1 1 GBRE 200 3 Unauthorized copy'ing, disclosure or construction use � PFRB 1 -42 24 20/1 3 20/1 15 208Y/120V 3 PH 4 W 2 GBRF 200/3 Pithout writY n P�9ission of Alvine Engineering is 208 120V 3 PH, 4 W W/ GROUND BAR 3 GBRG 100 3 rohibited b co i ht law. p`�!, � /� 100A MLO 400A MAIN LUG ONLY 4 GBRJ 100/3 N OTE. ,�,• � •4•.•,. Sl��,,,, BREAKER DISTRIBUTION 5 CS1 100 3 , �. R,4 ;E'�., W/ GND BAR 18000 AIC 6 CS2 100 3 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and ; � �� . : clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and ,� � � FLUSH MOUNTED 7 CS3 100 3 other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and � Z ; _ 42 POLES 8 CS4 100 3 coordinate all work prior to installation to provide � - :p Z��67 m;�� 9 GBRA 100 3 ciearances required for operation, maintenance, and :s �.� � �;�,�F(�1 10 GBRD 100 3 codes and venfy non—mterference with other work '•�•�'�►ti...,�,�eo�6�ar,,v�� 11 SPACE 100 3 DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF '•.��OqA�E.•��/ ST = SHUNT TRIP 12 SPACE 100 3 CLEARANCE FOR ALL 1RADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS �� G = GROUND FAULT CURRENT INTERRUPTER Sheet Number ' Alvine � • Er� gineering Omaha �ncoln Des Moines , 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue , Omaha,Nebmska 68102 �ncoln,Nebmska 68508 Des Momes,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 � Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 � �+ - Gwathmey • Pratt ' Sch u I tz , Architecte, p.c. 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West ' Vail. Colorado 81857 Tel: 970 476-1147 Fax: 970 476-1612 AUDIO VIDEO GENERAL NOTES A/V CABLING NOTES LO U D S P E A K E R S C {� E D U L E 1 CABLE DAMAGED DURING ITS INSTALLATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS OTHERWISE ALLOWED BY OWNER, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE CABLE DAMAGED DUE TO ITS INSTALLAl10N WITH NEW CABLE INSTALLED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. DAMAGE INCLUDES PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO CABLE OR IMPROPER INSTALI ATIOV PRACTICES THAT MAY AFFECT PERFORMANCE FIXT 2. CABLING SHALL BE TERMINATED IN NUMERICAL ORDER BASED ON OUTLET NUMBERING MANUFACTURER CATALOG N0. (NOTE 1) MOUNTING DESCRIPTION REMARKS N0. 3 COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHTS AND FINAL LOCATION OF ALL OUTLETS WITH INTERIOR DESIGNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-!N 1 ELECTRO-VOICE EVID C4.2 RECESSED 4" CEILING 2-WAY 2 ELECTRO-VOICE EVID C8.2 RECESSED 8" CEILING 2-WAY z 3 ELECTRO-VOICE EVID C8 2HC RECESSED 8 PATTERN O CEILING CONTROL 2-WAY CONSTRUCTION NOTES — � NOTES 1 ALL DEBRIS RESULTING FROM PENETRATIONS SHALL BE CLEARED AND REMOVED FROM SITE ON A DAILY BASIS Q 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOUDSPEAKER CATALOG NUMBER AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING. 2 ALL MATERIALS AND SURFACES TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED IF SUCH MATERIALS AND SURFACES ARE DAMA�ED DURING CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR AND FINISH TO MATCH ORIGINAL CONDITIONS EQUIPMENT, AND > 2. CONIRACTOR TO COORDINATE LOUDSPEAKER FINISH WITH ARCHITECT AND INTERIOR DESIGNER. FURNISHINGS SHALL BE PROTECTED WHERE CONSTRUCTION WILL CAUSE DUST, DEBRIS, AND POSSIBLE DAMAGE O ' 3 CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED WHEN REMOVING OR REPLACING SUSPENDED CEILING PANELS DAMAGED PANELS SHAL� BE REPLACED WITH NEW PANELS ALL CEILINGS SHALL BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER z O CONDITION PAINT, CLEAN, AND REPLACE CEI�ING PANELS AS NECESSARY DO NOT LEAVE FINGERPRINTS ON PANELS. W � • 4 ANY STAGING AREA USED BY CONTRACTOR SHA�L BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION TO OWNER'S SATISFACTIOP. CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN WORK TRAILER, MATERIAL � � STORAGE AND STAGING AND PARKING SPACE IF NEEDED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WORK TRAILER, SECU� STORAGE SPACE, PHONE LINES AND ANY OTHER SERVICE DEEMED NECESSARY. THE OWNER WILL NOT � PROVIDE ANCILLARY SERVICES AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE O ' 5 FIRESTOP ALL FLOOR, TRAY, AND WALL PENETRATIONS � � 6 GROUND AND BOND CABLE TRAYS WITH #6 AWG BARE COPPER WIRE UTILIZING CABLE TRAY MANUFACTURER'S RECC�IMENDED HARDWARE TO MAINTAIN GROUND CONIINUITY O O � O U � � � � V CATV AMPLIFIER SCHEDULE � Q FIXT AV CABLE SCH EDU LE °° � N 0. M A N U FACTURER CATALOG NO (NOTE 1) MOUNTING DESCRIPTION REMARKS � BIDA 86A-43P TYPE MANUFACTURER PART NUMBER DESCRIFfION LINE TYPE REMARKS � 1 BLONDER-TONGUE 5800 WALL MOUNT 43 dB AMPLIFIER x O CT-02 BELDEN 6300UE 18 AWGI-PAIR LOUDSPEAKER CABLE N/A X � NOTES� 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AMPLIFlER CATALOG NUMBER AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING. CT-04 BELDEN 6200UE 16 AWG I-PAIR LOUDSPEAKER CABLE N/A X � 2. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PADDING AS REQUIRED Q CT-06 BELDEN 6100UE 14 AWGI-PAIR LOUDSPEAKER CABLE N/A X � CT-08 BELDEN 6000UE 12 AWG1-PAIR LOUDSPEAKER CABLE N/A X x � CT-10 BELDEN 6TOOUP 10 AWG 1-PAIR LOUDSPEAKER CABLE N/A X CT-12 COMMSCOPE PIII 625 JCA .625 CEN CABLE -------- X CT-14 COMMSCOPE 2285V RG-11 CAN CABLE —••— — �—��— —��—��— X AUDIO / VISUAL - - - - - - - - - - X CT-16 COMMSCOPE 2275� RG-6 CAN CABLE x SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION -• O CEILING SPEAKER I-Q WALL MICROPHONE OUTLET CT-18 EXTRON STP20-X AUDIO/MICROPHONE N�A x I-O WALL SPEAKER � FLOOR MICROPHONE OUTLET INPUT ou�uT SINGLE OUTPUT AMPLIFIER X AV UTP CA�LE X oo co ri � � VOLUME CONTROL I-� TELEVISION�VIDEO OUTLET � PRIMARY HUB IN MULTI-LEVEL NETWORKS CT-20 EXTRON UTP23SF-4X SKEW F�EE N�A X Gwathmey/Pratt/Schuitz Architects, P C Tr FLOOR COMMUNICATION OUTLET - Aii Rights Reserved �— WALL MOUNT TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT �� "T/F" INDICATES TABLETOP OR FLOOR MOUNTED � HEADEND LOCATION �T-22 WEST PENN 3751 COMMUPICAl10NS CABLE N/A x Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns ����� INDICAIES JACK TYPE X incorporatedherein,asaninstrumentof professionalservice,isthepropertyof +! AV FACEPLATE �� CATV SPLITTER NOTES anyotherp oPectwsthoutthewrittens,P c # n �� INDICATES PLATE STYLE -��� andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for � authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, # 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CABLE CATALOG NUMBER AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO ORDERING Henrytz P�att,orSidneySchultz Av M "M" INDICATES MICROPHONE COUNT • x "L° INDICATES LINE OUTPUT COUNT 2. ALL CABLES TO BE PLENUM RATED. Date: 03 AUG 06 AV ELECTRICAL ROUGH — IN � REISSUED • 09 OCT 06 AND CONDUIT REQUIREMENTS 02 23 o�T o6 � 2 3 4 5 6 m COPIRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 AV FACEPLATE I� �I u I� v� A V � A V T � T T Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of construction of this pro�ect or archiving ELECTRICAL Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use - ROUGH-IN BOX 2-GANG 6-GANG 4-GANG 2-GANG 2-GANG 2-GANG P 9• 9 without written ermission of Alvine En ineenn is prohibited by copyright law. ELECTRICAL 2-GANG 6-GANG 4-GANG 1-GANG 1-GANG 2-GANG ,,•�`'••�•���� �•• , PLASTER RING N OTE. o S •, .°'��o� � � ��'••� �'•. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and . �►. R. ,Q E`O ; CONDUIT SIZE 3/4" 1-1/4" X2 1-1/4" X2 1" 1" 3/4" � ciearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and � � lG:. . other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and � � ' = z : MOUNIING n � •, ,� MOUNTED CN coordmate ali work pnor to mstallation to provide :0 2016� R'' : = 48 AFF 18 AFF 18 AFF 18 AFF 48" AFF clearances required for operation, maintenance, and =,o� ;'�:� HEIGHT DEVICE codes and verify non-interference with other work '•.;�p�;.�� ��:G��4;:� DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ��"°•:,�SS/O�dA��'� �, NOTES. CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. �"����������/�/ 1. INSTALLAl10N BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 2 COORDINATE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND MOUNTING HEIGHTS WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AND ARCHITECT. 3. CONDUITS TO BE STUBBED INTO NEAREST ACCESSIBLE CEILING LOCATION. Sh eet N u m b er � Alvine � '� Engineering n \ ` Omaha �ncoln Des Moines /� V 0 ` � _ 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1 S00 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue � � • Omoha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebmska 68506 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Y Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 " Gwathmey . � FLAG NOTES P ra tt Sch u I tz � 1� LOUDSPEAKER AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND . HARDWARE TO BE REMOVED. REPAIR CEILING FINISH Archttects, p.c. . WHERE NEEDED 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Weat Vail. Colorado 81857 2 AV EQUIPMENT, RACKS AND ALL ASSOCIATED Te1: �970) 476-1147 HARDWARE TO BE REMOVED. Fax: 970� 476-1612 3� FACE PLATE AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND HARDWARE TO BE REMOVED. REPAIR WALL FINISH WHERE NEEDED. � � 4� REMOVE EXISTiNG SECURITY FENCE AND REPAIR STORAGE WARMING KITCHEN FLOOR AND WALL TO ORIGINAL CONDITION STAIR C STAIR D ELEV 3 j j / / GENERAL NOTES z , 1 ALL RELOCATED COMPONENTS TO BE PROTECTED 0 � DURING DEMOLITION AND TRANSIT. SYSTEM OPERATION � , , 23,2q,,/ , — »�g� , , , TO BE TESTED AND CONFIRMED AFTER RELOCATION. Q �'�4 � � 25,26 i 19,2 � r ��� i r � � � 3 ��� STORAGE 2 REMOVED HED ITEMS INDICATE COMPONENT TO BE \ / , � ,/�� �,� 3 ALL AV LOCAT10NS NOT BEING REUSED SHALL BE � �" , , , , , , � �/ RESTORED TO EXIS11NG CONDI110N OR REPLACED WITH O FIRE CONTROL SALON J SALON A NEW. CONFIRM FINISH AND REPAIR WITH ARCHITECT Z Q ,� ,� / ,� BEFORE RESTORATION. W Q ' 41,42 �'� �' � �' � 4 COORDINATE DISPOSAL OF ALL AV EQUIPMENT WITH , �T.�p� HOTEL TECHNICAL STAFF � � ' � 1 . . . . � - — � 0 � � � � � � O � • • O j 3 3�8 � �' � � �6� ON U , 39,40 7,8 L� SA�ON I SALON B • . _ , COaTS � � ' � �i �% �O� %�/i i�i �/i i�i �i � ,�f,� � — � � i \ / SALON F SALON E FAN ROOM � . / .� . ✓ � , ' o � �� � �✓i %�/i i�k✓i %�i %�i 1S�i � � / �� O • SALON H SALON C g,g � 33,34 10 1 � 35,36 � � � � � � � � �; � � EGIST � � �/ �✓/ � � �i � � � % LOWER • 31,�2 , , / . � ,�; � � � ,�4 LOBBY �' ' SALON G SALON D � � � � � � � � � � � � 9,30 � 7,28 � 1,22 � � � �15,16 . 0 45,46 � � ' 3 . . (�) . . / � / / / �Copynght , Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz Architects, P C EXISTING aii Rights Reserved BOILER RM STAIR B Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns inco oratedherein,asaninstrumentof EXISTING � PRtFUNCTION T R professionalserwce,isthepropertyof MECHANICAL LOBBY STAIR A Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,Pc . 10i andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for `�� ELEV 1 anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchultz . 1 _ y ,sZ . . ,,� .,/�; ELEV � t61 i �i �i :�i LOBBY I O _ ,60 163 STORAGE ELEV 2 , ,65 703 ,os Date: 03 AUG. 06 , . 102 ,�4 F I R ST F LO 0 R P LA N — Q REISSUED ,s9 ,s4 CORRIDOR ios AUDIO VISUAL DEMOLITION og o�T o6 02 23 OCT 06 , , SCALE: 1 "=10'-0" iaa ,as ,ss ,ss ,s, ,z� „s „s ,o� m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 �002 158 'SS Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing ,s� , ,ao , 136 , � ,za , , „2 � is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of 149 ,4� � � 'az I � i I 73f� � � ,3a ,30 � ,2s -, ,zz � � „a i � „o construction of this project or archiving � D/D CONVERTABLE O J L J L Unauthorized cop�ing, disclosure or construction use � �aa � � � � � � 'sz ,za � � ,20 � � � „s � � ,oa without written permission of Alvme Engineenng is � � prohibited by copynght law. � ���, . ... .. � ,50 ,46 N 0 TE: ,,..••��o, . �. ,.�, ,ss DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and .�'p� • ''•�F�; O ,s3 clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and :��' ��l�; ? ,54 O 004 006 008 0 0 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and . � : : coordinate a'I work prior to installation to provide Z Z�l�� r''' : � WEST MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING = • :�; TIMBERLINE MV DD MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD clearances required for operation, maintenance, and A�; ,_� r�c�,; �_ codes and venfy non—interference with other work. '-�,e�'•.,����o. ••��.•,n111 � DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF �''�.t,sS/p�p��.��:����� CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. �r�Ii� 152 145 141 � , 0 137 133 , 129 125 � 121 117 � 113 109 O 151 � O ' O O O O O O � O � O � O � O � Sheet Number • O O _ Alvine A ' Engineering \ / Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � V � ` O _ 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Sulte 104 4308 Unwersity Avenue • Omaha,Nebmska 68102 uncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 ' Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 \ 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 ) 4 • � � � � � � � i FLAG NOTES G w a t h m e y � � ' Pratt . Sch u I tz . I I I I I I I I 1� AV CONTROL FACEPLATE SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL #1 Architects. p.c. • 2� AV INPUT FACEPLATE SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL 2 �000 s. Frontage Rd. west # Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax: �970� 476-1612 I I �� �O I I I I I I 3� AV INPUT FACEPLATE. SEE SHEET AV5.1, DETAIL #3 � � ` 4� AV INPUT FACEPLATE SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL #4 I I I I I I I I UP �P 5 AV INPUT FACEPLATE SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL #5 � INTERCOM FACEPLATE SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL #6 I I I 7� CEILING MOUNTED RETRACTABLE LIGHTING POLE BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SEE SHEET AV5.2, � (�) DETAIL #4. I I I I AV31 �Typ� I I � 8� RLP'S SHALL BE LOCATED IN CEILINGS DIRECTLY � 2 1 BELOW STRUCTURAL BEAMS COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT AND FINISHED CEILING. z M-45,46,47,48 M-25,26,27, 8 M-1,2,3,4 O � L-12 L-7 � 2 1 � 2 1 L-1 2 1 � � — � � � � � � M-17,18,19,20 � L-5 Q , SALON J SALON A � , I I I I I I I I O 0 ° z . �'�� ° GENERAL NOTES W 0 ��"' � i i � i ° i � � 1 COORDINATE FINAL MOUNTING LOCATION OF AV � ce� DEVICES WITH ARCHITECT AND INTERIOR FINISHES PRIOR TO ROUGH—IN. � � . � �0' SALON � N B M_ s�8 � � O SALON F L . 2 SALON E (�) 5 � � U M-41,42,43,44 � L-11 � � I I I I I I I I � � ' �cn> - . 5 5 5 5 � � AM5�27 � > L_ � — — — — — — — — — — �B� — — � — — — T— — — — — � — (�) 8 — — — — — — — II� — — — t SALON C � 2 S�LON � M-37,38,39,40 L-10 O I I I I 2 I �I — M-9,1011,12 � � L-3 3 I N LL ��A� M-51,52 Q I nrn sza I I I I I L-14 � cB> � . I cc� SALON G SALON D • i i i i i i i �i � � �— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - ---0 I I __ M-33,34,35,36 M-29,30,31,32 2 M-21,22,23, 4 2 , , , � I L-9 L-8 L-6 �-4 H2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — —� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H 2 AM-525 AM526 � L � A -21 O H 3 � � 4 I 3 � � nan-zoz AM-300 � � � H 3 - ��� � 0 0 ,- r�,_s3z r � � � � � � � (A) P) I (A1 O I �- OO Copynght PREFUNCTION 4 Le, 0 cWathmey/Pratt/Schultz LOBBY ��� � Architects, P C 4 All R�ghts Reserved 141 O � 'fhisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns � incorporatedherefn,asan�nstrumentof � � � � � � professionalserwce,isthepropertyof � Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C 162 � anyotherpro�ectw thoutthew�r t en�for , � — — — — � �— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � J authonzationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, _ � _ 161 UP ❑ HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchultz u 160 163 � a,r.nao� AM 701 qM � J 1 — — — — — — — — � — — -aot ann-aot — � — UP — — — — — J 1 6 O ezs r� ) 5 ,an�-�ao 103 1(5 r - � �1 AM-301 AM-404 ,��� �q� AM�(W �)� AM-52 _ _ �,� — — — �fi322 �OZ �O4 — J Z J 2 I � I I � I I � Date- 03 AU G. 06 . Q REISSUED 09 OCT 06 I 148 143 139 135 131 12 119 115 107 � 20 23 OCT �6 �J3 — — — — 002— 158 157 156 - — — — — 1�0 136 — — — 124 112 — — — — — — J3 69�26 �47 �42 � � �38 134 �30 � �2 � >>8 � >>o � m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#200 Op D/D CONVERTABLE 149 � J L � � J L � Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing OJ 4 — — — — - -1— — - -- - 144 _ _ 132 �2a �20 � 116 �08 , F I R S T_ F L O 0 _ P 4 N — is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of -- construction of this pro�ect or archivmg. � � A U D I 0 v I s U L Unauthorized copy'ing, disclosure or construction use � � � �50 146 5 2 39 � Q I I — without written permission of Alvine Engineermg is O 155 i SCALE: � ��—� 0�—��� � N OTE by copyright law ,,esd��a' ,��'., s ���. 154 153 004 006 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 _ �� o� .� �. � � • ,' DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and q.�' � . S '• '��►: WEST MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, Sh0 and ?' � •��•�� •. TIMBERLINE MV DD MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD P �: : other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and � . I � I I coordinate all work prior to installation to provide : � ��1�� m ; . clearances required for operation, maintenance, and ��� t, ���` 145 141 0 o i 3 133 i 29 �25 o i 2t i�� o i i a i os codes and verify non—interference with other work. � � ' K 1 — — — 6 — — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — K 1 DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ••,s3' �,��'.••' 152 °�oF ������N��� � �` 151 °� �`,°''�i u�..� �: � — � CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES READ SPECIFICATIONS •, O�p`' r�,�`�/� o �..�, — — — — — — — — �— — �— — � — —Q— — —�-- — — —�— — � — — -�— � �— — �— — � — — — — —1— — �7J K2 � C K2 . Sheet Number � � � � � � - Alvine � � � � � � � � � Engineering _ Omaha Lincoln Des Molnes A U 1 � i . 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0$treet,$wte 104 4308 Unrversity Avenue Umaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebmska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 ' Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 - Gwathmey ' 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Pratt ` SCI'1 U I tZ • I I I i I i i i FLAG NOTES ��t�te. P.�. � 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Weat Vail. Colorado 81857 1� IN—CEILING LOUDSPEAKER SEE SHEET AV5 3, DETAIL #1. Fax: �9703 476-1612 I I I I I I I I 2� IN—CEILING LOUDSPEAKER. SEE SHEET AV5.3, DETAIL #2 � � IN—CEILING LOUDSPEAKER. SEE SHEET AV5.3, DETAIL #3 I I O� Q I I I I I I � � 4� IN—LINE 70V VOLUME CONTROL, COORDINATE MOUNTING LOCATION WITH OWNER I I I I I I I I UP UP � � z 0 i i i i i i � GENERAL NOTES Q � 1. COORDINATE LOCAl10N FOR ALL AV DEVICES WITH O I I I I I � � � ARCHITECTUAL AND INTERIOR FlNISHES PRIOR TO ROUGH—IN 0 s 2 2 2 2 SALON J " oo v� 02 2 SEE SHEET AV 0.1 FOR LOUDSPEAKER SCHEDULE z � � � SALON A W Q I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 I ❑ � �/ 2 2 AVR 02 A 002 2 2 o O ��� 002 � 14 2 11 � � � 0 . � � �B 2 � 2 , 2 � 2 � 2 � � � O 0 O U 2 2 2 2 �/ . cc S I 02 LL I I I A �9 � SALON F I 3 I I � � _ SALON E — . 2 2 2 2 2 2 � � � 2 2 2 2 � � I I n� 000 I I °4 I I � �q _ _ _ _ _ a- - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- -� - -� � 2 2 A 002 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I SALON F� F 2� I I A 02 � — AVR 002 5 AVft 002 A 002 � FEED � I 2 2 I I I 2 2 I � A 002 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 � 6 • � 1 �B� A 002 �7 � � 2 23 � � � 2 2 � . « G SALON D 2 2 2 2 2 2 • A 002 VR 02 —� — — — �— — — —� �Z vR-oo _ � _ _ J a � — — — — 2 — — — — — — — — — — H FEED 10 � � — AVR 2 9 � I H2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — H2 I 525 AM 52fi � � I 21 � V � F H3 1 1 1 1 � z AM o � 1 H3 1 1 1 1 1 1 � � � � � � � � � �Copyright •� �TYP yR p2 Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz (AI (e) � 27 (n) � � AIIcR ghts�Re erved � 1 � PREFU N CTI ON 0 � Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns AVR 002 LOBBY incorporatedherein,asaninstrumentof I I FEEp Q6 I � ��� � 'Ol � O � � Gwathmey/PrattSc�hult Arch te tsfP C . 3 O � anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten andisnottobeused,inwho eorinpa ,or authorizationofEdwordM GwathmeyJr, , � 16 ' HenryR Pratt.orSidneySchultz � J — — — — I 161 — — �P I — — — — — — I — I I — J 160 163 -�a� AM- 1 a.mt UP J1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — 6 M-301 AM-307 � �� �- 529 �_3� AM-530 �Q3 �Q�J AM-004 _� �r— _�_� AMd04 . JZ — — — — — — — — — — — — — AM52 — — — — — — — — �O2 io4 — — - — — — J2 Date: 03 AUG 06 � � � Qj REISSUED • 09 OCT 06 148 143 139 135 131 127 � 119 115 � 107 � 20 23 OCT 06 � ooz �58 t 5 �56 i 4o i 3s �24 ��2 _�__�_�_� P LA N m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 J3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Qp D/D CONVERTABLE 149 �4 �42 I � i I 138 134 130 ' � 122 � 118 r 110 • � D I O ` , I ^ • � Permission to reproduce all Of Pdit of this Drawing J L J L I A V J A is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of � 144 � _ � 13 i2a i2o iis ioa I construction of this pro�ect or archiving J 4 — — — — — — — SCALE: � ��_� 0�-0�� Unauthorized copymg, disclosure or construction use r 0 � � � � i5o 146 5 2 3 9 Q I I without written permission of Alvme Engmeering is prohibited by copyright law G 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � ' N 0 TE: ,.��°°oo � ; ,, 154 153 004 006 0a8 010 012 014 O16 018 020 022 024 0° . DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and .•`°0�,� •''���' F'�'-% NEST MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and �c�� '��:;�0°: TIMBERLINE MV DD MV EXEC KING MV ECEC KING MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD MV DD ADA ROOM MV DD ` -ry G; other appropriate drawing or at site Lay out and ,,,. . : � coordinate all work nor to installation to rovide , I I I P P �� °�d��, �� c c learances require d for opera tion, main tenance, an d ..,�. ; z�=. .'�• i4s �ai o o �3� 133 �zg izs o �z� i» o ii3 iog codes and verify non—interference with other work. p �,�? K 1 — — — — — 152 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — K 1 DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ,�'•.�tt'�►''••....••'�\�°.•`� . • . 151 �'�ys�����.���`�! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o �_ _ �_ _ __r _ � _ �_ _ _ �_ _ �_ � _� _ _Q_ _ �_ _ _ _ _ � _ CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS K2 � O K2 Sheet Number - I I I I I I I I . _ Alv � ne F • � Engineering n \ / I I I I I I I I Omaha Lincoln Des Moines /� V � ` � � 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue � � � , Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebmska 68508 Des Momes,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 ' 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 ° FLAG NOTES G w a t h m e y . Pratt • AVR 00 A SCf"IUItZ , POWER REGULATOR 2 POWER REGULATOR 2 , VENT VENT � INTERCOM FACEPLATE. SEE SHEET AV51, DETAIL #6. Arx;hitects. p.c. • — • FSR ML-116 � 5 TYP 1000 S. Frontage Rd. Weat ' �` � °�°°�°�` °°�° � � 2� VOLTAGE REGULATOR TO BE FURMAN AR-15II OR APPROVED EQUAL Vatl, Colorado 81857 .,.. I . ... Tel: 970 476-1147 � Fax: 970 476-1812 "' - °' 3� UPS TO BE APC SMART-UPS 2200VA RM 120V OR APPROVED EQUAL � . �...�... g - VENT �� I Y, ADC VIDEO PATCH PANEL 4� WHIRLWIND PUNCHED XLR RACK PANEL �� �� • - � - . VENT � 24-PORT MODULAR PATCH PANEL ' ' ADC VIDEO PATCH PANEL FSR MONITOR/ VENT W PANEL ADC AUDIO PATCH PANEL VENT DVD/MUSIC PLAYER � � o VENT 0 o mom •me o p 1200. o •aAe o00 0 DMX MUSIC/DIGITAL ° o ADC AUDIO PATCH PANEL z WALL MOUNTED CAN DISTRIBUTIO 1 CAN BOX % oo �_ "�' =O $' o , , VENT O v 6 VENT ADC AUDIO PATCH PANEL � SHURE SCM800 SALON A SHURE SCM800 SALON B VENT �\ AVR 001 AVR 002 SHURE SCM800 SALON C ADC AUDIO PATCH PANEL / SHURE SCM800 SALON D � O ` VENT o o z Q SHURE SCM800 SALON E � � W Q • SHURE SCM800 SALON E o o � � VENT O 0 0 SHURE SCM800 SALON F � � 0 0 SHURE SCM800 SALON F O O o % VENT O SHURE SCM800 SALON G U 0 0 0 • o 0 o a 0 0 �0 0 . SHURE SCM800 SALON H 0 0 0 �0 0 � SHURE SCM800 SALON I o g � _I , SHURE SCM800 SALON J ° ° � VENT QSC CX204V �\ DBX 481 � / ENLARGED AV RACK ROOM 1 DBX481 �NT � SCALE: 1/4" = 1 '-0" AV3.1 DBX 481 osc cx�2o2v I— 0 0 � � b � � � � 6fb6� b � � VENT — � p � � � � � � � � � � 4 QSCCX204V � o � VENT VENT Q UPS 3 QSC CX204V � . � SERVlCE COORIDOOR 0 ° T�� ° T� ° T� ° T� RACK DETAIL AVR 001 2 RACK DETAIL AVR 002 3 SALON J M;x I M;x SALON A NO SCALE AV3.1 NO SCALE AV3.1 � ��� - O MIX — I — O MIX �Copyright � Gwothmey/Pratt/Schultz � o HEAD p T�� AIICR ghts�Reserved TABLE 0 o Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns SALON I MIX MIX SALON B mcorporatedherein,asaninstrumentof professionalservice,isthepropertyof Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C andisnottobeused,mwholeorinpart,for anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten SERVICE ° o 0 0 0 HEAD HEAD HEAD HEAD authorizotionofEdwardM GwothmeyJr, = COORIDOOR o MIX — T�� SALON F TAe� Mix Ae� SALON E �� — � �+�X HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchultz ' HEAD HEAD ° TABLE ° TABLE 0 0 4 ° SALON H Mix �ix SALON C LOWER FSR ML-116 - LOBBY AV3.1 ROOM COMBINING CONTROL � Date: 03 AUG. 06 I FSR AUDIO CONTROL AV5.1 ��� � o Mix — — o �ix � ���� � FACEPLATE � 09I OCT D06 o HEAD I o H�an '�� = = '�� 20 23 OCT. 06 TABLE TABLE A � .. � � m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 ° ° �� - - '"°" o o a o��� Permission to re roduce all or art of this Drawin SALON G Mix �ix SALON D � � P P 9 �„ • e �. ' : ' �E � - � � 0 ,O is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of � Oo oO construction of this project or archivmg. 5A1°"" " ` `"'°" � ,�,�g g,,,,�°� Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use o �ix o Mix r r Oo � oOoQ without written permission of Alvine Engineenng is � CT-22 (T'P) O �����m prohibited by copyright law. swa o . . awa o �I e p��n� pi LOBBY ^ M�X � r �R � �oio canrr� I V O • +oOe�� e�o� , �� O � �, , DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and e�•`��,�• •'' � .���;; � ' � clecrances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and "v� '�,('•.o: � � other appropriate drawmg or at site. Lay out and ? � �` t•� � coordinate all work pnor to installation to provide �: ;a Zol�"j r�r, : ? � 0 clearances required for operation, maintenance, and ��� ��; �� codes and verify non-interference with other work �•,�sP�����sseee���•`��,o DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF •.,;�sg�Q���,��G��•.��j CLEARANCE FOR ALL 1RADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. ��"` FSR ML- 1 1 6 FRONT PANEL LAYOUT 4 AUDIO CONTROL SCHENiATIC 4 Sheet f�umber � NO SCALE AV3.1 NO SCALE AV3.1 A I v i n e , • , - NOTES ngineering \ / Omaha Lincoln Des Moines � V � 4 � � 1 COORDINATE FINAL PANEL LAYOUT WITH HOTEL 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 UnrversityAvenue � TECHNICAL STAFF Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 s a - Gwathmey - Pratt ° Sch u I tz Architecta, p.c. � CT-20 (TYP) � van�colora�ta981657 W� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o F X: �s�o� 4�s;s',z ; � �� �� � �� � I�mmp�� f�mm�1� � � 1f mmrl f�m�m1 � Ilml � mr m�1�fm mm CAT 5e AV FACE `��' `�' `�--�`�--� `'�--�' `�--�' `'L-�' PLATE PATCH PANEL DMX MUSIC/DIGITAL CATV IUNER � p � 2 3 4 s s �� � a e �o n ,: � � ,a �� ,s �s n ,e � � ,s 2o m � � �* O O 1 2 3 4 AV5.1 AV51 AV51 AV5.1 rn'ICAL OUTLET O O 00 00 00 O O r � � �� r�°� �'� r��-���"`,� � � ��� � � � `�' `�,�'`� � `�'`� � � `�rJ`�,� `�.�' `�,��� `�� PLATEePA CHAPANEL � � O O O O O O O O 0 � O � � O Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 O O 7 8 9 10 11 12 O O 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q Q 19 20 21 22 23 24 O O � � � � � DVD CD PLAYER o�� ��� ��� °�° O O O O O O O O O O / u�cs � Ma � ium�coM� ur�e � � � � � �`���`� � � `� � �`�� �� `�,�� `�,�� �� `� `� PLATEePATCHAPANEL "`��""'� o00 00o Q � O Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 �O 7 8 9 10 11 12 O O 13 14 15 18 17 18 O O 19 2D 21 22 23 24 � O � CT-16 � O rp�� ��0 ou'�wEO a�u ,rt rou,rD10urs—�-vw�o a„�� �'� O "a � � � � o ov�o� o � 0 'o o� � ; � CAT 5e VIDEO '— � ATIC � PATCH f�AN EL SCH EM 3 cT-�s (r�) i AV4.1 � 0 � O O � NO SCALE � z o ADC 2x24 VIDEO PATCH PANEL i W Q 0 � 000000 � 00000000000000000 � NOTE � � O O O O � O O O � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � 1. ALL JACKS TO BE CLEARLY LABLED. � 0 � I 0 0 . O O � O U � � • � � � _ O O i � � F ADC 2x24 VIDEO PATCH PANEL � � � 000000000000000000 � � 0 � 0000 � � � OOOOOOOOOOOC°0000000 � 000000 � ; � � � � O 0 0 ' - � � i � ADC COMPOSITE VIDEO ; � ` _ PATCH PANEL SCHEMATIC 4 � � � TELEX CT-18 (TYP) .- NO SCALE AV4.1 � �_�W . � SPLITTER � AV ROOM WALL STAl10N � NOTE � I SERVICE CORRIDOR WALL STATION I 1 ALL VIDEO PORTS TO BE CLEARLY LABELED. i I I � TELEX PS-2001L TELEX � INTERCOM POWER SUPPLY TW-5W ' � SPLITTER . � tli, �H 2 + I ''' ■ •• •• I � r� AV ROOM ' �Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz WALL MOUNTED � AIIcR ghts'Re erved i Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns incorporatedherein,asaninstru mentof � professf on al service,isth epropertyof ) AV INPUT PLATES 1-14 Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for . ---------------- --------____------------�----------------___------------J anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten � —� CT-18 (TYP) authorizat�onofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, _ /� �____ HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchultz , � � ��r------� � TELEX j ���i-------j TW-7W /��� i SPLITTER 30d6 �/ �i i�------� ii � . �-------j Date: 03 AU G 06 CT-14 � � //��/����---------s �� _._.�-----------5 ---- ____ � REISSUED • OUTPUT FROM ��� ---------j 09 OCT 06 HEADEND � �������'---------� Q �����.\�`_ j 2 23 OCT 06 ������`--------—3 `� ���----------� SPARE m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 � � �__________� Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing � ♦ is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of � �.___—_--_---� SPARE construction of this pro�ect or archivmg ��----�—___� Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use CT-16(TYP) without written permission of Alvine Engineermg is prohibited by copyright law. ����((�/ N OTE. ,',,,,n , I � �d' DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and •°�,, �' •• �'�i�; clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and :'�, S R�9,�.F0; other appropriate drawmg or at site. Lay out and ; �; = coordmate all work prior to installation to provide :a �016' +'�*� ; - clearances required for operation, maintenance, and :,,�;; ;��; C/'''� I Y V I D E 0 D I �T R I B U T I 0 N 2 I N T E R C 0 M S Y S T E M codes and verify non—interference with other work. %�o•.�� s�'� �:c���� 1 DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF �''•,'rFS••+.•+•''�G��`'��� NO SCALE AV41 NO SCALE AV4.1 CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS ''•S�O�JA���.�►'��i •-•.,,�.,�� ., , _ N�TE Sheet f�umber ' 1. COORDINATE HEADEND FEED LOCATION WITH HOTEL A I v i n e , � TECHNICAL STAFF • • . Engineer � ng Omaha Lincoln Des Moines o - „ 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Suite 104 4308 University Avenue . Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (4Q2)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 _ TO RACK MOUNTED XLR CT-18 (TYP) FSR ML-116 HEAD TABL� RELAY G w a t h m e y a PATCH PANEL (TYP) - - - - CT-18 (TYP) QSC CT-O6 (TYP) 2 LOUDSPEAKERS I CARDS CT-O6 (TYP) P r a t t CX204V FEED #2 2 30 WATTS FEED #1 I 2 LOUDSPEAKERS S C I"1 U I t Z ` SHURE SCM8�0 (TYP) � � SALON A O 2 30 WATTS - ADC WSI o _ _ _ _ _ _ o I � FEED #4 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS FEED #3 I I Arc;httecta. p.c. � CT-18 �TYP� SERIES CT-18 (TYP) ��� �� � � � � I I SALON 6 � 30 WATTS 2 30LWATTSEAKERS �000 S. Frontape Rd. West 2x24 0 o FEED #6 2 LOUDSPEAKERS FEED 5 Vail, Colorado 81657 ' AV INPUT/OUTPUT r SALON A � PANEL #1 I I SALON C � 2 30 WATTS # I 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS F x: �970� 4�6isi2 WALL PLATE (TYP) 30 WATTS I M�C #�.#2,#3.#4 I I DBX 481 FEED #8 2 LOUDSPEAKERS FEED #7 I I #� LINE #1 I I EQUALIZER (TYP) SA�ON D O 2 30 WATTS I 2 30LWUAD�EAKERS L - - - - J A1 I " I FSR ML-116 I � � 'Q' 'O' �� ��� - I r — — — — � o � � � _ _ � � � ROOM COMBINING � •••. .p• �� o o I I SALON B I o ��� � � � � Q � � o I SYSTEM I I I MIC #5���#�,#a I I I I I #2 LINE #2 I RM-1 I I I �- - - - - -� I I CT-18 (TYP) ( r SALON C � � ��� � � � � � � o I I I I I I Mic #s,#�o,#��,#�2 � � I I #3 LINE #3 I RA2 MODULE � I I � - - - - � I I � I z � SALON D � � � f� � � � � I O ��� RM-2 I I MIC #13,#14�#15�#16 � � ( I I � I #4 LINE #4 I I FEED #11 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS � 30 WATTS \ L — — — — � I I FEED #12 I I 2 LOUDSPEAKERS / r - - - o _ _ _ o RM-3 QS� FEED 9 2 30 WATTS 0 O CX1202V # 2 11 LOUDSPEAKERS I q I SALON E � ADC WSI ��� � Q.� � Q � � I I SALON E O 30 WATTS FEED #13 2 LOUDSPEAKERS z 2 0 I I SERIES � o MIC #»�#18�#19�#Z� FEED #10 2 �� LOUDSPEAKERS 30 WATTS W / #5 2x24 I RA2 MODULE I SALON F 30 WATTS FEED #14 2 LOUDSPEAKERS � � • I LINE #5 PATCH � 2 30 WATTS � I I PANEL �2 0 �t� �� � � � � � o I RM-4 I A2 I I 2 � O FEED #15 2 LOUDSPEAKERS MIC #21,�22,#23,#24 30 WATTS � I #6 I LINE #6 I I FEED #16 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS O O L _ _ _ _ J - . I I •••�• •O• --�— 30 WATTS O r l �- - - - - � 1�1 � .�.+ . .:.� .:.:, � I �J , SALON F ° � � � � � � ° ( I '�' •O� �� o o � � � ° '�' ° RM-5 � I —� � _ I Mic #25,#2s,#2�.#2a � — � LINE # � � � ( I I I ° - - - - - - - � I �,� �� � � � � � � � � � m > II ° ° #$ MIC #29,#30,#31,#32 � RA2 MODULE I I I � ( u►vE #a I I � I I— L - - - - J RM-6 I I O � � I � ADC WSI � r SALON G � SERIES o � � - � � g � ° ( I I I � 2x24 1�� I I MIC #33,#34,#35,#36 PANEL #3 0 � o � � - QSC I � � I #9 uNE #9 I I CX204V I I . L - - - - J ° _ ' I I SALW G FEED #18 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS FEED #17 I I 30 WATTS 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS � r- — — — — � o I I O1 30 WATTS SALON H ' SALOV H FEED #20 2 2 LOUDSPEAKERS FEED #19 I . I I O 1�1 � � � � � �� o I I � 30 WATTS 2 OLWAD�EAKERS I #10 MIC #37,#38,#39,#40 I I SALW I FEED #22 2 30LWATTSEAKERS FEED #21 I L — — — — J LINE #10 4 FEED #24 2 LOUDSPEAKERS �-O 2 LOUDSPEAKERS RM-7 30 WATTS SALW J 2 FEED #23 I I I O 30 WATTS 2 30LWATTSEAKERS � � A3 � - - - � .t r SALON I � ° ',' �� � - � � � � ° I RA2 MODULE I I I Mic #4�.�a2��a3.#� � � I I Y �CX204V FEED 25 � 0 Copynght '- I 11 PREFUNCTION L0B3 16 LOUDSPEAKERS Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz y� # LINE #11 RM-8 O 1 75 WATTS AIICRghts�Re erved L — — — — J I I FEED #26 3 4 LOUDSPEAKERS Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns r SALON J � O Qa O O � e' O I I � 30 WATTS incorporatedherein,osoninstrumentof 1�1 � a�w s- t ��- LOWER LOBBY/BATNROOMS A professionalserwce,isthepropertyof I I FEED ,r27 Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C p p 14 LOUDSPEAKERS andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for I MIC #45,#�,��,#48 I I Q � anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewntten � �12 # I I ' ' ��� O •�� �� � � Henryft Pratt,orSidneySchultz LINE �2 _ _ _ � WA authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, �-- — — — — J � �O� •O• �� o 0 y , I I O4 SPARE � � 4 LOUDSPEAKERS A4 7 5 WATTS I RM-9 I rPREFUNC110N LOBBY I � ��� �� � I I Date: 03 AUG 06 I � � � � � � � RA2 MODULE I MIC #49,�o ADC WSI ° � I I Q REISSUED #13 LINE #13 SERIES � L - - - - J 2x24 RM-10 09 OCT 06 PATCH I I PANEL #4 2 23 OCT 06 � LOWER LOBBY � � � I RM-11 I CT-02 (TYP) m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 I MIC #51,#52 I I LINE 14 Permission to reproduce all or part of this rawing #14 — � # I I co st ctionaofe his project orearch ve�d9purpose of � L - - I RA2 MODULE I Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use DVD CD PLAYER without written permission of Alwne Engineenng is � SPARE RM-12 � prohibited by copyright law. , ��,.��� . .,� ` N OTE: •••''' � G '•- r� 1 �'�'«rm�iiinoeo ou ur �"w mu°s1 s-vroEO�"'"� ` e••'�, • ��'P��,�' . . . . °"�` `�"'°"` —� �"�'T ��T W�T I I D0a a�cesCfrom AR HITECTU ALIF STRUCTURAL SION�p a�nd� �� $ R 9l���: (�A'a other a ro riate drawin or at site. La out and O O �� � O O. ��,O DRY RELAY CONTACTS FROM FIRE I PRIORITY PAGING I Pp P 9 y ' z ' ALARM SYSTEM FOR ALL SYSTEM I I coordmate all work prior to installation to prowde � :a ZO1G� r*+ : : RELAY MODULE clearances re uired for o eration, maintenance, and ��' ��� M U l E D U R I N G A L A R M O P E R A T I O N q P :�'•, .�<; �+4•; OWNER PROVIDED I I codes and verify non-interference with other work ',�,r•.� �.` a�s4;•• ,r DMX MUSIC DIGITAL CAN TUNER DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ��'•.;,SS%p�p�E��'s•'�� I I CLEARANCE FOR ALL 1RADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS `� � � '� � ��"«,T---� �E°� ��N°� �� �-H� r�"'�-i SOURCE #1 I n�uT «„ru* «„�ur oPnc�u co�aw � O O O O O � O O p � � O FSR FSR MONITOR Sheet Number � MUSIC INPUT I MONITOR/W RELAY CARD � PANEL I SOURCE #2 I I v i n e � � ` . SOURCE 3 � mh LinwEngineering SPARE MUSIC # I � ° ° A V 4 2 - y � A U D I C� S C H E M A T I C � 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Suite 104 4308 University Avenue � � SPARE MUSIC SOURCE #4 Omaha,Nebraska 68102 Lincoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 L _ _ _ _ _ � NO SCALE AV4.2 F�one �402)346-9576 Faxne (402)477-9666 Phone (515)243-0569 F � ' Gwathmey a Pratt - Sch u I tz XLR F (TYP) Hrchitecta. p.c. ` 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West O � � RJ-45 F (TYP� XLR F (TYP� XLR M (TYP) O Ten� C970 d478�18147 � O Fax: �970�476-1612 0 0 0 0 �, o 0 0 � O � SOURCE � � � � � � � O O O O O O O O � � O O L O O O � � O O � p U P VID 0 I PUT UTP VID INPUT MIC M UTP VIDEO INPUT UTP VIDEO INPUT /�\ O O O OO I� OO MIC (KPI MIC � INTERCOMO INP T O O � �°/ O � Q - � � Y \YO O O O � VIDEO INPUT VIDEO INPUT O -J � O O � 0 O � VOLUME Q Q VOLUME � � O D UTP VIDEO INPUT UTP VIDEO INPUT O O o � o ao� �oa � o . o o . 0 4 0 00 0 0 O O O o CAN SPARE 0 0 CAN SPARE INTERCOM� INP T �.:/ . • MIC O MIC O OUTPUT Q ROOM COMBINED zVIDEO INPUT VIDEO INPUT O O O O BNC F (TYP) F—CONNECTOR (TYP) OO O O � FSR AUDIO CONTROL � / i O O . EXTRON 4 - GANG 3 EXTRON 6 -� GANG _ z o � _ 2 FSR AUDIO 2 GANG CONTROL , �, AV INPUT FACE PLATE 3 AV INPIJT f- ACE PLATE � 4 � � 2 FACEPLATE , � NO SCALE AV5.1 NO SCALE AV51 NO SCALE AV5.1 0 � � - NOTES NGTES 0 O NOTES � U 1. ALL INPUT LABELS ON PLATES TO BE ENGRAVED 1. ALL INPUT LABELS ON PLATES TO BE ENGRAVED 1 COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND � � ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. � � 2. TERMINATE UNUSED CAN PORT 2 TERMINATE UNUSED CATV PORT. ^ . DIN/�TE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND 3. COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND � � ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. � � � � � . � FACEPLATE FACEPLATE O � � � � OUTLET LOCATION OUTLET LOCATION � LABEL, SEE DETAIL THIS LABEL � � m XXXXXXXX SHEET • PAIR 3 u 1000sL�� Lisfen VIDEO JACK VIDEO JACK XXXXXXXX . w���04 VIDEO JACK COAXIAL VIDEO CONNECTOR . Can . � �� 0 PAIR 2 PAIR 1 PAIR 4 A �� �� B A � B Talk i �r' e i �r-' e O O O O � O O BLANK BLANK VIDEO JACK VI�EO JACK W�0 0 W3G BL W—BL GN W—BR BR � 0 0 • - C D � , � t ,_ JACK POSITIONS �,_ � s � O O O . VQLUME Headset �Copyright �• Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz Architects, P C All Rights Reserved � � Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns incorporatedherein,asan instru mentof professionalservice,isthepropertyof 6wathmey/PrattSchultzArch�tects,P C andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten ` authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, , . HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchuitz TIA EIA T568B JACK CABL� TELEX WM 1000 I NTERC � M 6 2 PORT VI DE 5 0 OUTLET 3 PORT VIDEO OUTLET WITH CATV 4 . TE MINATION DETAIL , FACEPLATE DETAIL � 6 FACEPLATE DETAIL � � 5 FAC E P LATE D ETAI L 4 Date: 03 AUG. 06 NO SCALE T56BB_Terminotion01-02-02 AV5.1 NO SCALE 7368B_Termmotion01-02-02 AV5.1 NO SCALE AV5.1 NO SCALE AV5.1 REISSUED 0 09 OCT 06 NOTES NOTES NOTES 02 23 OCT 06 1 COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND 1. COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND 1 COORDINATE MOUNTING HEIGHT WITH ARCHITECT AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR m COPYRIGHT 2406 AE#20069026 2 CAT 5e JACK COLOR TO BE BLACK 2. CAT 5e JACK COLOR TO BE BLACK Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of construction of this pro�ect or archiving. Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use r without written permission of Alwne Engineering is prohibited by copyright law. N 0 TE: ,,,,",�, , ,,, ��° / '•. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and ��e••� . S R•Sl�'��,' clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and . � ••q�:•:O: other appropriate drawing or at site Lay out and e G• = coordinate all work prior to installation to prowde : ;c= 2p167 ++� � � clearances required for operation, maintenance, and _,o. ' codes and venfy non—interference with other work �:�p: ����' DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF �"'•';�FSS�O�p`E�G��O�,� CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. •.,.,,,���+,�,.•s''�� ' Sheet Number � � Alvine , � . � Engineering � , Omaha Lincoln Des Moines A V 5 1 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Sufte 144 4308 University Avenue � Omaha,Nebraska 68102 �ncoln,Nebroska 68508 Des Momes,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phane (515)243-0569 . Fmc (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 --_.., ' � - Gwath m ey • Pratt • Sch u I tz . Architecte, p.c. ,• VERTICAL SPACER BACK OF RACK STATION CABLING 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West Vall. Colorado 81657 o Tsl: 970 478-1147 Fa�c 970 476-1612 0 0 Av - 0 OUTLET NUMBER TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM NUMBER 0 o z o a OUTLET LOCATION ° � a 48 PORT PATCH o � d a PANEL REAR (TYP) a LA B E L D E 7A I L 6 a o a o Q a a a o '�' � � NO SCALE AV5.2 � 0 0 00 0 0 0 � � � � � � z a . o 0 0 � � W 0 o Q a o � o 0 � � � � � � 26 27 � ' � � o JACK DESI6NATION (A — D) . � ° ° � O o . o T— o a � o \ / — — � O 0 . 650 � � X O U , 2$'S� a ' � ' Q GENERAL NOTES PORT NUMBER � ' d —1 � a 7ao 1 ROUTE CABLES IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY FASHION DRESS WITH PATCH PANEL � � 3 5 � A MINIMUM OF (4) VELCRO CABLE TIES PER 24 PORTS. RACK NUMBER � Q `� --� 9�15 v 12.3 � —� � 2. UTILIZE BOTH SIDES OF THE RACK FOR CABLE ROUTING OUTLET NUMBER � \ 0 7.775 , a �, � 5.00 � 3 BUNDLE CABLES VERTICALLY AT A MINIMUM EVERY 12" AV ROOM NUMBER 4. ROUTE CABLES DOWN THE INSIDE OF RACK SPACES RESERVE � 5 Q � SPACES FOR PATCH CORDS � � ETC RETRACTIBLE - -� — EQUIPMENT RACK PATCH PANEL TYPICAL VIDEO JACK � LIGHTING POSITION 4 CABLE ROUTING DETAIL 3 LABELING DETAIL 2 LABELING DETAIL , � Q NO SCALE T56BB_Teimination Of-02—OZ AV5.2 NO SCALE AV5.2 NO SCALE AV5.2 NO SCALE AV5.2 � .- NOTES � 1. PROVIDED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. • 2 COORDINATE VIDEO OUTLET MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR , P r�_ � �Copyright Gwathm ey/Pratt/Sch u l tz ' Architects, P C All Rights Reserved Thisdocum en t,andtheideasan ddesigns incorporatedherein,asaninstrumentof O O O O O O O O O O professionalserwce,isthepropertyof Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C andisnottobeused,in wholeorinpart,for . anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, HenryR Pratt,orSidneySchultz � O O 1 2 3 4 5 6 O O 7 8 9 1U 11 12 O O 13 14 15 16 17 18 O O 19 20 21 22 23 24 O O � 24 PORT Date: 03 AUG. 06 M 0 D U LAR PATC H PAN E L 5 Q REISSUED • 09 OCT 06 NO SCALE AV5.2 0 23 OCT 06 m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing ' � is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of construction of this project or archiving Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use without written permission of Alvine Engineenng is prohibited by copynght law. '` } .••..., ,,, � � DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and .�`°p�o�' ' �. �p'•, clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and '��,'��;' � • ���0; other appropriate drawing or at site Lay out and . � : i coordinate all work prior to mstallation to provide � p 2�i6� m : : c l ear a n c e s r e q u i r e d f o r o p e r a t i o n, m a i n t e n a n c e, a n d , ; •�; codes and venfy non—interference with other work "'o.p• �c�,4'; ' DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF ��%���'••.....•••���`�'��•� CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. I''••�,SS/pNp���G��� Sheet Number � Alvine , � . r ngineering ,� Omaha Lincoln Des Momes A V 5 2 " . 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Suite 104 4308 Universiry Avenue � . Omaha,Nebmska 68102 �ncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 n _ Gwathmey . Pratt - ° Sch u I tz � e Architecte, p.c. � 1000 S. Frontaye Rd. West , Vail. Colorado 81857 Tel: �970) 476-1147 Fax: 970j 476-1612 e o e e � � e � �12.6° � ��� e � � �1�6" 07.1�, [270mm] [181mm] � z „ o„ O [280mm] 7.9" � � „ 11.6" [201mm] Q 10.0 [294mm] 6 9" $3�� � [255mm] [176mm] �2�2mm� � O � z o w Q � � � � O O � O � U ��0'-02„ � � [300mm] � � �8.3" � [210mm] � —J � Q 013 8" � > � � � � � Q � : CEILING SPEAKER 0 O , EL C8 . 2HC 0 EVID 8 . 2C CEILING SPEAKER EVID 4 . 2C CEILING SPEAKER , EVID MOD 3 2 • NO SCALE NOTES: AV5.3 N() SCALE AV5.3 N�) SCALE AV5.3 NOTES: NOTES: 1 A/V INTEGRATOR TO COORDINATE SPEAKER FINISH WITH ARC'�iITECT. 1 A/V INTEGRATOR TO COORDINATE SPEAKER FINISH WITH ARCHITECT. 1 A/V INTEGRATOR TO COORDINATE SPEAKER FINISH WITH ARCHITECT 9 • �_ 0 Copyright Gwathmey/Pratt/Schul tz Architects, P C ' AIl Rights Reserved Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns incorporatedherein,asaninstru mentof professionalservice,isthepropertyof Gwathmey/PrattSchultzArchitects,P C . andisnottobeused,inwholeonnpart,for anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten �+ authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, _ Henryft Pratt,orSidneySchultz . ASSIGNED AUDIO/VISUAL RACK NUMBER ` i • �UR# Date 03 AUG 06 ' FEED � Q REISSUED 09 OCT 06 ASSIGNED AMPLIFIER LOUDSPEAKER FEED 02 23 OCT 06 m COPIRIGHT 2C06 AE#20069026 Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawmg is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of A U D I 0 V I S UA L E Q U I P �i E N T LA B E L 4 Unauthor zed copyingP di closure or Iconstruction use r without written permission of Alvine Engineering is NO SCALE EQU/PMENT—LABE�AV 12-15-04 AV5.3 prohibited by copyright law. N 0 TE. ,,�e���oo� ep ��� i� DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and ••'��.�� �� ��'•. ��'-, clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and � ''�(��o�$ other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and , o — coordinate all work pnor to installation to provide _ ;4 �(j��] � $ clearances required for operation, maintenance, and =-o; J�• codes and venfy non—interference with other work �'�OQ:• °�°�4.�''°+O�/ DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF •��''•��'SjO�A���::���� CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS '••••,����. �� , Sheet Number � Alvine ; . _ , Engineering � Omaha �ncoln Des Moines q V 5 � - 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Sufte 104 4308 University Avenue � " Omoha,Nebraska 68102 �ncoln,Nebmska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 � Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 . Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 .� A 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 - Gwathmey • Pratt � � TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYMBOLS S c h u I t z ' � SYMB)L DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION � � COMMUNICATIONS OUTLET — FP## FIBER PANEL Arc:hitecte, p.c. � "W' INDICATES WALL PHONE, 1000 S. Frontags Rd. West ' I I �� �O I I I I I "E" INDICATES EXISTING OUTLET X�_ Fax: �970� 476816�2 e � SCHEMATIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CABLE COUNT Tel: 970 476-1147 � F �D "D" INDICATES A DATA JACK TYPE ("X° DENOTES NUMBER OF CABLES) + "F" INDICATES A FIBER JACK TYPE X CROSS—CONNECT FIELD "#" INDICATES QUANTITY EXISTING OF JACKS I I I I I I I "+" INDICATES ADDI�ION OF VOICE AND/OR DATA '—' CONDUIT SLEEVE WITH BUSHINGS UP _ UP JACKS TO EXISTING OUTLET MECHANICAL TERMINATION OF CABLE I I I I I I I I I I FLAG NOTES E 2 W E yy E 2 + 1D E E 2 W � E 2 E 1� PROVIDE SWINGAWAY FIBER MANAGER ASSEMBLY ORTRONICS P/N OR—SA—SGD01 FOR ALL OUTLETS REQUIRING FlBER z I I I + I 2F + 2F Z� OUTLET FOR PROJECTOR MOUNTED AT RETRACTABLE LIGHTING POLE O REFER TO A/V DRAWINGS FOR QUANTITIES AND TYPE COORDINATE � SALON J INSTALLATION WITH ELECTRICAL AND A/V CONTRACTORS SALON A � Q I I I I I I (TYP) I \ � ❑ � , 2 (TYP) a O O � ��A� 2D I 2D a I W � ' �e, 20 � 2o GENERAL NOTES � � 0 0 + � � �0� E 2 SALON N B + 2 1• ANY DEVICE SHOWN HALFTONE WITH A SUBSCRIPT OF 'E' DENOTES AN � O • I + F I � I EXISTING DEVICE REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING FACEPLATE AND � SALON F E MODULAR JACKS WITH NEW REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISIING CATEGORY O E SALON E 5e CABLE WITH NEW CATEGORY 6 CABLE. RE—TERMINATE EXISIING AND O W 2D,4V NEW CABLING ON NEW MODULAR JACKS SEE DETAILS ON SHEET T4 0 O U 2 I I E I I I I 2D,4V � 2, NEW VOICE CABLES TO BE TERMINATED ON VOICE WALL FIELD IN EXISTiNG � � 2 MECHANICAL ROOM. NEW DATA CABLES TO BE TERMINATEO IN RACK IN � s E TELECOMMUNICAl10NS ROOM SUPPORT VOICE AND DATA CABLES VIA � � �—(A� 2D 2D D 2D J—HOOKS. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET T4.0. � � � ri — — — — — — — — — — AM 5.278, — — � — — — -�— — — — — I — — — — — — — — --�P— — II� — — — � � � � m � SALON C SALON E E I� I I E W I I W 2r�Vn W II � E 2 + � 2 /y,/ O E + 1D + 2 E _ (A) + 2F 48p I N LJ— I ,aM e'ze I I I I �� I � c6► Q � � «� SALON G SALON D I I I I I I � E �I � � � � T � 4.0 ' — �- - H — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — LGCATION OF EXISTING VOICE + D 1p + D 3 � WALL FIELD TERMINATIONS � � -- � W 2F 2 W 2 W 2 W 2 � E E E H2 — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — AM525 AM-526 E ❑ E ❑ 7 � H 3 � � 2D +2D +1D +2D 3 I I nnn-zo� D nnn•aoo � � � T (�) 1 ' "2 0 � � o r � I I I I I � (A'P�-532 � T[LECOMMUNUCAT10�tS 0 I � ��OM AM-531A] �` PREFUNCTION L 0 �Copyright `, I LOBBY �B� � Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz I101 O Architects, P C I I I I I I I � All Rights Reserved � � Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns — — — 162 — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — 0 — incorporatedherein�asaninstrumentof profess ion al serwce,�sthepropertyof � — — — �P — — — — � nd snottobeu etd,�inwholeor nlpartsforC � ' 161 — � anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten 16 163 � � �_�o� � ��o� � � � UP HenryR Pratt o S dneySchul{ZhmeyJr, +2 +2D +2D ^�-301� � � �� 6 / M 301 J . ' � � � � � � O r -52 l� AM301 4 AM�04 4 AM-530--+}-� AM�04 D �03 1� — _ — — — _ — � — AM-52 E — f�) — — —Rror-sn 10 104 — — -- — — J 2 J2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — , I I I I I I I I , , g Date: 03 AUG. 06 I 148 143 139 135 131 127 119 115 107 � � 09I OCT D06 002 �58 �57 156 140 136 124 112 _ �3 20 2 3 0 C T �6 J 3 — — — — — — — 14 14 � r 13£� 134 130 � 122 � 11 S � 110 � Qp D/D CONVERTABLE 149 i i i i i i � � � L � ` m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 J 4 — — — — _ _ � _ _ 144 _ _ 13 128 120 � 116 108 ( _ _ _ _ �_ — J 4 Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing � is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of � � i5o 146 5 2 3 9 Q FT construction of this pro�ect or archiving � Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use 155 without written permission of Alwne Engineenng is H 154 153 004 006 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 I I prohibited by copyright law. oe,,��„ ��� � � �• �� � •. WEST MV EXEC KING MV EXEC KING NOTE. evaa� ���.• •• . � �►�.,�, MV DD MV EXEC KING MV EX� KING MV DD MV DD MV DD MV DD MV DD •` O. '•, . TIMBERLINE ADA ROOM ADA ROOM e . DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and e v� � ;O� I � � � clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL, shop and ' other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and G ' � coordir�ate all work rior to mstallation to rovide ° �0�s� ��"+ : ' _ 152 145 141 � � 137 133 129 125 � 121 117 � 113 109 P P :��� ��' K 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — K 1 clearances required for operation, maintenance, and .'�p•.� �.•'�„ H 151 — COd2S and verify non—interference with other work. '•'•`��'s+S••••'•�.����;•`, � _ _ _ _ _ _ ° _ _Q— _ .�_ _ —1— _ _� _ � _ _ �_ _ Q _ _ �_ � � _ �— _ I _ _ _ _ � _ DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF '••,�D��►`�.,.��` � K 2 � K 2 CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. f��� � � � I I I I I I Sheet Number _ FIRST FIL OR PLAN — TELEC MMUNICATIONS Alvine , . � � � SCALE: 1"=10'--0" � � I • • n ' Engineering u I Omaha �ncoln Des Moines 1 ' � 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue T 1 � i . Omaha,Nebraska 68102 �ncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 11 �0 9 8 7 6 5 4 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 � Fax {402)346-9576 Fau (402)477-9616 ' Gwathmey . FLAG NOTES P ra t t � 1� PROVIDE 4" DEEP x 12" WIDE CABLE MANAGEMENT TRAY. MOUNT AT S C I"1 U I t Z ' 8'-0" A.F F USE MANUFACTURER'S WALL BRACKETS TO SUPPORT TRAY , ON WALL. WHERE TRAY IS LOCATED DIRECTLY OVER EQUIPMENT RACKS, Architects. p.c. ANCHOR TRAY TO RACK. 1000 S. Frontaqe Rd. West �� VaD, Colorado 81857 2� ELECTRICAL PANEL SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS Tsl: �970� 476-1147 Fax: 970 476-1612 8 3� PROVIDE 6" D—RINGS AS NECESSARY FOR ROUTING CABLE 6 4� PROVIDE CABLE DROPOUTS (2 PER RACK) LOCATED AS INDICATED FOR VERIICAL CABLE SUPPORT. ANCHOR CABLE DROPOUTS TO TRAY ANCHOR 13 EQUIPMENT RACKS TO TRAY. \/I I\ I ��� �� � ,�„�„�,�, 9 5� PROVIDE CHATSWORTH WALL MOUNTED RACK P/N 11807-718. GROUND °�° °`�°� RACK TO ELECTRICAL PANEL. � 1 13 6� PROVIDE 36 STRAND FIBER TERMINATION SHELF WITH ST TYPE COUPLER � PANELS 5 � � �,� � �o�,�o�o g 7 DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE TWO 20 AMP CIRCUITS TO BE PROVIDED ` ,�„�,�„�, AT THIS LOCATION. SEE ELECTRICAL PLANS. I 4 10 A 13 � PROVIDE 4" PATHWAY SLEEVE SEE PATHWAY FLOOR PLANS z 0 0 9� PROVIDE 48 PORT CATEGORY 6 RATED PATCH PANEL O 2 � � ` D T2.0 B o 0 10 ALL WALLS COVERED WITH A/C PLYWOOD FROM THE FLOOR TO 8'-0" � ° ° A.F.F ALL PLYWOOD TO BE PAINTED WI1H 2 COATS OF FIRE RETARDANT > 0 o PAINT. BEFORE INSTALLATION OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, ALL � � � o � WALLS ABOVE PLYWOOD AND CEILING TO BE PAINTED WITH 2 COATS O 0 o WHITE PAINT SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS � 0 o z o , 11 PROVIDE CHATSWORTH SHELF P/N 12291-701 TO SUPPORT OWNER W >> PROVIDED ELECTRONICS. Q 0 0 � � � 12 PROVIDE CHATSWORTH RACK MOUNT PDU P/N 12816-707. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • o 0 13 PROVIDE 2U HORIZONTAL WIRE MANAGEMENT � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 � 0 0 0 0 — — � o � 0 o U 0 0 0 � o 0 = �,� �,� �,� �,� �,� �,� �,� �,� �,� 12 � . � ^I r � J Q � W > ENLARGED TELECQ► MMUNICATIONS ROOM , WALL MOUNT RACK ELEVATION 3 �- � NO SCALE T2•0 NO SCALE T2•� � � � Q - - � . 0�8 PROVIDE 10' FIBER �np� 24" OPTIC SERVICE LOGP (MIN) AFFIXED TO WALL �" . — . . � WALL MOUNT Gwathmey/Pratt/Schultz COMMUNICAl10NS RACK Copyright Architects, P C All Rights Reserved SEE DETAIL 3 THIS SHEET Thisdocument.andtheideasanddesiqns incorporotedherein,asaninstrumentof 2 professionalserwce,isthepropertyof � Gwathmey PrattSchultzArchitects,P C , andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten - authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, ' ' MECHANICAL ROOM TELECOMMUNICAl10NS He�rytz Pratt,orSidneySchultz � � EXISTING CATEGORY 3, VOICE ROOM—IDF ` CATEGORY 3, VOICE 6 20 REM)VED EXISTING CATEGORY 5e DATA ' o °° Date: 03 AUG. 06 ' \/ 52 CATGORY 6, DATA J� Q REISSUED 2p MILTIMODE FIBER 10' 09 OCT 06 � FP01 02 23 OCT 06 � °° m COPYRIGHT 2Q06 AE#20069026 Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of construction of this pro�ect or archiving. NOTE: OUTLET JACK NUMBERS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE PROVIDED ON THIS Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use . ELEVATION A ELEVAT10fV B ELEVAl10N C ELEVATION D SCHEMATIC FOR PL ANNING PURPOSES ONIY. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN DRAWINGS without written permission of Alwne Engineenng is � FOR ACTUAL OUTLET JACK QUANTITIES. prohibited by copyright law ,�����,0. .. N 0 TE: ,,.•,•��� • ,�F-.,, W A L L E L E V A T I 0 N S 2 M E D I A S C H E M A T C D I A G R A M 4 Dlearao ces from AR HITECTURALF STRUCTURALSsO op and �''�°� ����°= T2.� T2.� other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and p �Ogs� m: . NO SCALE NO SCALE coordinate a�l work prior to installation to provide ; , - � clearances required for operation, maintenance, and ;°�: .��?� codes and venfy non—interference with other work. '•,o�'FS.������..�����;`J DO NOT FABRICATE PRIOR TO VERIFICATION OF '••,,s/Q�p����.•���j CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICATIONS. � ' Sheet (�umber : . Alvine � - . : Engineering . " Omaha Lincoln Des Moines T 2 � 0 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Swte 104 4308 University Avenue , Omaha,Nebraska 68102 �ncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Moines,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fax (402)477-9616 ^ Gwathmey . Pratt " ROVIDE STAINLESS S C I"1 U I t Z � STEEL FACEPLATE ! FACEPLAlE FACEPLATE FACEPLATE ec s. p.c. , 1000 S. Frontaqe Rd. West ' Vail, Colorado 81857 . — Tsl: 970 478-1147 Fax: �970 476-1812 OUTLET LOCATION LABEL, OUTLET LOCATION OUTLET LOCATION VOICE JACK OR OTHER SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET LABEL, SEE DETAIL THIS _ SHEET SEE DETAIL THIi � XXXXXXXX BLANK JACK OR OTHER VOICE dACK XXX)CXXXX SHEET #### #### OUTLET LOCATION DATA JACK LABEL, SEE DETAIL THIS � XXXXXXXX SHEET A B 0 0 A B VOICE JACK „� A � B O O DATA JACK � DATA JACK DATA JACK i `� a i s VOICE JACK O O O O �_� � �� l—.� C� DATA JACK DATA JACK �� � `,�r a � i0 OO � � � O O O O I `� a i a 0 � ST FIBER JACK OR OTHER � O O O ST FIBER JACK OR OTHER C D � � z 0 0 0 0 O E � � F �-- � Q > 0 0 z o � w Q SEE FLOOR PLANS FOR MEDIA TYPE AND (�UANTITIES . _ W � T OUTLET 2 PORT OUTLET WALL PHONE VOICE ONLY � o 6 PORT OUTLET A- POR . 0 - � FACEPLATE DETAIL 2 FACEPLATE DETAIL � o 0 F A C E P �A T E D E T A I L 4 F A C E P L A T E. D E T A I L 3 T4.0 � � N O S C A L E T4.0 N O SCALE T 4.0 NO SCALE T 4.0 N O S C A L E � U � � � � , — . � Q « � PAIR 3 � � JACK DESIGNAl10N (A - D) 0 PAIR 2 PAIR 1 PAIR 4 � TR - � �C Q � W�0 0 W3 G BL W BL GN W BR R OUTLET NUMBER �� JACK POSITIONS OUTLET NUMBER TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROOM NUMBER . SLAB - — ° a ° � ° ° ° � ° TIA EIA T568B JACK CABLE PATCH PANEL OUTLET LOCATION ° ° ° �� ° ° ° TE MINATION DETAIL � LABELING DEIAIL 6 LABEL DETAIL 5 a - a ad a d d a� �� a T4.0 T4.0 _ NO SCAL.E T568B_TeimmoLon 01-02-02 T4.0 NO SCALE NO SCALE � MOUNTING ANCHOR �Copyrig Gwathmey/Pratt/Schul tz . Architects, P C �f AIl Rights Reserved Thisdocument,andtheideasanddesigns mcorporatedherein,asoninstrumentof professionalservice,isthepropertyof 3/8° THREADED ROD Gwathmey PrattSchultzArchitects, andisnottobeused,inwholeorinpart,for anyotherpro�ectwithoutthewritten authorizationofEdwardM GwathmeyJr, ^ HenryR Prott,orSidneySchultz � a BOLT AND LOCK ' WASHER Date: 03 AUG. 06 ' Q REISSUED \ 09 OCT 06 � 2" J—HOOK �2 23 OCT 06 MECHANICALLY PRINT OUTLET NUMBERS ON LABEL AS SHOWN m COPYRIGHT 2006 AE#20069026 IN DETAIL ON THIS SHEET Permission to reproduce all or part of this Drawing O O is hereby granted solely for the limited purpose of � Q 0001A 0001B 0002A 0002B 0003A 0003B Q Q O O O O construction of this pro�ect or archiving Unauthorized copying, disclosure or construction use �. without written permission of Alvine Engineering is prohibited by copyright law. ���� ��. � .••'�� ' . O 1 2 3 4 5 6 O Q 7 8 9 10 11 12 O O 13 14 15 16 17 18 O O 19 20 21 22 23 24 o N OTE. ;'�,�, .�' � , ••.� ,,�'•, ' DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS and �`G�oi q,(���z. GENERAL NOTES 0 � � � Q ��� 0 � clearances from ARCHITECTURAL, STRUCTURAL shop and ' � : : other appropriate drawing or at site. Lay out and ; ����1 � : � 1. J—H O O K S A R E A L L O W E D O N S T R U C T URA L BEAMS, � coordinate all work prior to installation to provide �,�. :o�; , STRUCTURAL BRACES, MASONARY WALLS, AND FULL HEIGHT � �(� STUD WALLS USE APPROPRIATE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED ciearances require d for opera tion, mam tenance, an d �,����� �����v�•` " codes and venfy non—interference with other work ��'••:rSS�O f�A���G\,l,," - 2. J—HOOKS SHALL NOT BE ON CEILING SUPPORTED 25 2s 2� 2s 2s 30 3t 32 33 34 35 3s 3� 3s 3s 40 4� 4z 43 44 45 4s 4� 4s D O N O T F A B R I C A T E P R I O R T O V E R I F I C A T I O N O F ''••.,,��„�„����`' °�n HARDWARE, DUCT HANGERS, ETC. O � � Q O O O O O O CLEARANCE FOR ALL TRADES. READ SPECIFICAl10NS. ��]�v v� 3. NO MORE THAN 24 CABLES SHALL BE PLACED IN A 2" HOOK. , 4 UTILIZE 650 Ibs (MIN) ANCHORS ON THREADED ROD. MAXIMUM LOAD ON ASSEMBLY NOT TO EXCEED 150 Ibs. Sheet um er 5 THREADED ROD MOUNTING IS SHOWN FOR FREE—STANDING � CONDITIONS I r � n e - 48 PORT En ineerin �' � w - � � � N10 D U LA R P A T C H P A N E L $ Omaha Lincoln � Des Momes � J HO 0 K SU PPORTS 9 � • ✓hoak Supports m—o2—o2 T4.Q N� S CA LE T4.Q 1102 Douglas on the Mall 1800 0 Street,Sulte 104 4308 University Avenue o • NO SCALE Omaha,Nebroska 68102 �ncoln,Nebraska 68508 Des Momes,lowa 50311 Phone (402)346-7007 Phone (402)477-6161 Phone (515)243-0569 Fax (402)346-9576 Fmc (402)477-9616