HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0010 Project Manual Volume I (pgs 261-522)•
A. Work Included: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, service wyes,
service lines, force mains and all necessary appurtenances.
B. Related Work:
1. Site Clearing: Section 02230
2. Topsoil and Revegetation: Section 02921
C. Definitions:
1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than
rock excavation.
2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a
backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force
35,000 Ibs each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders and large rocks one
cubic yard or larger, are considered rock excavation.
D. Local Water District Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications for
sewer lines as approved by the local water District.
A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing speck dimensions and construction materials
for pipe, fittings, and manholes; or certifications that products conform with specifications.
B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials,
concrete mix design, and compression test.
C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project.
Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when
descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there
is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be
less than 60 degrees F at time of placing.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 4 " -15 ", ASTM D3034, Type PSM, SDR 35; 18 " -27 ", ASTM F679.
Push -on joints and molded rubber gaskets. Maximum pipe length 13'.
Ductile Iron: AWWA C151, Class 52. Push -on joints. Cement -mortar lined, AWWA C104.
C. Yelomine: Restrained joint PVC pressure pipe and fittings. Conform to ASTM D2241
"Standard Specifications for PVC, pressure rated pipe (SDR Series) ". V3
D. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe and Couplings: AWWA C900, working pressure 200 psi, with push -on
joints ASTM D1869.
A. Manhole bases: Precast concrete ASTM C478.
B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete with minimum wall thickness 1/12 of
internal diameter. Cones eccentric.
C. Manhole Rings and Covers: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight greater
than 255 lbs., machined to fit securely. Non - rocking cover. Hot dipped in asphalt. HS20
traffic loading. D &L A -1043 or equal.
D. Manhole Steps: Two non -skid grooves in surface of step and capable of carrying load of 1000
lbs 6" from face of manhole.
E. Manhole Joint Sealant: Rubberneck. One inch (1") on 48" diameter manholes. 1 -1/2 inch (1-
1/2") on all larger numbers.
A. Granular material - 3/4" screened rock. The bedding material shall be free of corrosive
properties and shall conform to the following gradation limits when tested by means of
laboratory sieves:
3/4" Screened Rock
Sieve Size
Total Percent
Passing by Weight
3/4 inch
1/2 inch
90 -100
3/8 inch
40 -70
No. 4
0 -15
No. 8
0 -5
B. On -site 1 -1/2" minus well graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of
soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on -site bedding material must
have prior written approval of the District and Engineer.
C. %" Class 6 aggregate base course where specified in the plan and details. Class 6 ABC shall
meet CDOT specifications.
A. General: All materials furnished from sources agreed to by the District.
B. Cement: ASTM C -150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set
or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected.
C. Aggregate: ASTM C33.
D. Water: Water used in mbdng or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt,
alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete.
A. Design Mix
Cement 5-1/2 sacks per cubic yard
Coarse aggregate - 43%
Water - 5.5 gallons per sack
Maximum size aggregate - 3/4"
2. Slump: 4" maximum
3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days
4. Air Content: 5% - 7%
B. Job -Mixed Concrete
Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers
Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining
aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire
contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10)
minutes after all materials are in drum.
C. Ready -Mixed Concrete
Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic
and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected.
Tracer wire shall be ten (10) gauge uninsulated copper wire. Tracer wire shall be installed on all
Yelomine pipe where changes in alignment may take place and /or where curvilinear pipe installations
A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits.
B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation.
C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the
local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be
transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and
federal governments, as applicable.
All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The
protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person
or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance
with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to
D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided
0 for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where
required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be
detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities,
to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item.
If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders,
refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that
cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and
remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be
accepted by the District.
Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 6 inches below bottom of pipe to 1' over
top of pipe entire width of trench.
A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in
accordance with drawings.
B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water
volume will fill a 4" pipe 1/4 full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings.
C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings or as directed by Engineer.
A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Pipe installation will be
lamped daily by Engineer. Remove and replace pipe not conforming to line and grade at
Contractor's expense.
B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade.
Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with
manufacturer's recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check
line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight.
C. Wyes and Risers for Service Connections: Angle upward so 1/8 bend connected to fitting will
make service line invert equal to inside crown of sewer main. Where elevation of top of
service is more than 12' below finished grade, install riser pipe as directed by Engineer.
A. Normal Conditions: Whenever possible, lay water mains over sanitary sewers to provide
vertical separation of at least 18" between invert of water main and crown of sewer.
B. Unusual Conditions: If above separation cannot be met, use following:
Sewer passing over or less than 18" under water main:
a. One continuous length of watertight pressure pipe C900 PVC 20 feet long
centered on water main. Joints between different pipes encased in concrete
6" thick and extending 6" either side of joint; or
• •
b. Sewer pipe encased in 6" concrete around pipe, and extend 10' either side of
water main.
2. Water mains passing under sewers: If vertical separation less than 18 ", provide
structural support for sewer.
A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8"
below pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum of 2" above top
of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert when manhole is set. Construct side branches with
as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Inverts shall be smooth and
clean with no obstructions, allowing insertion of an expandable plug in pipe. Place complete
and continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficient quantity so there will be no spaces
allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim away all
excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps away from roadway
B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished surface. Where surface will be
completed after manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six, two inch reinforced
concrete rings will adjust ring and cover to final grade.
Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new
manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attain
watertight seal. Chip existing concrete bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar
bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable waterstop around portion of sewer pipe
inserted into existing manhole. Use expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create
watertight repair.
Place true to line and grade in accordance with drawings, from main line to house service, in shortest
direct route. Locate 10' from all water lines. Terminate 5' from lowest corner of lot or as shown on
drawings. Where wyes have not been installed in main sewer, tap by machine drilling hole in main,
sized to fit saddle for service line. Each wye or drilled tap and saddle shall be inspected prior to
backfilling. Service line minimum grade of 1/4" per foot. If service line is to be stopped at property line,
place 6 -foot steel fence post at end, extending 2' above finished ground. Place water -tight plug in end
of service line.
A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as
uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and
consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well
vibrated and tamped against forms.
B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing
with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantityas is
required for immediate use.
C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and flowing water,
for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover
concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by
Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to
provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment.
A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use 3/4" screened rock for cover material and backfill by approved
mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks
of soil, frozen material, debris, or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at
top of pipe bedding extending upwards to V above top of pipe for entire trench width. Place in
lifts to a density of 90% AASHTO T99.
B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless
unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with
boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into
trench until backfill is 4' over top of pipe. No boulders over 6" in trench backfill for trenches
located within the Town of Vail right -of -way or those portions of Tract C Vail /Lionshead, Third
Filing owned by the Town of Vail.
A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for
uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one
acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or
compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method.
B. Compaction requirements for all trenches:
Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable:
Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99.
2. Predominately of rock 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock
dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer
thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and
large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth,
sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of
earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing
additional lifts.
3. Trenches outside road right -of -way: Compact to 95% AASHTO T99.
Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing
surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After
trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with
permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course
to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum
thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with
Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes
until observed by Engineer. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested.
0 0
1. General: Conduct infiltration or exflltration test for each section between manholes.
Test first section of pipe laid to verify if watertight. Testing may be required during
course of work where infiltration appears to be grater than maximum allowable, or
quality of work is questionable. No sewer line will be accepted where watertightness
tests show leakage exceeding 200 gallons per inch diameter per mile per day. Flush
and clean sewer line prior to testing, wetting pipe, and cleaning out debris. Plug all
pipe outlets to resist test pressure.
2. Infiltration Test: In high ground water table installation only. Plug upper manhole to
determine leakage in section of line between consecutive manholes. Record quantity
of water collected in time period to calculate infiltration rate.
3. Exfiltration Test by Air: Test each section of pipe between consecutive manholes to
determine test duration for section by computation from Air Test Tables. Pressure -
holding time is based on an average holding pressure of 3 psi gauge or a drop from
3.5 psi to 2.5 psi gauge. Add air until internal air pressure of sewer line is raised to
approximately 4.0 psi gauge. After internal pressure of approximately 4.0 psi is
obtained, allow time for air pressure to stabilize. Pressure will normally show some
drop until temperature of air in test section stabilizes. When pressure has stabilized
and is at or above starting test pressure of 3.5 psi gauge, commence test. Before
starting test, pressure may be allowed to drop to 3.5 psi. Record drop in pressure for
test period. If pressure has dropped more than 1.0 psi gauge during test line has
failed. Test maybe discontinued when prescribed test time has been completed even
though 1.0 psi drop has not occurred. ASTM C828 "Low Pressure Air Test for
Sanitary Sewers ".
,3 Pipe Size
2 -1/2
Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other
structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of
Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site.
Complete topsoil and reseeding of site, is required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove
and dispose of all waster material off site.
This section addresses the rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewers by expanding the existing pipe and
inserting a polyethylene pipe liner, reconnecting existing sewer house connections, and television
inspection before and after the polyethylene pipe liner insertion to the limits indicated herein.
A. The Contractor shall be certified by the Pipe Bursting System Manufacturer that such firm is a
licensed installer of their system.
B. Polyethylene pipe jointing shall be performed by personnel fully trained in the use of the joint
fusion recommended methods for pipe liner connections. Personnel directly involved with
installing the pipe liner shall receive training in the proper methods for handling, inserting,
trimming and finishing the pipe liner. Training shall be performed by a representative of the
pipe manufacturer. Where the training is not witnessed by the Project Manager, the
Contractor shall provide a certification of training for each new crew member.
A. Submit the following Contractor's drawings:
1. Shop drawings, catalog data and manufacturer's technical data showing complete
information on material composition, physical properties and dimensions of pipe liner
and fittings. Include manufacturer's recommendation for handling, storage and repair
of pipe liner and fittings if damaged.
2. Method of construction, grouting process and restoration of e)asting sewer house
connections. This shall include:
a. Detail drawings and written description of the entire construction procedure to
insert pipe liner, bypass sewage flow and reconnection of sewer house
b. Working drawings for information only, showing excavation locations,
dimensions, sheeting and shoring, method of dewatering and other utilities
that may be affected; width and length or working area, access pit and
portion of e)asbng sewer to be removed to conduct the work; sewer flow
bypass; and maintenance of traffic.
3. Certification of workmen training for installing pipe liner.
4. Television inspection reports and video tapes made prior to and after pipe liner
5. Grout design and grout testing reports.
B. Certified test reports for the polyethylene pipe liner fusion joint or a certificate of compliance.
The sewer line shall be television inspected to determine the condition of the line and the location of
laterals prior to insertion of the new pipe and after insertion of the new pipe.
It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to temporarily by -pass the working section, to maintain the flow
of waste material required by the Engineer.
A. Materials for Pipe and Fittings
0 0
The sewer liner pipe and fittings shall be manufactured from a polyethylene compound which
conforms to ASTM D -1248 and meets the Type III, Class C, Grades P34, Category 5, and has
a PPI ratings of PE3408. Pipe from this compound must have a long term hydrostatic strength
rating of 1600 PSI in accordance with ASTM D -2837. Before beginning work, the Contractor
shall submit for approval, the vendor's specific technical data with complete information on
resin, physical properties of pipe and pipe dimensions pertinent to this job. A certificate of
"Compliance with Specification" shall be furnished for all materials to be supplied.
The District shall run tests on field samples per application ASTM, District specifications at its
chosen laboratory for verification of the required physical properties and characteristics. The
number of samples taken be at the District's discretion. All samples taken shall be provided
by the Contractor at no charge to the District. The District shall absorb all charges for any and
all testing of the liner material.
The Contractor will be responsible for all damage caused by, and the replacement of, failed,
unspecified, or unapproved materials.
The outside diameter and minimum wall thickness shall conform to dimensions listed in Table 1 when
measured in accordance with ASTM D -2122. Minimum wall thickness (inches) = O.D. /SDR.
(All dimensions are in inches)
SDR 26
SDR 21
SDR 19
SDR 17
The SDR Classification for various depths shall be as follows:
0' -10'
10' -15'
15' -20'
over 20'
The physical appearance of the polyethylene pipe having deformities such as concentrated ridges,
discoloration, excessive spot roughness, pitting, varying wall thickness, etc. shall constitute sufficient
basis for rejection. The PE shall be homogeneous throughout, free from visible cracks, foreign
inclusions and other defects. Pipe with gashes, nicks, abrasions or any such physical damage which
may have occurred during storage and /or handling, which are larger /deeper than 10% of the wall
thickness shall not be used and must be removed from the construction site.
G� O
In the case of any conflict with, or deviation from, these specifications, the Contractor shall report in
writing to the Engineer for clarification, explanation and /or approval. The Engineer's decision shall be
final and all costs, if any, incurred due to the Contractor's use of an unapproved pipe and the 1 J
subsequent work to remove and replace this pipe with an acceptable PE as specified shall be borne by
the Contractor.
Sections of the PE shall be assembled and joined on the job site above the ground. Joining shall be
accomplished by the heating and butt- fusion method in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed
The butt - fusion method for pipe joining shall be carried out in the field by operators with prior
experience in fusing PE with similar equipment using the proper jigs and tools per standard procedures
outlined by the pipe manufacturer. These joints shall have smooth, uniform, double rolled back beads
made while applying the proper melt, pressure and alignment. All external and internal beads shall be
cut or trimmed after completion of butt- fusion process. It shall be the sole responsibility of the
Contractor to provide an acceptable butt- fusion joint.
All joints shall be inspected by the Engineer before insertion. The liner pipe shall be joined on the site
in appropriate working lengths near the launching pit.
The location and number of launching, or receiving pits shall be decided by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer prior to excavation. The pits shall be located such that their total numbers
shall be minimized, and the footage of the new pipe installed in a single pull shall be maximized.
Before any excavation is done for any purpose, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to check
with the various utility companies and determine the location of their facilities. Any necessary
temporary construction easements and /or right -of -way areas will be arranged by the Contractor at no
cost to the District.
Any damage done to said facilities and the resulting repair, temporary service, costs, etc. and
restoration of temporary easements and right -of -way areas shall be borne by the Contractor.
Launching and receiving pits shall be backfilled in accordance with the appropriate specifications.
A. Preliminary Site Work
Installation of by -pass pumping shall be completed.
2. All buried utilities adjacent to the line of operation shall be reviewed and where
necessary excavated to relieve transient loading during the insertion operation.
Should any utility be within 24" or less of the pipe to be burst, it will be required to
excavate a test pit at the location to check clearances. If adequate clearance does
not exist between the existing sanitary sewer and the subject utility, the Contractor
shall employ other means to rehabilitate the existing sanitary sewer. For utilities
crossing the existing sanitary sewer to be burst, soil should be excavated and
removed to relieve loading during the bursting operation.
3. Manhole positions along the line of insertion and where necessary laterals excavation
will be used to check progress as the mole passes these points. Any heavy concrete
reinforcements present in these areas should be broken out prior to the operation to
e s
allow steady and free passage of the mole. Contractor shall provide adequate
expansion area at the manhole prior to bursting operation.
B. The Insertion Operation
New PE shall be inserted immediately behind the mole in accordance with the manufacturers
procedures. The mole shall be specifically designed and manufactured for the type of
insertion process being used.
A winch may be utilized to guide and assist the mole during the operation.
A pushing machine may be utilized to aid pipe insertion for the rear.
The exact location and number of house or building service connections shall be determined from TV
inspection tapes and /or in the field. Any and all such locations shown on the plans are approximate; as
are the number of said connections in the bid proposal. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to
field locate all existing service connections whether in service or not, along the sanitary main which has
to be rehabilitated. The Contractor shall reconnect all service connections, including those that go to
unoccupied or abandoned buildings or houses or vacant lots, as directed by the Engineer. Accordingly,
each vacant lot shall have on existing sanitary sewer shall be properly shown on the "As Rehabilitated"
drawings with the exact distances from the nearest downstream manhole. All existing connections
shall be properly disconnected from the existing sewer and then reconnected to the new pipe per
instructions and procedures as provided below or as approved by the Engineer.
After the new pipe has been installed, each existing service connection shall be recommended to the
new pipe as directed by the Engineer. A prefabricated polyethylene saddle or an approved alternate
shall be installed. The polyethylene saddle shall be a one -piece saddle equipped with a neoprene
gasket so that a complete seal is accomplished when the strap -on saddle is tightened with two (2)
stainless steel bands; one on each end. The stubout attached to the saddle must protrude into the new
pipe a distance equal the wall thickness of the new pipe in place. The new 4 ", 6 ", or 8" stubout, or
lateral, shall be reconnected to the existing service line with a flexible PVC coupling, "Fernco ", or an
approved equal.
The flexible coupling shall be secured to the existing service lateral and new stub and /or stack with
stainless steel bands. The entire exposed service connection shall be encased in cement stabilized
sand a minimum of 6" below, and 12" above and on the sides of, the pipe at a cost incidental to service
connections. The connection shall be tested and approved by the Engineer before backfilling.
Two types of testing will be required after the new pipe has been installed in the existing sanitarysewer
main. The first test is a low pressure air test of the new pipe before it has been sealed in place at the
manholes, and before any service connections have been made to the new pipe. The purpose of this
test is to check the integrity of the joints that have been made and to verify that the new pipe has not
been damaged by inserting it into the expanded sanitary sewer. The second test is done only at
Owners request after all sewer taps have been made for a particular sanitary sewer section. This test
will verify the integrity of the tap at the point where it joins the new pipe.
After a manhole to manhole section of sanitary sewer main has been rehabilitated and the insertion pits
backfilled, prior to any service line being connected to the new pipe, the pipe shall be plugged at each
manhole with pneumatic plugs. The design of the plugs shall be such that they will hold against the
t� O
test pressure without requiring external blocking or bracing. One of the plugs shall have three air hose
connections: one for the inflation of the plug, one for reading the air pressure of the sealed pipe, and
one for introducing air into the sealed pipe.
Low pressure air shall be then introduced into the sealed line until the internal air pressure reaches 4.0
PSI greater than the average back pressure resulting from any ground waterthat may be overthe pipe.
At least two (2) minutes shall elapse to allow the pressure to stabilize.
The time required for the internal pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 PSI greater than the average
back pressure resulting from any ground water that may be over the pipe, shall be less than the time
shown for a given pipe diameter in the following table:
Pipe Diameter Minimum Elapsed Time
(inches) (minutes)
24 and larger
The space between the new pipe and the existing sanitary sewer manhole wall must be sealed with a
chemical seal and nonshrink grout. Activated oakum, soaked in 3M Elastomeric compound CR -202
(or an approved equal), shall be placed in a band to form an effective water tight gasket for the angular
space between the new pipe and the existing manholes. The width of the band shall be a minimum of
12" or on -half the diameter of the pipe, whichever it greater. It shall be finished off with a nonshrink
grout to be placed in the annular space from inside the manhole and shall be less than 6" wide. The
chosen method, including chemicals and materials, must be approved by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall cut the new pipe so that it extends 4" into the manhole. The Contractor shall make a
smooth, vertical cut and slope area over the top of the exposed new pipe using nonshrink grout. The
Contractor shall also use cementitious grout to form a smooth transition with a reshaped invert and a
raised manhole bench such that neither the sharp edges of the new pipe, nor the concrete bench, nor
the channeled invert shall exist to catch debris and create a stoppage. The invert of the manhole shall
also be reworked (smooth and build -up) to match the flow line of the new pipe.
The Contractor will provide tot he District a color video tape showing the completed work including the
condition of the restored service connections prior to requesting payment. Television inspection, tapes
and reports shall be in accordance with the relevant Item. Upon completion of the installation work and
testing, the Contractor shall restore /clear the project area affected by his operations per the provision
of the relevant Item.
A. Work Included: Excavation, rock excavation, blasting, rock disposal, dewatering, backfill,
bedding, compaction, installation of conduits, vaults, pads and all necessary appurtenances
and coordination with the telephone, cable television, electric companies.
B. Related Work:
1. Site Clearing: Section 02230
2. Topsoil and Revegetation: Section 02921
C. Definitions:
1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than
rock excavation.
2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a
backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force
35,000 Ibs each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders and large rocks one
cubic yard or larger, are considered rock excavation.
D. Utility Company Specifications: All work shall conform to the standard specifications of the
telephone company, the cable television company, and the electric company.
A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials
for pipe, fittings, and vaults; or certifications that products conform with specifications.
B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials,
concrete mix design, and compression test.
C. Permits: Submit copies of all permits issued for project.
Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when
descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat, falls below 35 degrees F, and there
is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mix shall not be
less than 60 degrees F at time of placing.
A. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): 2 " -8 ", Schedule 40 PVC.
All switchgear, transformer, splice vaults, pads, and bases to be supplied by Holy Cross Electric
Association, Inc.
A. Granular material - 3/4" screened rock.
B. On -site 1 -1/2" minus well graded screened material, free from organic materials, chunks of
soil, frozen material, debris, or other suitable materials. Use of on -site bedding material must
have prior written approval of the utility company and Engineer.
A. General: All materials furnished from sources agreed to by the District.
B. Cement: ASTM C -150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set
or contains lumps of caked cement shall be rejected.
C. Aggregate: ASTM C33.
D. Water: Water used in mixing or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt,
alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete.
A. Design Mix
1. Proportions:
Cement 5 -1/2 sacks per cubic yard
Coarse aggregate - 43%
Water - 5.5 gallons per sack
Maximum size aggregate - 3/4"
2. Slump: 4" maximum
3. Strength: Minimum 3,000 psi at 28 days
4. Air Content: 5% - 7%
B. Job -Mixed Concrete
Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of Mixer Manufacturers
Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be capable of combining
aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform mass. Discharge entire
contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch for not less than ten (10)
minutes after all materials are in drum.
C. Ready Mixed Concrete
Proportioned, mixed and transported in accordance with ASTM C94. Any concrete not plastic
and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected.
0 A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits.
B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation.
C. Blasting: In general, blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the
local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be
transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and
federal governments, as applicable.
All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The
protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person
or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance
with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24 hour notification to
Owner, Engineer and Fire Department.
D. Trench Support: The trench shall be adequately supported and the safety of workers provided
for as required by the most recent standards adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Standards Board. Sheeting and shoring shall be utilized where
required to prevent any excessive widening or sloughing of the trench, which may be
detrimental to human safety, to the pipe and appurtenances being installed, to existing utilities,
to existing structures, or to any other existing facility or item.
If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders,
refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that
cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and
remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be
accepted by the Engineer.
Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 3" below bottom of pipe to centerline for
entire width of trench.
A. Water seeping from trench banks, but not flowing in trench bottom: Install gravel underdrain in
accordance with drawings.
B. Water flowing in trench bottom: Install underdrain pipe in addition to gravel where water
volume will fill a 4" pipe 1/4 full. Cleanouts at each manhole in conformance with drawings.
C. Daylight all underdrains as shown on drawings or as directed by Engineer.
A. Construct pipe accurately to line and grade shown on drawings. Remove and replace pipe not
conforming to line and grade at Contractor's expense.
B. Install to manufacturer's recommendations, continuously upgrade. Bell ends face upgrade.
Prior to making joints, clean and dry all surfaces. Use lubricants in conformance with
manufacturer's recommendations for insertion of pipe in joint. Set pipe in position and check
line and grade. Keep dirt from entering all exposed pipe ends. Joints watertight.
Install pads and vaults to line and grade shown on drawings.
Pull string shall be placed in all conduit to facilitate placing cable.
A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as
uniformly as possible in order to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and
consolidate with suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well
vibrated and tamped against forms.
B. Retempering: Do not retemper concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing
with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is
required for immediate use.
C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, and flowing water,
for not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover
concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by
Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs exposed by removing forms immediately to
provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment.
A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use 3/4" screened rock or on -site screened material (if approved by
Engineer) for cover material and backfill by approved mechanical methods. Cover material
shall be clean soil, free from organic materials, chunks of soil, frozen material, debris, or other
unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of pipe bedding extending upwards to
above top of pipe for entire trench width. Place in lifts to a density of 90% AASHTO T99.
B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless
unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with
boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into
trench until backfill is 4' over top of pipe. No boulders over 6" in trench backfill for trenches
located within the Town of Vail right -of -way or those portions of Tract C Vail /Lionshead, Third
Filing owned by the Town of Vail.
A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for
uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one
acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or
compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method.
B. Compaction requirements for all trenches:
1. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procedures are applicable:
Compacted uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99.
2. Predominately of rock 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock Vj
• •
dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than ma)amum layer
thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and
large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth,
sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of
earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing
additional lifts.
3. Trenches outside road right -of -way: Compact to 95% AASHTO T99.
Score e)asting surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of eesting
surface and aggregate base course leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After
trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with
permit requirements, or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course
to 95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum
thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with
A. Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes
until observed by Engineer. Notify Engineer at least 48 hours before pipe is to be tested.
B. Testing
1. General: Conduct testing in accordance with procedures approved by the appropriate
j utility company.
Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other
structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of
Engineer. Deposit all waste material in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site.
Complete topsoil and reseeding of site, is required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove
and dispose of all waste material off site.
r - . Ao
A. Section Includes:
1. Drainage pipe and fittings at foundations and laterals under slab as indicated.
2. Drainage pipe over garage roof.
3. Free draining gravel at drainage pipes or retaining walls.
4. Protective covering between gravel and backfill.
5. PVC sheeting under gravel.
6. Drainage sump.
7. Connection to sump or daylight as indicated on Civil Drawings.
B. Related Requirements: Comply With:
1. Earthwork: Section 02300
2. Concrete Work: Division 3 Concrete
C. Related Sections:
1. Foundation Waterproofing: Section 07110
2. Earthwork: Section 02300
A. Deliver and store materials in accordance with Section 01600. Stockpile and store
materials so not to bury or damage.
A. Pipe: Rigid PVC pipe complying with ASTM D2779
1. Provide perforated in drainage areas and unperforated elsewhere.
2. Size: As indicated on drawings.
3. Provide solid end caps at terminations.
4. All connections solvent welded.
Cleanout Pipe and Fitting: Cast -iron soil pipe. Provide each ceanout with brass ferrule
and a cast -brass screw jointed plug with socket for wrench. Provide grade deanouts or
wall deanouts as indicated.
Pervious Backfill Material: Free draining granular material consisting of 2° maximum
size, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve less than 2% passing No. 200 sieve.
A. General:
1. Keep trenches dry during installation of drainage system.
2. Use fittings at intersections and right angle intersections.
3. Make changes in direction of drain lines with 1/8 bends.
B. Bedding:
1. Place graded bedding prior to laying of foundation drain pipe or tile.
2. Rest each section firmly upon the bedding through entire length.
3. Thickness: As indicated
C. Pipe Laying:
1. Lay drain lines to uniform grades and alignment, with continuous fall indirection
of flow with minimum slope of 1/8" per foot.
2. Thoroughly dean interior of pipe of dirt or other foreign material before laying.
3. Lay perforated pipe with perforations facing down.
4. Connect to sump or daylight as indicated.
5. Solvent weld all fittings.
6. Wrap pipe in drainage fabric before covering.
D. Cleanout: Provide cleanouts at all major direction changes.
1. Unpaved areas: Set in 12"x 12" concrete blocks. Comply with Division 3.
E. PVC Sheeting: Install under drainage gravel as indicated, if shown on plans.
F. Backfilling:
1. After pipe installation has been accepted, place pervious backfill material.
2. When placing backfill, prevent displacement of or injury to pipe or tile.
3. Install filter fabric over pervious backfill before backfilling remainder of wall.
F .
A. Work included: Excavation, backfill, bedding, and installation of pipe, manholes, catch basins,
inlets, outlets, underdrains, irrigation ditches, channelization, detention storage, siphons and all
necessary appurtenances.
B. Related Work:
1. Site Clearing: Section 02230
2. Topsoil and Revegetation: Section 02921
C. Definition:
1. Trench Excavation: Excavation of all material encountered along trench other than rock
2. Rock Excavation: All solid rock formations which cannot be reasonably broken by a
backhoe with 3/4 cubic yard bucket with bucket curling force and stick crowd force of
35,000 lbs. each, and requiring drilling and blasting. Boulders, large rocks, and chunks
of concrete three cubic yards or larger, considered rock excavation.
A. Submit shop drawings or product data showing specific dimensions and construction materials
1. Precast Manholes
2. Precast Catch Basins
3. Frames, Grates, Covers
B. Test Reports: Submit laboratory gradation tests for bedding and trench stabilization materials,
concrete mix design, and compression test.
C. Permits:
1. Fugitive Dust
2. Stormwater Discharge Permit (CDPHE)
3. Construction Dewatering (CDPHE)
4. 404 Permit
Environmental Requirements: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when
descending air temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F. and there
is frost in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mixshall not be
less than 60 degrees F. at time of placing.
A. Non - Reinforced Concrete Pipe: ASTM C14
B. Reinforced Concrete Pipe: ASTM C76, circular; ASTM 506, arch; ASTM 507, vertical or
horizontal elliptical. Class pipe as shown on drawings.
C. Concrete End Section: Same ASTM specification as pipe. Equivalent in area as circular pipe.
D. Corrugated Steel Pipe and Arches: AASHTO M36, gauge as shown on drawings. Bands shall
conform to following:
Pipe Size
2 -2/3" x 1/2" 3" x 1"
6 -30
7" -
2 ea
36 -60
12" 14"
3 ea
66 -120
24" 20"
5 ea
Thickness of band one gauge less than pipe but not less than 16 gauge.
E. Corrugated Steel Pipe End Section: Sizes and dimensions shown on drawings. Materials
same as corrugated steel pipe.
F. Bituminous Coating: Where required on corrugated steel pipe and fittings, AASHTO M190,
Type A, with minimum thickness of 0.03 ". Coupling bands fully coated. V
A. Corrugated Steel: AASHTO M36 Type III. Holes 3/8" double row each side of pipe for 6 " -10"
size pipe. Triple row each side of pipe for 12 " -21" pipe. Spaced in center of each depressed
corrugation nearest to center pipe. Install hole row each side of pipe for 6 " -10" pipe; triple row
each side of pipe for 12 " -21" pipe.
B. Rigid PVC Schedule 35.
C. Fle)able Polypropelene or Polyethylene /Hancor.
A. Corrugated Steel Units: Conform to drawing dimensions, AASHTO M36. Bituminous coating
when specified, AASHTO M190, Type A. Steps fabricated into units.
B. Precast Concrete Units: In accordance with drawings, ASTM C478 and C789, wall "B ", wall
thickness 1/12 internal diameter. Steps precast into units.
A. Manhole Bases: Precast concrete. Manhole base and first barrier section cast monolithic per
ASTM - C478.
e e
B. Manhole Sections: ASTM C478. Precast concrete with minimum wall thickness 1/12 of
internal diameter. Cones eccentric.
C. Manhole Ring and Cover: Cast iron, ASTM A48. Ring and cover combined weight greater
than 400 lbs., machined to fit securely. Non - rocking cover. Hot dipped in asphalt.
D. Manhole Steps: Two non -skid grooves in the surface of step and capable of carrying load of
1,000 lbs. 6" from face of manhole.
E. Manhole Joint Sealant: RubberNek.
AASHTO M36 with grate assembly, ASTM Al23. Joint and couplers of ring compression type. Where
required, expanded wire mesh attached across top of drain opening. Fittings provided with annular
ends for hugger -type bands.
Metal units conform to drain dimensions and to following for designated material.
A. Gray Iron Castings: AASHTO M105.
B. Carbon -Steel Castings: AASHTO M103.
it C. Ductile Iron Castings: ASTM A536.
D. Structural Steel: AASHTO M183 and ASTM A283, Grade B. Galvanizing, where specified,
A. Pipe and culvert - roadbase, percent by weight passing square mesh sieves: 3/4 ",100; No.4,
30 -65; No. 8, 25 -55; No. 200, 3 -12.
B. Underdrain - washed gravel: percent by weight passing square mesh sieves: 1 ",100 %; 3/4 ",
95 -100 %; No.4, 0 -5 %.
A. General: All materials furnished from sources approved by Engineer.
B. Cement: ASTM C150 for Portland Cement, Type II. Cement which has become partially set
or contains lumps, caked cement and have been exposed to inclement weather shall be
C. Aggregate: ASTM C33.
D. Water: Water used in mi)ang or curing concrete shall be clean and free from oil, acids, salt,
alkali, or organic materials harmful to concrete.
A. Design Mix
Cement 5 -1/2 sacks per cubic yard
Coarse aggregate 43%
Water 5.5 Gallons per sack
Maximum size aggregate 3/4"
2. Slump: 4" maximum
3. Strength: Minimum 3750 psi at 28 days
4. Air Content: 5 % -7%
B. Job Mixed Concrete: Mixed in drum mixer conforming to Concrete Paving Mixer Standards of
Mixer Manufacturers Bureau of Associated General Contractors of America. Mixer shall be
capable of combining aggregates, cement, and water into thoroughly mixed and uniform
mass. Discharge entire contents of drum before recharging. Continue mixing of each batch
for not less than 10 minutes after all materials are in drum.
C. Ready Mixed Concrete: Proportioned, mixed, and transported in accordance with ASTM C94.
Any concrete not plastic and workable when it reaches project shall be rejected.
A. Trench Excavation: Excavate to depths required. Confine excavation to work limits.
B. Rock Excavation: Prior to removal, notify Engineer of areas requiring rock excavation.
C. Blasting: In general blasting will be allowed in order to expedite the work if a permit by the
local authority having jurisdiction is granted. All explosives and appurtenances shall be
transported, handled, stored and used in accordance with the laws of the local, state and
federal governments, as applicable.
All blasting shall be controlled so as not to injure any existing structure or facility. The
protection of life and property and all liability for blasting shall be placed solely on the person
or persons conducting the blasting operation. The hours of blasting shall be in accordance
with the permit of the local authority. Prior to blasting, provide minimum 24- hournotification to
If the bottom of the excavation at subgrade is found to be soft or unstable or to include ashes, cinders,
refuse, vegetable or other organic material, or large pieces or fragments of inorganic material that
cannot satisfactorily support the pipe or structure, then the Contractor shall further excavate and
remove such unsuitable material. Before the pipe or structure is installed, the subgrade shall be
accepted by the Engineer.
A. Pipe: Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 4" below bottom of pipe
0 •
to centerline for full width of trench.
B. Culvert: Install in conformance with drawings. Place from minimum of 6" below bottom of
pipe to centerline of pipe for entire width of trench.
A. General: For new embankments, place fill so width each side of pipe is at least five (5) times
pipe diameter. After embankment is placed, proceed with trenching.
Begin all pipe installation at downstream end. Bell or groove ends of rigid conduit and outside
circumferential laps of flexible conduit facing upstream. Place flexible conduits with
longitudinal laps or seams at sides.
B. Corrugated Steel Pipe: Remove all loose excavated materials from bottom of trench and
install bedding to required thickness. Install pipe true to line and grade. Install remaining
bedding material along sides of pipe to avoid any voids. Repair bituminous coating damage
using similar coating material. Lubricate coupler bands. Vertical elongation caused bybackfill
operation shall not exceed 3% of pipe diameter. Compact backfill to 86% 90 %AASHTO T99
and continue to 1' over top of pipe.
C. Concrete Pipe: Extend bedding around bell where bell and spigot pipe is used. Place pipe on
bedding as shown on drawings. Place remaining bedding along pipe sides with no voids.
Compact backfill to 8§% 90% AASHTO T99 and continue to 1' over pipe.
D. Underdrain Pipe:
1. General: Install to lines and grades shown on drawings. Extend underdrain material
a minimum of 6" over top of pipe. Cover underdrain material for entire width of trench
with filter fabric. If shown on drawings, line trench with fabric before installing pipe
and underdrain material.
2. Concrete Pipe: Install with bell resting on trench bottom facing up grade, with
underdrain material supporting pipe.
3. Corrugated Steel or PVC Pipe: Holes or perforations placed down with maximum 1"
underdrain material under pipe. Joint according to manufacturer's recommendations.
Install in accordance with drawings. Trench as narrow as possible and backfill to create uniform
foundation side support. Install true to line and grade.
A. Manhole: Construct in accordance with drawings. Extend concrete manhole base at least 8"
below pipe barrel. Slope floor of manhole from centerline of pipe to maximum of 2" above top
of pipe at face of manhole. Shape invert after manhole is set. Construct side branches with
as large radius of curvature as possible to connect to main invert. Inverts shall be smooth and
clean with no obstructions, allowing insertion of expandable plug in pipe. Place complete and
continuous roll of joint sealant on base ring in sufficient quantity, so there will be no spaces
allowing infiltration. Join each succeeding manhole section in similar manner. Trim away all
excess material and repair all lifting holes. Turn eccentric cone and steps awayfrom roadway
� D
B. Manhole Ring and Cover: Install at grade of finished surface. Where surface will be
completed after manhole construction, set top of cone so maximum of six (6) two inch thick
reinforced concrete rings will adjust ring and cover to final grade.
Make connections to existing manholes, where no pipe is stubbed out, in similar manner as new
manhole. Break small opening in existing manhole as necessary to insert new pipe and attain
watertight seal. Chip existing concrete bench inside manhole to provide enough thickness for mortar
bed to make new smooth continuous invert. Place expandable waterstop around portion of sewer pipe
inserted into existing manhole. Use expandable grout to completely fill hole in manhole to create
watertight repair.
A. Placement: Place to required depth and width conforming to drawings. Place concrete as
uniformly as possible to minimize amount of additional spreading. Place and consolidate with
suitable tools to avoid formations of voids, honeycomb, or pockets. Well vibrated and tamped
against forms.
B. Retempering: Do not retem per concrete or mortar which has partially hardened by remixing
with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water. Provide concrete in such quantity as is
required for immediate use.
C. Curing: Protect against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, rain, or flowing water, for
not less than two days from placement of concrete. Immediately after finishing, cover
concrete surface with curing medium which is applicable to local conditions as approved by
Engineer. Protect exposed edge of concrete slabs by removing forms immediately to provide
these surfaces with continuous curing treatment.
A. One Foot Over Pipe: Use 3/4" road base for cover material and backfill by approved
mechanical methods. Cover material shall be clean, free from organic materials, chunks of
soil, frozen material, debris or other unsuitable materials. Place and compact starting at top of
pipe bedding extending upwards to 1' above top of pipe. Place in lifts to a density of 90%
AASHTO T99, at a point 6" above top of pipe.
B. Remainder of Trench: Backfill with same materials excavated from work limits unless
unsuitable. No boulders over 6" in diameter in top 12" of trench. No backfill material with
boulders larger than 18" in diameter. Carefully lower boulders larger than 12" in diameter into
trench until backfill is 4' over top of pipe. No boulders over 6" in trench backfill for trenches
located within the Town of Vail right -of -way or those portions of Tract C Vail /Lionshead, Third
Filing owned by the Town of Vail.
A. Demonstrate method of compaction. Engineer will test compacted demonstration section for
uniform density throughout depth of each lift. Alter construction methods until providing one
acceptable to Engineer. Continue same procedure until significant change in soils occurs, or
• •
0 required compaction is not being achieved, then demonstrate new method.
B. Compaction requirements for all trenches within limits of pavement, shoulders, or back of
1. Predominantly of cohesive soils where AASHTO T99 procures are applicable:
Compact uniformly throughout each lift to 95% AASHTO T99.
2. Predominantly of rock, to 18" in diameter: Place in loose lifts up to average rock
dimension. Placing of occasional boulders of sizes larger than maximum layer
thickness may be agreed to by Engineer, provided material is carefully placed and
large stones well distributed with voids completely filled with smaller stones, earth,
sand, or gravel. Level and smooth each layer to distribute soils and finer fragments of
earth. Wet each loose layer as necessary to facilitate compaction prior to placing
additional lifts.
A. General: Cast -in -place concrete conforming to dimensions shown on the drawings and
accurate to tolerances of 1/4 ". Install forms so all finished lines will be true and straight.
Install reinforcing steel with the spacing between the forms and between bars as shown on
drawings. Keep excavation dry during construction. Compaction requirements same as
B. Inlets and Outlets: Either cast -in -place or precast units, in accordance with drawings. When
required, set castings accurately to grade with adjustment courses of brick in full mortar beds.
Construct pipe inverts or smooth concrete inverts same size as pipe up to centerline of pipe,
j with bench to stand on.
C. Frames, Grates, Covers, and Steps: Install accurately according to drawings. Anchor
castings in place and set in adjustment mortar to assure firm foundation.
D. Trash Guards: Install in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations.
Score existing surface with cutting wheel to create clean break line. Remove and dispose of existing
surface and aggregate base course. Leave 6" undisturbed subgrade lip on each side of trench. After
trench has been backfilled and properly compacted, place aggregate base course in accordance with
permit requirements or minimum thickness in these specifications. Compact aggregate base course to
95% AASHTO T180. Replace pavement in accordance with permit requirements or minimum
thickness in these specifications. Compact asphalt to 95% ASTM D1559; consolidate concrete with
Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of pipe being laid in any trench. Cover no pipes until
observed by Engineer.
Restore all pavements, curbs, gutters, utilities, fences, irrigation ditches, yards, lawns, and other
structures or surfaces to condition equal to or better than before work began, and to satisfaction of
Engineer. Deposit all waste materials in designated waste areas. Grade and shape disposal site.
Complete topsoil and reseeding of site if required. Where disposal sites are not designated, remove
and dispose of all waste materials off site.
A. Work included: Preparing surface of subgrade after utility contractors have completed
installation of all utilities and furnishing and placing one or more courses of aggregate in
conformance with lines, grades, and typical sections shown on drawings.
B. Related Work:
1. Earthwork: Section 02300
A. Test Reports: If requested, furnish proposed source of materials and copies of tests from
certified and acceptable testing laboratory:
1. Sieve analysis - ASTM C136
2. Wear Abrasion - ASTM C131
3. Liquid Limit - AASHTO T89, T90
4. Moisture Density Curves - AASHTO T99
A. Aggregate shall conform to following gradation:
Percentage by Weight Passing square Mesh Sieves
Class 2
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
95 -100
90 -100
50 -90
30 -50
30 -70
30 -65
25 -55
No. 200
3 -15
3 -12
3 -15
3 -12
Liquid limit not greater than 35 for Class 2; 30 for Class 4, 5, or 6.
Plasticity Index not exceeding 6.
B. Requirements for this Project:
Furnish Class 6 aggregate for this Project.
A. Staking: Contractor will provide at his expense all additional staking necessary to ensure work
conforms with drawings.
B. Subgrade Preparation: Shape and compact to crown, line, grades, and typical cross section
shown on drawings before placing base material. Compact to 95% AASHTO T99.
The Contractor shall mix the aggregate by methods that insure a thorough and homogeneous mixture.
If required compacted depth of aggregate base course exceeds 6 ", construct in two or more layers of
approximately equal thickness. Maximum compacted thickness of any one layer shall not exceed 6 ".
When vibratory or other approved types of special compacting equipment are used, compacted depth
of single layer may be increased to 8" upon approval of Engineer.
Compact each layer to 95% AASHTO T180. Maintain surface of each layer during compaction so that
uniform texture is produced and aggregates are firmly keyed. Apply water uniformly during compaction
so moisture content is within 2% of optimum.
0 •
A. Work Included: Furnishing, laying, and compacting hot -mixed asphaltic concrete pavement in
conformance with lines, grades, and typical cross - sections shown on the drawings.
B. Related Work:
1. Unbound Base Course: Section 02720
A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress.
B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature,
and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer.
C. Owner will arrange and pay for all field tests to determine compliance of base course and
pavement materials and compaction with the specification and the approved design mix
A. Samples: If requested, provide samples of proposed materials.
B. Test Reports: If requested, furnish copies of tests from certified and acceptable testing
1. Aggregate - AASHTO T96
2. Tar - AASHTO M52 Grade RTC B -5, M118.
3. Liquid Asphalt - AASHTO M81, M82; ASTM D2026
4. Emulsified Asphalt - AASHTO M140
5. Compaction - AASHTO T230
6. Stability and Flow - AASHTO T245
C. Job Mix Formula: Provide Engineer proposed mix design based upon aggregates to be used.
1. Submit design mix to Engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by
an independent laboratory.
2. Stability per ASTM D1559: 1500 lb minimum
3. Flow per ASTM D1559:.08 to .16 inch
4. Air Voids percentage per ASTM D1559: 3 to 5 percent
5. Use an anti- stripping additive from the approved list of additives in Chapter 400 of the
Colorado Department of Highways Field Materials Manual
6. Minimum Asphalt content: 5.8%
A. Transport mixtures from mixing plant in trucks having tight, clean, non - sticking compartments.
When transporting, provide covers to protect from weather and prevent loss
of heat when temperature is below 50 degrees F. During temperatures below 50 degrees F
on long distance deliveries, provide insulation around entire truck bed surfaces.
A. Environmental Requirements: Do not place asphaltic concrete on wet surfaces, or when
temperature is below 40 degrees F, unless agreed to by Engineer.
B. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on asphaltic concrete pavement
until cooled and hardened. Provide barricades, flagmen, and warning devices as required to
protect pavement. Maintain pedestrian and vehicular traffic as required. Cover openings of
structures in paving until permanent coverings are placed.
C. Confirm in writing, aggregate base course constructed by others has been compacted to
requirements of these specifications. Use any means necessary to proof roll or test to confirm
aggregate base is satisfactory to receive asphaltic concrete. Notify in writing to Owner any
deficient areas so they may be brought into conformance with specifications prior to placement
of asphaltic concrete.
Clean, hard, durable particles of crushed stone, crushed gravel, natural gravel, or crushed slag with
not more than 45% of wear, AASHTO T96.
Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieves
1 -1/2"
90 -100
28 -58
2 -10
Sizes #8 and larger, tolerances + 8 %; #30 + 6 %; #200 + 3 %; where 100% passing, no tolerance.
Use Grading SX for this project.
AASHTO M226, Penetration Grade 85 -100. Use AC -10 for all paving.
One of the following, grade and type as recommended by supplier:
A. Slow curing, ASTM D2026
B. Medium curing, AASHTO M82
One of the following, grade and type as recommended by supplier:
A. Emulsified asphalt, AASHTO M140
B. Cationic emulsified asphalt, AASHTO M208
A. Determine design mix based upon aggregates to be used.
1. Submit design mix to Engineer for approval along with Marshall series performed by
an independent laboratory.
2. Stability per ASTM D1559: 1500 Ib minimum
3. Flow per ASTM D1559: .08 to .16 in.
4. Air Voids percentage per ASTM D1559: 3 to 5 percent
5. Use an anti - stripping additive from the approved list of additives in Chapter 400 of the
Colorado Department of Highways Field Materials Manual.
6. Minimum Asphalt content: 5.8%
B. Furnish aggregate gradation.
C. Accepted design mix shall meet compaction requirements of these specifications.
A. General: Complywith ASTM D995 for material storage, control, mixing, and plant equipment
and operation.
B. Aggregates: Keep each component of various -sized combined aggregates in separate
stockpiles. Maintain so separate aggregate sizes will not be intermixed and to prevent
segregation. Heat -dry aggregates to reduce moisture content to not more than 2 %. Deliver
dry aggregate to mixer at recommended temperature to suit penetration, grade, and viscosity
characteristics of asphaltic cement, ambient temperature, and workability of mixture.
C. Asphaltic Cement: Heat bitumen to viscosity at which it can be uniformly distributed throughout
mixture. Select temperature range of 275 degrees F to 350 degrees F to suit temperature -
viscosity characteristics of asphalt. Do not exceed 350 degrees F.
D. Mixing: Accurately weigh or measure dry aggregates and weigh or meter asphaltic cement to
comply with job -mix formula requirements. Mix aggregate and asphaltic cement to achieve 90-
95% coated particles for base mixtures and 85 -90% coated particles for surface mixtures when
tested in accordance with ASTM D2489.
A. Base Course: Blade, shape, and smooth aggregate base course to uniform section. Remove
loose materials. Clean the surface to be paved by mechanical sweepers, blowers, or hand
brooms, until surface is free from dust.
If time lapse from final shaping to placement is longer than 24 hours, reshape, wet and
compact surface, or apply prime coat. When prime coat is used, apply at rate of 0.3 gallons
per square yard as soon as practicable after surface has been prepared and is sufficiently dry.
Calibrate distributor and furnish calibration to Engineer. Adjust spray nozzles and spray bar to
provide uniform distribution of prime coat. Cease immediately upon clogging or interference of
any nozzle and correct before distribution is resumed.
Protect adjacent surfaces from prime coat material. Remove prime coat from adjacent
surfaces. Return to same condition prior to work beginning. Maintain prime coat and /or base
course surface until covered by asphaltic concrete. Where prim a coat has been applied for 48
hours, and has not dried sufficiently, materials may be blotted with aggregate in manner
agreed to by Engineer. Clean any damaged area of all loose material, and repair base course
to satisfaction of Engineer. Reapply prime coat.
B. Existing Surfaces: Clean of all foreign materials. Fill holes and low places with leveling
courses and compact prior to surface placement. Tack coat existing surfacing at 0.1 gallon
per square yard. Apply only to areas on which surfacing is to be placed immediately. Do not
extend more than 2000' ahead of paving equipment. Prevent traffic from traveling on tack
Set frames of structures to final grade. Place compacted asphaltic concrete to top of frame. If
permanent covers are not in place, provide temporary covers over openings until compaction is
complete. Where frames and covers are paved over, mark so crews can find on emergency basis until
cut out and adjusted to final surfacing.
A. Place at temperatures of not less than 280 degrees F, or more than 350 degrees F. If
temperature is below 50 degrees F and falling, asphaltic concrete mix shall not be less than
300 degrees F, while on trucks just prior to laydown. Mechanical, self- powered pavers shall be
capable of spreading mix within specked tolerances, true to line, grade, and crown as
indicated on drawings. Road grader equipped with automatic blade control may be used for
leveling courses. Pavers shall be equipped with hoppers and distribution screws which place
mix evenly in front of adjustable screeds. Screed shall be adjustable for height and crown,
equipped with controlled heating device for use as required. Screed shall strike off mixwithout
tearing, shaving or gouging surface, to depth and cross - section specified, without aid of
manual adjustment during operation. Paver shall be capable of placing courses in thicknesses
from 1/2" to 4" and from widths of 8' to 15'. Extensions and cut -off shall permit changes in
widths by increments of 6 ".
B. Strike finish surface smooth; true to cross section; uniform in density and texture; free from
hollows, transverse corrugations, and other irregularities. Paint contact surfaces between
gutters, manhole rings, catch basins, and other similar structures with thin, uniform coating of
tack coat. Final surface shall be 1/4" above all structures and gutters sloping away from
paving, flush with gutters sloping towards paving.
C. Hand Placement: Where certain areas because of irregularity, inaccessibility, or unavoidable
obstacles, do not lend themselves to machine placement, Engineer may agree to hand
placement. Spread and compact to same finish and compaction tolerances of these
• 0
D. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavement, or between successive day's work, to
insure thorough bond between old and new surfaces. Clean surfaces free of sand, dirt, dust,
or other materials, and apply tack coat. Construction joints must have same texture, density,
and smoothness tolerances as other surfacing.
Construct transverse joints to existing material by cutting material back to expose full
depth edge. Paint thin uniform tack coat on joint and place new asphaltic concrete.
2. Prepare longitudinal joints by overlapping screed 1" on existing surface. Deposit
sufficient material to complete joint. Push excess by hand rake 1/2" on new mat
leaving vertical uncompacted face approximately 1" high. Compact against joint by
rolling equipment. No depression allowed exceeding 1/8" for width of 6 ", after final
E. Finish Tolerance: Place leveling courses within 1/2" of design grade. Finished surfaceswill be
tested with 10' straight edge, parallel to center line at location of wheel paths for each lane.
Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight edge shall not exceed 1/4 ".
Correct areas deficient in smoothness by completely removing surface material and replacing.
Overlay corrections may be made only if approved by Owner.
F. Thickness Tolerance: Compacted thickness shall be no less than that shown on drawings.
Any surfacing which does not meet minimum thickness shall be removed and replaced.
A. General: Provide one pneumatic -tired and one steel -wheel roller to obtain required density,
surface texture, and rideability. Begin rolling operations immediately following placement of
asphaltic concrete. Do not permit heavy equipment, rollers, etc. to stand on finished surface
where deformation may occur. End each pass of roller in different place.
B. Rollers
Steel -wheel rollers self - propelled, developing contact pressure under compression
wheels of 250 to 350 psi per inch of width of roller wheel. Rollers equipped with
adjustable scrapers and means for keeping wheel wet to prevent mix from sticking.
2. Pneumatic -tired rollers self - propelled, developing contact pressure under each tire of
85 to 110 psi. Wheels so spaced that one pass will accomplish one complete
coverage equal to rolling width of machine. Wheels oscillate but not wobble.
Remove and replace immediately any tires picking up fines.
C. Compaction Procedures
1. Compact longitudinal joints and edges first, starting at outside edge and gradually
progress towards center of pavement. Begin superelevated curves rolling on lowside
on previously transversely compacted material. Successive passes should overlap by
one half width of roller. Mat temperature must not be below 150 degrees F.
2. Immediately follow rolling of longitudinal joint and edges with breakdown rolling.
Place drive wheel nearest paver and pull roller towards paver. Return roller to
existing surface and make gradual shift to overlap previous pass by half roller width.
Operate pneumatic -tired rollers as close to paver as necessary to obtain density
required. Make enough passes for reasonably smooth surface.
3. Final rolling by a combination of steel and pneumatic rollers to obtain density, surface
texture, and surface tolerances required.
D. Compact to minimum of 95% Marshall Design method data submitted, or from field samples
taken by Engineer, and prepared in accordance with ASTM D1550. Re- compact asphaltic
concrete not conforming to density standards to these specifications. Remove and replace
any sections not meeting specifications. Cut out compaction test plugs as directed by
Engineer. Contractor shall cut test plugs, fill, and repair test holes at his expense.
Cut out and fill with fresh, hot asphaltic concrete. Remove deficient areas for full depth of surface and
base course. Cut sides perpendicular and parallel, and perpendicular to direction of traffic to extent of
failure. Apply tack coat to exposed surfaces before placing new pavement. Compact and finish to
After completing operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess paving materials, and clean work area.
0 0
NOT USE SECTION 03100 OR 03301 Furnishing, forming, jointing, placing and curing of
concrete pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, cross -pans, in conformance with lines,
grades, and typical cross sections shown on the drawings.
B. Related Work:
1. Earthwork: Section 02300
2. Unbound Base Course: Section 02720
A. Source: Engineer shall have access to batching plant at all times work is in progress.
B. Record of Work: Contractor shall keep record of time and date of placement, temperature,
and weather conditions. Retain until completion and furnish copy to Engineer.
4V A. Shop Drawings: Reinforcement, precast sections.
B. Manufacturers Data: Additives, joint materials, curing compounds.
C. Mix Design: Proportions of fine and coarse aggregate, water, cement, air content, admixtures.
D. Placement: Method proposed, if requested.
A. Cold Weather: Except by specific written authorization, cease concreting when descending air
temperature in shade and away from artificial heat falls below 35 degrees F, and there is frost
in subgrade. When concreting is permitted during cold weather, temperature of mixshall not
be less than 60 degrees F at time of placing.
B. Hot Weather: When air temperature in shade exceeds 90 degrees F, concrete mixat delivery
shall not exceed 80 degrees F. Fog sprayers or special wetting agents may be required for
2.01 MIX
A. For Sidewalks, Concrete Paving and Other Exterior Concrete.
4500 psi Compressive strength at 28 days (AASHTO M157).
Type II Cement, 564 pounds/cubic yard (AASHTO M85).
%" maximum course aggregate size (AASHO M80).
Slump 4" maximum.
Water to cement ratio 0.45 maximum.
6 to 8% Air Entainment.
No Fly Ash allowed.
AASHTO M 85, TYPE II, 564 pounds /cubic yard
A. Fine Aggregate - AASHTO M 6, 33 to 39% total
B. Coarse Aggregate - AASHTO M80, size 67, 357, or 467
A. Slump 1" to 4"
B. Water cement ratio - 0.45 maximum
A. Air Entraining Agent - AASHTO M154, plus -minus 1 -1/2%
Aggregate Size Air Content %
3/8" 8
1/2" 7
3/4" 6
1" and larger 5
B. Chemical - Admixtures AASHTO M194
C. Do not use any fly ash.
A. Follow agreed mix design
B. Conform to applicable requirements of ACI 301
C. Field cylinders shall produce 28 -day minimum compressive strength of 4500 psi. Cement
content 564 Ib /cy minimum.
A. Deformed and plain billet -steel bars AASHTO M31
B. Fabricated steel bar rod mats, steel wire fabric AASHTO M 54
• •
A. Burlap cloth from jute or kenaf - AASHTO M182
B. White liquid membrane - AASHTO M148, 1 gal /150 SF
C. Sheet Materials - AASHTO M171, 4 mil
A. Curbs, curb cuts and the road = Davis Color Buff #5447
B. Bands across the road (see the paving file) = Davis Color Outback #677
C. Ramp into parking garage, and pan at ramp and Lionshead Circle = grey
A. Check for soft spots by proof - rolling or other means prior to setting forms. Remove soft
yielding material and replace. Compact to specification. Wet to optimum moisture to 6" deep,
not more than 12 hours prior to placement so subgrade will not absorb moisture from
B. Test for crown and /or elevation by subgrade planer to assure specified thickness. If additional
material used to bring subgrade to correct elevation, compact to specification. Before placing
concrete, clean subgrade of all loose materials. No disturbance inside forms after fine grading
Set frames of structures in full mortar bed to provide proper bearing and to final grade. Form
construction joints and blockouts in accordance with drawings.
3.03 FORMS
A. Capable of supporting loads imposed by construction equipment, with ma)amum deflection of
1/4 ". Straight and free from warp, with ma)amum deviation of surface 1/8 ". In good condition,
clean, and strong enough to resist pressure of concrete when placed. Joined neatly and
accurately to line and grade, and mechanically tamped to assure firm placement. Oil prior to
concrete placement.
Set dowels, a )pansion joints, preformed construction joints, and header boards in accordance
with drawings. Securely stake preformed baskets to prevent movement. Grease dowels on
one side of joints with caps on greased end.
Backfill behind forms as required to prevent water from entering subgrade.
Place as shown on drawings. Hold all be and marginal bars in proper position by sufficient supports or
pins. If center longitudinal joint sawed in lieu of placing metal or plastic strip, bars maybe mechanically
installed or placed on supports. Where rod mats or steel wire mesh is required, place on freshly
deposited concrete struck off to required elevation for steel placement. Where two layers of mesh are
required, support bottom layer by bar chairs with separators for top mesh, if strike -off cannot be
properly used. Lap adjacent mesh sheets in accordance with drawings. Laps and ties of bars in
accordance with drawings.
Deposit near final position on grade with minimum segregation and without damage to subgrade.
Operate transit mixer outside forms at all times, except in locations agreed to by Engineer. Place
concrete on subgrade in successive batches for full width between forms in manner requiring as little
rehandling as possible. Spread mechanically to prevent segregation and separation of materials.
Additional spreading may be by hand shovels. Deposit excess concrete to provide roll ahead of strike
off screed for full length of screed. Consolidate concrete with vibrators and spade next to forms, so
final surfaces will not have holes or honeycombs.
A. Use equipment designed to spread, consolidate, screed and float freshly placed concrete in
one pass, providing well consolidated, homogenous mixture, requiring minimum of hand
finishing to meet surface tolerances. Strike hand finished surfaces to tolerances by methods
agreed to by Engineer.
B. Finished surfaces will be tested with 10' straight edge parallel to centerline immediately
following first floating of surface. Straight edge will be advanced 5' and space under straight v�
edge shall not exceed 3/16 ".
C. Final finish pavements after floating and straight edging with canvas belt, other suitable belting
12" wide, or rubbing. Work belt longitudinally with crosswise motion. Curbs, gutter, cross -
pans, and sidewalks finished with burlap drag, wood float, or brush.
Apply curing compounds, sheets, or burlap immediately after finishing and water film has evaporated
from surface. Do not mark or mar finished surface. Coat sides within one hour after form removal.
A. Have plastic sheeting or other suitable materials available at all times to protect fresh uncured
surfaces from rain.
B. Provide full protection from freezing. Admixtures (calcium chloride) are not acceptable for
freeze protection.
C. For hot weather, use fog spray or water retarding additives. Do not throw water directly on
A. Contraction joints, minimum depth 1/4 thickness of concrete.
1. Hand formed with tool, header board, or trowel pushed into surface to move all
aggregate from joint.
2. Saw joints as soon as concrete can support equipment without marring, no later than
12 hours after placement. First joints sawed approximately 60 feet apart, intermediate
joints sawed after initial joints. Joints to be straight, true and perpendicular to
B. Longitudinal joints in conformance with drawings.
1. Fabricated steel or plastic strip held rigidly in place with adequate pins driven into
2. Joints constructed by forms with recess and tie bars.
3. Sawed joints, with suitable guidelines to ensure joint is true to line. Saw as soon as
possible to prevent erratic or uncontrolled cracking.
C. Construction joints perpendicular to centerline at end of each days work. Use dowels, bars or
load transfer devices in all construction joints in accordance with drawings.
D. Expansion joints with preformed joint filler in a vertical position, deviating not more than 1/4"
from a straight line. Install at all existing and proposed structures projecting through, into, or
against pavement, in accordance with drawings.
E. Install joint sealant at temperatures above 50 degrees F. in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations. Clean all dust, debris and water from joint.
Remove and replace work less than 95% of thickness according to drawings at Contractor's expense.
After completing concrete operations, clean surfaces, pick up excess materials, and clean work area.
After 7 days or concrete has attained 550 -psi flexural strength. No vehicle loads exceeding design
loading. No equipment permitted on new pavement until strength attained.
Work of this section generally includes provisions for joints for concrete paving; concrete
sidewalks; curbs, and curb and gutter; and saw- cutting existing concrete or asphalt pavements for
new joints.
General and Supplemental Conditions and all of Division One Sections govern and are hereby
made a part of the work of this Section.
A. Earthwork: Section 02300
B. Concrete Paving Curing: Section 02752
C. Flexible Pavement: Section 02740
D. Rigid Pavement: Section 2750
A. No measurement will be made for street pavement load transfer expansion joints.
Include cost in unit price for concrete paving.
B. No measurement will be made for saw- cutting existing concrete or asphalt pavement for
new joints or existing concrete curbs. Include cost in unit price for concrete paving.
C. No measurement will be made for formed or sawed street pavement contraction joints;
longitudinal weakened plane joints and non -load transfer expansion joints regardless of
material. Include cost in unit price for Concrete Paving.
D. No measurement will be made for joint for Curb, Curb and Gutter; Concrete Sidewalks;
and Concrete Driveways. Include cost in unit price for Curb and Gutter; Concrete
Sidewalks; and Concrete Driveways.
A. ASTM A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet — Steel Bars for
Concrete Reinforcement.
B. ASTM D994 — Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete
(Bituminous Type).
C. ASTM D1751 — Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete
Paving and Structural Construction (Non - extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types).
D. ASTM D3405 — Standard Specification for Joint Sealant, Hot - Poured, for Concrete and
Asphalt Pavements.
ii[i1•� *117IT, 1Iir_-1169
A. Submit product data and samples in accordance with requirements of Section 01300 —
B. Submit product data for joint sealing compound and proposed sealing equipment for
C. Submit samples of dowel cup, metal supports, and deformed metal strip for approval.
A. Board Expansion Joint Material: Filler board of selected stock. Use wood of density and
type as follows:
1. Clear, all -heart cypress weighing no more than 40 pounds per cubic foot, after
being oven dried to constant weight.
2. Clear, all -heart redwood weighing no more than 30 pounds per cubic foot, after
being oven dried to constant weight.
B. Preformed Expansion Joint Material: Bituminous fiber and bituminous composition
material conforming to ASTM D994 and ASTM D1751.
C. Joint Sealing Compound: Silicon based mastic, color to match paving, conforming to
ASTM 3405.
D. Load Transmission Devices:
1. Smooth, steel dowel bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60. When indicated
on Drawings, encase one end of dowel bar in approved cap having inside
diameter 1/16 inch greater than diameter of dowel bar.
2. Deformed steel tie bars conforming to ASTM A615, Grade 60.
E. Metal Supports for Reinforcing Steel and Joint Assembly: Employ metal supports of
approved shape and size that will secure reinforcing steel and joint assembly in correct
position during placing and finishing of concrete. Space supports as directed by the
K�� ��lll
A. When new work is adjacent to existing concrete, place joints at same location as existing
joints in adjacent pavement.
B. If the limit of removal of existing concrete or asphaltic pavement does not fall on existing
joint, saw cut existing pavement minimum of 1 —1/2 inches deep to provide straight,
smooth joint surface without chipping, spalling or cracks.
• 0
A. Place transverse construction joint wherever concrete placement must be stopped for
more than 30 minutes. Place longitudinal construction joints at interior edges of
pavement lanes using No. 6 deformed tie -bars, 30 inches long and spaced 18 inches on
A. Place % inch expansion joints at radius points of curb returns for cross street
intersections, or as located in adjacent pavement but no further than 60 feet apart. Use
not boards shorter than 6 feet. When pavement is 24 feet or narrower, use not more than
2 lengths of board. Secure pieces to form straight joint. Shape board filler accurately to
cross - section of concrete slab. Use load transmission devices of type and size shown on
Drawings. Seal with joint sealing compound.
A. Place contraction joints at same locations as in adjacent pavement or at spaces indicated
on Drawings. Place smoothed, painted and oiled dowels accurately and normal to joint.
Seal groove with joint sealing compound.
0111- �Xelaejffll7m mil _K
A. Place longitudinal weakened plane joints at spaces indicated on Drawings. Seal groove
with joint sealing compound.
A. Contractor may use sawed joints as an alternate to contraction and weakened plane
joints. Circular cutter shall be capable of cutting straight line groove minimum of '/2 inch
wide. Depth shall be one quarter of pavement thickness plus 1 /2 inch. Commence sawing
as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit cutting without chipping, spalling
or tearing and prior to initiation of cracks. Once sawing has commenced, it shall be
continued until 24 hours of concrete placement. Saw joints at required spacing
consecutively in sequence in concrete placement.
B. Concrete Saw. Provide sawing equipment adequate in power to complete sawing to
required dimensions and within required time. Provide at least one standby saw in good
working order. Maintain sawing operations. Sawing equipment shall be on job at all times
during concrete placement.
A. Place % inch expansion joints through curb and gutters at locations of expansion and
contraction joints in pavement; at end of radius returns at street intersections and
driveways and at curb inlets. Maximum spacing shall be 120 foot centers.
A. Provide % inch expansion joints conforming to ASTM A1751 along and across sidewalks
at back of curbs, at intersections with driveway, steps, walls and across walk at intervals
not to exceed 36 feet. Provide expansion joint material conforming to ASTM D994 for
small radius curves and around fire hydrants and utility poles. Extend the expansion joint
material full depth of the slab.
A. Seal joints only when surface and joints are dry, ambient temperature is above 50
degrees F and less than 85 degrees F, and weather is not foggy or rainy.
B. Joint sealing equipment shall be in first class working condition, and be approved by the
Engineer. Use concrete grooving machine or power - operated wire brush and other
equipment such as plow, brooms, blowers or hydro or abrasive cleaning as required to
produce satisfactory joints.
C. Clean joints of loose scale, dirt, dust and curing compound. Term joint includes wide joint
spaces, expansion joints, dummy groove joints or cracks, either prefonned or natural.
Remove loose material from concrete surfaces adjacent to joints.
D. Fill joints neatly with joint sealer to depth shown. Pour sufficient joint sealer into joints so
that, upon completion, surface of sealer within joint will be % inch below level of adjacent
surface or at elevation as directed.
A. Maintain joints in good condition until completion of work.
B. Replace damaged joints material with new materials as required by this Section.
A. Work in this section includes curing of Portland Cement Concrete Paving.
General and Supplemental Conditions and all of Division One Sections govern and are hereby
made a part of the work of this section.
A. Earthwork — Section 02300
B. Rigid Pavement —Section 02750
C. Concrete Paving Curing —Section 02752
A. ASTM C171 — Standard Specifications for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.
B. ASTM C309 — Standard Specifications for Liquid Membrane - Forming Compounds for
Curing Concrete.
A. Submittals shall conform to requirements of Section 01300 - Submittals.
B. Submit manufacturer's product data for cover materials and liquid membrane - forming
A. Curing materials shall conform to one of the following:
1. Polyethylene Film: Opaque pigmented white film conforming to requirements of
ASTM C171.
2. Waterproofed Paper: Paper conforming to requirements of ASTM C171.
3. Cotton Mats: Single layer of cotton filler completely enclosed in cover of cotton
cloth. Mats shall contain not less than % of a pound of uniformly distributed
cotton filler per square yard of mat. Cotton cloth used for covering materials shall
weigh not less than 6 ounces per square yard. Mats shall stitched so that mat
will contact surface of pavement at all points when saturated with water.
A. Liquid membrane - forming compounds shall conform to ASTM C309. Membrane shall
restrict loss of water to not more than 0.55 Kg/m of surface in 72 hours.
3.01.1 GENERAL
A. Concrete pavement shall be cured by protecting it against loss of moisture for period of
not less than 72 hours immediately upon completion of finishing operations. Do not use
membrane curing for concrete pavement to be overlaid by asphaltic concrete.
B. Where curing requires use of water, curing shall have prior right to all water supply or
supplies. Failure to provide sufficient cover material shall be cause for immediate
suspension of concreting operations.
A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply water
in the form of a fine spray. Cover surface with polyethylene film so film will remain in
intimate contact with surface during specified curing period.
B. Cover entire surface and both edges of pavement slab. Joints in film sheets shall overlap
minimum of 12 inches. Immediately repair tears or holes occurring during curing period
by placing acceptable moisture -proof patches or by replacing.
A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply water
in form of fine spray. Cover surface with waterproofed paper so paper will remain in
intimate contact with surface during specified curing period.
B. Prepare waterproofed paper to form blankets of sufficient width to cover entire surface
and both edges of pavement slab, and not be more than 60 feet in length. Joints in
blankets caused by joining paper sheets shall lap not less than 5 inches and shall be
securely sealed with asphalt cement having melting point of approximately 180 degrees
F. Place blankets to secure an overlap of at least 12 inches. Tears or holes appearing in
paper during curing period shall be immediately repaired by cementing patches over
A. Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, completely
cover surface with cotton mats, thoroughly saturated before application, in such manner
that they will contact surface of pavement equally at all points.
B. Mats shall remain on pavement for specified curing period. Keep mats saturated so that,
when lightly compressed, water will drip freely from them. Keep banked earth or cotton
mat covering edges saturated.
Immediately after finishing surface, and after concrete has taken its initial set, apply liquid
membrane - forming compound in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
• •
A. Section Includes:
1. Layout and paint lines and direction arrows, signs, handicapped designations,
etc. at:
a. Parking garage slabs
b. Asphaltic and concrete vehicular paving
2. Paint curbs as indicated
B. Related Sections:
1. Asphalt Paving: Section 02740 Flexible Paving
2. Parking Garage Slabs: Section 03300 Cast -in -Place Concrete
3. Cement Paving: Section 02750 Rigid Pavement
A. Applicator Qualifications: Company specializing in pavement marking with proper
equipment for pavement marking project of this size.
A. Environmental Requirements: Do not apply pavement marking in wet weather or when
temperature is below 40 degrees F.
A. Paint: Solvent base paint complying with Colorado State Highway Department
1. Color: White or yellow as directed by Architect and Civil Engineer.
A. Preparation and Layout:
1. After paving is fully cured, sweep paving dean.
2. Layout: Layout and paint symbols, direction arrows, signs, etc., on asphalt
paving, concrete paving and parking garage slabs as indicated on Drawings.
3. Verify marking layouts with Architect before proceeding.
B. Markings:
1. Lines: Four inches wide painted by mechanical striping machine.
2. Markings: Apply lining and other markings sufficient quantity to produce
completely opaque lines and markings.
A. This performance specification is intended to provide criteria and design guidelines for the
irrigation contractor's use in designing, installing and /or modifying the existing fully automated
underground irrigation system for this project. A complete irrigation system shall be designed and
installed providing coverage to all planted and sodded areas shown on the landscape drawings
and within limits of construction.
A. Installer Qualifications: Install work using skilled persons proficient in the trades required in a
neat, orderly and responsible manner with recognized standards of workmanship. Installer shall
have not less than five years successful experience with installation of similar work. Contractor to
submit a list, to owner, of three projects completed in the last two years of similar complexity to
this project with name and location of project, owner's name and telephone number, name of
project Owner's representative and telephone number.
B. Special Requirements
1. Work involving substantial plumbing for installation of copper piping, backflow preventer(s),
and related Work shall be executed by licensed and bonded plumber(s). Secure a permit as
necessary at least 48 hours prior to start of installation.
2. Tolerances: Specified depths of mains and laterals and pitch of pipes are minimums.
Settlement of trenches is cause for removal of finish grade treatment, refilling, compaction,
and repair of finish grade treatment through entire length of warranty period.
3. Coordination with Other Contractors: Protect, maintain, and coordinate Work with Work under
other Sections.
4. Damage to Other Improvements: Contractor shall replace or repair damage to grading, soil
preparation, sodding, or planting done under other Sections during Work associated with
installation of irrigation system at no additional cost to Owner.
C. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies
1. Work shall be in full accordance with the latest rules and regulations of:
a. Uniform Plumbing Codes published by Western Plumbing Officials Association.
b. Town of Vail Building Department Code.
D. Reference Standards
1. UBC: Uniform Building Code, current edition
2. NEC: National Electrical Code, current edition.
3. NSF: National Sanitation Foundation, current requirements.
4. ANSI: American National Standards Institute, current requirements.
5. ASTM: American Society of Testing & Materials, current requirements.
02810 -1
A. Irrigation Design Drawings
1. Irrigation Contractor shall submit to owner's representative, complete irrigation design
drawings for review /approval prior to the start of construction.
2. Irrigation Design Drawings shall include, but not be limited to the following:
a. PSI /GPM information;
b. pressure (main) lines at 100' intervals;
c. control valves;
d. isolation valves;
e. quick - coupling valves;
f. drain valves;
g. drip line end plugs;
h. control wire routing and splices;
i. changes in piping;
j. changes in zoning of distribution heads;
k. changes in numerical sequence of control valves;
I. sleeve locations;
m. controllers; and
n. other related equipment as directed by Owner's representative.
B. Irrigation Design Calculations
1. Irrigation Contractor shall submit to Owner's Representative for review and approval,
complete pressure loss calculations identifying pressure loss through all pipes, valves,
fittings, and pressure loss (or gain) due to changes in elevation. These calculations must be
done at a minimum from P. O. C. to farthest or "worst case scenario" irrigation head.
C. Operation and Maintenance Data: Deliver the following items to the owner at or before time of
substantial completion.
1. Record Drawings: Irrigation contractor shall record as -built changes made to drawings and
deliver to Owner's representative on or before time of final acceptance. Three copies of data
assembled in three -ring notebook with project name on cover to include:
a. Manufacturer's technical data and parts catalog for all equipment;
b. Operating and maintenance instructions including winterization and spring start-up
c. Precipitation rate per control valve, verified by field tests;
d. Schedule showing length of time each control valve is to be open to provide proper
amount of water; and
e. Description of area being watered by each zone.
2. Instruct owner's designated maintenance personnel in proper operation of system including
adjustment of controller and distribution heads; winterization and spring start-up procedures.
D. Maintenance Materials: Deliver the following items to the owner at or before time of final
acceptance and obtain receipt.
1. Two manual drain valve keys with tee handles and key end to fit drain valves.
2. Two quick coupler keys and two matching hose swivels for each type of quick coupling valve
3. Two sets of special tools required for removing, disassembling and adjusting each type of
distribution head and valve installed.
4. Two keys for each automatic controller installed.
• 0
A. Deliver, unload, store and handle materials in manner to prevent damage or deterioration.
B. Deliver and store packaged materials in original, unopened, labeled containers. Remove and
replace cracked, broken or contaminated items.
C. Transport and store all pipe in a manner to prevent damaging or weakening by bending or
concentrated external loading. Discard pipe that has been dented or damaged.
D. Store materials in a manner to prohibit theft, which could cause installation delays.
A. Environmental Requirements
1. Do not assemble pipe fittings when temperatures are below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Do not backfill when soil is frozen.
B. Protection
1. Preserve and protect structures and paved areas from damage due to irrigation construction.
In the event damage does occur, repair damage to original condition.
2. Locate all underground utilities and protect from damage.
3. Do not allow trenches to remain open longer than 72 hours.
S 11
A. Walk- Through for Substantial Completion:
1. Arrange for Owner's representative's presence 48 hours in advance of walk- through.
2. Entire system shall be operational prior to scheduling of walk- through.
3. Operate each zone in its entirety for Owner's representative at time of walk- through and
additionally, open all valve boxes if directed.
4. Generate a list of items to be corrected prior to Final Completion.
5. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct all inadequacies of coverage
due to deviations from Contract Documents.
6. During walk- through, expose all drip emitters under operations for observation by Consultant
to demonstrate that they are performing and installed as designed, prior to placing of all
mulch material. Schedule separate walk- through if necessary.
B. Walk- Through for Final Completion:
1. Arrange for Owner's representative's presence 48 hours in advance of walk- through.
2. Show evidence that Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings, and
equipment as required before Final Completion walk- through is scheduled.
3. Operate each zone, in its entirety for Owner's representative at time of walk- through to insure
correction of all incomplete items.
4. Items deemed not acceptable by Owner's representative shall be reworked to complete
satisfaction of Consultant.
5. If after request to Owner's representative for walk- through for Final Completion of irrigation
system, Owner's representative finds items during walk - through which have not been
4D properly adjusted, reworked, or replaced as indicated on list of incomplete items from
previous walk- through, Contractor shall be charged for all subsequent walk- throughs. Funds
will be withheld from final payment and /or retainage to Contractor, in amount equal to
additional time and expenses required by Owner's representative to conduct and document
further walk- through as deemed necessary to insure compliance with Contract Documents.
A. Trench Settlement: Warrant all trenching for a period of one year after date of final acceptance
against any settlement greater than 1/2" below finish grade. Make corrections required to meet
this specification including repair of planting, sodding and pavement areas.
B. Irrigation System
1. Warrant new irrigation systems for a period of one year after date of final acceptance against
needed repairs or replacements due to defective materials or workmanship. Promptly
remove and replace any materials or parts found to be defective during warranty period.
2. Owner reserves right to make temporary repairs during warranty period as necessary to
maintain system in operating condition without voiding the warranty or responsibilities of the
irrigation installer.
3. Damage as a result of vandalism or others' actions are not covered under this warranty.
4. Notify owner in writing if maintenance instructions are not being followed properly or if any
damage occurs.
A. Provide equipment and materials to match existing equipment or as manufactured by companies
indicated within the performance specifications.
A. General: Provide only new materials without flaws or defects and of the highest quality of their
specified class and kind. Supply manufacturers standard of type and size shown on the
B. Sleeve Pipe: Use Schedule 40 under roads and driveways and Class 200 under sidewalks;
sleeve size to be 2x the diameter of pipe being sleeved. Control wires to be installed in separate
sleeve with 0-20 wires provided in 2" sleeve, 20-40 wires provided in 3" sleeve, over 40 wires
provided in 4" sleeve.
C. Backfill
1. Backfill shall be excavated material free of all debris, rocks and wood greater than 1" in size.
2. If excavated material is not acceptable to the Owner's representative for backfill, provide
imported material as required to complete the work. Obtain rights and pay all costs for
imported materials.
D. Water: Water shall be supplied from meter and backflow preventer assemblies. Irrigation
contractor to be responsible for backflow preventer assembly. Irrigation Contractor to coordinate
with General Contractor on all irrigation hook -ups.
E. Pipe and Fittings
1. General:
a. Pipe sizing shall be determined based upon combined GPM of all down stream irrigation
heads. Each section of pipe shall be sized and clearly indicated on plan. Pipe shall be
properly sized so that velocity of water in pipe does not exceed 5 feet per second.
b. Provide pipe continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name or
trademark, size schedule, type of pipe, and working pressure at 73 degrees Fahrenheit
NSF approval.
2. Mainline Pipe (pressure pipe) and Fittings:
a. Mainline Pipe: ANSI /ASTM D2241, rigid, unplasticized PVC -Class 200.
b. Mainline Fittings:
1) ANSI /ASTM D2241, schedule 40 PVC molded fittings suitable for solvent weld /slip
joint, ring tight seal, or screwed connections.
2) Solvent weld /slip joint connections shall be sized to permit a dry unsoftened pipe end
to be inserted no more than halfway into the socket.
3) Solvent weld /slip joint connections shall use ASTM D2564 solvent cement.
4) Schedule 80 PVC pipe may be threaded.
3. Lateral Pipe (downstream from control valves) and Fittings:
a. Lateral Pipe: ANSI /ASTM D2241, rigid unplasticized PVC -Class 200.
b. Lateral Fittings: ASTM D2241, Schedule 40 PVC molded fittings suitable for solvent
weld /slip joint, ring tight seal, or screwed connections.
1) Solvent weld /slip joint connections shall be sized to permit a dry unsoftened pipe and
to be inserted no more than halfway into the socket.
2) Solvent weld /slip joint connections shall use ASTM D2564 solvent cement.
l 3) Schedule 80 PVC pipe may be threaded.
F. Valves
1. Manual Drain Valves: Manual drain valves shall be installed at all low points along mainline.
2. Quick Coupling Valves: Quick coupling valves shall be installed every 150' along mainline for
incidental watering and maintenance purposes. Spacing may vary to allow quick couplers to
be installed into planting beds or suitable perimeter areas.
3. Electric Control Valve Assembly: Electric control valves shall be Rainbird PEB series and /or
approved equal, shall be sized according to manufacturer's recommendations and valve's
zone GPM. Zone GPM shall be dictated by tap size, mainline size, and water schedule - see
1.03 -13. Irrigation Design Calculations and 2.02 -D. Water.
4. Pressure Reducing Valves: Pressure reducing valves, if needed, shall be by Watts Industries,
Inc. or approved equal and consist of a brass body with steel watering parts. Pressure
reducing valves shall be preset to system design pressure per manufacturer's
5. Drip Valve Assemblies: Drip valve assemblies shall be Rainbird XCZ -100 COM or approved
equal and selected /designed to insure optimum performance of drip zones and be
sized /preset to zone's required PSI /GPM. Drip valve assemblies shall include Y strainer /filter
(with 150 minimum mesh stainless steel screen) and pressure regulator.
6. Isolation Valves: Isolation valves shall be installed at all mainline intersections to allow
to individual zones or areas of system requiring repair to be isolated from rest of system.
Note: Irrigation plan shall locate, specify, and size all valves and include construction details for
each. Construction details shall be for complete installation of valve and include all items i.e.
gravel sump, valve box, wiring etc.
G. Distribution Heads
1. Drip Emitters: Drip emitter body shall be constructed of UV and chemical resistant, non-
corrosive material. Drip emitter diaphragm shall be constructed of a silicone elastomer
material. The emitters inlet barb shall be a self piercing type and the emitter shall be color
coded to identify the flow rate of the units as follows: 0.5 GPH - blue, 1.0
2. GPH - black, 2.0 GPH - red. Drip emitters/drip irrigation shall be used in all planting beds,
except for flower /groundcover areas.
3. Pop -up Spray Heads: Pop up spray heads shall be Rainbird 1800 series or approved equal
and shall be used in small to medium sized turf areas.
Note: Irrigation plan shall locate and specify all irrigation heads. Irrigation head layout shall
provide 100% head to head coverage without any overspray of road, buildings, walks, parking
lots, etc. Irrigation plan shall include construction details for each type of sprinkler head used.
H. Electric Control System
1. Controller: Irritrol MC Plus -B series controller or approved equal. Size controller to allow a
minimum of three spray zones for future irrigation system expansion or modification.
Controller enclosure shall be steel, locking, and shall be wall or pedestal mounted (as
determined by Owner's Representative).
2. Control Wiring and Connectors:
a. Electric control and ground wire shall be type UF600 volt AWG control cable #12 gauge
or larger, UL approved.
b. Provide control or "hot" wires either black or red in color. Provide common or "ground"
wires white in color. Provide spare wires green in color.
c. Provide socket seal type wire connectors and waterproof sealer for all wire connections.
Note: Irrigation plan shall locate, specify, and size controller. Irrigation plan shall include
construction detail for complete installation of controller.
I. Valve Boxes
1. All valve boxes to be by Carson - Brooks with T -cover tops.
2. Use standard valve boxes for all turf irrigation control valves and jumbo valve boxes for all
drip assemblies. 10" circular valve boxes shall be used for quick couplers, isolating valves,
and drain valves.
A. Verify size and location of pipe sleeves at paving, connection to existing irrigation mainline,
connection for controller electrical service, and coordination with other site work. Notify Owner's
representative of any discrepancies between field conditions and irrigation plans as drawn or
specified that may prevent installation. vi
• •
A. Layout and Staking: Design location and layout may be modified, if necessary, to obtain
coverage, to suit manufacturer's recommendations, and to avoid plantings and other obstructions.
Do not alter spacing or decrease the number of heads indicated on the approved drawings unless
otherwise acceptable to the Owner's representative.
A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with requirements of UBC, manufacturer's
instructions, and applicable regulatory agencies. Notify the Owner's representative if contract
documents are in conflict with any of these requirements.
B. Sleeve Pipe: Sleeve pipe to be installed at or below minimum cover specified for each type of
pipe (see 2.02 -13). Sleeve pipe to extend 12" beyond all sides of surface being sleeved. Sleeve
to be sloped to one end to prevent standing water within sleeve. Exposed sleeves to be duct
taped or closed to prevent debris getting into sleeve prior to use.
C. Excavation and Backfilling
1. Excavation:
a. All excavation shall be considered unclassified excavation and include all materials
b. Trench straight and true with bottom uniformly sloped to low points. Trench bottom shall
be clean and smooth with all rock and debris removed. Minimum earth cover for pipe
shall be:
1) Mainline - 24"
2) Spray head laterals - 12"
3) Drip laterals (shrub beds) - 4"
4) Drip laterals (turf areas) - 12"
5) Control wiring - 24"
c. Excavate to depths required to provide a 2" depth of earth fill or sand bedding for piping
when rock or other unsuitable bearing material is encountered.
2. Backfill:
a. Do not backfill in freezing weather or leave trenches open for a period of more than 48
b. Fill to match adjacent grade elevations with approved earth fill material. Place and
compact fill in layers not greater than 4" in depth and compact by puddling, ponding or
mechanical tamping. No wheel rolling shall be allowed.
c. Provide approved backfill to a minimum 4" above the top of pipe.
d. Fill to final grade with approved excavated or borrow fill materials.
3. Piping Under Existing Paving: PVC sleeving, if required, under existing paving to be installed
by boring. Coordinate with owner prior to start of boring operations.
D. Pipe and Fittings
1. General:
a. Do not assemble and install plastic pipe when temperature is below 40 degrees
Fahrenheit. Allow all joints to cure at least 24 hours at temperature above 40 degrees
Fahrenheit before testing, unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer.
b. Install plastic pipe in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions on solid sub
base. Provide for thermal expansion and contraction.
c. Provide a minimum 6" clearance between lines.
d. Make plastic joints with plastic male adapters.
e. Maintain pipe interiors free of dirt and debris. Close open ends of pipe by acceptable
methods when pipe installation is not in progress.
2. Mainline Pipe and Fittings:
a. Saw cut plastic pipe. Use a square -in- sawing vice to ensure a square cut. Remove burrs
and shavings at cut ends prior to installation.
b. Make plastic joints with solvent weld joints or slip seal joints. Use only solvent
recommended by the pipe manufacturer.
c. Allow joints to set up at least 24 hours before pressure is applied to the system.
3. Lateral Pipe and Fittings:
a. Uncoil polypipe and insert fittings full depth. Secure polypipe to insert fittings with
stainless steel clamps.
E. Valves: All valves to be installed per approved construction details, as submitted to Owner's
representative by contractor, and per manufacturer's specification.
1. Manual Drain Valves.
2. Quick Coupling Valves.
3. Electric Control Valves and Drip Valve Assemblies:
a. seal threaded connections on pressure side of control valves with Teflon tape or
approved plastic joint type compound; and
b. install one valve per valve box arranged for easy adjustment and removal. Allow
minimum 12" between valves. Adjust valves to provide the proper operating pressure
required for each lateral. Valve boxes shall be neatly and uniformly arranged within
planting beds or perimeter areas.
4. Pressure Reducing Valves.
5. Isolation Valves.
F. Distribution Heads: All sprinkler heads and drip emitters to be installed per approved construction
details, as submitted to Owner's representative by contractor, and per manufacturer's
1. General
a. Fabricate double swing joint risers of Schedule 80 PVC nipples and Schedule 40 PVC
b. Set heads perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise indicated. Locate heads
approximately 4" from walls and walks.
2. Drip Emitters:
a. Install distribution tubing below grade in all bed areas.
b. Stake all distribution tubing.
3. Pop -up Spray Heads.
G. Electric Control System
1. Controller
a. Irrigation contractor to coordinate with General Contractor proper location for each
electric controller. General Contractor is responsible for supplying electric power to the
b. Connect control wiring to controller in numerical sequence.
c. Final electrical connection to controller is the responsibility of the irrigation installer.
2. Control Wiring and Connectors
a. Bundle wires at 15 " -20" intervals and, if in pressure line trenches, lay to one side of
b. Install a minimum of two spare control wires from controller(s)
c. Along entire pressure line for future use. Install electric control wire in the piping trenches
wherever possible. Place wire in trench adjacent to pipe. Install wire with slack to allow
for thermal expansion and contraction. Expansion joints in wire shall be provided at 100'
intervals by making 5-6 turns on the wire around a piece of 3/4" pipe (pigtail) instead of
d. Provide sufficient pigtails at remote control valves in control boxes and at all wire splices
to allow raising the valve bonnet or wire splices 12" above the surface without
disconnecting the wires when repair is required.
e. Connect each remote control valve to one station of the controller except as otherwise
f. Connect control valves to common wire systems.
g. Make wire connections to control electric valves and splices of wire in the field using wire
connectors and sealing cement in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.
Splices between the controller and each electric valve must be approved by the Owner's
H. Accessories
1. Valve Boxes and Covers: install one box and cover for each valve installed. Place top even
with finish grade. All valve boxes to be neatly and uniformly arranged within planting beds or
perimeter areas. Brand controller letter and station number on lid of each valve box. Letter
and number size shall be no smaller than 1 inch and no greater in size than 1% inches.
Depth of branding shall be no more than c inch into valve box lid.
A. Hydrostatic Test: Test pressure pipe and valves by filling pressure pipe with water pressure of not
less than 150 psi for a two -hour period. Prior to test, backfill trenches except leave joints
exposed. Piping may be tested in sections to expedite the work. Remove and repair piping,
connections and valves which leak.
B. Flushing: After hydrostatic testing, flush lines thoroughly to remove all foreign matter before
distribution heads are set. Flush from dead end fittings for minimum of 1 minute under full head
of pressure.
C. Adjustments: Upon completion of installation, "fine -tune" entire system by regulating valves,
adjusting patterns and break -up arms, and setting pressure reducing valves at proper and similar
pressure to provide optimum and efficient coverage. Flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for
optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and buildings. Heads of
same type shall be operating at same pressure +/- 7 %.
If it is determined that irrigation adjustments will provide proper coverage, and improved
water distribution as determined by Owner's representative, contractor shall make such
adjustments prior to Final Acceptance, as directed, at no additional cost to Owner.
2. Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle sizes, degrees of arc, and control valve
4D 3. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade unless otherwise designated.
4. Areas which do not conform to designated operation requirements due to unauthorized
changes or poor installation practices shall be immediately corrected at no additional cost to
the Owner.
D. Test Controller: Test the controller by operating appropriate day, hour and station selection
features as required to automatically start and shut down irrigation cycles to accommodate plant
requirements and weather conditions.
A. Maintain the irrigation system until 60 days after project installation or until the project is accepted
by the Owner, whichever is the longer.
A. At the end of the 60 day maintenance period, the Owner's representative will, upon request,
review the landscape and irrigation work to determine final acceptance. Demonstrate to Owner's
representative by an operational test that system meets coverage requirements and electric
controller functions properly without excessive over spray onto pavement areas and building.
Where reviewed work does not comply with the requirements, replace rejected work and continue
specified maintenance for a minimum of 60 days until reviewed again by the Owner's
representative and found to be acceptable.
A. Fall Turn -off: Winterize system at the conclusion of the first irrigation season within five days of
notification by Owner. Shut -off system with stop and waste valve, drain complete system with air
pressure by cycling through all stations of controller, and open all manual drain valves and cycle
through all stations on controller.
B. Spring Turn -on: Turn -on system at the beginning of the following irrigation season within five days
of notification by Owner. Close manual drain valves and open stop and waste valve. Operate all
control valves and adjust system malfunctions and heads as necessary for proper coverage.
• •
A. The extent of soil preparation work is shown on the drawings and includes soil amendments, soil
preparation, and fill soil for all new planting and sodding areas.
A. Installer Qualifications: Install work using skilled persons proficient in the trades required in a
neat, orderly and responsible manner with recognized standards of workmanship. Installer shall
have not less than five year's successful experience with installation of similar work. Contractor
shall submit list, to owner, of three projects completed in the last two years of similar complexity
to this project with name and location of project, owner's name and telephone number, name of
project landscape architect and telephone number.
A. Samples, Product Certification and Test Results: Submit to the Owner's representative not less
than 14 days prior to scheduled delivery of these materials.
1. Samples: One (1) cubic foot of soil amendments
2. Product Certification: Fertilizer manufacturer's statement of analysis.
B. Delivery Tickets: Submit delivery tickets of soil amendment materials to the Owner's
representative within seven (7) days after delivery of materials.
A. Deliver, handle and store materials in manner to prevent damage or deterioration. Deliver and
store packaged materials in original, unopened, labeled containers. Wet, moldy, opened or
broken packages will not be accepted.
A. Environmental Requirements: No soil work shall occur when soil is in a frozen or wet condition
causing it to dump and become nonfriable.
B. Sequencing: Soil preparation work shall occur after installation of underground irrigation piping
and before planting.
A. Soil Amendments: soil amendment material to be "EKO Compost" soil amendment free from
stones, lumps, plants, or their roots, sticks, weed stolons and seeds, high salt content and other
material harmful to plant life. Minimum 80% organic matter with a pH range of 6.0 -7.0. Maximum
salt content, as measured by specific conductance, of all areas receiving soil amendment shall be
no greater 4 mmhos per centimeter after soil amendment is thoroughly incorporated.
B. Fertilizer: Di- ammonium phosphate of a granular and free flowing condition. Chemical analysis
shall be 18% nitrogen (N), 50% phosphoric acid (1 0% potassium (K20). All chemicals to be
approved by the E.P.A. for use in this manner.
A. Inspect planting and sodding areas and verify rough grades, subsoils, drainage and compaction.
Start of this work constitutes acceptance of these conditions.
A. Soil Preparation for Plantings and Sod
1. Subgrade: loosen subgrade of all areas to a minimum depth of 4 ". Remove stones over 3/4"
size and sticks, roots, debris and other materials. Limit subgrade preparation to areas to be
promptly planted or sodded.
2. Soil Amendments and Fertilizer: spread 4 cubic yards soil amendment material and 5 pounds
of fertilizer per 1000 square feet. Immediately incorporate materials into soil with rototiller to
a 6" depth. Discing or ripping is not acceptable.
3. Finish Grade: bring to minimum depth required to meet lines, grades and elevations shown
on drawings, after light rolling and natural settlement. Allow for mulch and sod thickness.
Grade sod areas to smooth even surface with a loose uniformly fine texture. Roll and rake to
remove ridges and fill depressions as required meeting finish grades. Limit fine grading to
areas to be promptly planted or sodded.
A. The extent of planting work is shown on the drawings and includes, but is not limited to: trees,
shrubs, perennials, annuals, and groundcover planting, edging, mulching and boulders.
A. Installer Qualifications: Install work using skilled persons proficient in the trades required in a
neat, orderly and responsible manner with recognized standards of workmanship. Installer shall
have not less than five year's successful experience with installation of similar work. Contractor
shall submit a list, to owner, of three projects completed in the last two years of similar complexity
to this project with name and location of project, owner's name and telephone number, name of
project landscape architect and telephone number.
B. Inspection: The Landscape Architect shall inspect plant materials at site before planting for
compliance with requirements for name, variety, size and quality. Do not install plants that have
not been inspected. Landscape architect may agree to inspect plants at nursery prior to delivery
to site. Notify Landscape Architect 48 hours prior to inspection of materials.
C. Reference Standards:
1. AAN -ASNS: American Association of Nurserymen, Inc. "American Standard for Nursery
Stock" - 1990 Edition.
2. CNA: Colorado Nursery Act of 1965.
3. AJCHN -SPN: American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature "Standardized Plant
Names ", Second Edition 1942.
A. Delivery: Provide quality plant material direct from nursery. Do not prune prior to delivery.
Provide adequate protection of root systems and balls from drying winds and sun. Do not bind or
tie trees or shrubs in such a manner as to injure plants or destroy natural shape. Provide
protective covering during delivery. Deliver plants after planting preparation has been completed
and plant immediately.
B. Handling: Handle plants by ball or container only. Do not drop plants. Do not lift plants by the
trunk, stems, or foliage. All balled plants with balls broken or trunks loose in ball will be rejected.
C. Storage: If planting is delayed more than four hours after delivery, set plants in shade, protect
from weather and mechanical damage, and keep roots moist by setting balled stock on ground
and covering ball with soil, peat moss, sawdust or other acceptable materials. Do not remove
container grown stock from containers before time of planting. Periodically water root systems of
all plants stored on site using a fine mist spray. Water as often as necessary to maintain root
system in a moist condition.
A. Environmental Requirements: Install frost - tender plants only after danger of frost is past or
sufficiently before frost season to allow for establishment before first frost. Do not install plants in
frozen soil.
B. Protection: Determine location of all underground utilities prior to installation of plants. Avoid
damage to utility lines by hand excavating in dose proximity to lines.
C. Sequencing: Coordinate installation of plants with irrigation and sodding work to ensure that
damage will not occur. Install plants after final grades are established and prior to sodding.
A. Pre - planting Inspections
1. All plant material must be inspected at the site before planting commences. Any materials
planted prior to approval are subject to rejection. Inspection of materials may be sequenced
by major planting areas to accommodate efficient planting operations. All rejected materials
must be removed from the site, replaced and re- inspected before any additional inspections
are made. The Landscape Architect may agree to select plants at the nursery prior to
2. If, in the opinion of the Landscape Architect, there is probable cause to suspect root damage,
root binding, or diseased conditions in the container stock plants, the contractor will remove
the container for the Landscape Architect's inspection before planting.
B. Planting Inspections
1. Landscape Architect shall inspect the staked location of all trees before digging for those
trees occurs.
2. Landscape Architect shall inspect container stock with said plants set on the ground at the
proposed locations before digging commences.
3. Landscape Architect shall inspect all staked planting bed locations and layout prior to
C. Pre - maintenance Inspection
1. At the completion of all planting operations under this contract and prior to the beginning of
the maintenance period, the pre - maintenance inspection shall be performed.
2. At the time of pre - maintenance inspection, the Contractor shall have all planting areas free of
weeds and neatly cultivated. All plant basins shall be in good repair. Irrigation systems shall
be fully operational with all heads properly adjusted. All debris and litter shall be cleaned up,
and all walkways and curbs shall be cleaned of soil and debris left from planting operations.
The inspection shall not occur until these conditions are met.
3. If after the inspection the Landscape Architect is of the opinion that all work has been
performed as per the contract documents, and that all plant materials are in satisfactory
growing condition, he will give the Contractor written notice of acceptance and
commencement of the formal maintenance period.
4. Work requiring corrective action in the judgement of the Landscape Architect shall be
performed within the first ten (10) days of the maintenance period. Any work not performed
within this time will necessitate an equivalent extension of the maintenance period.
Corrective work and materials replacement shall be in accordance with the contractor
documents and shall be made by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner, including any
additional inspection costs incurred by Landscape Architect.
0 •
D. Planting and Tree Maintenance
1. New and relocated plantings and seed shall be protected and maintained until 60 days after
the installation of planting is complete, or until the project is accepted by the Owner,
whichever is the longer. Maintenance shall include watering, pruning, weeding, mowing,
cultivating, mulching, tightening and repairing of guys, replacement of unhealthy or dead
plants, resetting plants to proper grades or upright position, restoration of planting saucer,
and all other care needed for proper protection. Any damage resulting from planting
operations shall be repaired promptly.
2. Provide all equipment and means for proper application of water to planted areas not
provided with an irrigation system. Protect all planted areas against damage, including
erosion and trespassing by proper safeguards.
3. During the maintenance period, should the appearance of any plant or seeded areas indicate
weakness and probability of dying, immediately replace that plant or seeded area with a new
and healthy plant or seed of the same type and size without additional cost to the Owner. At
the end of the maintenance period, all plant material shall be in a healthy growing condition.
4. Continue the maintenance period at no additional cost to the Owner until all previously
encountered deficiencies have been corrected, at which time schedule the final inspection.
E. Final Inspection
1. At the completion of the maintenance period, the final inspection shall be performed.
2. If after the inspection, the Landscape Architect is of the opinion that all work has been
performed as per the contract documents, and that all plant materials are in satisfactory
growing condition, he will give the Contractor written notice of final acceptance and
completion of the formal maintenance period.
3. Final acceptance will not be given until all deficiencies are corrected.
A. Warrant all plantings for a period of 1 year from Date of final acceptance against defects including
death and unsatisfactory growth except for defects resulting from neglect by owner, abuse or
damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the landscape
installer's control.
B. Remove and replace all plants found to be dead or in an unhealthy condition during the warranty
period. Replacement plantings and installation shall comply with specifications for original plants.
A. Plant Quality: Provide plants grown in a recognized nursery except as otherwise indicated in
accordance with proper horticultural practice. Provide healthy, well- branched vigorous stock with
a growth habit normal to the species and variety and free of diseases, insects and injuries. All
plants shall conform to standards for measurements, grading, branching, quality, ball and
burlapping as stated in the AAN -ASNS and CNA. All trees shall have been grown in areas of
Zone 4 hardiness or colder. No trees shall have broken or pruned terminal leaders.
B. Identification: Label each plant species (ID one plant per each grouping) with securely attached
waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name in accordance with
C. Plant Size: Sizes specified in plant list on the drawings are minimums and all plants shall equal or
exceed measurements. See plant list for additional plant specifications.
D. Measurements: Measure plants before pruning and with branches, trunks or canes in their normal
position. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. Take caliper measurements 6" above ground for
trees up to 4" caliper size and 12" above ground for larger sizes. Measure main body of plant for
height and spread dimensions; do not measure from branch or root tip -to-tip.
E. Substitutions: Provide plants as specified on drawings. No substitutions will be permitted without
approval of Landscape Architect.
F. Balled and Burlapped Plants: Where indicated to be balled and burlapped (B &B), provide plant
dug with firm natural ball of soil in which plant was grown.
G. Container Grown Plants: Where indicated to be container plant, provide established container
stock that has been transplanted and grown in container for a length of time sufficient to develop
new fibrous roots so that the root mass will retain its shape and hold together when removed from
container. Use rigid containers that will hold ball shape and protect root mass during shipping.
A. Trees, shrubs and groundcovers: none required.
2.03 WATER
A. Supplied and distributed from irrigation system.
A. Guys: provide 14 -gauge metal wire.
B. Stakes: provide metal stakes as shown on details.
C. Straps: provide 1 -1/2" wide nylon straps with metal grommets at each end of adequate length for
proper assembly.
D. Wrapping: provide tree wrap material, 4" wide, bituminous impregnated tape, corrugated or crepe
paper, brown in color, specifically manufactured for tree wrapping.
E. Turnbuckles: 6" long, metal.
F. Class 200 PVC Pipe: 1" dia., V -6" long for guy wires.
A. Commercial type factory painted steel, green in color, with tapered steel stakes as manufactured
by Pro-Steel Edging, 4" wide x 1/8" thick.
2.06 MULCH
A. Pre - emergent Herbicide: Dacthal (DCPA).
B. Wood Mulch: shredded cedar mulch, fibrous and capable of matting together when moistened
and settled.
C. Weed Barrier: Typar 3301, or approved equal.
A. Boulders to be used for individual boulder placement or boulder groupings to range in size from
2.5' — 5' in diameter. Specific typetvariety of boulders to be determined by Owner and design
team prior to any construction.
A. Soil Preparation: Complete work specified prior to planting installation.
B. Layout and Staking: Landscape Architect will review layout and staking of all plant locations,
edging lines, and boulder placement prior to any planting or boulder placement, or as requested
by Owner.
A. Excavating: Excavate plant pits with vertical sides and flat bottoms to dimensions shown on
drawings. Loosen hard subsoil in bottom of plant pit.
B. Setting: Set plant plumb in center of pit and positioned to offer best appearance or relationship to
adjacent area. Set at depth shown on drawings. Prune all broken and damaged roots.
C. Backflling: Backfill after plant is properly set. During backfilling as plant becomes secured,
remove all wire baskets, burlap, rope and wire binding from top and sides of ball. Do not remove
materials from under ball. Puddle with water to settle backfill and eliminate air pockets. Form
saucer around each plant. After settling, continue backfilling to finish grade elevations.
D. Mechanical Spade Planting: Plants may be planted by means of mechanical spade equipment at
landscape installer's option. Use equipment that will dig, carry and replant with the same unit.
Equipment size must be adequate for size of plant and not less than 8" of spade diameter at 15"
depth per caliper inch of trunk diameter.
E. Pruning: Perform following work in accordance with standard horticultural practices: remove all
dead or broken branches; remove all live branches that interfere with structural strength and
healthful development of plant. All work shall be done to retain natural character of plant; retain
specified height and spread; avoid damage to terminal leaders. Paint pruning cuts and wounds
with standard tree paint or compound at landscape installer's option.
F. Guying, Staking and Wrapping: Guy, stake and wrap plants immediately after backfilling as
shown on drawings. Set stakes vertically and avoid penetrating root ball. Guys to tree trunk shall
be connected to straps to prevent injury to tree trunks. Guys shall be tightened by twisting guys
together or adjusting turnbuckles. Attach white PVC pipe to guy wires. Wrap deciduous trees by
starting at ground and covering trunk to height of first branches. Secure end of wrap with tape.
Before wrapping inspect tree trunks for injury, improper pruning and insect infestation and take
corrective measures in accordance with standard horticultural practice. Remove all guys and
c a
stakes at end of one -year warranty. Owner will remove guys, stakes and wrap from replacement
A. Install edging where shown on drawings. Anchor with steel stakes spaced not more than 3' on
center and driven at least 1" below top elevation of edging.
A. Pre - emergent Herbicide: Apply to soil surface prior to mulching where shown on drawings. Install
according to manufacturer's recommended rate of application and application procedures.
B. Wood Mulch: Place evenly within planting beds and within all tree wells in grass areas at a depth
of 3 ".
C. Weed Barrier: Lay on soil surface, prior to mulching, at all mulch areas. Install according to
manufacturer's recommendations and carefully place around plants. Barrier shall not be exposed
to view from any location.
A. Install individual boulders or boulder groupings where shown on plan. Boulders within boulder
groupings to be tightly fitted and placed so as to minimize gaps between boulders. Individually
placed boulders shall be buried a minimum of '/. their width into grade.
A. Begin maintenance immediately after planting and continue until final acceptance.
A. During planting work, store materials and equipment where directed. Keep pavements clean and
work areas in an orderly condition. Protect planting work and materials from damage due to
landscape and other contractor operations or trespassers. Maintain protection during installation
and maintenance periods.
A. At the completion of the 60-day maintenance period, the Owner's representative will upon request
review the landscape work to determine final acceptance. Where reviewed work does not comply
with the requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reviewed
again by the Owner's representative and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants and
materials promptly from the project site.
0 •
A. The extent of sodding is shown on the drawings.
A. Installer Qualifications: Install work using skilled persons proficient in the trades required in a
neat, orderly and responsible manner with recognized standards of workmanship. Installer shall
have not less than five year's successful experience with installation of similar work.
B. Reference Standards
1. ASPA: American Sod Producers Association.
A. Samples and Product Certification: Submit to Landscape Architect and Owner's representative
not less than 14 days prior to scheduled delivery of these materials:
1. Samples: one 18 "x6' roll of sod and name and address of supplier.
B. Delivery Tickets: Submit delivery tickets to Landscape Architect within seven (7) days after
delivery of fertilizer.
2. Product Certification: manufacturer's statement of analysis for each specified fertilizer type.
A. Deliver sod properly loaded on vehicles and protected from exposure to sun, wind and heat. Do
not drop sod from loading carts, trucks or pallets.
A. Environmental Conditions: No work shall occur when soil is in a frozen or wet condition causing it
to dump and become non - friable.
B. Sequencing: Sodding shall occur after installation of irrigation system, soil preparation and
See Section 02950 - 1.05.
A. Warrant all sod for a period of 60 non - dormant days from Date of Final Acceptance against
defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by
owner, abuse, or damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the
landscape installer's control.
B. Remove and replace all sod found to be bare or with dead grass, larger than 4 square inches in
area, or where there is not a healthy, green, well- rooted stand of grass. Replace immediately as
sod is removed as many times as necessary to provide an acceptable sod through the duration of
the warranty period. Replacement sod and installation shall comply with specifications for original
C. Warrant all replacement sod for 60 non - dormant days following replacement.
A. Sod: Provide sod consisting of 100% Bluegrass. Sod shall be strongly rooted and free of
diseases, insects, stones and other plants. Sod shall be capable of growth and development
when planted and shall not be dormant. All yellow areas without normal green color will be
rejected. Cut sod using an approved method in accordance with local governing American Sod
Producers Association. Cut sod in strips not more than 18" wide by 6' long (1 sq.yd.) with a
thickness of 314 to 1 -1/4 ". Height of grass blades to be 1 -1/2 - 2 ".
B. Fertilizer: Granular and of a free flowing condition with a chemical analysis of 20% nitrogen (N),
10% phosphoric acid (P205), and 5% potassium (K20).
C. Water: Supplied and distributed from irrigation system. Owner shall pay for cost of water after
water meter is installed.
A. Examine all areas to verify conditions are acceptable for proper installation of sod or seed.
A. Soil Preparation: Complete work specified prior to sod and seed installation.
A. Lay sod within 24 hours from time of cutting. Do not plant if sod is dormant or ground is frozen.
B. Lay sod on a firm moist sub grade.
C. Lay sod parallel to contours to form a solid mass with tightly fitted joints. Butt ends and sides of
sod strips. Do not overlap. Stagger strips to offset joints in adjacent courses.
D. Roll or tamp thoroughly to bond sod to sub grade. Place sifted soil into minor cracks between sod
strips. Remove excess to avoid smothering of adjacent grass.
E. On slopes greater than 25% (4:1), secure strips to sub grade with wood pins 1" in diameter by 6"
long. Place a minimum of 5 pins along the side of each strip (minimum of 10 pins per sod strip).
F. Spread fertilizer overall sodded areas at a rate of 5 pounds per 1000 square feet.
G. Water thoroughly until moisture permeates to 4-6" depth.
A. The maintenance period shall begin immediately after each area is sodded and continue until
final acceptance of project. During this time, the contractor shall be responsible for watering,
weeding, mowing, and all related work as necessary to ensure that sodded areas are in a
vigorous growing condition. Provide all supervision, labor, material and equipment to maintain
sodded areas.
B. Water sodded areas at a regular schedule to be accepted by landscape architect until stand of
grass is established. After grass is established, water irrigated grass at a regular schedule to be
accepted by owner.
C. Areas in which there is not a satisfactory stand at the expiration of the one -year guarantee period
shall be re- sodded as necessary.
D. Mow sodded areas and trim around trees, shrubbery, and walls (keeping mulch in saucers and
beds), maintaining 2" to 2 -3/4" in height. Do not remove more than 33% of grass leaf in a single
mowing. Remove grass clippings from pavement areas.
E. Fertilize as specified.
F. Weed control, as required, using selective herbicides approved by owner.
G. Insect and disease control, as required, using insecticide and fungicide approved by owner.
A. Keep equipment, vehicles and foot traffic off all sodded areas. All damaged materials shall be
replaced and all damaged areas restored to original condition.
A. At the completion of the 60-day maintenance period, the Owner's representative will, upon
request, review the landscape work to determine final acceptance. Where reviewed work does
not comply with the requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until
reviewed again by the Owner's representative and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected
materials promptly from the project site.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Cast -in -place concrete is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Cast -in -place concrete includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Formwork.
2. Reinforcement.
3. Receiving and installing inserts, anchors and like items to be embedded in cast -in -place concrete for
other work.
4. Normal weight structural concrete.
5. Concrete finishing.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 117 -Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, including
2. ACI 211.1 - Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight and Mass
3. ACI 211.2 - Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete.
4. ACI 212.1 R - Admixtures for Concrete.
5. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.
6. ACI 302.1 R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
7. ACI 304R - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete.
8. ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting.
9. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting.
10. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete.
03300 -1
11. ACI 309 - Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete.
12. ACI 315 - Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement.
13. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, including Commentary.
14. ACI 347R - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork.
15. ACI 360R - Design of Slabs on Grade.
16. ACI 544.1 R - State -of -the -Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
17. ACI 544.2R - Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
18. ACI 544.3R - Guide for Specifying, Mixing, Placing, and Finishing Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
19. ACI 544AR - Design Considerations for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete.
20. AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel.
21. CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice.
22. CRSI - Placing Reinforcing Bars.
23. Specification Sections:
a. 07910 -Preformed Joint Fillers.
b. 07920 - Joint Sealants. v
c. 09980 - Sealers, Densifiers and Coatings.
A. Product Qualifications:
1. Reinforcing Steel: Reinforcing steel shall be manufactured in the United States of America.
2. Exposed Concrete: Concrete to be exposed to view in the completed work, including cement,
aggregates and other ingredients, shall be of one mix design and each ingredient furnished from a
single source, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents or acceptable to Architect.
B. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement Qualification: Epoxy coating on reinforcing steel shall be certified by CRSI
Epoxy Coating Plant Certification Program.
C. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.4.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part
of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
D. Flatwork Finishing Qualifications: Concrete flatwork finishing operations shall be overseen during entire
process by a registered ACI flatwork finisher.
E. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of proposed mix designs, means to achieve required concrete quality, construction
conditions, environmental requirements, ambient conditions and coordination required for installation of
the work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, Quality Control Service engineer, representatives
of manufacturers, installer of work under this Section and installers of related work. Record discussions
of meeting, and agreements or disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
3. Furnish Quality Control Service with samples of proposed materials. Allow free access to material
stock and facilities. Obtain acceptance of Architect prior to delivery of any material to project site.
B. Submittals: Review following submittals for proof of compliance with requirements of Contract
1. Concrete:
a. Test reports for proposed concreting materials.
b. Proposed mix design for each class and type of concrete to be used in work and indicating
where each mix design is to be placed in the work. Form of mix design submittal shall be
acceptable to Architect.
c. Concrete enhanced with high -range water - reducing admixture.
1) Product data of admixture manufacturer.
2) Establish slump range and slump review procedures.
3) Data from other tests as outlined and required by Quality Control Service, as set forth prior
to commencement of work.
2. Fly Ash Concrete:
a. Proposed mix design of fly ash concrete, supported by historical data or confirmation cylinders
meeting requirements of this Section, documenting use and results of fly ash concrete.
03300 -3
b. When portland cement is replaced by an equal amount of fly ash or more, Quality Control
Service shall submit written documentation of acceptability of quality control of fly ash materials,
of acceptability of concrete mix designs using fly ash based upon submitted test data for
proposed materials, and of ability of fly ash concrete to provide concrete of strength, slump,
durability and other properties required by Contract Documents.
c. Laboratory analyses on each 400 tons of fly ash used, evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
C311. Include following tests data of laboratory analysis:
1) Fineness.
2) Moisture content.
3) Speck gravity.
4) Loss on ignition.
5) Soundness.
6) 7 day lime - pozzolanic activity test.
d. Complete chemical analyses and a 28 day cement-pozzolanic activity test for each 2,OOO tons of
fly ash used. Sample for 2,000 ton test shall be a composite mix of five previously tested
analysis samples.
3. Deformed Bar Concrete Reinforcement: Material compliance certificate and mill certificate of steel
manufacturer indicating compliance with applicable standards, including mill analysis, tensile
strength and bend tests.
4. Polypropylene Reinforcing Fibers: Manufacturer shall verify polypropylene fibers are manufactured
specifically for use in concrete and meet requirements of Contract Documents.
5. Floor Finishing Procedures: Proposed procedures for each type of concrete floor finish.
C. Proposed Materials:
1. Review and test proposed materials for concreting.
2. Review and test proposed concrete mix designs.
3. Inspect weighing and batching of controlled concrete at batch plant.
4. Secure and test production samples at plants or stockpiles during course of work.
5. Check batching and mixing operations to extent deemed necessary to assure meeting requirements
of Contract Documents.
6. Record amounts and monitor dosing of high -range water- reducing admixture added to concrete mix
7. Record amounts of and monitor dosing of reinforcing fibers added to concrete mix Monitor for
quantity and uniform distribution of fibers throughout concrete mix and absence of balling of fibers.
Verify reinforcing fibers added prior to high -range water - reducing admixture.
D. Welding Qualifications: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel meet
requirements of Contract Documents.
E. Reinforcement Bar Welding: Visually inspect 100 percent of reinforcing bar welds. Inspect 100 percent
of penetration welds by appropriate testing method as acceptable to Architect. Perform tensile tests of
• •
sample welds as required by Architect.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report
of manufacturer substantiating proposed products meet requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Include details and
requirements for following and other pertinent data:
1. Reinforcement:
a. Detail concrete reinforcement and accessories meeting requirements of ACI 315, ACI 318 and
CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice.
b. Shop drawings shall be prepared under direction of engineer of Contractor.
c. Detailed drawings, sections and dimensions necessary for fabrication and placement of
reinforcement including, but not limited to:
Types, sizes, spacing, locations, quantities and grades of reinforcement.
Location of splices of continuous reinforcement as indicated on Drawings.
Reinforcing bar bending details, bending and cutting schedules (bar lists).
j 4)
Reinforcing bar hairpin anchors for inserts, anchors and like items to be embedded in
2. Joints: Location and details for construction and control joints.
C. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test records. Indicate any
limitations to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
D. Material Compliance: Submit following to Architect for review by Quality Control Service for compliance
with requirements of Contract Documents:
1. Concrete:
a. Test reports for proposed concreting materials.
b. Proposed mix design for each class and type of concrete to be used in work and indicating
where each mix design is to be placed in the work. Form of mix design submittal shall be
acceptable to Architect.
c. Concrete enhanced with high -range water- reducing admixtures.
1) Product data of admixture manufacturer.
2) Establish slump range and slump review procedures.
2. Fly Ash Concrete:
a. Proposed mix design of fly ash concrete, supported by historical data or confirmation cylinders
meeting requirements of this Section, documenting use and results of fly ash concrete.
b. Laboratory analyses on each 400 tons of fly ash used, tested in accordance with ASTM C311.
Include following test data of laboratory analysis:
1) Fineness.
2) Moisture content.
3) Specific gravity.
4) Loss on ignition.
5) Soundness.
6) 7 day lime - pozzolanic activity test.
c. Complete chemical analyses and a 28 day cement - pozzolanic activity test for each 2,000 tons of
fly ash used. Sample for 2,000 ton test shall be a composite mix of five previously tested
analysis samples.
d. Provide data from other tests as outlined and required by Quality Control Service, as set forth
prior to commencement of project.
3. Deformed Bar Concrete Reinforcement: Material compliance certificate and mill certificate of steel
manufacturer indicating compliance with applicable ASTM standards, including chemical and
physical properties, tensile strength and bend test.
4. Polypropylene Reinforcing Fibers: Manufacturer shall verify polypropylene fibers are manufactured
specifically for use in concrete and meet requirements of Contract Documents.
5. Flatwork Finishing Procedures: Proposed procedures for each type concrete flatwork finish.
6. Changes: Requested changes to concreting materials or concrete mix designs during course of
A. General:
1. Meet requirements of ACI 304.
2. Do not use material that has deteriorated or has been contaminated.
B. Carton Forms: Deliver carton forms in packaging of manufacturer complete with installation instructions.
Store off ground in ventilated and protected manner to prevent deterioration.
C. Steel Reinforcement:
1. General: Store reinforcement off ground on suitable blocking and prevent accumulation of mud, dirt
and other foreign material.
2. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement: Handling techniques for epoxy coated reinforcement shall meet
requirements of ASTM D3963 and recommendations of CRSI.
D. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.4.
E. Cements: Store in weather tight buildings, bins or silos which provide protection from dampness and
contamination and minimize warehouse set.
F. Aggregates:
1. Arrange stockpiles to avoid excessive segregation or contamination with other materials or with other
sizes of aggregates.
2. Build stockpiles in successive horizontal layers not exceeding 3 feet in thickness, with each layer
being completed before next is started.
3. Perform tests for conformance to requirements for cleanliness and grading from samples secured
from aggregates at point of batching.
4. Do not use frozen or partially frozen aggregates.
5. Unless predamping is not considered desirable by manufacturer or is considered impractical by
Architect, uniformly predampen dry lightweight aggregates with water spray. Allow predampened
aggregates to remain in stockpiles for 12 hours minimum before use.
G. Admixtures:
1. Store powdered admixtures in same manner as cements, specified in this Section.
2. Store liquid admixtures in watertight containers and protect from freezing and temperature changes.
3. Meet requirements of ACI 212.
f A. Protection:
1. Unless adequate protection is provided, do not place concrete during rain, sleet, snow, high winds or
like weather.
2. Do not allow rain water to increase mixing water, or damage or deface surface finish.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specked in this Article.
B. Slabs -On- Ground:
1. General: Extend warranty time period to 3 years.
A. Form Facings: Meet requirements of ACI 347 and following:
1. Form facing material shall produce a smooth, hard, uniform texture on concrete.
2. Use plywood, tempered concrete form grade hardboard, metal, plastic or other material capable of
producing required finish.
3. Form facing shall not have raised grain, tom surfaces, worn edges, patches, dents or other defects
which will impair texture of final concrete surface.
B. Form Liners: Wood, plastic, fiberglass or elastomeric liners which impart texture to concrete as
indicated on Drawings and as accepted by Architect.
C. Carton Forms:
1. Description: Double wall carton form, laminated using water resistant adhesive coated with paraffin
containing 10 percent polyethylene. Assembled form shall be capable of supporting not less than
1,200 psf. Provide topping sheet of same material as carton forms for securely stapling to carton
forms before reinforcement is placed to alleviate differential movement between carton form units
and prevent leakage of concrete matrix
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Container Corp. of America, Voidco.
D. Chamfers: Strips of configuration required and of type and quality material that will achieve required
E. Ties and Hangers:
1. Commercially manufactured type. Wire is not acceptable.
2. Portion remaining within concrete shall leave no metal within 1 inch of surface when concrete is
exposed to view.
F. Spreader Cones: One inch diameter maximum for ties, except as otherwise required.
G. Form Release Agent:
Description: Water resistant, water or non -water base chemical active type barrier for metal, wood,
plastic and composition forms that prevents concrete from bonding or sticking to forms and which
does not affect surfaces of concrete. Agent shall be ready -to -use without addition of any other
material. Agent shall be compatible with concrete and formwork, not bond to or stain concrete, not
transfer to or penetrate concrete surfaces, not deteriorate from exposure to ambient conditions, and
not impair or affect adhesion of sealants, paints and like subsequent treatments of concrete
0 0
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Chem Rex Inc., Cast -Off W.
b. Cresset Chemical Company, Crete -Lease 727.
c. Dayton Superior Corporation, Clean Strip WB (J-4) or Clean Strip Ultra (J -3 V.O.C.).
d. L &M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Debond Form Coating.
e. Nox -Crete Products Group, Bio -Nox.
f. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Durogard II or Durogard.
H. Armor Joint System:
Description: Prefabricated armored joint system consisting of back to back 2" x2" x 1/4" thick steel
angles meeting requirements of ASTM A36, attached by bolt assembly to a machined wood
bulkhead form of 2 inch minimum thickness by depth of concrete slab. Bulkhead shall not have a
keyway. End joints of back to back angles shall be offset 4 inches minimum to minimize
misalignment between adjacent system units. Steel angles shall be aligned with top surface
machined flush and smooth. Headed concrete anchor studs, 3/8" x6" minimum size, shall be end
welded to steel angles, spaced at 12 inch maximum centers. Provide smooth steel dowels of 3/4
inch diameter round bar or 3/4 inch square bar x 18 inches long with plastic dowel aligners, inserted
through wood bulkhead at 18 inch maximum centers. Dowels shall be secured in place
perpendicular to face of joint and parallel to slab surface. System shall have provisions for
2. Zinc Coating: When required, steel angle assembly shall be hot -dip zinc coated after fabrication
meeting requirements of ASTM All 23.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. PNA, Inc., Steel Joint System.
A. Reinforcing Bars - Standard: ASTM A615, Grade 60 minimum.
B. Reinforcing Bars - Welded: ASTM A706, Grade 60, low alloy steel deformed bars; enhance weldablity.
C. Reinforcing Bars - Epoxy Coated: ASTM A615, Grade 60 minimum, deformed, epoxy coated meeting
requirements of ASTM A775 and ASTM A934, as applicable.
D. Welded Wire Fabric - Standard: ASTM A185, flat sheets. Fabric in rolls not acceptable.
E. Welded Wire Fabric -Epoxy Coated: ASTM A185, flat sheets, epoxy coated meeting requirements of
ASTM A884, Class A. Fabric in rolls not acceptable.
F. Floor Joint Dowels: ASTM A675, Grade 60, plain bars, sawn to length.
G. Polypropylene Reinforcing Fibers - Standard:
1. Description: ASTM C1116, Type III, collated fibrillated polypropylene olefin fibers manufactured for
use in concrete from 100 percent virgin homopolymer polypropylene, containing no reprocessed
olefin materials, engineered and designed for secondary reinforcement of concrete flatwork,
meeting requirements of applicable ACI standards and UL - Classified. Geometryand deformations
shall enhance performance and mechanical bond between concrete and fiber.
a. Size: Size of reinforcing fibers shall be as required for application meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer.
b. Packaging: Reinforcing fibers shall be packaged in premeasured collated containers ready for
addition to concrete mix.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Fibermesh Company, Fibermesh Series.
b. W. R. Grace & Co., Grace MicroFiber.
H. Reinforcement Supports:
1. General: Bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for supporting, spacing and fastening
reinforcement in place. Supports shall meet requirements of ACI 315, ACI Detailing Manual and
CRSI - Placing Reinforcing Bars.
2. Wire Bar Supports:
a. Typical: CRSI Class 3, no protection, unless otherwise required. For slabs -on- ground, use
supports with sand plates or horizontal runners where base course material will not support chair
b. Exposed Concrete Surfaces: CRSI Class 1, plastic protected, for exposed -to -view in completed
work or exposed to weather concrete surfaces where legs of supports are in contact with forms.
c. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement: CRSI Class 1A; epoxy, vinyl or plastic protected, for use with
epoxy coated reinforcement. Protection shall be dielectric material for 2 inches minimum from
point of contact with epoxy coated reinforcement.
3. Precast Concrete Block Bar Supports: Precast concrete block bar supports shall be 4 inches
square minimum and shall have 28 day compressive strength not less than 28 day compressive
strength required for adjacent concrete.
I. Ties - Epoxy Coated Reinforcement: Nylon, or epoxy or plastic coated industrial cold drawn wire as
acceptable to Architect. Epoxy coating shall meet requirements of ASTM A884, Class A.
J. Welding Electrodes: AWS A5.1, E70 Series, low hydrogen type.
K. Drop -In Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel drop -in wedge type expansion anchors without nut for
insertion of threaded end reinforcing bar meeting requirements of FS FF -S -325, Group II, Type 4, Class
1, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated, FS QQ -Z -325, Type 11, Class 3.
Diameter and length shall be appropriate for application.
A. Cements:
1. Portland Cement- General: ASTM C150, Type I.
2. Portland Cement- Moderate Sulfate Resistance: ASTM C150, Type II.
3. Portland Cement - High Early Strength: ASTM C150, Type 111, only with prior acceptance of
4. Portland Cement - Low Heat of Hydration: ASTM C150, Type IV.
5. Portland Cement- High Sulfate Resistance: ASTM C150, Type V.
6. Blended Hydraulic Cement: ASTM C595, Type 1 P.
B. Aggregates:
1. General:
a. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be regarded as separate ingredients.
b. Each size of coarse aggregate and combination of two or more shall meet gradation
requirements of applicable ASTM aggregate standard.
2. Normal Weight Concrete: ASTM C33. Local aggregate not meeting requirements of ASTM C33,
but which has shown by special test or actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength,
durability and appearance may be used when acceptable to Architect.
C. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear meeting requirements of ASTM C94; free of unusual or
objectionable smell or taste, and deleterious substances which impair strength, durability, compatibility
and appearance of work. Do not use water which has been used to clean equipment or tools.
D. Admixtures:
1. General: Each concrete admixture shall be compatible with other required admixtures for concrete
mixes. Admixtures shall not contain calcium chloride, thiocyanates, more than 0.05 percent chloride
ions, and chloride ions in excess of requirements specified for concrete mixes.
2. Air - Entraining Admixture:
a. Description: ASTM C260.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Air -Mix or AEA 92.
2) W. R. Grace & Co., Darex If AEA or Daravair Series.
3) Master Builders, Inc., MB -VR.
4) Sika Corporation, Sika AER.
3. Water- Reducing Admixture:
a. Description: ASTM C494, Type A.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Eucon WR -75 or Eucon WR -89.
2) W. R. Grace & Co., Daaracem 65 or 55.
3) Master Builders, Inc., Polyheed 997.
4) Sika Corporation, Plastocrete 160.
4. Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494, Type B.
5. Accelerating Admixture: r
a. Description: ASTM C494, Type C or Type E; non - corrosive, non - chloride; having one year
minimum test data from an independent quality control service evaluated by an acceptable
accelerated corrosion test method, such as test method using electrical potential measures, as
acceptable to Architect.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Accelguard 80.
2) W. R. Grace & Co., PolarSet.
6. Water- Reducing and Retarding Admixture:
a. Description: ASTM C494, Type D.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Eucon Retarder 75.
2) W. R. Grace & Co., Daratard 17.
3) Master Builders, Inc., Pozzolith 100XR.
4) Sika Corporation, Plastiment.
7. Water- Reducing and Accelerating Admixture:
a. Description: ASTM C494, Type E, non- corrosive, non - chloride; having one year minimum test
data from an independent quality control service evaluated by an accelerated corrosion test
method, such as test method using electrical potential measures, as acceptable to Architect.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Accelguard 80.
2) Master Builders, Inc., Pozzutec 20.
8. High Range Water- Reducing Admixture:
a. Description: ASTM C494, Type F.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) The Euclid Chemical Company, Eucon 37.
2) W. R. Grace & Co., Daracem 19 or 100.
3) Master Builders, Inc., Rheobuild 1000.
4) Sika Corporation, Sikament 300.
9. High Range Water- Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494, Type G.
10. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Class C. Loss of ignition shall be 2 percent maximum.
A. Liquid Membrane Curing Compound C -1:
1. Description: Water base resin liquid membrane forming compound for curing concrete; meeting
requirements of ASTM C309, Type 1, Class B. Curing compound shall be non - staining, non -
yellowing, and compatible and not inhibit bonding with adhesives, finishes and coatings. Moisture
loss from concrete shall be restricted to 0.55 kilograms per square meter maximum in 72 hours.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dayton Superior Corporation, Day -Chem Rez Cure (J- 11 -W).
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Kurez VOX.
c. L &M Construction Chemical, Inc., Cure R.
d. W. R. Meadows, Inc., 1100 - Clear Series.
B. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound CS -1:
1. Description: Water base acrylic liquid membrane forming compound containing 12 percent
minimum solids by volume for curing and sealing concrete; meeting requirements of ASTM C309,
Type 1, Class B. Curing compound shall be non - staining, non - yellowing, and compatible and not
inhibit bonding with adhesives, finishes and coatings. Moisture loss from concrete shall be restricted
to 0.55 kilograms per square meter ma)amum in 72 hours.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Chem Rex Inc., Kure -N -Seal W.
b. Dayton Superior Corporation, Safe Cure & Seal (J -18).
c. The Euclid Chemical Company, Aqua -Cure VOX.
d. L &M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Dress & Seal WB.
e. Master Builders, Inc., Acryseal.
f. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Vocomp -20.
C. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound CS -2:
1. Description: Water base acrylic liquid membrane forming compound containing 25 percent
minimum solids by volume for curing and sealing concrete; meeting requirements of ASTM C1315,
Type 1, Class A. Curing compound shall meet VOC regulations of authorities bearing on
performance of the Work and shall be non - staining, non - yellowing, and compatible and not inhibit
bonding with adhesives, finishes and coatings. Curing compound shall restrict moisture loss from
concrete to 0.40 kilograms per square meter ma)amum in 72 hours.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. ChemRex Inc., Kure 1315.
b. Dayton Superior Corporation, Safe Cure & Seal 30% (J -19).
c. The Euclid Chemical Company, Super Aqua -Cure VOX.
d. L &M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Dress & Seal WB 30.
e. Master Builders, Inc., Masterkure N- Seal -W.
f. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Vocomp -25 -1315.
D. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound CS -3:
1. Description: Solvent base acrylic liquid membrane forming compound containing 25 percent
minimum solids byvolume for curing and sealing concrete; meeting requirements of ASTM C1315,
Type 1, Class A. Curing compound shall meet VOC regulations of authorities bearing on
performance of the Work and shall be non - staining, non - yellowing, and compatible and not inhibit
bonding with adhesives, finishes and coatings. Moisture loss from concrete shall be restricted to
0.40 kilograms per square meter ma)amum in 72 hours.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dayton Superior Corporation: Day -Chem Cure & Seal 26% (J -22).
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Super Rez -Seal.
c. L &M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Dress & Seal.
d. Master Builders, Inc., Masterkure.
e. W. R. Meadows, Inc., CS- 309 -1315.
E. Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing Compound CS -4:
1. Description: Water base acrylic liquid membrane forming compound containing 30 percent
minimum solids by volume for curing and sealing concrete; meeting requirements of ASTM C1315,
Type 1, Class A. Curing compound shall be non - staining, non - yellowing, and compatible and not
inhibit bonding with adhesives, finishes and coatings. Curing compound shall restrict moisture loss
from concrete to 0.30 kilograms per square meter maximum in 72 hours.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dayton Superior Corporation, Safe Cure & Seal 30% (J -19).
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Super Aqua -Cure VOX.
c. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Vocomp -30.
F. Moisture Retaining Cover:
1. Description: Non -woven polypropylene fabric with white polypropylene film cover or woven burlap
fabric with white polypropylene film cover meeting applicable requirements of ASTM C171. Film
covers may be non - perforated or micro perforated to allow wetting or re- wetting without moving
cover. Covers shall be ultraviolet resistant and non - staining to concrete.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Max Katz Bag Co., Inc., BurLene Concrete Curing Blankets.
b. PNA, Inc., Curing Blanket.
A. Preformed Joint Fillers: As specified in Section 07910 -Preformed Joint Fillers.
B. Inserts and Anchors:
General: As furnished under specification section for work which inserts, anchors and like items are
2. Wedge Inserts:
3. Continuous Slotted Inserts:
4. Dovetail Anchor Slots:
a. Description: Hot -dip zinc coated sheet steel of 0.0359 inch minimum thickness (20 gage) with
bent tab anchors. Slot shall be filled with temporary filler or cover face opening to prevent
intrusion of concrete or debris.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Gateway Building Products, Bee -Hive Dovetail Anchor Slot.
2) Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., 305 - Dovetail.
5. Concrete Reglets:
a. Description: Hot -dip zinc coated sheet steel of 0.0217 inch thickness (26 gage) of profile to
terminate flashing and membranes as applicable. Slot shall be filled with temporary filler or
• •
cover face opening to prevent intrusion of concrete or debris.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., CR - Concrete Reglet.
C. Evaporation Retarder:
1. Description: Polymer monomolecular film forming material applied to exposed surfaces of fresh,
plastic concrete to retard evaporation of moisture. Retarder shall be compatible with concrete
materials and not have an effect on cement hydration process.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dayton Superior Corporation, Sure Film (J -74).
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Eucobar.
c. Master Builders, Inc., Confilm.
d. Sika Corporation, Sikafilm.
D. Concrete Surface Retardant:
1. Description: Spray applied, water -thin, water soluble, non - flammable liquid that retards, but not
prevent, setting of concrete surface mortar. Retardant shall have a non - staining color to assure
uniform coating application.
40 1
? 2. Acceptable Products:
a. Sika Corporation, Rugasol -S.
E. Bonding Adhesive - Epoxy:
1. Description: Two component, 100 percent solids, moisture insensitive, high modulus of elasticity,
structural epoxy resin material for bonding freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete, meeting
requirements of ASTM C881, Type V, Grade and Class suitable for application as acceptable to
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dayton Superior Corporation: Sure - Inject (J -56), Resi -Bond (J -58) or Sure - Anchor Epoxy(J -50).
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Euco #452 LV Epoxy System or Euco #452 MV Epoxy System.
c. Master Builders, Inc., Concresive Paste LPL.
d. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Rezi -Weld LV, Resi -Weld 1000 State or Rezi -Weld Gel Paste State.
e. Sika Corporation, Sikadur 35 Hi -Mod LV or Sikadur 31 Hi -Mod Gel.
f. Tamms Industries Co., Duralbond.
F. Polymer Patching Mortar:
1. Description: Polymer modified cementitious mortar meeting requirements of ASTM C1059, Type II,
for concrete repair of hor¢ontal, vertical and overhead applications.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Euclid Chemical Company, Thin Top Supreme or Concrete Top Supreme for repairs in
horizontal plane, except overhead, and Verticoat Supreme for repairs in vertical plane and
b. Sika Corporation, SikaTop 121 PLUS or SikaTop 122 PLUS for repairs in horizontal plane,
except overhead, and SikaTop 123 PLUS for repairs in vertical plane and overhead.
G. Bonding Admixture:
1. Description: Non- reemulsifiable bonding admixture meeting requirements of ASTM C1059, Type II,
to be integral adhesive for mortars and concrete to improve bond strength, durability and wear
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Euclid Chemical Company, SBR Latex.
b. L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Everbond.
H. Zinc Coating Repair Paint - Hot -Dip:
1. Description: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of hot -dip zinc coated steel surfaces
meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94 percent
minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
I. Sealants: As specified in Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
A. General:
1. Proportion concrete meeting requirements of ACI 301 and as specified in this Section.
2. Concrete for work shall be homogenous. Proportioning of ingredients shall produce concrete that
will work readily into corners and angles of formwork, bond to reinforcement, and have minimum
segregation and bleed water forming on surface. When hardened, concrete shall have required
strength, resistance to deterioration, durability, resistance to abrasion, water- tightness, appearance,
and other specified qualities.
3. Do not use different cements interchangeably.
4. Cement used in work shall correspond to cement used in mix design submittals.
5. Water /Cement Ratio:
a. Normal Weight Concrete: Meet requirements of ACI 211.1, but 0.50 maximum, except as
otherwise required by Contract Documents. If historical data and general practice in locality of
usage substantiates using a higher water /cement ratio, Contractor shall submit written request
with documentation to Architect and Quality Control Service for review, including mix
performance history from concrete mix supplier. Also submit procedures which will minimize
potential for cracking due to shrinkage resulting from higher water content.
b. Lightweight Concrete: Meet requirements of ACI 211.2, except as otherwise required by
Contract Documents.
6. Fly Ash:
a. Do not use fly ash in concrete to be exposed to view in the completed work.
b. Substitution for portland cement shall not exceed 20 percent of weight of cementitious material,
on at least a pound- for -pound basis. If historical data and general practice in locality of usage
substantiates fly ash concrete using higher percentages, Contractor shall submit written request
with documentation to Architect and Quality Control Service for review.
c. Air content shall not exceed limits specked in this Section.
7. Chloride Ions: Maximum water soluble chloride ion concentrations in hardened concrete at age
from 28 to 42 days, contributed from concrete components, including cementitious materials,
aggregates, water, admixtures and other ingredients, shall not exceed following limits when
evaluated meeting requirements of Soxhlet Method:
a. Concrete In Contact with Ground: 0.15 percent by weight of cement.
b. Concrete, Dry while in Service: 0.30 percent by weight of cement.
c. Prestressed Concrete: 0.06 percent by weight of cement.
d. Other Concrete Construction: 0.15 percent by weight of cement.
B. Strength:
1. General: Concrete strength shall be as indicated on Drawings or elsewhere in Contract Documents.
2. Normal Weight Concrete: Base strength requirements on 28 day compressive strengths, unless
high early strength cement is used, in which case required strengths shall be obtained at 7 days.
C. Air Entrainment:
1. Normal Weight Concrete:
a. Total air content of concrete used in flatwork, not exposed to potential destructive exposure, shall
be 3 percent maximum of volume of concrete and uniform for work.
b. Evaluate air content meeting requirements of ASTM C231 or ASTM C138.
2. Durability: Provide concrete that will be subject to potentially destructive exposure, other than wear
or loading, such as freezing and thawing, severe weather, chemicals, or deicing salts, as follows:
a. Normal Weight Concrete:
1) Containing entrained air meeting requirements of ACI 318.
2) Water /cement ratio of 0.45 maximum, except when a lower ratio is required by Contract
D. Slump:
1. General: Slump tolerance of 1 inch above maximum limit indicated by Contract Documents is
permitted for individual batches, provided average for all batches or most recentfve batches tested,
whichever is fewer, does not exceed maximum limit.
2. Normal Weight Concrete:
a. Evaluate slump meeting requirements of ASTM C143.
b. Unless otherwise required, provide following slumps:
1) Footings, Walls, Columns: 4 inches maximum, 1 inch minimum.
2) Slabs -on- Ground: 5 inches maximum, 3 inches minimum.
3) Suspended Slabs and Beams: 5 inches maximum, 1 inch minimum.
4) Piers: 5 inches maximum, 3 inches minimum.
5) Concrete to be Placed Underwater: 9 inches maximum, 6 inches minimum.
c. Slump of normal weight concrete enhanced with high -range water- reducing admixture:
1) Minimum slump shall be 7 inches and maximum slump shall be 10 inches. Slump range
shall be confirmed by Quality Control Service during review of concrete mix designs.
2) Concrete with plant added high -range water- reducing admixture shall be sampled
immediately upon arrival at project site. Batches delivered to site with slump in e) cess of 10
inches shall be rejected. Batches delivered to site with slump less than 7 inches shall be
redosed with same admixture as used at plant, to increase slump to within acceptable
range. Redosing shall be monitored by Quality Control Service.
3) Concrete with project site added high -range water- reducing admixture shall be sampled
immediately upon arrival at project site for conformance to slump requirements specified in
this Section. Adjust slump to maximum permissible in accordancewith slump requirements
specified in this Section prior to dosage. Quality Control Service shall monitor addition of
admixture. After dosage, check slump and consistency as specified.
E. Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate:
1. Nominal Maximum Size:
a. Limit to not larger than 1/5 of narrowest dimension between sides of forms, 1/3of depth of slabs,
nor 3/4 of minimum clear distance between reinforcement or between reinforcing bars and side
forms, whichever is least.
b. In columns, limit nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate as specified above, but not larger
than 2/3 of minimum clear distance between reinforcing bars.
c. In slabs -on- ground, provide coarse aggregate with minimum nominal size of 1 inch and
maximum nominal size of 1 -1/2 inches.
2. Normal Weight Concrete:
a. One size of coarse aggregate for concrete placed in one day when quantities to be placed are
too small to permit economical use of more than one mix design.
b. When single mix design is used, nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as
required for most critical conditions of concreting, meeting requirements of preceding paragraph.
F. Admixtures:
• •
1. General: Two or more admixtures maybe used in same concrete, provided admixtures are added
separately during batching sequence. Admixtures used in combination shall retain full efficiency
and have no deleterious effect on concrete or on properties of each other.
2. Prohibited Admixtures: Calcium chloride, thiocyanates, and admixtures containing chloride ions
more than permitted by requirements of this Section.
3. Air- Entrained Admixtures and Proprietary Chemical Admixtures: Meet instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer.
4. Accelerators: An accelerator may be used in proportions instructed and recommended by
manufacturer when ambient air temperature during concrete placement is less than 40 F.
G. Polypropylene Reinforcing Fibers:
1. Provide standard polypropylene reinforcing fibers for concrete, except as otherwise required.
2. Add reinforcing fibers to concrete meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer at
rate of 1.5 pounds minimum per one cubic yard of concrete, except as otherwise indicated on
3. When admixture is used, coordinate use of admixture with reinforcing fibers meeting instructions and
recommendations of admixture and reinforcing fiber manufacturers.
4. Add reinforcing fibers to concrete mix prior to addition of high -range water reducing admixture.
5. Reinforcing fibers shall not be used as a substitute for reinforcing steel, except as otherwise
10) indicated on Drawings.
A. General:
1. Meet requirements of ACI 301.
2. Mix and transport ready mixed concrete meeting requirements of ASTM C94, except concrete slump
shall meet requirements of this Section. Ready mix producer shall be certified for compliance to
NRMCA Standards.
B. Retempering:
1. Mix concrete only in quantities for immediate use.
2. Do not retemper concrete which has set, discard.
C. Weather Conditions:
1. Cold Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 306R -88.
b. If water or aggregate has been heated, combine water with aggregate in mixer before cement is
c. Do not add cement to mixtures of water and aggregate when temperature of mixture is greater
than 100 F.
2. Hot Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 305R -89.
b. Cool ingredients before mixing. Well crushed ice may be substituted for all or part of mixing
water meeting requirements of ACI 305R -89, Section 2.3.6, if due to high temperature difficulties
described in ACI 305R -89, Section 2.3.
A. General: Fabricate reinforcing bars to required shapes and dimensions meeting requirements of ACI
315 and CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice. Do not rebend or straighten reinforcement in a manner
that will injure or weaken materials.
B. Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of following defects will not be permitted in the work:
1. Bar lengths, depths and bends exceeding ACI fabrication tolerances.
2. Bend or kinks not indicated on Drawings or final shop drawings.
3. Bars with reduced cross - section due to excessive rusting or other cause.
4. Do not re -bend bars erroneously fabricated.
C. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement: Fabrication techniques for epoxy coated reinforcement shall meet
requirements of ASTM D3963 and recommendations of CRSI. J
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which cast -in -place concrete is to be installed for
compliance with requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting
performance of cast -in -place concrete are satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until
unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved. Commencement of installation shall constitute
acceptance of conditions.
B. Flatwork Base Course:
1. Material: Base course material under concrete slabs -on- ground, including any leveling material,
shall not be sand.
2. Surface Tolerance: Verify elevation tolerance of compacted base course surface is within plus 0
inch and minus 1 inch of required bottom of slab -on- ground elevation when tested with a 10 foot
straightedge, in any direction. Utility piping, including plumbing, sewer, electrical and like items,
shall be below top of base course.
3. Base Course Modulus of Reactions: Verify with Quality Control Service, modulus of reaction of base
course for slabs -on- ground, within 14 days of placement of concrete, is equal to or more than
modulus that was assumed in slab -on- ground thickness design.
C. Floor Insulation: For concrete to be installed over insulation, tolerance of insulation shall be plus or
minus 1/4 inch from underside of concrete slab elevation.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
A. General:
1. Design: Contractor is responsible for design and engineering of formwork, and formwork
2. Configuration: Use forms wherever necessary to confine and shape concrete to required
dimensions. Provide forms with sufficient strength to withstand pressure resulting from placement
and vibration of concrete, and sufficient rigidity to maintain specified tolerances.
3. Unformed Foundation Elements: Do not provide unformed foundation elements (excavated earth
forms) for vertical foundation elements, except as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents or
acceptable to Architect. When use of earth forms is acceptable, meet applicable ACI requirements.
B. Design:
1. Design formwork for loads and lateral pressures outlined in ACI 347 -88, Section 2.2, and wind and
seismic loads meeting requirements of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
2. Meet design considerations and allowable stresses of ACI 347 -88, Section 2.3, and requirements of
codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
C. Fabrication and Installation:
1. General: Construct forms with neat, tight fitting joints to prevent leakage of mortar from concrete
during concrete placement and to form true, clean, smooth surfaces, free from honeycomb and
exposed aggregate areas.
2. Facings:
a. Arrange facing material orderly and symmetrically, with number of seams kept to practical
b. Support facing material by backing capable of preventing excessive deflection.
c. Do not use material with raised grain, torn surfaces, worn edges, patches, dents, or other defects
which will impair texture of concrete surface.
3. Chamfers: Unless otherwise required, provide chamfers at exterior corners. Chamfers shall have
face surface based on 3/4" x 3/4" size. Insofar as possible, provide single piece chamfer for each
4. Camber: In addition to providing camber in structural members when indicated on Drawings,
camber formwork to compensate for anticipated deflections in formwork prior to hardening of
5. Adjustment: Provide positive means of adjustment of shores and adjust for settlement during
concrete placing operation. Brace forms securely against lateral deflections.
6. Movement: Anchor formwork to shores or other supporting surfaces or members to prevent upward
or lateral movement of any part of formwork system during concrete placement.
7. Joints: At construction joints, do not overlap hardened concrete in previous placement with contact
surface of form sheathing for flush surfaces exposed to view by more than 1 inch. Hold forms
against hardened concrete to prevent offsets or loss of mortar at construction joint and to maintain a
true surface.
8. Slab Edge Forms: For slabs, secure edge forms in such a manner as to not move underweight of
construction loads, construction and finishing equipment, or workers.
9. Temporary Openings: Provide temporary openings at base of column forms, wall forms, and other
points where necessary to facilitate cleaning and observation immediately before placing concrete.
10. Runways: Do not support runways for moving equipment over areas where concrete is to be placed
on reinforcement.
D. Carton Forms: In addition to other formwork requirements, provide carton formwork with top sheet of
same material as carton forms securely stapled to carton forms in manner to alleviate differential
movement between individual carton form units and to prevent leakage of concrete matrix through
forms and prevent carton forms from forming desired void.
E. Tolerances:
1. Provide formwork to provide concrete surfaces meeting tolerances of ACI 347R -88, Section 3.3.
2. Establish and maintain, in an undisturbed condition and until final completion of project, sufficient
control points and bench marks to be used for reference purposes to check tolerances.
F. Preparation of Form Surfaces:
1. Cleaning: Clean form surfaces before each use.
2. Swelling: Swell board forms having joints opened by shrinkage of wood until forms are closed, by
wetting, before concrete is placed.
3. Surface Sealing: Seal plywood and other wood surfaces not subject to shrinkage against absorption
of moisture from concrete by either field applied commercial form sealer, or factory applied
nonabsorptive liner.
4. Form Release Agent:
a. Coat surfaces of forms with form release agent before reinforcement is placed and avoid contact
with construction joints. Apply meeting instructions of manufacturer.
b. Do not allow excess form release agent to stand in puddles on form surfaces or to come in
contact with concrete against which fresh concrete will be placed.
c. Where as -cast finishes are required, do not apply form coating materials to forms which will stain
d. Where finished surface is required to be painted, material applied to form surfaces shall be
compatible with type paint to be used.
G. Removal of Formwork and Reshoring Sequence: As indicated elsewhere in Contract Documents and
as acceptable to Architect.
A. General: Meet requirements of ACI 301, ACI 315 and CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice.
B. Placing:
1. Except as otherwise specified in this Paragraph, meet requirements of CRSI -Placing Reinforcing
2. Reinforcement and bar supports, at time concrete is placed, shall be free of mud, oil or other
materials that may adversely affect or reduce bond. Reinforcement with rust, mill scale or a
combination of both will be accepted as being satisfactory without cleaning or brushing provided
dimensions, including heights of deformations, and weight of hand -wire- brushed test specimen,
shall not be less than required by applicable ASTM standards.
3. Support and be reinforcing bars together to prevent displacement by construction loads.
4. Do not lift reinforcement into place during concreting operation.
5. Use appropriate type of reinforcement support for application of support as specified in Part 2, of this
6. Do not use reinforcement supports made of concrete, masonry or other similar material on formed
surfaces, except as otherwise acceptable to Architect.
7. Pieces of reinforcement, when used as bar support, shall have minimum concrete cover equal to
concrete cover required for reinforcement being supported.
8. Make splices only as indicated on Drawings.
9. Do not bend reinforcement after being partially embedded in hardened concrete except for field -
bent dowels.
10. Furnish templates for placement of column or pilaster dowels.
C. Welding:
1. Welding of reinforcing steel shall meet requirements of AWS D1.4.
2. Do not weld reinforcing steel, except where specifically indicated on Drawings.
3. Do not weld reinforcing steel at bends.
D. Epoxy Coated Reinforcement:
1. Installation techniques for epoxy coated reinforcing steel shall meet requirements of ASTM D3963
and recommendations of CRSI.
2. Coating damage due to handling, shipping and placing need not be repaired when damaged area is
0.1 square inch maximum. Damaged areas larger than 0.1 square inch shall be repaired. Maximum
amount of damage, including repaired and unrepaired areas shall not exceed 2 percent of surface
3. When required, repair damaged epoxy coating with patching material meeting requirements of
ASTM A775. Repair with patching material meeting instructions and recommendations of
4. Do not field bend epoxy coated reinforcement.
5. Epoxy coated reinforcement shall be fastened with specified ties.
6. Epoxy coated reinforcement shall be supported from formwork on bar supports. In walls having
epoxy coated reinforcement, spreader bars, when used, shall be epoxy coated. Proprietary
combination bar clips and spreaders used in wall with epoxy coated reinforcement shall be made of
corrosion resistant material.
7. Epoxy coated reinforcement cut at project site shall have ends of reinforcement coated with same
material used for repair of coating damage.
8. Fading color of coating shall not be cause for rejection.
9. When required, mechanical connections shall be installed meeting instructions and
recommendations of splice device manufacturer. After installing mechanical connections on epoxy Vj
coated reinforcement, repair coating damage. Parts of mechanical connections used on coated
bars, including steel splice sleeves, bolts and nuts shall be coated with same material used for
repair of coating damages.
E. Unformed Foundation Elements: When unformed foundation elements (excavated earth forms) are
used, provide applicable ACI required concrete coverage to reinforcing steel.
F. Carton Forms: Carefully place reinforcement at elevations indicated on Drawings on dry carton forms
with top sheet securely stapled in place. If carton forms are rained on after reinforcement is placed,
remove reinforcement and either replace carton forms or dry carton forms instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer.
G. Embedded Items:
1. General: Provide reinforcement for anchorage of embedded items for work attached to or supported
by cast -in -place concrete when rated load capacity of embedded items exceeds pull -out tension or
when required for proper anchorage.
2. Hairpin Reinforcing:
a. Reinforce embedded items with hairpin reinforcing bars of Number 3 size minimum and so pull-
out strength of embedment exceeds 500 percent of calculated total load.
b. Configuration of hairpins shall include hook ends which project outward at 90 degrees from bar.
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c. Place hairpin reinforcing through eye or other like feature of embedment so hook ends are
restrained by reinforcing steel.
A. Construction Joints:
1. Make and locate to least impair strength of structure. Construction joints for slabs -on- ground should
occur at column (grid) lines only, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
2. Locate horizontal joints in concrete only where joints normally occur or where indicated on
Drawings. Locate vertical joints in middle third of spans of slabs, beams, or girders, unless a beam
intersects a girder at middle location, in which case offset joints in girders twice width of beam.
3. Make joints in walls and columns at underside of floor slabs, beams or girders and at top of footings
or floor slabs.
4. Place concrete for beams, girders, brackets, column capitals, haunches and drop panels at same
time as slabs, unless indicated otherwise on Drawings.
5. Make joints perpendicular to main reinforcement.
6. For slabs -on- ground, discontinue reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric at construction joints.
7. For suspended slabs, continue reinforcing steel and weld wire fabric through joints.
40. 8. Thoroughly clean surface of concrete at joints and remove laitance.
9. Except as otherwise required, keyways in slabs -on- ground are not permitted.
10. Bonding: Provide bonded joints at existing concrete surfaces that will be joined with fresh concrete
meeting requirements of ACI 301 -96 and following:
a. Horizontal Construction Joints: Use epoxy bonding adhesive for hardened concrete of horizontal
construction joints in exposed work; horizontal construction joints in beams, girders, joists and
slabs, and horizontal construction joints in work designed to contain liquids. Apply epoxy bonding
adhesive meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
b. Other Joints: Achieve bonded joints for hardened concrete of construction joints and of joints
between footings and walls or columns, between walls or columns and beams or floors they
support, joints in unexposed walls and other joints not specified in Paragraph - Horizontal
Construction Joints, by the following:
1) Epoxy Adhesive: Apply epoxy bonding adhesive to hardened concrete of construction joints
meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
c. Other Joints: Use epoxy bonding adhesive for hardened concrete of construction joints and of
joints between footings and walls or columns, between walls or columns and beams or floors
they support, joints in unexposed walls and other joints not specified in Paragraph - Horizontal
Construction Joints. Apply epoxy bonding adhesive meeting instructions and recommendations
of manufacturer.
B. Expansion Joints:
03300 -25
1. Do not extend reinforcement or other embedded metal items bonded to concrete, except dowels in
floors bonded on only one side of joints, continuously through any expansion joint.
2. Position expansion joint materials accurately and secure against displacement.
C. Waterstops:
1. Locate waterstops in joints as indicated on Drawings and as required to maintain watertightness of
concrete wall at pour stops, cold joints and like conditions.
2. Provide each unit of waterstop of maximum practicable length in order to provide minimum quantity
of end joints.
3. Install joints at intersections and at ends of units in manner most appropriate to material being used.
Develop joints with effective watertightness equal to that of continuous waterstop material, with
permanent strength not less than 50 percent of mechanical strength of parent section and with
ability to permanently retain flexibility.
4. Position waterstops accurately and secure against displacement.
D. Embedded Items:
1. General:
a. Give ample notice and opportunity to introduce, furnish or install embedded items and work
related to concrete or for support before concrete is placed.
b. Position embedded items accurately and support against displacement.
c. Position embedded items to avoid conflicts with reinforcement. Provide 1/2 inch clear cover
between reinforcement and inserts, anchors and embedded items, and between sleeves and
reinforcement. Notify Architect of conflicts between embedded items and reinforcement prior to
d. No embedded items made of aluminum shall be permitted, unless completely coated or covered
to prevent aluminum concrete reaction or electrolytic action between aluminum and steel.
2. Sleeves, Inserts and Anchors:
a. Place sleeves, inserts, anchors and embedded items required for adjoining work or for support
prior to concreting as applicable. Meet requirements of Contract Documents and instructions of
applicable manufacturers for work which sleeves, inserts, anchors and embedded items are
b. Provide anchorage for embedded items as indicated by Contract Documents.
c. Horizontal sleeves through walls and vertical sleeves less than 12 inches in diameter through
slabs and not indicated on Drawings, may be placed as required, except in flat plate or flat slab
framing systems, provided no conflict with scheduled or detailed reinforcement occurs.
d. Fill voids in sleeves, inserts and anchor slots temporarily with removable material to prevent
entry of concrete into void space.
3. Conduit - Slabs -On- Ground: Do not embed conduit in concrete for slabs -on- ground. Conduit shall
be placed under slab.
4. Conduit - Suspended Slabs: Conduit to be embedded in suspended concrete slabs shall be placed
in concrete within following limitations:
a. Conduit shall not be larger in outside dimensions than one -third overall thickness of slab in which
they are embedded or one inch, whichever is smaller.
b. Place conduit in slabs between top and bottom reinforcement. Place conduit in maximum
groupings of three and spaced 3 inches minimum clear between adjacent groupings of conduit
or reinforcement. Do not place in two layers.
c. In slabs with only one mat of reinforcement, provide following concrete cover to conduit,
including fittings:
1) Concrete exposed to earth or weather, 1 -1/2 inches.
2) Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground, 3/4 inch.
d. Notify Architect in writing of any conduit to be embedded which cannot meet limitations specified
in this Section.
A. Preparation:
1. Remove hardened concrete and foreign materials from inner surface of conveying equipment.
2. Verify that formwork has been completed.
3. Verify that ice and excess water and other foreign material has been removed; reinforcement has
been secured in place and cleaned of foreign matter, such as form oil and tags removed; expansion
joint material, anchors, and other embedded items have been positioned; and preparation and
reinforcement has been inspected by Quality Control Service and is acceptable to Architect.
4. Do not place concrete on frozen ground.
5. Preparation of base course for slabs -on- ground:
a. Base course shall be well drained and of adequate and uniform loadbearing capacity. Minimum
in -place density of base course material shall be as required by Contract Documents. Bottom of
an undrained granular base course shall not be lower than adjacent finished grade.
b. Base course shall be moist at time of placing concrete to eliminate suction and seal porous
material. If necessary, dampen base course material with water in advance of placing concrete
in manner acceptable to Architect. There shall be no standing water on base course surface nor
any muddy or soft spots when concrete is placed.
B. Conveying:
1. General:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 301 and ACI 304.
b. Handle concrete from point of delivery and transfer or mixer to location of final deposit as rapidly
as practicable by methods which will prevent separation or loss of ingredients and to assure
required quality of concrete is obtained.
c. Conveying equipment shall be of size, design and type to ensure continuous flow of concrete at
2. Pumping: Provide pumping or pneumatic conveying equipment of suitable kind with adequate
capacity. Control pneumatic placement so that segregation is not apparent in discharge of
concrete. Maximum loss of slump in pumping or pneumatic conveying equipm ent shall be 2 inches.
Do not convey concrete through pipe or equipment made of aluminum or aluminum alloy.
C. Depositing:
1. Meet requirements of ACI 304.
2. Avoid methods for depositing concrete causing segregation and splashing of concrete against forms
and reinforcement. Use chutes, tremies or other equipment necessary to prevent concrete
3. Do not start placing of concrete in supported elements until concrete previously placed in columns
and walls is no longer plastic.
4. Deposit concrete continuously or in layers of thickness so that no concrete will be deposited on
concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams or planes of weakness within
5. If section cannot be placed continuously, locate construction joints as indicated on Drawings.
6. Perform placing at rate that concrete which is being integrated with fresh concrete is still plastic.
7. Do not deposit concrete which has partially hardened or has been contaminated by foreign
8. Remove temporary spreaders in forms when concrete placing has reached elevation rendering
service unnecessary.
9. Meet instructions of high -range admixture manufacturer for depositing of concrete, maximum height
of free fall, and like conditions.
D. Segregation:
1. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable in final position to avoid segregation due to rehandling or
2. Do not subject concrete to any procedure which will cause segregation.
E. Consolidation:
1. Meet requirements of ACI 309.
2. Consolidate concrete by vibration, spading, rodding or forking so that concrete is thoroughly worked
around reinforcement, around embedded items and into corner of forms, eliminating air or stone
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pockets which may cause honeycombing, pitting or planes of weakness.
3. Vibrators and vibrating operations shall meet requirements of ACI 301.
4. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete within forms.
5. Where surface mortar is to be basis of finish, work coarse aggregate back from forms with suitable
tool to bring full surface of mortar against form, without formation of excessive surface voids.
6. Meet instructions of admixture manufacturer when consolidating or vibrating concrete enhanced with
high -range water- reducing admixture.
F. Temperature:
1. Cold Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 306R.
b. If water or aggregate is heated above 100 F, water shall be combined with aggregate in mixer
before cement is added. Cement shall not be mixed with water or with mixtures of water and
aggregate having a temperature greater than 100 F.
2. Hot Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 305R.
b. Concrete deposited in hot weather shall have placing temperature which will not cause difficulty
from loss of slump, flash set or cold joints. Cool ingredients before mixing or substitute flake ice
or well - crushed ice of size that will melt completely during mixing for all or part of mixing water in
hot weather.
G. Concreting Underwater: Deposit concrete underwater by use of tremie or other acceptable method in a
way that fresh concrete enters mass of previously placed concrete from within, causing water to be
displaced with minimum disturbance at surface of concrete.
H. Concrete Placement on Steel Decks:
1. Exercise care during concrete placement on steel decks to prevent concentrated loads or high pile-
ups of concrete and to avoid impacts caused by dumping or dropping of concrete on steel decks.
2. Do not use buggies on unprotected areas of deck. If buggies are used to place concrete, furnish
and install planked runways to protect deck from damage.
3. Place concrete to uniform thickness as indicated on Drawings.
A. General: Meet requirements of ACI 301 -96, Section 5. After removal of forms and repair of surface
defects, give surfaces of concrete smooth form finish specified.
B. Smooth Form Finish: Patch tie -holes and defects. Remove fins completely.
C. Related Unformed Surfaces:
1. Strike smooth tops of walls or buttresses, horizontal offsets, and similar unformed surfaces
occurring adjacent to formed surfaces after concrete is placed and float to texture reasonably
consistent with formed surfaces.
2. Continue final treatment on formed surfaces uniformly across unformed surfaces.
A. Joints:
1. Locate joints in slabs -on- ground as required.
2. Install control joint form meeting instructions of manufacturer.
3. For joints to be subsequently sealed with sealant, provide joints of configuration meeting
requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants, for appropriate type sealant.
B. Edge Forms and Screeds:
1. Set edge forms and intermediate screed strips accurately to produce required elevations and
contours in finished surfaces and shall be strong to support screeds.
2. Align concrete surface to contours of screed strips by use of strike -off templates or appropriate
compacting type screeds.
3. When formwork is cambered, set screeds to same camber to maintain proper concrete thicknesses.
C. Consolidation:
1. Thoroughly consolidate concrete in slabs.
2. Use internal vibration:
a. Along bulkheads of slabs -on- ground.
b. In beams and girders of suspended slabs.
3. Obtain consolidation of flatwork with vibrating bridge screeds, roller pipe screeds or other
appropriate means.
4. Consolidate concrete prior to strikeoff and do not manipulate surfaces prior to finishing operations.
D. Jointing:
1. Time cutting of saw -cut joints properly with set of concrete.
2. Start cutting as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregates from being
dislodged by saw.
3. Complete before shrinkage stresses have developed sufficiently to induce cracking.
E. Control Joints: Saw cut control joints as soon as practicable in a timely fashion to eliminate concrete
cracking using soft -cut concrete saw as manufactured by Chium inaha Concrete Concepts or equivalent
as acceptable to Architect, except as otherwise required. Control joint width shall be as required for joint
sealant, but 1/8 inch minimum, and depth shall be between one - quarter to one -third thickness of slab,
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except as otherwise indicated on Drawings. Edges of sawn joints shall be straight, uniform, and free of
chips, removed aggregate and other like defects.
F. Edging: Tool edges of joints, except at sawn joints, and edges adjoining metal embedments. Provide
required configuration and size, providing 1/8 inch maximum radius.
A. General: Use finishing procedures for flatwork finishing reviewed by Quality Control Service and
acceptable to Architect.
B. Selection of Finishes: Provide finishes for concrete flatwork surfaces as follows:
1. Scratch Finish: Surfaces to receive concrete topping to be bonded to base concrete, except as
otherwise required.
2. Float Finish: Surfaces to receive trowel finish; surfaces to receive waterproofing, roofing or finish
flooring systems with thick -set mortar beds, and surfaces to receive concrete topping over slip sheet.
3. Trowel Finish: Surfaces exposed to view in the completed work, and surfaces to receive floor
coverings, finish materials or coatings, except as otherwise required.
4. Burnished Finish: Surfaces exposed to view in the completed work requiring burnished finish.
5. Fine Broom Finish: Surfaces where tile is to be installed with thin -set mortar systems.
6. Broom Finish: Surfaces of walkways, stair treads and landings, ramps and elsewhere where
C. Scratch Finish:
1. Perform initial strikeoff.
2. After leveling, roughen surface before final set with stiff brushes, brooms, rakes or other mechanical
means, in one direction, as acceptable to concrete topping manufacturer, with no fractured coarse
D. Float Finish: As a minimum, provide float finish as follows:
1. Perform initial strikeoff using wet screed and grade markers.
2. Close and straighten using highway straightedge (8 to 12 feet in length) and fill in low spots.
3. After concrete has been placed, struck -off, consolidated, and leveled, do not work concrete further
until ready for floating.
4. Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared and when mix has stiffened sufficiently to permit
proper float operation.
5. Consolidate surface with power- driven floats of impact type, except in thin sections such as pan
slabs. Use of combination float and finish blade on power -driven floats is not permitted. Use hand
floating with wood or cork -faced floats in locations inaccessible to power- driven machine.
6. Recheck trueness of surface at this stage with 10 foot straightedge applied at not less than two
different angles.
7. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to produce planes checking true under straightedge in any
8. Refloat slab immediately to uniform smooth, granular texture.
9. Adjust flatwork finishing procedures as required to achieve specified flatwork tolerances.
E. Trowel Finish:
1. Give surface float finish as specified, then finish with first troweling, and finally with final trowelings.
2. Adjust finish using highway straightedge (8 to 12 feet in length) to provide required tolerance.
3. As concrete surface further stiffens, as indicated by loss of surface moisture (sheen), perform first
troweling after floating to produce uniformly smooth surface which is relatively free of defects but
which may still contain some trowel marks. Perform additional trowelings after surface has
hardened sufficiently. Final troweling shall be completed when ringing sound is produced as trowel
is moved over surface. Use hand troweling in locations inaccessible to power driven trowel
4. Thoroughly consolidate surface by troweling operations.
5. Finished surface shall be free of defects, pinholes, voids, concrete scum and laitance, tool marks
and scratches, and dense and uniform in texture and appearance on surfaces intended to be
exposed in the completed work or to support floor coverings.
6. Remove defects from concrete to be exposed in the completed work or of magnitude that may show
or telegraph through floor covering, by grinding, as applicable. Avoid scratching concrete surfaces
to be exposed in the completed work.
F. Burnished Finish:
1. Give surface trowel finish as specified.
2. Continue troweling under pressure to provide a compact, hard, dense, smooth, burned and brilliant
lustrous finish to concrete surface, free of tool marks, pinholes, rough spots and other surface
defects and blemishes, and uniform in texture and appearance. Provide 3 troweling operations
G. Fine Broom Finish:
1. Give surface trowel finish as specified.
2. Apply fine transversed scored texture by drawing fine texture fiber bristle broom as acceptable to
Architect, across surface perpendicular to traffic pattern.
3. Texture surface immediately after troweling.
4. Finished surface shall be free of defects, pinholes, voids, concrete scum and laitance, tool marks,
and uniform in texture and appearance.
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H. Broom Finish:
1. Give surface floated finish as specified.
2. Apply coarse transverse scored texture by drawing medium texture fiber bristle broom as acceptable
to Architect, across surface perpendicular to traffic pattern.
3. Texture surface immediately after floating.
4. Finished surface shall be free of concrete scum and laitance, tool marks, and holes and voids, and
uniform in texture and appearance.
A. Elevation Tolerances:
1. General: Overall concrete top surface elevation tolerance shall be within limiting deviation from
design surface elevation.
2. Slabs -On- Ground Elevation: Measured surface elevations shall be within 1/4 inch of design surface
3. Suspended Slabs Elevation: Measured surface elevations, before removal of forms and form
supports, shall be within 1/4 inch of design surface elevation.
B. Flatwork Surface Profile Tolerances - Random Traffic Patterns:
1. General: When traffic patterns across flatwork will be random, not confined to specific paths,
flatwork surfaces shall be within limiting flatness, levelness and overall conformance to surface
design elevation when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E1155.
2. Flatness (Flatness F- Number):
a. General: Flatwork flatness shall be controlled by Flatness F- Number (F limiting profile of
flatwork surface over a distance of 2 feet.
b. Slabs -On- Ground:
1) General - Flat:
Overall Value: 35.
Minimum Local Value: 18.
2) Commercial Areas and Sub - Surfaces -Flat: Office areas, and surfaces to receive concrete
topping, waterproofing or finish flooring systems with thick -set mortar beds, except areas to
have demountable partition systems.
Overall Value: 30.
Minimum Local Value: 18.
03300 -33
c. Suspended Slabs - Shored and Not Shored:
1) General - Flat:
Overall Value: 35.
Minimum Local Value: 18.
2) Commercial Areas and Sub-Surfaces- Flat: Office areas, and surfaces to receive concrete
topping, waterproofing, roofing or finish flatwork systems with thick -set mortar beds, except
areas to have demountable partition systems.
Overall Value: 30.
Minimum Local Value: 18.
3. Levelness (Levelness F- Number):
a. General: Flatwork levelness shall be controlled by Levelness F- Number (F limiting inclination
of slab surface over a distance of 10 feet.
b. Slabs -On- Ground:
1) General - Flat:
Overall Value: 25.
Minimum Local Value: 13.
2) Commercial Areas and Sub - Surfaces -Flat: Office areas, and surfaces to receive concrete
topping, waterproofing or finish flatwork systems with thick -set mortar beds, except areas to
have demountable partition systems.
Overall Value: 25.
Minimum Local Value: 13.
c. Suspended Slabs - Shored: Non - cambered flatwork prior to removing supporting formwork:
1) General - Flat:
Overall Value: 25.
Minimum Local Value: 13.
2) Commercial Areas and Sub - Surfaces -Flat: Office areas, and surfaces to receive concrete
topping, waterproofing, roofing or finish flatwork systems with thick -set mortar beds, except
areas to have demountable partition systems.
Overall Value: 25.
Minimum Local Value: 13.
d. Suspended Slabs - Not Shored: Flatwork with no supporting formwork, such as metal decking
without shoring:
1) Levelness tolerance not required.
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4. Construction Joint Elevation Difference: The 24 inch curvature, value q as defined in ASTM E1155,
Is shall not exceed 0.150 inch at any construction joint exposed to wheeled traffic.
A. General:
1. Meet recommendations of ACI 308, except as otherwise specked in this Section.
2. Protect freshly deposited concrete from premature drying, hot or cold temperatures, precipitation
and mechanical injury.
3. Maintain without drying at relatively constant temperature for period of time necessary for hydration
of cement and proper hardening of concrete.
4. Concrete shall not be wetted and dried and wetted.
B. Evaporation Retarder:
1. Protect concrete exposed or subject to rapid moisture evaporation from ambient dry conditions
including, but not limited to, hot weather, drying winds, sunlight and heated interior during cold
weather, immediately following screeding operation and between finishing operations as applicable.
Do not apply to concrete surfaces after final finishing when curing operation starts. Do not use as a
curing compound.
2. Apply evaporation retarder, in diluted solution form, uniformly over entire surface of concrete in a
two coat continuous operation by spray equipment. Meet instructions of manufacturer. Protect
hardened concrete and other surfaces from retarder.
C. Curing:
1. Formed Surfaces: For concrete placed against forms, prevent moisture loss as follows as
a. Maintain steel forms heated by sun during curing period wet.
b. Maintain wood forms in contact with concrete during curing period wet.
c. If forms are to be removed during curing period, immediately provide curing materials or
methods meeting applicable requirements of this Paragraph as acceptable to Architect.
2. Unformed Surfaces - General: For concrete not in contact with forms, prevent moisture loss using
one of following procedures, except as otherwise required:
a. Water Curing: Water shall meet requirements of this Section.
1) Ponding or continuous sprinkling.
2) Moisture Retaining Cover, or Absorptive Mat or Fabric:
a) Cover concrete surfaces with cover thoroughly saturated with water. Place cover to
provide coverage of concrete surfaces and edges, with 24 inch overlap of adjacent
cover units and extension beyond edges of concrete. Initially saturate cover with water
before placement, not after cover is placed over concrete surfaces. Maintain cover
continuously wet with water, in correct placement over concrete and prevent cover
from being turned down, exposing concrete, during entire curing period.
b) Minimize interruption of curing process, including sawing of control joints and
performing floor tolerance measurements. Remove cover only as required for
interruption, and then replace cover. Do not remove cover from entire area of
b. Curing Compounds: Curing compounds shall meet requirements of this Section.
1) If Contract Documents do not indicate a specific type curing compound and do not require
water curing or concrete sealer densifier, then apply Liquid Membrane Curing and Sealing
Compound CS -2.
2) Apply meeting instructions of manufacturer immediately after any water sheen which may
have developed after finishing has disappeared.
3) Do not use on surfaces against which additional concrete or other cementitious finishing
materials are to be bonded, over surfaces to receive liquid concrete sealer densifier,
waterproofing, floor coverings, finish materials or coatings, or on surfaces on which curing
compound is prohibited by Contract Documents.
3. Unformed Surfaces - Special: For concrete not in contact with forms and indicated by Contract
Documents to receive a concrete sealer denser, prevent moisture loss using concrete sealer
densifier specified meeting requirements of Section 09980 - Sealers, Densifiers and Coatings.
4. Starting: Begin curing within 30 minutes maximum after final finishing operation, except as
otherwise required.
5. Duration:
a. Curing shall continue until cumulative number of consecutive days, during which temperature of
air in contact with concrete is above 50 F, has totaled 7 days.
b. If high early strength concrete has been used, final curing shall continue for total of 3 days.
c. Avoid rapid drying at end of curing period. Rapid drying at end of curing period shall not interfere
with subsequent finishes or floor coverings.
D. Temperature:
1. Cold Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 306R -88.
b. When mean daily temperature of atmosphere is less than 40 F, maintain temperature of
concrete as placed for length of time indicated in ACI 306R -88, Table 5.1 and Table 5.3.
c. When necessary, make arrangements in advance of placement to maintain required
temperature and moisture conditions without injury to concrete.
2. Hot Weather:
a. Meet requirements of ACI 305R -89.
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0 b. When necessary, make arrangements in advance of placement, and take protective measures
as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing operations will permit.
3. Temperature Changes: Maintain concrete at uniform temperature above 50 F during curing period.
Changes in temperature of concrete shall be as uniform as possible and shall not exceed 5 F in any
1 hour or 50 F in any 24 hour period.
E. Protection:
1. During curing period, protect freshly placed concrete from:
a. Rain, flowing water, hail, sleet and other like weather.
b. Mechanical disturbances, such as load stress, heavy shock or excessive vibration.
c. Damage by construction equipment, materials and subsequent construction operations.
2. Do not load self - supporting structures as to overstress concrete.
3. Except as otherwise acceptable to Architect, for flatwork:
a. No traffic shall be permitted for 3 days minimum.
b. Only light foot traffic shall be permitted after 3 days, up to 7 days minimum.
c. No heavy traffic shall be permitted until after 10 days minimum.
0 A. General: Provide indoor concrete curbs as indicated by Contract Documents, complete with anchorage
and reinforcement.
B. Anchorage: Where curb is located directly on concrete floor, provide anchorage of concrete curb to
structural concrete floor. Provide 1/2 inch diameter anchor dowel rods inserted into concrete floor
spaced at 18 inch centers centered on width of curb.
C. Reinforcement: Reinforce curb with Number 4 reinforcing bar placed at center of curb, minimum,
except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
D. Concrete: Normal weight concrete of 3,000 psi minimum compressive strength at 28 day age.
E. Finishes:
1. Formed Surfaces: Surfaces shall be smooth and free of marks and voids. Provide uniform exterior
and interior corners rounded to 1/8 inch radius, except as otherwise required.
2. Top Surfaces: Level surfaces, unless otherwise required, with trowel finish where concrete will be
exposed in completed work and with float finish where concrete will be concealed or in contactwith
other construction.
A. General: Provide concrete equipment pads or housekeeping pads for floor mounted equipment as
indicated by Contract Documents, complete with reinforcement and necessary anchors, bolts and like
B. Location: Location of equipment pads shall be as indicated on equipment shop drawings and shall be
responsibility of equipment installer.
C. Configuration:
1. Equipment pads shall be 4 inches high and extend 4 inches beyond base or sole plate profile of
equipment, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents. Exterior edges and comers shall
be uniformly chamfered 3/4 inches.
2. Profile and dimensions of equipment pads and location of anchor bolts for equipment pads shall be
constructed to template, meeting dimensions, criteria and other requirements indicated by shop
drawings, diagrams or templates certified by equipment manufacturer. Certifications shall meet
requirements of Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures.
D. Anchorage: Where equipment pad is located directly on concrete floor, provide anchorage of concrete
equipment pads to structural concrete floor, except as otherwise required for vibration control. Provide
1/2 inch diameter anchor dowel rods inserted into concrete floor spaced at 18 inch centers around
perimeter and 6 inches to interior area of pad.
E. Anchor Bolts: Set anchor bolts. Secure each anchor bolt assembly to forms. Sleeves will be filled with
grout, except as otherwise required.
F. Reinforcement: Reinforce equipment pads with Number 4 reinforcing bars spaced at 12 inch centers,
both ways, placed at mid - thickness of pad, minimum, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
G. Concrete: Normal weight concrete of 3,000 psi minimum compressive strength at 28 day age.
H. Finishes:
1. Formed Surfaces: Surfaces shall be smooth and free of marks and voids. Provide uniform exterior
and interior corners rounded to 1/8 inch radius, except as otherwise required.
2. Top Surfaces: Level surfaces, unless otherwise required, with trowel finish where concrete will be
exposed in completed work and with float finish where concrete will be concealed or in contactwith
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Welding Qualifications: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel meet
requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Reinforcement and Embeds: Inspect reinforcement and embeds using Contract Drawings, not shop
drawings, as follows:
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1. Prior to placement, inspect reinforcement and embeds for grade, quality of material, absence of
foreign matter, and for suitable storage.
2. Provide continuous inspection of reinforcement and embeds during placement and immediately
prior to concreting operations for: size, type, quantity, vertical and horizontal spacing and location,
correctness of bends and splices, clearances, form tolerances, security of supports and ties, and
absence of foreign matter.
3. Visually inspect 100 percent of reinforcing bar welds. Inspect 100 percent of penetration welds by
appropriate testing method as acceptable to Architect. Perform tensile tests of sample welds as
requested by Architect.
D. Monitoring Concreting Operations:
1. Record temperature of concrete at time of placement
2. Record weather conditions at time of placement, including temperature, wind speed, relative
humidity and precipitation.
3. Record total water quantity added to concrete batches, including that added after departure of
concrete trucks from batch plant.
4. Record types and amounts of admixtures added to concrete batches, including that added after
departure of concrete trucks from batch plant.
5. Record amounts of and monitor dosing of high -range water- reducing admixtures added at site for
project site added admixtures and redosing for plant -added admixtures.
6. Monitor consistency and uniformity of concrete.
7. Monitor preparation for concreting operations, placement of concrete, and subsequent curing period
for meeting requirements of this Section for following procedures:
a. Concrete curing.
b. Hot weather concreting operations.
c. Cold weather concreting operations.
8. Record amounts of and monitor dosing of reinforcing fibers added to concrete mixat site. Monitor
quantity of and uniformity of fiber distribution and absence of balling during miiang of concrete.
Verify reinforcing fibers added prior to high -range water- reducing admixtures.
E. Concrete Testing:
1. Obtain each test sample from different batches selected on strictly random basis. Choice of batch
sampled shall be based on number selected at random before commencement of concrete
placement. Record location in structure of sampled concrete.
2. When pumping or pneumatic equipment is used, take samples at discharge end of equipment.
3. Determine air content of normal weight concrete on regular and frequent basis meeting
requirements of ASTM C231 or ASTM C138.
4. Determine air content and unit weight of lightweight concrete on regular and frequent basis meeting
requirements of ASTM C173 for air content and ASTM C567 for unit weight.
5. Determine air content of fly ash concrete. Tests for air content shall be made on each batch of fly
ash concrete immediately prior to placement, and shall continue until such time that a stable air
content is established by Quality Control Service. Once stable air content is established, conduct
one test for air content for each strength test required or for every 50 cubic yards of fly ash concrete
placed, whichever is less. Test meeting requirements of ASTM C173 or ASTM C231.
6. Conduct slump tests for meeting specified requirements. Tests for slumps shall be made as often
as deemed necessary by Quality Control Service to assure concrete meets specified requirements.
Conduct a minimum of one slump test for each strength test of concrete specified.
7. Conduct slump tests for concrete enhanced with high -range water - reducing admixtures as follows:
a. Concrete with plant added high -range water- reducing admixture shall be sampled immediately
upon arrival at project site. Batches delivered to site with slump in excess of 9 inches shall be
rejected. Batches delivered to site with slump less than 6 inches shall be redosed with same
admixture as used at plant, to increase slump to within acceptable range.
b. Concrete with project site added high -range water- reducing admixture shall be sampled
immediately upon arrival at project site. Adjust slump to maximum permissible prior to dosage.
After dosage, check slump consistency as specked in Paragraph - Monitoring Concrete
Operations, of this Article.
8. Strength Tests:
a. Secure composite samples meeting requirements of ASTM C172.
b. Make one strength test, composed of three cylinders, for each 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof
for each mix design of concrete placed in one day, except that in no case shall given mix design
be represented by less than five tests.
c. Mold cylinders meeting requirements of ASTM C31 and cure under standard moisture and
temperature conditions meeting requirements of ASTM C31 -91, Section 7 (a).
d. Test cylinders at 28 days meeting requirements of ASTM C39; 28 day test result shall be
average strength of two cylinders.
e. When high early strength is required, cylinders shall be tested at 7 days.
f. When required, conduct additional cylinder tests for following:
1) To assist construction operations, such as formwork removal.
2) Changes in materials or proportions requested by Contractor after initial mixdesign reviews.
3) Additional testing of questionable concrete specified.
g. If one cylinder in a test manifests evidence of improper sampling, molding or other damage,
discard cylinder and base test results on that of remaining cylinder.
h. Conduct core tests on questionable concrete as follows:
1) Take at least three representative cores from each member or area of concrete in place
that is considered questionable. Location of cores shall be determined by Architect so as to
least impair strength of structure. Before testing cores, replace any that show evidence of
having been damaged subsequent to or during removal from structure or which have
reinforcement present.
2) Cores from structure exposed to soil or constant moisture in service, such as basement
walls, retaining walls, slab -on- grade, piers, footings and like items, shall be tested wet.
Cores for all other concrete may be tested dry. Prior to commencement of coring, verify
with Architect whether cores are to be tested wet or dry.
3) Test cores meeting requirements of ASTM C42.
4) Fill core holes with low slump concrete or mortar with a strength equal to or greater than
that specified for area cored.
F. Evaluation: Evaluate concrete for compliance with Contract Documents as follows:
1. Slump:
a. Quality Control Service shall maintain a slump moving average, comprised of average of all
batches or most recent 5 batches tested, whichever is less.
b. Slumps shall meet requirements specked in this Section.
2. Strength Tests:
a. Quality Control Service shall maintain a compressive strength moving average, comprised of 3
consecutive strength test results, for each mix design used in the work.
b. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory ry provided averages of all sets of three
consecutive strength test results, such as moving average, equal or exceed specified 28 day
strength, and no individual strength test result falls below specked 28 daystrength by more than
500 psi.
c. If strength tests fail to meet minimum requirements, concrete represented by such tests shall be
considered questionable and shall be subject to further evaluation by core testing as specified.
3. Core Tests: Concrete in area represented by core test will be considered adequate if average
strength of cores is equal to at least 85 percent of, and if no single core is less than 75 percent of,
specified 28 day strength.
G. Flatwork Surface Profile Tolerances:
1. General: Evaluate conformance of flatness and levelness tolerances meeting requirements of
ASTM E1155.
a. Method: Perform flatness and levelness measurements using a Dipstick Floor Profiler as
manufactured by Edward W. Face Company or equivalent as acceptable to Architect.
b. Time: Measure flatness and levelness tolerances within 72 hours after concrete placement, and
in all cases before removal of forms or shores. Acceptance or rejection of flatwork surface shall
be made prior to removal of forms and shores.
c. Calculations: Calculate overall Flatness F- Number (FF) and Levelness F- Number (FL) values
meeting requirements of ASTM E1155.
d. Elevations: Make measurements for conformance to design elevations using one of following
1) Use a conventional rod and level surveyor similar means utilizing a grid spacing. No grid
location shall fall within 2 feet of such vertical support element, construction joint or slab
opening not exceeding 20 feet, including elevations at vertical support elements.
2) Use samples taken in accordance with ASTM E1155 and actual elevation of control points
on flatwork.
e. Construction Joint Elevation Difference: Measure 24 inch curvature at right angles to joint, and
make one measurement minimum for each 20 linear feet of joint length. Measure within 72
hours of placing second slab at construction joint.
2. Results: Results of flatwork tolerance measurements shall be submitted to Architect within 24
hours, including weekends and holidays, after obtaining data. After completion of finishing
operation, Contractor will be given a written statement of acceptance or rejection of flatwork surface
by Architect, and flatwork surface will be marked by Quality Control Service with concurrence of
Architect to indicate areas to be repaired.
H. Control Joints: Probe depth and measure width of control joints. Conduct a minimum of one
measurement for each building bay.
1. Report: Report on following items.
1. As specified for monitoring concreting operations:
a. Temperature of concrete.
b. Weather conditions.
c. Total water quantity and types and quantities of admixtures added to concrete batches.
d. Hot weather concreting operations.
e. Cold weather concreting operations.
2. As specified for evaluating tests of concrete and for evaluating concrete.
a. Air content.
b. Amount of cubic yards of concrete placed.
c. Individual slump results, sampling location, who performed slump test and slump moving
d. Individual concrete strength test results, sampling location, who molded test specimens, location
in structure of sampled concrete, compressive strength moving average, type of fracture, and
detailed information on storage, transportation, and curing of specimens prior to testing.
e. Reports on additional cylinders requested by Contractor for information only.
f. Core test results.
3. As specked in this Section for inspection of reinforcement.
4. As specified in this Section prior to placing concrete.
5. As specified in this Section for flatwork surface profile tolerances.
6. As specified in this Section for depth of control joints.
F '.
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A. Repairing Formed Surfaces:
1. Removal: After forms have been stripped, remove concrete which is not formed as required, which
is out of alignment or level beyond specked tolerances, or which shows defective surface that
cannot be properly repaired or patched. Submit to Architect, in writing, remedial procedures for
review prior to beginning work.
2. In areas of honeycombed, spalled or otherwise damaged concrete, repair and patch as specified in
this Article, if depth of defective concrete does not extend past centerline of any exposed
reinforcement. If depth of defective concrete extends past centerline of any exposed reinforcement,
notify Architect and submit, in writing, remedial procedures for review prior to beginning work.
3. Repairing and Patching:
a. Patch tie -holes and repair defective areas immediately after form removal.
b. Defective Areas:
1) Remove honeycombed and other defective concrete to sound concrete, but in no case to
depth of 3/4 inch minimum.
2) If chipping is necessary, edges shall be perpendicular to face or slightly undercut. No
feather edges are permitted.
3) Dampen area to be patched and area of 6 inches minimum width surrounding to prevent
0 11
absorption of water from patching mortar.
4) Mix bond coat of appro)amately 1 part neat portland cement to 1 part fine sand passing
Number 30 mesh sieve, and bonding admixture and water to consistency of thick cream.
Ratio of bonding admixture and water shall meet instructions of bonding admixture
5) Make patching mixture of same material and of appro)amately same proportions as used for
concrete, except omit coarse aggregate and use mortar that consists of not more than 1
part cement to 2 -1/2 parts sand by damp loose volume.
6) Substitute white portland cement for part of gray portland cement on exposed concrete in
order to produce color matching color of surrounding concrete, as determined by trial
7) Add only quantity of mi)ang water necessary for handling and placing.
8) Mix patching mortar in advance and allow to stand with frequent manipulation with trowel,
without addition of water, until mortar has reached stiffest consistency to permit placing.
9) After surface water has evaporated from area to be patched, brush bond coat into surface.
10) When bond coat begins to lose water sheen, apply premixed patching mortar.
11) Thoroughly consolidate mortar into place and strike off to leave patch slightly higher than
surrounding surface.
12) To permit initial shrinkage, leave mortar undisturbed for one hour minimum before being
finally finished.
13) Keep patched area damp for seven days.
14) Do not use metal tools in finishing patch in formed surface which will be exposed.
c. Tie - Holes: After cleaning and thoroughly dampening, fill tie -holes solid with patching mortar,
except as otherwise required for exposed concrete.
d. Proprietary Patches:
1) Proprietary compounds for adhesion or for patching ingredients or mortar may be used in
place of or in addition to specified patching procedures when color match to adjacent
concrete is not required, such as concrete not exposed to view in completed work.
2) Use, mix, place and cure compounds and related mixtures meeting instructions and
recommendations of compound manufacturer.
B. Out of Tolerance Flatwork:
1. Procedures: Prior to construction, submit for acceptance by Architect procedures proposed for
correcting any flatness or levelness defects in areas of work. Correction of work shall be only by
direction of Architect.
2. Tolerances: Floor sections shall meet all minimum tolerance levels specified.
a. Slab -On- Ground: Slab -on- ground sections which fail to meet one or both minimum F- Number
tolerance levels shall be either ground to tolerance or removed and replaced. If quantity of
grinding of flatwork for defined traffic patterns exceeds 15 percent of respective pathway length,
replace slab. Filling of low spots will not be permitted under any circumstances.
1) Minimum area in any section which shall be considered for replacement shall be that which
is bounded by construction or control joints.
2) Correct profile defects only by grinding with 10 inch minimum diamond impregnated disk.
b. Suspended Slabs: Structurally supported flatwork sections which fail to meet minimum tolerance
levels shall be ground or filled using a topping cementitious material as required to bring finished
surface within minimum tolerance levels.
1) Minimum area in any section which shall be considered for repair shall be as follows:
a) Failure to meet minimum Flatness F- Number (FF): An area bounded bycolumn lines,
such as one bay, or half - column lines, such as one - quarter bay.
b) Failure to meet minimum Levelness F- Number (F An area bounded by column
lines, such as one bay.
c) Failure to meet minimum Elevation Tolerance: An area bounded by column lines,
such as one bay.
2) Any topping used shall have been previously accepted for this use by Architect.
c. Repaired surfaces shall meet minimum requirements specked for original work.
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C. Polypropylene Reinforcing Fiber Concrete: Provide surfaces of polypropylene reinforcing fiber concrete
to be exposed in the completed work or covered with another material directly bonded to concrete free
from fibers. Remove portions of fibers which project above or lie on surface of concrete. Do not
damage or deface concrete.
D. Metal Surface Cleaning: Remove all traces of concrete from metal surfaces, including exposed
surfaces of embedments, gratings, drains and like items. Drains and like items shall be operative.
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A. Description: Shotcrete is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary and
incidental to completion and performance of the work.
B. Included: Shotcrete includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Materials and processes for installation of shotcrete as indicated on Drawings.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.
2. ACI 506.2 - Specification for Materials, Proportioning, and Application of Shotcrete.
3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) - Manual of Standard Practice.
A. Preconstruction Testing: Comply with requirements of ACI 506.2 and as specified. Make 3 test panels
at least 30" x 30" for each mix being considered and for each shooting position to be encountered in
project, complying with applicable provisions of ASTM C1140. Make test panels by each application
crew performing shotcreting work. Fabricate test panels to same thickness as structure to be
shotcreted, but not less than 6 inches.
1. Provide same reinforcement in test panels as used in structure, placed in at least half the panel to
check for proper shotcrete placement around reinforcing steel.
2. Take a minimum of five 3 inch cubes or 3 inch diameter core specimens from panels for testing.
Test specimens for strength in accordance with ASTM C42. The average compressive strength of
3 cores taken from test panels must equal or exceed 85 percent of specified compressive strength.
B. Testing During Construction: Test shotcrete for compressive and flexural strength by one or more of
the following methods.
1. Test Panels: Gunned by shotcrete nozzleman who will do production work. Make one test panel
with minimum dimensions of 30" x 30" x 6 ", gunned in same position as work represented,
complying with applicable provisions of ASTM C1140. Make test panel once each shift or once for
each 50 cubic yard of shotcrete placed through nozzle, whichever is more frequent. Moist cure
panels unless otherwise directed by Architect. Cut a minimum of three 3 inch nominal diameter
cores or three 3 inch cubes from each panel.
2. Samples from In -Place Shotcrete: Cut three 3 inch nominal diameter cores from structure and
test in accordance with ASTM C42. Do not cut into steel reinforcement. Take a set of cores once
each shift or once for each 50 cubic yard of shotcrete placed through nozzle, whichever is more
C. Strength Evaluation: Shotcrete will be considered acceptable as follows.
1. Mean compressive strength of any group of cores taken from structure or test panel equals or
exceeds specified compressive strength, with no individual core less than 75 percent of specified
compressive strength.
2. Mean compressive strength of any group of cores taken from structure or test panel equals or
exceeds 118 percent of specified compressive strength, with no individual cube less than 106
percent of specked compressive strength.
D. Installer's Qualifications: Prior to commencement of work, demonstrate that proposed shotcreting
personnel, materials, and equipment are capable of batching, mixing, conveying, and uniformly
applying shotcrete in accordance with specified requirements.
1. Use nozzlemen having current certification in accordance with guidelines ofACI 506.3R for type of
shotcrete required.
A. Product data for proprietary materials and items, including reinforcement and forming accessories,
prebagged shotcrete materials, admixtures, patching compounds, curing compounds, and others
requested by Architect.
B. Samples of materials requested by Architect, including names, sources, and descriptions.
C. Laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design data, 30 days minimum prior to shotcrete
placement. Include complete list of materials, including admixtures and copies of test reports showing
mix has been successfully tested to produce shotcrete with specified properties.
D. Nozzlemen certifications in accordance with ACI 506.3R.
A. Forms for Exposed Finish Shotcrete: Plywood, metal, or other acceptable panel -type materials, to
provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Furnish in largest practicable sizes to
minimize number of joints.
B. Forms for Unexposed Finish Shotcrete: Plywood, lumber, metal, or other acceptable material. Provide
lumber dressed on at least 2 edges and one side for tight fit.
A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60, deformed.
B. Epoxy- Coated Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A775.
C. Steel Wire: ASTM A82, plain, cold -drawn steel.
D. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185, welded steel wire fabric.
E. Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric: ASTM A497.
o •
F. Expanded Metal Lath: ASTM C847, galvanized finish.
G. Supports for Reinforcement: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and
fastening reinforcing bars, welded wire fabric, and metal lath in place. Use wire bar -type supports
complying with CRSI specifications.
A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I.
1. Use one brand of cement throughout project, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect.
B. Fly Ash: ASTM C618, Type C or Type F.
C. Normal Weight Aggregates: ASTM C33 and as herein specified. Provide aggregates from a single
source for exposed concrete.
1. For exterior exposed surfaces, do not use fine or coarse aggregates containing spalling- causing
deleterious substances.
2. Local aggregates not complying with ASTM C33 but that have shown by special test or actual
service to produce shotcrete of adequate strength and durability may be used when acceptable to
D. Lightweight Aggregates: ASTM C330.
E. Water: Drinkable.
F. Prebagged Shotcrete Materials: Proprietary prebagged shotcrete materials may be used when proof
of satisfactory applications is acceptable to Architect.
G. Admixtures, General: Provide admixtures for shotcrete that contain not more than 0.1 percent chloride
H. Air - Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260, certified by manufacturer to be compatible with other required
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Cormix, Air -Tite.
b. Euclid Chemical Co., Air -Mix or Perma -Air.
c. W. R. Grace & Co., Darex AEA or Daravair.
d. Master Builders, Inc., MB -VR or Micro -Air.
e. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Sealtight AEA.
f. Sika Corp., Sika Aer.
I. Water- Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A.
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Cormix, PSI N.
b. Chem Masters Corp., Chemtard.
c. Euclid Chemical Co., Eucon WR -75.
L i �
d. W. R. Grace & Co., WRDA.
e. Master Builders, Inc., Pozzolith Normal or Polyheed.
f. Protex Industries, Inc., Prokrete -N.
g. Sika Corp., Plastocrete 161.
J. High -Range Water- Reducing Admixture (Super Plasticizer): ASTM C494, Type F or Type G.
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Anti -Hydro Co., Super P.
b. Cormix, PSI Super.
c. Euclid Chemical Co., Eucon 37.
d. W. R. Grace & Co., WRDA 19 or Daracem.
e. Master Builders, Inc., Rheobuild.
f. Protex Industries Inc., PSP Superplasticizer.
g. Sika Corp., Sikament.
K. Water- Reducing, Retarding Admixture: ASTM C494, Type D.
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Cormix, PSI -R Plus.
b. Euclid Chemical Co., Eucon Retarder 75.
c. W. R. Grace & Co., Daratard -17.
d. Master Builders, Inc., Pozzolith -R.
e. Protex Industries, Inc., Protard.
f. Sika Corp., Plastiment.
A. Liquid Membrane - Forming Curing Compound: Liquid membrane - forming curing compound complying
with ASTM C309, Type I, Class A. Moisture loss not more than 0.055 gr. /sq. cm. when applied at 200
sq ft. /gal.
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Anti -Hydro Waterproofing Co., A -H 3 Way Sealer.
b. The Burke Co., Spartan -Cote.
c. Conspec Marketing & Manufacturing Co., Inc., Conspec #1.
d. Cormix, Hardtop.
e. Dayton Superior, Day -Chem Cure & Seal.
f. Euclid Chemical Co., Eucocure.
g. A. C. Horn, Inc., Horn Clear Seal.
h. L & M Construction Chemicals, L &M Cure.
i. Master Builders, Inc., Masterkure CR (Clear).
j. W. R. Meadows, Inc., CS -309.
k. Prokrete Industries, LR -151.
I. Sonneborn - Rexnord, Kure -N -Seal.
m. Stonhard, Inc., Stantop CS9.
B. Bonding Compound: Polyvinyl acetate or acrylic base.
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1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. Polyvinyl Acetate (Interior Only):
1) Dayton Superior, Inc., Superior Concrete Bonder.
2) Euclid Chemical Co., Euco Weld.
3) Larsen Products Corp., Weldcrete.
b. Acrylic or Styrene Butadiene:
1) The Burke Co., Acrylic Bondcrete.
2) Dayton Superior Corp., Day -Chem Ad Bond.
3) Euclid Chemical Co., SBR Latex
4) W. R. Grace & Co., Daraweld C.
5) A.C. Horn, Inc., Hornweld.
6) L & M Construction Chemicals, Everbond.
7) Master Builders, Inc., Acryl -Set.
8) W. R. Meadows, Inc., Intralock.
9) Sonneborn - Rexnord, Sonocrete.
10) Stonhard, Inc., Stanlock LB2.
C. Epoxy Adhesive: ASTM C881, two- component material suitable for use on dry or damp surfaces.
Provide material "Type," "Grade," and "Class" to suit project requirements.
1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated
t in the work include, but are not limited to, following:
a. The Burke Co., Burke Epoxy M.V.
b. Conspec Marketing & Manufacturing Co., Inc., Spec -Bond 100.
c. Euclid Chemical Co., Euco Epoxy 452 or 620.
d. W. R. Grace & Co., Thiopoxy.
e. A. C. Horn, Inc., Epoxtite Binder 2390.
f. Master Builders, Inc., Concresive 1001.
g. Sika Corp., Sikadur 32 Hi -Mod.
A. General: Prepare m ix designs for each type and strength of shotcrete by either laboratory trial batch or
field experience methods as specified in ACI 301. If trial batch method used, use an independent
testing facility acceptable to Architect for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs. The testing
facility shall not be the same as used for field quality control testing.
1. Limit use of fly ash to a maximum of 25 percent of cement content by weight.
2. Submit written reports to Architect and Structural Engineer of each proposed mix for each class of
shotcrete at least 15 days prior to start of work. Do not begin shotcrete production until Architect
has reviewed proposed mix designs.
B. Design mixes to provide normal- weight shotcrete with the following properties, as indicated on
Drawings and schedules:
1. 4000 -psi minimum 28 day compressive strength; with an air content, when using the wet -mix
process, of 6 to 8 percent in the preplaced mix
' V
C. Adjustment to Shotcrete Mixes: Contractor may request mix design adjustments when characteristics
of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant at no additional cost
to Owner and as accepted by Architect. Laboratory test data for revised mix design and strength
results must be submitted to and accepted by Architect before using in work.
D. Admixtures: Use water- reducing admixture or high range water- reducing admixture (super plasticizer)
in shotcrete as required for placement and workability.
1. Use air - entraining admixture in exterior exposed shotcrete, unless otherwise indicated.
2. Use admixtures for water reducing and set control in strict compliance with manufacturer's
A. Mixing Equipment: Capable of thoroughly mixing shotcrete materials insufficient quantities to maintain
continuous placement.
B. Air Supply: Provide uniform, steady supply of clean, dry air to maintain constant nozzle velocity while
operating blow pipe for cleaning away rebound.
C. Wet -Mix Delivery Equipment: Capable of discharging aggregate- cement -water mixture accurately,
uniformly, and continuously.
D. Dry-Mix Delivery Equipment: Capable of discharging aggregate- cement mixture into delivery hose
under close control and maintaining continuous stream of uniformly mixed material at required velocity
to discharge nozzle. Equip discharge nozzle with manually operated water- injection system for
directing even distribution of water to aggregate- cement mixture.
1. Provide water supply with uniform pressure at discharge nozzle sufficiently greater than operating
air pressure to ensure complete mixing with aggregate - cement mix Provide water pump to system
if line water pressure is inadequate.
Wavi- t II�L : ► �dI'�IPi:�3
A. General: Control mix proportions by weight batching, or by volume batching meeting requirements of
ASTM C685. If permitted by Architect, other batching procedures maybe used provided a minimum of
one weight batching check is made every 8 hours or for every 50 cubic yards passing through nozzle to
ensure that specified mixture design is achieved.
1. Use batching and mixing equipment capable of proportioning and mixing ingredients (except water
in the case of dry-mix equipment) at a rate that provides adequate production and with an accuracy
that ensures uniformity of batches.
2. Use weighing equipment capable of batching with accuracy specified in ASTM C94.
3. Use volumetric equipment capable of batching with accuracy specified in ASTM C685. In volume
batching, adjust fine aggregate volume for bulking. Test fine aggregate moisture content at least
once daily to determine extent of bulking.
B. Ready -Mixed Materials: Comply with ASTM C94, except it maybe delivered to shotcrete equipment in
the dry state if equipment is capable of adding water and mixing it satisfactorilywith dry ingredients. Or,
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comply with ASTM C685 when ingredients are delivered dry and proportioned and mixed at site.
A. Existing Concrete or Masonry: Remove unsound material before applying shotcrete. Chip or scarify
areas to be repaired to extent necessary to provide sound substrate. Taper edges to leave no square
shoulders at perimeter of cavity. Remove loose material from areas receiving shotcrete. Wet surfaces
until damp but without visible free water.
1. Sandblast existing surfaces that do not require chipping to remove paint, oil, grease, or other
contaminants and to provide roughened surface for proper bonding of shotcrete.
B. Earth: Compact and trim to line and grade before placing shotcrete. Do not place shotcrete on frozen
surfaces. Dampen surfaces just prior to shotcrete placement.
C. Rock: Clean rock surfaces of loose material, mud, and other foreign matter that will prevent bond of
D. Steel: Clean steel surfaces by abrasive blasting, SSPC SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning.
A. General: Comply with Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for "Placing
Reinforcing Bars" for details and methods of reinforcing placement and supports and as herein
B. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and other materials that reduce or destroy
bond to shotcrete.
C. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork,
construction, or shotcrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs,
runners, bolsters, spacers, and hangers, as required.
D. Place reinforcement to obtain minimum coverages for shotcrete protection. Arrange, space, and
securely be bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during shotcrete placement
operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed shotcrete surfaces.
E. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh
and lace splices with wire. Offset end laps in adjoining widths to prevent continuous laps in either
A. Construction Joints: Locate and install construction joints as indicated or, if not indicated, locate so as
not to impair strength and appearance of the structure.
1. Place construction joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. Continue reinforcement across
construction joints where not otherwise shown.
2. Joint filler and sealant materials are specified in Division 7 Sections of these specifications.
B. Contraction Joints: Construct contraction joints in slabs -on- ground to form panels of patterns as
shown. Use saw cuts 1/8 inch by 1/3 slab depth or inserts 1/4 inch wide by 1/3 of shotcrete depth,
where not otherwise indicated.
1. Form contraction joints by inserting premolded plastic, hardboard, or fiberboard strip into fresh
shotcrete until top surface of strip is flush with shotcrete surface. Tool edges round on each side
of insert. After shotcrete has cured, remove inserts and clean groove of loose debris.
2. If joint pattern not shown, provide joints not exceeding 15 feet in both directions and located to
conform to bay spacing wherever possible (at column centerlines, half bays, third - bays).
3. Joint sealant material is specified in a Division 7 Section of these specifications.
A. General: Set and build into work anchorage devices and other embedded items required for other
work that is attached to or supported by shotcrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions, and
directions provided by suppliers of items to be attached.
B. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkheads and intermediate screed strips
for slabs to obtain required elevations and contours in finished slab surface. Provide and secure units
sufficiently strong to support types of screed strips by use of strike -off templates or accepted
compacting -type screeds.
A. Preplacement Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete formwork installation,
reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded. Notify other crafts to permit installation of their work;
cooperate with other trades in setting such work. Moisten wood forms immediately before placing
shotcrete where form coatings are not used.
1. Apply temporary protective covering to guard against spattering during placement.
B. General: Comply with ACI 304 -Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and
Placing Concrete and as herein specified.
C. Deposit shotcrete continuously or in layers of such thickness that shotcrete is not placed on material
that has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams or planes of weakness.
D. Placing Shotcrete Slabs: Deposit and consolidate shotcrete slabs in a continuous operation, within
limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed.
1. Consolidate shotcrete during placing operations so that shotcrete is thoroughly worked around
reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners.
2. Bring slab surfaces to correct level with straightedge and strike off. Use bull floats or darbies to
smooth surface, free of humps or hollows. Do not disturb slab surfaces prior to beginning finishing
3. Maintain reinforcing in proper position during shotcrete placement operations.
E. Cold- Weather Placing: Protect shotcrete work from physical damage or reduced strength by frost,
freezing, or low temperatures in compliance with ACI 306 and as specified.
1. When air temperature has fallen to or is expected to fall below 40 deg F (4 deg C), uniformly heat
water and aggregates before mixing to obtain a shotcrete mixture temperature of not less than 50
deg F (10 deg C) and not more than 80 deg F (27 deg C) at point of placement.
2. Do not use frozen materials or materials containing ice or snow. Do not place shotcrete on frozen
subgrade or on subgrade containing frozen materials.
3. Do not use calcium chloride, salt, and other materials containing antifreeze agents or chemical
accelerators unless accepted in mix designs.
F. Hot - Weather Placing: When hot - weather conditions exist that would seriously impair quality and
strength of concrete, place shotcrete in compliance with ACI 305 and as specified.
1. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain shotcrete temperature at time of placement below 90
deg F (32 deg C). Mixing water may be chilled, or chopped ice may be used to control
temperature provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of mixing water. Use of
liquid nitrogen to cool shotcrete is Contractor's option.
2. Cover reinforcing steel with water- soaked burlap if it becomes too hot, so that steel temperature
does not exceed the ambient air temperature immediately before embedment.
3. Fog spray forms, reinforcing steel, and subgrade just before shotcrete is placed.
4. Use water- reducing retarding admixture (Type D) when required by high temperatures, low
humidity, or other adverse placing conditions.
A. General: Provide natural gun finish to unexposed surfaces unless otherwise indicated.
A. General: Protect freshly placed shotcrete from premature drying and excessive cold or hot
B. Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from shotcrete surface after placing and
finishing. Weather permitting, keep continuously moist for not less than 7 days.
C. Continue curing for at least 7 days in accordance with ACI 301 procedures.
D. Curing Methods: Perform curing of shotcrete by curing and sealing compound, by moist curing, by
moisture - retaining cover curing, and by combinations thereof.
A. General: Remove and replace shotcrete that lacks uniformity, that exhibits segregation, honeycomb
overspray, rebound, or delamination, or that contains dry patches, single voids in excess of 1/2 inch in
any direction, or sand pockets.
A. Description: Structural precast concrete is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
B. Included: Structural precast concrete includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and installation of structural precast concrete.
2. Structural precast concrete units:
a. Double -T units.
b. Inverted T -beam units.
c. L -beam units.
3. Embedments in precast units for attachment or support of precast units and other work and for
framing of openings as applicable.
4. Anchorage of precast units to supporting building structure, including providing anchorage devices,
supports, fasteners and like items to be embedded or built -in, or attached to supporting
construction, including placing inserts or embedments in supporting construction for anchorage of
precast concrete units.
5. Firestopping in joints between precast units and between precast units and adjacent construction
for fire rated construction.
6. Joint filler in joints between precast units where required, in addition to sealant, except where
firestopping is required for fire rated construction.
7. Grout associated with installation of precast units.
8. Sealant at joints between precast units at exterior and interior sides of precast units and between
precast units and adjacent construction, including sealant pointing for joints filled with grout, except
where firestopping is required for fire -rated construction.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.
2. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Miiang, Transporting and Placing Concrete.
3. ACI 311 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection.
4. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, including Commentary.
5. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork.
6. AISC - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.
7. AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary.
8. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
9. AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel.
10. CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice.
11. CRSI - Handbook.
12. CRSI - Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars.
13. PC - Design Handbook, Precast and Prestressed Concrete.
14. PCI MNL -116 - Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast and Prestressed
Concrete Products, including Commentary.
15. Specification Sections:
a. Section 07840 - Firestopping.
b. Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
B. Design Basis:
General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, dimensions and modules of units, profiles of members; performance and like
requirements. Within these limitations, structural precast concrete shall meet design criteria and
like requirements indicated, include components not indicated but necessary for function and
performance, and to be a complete system. Perform whatever modifications or additions
necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to coordinate the work, subject to
acceptance of Architect. Furnish complete drawings and data of any modification.
2. Certification: Work shall be designed, certified, reviewed and inspected by engineer of Contractor.
C. Design Criteria:
1. General: Precast pretensioned concrete shall meet design criteria requirements indicated by
Contract Documents including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this
2. Design Conditions: Design of work shall include live loads, wind loads, creep, shrinkage,
deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic
forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
3. Loading: Work shall withstand a minimum uniform pressure, both positive (acting inward) and
negative (acting outward), acting normal to plane and over gross area of surfaces, of uniform static
air pressure meeting requirements of ASTM E330 as follows, without exceeding deflection
a. General: As specified in Section 01415 - Performance Criteria.
4. Dead Loads: Withstand actual weight of systems, materials and components, and superimposed
dead loads of items supported by work. Superimposed loads not indicated by Contract
Documents will be furnished by Architect upon written request.
5. Movements: Work shall accommodate, without damage, overstressing, buckling, deterioration,
opening up of joints, failure of joint seals, reduction of performance and other detrimental effects to
system, components and seals, including following:
a. Dead load and live load deflections of support framing and related structural elements.
Structure deflections will be furnished by Architect upon written request.
b. Movement within system.
c. Movement between system and framing components.
d. Dynamic loadings and release of loads.
e. Expansion and contraction of component material as will be caused by a surface temperature
range of 180 degrees Fahrenheit minimum. Include in design actual surface temperatures of
materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime heat loss. Movement shall be noiseless.
f. Fabrication and erection tolerances.
6. Distortion: Precast concrete shall not warp, cup or distort as a result of differential indoor and
outdoor temperatures, including concentrated temperatures and solar loads.
7. Anchorage:
a. Loadings: Anchorage devices for anchorage of structural precast concrete to supporting
structure shall be designed for loads indicated by Contract Documents and shall take into
consideration following:
1) Allowable material stresses for anchorage device material and supporting structure
material as indicated by applicable industry codes or standards for anchorage device
material and for supporting structure materials.
2) In determining forces imposed on anchorage devices, combination of loads imposing
greatest force shall be determined for each component and used in its design.
3) Allowances for increase in stress due to combination force types, such as wind, seismic,
temperature and like forces, shall be used where applicable and permitted by public
authorities bearing on performance of the work.
b. Attachments: Attach structural precast concrete units to supporting structure in a manner that
results in attachments developing capability to sustain forces and loads as required by PCI and
ACI reference standards, and codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
1) Total force of 2 times dead weight of element supported, applied vertically downward
through center of gravity of element plus an additional 5 percent eccentricity, combined
with loads caused by thermal movement.
2) Total force of 2 times deadweight of element applied horizontally outward through center
of gravity of element, combined with loads caused by thermal movements.
c. Redundancy: Provide redundant loads paths so that failure of a single anchor or support does
not result in dislocation of a supported element or any other supporting member or
d. Use bolted connections wherever practicable.
8. Tolerances: Design work to accommodate variations in relation to theoretical building lines.
D. Fire - Resistance Rated Precast Units: Where precast concrete units are required to be fire- resistance
classification, provide precast units which are UL- Listed Products each bearing UL- Listing Mark.
1. Exposed Surface Finishes: Provide concrete to be exposed in the complete work with required
type surface finishes as follows:
a. General Finish:
1) Finish: Surfaces of concrete, bare or with coating, shall have smooth surfaces, glass like
finish; free of texture, telegraphing of form surfaces and joints and of reinforcement, and
leakage of concrete mortar. Color, texture, sheen and other visual characteristics of
surfaces shall be uniform throughout entire work. Honeycomb and air bubbles larger than
1/8 inch, inconsistent concrete mixtures and placement marks, cold joints, laitance marks,
stains, dirt and other similar effects are not acceptance.
2) Appearance:
a) Visual appearance of each type finish including, but not limited to, color texture,
general appearance and like characteristics shall be as required by Contract
Documents and acceptable to Architect.
b) When applicable, match respective control sample of Architect within requirements
specified for completed precast concrete work. Control sample will be available for
review as directed by Architect during normal business hours.
b. Smooth Finish: As specked for general finish.
c. Raked Finish: As acceptable to Architect.
E. Tolerances:
1. Fabricated Dimensional Tolerances: Meet tolerance requirements of PCI MNL -116 for finish
products, except as follows:
a. General: Units shall be straight and true. Bowed or deformed units will not be accepted.
b. Length: Plus or minus 3/8 inch.
c. Overall Width: Plus or minus 1/4 inch.
d. Depth: Plus or minus 1/4 inch.
e. Position of Blockouts and Inserts: Within 3/8 inch of required centerline.
f. Horizontal Deviation from Straight Line: 1/8 inch in 10 feet; total not to exceed 3/8 inch.
g. Twist End to End: 1/4 degree.
0 0
2. Installed Dimensional Tolerances: Meet tolerance requirements of PCI MNL -116 for erection,
except as follows:
a. Variations from Plumb: 1/4 inch in any 20 foot run or story height; 1/2 inch total in any 40 foot
or longer run.
b. Variations from Level or Elevation: 1/4 inch in any 20 foot run; 1 /2 inch in any 40 foot run; total
plus or minus 1/2 inch at any location.
c. Variation from Position in Plan: Plus or minus 1/2 inch maximum at any location.
d. Offsets in Alignment of Adjacent Members at Any Joint: 1/16 inch in any 10 foot run;1 /4 inch
A. Single Responsibility: Structural precast concrete work shall be performed by a single precast
concrete manufacturer having undivided responsibility for providing the complete structural precast
concrete work and for performance of the work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications:
1. Manufacturer for structural precast concrete shall have 5 years minimum documented experience
in design, fabrication and installation of precast concrete units similar to units required for the work.
2. Manufacturer shall be a producer member of Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) and participate
in PCI - Plant Certification Program.
C. Erector Qualifications: Erector for structural precast concrete shall have 5 years minimum
documented experience in erection of precast concrete units sim filar to units required for the work and
shall be acceptable to precast concrete manufacturer.
D. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as a
structural engineer in jurisdiction where the work is located and experienced in providing structural
engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of work similar in
extent, design and products to that required for the work.
E. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Qualify welding procedures and personnel meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and
AWS D1.4, as applicable, prior to commencement of welding operations for work.
2. Personnel: Qualification of welding personnel shall not exceed 6 months at commencement of
welding operations for work, unless Contractor submits an affidavit stating welding personnel,
since qualification, has been continuously engaged in welding process which welding personnel
will perform during course of work. Qualification shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless
there is reason on part of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel.
Verification of qualification of welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality
Control Service at expense of Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Concrete Testing: Manufacturer shall employ a quality control service whose services shall include
performing material evaluation tests, designing concrete mixes and performing quality control
inspection and testing during construction operations. Coordinate submission of information to quality
control service for mix design requirements and of results to Architect.
0 1. General: Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting, as directed byArchitect, at
any time during progress of the work. Allow free access to material stockpiles and facilities at all
2. Concrete Materials:
a. For portland cement, sample cement and determine properties by methods of test of ASTM
b. For normal weight concrete, test aggregates by methods of sampling and testing of ASTM
c. Submit written reports for each material sampled and tested, prior to start of work. Include in
reports source of concrete aggregates, material manufacturer and brand name for
manufactured materials.
Certificates of material properties and compliance with specked requirements may be
submitted in place of testing, when acceptable to Architect. Compliance certificates shall be
signed by material manufacturer, precast concrete manufacturer and Contractor.
3. Concrete Mix Designs: Provide mix designs for proposed concrete mixes for each class and type
of concrete to be used, and indicating where each mix design is to be used.
B. Quality Control:
1. Quality Control Service:
a. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service whose services will include performing
preconstruction and during construction quality assurance and control evaluation of work,
including evaluation of quality control and testing methods of precast manufacturer, for
compliance with Contract Documents.
b. Contractor shall allow Quality Control Service access to materials, concrete production
equipment, and concrete placement and curing facilities. Cooperate with Quality Control
Service and provide samples of materials and concrete mixes as may be requested for
additional testing and evaluation.
2. Contractor Quality Control: Contractor shall employ a quality control service whose services shall
include performing material evaluation tests, designing concrete mixes and performing quality
control inspection and testing for structural precast concrete work. Coordinate submission of
information to Quality Control Service for mix design requirements and of results to Architect.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Precast manufacturer shall allow Quality Control Service access to materials storage areas,
concrete production equipment, and concrete placement and curing facilities. Cooperate with
Quality Control Service and provide samples of materials and concrete mixes as may be requested
for additional testing and evaluation.
0 0
B. Welding Qualifications: Verify welding qualifications and test records of welding procedures and
personnel to be employed on work for compliance with requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Dimensional Tolerances:
1. Units having dimensions smaller or greater than required, and outside specked tolerance limits,
will be subject to additional testing as specified.
2. Precast units having any dimension other than required will be rejected if appearance or function of
structure is adversely affected, or if larger dimensions interfere with other construction. Repair, or
remove and replace rejected units as required to meet construction conditions.
D. Strength of Units: Strength of precast units will be considered potentially deficient if manufacturing
processes fail to meet with any requirement which may affect strength of precast units, including
following conditions:
1. Failure to meet compressive strength tests requirements.
2. Reinforcement, and pretensioning and detensioning of tendons of prestressed concrete, not
conforming to specified fabrication requirements.
3. Concrete curing, and protection of precast units against extremes in temperature, not as specified.
4. Precast units damaged during handling and erection.
E. Testing Precast Units: When there is evidence that strength of precast concrete units do not meet
requirements of Contract Documents, Quality Control Service will take cores drilled from hardened
concrete for compressive strength determination, meeting requirements of ASTM C42 and as follows:
1. Take at least 3 representative cores for precast units of suspect strength, from locations directed
by Architect.
2. Test cores in a saturated- surface -dry condition meeting requirements of ACI 318 if concrete will be
wet during use of completed structure.
3. Test cores in an air -dry condition meeting requirements of ACI 318 if concrete will be dry during
use of completed structure.
4. Strength of concrete for each series of cores will be considered satisfactory if average
compressive strength is at least 85 percent of 28 day design compressive strength.
5. Tests results will be made in writing on same day that tests are made, with copies to Architect,
Contractor and precast manufacturer. Include in test reports identification designation and type of
member or members represented by core tests, design compressive strength, compression
breaking strength and type of break (corrected for length- diameter ratio), direction of applied load
to core with respect to horizontal plan of concrete as placed, and moisture condition of core at time
of testing.
F. Patching: Where core tests results are satisfactory and precast units are acceptable for use in work, fill
core holes solid with patching mortar, and finish to match adjacent concrete surfaces.
G. Defective Work: Precast concrete units which do not meet specified requirements, including strength,
tolerances and finishes, shall be replaced with precast concrete units that meet requirements of this
Section. Contractor shall be responsible for cost of corrections to any other work affected by or
resulting from corrections to precast concrete work.
H. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to delivery of products
to review conditions associated with performing the precast pretensioned concrete work. Meeting shall
include review of construction conditions, environmental conditions and coordination required for
proper installation in areas to receive precast pretensioned concrete. Participants in meeting shall
include Architect, representative of precast concrete manufacturer, installer of precast concrete and
installers of related work. Proceed with installation only when everyone concerned agrees that
required conditions can be properly maintained.
A. Coordination:
1. Design Certification: Prior to or concurrent with any other submittal required for work, submit
design certification specked in this Article.
2. Structure Loadings:
a. Prior to submittal of shop drawings for any portion of building structure, submit shop drawings
for work indicating maximum and static and dynamic load reactions imparted to supporting
structure, locations of reactions, and proposed connection details sign and sealed.
b. Changes to building structure resulting from failure to meet this requirement shall be made at
expense of Contractor at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of
manufacturer for each type material. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified
laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating that each material meets requirements of Contract
C. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings showing complete information for fabrication and installation of
precast concrete units. Indicate separate shop drawings for mock -ups. Indicate member
dimensions and cross - section; location, size and type of reinforcement, including special
reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erection.
a. Indicate layout, dimensions and identification of each precast unit corresponding to installed
location. Indicate welded connections by AWS standard symbols. Detail inserts, connections
and joints, including accessories and construction at openings in precast units. Show joinery
details and materials, including fasteners and sealants.
Indicate location and details of anchorage devices that are to be embedded in other
construction. Furnish templates if required for accurate placement.
c. Identify fillers, sealants and coatings byproduct name and indicate location of application.
2. Reactions: Provide reactions and maximum static and dynamic loads imparted by structural
precast concrete work to supporting structure, location of reactions and loads, and connection
3. Certification: Shop drawings for structural precast concrete work shall be certified and sealed by
engineer of Contractor who performed design calculations.
D. Structural Calculations:
! •
1. General: Submit structural calculations for work prepared in accordance with good and prudent
structural theory and current design practice and in accordance with rules of AISC, AISI, ACI, PC
and like organizations as applicable. Submittals will be for information only.
2. Analysis: Calculations shall include design analysis for required loads on supporting structure,
including design criteria specified in Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section, and resultant
reactions at each connection point to supporting structure.
3. Certification: Calculations shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor.
E. Test Reports: Submit test reports of quality control service for proposed concrete materials and each
concrete mix design at least 15 days prior to start of precast pretensioned concrete work. Architect
review will be for information only. Do not begin concrete production until mi;x9s have been reviewed by
Architect. Production of concrete to comply with specked requirements is responsibility of precast
concrete manufacturer.
F. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel to be employed on
work during fabrication and installation which document meeting welding qualification requirements
specified in Article -Quality Assurance, of this Section. Include qualification test records. Indicate any
limitations to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
G. Material Compliance Certificates: Provide material compliance certificates in lieu of materials
laboratory test reports only when acceptable to Architect. Compliance certificates shall be signed by
material manufacturer, precast concrete manufacturer and Contractor, certifying that each material
Rem complies with or exceeds requirements of Contract Documents.
H. Design Certification: Submit design certification prepared, certified and sealed by engineer of
Contractor who performed design calculations for work. Certification shall specifically indicate work
meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public
authorities bearing on performance of the work.
A. General: Handle structural precast concrete to ensure against cracking, distortion, staining or other
physical damage, and so that markings are visible. Lift and support units at designated lift points.
B. Deliver anchorage items which are to be imbedded in or attached to other construction before start of
such work. Furnish final reviewed setting diagrams, templates, instructions and directions as required
for installation.
A. Anchorage Items: Deliver anchorage items which are to be embedded in other construction before
start of such work. Provide setting diagrams, templates, instructions and directions as required for
B. Coordination:
1. General: Coordinate erection of precast pretensioned concrete with requirements of supporting
construction, and connections to supporting construction for support and anchorage of
construction work.
2. Do not install precast units until concrete has attainted design ultimate compressive strength.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall
include additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. Defective materials and workmanship shall include abnormal deterioration, aging orweathering of
work; leakage of water, structural failure of components resulting from exposure to pressures and
forces up to specified limits, and failure of work to fulfill other specified performance requirements.
Warranty does not include damage caused by vandalism or natural conditions exceeding
performance requirements. However, warranty does include failure or defects for which causes
cannot be determined.
2. Warranty shall be signed by Contractor and precast pretensioned concrete manufacturer.
C. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 5 years.
A. Forms -General: Provide forms and, where required, form facing materials of metal, plastic, wood, or
other material that is non - reactive with concrete and will produce required finish surfaces. Furnish
formwork to provide precast pretensioned units of shapes, lines, dimensions, tolerances and formed
surface finishes.
B. Void Forms: Expanded polystyrene, as minimum, meeting requirements of ASTM C578, Type I.
C. Construction: Accurately construct forms, mortar - tight, and of sufficient strength to withstand pressures
due to concrete placing operations, temperature changes and, when prestressed, pretensioning and
detensioning operations. Maintain frame work provide completed precast concrete units of shapes,
lines and dimensions indicated, within specified fabrication tolerances.
A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 60, minimum.
B. Reinforcing Bars - Hot Dip Zinc coated: ASTM A767, Class II, hot -dip zinc coated after fabrication,
including bending.
C. Low -Alloy Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A706.
D. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185, flat sheet.
E. Welded Deformed Steel Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A497, flat sheet.
F. Steel Wire: ASTM A82, plain, cold - drawn, steel.
G. Prestressing Tendons:
1. ASTM A416, Grade 250 or 270 as required for application, uncoated, 7 wire stress relieved strand.
2. Strand similar to above, but having size and ultimate strength of wires increased so that ultimate
strength of strand is increased approximately 15 percent, or strand with increased strength butwith Ij
0 fewer number of wires per strand, may be used at option of manufacturer.
H. Supports for Reinforcement:
1. Provide supports for reinforcement, including bolsters, chairs, spacers and other devices for
spacing, supporting and fastening reinforcing, meeting recommendations of CRSI.
2. Provide supports with legs which are hot -dip zinc coated and plastic protected (CRSI, Class 1), or
stainless steel (CRSI, Class 2).
A. Qualification: Use only one type and brand or source of each concrete material required for concrete
mix for each type finish of precast pretensioned concrete.
B. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or Type III.
C. Nominal Weight Concrete - Coarse Aggregates:
1. General: Hard, durable, uncoated, clean; selected, graded and washed.
2. Quality: ASTM C33, Coarse Aggregate, except for following limitations:
a. Other:
1) Free of substances causing staining or reactions with cement, and of soluble salts and
other substances which can cause stains on exposed concrete.
2) Have at least 5 years historical experience of satisfactory durability.
3) Pit or bank run gravel is not acceptable.
b. Option: Local aggregate not complying with ASTM C33, but which has shown by special test
or actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength and durability may be used when
acceptable to Architect.
3. Type: Aggregate type, shape, gradation and color shall be as required to produce required
surface finish.
4. Maximum Aggregate Size: Not larger than one -fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of
forms, one -third of the depth of slabs, nor three - fourths of the minimum clear spacing between
individual reinforcing bars or bundles of bars.
D. Normal Weight Concrete - Fine Aggregate:
1. General: Hard, durable, sharp, clean, material sand; selected, graded and washed.
2. Quality: ASTM C33, Fine Aggregate, except for following limitations:
a. Other:
1) Free of substances causing staining or reactions with cement, and of soluble salts and
other substances which can cause stains on exposed concrete.
2) Have at least 5 years of historical experience of satisfactory durability.
3) Dune sand, bank run sand and manufactured sand are not acceptable.
b. Option: Local aggregate not complying with ASTM C33, but which has shown by special test
or actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength and durability may be used when
acceptable to Architect.
3. Type: Aggregate type, shape, gradation and color shall be as required to produce required
surface finish.
E. Lightweight Concrete Aggregates: ASTM C330.
F. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear meeting requirements of ASTM C94; free of unusual or
objectionable smell or taste, and deleterious substances which impair strength, durability, compatibility
and appearance of concrete and embedded steel.
G. Admixtures:
1. General: Provide admixtures produced by established reputable manufacturers and use in
compliance with the instructions of manufacturer. Do not use admixtures which have not been
incorporated and tested in accepted concrete mixes, unless otherwise authorized in writing by
2. Air - Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260.
3. Water- Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A.
4. Calcium Chloride: Do not use calcium chloride, including admixtures with chloride ion content.
A. General: Provide anchors, attachments, clips, hangers and other accessories of types and sizes
required for support and installation of precast units and for support of subsequent construction.
B. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTM A36.
C. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307, low- carbon steel bolts, regular hexagon nuts and carbon steel washers.
D. Finish of Steel Units: Exposed units hot -dip zinc coated meeting requirements of ASTM Al23; others
painted with rust - inhibitive primer to provide dry film thickness of 2.0 mils minimum. Apply coatings
after fabrication.
E. Bearing Pads: Corrosion resistant materials of type, size and hardness required for application.
1. Elastomeric Pads: Vulcanized, chloropene elastomeric compound, molded to size or cut from a
molded sheet, 50 -60 Shore A durometer.
2. Laminated Fabric - Rubber Pads: Preformed, unused synthetic fibers and new, unvulcanized
rubber. Surface hardness of 70 -80 Shore A durometer.
3. Frictionless Pads: Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), with glass fiber reinforcing as required for service
load bearing stress.
4. Tempered Hardboard Pads: AHA A135.4, smooth both sides.
F. Non - Shrink Grout: Premixed, non - metallic, non - corrosive, non - shrink grout meeting requirements of
• 0
USACE CRD -C621 and ASTM C1107.
G. Repair Paints:
1. Primer Coatings: Same primer paint as shop applied material.
2. Zinc coatings: Zinc rich paint for repair or touch -up of damaged hot - dipped zinc coatings and
meeting requirements of ASTM A780.
A. Form Release Agent: Water resistant chemical barrier to prevent concrete bonding or sticking to forms
and not effect surfaces of concrete. Agent to be non - petroleum base and non - staining, and not
harmful to concrete on formwork, not deteriorate from ambient conditions, not transfer to or penetrate
concrete surface and not effect adhesion of sealant or penetration of water repellent coating.
B. Cement Grout: Portland cement meeting requirements of ASTM C150, Type 1, and dean, natural sand
meeting requirements of ASTM C144, mixed at ratio of one part cement to three parts sand, by
volume, with minimum water required for hydration and placement.
C. Metal Embedments:
1. Provide metal embedments in precast concrete for door openings, anchor plates and assemblies
for supporting or connection of other work, curb angles and other like items.
2. Embedments shall meet requirements of Section 05500 -Metal Fabrications, except as otherwise
specified in this Paragraph.
a. Embedments, after fabrication and before being embedded in concrete, shall be either hot -
dipped zinc coated or prime painted on all surfaces as specked, whether exposed or
concealed in completed work.
b. Exterior embedments shall be hot - dipped zinc coated, except for overhead door opening
frames. Other embedments shall be prime painted.
D. Joint Filler: Meet requirements of Section 07905 - Preformed Joint Fillers, except for fire resistance
rated precast concrete units, provide a comparable fire resistance rated joint filler meeting
requirements of Section 07840 - Firestopping.
E. Sealant: Multi- component polyurethane meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants,
except for fire resistance rated precast concrete units provide a comparable fire resistance rated
polyurethane sealant meeting requirements of Section 07840 - Firestopping.
A. General:
1. Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete required. Design mixes maybe prepared by an
independent testing facility or by qualified precast manufacturing plant personnel, at option of
precast manufacturer.
2. Ingredients, consistency and water- cement ratio shall meet requirements of ACI 301. Mixture shall
be of quality that will produce required precast concrete unit with required finish.
B. Normal Weight Concrete Mix: Normal weight concrete consisting of portland cement, normal weight
aggregates, admixtures and water to produce following properties:
1. Compressive Strength: 5,000 pounds per square inch minimum at 28 days. 1J
2. Total Air Content: 4 percent minimum and 6 percent maximum.
3. Pretensioned Release Strength: 3,500 pounds per square inch.
C. Lightweight Concrete Mix: Lightweight concrete consisting of portland cement, lightweight aggregates,
admixtures and water to produce following properties:
1. Compressive Strength: 5,000 pounds per square inch minimum at 28 days.
2. Total Air Content: 4 percent minimum and 6 percent maximum.
3. Air Dry Density: 90 to 115 pounds per cubic foot.
4. Prestressed Release Strength: 3,500 pounds per square inch.
D. Design Mixes:
1. General: Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete required. Design mixes
shall be prepared by precast pretensioned concrete manufacturing plant personnel.
2. Design Method: Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batch or field experience methods,
using materials to be employed on the work for each type of concrete required, meeting
requirements of ACI 211.1 or 211.2. Cure compression test cylinders using same methods aswill
be used for precast concrete work.
3. Reports: Submit written reports to Architect of proposed concrete mix designs as specked under
Article - Submittals, of this Section.
E. Adjustment to Concrete Mixes: Mix design adjustments may be requested when characteristics of
materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or other circumstances warrant. Laboratory test data for
revised mix designs and strength results must be submitted to and accepted by Architect before using
in the work.
F. Admixtures:
1. Use air - entraining admixture in concrete meeting instructions of manufacturer.
2. Use water- reducing admixture meeting instructions of manufacturer. Admixtures to increase
cement dispersion or provide increased workability for low -slump concrete maybe used subject to
acceptance of Architect.
3. Use amounts as recommended by admixture manufacturer for climatic conditions prevailing at
time of placing. Adjust quantities of admixtures as required to maintain quality control.
A. Plant Mix Concrete:
1. Mix materials for concrete in a drum type batch machine mixer. For mixers of one cubic yard or
smaller capacity, continue mixing at least 1 -1/2 minutes, but not more than 5 minutes after all
ingredients are in mixer, before any part of batch is released. For mixers of capacity larger than
one cubic yard, increase minimum 1 -1/2 minutes of mixing time by 15 seconds for each additional
cubic yard or fraction thereof.
2. Provide a batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in work, indicating project identification
name and number, date, mix type, mix time, quantity and amount of water introduced.
B. Ready -Mix Concrete: Meet requirements of ASTM C94 and following:
1. Delete references for allowing additional water to be added to batch for material with insufficient
slump. Addition of water to batch will not be permitted.
2. During hot weather or under conditions contributing to rapid setting of concrete, a shorter mixing
time than specked in ASTM C94 may be required. When air temperature is between 85 and 90
degrees Fahrenheit, reduce mixing and delivery time from 1 -1/2 hours to 75 minutes, and when air
temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, reduce mixing and delivery time to 60 minutes.
A. General:
1. Fabricate precast units meeting manufacturing and testing procedures, quality control
recommendations and dimensional tolerances of PCI MNL -116, except as otherwise required by
Contract Documents.
2. Plant fabricate structural precast concrete units under rigid, factory- inspected process.
B. Characteristics: Provide units straight and true to size and shape, with exposed edges and corners
precise and square, and with smooth surfaces free of voids or honeycomb. Precast units which are
warped, cracked, broken, spalled, stained or otherwise defective will not be acceptable.
C. Built -In Items: Provide slots, holes and other accessories in precast units to receive or provide
penetration of other work as required. Install built -in items meeting instructions of product
D. Anchorages Devices:
1. Provide loose steel plates, clip angles, seat angles, anchors, dowels, cramps, hangers and other
miscellaneous steel shapes which are necessary for securing precast concrete to supporting
construction and adjacent members. Items shall be either of corrosion resistant materials or of
carbon steel which after fabrication shall be coated to provide for corrosion resistance. Meet other
requirements specified in this Section relative to anchorages and embedments.
2. Built -In: Accurately position built -in anchorage devices and other embedments, and secure to
formwork. Coordinate location with position of main reinforcement and placing of concrete.
E. Formwork:
1. General: Accurately construct forms, mortar - tight, and of sufficient strength to withstand pressures
due to concrete placing operations, temperature changes, pretensioning and detensioning
operations. Maintain formwork to provide completed precast concrete units of shapes, lines, and
dimensions indicated, within specified fabrication tolerances.
2. Openings: Cast in holes for openings larger than 10 inches diameter or 10 inches square in
accordance with final reviewed shop drawings. Smaller holes will be field cut by trades requiring
F. Form Release Coating: Coat surfaces of forms with form release agent before reinforcement is
placed. Apply meeting instructions of manufacturer.
G. Reinforcement:
1. Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth and other materials which reduce or
destroy bond with concrete.
2. Accurately position, support and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork,
construction or concrete placement operations. Locate and support reinforcing by metal chairs,
runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required.
3. Place reinforcement to obtain at least minimum coverages for concrete protection. Arrange,
space and securely be bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during concrete
placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed
concrete surfaces.
H. Pretensioning: Pretensioning of tendons for prestressed concrete may be accomplished either by
single strand or multiple strand tensioning method.
I. Concrete Placement: Place concrete in a continuous operation to prevent formation of seams or
planes of weakness in precast units, meeting requirements of ACI 304. Thoroughly consolidate placed
concrete by internal and external vibration without dislocation or damage to reinforcement and built -in
J. Identification: Provide permanent markings to identify pick -up points and orientation in structure,
complying with markings indicated on final shop drawings. Imprint date of casting on each precast unit
on a surface which will not show in finished structure.
K. Curing: Curing by low pressure steam, steam vapor, radiant heat and moisture, or other similar
process to accelerate concrete hardening and to reduce curing time.
L. Detensioning: Delay detensioning of prestressed units until concrete has attained at least 70 percent of
design stress, as established by test cylinders. V)
1. If concrete has been heat cured, perform detensioning while concrete is still warm and moist, to
avoid dimensioned changes which may cause cracking or undesirable stresses in concrete.
2. Detensioning maybe accomplished either by gradual release of tensioning jacks or by heat cutting
tendons, using a sequence and pattern to prevent shock or unbalanced loading.
M. Finish of Formed and Unformed Surfaces:
1. General: Provide finishes for formed and unformed surfaces of precast concrete meeting
requirements of PCI MNL -116 and requirements of this Section to provide characteristics for
required exposed surface finish, and to match final reviewed mock -up as applicable.
2. Exposed Surfaces:
a. Standard Finish: Normal plant run finish produced in forms that impart a smooth finish to
concrete. Small surface holes caused by air bubbles, normal form joint marks, and minor
chips and spalls will be tolerated, but no major or unsightly imperfections, honeycomb, or
structural defects will be permitted.
1) Where ends of strands will not be enclosed or covered, cut flush and cover with high
strength mortar bonded to unit with epoxy bonding agent.
2) Where used as subfloor members, provide top surface with broomed or raked finish for
bonding with concrete topping.
3) Where used as roof members, provide top surface with smooth, float finish.
b. Raked Finish: As acceptable to Architect.
0 •
3. Concealed Surfaces: Apply steel trowel finish to unformed surfaces to be concealed from view in
completed project, unless otherwise required.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
WON 1Z6]if lmIi11C07,
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
1. Do not install precast units until supporting construction is in place and secured, and has attained
design strength.
2. Install precast concrete members plumb, level and in alignment within specified limits of erection
tolerances. Provide temporary supports and bracing as required to maintain position, stabilityand
alignment as members are being permanently connected. Maintain horizontal and vertical joint
alignment and uniform joint width.
B. Bearing Pads: Install bearing pads where required, as precast units are being erected. Set pads on
level, uniform bearing surfaces and maintain in correct position.
C. Anchoring: Anchor precast units in final position by bolting, welding, grouting or as otherwise required.
Remove temporary shims, wedges and spacers as soon as possible after anchoring is completed.
D. Bolting: At bolted connections, use lock washers or other acceptable means to prevent loosening of
nuts. Welding is not acceptable.
E. Welding: Perform welding meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.4, as applicable.
1. Protect units from damage by welding or cutting operations.
2. Repair damaged metal surfaces by cleaning and applying a coat of zinc rich repair coating to zinc
coated surfaces and compatible primer to painted surfaces.
F. Powder - Actuated Fasteners: Do not use powder - actuated fasteners for surface attachment of
accessory items in precast units.
G. Cutting:
1. Holes: Do not cut holes or install sleeves larger than size permitted by manufacturer of precast
pretensioned concrete units for pipe, conduits, duct or other penetrations after fabrication.
2. Reinforcing: Do not cut reinforcing or prestressing strands without approval of precast
pretensioned concrete manufacturer and as acceptable to the Architect.
H. Grouting: After precast concrete units have been placed and secured, grout open spaces at
connection and joints as required.
1. Grout Schedule: Provide each grout type at respective locations as follows:
a. Cement Grout: Joints between ends of precast units at fixed piers, except for option of using
non - shrink grout.
b. Non - Shrink Grout: Longitudinal keyways, transverse be assembly pockets, setting dowels and
optional for joints between ends of precast units at fix piers.
2. Placement: Provide forms or other acceptable method to retain grout in place until sufficiently
hard to support itself. Prepare grout contact surfaces, and place and cure grout meeting
requirements of grout manufacturer. Pack spaces with stiff grout material, tamping until voids are
completely filled. Place grout to finish smooth, plumb, and level with adjacent concrete surfaces.
Keep grouted joints damp for not less than 72 hours after initial set. Promptly remove grout
material from exposed surfaces before grout hardens.
3. Raked Joint: Rake exposed surfaces of grout in joints to provide proper size space for application
of sealant.
I. Joint Fillers: Insert joint fillers into joints between units where required. Make adjustments to provide
proper size space for application of sealant. Meet requirements of Section 07905 - Preformed Joint
Fillers and Section 07840 - Firestopping, as applicable.
J. Sealing Joints: Seal joints between concrete units, and between concrete units and adjacent
construction with sealant. In addition, seal joints exposed to interior side of completed building with
sealant. Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants and Section 07840 - Firestopping, as
A. General:
1. Owner will employ, except as otherwise required, a Quality Control Service to perform during
construction quality assurance and control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with
requirements of Contract Documents. Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria
specified in this Article. Quality Control Service will provide project site testing facilities and
2. Installed Units:
a. Installed precast pretensioned concrete units may be rejected for any one of following:
1) Exceeding specified installation tolerances.
2) Damaged during delivery, storage or construction operations.
3) Exposed -to -view surfaces which develop surface finish deficiencies.
4) Other defects as listed in PCI MNL -116.
b. Limitations as to amount of patching which will be permitted is subject to requirements of this
Section and acceptance of Architect.
A. Touch -Up Painting: After erection, clean bolted connections, welds and abraded areas of shop coated
surfaces, and touch -up paint areas.
F .
1. Shop Primer Coated Surfaces: Use prime coating repair paint. Apply to dry film thickness of 2.0
mils minimum.
2. Zinc Coated Surfaces: Use zinc coating repair paint and meet requirements ofASTM A780. Apply
to dry film thickness of 3.0 mils minimum.
B. Cleaning: Clean exposed surfaces of precast units to remove dirt and stains after erection and
completion of joint treatments. Wash and rinse. Protect other work from damage due to cleaning
operations. Do not use cleaning materials or processes which could change character of exposed
concrete surfaces.
• 0
A. Description: Concrete topping is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Concrete topping includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Standard aggregate topping over base cast -in -place concrete.
2. Standard aggregate topping over precast concrete.
3. Standard aggregate topping for fill of steel pan stair treads, landings and like items.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings.
2. ACI 302.1 R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
3. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, including Commentary.
4. Specification Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
B. Performance Criteria: Concrete topping having a hollow sound when tapped, evidence of no bond to
substrate, disintegration or other failure to perform as a floor finish, including failure to meet
requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete, will be considered a failure of the work.
Repair or replace concrete topping in areas of such failures.
A. General: Submit product data, laboratory test reports, material certificates, shop drawings and samples
meeting requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
B. Concrete Design Mix Submit design mixfor concrete topping. Meet requirements of Section 03300 -
Cast -in -Place Concrete.
A. General: Portland cement, aggregates, water and other concrete materials shall meet requirements of
Section 03300 - Cast -in -Place Concrete, except as otherwise specified in this Section.
B. Standard Aggregate:
1. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33, Fine Aggregate, consisting of sand or crushed stone screenings,
which is clean, hard and free from deleterious matter, and graded by weight to pass sieves as
3/8 inch sieve size
100 percent passing by weight
Number 4
95 -100 percent
Number 8
80 -90 percent
Number 16
50 -75 percent
Number 30
30 -50 percent
Number 50
10 -20 percent
Number 100
2 -5 percent
2. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, Coarse Aggregate, consisting of gravel or crushed stone, which is
clean, hard and free from deleterious matter, and graded by weight to pass sieves as follows:
1/2 inch sieve size
3/8 inch
Number 4
Number 8
100 percent passing by weight
30 -50 percent
0 -15 percent
0 -5 percent
A. General: Concrete reinforcement and accessory items shall meet requirements of Section 03300 -
Cast -In -Place Concrete, except as otherwise specified in this Section.
B. Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A185 flat sheets, fabric in rolls not acceptable, and as follows for
1. General: 4" x 4" - W2.1 x W2.1 welded wire fabric, except as otherwise required.
2. Steel Pan Stair Treads, Landings and Like Items: 2" x 2" - W2.1 x W2.1 welded wire fabric.
A. General: Meet requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete, except as otherwise specified
in this Section.
B. Bonding Adhesive: Epoxy resin bonding adhesive as appropriate for application and shall meet
requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete. In addition, bonding adhesive shall be
integrally colored to show extent of application.
C. Slip Sheet: Clear polyethylene film meeting requirements of ASTM D2103, 6 mil minimum thickness.
A. General: Prepare and proportion design mixes meeting requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place
Concrete, except as otherwise specified in this Section.
B. Standard Aggregate Topping: Design mix to produce concrete topping with following characteristics:
1. Compressive Strength: 3,500 pounds per square inch minimum.
2. Slump: 4 inch maximum at location of placement, except 8 inch maximum at point of placement for
concrete containing high -range water reducing admixture.
3. Water Cement Ratio: 0.50 maximum.
4. Mixture: Generally, by volume, 1 part portland cement, approximately 1 part fine aggregate and
approximately 2 parts coarse aggregate. Proportions of fine and course aggregates shall produce a
well graded aggregate mixture to suit application.
PXII- �_iKWA210
A. General: Meet requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete, except as otherwise specified
in this Section.
B. Project Site Mixing:
1. Provide batch type mechanical mixer for mixing concrete topping at project site. Equip batch mixaer
with a suitable charging hopper, water storage tank, and a water measuring device. Use only
mixers which are capable of mixing aggregates, cement and water into a uniform mix within
specified time, and of discharging mix without segregation.
2. Mix each batch of 2 cubic yards or less for 1 -1/2 minutes minimum after ingredients are in mixer.
Increase mixing time 15 seconds each additional cubic yard or fraction thereof.
C. Ready Mixed: Ready mixed concrete topping shall meet requirements of ASTM C94 and Section
03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Base Concrete Substrate: Base concrete surface to receive concrete topping shall be as follows:
1. Base Concrete Finish - Bonding of Topping: Scratch finish and wet cure meeting requirements of
Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete. No film forming coatings, including liquid membrane
curing compound, shall be on base concrete finish.
2. Base Concrete Finish - Slip Sheet Under Topping: Float finish and cure meeting requirements of
Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
3. Base Concrete Tolerances: Tolerances of base slab for concrete topping shall meet requirements
of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
A. Provide concrete topping meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated byfinal reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers.
A. Topping Applied to Hardened Concrete:
1. Base Concrete Surface Condition:
a. When base concrete surface is smooth and unacceptable for good bonding, roughen surface by
chipping or scarifying before cleaning.
b. Brush surface of base concrete with a coarse wire brush and remove laitance.
2. Cleaning: Remove dirt, loose material, oil, grease, film forming coatings and other contaminants,
leaving clean surfaces that will be in contact with concrete topping.
3. Joints: For bonding concrete topping to hardened concrete, mark location of joints in base concrete
where joints in topping are to coincide, so joints in topping will be placed directly over joints in base
4. Bonding: Immediately before placing reinforcement and concrete topping mixture, provide one of
following, except when slip sheet is required:
a. Bonding Adhesive: Apply bonding adhesive by method and at recommended rate for application
meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
B. Topping Applied to Metal:
1. Cleaning: Remove dirt, loose material, oil, grease, paint or other contaminants, leaving clean
surfaces that will be in contact with concrete topping.
2. Bonding: Prior to placing concrete topping mixture, apply bonding adhesive to metal surfaces that
will be in contact with concrete topping. Apply bonding adhesive by method and at rate for
application meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
C. Reinforcement: Reinforce concrete toppings. Provide necessary supports and maintain position of
A. General: Handle, place and consolidate concrete topping meeting requirements of Section 03300 -
Cast -In -Place Concrete.
B. Handling: Spread topping mixture evenly over prepared base, bring to required level with straightedge
and strike -off. After placement, do not work surface further until ready for floating. Begin floating when
surface water has disappeared or when concrete has stiffened sufficiently to permit floating.
Consolidate surface by floating.
A. General: Provide joints in concrete topping meeting requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place
B. Joints - Bonding of Topping: Provide control joints in concrete topping meeting requirements of Section
03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete and to coincide with joints in base concrete, except as otherwise
required. Provide other joints as required.
A. General: After floating, finish concrete topping surfaces meeting requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -
In -Place Concrete.
B. Tolerances: Completed concrete surface shall be free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and
appearance, and with a surface plane tolerance meeting requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In-
Place Concrete.
A. Cure and protect concrete topping applications and finishes meeting requirements of Section 03300 -
Cast -In -Place Concrete.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Unit masonry assemblies are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Unit masonry assemblies include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Unit masonry.
2. Receiving and installing inserts, anchors and like items to be embedded or built -in unit masonry for
other work.
3. Shelf angles and relieving angles, loose lintels, wall bracing, reinforcement, anchors, thru -wall
flashing, weeps and like items.
D. Related Work:
1. Furnishing inserts, anchors and like items to be embedded or built -in unit masonry for other work.
2. Dampproofing.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 530 - Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures.
2. ACI 530R - Proposed Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures.
3. ACI 530.1 - Specifications for Masonry Structures.
4. ACI 530.1 R - Proposed Commentary on Specifications for Masonry Structures.
5. ANSUNBS H74 (A41.2) - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Masonry.
6. ANSUNBS - 211 (A41.1) - Building Code Requirements for Masonry.
7. BIA - Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry.
8. BIA - Technical Notes on Brick Construction.
9. NCMA - Manual of Facts on Concrete Masonry (TEK Series).
10. Specification Sections:
a. 05500 - Metal Fabrications.
b. 07210 -Building Insulation.
c. 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
d. 07920 - Joint Sealants.
B. Performance - Shelf and Relieving Angles and Steel Lintels: Meet requirements of Section 05500 -
04810 -1
Metal Fabrications, including requirements for engineering and detailing.
C. Performance - Veneers and Cavities: Details and installation of masonry or stone veneers and
associated cavities and related construction, including but not limited to, clear cavity width, mortar,
anchorage devices, thru -wall flashing, any cavity insulation, cavity drainage net, weeps and other like
items is critical to proper performance of work. Meet requirements indicated by Contract Documents,
including this Section.
D. Fire Performance Characteristics: Where fire resistance ratings are indicated for unit masonry work,
provide materials and construction which are identical to those of assemblies whose fire endurance has
been determined by testing in compliance with ASTM E119 by a recognized testing and inspecting
organization or by another means as acceptable to authority having jurisdiction.
E. Tolerances: Completed work shall be within following tolerances and within tolerances established by
mock -up wall, whichever is most stringent:
1. Variation from Plumb:
a. For vertical lines and surfaces of columns, walls and arises, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet,
3/8 inch in 20 feet or 1/2 inch in 40 feet or more.
b. For external corners, expansion joints, control joints and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed
1/4 inch in 20 feet or 1/2 inch in 40 feet or more.
c. For vertical alignment of head joints, do not exceed plus or minus 1/4 inch in 10 feet or 1/2 inch
2. Variation from Level:
a. For lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines, do
not exceed 1/4 inch in 20 feet or 1/2 inch in 40 feet or more.
b. For top surface of bearing walls, do not exceed 1/8 inch in 10 feet or 1/16 inch within width of
single unit.
3. Variation from Linear Building Line: For position in plan and related portion of columns, walls and
partitions, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet, 1/2 inch in 20 feet or 3/4 inch in 40 feet or more.
4. Variation in Cross - Sectional Dimensions: For columns and thickness of walls, from dimensions
required, do not exceed 1/4 inch.
5. Variation in Mortar Joint Thickness:
a. Do not exceed bed joint thickness required by more than 1/8 inch, with a maximum thickness
limited to 1/2 inch.
b. Do not exceed head joint thickness required by more than 1/8 inch.
c. Do not exceed collar joint thickness required by more than 1/4 inch.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibility for
providing complete work and for performance quality and appearance of work. Include not only
IV , masonry work, but also providing loose lintels, shelf angles, reinforcement, thru -wall flashing, weeps
and like items.
B. Product Qualification: Provide products indicated under same category produced by a single
manufacturer. Use only one type, brand, source and manufacture run of each product.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in detailing, fabrication, installation and maintenance of type and
quality required for work.
D. Project Site Mock -Up:
1. General: Prior to installation of masonry, provide mock -up of each type exposed masonry,
representative of completed masonry required for the work with respect to quality of appearance
and workmanship, for visual review by Architect. Construct mock -ups at locations on project site
acceptable to Architect. Retain mock -ups during construction as standard for judging completed
masonry work. At completion of work represented by mock -up and when acceptable to Architect,
remove and dispose of mock -up off project site.
2. Construction: Each mock -up shall be a complete construction, accurately representing masonry
required for the work.
a. Provide wall section of L -shape configuration, 8 feet wide on one side and 4 feet wide on other
side by 4 feet high, minimum.
b. Construct mock -ups meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include face wythes and
backup wythes as applicable, and incorporate expansion and control joint, grout, reinforcement
and accessories.
3. Unsatisfactory Results: In event that unsatisfactory results necessitate modifications of proposed
materials and methods to achieve meeting requirements of Contract Documents, provide new
mock -up using such modifications. Additional expense incurred shall be at no addition to Contract
E. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of required submittal return comments for any open issues, structural concepts, special
masonry details, locations of expansion and control joints, standard of workmanship and quality control
requirements, construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements, ambient
conditions, coordination required for installation of work and responsibility for temporary operation of
permanent systems required for work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, representatives of
manufacturers of primary products under this Section, installer of work under this Section, installers of
related work, including wet work such as plaster, other finishes, painting, mechanical work and
electrical work, and firms or persons responsible for continued operation, whether temporary or
permanent, of building mechanical and electrical systems as required to maintain ambient
environmental conditions. Record discussions of meeting, and discussions and agreements or
disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control Service
will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
3. Contractor shall furnish Quality Control Service with samples of proposed materials. Allow free
access to material stock and facilities.
B. Submittals: Review submittals of Contractor for compliance with Contract Documents.
C. Concrete Masonry Units: Review and test each proposed type concrete masonry unit for compressive
strength, absorption and moisture content meeting requirements of ASTM C140.
D. Mortar and Grout:
1. Materials: Review and test proposed materials for mortars and grouts.
2. Mortar: Review and test each proposed mortar mix design for composition and compressive
strength meeting requirements of ASTM C270 and ASTM C780 respectively, using 3" x6" cylinders.
Provide 6 cylinder specimens for each test set, testing 3 specimens at 7 days and three specimens
at 28 days.
3. Grout: Review and test each proposed grout mix design for composition and compressive strength
meeting requirements of ASTM C476 and ASTM C1019, using 3" x 6" cylinders. Provide 6
specimens for each test set, testing 3 specimens at 7 days and 3 specimens at 28 days.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of
Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Indicate requirements
and details for following and other pertinent data not included in submitted product data:
1. Coursing of unit masonry.
2. Details which vary from Drawings.
3. Locations and details for shelf and relieving angles, loose lintels and wall bracing.
4. Locations and details of masonry anchors and reinforcement.
5. Fabrication, bending and placement of reinforcing bars.
6. Locations and details for expansion joints and control joints.
7. Locations and details for thru -wall flashing.
8. Method of maintaining cavities free of mortar droppings and other materials.
C. Samples -Masonry Units: Submit representative sample of each type, color and texture masonry unit
required. Select units to show range of color and texture variations which can be anticipated in work.
Samples will be reviewed only for visual characteristics and quality, including color texture and severity
of surface distortions.
D. Flashing: Submit 6 inch long sample of each type flashing required for work.
0 0
E. Material and Mix Design Reports: Submit test and evaluation reports for each proposed mortar and
grout material, and for each proposed mortar and grout mix design. Indicate where each mortar and
grout mix design is to be installed. Reports will be reviewed only for information. Final review of each
mortar mix design will not be granted until satisfactory results are obtained for flexural bond strength
prism tests.
F. Compliance Certificate - Masonry Units:
1. General: Submit compliance certificate for each type masonry unit. Certificate shall indicate
reference standard designation and associated descriptive and technical data, and actual quality
assurance and control methods used to verify properties and characteristics, and results.
2. Fire Rated Units: In addition, for fire rated concrete masonry units, certificate shall include
verification of fire resistance classification of rating.
A. Deliver masonry materials to project site in undamaged condition.
B. Store and handle masonry materials in a manner to prevent their deterioration or damage due to
moisture, temperatures, contaminants, corrosion or other causes.
C. Store cementitious materials off ground, under weathertight cover, in a dry location.
D. Store aggregates in locations where grades and other project site characteristics are not detrimental to
) E. Limit moisture absorption of concrete masonry units during delivery and until time of installation to meet
requirements specified in this Section.
A. Protection:
1. Protect masonry materials during storage and construction from wetting by rain, snow, or ground
water, and from soilage or inter - mixture with earth or other materials.
2. Do not use metal reinforcement or ties having loose rust or other coatings, including ice, which will
reduce or destroy bond.
3. During erection, cover top of walls with heavy waterproof sheeting at end of work each day. Cover
partially completed structures when work is not in progress. Extend cover a minimum of 2 feet
down both sides and hold cover securely in place.
4. Do not apply uniform loading for at least 12 hours after completion of masonry walls or columns.
5. Do not apply concentrated loads for at least 3 days after completion of masonry walls or columns.
6. Prevent mortar and grout from staining face of masonry units to be left exposed or painted.
Remove immediately, mortar or grout in contact with such masonry.
7. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from droppings of mortar and grout.
8. Protect base of walls from rain splashed mud, and mortar and grout splatter by means of coverings
spread out on ground and extending not less than 3 feet from wall surface and 2 feet up wall.
B. Cold and Hot Weather Construction: Perform and protect masonry work during cold and hot weather
meeting requirements of ACI 530.1 and requirements and recommendations of BIA and NCMA.
Remove masonry determined to be damaged by cold or hot weather conditions and replace with new
work. Cold weather construction is defined as temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Hotweather
is defined as temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
C. Coordination:
1. General: Review installation procedures and coordinate with other work to be integrated with
2. Openings: Leave opening in masonry as required to allow for passage of equipment and like items.
Complete masonry to match work adjacent to opening.
A. General: Masonry units shall be of uniform texture and color of each kind required for each continuous
area and visually related areas.
B. Concrete Masonry Units:
1. General:
a. Dimensions: Following dimensions within tolerances specified for respective concrete masonry
1) Block: Concrete block units with nominal face dimensions of 16 inches long by 8 inches
high; actual dimensions of 15 -5/8" x 7 -5/8 ".
b. Aggregates: Do not use aggregate made from pumice, scoria or tuffs.
2. Hollow and Solid Loadbearing Units: ASTM C90.
a. Moisture Content: 35 percent maximum moisture content at time of installation.
b. Linear Shrinkage: 0.065 percent maximum total linear drying shrinkage at time of installation.
c. Weight Classification:
1) Typical: Lightweight, or medium weight for fire resistance rated assemblies, as applicable,
except as otherwise required.
2) Outdoor Exposure: Medium weight or normal weight, except as otherwise required.
d. Compressive Strength:
1) Regular Use: 1,900 psi minimum, based on average net area of average of 3 units, and
1,700 psi minimum for any individual unit.
2) Engineered Use: 3,000 psi minimum, based on average net area of average of 3 units and
2,800 psi minimum for any individual unit.
e. Water Repellent Admixture: Provide following concrete masonry units with water repellent CMU
admixture meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer:
1) Outdoor Exposure -Bare: Outdoor concrete unit masonry of single wythe and solid multi -
wythe construction, exposed to view in completed work.
3. Lightweight Units: Lightweight units using aggregate meeting requirements of ASTM C331; dry net
unit weight of less than 105 pounds maximum per cubic foot.
4. Medium Weight Units: Medium weight units using aggregate meeting requirements of ASTM C33;
dry net weight of 105 to less than 125 pounds per cubic foot.
5. Normal Weight: Normal weight using aggregate meeting requirements of ASTM C33; dry net weight
of 125 pounds minimum.
6. Water Repellent CMU Admixture: Provide concrete masonry units to be exposed to outdoor
environment with water repellent admixture.
a. Description: Integral liquid polymeric admixture, added to concrete during mixing, meeting
requirements of ASTM E514 for Class E Rating, which does not reduce flexure bond strength or
compressive strength of prisms when compared to control specimens, when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E72, and shall not show visible water or leaks on back side of test
b. Acceptable Products:
1) W. R. Grace & Co., Dry-Block Integral Water - Repellent CMU Admixture.
7. Curing:
a. Cure concrete masonry units so moisture content meets requirements of ASTM C90 for type of
unit required.
b. Limit moisture absorption during delivery and until time of installation to maximum percentage
specified in ASTM C90 for type of unit required for average annual relative humidity as reported
by United States Weather Bureau Station nearest project site.
8. Exposed Faces:
a. Standard Face: Standard cement gray color and fine texture finish face surfaces as acceptable
to Architect.
A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, except Type III may be used for cold weather construction.
Portland cement shall be without air entrainment, and of natural gray color.
B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S.
C. Mortar Cement:
1. Description: ASTM C1329 and ICBO -Uniform Building Code Standard 21 -14. Cement shall be of
natural gray color.
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Blue Circle Cement.
b. Lafarge Corporation.
D. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C144, except for joints less than 1/4 inch use aggregate graded with 100
percent passing Number 16 sieve.
E. Aggregate for Grout: ASTM C404. '
F. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear; free of unusual or objectionable smell or taste, and deleterious
substances which impair strength durability, compatibility and appearance of work and as required by
product manufacturer. Do not use water which has been used to clean equipment or tools.
G. Admixtures: Other than anti - freeze compounds, admixtures maybe used in mortar and grout subject to
acceptance by Architect. Admixture shall not adversely affect mortar or grout bond or compressive
strengths of mortar or grout designed without use of admixture. Admixture shall not contain calcium
chloride, chloride salts, chloride ions, or any other chemical that will deleteriously affect metals
embedded in mortar or grout, including coatings, masonry unit or performance of work.
1. Water Repellent Mortar Admixture:
a. Description: Integral liquid polymeric admixture, added to mortar during mixing, meeting
requirements of ASTM E514 for Class E Rating, and not decrease in flexure strength or
compressive strength of prisms when compared to control specimens, when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E72.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) W. R. Grace & Co., Dry-Block Integral Water - Repellent Mortar Admixture.
H. Mortar and Grout:
1. Mixes: Design and proportion mix for each type and strength of mortar and grout required meeting
requirements of ASTM C270 and ASTM C476, respectively. Do not begin mortar or grout
production until mix designs have been reviewed by Architect. Production of mortar and grout shall
meet specked requirements.
2. Preblended Mixes:
a. Description: Mortars and grouts shall be factory proportioned and blended, computer controlled,
dry mixture of cement, lime, dried aggregate and pigment as required, requiring only addition of
water at project site. Preblended mixture shall be dispensed from a bulk container, or a bag
when work requires small quantities.
b. Acceptable Manufacturers:
1) Maxi-Mix, Inc.
2) Silo -Mix, Inc.
3) Spec Mix, Inc.
4) Equivalent manufacturer acceptable to Architect.
A. Continuous Horizontal Joint Reinforcement and Ties:
1. General:
a. Description: Welded wire units prefabricated in 10 feet minimum straight lengths, with matching
prefabricated L- shaped corner and intersecting T- shaped units. Fabricate from cold -drawn steel
0 0
wire meeting requirements of ASTM A82, with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross
rods, and with widths of approximately 2 inches less than nominal width of walls and partitions as
required to position side rods for full embedment in mortar with mortar coverage of 5/8 inch
minimum on joint faces exposed to exterior and 1/2 inch minimum elsewhere, except as
otherwise specified.
b. Finish: After fabrication, provide hot -dip zinc coating meeting requirements of ASTM A153, Class
B -2 Coating.
2. Single Wythe Masonry:
a. Description: Truss configuration reinforcement with one 3/16 inch diameter side rod at each face
of masonry unit with integral 9 gage diameter continuous diagonal cross rod spaced at 16 inches
maximum centers.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) AA Wire Products Co.
2) Dur- O -Wal, Inc., Dur -O -Wall Truss.
3) Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., 120 Truss -Mesh.
4) Masonry Reinforcing Corp. of America.
5) National Wire Products Corp.
B. Reinforcing Bars:
1. Type and Grade: ASTM A615, Grade 60 minimum.
2. Fabrication:
a. Shop fabricate reinforcement required to be bent or hooked meeting requirements of CRSI -
Manual of Standard Practice.
b. Thread ends of reinforcing bars to be inserted into drop -in expansion anchors.
C. Drop -In Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel drop -in wedge type expansion anchors without nut for
insertion of threaded end reinforcing bar meeting requirements of FS FF -S -325, Group II, Type 4,
Class 1, and listed by EAMI, FMRC, and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated, FS QQ -Z -325, Type II, Class
3. Diameter and length shall be appropriate for application.
A. General: Straps, bars, bolts and rods of types and sizes required.
B. Cast -In Wedge Inserts:
1. Description: Hot -dip zinc coated malleable iron with stainless steel askew head bolts.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., Type LW.
C. Flexible Anchors:
1. General:
a. Description: Where masonry is required to be anchored to structural framework, provide flexible
anchors as follows which allow in -plane vertical and horizontal differential movement between
wall and framework parallel to plane of wall but restrains tension and compression forces
between wall and framework. Fabricate wire components from cold -drawn steel wire meeting
requirements of ASTM A82.
b. Finish: After fabrication, provide hot -dip zinc coating meeting requirements of ASTM A153, Class
B -2 Coating.
2. Anchorage to Concrete or Masonry Framework - Bar Tie Anchors:
a. Description: Anchors with offset crimped flat bar section, 12 gage minimum thickness steel with 5
inch minimum vertical adjustment, for anchoring to concrete or masonrywith 5/16 inch minimum
diameter zinc coated steel bolts inserted into self - drilling expansion anchors. Provide associated
rectangular shaped be section of 3/16 inch diameter wire and nominal 11 inch length where
masonry abuts framework, or rectangular or triangular shaped tie section with cavity drips of 3/16
inch diameter wire where masonry faces framework. Size ties to engage between 1 -1/2 and 2
inches less than width of masonry where masonry abuts framework or to within 1 inch of
masonry face where masonry faces framework. Where masonry faces framework, provide tie
with associated clip and 3/16 inch diameter wire for embedment in mortar bed joint continuous
for entire length of wythe. Flexible anchor system shall meet seismic requirements of codes and
regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work. Arrangement of anchors
and ties shall not be susceptible to clogging with mortar during progress of work, shall protect
against separation and shall permit in -plane vertical and longitudinal horizontal differential
movement of 1/4 inch minimum each direction between framework and masonry wythe but
restrain tension and compression forces between framework and masonry wythe.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) AA Wire Products Co.
2) Dur- O -Wal, Inc.
3) Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., DW -10 Anchor, 302W Column Web Tie, or Byna Tie with 187
Clip and Continuous Wire.
4) Masonry Reinforcing Corp. of America.
5) National Wire Products Corp.
D. Rigid Anchors: Provide straps, bars, and rods fabricated from steel meeting requirements of ASTM
A570, Grade 40,1/4 inch minimum thickness, and provide bolts meeting requirements of ASTM A307,
Grade A, 3/8 inch minimum diameter. After fabrication, provide hot -dip zinc coating meeting
requirements of ASTM A153, Class B -2 Coating.
A. Shelf and Relieving Angles: Meet requirements of Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications.
B. Loose Lintels: Meet requirements of Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications.
A. Masonry Separation Preformed Joint Filler: Meet requirements of Section 07910 - Preformed Joint
B. Relieving Preformed Joint Filler: Meet requirements of Section 07910 -Preformed Joint Fillers.
C. Bond Breaker Strips: Nominal 15 pound asphalt roofing felt meeting requirements of ASTM D226, Type
1, or nominal 15 pound coal tar roofing felt meeting requirements of ASTM D227.
D. Premolded Rubber Control Joint Strips:
1. Description: Solid synthetic rubber strips meeting requirements of ASTM D2000, Designation 2AA-
805, with a Shore A durometer hardness of approximately 80, designed to fit standard sash groove
of sash profile concrete masonry units capable of resisting transverse shear stress transmitted to
joint and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall, and of size and configuration as required.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dur- O -Wal, Inc., Rapid Control Joint - Regular.
b. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc., RS Series - Rubber Control Joint - Standard.
E. Masonry Cleaners: As specified in Article - Adjusting and Cleaning, of this Section.
F. Sealant Joint Materials: Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
A. General: Mix mortar and grout mixes meeting requirements of this Article. In addition, mix preblended
mixes meeting instructions of manufacturer. Proportioning and blending at project is not acceptable.
B. Batching:
1. Measurements:
a. Use methods which will ensure that specified proportions are controlled and accurately
maintained. Measure aggregate materials in a dry, loose condition.
b. Measure and batch materials either by volume or weight, such that required proportions for
mortar or grout can be accurately controlled and maintained. Measurement of aggregates
exclusively by shovel or similar methods is not acceptable.
2. Admixtures:
a. General: Do not add any compounds or admixtures, including fly ash, air - entrainment
admixtures, calcium chloride and other accelerators, and integral waterproofing compounds, to
mortar or grout, except as otherwise specified.
b. Water Repellent Admixture: Provide mortar associated with outdoor masonry, with water
repellent mortar admixture meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
c. Unit Water Absorption: If initial rate of water absorption of masonry unit, excluding concrete
masonry units, exceeds 30 g/minute /30 square inches, adjust moisture retention quality of mortar
mix or wet masonry unit prior to laying meeting installation preparation requirements of this
04810 -11
3. Mixing:
a. Combine and thoroughly mix cementitious materials, water and aggregates in a mechanical
batch mixer. Meet requirements of ASTM standards for mixing time and water content.
b. Mix mortars and grouts with maximum amount of water consistent with workability to provide
maximum tensile bond strength within capacity of mortar or grout.
c. Do not use mortar which has stiffened or if more than 1 hour has elapsed since initial mixing.
Mortar that has stiffened can be retem pered by adding water as frequently as needed to restore
required consistency. No mortar shall be retempered after 1 hour from initial mixing.
C. Mortar for Unit Masonry: ASTM C270, Property Specifications, for each type of mortar required.
1. Cementitious Material: Portland cement -lime or mortar cement only. When using mortar cement, do
not include lime in mortar. Masonry cement and fly ash is not permitted.
2. Type S: Between 1,800 minimum and 2,499 maximum pounds per square inch, compressive
strength at 28 days.
D. Grout for Reinforced and Non - Reinforced Unit Masonry:
1. Standards: ASTM C476, for grout types required. Fly ash is not permitted.
2. Type: Fine and coarse grout as required for size of spaces to be filled meeting requirements of ACI
530 -88, Table 3.1.2, and of consistency at time of placement which will completely fill spaces.
3. Compressive Strength: 3,000 psi minimum at 28 days when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM C1019.
4. Slump: 9 to 11 inches at point of placement.
E. Grout for Masonry Lintels: Portland cement, sand, gravel and water, proportioned as required to provide
a 28 day minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi. Meet requirements of ACI 318. Fly ash is not
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. Masonry Units: In exposed work, do not use masonry units with chips, cracks, voids, discoloration or
other defects which may be visible or cause staining in completed work.
B. Wetting of Masonry Units:
0 •
1. Concrete Masonry Units: Do not wet concrete masonry units.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in
Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for work, and meeting instructions and
recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with manufacturer for conditions not covered by
printed instructions.
B. Thickness: Build masonry construction to full thickness required, except build single wythe walls to
actual thickness of masonry units using units of nominal thickness.
C. Wall Heights: Walls and partitions shall be carried to underside of floor, roof or structure above, except
as otherwise indicated on Drawings. Anchor full height walls and partitions to structure.
1. For full height non - loadbearing partitions, provide 1 inch high bed joint next to structure above free
of mortar, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
D. Chases and Recesses: Build chases and recesses as required for work of other trades. Provide not
less than 8 inches masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings, and between adjacent
chases and recesses.
E. Cutting Units: Cut masonry units using motor driven saws designed to cut masonry with clean, sharp
and unchipped edges. Cut units as required to provide pattern required and to neatiyfit adjoining work.
Use full size units without cutting wherever possible. Use dry cutting saws to cut concrete masonry
F. Blending: Mix masonry units for exposed work from several pallets or similar units as theyare placed to
produce uniform blend of colors and textures.
A. Layout: Layout walls horizontally and vertically in advance for accurate spacing of bond patterns with
uniform joint widths and to properly locate openings, control joints, movement type joints, returns and
offsets. Avoid use of less than half size units at corners, jambs and wherever possible at other locations.
B. Starter Courses: Provide starter courses of height to align bed joints of unit masonry work with
horizontal lines of openings, built -in frames and like items.
C. Tolerances: Lay -up walls to meet specked tolerances, with courses accurately spaced, level and
coordinated with other work.
D. Bond Pattern -Exposed Masonry: Lay exposed masonry in bond pattern indicated on Drawings, or if not
indicated, lay in one -half running bond pattern with vertical joint in each course centered on units in
courses above and below. Bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units
with less than 4 inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs.
E. Bond Pattern -Concealed Masonry: Lay concealed masonry with all units in a wythe in one -half running
bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. Bond and
interlock each course of each wythe at corners. Do not use units with less than nominal 4 inch
horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs.
F. Concrete Masonry Units:
1. Hollow Units: Install hollow loadbearing concrete masonry units.
2. Solid Units: Install solid loadbearing concrete masonry units where indicated on Drawings and at
following locations:
a. Top course of non -load bearing partitions terminated below ceiling.
b. Top course forming sill of concrete masonry openings.
c. Where, if hollow concrete masonry units where installed, cores would be partially or entirely
G. Stopping and Resuming Work: Rack back one -half masonry unit length in each course; do not tooth.
Clean exposed surfaces of set masonry; wet units lightly, if required, and remove loose masonry units
and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry.
H. Built -In Work: As work progresses, build -in items specified under this and other specification sections.
Fill in solidly with masonry around built -in items.
1. Draw anchors tight and fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with mortar.
2. Where built -in items are to be embedded in cores of hollow masonry units, place a layer of metal
lath in joint below and rod mortar or grout into core.
3. As option to using solid concrete masonry units, fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with
grout 3 courses (24 inches) minimum under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts and similar items,
unless otherwise required.
Non - Bearing Walls and Partitions: Build walls and partitions full height of story to underside of structure
above, except as otherwise required. Between top of full height walls and partitions, and structure
above, provide void space to compensate for deflection of above structure, but not less than 1 inch, and
prepare for installation of firestopping specified in Section 07840 - Firestopping.
A. Mortar Types: Provide as follows, unless otherwise required:
1. Type S Mortar: Use for outdoor and indoor masonry walls.
B. Mortar Coverage:
1. Mortar: Do not use mortar which has begun to stiffened or if more than 1 hour has elapsed since
initial m ixing. Mortar that has stiffened can be retempered by adding water as frequently as needed
to restore required consistency. No mortar shall be retempered after 1 hour from initial mixing.
2. Concrete Masonry Units: Lay hollow concrete masonry units with full mortar coverage on face
shells. Bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings, floors and like construction and in all
courses of piers, columns and pilasters, and where adjacent to cells or cavities to be reinforced or
filled with concrete or grout. For starting course on footings, floors and like construction where cells
are not grouted, spread out full mortar bed including areas under cells.
C. Joint Widths: Provide following joint widths, except for minor variations required to maintain bond pattern
alignment, within required tolerances:
1. General: 3/8 inch wide.
o •
D. Tooling:
1. Strike joints flush for masonry walls which are to be concealed or to be covered by other materials,
except for paint, coatings or as otherwise required.
2. Tool exposed joints slightly concave and with smooth surface when mortar is thumbprint hard.
E. Disturbed Units: Remove masonry units disturbed after laying. Clean and reset in fresh mortar. Do not
pound corners or jambs to fit stretcher units which have been set in position. If adjustments are
required, remove units, clean off mortar and reset in fresh mortar.
F. Non - Bearing Partitions:
1. Build full height of story to underside of structure above, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
2. Between top of full height non - bearing partitions and structure above, provide void prepared for
installation of firestopping specified in Section 07840 - Firestopping.
A. Continuous Horizontal Joint Reinforcement and Ties:
1. General: Provide continuous horizontal joint reinforcement in masonry walls. Fully embed
longitudinal side rods in mortar for entire length with a cover of 5/8 inch minimum on exterior side of
walls, and 1/2 inch at all other locations. Lap ends of reinforcement sections 6 inches minimum. Do
not bridge control and expansion joints with reinforcement.
2. Intersections: Provide continuity at corners and wall intersections by use of prefabricated comer and
tee units. Cut and bend reinforcement units as instructed by manufacturer for continuity at returns,
offsets, column fireproofing, pipe enclosures and other special conditions.
3. Spacing: Space continuous horizontal reinforcement as follows:
a. For Single Wythe Walls: Space reinforcement at 16 inches maximum on center vertically.
4. Openings: Reinforce masonry openings greater than 1 foot wide, with horizontal joint reinforcement
placed in two horizontal joints approximately 8 inches apart, immediately above lintel and
immediately below sill. Extend reinforcement 2 feet minimum beyond jambs of opening, bridging
control joints. In addition to wall reinforcement, provide additional reinforcement at openings as
required to meet spacing requirement.
A. General: Provide anchoring devices and associated accessories of type required for application and
conditions encountered.
B. Anchorage - General: Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces such
members to meet following:
1. Provide 1 inch minimum clearance between masonry and structural member, except as otherwise
indicated on Drawings. Keep space free of mortar or other rigid materials.
2. Anchor masonry to structural members with metal ties embedded in masonry joints and attached to
structure. Provide anchors with adjustable tie sections, except as otherwise required.
3. Space anchors at 16 inches on center vertically and 24 inches on center horizontally, maximum.
Stagger anchors in alternating courses. Provide additional anchors within 12 inches of openings and
space at 36 inches on center maximum around perimeter of openings. At intersecting and abutting
walls, provide anchors at 16 inches on center maximum, vertically.
A. Shelf Angles: Provide hot -dip zinc coated shelf angles where required. See Section 05500 - Metal
Fabrications, for requirements.
B. Lintels:
1. General: Install lintels where required of correct type for each application.
2. Loose Steel Lintels: Provide loose steel lintels where required. See Section 05500 - Metal
Fabrications, for requirements.
3. Masonry Lintels: Provide masonry lintels where required and wherever openings of more than 1 foot
for brick size units and 2 feet for block size units, up to and including 6'-4" wide are required without
structural steel or other supporting lintels. Provide precast or formed -in -place masonry lintels.
Thoroughly cure precast lintels before handling and installation. Temporarily support formed -in-
place lintels.
a. Unit Shape: For hollow concrete masonry unit walls, use specially formed U- shaped lintel units
with reinforcement placed as required, filled with masonry grout or concrete.
b. Reinforcement: Except as otherwise required, provide one horizontal reinforcing bar for each 4
inches of wall thickness. Diameter of each reinforcing bar shall be 1/8 inch for each 12 inches or
fraction thereof of opening width. Each reinforcing bar shall be of one piece length only.
c. Bearing: Provide minimum bearing at each jamb of 8 inches, except where greater bearing area
is required.
d. Breaker Strip: Provide bond breaker strip at lintel bearing areas.
A. General: Provide expansion joints in unit masonry and control joints in concrete unit masonry aligned
with openings and joints in related work as applicable, meeting recommendations indicated in BIA -
Technical Notes on Brick Construction 18A - Movement, Design and Detailing of Movement Joints, and
NCMA - Technical Note TEK 10 -2A - Control Joints for Concrete Masonry Walls, and as indicated by
final reviewed shop drawings. In addition, before start of work review location of all joints with Architect.
Build -in related items as masonry work progresses.
B. Construction: Build continuous and uniform expansion and control joints in masonry.
1. At non -fire rated walls and partitions, fill expansion joints with premolded rubber control joint strip or
compressible filler entire width and depth of joint, except for space required to continuously seal
joint with joint sealant.
2. At fire rated walls, provide void space prepared for installation of firestopping specified in Section
07840 - Firestopping.
C. Locations: Locate masonry expansion and control joints at points of natural weakness in masonry work
as follows, except at locations where structural integrity of masonry may be affected:
1. Where indicated on Drawings.
2. At structural columns, anchor wall at both sides of each joint to respective column.
3. At expansion or control joints in supporting or back -up structure.
a. Movement joints in foundations and floors.
b. Movement joints in floors and roofs that bear on wall.
4. At one or both sides of openings; above openings at end of lintels upward and below ends of sills
downward. Place atone jamb of openings less than 6 feet wide and at both jambs of openings over
6 feet wide, providing walls are adequately, laterally braced.
5. At offsets and setbacks.
6. Changes in wall thickness, such as at vertical chases, recesses and pilasters.
7. At locations where masonry wall height changes by more than 20 percent.
8. Where masonry abuts supporting structure.
9. Adjacent to corners of walls or intersections within a distance equal to half control joint spacing.
10. At comer of parapets at a distance of approximately 2 feet each direction of comer.
11. Provide vertical joints in walls without openings, except do not provide joints in horizontally spanning
walls, spaced at 25 foot centers maximum or 1.5 times height of wall, whichever is less.
12. Horizontal pressure relieving joints directly beneath shelf angles supporting masonry veneer; 3/8
inch minimum space below shelf angle and unit masonry below.
A. General: Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance
and control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control Service will
provide testing facilities and equipment.
B. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
C. Monitoring Masonry Operations:
1. Check batching and mixing operations of mortar and grout to extent necessary to assure
compliance with specified requirements.
2. Monitor consistency and uniformity of masonry operations.
D. Mortar Properties: Test each type mortar for compressive strength meeting requirements of ASTM
C780, using 3" x 6" cylinders. Provide 6 cylinder specimens for each test set, testing 3 specimens at 7
days and 3 specimens at 28 days.
E. Grout Properties: Test each type grout for compressive strength meeting requirements of ASTM C1019,
using 3" x6" cylinders. Provide 6 cylinder specimens for each test set, testing 3 specimens at 7 days
and 3 specimens at 28 days.
F. Evaluation of Tests: Masonry work, in absence of other indications of noncompliance with requirements,
will be considered satisfactory if results from Quality Control Service evaluations meet minimum
0 a
A. Repair: Remove and replace masonry units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained or otherwise
damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as required. Provide new units to match adjoining units
and install in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement.
B. Pointing:
1. During tooling of joints, enlarge any voids or holes, and completely fill with mortar.
2. Point -up all joints including corners, openings and adjacent work to provide a neat, uniform
appearance, properly prepared for application of sealant, as applicable.
C. Initial Cleaning: Remove excess mortar as work progresses. Dry brush with a non - metallic fiber brush
at end of work each day. Do not use abrasive tools, or metal cleaning tools and brushes.
D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean one -half of mock -up wall panel. Obtain
acceptance of Architect of sample cleaning before proceeding to clean masonry work.
1. General: Dry clean to remove particles of mortar. Use wood paddles and scrappers, and non-
metallic fiber brushes. Do not use acid cleaning agents, abrasive tools or cleaning agents, or metal
cleaning tools and brushes.
2. Concrete Masonry Surfaces: Dry clean by rubbing (honing) with clean concrete masonry unit of
same type as masonry to be cleaned. Remove large particles of mortar using wood paddles and
scrapers. Do not wet with water.
E. Protection:
1. Protect unit masonry from deterioration, discoloration and damage during subsequent construction
2. Normal exposure of weathering of masonry work will be acceptable, provided other conditions and
activities do not interfere and result in an unacceptable condition.
A. Description: Stone veneer assemblies are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Stone veneer assemblies include, but is not limited to, following:
1. Design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and installation of stone veneer.
2. Stone veneer units.
3. Furnishing anchors and blocking to be built -in supporting construction for anchorage or support of
4. Loose lintels, shelf angles, reinforcement, thru wall flashing, anchors, weeps and like items.
A. Stone veneer: Natural cut stone specifically quarried and selected for thin veneer applications.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings, and specifically Chapter 13 -
Architectural Concrete.
2. ACI 318 -Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, including Commentary.
3. ACI 347 - Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork, and specifically Chapter 5.2 -
Architectural Concrete.
4. Specification Sections:
a. 04810 -Unit Masonry Assemblies.
b. 07920 - Joint Sealants.
B. Performance Basis:
1. General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, visual concepts, profiles and sightlines of members, dimensions and modules of
units, performance, function and like requirements. Within these limitations, work shall meet
arrangements, visual concepts, performance criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract
Documents, and include components not indicated but necessaryfor performance, function and to
be complete work. Perform modifications only as necessary to meet requirements of Contract
AESI 27210
04865 -1
Documents and to coordinate the work, subject to acceptance by Architect. Maintain performance
criteria. Variations in details and products shall not adversely affect appearance, durability, strength
and performance. Provide complete drawings and data of proposed modifications.
2. Qualification: Contract Documents are intended to cover complete work and to outline performance
criteria and products required, but not to cover details of design and construction. Such details shall
be responsibility of manufacturer. Contract Documents do not invent or develop any part of work,
but have made only selections of materials and other like characteristics from choices made
available by manufacturer.
C. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, creep, shrinkage,
deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic
forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
3. Minimum Requirements: Requirements indicated by Contract Documents are minimal for work of
this Section. If manufacturer has more stringent requirements or standards required for issuance of
required warranty, those requirements and standards shall be adhered to by installer. Lesser
requirements and standards will not be accepted even if acceptable to manufacturer.
4. Visual Design Concept: Variations shall not be discernible by naked eye at 10 foot distance as
determined by Architect.
5. Layout Adjustments: Adjust locations of work to accommodate actual project site conditions; actual
product dimensions, and service conditions and connections, and to prevent interferences,
inadequacies and inaccessibilities for installation, operation and maintenance conditions. Work
requiring adjustments shall be reviewed by Architect before starting work. Cost for layout
adjustments shall be included in Contract Sum. Assist in working -out adjustments.
6. Movements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements.
7. Adjacent Construction Deflections: Work shall accommodate alive load differential deflection of
adjacent construction.
8. Tolerances: Work shall accommodate variations in relation to theoretical structure lines.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibility for
providing complete work and for performance, quality and appearance of work.
B. Product Qualifications: Provide products indicated under same category produced by a single
manufacturer for the entire work or products recommended and accepted by stone veneer
manufacturer. Use only one type, brand, source and manufacture run of each product.
C. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
D. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, engineering, detailing, fabrication, installation and
maintenance of type and quality required for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturer. Upon
request, provide proof of qualifications.
E. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements, ambient
conditions, coordination required for installation of work and responsibility for temporary operation of
permanent systems required for work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, representative of
manufacturer, installer of work, installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and
agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. General: Manufacturer shall employ a quality control service whose services shall include performing
material evaluation tests, designing concrete mixes and performing qualitycontrol inspection and testing
during construction operations. Coordinate submission of information to quality control service for mix
design requirements and of results to Architect.
1. General: Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting, as directed by Architect, at
any time during progress of the work. Allow free access to material stockpiles and facilities at all
2. Mortar Mix Designs: Provide mix designs for proposed mortar mixes for each class and type of
mortar to be used, and indicating where each mix design is to be used.
B. Testing: Test compressive strength and absorption of three specimens per 500 cubic feet at random
D from plant production in accordance with referenced standards.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Include details of stone to
be provided, including profiles, cross - sections, reinforcement, exposed faces, arrangement of joints,
anchoring methods, anchors, and annotation of stone types and their location. Indicate details and
requirements for following and other pertinent data not included in submitted product data of
1. Layout arrangement and dimensions of work. Indicate arrangement and, where necessary, details
of adjacent construction relative to work, correctly detailed and dimensioned. Indicate identification
of each stone unit corresponding to installed location.
2. Identification, location, profiles, sections and dimensions of each material and component,
identification of each material, and type, size and location of reinforcement.
3. Specifications for materials.
4. Location and details of anchorage devices to be embedded in supporting construction.
5. Typical and special details of assembly, installation and anchorage.
6. Joinery details, including expansion and contraction provisions with location and sizes, fasteners and
C. Stone Samples:
1. Preliminary Samples: Submit 3 sets of samples, approximately 12 inches square, to illustrate
quality, color and texture of each required surface finish. Samples shall show extreme limits of
quality, color and texture variations, and severity of surface distortions. Color, sheen, texture and
surface distortion range of production precast concrete shall be in accordance with final reviewed
2. Full Size Units: Provide full size mock -up samples of stone units as specified in Paragraph - Plant
Mock -Up, of this Section.
3. Special Shapes: Provide full size samples of comer, sill and like special shapes for each color,
texture and surface finish.
4. Evaluation: Samples will be reviewed only for visual characteristics.
D. Accessory Samples: Right is reserved to require samples of cast -in anchorages and other attachments
and accessories.
E. Material Compliance Certificates: Submit material compliance certificates in lieu of materials laboratory
test reports only when acceptable to Architect. Compliance certificates shall be issued by material
manufacturer and signed by material manufacturer, precast concrete manufacturer and Contractor
meeting requirements of Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures, attesting that each material meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
A. General: Materials shall be delivered, stored and handled meeting instructionsand recommendations of
manufacturer. Materials shall be stored with suitable protective covering and shall be isolated from
other materials. Care shall be taken to prevent damage from condensation.
B. Marking: Identify and mark individual stone units with same mark as indicated on final reviewed shop
C. Storage: Store products off ground in a manner which allows ventilation and drainage, provides
protection from weather, and prevents damage, contamination, distortion, breakage, structural
weakening and defacement.
D. Handling: Handle stone veneer to ensure against cracking, distortion, staining or other physical damage,
and so location markings are visible. Lift and support units at designated lift points.
E. Protection: Protect stone while on ground and after setting from splashing, mortar and damage from
other work.
A. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions by field measurements before preparation of shop drawings
and fabrication, where possible to ensure proper fitting of work. Verify stone units can be installed in
compliance with design. Show field measurements on shop drawings. Allow for adjustments wherever
verifying field measurements before fabrication.
0 0
B. Anchorage Items: Deliver anchorage items which are to be embedded in supporting construction
before start of such work. Provide final reviewed setting diagrams, templates, instructions and directions
as required for installation.
A. Instructions: Provide printed instructions of stone veneer manufacturer for maintenance of installed
work, including methods and frequency recommended for maintaining optimum condition under
anticipated traffic and use conditions. Include precautions against materials and methods which maybe
detrimental to finishes and performance.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, abnormal
deterioration, aging or weathering of the work; structural failure of components; deterioration and
discoloration of finishes in excess of normal weathering and aging and exceeding specified limits,
and failure of work to meet or perform to other performance criteria indicated by Contract
2. Extent: Warranty shall not include damage caused by vandalism or natural conditions exceeding
performance criteria. However, warranty does include failures or defects for which causes cannot
be determined.
3. Limitations: Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
conditions of warranty.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitation and at no expense to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
E. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 5 years.
A. Robinson Brick Company.
B. Telluride Stone Company.
A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or III, white or grey, as required to match required color.
B. Coarse Aggregates: Graded and washed natural gravel or crushed granite, quartz or limestone, as
applicable, meeting requirements of ASTM C33, Course Aggregates, of gradation to attain required
1. Free of substances causing staining or reactions with cement, and of soluble salts and other
substances which can cause stains on exposed concrete.
2. Have at least 5 years historical experience of satisfactory durability.
3. Type: Aggregate type, shape, gradation and color shall be as required to produce required surface
C. Fine Aggregates: Graded and washed natural gravel or crushed granite, quartz or limestone, as
applicable, meeting requirements of ASTM C33, Fine Aggregates, of gradation to attain required
1. Free of substances causing staining or reactions with cement, and of soluble salts and other
substances which can cause stains on exposed concrete.
2. Have at least 5 years historical experience of satisfactory durability.
3. Type: Aggregate type, shape, gradation and color shall be as required to produce required surface
D. Color Pigments: ASTM C979 inorganic iron oxide pigments, lime proof as required to match required
E. Admixtures:
1. General: Provide admixtures produced by established reputable manufacturers and use in
compliance with the instructions of manufacturer. Do not use admixtures which have not been
incorporated and tested in accepted concrete mixes, unless otherwise authorized in writing by
2. Air Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260.
3. Water Reducing: ASTM C494.
4. Calcium Chloride: Do not use calcium chloride, including admixtures with chloride ion content.
F. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear meeting requirements of ASTM C94; free of unusual or
objectionable smell or taste, and deleterious substances which impair strength, durability, compatibility
and appearance of work and as required by product manufacturer. Do not use water which has been
used to clean equipment or tools.
G. Reinforcing Bars -Epoxy Coated: ASTM A615, Grade 60 minimum, deformed, epoxy coated meeting
requirements of ASTM A775 and ASTM A934, as applicable.
H. Reinforcing Bars - Hot Dip Zinc Coated: ASTM A615, Grade 60 minimum, deformed, hot -dip zinc
coated meeting requirements of ASTM Al23. Zinc coating shall be 2 ounces minimum per square foot
of surface area. Provide coating after fabrication.
I. Welded Wire Fabric -Epoxy Coated: ASTM A185, flat sheets, epoxy coated meeting requirements of
ASTM A884, Class A. Fabric in rolls not acceptable.
J. Ties - Epoxy Coated Reinforcement: Nylon, or epoxy or plastic coated industrial cold drawn wire as
acceptable to Architect. Epoxy coating shall meet requirements of ASTM A884, Class A.
0 0
K. Ties - Hot -Dip Zinc Coated Reinforcement: Hot -dip zinc coated industrial cold drawn wire.
L. Zinc Coating Repair Paint: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of hot -dip zinc coated steel
surfaces meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94 percent
minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
A. Physical Properties:
1. Compressive Strength: 6,500 psi minimum.
2. Absorption: 6 percent maximum at 28 day age when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
3. Weight: No more than 15 psf.
B. Details: Provide suitable wash on exterior sills, coping, projecting courses and pieces with exposed top
surfaces. Provide drips as needed.
C. Color and Finish:
1. Variation: Must match color and finish of final reviewed sample subjected to similar aging and
weathering conditions when viewed in direct daylight at 10 foot distance.
0 1 -
} A. Portland Cement Mortar Setting Bed and Grout Materials:
1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, except Type III maybe used for cold weather construction.
Portland cement shall be without air entrainment, and of natural gray color.
2. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S.
3. Mortar Cement:
a. Description: ASTM C1329 and ICBO -Uniform Building Code Standard 21 -14. Cement shall be
of natural gray color.
b. Acceptable Manufacturers:
1) Blue Circle Cement.
2) Lafarge Corporation.
4. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C144, except for joints less than 1/4 inch use aggregate graded with
100 percent passing Number 16 sieve.
5. Aggregate for Grout: ASTM C404.
6. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear; free of unusual or objectionable smell or taste, and
deleterious substances which impair strength durability, compatibility and appearance of work and
as required by product manufacturer. Do not use water which has been used to clean equipment or
7. Latex Additive:
a. Description: Proprietary compound of styrene butadiene latex or acrylic latex and additives
formulated for use with portland cement mortar bed materials; meet requirements of ANSI
A118.4 and providing following mortar properties. Provide latex additive suitable for mixing with
dry mortar materials.
1) Compressive Strength: 4,000 psi minimum at 28 days when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM C109.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Bostik Inc., Hydroment Multi- Purpose Acrylic.
2) Custom Building Products, Custom Acrylic Mortar Admix.
3) Laticrete International, Inc., 3701 Latex Mortar and Grout Additive.
4) Mapei Corporation, Panicrete 50.
5) TEC Incorporated, TA -870 Crete Latex Additive.
A. Weather Barrier: saturated asphalt felt meeting U.B.C. Standard No. 14 -1 fro kraft waterproof building
B. Expanded Metal Lath: 2.5 lb. minimum galvanized diamond mesh expanded metal lath.
C. Anchors: Non - corrosive, hot -dip zinc coated or stainless steel, Type 304.
D. Cleaning Solution: as recommended by stone veneer supplier.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work are to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. Coordination: Verify that installation of items required for stonework to be installed by others are proper
type, size, finish and are located at proper spacings with proper anchorage.
B. Cleaning: Clean stone surfaces prior to setting, using only water or mild cleaning compounds containing
no caustic or abrasives.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers.
B. Weatherproof Barrier and Lath substrate application:
1. Weatherproof Barrier: Install weather resistant barrier, lapped horizontally minimum 2 ", at vertical
joints lapped minimum 6 ".
2. Metal Lath: Install metal lath, overlap sides minimum ' / 2 ", ends 1" minimum. Attach lath with
galvanized ring shank nails 6" on center vertically and 16" horizontally at studs, where applicable, or
into solid masonry or concrete substrate. Double wrap lath 16" minimum at all inside and outside
C. Jointing:
1. Joint Size:
a. At Stone /Masonry Unit Joints: 3/8 inch.
b. At Stone /Stone Joints in Vertical Position: 3/8 inch.
c. Stone /Stone Joints Exposed on Top Side: 3/8 inch.
2. Joint Material:
a. Use a full bead of mortar at all bed joints.
b. Flush vertical joint full with mortar.
c. Leave all joints with exposed tops or under relieving angles open for sealant.
3. Joint Locations:
a. General: As indicated on final reviewed shop drawings.
b. Control and Expansion Joints: As indicated by Contract Documents. Meet applicable
requirements of Section 04810 - Unit Masonry Assemblies.
D. Cutting: Perform project site cutting with power saws.
E. Setting:
1. In dry conditions, drench all stone units thoroughly with water just before setting.
2. Install anchors, supports, fasteners and other attachments to secure stonework in place. Attach
anchors securely to stone and to supporting surfaces. Place anchors and dowels firmly and fill
holes completely with mortar.
3. Set stone veneer accurately, in patterns and locations required, with uniform joints of dimensions
required, and with edges and faces aligned meeting established relationships and required
tolerances. Apply Y2" minimum layer of mortar to entire back of stone and work into prepared lath
4. Grout joints per approved sample, using grout bag and jointing tool. Strike to depth of approved
5. Sponge face of each stone to remove excess mortar.
A. Stone Units: Repair chips with touch -up material furnished by manufacturer meeting instructions and
recommendation of manufacturer.
B. Cleaning:
1. Perform final cleaning as soon as possible after mortar has set and been tooled. Clean faces of
stone at pointed joints immediately. Remove soiled areas, streaks and stains from surfaces using
clean water and soft bristle brush, followed by clear water rinse.
2. Do not use wire brushes, acid type cleaning agents, cleaning compounds with caustic or harsh
fillers, or other materials or methods which could deface surfaces.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Structural steel is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessaryand
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Structural steel includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Work defined in AISC - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges and as otherwise
indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Furnishing setting plates, bearing plates, embedded plates and anchor bolts indicated on Structural
or Architectural Drawings to be built -in or attached to supporting construction.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AISC - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, referenced in this Section as
AISC Code.
2. AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary, referenced in this Section as AISC Specification.
3. AISC - Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design,
including Commentary.
4. AISC - Load and Resistance Factor Manual of Steel Construction, referenced in this Section as
AISC Manual, as applicable for work.
5. AISC - Allowable Stress Design Manual of Steel Construction, referenced in this Section as AISC
Manual, as applicable for work.
6. AISC - Detailing for Steel Construction.
7. AISC - Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings.
8. ASTM A6 - General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet, Piling and
Bars for Structural Use.
9. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
10. RCSC - Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, including Commentary,
referenced in this Section as RCSC Bolt Specification.
11. SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Manual.
B. Connection Design:
1. General: Design of connections not indicated on Drawings shall be performed by engineer of
Contractor meeting requirements of Contract Documents.
2. Capacity:
a. Each connection not indicated on Drawings shall be of capacity to support respective reactions
indicated on Drawings.
b. Capacity of a connection shall be 60 percent minimum of total allowable uniform load as
indicated in AISC Manual for applicable beam.
3. Threaded Fasteners:
a. Bolt Size: Bolts shall be 3/4 inch minimum diameter.
b. Connections:
1) Connections shall have minimum number of threaded fasteners as indicated on Drawings.
2) Provide 2 minimum threaded fasteners for each threaded fastener connection.
4. Welded Connections:
a. Weld Size: Weld size shall meet requirements of AWS D1.1 for minimum size.
b. Connections: Connections shall meet requirements indicated on Drawings.
A. Fabricator Qualifications: Fabricator shall be an AISC Quality Certified Fabricator for category of
structural steel work coinciding with the work, with endorsement for Sophisticated Paint System when
painted zinc coating primer is required, and shall have 10 years minimum documented experience in
designing, engineering, detailing and fabricating structural steel. Upon request, provide proof of
B. Erector Qualifications: Erector shall bean AISC Quality Certified Erector for category of structural steel
work coinciding with the work and shall have 10 years minimum documented experience in erection of
structural steel. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
C. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as a
structural engineer in jurisdiction where the work is located and experienced in providing structural
engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of work similar in
extent, design and products to that required for the work.
D. Threaded Fastening Qualifications: Qualify shop and project site threaded fastener tightening
procedures meeting requirements of RCSC Bolt Specification. Verify shop and project site threaded
fastener crews ability to install threaded fasteners in accordance with selected method of tightening.
E. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part
of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specked in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Qualifications: Review following qualifications:
1. Threaded Fastener Tightening Procedures: Verify threaded fastener tightening procedures meeting
requirements of RCSC Bolt Specification. Verify ability of shop threaded fastening crews to install
threaded fasteners meeting requirements for selected method of tightening.
2. Welding Procedures: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Submittals: Review following submittals:
1. Steel Data:
a. Report of ladle analysis for all steels.
b. Report of tensile properties for steel shapes, bars and plates.
c. Mill certifications.
2. Materials for Structural Steel Work:
a. Steel shapes, plates and bars.
b. High strength threaded fastener assemblies.
c. Welding electrodes.
d. Shear and anchor studs.
3. Welding: Certificates of qualification and test records for welding procedures and personnel.
D. Work Evaluations: Perform following evaluations:
1. Steel: Determine chemical composition of steel.
2. Mechanical Properties: Determine mechanical properties, meeting requirements ofASTMA370, of
following materials:
a. Steel shapes, plates and bars.
b. Anchor bolts.
c. High strength threaded fastener.
d. Welding electrodes.
e. Shear and anchor studs.
3. Qualifications: Review qualification of following:
a. Shop bolting procedures and crews.
b. Shop welding procedures and personnel.
c. Shop stud welding operators and stud bases.
4. Threaded Fastener Connections: Inspect threaded fastener connections meeting requirements of
RCSC Bolt Specification and include following:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of threaded fastener connections.
b. Monitor installation of threaded fasteners to determine all plies of connected material have been
drawn together and tightening procedure has been properly followed.
c. For connections using direct tension indicators, verify direct tension indicator gaps meet
requirements of ASTM F959.
d. Inspect all threaded fasteners of connections which have previously failed inspection.
5. Welds: Inspect welds meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as follows:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of welds.
b. Inspect 100 percent of penetration welds by ultrasonic, liquid penetrate or other appropriate
testing method as acceptable to Architect.
1) Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E165.
2) Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E709, performed on root pass and on finish weld.
Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration are not acceptable.
3) Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E94 and ASTM E142, Quality Level 2 -2T minimum.
4) Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E164.
c. Welds that fail shall be rewelded and retested until they pass.
6. Stud Welding: Inspect shear and anchor stud welding meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as
a. Visually inspect studs for complete fusion and full 360 degree weld flash or fillet. Studs which
• 0
reveal complete fusion and full weld flash shall be considered acceptable. If visual inspection
reveals any stud that does not show complete fusion of weld flash or any stud repaired by
welding, check stud by bending or an angle of 15 degrees from its original abs in a direction
opposite missing weld fillet. Studs that crack in weld, base metal or shank shall be replaced.
Studs that show no sign of failure shall be considered acceptable.
b. In addition to visual inspection of stud welds, select at random, 12 members per floor on which
10 studs shall be bent to an angle of 15 degrees from original a)as toward midspan of member. If
any stud fails, check all studs on member. Any stud that shows any sign of failure shall be
replaced. For each member with any defective studs, test an additional member.
c. Any bent stud shall be left bent if no portion of stud is less than one inch from a proposed
concrete surface, in which case, stud shall be straightened. Required bending and straightening
shall be accomplished by mechanical means without heating.
A. Coordination: Prior to or concurrent with any other submittal required for work required to meet
performance criteria requirements indicated by Contract Documents, submit design certification
specked in this Article.
B. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product, including paint products. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Shop Drawings:
40) 1. General: Submit shop drawings indicating shop and erection details, including cuts, copes,
connections, holes, threaded fasteners and welds. Indicate which connections are slip critical.
Indicate welds, both shop and field, by AWS welding symbols.
2. Certification: Shop drawings for work shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who
performed design work covered by content of shop drawings, stating work meets most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents.
D. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test.records. Indicate any limitations
to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
E. Compliance Certificates: Submit material compliance certificates for following, issued by
manufacturers, attesting each material meets requirements of Contract Documents. Compliance
certificate shall be signed by manufacturer and meet applicable requirements of Section 01330 -
Submittal Procedures.
1. Steel Data:
a. Report of ladle analysis for steels.
b. Report of tensile properties for steel shapes, bars and plates.
c. Mill certifications.
2. Materials for Structural Steel Work:
a. Steel shapes, plates and bars.
b. High strength threaded fasteners.
c. Welding electrodes.
d. Shear and anchor studs.
e. Prime paints. Indicate AISC Coating Class, including actual slip coefficient and tension creep
values, for prime paint to be used on faying surfaces of slip critical connections.
F. Design Certification: Submit design certification prepared, certified and sealed by engineer of
Contractor who performed design calculations for work. Certification shall specifically indicate work
meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public
authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble work in shop to greatest extent possible, so as to minimize splicing and
assembly of work at project site. Disassemble work only to extent necessary for shipping and handling.
Mark work for reassembly and coordinated installation.
B. Storage:
1. Store structural steel members at project site in a location above ground and in a manner to prevent
damage, distortion and structural weakening.
2. Protect steel from corrosion.
3. Store other materials in a weather -tight and dry place, until ready for use in work.
4. Store packaged material in their original unbroken package or container.
C. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
A. Built -In Items: Coordinate and deliver structural steel items to be built -in, embedded or attached to
supporting construction. Furnish setting drawings, templates and instructions for installation of such
A. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates -General: As indicated on Drawings, otherwise as follows:
1. General: ASTM A572, Grade 50, or ASTM A36.
2. Wide Flange Shapes: ASTM A992.
B. Structural Steel Tubing:
1. Cold Formed: ASTM A500, Grade B.
2. Hot Formed: ASTM A501.
C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Type E or S, Grade B, Standard Weight Class except as otherwise required,
black finish except when hot -dip zinc coating is required.
0 0
A. Anchor Bolts: As indicated on Drawings, otherwise as follows:
1. Bolts and Studs: ASTM A307, Grade A minimum, Heavy Hex for bolts.
2. Nuts: ASTM A563, Grade C minimum, Heavy Hex.
3. Washers: Plain steel washers, fabricated from steel meeting requirements of ASTM A36.
B. Adhesive Anchors - Capsule:
Description: Heavy duty, high load capacity, adhesive anchor consisting of a self - contained, two
component, adhesive capsule of resin and hardener and a threaded rod with nut and washer or an
internally threaded insert as applicable for application. Each component of anchor shall be of
strength required for application. Anchor shall chemically bond to base materials and shall not Bert
expansion pressure on base materials. Anchor shall be approved and listed by ICBO and SBCCI,
and be seismic qualified meeting requirements of ASTM E1512.
a. Anchor Rods: ASTM A36; ASTM A193, Grade B7, Type 2, and AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless
steel meeting mechanical requirements of ASTM F593, Condition CW, as applicable.
b. Nuts and Washers: Meet requirements of anchor rod specifications.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Hilti, Inc., HVA Adhesive System.
C. Adhesive Anchors - Injection:
1. Description: Heavy duty, high load capacity, adhesive anchor consisting of an injectable, two
component, adhesive of resin and hardener supplied from an injection tool with adhesive mixing
capabilities, and a threaded rod and with nut and washer or an internally threaded insert as
applicable for application. Each component of anchor shall be of strength required for application.
Anchor shall chemically bond to base materials and shall not exert expansion pressure on base
materials. Anchor shall be approved and listed by ICBO and SBCCI, and be seismic qualified
meeting requirements of ASTM E1512.
a. Properties: Minimum anchor properties shall be as follows when evaluated by respective
reference standard:
1) Compressive Strength: 10,400 psi, ASTM C579.
2) Tensile Strength: 2,300 psi, ASTM C307.
3) Flexural Strength: 4,200 psi, ASTM C580.
4) Modulus of Elasticity: 1.02 x 10 psi, ASTM C307.
b. Anchor Rods: ASTM A36; ASTM A193, Grade B7, Type 2, and AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless
steel meeting requirements of ASTM F593, Condition CW, as applicable.
c. Nut and Washers: Meet requirements of anchor rod specification.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Hilt, Inc., HIT HY 150 Injection Adhesive Anchor.
D. High Strength Threaded Fasteners:
1. General: RCSC Bolt Specification. Provide threaded fasteners as indicated on Drawings.
Threaded fasteners shall be properly lubricated.
2. Common High Strength Fasteners - Plain:
a. Bolts - Uncoated: ASTM A325 or ASTM A490, as applicable, Type 1, Heavy Hex, uncoated.
b. Bolts - Coated: ASTM A325, Type 1, Heavy Hex; mechanically deposited zinc coated, ASTM
8695, Class 50 minimum.
c. Nuts: ASTM A563, Grade DH, Heavy Hex, uncoated or coated as required for mating bolt type.
d. Hardened Washers: ASTM F436, Type 1, flat or beveled as applicable for slope of steel contact
surface, uncoated or coated as required for mating bolt type.
e. Direct Tension Indicator Washers: ASTM F959, Type and uncoated or coated as required for
mating bolt type.
3. Common High Strength Fasteners - Weathering Steel:
a. Bolts: ASTM A325 or ASTM A490, as applicable, Type 3, Heavy Hex
b. Nuts: ASTM A563, Grade DH3, Heavy Hex.
c. Hardened Washers: ASTM F436, Type 3, flat or beveled as applicable for slope of steel contact
d. Direct Tension Indicator Washers: ASTM F959, Type as required for mating bolt type.
4. Tension Control Fasteners - Plain:
a. Description: Bolts with mating nuts and washers for installation using a special wrench. Bolt
tension shall be pre - calibrated during manufacture so spline automatically shears undertorquing
to insure proper tension.
b. Bolts - Uncoated: ASTM A325 or ASTM A490, as applicable, Type 1, Heavy Hex, uncoated.
c. Bolts - Coated: ASTM A325, Type 1, Heavy Hex mechanically deposited zinc coated, ASTM
B695, Class 50 minimum.
d. Nuts: ASTM A563, Grade DH, Heavy Hex, uncoated or coated as required for mating bolt type.
e. Hardened Washers: ASTM F436, Type 1, flat or beveled as applicable for slope of steel contact
surface, uncoated or coated as required for mating bolt type.
f. Acceptable Products:
1) LeJeune Bolt Company, LeJeune High Strength Fastening System.
2) Lohr Structural Fasteners Inc., Lohr High Strength Fastening System.
0 0
A. Welding Electrodes: Select welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 for type metal and
alloy to be welded, instructions and recommendations of parent metal manufacturers, and finish
required. In addition, welding electrodes shall be as required for strength and compatibilityin fabricated
1. Shielded Metal Arc Welding: AWS A5.1 or A5.5.
2. Submerged Arc Welding: AWS A5.17.
3. Flux -cored Arc Welding: AWS A5.20.
B. Headed Shear Connector Studs:
1. Description: Headed shear connector stud with fluxed ends for automatically end welding meeting
requirements of AWS D1.1, Type B. Studs shall be manufactured from cold drawn low carbon steel
meeting requirements of ASTM A108, Grade Designation 1010 through 1020. Finished studs shall
be of configuration and dimensions required, and with appropriate ferrule for application.
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. TRW Inc., Nelson S& Shear Connectors.
C. Headed Anchor Studs:
1. Description: Headed concrete anchor stud with fluxed ends for automatically end welding meeting
requirements of AWS D1.1, Type B. Studs shall be manufactured from cold drawn lowcarbon steel
meeting requirements of ASTM A108, Grade Designations 1010 through 1020. Finished studs shall
be of configuration and dimensions required, and with appropriate ferrule for application.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. TRW Inc., Nelson H4L Headed Concrete Anchors.
A. Nonshrink Grout:
Description: Premixed, non - shrink cement based grout. Grout shall be ready -to -use, non - metallic
aggregate product requiring only addition of water at project site, meeting requirements of USACE
CRD -C621 and ASTM C1107, and shall produce a flowable grouting material having no drying
shrinkage at any age and 4.0 percent maximum expansion when tested meeting requirements of
ASTM C827. Compressive strength of grout (2"x2" cubes) shall be 5,000 psi minimum at 7 days
and 6,500 psi minimum at 28 days when tested meeting requirements of ASTM C109, except grout
shall be restrained from expansion by a top plate.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Chem Rex Inc., Sonogrout 10K.
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Euco N -S Grout.
c. Five Star Products, Inc., Five Star Grout.
d. Master Builders, Inc., Masterflow 928.
e. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Sealtight 588 Precision Grout.
A. General: Fabricate work meeting requirements of AISC Code and AISC Specification.
1. Back -to -Back Components: Steel assemblies made -up of back -to -back components shall have
sufficient space between such components to permit proper surface preparation and application of
primer paint. Space intermittent spaces meeting requirements of AISC Manual.
2. Holes for Other Work:
a. Provide holes required for securing other work to structural steel framing and for passage of
other work through structural steel framing members as indicated on final reviewed shop
drawings. Provide specialty items as required to receive other work.
b. Cut, drill or punch holes perpendicular to steel surfaces. Do not flame cut holes or enlarge
holes by burning. Drill holes in bearing plates.
3. Bearing Plates:
a. Provide and install bearing plates under beams, girders and like members resting on concrete
and masonry construction.
b. Bearing plates may be either attached or loose.
4. Milling: Completely assemble members to be milled before milling.
5. Camber: Camber beams, girders and trusses as indicated on Drawings. Maintain camberwithin a
tolerance of minus zero to plus 1/8 inch per 10 feet of beam length. Fabricate members without
required camber so that after erection any incidental camber due to rolling or fabrication is upward.
6. Edges: Steel components shall be free from burrs and sharp edges.
B. Connection Types:
1. Shop Connections: High strength bolted or welded, as indicated on Drawings.
2. Field Connections: High strength bolted or welded, as indicated on Drawings.
3. Combination of Bolts and Welds: Combination of bolts and welds used for stress transmission in
common faying face of any connection is permitted only for slip critical connections and only if welds
are made after bolts are tightened.
C. Threaded Fastener Connections:
1. General: Meet requirements of RCSC Bolt Specification. Provide high - strength threaded fasteners
of strength required. Do not reuse fasteners that have been previously tightened to full pretension
force. Correct threaded fastener connections that fail inspection.
2. Common Connections: Tighten fasteners to snug tight condition.
3. Slip Critical Connections:
a. General: Connections indicated on Drawings as slip critical, or detailed or installed as follows,
are designated slip critical connections:
0 0
1) Connections with threaded fasteners installed in oversized holes.
2) Connections in which combination of welds and threaded fasteners are used for stress
transmission in common faying face.
3) Connections requiring direct tension indicator washers.
b. Fastener: Provide common high strength threaded fasteners with direct tension indicator
washers or tension control fasteners using wrenches meeting instructions and recommendations
of manufacturer.
D. Welded Construction:
1. Meet requirements of AWS D1.1.
2. Limit welding process to one or more of following:
a. Manual shielded arc.
b. Submerged arc.
c. Flux-cored arc.
3. Do not weld members with surfaces which are painted or zinc coated. Remove such coatings within
2 inches of weld locations.
0 1
4. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
5. Welds shall be maximum size based on smallest thickness of parent steel to be welded, except as
otherwise required.
6. For fillet weld sizes not indicated on Drawings, provide continuous welds with minimum fillet as
specked by AWS D1.1 or as required to satisfy strength requirements, whichever is most stringent.
7. Assemble and weld built -up sections by methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base steels. Provide true alignment of axis without warp.
8. Welds exposed to weather in the completed work shall be continuous, weathertight, even though
intermittent welds may be indicated on Drawings.
9. Make welds to metal embedments installed in concrete or masonry construction by methods which
will insure against damage of adjacent construction due to heat input to and convection from
embedded metal.
10. Remove welding flux immediately.
E. Headed Shear Connector and Anchor Studs:
1. Automatically end weld studs to base steel meeting requirements of AWS D1.1, except for more
stringent requirements of stud manufacturer. Provide configurations and sizes of studs, and at
spacings as required.
2. Areas to which studs are to be attached shall be free of foreign material, such as rust, oil, grease,
paint, and like matter. When mill scale is sufficiently thick to cause difficulty in obtaining proper
welds, remove by grinding or blasting abrasive.
3. Remove ceramic ferrules from studs and work after welding.
F. Gas Cutting: Correcting of fabrication by gas cutting is not permitted on any member in structural
framing without prior acceptance of Architect.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be erected for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Anchor Bolt Alignment: Check alignment of anchor bolts before erecting structural steel. Do not cut
bolts because of misalignment. Notify Architect of errors and obtain acceptance of Architect before
proceeding with corrections.
A. General: Erect work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in
AISC Code, AISC Specification and Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittal for
work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers.
B. Temporary Shoring and Bracing: Provide temporary shoring and bracing members, as applicable, with
connections of sufficient strength to support imposed loads. Remove temporary members and
connections when permanent members and associated diaphragms are in place and final connections
are made. Achieve proper alignment of structures as erections proceeds. Meet shoring and bracing
requirements of Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.
C. Erection Tolerances: Meet requirements of AISC Code.
D. Anchor Bolts: Use templates to secure anchor bolts and check correct positioning of anchor bolts prior
to concreting.
E. Base and Bearing Plates:
1. Set and anchor plates to proper line and elevation.
2. Use setting plates or leveling screws for leveling and plumbing structural members, including
plumbing of columns.
3. Tighten anchor bolts after plates have been positioned.
4. Provide concrete and masonry surfaces which are rough, clean; free of oil, grease and laitance, and
are damp.
5. Steel surfaces shall be clean and free of oil, grease and rust. Addition of water and mixing shall
meet instructions of manufacturer. Mix grout by using a mortar mixer. Use batches of size to allow
continuous placement of freshly mixed grout. Do not retemper after initial set has occurred. Place
quickly and continuously. Pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and base plates to ensure
that no voids remain. Exposed surfaces shall have smooth, dense finish. Wrap exposed grout
surfaces with wet burlap or seal with plastic.
• i
F. Assembly:
1. Accurately assemble structural steel frames to lines and elevations indicated, within specked
erection tolerances.
2. Various members forming parts of a complete frame or structure after being assembled shall be
aligned and adjusted accurately before being permanently fastened.
3. Fasten splices of compression members after abutting surfaces have been brought completely into
4. Clean bearing surfaces which will be in permanent contact before members are assembled
5. Splices are permitted only where indicated on Drawings.
6. Do not use gas cutting or drift pins to enlarge or align unfair holes. Ream holes that must be
enlarged to admit bolts.
7. Erection bolts used in welded construction may be tightened securely and left in place. Remove
bolts and fill holes with plug welds and ground smooth when connections will be exposed to view in
the completed work.
G. Threaded Fastener Connections:
1. General: Meet requirements of RCSC Bolt Specification. Provide high - strength threaded fasteners
of strength required. Do not reuse fasteners that have been previously tightened to full pretension
force. Correct threaded fastener connections that fail inspection.
2. Common Connections: Tighten fasteners to snug tight condition.
3. Slip Critical Connections:
a. General: Connections indicated on Drawings as slip critical, or detailed or installed as follows,
are designated slip critical connections:
1) Connections with threaded fasteners installed in oversized holes.
2) Connections in which combination of welds and threaded fasteners are used for stress
transmission in common faying face.
3) Connections requiring direct tension indicator washers.
b. Fastener: Provide common high - strength thread fasteners with direct tension indicator washer or
tension control fasteners using wrenches meeting instructions and recommendations of
H. Welded Construction:
1. Meet requirements of AWS D1.1.
2. Limit welding process to one or more of following:
a. Manual shielded arc.
b. Submerged arc.
c. Flux-cored arc.
3. Do not weld members with surfaces which are painted or zinc coated. Remove such coatings within
0 a
2 inches of weld locations.
4. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
5. Welds shall be maximum size based on smallest thickness of parent steel to be welded, except as
otherwise required.
6. For fillet weld sizes not indicated on Drawings, provide continuous welds with minimum fillet as
specified by AWS D1.1 or as required to satisfy strength requirements, whichever is most strict.
7. Assemble and weld built -up sections by methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base steels. Provide true alignment of axis without warp.
8. Welds exposed to weather in the completed work shall be continuous, weathertight, even though
intermittent welds may be indicated on Drawings.
9. Make welds to metal em bedments installed in concrete or masonry construction by methods which
will insure against damage of adjacent construction due to heat input to and convection from
embedded metal.
10. Remove welding flux immediately.
I. Shear and Anchor Studs:
1. Automatically end weld studs to base steel meeting requirements of AWS D1.1, except for more
stringent requirements of stud manufacturer. Provide configurations and sizes of studs, and at
spacings as required.
2. Areas to which studs are to be attached shall be free of foreign material, such as rust, oil, grease,
paint, and like matter. When mill scale is sufficiently thick to cause difficulty in obtaining proper
welds, remove by grinding or blasting abrasive.
3. Remove ceramic ferrules from studs and work after welding.
J. Gas Cutting: Correcting of fabrication by gas cutting is not permitted on any member in structural
framing without prior acceptance of Architect.
K. Non - Structural Elements: Do not attach non - structural elements to structure until entire level of
structural framework has been erected and attachment of steel deck, and concreting, where required, is
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specked in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Qualifications: Review following qualifications:
1. Threaded Fastener Tightening Procedures: Verify threaded fastener tightening procedures meet
requirements of RCSC Bolt Specification. Verify ability of field threaded fastening crews to install
threaded fasteners meeting requirements for selected method of tightening.
2. Welding Procedures: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Submittals: Review following submittals:
0 0
1. Materials for Structural Steel Work:
a. High strength threaded fastener assemblies.
b. Welding electrodes.
c. Shear and anchor studs.
2. Welding: Certificates of qualification and test records for welding procedures and personnel.
D. Work Evaluations: Perform following evaluations:
1. Qualifications: Review qualification of following:
a. Field bolting procedures and crews.
b. Field welding procedures and personnel.
c. Field stud welding operators and stud bases.
2. Threaded Fastener Connections: Inspect threaded fastener connections meeting requirements of
RCSC Bolt Specification and include following:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of threaded fastener connections.
b. Monitor installation of threaded fasteners to determine all plies of connected material have been
drawn together and that selected tightening procedure has been properly followed.
c. Inspect all threaded fasteners of connections which have previously failed inspection.
d. For connections using direct tension indicators, verify direct tension indicator gaps meet
requirements of ASTM F959.
3. Welds: Inspect welds meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as follows:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of welds.
b. Inspect 100 percent of penetration welds by following or other appropriate testing method as
acceptable to Architect:
1) Liquid Penetrant Inspection: ASTM E165.
2) Magnetic Particle Inspection: ASTM E709, performed on root pass and on finish weld.
Cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration are not acceptable.
3) Radiographic Inspection: ASTM E94 and ASTM E142, Quality Level 2 -2T minimum.
4) Ultrasonic Inspection: ASTM E164.
c. Welds that fail shall be rewelded and retested until they pass test.
4. Stud Welding: Inspect shear and anchor stud welding meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as
a. Visually inspect studs for complete fusion and full 360 degree weld flash or fillet. Studs which
reveal complete fusion and full weld flash shall be considered acceptable. If visual inspection
reveals any stud that does not show complete fusion of weld flash or any stud repaired by
welding, check stud by bending or an angle of 15 degrees from its original a)as in a direction
opposite missing weld fillet. Studs that crack in weld, base metal or shank shall be replaced.
Studs that show no sign of failure shall be considered acceptable.
b. In addition to visual inspection of stud welds, select at random, 12 members per floor on which
10 studs shall be bent to an angle of 15 degrees from original a)as toward midspan of member.
If any stud fails, check all studs on member. Any stud that shows any sign of failure shall be
replaced. For each member with any defective studs, test an additional member.
c. Any bent stud shall be left bent if no portion of stud is less than one inch from a proposed
concrete surface, in which case, stud shall be straightened. Required bending and straightening
shall be accomplished by mechanical means without heating.
5. Framework: Inspect erected structural framework for compliance with requirements specified,
a. Check location and set of anchor bolts and other inserts.
b. Prior to attaching steel, check adjustment to fit inaccuracies.
c. Check erected structural framework for alignment, plumbness, camber and like characteristics.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Steel form deck is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Steel form deck includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Standard zinc coated steel form deck.
1. Standard prime painted steel form deck.
2. Accessories associated with steel form deck.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
i the work:
r 1. AISI - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members, referenced in this
Section as AISI Specification.
2. AISI - Light Gage Steel Design Manual.
3. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
4. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
5. SDI - Code of Recommended Standard Practice for Composite Deck, Form Deck, and Roof Deck
6. SDI - Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, Roof Decks and Cellular Metal Floor
Deck with Electrical Distribution, including Commentary, referenced in this Section as SDI Design
7. SDI - Specifications and Commentary for Non - Composite Steel Floor Deck, referenced in this
Section as SDI Specification.
B. Performance Criteria:
1. General: Work shall meet performance criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract
Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, wind loads, creep,
shrinkage, deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements,
seismic forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
3. Properties:
a. General: Steel deck units shall have properties indicated on Drawings, including section
modulus and moment of inertia per foot of width, meeting design requirements of SDI Manual
and SDI Specification with properties of steel deck sections meeting requirements of AISI
b. Loading: Steel deck shall be capable of supporting total live load and dead load on 2 span
condition, and construction and maintenance loads on single span condition meeting
requirements of SDI Manual.
4. Span Lengths: Steel deck units shall span across 4 supports, except where not possible or
otherwise indicated on Drawings.
5. UL Compliance: When applicable, provide steel deck listed in UL -Fire Resistance Directory and
bearing UL- Classification Marking for specific deck assembly required.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be an AISC Quality Certified Erector for category of structural
steel work coinciding with the work and shall have 10 years minimum documented experience in
installation of steel form deck. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
B. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualifywelding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part
of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of
manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified
laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of
Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings showing layout and types of steel deck units, anchorage details, and
conditions requiring closure panels, supplementary framing, cut openings, special jointing or other
accessories. Indicate steel deck units not supported as required by Contract Documents. Include
diagrams, schedules and complete details. Also, include completed weld patterns, types and sizes of
welds, panel lengths and widths, and end lap and side lap details.
C. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test records. Include anylimitations
to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
A. General: Protect steel deck and accessories from elements in transit and weather. When stored, raise
off ground and provide with weatherproof covering, ventilated to prevent condensation.
B. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
A. Consolidated Systems, Inc.
B. Roof Deck, Inc.
C. United Steel Deck, Inc.
D. Vulcraft.
E. Verco Manufacturing Company.
F. Wheeling Corrugating Company.
A. Standard Steel Form Deck - Zinc Coated:
1. General: Meet requirements of SDI Design Manual and SDI Specification.
2. Material: ASTM A653, Sheet Designation Structural Steel (SS), hot -dip zinc coated steel sheet.
Grade (yield strength) and thickness as indicated on Drawings, but Grade 33 and base steel
thickness of 0.0299 inch (22 gage), minimum.
3. Protective Coating - Zinc: Zinc coated meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Coating Designation
G60 minimum.
4. Profile: Ribbed, cold - formed steel deck of type, depth and thickness required, with overlap
(nesting) type side laps.
5. Span Length: Furnish units of length to span supports as specified in Paragraph - Performance
Criteria, of this Section.
B. Standard Steel Form Deck - Prime Painted:
1. General: Meet requirements of SDI Design Manual and SDI Specification
2. Material: ASTM A611, Type 1, carbon steel sheet. Grade (yield strength) and thickness as
indicated on Drawings, but Grade C and base steel thickness of 0.0299 inch (22 gage), minimum.
3. Protective Coating - Standard Prime Painted: Provide primer paint system to both face surfaces of
steel deck units. Prior to painting, clean and pretreat steel surfaces as applicable for prime paint
application. Following pretreatment, provide rust inhibitive, fle)able and thermal cured primer paint,
gray color. Coating system shall be uniform. Do not prime paint surfaces which are to receive
sprayed fireproofing, insulation or acoustical treatment.
it '
4. Profile: Ribbed, cold - formed steel deck of type, depth and thickness required, with overlap
(nesting) type side laps.
5. Span Length: Furnish units of length to span supports as specified in Paragraph - Performance
Criteria, of this Section.
A. Deck Accessories:
1. General: Provide accessories necessary to complete installation, including cover plates required
to cover gaps where steel deck units change direction, around columns and to cover access holes
used for welding and other like items.
2. Steel Sheet Accessories:
a. General: Steel sheet of same material, thickness and protective coating as steel deck units.
b. Closure Strips and Plates: Steel sheet of same material and protective coating as steel deck
units, except thickness shall be 0.0478 inch minimum (18 gage). Fabricate closure strips and
plates to configuration required to provide tight- fitting closure.
3. Flexible Closure Strips: Closed cell synthetic rubber strip for weathersealing spaces between steel
deck and adjacent construction, die -cut to match profile of deck units.
4. Welding Washers: Uncoated steel, shaped to fit steel deck unit rib, 0.0598 inch minimum thickness
(16 gage) with prepunched hole of diameter to achieve required size puddle weld.
B. Welding Electrodes: AWS A5.1.
C. Pneumatic Actuated Fasteners: Carbon steel pneumatic activated pin type fasteners with flat washer
head, of appropriate configuration, strength, hardness, size and other properties to obtain allowable
values for application; designed for attaching steel deck to supporting steel, equaling yield strength of
support steel minimum, capable of penetrating base steel thickness, meeting requirements of FS FF-
P395 and ICBO Report 4373 and listed by FMRC, ICBO, SDI and UL. Fasteners shall be corrosion
resistant and protected from galvanic corrosion for application and ambient environment, but zinc
coated minimum meeting requirements of ASTM 8633, Service Condition 2, Type III.
D. Self- Drilling Screws: Carbon steel self - drilling and threading type screws with integral hexagonal
washer head, of appropriate configuration, strength, hardness, size and other properties to obtain
allowable values, and drill point style and threads for application, designed for stitching light gage
metal -to- metal, capable of penetrating base steel thickness, meeting requirements of ICBO Report
4780 and listed by FMRC and ICBO. Fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and protected from
galvanic corrosion for application and ambient environment and protected from galvanic corrosion.
E. Zinc Coating Repair Paint:
1. Description: Zinc rich paint for repair of damaged areas of zinc coated steel surfaces meeting
requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 20135, with 94 percent minimum zinc
dust by weight in dry film.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
F. Primer Repair Paint: Same paint as specified for prime painted steel deck.
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A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Placement:
1. Place steel deck with ribs down, perpendicular to supports and aligned with abutting units and with
ends over support framing with 1 -1/2 inches minimum bearing.
2. Place steel deck in first row end -to -end along one side of area to be formed with 2 inches end laps
centered over supports and with bottom unit not extending beyond edge of steel support. Do not
stagger end laps.
3. Steel deck unit ends may be butted or lapped over supports. Align ribs of abutting deck units
10- where deck is not perpendicularly butted. Deck units shall not be spliced between supports.
4. After first row of steel deck has been installed, place adjacent rows end -to -end with one edge rib
side lapped over edge rib of previously placed unit.
5. Steel deck shall be adjusted to final position and brought to bear on supporting steel before being
fastened permanently.
6. Skew cutting and cutting of openings in steel deck of 16 square feet maximum area shall be
performed at project site.
C. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and neatly fit steel deck units and accessories around openings and other work
projecting through or adjacent to deck. Provide neat, square and trim cuts. Cut deck units without use
of flame or welding electrodes.
D. Additional Reinforcement: Provide additional steel reinforcement and closure pieces as required for
strength, continuity of steel deck and support of other work.
E. Attachment:
1. Attach steel deck to supporting steel with puddle welds of 5/8 inch diameter or pneumatic activated
fasteners. Attach to supporting steel at ends of deck units at edge ribs and at sufficient number of
interior ribs to provide points of attachment at 12 inches maximum centers. Between ends of deck
units, attach to intermediate supporting steel at edge ribs and at sufficient number of interior ribs to
provide points of attachment at 12 inches maximum centers.
2. Fasten overlap type side laps with 1-1/2 inches long fillet welds or with self - drilling screws of size
10 minimum (# 10 Tek screws or equivalent as acceptable to Architect) uniformly spaced at 24
inches maximum centers.
F. Welding:
1. Attach steel deck to supporting steel immediately after alignment with arc puddle welds meeting
requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Use welding washers when base steel thickness of deck is less than 0.0295 inch (22 gage).
3. Weld metal shall penetrate all layers of steel deck material and develop proper fusion to
supporting steel.
G. Fasteners: Install fasteners and screws meeting instructions and recommendations of fastener
manufacturer and to meet requirements of Contract Documents.
H. Steel Sheet Accessories:
1. General: Install steel sheet accessories meeting instructions of steel deck manufacturer. Weld to
supporting construction to provide a complete deck installation.
2. Closure Strips and Plates: Install closure strips and plates at open, uncovered ends and edges of
steel deck, and voids between deck and other construction. Weld into position to provide a
complete deck installation.
I. Flexible Closure Strips: Install flexible closure strips over partitions, walls and elsewhere where
required, except where firestopping is required, and insure complete closure. Install with adhesive
meeting instructions of manufacturer.
A. If temporary shoring is required, design and provide meeting requirements of SDI Specification, ACI
318, Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete and Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.
B. Temporary shores shall be left in place until concrete attains 75 percent minimum of 28 day
compressive strength indicated by Contract Documents.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require testing and retesting as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the
work. Retesting of rejected work shall be performed at expense of Contractor, at no addition to
Contract Sum.
B. Welding Qualifications: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Evaluations:
1. Verify steel deck type, depth, thickness and protective coating.
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2. Inspect end and side laps.
3. Inspect welds to supporting members and side lap attachments.
A. Hole Patching: Patch holes in steel deck units resulting from welding process. Patch material shall be
same metal, profile and protective coating as deck unit. Install patch to bottom side of deck; weld in-
place meeting applicable requirements of this Section.
B. Touch -Up Painting - Zinc Coated Steel: After steel deck installation, wire brush, clean and paint
scarred areas, welds and rust spots on top and bottom surfaces of deck. Touch -up paint surfaces with
zinc coating repair paint. Meet requirements of ASTM A780 and instructions and recommendations of
paint manufacturer.
B. Touch -Up Painting - Prime Painted Steel: After steel deck installation, wire brush, clean and paint
scarred areas, welds and rust spots on top and bottom surface of deck. Touch -up paint surfaces with
primer repair paint. Meet instructions and recommendations of paint manufacturer.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Steel composite deck is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Steel composite deck includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Standard zinc coated steel composite deck.
2. Accessories associated with steel composite deck.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary, referenced in this Section as AISC Specification.
2. AISI - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members, referenced in this
Section as AISI Specification.
3. AISI - Light Gage Steel Design Manual.
4. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
5. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
6. SDI -Code of Recommended Standard Practice for Composite Deck, Form Deck, and Roof Deck
7. SDI -Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, Roof Decks and Cellular Metal Floor Deck
with Electrical Distribution, including Commentary, referenced in this Section as SDI Design Manual.
8. SDI - Specifications and Commentary for Composite Steel Floor Deck, referenced in this Section as
SDI Specification.
B. Performance Criteria:
1. General: Work shall meet performance criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract
Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, wind loads, creep,
shrinkage, deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements,
seismic forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
3. Properties: jo
a. General: Steel deck units shall have properties indicated on Drawings, including section modulus
and moment of inertia per foot of width, meeting design requirements of SDI Manual and SDI
Specification with properties of steel deck sections meeting requirements of AISI Specification.
b. Loading: Steel deck shall be capable of supporting total live load and dead load on 2 span
condition, and construction and maintenance loads on single span condition meeting
requirements of SDI Manual.
c. Composite Action: Steel deck shall provide positive bending reinforcement for associated
structural concrete. After concrete has cured, steel deck and concrete shall be interlocked by
shape of deck, mechanical means, surface bond or combination of these items.
4. Span Lengths: Steel deck units shall span across 4 supports, except where not possible or
otherwise indicated on Drawings.
5. UL Compliance: Provide steel deck listed in UL - Fire Resistance Directory and bearing UL-
Classification Marking for speck deck assembly required.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be an AISC Quality Certified Erector for category of structural steel
work coinciding with the work and shall have 10 years minimum documented experience in installation
of steel composite deck. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
B. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualifywelding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part
of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report
of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings showing layout and types of steel deck units, anchorage details, and
conditions requiring closure panels, supplementary framing, cut openings, special jointing or other
accessories. Indicate steel deck units not supported as required by Contract Documents. Include
diagrams, schedules and complete details. Also, include completed weld patterns, types and sizes of
welds, panel lengths and widths, and end lap and side lap details.
C. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test records. Include any limitations
to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
A. General: Protect steel deck and accessories from elements in transit and weather. When stored, raise
off ground and provide with weatherproof covering, ventilated to prevent condensation.
B. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
A. Consolidated Systems, Inc.
B. Roof Deck, Inc.
C. United Steel Deck, Inc.
D. Vulcraft.
E. Verco Manufacturing Company.
F. Wheeling Corrugating Company.
A. Standard Steel Composite Deck - Zinc Coated:
1. General: Meet requirements of SDI Design Manual and SDI Specification.
2. Material: ASTM A653, Sheet Designation Structural Steel (SS), hot -dip zinc coated steel sheet.
Grade (yield strength) and thickness as indicated on Drawings, but Grade 33 and base steel
thickness of 0.0299 inch (22 gage), minimum.
3. Protective Coating - Zinc: Zinc coated meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Coating Designation
G60 minimum.
4. Profile: Ribbed, cold- formed steel deck of type, depth and thickness required, with interlock (male
and female standing seam) type side laps. Provide top flange with no stiffening grooves meeting
requirements of SDI Specification.
5. Span Length: Furnish units of length to span supports as specified in Paragraph - Performance
Criteria, of this Section.
A. Deck Accessories:
1. General: Provide accessories necessary to complete installation, including cover plates required to
cover gaps where steel deck units change direction, around columns and to cover access holes
used for welding and other like items.
2. Steel Sheet Accessories:
a. General: Steel sheet of same material, thickness and protective coating as steel deck units.
b. Closure Strips and Plates: Steel sheet of same material and protective coating as deck units,
except thickness shall be 0.0478 inch minimum (18 gage). Fabricate closure strips and plates to
configuration required to provide tight - fitting closure.
3. Flexible Closure Strips: Closed cell synthetic rubber strip for weathersealing spaces between steel
deck and adjacent construction, die -cut to match profile of deck units.
4. Welding Washers: Uncoated steel, shaped to fit steel deck unit rib, 0.0598 inch minimum thickness
(16 gage) with prepunched hole of diameter to achieve required size puddle weld.
B. Welding Electrodes: AWS A5.1.
C. Headed Shear Connector Studs - Through Deck:
1. Description: Headed shear connector studs with solid fluxed ends for automatically end welding
through steel deck meeting requirements of AWS D1.1, Type B. Studs shall be manufactured from
cold drawn low carbon steel meeting requirements of ASTM A108, Grade Designations 1010
through 1020. Finished studs shall be of configuration and dimensions required, and with
appropriate ferrule for application.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. TRW Inc., Nelson S& Weld -Thru Deck Shear Connectors.
D. Self- Drilling Screws: Carbon steel self - drilling and threading type screws with integral hexagonal washer
head, of appropriate configuration, strength, hardness, size and other properties to obtain allowable
values, and drill point style and threads for application; designed for stitching light gage metal - to-metal,
capable of penetrating base steel thickness, meeting requirements of ICBO Report 4780 and listed by
FMRC and ICBO. Fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and protected from galvanic corrosion for
application and ambient environment and protected from galvanic corrosion.
E. Zinc Coating Repair Paint:
1. Description: Zinc rich paint for repair of damaged areas of zinc coated steel surfaces meeting
requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 20135, with 94 percent minimum zinc
dust by weight in dry film.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Placement:
1. Place steel deck with ribs down, perpendicular to supports and aligned with abutting units and with
• •
ends over support framing with 1 -1/2 inches minimum bearing.
2. Place steel deck in first row end -to -end along one side of area to be formed with 2 inches end laps
centered over supports and with bottom unit not extending beyond edge of steel support. Do not
stagger end laps.
3. Steel deck unit ends may be butted or lapped over supports. Align ribs of abutting deck units where
deck is not perpendicularly butted. Deck units shall not be spliced between supports.
4. After first row of steel deck has been installed, place adjacent rows end -to -end with one edge rib
side lapped over edge rib of previously placed unit.
5. Steel deck shall be adjusted to final position and brought to bear on supporting steel before being
fastened permanently.
6. Skew cutting and cutting of openings in steel deck of 16 square feet maximum area shall be
performed at project site.
C. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and neatly fit steel deck units and accessories around openings and other work
projecting through or adjacent to deck. Provide neat, square and trim cuts. Cut deck units without use
of flame or welding electrodes.
D. Additional Reinforcement: Provide additional steel reinforcement and closure pieces as required for
strength, continuity of steel deck and support of other work.
E. Attachment:
10) 1. Attach steel deck to supporting steel with puddle welds of 3/4 inch diameter or equivalent at edge
ribs as acceptable to Architect. Attach to supporting steel at ends of deck units at edge ribs and at
sufficient number of interior ribs to provide points of attachment at 12 inches centers. Between ends
of deck units, attach to intermediate supporting steel at edge ribs and at sufficient numberof interior
ribs to provide points of attachment at 12 inches maximum centers.
2. Fasten interlock type side laps with 1 -1/2 inches long fillet welds, self - drilling screws of size 10
minimum (# 10 Tek screws or equivalent as acceptable to Architect), or by button punching
uniformly spaced at 24 inches maximum centers.
F. Welding:
1. Attach steel deck to supporting steel immediately after alignment with arc puddle welds meeting
requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Use welding washers when base steel thickness of deck is less than 0.0295 inch (22 gage).
3. Weld metal shall penetrate all layers of steel deck material and develop properfusion to supporting
4. If through deck headed shear connector studs are to be welded through deck to supporting steel,
stud welds can be used to replace puddle welds.
G. Headed Shear Connector Studs:
1. Automatically end weld studs through deck to supporting base steel meeting requirements of AWS
D1.1 and AWS D1.3, except for more stringent requirements of stud manufacturer. Provide
configurations and sizes of studs, and at spacings as required.
2. Areas to which studs are to be attached shall be free of foreign material, such as rust, oil, grease,
paint, and like matter. When mill scale is sufficiently thick to cause difficulty in obtaining proper
welds, remove by grinding or blasting abrasive.
3. Remove ceramic ferrules from studs and work after welding.
H. Fasteners: Install screws meeting instructions and recommendations of fastener manufacturer and to
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
I. Steel Sheet Accessories:
1. General: Install steel sheet accessories meeting instructions of steel deck manufacturer. Weld to
supporting construction to provide a complete deck installation.
2. Closure Strips and Plates: Install closure strips and plates at open, uncovered ends and edges of
steel deck, and voids between deck and other construction. Weld into position to provide a
complete deck installation.
J. Flexible Closure Strips: Install flexible closure strips over partitions, walls and elsewhere where
required, except where firestopping is required, and insure complete closure. Install with adhesive
meeting instructions of manufacturer.
A. If temporary shoring is required, design and install meeting requirements of SDI Specification, ACI 318,
Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete and Section 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls.
B. Temporary shores shall be left in place until concrete attains 75 percent minimum of 28 day
compressive strength indicated by Contract Documents.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require testing and retesting as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work.
Retesting of rejected work shall be performed at expense of Contractor, at no addition to Contract
B. Welding Qualifications: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Evaluations:
1. Verify steel deck type, depth, thickness and protective coating.
2. Inspect end and side laps.
3. Inspect welds to supporting members and side lap attachments.
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A. Hole Patching: Patch holes in steel deck units resulting from welding process. Patch material shall be
same metal, profile and protective coating as deck unit. Install patch to bottom side of deck; weld in-
place meeting applicable requirements of this Section.
B. Touch -Up Painting - Zinc Coated Steel: After steel deck installation, wire brush, clean and paint
scarred areas, welds and rust spots on top and bottom surfaces of deck. Touch -up paint surfaces with
zinc coating repair paint. Meet requirements of ASTM A780 and instructions and recommendations of
paint manufacturer.
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A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Steel roof deck is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessaryand
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Steel roof deck includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Standard zinc coated steel roof deck.
2. Accessories associated with steel roof deck.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AISI - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members, referenced in this
Section as AISI Specification.
2. AISI - Light Gage Steel Design Manual.
3. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
4. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
5. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28 - Wind Loads to Roof Systems and Roof Deck Securement.
6. FMRC - Approval Guide.
7. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
8. SDI - Code of Recommended Standard Practice for Composite Deck, Form Deck, and Roof Deck
9. SDI - Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, Roof Decks and Cellular Metal Floor Deck
with Electrical Distribution, including Commentary, referenced in this Section as SDI Design Manual.
10. SDI - Specifications and Commentary for Steel Roof Deck, referenced in this Section as SDI
11. SDI - Diaphragm Design Manual.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract
Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, wind loads, creep,
shrinkage, deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements,
seismic forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
3. Roof Areas: Perimeter, corner and field areas of roofs shall meet requirements of Section 01415-
Performance Requirements, Paragraph - Roof Assembly Wind Uplift, and definitions, requirements
and recommendations of FMRC - Approval Guide and FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28.
4. Properties:
a. General: Steel deck units shall have properties indicated on Drawings, including section modulus
and moment of inertia per foot of width, meeting design requirements of SDI Manual and SDI
Specification with properties of steel deck sections meeting requirements of AISI Specification.
b. Loading: Steel deck shall be capable of supporting total live load and dead load on 2 span
condition, and construction and maintenance loads on single span condition meeting
requirements of SDI Manual.
c. Uplift Loading: Steel deck shall resist wind uplift loading indicated by Contract Documents.
d. Allowable Deflection: Meet requirements of SDI Specification, except limit to U240 of span
under total uniform dead and live load. Spans shall be center -to- center of supports.
5. Span Lengths: Steel deck units shall span across 4 supports, except where not possible or
otherwise indicated on Drawings.
6. UL Compliance: Provide steel deck listed in UL - Fire Resistance Directory and bearing UL-
Classification Marking for specific roof assembly required.
7. FMRC Compliance: In addition to meeting UL requirements, steel roof deck units shall meet
requirements of FMRC - Approval Guide for required roof assembly, including wind uplift pressures
meeting requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements, and applicable requirements
and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28, and bear FMRC Marking for specific
roof system required.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be an AISC Quality Certified Erectorforcategoryof structural steel
work coinciding with the work and shall have 10 years minimum documented experience in installation
of steel roof deck. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
B. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as a
structural engineer in jurisdiction where the work is located and experienced in providing structural
engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of work similar in
extent, design and products to that required for the work.
C. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part of
0 •
Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report
of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit drawings showing layout and types of steel deck units, anchorage details, and
conditions requiring closure panels, supplementary framing, cut openings, special jointing or other
accessories. Indicate steel deck units not supported as required by Contract Documents. Include
diagrams, schedules and complete details. Also, include completed fastening density patterns at
perimeter, comer and field areas of roofs; weld patterns, types and sizes of welds, panel lengths and
widths, and end lap and side lap details.
C. Structural Data:
1. General: When steel deck is required to meet certain design loadings, submit structural analysis
data prepared in accordance with good and prudent structural engineering theory and current
design practice. Submittal will be only for information.
2. Certification: Structural data shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who performed
analysis, stating work meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents.
D. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test records. Include anylimitations
to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
E. Compliance Reports: Submit certified product compliance reports from independent testing agencies
evidencing compliance with requirements of Contract Documents of following based on comprehensive
1. Acoustical values for acoustical steel roof deck.
2. Fasteners.
A. General: Protect steel deck and accessories from elements in transit and weather. When stored, raise
off ground and provide with weatherproof covering, ventilated to prevent condensation.
B. Acoustical Batts: Ship and store at project site to ensure protection. If batts become dirty or wet, batts
shall be replaced with new material.
C. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
A. Consolidated Systems, Inc.
B. Roof Deck, Inc.
C. United Steel Deck, Inc.
D C�
D. Vulcraft.
E. Verco Manufacturing Company.
F. Wheeling Corrugating Company.
A. Standard Steel Roof Deck - Zinc Coated:
1. General: Meet requirements of SDI Design Manual and SDI Specification.
2. Material: ASTM A653, Sheet Designation Structural Steel (SS), hot -dip zinc coated steel sheet.
Grade (yield strength) and thickness as indicated on Drawings, but Grade 33 and base steel
thickness of 0.0299 inch (22 gage), minimum.
3. Protective Coating - Zinc: Zinc coated meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Coating Designation
G60 minimum.
4. Profile: Ribbed, cold- formed steel deck of type, depth and thickness required, with overlap (nesting)
type side laps. Rib opening shall be 2 -1/2 inches maximum and top flange shall bewith no stiffening
grooves meeting requirements of FMRC, FMEC and SDI Specification.
5. Span Length: Furnish units of length to span supports as specified in Paragraph - Performance
Requirements, of this Section.
A. Deck Accessories:
General: Provide accessories necessary to complete installation, including cover plates required to
cover gaps where steel deck units change direction, around columns and to cover access holes
used for welding; roof sump pans, ridge and valley plates, and other like items.
2. Steel Sheet Accessories:
a. General: Steel sheet of same material, thickness and protective coating as steel deck units.
b. Closure Strips and Plates: Steel sheet of same material and protective coating as steel deck
units, except thickness shall be 0.0478 inch minimum (18 gage). Fabricate closure strips and
plates to configuration required to provide tight - fitting closure.
c. Ridge and Valley Plates: Steel sheet of same material and protective coating as steel deck
units, except thickness shall be 0.0359 inch minimum (20 gage).
d. Sump Pans: Single piece steel sheet of same material and protective coating as steel deck units,
0.071 inch minimum thickness, and 3 inch minimum width flanges. For recessed pans, provide
with 1 -1/2 inch minimum deep level pan. Cut holes for drains without use of flame or welding
3. Flexible Closure Strips: Closed cell synthetic rubber strip for weathersealing spaces between steel
deck and adjacent construction, die -cut to match profile of deck units.
4. Welding Washers: Uncoated steel, shaped to fit steel deck unit rib, 0.0598 inch minimum thickness
(16 gage) with prepunched hole of diameter to achieve required size puddle weld.
B. Welding Electrodes: AWS A5.1.
C. Pneumatic Actuated Fasteners: Carbon steel pneumatic activated pin type fasteners with flat washer
head, of appropriate configuration, strength, hardness, size and other properties to obtain allowable
values for application; designed for attaching steel deck to supporting steel, equaling yield strength of
support steel minimum, capable of penetrating base steel thickness, meeting requirements of FS FF-
P395 and ICBO Report 4373, and listed by FMRC, ICBO, SDI and UL. Fasteners shall be corrosion
resistant and protected from galvanic corrosion for application and ambient environment, but zinc
coated minimum meeting requirements of ASTM 8633, Service Condition 2, Type III.
D. Self- Drilling Screws: Carbon steel self - drilling and threading type screwswith integral hexagonal washer
head, of appropriate configuration, strength, hardness, size and other properties to obtain allowable
values, and drill point style and threads for application; designed for stitching light gage metal -to- metal,
capable of penetrating base steel thickness, meeting requirements of ICBO Report 4780 and listed by
FMRC and ICBO. Fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and protected from galvanic corrosion for
application and ambient environment and protected from galvanic corrosion.
E. Zinc Coating Repair Paint:
1. Description: Zinc rich paint for repair of damaged areas of zinc coated steel surfaces meeting
requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 20135, with 94 percent minimum zinc
dust by weight in dry film.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Placement:
1. Place steel deck with ribs down, perpendicular to supports and aligned with abutting units and with
ends over support framing with 1 -1/2 inches minimum bearing.
2. Place steel deck in first row end -to -end along one side of area to be formed with 2 inches end laps
centered over supports and with bottom unit not extending beyond edge of steel support. Do not
stagger end laps.
3. Steel deck unit ends may be butted or lapped over supports. Align ribs of abutting deck units where
deck is not perpendicularly butted. Deck units shall not be spliced between supports.
4. After first row of steel deck has been installed, place adjacent rows end -to -end with one edge rib
side lapped over edge rib of previously placed unit.
5. Steel deck shall be adjusted to final position and brought to bear on supporting steel before being
fastened permanently.
6. Skew cutting and cutting of openings in steel deck of 16 square feet ma)amum area shall be
performed at project site.
C. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and neatly fit steel deck units and accessories around openings and other work
projecting through or adjacent to deck. Provide neat, square and trim cuts. Cut deck units without use
of flame or welding electrodes.
D. Additional Reinforcement:
1. General: Provide additional steel reinforcement and closure pieces as required for strength,
continuity of steel deck and support of other work.
2. Small Openings: Reinforce steel deck around openings 12 inches mabmum in any dimension by
means of a flat steel sheet placed over opening and fusion welded to top surface of deck. Provide
steel sheet of same quality as deck units, 0.0474 inch minimum base steel thickness (18 gage), and
12 inches minimum wider and longer than opening. Provide welds at each comer and spaced at 12
inches ma)amum centers along each side.
E. Attachment:
1. Requirements specified in this Paragraph are minimum and maybe superseded by requirements of
steel deck manufacturer to obtain rated diaphragm capacity indicated on Drawings as acceptable to
2. Attach steel deck to supporting steel with puddle welds of 5/8 inch diameter or pneumatic activated
fasteners. Attach to supporting steel at ends of deck units at edge ribs and at sufficient number of
interior ribs to provide points of attachment at 12 inches ma)amum centers at supports in field areas
of roof and at 6 inches ma)amum centers at supports in corner and perimeter areas of roof.
Between ends of deck units, attach to intermediate supporting steel at edge ribs and at sufficient
number of interior ribs to provide points of attachment at 12 inches mabmum centers at supports in
field areas of roofs and at 6 inches mabmum centers at supports in corner and perimeter areas of
3. Roofs having a slope of 1/4 inch or more in 12 inches shall be erected beginning at low side to
create end laps placed in shingle fashion.
4. For steel deck spans equal to or less than 6 -0 ", fasten overlap type side laps with 1 -1/2 inches long
fillet welds or with self - drilling screws of size 10 minimum ( #10 Tek screws or equivalent as
acceptable to Architect) at midspan.
5. For steel deck spans more than 6 -0 ", fasten overlap type side laps with 1 -1/2 inches long fillet welds
or with self- drilling screws of size 10 minimum ( #10 Tek screws or equivalent as acceptable to
Architect) uniformly spaced at 24 inches ma)amum centers.
F. Welding:
1. Attach steel deck to supporting steel immediately after alignment with arc puddle welds meeting
requirements of AWS D1.3.
2. Use welding washers when base steel thickness of deck is less than 0.0295 inch (22 gage).
0 0
3. Weld metal shall penetrate all layers of steel deck material and develop proper fusion to supporting
G. Fasteners: Install fasteners and screws meeting instructions and recommendations of fastener
manufacturer and to meet requirements of Contract Documents.
H. Steel Sheet Accessories:
1. General: Install steel sheet accessories meeting instructions of steel deck manufacturer. Weld to
supporting construction to provide a complete deck installation.
2. Closure Strips and Plates: Install closure strips and plates at open, uncovered ends and edges of
steel deck, and voids between deck and other construction. Weld into position to provide a complete
deck installation.
3. Ridge and Valley Plates: Install ridge and valley plates. Weld into position to provide a complete
deck installation.
4. Sump Pans: Install sump pans in roof deck and weld flanges to top of deck. Welds at each comer
and at spacing of 12 inches maximum.
I. Flexible Closure Strips: Install flexible closure strips over partitions, walls and elsewhere where required,
except where firestopping is required, and insure complete closure. Install with adhesive meeting
instructions of manufacturer.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control Service
will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require testing and retesting as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work.
Retesting of rejected work shall be performed at expense of Contractor, at no addition to Contract
B. Welding Qualifications: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel meet
requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Work Evaluations:
1. Verify steel deck type, depth, thickness and protective coating.
2. Inspect end and side laps.
3. Inspect welds to supporting members and side lap attachments.
A. Hole Patching: Patch holes in steel deck units resulting from welding process. Patch material shall be
same metal, profile and protective coating as deck unit. Install patch to bottom side of deck; weld in-
place meeting applicable requirements of this Section.
Ud v
Touch -Up Painting - Zinc Coated Steel: After steel deck installation, wire brush, dean and paint scarred
areas, welds and rust spots on top and bottom surfaces of deck. Touch -up paint surfaces with zinc
coating repair paint. Meet requirements of ASTM A780 and instructions and recommendations of paint
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Cold- formed structural framing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Cold- formed structural framing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Detailing, fabrication and installation of work.
2. Wall framing.
3. Joist framing.
4. Rafter framing.
5. Trusses.
6. Associated runner tracks, plates, gussets, bracing, furring and clips.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AISI - Code of Standard Practice for Cold- Formed Steel Structural Framing.
2. AISI - Cold- Formed Steel Design Manual.
3. AISI - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members, including
4. AISI - Standard for Cold- Formed Steel Framing Series.
5. AISI - The Fastening of Lightweight Steel Framing.
6. ASTM C1007 - Standard Specification for Installation of Load Bearing (Transverse and Axial) Steel
Studs and Related Accessories.
7. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
8. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
9. LGSI - Light Gage Structural Steel Framing System Design Handbook.
10. NAAMM /MUSFA - Lightweight Steel Framing Systems Manual.
11. NAAMM/MUSFA - Selection Guidelines: Lightweight Steel Framing.
12. SSMA - Product Technical Information (ICBO ER- 4943P).
B. The Contractor is responsible for the design and engineering of the cold formed metal framing in order
to meet the design and performance criteria. Attach to the building structure in a manner that is
acceptable to the Architect/Engineer.
1. Design framing systems to provide for movement of framing members without damage or
overstressing, sheathing failure, connection failure, undue strain on fasteners and anchors, or other
detrimental effects when subject to a maximum ambient temperature change of 120 deg F .
2. Design framing system to maintain clearances at openings, to allowfor construction tolerances, and
to accommodate live load deflection of primary building structure.
3. Design exterior loading and non - load - bearing wall and roof framing to accommodate horizontal
deflection without regard for contribution of sheathing materials.
4. Deflections maximum based on supported span of wall framing type, size and spacing and to resist
lateral load (air pressure) meeting requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
C. Structural Performance: Provide cold- formed metal framing capable of withstanding design loads
within limits and under conditions indicated.
1. Loading: Provide cold formed metal framing designed and tested by manufacturer to withstand a
uniform load perpendicular to surface and allowable deflection as follows:
a. Structured Floor Framing: Live and dead loads as indicated by Contract Documents and
allowable deflection of U360.
b. Structured Roof framing: Live and dead loads as indicated by Contract Documents and
allowable deflection of U240.
c. Indoor Bearing Walls and Partitions: Uniform lateral load (air pressure) of 10 psf minimum and
allowable deflection of U360 maximum based on supported span of wall and framing type, size
and spacing, except U240 when to receive only paint or wallcovering.
d. Outdoor Loadbearing Wall Systems: Uniform load of 40 psf minimum and allowable deflection
of U360 at sided areas, U720 at areas with stone veneer,
2. Isolation: Isolate non -load bearing walls and partitions from transfer of structural loading from
building structural components, such as decks, railing and vertical structural elements, both
horizontally and vertically. Provide slip or cushion type joints of dimension and detail to obtain
support meeting performance loading requirements and to prevent building structure load transfer.
a. Isolate perimeter of board materials of non -load bearing walls and partitions at abutment with
building structural components.
b. Provide 1/4 inch minimum to 1/2 inch maximum gap, except provide 1/2 inch minimum gap at
ceiling runner between gypsum board and structure. Provide greater gap dimension as required
to prevent transfer of loads from building structure to gypsum board.
c. Finish edges of face layer with J -type casing bead. Seal space betvveen casing bead and surface
with continuous uniform bead of acoustical sealant, except as otherwise required for fire rated
d. Attach gypsum board to studs 1/2 inch minimum below bottom edge of ceiling runner flange and
to first stud adjacent to vertical runner. Do not attach board to runners or in any manner which
creates structural transfer of load to wall.
D. Sound Transmission Class: Where gypsum board assemblies with sound transmission class (STC)
ratings are required, provide materials and construction identical with applicable assemblieswhich have
been evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E90.
• •
E. Fire Resistance Rating:
1. Where gypsum board assemblies are indicated for fire resistance ratings, including those required
to meet regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work, provide materials and
installations identical with applicable assemblies which have been evaluated meeting requirements
of ASTM E119 and listed by recognized authorities, including UL and FM.
2. Provide fire resistance rated assemblies identical to those indicated by reference to GA File
Numbers in GA -600 - Fire Resistance Design Manual or to design designations in UL - Fire
Resistance Directory.
3. Sound Rated Assemblies: Provide sound transmission class (STC) rated assemblies that are
identical to assemblies whose STC ratings are determined when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM E90 and classed meeting requirements of ASTM E413 by a qualified independent testing
agency. A qualified independent testing agency is defined as an acoustical laboratory accredited by
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single manufacturer, fabricator or installer having
undivided responsibility for providing complete work and for performance and quality of work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications:
1. One of acceptable manufacturers specked in Part 2 of this Section.
2. Manufacturer shall specialize in production of cold- formed structural framing and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, engineering, detailing, fabrication, installation and
maintenance of extent, type and quality required for work.
C. Fabricator Qualifications: Fabricator shall have 5 years minimum documented experience in design,
engineering, detailing, fabrication, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality required for
work. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
D. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, engineering, detailing, fabrication, installation and
maintenance of extent, type and quality required for work. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
E. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part
of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
F. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of construction conditions, supporting structure and coordination required for installation
of work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, representative of steel framing manufacturer,
installer of work under this Section and installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and
agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the Work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Qualifications: Review following qualifications:
1. Welding Procedures: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
A. Coordination: Prior to or concurrent with any other submittal required for work, submit performance
certification specified in this Article.
B. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Shop Drawings: Submit stamped and certified shop drawings showing wall, floor and roof framing
layouts, and details of perimeters, comers, openings and unusual conditions. Include details of
attachment to supporting structure, and layout locations of control joints, access panels, thermal
insulation, sound attenuation and accessories.
D. Engineering Calculations: Stamped and certified typical and project specific calculations verifying sizes,
weights and profiles are conformance with structural performance requirements.
1. Structural Engineer Qualifications: A structural engineer who is licensed in the State of Colorado,
and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering
services are defined as those performed for installations of cold- formed metal framing that are
similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent.
E. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Include qualification test records. Indicate any limitations
to qualifications. Submittals will be only for information.
F. Threaded Fastener Certification: Submit certification of manufacturer stating threaded fasteners
proposed are suitable for respective application.
A. Delivery: Deliver metal framing units and accessories to project site in containers or bundles, fully
identified with name, brand, type, grade and gage.
B. Handling and Storage: Protect steel framing units from corrosion and damage. Store off ground in a
dry and ventilated space.
E C. Welding Electrodes: Store and maintain welding electrodes meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
A. Sequence: Erected assembly shall be inspected prior to applying load to framing.
A. The Clark Steel, Inc.
B. Dietrich Industries, Inc.
A. Steel:
1. Outdoor Locations: ASTM A1003, Grade ST50H, 0.0538 inch minimum base steel thickness
members, fabricate steel framing components of structural quality steel sheet with a yield point of
50,000 pounds per square inch minimum.
2. Indoor Locations: ASTM A1003, Grade ST33H, 0.0428 inch minimum base steel thickness
members, fabricate steel framing components of structural quality steel sheet with a yield point of
- 33,000 pounds per square inch minimum.
3. Finish - Outdoor Locations: Hot -dip zinc coated finish to steel framing components meeting
requirements of ASTM A653, Coating Designation G90 minimum.
4. Finish - Indoor Locations: Hot -dip zinc coated finish to steel framing components meeting
requirements of ASTM A653, Coating Designation G60 minimum.
B. Mem bers:
1. Studs: C- shaped load bearing steel studs, unpunched and punched as required for other work, base
steel thickness and web depth as required for application, and 1.625 inch minimum flange width with
flange return lip.
2. Joists: C -shape load- bearing steel joist, unpunched and punched as required for other work, base
steel thickness and web depth as required for application, and 1.625 inch minimum flange width with
flange return lip.
3. Header Beams: Box, back -to -back or double -L header beams of framing shape members required
to form header beams. Framing shape members shall meet requirements specked in this
Paragraph for respective shape.
4. Built -Up Members: Framing shape members required to form required built -up member. Framing
shape members shall meet requirements specified in this Paragraph for respective shape.
5. Deep Leg Track: U- shaped steel tracks, unpunched, base steel thickness and web depth as
required for application, and 1.25 inch minimum flange width with straightflange. Friction fitdeep leg
track assemblies and tracks relying on steel flexure to perform are not acceptable.
6. Narrow Leg Track: U- shaped steel tracks, unpunched, base steel thickness and web depth as
required for application, and 1.25 inch minimum width with straight flange.
7. Deflection Track: U- shaped steel track with unstiffened flanges, of web depth to contain studs while
allowing free vertical movement, with flanges designed to support horizontal and lateral loads and
capable of transferring loads to supporting structure; base steel thickness as required for application
and 1 inch minimum flange width.
A. Framing Accessories: Bracing, bridging, plates, gussets and clips shall be formed sheet steel of same
material, yield strength and finish as framing members, thickness determined by performance
requirements specified.
B. Vertical Deflection Clips: Deflection clips for positive attachment to structure and stud web using step -
bushing technology to provide frictionless vertical movements. Provide clips with attached bushing and
screw of series, size and configuration as required by structural design calculations. Clips shall be
fabricated from zinc coated steel sheet meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Designation SS, Grade
50 (340), Class 1, 50 ksi yield strength, 65 ksi tensile strength, Coating Designation G90, minimum.
C. Threaded Fasteners: Self- drilling, self- tapping steel drill screws of strengths required for application
meeting requirements of ASTM C1513, and specifications and instructions of steel framing
manufacturer. Fasteners shall be Number 12 minimum size and corrosion resistant or hot -dip zinc
coated meeting requirements of ASTM Al23. Provide low profile head fasteners beneath sheathing.
D. Welding Electrodes: Meet requirements of AWS D1.3 and as recommended by steel framing
E. Power Actuated Fasteners: Fastener system of type suitable for application, fabricated from corrosion
resistant material, with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 10 times design load when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E1190 by an independent testing agency.
F. Zinc Coating Repair Paint: Zinc -rich paint for repair or touch -up of damaged hot -dip zinc coating
meeting requirements of ASTM A780 and MIL -P- 21035.
A. General: Steel framing components may be prefabricated into assemblies prior to erection. Fabricate
assemblies by methods to hold members in proper alignment and position and to ensure consistent
component placement. Fabricate assemblies plumb, level, square, true -to -line, and braced against
racking. Handle prefabricated assemblies in a manner to prevent damage or distortion. Meet
requirements specified in Part 3 of this Section.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in
• •
Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for work, and instructions and
recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered by
printed instructions.
B. Standards: Meet requirements of standards and specifications referenced in this Section.
C. One -Piece Members: Provide framing members in one -piece lengths, unless splice connections are
acceptable for track or tension members.
D. Spacing: Framing components shall be spaced to suit design requirements and limitations of collateral
sheathing and facing materials.
E. Axially Load Members: Axially loaded members shall be aligned vertically, to allowfor full transfer of
loads. Vertical alignment shall be maintained. Splicing of axially loaded members in compression is not
F. Headers: Install headers at openings or terminations in respective main framing system. Fabricate
headers of compound shapes as required to transfer load to supporting members, complete with clip
angle connectors, web stiffeners or gusset plates.
G. Supplemental Framing: Install supplementary framing, blocking and bracing in steel framing system
wherever components are required to support fixtures, equipment, services, casework, furnishings or
similar work requiring attachment to or support by steel framing system. Where type of supplementary
support is not otherwise indicated, meet instructions of steel framing manufacturer and industry
standards in each case, considering weight or loading resulting from item supported.
H. Bearing Surfaces: Bearing surfaces shall be uniform and level to ensure full contact of bearing flanges
1 or track webs on supporting construction.
I. Openings: Frame sides of openings each with 2 members.
J. Expansion and Control Joints: Do not bridge building expansion and control joints. Independently frame
both sides of building expansion and control joints each with 2 members.
K. Cutting: Cutting of steel framing members shall be accomplished by saw or shear. Torch or welding
electrode cutting is not acceptable.
L. Fastenings: Fasten framing components by welding or screw fastening, except as otherwise required.
1. Attach similar and dissimilar metal framing components by welding, bolting or screw fasteners as
standard with manufacturer.
2. Welding of framing components is not acceptable, except for axial load bearing conditions where
components are 0.0428 inch base steel thickness minimum.
3. Wire tying of framing components is not acceptable.
4. Locate mechanical fasteners and install meeting instructions of framing manufacturer with screw
penetrating joined members 3 exposed screw threads minimum.
M. Oversized Punched Openings: Fasten hole reinforcing plate over penetrations that exceed size of
punched openings as instructed by steel framing manufacturer.
N. Touch -Up Painting: After fabrication, repair and touch -up paint areas of protective coatings damaged
during fabrication. For zinc coated surfaces, use zinc coating repair paint and meet requirements of
ASTM A780.
A. General: Install plumb, except as required for sloped surfaces and similar requirements, true -to -line,
complete with bracing and reinforcing. Reinforce track or bearing surface as required to transfer loads.
B. Runner Tracks: Install continuous tracks sized to match studs. Align tracks accurately to layout at base
and tops of studs. Secure tracks as instructed and recommended by stud manufacturer for type of
construction involved, except do not exceed spacing of 24 inches on center for nail or power actuated
fasteners or 16 inches on center for other types of attachment. Provide fasteners at corners and at
ends of tracks.
C. Alignment:
1. Align studs vertically where framing continuity is interrupted. Where studs cannot be aligned,
continuously reinforce track to transfer loads.
2. Where joists cannot be aligned over studs, continuously reinforce track to transfer loads.
D. Plumb: Set studs plumb, except as required for diagonal bracing or for non -plumb or warped surfaces
and similar requirements.
E. Stud Attachment - Load Bearing: Secure studs to top and bottom runner tracks by either welding or
screw fastening at both inside and outside flanges.
F. Stud Attachment - Non -Load Bearing:
1. Isolate steel framing from supporting structure at locations indicated to prevent transfer of vertical
loads while providing lateral support.
2. Install deflection track and anchor to supporting structure or connect studs with vertical deflection
clips to continuous angles or supplementary framing anchored to supporting structure. Provide
connections meeting instructions of stud manufacturer.
G. System Attachment: Where stud system abuts structural columns or walls, including masonry walls,
anchor ends of framing system to supporting structure.
H. Opening Framing: Frame openings larger than 2 feet square with double stud at each jamb of opening
except where more than 2 are indicated in instructions of stud manufacturer. Install runner tracks and
jack studs above and below openings. Anchor tracks to jamb studs with stud shoes or by welding, and
space jack studs same as full height studs of wall. Secure stud system to wall opening frame.
I. Bridging: Install horizontal bridging in stud system as follows and fasten to each intersecting stud:
1. For Axial Loads: Rows equally spaced at 3' -4" maximum on center.
2. For Transverse Loads: Rows equally spaced at 5 feet maximum on center.
J. Assemblies: Bolt or weld panel assemblies, at both horizontal and vertical junctures, to produce flush,
even and true -to -line joints.
A. General: Install level, except as required for sloped surfaces and similar requirements, true- to-line and
plumb, complete with bracing and reinforcing. Provide 1 -1/2 inches minimum end bearing. Reinforce
track or bearing surface as required to transfer loads.
B. Alignment: Align joists over studs. Where joist cannot be aligned over studs, continuously reinforce track
to transfer loads.
C. Spacing at Abutting Construction: Space joists 2 inches maximum from abutting construction.
D. End Reinforcement: Reinforce ends with end clips, steel hangers, steel angle clips, steel stud section,
end grain wood block, or as otherwise recommended by joist manufacturer.
E. Opening Framing: Frame openings with butt -up joist headers consisting of joist and joist track, nesting
joists or other combination of connected joists.
F. Miscellaneous Framing and Connections: Install miscellaneous joist framing and connections, including
wet stiffeners, closure pieces, clip angles, continuous angles, hold -down angles, anchors and fasteners,
to provide a complete and stable joist framing assembly.
G. Interior Support Reinforcement: Where required, reinforce joists at interior supports with single short
length of joist section located directly over interior support, snap -on shoe, 30 percent side -piece lapped
reinforcement, or other method recommended by joist manufacturer.
H. Interior Support Connections: Secure joists to load bearing interior support systems to prevent lateral
movement of bottom flange.
I. Bridging:
} 1. General: Install bridging of type to suit work at each end of joists and at required intervals of type to
suit work. Fasten bridging at each joist intersection. Bridging shall be C- shaped or flat straps of
sheet steel of size required fastened to bottom flange of joists.
2. Connection: Provide bridging attachment through punch -out clamping onto web and wrapping
around bridging channel. Provide screw attachment between web and channel.
A. General: Meet applicable requirements of Article - Installation - Joist Systems, of this Section.
A. General: Install level, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents, true -to -line and plumb,
complete with bracing and reinforcing. Reinforce track or bearing surface as required to transfer loads.
Meet applicable requirements of Article - Installation - Joist Systems, of this Section.
B. Alterations: Do not alter, cut or remove framing members or connections of trusses.
C. Alignment:
1. Align bottom chord over studs. Where truss cannot be aligned over studs, continuously reinforce
track to transfer loads.
2. Plane of truss webs shall be plumb and parallel to each other, aligned and in accurate position.
It D. Damage: Erect trusses without damaging framing members or connections.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance or work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the Work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Work Evaluations: Perform following evaluations:
1. Welds will be subject to inspection and testing.
2. Determine compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
A. Touch -up Painting: Repair and touch -up paint areas of protective coatings damaged during handling
and installation. For zinc coated surfaces, use zinc coating repair paint and meet requirements of
ASTM A780.
A Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Metal fabrications are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Metal fabrications include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Metal fabrications of convention, standard or custom details as applicable which are fabricated from
steel, iron, stainless steel, aluminum or bronze shapes, plates, bars, strips, tubes, pipes, castings
and like materials, are primarily of a utilitarian nature and which are not a part of work or product
systems under other Sections of Specification.
2. Anchor bolts and inserts to be built -in supporting structure for installation of metal fabrications.
A. Stair Assemblies: Steel framed stairs include straight stairs, circular stairs, spiral stairs, winder stairs,
alternating tread stairs and ship ladders as defined in NAAMA AMP 510 - Metal Stairs Manual.
B. Railing Systems: Definitions in ASTM E985, NAAMA AMP 510 - Metal Stair Manual and NAAMA AMP
521 - Pipe Railing Systems Manual, for railing related terms apply to this Section.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete.
2. AISC - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.
3. AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary.
4. AISC - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members.
5. ANSI A117.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
6. ASTM A6 - General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and
Bars for Structural Use.
7. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
8. AWS D1.2 - Structural Welding Code - Aluminum.
9. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
10. IFI -Fastener Standards.
11. NAAMM AMP 510 - Metal Stairs Manual.
12. NAAMM AMP 521 - Pipe Railing Systems Manual.
13. ANSI / NAAMM MBG 531 - Metal Bar Grating Manual, including Standard Specificationsfor Metal Bar
Grating and Metal Bar Grating Treads.
14. ANSI / NAAMM MBG 532 - Heavy Duty Metal Bar Grating Manual, including Guide Specifications for
Heavy Duty Metal Bar Grating.
15. NAAMM MBG 535 - Welding Specifications for Fabrication of Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel
Bar Grating.
16. NAAMM AMP 500 Series - Metal Finishes Manual.
17. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code (Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures).
18. OSHA 29CFR1910 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, for requirements relative to
personnel protection associated with permanent work or installation.
19. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
20. SSPC - Steel Structures Painting Manual.
21. USDOJ - American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
22. Handicapped people accessibility codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
B. Performance Basis: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
C. Performance Requirements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
D. Tolerances: Work shall not exceed following tolerances:
1. Guardrails and Handrails:
a. General: Meet requirements of ASTM E985.
b. Installed Dimensional Tolerances:
1) Posts: Plumb and aligned to within 1/4 inch in 20 feet.
2) Rails: Horizontal or parallel to rake of steps or ramps to within 1/4 inch in 20 feet.
A. Product Qualifications: Provide products indicated under same category as complete units produced by
a single manufacturer or fabricator. Use only one type, brand, source and manufacture run of each
• •
B. Fabricator Qualifications: Fabricator shall specialize in production and installation of work of this Section
and have 5 years minimum documented experience in design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and
installation of type and quality required for work. In addition, for work required to be designed,
engineered and fabricated by fabricator, fabricator shall be an AISC Quality Certified Fabricator with
Category Certification of Conventional Steel Buildings, minimum. Upon request, provide proof of
C. Installer Qualifications: Installation of metal fabrications shall be performed by same firm that fabricated
respective items.
D. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as a
structural engineer in jurisdiction where the Work is located and experienced in providing structural
engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of work similar in
extent, design and products to that required for the Work.
E. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and personnel
to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS D1.1.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on part of
Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of qualifications of
welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control Service at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Qualifications: Review following qualifications:
1. Welding Procedures: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Submittals: Review following submittals:
1. Welding: Certificates of qualification and test records for welding procedures and personnel.
D. Work Evaluations: Perform following evaluations:
1. Qualifications: Review qualification of following:
a. Shop welding procedures and personnel.
b. Shop stud welding operators and stud bases.
2. Welds: Inspect welds meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as follows:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of welds.
b. Welds that fail shall be rewelded and retested until they pass.
A. General: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
B. Coordination: Prior to or concurrent with any other submittal required for work required to meet
performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, submit performance certification specified
in this Article.
C. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard drawings, load tables, dimension
diagrams, anchor details and installation instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include
published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report of manufacturer
substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of Contract Documents, and is proven
compatible by testing with adjacent products identical to products to be used in the work, and is intended
for application.
D. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of work, which are not completely shown
by product data submittals. Include plans, elevations, typical and special details of fabrications,
sections and connections, and tolerances of building measurements affecting work.
a. Show anchorage and accessory items. Include setting drawings and templates for location and
installation of metal fabrication items and anchorage devices.
b. Indicate maximum static and dynamic reactions imparted by work to supporting structure,
locations of reactions and loads, and proposed connection details for coordination of supporting
2. Certification: Shop drawings for work required to meet performance requirements indicated by
Contract Documents shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who performed design
work covered by content of shop drawings, stating work meets most stringent requirements of
Contract Documents.
E. Samples:
1. General: Submit representative samples, 12 inch square or 12 inch long as appropriate for material
or component, of each prime paint coated surface, and of each type, pattern and finish non - ferrous
metal required for metal fabrication work. Submit representative samples of other materials, finished
products and fabrications as may be requested by Architect. Samples will be reviewed only for
color, texture, style, workmanship and finish.
2. Guardrails: Submit sample showing post and section of each type guardrail extending V -0" from
post with foreshortened length and width dimensions, overall size 2' -6" high by V -0" wide. Materials
shall be full size in sectional dimensions, joinery and in final finish.
F. Structural Calculations:
1 BJAN08
0 0
1. General: Submit structural calculations for work required to meet performance requirements
indicated by Contract Documents, prepared in accordance with good and prudent structural
engineering theory and current design practice and in accordance with appropriate design standards
and rules. Submittals will be only for information.
2. Analysis: Calculations shall include analysis for required loads on supporting structure, including
performance requirements specified in Paragraph - Performance Requirements, of this Section, and
resultant reactions at each connection point to supporting structure. Show section property
computations for framing members. Existing test reports, data from other projects, or untried or
unproven theories will not be acceptable.
3. Certification: Calculations shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who performed
design work covered by content of structural calculations, stating work meets most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents.
G. Welding Qualifications: Submit qualifications for welding procedures and personnel which document
meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Indicate any limitations to qualifications. Submittals will
be only for information.
H. Compliance Certificates: Submit material compliance certificates for following issued by manufacturers
attesting each material meets requirements of Contract Documents. Compliance certificate shall be
signed by manufacturer and meet applicable requirements of Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures.
1. Materials:
a. Welding electrodes.
b. Anchor studs.
I. Performance Certification: Submit performance certification prepared, certified and sealed byengineer
of Contractor who performed design work required to meet performance requirements indicated by
Contract Documents. Certificate shall specifically indicate such work meets most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble work in shop to greatest extent possible, to minimize splicing and
assembly of work at project site. Disassemble units only to extent necessary for shipping and handling.
Mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.
B. Storage: Store materials and assemblies in a location and in a manner to prevent damage, distortion
and structural weakening.
A. Field Measurements: Insofar as possible, check actual locations of construction to which work mustft,
by accurate field measurements before preparation of shop drawings and fabrication. Verify work can
be installed in compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. Show recorded measurements
on shop drawings. Allow for adjustments wherever verifying field measurements before fabrication is
not possible.
B. Protection: Protect metal surfaces and any coating or finish from damage during construction period
and until final completion.
C. Coordination:
1. General: Coordinate fabrication and installation of metal fabrication items with adjoining work.
2. Built -In Items: Coordinate and deliver metal fabrication items to be built-in, embedded or attached to
supporting structure. Furnish final reviewed setting drawings, templates and instructions for
installation of such components.
A. Metal Surfaces:
1. For metal fabrication items which will be exposed to view in completed work, use only materials
which are of best commercial quality, straight and true, smooth and free of surface blemishes,
including pitting, scratches, scars, creases, buckles, seam marks, roller marks, ripple or chatter
marks, trade names and roughness and suitable for required finish. Remove such blemishes by
grinding, or by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating and applications of surface finishes,
including zinc coatings. Non -metal filler products are not acceptable.
2. Do not use materials whose exposed surfaces exhibit variations in flatness exceeding those
permitted by reference standards.
B. Metal Materials: See referenced specification sections for specific requirements of fabricated metal
materials, products and systems, in addition to those specified in this Section.
A. Shapes, Plates and Bars:
1. General: ASTM A572, Grade 50, or ASTM A36.
2. Wide Flange Shapes: ASTM A992.
B. Structural Tubing:
1. Cold Formed: ASTM A500, Grade B.
2. Hot Formed: ASTM A501.
3. Finish: Provide tubing with zinc coating where required.
C. Plate to be Bent or Cold Formed: ASTM A283, Grade C.
D. Raised Pattern Floor Plate: Rolled steel floor plate meeting requirements of ASTM A786, steel meeting
requirements of ASTM A572, Grade 50, or ASTM A36. When not indicated by Contract Documents,
provide ASTM A786, Pattern Designation 2, diamond pattern, with raised lug pattern on one side that
permits free drainage and a smooth surface on opposite side (not embossed). Provide plate of one
pattern for the work of 1/4 inch minimum thickness, except as otherwise required.
E. Bars and Bar Size Shapes: ASTM A306, Grade 65, ASTM A572, Grade 50, or ASTM A36.
0 •
F. Cold- Finished Bars: ASTM A108 Grade as required for application.
G. Pipe: ASTM A53 of type, weight class and finish as follows:
1. Type F or Type S, Grade A, Standard Weight (Schedule 40), except as otherwise required.
2. Black finish, except as otherwise required.
3. Zinc coated where required.
H. Uncoated Sheet:
1. Cold - Rolled Sheet:
a. Structural Quality: ASTM A611, Grade A.
b. Commercial Quality: ASTM A366.
2. Hot - Rolled Sheet: ASTM A570, Grade 30.
I. Zinc Coated Sheet:
1. Structural Quality: ASTM A653, Grade 33, Coating Designation G90.
2. Commercial Quality. ASTM A653, Coating Designation G90.
1 J. Iron Castings:
1. Gray Iron: ASTM A48, Class 30.
2. Malleable Iron: ASTM A47, Grade 32510, except as otherwise required.
3. Ductile Iron: ASTM A536.
A. General:
1. Type: Select fasteners for type, grade and class required for metal fabrication items.
2. Metal:
a. Type metal of fasteners shall be same as metal being fastened.
b. Generally, provide carbon steel fasteners, except provide fasteners with zinc coating meeting
requirements of ASTM All 53 for exterior use or where built into exterior construction. Provide
non - magnetic stainless steel or aluminum fasteners for fastening respective type metals. Select
fasteners for grade and class of work required.
3. Heads and Nuts: Provide threaded fasteners with regular hexagon heads and nuts, except as
otherwise required. Threaded screw fasteners exposed to view in the completed work shall have
oval heads with Phillips drive slot.
B. Standard Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A, regular hexagon head.
C. Lag Bolts: FS FF -B -561, square head type.
D. Machine Bolts: ANSI 818.2.1, hexagon head type.
E. Machine Screws: FS FF -S-92, cadmium plated steel.
F. Wood Screws: FS FF -S -111, flat head carbon steel.
G. Plain Washers: FS FF -W -92, round, general assembly grade carbon steel.
H. Lock Washers: FS FF -W -84, helical spring type carbon steel.
I. Beveled Washers: ANSI B27.4.
J. Toggle Bolts: FS FF -B -588, Tumble wing type of class and style as required.
A. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307, Grade A, with cut threads and appropriate grade heavy hex nut, and with
fabricated steel pipe sleeve, except as otherwise required.
B. Threaded Type Concrete Inserts: Zinc coated ferrous castings, internally threaded to receive 3/4 inch
diameter machine bolts; either malleable iron meeting ASTM A47 or cast steel meeting ASTM A27; hot-
dip zinc coated.
C. Self- Drilling Expansion Anchors: Hardened carbon steel tooth self - drilling type expansion anchor, FS
FF -S -325, Group III, Type I, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated, FS QQ-
Z -325, Type II, Class 3. Diameter shall be appropriate for application.
D. Drop -In Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel drop -in wedge type expansion anchors with hexagon nut, FS
FF -S -325, Group II, Type 4, Class 1, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated,
FS QQ -Z -325, Type II, Class 3. Diameter and length shall be appropriate for application.
E. Bolt Head Expansion Anchors: Carbon steel sleeve anchor with undercutting core type expansion
anchor and hexagon head bolt, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated, ASTM
B633, Service Condition 2. Diameter and length shall be appropriate for application.
F. Expansion Shield Anchors: Carbon steel expansion anchor, FS FF -S -325, Group VIII, Type I, and listed
by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc coated, ASTM 8633, Service Condition 2. Diameter
shall be appropriate for application.
A. Primer Paints:
1. General:
a. Fast - curing, heavy metal free, and with good resistance to normal atmospheric conditions,
compatible with finish paint coats and systems required, and capable of providing a sound
foundation for project site applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure prior to applying
b. Coordinate primer paints with finish paint requirements specified in Section 09900 - Painting.
0 •
2. Steel Primer - Alkyd Gray.
a. Description: Modified alkyd rust- inhibitive primer, lead and chromate free, 54 percent minimum
solids by volume, 3.2 Ibs/gal (383 g/L) maximum VOC unthinned, one coat coverage, non -
immersion service, meeting USDA and FDA acceptability regulations, gray color, flat sheen
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Carboline Company, Multi-Bond 150, Gray.
2) Tnemec Company, Inc., Series 10 Tnemec Primer, 1009 Gray.
3. Steel Primer - Painted Organic Zinc Coating:
a. Description: Two component, moisture cured organic zinc -rich polyurethane primer, to be used
in conjunction with topcoats, 58 percent minimum solids by volume, 82 percent minimum zinc
content by weight in dry film, 2.8 Ibs/gal (336 g/L) maximum VOC unthinned, non - immersion
service, meeting requirements of SSPC PS12.01, and USDA and FDA acceptability regulations,
flat sheen finish. Paint shall meet requirements of RCSC - Specification for Structural Joints
Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, including Commentary, for Class B Coating which provides a
mean slip coefficient of 0.50 minimum and tension creep of 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) maximum.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Carboline Company, Carboline 684.
2) Tnemec Company, Inc.: 90 -97 Tneme -Zinc.
4. Repair Paints:
a. Alkyd Primer Coating: Same paint as specified for primer.
b. Zinc Coating - Hot-Dip:
1) Description: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of hot -dip zinc coated steel
surfaces meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with
94 percent minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
2) Acceptable Products:
a) ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
c. Zinc Coating - Painted: Same paint as specified for primer.
B. Concrete Materials: Meet requirements of Section 03300 - Cast -In -Place Concrete.
C. Nonshrink Grout:
1. Description: Premixed, non - shrink cement based grout. Grout shall be ready -to -use, non - metallic
aggregate product requiring only addition of water at project site, meeting requirements of USACE
CRD -C621 and ASTM C1107, and shall produce a flowable grouting material having no drying
shrinkage at any age and 4.0 percent maximum expansion when tested meeting requirements of
ASTM C827. Compressive strength of grout (2" x 2" cubes) shall be 5,000 psi minimum at 7 days
and 6,500 psi minimum at 28 days when tested meeting requirements of ASTM C109, except grout
shall be restrained from expansion by a top plate.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Chem Rex Inc., Sonogrout IOK.
b. The Euclid Chemical Company, Euco N -S Grout.
c. Five Star Products, Inc., Five Star Grout.
d. Master Builders, Inc., Masterflow 928.
e. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Sealtight 588 Precision Grout.
D. Sealants: Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants, for type and application required.
A. Workmanship: Use materials of size and thicknesses required to provide adequate strength and
durability in finished product for intended use. Work to dimensions required or accepted on final
reviewed shop drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials required
for various components of each metal fabrication.
1. Handle metal work carefully and treat with regard for quality and importance of appearance. Metal
work with blemishes and damage will not be acceptable.
2. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance
of base metals. Use proven details and methods of fabrication and support that will insure meeting
requirements of Contract Documents.
3. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp
4. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap metal work as required to receive hardware and similar items of work.
5. Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Any resulting edge indentation, curvature or like
condition is not acceptable. Remove burrs.
B. Bent Corners: Form bent metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or
otherwise impairing work.
C. Exposed Edges: Ease exposed edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch, except as otherwise
D. Traffic Surfaces: Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed traffic surfaces.
E. Exposed Connections: Form exposed connections with hairline joints which are flush and smooth, using
concealed fasteners wherever possible. Locate joints where least conspicuous.
F. Anchorage: Provide for anchorage of type required, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate
and space anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use.
G. Joints Exposed to Weather: Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude
water, or provide weep holes where water may accumulate. Except as otherwise required, such joints
shall be continuously welded.
H. Welding: Meet requirements of applicable AWS welding code for procedures of welding, appearance
e •
and ual' of welds and methods for correcting welding q �Y � 9 9 work.
1. Matching: Installed filler metals shall blend with and match color of parent metal.
2. Methods: Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion
resistance of base metals.
3. Size: Weld shall be maximum size based on smallest thickness of parent metal to be joined, except
as otherwise required.
4. Fillet Welds: For fillet weld sizes not indicated by Contract Documents, provide continuous welds
with minimum fillet meeting requirements of applicable AWS welding code or as required to satisfy
strength requirements, whichever is most strict.
5. Built -Up Sections: Assembly and weld built -up sections by methods which will provide true
alignment of axis without distortion.
6. Exposed Work: Welds exposed to weather in the completed work shall be continuous and
weathertight, even though intermittent welds may be indicated by Contract Documents.
7. Fusion: Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
8. Flux Removal: Remove welding flux immediately after welding.
9. Exposed: At exposed connections, finish exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with
adjoining parent metal surfaces, so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded
surface matches adjacent surfaces.
j 10. Finishing:
a. Discoloration or stains between parent metal and filler metal is not acceptable for metal work
exposed to view in the completed work.
b. At connections exposed to view in the completed work, grind exposed welds smooth and flush to
match and blend with adjoining parent metal surfaces.
11. Headed Anchor Studs:
a. Automatically end weld studs to base steel meeting requirements of AWS D1.1, exceptfor more
stringent requirements of stud manufacturer. Provide configurations and sizes of studs, and at
spacings as required.
b. Areas to which studs are to be attached shall be free of foreign material, such as rust, oil,
grease, paint, and like matter. When mill scale is sufficiently thick to cause difficulty in obtaining
proper welds, remove by grinding or blasting abrasive.
c. Remove ceramic ferrules from studs and work after welding.
I. Threaded Fasteners:
1. Type: Mechanical connections exposed to view in the completed work shall be made with type of
threaded fasteners required. If not indicated, provide countersunk, flat -head type threaded fasteners
with Phillips type drive slot.
2. Expansion Anchors: Provide self - drilling expansion anchors or drop -in expansion anchors for
it AESI 27210 METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 -11
securing work to solid masonry or concrete with threaded fasteners, except where anchor bolts or
welded connections are required.
J. Dissimilar Materials: Separate dissimilar materials with a suitable permanent separation as required to
prevent galvanic action.
A. General:
1. Standard: Meet requirements of NAAMM AMP 500 Series relative to application and designations of
2. Sequencing:
a. Finish metal fabrications after fabrication and before delivery to project site, except as otherwise
b. Whenever possible, complete metal fabrication assembly, including connection of units before
start of finishing operation.
c. Whenever possible, complete finishing of surfaces of individual components of metal fabrications
before fabrication. After fabrication, finish joints, bends, abrasions and other surface blemishes
to match finish.
d. Finished surfaces of metal fabrications shall be of uniform texture, color and finish, including
welded, ground and other worked surfaces.
e. Protect finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by application of strippable adhesive cover or
other temporary protective covering, prior to shipment.
3. Alkyd Primer: Prime paint ferrous metal fabrications with alkyd primer, except as otherwise required.
4. Zinc Coating: Provide zinc coating for outdoor ferrous metal fabrications, ferrous metal fabrications
to be installed in outdoor or like construction, indoor ferrous metal fabrications to be installed in
spaces with a moist, damp or high humidity environment, or where indicated on Drawings to be zinc
coated, after fabrication, (using one of following zinc coatings:) (using following zinc coating:)
a. Hot -dip zinc coating.
b. Painted zinc coating.
B. Steel and Iron:
1. Shop Prime Coating:
a. General: Surfaces of steel and iron fabrications shall receive steel primer - alkyd, except as
otherwise required.
b. Exclusions: Do not paint following surfaces of metal fabrications:
1) Members or surfaces to be zinc coated or zinc coated surfaces, except for touch -up.
2) Members or surfaces to be embedded in concrete or masonry, except paint surfaces of
initial 2 inches of embedded surfaces.
3) Within 2 inches of contact (faying) surfaces of high strength bolted, slip critical (friction -type)
4) Within 2 inches of welded locations.
5) Top surfaces of members supporting and in contact with steel joists, steel deck or like
construction to be welded to such members.
c. Surface Preparation -General Appearance: Remove scale, rust and other deleterious materials
before paint is applied. Clean off rust, mill scale, slag and flux deposits, and like materials
meeting requirements of SSPC SP2 - Hand Tool Cleaning, SP3 - Power Tool Cleaning, or SP7 -
Brush Off Blast Cleaning. Remove oil, grease and similar contaminates meeting requirements
of SSPC SP1 - Solvent Cleaning.
d. Application:
1) Immediately after surface preparation, apply paint meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer and requirements of SSPC PA1. Provide a continuous
and uniform 2.5 mils minimum dry film thickness for each coat required, except provide
greater dry film thickness when recommended by paint manufacturer. Coating shall provide
full coverage over surfaces, including joints, comers, edges, crevices, bolts, welds and like
2) Apply 1 coat of paint to surfaces of metal fabricated items, except apply coats of paint to
surfaces which will be inaccessible after assembly or erection. Change shade of color of
second coat to distinguish from first coat.
2. Hot -Dip Zinc Coating:
a. ASTM A153 for zinc coating steel and iron hardware. Chase threads in shop after zinc coating.
b. ASTM Al23 for zinc coating both fabricated and unfabricated steel andiron products made of
uncoated rolled, pressed and forged shapes, plates, bars and strip of 0.0299 inch minimum
thickness. Zinc coating shall be 2 ounces minimum per square foot of surface area.
3. Painted Zinc Coating:
a. General: Surfaces of ferrous metal fabrications shall receive steel primer- painted zinc coating,
except as otherwise required.
b. Exclusions: Do not paint following surfaces of metal fabrications:
1) Members or surfaces of non - ferrous metal.
2) Members or surfaces to be embedded in concrete or masonry, except paint surfaces of
initial 2 inches of embedded surfaces.
3) Within 2 inches of weld locations.
4) Top surfaces of members supporting and in contact with steel joists, steel deck or like
construction to be welded to such members.
c. Surface Preparation: Remove scale, rust and other deleterious materials before paint is applied.
Clean off rust, mill scale slag or flux deposits, and like material meeting requirements of SSPC
SP6 - Commercial Blast Cleaning. Remove oil, grease and similar contaminates meeting
requirements of SSPC SP1 - Solvent Cleaning.
d. Application:
1) Immediately after surface preparation, apply paint meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer and requirements of SSPC PA1. Apply paintata rate to
provide a continuous and uniform 3.0 mils minimum dry film thickness for each coat
required, except provide greater dry film thickness when recommended by paint
manufacturer. Coating shall provide full coverage over joints, corners, edges and exposed
surfaces. Strip paint edges, comers, crevices, bolts, welds and like conditions.
2) Apply 1 shop coat of primer to surfaces of metal fabricated items, except apply 2 coats of
paint to surfaces which will be inaccessible after assembly or erection. Change shade of
color of second coat to distinguish from first coat.
A. General:
1. Performance Requirements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements.
2. Thickness: Supporting steel members shall be 1/4 inch minimum thickness.
B. Shelf and Relieving Angles: Fabricate shelf and relieving angles from steel angles of sizes required to
support weight of masonry work and any other associated loads and for attachment to supporting
structure framing.
1. Brackets: For cavity walls, provide vertical channel brackets to support shelf and relieving angles
from back -up masonry and concrete. Align expansion joints in angles with control and expansion
joints in cavity wall exterior wythe.
2. Inserts: Furnish wedge type concrete inserts, complete with fasteners, to attach shelf angles to cast -
in -place concrete.
3. Horizontal Leg: Horizontal leg of supporting steel members shall be 3 -1/2 inches minimum for use
with nominal 4 inch thick masonry unit and 2 -1/2 inches minimum for use with nominal 3 inch thick
masonry unit.
4. Slotted Holes: Provide slotted holes to receive 3/4 inch bolts, spaced 6 inches maximum from ends
and at 24 inches maximum centers, except as otherwise required.
C. Loose Lintels: Fabricate loose lintels from steel shapes of sizes required to support weight of masonry
work and any other associated loads above openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions,
except as otherwise required. Weld adjoining members together to forma single unit where required.
1. Types: Except as otherwise required, provide respective type loose lintels:
a. For 6 inch and 8 inch concrete masonry unit openings not over 4' -6" in width, provide WT 3 x
4.25 and WT 4 x 12, respectively.
b. For 6 inch and 8 inch concrete masonry unit openings greater than 4' -6 ", but not exceeding T -0"
in width, provide WT 6 x 8.25 and WT 4 x 12, respectively.
2. Horizontal Leg: Horizontal leg of supporting steel members shall be 3 -1/2 inches minimum for use
with nominal 4 inch thick masonry unit and 2 -1/2 inches minimum for use with nominal 3 inch thick
masonry unit.
3. Bearing: Size loose lintels of equal bearing of 1 inch per foot of clear span, but not less than 8
inches bearing at each side of opening, except as otherwise required.
D. Wall Bracing:
1. Provide masonry wall bracing to support masonry walls as required. Fabricate from steel shapes.
2. Provide steel shapes of profiles, sizes and lengths as required to satisfy structural and spacing
A. General:
1. Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements
2. Use welding for joining metal pieces together, except as otherwise required. Fabricate units so that
bolts and other fastenings do not appear on finish surfaces. Make joints true and tight, and make
connections between parts light -proof tight. Provide continuous welds, ground smooth to match
parent metal where exposed.
3. Construct stair units to conform to sizes and arrangements as required. Provide metal framing,
hangers, columns, railings, newels, balusters, struts, clips, brackets, bearing plates and other
components for support of stairs and platforms. Erect stair work to line, plumb, square and true with
runs registering level with floor and platform levels.
4. Provide brackets and bearing surfaces as required to anchor and contain stairs on supporting
5. Where masonry walls support metal stair work, provide temporary supporting struts, designed for
erection of steel stair components before installation of masonry.
6. Exposed ends of metal shapes, pipes and tubes shall be plugged, welded and ground smooth to
match parent metal.
B. Framing:
1. Fabricate stringers of structural steel channels, plates or a combination thereof, as required.
Provide closures for exposed ends of channel and tube stringers.
2. Construct platforms of structural steel headers and miscellaneous framing members, as required.
Bolt or weld headers to stringers and newels. Bolt or weld framing members to stringers and
3. Provide provisions for installation of non -metal stair components, as applicable.
C. Pan Units:
1. General: Form metal pans of 12 gage minimum structural steel sheets. Shape pans to conform to
configuration required.
2. Subtreads and Landings: Provide 12 gage minimum steel; formed with bent nosing.
3. Risers: Provide formed with sanitary cove.
4. Concrete Fill: Provide for concrete topping fill of 2 inch minimum thickness for treads and 3 inch
maximum thickness for landings.
5. Nosings: Make provisions for installation or attachment of tread nosing where required.
6. Risers and Subtreads: Construct riser and subtread metal pans with steel angle supporting brackets
of size required, welded to stringers. Secure metal pans to brackets with bolts or welds. Provide
platforms of same metal and gage as required for pans, except as otherwise required.
7. Platforms: Secure subplatform metal pans to platform frames with welds.
8. Metal Nosings: Provide stair nosing specified in Article - Miscellaneous Items, Paragraph - Stair
Nosings, of this Section.
9. Soffit Clips: Provide soffit clips with holes for attaching metal furring for soffits. Space clips at 12
inch maximum centers, welded to stair treads and platforms.
D. Plate Treads and Platforms:
1. Plate Type: Provide raised pattern steel floor plate or abrasive surface steel floor plate treads and
platforms of required size.
2. Treads: Form treads of 1/4 inch thick minimum steel floor plate with integral nosing bent down 1
inch and integral riser bent up 1 inch. Reinforce with support members welded to tread as
applicable. Weld steel supporting brackets to stringers and treads to brackets.
3. Platform: Fabricate platforms of 1/4 inch thick minimum steel floor plate. Provide nosing matching
nosing of treads. Secure floor plates to platform framing members with welds.
A. Fixed Ladders:
1. Fabricate ladders with dimensions, spacings, details and anchorages as required to meet
requirements of OSHA 29CFR1910 and ANSI A14.3, but not less than requirements specified in this
Paragraph, from steel components assembled by welding. Elevation of top rung shall be same as
elevation of adjacent building surface. Provide safety chain gate assembly.
a. Siderails: Provide 1/2" x 2 -1/2" continuous structural steel flat bar side rails with eased edges,
spaced 18 inches apart.
b. Bar Rungs: Provide 3/4 inch diameter round solid structural steel bar rungs, spaced 12 inches
on center.
2. Fit rungs in centerline of side rails, plug weld and grind smooth on outer rail faces.
3. Support each ladder at top and bottom and at intermediate points spaced not more than 5 feet on
center. Use welded or bolted steel brackets, designed to support live and dead loads, and to hold
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ladder clear of adjacent construction surface with a minimum of 7 inches clearance from building
construction to centerline of rungs. Extend siderails 42 inches above top rung, and return rails to
adjacent construction, unless other secure handholds are provided. If adjacent construction does
not extend above top rung, goose -neck extended rails back to structure to provide secure ladder
4. Provide non -slip surface on top half of each rung, either by neatly coating rung with aluminum oxide
granules set in epoxy resin adhesive, or by using a type of manufactured rung with surfaces having
aluminum oxide granules.
A. General: Provide guardrails and handrails to design and details required. Meet requirements of Section
01415 - Performance Requirements. Provide guardrail and handrail members in sizes and profiles
required, with supporting posts and brackets of size and spacing required, but not less than required to
meet requirements indicated for structural performance requirements. Unless otherwise required,
guardrails and handrails shall meet following:
1. Height: Except as otherwise required, construct guardrails with top highest rail 42 inches above floor
and handrails 34 inches above stair treads measured vertically at edge of tread.
2. Support Spacing: Space and support railing support posts to withstand design loads, and at uniform
dimension of 8 foot maximum centers.
3. Infill Area: Infill area of railings shall be as indicated on Drawings. If not indicated on Drawings, infill
shall be vertically orientated. Infill shall not permit passage of a 4 inch diameter sphere through any
4. Handrails: Outside diameter shall be 1 -1/2 inches and clearance from inside face of handrail to
adjacent vertical surface shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum.
B. Nonwelded Connections: Provide guardrail and handrail systems for interconnection of members by
means of concealed mechanical fasteners and fittings, except as otherwise required. Fabricate
members and fittings to produce flush, smooth, rigid and hairline joints.
C. Welded Connections:
1. Fabricate guardrail and handrail systems with interconnections of members by welding. Use
welding method which is appropriate for metal and finish required and to develop strength required
to meet structural performance requirements. Finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth, flush
and blended to match adjoining surfaces.
2. Interconnect guardrail and handrail members by butt welding or welding with internal connectors,
except as otherwise required. At tee and cross intersections, notch ends of intersecting members to
fit contour of pipe to which end is joined and weld all around.
D. Direction Changes:
1. Form changes in direction of railing members by bending members, using prefabricated elbow
fittings or by mitering, as required.
2. Form simple and compound curves by bending members in jigs to produce uniform curvature for
each repetitive configuration required. Maintain profile of member throughout entire bend without
buckling, twisting, or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces of handrail and railing components.
E. Weeps: For guardrail and handrail systems with nonwelded connections which are exposed to outdoor
or to moisture from condensation or other sources, provide weep holes or other means for evacuation
of entrapped water in hollow sections of railing members.
F. Wall Returns: Provide wall returns at ends of wall mounted handrails, except as otherwise required.
G. Ends: Close exposed ends of pipe and tubes by welding 3/16 inch minimum thickness steel plate
welded in place.
H. Fillers: Provide steel plate fillers of thickness and size required to support structural loads of handrails
where needed to transfer wall bracket loads through wall finishes to supporting structure. Size fillers to
produce adequate bearing to prevent bracket rotation and overstressing of substrate, and to suit wall
finish thicknesses.
I. Toe Boards: Provide toe boards at railings around openings and at edge of open -sided floors and
platforms. Provide 1/8 inch minimum thickness flat steel plate, 4 inches high, except as otherwise
required. Secure toe boards bywelding to and centered between each railing post, exceptas otherwise
J. Brackets, Flanges, Fittings and Anchors: Provide wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings and
anchors for interconnection of guardrail and handrail members to other work, except as otherwise
required. Furnish inserts and other anchorage devices for connecting guardrails and handrails to
concrete or masonry work. Fabricate and space anchorage devices as required to provide support.
Coordinate anchorage devices with supporting construction. After fabrication, inserts and anchorage
devices shall be hot -dip zinc coated.
1. Fixed Posts - Sleeves in Concrete: For railing posts to be set in sleeves in concrete, provide sleeves
of zinc coated steel, not less than 6 inches long and with inside dimensions not less than 3/4 inch
greater than outside dimensions of post. Provide steel plate closure welded to bottom of sleeves,
make closure 1 inch greater in length and width than outside dimensions of sleeve. Provide friction
fit, removable covers designed to keep sleeves clean and hold top edge of sleeve flush with finished
surface of floor.
2. Removable Posts: Provide slip -ft steel sockets, not less than 6 inches long, to receive removable
railing posts. Fabricate sockets for a close fit with posts and to limit deflection of post without lateral
load, measured at top, not to exceed 1/335 of post height. Design and fabricate socket covers to
resist accidental dislodgement.
3. Post Sleeves and Holes: Provide clearance dimension of 4 inches minimum from edge of concrete
to exterior perimeter of sleeve or cored hole.
4. Handrail Bracket Supports: Support and space handrail brackets to withstand design loads, and at
uniform dimension of 5 foot maximum centers.
K. Expansion Joints: Provide expansion joints at locations indicated on Drawings, or if not indicated, at
intervals of 40 feet maximum. Provide slip joint with internal sleeve extending 2 inches beyond joint on
either side. Fasten internal sleeve securely to one side. Locate joint within 6 inches of posts.
A. General:
1. Reference: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
2. Standards: Metal bar grating descriptions indicated by Contract Documents refer to NAAMM
marking system defined in NAAMM MBG 531 and NAAMM MBG 532, or are actual descriptions of
3. Metals: Metals shall meet following requirements:
a. Carbon Steel: ASTM A569 or ASTM A36.
4. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Members of Metal Bar Grating Division of National Association of Architectural Metal
Manufacturers ( NAAMM).
B. Welded Bar Gratings:
1. Type: Provide welded bar grating (electroforming, resistance welding process), no rivets, with
rectangular shape openings and in material and sizes as required for grating fabrications and
meeting requirements of NAAMM MBG 531, NAAMM MBG 532 and NAAMM MBG 535. Provide bar
gratings of carbon steel, unless otherwise required by Contract Documents.
2. Size - Standard: Provide standard size mesh welded bar gratings, except where subject to
pedestrian traffic, meeting requirements for application. As minimum, grating shall be NAAMM W-
19-4 (welded with bearing bars spaced 1 -3/16 inches on center and cross bars spaced 4 inches on
center) with bearing bar size of 1" x 3116 ".
3. Size - Pedestrian: Provide close mesh welded bar gratings where subjected to pedestrian traffic
} meeting requirements for application. As minimum, grating shall be NAAMM W -8-4 (welded with
bearing bars spaced 1/2 inch on center and cross bars spaced 4 inches on center) with bearing bar
size of 1" x 1/4 ". Grating shall meet spacing requirements of ADA when installed with long
dimension of mesh opening perpendicular to dominant direction of travel.
4. Traffic Surface:
a. Plain flat, except where serrated surface is required.
b. Serrated where subject to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
5. Sections: Divide panels into sections only to extent required for installation wherever platforms,
runways or other construction are to be placed around previously installed work, such as piping,
ductwork or structural members.
6. Removable Units: Fabricate removable grating sections with end banding bars attached bywelding
to ends of bearing bars of each section. Include anchors and fasteners of type required for
attachment supports.
a. Provide 4 anchor blocks minimum for each section with each block shop welded to 2 bearing
bars. Saddle clip and other type anchorage arrangements are not acceptable.
b. Provide threaded bolts with nuts and washers for each anchor block.
7. Toe Plates: When toe plates are required, attach plates to grating by welding.
8. Penetrations: Fabricate cutouts in grating sections for penetrations. Arrange layout of grating
sections and cutouts to permit grating removal without disturbing items penetrating gratings.
a. Edge band openings in grating that interrupt more than one bearing bar with load bars of same
size and material as bearing bars minimum.
b. Do not notch bearing bars at supports to maintain elevation.
c. Where bar gratings are penetrated by other work, such as piping, ductwork or structural
members, cut opening neatly and accurately to size, allowing for thickness of insulation or other
coverings and 1 inch all around clearance, except when greater clearance is required. Weld a
strap collar of same metal as bar grating of 1/8 inch minimum thickness, to cut ends of grating
bars. Depth of strap collars shall be entire depth of grating bearing bars plus 4 inches projection
above top surface of bar grating.
A. Miscellaneous Framing and Supports:
1. Provide miscellaneous steel framing and supports which are not apart of structural steel framework
or work under other sections and are required to complete the work.
2. Framing and support items for equipment shall meet structural and dimensional requirements
indicated by equipment drawings prepared and certified byequipment manufacturer and as required
for a safe framing and support system.
3. Fabricate miscellaneous units to sizes, shapes, profiles and dimensions required to receive adjacent
other work to be retained by framing. Except as otherwise required, fabricate from structural steel
shapes and plates and steel bars, of welded construction using mitered comers, welded brackets,
splice plates and minimum number of joints for field connections. Cut, drill and tap units to receive
hardware and similar items to be anchored to the work.
4. When required to have access covers, make provisions for units to receive covers so that edges at
top surface of covers are aligned and leveled flush.
5. Equip units with integrally welded anchors for casting into concrete or building into masonry. Furnish
inserts if units must be installed after concrete is placed. Except as otherwise required, space
anchors 2 feet on center and provide anchor units of 1 -1/4" x 1/4" x 8" minimum steel straps or
equivalent concrete stud anchors.
6. Secure framing and support systems free of twist, rack and other like movements.
B. Unit Framing Systems:
1. Provide adjustable framing systems of roll- formed steel channel members with intumed edges to
form a continuous slot for threaded anchor nuts. Provide standard accessory items including
removable nuts, bolts, die - formed fittings of 1/4 inch thick steel plate, and other special accessories
as required to complete unit framing system.
2. Framing systems for equipment shall meet structural and dimensional requirements indicated by
equipment drawings prepared and certified by equipment manufacturer and as required for a safe
framing system.
3. Provide member size and gage as indicated on Drawings or, if not indicated, provide size and gage
recommended by manufacturer for application required, complying with published load tables of
manufacturer wherever design load is indicated. Where necessary, use combination members in
which 2 or more channels have been spot - welded together to form larger units or units with
9 9
additional slots.
4. Finish members and fittings at factory by standard cleaning, degreasing, phosphate coating and dip -
painting process, using metal enamel of manufacturer standard color. Provide electro-zinc finish on
nuts, bolts, and other fasteners, and fastening devices.
5. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Power - Strut.
b. Unistrut.
c. USG Industries, Inc.
C. Suspended Toilet Compartment Supports: Provide support for suspended toilet compartments:
1. Beams: Continuous steel shapes of size required to limit deflection to U360 between hangers, but
C8 x 11.5 channels or another shape with equivalent structural properties, minimum.
2. Hangers: Steel rods, 1/2 inch minimum diameter, spaced at 36 inch maximum centers. Thread
rods to receive anchor and stop nuts. Fit hangers with wedge shape washers for full bearing on
sloping figures of support beam.
3. Braces: Steel angles of size required for rigid support of beam and for secure anchorage.
D. Elevator Support Steel:
1. Provide guide rail bracket support beams, equipment beams and associated anchorage items as
2. Elevator support steel shall meet structural and dimensional requirements indicated by equipment
drawings prepared and certified by elevator manufacturer and as required for a safe operating
elevator system.
E. Catwalks:
1. Provide catwalks fabricated from steel.
2. Provide framing members, curbs, grating, rails and supports as required to support catwalk from
supporting structure.
3. Fabricate to sizes, shapes and dimensions required and to meet structural requirements.
4. Secure framing and support systems free of twisting, rocking, swaying and like movements.
A. Bent Plate Frames: Form jamb and head units of door frames each of one piece steel plate of 1/4 inch
minimum thickness. Continuously weld comers and finish welds to be exposed in completed work
smooth, to match parent metal. Frames shall be uniform, square and true. Provide reinforcements, and
drill and tap as required for door hardware.
B. Swing Door Frames: Provide 5/8" x 1 -1/2" steel bar stops, except as otherwise required, plug welded to
frames except where removable stops are required. Secure removable stops to frame with countersunk
flat-head machine screws, uniformly spaced at 10 inch maximum centers. Provide reinforcements, and
drill and tap as required for door hardware.
1. Anchor Plates: Quantity and size as required by door manufacturer.
C. Anchorage: Provide steel anchors for jambs set in masonry, and fixed welded steel anchors which will
be set in concrete.
1. General: Provide anchors to frame jambs at 12 inches maximum from bottom and head, and
spaced at 16 inch maximum centers. Stagger anchors when depth of frame is nominally 10 inches
or more.
2. Concrete: Fixed steel anchors shall be 1/2 inch minimum diameter concrete stud anchors or 1/4" x
2" minimum steel straps with 2 inch hooked end, and of length required for 8 inch minimum
embedment, except as otherwise required. Attach to frame by welding.
3. Adjustable: Adjustable steel anchors shall be 1/4" x 2" minimum steel straps with 2 inch hooked
end, and of length required for 8 inch minimum embedment, except as otherwise required. Attach
to frame by detail which provides vertical adjustment of strap to masonry coursing.
D. Bottom Clips: Extend bottom of frames to floor and secure to concrete with 1/4 inch minimum thickness
steel angle clips welded to frames, anchored to concrete construction with expansion anchors and bolts
and anchor to steel construction by welding.
A. Steel Beam Highway Guardrail:
1. Description: Provide prefabricated structural quality corrugated sheet steel beam highway guardrail
meeting requirements of AASHTO M180, Type I (hot -dip zinc coated), Class B (0.135 inch minimum 1J
thickness), standard length sections of manufacturer to suit project conditions, with standard post
bolt slot construction for connection to posts and accessories, including steel posts and fasteners,
for a complete installation.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Armco Construction Products, Flex -Beam.
B. Pipe Guards - Bollards:
1. General - Pipe Guard: Standard Weight steel pipe of size indicated on Drawings, except if other
weights are required. Provide pipe length above and below finished floor, pavement or grade
elevation line as required.
2. Grade Locations -Concrete Pier: Pipe guard shall extend 4' -6" from finish floor, pavement or grade
location to bottom of pipe, except as otherwise required. Provide 3,000 psi compressive strength
concrete pier, for each pipe guard, size as required, but 6 inches minimum thickness concrete
coverage from pipe surfaces. Provide concrete reinforcing steel bar for pier, except as otherwise
3. Suspended Slab Locations -Base Plate: Provide pipe guard with steel base plate of dimensions and
details required to withstand overturn reaction from impact and to secure guards in permanent
location. Provide concrete reinforcing steel at top of base plate; overlapping edges of plate 18
inches minimum.
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4. Concrete Fill in Pipe: Provide 3,000 psi compressive strength pea gravel aggregate pordand cement
concrete. Top of pipe fill shall be finished flat, except as otherwise required.
A. Loose Bearing and Leveling Plates: Provide loose bearing and leveling plates of structural steel plate
for steel items bearing on masonry or concrete construction, made flat, free from warp or twist, and of
required thickness and bearing area. Drill plates to receive anchor bolts and for grouting as required.
B. Miscellaneous Embedded Units:
1. Provide corner angles, pit perimeter angle frames, edge or corner angles and other similar units
2. Fabricate miscellaneous embedded units to sizes, shapes, profiles and dimensions required to
receive adjacent work to be retained, surrounded or like condition by framing. Except as otherwise
required, fabricate from steel shapes, plates and bars, of welded construction using mitered joints
for field connection. Cut, drill and tap units to receive hardware and similar items.
3. Equip units with integrally welded anchors for embedding into concrete or masonry. Except as
otherwise required, space anchors at 2 foot centers and provide anchor units of 1 -1/4" x 1/4" x 8"
minimum steel straps or equivalent concrete stud anchors.
C. Stair Nosings - Abrasive Castings:
1. Description: Provide treads of stairs and curbs with cast metal nosings, except where nosing of
another type or material is required or where nosing is to be covered with another material. Nosings
shall be cast metal, except as otherwise required, abrasive slip resistant type with clean and well
defined, 1/16 minimum depth cross - hatched pattern, one piece construction 4 inches wide by full
length of step between stringers or 4 inches from ends of steps without stringers, except as
otherwise required. Provide in thickness, profiles and surface pattern required. Nosing for each step
shall be a single length unit insofar as possible. Equip each nosing with integral or applied anchors
for embedding in concrete or fill material, spaced 4 inches maximum from each end and 16 inches
maximum on center. Intersections of adjacent cast nosing units shall accurately fit and be square.
a. Nosing Base: Cast aluminum alloy with low copper content and corrosion resistant.
b. Abrasive: Virgin grain aluminum oxide (Al abrasive integrally cast into aluminum surface
1/32 inch minimum depth.
c. Protective Tape: Provide surfaces to be exposed with removable protective tape cover.
2. Handicap Accessibility: Installed nosings shall not encroach on handicap accessibility requirements
and function of stairs and curbs.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. For Concrete Stairs:
1) Wooster Products, Inc., Alum ogrit Type 101 with concealed integral cast -on anchor.
D. Miscellaneous Metal Trim: Provide shapes and sizes as required for profiles. Except as otherwise
required, fabricate units from steel shapes, plates and bars, with continuously welded joints and smooth
exposed edges. , Use concealed field splices wherever possible. Provide cutouts, fittings and
anchorages as required for coordination of assembly and installation with other work.
E. Perforated Metal Sheet:
1. Description: Prefabricated panels of metal sheet with perforations of required size and pattern.
Thickness of metal shall provide for a rigid panel considering size and pattern of perforations.
Perforations shall have square edges with no indication of punch or drill direction and no burrs.
Metal sheet shall meet applicable IPA standards and requirements of Paragraph - Sheet Metal
Items, of this Article.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Harrington & King Perforating Company.
A. General: Examine the areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Anchor Bolt Alignment: Check alignment of anchor bolts before installing metal fabrications and clean
out any associated sleeves. Do not cut bolts because of misalignment. Notify Architect of errors and
obtain acceptance of Architect before proceeding with corrections.
A. General:
1. Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specked in Part
2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for work and meeting instructions and
recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered
by printed instructions.
2. See other referenced sections for special installation requirements relative to metal fabrication
materials, products and systems.
B. Manufacturers: Perform modifications to and provide appurtenances necessary for proper fit and
interface with adjoining components.
C. Methods: Install work accurately to location, level and plumb, free of twist, rack and other movements
when subjected to moving loads and with neatly fitted joints and intersections. Do not cut or trim
components, except as otherwise required.
D. Cutting, Fitting and Placement:
1. Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of metal fabrication items. Set work
accurately in location, alignment, elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from
established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors for items which are to be built
into adjacent construction.
2. Anchor securely for intended use, using concealed anchors wherever possible.
• 0
3. Fit exposed connections accurate) together to form tight hairline joints. Weld connections Y 9 9 J o nections which
are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations.
Grind joints smooth and touch -up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut or abrade surfaces of exterior
units which have been zinc coated after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or screwed field
E. Fastening to In -Place Construction:
1. General: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing metal fabrications
to in -place construction; including threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts,
through bolts, lag bolts, wood screws and other connectors as required. After installation, remove
excess length of threaded fasteners without damaging threads. Devices having lead, plastic, wood
or like materials are not acceptable.
2. Anchorages: Metal fabrications shall be securely anchored in place. Where anchor bolts or like
devices have not been installed, provide appropriate type anchors for construction condition.
3. Concrete and Solid Masonry: Provide self- drilling expansion anchors, washers and nuts for
anchoring metal fabrications to concrete or solid masonry construction, except where use of bolt
head expansion anchors or drop -in expansion anchors are acceptable. Install expansion anchors
meeting instructions of manufacturer and following:
a. Location: Accurately locate expansion anchors aligned with metal fabrication anchorage holes in
final in -place location.
b. Hole Size: Diameter and depth of drilled anchor hole shall be acceptable for setting expansion
anchor and stress transfer from anchor to concrete or masonry.
c. Drilling and Setting: Drill anchor holes. Inserting bolt head expansion anchors or drop -in
expansion anchors into drilled holes through anchorage holes of base plates or fabrications as
acceptable for application.
4. Other Conditions: Provide appropriate type devices and methods for anchoring metal fabrications to
other construction as acceptable to Architect.
F. Setting Loose Components:
1. Leveling and Bearing Plates:
a. Clean bearing surfaces of any bond reducing materials, and roughen to improve bond to
b. Set loose leveling and bearing plates on wedges or other adjustable devices. After bearing
members have been positioned and plumbed, tighten anchor bolts. Do not remove wedges or
shims, but if protruding, cut off flush with edge of bearing plate and before grouting.
c. Provide non - shrink grout solidly between bearing surfaces and plates meeting requirements of
Paragraph - Grouting, of this Article.
G. Welding: Meet requirements of applicable AWS welding code for procedures of welding, appearance
and quality of welds, and methods for correcting welding work.
1. Reference: Meet welding requirements specification Part 2 of this Section.
2. Embedments: Make welds to metal embedments installed in concrete or masonry construction in
manner not to damage concrete or masonry from heat produced by welding process.
H. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of aluminum that will come into contact with grout,
concrete, masonry, wood or dissimilar metals with a heavy coat of zinc chromate primer.
I. Grouting: Provide mix and place non - shrink grout for applications and locations meeting instructions of
grout manufacturer.
1. Place non -shrink grout solidly under metal fabrication bases located on concrete or masonry and fill
any associated anchor bolt sleeves after item is set to final position.
2. Place non -shrink grout for setting railing baluster and like items in sleeved or cored holes in
A. General: Adjust railings and handrails prior to anchoring to ensure matching alignment at abutting joints
and alignment through length. Space supporting components at required spacings to support structural
loads and for required clearances. Plumb posts in each direction.
B. Railings: Secure posts and railing ends to supporting structure as required and meeting following
applicable requirements:
1. Anchor posts to be set in sleeves in concrete by means of pipe sleeves preset and anchored into
concrete. After posts have been inserted into sleeves, fill annular space between post and sleeve
solid with nonshrink grout, mixed and placed meeting instructions of grout manufacturer.
2. Anchor posts not to be set in sleeves in concrete by core drilling holes not less than 6 inches deep
and 3/4 inch greater than outside diameter of post. Clean holes of loose material, insert posts and
fill annular space between post and concrete solid with nonshrink grout, mixed and placed meeting
instructions of grout manufacturer.
3. For posts anchored in concrete, provide following as applicable:
a. When anchorage joint is to be covered, provide anchorage joint with around steel flange welded
to post after placement of anchoring material.
b. When anchorage joint is to be exposed, no flange, wipe off surplus anchoring material and leave
flush with adjacent surface, except for outdoor installations or where exposed to flow of water,
leave 1/8 inch build -up, sloped down and away from post. For outdoor installations or where
exposed to flow of water, seal anchoring material to meet instructions of grout manufacturer.
4. Anchor posts to steel by welding all around, except as otherwise required.
5. Anchor rail ends to concrete and masonry with steel round flanges welded to rail ends and
anchored into wall construction with expansion anchors and bolts, except as otherwise required.
6. Anchor rail ends to steel by welding all around, except as otherwise required.
7. Install removable railing sections where required in slip -fit metal sockets cast into concrete.
Accurately locate sockets to match post spacing.
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C. Handrails: Secure handrails to supporting structure with wall brackets and end fittings. Provide handrails
PP 9 g s
with required clearances relative to adjacent finished wall surface. Locate brackets at spacing required
to support structural loads. Secure wall brackets and wall return fittings to supporting structure as
required and meeting following applicable requirements:
1. Use type of bracket with flange tapped for concealed anchorage to threaded hanger boltorwith pre -
drilled hole for exposed anchorage, as applicable.
2. Use fasteners of size and type to support structural loads.
3. For concrete and solid masonry anchorage, use self - drilling or drop -in expansion anchors and bolts.
4. For hollow masonry anchorage, use toggle bolts.
5. For wood stud partitions, use lag bolts set into wood backing between studs. Coordinate with stud
installation for accurate location of backing members.
6. For steel framed gypsum board assemblies, use concealed anchors set into metal backing between
studs. Coordinate with stud installation for accurate location of backing members.
A. Bar Gratings:
1. General: Meet requirements of NAAMM MBG 531, NAAMM MBG 532 and NAAMM MBG 535 for
installation of gratings, types and bar sizes required, including installation clearances and anchoring
details, except as otherwise required.
2. Non - Removable Units: Secure non - removable units to supporting members by welding where both
materials are steel, otherwise fasten by bolting as specified for securing removable units.
3. Removable Units: Secure removable units to supporting members by bolting with anchor blocks and
stainless steel fasteners for type of installation condition.
A. Steel Beam Highway Guardrail:
1. General: Install guardrail meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
2. Setting Posts: Set post in compacted soil by using a suitable driving cap. No portion of post shall be
damaged. Installed posts shall be plumb with front faces aligned in a straight line, to required depth
and with adequate lateral stability.
a. Posts installed to incorrect alignment or elevation shall be removed and reinstalled.
b. When driving operations are producing unsatisfactory results, posts shall be set in excavated
holes. After posts are set in place, excavation shall be backfilled with soil materials compacted
as not to displace posts from correct alignment.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control Service
will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Qualifications: Review following qualifications:
1. Welding Procedures: Verify qualifications and test records of welding procedures and personnel
meet requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Submittals: Reviewfollowing submittals:
1. Welding: Certificates of qualification and test records for welding procedures and personnel.
D. Work Evaluations: Perform following evaluations:
1. Qualifications: Review qualification of following:
a. Field welding procedures and personnel.
b. Field stud welding operators and stud bases.
2. Welds: Inspect welds meeting requirements of AWS D1.1 and as follows:
a. Visually inspect 100 percent of welds.
b. Welds that fail shall be rewelded and retested until they pass test.
3. Touch -Up Painting: Inspect touch -up painting for compliance with requirements of Contract
A. Touch -Up Painting: After erection and field quality control of work, touch -up paint abraded and rusted
areas of shop protective coated surfaces and paint field connections. Prepare surfaces and apply paint
meeting instructions and recommendations of paint manufacturer. Insure full coverage at corners and
1. Alkyd Primer Coated Surfaces: Use alkyd primer repair paint. Provide dry film thickness of 2.0 mils
2. Hot -Dip Zinc Coated Surfaces: Meet requirements of ASTM A780. Use zinc coating repair paint.
Provide dry film thickness of 3.0 mils minimum.
3. Painted Zinc Coated Surfaces: Meet requirements of ASTM A780. Use painted zinc coating repair
paint. Provide dry film thickness of 3.0 mils minimum.
B. Restoration:
1. Remove any protective covering at time of final completion.
2. Restore coatings and finishes damaged during installation and construction period so that no
evidence remains of correction work. Return items which cannot be refinished at project site to shop.
Make required alterations and refinish entire unit, or provide new units as required.
e •
C. Cleaning: Clean metal fabrication surfaces after installation, exercising care to avoid damage to metal
surfaces and any coating or finish.