HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0010 Project Manual Volume I (pgs 523-792)•
A. Description: Ornamental metal is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
B. Included: Ornamental Metal includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and installation of work.
2. Exterior Balcony and Deck Railings.
A. Definitions in ASTM E985 for railing - related terms apply to this Section.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete.
AISC - Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges.
AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary.
AISC - Specification for the Design of Cold- Formed Steel Structural Members.
ANSI A117.1 - Specifications for Making Buildings and Facilities Accessible To, and Usable By, the
Physically Handicapped.
Americans with Disabilities Act, passed by 101st Congress, including Final Rule, regardless of
effective date.
ASTM A6 - General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and
Bars for Structural Use.
AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
IFI - Industrial Fasteners Institute - Fastener Standards.
NAAMM - Pipe Railing Manual.
NAAMM - Metal Finishes Manual.
OSHA 29CFR1910 - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, including requirements relative to
personnel protection associated with permanent work or installation.
SMACMA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
B. Design Basis:
1. General: Metal fabrication descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents
establish basic visual concepts, arrangements, dimensions and modules of units, profiles and
sightiines of members; operation, function, performance and like requirements. Within these
limitations, metal fabrications shall meet visual concept, design criteria and like requirements
indicated, include components not indicated but necessary for operation, function and
performance, and to be a complete system. Perform whatever modifications or additions
necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to coordinate the work, subject to
acceptance of Architect. Furnish complete drawings and data of any modification.
2. Certification: Ornamental metal work required to meet indicated design criteria requirements shall .,
be designed, certified, reviewed and inspected by licensed engineer of Contractor, licensed to
perform structural engineering services in state which Project is located.
C. Design Criteria:
1. General: Ornamental metal work shall meet design criteria requirements specified in this
Paragraph and like requirements specked in other parts of this Section.
2. Hazardous Conditions: There shall be no projections, obstructions or rough surfaces that may be
hazardous to users of metal fabrications in area of travel or possible contact with metal
3. General Criteria: Stair assemblies; floor, platform and grating systems; handrail and railing
assemblies, and other like items shall meet most stringent requirements for design, dimensions,
details, structural requirements and construction required by codes and laws having jurisdiction
over Project, including but not limited to OSHA 29CRF1910, and Americans with Disabilities Act,
passed by 101st Congress, including Final Rule, regardless of effective date, but in no case less
than required by local governing authorities and design criteria indicated by Contract Documents,
whichever is most stringent.
4. Structural Performance: Meet requirements of Section 01415 — Performance Requirements.
A. Fabricator Qualifications: Firm experienced in successfully producing ornamental metal fabrications
similar to that required for the work.
B. Installer Qualifications: Installation of metal fabrications shall be by same firm that fabricated such
C. Welding Qualifications:
1. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS D1.1 Structural Welding
Code - Steel and AWS D1.3 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
2. Certify that each welder has satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests for welding processes
involved and, if pertinent, has undergone recertification. If recertification of welder is required,
retesting shall be responsibility of Contractor.
D. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer licensed to practice in jurisdiction where
Project is located and experienced in providing engineering services of kind indicated that have resulted
in successful installation of metal fabrications similar in material, design and extent to that indicated for
the work.
E. Field Measurements: Take field measurements prior to preparation of shop drawings and fabrication,
where possible.
F. Coordinate fabrication and installation of items specified in this Section with other, adjoining units of
G. Contractor's Quality Assurance Responsibilities: Contractor is solely responsible for quality control of
the work. Comply with the requirements specified in Section 01455 - Quality Control Services.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, load tables, dimension diagrams, anchor
details and installation instructions of manufacturer for each product to be used in ornamental metal
work, including paint products. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified
laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating that each product meets specified requirements.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of all assemblies of ornamental metal work,
which are not completely shown by product data submittals. Include plans, elevations, typical and
special details of fabrications, sections and connections, and tolerances of building measurements
affecting work. Show anchorage and accessory items. Include setting drawings and templates for
location and installation of metal fabrication items and anchorage devices.
2. Shop drawings for ornamental metal work required to meet specified design criteria shall be
certified and sealed by licensed engineer of Contractor who performed design calculations for
respective metal fabrication item. Meet requirements of Paragraph - Design Basis, of this Section.
C. Structural Calculations:
1. Submit structural calculations for ornamental metal work required to meet specified design criteria
prepared in accordance with good and prudent structural theory and current design practice and in
accordance with rules of AISC, AISI, ACI and like organizations as applicable. Submittals will be
for information only.
2. Calculations shall include designs for ornamental metal work, including criteria, specified in
Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section, anchors, concrete inserts and resultant reactions at
each connection point to supporting structure.
3. Calculations shall be certified and sealed by licensed engineer of Contractor, licensed to perform
structural engineering services in state in which Project is located. Meet requirements of
Paragraph - Design Basis, of this Section.
D. Samples: Submit representative samples, 12 inch square or 12 inch long as appropriate for material or
component, of each prime paint coated surface, and of each type, pattern and finish required for
ornamental metal work. Furnish full -size samples of key ornamental metal elements as requested by
Architect. Review will be for color, texture, style, workmanship and finish only.
A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in shop to greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field splicing
and assembly of units at project site. Disassemble units only to the extent necessary for shipping and
handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.
B. Build -in Items: Coordinate and deliver items to be built -in, embedded or attached to supporting
construction. Furnish final reviewed setting drawings, templates and instructions for installation of such
C. Storage: Store materials and assemblies in a location and in a manner to prevent damage, distortion
and structural weakening.
A. Field Measurements: Insofar as possible, check actual locations of construction to which metal
fabrications must fit, by accurate field measurement before fabrication. Showrecorded measurements
on final shop drawings. Allow for trimming and fitting wherever taking of field measurements before
fabrication is not possible.
B. Protection: Protect metal surfaces and any coating or finish from damage during construction period
and until final completion.
A. Metal Surfaces:
1. For ornamental metal items which will be exposed to view in completed work, use only materials
which are smooth and free of surface blemishes, including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled
trade names and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or by welding and grinding,
prior to cleaning, treating and applications of surface finishes, including zinc coatings.
2. Do not use materials whose exposed surfaces exhibit variations in flatness exceeding those
permitted by reference standards.
B. Metal Materials: See referenced specification sections for specific requirements of fabricated metal
materials, products and systems, in addition to those specified in this Section.
A. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A36.
B. Rolled Steel Floor Plates: ASTM A786.
C. Steel Plates to be Bent or Cold Formed: ASTM A283, Grade C.
D. Steel Tubing:
1. Cold- Formed: ASTM A500, Grade A.
2. Hot Formed: ASTM A501.
3. Finish: Provide tubing with zinc coating where required.
E. Steel Bars and Bar -Size Shapes: ASTM A306, Grade 65, or ASTM A36.
A. Nonshrink Nonmetallic Grout:
1. Description: Premixed, factory packaged, non - shrinking, non - metallic, nonstaining, noncorrosive,
nongaseous grout meeting requirements of CE CRD -C 621. Provide grout specifically
recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior applications of type required for the work.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Euclid Chemical Co., Euco N -S Grout.
b. Chem - Masters Corps., Kemset.
c. L & M Construction Chemicals, Inc., Crystex.
d. Master Builders, Inc., Masterflow 713.
e. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Sealtight 588 Grout.
f. Sonnebom Building Products, Sonogrout.
0 g. U.S. Grout Corp., Five Star Grout.
A. Welding Electrodes: Select in accordance with AWS Specifications for type metal and alloy to be
welded, instructions and recommendations of parent metal manufacturer, and finish required. In
addition, welding electrodes shall be as required for strength and compatibility in fabricated item.
A. General: Select fasteners for type, grade and class required for installation of ornamental metal work
1. Provide concealed fasteners for interconnection of ornamental metal work components and for
their attachment to other work, except where otherwise indicated.
2. Provide Phillips flat -head machine screws for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise indicated.
B. Metal:
1. Type metal of fasteners shall be same as metal being fastened.
2. Generally, provide carbon steel fasteners, except provide fasteners with zinc coating meeting
requirements of ASTM A153 for exterior use or where built into exterior construction. Provide non-
magnetic stainless steel or aluminum fasteners for fastening respective type metals. Select
fasteners for grade and class of work required.
A. Anchor and Inserts: Provide anchors of type, size and material required for type of loading and
installation condition shown, as recommended by manufacturer, unless otherwise indicated. Use non-
ferrous metal or hot - dipped galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior locations and elsewhere as
required for corrosion resistance. Use toothed steel or expansion bolt devices for drilled -in -place
B. Provide units with exposed surfaces matching the texture and finish of the metal item anchored.
A. General:
1. Fast - curing, lead -free, and with good resistance to normal atmospheric conditions, compatible with
finish paint coats and systems required, and capable of providing a sound foundation for field -
applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure prior to applying topcoats.
2. Coordinate primer paints with finish paint requirements specified in Section 09900 - Painting.
B. Primer for Steel:
1. Description: Two - component, solvent based, inorganic ethyl silicate zinc coating (except
2. Acceptable Products:
to .
a. Tnemec Company, Inc., 90E75 Tnemec -Zinc.
A. Workmanship: Use materials of size and thicknesses required to provide adequate strength and
durability in finished product for intended use. Work to dimensions required or accepted on shop
drawings, using proven details of fabrication and support. Use type of materials required for various
components of each ornamental metal fabrication.
B. All architectural metals shall be of the best commercial quality and their various forms are to be
straight and true. There shall be no scratches, scars or creases, buckles, ripples or charter marks.
Finished surfaces must be suitable for polishing. The architectural metals shall be handled carefully
and treated with regard for their quality and the importance of their good appearance. Blemishes and
damage due to careless handling shall be cause for rejection.
C. Allow for thermal movement resulting from the a surface temperature range of 180 degrees
Fahrenheit in the design, fabrication, and installation of installed metal assemblies to prevent buckling,
opening up of joints, and overstressing of welds and fasteners. Base design calculations on actual
surface temperatures of metals due to both solar heat gain and nighttime sky heat loss.
D. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges.
E. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap metal work as required to receive finish hardware and similar items of work.
F. Form bent -metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise
impairing work.
G. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed traffic surfaces.
H. Weld corners and seams continuously and in accordance with AWS recommendations and following:
1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance
of base metals.
2. Weld shall be maximum size based on smallest thickness of parent metal to be jointed, exceptas
otherwise required.
3. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap.
4. Remove welding flux immediately.
5. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds smooth and flush to match and blend with adjoining
parent metal surfaces.
6. Finishing:
a. Discoloration or stains between parent metal and filler metal is not acceptable for metal work
exposed to view in the completed work.
b. At connections exposed to view in the completed work, grind exposed welds smooth and flush
to match and blend with adjoining parent metal surfaces.
7. Concrete Stud Anchors: Automatically end weld stud anchors to base metal meeting
requirements of AWS D1.1, except for more stringent requirements of stud anchor manufacturer.
Provide types and sizes of stud anchors, and at spacings as required.
I. Form exposed connections with hairline joints which are flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners
wherever possible. Locate joints where least conspicuous.
J. Threaded Fasteners:
1. Type: Mechanical connections exposed to view in the completed work shall be made with type of
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threaded fasteners required. If not indicated, provide countersunk, flat -head type threaded
fasteners with Phillips type drive slot.
2. Expansion Anchors: Provide self- drilling expansion anchors or drop -in expansion anchors for
securing work to solid masonry or concrete with threaded fasteners, except where anchor bolts or
welded connections are required.
K. Provide for anchorage of type required, coordinated with supporting structure. Fabricate and space
anchoring devices to provide adequate support for intended use.
L. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water, or provide weep holes
where water may accumulate. Except as otherwise required, such joints shall be continuously welded.
M. Dissimilar Materials: Separate dissimilar materials with a heavy coating of epoxy paint orother suitable
permanent separation as required to prevent galvanic action.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work are to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
A. Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions and directions
for the installation of anchorages, such as concrete inserts, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items
having integral anchors, which are to be embedded in concrete of masonry construction. Coordinate
the delivery of such items to the project site.
A. General:
1. Install work to meet requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in Part
2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for the work, and instructions and
recommended tolerances and procedures of product manufacturers.
2. See other referenced sections for special installation requirements relative to metal fabrication
materials, products and systems.
B. Methods: Install work accurately to location, level and plumb, free of twist, rack and other movements
when subjected to moving loads and with neatly fitted joints and intersections. Do not cut or trim
components, except as otherwise required.
C. Cutting, Fitting and Placement:
1. Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of metal fabrication items. Set work
accurately in location, alignment, elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from
established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors for items which are to be built
into adjacent construction.
2. Anchor securely for intended use, using concealed anchors wherever possible.
3. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld connections which
are not to be left as exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size
limitations. Grind joints smooth and touch -up shop paint coat. Do not weld, cut or abrade surfaces
of exterior units which have been zinc coated after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or
screwed field connections.
D. Sleeves:
1. Sleeves for placement in concrete, masonry or like construction shall have end flush with adjacent
finish surface, except when otherwise required.
2. Sleeves for providing an opening through construction for penetration of metal fabrication shall
meet requirements of Section 07835 - Sleeves and Seals.
E. Fastening to In -Place Construction:
1. General: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing ornamental
metal fabrications to in -place construction; including threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry
inserts, toggle bolts, through - bolts, lag bolts, wood screws and other connectors as required.
Provide appropriate type anchors for construction condition using concealed anchors wherever
2. Other Conditions: Provide appropriate type devices and methods for anchoring ornamental metal
fabrications to other construction as acceptable to Architect.
F. Welding: Meet requirements of AWS Codes for procedures of manual shielded metal -arc welding,
appearance and quality of welds made, and methods used in correcting welding work. Grind exposed
welded joints smooth and restore finish to match finish of adjacent surfaces.
A. Touch -Up Painting:
1. Painted Surfaces: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections and abraded
areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with same material as used for shop painting. Apply
by brush or spray to provide a dry film thickness of 2.0 mils minimum.
2. Zinc Coated Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections and abraded areas and apply two
coats of zinc coating repair paint to meet requirements of ASTM A780.
B. Cleaning: Upon completion of installation, wash exposed surfaces using methods as recommended by
manufacturer to leave clean and free from blemishes. Exercise care to avoid damage to metal
surfaces and any coating or finish.
C. Restoration:
1. Remove any protective covering at time of final completion.
2. Restore coatings and finishes damaged during installation and construction period so that no
evidence remains of correction work. Return items which cannot be refinished at project site to
shop. Make required alterations and refinish entire unit, or provide new units as required.
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A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Expansion joint assemblies are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Expansion joint assemblies include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Parking deck expansion joint assemblies.
2. Plaza deck expansion joint assemblies.
3. Floor expansion joint assemblies.
4. Wall expansion joint assemblies.
5. Ceiling expansion joint assemblies.
6. Soffit expansion joint assemblies.
7. Fire -rated expansion joint assemblies.
8. Compression seals.
9. Furnishing components to be embedded or attached to supporting construction.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. ANSI A117.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
2. UL - Standards applicable to work.
3. USDOJ -Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
4. Handicapped people accessibility codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
B. Performance Criteria:
1. General: Work shall meet performance criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract
Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, creep, shrinkage,
deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic
forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the work.
3. Movements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Criteria.
4. Fire Resistance Ratings:
a. Where expansion joint assemblies are required to be of fire resistance classification or rating or
are to be provided in building construction requiring a fire resistance rating, provide appropriate
UL- Listed expansion joint assemblies bearing UL- Listing Mark indicating fire resistance at least
equal to hourly fire resistance rating required for adjacent building construction.
b. Fire resistance expansion joint assemblies shall have been tested and rated underASTM E 119
and UL 263.
5. Accessibility Standards: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Criteria.
6. Coordination: Coordinate compatibility of expansion joint assemblies with adjacent construction.
A. Product Qualification: Provide products indicated under same category as complete units, including
appurtenances and anchorages, produced by a single manufacturer.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in detailing, installation and maintenance of type and quality required
for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturer. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
D. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to delivery of products to
review conditions associated with performing work under this Section. Meeting shall include review of
construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements, ambient conditions,
coordination required for installation of work and responsibility for temporary operation of permanent
systems required for work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, representative of manufacturer,
installer of work under this Section, and installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and
agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work, indicating full extent of
installation for each type of expansion joint assembly. Include large scale details indicating profiles of
each type assembly, splice joints between sections, joinery with other types of expansion joint
assemblies as applicable, special end conditions, anchorages, fasteners, and relationship and interface
with adjacent work and finishes. Indicate description of materials and finishes. Furnish setting drawings
and templates as required for accurate placement of components to be embedded in supporting
C. Samples: Submit samples of each type of expansion joint assembly and finish required. Prepare
samples of same type material and thickness to be used in work. Where normal color and texture
variations are to be expected, include 2 or more units in each set of samples showing limits of such
variations. Samples will be reviewed only for visual characteristics and quality.
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A. Architectural Art Manufacturing, Inc.
B. Balco Inc.
C. Construction Specialties, Inc.
D. Emseal Joint Systems, Ltd.
E. MM Systems Corporation.
F. Watson Bowman Acme Corp.
A. Aluminum:
1. Extrusions: ASTM 8221, Alloy 6063 -T5.
2. Sheet and Plate: ASTM B209, Alloy 6061 -T6.
B. Stainless Steel: ASTM A167, Type 304 for plates, sheet, and strips.
C. Extruded Preformed Seals: Single or multicellular elastomeric profiles as classified under ASTM
D2000, designed with or without continuous, longitudinal, internal baffles. Formed to fit compatible
D. Accessories: Anchors, fasteners, set screws, spacers, adhesive and other accessories of proper type,
material and size to suit conditions, and compatible with material in contact as required for complete
installation and as recommended by expansion joint assembly manufacturer.
A. General: Expansion joint assemblies shall be of design, profile, materials and operation required.
Expansion joint assemblies shall be comparable to those required and shall suit joint size, compensate
for variations in adjacent surfaces, absorb thermal, structural and seismic movements, and meet fire
resistance rating as required. Furnish expansion joint assemblies in longest practicable lengths to
minimize number of joints. Provide one piece corner units where joint changes directions. Include
closure pieces, tee joints, corners, curbs, cross - connections and other accessories as required to
provide continuous and complete expansion joint assemblies.
B. Seating Members: Continuous extruded aluminum seating members with concealed anchorage system.
Provide assemblies formed to receive covers. Furnish configuration and depth to suit construction.
C. Covers - Flexible Seal: Extruded preformed seals for joint covers as required.
D. Metal Plate Floor Cover Assemblies: Provide continuous metal seating members of required profile
with raised floor rim and concealed bolt and steel anchors for embedment in supporting construction.
Provide assemblies formed to receive cover plates of required design and, if applicable, to receive filler
materials between raised rim of seating member and edge of plate. Furnish depth and configuration to
suit type of construction and to produce top surface of exposed cover plate and any filler which fits flush
with adjoining finish floor surface.
to 1. Floor Cover Plate Wearing Surfaces: Provide cover plates with following type of wearing surface:
a. Fluted.
b. Recessed to receive flooring material of thickness indicated. yr
2. Exposed Corner: One seating member on each side of joint, designed to cover floor plate and filler.
3. Flat Cover Plates: Cover plates of required profile and wearing surface. Extend plates to lap each
side of joint with one side attached to seating member and other side resting on other seating
member in manner to allow free movement. Furnish abrasive resistant flexible filler for space
between edge of cover plate and raised rim of seating member.
E. Floor -to -Wall Joints: Provide one seating member on floor side of joint only.
1. Angle Cover Plates: Attach angle cover plates for floor -to -wall joints to wall with countersunk, flat-
head exposed fasteners secured to drilled -in -place anchors, unless otherwise required, at spacing
recommended by joint assembly manufacturer.
F. Wall, Ceiling and Soffit Joint Assemblies: Provide concealed, continuously anchored members
fastened to wall, ceiling or soffit, only on one side of joint. Extend cover to lap each side of joint and to
permit free movement. Attach cover to anchor member, with cover inclose contact with adjacent finish
1. Self- Centering Plates: Concealed centering device with cover plate secured in or on top of frames
to permit free movement on both sides.
2. Flexible Filler: Secure the approved flexible filler between frames to compress and expand with
G. Joint Assemblies with Preformed Seals: Provide joint assemblies consisting of continuously anchored
aluminum extrusions and continuous extruded preformed seals of profile indicated. Furnish extrusion
designed to be embedded in or attached to supporting construction with lugs. Vulcanize or heat -weld
splices to ensure hermetic joint condition.
H. Joint Assemblies with Elastomeric Sealant: Provide continuous joint assemblies consisting of
elastomeric sealant factory- bonded to extruded aluminum frames of profile indicated to suit types of
installation conditions shown.
I. Compression Seals: Preformed, elastomeric extrusions having internal baffle system in sizes and
profiles as recommended by manufacturer. Provide lubricant and adhesive for installation
recommended by manufacturer.
A. General: Meet requirements of NAAMM -Metal Finishes Manual for finish designations and application
recommendations, except as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents. Apply finishes in factory after
products are fabricated. Protect finishes on exposed surfaces with protective covering prior to shipment.
B. Finish: Standard color and finish of manufacturer as selected by Architect.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
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requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
A. Coordinate and furnish anchorages, setting drawings, templates and instructions for installation of
expansion joint assemblies which are to be embedded in or attached to supporting construction or have
recesses formed into edges of supporting construction for later placement and grouting -in of seating
members, as applicable, for cover plates.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturer for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Anchorage Devices: Coordinate and install anchorage devices for installation of expansion joint covers
to be anchored to or embedded in supporting construction, or require recesses formed into edges of
adjacent construction for later installation of seating members. Utilize concealed anchors where
C. Cutting, Fitting and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling and fitting required for installation of expansion
joint covers.
1. Maintain continuity of expansion joint covers with minimum joints and members aligned. Install in
true alignment and proper relationship to expansion joints and adjoining surfaces, measured from
established lines and levels. Locate covers in continuous contact with adjacent surfaces.
2. Cut and fit ends to produce hairline joints.
3. Provide secure installation of components with required accessories. Locate anchors and fasteners
at interval as instructed by manufacturer, but not less than 3 inches from each end and 24 inch
intervals in between.
4. Adhere fle)able seal units to each other and to seating members for weathertight and watertight
connection as instructed by manufacturer.
5. Produce joints that will accommodate thermal expansion and contraction of metal to avoid buckling
of frames.
A. General: Do not remove strippable protective covering until finish work in adjacent areas is complete.
When protective covering is removed, clean exposed metal surfaces meeting instructions of
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A. Description: Rough carpentry is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Rough carpentry includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Rough carpentry includes carpentry which is generally not exposed to view in the completed work
and which is not part of other work or systems in other Sections of Specification.
2. Dimension lumber.
3. Wood blocking and nailers.
4. Wood construction panels.
5. Plywood panels, boards and framing as applicable for mounting or supporting electrical and
communication panels and equipment.
6. Rough hardware and fasteners.
} 7. Preservative (both fungicide and termicide) and fire retardant treatment of wood.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AFPA - National Design Specifications for Wood Construction, including Supplements.
2. AFPA - Wood Frame Construction Manual.
3. AWPA M4 - Care of Pressure Treated Wood Products.
4. AWPA P5 - Water Borne Preservatives.
5. AWPA P17 - Fire Retardant Formulations.
6. AWPA T1 - Processing and Treatment Standard.
7. AWPA U1 - User Specification for Treated Wood.
8. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -7 - Wind Forces on Building and other Structures, for rough
carpentry associated with roofing and associated flashing.
9. FMEC -Loss Prevention Data 1 -28 -Design Wind Loads, as applicable for installation of roofing and
to associated flashing.
10. FMEC -Loss Prevention Data 1- 28R/1 -29R -Roof Systems, as applicable for installation of roofing
and associated flashing.
11. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 - Above -Deck Roof Components, as applicable for installation of
roofing and associated flashing.
12. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -49, Perimeter Flashing, as applicable for type, size and spacing of
fasteners and anchorages for securing wood associated with roofing and associated flashing.
13. FMRC - Approval Guide, as applicable for roofing and associated flashing.
14. FMRC - Roof assembly requirements for rough carpentry associated with roofing and associated
15. ICC - International Building Code, as applicable for fastening and nailing schedules.
16. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, for applicable details relative to wood associated with
roofing and associated flashing.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
A. Product Qualifications: Provide products indicated under same category as complete units, including
accessories produced by one manufacturer for the entire Work.
B. Forest Certification: Provide wood products produced from wood obtained from forests certified by an
FSC accredited certification body to meet requirements of FSC 1.2 - Principles and Criteria.
C. Lumber Standard: NIST PS 20 and applicable rules of respective grading and inspecting agency for
species and product as certified by ALSC - Board of Review.
D. Plywood Standard: NIST PS 1 (ANSI A199.1) and, for products not manufactured under PS 1
provisions, with APA PRP -108 and applicable APA Performance Standard for type of panel required.
E. Grade Marks: Provide each unit of lumber and plywood mill marked with stamp containing symbol of
grading agency certified by ALSC - Board of Review, mill number or name, grade designation, species
designation, rules under which graded and condition of seasoning attime of manufacture. Omit marking
from surfaces to be exposed in completed work with transparent finish or without finish.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report
of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Wood Treatment Data: Submit product specifications and installation instructions of wood treatment
manufacturer for proper use of each type of treated material.
C. Wood Treatment Certifications: Submit certification of treating plant for each type wood treatment
AESI 27210 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 -2 Vj
1. Preservative Treatment: For each type required, certification shall state chemicals and process used
and net amount of preservative retained by assay. In addition for waterborne preservatives,
certification shall state moisture content of wood was reduced to required percent maximum after
treatment and meets requirements of applicable standards.
2. Fire Resistant Treatment: Certification shall state that treatment material meets requirements of
codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work and that treatment
will not bleed through finished surfaces.
D. Compliance Certificate- Engineered Wood Products: Submit compliance certificate forwork, issued by
manufacturer, attesting work meets requirements of Contract Documents. Compliance certificate shall
be signed by manufacturer and meet applicable requirements of Section 01330 -Submittal Procedures.
E. Performance Certification -Engineered Wood Products: Submit performance certification prepared,
certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor. Certification shall specifically indicate work meets most
stringent requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
F. Shop Drawings: Layouts of radiant underlayment system showing all bends, blends and panel
placements for complete and even circuits of underfloor heating tubing.
A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials dry at all times. Protect against exposure to weather and contact
with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood, and provide air circulation within and around
stacks and under temporary coverings.
B. Protection: Protect lumber and plywood from corners or edges breaking, splitting or otherwise being
C. Treated Wood Products: Handle treated wood products meeting requirements of AWPA M4.
A. Coordination: Correlate location of blocking, nailers and similar components to allow proper attachment
of associated work.
A. General:
1. Nominal sizes are indicated by Contract Documents, except when indicated by detail dimensions.
Provide actual sizes as required by NIST PS 20, for moisture content specified for each use.
2. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum at time of dressing.
3. Dressing: Provide dressed lumber, surface (smooth) 4 sides (S4S).
B. Dimension Light Framing: Non - stress rated dimension light framing lumber 2 to 4 inches thick and 2 to 4
inches wide, used for non -load bearing general framing members:
1. Species and Grade: Any western wood species or Southern Pine, Construction Grade, under rules
2. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum (S -DRY) at time of dressing.
C. Dimension Structural Framing: Stress rated dimension structural framing lumber 2 to 4 inches thick and
5 inches and wider, used for load bearing, stress rated structural framing.
1. Species and Grade: Any species, Number 1 Grade or better, under rules of WCLIB, WWPA or
2. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum (S -DRY) at time of dressing.
3. Allowable Design Stress:
a. Group II Species: Extreme fiber stress in bending of 1,200 psi minimum for single member use
and of 1,400 psi minimum for repetitive member use, and modulus of elasticity of 1,600,000 psi
b. Group III Species: Extreme fiber stress in bending of 875 psi minimum for single member use
and of 1,000 psi minimum for repetitive member use, and modulus of elasticity of 1,300,000 psi
4. Exposed Framing: Framing to be exposed to view in the completed Work shall be hand selected
from lumber of species and grade required meeting requirements of ALSC National Grading Rule,
Appearance grade requirements.
D. Exposed Boards: Boards less than 2 inches thick exposed in completed work:
1. Species and Grade: Douglas Fir, Select Merchantable Boards, under rules of WCLIB or WWPA, or
Southern Pine, Number 1 Boards, under rules of SPIB.
2. Moisture Content: 15 percent maximum, MC -15 or K -D at time of dressing.
E. Concealed Boards: Boards less than 2 inches thick concealed by other work:
1. Species and Grade: Any western wood species, Construction Boards, under rules of WCLIB or
WWPA, or Southern Pine, Number 2 Boards, under rules of SPIB.
2. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum (S -DRY) at time of dressing.
F. Miscellaneous Lumber: Lumber for support or attachment of other work, including blocking, nailers,
grounds, stripping and similar members:
1. Species and Grade: Any western wood species, Construction Grade Light Framing Lumber or
Construction Boards, under rules of WCLIB or WWPA, or any species Number 2 Boards, under
rules of WCLIB, WWPA or SPIB.
2. Moisture Content: 19 percent maximum (S -DRY) at time of dressing.
• •
3. Size and Shapes: Sizes as required and worked into shapes required for application or support of
attached work.
A. Performance Rated Plywood: Where plywood panels will be used for following types of applications,
provide APA Performance -Rated Panels meeting requirements for grade designation, span rating,
exposure durability classification, edge detail where applicable, and thickness. Plywood shall be 5
veneer plies minimum and shall bear APA grade mark.
1. Structural Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing, Structural 1, Span Rating and thickness as required to
suit frame spacing, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior,
and square edge detail.
2. Subflooring: APA Rated Sheathing, Span Rating and thickness as required to suit joist spacing, but
3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior, and tongue and groove
edge detail.
3. Subflooring: Radiant Heat Subfloor APA Rated Sheathing, Span Rating and thickness as required
to suit joist spacing, 1-1 /8" thick, 4'X 8' sheets of tongue and groove, weather - resistant plywood with
modular pattern of channels cut into the top surface, sheet aluminum stamped to match the
channel pattern and permanently bonded to each panel.
4. Combination Subfloor Underlayment: APA Rated Sturd -I- Floor, Veneer Faced, Span Rating and
thickness as required to suit joist spacing, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability
Classification of Exterior, tongue and groove edge detail and fully Sanded Face.
5. Wall Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing, Span Rating and thickness as required to suit stud spacing,
but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior, and square edge
6. Roof Sheathing - Structural: APA Rated Sheathing, Structural 1, Span Rating and thickness as
required to suit frame spacing, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of
Exterior, and square edge detail.
7. Roof Sheathing - Typical: APA Rated Sheathing, Span Rating and thickness as required to suit
frame spacing, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior,
preservative treated, and tongue and groove edge detail.
B. Non - Performance Rated Plywood: Where plywood panels will be used for following types of
applications, provide APA rated panels meeting requirements for grade designation, exposure durability
classification, edge detail where applicable, and thickness.
1. Underlayment - Resilient Flooring and Carpet: APA Underlayment Interior, Group 1 species,
thickness as required for application, but 1/2 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability
Classification of Exposure 1, square edge detail and fully Sanded Face.
2. Roof Plywood: For plywood associated with roofing, except roof deck, provide preservative treated
plywood panels with grade designation, APA A -C, Group 1 species, thickness as required to suit
support spacing, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior,
preservative treated, and square edge detail.
3. Backing Panels: For mounting electrical or communication equipment, provide fire retardant treated
plywood panels with grade designation, APA A -A where both surfaces will be exposed in completed
work or APA A -C where one surface will be exposed in completed work, Group 1 species, thickness
required, but 3/4 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability Classification of Exterior and square
edge detail. 13
C. Oriented Strand Board Sheathing: Meet requirements of this Section for appropriate type performance
rated plywood sheathing, except for requirements pertaining to quantities of veneer plies. Vertical load
capacity, span rating, horizontal diaphragm shear value, grade and minimum thickness shall equal
properties of plywood specified. Each panel shall bear APA grade mark.
A. Sill Sealer Gaskets: Glass, slag or basaltic rock fiber insulation fabricated in strip form for use as a sill
sealer, 1 inch thickness, capable of being compressible to 1/32 inch and of width to equal width of sill
B. Adhesive - Concrete and Masonry: Formulation for adhering wood furring and sleepers to concrete or
masonry meeting requirements of ASTM D2498 and approved for application by manufacturer.
C. Adhesive - Plywood: APA AFG -01 for adhesive for gluing plywood to wood framing at project site.
D. Water Repellent Preservative: NWWDA tested and accepted formulation containing 3- iodo-2- propynyl
butyl carbamate, combined with an insecticide containing chloropyrifos as active ingredient.
A. Preservative Treatment:
1. General: Treat lumber and plywood required by Contract Documents to be preservative treated
against fungal decay and termites with a wood preservative as specked in this Paragraph, and
meeting applicable AWPA standards, and codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
a. Wherever practicable, lumber or plywood should be fabricated or manufactured in final form
prior to treatment to eliminate necessity for subsequent cutting or boring of treated wood.
b. Preservative treatment shall not bleed through or otherwise affect type of finish to be applied to
treated wood or affect materials in contact with treated wood.
c. Provide each treated lumber or plywood item with treatment quality mark by an agency certified
by ALSC for respective treatment and application. For wood exposed in the completed Work
and indicated by Contract Documents to receive a transparent finish, such as stain or sealer, or
material finish, mark end or surface of wood item not exposed in the completed Work.
d. After treatment, kiln -dry treated lumber and plywood items to moisture content of 15 percent
e. Inspect each piece of treated lumber and plywood after drying. Discard damaged, defective or
warped pieces.
f. Coat cut surfaces of treated lumber and plywood with two minimum heavy brush applications of
same preservative material used in original treatment meeting requirements of AWPA M4.
2. Above Ground:
a. Treat lumber and plywood for above ground (exposed earth) use, except for cold storage work,
against fungal decay and termites with 100 percent pure alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) or
copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by vacuum and pressure impregnation
treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1 for lumber and plywood. Preservative
treatment shall be clean, odorless, not bleed through or affect type of finish or affect materials in
contact with treated wood and be EPA acceptable for outdoor and indoor use without a sealer.
Retention of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.25 pcf for ACQ or 0.10 pcf for CA-13 of
wood minimum as determined by assay.
b. Preservative treat above ground lumber and plywood items required by Contract Documents to
be preservative treated and following:
1) Wood framing less than 18 inches above ground (exposed earth).
2) Wood framing, blocking, nailers, sheathing and similar items in contact with exterior
foundation walls that are less than 8 inches from ground (exposed earth).
3) Wood framing, blocking, nailers, sheathing and similar concealed items in contact with
concrete, masonry, metal or related construction located at slabs -on- ground, exterior
foundation walls and like locations that are in direct contact with ground (exposed earth).
4) Wood exposed to weather.
5) Wood framing, blocking, nailers, sheathing and similar items associated with waterproofing,
roofing, flashing, vapor retarders or related construction.
6) Wood framing that supports moisture permeable floors or roofs that are exposed to weather
such as concrete or masonry slabs, except when separated from such floors or roofs byan
impervious moisture barrier.
7) Wood at other locations as required by requirements of authorities bearing on performance
of the Work.
3. Contact with Ground:
a. Treat lumber and plywood in contact with ground (exposed earth), except for permanent wood
foundation items, against fungal decay and termites with 100 percent pure alkaline copper
quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by vacuum and
'i pressure impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1 for lumber and
plywood. Preservative treatment shall be clean, odorless, not bleed through or affect type of
finish or affect materials in contact with treated wood and be EPA acceptable for outdoor and
indoor use without a sealer. Retention of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.40 pcf for
ACQ and 0.21 pcf for CA-13 of wood minimum as determined by assay.
b. Preservative treat contact with ground lumber and plywood required by Contract Documents to
be preservative treated and following:
1) Wood in contact with ground (exposed earth).
2) Wood in contact with fresh water.
3) Wood posts, retaining walls, piers and docks in contact with ground (exposed earth) or fresh
4) Wood at other locations as required by requirements of authorities bearing on performance
of the Work.
B. Fire Retardant Treatment:
1. General: Treat lumber and plywood required by Contract Documents to be fire retardant treated
with fire resistant chemicals as specified in this Paragraph and meeting applicable AWPA standards,
and codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
a. Wherever practicable, lumber or plywood should be fabricated or manufactured in final form
prior to treatment to eliminate necessity for subsequent cutting or boring of treated wood
b. Fire retardant treatment shall not bleed through or otherwise affect finish to be applied to treated
40 wood or affect materials in contact with treated wood and not require treatment of project site
made cuts to maintain fire hazard classification.
2. Typical Application:
a. Treat lumber and plywood with waterborne fire retardant chemicals by vacuum and pressure
impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1, Commodity Specification H,
for lumber and plywood. Treated lumber and plywood shall have a flame spread rating of 25
maximum when evaluated meeting requirements of UL 723, ASTM E84 or NFPA 355, and show
no increase in flame spread and significant progressive combustion upon continuation of test for
additional 20 minutes.
b. Fire retardant treat lumber and plywood required by Contract Documents to be fire retardant and
1) Wood blocking in fire rated assemblies.
2) Plywood backing panels for mounting electrical or communication equipment.
c. When fire retardant treated wood is located outdoors, in area of high relative humidity or to
receive a transparent finish, such as stain or sealer, fire retardant treatment shall not show
change in fire hazard classification when subjected to standard rain test meeting requirements of
UL 790 or ASTM 82898.
d. Provide UL Label on each piece of fire retardant lumber or plywood.
e. After treatment, kiln -dry treated items to moisture content of 15 percent maximum.
f. Inspect each piece of treated lumber and plywood after drying. Discard damaged, defective or
warped pieces.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General:
1. Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed submittals
for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with
manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
2. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too
small to fabricate work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement.
3. Provide rough carpentry to shapes, configurations and arrangements required and cut as required
for true line and level of work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work involved.
4. Set rough carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true and
accurately cut and fitted.
0 5. Install metal framing accessories meeting requirements specked in Part 2, of this Section, and
instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
6. Sort and select lumber so that natural characteristics will not interfere with installation or with
fastening other materials to lumber. Do not use materials with defects that interfere with function of
member or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint
7. Securely attach rough carpentry to supporting structure by anchoring and fastening as required to
support applied loading and as required to meet requirements of referenced and recognized
standards. In case of conflict, more stringent requirements shall govern.
8. Make tight connections between wood components. Build into masonry during installation of
masonry work. Where possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement.
9. For exposed work, arrange fasteners in straight rows parallel with edges of members, with fasteners
equally spaced, and with adjacent rows staggered.
a. Comply with fastener patterns where indicated by Contract Documents. Before fastening, mark
fastener locations using a template.
b. Use finishing nails for finish or exposed work. Countersink finish nail heads of exposed carpentry
and fill holes.
10. Select fasteners and anchorages of size, diameter and length, that will not penetrate members
where opposite side will be ex:posed to view in the completed Work or will receive finish materials.
t Attach to supporting structure as required. Install fasteners without splitting wood; predrill as
11. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
12. Do not countersink nail heads, unless otherwise required by Contract Documents.
13. Do not countersink bolt heads and nuts, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
Provide plain washer under bolt heads and nuts.
B. Preservative Treated Wood: Provide preservative treated lumber and plywood and associated
accessories meeting requirements specified in Part 2, of this Section.
C. Fire Retardant Treated Wood: Provide fire retardant treated lumber and plywood and associated
accessories meeting requirements specified in Part 2, of this Section.
A. General:
1. Provide wood framing members of sizes and on spacings, and frame openings as indicated on
Drawings, otherwise meet requirements and recommendations of AFPA - Wood Frame
Construction Manual.
2. Anchor and nail to meet requirements and recommendations of AFPA -Wood Frame Construction
Manual, Recommended Nailing Schedule, and other AFPA recommendations.
it AESI 27210 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 -9
3. Do not splice structural members between supports.
B. Fire Blocking: Provide fire blocking in furred spaces, stud spaces and other concealed cavities as ,
indicated by Contract Documents and as follows:
1. Fire block furred spaces of walls at each floor level, at ceiling, and at 96 inches maximum centers
with solid wood blocking or noncombustible materials accurately fitted to close furred spaces.
2. Fire block concealed spaces of wood framed walls and partitions at each floor level atceiling line of
top story and at 96 inches maximum centers. Where fire blocking is not inherent in framing system
used, provide closely fitted solid wood blocks of same width as framing members and 2 inch
nominal thickness.
3. Fire block concealed spaces between floor sleepers with same material as sleepers to limit
concealed spaces to 100 square feet maximum and to solidly fill space below partitions.
4. Fire block concealed spaces behind combustible cornices and exterior trim at 20 feet maximum
C. Blocking, Grounds and Furring:
1. Blocking and Nailers: Provide where required for attachment of other work. Form to shapes and cut
as required to true line and level or work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work
involved and to facilitate installation of related products. Countersink bolt heads and nuts flush with
surfaces, except as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents. Provide plain washer under bolt
heads and nuts.
2. Grounds: Provide permanent grounds of dressed, preservative treated, key beveled lumber of 1-
1 /2 inch minimum width and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish
material involved. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required.
3. Furring: Install plumb and level with closure strips at edges and openings. Shim with wood as
required for tolerance of finished work. Provide size and spacing as required.
A. General: Meet requirements and recommendations of APA - Design /Construction Guide - Residential
and Commercial, and other applicable APA recommendations.
B. Plywood:
1. Layout:
a. Install each layer of plywood with face grain perpendicular to supports and with panels
continuous over two or more spans. Dimensions of panels shall not be less than 1 foot in any
direction. Support edges. Plywood end joints shall occur over framing. Stagger joints one -half
of plywood face dimension.
b. Install plywood with best grade face exposed in completed work or to application side for
installation of subsequent materials, as applicable.
2. Fastening Methods:
a. General:
1) Method: Securelyfasten to supporting construction in manner to preventwarpage atedges
and joints.
2) Framing: Continuously glue and nail or screw plywood panels at edges and intermediate
supports to framing throughout, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
3) Fastening: Nail or screw plywood panels at 6 inch centers along panel edges and at 12 inch
centers at intermediate supports, except as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents.
Use 10 penny (0.148 inch diameter) minimum nails for fastening to wood framing.
b. Wall and Roof Sheathing: Nail or screw to framing as applicable.
c. Roof Plywood - General: Nail, screw or bolt to supporting structure, except as otherwise
required, providing an acceptable surface for receiving another material.
d. Plywood Roof Sheathing - Over Steel Roof Deck:
1) General: Install plywood panels over steel roof deck.
2) Fastener Density and Placement:
a) Pullout Test: Perform fastener pullout tests for plywood roof sheathing fasteners for
fastening plywood sheathing to each type roof deck as specified in Article - Field
Quality Control, of this Section.
b) Density and Placement: Fastener density and placement shall be based on more
conservative of FMRC Approved spacing or spacing needed based on average value
of pullout test performance as specified in Article - Field Quality Control, of this
3) Attachment: Secure plywood to steel deck with plywood roof sheathing fasteners
throughout roof area.
a) Density: Density and placement of fasteners shall meet requirements of FMRC for
required wind uplift rating, based on specified density and placement requirements for
fasteners, results of fastener pullout test specified in Article - Field Quality Control, of
this Section, and requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data
1 -29 and NRCA for attachment of insulation to roof deck.
b) Layout: Quantity and locations of fasteners shall cause sheathing to rest on respective
substrate so there are no cavities or air spaces between boards and substrates. Add
additional fasteners if required to maintain sheathing layer flat. Sheathing shall be
retained in compression. Do not overtighten fasteners as to deform sheathing or
c) Steel Roof Deck: Fasteners shall be installed perpendicular to and penetrate through
underside of roof deck top flange 3/4 inch minimum and of 1 -1/4 inches maximum.
Fasteners shall not penetrate bottom flange or sides of roof deck.
e. Backing Panels: Screw or bolt to supporting structure, except as otherwise required.
A. Fastener Pullout Tests: Manufacturers of roofing system and plywood roof sheathing fasteners shall
perform mechanical fastener pullout resistance tests at project site to evaluate and confirm fastener
and roof deck holding resistance and resultant density of fasteners required for installation of plywood
sheathing. Meet requirements of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 and ANSVSPRI FX -1. Perform 10
tests minimum for each type and size of fastener relative to each type of roof deck at perimeter, comers
and field of each roof area. Use average value of pullout test performance for each type and size of
fastener and each type and area of roof deck.
AESI 27210 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06100 -11
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Glued laminated construction is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Glued laminated construction includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Glued laminated straight - grained girders, beams and purlins.
2. Structural ties, connectors, hangers, bolts, nuts, washers, angles, straps and accessories
necessary to interconnect and secure glued laminated members to supporting structure.
3. Furnishing wall bearing plates, setting plates, embedded plates and anchor bolts indicated on
Structural or Architectural Drawings to be built -in or attached to supporting construction.
4. Steel connectors.
5. Framing of roof openings.
A. Glued laminated construction includes wood members fabricated from 1 or 2 inch nominal thickness
lumber glued face -to -face with grain of laminates approximately parallel longitudinally, to a depth of
four or more laminations.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. AISC - Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings,
including Commentary, referenced in this Section as AISC Specification.
2. AISC - Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings, Allowable Stress Design and Plastic Design,
including Commentary.
3. AITC - Timber Construction Manual.
4. AITC 104 - Typical Construction Details.
5. AITC 108 - Standard for Heavy Timber Construction.
6. AITC 109 - Standard for Preservative Treatment of Structural Glued Laminated Timber.
7. AITC 110 - Standard Appearance Grades for Structural Glued Laminated Timber.
8. AITC 111 - Recommended Practice for Protection of Structural Glued Laminated Timber.
9. AITC 117 - Design Standard Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber of Softwood
Species During Transit, Storage and Erection.
10. ASTM D3737 - Standard Method for Establishing Stresses for Structural Glued Laminated Timber.
11. ANSI/AITC A190.1 - Wood Products - Structural Glued Laminated Timber.
12. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel.
A. Single Responsibility: Glued laminated construction work shall be performed by a single installer
having undivided responsibility for providing complete work and for performance of the work.
B. Product Qualifications: Factory mark each glued laminated timber with AITC or APA Quality Inspected
Mark. Place inspection mark on timber surfaces which will not be exposed in completed work.
C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Provide factory-glued timber units produced by an AITC orAPA licensed
firm, qualified to apply AITC or APA Quality Inspected Mark.
D. Installer Qualifications: Glued laminated timber manufacturer or a firm licensed by manufacturer which
has demonstrated competence specializing in installation of glued laminated construction.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications and installation instructions of manufacturer for lumber,
adhesives, fabrication, preservative treatment, accessories and protection. Include published data,
certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating proposed
materials meet requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing complete dimensions of each member and layout of
entire structural system. Show large scale details of connections, connectors and other accessories.
Indicate species and stress grade of lumber, type of glue, shop - applied finishes and other variables in
required work.
C. Samples: Submit samples of glued laminated components with required factory applied finish.
D. Compliance Certification: Submit material compliance certification of manufacturer attesting glued
laminated members meet requirements of AITC 117 and ANSI A190.1.
E. Treatment Certification: Submit certification by treating plant that required treatments meet
requirements of Contract Documents.
A. General: Maintain glued laminated timbers dry during delivery, storage, handling and erection by
maintaining factory applied protective covering in weathertight and lightproof condition. Do not leave
members partially exposed due to potential weathering, sun bleaching and like conditions. Also, do not
allow moisture to accumulate inside wrapping.
B. Packaging:
1. Before shipping or exposing to outdoor conditions, individually wrap each member with opaque,
durable, water- resistant covering, with water- resistant seams.
2. Small members of uniform size may be bundle - wrapped, in lieu of individual wrappings. Provide
protective slip- sheets between finished surfaces where factory- finishes have been provided.
C. Storage: Do not store glued laminated timber in areas of excessively high or excessively low relative
humidity. Meet instructions of manufacturer. Store glued laminated members, lumber and sheathing off
ground. Remove damaged products from project site and replaced with new products at no addition to
Contract Sum.
o •
A. Scheduling: Time delivery and installation of glued laminated construction work to avoid extended
project site storage and to avoid delaying the work.
A. Alamco Wood Products, Inc.
B. Boise Cascade Corporation.
C. Rosboro Lumber Company.
D. Sentinel Structures Incorporated.
E. Unit Structure Systems, Inc.
F. Weyerhaeuser Company.
G. Willamette Industries, Inc.
A. Glued Laminated Timber Materials:
1. Lumber: ANSI A190.1 and AITC 117 for grades required to meet glued laminated timber
requirements for species, allowable stress, appearance and fabrication. Species shall be Douglas
Fir or Southern Yellow Pine at option of manufacturer as required to meet requirements of
Contract Documents, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
2. Preservative Treatment: Where preservative treatment is required, pressure treat lumber prior to
gluing with pentachlorophenol in mineral spirits, except as otherwise required, meeting
requirements of AITC 109. Kiln dry to 16 percent maximum moisture content after treatment.
Discard pieces which have bowed, warped, twisted or checked to extent of causing detrimental
results in work.
3. Adhesive: ANSI A190.1, AITC 109 and ASTM D2559, wet -use (waterproof) adhesive, unless
otherwise required.
4. End Sealer: Transparent, colorless wood sealer, effective in retarding transmission of moisture at
cross -grain cuts.
5. Penetrating Sealer: Translucent penetrating wood sealer, which will not interfere with application
of wood stain and transparent finish, or paint finish, as required for work.
B. Connectors and Anchors:
1. Description: Fabricated connector and anchor assemblies of types and sizes for member sizes,
with steel components, bolts, nuts and washers, lag bolts, joist hangers, straps, plates, angles and
other standard fasteners as required. Meet requirements of AISC Specification.
2. Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars: ASTM A36.
3. Connectors:
a. Description: Steel connectors for timber construction, such as beam hangers, hinge
connectors and straps, strap ties, subpurlins, hangers and hold - downs, shall meet allowable
design loads and be hot -dip zinc coated meeting requirements of ASTM A924, Coating
Designation G60 minimum, and ICBO Approved.
b. Acceptable Manufacturers:
1) Sim psons Strong -Tie Company, Inc.
4. Bolt Assemblies: ASTM A307, Grade A, bolts with ASTM A563 heavy nuts, hexagon heads and
nuts, and plain washers.
5. Finish: Except as otherwise required, finish each assembly and fastener by cleaning and painting
with rust - inhibitive primer acceptable to Architect, 2.0 mils dry film thickness.
A. General: Meet requirements of ANSI A190.1, AITC 117 and glued laminated timber requirements
indicated by Contract Documents. Where design values or dimensions are not indicated by Contract
Documents, provide sizes and shapes required to meet performance requirements.
B. Appearance: Rustique; weathered, roughened surface providing a rustic motif as acceptable to
B. Allowable Stresses: Fabricate units to meet ANSI and AITC standards and design values indicated on
C. Camber: Fabricate horizontal load bearing members, units of less than 12 to 12 slope, which are
indicated as straight members, not arched, with a camber radius of approximately 1600 feet, except as
otherwise indicated on Drawings.
D. Cutting: Shop -cut for connections and connecting hardware to greatest extent possible, including
drilling of bolt holes. J
E. End -Cut Sealing: Immediately after end - cutting each member to final length, and after any wood
treatment, apply a saturation coat of end sealer to ends and other cross -cut surfaces, maintaining
surfaces flood - coated for 10 minutes minimum.
F. Seal Coat: After complete fabrication and sanding of each unit, and end -cut sealing, apply a heavy
saturation coat of penetrating sealer on surface of each unit.
G. Grade Marking: Mark with a quality mark indicating conformance with ANSI A190.1.
H. Wiped Stain Finish: Provide factory finish dry appearance penetrating acrylic stain and sealer, dried
and resistant to mildew and fungus.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which glued laminated construction is to be installed for
compliance with requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting
performance of work are satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have
been resolved.
o •
A. General: Meet requirements of AITC 108 and AITC 111.
B. Timber:
1. General: Perform erection so close fit and neat appearance of joints and structure will not be
impaired. When hoisting members into place, use padded or non - marring slings, and protect
corners with wood blocking.
a. Set structural laminated members level and plumb and in correct position. Girders, beams
and pudins shall be installed with full bearing.
b. Provide temporary bracing, shoring and anchorage to hold members in place until
permanently secured. Adequately brace members during installation to maintain position until
full stability is provided.
2. Cutting:
a. Avoid cutting members. Except for fastener drilling and other minor cutting, coat cuts with end
b. Where treated members must be cut, apply a heavy brush coat of same treatment, complying
with AWPA M4.
A. Do not remove protective wrapping on members until protection from weather, soiling and damage
from other work does not exist.
B. Repair damaged surfaces and finishes after completion and replace damaged members.
A. Meet limitations on heating, ventilating and air conditioning in building, to avoid damage or deterioration
of glue laminated construction.
06180 -5
0 i
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Architectural woodwork is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Architectural woodwork includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Architectural woodwork includes woodwork exposed to view in completed project and fabricated to
standard or custom design as applicable, primarily of wood, including high pressure laminates, and
which is not a part of other work or wood systems in other Sections of Specifications.
2. Miscellaneous standing and running trim, opaque finish.
3. Wood cabinets.
4. Laminate clad cabinets.
5. Cabinet tops.
6. Flush wood paneling.
7. Interior miscellaneous ornamental items.
8. Interior door frames.
9. Closet and utility shelving and related items.
10. Items associated or integral with architectural woodwork, including:
a. Supports, reinforcement and like components.
b. Wood grounds and blocking.
c. Hardware and accessories.
11. Exterior miscellaneous ornamental items.
12. Exterior door frames.
13. Tongue and Groove siding (3/4" x4" nominal.)
D. Definition: Terms "architectural woodwork" and "millwork" shall be synonymous when used on Drawings
or in Specifications.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent more detailed or stringent
requirements are required by Contract Documents, including requirements of this Section and of
governing codes and regulations.
1. American Woodwork Institute (AWI) -Quality Standards.
A. Single Responsibility: Architectural woodwork shall be performed by a single architectural woodwork
mill, fabricator or manufacturer having undivided responsibility for providing complete architectural
woodwork, including fabrication, finishing and installation.
B. Criteria Standard: Any item of architectural woodwork not required to be of a specific quality grade shall
be provided meeting requirements of AWI - Quality Standards, Premium Grade.
C. Quality Marking: Mark each unit of architectural woodwork with identification of mill or fabricator and
grade mark, located on surfaces which will not be exposed after installation.
D. Wood Moisture Content: Provide kiln -dried or seasoned lumber and maintain relative humidity during
fabrication, storage, finishing and installation operations so that moisture content values of woodwork
are within ranges required by referenced grading rules and woodworking standards, the more stringent
requirements governing.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of
manufacturers for each proprietary product and finish required for work. Include published data,
certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating that each
material and finish meets specified requirements.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of architectural wood, including
associated components. Include location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large scale
details, attachment devices and other components. Include requirements for support, reinforcement
and anchorage in adjacent work. Show provisions and cut outs for interfacing work, including any
mechanical and electrical items. Indicate compliance with specified AWI -Quality Standards and other
specified requirements for materials and workmanship.
C. Wood Preservative Treatment Data From Chemical Treatment Manufacturer: Include certification of
chemical solution and affirming compliance with indicated treatment standard.
D. Fire Retardant Treatment Data For Material Impregnated by Pressure Process to Reduce
Combustibility: Include certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements.
E. Initial Samples: Submit samples for initial selection purposes of each type, cut, pattern, colorand sheen
of finish material or item for architectural woodwork in form of manufacturer charts or like data
indicating actual units or sections of units with full range of colors, texture, patterns and like information
available for each type of material.
F. Verification Samples: Submit samples of each type, cut, pattern, color and sheen of finish material or
item for architectural woodwork and as otherwise may be requested by Architect. Samples will be
reviewed by Architect for appearance only. Include following samples:
1. Lumber with or for transparent finish, 50 square inches, for each species and cut, finished on one
side and one edge.
2. Veneer leaves representative of and selected from flitches to be used for transparent finished
3. Wood veneer faced panel products; with or for transparent finish, 8 -1/2 inches by 11 inches, for
each species and cut with one half of exposed surface finished, with separate samples of unfaced
panel product used for core.
4. Lumber and panel products with factory- applied opaque finish, 8 -1/2 inches by 11 inches for panels
and 50 square inches for lumber, for each finish system and color, with one half of exposed surface
5. Plastic Laminates: Set of three units of each type, color, pattern and sheen of finish, each 12 inches
• •
6. Formed Laminate: Full size formed sample of each different radius condition and construction, 12
inches wide.
7. Corner pieces as follows:
a. Cabinet front frame joints between stiles and rail, as well as exposed end pieces, 18 inches high
by 18 inches wide by 6 inches deep.
b. Miter joints for standing trim.
8. Hardware: Full size sample of each hardware item.
G. Certification: Submit copies of certificate signed by architectural woodwork mill or fabricator, certifying
that architectural woodwork complies with quality grades and other requirements specified. Submit
certificate in form recommended by applicable Standards.
A. Protect woodwork during transit, delivery, storage and handling to prevent damage, soilage and
deterioration. Keep covered with protective covering.
B. Do not deliver woodwork until wet work, grinding, painting and similar operations that could damage, soil
or deteriorate woodwork have been completed in installation areas. If, due to unforeseen
circumstances, woodwork must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas whose
environmental conditions meet requirements specified for installation areas.
C. Promptly deliver inserts and accessories to be built -in supporting construction. Furnish final reviewed
shop drawings, templates and instructions for installation of built -in items.
A. Pre - Installation Meeting: Contractor shall conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to
delivery of materials to review conditions associated with performing architectural woodwork. Meeting
shall include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements,
ambient conditions and coordination required for proper installation of work. Meeting participants shall
include Architect, architectural woodwork manufacturer representative, installers of related work and
firms or persons responsible for continued operation, whether temporary or permanent, of building
mechanical and electrical systems as required to maintain required ambient environmental conditions.
Proceed with woodwork installation only when everyone concerned agrees that required conditions can
be provided and maintained.
B. Environmental Conditions:
1. Installer shall advise Contractor of temperature and humidity requirements for woodwork installation
areas. Do not install woodwork until required temperature and relative humidity have been
stabilized and will be maintained in installation areas.
2. Maintain temperature and humidity in installation area as required to maintain moisture content of
installed woodwork within a 1.0 percent tolerance of optimum moisture content, from date of
installation through remainder of construction period. Fabricator of woodwork shall determine
optimum moisture content and required temperature and humidity conditions.
AESI 27210
06400 -3
A. Wood for Opaque Paint Finish: Solid wood of any closed grain hardwood species meeting requirements
of AWI - Quality Standards for selection of species, grade and cut.
B. Particleboard: Homogeneous wood particleboard meeting requirements of CS 236 and AWI - Quality
Standards, except flakeboard, fiberboard and chipboard are not acceptable. Provide particleboard with
phenolic resin as required for application. Provide densities and thicknesses as required for application.
C. Plastic Laminate:
1. Description: High pressure plastic laminate meeting requirements of NEMA LD3 and, in addition,
NSF 35 when used in food service or medical service type areas. Plastic laminate shall provide
good appearance, durability and resistance to stains and moisture absorption. Type, thickness,
color, pattern, finish and sheen of plastic laminate shall be as required for the application.
2. Color and Design: Solid color, no pattern, smooth finish surface, no texture, and satin sheen with
gloss level in range of 5 to 34, as selected by Architect from standard color and sheen range of
plastic laminate manufacturer. Select appropriate finish to meet project requirements for resisting
damage from heat or chemical.
3. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Formica Corp.
b. Laminart.
c. Micarta.
d. Nevamar Corp.
e. Ralph Wilson Plastics Co.
D. Wood Treatment:
Fire Retardant Treatment: Lumber panels, plywood or particleboard required to be fire retardant
treated, shall be treated to meet requirements of AWPA Standard C20 for lumber and AWPA
Standard C27 for plywood for pressure impregnation with fire retardant chemicals. Treated lumber
and plywood shall have a flame spread rating of not more than 25, when tested meeting
requirements of UL 723, ASTM E84 or NFPA 355, and show no increase in flame spread and
significant progressive combustion upon continuation of test for additional 20 minutes.
a. When treated items are exposed to exterior or to high humidities or are to have a transparent
finish in form of stain or sealer, provide materials which show no change in fire hazard
classification when subjected to standard rain test (UL 790 or ASTM B2898).
b. Use fire retardant treatment which will not bleed through or affect type of finish or affect
materials in contact with treated wood and which does not require brush treatment of field -made
end cuts to maintain fire hazard classification.
c. Provide UL label on each piece of fire retardant lumber or plywood or panel back.
d. Kiln -dry treated items to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent.
e. Discard treated lumber that does not comply with requirements of referenced woodworking
standard. Do not use twisted, warped, bowed, discolored, or otherwise damaged or defective
2. Preservative Treatment: Lumber panels or plywood required to be preservative treated, shall be
treated with a wood preservative as specified in this Article and meeting applicable AWPB and
AWPA standards. Coordinate with AWI quality standards.
a. Treat lumber panels or plywood items with 100 percent pure oxide water -borne preservativesfor
a exposed wood by pressure impregnation process meeting requirements of AWPA Standard P5,
AWPA Standard C2 for lumber, and AWPA Standard C9 for plywood, and AWPB Procedure LP-
2. Use preservative treatment which will not bleed through of affect type of finish or affect
materials in contact with treated wood. Minimum retention of preservative inject into wood shall
be 0.25 pcf of wood as determined by assay. After treatment, kiln -dry treated items to maximum
moisture content of 15 percent.
b. Provide each treated lumber or plywood item with the AWPB Quality Mark for the specified
c. Inspect each piece of treated lumber and plywood after drying. Discard damaged, defective or
warped pieces.
d. Coat cut surfaces of treated lumber and plywood with two heavy brush applications of same
preservative material used in original treatment.
E. Tongue and Groove Siding: WRCLA Western Red Cedar, Tongue and Groove EV1 S - WRCLA1,1" x
6" nominal size, Knotty grade NLGA para. 204a, with a green moisture content with sawn face surface
to be exposed.
A. General: Provide hardware and accessory materials associated with architectural woodwork.
1. Standards: Meet requirements of ANSI A156.9 -American National Standard for Cabinet Hardware,
Quality Level Type 2 (Institutional), except as otherwise required.
2. Exposed Finish: Provide exposed hardware with BHMA 626 satin chromium plate finish (US26D),
otherwise provide either satin aluminum or satin stainless steel finish as applicable to Architect,
except as otherwise required.
B. Gate Spring Hinges: Spring loaded hinge set for double acting gate leaf. Spring shall be concealed.
C. Cabinet Hinges: European style.
D. Cabinet Door and Drawer Pulls: Wire type bow handles, 1/4 inch diameter.
E. Cabinet Door and Drawer Locks: Pin locks with cylinders, all keyed alike for each woodwork item.
Furnish 6 keys for each group of keyed alike locks.
F. Cabinet Door Catches: Magnetic type.
G. Drawer Runners: Ball bearing, full telescopic extension type.
H. Adjustable Shelf Supports: Multiple holes with metal pins or metal shelf standards.
I. Cable Sets: Grommet device with spring loaded closure segment to permit passage of electric cord
and associated plug.
J. Closet Poles: Galvanized steel pipe, nominal 1 -1/4 inch diameter, cut to length required.
K. Closet Pole Sockets: Metal type.
L. Closet Pole Center Brackets: Combination shelf and closet pole support, steel with enamel paint finish,
BHMA B84052.
M. Metal Edge Trim: Extruded aluminum or formed stainless steel of profile configuration required for
? application as acceptable to Architect.
'0 Q
A. Laminating Adhesives: Rigid setting, non - flammable type as appropriate and instructed by laminate
manufacturer for application.
B. Wood Screws: Select material, type, size and finish required for each use. Meet applicable
requirements of FS FF -S -111.
C. Nails: Select material, type, size and finish required for each use. Meet applicable requirements of FS
FF -N -105.
D. Anchors: Select material, type, size and finish required by each substrate for secure anchorage.
Provide non - ferrous metal or hot -dip zinc coated steel anchors and inserts as required for corrosion
resistance. Provide toothed steel expansion bolt devices for drilled -in -place anchors. Furnish inserts
and anchors, as required, to be set into concrete or masonry work for subsequent woodwork
A. Design and Construction:
1. General: Meet requirements indicated by Drawings and this Section for materials, profile and
construction of architectural woodwork. Meet requirements of applicable AWI - Quality Standards,
except for more stringent requirements required.
2. Details and Dimensions: Woodwork manufacturer shall be responsible for details and dimensions
not controlled by project conditions, and woodwork manufacturer and Contractor shall cooperate to
establish and maintain these conditions.
3. Measurements: Before proceeding with fabrication of architectural woodwork required to be fitted to
other construction, obtain measurements and verify dimensions and shop drawing details as
required for accurate fit.
4. Material Condition: Inspect each piece of material or each unit of woodwork after drying, as
applicable, and before incorporating into the work. Do not use twisted, warped, bowed, defaced or
otherwise damaged or defective material.
5. Assembly: Assemble architectural woodwork in shop or mill in as large units as practicable to
minimize field cutting and jointing. Where necessary to fit at project site, provide allowance for
cutting and fitting.
B. Pre -Cut Openings: Fabricate architectural woodwork with pre -cut openings, to receive hardware,
equipment, fixtures, electrical work and similar items. Locate openings accurately and use templates or
roughing -in diagrams for proper size and shape. Smooth edges of cutouts and, where located in
countertops and similar exposures, seal edges of cutouts with water resistant coating.
C. Plastic Laminate Applications: Types and thicknesses of plastic laminates for various applications shall
be as follows, except as otherwise required:
1. Horizontal and High Usage Exposure: General purpose type, 0.050 inch thickness.
2. Vertical and Medium Usage Exposure: General purpose type, 0.028 inch thickness.
3. Postforming: Postforming type, 0.042 inch thickness.
4. Balancing Sheets: Backer type, same thickness as laminate required for exposed faces.
5. Exposed Edges: Same type and thickness as laminate required for adjacent exposed faces.
a f
D. Plastic Laminate Work:
1. Cores: Core material for laminates shall be particleboard, medium density, 3/4 inch minimum
thickness, except as otherwise required.
2. Balancing Sheets: Provide balancing sheets for 100 percent of back or concealed faces or surfaces
of plastic laminate covered surfaces or members without exception.
3. Cut Opening Comers: Form inside corners of cut openings to minimum 1/8 inch radius. Square
corners not acceptable.
E. Formed Plastic Laminate:
1. General: Plastic laminate components of architectural woodwork requiring curved or irregularly
contoured surfaces shall be either cold formed, heat formed or chemical formed as applicable.
Forming and laminating of laminate shall be performed meeting instructions of laminate
manufacturer and requirements specked for applicable process.
2. Cold Formed: Use cold forming method to form and laminate laminates to subsurfaces. Forming
and laminating of laminate shall be performed meeting instructions of laminate manufacturer.
3. Heat Formed: Use heat forming method to form and laminate laminates to subsurfaces. Forming
and laminating of laminate shall be performed meeting instructions of laminate manufacturer.
Completed laminate work shall be climatized, stress relieved, tempered and returned to original
state while retaining newly formed shape.
4. Chemical Formed:
a. Description:
1) Use chemical relaxation forming method to form and laminate laminates to subsurfaces.
Forming and laminating of laminate shall be performed meeting instructions of laminate
manufacturer and processor. Completed laminate work shall be climatized, stress relieved,
tempered and returned to original state while retaining newly formed shape.
2) Provide extruded aluminum radius trim of required profile bonded to panel cores.
Aluminum shall be AA Alloy 6063 -T5 and of 0.125 inch minimum thickness.
b. Acceptable Process:
1) Pittcon Industries, Inc., Chem - Formed Method.
A. General: Entire finish of architectural woodwork is work of this Section, regardless of whether shop
applied or applied after installation.
B. Standard: Meet requirements of AW I - Quality Standards, Section 1500, as applicable to each item of
architectural woodwork and respective quality grade required.
C. Shop Finishing: To greatest extent possible, finish architectural woodwork at shop or factory. Defer
final touch -up, cleaning and polishing after delivery and installation.
D. Preparations: Sand, fill countersunk fasteners, back prime and perform similar preparations for finishing
of architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work and quality grade of woodwork required.
E. Opaque Paint Finish: j
1. Finish Standard: Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Finish System Number 9 - Catalyzed
Lacquer Custom Grade, closed grain finish.
2. Color and Sheen: Finish color and sheen to be as selected by Architect from standard color and
sheen range of paint manufacturer.
F. Transparent Finish for Open -Grain Woods:
1. Finish Standard: Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Finish system Number 5 - Catalyzed
Polyurethane, Open Grain Premium Finish.
2. Staining and Sheen: Match Architect's sample for staining with a dull satin 15 - 20 degrees.
G. Transparent Finish for Closed -Grain Woods:
1. Finish Standard: Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Finish system Number 5 - Catalyzed
Polyurethane, Closed Grain Premium Finish.
2. Staining and Sheen: Match Architect's sample for staining with a flat -dull rubbed effect 5 - 10
A. Exterior Standing and Running Trim and Rails for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 300.
2. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide flat members, except for
members with ends exposed in finished work.
3. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field
4. Grade: Premium.
5. Lumber Species: Clear heart redwood, quarter sawn.
B. Exterior Standing and Running Trim and Rails for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 300.
2. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide flat members, except for
members with ends exposed in finished work.
3. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field
4. Grade: Premium.
5. Lumber Species: Eastern white pine, sugar pine, or Idaho white pine.
C. Interior Standing and Running Trim and Rails for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 300.
2. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide flat members, except for
members with ends exposed in finished work.
3. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field
4. Grade: Premium.
5. Lumber Species: Red oak, rift sawn.
D. Interior Standing and Running Trim and Rails for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 300.
2. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide flat members, except for
members with ends exposed in finished work.
3. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field
4. Grade: Premium.
5. Lumber Species: Eastern white pine, sugar pine or Idaho white pine.
E. Wood Cabinets (Casework) for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400A - Wood Cabinets.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush with exposed face frame.
4. Wood Species for Exposed Surfaces: Red oak, rift sawn /cut.
a. Grain Matching: Run and match grain vertically for drawer fronts, doors, and fixed panels.
b. Matching of Veneer Leaves: Book match.
5. Provide dust panels of 1/4 inch plywood or tempered hardboard above compartments and drawers
except where located directly under tops.
F. Wood Cabinets (Casework) for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400A - Wood Cabinets.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush with exposed face frame.
4. Wood for Opaque Paint Finish: Solid wood of any closed grain hardwood species meeting
requirements of AWI - Quality Standards, for selection of species, grade and cut.
5. Provide dust panels of 1/4 inch plywood or tempered hardboard above compartments and drawers
except where located directly under tops.
G. Laminate Clad Cabinets (Plastic- Covered Casework):
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400B - Laminate Clad Cabinets.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Flush overlay.
4. Laminate Cladding: High pressure decorative laminate. Provide materials and products that result
in color and textures of exposed laminate surfaces as required and for the application intended.
a. Match architects sample.
5. Laminate Grade for Exposed Surfaces: Provide plastic laminate cladding complying with the
following requirements for type of surface and grade:
a. Horizontal Surfaces Other Than Tops: GP -50 (0.050 inch nominal thickness).
b. Vertical Surfaces: GP -50 (0.050 inch nominal thickness).
c. Edges: GP -50 (0.050 inch nominal thickness).
d. Semiexposed Surfaces: GP -28, high pressure laminate.
6. Provide dust panels of 1/4 inch plywood or tempered hardboard above compartments and drawers
except where located directly under tops.
H. Architectural Cabinet Tops (Countertops):
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 400 and its Division 400C.
2. Type of Top: High pressure plastic laminate complying with the following:
a. Grade: Premium.
3. Description: High pressure plastic laminate meeting requirements of NEMA LD3 and, in addition,
NSF 35 when used in food service or medical service type areas. Plastic laminate shall provide
good appearance, durability and resistance to stains and moisture absorption. Type, thickness,
color, pattern, finish and sheen of plastic laminate shall be as required for application.
a. Match Architect's sample.
b. Laminate Grade: GP -50 (0.050 inch nominal thickness).
c. Edge Treatment: Same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces.
I. Flush Wood Paneling for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 500 and its Division 500A.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Veneer Species: Red oak, rift cut.
4. Matching of Adjacent Veneer Leaves: Book match.
5. Veneer Matching Within Panel Face: Running match.
6. Panel Matching Method: Match panels to one another within each separate area by the following
a. Sequence- matched panel sets.
7. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide paneling composed of panels of wood veneer density
and fire retardant particleboard that are identical in construction to units tested for the following
surface burning characteristics pursuant to ASTM E84 by UL or other testing and inspecting
organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify panels with appropriate markings
of applicable testing and inspecting organization on surfaces that will be concealed from view after
a. Flame Spread: 75 or less.
b. Smoke Developed: 40 or less.
J. Interior Miscellaneous Ornamental Items for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 700.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Red oak, rift sawn.
K. Interior Miscellaneous Ornamental Items for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 700.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Any closed -grain hardwood listed in referenced woodworking standard.
L. Exterior Miscellaneous Ornamental Items for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 700.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Clear heart redwood, quarter sawn.
M. Exterior Miscellaneous Ornamental Items for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 700.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Any closed -grain hardwood listed in referenced woodworking standard.
N. Interior Door Frames for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 9006.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Red oak, rift sawn.
O. Interior Door Frames for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 9006.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Any closed -grain hardwood listed in referenced AWI woodworking standard.
P. Exterior Door Frames for Transparent Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 900A.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Clear heart redwood, quarter sawn.
Q. Exterior Door Frames for Opaque Finish:
1. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI Section 900A.
2. Grade: Premium.
3. Lumber Species: Eastern white pine, sugar pine, or Idaho white pine.
R. Closet and Utility Shelving - Opaque Finish
1. Description: Opaque finish closet and utility shelving shall include associated cleats, clothes rods
and hardware.
2. Standard and Grade: AWI - Quality Standards, Section 600, Custom Grade.
3. Shelf Cleats: Provide continuous wood cleats at sides and back of shelf.
4. Exposed Shelf Edge Treatment: Wood edge band.
5. Finish: Opaque paint.
6. Hardware: Type as follows and as specified in this Section:
a. Closet pole sockets.
b. Closet pole center brackets as applicable.
c. Closet poles.
A. Examine substrates and conditions under which architectural work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of
architectural woodwork are satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have
been corrected.
A. Condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas before installing.
B. Before installing architectural woodwork, examine shop fabricated work for completion. Completework
to whatever extent not completed at shop, including back priming and removal of packing.
A. General:
1. Install woodwork plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using
concealed shims. Except for more stringent requirements of AWI Quality Standards, Section 1700,
for respective item of woodwork and quality grade, install to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 8 feet for
plumb and level (including countertops); and with 1/64 inch maximum offset in flush adjoining
surfaces, 1/32 inch maximum offsets in revealed adjoining surfaces.
2. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at
3. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built -in or directly attached to substrates. Secure to
grounds, stripping and blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required
for a complete installation. Except where prefinished matching fastener heads are required, use fine
finishing nails for exposed nailings, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork, and matching final
finish where transparent finish is required.
4. Fire Retardant Treated Wood: Handle, store, and install fire retardant treated wood to comply with
recommendations of chemical treatment manufacturer including those for adhesives where used to
install woodwork.
B. Cabinets: Install without distortion so that doors and drawers fit openings properly and are accurately
aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and to provide unencumbered
operation. Complete installation of hardware and accessory items as required.
C. Countertops: Anchor securely to base units and other support systems as applicable.
D. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints using full - length pieces for each run
of application to greatest extent possible. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members. Cope at
returns, miter at corners, and meet AWI -Quality Standards for joinery.
E. Paneling: Anchor paneling to supporting substrate with concealed panelhanger clips and by blind nailing
on backup strips, splined- connection strips, and similar associated trim and framing. Do not face nail
unless otherwise indicated.
A. Repair damaged and defective woodwork where possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually,
where not possible to repair, replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance.
B. Clean hardware, lubricate and make final adjustments for proper operation.
C. Clean woodwork on exposed and semi - exposed surfaces. Touch -up shop applied finishes to restore
damaged or soiled areas.
D. Protection:
1. Protect architectural woodwork and maintain conditions necessary to ensure that work will be
without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance.
2. Cover completed work with protective covering, applied in a manner which will allow easy removal
and without damage to woodwork or adjoining work. Remove cover immediately before the time of
final acceptance.
• •
A. Description: Stone countertops are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Stone countertops include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Stone countertops and backsplash.
A. Fabricator Qualifications: Shop that employs skilled workers who custom fabricate stone
countertops similar to that indicated for this Project and whose products have a record of
successful in- service performance.
B. Installer Qualifications: Fabricator of products.
C. Source Limitations for Stone: Obtain each variety of stone from a single quarry with resources to
provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties.
1. Obtain each variety of stone from a single quarry, whether specified in this Section or in .
another Section of the Specifications.
2. Make stone slabs available for Architect to examine for appearance characteristics.
a. Architect will select aesthetically acceptable slabs and will indicate aesthetically
unacceptable portions of slabs.
b. Segregate slabs selected for use on Project and mark backs indicating approval.
c. Mark and photograph aesthetically unacceptable portions of slabs as directed by Architect.
D. Mockup: Build mockup to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials
and execution.
1. Build mockup of typical countertop as shown on Drawings.
2. Approved mockup may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of
Substantial Completion.
A. Product Data: For the following:
1. Each variety of stone, include data on physical properties required by referenced ASTM
2. Stone accessories and other manufactured products.
B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, sections, details, and attachments to other work.
C. Samples for Verification: For each stone type indicated, in sets of samples not less than 12
inches square. Include 2 or more samples in each set and show the full range of variations in
appearance characteristics expected in completed Work.
D. Qualification Data: For installer and fabricator.
E. Sealant Compatibility Test Report: From sealant manufacturer, meeting requirements of Section
07920 - Joint Sealants and indicating that sealants will not stain or damage stone.
F. Maintenance Data: For stone countertops to include in maintenance manuals. Include product
data for stone care products used or recommended by installer, and names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of local sources for products.
A. Lift stone with wide -belt slings; do not use wire rope or ropes that might cause staining. Move
stone, if required, using dollies with cushioned wood supports.
B. Store stone on wood A- frames or pallets with nonstaining separators and nonstaining, waterproof
covers. Ventilate under covers to prevent condensation.
A. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions of construction to receive stone countertops by field
measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings.
A. Varieties and Sources: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide stone of varieties and
from sources meeting requirements of dimension stone cladding.
A. Granite: Comply with ASTM C615.
B. Description: Uniform, fine grained, black stone without veining.
C. Available Varieties and Sources: Subject to compliance with requirements, stone varieties that
may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Black Absolute Granite, honed.
2. Black Galaxy Granite, polished.
D. Cut stone from contiguous, matched slabs in which natural markings occur.
E. Finish: Polished and honed.
F. Match Architect samples for color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to aesthetic
A. General: Use only adhesives formulated for stone and ceramic file and recommended by their
manufacturer for the application indicated.
B. Water Cleanable Epoxy Adhesive: ANSI A118.3, with a VOC content of 65 g/L or less when
calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24)].
1. Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one
of the following:
a. Bonsai, W. R. Company.
b. Bonstone Materials Corporation.
c. C -Cure.
d. Custom Building Products.
e. Laticrete International, Inc.
f. MAPEI Corp.
g. Summitville Tiles, Inc.
C. Water Cleanable Epoxy Grout: ANSI A118.3, chemical resistant, water cleanable, tile setting and
grouting epoxy, with a VOC content of 65 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59,
Subpart D (EPA Method 24)].
1. Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one
of the following:
a. Boiardi Products Corporation.
b. W. R. Bonsai Company.
c. Bostik Findley Inc.
d. C -Cure.
e. Custom Building Products.
f. Laticrete International, Inc.
g. MAPEI Corp.
h. Summitville Tiles, Inc.
i. TEC Incorporated; H. B. Fuller Company.
D. Stone Adhesive: 2 part epoxy or polyester adhesive, formulated specifically for bonding stone to
stone, with an initial set time of not more than 2 hours at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and with a VOC
content of 65 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
1. Color: Match stone.
2. Acceptable Products - Epoxy Adhesive:
a. Akemi North America; Akepox.
b. Axson North America, Inc., Wood & Stone Company; Akabond Epoxy.
c. Bonstone Materials Corporation; Touchstone Ratio Pac Clear Gel Epoxy.
d. Bonstone Materials Corporation; Touchstone Last Patch.
3. Acceptable Products - Polyester Adhesive:
C •
a. Akemi North America; Platinum Clear Polyester Adhesive.
b. Axson North America, Inc., Wood & Stone Company; Wood & Stone Polyester.
AESI 27210
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c. Bonstone Materials Corporation; Gripstone L- 200KG.
E. Sealant for Countertops: Manufacturer standard sealant of characteristics indicated below that
comply with applicable requirements Section 07920 - Joint Sealants and will not stain the stone it
is applied to.
1. Single component, neutral acid curing silicone sealant.
2. Color: Clear, or as selected by Architect from manufacturer full range.
3. Use sealants that have a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40
CFR59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
F. Stone Joint Splines: Stainless steel or brass washers approximately 1 inch in diameter and of
thickness to fit snugly in saw -cut kerf in edge of stone units.
G. Stone Cleaner: Cleaner specifically formulated for stone types, finishes, and applications
indicated, as recommended by stone producer and, if a sealer is specified, by sealer
manufacturer. Do not use cleaning compounds containing acids, caustics, harsh fillers or
H. Stone Sealer: Colorless, stain resistant sealer that does not affect color or physical properties of
stone surfaces, as recommended by stone producer for application indicated.
1. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Bostik Findley Inc.
b. Custom Building Products.
c. Hillyard, Inc.
d. HMK Stone Care System.
e. Miracle Sealants Company.
f. Stone Care International Inc.
g. Summitville Tiles, Inc.
A. Select stone for intended use to prevent fabricated units from containing cracks, seams, and starts
that could impair structural integrity or function.
1. Repairs that are characteristic of the varieties specified are acceptable provided they do not
impair structural integrity or function and are not aesthetically unpleasing, as judged by
B. Grade and mark stone for final locations to produce assembled countertop units with an overall
uniform appearance.
C. Fabricate stone countertops in sizes and shapes required to comply with requirements indicated,
including details on Drawings and Shop Drawings.
1. For granite, comply with recommendations in NBGQA's "Specifications for Architectural
2. Clean sawed backs of stones to remove rust stains and iron particles.
3. Dress joints straight and at right angle to face, unless otherwise indicated.
4. Cut and drill sinkages and holes in stone for anchors, supports, and attachments.
5. Provide openings, reveals, and similar features as needed to accommodate adjacent work.
6. Fabricate molded edges with machines having abrasive shaping wheels made to reverse
contour of edge profile to produce uniform shape throughout entire length of edge and with
precisely formed arris slightly eased to prevent snipping, and matched at joints between units.
Form corners of molded edges as indicated with outside corners slightly eased, unless
otherwise indicated.
7. Finish exposed faces of stone to comply with requirements indicated for finish of each type of
stone required and to match approved samples and mockups. Provide matching finish on
exposed edges of countertops, splashes, and cutouts.
D. Carefully inspect finished stone units at fabrication plant for compliance with requirements for
appearance, material, and fabrication. Replace defective units.
A. General: Comply with recommendations in MIA's "Dimension Stone - Design Manual."
B. Nominal Thickness: Provide thickness indicated, but not less than 1 -1/4 inches. Gage backs to
provide units of identical thickness.
C. Edge Detail: Straight, slightly eased at top.
D. Splashes: Provide 3/4 inch thick backsplashes, unless otherwise indicated.
1. Height: Full height to underside of cabinets.
2. Side Edge Detail: Straight, slightly eased at corner.
E. Joints: Fabricate countertops without joints.
F. Cutouts and Holes:
1. Undercounter Fixtures: Make cutouts for undercounter fixtures in shop using template or
pattern furnished by fixture manufacturer. Form cutouts to smooth, even curves.
a. Provide vertical edges, slightly eased at juncture of cutout edges with top and bottom
surfaces of countertop and projecting 3/16 inch into fixture opening.
b. Fittings: Drill countertops in shop for plumbing fittings, undercounter soap dispensers and
similar items.
A. Examine substrates indicated to receive stone countertops and conditions under which stone
countertops will be installed, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for
installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance.
AESI 27210
06415 -5
1. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to
performance of stone countertops.
2. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
A. Advise installers of other work about specific requirements for placement of inserts and similar
items to be used by stone countertop Installer for anchoring stone countertops. Furnish installers
of other work with Drawings or templates showing locations of these items.
B. Clean dirty or stained stone surfaces by removing soil, stains, and foreign materials before setting.
Clean stone by thoroughly scrubbing with fiber brushes and then drenching with clear water. Use
only mild cleaning compounds that contain no caustic or harsh materials or abrasives. Allow
stone to dry before installing.
A. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces, do not exceed 1/16 inch in 48 inches.
B. Variation from Level: Do not exceed 1/8 inch in 96 inches maximum.
A. General: Install countertops over plywood subtops with full spread of water cleanable epoxy
B. General: Install countertops by adhering to supports with water cleanable epoxy adhesive.
C. Do not cut stone in field, unless otherwise indicated. If stone countertops or splashes require
additional fabrication not specified to be performed at Project site, return to fabrication shop for
D. Do necessary field cutting as stone is set. Use power saws with diamond blades to cut stone. Cut
lines straight, true, and at right angles to finished surfaces unless beveling is required for
clearance. Ease edges slightly to prevent snipping.
E. Set stone to comply with requirements indicated on Drawings and Shop Drawings. Shim and
adjust stone to locations indicated. Install concealed anchors and other attachments indicated or
necessary to secure stone countertops in place.
F. Complete cutouts not finished in shop. Mask areas of countertops adjacent to cutouts to prevent
damage while cutting. Use power saws with diamond blades to cut stone. Make cutouts to
accurately fit items to be installed, and at right angles to finished surfaces unless beveling is
required for clearance. Ease edges slightly to prevent snipping.
G. Install backsplash by adhering to wall with water cleanable epoxy adhesive. Leave 1/16 inch gap
between countertop and splash for filling with sealant. Use temporary shims to ensure uniform
H. Grout joints to comply with ANSI A108.10. Remove temporary shims before grouting. Tool grout
uniformly and smoothly with plastic tool.
I. Apply sealant to joints and gaps specified for filling with sealant; comply with Section 07920 - Joint
Sealants. Remove temporary shims before applying sealant.
A. In- Progress Cleaning: Clean countertops as work progresses. Remove adhesive, grout, mortar,
and sealant smears immediately.
B. Remove and replace stone countertops of the following description:
1. Broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged stone. Stone may be repaired if methods and
results are acceptable to Architect.
2. Defective countertops.
3. Defective joints, including misaligned joints.
4. Interior stone countertops and joints not matching approved samples and mockups.
5. Interior stone countertops not complying with other requirements indicated.
C. Replace in a manner that results in stone countertops matching approved samples and mockups,
complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement.
D. Clean stone countertops not less than 6 days after completion of installation, using dean water
and soft rags. Do not use wire brushes, acid type cleaning agents, cleaning compounds with
caustic or harsh fillers, or other materials or methods that could damage stone.
E. Sealer Application: Apply stone sealer to comply with stone producer and sealer manufacturer
written instructions.
AESI 27210
06415 -7
0 •
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Bituminous dampproofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Bituminous dampproofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Primer, as applicable.
2. Cold applied coal tar dampproofing.
3. Cold applied asphalt emulsion dampproofing
4. Corner reinforcement, as applicable.
5. Drainage Board
6. Protection course, as applicable.
D. Schedule: Required types and applications of dampproofing include, but are not limited to, materials
and application locations scheduled in Article - Bituminous Dampproofing Schedule, at end of this
A. Dampproofing: Defined by ASTM D1079 as a treatment of a surface or structure to resist passage of
water in absence of hydrostatic pressure.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. NRCA - Waterproofing and Dampproofing Manual.
B. Odor Elimination: For interior and concealed -in -wall uses, provide type of dampproofing material that is
warranted by manufacturer to be substantially odor free after drying for 24 hours under normal
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibility for
providing complete work and for performance and quality of work.
B. Product Qualifications: Limit primary dampproofing materials only to manufacturer and types specified
in Part 2 of this Section. Secondary materials for use with dampproofing shall be as instructed or
recommended by manufacturer of primary dampproofing, but not less than specified in this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in detailing, installation and maintenance of type and qualityrequired
for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturer of dampproofing. Upon request, provide proof of
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Compliance Certificate: Submit material compliance certificate, issued by manufacturer, attesting bulk
materials delivered to project site meet requirements of Contract Documents. Submit certificate before
bulk load is used.
A. Weather Conditions: Proceed with work only when weather conditions meet instructions of
dampproofing manufacturer and work can proceed in accordance with requirements.
B. Substrate Conditions:
1. Substrates shall be cured, dry and free of moisture detrimental to application of dampproofing.
Drying required due to wetting of substrate by inclement weather or adjacent wet construction shall
meet instructions of dampproofing manufacturer.
2. Application of dampproofing shall constitute acceptance of substrate conditions.
C. Protection:
1. Protect building from damage resulting from spillage and dropping of materials. Do not allow
materials to enter and clog drains and associated piping. Prevent spillage and migration onto other
surfaces of the work by masking or otherwise protecting such work. Be responsible for repair and
restore or replace other work which is soiled or damaged in connection with performance of
dampproofing work.
2. Until dampproofing is protected, keep area free from traffic and other work operations. Provide
necessary temporary protection to prevent damage, such as caused by traffic, gouging, scrapping,
spillage of deleterious substances, excessive heat and like conditions.
D. Coordination:
1. Proceed with work after substrate construction and penetrating work through substrates have been
completed. Phased construction is not acceptable. Complete application as rapidly as possible in
each area of work.
2. Schedule installation to minimize period of exposure prior to covering with permanent construction.
A. Description: Heavy duty cold applied coal tar dampproofing, consisting of refined coal tar, mineral filler,
aromatic oils, solvent and wet application additive, with non - carcinogen inorganic fiber reinforcement
and shall meet volatile organic compound (VOC) regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work. Dampproofing shall be applicable for below grade exterior applications to
damp or dry substrates, be resistant to moisture and germicidal degradation, shall penetrate substrate
and build moisture resistant coating and shall be for cold application by brush or spray.
B. Acceptable Products:
1. R. M. Lucas Co., No. 212 Waterproofing Pitch.
A. General: Asphalt based emulsion coating, compounded to penetrate substrate and build to moisture
resistant coating, and meeting volatile organic compound (VOC) regulations of public authorities bearing
on performance of the Work.
B. Spray Grade: Emulsified asphalt, prepared with mineral colloid emulsifying agents, without fibrous
reinforcement meeting requirements of ASTM D1227, Type III, Class 1, and ASTM D1187, Type I.
C. Acceptable Products:
1. Degussa, Hydrocide Series.
2. Karnak Chemical Corporation, Emulsion Dampproofings.
3. W. R. Meadows, Inc., Sealmastic Emulsion Dampproofings.
A. Primer: Bituminous primer as recommended by dampproofing manufacturer.
B. Sand: ASTM C144, masonry mortar sand.
C. Glass Fiber Mat Reinforcement: Nonwoven fabric of continuous filament or jack -straw filament /yarn
} pattern of glass fiber, impregnated and bound together with type of organic/synthetic binder which is
compatible with type of bituminous compound to be reinforced, weighting 1.0 to 1.5 pounds per 100
square feet, 36 inch wide rolls.
D. Drainage Board:
1. Description: Prefabricated dimpled plastic board designed for single sided drainage, 1/2 inch
minimum thickness, composed of a drawn PVC sheet core and covered with a polyethylene bond
backing film.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Carlisle CCW Miradrain 6000/6200 or equal
E. Protection Course - Board Type:
1. Description: Prefabricated semi -rigid board, 1/8 inch minimum thickness, composed of a
homogeneous and compatible core of asphalt and inert stabilizers, sandwiched between a liner of
reinforced asphalt saturated felt and a liner of fiberglass mat that is weather coated and covered
with a polyethylene bond breaking film. Liners shall be sealed to core by heat and pressure.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. W.R. Meadows, Inc: PC -2.
A. General: Examine substrates and conditions under which work is to be applied for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Conditions: Do not apply dampproofing materials to any substrate in a condition not meeting with
instructions and recommendations of dampproofing manufacturer.
A. Cleaning: Clean substrate of dirt, oil, loose materials and other substances which interfere with
penetration, bond or performance of dampproofing.
B. Projections: Remove projections from substrates which interfere with installation of dampproofing.
C. Voids: Patch cracks and fill voids in substrates and seal joints, with particular attention at construction
joints, as instructed by dampproofing manufacturer.
D. Wetness: Dry substrates as required due to inclement weather or adjacent wet construction meeting
instructions of dampproofing manufacturer.
E. Priming: Prime substrate, except where specifically instructed by dampproofing manufacturer to omit
primer. Apply at rate instructed for type dampproofing and substrate, and condition of substrate.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Application:
1. Provide types and applications of dampproofing as specified in Article -Bituminous Dam pproofing
Schedule, at end of this Section.
2. Meet instructions of manufacturer for actual coverage rates and application methods, exceptwhere
more stringent requirements are indicated by Contract Documents, and except where project
conditions require extra precautions or provisions to ensure satisfactory performance of work.
3. Apply dampproofing to provide a uniform, smooth continuous, impervious unbroken, pinhole free,
coating of thickness required for area of application.
C. Reinforcement:
1. General: Where dampproofing or any part of dampproofing is required to be reinforced, install a
course of lapped seam glass fiber mats into bituminous coat (not primer coat) before it sets,
thickens or dries. Place mat between coats where two or more coats are applied.
2. Corner Protection: Reinforce dampproofing at corners and control joints in substrate.
0 •
D. Cant Strips and Fillers:
1. On exterior surfaces, where lower edge of dampproofing terminates at a horizontal projection,
provide a 2" x 2" bituminous grout cant strip. Mix sand with bituminous dampproofing material to
form a plastic grout; form and compact in place.
2. Provide bituminous grout fillers where required to close openings in substrate.
E. Coating Extension: Extend coatings a distance of 12 inches onto intersecting or adjoining surfaces,
except do not extend onto surfaces to be exposed to view in completed work or to be coated with
another material.
A. Cold Bitumen:
1. Primer: Prime substrate as instructed and recommended by dampproofing manufacturer.
2. Dampproofing: Apply dampproofing by brush or spray onto substrate at rate instructed by
manufacturer to provide uniform thickness as required for area of application. Provide additional
coats as necessary to obtain required coverage and thickness, allowing time for drying between
coats as instructed by manufacturer.
A. Semimastic Grade: Apply semimastic grade asphalt emulsion dampproofing material by brush or spray
10) onto substrate at rate instructed by manufacturer to provide uniform thickness as required for area of
application. Provide additional coats as necessary to obtain required coverage and thickness, allowing
time for drying between coats, meeting instructions of manufacturer.
B. Spray Grade: Apply spray grade asphalt emulsion dampproofing material by brush, roller or spray at
rate instructed by manufacturer to provide uniform thickness as required for area of application. Provide
additional coats as necessary to obtain required coverage and thickness, allowing time for drying
between coats, meeting instructions of manufacturer.
A. General: Install protection course and drainage board over completed and cured dampproofing where
required by Contract Documents.
B. Board Type:
1. For protection of below grade dampproofing, install board type protection course board.
2. Install protection course board meeting instructions of dampproofing and protection course board
manufacturers. Place protection course board with side having bond breaking film exposed to
exterior. Fit neatly and accurately at intersecting surfaces and projections, with edges and ends of
boards overlapped 3 inches minimum. No unit of protection course board shall be less than 12
inches in any dimension. Should it be necessary to adhere protection course board to
dampproofing, use an adhesive recommended by dampproofing manufacturer that is compatible
with both dampproofing and protection course board.
A. Until dampproofing is protected, keep area free from traffic and other work operations. Provide
necessary temporary protection to prevent damage, such as caused by traffic, gouging, scrapping,
spillage of deleterious substances, excessive heat and like conditions.
A. General: Where Contract Documents do not indicate a speck type of bituminous dampproofing,
provide bituminous dampproofing of type and details for application locations specified in this Schedule.
B. Foundation Walls:
1. Area: Below grade surfaces of foundation walls in contact with earth, with opposite side exposed to
indoor space. Area includes following:
a. Parking Garage, exterior of vertical walls
b. Elevator Pits.
2. Dampproofing: Cold applied coal tar dampproofing. Total dry film thickness shall be 1/16 inch
3. Reinforcement: Glass fiber mat reinforcement at comers.
4. Protection Course: Board.
5. Drainage Board.
C. Indicated on Drawings:
1. Areas: Where indicated on Drawings, above grade and concealed in the completed work.
2. Dampproofing: Cold applied semimastic grade asphalt emulsion dampproofing. Total dry film
thickness shall be 0.030 inch minimum, except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
3. Reinforcement: Glass fiber mat reinforced at corners.
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Rubberized asphalt fluid waterproofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall
include work necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Rubberized asphalt fluid waterproofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Design, detailing and installation of rubberized asphalt fluid waterproofing.
2. Substrate conditioner.
3. Flashing and reinforcement.
4. Hot rubberized asphalt membrane waterproofing, vertical and horizontal applications.
5. Protection course.
6. Drainage Board
7. Water flood test of horizontal applications.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
i of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. Canadian Government Specification Board (CGSB), 37- GP -50M, Standard for Asphalt,
Rubberized, Hot - Applied, for Roofing and Waterproofing.
2. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproof Manual.
B. Design Basis:
1. General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, performance, function and like requirements. Within these limitations, work shall
meet design criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract Documents, and include
components not indicated but necessary for performance and function, and to be a complete
system. Perform modifications only as necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents
and to coordinate the work, subject to acceptance of Architect. Variations in details and materials
shall not adversely affect durability, strength and performance. Provide complete drawings and
data of proposed modifications.
2. Qualification: Contract Documents are intended to cover complete work and to outline
performance and products required, but not to cover details of design and construction. Such
details shall be responsibility of installer and manufacturer. Contact Documents do not invent or
develop any part of work, but have made only selections of systems, materials and like
characteristics from choices made available by manufacturer.
3. Certification: Work shall be designed by installer and certified, reviewed and inspected by
waterproofing manufacturer subject to minimum requirements of this Section.
C. Design Criteria:
1. General: Work shall meet and perform to design criteria and like requirements indicated by
Contract Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this
2. Minimum Requirements: Requirements indicated by Contract Documents are minimal for work of
this Section. If manufacturer has more stringent requirements or standards required for issuance
of required warranty, those requirements and standards shall be adhered to by installer. Lesser
requirements and standards will not be accepted even if acceptable to manufacturer.
3. System: Total watertight envelope for structures to which waterproofing is applied for life of
4. Failure: Not fail within limits indicated by Contract Documents.
5. Watertightness: Watertight when subjected to a waterhead to 100 feet with pressure applied to
non - bonded surface of waterproofing.
6. Resistance: Resistance to geotechnical conditions of project site and exposed parts of
waterproofing system resistant to ozone and ultra - violet rays.
7. Compatibility: Compatible with materials to which waterproofing and each accessory is in contact.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibility for
providing complete work, including all components and related work, and for performance and quality
of work.
B. Product Qualifications: Limit primary waterproofing materials only to manufacturer and types specified
in Part 2 of this Section. Secondary materials for use with waterproofing shall be as instructed or
recommended by primary waterproofing materials manufacturer.
C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Submit certified evidence proving specified materials have been
manufactured by same source and successfully installed on a yearly basis fora minimum of 10 years
on projects of similar extent and complexity.
D. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, detailing, installation and maintenance of type and quality
required for work. Installer shall be certified or licensed by waterproofing manufacturer and trained in
use of materials and equipment to be employed in work, and have successfully completed 5 projects
minimum using similar systems of similar scope and complexity within past 5 years. Upon request,
provide proof of qualifications.
E. Contractor Responsibilities: Contractor is solely responsible for quality assurance and control of
waterproofing work.
F. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting
shall include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements,
substrate construction conditions and coordination required for installation of work. Meeting
participants shall include Architect, representative of manufacturer, installer of the work under this
Section and installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and agreements and
disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
• •
G. Manufacturer Representative: Provide services of a trained technical representative of waterproofing
manufacturer to advise on every phase of work and to perform other like services at project site as
necessary. As minimum, provide full -time attendance during first two work days and thereafter once
each week for two consecutive hours, and required technical assistance. Representative shall give
preparation and installation instructions, examine substrates before installations, witness flood tests
when applicable and examine completed installation before covering.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform preconstruction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of the work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Materials Inspection: Inspect random samples of waterproofing materials and test materials as
necessary to verify compliance with required physical characteristics.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings, and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product and system
meets requirements of Contract Documents. Include a material list with technical data documenting
compliance of materials with requirements of Contract Documents, location and primary function,
quality and performance of each material, component or system proposed for the work.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Indicate each material,
show details of edge terminations and flashings; treatment of joints, projections and penetrations, and
other special or unique conditions.
C. Manufacturer Certification: Submit certification signed by waterproofing manufacturer, stipulating
1. Waterproofing Systems: Waterproofing membrane systems proposed for work is acceptable.
2. Associated Materials: Other products required by Contract Documents to be furnished by
waterproofing manufacturer are acceptable as components of waterproofing system and are
eligible for waterproofing system warranty issued by waterproofing manufacturer.
3. Installer: Installer is approved as an experienced applicator of waterproofing system. Indicate
years of waterproofing system design and installation experience, total area of waterproofing
system installed, and good installation rating of installer by waterproofing membrane
4. Warranty: Waterproofing system and material warranty provisions and requirements indicated in
Contract Documents are acceptable to waterproofing manufacturer. Attach sample draft form of
waterproofing system and material warranty proposed to be issued bywaterproofing manufacturer.
Include specific statement of conditions and limitations associated with each warranty and include
provisions specified in Article - Warranty, of this Section.
D. Installer Certification: Submit certification signed by waterproofing installer, stipulating waterproofing
system and material warranty provisions and requirements indicated in Contract Documents are
acceptable to installer. Attach sample draft form of waterproofing system and material warranty
proposed to be issued by installer. Include specific statement of conditions and limitations associated
with warranty and include provisions specified in Article - Warranty, of this Section.
E. Manufacturer Review Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by
Contractor and installer, stating Contract Drawings and Specification, product data and shop drawings
have been reviewed with qualified representatives of material manufacturers, and that they are in
agreement that selected systems, materials and details are proper and adequate for application
required, including compatibility with adjacent systems and materials.
F. Quality Control Reports: Submit written report of procedures, findings and determinations as a result of
required water flood test.
G. Application Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by Contractor and
installer, stating work was provided in compliance with Contract Documents and installation was proper
for conditions of application and use.
A. General: Deliver and store materials in manufacturer original, unopened, packaging, labeled to show
name, brand, type and grade. Store materials in protected location off ground and meeting
manufacturer instructions.
B. Protection: Do not allow materials to become wet, soiled or covered with ice or snow. Meet
manufacturer precautions and recommendations to protect materials from deterioration.
A. Weather Conditions: Proceed with work only when weather conditions meet instructions of
manufacturer and work can proceed in accordance with requirements.
B. Coordination and Sequencing:
1. Proceed with waterproofing only after substrate construction and penetrating work through
substrates have been completed. No phased construction will be permitted, including associated
detail work. Complete installation as rapidly as possible in each area of work.
2. Schedule installation to minimize period of exposure prior to covering with permanent construction.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall
include additional provisions of this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, repair and
replacement of waterproofing work which leaks water and fails to meet or perform to other
performance criteria indicated by Contract Documents. Warranty shall include removal and
replacement of other materials and work covering waterproofing, to extent required to repair and
replace waterproofing work, which shall be responsibility of Contractor.
2. Insulation: Insulation shall retain at least 80 percent of its thermal value.
3. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitation and at no expense to Owner.
4. Signature: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and waterproofing manufacturer.
C. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 10 years.
A. System: Composed of surface conditioner, 90 mils of rubberized asphalt liquid membrane, polyester
reinforcing sheet, 125 mils of rubberized asphalt liquid membrane, and protection course.
1. American Hydrotech, Inc., American Hydrotech Membrane MM6125 -FR (fabric reinforced)
2. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
3. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated,
4. TC MiraDRI,
B. Rubberized Asphalt Liquid Membrane:
1. Description: Thermoplastic rubberized asphalt meeting requirements of CGSB 37- GP -50M.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Liquid Membrane 6125.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc., Ram - Tough.
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, CCW -500R.
d. TC MiraDRI,
C. Cold Applied Liquid Membrane:
1. Description: Two component difunctional poly- butadiene rubber.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Liquid Membrane 6090.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, CCW -703 Liquiseal.
d. TC MiraDRI,
D. Surface Conditioner:
1. Description: ASTM D41, cutback solvent asphaltic primer, specifically recommended by
membrane waterproofing manufacturer.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Surface Conditioner.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
it c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, CCW -550 Primer.
d. TC MiraDRI,
E. Standard Duty Reinforcing Sheet:
1. Description: Spunbonded polyester fabric, 1.0 oz/sq yd minimum nominal weight.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Flex Flash F.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, Reinforcing Fabric.
d. TC MiraDRI,
F. Heavy Duty Reinforcing Sheet:
1. Description: Uncured neoprene sheet, 60 mil minimum thickness or self - adhering rubberized
asphalt bonded to woven polypropylene mesh, 90 mils minimum thickness. Provide bonding
adhesive, splicing cement, lap sealant, water cut -off mastic and other items as required for
complete installation.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Flex Flash UN.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, CCW- 71190.
d. TC MiraDRI,
A. Expansion Joint Filler Rod:
1. Description: Closed -cell expanded neoprene or expanded polyethylene rod, as recommended by
waterproofing manufacturer for conditions of the installation. Provide in size 1 inch larger than
maximum possible joint opening width and to fit with 25 percent compression into joint of median
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Williams Products Inc.: Polyethylene Expand -O -Foam.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Williams Products Inc.: Neoprene Everlastic Joint Seals.
B. Protection Course Sheet:
1. Description: Heavy duty rubberized asphalt protection course with synthetic fiber reinforcement, 90
mil nominal thickness, designed for use as a protection course against physical abuse over
rubberized asphalt liquid membrane.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc.: Hydroflex 30.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, Sure Board H.
d. TC MiraDRI,
o •
C. Prefabricated Drainage Course:
1. Description: High density interwoven diamond pattern polyethylene drainage core with a
calendared, non woven, needle punched geotextile bonded to both surfaces, 48 inches wide by 75
feet long with 4 inch geotextile overlap on one side, weight 85 pounds.
a. Flow.
1) Geotextile: 205 gpm /fe, Flow Q at 3,600 psf.
2) Drainage Core: 5.5 gpm/ft/width when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4491;
hydraulic gradient -1 when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4716.
b. UV Resistance: Fully Stabilized.
1. Description: High density polyethylene drainage core with a calendared, non woven, needle
punched geotextile bonded to one surface, 48 inches wide by 75 feet long with 4 inch geotextile
overlap on one side, weight 73 pounds.
a. Flow:
1) Geotextile: 205 gpm /ft Flow Q at 3,600 psf.
2) Drainage Core: 7 gpm /ft/width when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4491;
hydraulic gradient -1 when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4716.
b. UV Resistance: Fully Stabilized.
2. Acceptable Products, Double Sided Drainage:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Hydrodrain 302.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated, Sure Drain H.
d. TC MiraDRI,
3. Acceptable Products, Single Sided Drainage:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Hydrodrain 300.
D. Filter Fabric Sheet:
1. Description: Water permeable polymeric fabric, 2 ounces per square yard minimum.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. American Hydrotech, Inc., Filter Fabric Sheet.
b. The Barrett Company, Inc.,
c. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated,
d. TC MiraDRI,
it ,
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
B. Special: Meet coordination and sequencing requirements in Article -Project Conditions, of this Section.
C. Substrate Conditions:
1. Substrates shall be completely cured, dry and free of moisture detrimental to installation of
2. Concrete surfaces shall have a float finish and shall be free from curing compounds and form
release agents and free of large voids and projections as acceptable to waterproofing
3. Verify each horizontal area has positive drainage and that surfaces will not cause ponding of water.
D. Acceptance: Installation of waterproofing shall constitute acceptance of substrate conditions by
A. Protection: Protect building from damage resulting from spillage and dropping of materials. Do not
allow materials to enter and clog drains and associated piping. Prevent spillage and migration onto
other surfaces of the work by masking or otherwise protecting such work. Be responsible for repair
and restore or replace other work which is soiled and damaged in connection with performance of the
B. Substrates:
1. Clean substrates to remove dirt, laitance loose particles and deleterious matter which would impair
the work.
2. Patch cracks and fill voids and depressions in substrates as required to obtain a smooth,
structurally sound surface and seal joints, with particular attention at construction joints, as
instructed by waterproofing manufacturer.
3. Dry substrate as required due to inclement weather or adjacent wet construction meeting
instructions of waterproofing manufacturer.
4. Thoroughly sweep substrate followed by blow clean using filtered compressor air to remove
remaining loose debris.
5. Apply test patch to test for adhesion.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers.
Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Rubberized Asphalt: Heat and apply rubberized asphalt within required temperature range, but 400 F
C. Surface Conditioner: Uniformly prime substrates meeting instructions of manufacturer and at minimum
average rate not less than 300 square feet per gallon. Allow to thoroughly dry.
0 0
D. Flashing and Reinforcement: Provide flashings and reinforcements prior to application of
waterproofing meeting details and instructions of manufacturer for each condition, and not less than
indicated on Drawings and following. For each flashing and reinforcement condition, embed
reinforcing sheet in 125 mil coating of hot liquid membrane and encapsulate with equivalent overlayof
hot liquid membrane.
1. Joints and Cracks to 1/4 Inch Wide: Fill with hot liquid membrane. Where over 1/16 inch wide,
cover with 6 inch wide heavy duty reinforcing sheet centered over joint or crack.
2. Construction and Control Joints to 1/2 inch Wide: Fill with hot liquid membrane. Coverwith 6 inch
wide heavy duty reinforcing sheet centered over joint.
3. Expansion Joints to 2 inches Wide: Remove any loose matter. Provide heavy duty reinforcing
sheet looped into joint a distance 1.5 times joint width and extended 6 inches minimum on either
side. Do not fill loop with hot rubberized asphalt. Insert expansion joint filler rod into neoprene
loop. Cover joint with heavy duty neoprene reinforcing sheet extended 12 inches minimum on
each side.
4. Stripping: Set metal flanges in hot liquid membrane. Prime and strip -in flanges of metal
accessories and flashings with hot liquid membrane and heavy duty neoprene reinforcing sheet.
5. Drains: Apply hot liquid membrane extending 14 inches beyond drain in each direction and extend
to inside of drain bowl clamping flange. Cover drain with heavy duty reinforcing sheet extended 12
inches minimum beyond drain flanges in each direction onto substrate. Install drain clamping ring
and cut -out center of reinforcing sheet to expose drain bowl.
6. Penetrations:
a. Built -In Penetrations: At built -in or rigid penetrations, cover with heavy duty reinforcing sheet
extended 6 inches minimum onto penetration and 6 inches onto substrate.
b. Non - Built -In Penetrations: At non - built -in or flexible penetrations, cover with assembly of two
heavy duty reinforcing sheet units. First reinforcing sheet unit shall extend 3 inches minimum
onto penetration and 3 inches onto substrate. Second reinforcing sheet unit shall extend 6
inches minimum onto penetration and overlap first reinforcing sheet 2 inches minimum.
7. Transitions:
a. Interior Comers: At intersection of horizontal or vertical surfaces forming an interior corner,
provide 6 inch minimum wide strip of standard duty fabric reinforcing sheet centered over
juncture of intersections planes.
b. Exterior Corners: At intersection of horizontal or vertical surfaces forming an exterior corner,
provide 6 inch minimum wide strip of standard duty reinforcing sheet centered over juncture of
intersecting planes.
8. Terminations:
a. Typical: Terminate hot liquid membrane at required lines and extending 1 inch minimum
beyond edge of any flashing or reinforcement, except as otherwise required.
b. Flash vertical surfaces at perimeter of waterproofing areas to be exposed into completed work
01 and elsewhere as required by waterproofing manufacturer with heavy duty reinforcing sheet,
adhere to substrate with bonding adhesive, fasten along top edge with continuous
non - corroding metal pressure bars and mechanical fasteners spaced at 8 inch centers; make
4 inches wide vertical seams bonded with splicing cement and sealed with lap sealant, and
cap edge of termination with water cut-off mastic. Provide counterflashing as required.
E. Reinforced Liquid Membrane: Apply liquid membrane to respective substrate as follows:
Horizontal Normal Weight Cast -In -Place Concrete - Suspended Slab and Concrete Mud Slab
(Under Floor) Substrate: Apply hot liquid membrane to substrate evenly applied to obtain a
continuous, monolithic coating of 90 mil minimum thickness, into which embed a layerof standard
duty reinforcing sheet, followed by another continuous, monolithic coating, of hot liquid membrane
125 mil minimum thickness, evenly applied to obtain not less than 215 mil minimum thickness.
Overlap edges of standard duty reinforcing sheet 2 inches minimum with liquid membrane
between fabric. Reinforcement shall not touch reinforcement. Broom reinforcement into warm and
tacky liquid membrane. Embedment shall be complete and continuous. Applyadditional material
to correct areas deficient in thickness.
2. Vertical Up to 5'- 0" Above Horizontal on Normal Weight Cast -In -Place Concrete Substrate: Apply
hot liquid membrane to substrate evenly applied to obtain a continuous, monolithic coating of 90
mil minimum thickness, into which embed a layer of standard duty reinforcing sheet, followed by
another continuous, monolithic coating, of hot liquid membrane 125 mil minimum thickness, evenly
applied to obtain 215 mil minimum thickness. Overlap edges of standard duty reinforcement sheet
2 inches minimum with liquid membrane between fabric. Apply additional material to correct areas
deficient in thickness.
3. Vertical Above 5'- 0 ": Continue hot liquid application or apply cold applied liquid membrane. Apply
system as specified for up to 5' -0 ".
F. Protection Course: Cover entire liquid membrane area with appropriate type protection course for
application area.
1. Application: Apply in largest practicable sizes to obtain minimum of splices. Place and roll sheet
into hot liquid membrane, without trapping air pockets, and cover 3 inches minimum on either side
of splices and edges of sheet with hot liquid membrane as instructed by manufacturer.
2. Embed protection layer into hot membrane while membrane is still hot to ensure good bond.
3. Overlap adjoining protection layers 2 to 3 inches to ensure complete coverage.
4. Cover protection layer with insulation and fabric as soon as possible and in no case longer than 30
A. Examine waterproofing area receiving topping materials to ensure areas have received membrane,
membrane is free of damage, properly protected, and flashing properly installed before placing topping
B. Place topping materials as soon as possible after successful field quality control water testing.
A. Install drainage layer over protection course on horizontal and vertical (on indicated) surfaces.
B. Install meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
• •
C. Layout drainage course and allow to relax to flat position.
D. Cut and fit drainage course to perimeter and penetrations.
E. Bond geotextile overlap edges to adjacent drainage core geotextile with material acceptable
waterproofing system manufacturer to ensure geotextile integrity.
A. Water Flood Test: Perform water flood test of entire waterproofing membrane on horizontal surfaces
so that areas may be quickly protected as work progresses. Test on an area -by -area basis when
required by configuration of work. Perform flood test meeting requirements of ASTM D5957. Perform
test after installation of protection sheet and before installation of protection course. Flood areas by
temporarily plugging drains and impounding water to 2 inch minimum depth. Impound water using
method that will not penetrate or damage membrane. Maintain required water level for 48 hours, and
check for leaks in waterproofing system. When leaks occur, remove existing components and replace
with new materials to eliminate causes and sources of leaks. Perform water flood test until no leaks
A. Until waterproofing is protected, keep area free from traffic and other work operations. Provide
necessary temporary protection to prevent damage, such as caused by traffic, falling objects, gouging,
scraping, spillage of deleterious substances, excessive heat and other like occurrences.
B. Protect completed work from damage and deterioration until project completion.
1. Provide following waterproofing assemblies.
a. New underground garage roof in its entirety including under paved areas, curb and gutter,
sidewalk and planter wall construction and landscaping.
b. Split slab construction on new balconies over new roof construction
A. Description: Building insulation is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Building insulation includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Foundation wall insulation.
2. Insulation under concrete floor slabs -on- ground.
3. Board type unit insulation.
4. Blanket and bait type unit insulation.
5. Spray -on Polyurethane Foam Insulation
C. Schedule: Required types and applications of building insulation include, but are not limited to,
materials and application locations specked in Article - Building Insulation Schedule, at end of this
A. Fire Performance: Provide insulation materials which are identical to those whose fire performance
characteristics, as listed for each material or assembly of which insulation is a part, have been
determined by testing methods indicated below, by UL or other testing and inspecting agency
acceptable to public authorities bearing on performance of the Work. Identify products with appropriate
markings of applicable testing and inspection agency.
1. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E136.
2. Fire Resistance Ratings: ASTM E119.
3. Surface Burning Characteristics: ASTM E84.
B. Thermal Resistivity: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
C. Tolerance -Floor Insulation: Where concrete is to be placed over floor insulation, surface tolerance of
insulation shall be within 1/4 inch from underside of concrete flatwork elevation.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product. Include published data, certified conformance reports or certified laboratory test
reports of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meet requirements of Contract
Documents. Data shall indicate R- values (aged values for plastic insulations), densities, compression
strengths, burning characteristics, perm ratings, water absorption ratings and similar properties.
A. Protection: Protect insulation materials from physical damage and from becoming wet, covered with ice
or snow, or soiled. Protect plastic insulation from exposure to sunlight. Meet instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer for handling, storing and protecting insulation.
B. Fire Hazard: Do not deliver plastic insulation materials to project site ahead of installation time. Protect
at all times against ignition. Complete installation and concealment of plastic materials as rapidly as
possible in each area of work.
A. Sequencing: Do not proceed with installation of insulation on foundation walls or under slabs -on- ground
until work which conceals insulation is scheduled to follow immediately.
A. General:
1. Requirements: Provide insulation materials that meet applicable requirements and referenced
2. Size: Size insulating material to fit applications indicated; selected from standard thicknesses,
widths and lengths available from manufacturers.
B. Extruded Polystyrene Board Insulation - Skin Surfaces:
1. Description: Rigid, closed cell, extruded polystyrene insulation board, with integral face surface
skins, meeting requirements of ASTM C578, Type as required for application location; water
absorption of 0.1 percent maximum; water vapor permeance of 1 inch thickness of 1.1 perm
maximum; thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 5.00 for each 1 inch thickness at 5 year age,
minimum; flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 200 maximum respectively, meeting
requirements of ASTM E84; compressive strength and thickness for application as follows:
a. Under Pavement: Type VII, compressive strength of 60 pounds per square inch minimum, or
Type V, compressive strength of 100 pounds per square inch minimum, as applicable, and 2
inch minimum thickness.
b. Exterior Foundation Walls: Type IV, compressive strength of 25 pounds per square inch
minimum and 2 inch minimum thickness.
c. Under Concrete Floor Slabs -On- Ground - Typical: Type IV, compressive strength of 25 pounds
per square inch minimum and 2 inch minimum thickness.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Dow Chemical Company, Styrofoam.
b. Owens Corning, Foamular.
c. Pactiv Building Products, GreenGuard.
C. Extruded Polystyrene Board Insulation - Plaster Ready Surface:
1. Description: Rigid, closed cell, extruded polystyrene insulation board, with one face surface wi
• •
't uniformly planed or sawn cut plaster ready (surface cells cut open, no integral face skin), meeting
requirements of ASTM C578, Type IV, compressive strength of 25 pounds per square inch
minimum; water absorption of 0.1 percent ma)amum; water vapor penneance of 1 inch thickness of
1.1 perm ma)amum; thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 5.00 for each 1 inch thickness at 5 year
age, minimum; flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 200 ma)amum, respectively, meeting
requirements of ASTM E84; 2 inch minimum thickness.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Dow Chemical Company, Styrofoam with plaster ready face surface.
b. Owens Corning, Foamular with plaster ready face surface.
D. Unfaced Slag and Rock Fiberboard Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining slag or rock fibers with thermosetting resin
binders; meeting requirements of ASTM C612 for Classification specified, as follows:
a. Low Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 4 pounds per cubic foot minimum and thermal
resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.0 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
b. Medium Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type 1, density of 6 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.1 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
c. Rigid Board: Type I, density of 8 pounds per cubic foot minimum and thermal resistivity(R- value)
at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
d. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 15 and 0 ma)amum,
e. Combustion Characteristics: Passing ASTM E136.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Thermafiber LLC, Curtain Wall Insulation Series.
b. Partek Insulations, Inc., Curtain Wall Insulation Series.
E. Faced Slag or Rock Fiberboard Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining slag or rock fibers with thermosetting resin
binders and with laminated aluminum foil, reinforcing, scrim and kraft paper vapor retarder
membrane facing on one side of board; meeting requirements of ASTM C612 for Classification
specified, as follows:
a. Low Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 4 pounds per cubic foot minimum density and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.0 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
b. Medium Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 6 pounds per cubic foot minimum density
and thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.1 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
c. Rigid Board: Type I, density of 8 pounds per cubic foot minimum density and thermal resistivity
(R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
d. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 10 ma)amum,
e. Combustion Characteristics: Passing ASTM E136.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Thermafiber LLC, Curtain Wall Insulation Series.
b. Partek Insulations, Inc., Curtain Wall Insulation Series.
F. Unfaced Glass Fiberboard Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining glass fibers with thermosetting resin
binders; meeting requirements of ASTM C612 for Classification specified, as follows:
a. Low Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 2.25 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
b. Medium Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 3.0 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
c. Rigid Board: Type 1, density of 6.0 pounds per cubic foot minimum and thermal resistivity (R-
value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
d. Combustion Characteristics: Passing ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 15 and 0 ma)amum,
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. CertainTeed Corporation.
b. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH.
c. Johns Manville Corporation.
d. Owens Corning, 700 Series.
G. Faced Glass Fiberboard Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining glass fibers with thermosetting resin
binders and with laminated aluminum foil, reinforcing scrim and kraft paper vapor retarder
membrane facing on one side of board; meeting requirements of ASTM C612 for Classification
specified, and as follows:
a. Low Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 2.25 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
b. Medium Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 3.0 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity (R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
c. Rigid Board: Type I, density of 6.0 pounds per cubic foot minimum and thermal resistivity (R-
value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness.
d. Combustion Characteristics: Unfaced board passing ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 50 maximum,
2. Acceptable Products:
a. CertainTeed Corporation.
b. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH.
c. Johns Manville Corporation.
d. Owens Corning, 700 Series.
H. Unfaced Mineral Fiber Blanket/Batt Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining mineral fibers of type specked belowwith
thermosetting resins; meeting requirements of ASTM C665, Type I (blankets without membrane
facing), and as follows:
a. Mineral Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from glass, slag or basaltic rock.
b. Density: 2.5 pounds per cubic foot minimum.
c. R- Value: 3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness at 75 F.
d. Combustion Characteristics: Passing ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 50 maximum,
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. CertainTeed Corporation.
b. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH.
c. Johns Manville Corporation.
d. Owens Corning.
e. Partek Insulations, Inc.
f. Thermafiber LLC.
1. Faced Mineral Fiber Blanket/Batt Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining mineral fibers of type specified belowwith
thermosetting resins and with laminated aluminum foil, reinforcing scrim and kraft paper vapor
retarder membrane facing on one side of blanket/batt; meeting requirements of ASTM C665, Type
111, Class A (blankets with reflective vapor retarder membrane facing), and as follows:
a. Mineral Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from glass, slag or basaltic rock.
b. Density: 2.5 pounds per cubic foot minimum.
C. R- Value: 3 minimum for each 1 inch thickness at 75 F.
d. Combustion Characteristics: Unfaced blanket/batt passing ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed values of 25 and 50
maiamum, respectively.
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. CertainTeed Corporation.
b. Knauf Fiber Glass GmbH.
c. Johns Manville Corporation.
d. Owens Coming.
e. Partek Insulations, Inc.
f. Thermafiber LLC.
J. Unfaced Thermal and Sound Attenuation Blanket/Batt Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal and sound attenuation insulation produced by combining mineral fibers of
type specified below with thermosetting resins; meeting requirements of ASTM C665, Type I
(blankets without membrane facing), and as follows:
a. Mineral Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from slag or basaltic rock.
b. Density: 2.5 pounds per cubic foot minimum.
c. R- Value: 4 minimum for each 1 inch thickness at 75 F.
d. Combustion characteristics: Passing ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 25 and 50 ma)amum,
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. Partek Insulations, Inc.
b. Thermafiber LLC.
K. Faced Sound Attenuation Glass Fiberboard Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining glass fibers with thermosetting resin
binders and with black fiber glass mat facing on one side of board; meeting requirements of ASTM
C612 for Classification specified, as follows:
a. Medium Density Semi -Rigid Board: Type I, density of 2.25 pounds per cubic foot minimum and
thermal resistivity, (R- value) at 75 F of 4.3 minimum.
b. Combustion Characteristics: Unfaced board passing ASTM E136.
o 0
c. Surface Burning Characteristics: Ma)amum flame spread and smoke developed values of 25
and 50, respectively.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Johns Manville Corporation, Insul- SHIELD Black.
L. Foam -In -Place Insulation:
1. Description: Polyurethane foam -in -place insulation with chemical components for making rigid
foam insulation for application at cavities, voids, junctures between various building components
and like conditions, dispensed from an aerosol unit.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Dow Chemical Company, Insta -Foam Froth Pak.
b. RHH Foam Systems, Inc., Versifoam.
A. Adhesives: Types as recommended by insulation and adhesive manufacturers for application and
condition of substrate and meeting fire resistance requirements and which is compatible with surfaces
contacted, capable to bond insulation board to substrate without damaging insulation or substrate and
meets requirements for fire resistance performance of assembly.
} B. Mechanical Fasteners:
1. General: Types, sizes and strength as instructed and recommended by insulation manufacturer for
application and condition of substrate. Length of fasteners shall ensure proper anchorage to
substrate and tight fit of insulation.
2. Drive Rivets: Nylon, hot -dip zinc coated steel or stainless steel drive rivet as required for inserting
into predrilled holes with fender washer of same material as drive rivet, 3 inches minimum diameter
and profile required for rigidity to support insulation.
3. Impaling (Stick) Pins: Nylon, hot -dip zinc coated steel or stainless steel impaling pin as required for
welded or adhesive attachment to supporting structure and associated retainer washer of same
material as pin, 3 inches minimum diameter and profile required for rigidity to support insulation.
Also, include appropriate type adhesive for attachment of pin to supporting structure.
C. Vapor Retarder Tape: Aluminum foil, 1.0 mil minimum thickness, laminated between two sheets of
polyester film with permanent pressure sensitive adhesive on one face. Vapor transmission shall be
0.015 perms ma)amum.
D. Hardware Cloth: Welded wire cloth of 4 x 4 mesh count (openings per linear inch) by 0.028 inch
minimum diameter wire. Wire shall be parallel, horizontally and vertically in a square pattern, welded at
each intersection and hot -dip zinc coated after welding.
E. Protection Course:
1. Description: Polyester fabric or asphaltic board protection course meeting following applicable
D 4
a. Polyester Fabric: Multi-ply composition fabric composed of a thick non -woven filament polyester
cushion core between two layers of high strength, non -woven filament polyester; non-
degradable, not absorb moisture and resistant to puncture and damage caused by construction
traffic and overburden.
b. Asphaltic Board: Multi-ply, semi -rigid board composed of a mineral fortified asphaltic core
between a layer of asphalt saturated liner and glass mat liner which is weather coated and
having a polyethylene film facing; 1/8 inch minimum thickness.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. W.R. Meadows, Inc., Protection Course PC -2, minimum (asphaltic board).
b. Nicolon - Mirafi Group, Miradri 300HV Protection Course (polyester fabric).
F. Touch -Up Paint: Paint of type as recommended by insulation manufacturer for application to surfaces of
insulation and mechanical anchors and not detrimental to insulation. Color and sheen of paint after
application shall match exposed face surface of insulation as acceptable to Architect.
A. General: Examine substrates and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install building insulation meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final
reviewed submittals for the work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product
manufacturer. Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Preparation: Clean substrates to remove dirt, loose particles, deleterious matter and substances
harmful to insulations or vapor barriers or which would im pair work. Remove projections from substrates
which interfere with installation of insulation or puncture vapor barriers.
C. Application:
1. General: Extend insulation of type required full thickness over entire surface areas to be insulated,
except where insulation is included as work under another section of Specification. Butt edges
tightly with adjoining face surfaces flush. Fit, position and hold or anchor insulation tightly in place
with no compression of insulation. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with
insulation. No unit of insulation shall be less than 12 inches in width and length.
2. Layers: Apply a single layer of insulation of required thickness, except as otherwise required to
make up total thickness, to achieve required thermal value.
3. Joints: Stagger end joints (in one direction) between each row of insulation units 12 inches
minimum. For multiple courses, stagger end and side joints (in both directions) between adjacent
courses 12 inches minimum.
4. Void Spaces: Completely fill void spaces between insulation units and between insulation and
e •
adjacent construction or space with insulation.
A. General: Apply insulation of type required to interior side of exterior foundation walls and under concrete
floor slabs -on- ground as required.
B. Vertical Applications: On vertical surfaces, where temporary support is required before backfilling, set
units with adhesive meeting instructions of insulation manufacturer.
C. Protection Course:
1. General:
a. Install protection course over insulation where required and of type as specked in Article -
Building Insulation Schedule, at end of this Section. Overlap adjacent edges of protection course
units 3 inches minimum.
b. Place asphaltic board protection course with asphalt saturated felt side placed against insulation;
glass mat liner with polyethylene film side on opposite side.
2. Vertical: Protect insulation on vertical surfaces from damage by subsequent operations, such as
backfilling, by application of protection course, set with adhesive meeting instructions of
manufacturer of insulation and protection course.
3. Horizontal: Protect top surface of horizontal insulation from damage by subsequent operations,
such as placing con_ crete, by application of protection course.
A. General: Apply insulation of type required to surface areas or supporting structure. If not otherwise
required and except for insulation in horizontal plane or resting on horizontal surfaces, bond insulation to
substrate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide permanent placement and support of
insulation as instructed by manufacturer. Non -faced batts may be securely friction fitted between studs.
Butt ends of insulation units closely together and fill voids. Install behind electrical outlets, around
structural obstructions, jambs, sills and like locations.
B. Exposed Conditions: Prevent damage and soiling of faces on insulation which will be exposed to view in
completed work. Align joints accurately with adjoining surfaces set flush.
C. Faced Insulations:
1. Install vapor retarder faced insulation with vapor barrier to warm side of construction, usually toward
inside, except as otherwise required. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces, except for firestopping.
2. Tape joints and ruptures in vapor retarder using adhesive tape of type recommended by insulation
manufacturer. Seal each continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction so as to ensure
airtight installation of insulation.
3. Set reflective foil vapor retarder faced units accurately with air space in front of foil. Provide 3/4
inch minimum airspace wherever possible.
D. Void and Cavity Spaces: Completely fill void spaces between thermal insulation units, between thermal
insulation and adjacent construction or space which does not permit dimensional clearance for
installation of insulation. Use one of following:
1. Stuff unfaced blanket or batt insulation into miscellaneous voids and cavity spaces. Compact to
approximately 40 percent of normal maximum volume, a density of approximately 2.5 pcf.
2. Foam -in -place insulation when concealed and encapsulated with 1 hour fire rated construction.
E. Sound Attenuation Insulation -Stud Cavities: Install sound attenuation insulation in stud cavities of sound
rated partitions. Friction fit securely between studs. Butt ends of insulation units closely together and fill
voids. Install behind electrical outlets, around structural obstructions, jambs, sills and like locations.
F. Sound Attenuation Insulation - Exposed Board Type: Install exposed board type sound attenuation
insulation to surfaces with impaling pins or drive rivets as applicable for substrate.
1. Stagger end joints of insulation in one direction to mid - length of insulation unit in adjacent rows.
Ends of adjacent insulation units shall be flush and fit tight with no voids. Accurately scribe
insulation to fit at abutting construction and penetrations.
2. Touch -up paint face surfaces and edges of insulation and impaling pins which in the completed
work do not match color of insulation face surface. Apply touch -up paint meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer and to provide a uniform face surface finish.
G. Plaster Ready Insulation: Install insulation with plaster ready face surfaces orientated for subsequent
coating to be applied on insulation.
H. Overhead Insulation: Install insulation to overhead supporting structures with mechanical fasteners and
insulation adhesive to provide permanent support of insulation.
1. Thermal Insulation: Install insulation board with hot -dip zinc coated steel, stainless steel or nylon
drive rivets or impaling pins as applicable for substrate. In addition to mechanical fasteners,
insulation adhesive may be used.
2. Fire Rated Insulation Assembly: Install insulation board with only hot -dip zinc coated steel or
stainless steel drive rivets anchored to concrete substrate.
I. Taping: Seal joints between installed insulation units and seal damaged or abraded areas of face
surface skin of insulation with vapor retarded tape. Apply tape centered on joints. Do not remove tape
from face surface skin of insulation.
J. Adhesive Application:
1. Apply insulation adhesive to thermal insulation board units in continuous beads of 3/8 inch
minimum diameter in line with length dimension of insulation unit. Space beads of adhesive at 12
inch nominal centers, but not less than four beads for 4 footwide units, three beads for 3 footwide
units and two beads for 2 foot wide and smaller units.
2. Position thermal insulation units in place and then apply uniform pressure to insulation units so
beads of adhesive spread for positive contact and adhesion to substrate and insulation.
K. Mechanical Fastening: Mechanically attach insulation units to surface area or support structure using
appropriate type mechanical fasteners.
1. Spacing: Spacing of mechanical fasteners shall be as instructed and recommended by insulation
manufacturer, except do not exceed following:
a. Layout: Layout arrangement of mechanical fasteners shall be systematic and uniform relative to
face size, weight and density of insulation unit for proper support of insulation without sagging
between fasteners.
b. Support Area: Maximum area of insulation to be supported by each fastener for each type
insulation and method of installation shall be as follows:
1) Thermal Insulation:
a) Mechanical Fasteners Only: 4 square feet.
b) Mechanical Fasteners and Insulation Adhesive: 5 square feet nominal.
2) Fire Rated Insulation Assembly:
a) Mechanical Fasteners Only: 3 square feet.
c. Side Dimensions: Mechanical fasteners shall be placed from edges of each type insulation unit
as follows:
1) Thermal Insulation: 12 inches nominal.
2) Fire Protection Insulation: 3 to 6 inches.
2. Drive Rivets: After each insulation unit is in final position, drill holes through insulation and into
supporting structure and then install drive rivets, anchoring to supporting structure, with fender
washer at head of each rivet to support insulation tightly in place with no compression of insulation.
3. Impaling Pins: Attach impaling pins to supporting structure by welding or adhesive as applicable.
After adhesive has cured, impale each insulation unit onto pins. After insulation unit is in final
position, install retainer washer onto each impaling pin to support insulation tightly in place with no
compression of insulation. After retaining washer of impaling pin is installed, remove excess length
of pin.
A. General:
1. Provide building insulation of types required for area of application as indicated on Drawings and in
this Schedule. In addition, provide building insulation types at other locations as required to provide
thermal insulation. Minimum thermal resistance or thickness of insulation for each application is
indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Building insulation types indicated on Drawings and specified in this Schedule correspond to type
designations specified in Article - Insulation Materials, of this Section.
B. Foundation Walls - Indoor, Concealed:
1. Application: Interior side of exterior foundation walls (vertical), below concrete wearing slabs -on-
ground, within limits indicated on Drawings, except where insulation is included as part of work
under another section of Specification. Where installation of insulation on foundation walls (vertical)
is not possible, then install insulation under concrete wearing slabs -on- ground and base course
(horizontal) and directly on top of vapor retarder or concrete mud slab -on- ground, as applicable,
and adjacent to interior side of foundation walls. When limits of insulation are not indicated on
Drawings, then provide insulation vertically on interior side of foundation walls from bottom of
concrete wearing slab to 12 inches below frost line of project site locality or horizontally under
applicable construction from interior side of foundation walls to 2 feet beyond interior side of
foundation walls.
2. Insulation: Extruded polystyrene board insulation with skin surfaces of required type for application.
3. Protection Course: Polyester fabric or asphaltic board where backfill is required.
C. Under Concrete Slabs -On- Ground - Typical:
1. Application: Under concrete floor slabs -on- ground, within limits indicated on Drawings, except
where insulation is included as work under another section of Specification.
2. Insulation: Extruded polystyrene board insulation with skin surfaces of required type for application.
3. Protection Course: Asphaltic board.
D. Outdoor Walls:
1. Application: Outdoor wall areas not insulated as part of work under other sections of Specification.
2. Insulation: Faced mineral fiber blanket or batt insulation, faced glass fiberboard insulation, rigid
board, or faced slag or rock fiberboard insulation, medium density semi -rigid board, unless
otherwise required, as applicable for condition.
E. Enclosed Spaces at Outdoor Walls:
1. Application: Spaces not exposed to view in the completed work adjacent to or integral with outdoor
walls and not insulated as part of work under other sections of Specification. Provide insulation for
entire indoor surfaces and to prevent air drafts within enclosed space.
2. Insulation: Faced mineral fiber blanket or batt insulation. If conditions do not permit use of faced
insulation, then use unfaced mineral fiber blanket or batt insulation.
F. Spandrel Glass Windows:
1. Application: Indoor side of outdoor spandrel glass windows in spaces not exposed to view in the
completed work and not insulated as part of work under other sections of Specification. Provide
space between glass and insulation of dimension, and top and bottom vents for air circulation in
space between glass and insulation meeting instructions and recommendations of glass
2. Insulation: Faced glass fiberboard insulation, rigid board, or faced slag or rock fiberboard
insulation, medium density semi -rigid board.
G. Underside of Decks:
1. Application: Overhead insulation for direct application of plaster.
2. Insulation: Extruded polystyrene board insulation with plaster ready surface. Install adhesive and
metal impaling pins or drive rivets as applicable for substrate.
H. Underside of Exposed Interior Decks:
1. Application: Thermal insulation surface applied to underside of decks.
2. Insulation: Faced sound attenuation glass fiberboard insulation with adhesive and metal impaling
pins or drive rivets as applicable for substrate.
I. Sound Attenuation:
1. Application: Sound attenuation, sound barrier and like conditions.
2. Insulation: Unfaced thermal and sound attenuation blanket or batt insulation.
J. Miscellaneous Fill:
1. Application: Miscellaneous voids and cavity spaces, enclosed spaces, tight spaces, air draft
prevention and like conditions where it is not practical to install a board or faced type insulation,
except where sound attenuation, firestopping or life safety type insulation is required.
2. Insulation: Unfaced mineral blanket or batt insulation.
K. Other Interior Applications:
1. Application: Insulation required at interior building locations not otherwise specked.
2. Insulation: Any non - plastic type insulation specified in this Section which is appropriate to meet
thermal insulation requirements and for installation conditions as acceptable to Architect.
L *3
A. Description: Asphalt shingle roofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
B. Included: Asphalt shingle roofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Remove existing roofing system to existing roof deck and prepare existing substrates for new
roofing system.
2. Underlayment.
3. Flashings and counterflashing and roof vents associated with asphalt shingle roofing.
4. Ice and Snow Guards.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. ARMA - Residential Asphalt Roofing Manual.
2. ARMA - Ventilation and Moisture Control for Residential Roofing.
3. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
4. NRCA - Steep Roofing Manual.
B. Fire Performance Characteristics:
1. General: Provide products that are identical to those tested meeting requirements of ASTM E108
or UL 790 and UL Listed or other testing and inspecting organization acceptable to public
authorities bearing on performance of the work. Identify each container of product with appropriate
markings indicating fire classification of applicable testing and inspecting organization.
2. Fire Resistance Rating: As indicated by reference to design designations in UL - Fire Resistance
3. Wind Resistance: Provide products that are identical to those tested meeting ASTM D3161 or UL
997 and passed. Identify each container of product with appropriate markings of applicable testing
and inspecting organization.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibilityfor
providing complete work and for performance, quality and appearance of work.
AESI 27210
07312 -1
B. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, detailing, installation and maintenance of type and quality
required for work. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
C. Project Site Mock -Up: Prior to installation, install mock -up to verify selections made under sample
submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects, as well as quality of materials and execution. Build
mock -up to meet following requirements, using materials indicated for final work:
1. Locate mock -up on project site in location and size, as directed by Architect.
2. Demonstrate proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship.
3. Obtain acceptance of Architect of mock -ups before start of final work. Accepted mock -ups in
undisturbed condition at time of Substantial Completion may become part of completed work.
D. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements, ambient
conditions and coordination required for installation of work. Meeting participants shall include
Architect, representative of manufacturer of primary product under this Section, installer of work under
this Section and installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and agreements and
disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for installation of roofing work. Indicate layouts, details and
requirements for underlayment and shingles, typical and special details of valleys, hips, ridges and
flashings, ice and snow guards, arrangement of adjacent construction relative to shingle roofing and
other pertinent data not included in submitted product data.
C. Samples: Submit representative samples in form of full size units of each type and color shingle
required, showing full range of variations expected in characteristics.
A. Delivery: Deliver materials to project site in unopened bundles or containers with labels intact.
B. Handling and Storage: Handle and store materials at project site to prevent water damage, staining or
other physical damage. Store roll goods on end. Meet instructions and recommendations of
manufacturer for project site storage, handling and protection.
A. Weather: Proceed with work only when existing and forecasted weather conditions will permit work to
be installed in compliance with instructions and recommendations of manufacturerand when substrate
is completely dry.
A. Products: Provide following products for maintenance from same manufacture production run as Vj
products installed:
1. Shingles: One square (100 square feet) of extra asphalt shingles in unbroken bundles, packaged
with protective covering for storage and identified with labels clearly describing contents.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective products and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, abnormal
deterioration, aging or weathering of work; water leakage and failure of work to meet performance
criteria indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent: Submit a warranty, executed by manufacturer, agreeing to repair or replace asphalt
shingles that fail in materials or workmanship within warranty period. Failures include, but are not
limited to, deformation or deterioration of shingles beyond normal weathering.
3. Repair Period: If a leak or other failure should develop within warranty time period, installer shall
endeavor to repair such leak or failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by Owner. If at
end of this time, installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of taking any action
necessary to make repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for any expenses incurred
in performing repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of warranty provisions.
4. Limitations: Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
conditions of warranty.
5. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitation and at no expense to Owner.
6. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
C. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 10 years.
A. Asphalt Shingles:
1. Architectural Profile Strip Shingles: Mineral surfaced, self - sealing, 300 pound minimum, three tab
asphalt fiberglass strip shingles meeting requirements of ASTM D3018, Type I, and ASTM D3462.
Shingles shall be surface treated to remain free of fungus and algae growth for 5 years minimum.
Provide shingles bearing UL Class A External Fire Exposure label and UL Wind Resistant label.
2. Hip and Ridge Shingles: Project site fabricated units cut from actual shingles used or standard
factory precut units to match shingles.
3. Colors, Blends and Patterns: Asphalt shingles shall be of a single manufactured run and shift.
Appearance of mineral surfacing of installed shingles for each area of application shall be uniform
as acceptable to Architect.
40 i
4. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. CertainTeed Corporation, Landmark Premium
b. Celotex Corporation.
c. GAF Building Material Corporation.
d. Owens Coming Fiberglas Corporation.
B. Underlayment:
1. Description: Self- adhering, cold - applied, flexible composite sheet of 0.040 inch minimum total
thickness, consisting of rubberized asphalt laminated to a high density cross laminated
polyethylene film, and release paper to be removed from rubberized asphalt to expose adhesive
surface meeting requirements of ASTM D1970. Provide primer when recommended by
2. Acceptable Products:
a. W. R. Grace & Co., Ice & Water Shield.
b. TC MiraDRI, WIP 3000HT.
c. Protecto Wrap Co., Jiffy Seal Ice and Water Guard.
d. Royston Laboratories, Inc., Ice Guard Membrane No. 108 -AG.
C. Asphalt Plastic Cement: Non - asbestos fibrated asphalt cement meeting requirements of ASTM D4586,
designed for trowel application.
D. Sealants: Butyl sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 -Joint Sealants when in contact with
bitumen or synthetic rubber products.
E. Roofing Nails: Hot -dip galvanized steel, 11 or 12 gage, sharp pointed, conventional roofing nails with
barbed shanks, minimum 3/8 inch diameter head, and of sufficient length to penetrate 3/4 inch into
solid decking or to penetrate through plywood sheathing. Material of nails in contact with flashing shall
match materials selected for flashing to prevent galvanic action. Staples not acceptable.
F. Flashing and Roof Vents: Meet requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
G. Ice and Snow Guards: Copper finish half -carat design with custom -fit plates.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
A. Cleaning: Clean substrates of projections and substances detrimental to application. Cover knotholes
and other minor voids in substrate with sheet metal flashing secured with roofing nails.
• •
B. Coordination: Coordinate installation with flashings and other adjoining work to ensure proper
sequencing. Do not install roofing materials until all penetrations through roof sheathing have been
installed and are securely fastened against movement.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals forwork, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturer, except
where more stringent requirements are indicated by specified ARMA and NRCA standards. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Underlayment:
1. General: Apply one layer of underlayment horizontally over entire surface to receive shingles,
including areas under flashings, lapping succeeding courses 4 inches minimum, end laps 6 inches
minimum, and hips and valleys 6 inches minimum. Begin installation at low end of roof.
2. Valleys: Center additional continuous strip of 36 inch minimum width underlayment in valleys, over
hips and ridges, and other similar locations.
3. Other Details: Provide additional continuous strips of underlayment over edges of metal flashings
and associated cleats installed on top of underlayment. Strips shall overlap onto flashing and
extend beyond cleats 6 inches minimum each direction.
C. Flashing: Install flashing and trim as required and meeting requirements of ARMA and NRCA
standards, and Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
D. Asphalt Shingles: Install asphalt shingles beginning at lower end of roof with a starter strip of roll
roofing or inverted shingles with tabs removed as instructed by roofing manufacturer. Fasten shingles
in pattern, with weather exposure, and using number of fasteners per shingle as instructed by
manufacturer. Ensure uniform and straight coursing. Fasteners shall be roofing nails; staples not
1. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit asphalt shingles at ridges and edges to provide maximum weather
protection. Provide same weather exposure at ridges as required for roof. Lap shingles at ridges
to shed water away from direction of prevailing wind. Fasteners at ridges shall be of sufficient
length to penetrate sheathing as specified.
2. Pattern: One -half shingle spacing offset at succeeding courses.
3. Valley Construction - Open: Open valleys, where shingles are held back with cut metal or roll
valley flashing exposed.
E. Ice and Snow Guards: Install per manufacturer's recommended layout and specifications following
Architect's review of submitted shop drawings.
A. Damaged Materials: Replace damaged materials installed under this Section with new materials
meeting specked requirements.
ic i
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Preformed metal panel roofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
C. Included: Preformed metal panel roofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Preformed Metal Roof Panel:
a. Sheathing: Over structural supports.
b. Roof Insulation - Board: Multiple layer and single layer installation as applicable over steel
roof deck and under metal roofing, flat and tapered as required to achieve thermal resistivity
and slopes for drainage, mechanically fastened and adhered as applicable.
c. Underlayment: Plywood sheathing over roof insulation.
d. Roofing: Preformed standing seam metal panel roofing mechanically anchored and
associated appurtenances.
e. Flashing: Metal flashing, counterflashing, gutters, downspouts, trim and like items associated
with metal roofing, except as otherwise required.
f. Splash blocks for gutter downspouts.
g. Roofing accessories associated with roofing. Include prefabricated roof curbs except as
otherwise required, roof hatches, and plastic unit skylights.
h. Ice and Snow Guards.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -7, Wind Forces on Buildings and Other Structures.
2. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28, Insulated Steel Deck, as applicable.
3. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -30, Mechanical Fasteners for Roof Insulation and Covers.
4. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1-47, Roof Coverings, as applicable for installation of roofing and
associated flashing.
5. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -48, Design and Repair Procedures for Wood and Cementitious
Roof, as applicable.
6. FMRC - Approval Guide.
7. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproof Manual.
B. General:
1. Preformed Metal Panel Roofing: Roofing system shall be preformed standing seam metal panel
roofing installed over membrane underlayment, plywood and rigid insulation installed directlyover
roof deck.
C. Design Basis:
General: Roofing descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, function, performance and like requirements. Within these limitations, roofing shall
meet design criteria and like requirements indicated, include components not indicated but
necessary for function and performance, and to be a complete system. Perform whatever
modifications necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to coordinate the work,
subject to acceptance of Architect. Provide complete drawings and data of any modification.
2. Certification: Work shall be designed by installer, and certified, reviewed and inspected by roofing
D. Design Criteria:
1. General: Roofing work shall meet or perform to design criteria requirements specified in this
Paragraph and like requirements specified in other parts of this Section.
2. Roofing System:
a. General: Roofing and associated work shall provide a weathertight and watertight assembly.
Roofing and associated work shall be durable in weather exposure and not leak water during
rain storms.
b. Resistance: Roofing system shall be resistant to atmospheric conditions common at project
site area.
c. Roof area served by each roof drain shall be as indicated on Drawings.
d. Provide saddles or crickets at high side of obstructions, such as roof hatches, which interfere
with positive drainage, to establish unrestricted drainage around such obstructions. Slope
saddles and crickets 1/2 inch per foot minimum.
3. Insulation:
a. Insulation - Thermal Resistivity:
1) Definition: Thermal resistivity (R- value) is reciprocal of thermal conductivity (k- value)
which is rate of heat flow through a homogenous material exactly 1 inch thick. Thermal
resistivity (R- value) is expressed by temperature difference in degrees Fahrenheit between
two parallel surfaces to cause one Btu to flow through one square foot of a homogenous
material exactly 1 inch thick per hour at mean temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit
unless otherwise required.
2) Total: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of total thickness of roof insulation material and
insulation assembly shall be as indicated on Drawings, at 15 mph wind velocity and 5 year
minimum age, when tested meeting requirements of ASTM C518. Data derived from
calculations, theoretical assumptions or test results of different arrangement or size of
roof insulation are not acceptable. Base thermal resistivity values for total thickness of
roof insulation on insulation materials only. Do not include other building materials and
surface air films in thermal resistivity values. In no case shall thickness of insulation be
less than required to achieve thermal resistivity values, slopes for drainage and minimum
thickness required for specific conditions or applications.
3) Required Thermal Resistivity:
a) Polyisocyanurate Insulation: R -value shall be calculated at 5.6 per each one inch
b) Typical Roof R- Value: Indicated value is average over roof area.
4) Basis: Any thickness of roof insulation indicated by Contract Documents is for thermal
resistivity required for respective insulation. Adjust thickness of insulation within limits of
building design, as acceptable to Architect for equivalent use of insulation having a
different thermal resistivity as certified by roofing and insulation manufacturers.
4. Compatibility: Provide products compatible with adjacent contact materials and surfaces.
E. Regulatory Requirements:
1. UL Compliance:
a. Roof system materials shall be UL - Classified Products and roofing system shall be a UL
Roofing System (TJPV), Class 90, UL 580, as specified in UL - Building Materials Directory.
b. Roof system materials shall be UL - Classified Products and roofing system shall be a UL
Roofing System (CETW), Class A, UL 263, as specified in UL - Fire Tests of Building
Constructions and Materials Directory.
2. FMRC Compliance:
a. General: In addition to meeting UL requirements, roof system materials and roof system shall
be FMRC - Approved, Class 1 Fire Rated, as specified in FMRC - Approval Guide.
b. Wind Uplift: Roof system shall resist wind uplift forces for FMRC Class 1 -90 Roof Assembly,
and meet requirements and recommendations of specked and other applicable FMEC - Loss
Prevention Data.
A. Single Responsibility: Roofing system work shall be performed by an installer having single
responsibility for providing the complete work, including component parts and related work. Installer
shall be solely responsible for performance and for quality assurance and control of roofing work.
B. Product Qualifications:
1. Roofing System: Limited to type and manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
2. Secondary Materials: Materials employed shall be as approved, recommended, and provided by
manufacturer of roofing system.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer for roofing system work shall have 5 years minimum certifiable
experience with roofing system similar to scope and quality required for the work. Installer shall be
licensed or approved by roofing manufacturer and trained in use and installation of materials and in
use of equipment proposed for the work.
D. Quality Control: Owner may provide an independent, full time project site inspector for duration of
roofing installation. Installer shall coordinate activities with roofing inspector.
E. Insurance Certification: Assist Owner in preparation and submittal of whatever roofing system
installation acceptance certification may be necessary in connection with warranty, fire and extended
coverage insurance on roofing and associated work.
F. Pre - Construction Meeting:
1. General: Contractor shall conduct a pre - construction meeting at project site, except as otherwise
designated in meeting notice, prior to starting any work at site, providing at least 72 hours advance
notice to participants prior to convening meeting. Reconvene meeting at earliest opportunity if
additional information must be developed in order to conclude subjects under consideration.
Participants in meeting shall include roofing installer, installers of substrate construction to receive
roofing work, installers of other work in and around roofing including any mechanical and electrical
work, Architect and Owner, technical representative of roofing manufacturer, and representatives
directly concerned with performance of work including, as applicable, insurers, Quality Control
Services and product manufacturers. Contractor shall record discussions of meeting and
decisions and agreements or disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each party
G. Manufacturer Representative: Provide services of a trained technical representative of roofing
manufacturer to advise on every phase of roofing work and to perform other like services at project site
as necessary. As a minimum, provide full -time attendance during first two work days, once each week
thereafter for two consecutive hours, and required technical assistance. Representative shall give
preparation and installation instructions, examine substrates before installations, and examine
completed roofing membrane installation.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of
manufacturer for each product to be used in roofing system. Include published data, certified
conformance report or certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed
product and sub - system meets requirements of Contract Documents.
1. Material List: Include a material list with technical data documenting location and primaryfunction,
quality and performance of each material component or system to be used in work.
2. Resistance: Include fire classification, resistance to chemical and other exposures, and other such
3. Insulation: Include required aged R -value for plastic insulation; density, compression strength, fire
classification, perm rating, water absorption rating and other such properties.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of roofing system. Indicate
configuration and layout of each material, show details of edge terminations and flashings; details and
treatment of joints, projections and penetrations, and other special and unique conditions.
1. Insulation - Board: Include layout for insulation showing each roof level, and each saddle, cricket
and like condition; drainage slopes and angle of tapers (inches per foot), total thickness at thickest
and thinnest points, and identification mark for each tapered insulation board unit. Also, include
details for tapered edge strips, and density and installation of insulation meeting specified FM
2. Underlayment: Details of rubberized asphalt membrane.
3. Roofing Panels: Include layout for panels and details for flashing and penetrations.
4. Control Joints: Include layout and details for control joints.
5. Flashing: Include location, layout and details of flashing, counterflashing, gutters, downspouts,
trim and other flashing work in association with requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
6. Splash Blocks: Include location for each splash block unit and details of installation.
7. Ice and Snow Guards: Include layout per manufacturer's recommendation.
C. Samples: Submit samples of following materials. Review of samples by Architect will be only for
visual quality and severity of surface distortions.
1. Roofing Panels: Each type roofing panel material, standard size of manufacturer.
2. Other Materials: As may be requested by Architect.
D. Manufacturer Certification: Submit certification signed by roofing manufacturer, stipulating following:
1. Metal roofing panels and flashing systems proposed for work.
• •
} 2. Roof insulation is acceptable as component of roofing system and is included in roofing system
warranty issued by roofing manufacturer.
3. Installer is approved as an experienced applicator of roofing system.
4. Roofing system and material warranty provisions and requirements in Contract Documents are
acceptable to roofing manufacturer. Attach sample draft forms of proposed roofing system and
material warranties by roofing manufacturer. Include specific statement of conditions and
limitations associated with each warranty and include provisions specified in Paragraph - Roofing
Manufacturer System Warranty, of this Section.
E. Installer Certification: Submit certification signed by roofing installer, stipulating roofing system and
material warranty provisions and requirements indicated in Contract Documents are acceptable to
roofing installer. Attach sample draft form of roofing system and material warranty proposed to be
issued by roofing installer. Include specific statement of conditions and limitations associated with
warranty and include provisions specified in Paragraph - Installer and Contractor Warranty, of this
F. Manufacturer Review Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by
Contractor and installer, stating Contract Drawings and Specification, product data and shop drawings
have been reviewed with qualified representatives of material manufacturers, and that they are in
agreement that selected systems, materials and details are proper and adequate for application
required, including com patibility with adjacent systems and materials.
G. Insulation Certification: Submit certified compliance certificate from roofing and insulation
manufacturers attesting roof insulation furnished for roofing work meets requirements of Contract
Documents. Certificate shall include thermal resistivity requirements for total thickness of roof
insulation specified in Article - Quality Assurance, Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section. Certified
compliance certificate shall meet requirements specified in Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures.
H. Application Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by Contractor and
installer, stating roofing system work was provided in compliance with Contract Documents and roofing
installation was proper for conditions of application and use.
A. General:
1. Deliver and store materials in manufacturer original packaging, labeled to show name, brand, type,
grade, and UL and FM labels when applicable. Store materials in protected location off ground or
surface where stored, meeting instructions of manufacturer.
2. Do not stock materials too far in advance of work progress.
B. Precautions:
1. Do not allow materials to become wet, soiled, and covered with ice and snow. Meet instructions,
precautions and recommendations of manufacturer to protect materials from deterioration and
2. Protect plastic insulation from fire ignition and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
A. Substrate Conditions:
1. Substrates shall be completely cured, dry and free of moisture detrimental to installation of roofing.
Dry substrates wet by inclement weather and other circumstances by methods not detrimental to
substrate and installation of roofing work.
2. Installation of roofing work constitutes acceptance of substrate conditions by installer.
B. Weather Conditions:
1. Proceed with roofing and associated work only when weather conditions will permit unrestricted
use of materials and quality control of work being installed, meeting requirements, instructions and
recommendations of material manufacturers and warranty requirements.
2. Proceed only when installer and roofing membrane manufacturer are willing to warranty roofing
work as required and without additional reservations and restrictions.
C. Protection:
1. Protect building from damage resulting from roofing installation. Be responsible for repair, and
restore or replace other work which is damaged in connection with performance of roofing work.
2. Until roofing is protected with final covering, keep area free from traffic and other work operations.
Provide necessary temporary protection to prevent damage, such as caused by traffic, gouging,
scraping, spillage of deleterious substances.
D. Work Sequence: Perform roofing work in area segments of size so that entire roofing system work for
each area is completed, weathertight and watertight, in same day and before start of inclement
E. Coordination: Proceed with roofing work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have
been completed. Also, all perimeter work, parapets and abutting surfaces, and other related work
above roof deck shall have been completed so that, once roofing work is started, such work can be
completed and properly flashed so other work on completed roofing installation is minimal. Do not
phase or sequence roofing work operations, including flashing work. Complete installation as rapidly
as possible in each area of work.
A. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data of roofing manufacturer for roofing system. Include
complete maintenance instructions, information for preventative and corrective maintenance,
precautions and warnings to prevent damage and deterioration, and like information as applicable.
Specifically note and highlight maintenance which is contrary to warranty provisions and requirements.
A. General: Warranty preformed panel roofing work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract,
except warranty shall include additional requirements specked in this Article.
B. Roofing Manufacturer System Warranty:
1. Coverage:
a. Warranty shall extend to insulation, underlayment, metal and plastic roofing, flashings and
associated appurtenances, and any other materials furnished or supplied by roofing
manufacturer, and available options offered by roofing manufacturer.
b. Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, roofing work which is
not weathertight and watertight, and fails to perform as required by Contract Documents,
excluding following causes of failure:
1) Damage from natural disasters, lightning, hail, fire, insect infestation, winds of peak gust
speeds of 55 mph minimum, misuse, abuse or vandalism.
• 0
2) Failure of substrate.
3) Harmful chemicals in contact with materials.
c. Defective roof insulation shall include failure of total thickness of roof insulation to maintain
required thermal resistivity.
d. Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or non - conforming to Contract
Documents at no cost limitation and expense to Owner.
e. Include specific statement of any limitations, required maintenance and similar conditions of
2. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 10 years.
C. Installer and Contractor Warranty:
1. Coverage:
Warranty shall extend to entire roofing work covered by this Section without exception.
Warranty shall include meeting requirements of roofing manufacturer system warranty.
Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, roofing system work
which is not weathertight and watertight, and fails to perform as required by Contract
Warranty shall include removal and replacement of other materials and work covering any
roofing membrane, base flashing or like item, to extent required to repair or replace roof
system work.
Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or non-conforming to Contract
Documents at no cost limitation and expense to Owner.
If a leak or other failure should develop within warranty time period, installer shall endeavor to
repair such leak or failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by Owner. If at end of
this time, installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of taking any action
necessary to make repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for any expenses
incurred in performing repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of warranty provisions.
Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar conditions of
Warranty shall be signed by installer and Contractor.
2. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 2 years.
A. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation - Flat and Tapered:
1. Description: Polyisocyanurate foam rigid insulation board integrally faced on both sides with
fiberglass felt facers and compatible with roofing systems. In addition, tapered insulation board
units shall be factory tapered and marked corresponding to mark designation indicated on shop
a. Density: 2.0 pcf nominal when tested meeting requirements of ASTM D1622.
b. Board Size: Standard manufactured widths, lengths and thicknesses.
c. Thermal Resistivity: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of 5.6 minimum when conditioned and tested
meeting requirements of RIC/TIMA 281 -1 and ASTM C518. Thickness of each insulation
board unit to be provided for work shall be based on thermal resistivity requirements specified
in Article - Quality Assurance, Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section.
d. Compressive Strength: 16 psi minimum when tested meeting requirements of ASTM D1621.
e. Fire Hazard Classification: As required to meet specked regulatory requirements.
f. Listing: UL- Classification Marking and FM- Approved.
g. Dimensional Stability: Less than 2 percent linear change when tested meeting requirements
of ASTM D2126.
h. Water Absorption: Less than 1 percent by volume when tested meeting requirements of
ASTM C209.
i. Moisture Vapor Transmission: Less than 1 perm when tested meeting requirements of ASTM
2. Acceptable Products: As fumished by roofing manufacturer.
B. Associated Materials:
1. General: Each accessory material shall be as recommended and furnished by roofing
manufacturer but not less than specified in this Paragraph.
2. Insulation Fasteners: Roof insulation fasteners with large disk or plate under fastener head
meeting requirements of FM Standard 4470, UL and FM requirements specified for roofing system
and shall be FM - Approved for use in roofing system, FM Class 1 Fire and Class 1 -90 Windstorm
Rated. Fasteners shall be resistant to corrosion from exposure to atmosphere and contact with
adjacent materials, including insulation and roof deck, and shall not cause electrolytic corrosion.
3. Insulation Adhesive: Meeting UL and FM requirements specified for roofing system.
4. Tapered Edge Strips: Preformed strips of material required by roofing manufacturer with thinnest
edge of 0 inch thickness.
A. Rubberized Asphalt Membrane:
1. Description: Polyethylene- sheet - backed rubberized asphalt membrane, 40 mils thick, minimum.
Provide primer when recommended by underlayment manufacturer.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. W. R. Grace & Co., Ice & Water Shield.
b. Polyken Technologies, Polyken 640 Underlayment Membrane.
c. Polyguard Products, Inc., Polyguard Deck Guard.
d. Protecto Wrap Co., Jiffy Seal Ice and Water Guard.
e. Royston Laboratories, Inc., Ice Guard Membrane No. 108 -AG.
B. Plywood Sheathing: Structural Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing, Structural 1, Span Rating and
thickness as required to suit frame spacing, but 5/8 inch minimum thickness; Exposure Durability
Classification of Exterior, and square edge detail.
A. Sheet:
1. Copper Sheet: ASTM 8370, Temper H00, cold rolled, except where Temper 060 is required for
forming, not less than 16 ounces/square foot (0.0216 inch thick).
0 .
2. Finish:
a. Remove mill oils, chemicals, and residue removed and coated on back with clear chromate
for stainless steel and parchment backer for galvalume and front side with dear strippable fpm
to protect finish during fabrication, shipping, and field handling.
3. Acceptable Systems:
a. Revere Copper Products, Inc., Ultrapan or approved equal.
B. Flashing and Trim System:
1. Description: Same material sheet as required for standing seam metal panel.
2. Acceptable Systems: As furnished by roofing manufacturer.
C. Associated Materials:
1. General: Each associated material shall be as recommended and furnished by roofing
manufacturer but not less than specked in this Paragraph.
D. Ice and Snow Guards:
1. Description: Copper finish with pre -tinned backs for soldering.
2. Acceptable Systems: Sno -Gem 'Half - Carat' or Alpine Snow Guards 'Half - Round'. Single
0 ~� manufacturer to be selected for preformed metal panel roofing and asphalt shingle roofing.
A. Miscellaneous Fasteners: Screws, nails with anti - withdrawal feature, and other fasteners of same
material as metal fastened and of types and dimensions appropriate forapplication, substrate and item
to be fastened, performance and durability. Fasteners shall be resistant to corrosion from exposure to
atmosphere and contact with adjacent materials, and shall not cause electrolytic corrosion. Fastener
heads shall be of size required to secure material being fastened in -place without damage. Exposed
fasteners shall have heads finished to match finish of adjacent work and integral gasket type seal
under heads.
B. Splash Blocks: High density precast concrete splash blocks for gutter downspouts of nominal weight
1. Weatherability: No breakage and visual signs of deterioration, and not more than 1 percent loss in
dry weight when tested meeting requirements of ASTM C67 -87, Section 8, after 50 cycles of
2. Appearance: Free of voids with edges and corners free of fins and projections. Color to be
normal concrete gray.
C. Elastomeric Sealant: Polyurethane sealant, multi or single component, non -sag type meeting
requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use for applications where sealant will not be in
contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
D. Mastic Sealant: Butyl rubber sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use for
applications where sealant will be in contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work are to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
1. Verify that preparatory work has been completed.
2. Examine roof areas for conditions that would prevent proper application of roofing work.
3. Verify that wood blocking, nailers and sheathing are properly installed and acceptable to receive
roofing work.
4. Surfaces to be in contact with roofing work shall be free of materials detrimental to roofing system.
A. Perform and install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements in Part
2 of this Section and applicable requirements of referenced standards and specifications, as indicated
by final reviewed submittals for the work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product
B. Start installation only in presence of technical representative of roofing manufacturer.
A. Cleaning: Clean substrate of dust, debris and other substances that would impair roofing work.
Remove sharp projections.
B. Minor Patching: Patch or fill voids, joints, cracks and rough areas of substrate as necessary to achieve
an acceptable surface, using materials and to details recommended and instructed by roofing
C. Substrate Inspection: Surfaces shall be inspected by technical representative of roofing manufacturer
for contaminated surfaces, unsound substrates and other conditions which may adversely effect
execution and quality of roof application.
1. General: Surfaces shall be inspected by technical representative of roofing manufacturer for
contaminated surfaces, unsound substrates and other conditions which may adversely effect
execution and quality of roof application.
2. Facias and Rakes: Strike a line the full length of facias and rakes. When not straight, provide
shimming to correct for irregularities.
A. General: Provide roof insulation full thickness over entire roof deck substrate to be insulated, under
roofing. Form sloped areas, saddles, crickets, tapered edges and like conditions as required for
positive drainage of roofing.
• •
B. Fastener Pullout Test: Perform fastener pullout tests for mechanical fasteners for fastening roof
insulation to each type roof deck as specified in Article - Field Quality Control, of this Section.
C. Application: Install roof insulation of types and in layers over respective roof deck area to provide total
thickness for required thermal resistivity value and over surfaces of roof accessories as follows:
1. Minimum Thickness: First layer of insulation shall be of one piece minimum thickness as follows,
except as otherwise required:
a. Polyisocyanurate Board: 1.3 inches.
2. Typical Roofs: Multiple layers of polyisocyanurate board insulation.
D. Layers:
1. General: Install roof insulation in required arrangement and layers to achieve total required
2. Joints: Stagger joints in one direction for each layer 12 inches minimum. For multiple courses,
stagger joints in both directions between adjacent courses 12 inches minimum.
E. Tapered Units:
1. General: Install tapered roof insulation meeting elevations, slopes and details indicated by final
reviewed shop drawings and meeting design criteria requirements for slopes and positive drainage
of roofing membrane.
j 2. Valley Units: Install factory compound tapered units at 45 degree valleys. Cut other valleys at
project site.
F. Fitting:
1. General: Fit and cut roof insulation neatly and accurately at walls, curbs and penetrations, with
edges of insulation units in tight contact with each unit and adjacent construction.
2. Edges: Provide tapered edge strips at edges of insulation that do not terminate at adjacent
insulation with uniform transition and 0 inch height difference at edge juncture.
G. Attachment - Steel Roof Deck:
1. First Layer: Secure first layer of insulation to steel roof deck with mechanical fasteners throughout
roof area. Density and placement of fasteners shall meet requirements of FM for Class 1 -90
Windstorm Rated roof uplift, including recommendations and requirements of FMEC - Loss
Prevention Data 1 -28.
2. Subsequent Layers: Secure subsequent layers of insulation with insulation adhesive.
H. Traffic: Do not permit construction traffic over installed insulation, except as required for roofing
A. General: Provide roof insulation full thickness over entire roof to be insulated, under roofing.
1. Install insulation concurrently with installation of panels. Install straight and true in one -piece
ddW /
9 41d �J
2. Set insulation units with vapor barrier to inside of building. Tape joints and ruptures in vapor
barrier, using adhesive tape of type recommended by insulation manufacturer, and seal each
continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction so as to ensure vapor -tight installation.
3. Provide insulation packed in interior spaces of framing and shim spaces, applied under cover
assemblies, and at other like locations, completely filling void spaces or covered area to maintain
continuity of thermal resistance and to prevent air drafts in or through roof and wall areas, as
B. Roof Insulation: Locate insulation on underside of roof panels, extending across top flange of purlin
members and held snug to purlins with retainer clips. Install retainer strips at each longitudinal joint,
straight and nesting to hold insulation in place. Conceal abutting edges with clip strip joint treatment.
C. Accessories: Install gutters, downspouts, louvers and other accessories using positive anchorage to
building and weathertight mounting. Adjust operating mechanisms for precise operation.
A. Rubberized Asphalt Membrane:
1. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of underlayment manufacturer, and
requirements for warranty by roofing manufacturer, except to extent more stringent requirements
are indicated by Contract Documents.
A. General:
1. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of roofing manufacturer, and requirements for
warranty by roofing manufacturer, except to extent more stringent requirements are indicated by
Contract Documents.
a. Remove strippable film before installation.
2. Anchorage: Anchor panels and other components of the work securely in place, with provisions
for thermal and structural movement.
a. Cutting: Do not cut, trim or joint components during installation, in any manner which would
damage the finish, decrease the strength, or result in a visual imperfection or a failure in
performance of the curtain wall unit. Return components which require alteration to the shop
for refabrication or replace with new parts. Field cutting of exterior panels by torch is not
b. Install panels with concealed fasteners.
c. Install roof panels over minimum 3:12 pitch solid substrate with one layer of underlayment
installed from lower edge of roof up with 3 -inch side laps and 4 -inch end laps.
3. Defective Components: Do not install components which are observed to be defective, including
warped, bowed, dented, abraded and broken members, and including glass with edge damage.
Remove such components and replace with new components as applicable before time of
4. Separators: Install separators as applicable on concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar materials,
before assembly and installation, wherever there is possibility of corrosive, including electrolytic
• 0
5. Accessories: Install components required for a complete roof panel system, including gutters,
downspouts, trim, copings, fascias, ridge closures, clips, seam covers, flashings, sealants, gaskets,
fillers and similar items.
6. Joint Sealers: Install gaskets, joint fillers, and sealants where indicated and where required for
weatherproof performance of panel systems. Provide types of gaskets, sealants, and fillers
indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, types recommended by panel manufacturer.
a. Flash and seal roof panels at eave and rake with rubber, neoprene, or other closures to
exclude weather.
b. Refer to Section 07920 -Joint Sealants for product and installation requirements applicable to
indicated joint sealers.
7. Daily Seal: Complete installation of roofing system up to line of termination of days work. Install
temporary water cut -off edge seal at termination of installed panels at end of each days work.
Remove upon resumption of work.
8. Installation Tolerances: Shim and align panel units within installed tolerance of 1/4 inch in 20' -0"
on level /plumb /slope and location/line as indicated and within 1/8 inch offset of adjoining faces and
of alignment of matching profiles.
B. Metal Panel Roofing:
1. Start installation from centerline of roof area. Set panels in same direction as manufacturing run
2. Fasten roof panels to supports with concealed clip meeting instructions of manufacturer.
a. Install clips at support with self - drilling /self- tapping fasteners.
b. At end laps of panels, install sealant tape between panels.
c. Install cleats with factory sealant or gasket at standing seam joints.
d. Keep panel tight against adjoining panel. Never permit gaps between panels. Must be
completely straight their entire length prior to seam installation.
A. Splash Blocks: Provide precast concrete splash block at each gutter downspout, set on top of roofing,
or on grade at pavement or ground, as applicable. Support each comer of splash block on roof with a
paver pedestal pad. Provide 1/4 inch space between underside of splash block and top of roofing to
allow for drainage.
A. Rain Storm Inspection: After completion of roofing and associated work, and either during or
immediately after a rain storm, and before final acceptance of the work, installer shall meet with
Contractor and Owner at project and inspect building for evidence of leaks in roofing and associated
work. Contractor shall prepare a written report covering inspection, and submit to Owner with copy to
B. Inspection: At end of construction period, or at a time when remaining construction work will in noway
affect or endanger roofing, installer shall make a final inspection of roofing system and prepare a
written report to Contractor with copy to Owner and Architect of deterioration or damage found in the
A. Repair Work: Only installer shall repair and replace damaged, deteriorated and defective work found
prior to and at the time of final inspection. Repair and replace work so that there will be no question as
to condition of roofing and associated work at time of final acceptance.
• .
A. Description: Modred bitumen roofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the work.
B. Included: Modred bitumen roofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Remove existing roofing system to existing roof deck and prepare existing substrates for new
roofing system.
2. Substrate sheathing as required.
a. Separator sheet as required.
b. Vapor retarder over roof areas to receive vapor retarder, extending 8 feet minimum beyond
perimeter of such areas, except as otherwise required.
3. Roof insulation, multiple layer and single layer installations as applicable, flat and tapered units as
required to achieve thermal resistivity and slopes for drainage, mechanically attached and adhered
as applicable.
4. Tapered edge strips and cants.
5. Three ply built -up SBS (styrene butadiene styrene) modified asphalt roofing membrane system
with ceramic granular surfacing, applied over roof insulation, including control joints as instructed
and recommended by roofing manufacturer, hot asphalt applied. Torch application not
6. One ply SBS modified asphalt base flashing system.
7. Flashing, counterflashing and coping associated with roofing, except as otherwise required.
8. Roof protection over roofing membrane.
9. Roofing accessories associated with roofing. Include prefabricated roof curbs for building
expansion joints, openings through roof and to support equipment, and roof hatches and smoke
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the work:
1. ANSVSPRI FX -1 - Standard Field Test Procedure for Determining the Withdrawal Resistance of
Roofing Fasteners.
2. ASTM D5147 - Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Modified Bituminous Sheet
3. ASTM D6162 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous
f Sheet Materials Using a Combination of Polyester and Glass Fiber Reinforcements.
4. ASTM D6163 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous
Sheet Materials Using Glass Fiber Reinforcements.
5. ASTM D6164 - Standard Specification for Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) Modified Bituminous
Sheet Materials Using Polyester Reinforcements.
6. ASTM D6221 - Standard Specification for Reinforced Bituminous Flashing Sheets for Roofing and
7. ASTM D6225 - Standard Test Method for Granule Cover of Mineral Surfaced Roofing.
8. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -7 and 1 -7S - Wind Forces on Buildings and Other Structures.
9. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -22 - Criteria for Ma)am um Foreseeable Loss Fire Walls and Space
Separation, as applicable to roofing and associated flashing.
10. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28 - Wind Loads to Roof Systems and Roof Deck Securement.
11. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1- 28R/1 -29R - Roof Systems.
12. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 - Above -Deck Roof Components.
13. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -30 - Repair of Wind Damaged Roof Systems.
14. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -47S.1 - Hail Damage.
15. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -48 - Design and Repair Procedures for Wood and Cementitious
Roofs, as applicable.
16. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -49 - Perimeter Flashing.
17. FMRC - Approval Guide.
18. FMRC - Approval Standard 4470 for Class 1 Roof Covers.
19. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
B. Design Basis:
General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, function, performance and like requirements. Within these limitations, work shall
meet design criteria and like requirements indicated by Contract Documents and include
components not indicated but necessary for function and performance, and to be a complete
system. Perform modifications only as necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents
and to coordinate the work, subject to acceptance by Architect. Maintain design concept.
Variations in details and materials shall not adversely affect performance. Provide complete
drawings and data of proposed modifications.
2. Certification: Work shall be designed by installer, and certified, reviewed and inspected by roofing
C. Design Criteria:
1. General: Work shall meet and perform to design criteria and like requirements indicated by
Contract Documents, including requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this
2. Roofing System:
a. General: Roofing and associated work shall provide a weathertight and watertight assembly.
Roofing and associated work shall be durable in weather a )Posure and not leak water during
rain storms.
b. Resistance: Roofing systems shall be resistant to atmospheric conditions common at project
site area.
3. E)asting Roofing: Perform cutting and patching of ebsting roofing so not to invalidate anywarranty
requirement of e)asting roofing.
4. Slope: Slope insulation under roofing membrane, to provide positive drainage to roof drains.
• •
a. Roof area served by each roof drain shall be as indicated on Drawings.
b. Provide saddles or crickets at high side of obstructions, such as roof hatches, which interfere
with positive drainage, to establish unrestricted drainage around such obstructions.
c. Slope insulation 1/4 inch minimum per foot, except as otherwise required. Slope for saddles
and crickets shall be 1/2 inch minimum per foot.
d. Slopes shall be uniform and top surfaces smooth and uninterrupted to provide unrestricted
drainage. Top surfaces at edge junctures between adjacent planes shall match and be
uniform with no difference in height.
5. Thermal Resistivity:
a. Definition: Thermal resistivity (R- value) is reciprocal of thermal conductivity (k- value) which is
rate of heat flow through a homogenous material exactly 1 inch thick. Thermal resistivity (R-
value) is expressed by temperature difference in degrees Fahrenheit between two parallel
surfaces to cause one Btu to flow through one square foot of a homogenous material exactly 1
inch thick per hour at mean temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, unless otherwise required.
Total - New: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of total thickness of insulation material shall be as
required by Contract Documents, at 15 mph wind velocity and 5 year age minimum, when
tested meeting requirements of ASTM C518. Data derived from calculations, theoretical
assumptions or test results of different arrangement or size of insulation is not acceptable.
Base thermal resistivity values for total thickness of insulation on insulation materials only. Do
not include other building materials and surface air films in thermal resistivityvalue. In no case
shall thickness of insulation be less than required to achieve thermal resistivity value, slopes
for drainage and minimum thickness required for specific condition or application.
c. Total - Existing: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of total thickness of insulation at areas to be
patched or replaced shall match comparable existing condition as acceptable to Architect. In
no case shall thickness of insulation be less than required to achieve thermal resistivity, slopes
for drainage and minimum thickness required for specific conditions or applications.
d. Required Insulation Material Thermal Resistivity:
1) Polyisocyanurate Insulation: R -value shall be calculated at 5.6 per each 1 inch thickness.
e. Required Roof Thermal Resistivity:
1) Typical Roof: R -value indicated by Contract Documents shall be average over roof area.
f. Basis - R- Value: Thermal resistivity of insulation materials is indicated by Contract Documents.
Thickness of respective insulation shall be based on thermal resistivity specified in above
Paragraphs. Adjusted thickness for insulation materials having a greater thermal resistivity
than specked in above Paragraphs is not acceptable.
f. Basis - Thickness: Thickness of insulation indicated by Contract Documents is for thermal
resistivity required for respective insulation. Adjust thickness of insulation within limits of
building design as acceptable to Architect for equivalent use of insulation having a different
thermal resistivity as certified by roofing and insulation manufacturers.
6. Compatibility: Products to be employed in the work shall be compatible with adjacent contact
i t
materials and surfaces.
AESI 27210
07550 -3
7. UL Compliance: Roofing system materials shall be UL - Classified Products and the roofing
system shall be a UL Roofing System (TGFU), Class A, as specked in UL - Building Materials
8. FMRC Compliance: In addition to meeting UL requirements, roofing system shall meet
requirements of FMRC - Approval Standard 4470 and following:
a. Fire Resistance: Roofing system, including roofing materials, shall be FMRC - Approved,
Class 1 Internal Fire Rated and Class 1 A External Fire Rated, as specified in FMRC - Approval
Guide, and shall meet applicable requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss
Prevention Data specified in this Section.
b. Wind Uplift: Roofing system shall be FMRC - Approved to resist wind uplift pressure meeting
requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Criteria, as specified in FMRC - Approval Guide,
and shall meet applicable requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention
Data specked in this Section.
c. Hail Resistance: Roofing system shall be FMRC - Approved to resist severe or moderate hail
storms as applicable for hail storm hazard area where the work is located, as specified in
FMRC - Approval Guide, and shall meet applicable requirements and recommendations of
FMEC - Loss Prevention Data specified in this Section.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibilityfor
providing complete work, including component parts and related work, and for performance and quality
of work.
B. Product Qualifications:
1. Roofing Membrane: Limit only to type and manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
2. Secondary Materials: Materials employed in the work of this Section shall be as approved or
recommended, and when required, furnished by roofing membrane manufacturer.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in design, detailing, installation and maintenance of work similarto
type and quality required for the work and shall be licensed or approved by roofing manufacturer and
trained in use and installation of materials and in use of equipment to be employed in the work.
D. Quality Control: Owner will provide an independent, full time project site roofing inspector for duration
of roofing installation. Installer shall coordinate activities with roofing inspector.
E. Insurance Certification: Assist Owner in preparation and submittal of whatever roofing system
installation acceptance certification may be necessary in connection with warranty, and fire and
extended coverage insurance on roofing and associated work.
F. Pre - Construction Meeting:
1. General: Conduct a pre - construction meeting at project site prior to delivery of products to review
conditions associated with performing the work under this Section. Meeting shall include review of
minimum agenda specified in this Paragraph. Meeting participants shall include Owner and
Architect, technical representative of roofing manufacturer, representatives directly concerned with
performance of work including, as applicable, insurers and Quality Control Service, representatives
0 0
of manufacturers, installer of work under this Section, installers of substrate construction to receive
roofing work and installers of related work, including any mechanical and electrical work. Record
discussions of meeting, and agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copyof record
to each participant.
G. Manufacturer Representative: Furnish services of a trained technical representative of roofing
manufacturer to advise on every phase of work and to perform other like services at project site as
necessary. As a minimum, furnish full -time attendance during first 2 work days, then at least once
each week thereafter, and technical assistance as may be required. Representative shall give
preparation and installation instructions, examine substrates before installations and examine
completed installation before covering.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of
manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or certified
laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of
Contract Documents.
1. Material List: Include material list with technical data documenting location and primary function,
quality and performance of each material component or system.
2. Resistance: Include fire classification, resistance to chemical and other exposures, and other such
3. Insulation: Include R- value, aged at specked time period for plastic type insulation; density,
compression strength, fire classification, perm rating, water absorption rating and other such
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of roofing system. Indicate
configuration and layout of each material, show details of edge terminations and flashings; details and
treatment of joints, projections and penetrations, and any other special or unique conditions.
1. Under Roof Materials:
a. General: Include locations and layout for sheathing, vapor retarder and insulation as
b. Insulation: Include layout for insulation showing each roof level, and each saddle, cricket and
like condition; drainage slopes and angle of tapers (inches per foot), total thickness at thickest
and thinnest points, and identification mark for each tapered insulation board unit. Also,
include details for tapered edge and cant strips, and density and installation of insulation
mechanical fasteners meeting requirements indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Roofing Membrane: Include layout for membrane and details for base flashings and penetrations.
3. Control Joints: Include layout and details for control joints.
4. Flashing: Include location, layout and details of flashing, and other flashing work in association
with requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
5. Fire Walls: Include details of roofing adjacent to maximum foreseeable loss fire walls.
6. Roof Protection: Include layout, type and horizontal dimensions of roof protection.
it 7. Splash Blocks: Indicate location for each splash block unit and details of installation.
C. Samples: Submit samples of following materials which will be reviewed only for visual quality and
severity of surface distortions:
1. Roofing Membrane: Each type roofing material, standard size of manufacturer.
2. Base Flashing: Each type flashing material, standard size of manufacturer.
3. Roof Protection: Each type roof protection unit, standard size of manufacturer.
4. Other Materials: As may be requested by Architect.
D. Manufacturer Certification: Submit certification signed by roofing manufacturer, stipulating following:
1. Roofing and Flashing Systems: Roofing membrane and flashing systems proposed for work is
2. Associated Materials: Roof sheathing, vapor retarder, insulation and other products required by
Contract Documents to be furnished by roofing manufacturers are acceptable as components of
roofing system and are eligible for roofing system warranty issued by roofing manufacturer.
3. Installer: Installer is approved as an experienced applicator of roofing system. Indicate years of
roofing system design and installation experience, total area of roofing system installed, and good
installation rating of installer by roofing membrane manufacturer.
4. Warranty: Roofing system and material warranty provisions and requirements indicated in
Contract Documents are acceptable to roofing manufacturer. Attach sample draft form of roofing
system and material warranty proposed to be issued by roofing manufacturer. Include specific
statement of conditions and limitations associated with each warranty and include provisions
specified in Paragraph - Roofing Manufacturer System Warranty, of this Section.
E. Installer Certification: Submit certification signed by roofing installer, stipulating roofing system and
material warranty provisions and requirements indicated in Contract Documents are acceptable to
roofing installer. Attach sample draft form of roofing system and material warranty proposed to be
issued by roofing installer. Include specific statement of conditions and limitations associated with
warranty and include provisions specified in Paragraph - Installer and Contractor Warranty, of this
F. Manufacturer Review Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by the
Contractor and installer, stating Contract Drawings and Specification, product data and shop drawings
have been reviewed with qualified representatives of material manufacturers, and that they are in
agreement that selected systems, materials and details are proper and adequate for application
required, including compatibility with adjacent systems and materials.
G. Insulation Certification: Submit certified compliance certificate from roofing and insulation
manufacturers attesting roof insulation furnished for roofing work meets requirements of Contract
Documents. Certificate shall include thermal resistivity requirements for total thickness of roof
insulation specified in Article - Quality Assurance, Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section. Certified
compliance certificate shall meet requirements specified in Section 01330 - Submittal Procedures.
H. Bulk Bitumen Certification: Submit either a blanket or load -by -load certified compliance certificate from
roofing manufacturer attesting bitumen furnished for roofing work meets requirements of Contract
Documents. Certificate shall indicate equiviscous temperature (EV T), finish blowing temperature (FBT)
and flash point.
J. Application Statement: Submit statement in form acceptable to Architect, signed by Contractor and
0 0
installer, stating roofing system work was provided in compliance with Contract Documents and roofing
installation was proper for conditions of application and use.
A. General:
1. Deliver and store materials in manufacturer original packaging, labeled to show name, brand, type,
grade, and UL and FMRC labels when applicable. Store materials in protected location off ground
or surface where stored, meeting instructions of manufacturer.
2. Do not stock materials too far in advance of work progress.
B. Precautions:
1. Do not allow materials to become wet or soiled, or covered with ice or snow. Meet instructions,
precautions and recommendations of manufacturer to protect materials from deterioration and
2. Protect plastic type insulation from fire ignition and exposure to sunlight.
A. Substrate Conditions:
1. Substrates shall be completely cured, dry and free of moisture detrimental to installation of roofing.
Drying required due to wetting of substrates by inclement weather or other circumstances shall be
by methods not detrimental to substrate and installation of work.
2. Starting installation of work shall constitute acceptance of substrate conditions by installer.
B. Weather Conditions:
1. Proceed with work only when weather conditions will permit unrestricted use of materials and
quality control of work being installed, meeting requirements, instructions and recommendations of
materials manufacturers and warranty requirements.
2. Proceed only when roofing manufacturer is willing to warranty work as required and without
additional reservations and restrictions.
C. Protection:
1. Protect building from damage resulting from spillage and dropping of materials. Do not allow
materials to enter and clog drains and associated piping. Prevent spillage and migration onto
other surfaces of the work by masking or otherwise protecting such work. Be responsible for
repair, restoration or replacement of other work which is soiled or damaged in connection with
performance of work.
2. Until roofing is protected with final covering, keep area free from traffic and other work operations.
Provide necessary temporary protection to prevent damage, such as caused by traffic, gouging,
scraping, spillage of deleterious substances or excessive heat.
D. Work Sequence:
1. Fastener Pullout Tests: Perform project site pullout tests for mechanical fasteners proposed for
fastening under roofing materials to each type substrate as specified in Article - Field Quality
Control, of this Section, prior to ordering materials.
2. Roofing Areas: Perform work in area segments of size so that entire roofing work for each area is
completed, weathertight and watertight, in same day and before start of inclement weather.
E. Coordination: Proceed with work only after substrate construction and penetrating work have been
completed. Also, all perimeter work, parapets and abutting surfaces, and other related work above
roof deck shall have been completed so that, once roofing work is started, such work can be
completed and properly flashed so other work on completed roofing installation is minimal. Do not
phase or sequence roofing work operations, including flashing work. Complete installation as rapidly
as possible in each area of work.
A. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data of roofing manufacturer for roofing system. Include
complete maintenance instructions, information for preventative and corrective maintenance,
precautions and warnings to prevent damage and deterioration, and like information as applicable.
Specifically note and highlight maintenance which is contrary to warranty provisions and requirements.
B. Maintenance Products: Furnish following maintenance products for roofing system:
1. Roof Protection Sheet: 24 square yards.
2. Walkway Pads: 6 units.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall
include additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Roofing Manufacturer System Warranty:
1. Coverage:
a. Warranty for roofing system shall include, but not be limited to, sheathing, vapor retarder,
insulation, roofing membrane, base fleshings and associated appurtenances, and any other
materials furnished or supplied by roofing manufacturer, and available options offered by
roofing manufacturer.
b. Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, roofing work which is
not weathertight and watertight, and fails to perform as required by Contract Documents,
excluding following causes of failure:
1) Damage from natural disasters, lightning, hail, fire, insect infestation, winds of peak gust
speeds of 55 mph minimum measured at 10 meters above ground, misuse, abuse or
2) Failure of substrate.
3) Harmful chemicals in contact with materials.
c. Defective roof insulation shall include failure of total thickness of roof insulation to maintain
{ required thermal resistivity.
d. Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or non - conforming to Contract
Documents at no cost limitation and expense to Owner.
e. Include specific statement of any limitations, required maintenance and similar conditions of
2. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 10 years.
C. Installer and Contractor Warranty:
1. Coverage:
a. Warranty shall extend to entire roofing work covered by this Section without exception.
b. Warranty shall include meeting requirements of roofing manufacturer system warranty.
c. Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, roofing system work
which is not weathertight and watertight, and fails to perform as required by the Contract
d. Warranty shall include removal and replacement of other materials and work covering any
roofing membrane, base flashing or like item, to extent required to repair or replace roof
system work.
e. Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or non - conforming to Contract
ID) Documents at no cost limitation and expense to Owner.
f. If a leak or other failure should develop within warranty time period, installer shall endeavor to
repair such leak or failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by Owner. If at end of
this time, installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of taking any action
necessary to make repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for any expenses
incurred in performing repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of warranty provisions.
g. Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar conditionsof
h. Warranty shall be signed by installer and Contractor.
2. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 2 years.
A. Separator Sheet: Type as required for protection of roofing system materials from incompatible
substrates, FMRC - Approved.
B. Vapor Retarder:
1. Description: Rubberized asphalt membrane, 0.040 inch minimum thickness, to which is laminated
a polyethylene film to one face and a release sheet on adhesive face. Permeance shall be 0.0007
maximum when evaluated by requirements of ASTM E96.
a o
2. Acceptable Products: As furnished by roofing manufacturer.
A. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation - Flat and Tapered:
1. Description: Polyisocyanurate foam rigid insulation board integrallyfaced on both sideswith glass
fiber felt facers and compatible with roofing systems meeting requirements of ASTM C1289, Type
II, except as otherwise specified in this Paragraph. In addition, tapered insulation board units shall
be factory tapered and marked corresponding to mark designation indicated on shop drawings.
a. Density: 2.0 pcf nominal when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D1622.
b. Board Size: Standard manufactured widths, lengths and thicknesses.
c. Thermal Resistivity: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of 5.6 minimum when conditioned and
evaluated meeting requirements of RIC/TIMA 281 -1 and ASTM C518. Thickness of each
insulation board unit to be provided for work shall be based on thermal resistivity requirements
specified in Article - Quality Assurance, Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section.
d. Compressive Strength: 16 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
e. Fire Hazard Classification: As required to meet specked regulatory requirements.
f. Listing: UL- Classification Marking and FMRC- Approved.
g. Dimensional Stability: 2 percent minimum linear change when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D2126.
h. Water Absorption: 1 percent minimum by volume when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM C209.
i. Moisture Vapor Transmission: 1 perm minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of
2. Acceptable Products: As furnished by roofing manufacturer.
B. Perlite Board Insulation - Flat and Tapered:
1. Description: Perlite and fibers molded with fillers and water resistant binders into rigid,
noncombustible boards with integral skin on top face, compatible with roofing system and meeting
requirements of ASTM C728. In addition, tapered insulation board units shall be factory tapered
and marked corresponding to mark designation indicated on shop drawings.
a. Board Size: Standard manufactured widths, lengths and thicknesses.
b. Thermal Resistivity: Thermal resistivity (R- value) of 2.77 minimum when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM C177. Thickness of each insulation board unit to be provided for work
shall be based on thermal resistivity requirements specified in Article - Quality Assurance,
Paragraph - Design Criteria, of this Section.
c. Fire Hazard Classification: As required to meet specified regulatory requirements.
d. Listing: UL - Classification Marking and FMRC- Approved.
2. Acceptable Products: As furnished by roofing manufacturer.
C. Foam -In -Place Insulation:
1. Description: Polyurethane foam -in -place insulation with chemical components for making rigid
foam insulation for application at cavities, voids, junctures between various building components
and like conditions, dispensed from an aerosol unit.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Dow Chemical Company, Insta -Foam Froth Pak.
b. RHH Foam Systems, Inc., Versifoam.
D. Associated Materials:
1. General: Each accessory material shall be as recommended and furnished by roofing
manufacturer but not less than specified in this Paragraph.
2. Insulation Fasteners: Roof insulation fasteners with large disk or plate under fastener head
meeting requirements of FMRC 4470, and UL, FMRC and FMEC requirements specked for
roofing system and shall be FMRC - Approved for use in roofing system, including fire rating, wind
uplift rating and hail rating. Fasteners shall be resistant to corrosion from exposure to atmosphere
and contact with adjacent materials, including insulation and roof deck, and shall not cause
electrolytic corrosion.
3. Insulation Adhesive: Meet UL, FMRC and FMEC requirements specified for roofing system and
shall be FMRC - Approved. Adhesive shall be applicable for use in Class A roofing systems over
combustible and non - combustible roof decks and shall be acceptable to roofing manufacturer.
4. Cant Strips: Preformed, 45 degree cant strips, 4 inches high minimum, for transition at juncture of
built -up roofing with vertical surfaces, of material required by roofing manufacturer, 1 -1/2 inches
minimum thickness.
5. Tapered Edge Strips: Preformed strips of material required by roofing manufacturer with thinnest
edge of 0 inch thickness.
A. Roof Membrane System:
1. Description: Built -up styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) modified bitumen roofing membrane system
of 20 year warranty design with white ceramic granule surfacing, hot asphalt applied. Torch
application not acceptable. Membrane system shall meet requirements for UL and FMRC
compliance as specified in this Section.
a. General: Three ply system consisting of two base membrane plies and one cap membrane
2. Acceptable Systems:
a. GAF Building Materials Corporation, as acceptable to Architect.
b. Johns Manville Corporation, Specification 3CID with DynaBase and DynaKap FR.
c. Soprema Roofing and Waterproofing, Inc., as acceptable to Architect.
d. U. S. Intec, Inc., as acceptable to Architect.
B. Base Flashing System:
1. Description: Built -up SBS modified bitumen base flashing membrane system of 20 year warranty
design with white ceramic granule surfacing, hot asphalt applied. Torch application not
acceptable. Flashing system shall meet requirements for UL and FMRC compliance as specified
in this Section.
a. General: One ply system consisting of one base flashing ply.
2. Acceptable Systems:
a. GAF Building Materials Corporation, as acceptable to Architect.
b. Johns Manville Corporation, DynaFlex
c. Soprema Roofing and Waterproofing, Inc., as acceptable to Architect.
d. U. S. Intec, Inc., as acceptable to Architect.
C. Associated Materials:
1. General: Each associated material shall be as recommended and furnished by roofing
manufacturer but not less than specked in this Paragraph.
2. Asphalt Primer: Blend of asphalt modified bitumen with thermoplastic polymers and volatile
solvents for cold application to substrate to promote adhesion of waterproofing materials.
3. Roofing Asphalt: ASTM D312, Type I, II, III, IV as required by roof slope.
4. Base Membrane Ply: Non -woven glass fiber mat reinforcement coated both sides with
thermofusible elastomeric modified asphalt mixture of selected bitumen and SBS thermoplastic
polymer meeting requirements of ASTM D6163. Membrane thickness shall be 0.087 inches
minimum and weight shall be 0.59 pounds minimum per square foot.
5. Cap Membrane Ply: Non -woven glass fiber mat and polyester mat reinforcement coated both
sides with thermofusible elastomeric modified asphalt mixture of selected bitumen and SBS
thermoplastic polymer with fire retardant agents and top surface self - protected with white ceramic
granules meeting requirements of ASTM D6162 and ASTM D6225. Membrane thickness shall be
0.151 inches minimum and weigh 1.19 pounds minimum per square foot.
6. Base Flashing: Non -woven glass fiber mat and polyester mats reinforcement coated both sides
with thermofusible elastomeric modified asphalt of selected bitumen and SBS thermoplastic
polymer and top surface self - protected with white ceramic granules meeting requirements of
ASTM D6221, ASTM D6162 and ASTM D6225. Membrane thickness shall be 0.162 inches
minimum and weigh 1.03 pounds minimum per square foot.
7. Roof Cement: Elastomeric based cold adhesive roof cement.
8. Roof Penetration Seals: Prefabricated roof penetration seal of EPDM material and color
0 0
comparable to roofing and with stainless steel clamps as applicable for each roof penetration. Unit
shall include a base with a molded sealing ring and a compression molded cap.
9. Pourable Sealer: Two-component polyurethane compound.
A. Control Joint Vapor Barrier: Either EPDM or neoprene fle)able flashing material meeting requirements
of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
B. Lead Sheet: ASTM B749, Type L51121 Copper- Bearing Lead, of size required for application. Unless
otherwise required, lead sheet shall be 4 psf minimum (1/16 inch thick).
C. Miscellaneous Fasteners: Screws, nails with anti - withdrawal feature, and other fasteners of same
material as metal to be fastened when applicable and of types and dimensions appropriate for
application, substrate and item to be fastened, performance and durability. Fasteners shall be resistant
to corrosion from exposure to atmosphere and contact with adjacent materials, and shall not cause
electrolytic corrosion. Fastener heads shall be of size required to secure material being fastened in-
place without damage. Exposed fasteners shall have heads finished to match finish of adjacent work
and integral gasket type seal under heads.
D. Backer Rods:
1. For Integral Cap Flashing Seal: Preformed, compressible, fle)able, non - staining, non - extruding
strips of closed cell polyurethane foam which is compatible with contact substrates; of size, shape
and density required for application.
0" 2. For Sealant Backer: Backer rod to be used as backer for sealants shall meet requirements of
Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
E. Protection Sheet: Same material as specified for roof cap membrane.
F. Walkway Pads: Preformed, skid - resistant board consisting of modified asphalt, reinforcements and
fillers with a ceramic granular surface manufactured specificallyfor application on roofing for protection
of roofing against damage from foot traffic and physical abuse, compatible with roofing membrane and
of 32" x 32" x 3/8" nominal size.
G. Splash Blocks: High density, normal weight, precast concrete splash blocks for downspouts:
1. Density: 150 pcf minimum.
2. Compressive Strength: 5,000 psi minimum when evaluated requirements of ASTM C140.
3. Water Absorption: 5 percent maximum when evaluated by requirements of ASTM C140.
4. Weatherability: No breakage and visual signs of deterioration, and not more than 1 percent loss in
dry weight when tested meeting requirements of ASTM C67 -87, Section 8, after 50 cycles of
freeze /thaw.
5. Appearance: Free of voids with edges and comers free of fins and projections. Color to be
normal concrete gray.
H. Pedestal Pads: Elastic on plastic type pad to support components which are to bear on roofing and
which are compatible with adjacent materials. Pads shall be of bearing area to distribute weight to
substrate material with no damage to or compression of such material. Pads shall provide 1/4 inch
clearance between bottom of components and bearing surface, and when applicable, shall have
integral spacers to provide 1/8 inch space between paver units.
I. Granular Surfacing: Ceramic granules matching granular surfacing of cap membrane ply as
acceptable to Architect.
Elastomeric Sealant: Polyurethane sealant, multi or single component, non -sag type meeting
requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use for applications where sealant will not be in
contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
K. Mastic Sealant: Butyl rubber sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use for
applications where sealant will be in contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
A. General: Examine surface condition of substrates to receive modified bitumen roofing and associated
work, and conditions under which roofing is to be installed for compliance with requirements of
Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of roofing are satisfactory.
Do not proceed with roofing and associated work until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
1. Verify preparatory work has been completed.
2. Examine roof areas for conditions that would prevent proper application of roofing work.
3. Verify wood blocking, nailers and sheathing are properly installed and acceptable to receive
roofing work.
4. Verify substrate moisture content is within tolerances prescribed by instructions and
recommendations of roofing manufacturer.
5. Surfaces to be in contact with roofing work shall be free of materials detrimental to roofing system.
A. Perform or install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements in Part 2
of this Section and applicable requirements of referenced standards and specifications, as indicated by
final reviewed submittals for the work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product
B. Start installation only in presence of technical representative of roofing manufacturer.
A. Cleaning: Clean substrate to remove dust, debris and other substances that would impair roofing work.
Remove sharp projections.
B. Minor Patching: Patch or fill voids, joints, cracks and rough areas of substrate as necessaryto achieve
an acceptable surface, using materials and to details instructed and recommended by roofing
C. Moisture: Test substrates for excessive moisture content as recommended by roofing manufacturer.
Dry substrate due to inclement weather, condensation or like conditions in manner not detrimental to
substrate and meeting instructions of manufacturer.
D. Substrate Inspection: Surfaces shall be inspected by technical representative of roofing manufacturer
for contaminated surfaces, unsound substrates and other conditions which may adversely effect
execution and quality of roof application.
E. Damage: Prevent materials from entering and clogging drains, conductors and like items and from
spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other work.
A. Separator Sheet:
1. General: Install separation sheet over roof deck area only where incompatibility may exist between
substrate and material to be placed on substrate.
2. Joints: Lap end and side joints 6 inches minimum and seal. No wrinkles or fish mouths shall exist.
B. Vapor Retarder:
1. General: Install vapor retarder over substrate where required. Cold apply vapor retarder to
substrate, primed as required; firmly adhered.
2. Joints: Lap end and side joints 4 inches minimum and seal. No wrinkles or fish mouths shall exist.
3. Field Edges: Perimeter edges of vapor retarder field shall be continuously sealed to roof deck.
Seal of retarder to roof deck shall be 2 inches minimum. No wrinkles or fish mouths shall exist.
A. General: Provide roof insulation full thickness over entire roof deck substrate to be insulated, under
roofing membrane. Form sloped areas, saddles, crickets, tapered edges, cants and like conditions as
required for positive drainage of roofing membrane.
B. Fastener Density and Placement:
1. Pullout Test: Perform fastener pullout tests for mechanical fasteners for fastening roof insulation
and associated under roof materials to each type roof deck as specified in Article - Field Quality
Control, of this Section.
2. Density and Placement: Fastener density and placement shall be based on more conservative of
FMRC - Approved spacing or spacing needed based on average value of pullout test performance
as specified in Article - Field Quality Control, of this Section.
C. Application - Roof: Install roof insulation of types and in layers over respective roof deck area to
provide total thickness for required thermal resistivity value and over surfaces of roof accessories as
1. Arrangement:
a. General: Multiple layers of polyisocyanurate board insulation and single top layer of 3/4 inch
minimum thickness perlitic board insulation.
b. Prefabricated Roof Curbs: Perlitic board insulation for vertical surfaces of prefabricated roof
curbs and equipment supports; coordinated with details of curbs. Total thickness of insulation
shall provide exterior surface of insulation flush with exterior face of roof curb nailer.
2. First Layer Thickness: First layer of insulation shall be of one piece minimum thickness within
FMRC - Approved limits as follows:
a. Polyisocyanurate Board:
1) Concrete Roof Deck: 1 inch.
2) Steel Roof Deck - Wide Rib: 1.5 inches.
3) Wood Roof Deck: 2 inches.
b. Perlitic Board:
1) Concrete Roof Deck: 1 inch.
2) Steel Roof Deck - Wide Rib: 1.5 inches.
3) Wood Roof Deck: 1 inch.
D. Layers:
1. General: Install roof insulation in required arrangement and layers to achieve required total
2. Joints: Stagger joints in one direction for each row of first layer, offset 12 inches minimum. For
multiple layers, stagger joints in both directions offset from layer below 12 inches minimum.
E. Tapered Units:
1. General: Install tapered roof insulation meeting elevations, slopes and details indicated by final
reviewed shop drawings and meeting design criteria requirements for slopes and positive drainage
of roofing membrane.
2. Valley Units: Install factory compound tapered units at 45 degree valleys. Cut other valleys at
project site.
F. Fitting:
1. General: Fit and cut roof insulation neatly and accurately at walls, curbs and penetrations, with
edges of insulation units in tight contact with each unit and adjacent construction.
2. Edges: Provide tapered edge strips at edges of insulation that do not terminate at adjacent
insulation with uniform transition and 0 inch height difference at edge juncture.
G. Attachment - Concrete Roof Deck:
1. First Layer: Secure first layer of insulation to concrete roof deck with asphalt throughout roof area,
after substrate is primed with asphalt primer. Placement of asphalt and insulation shall meet
requirements of FMRC for required wind uplift rating, including requirements and
recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 and N RCA for installation of insulation to
concrete roof deck.
2. Subsequent Layers: Secure subsequent layers of insulation with insulation adhesive.
H. Attachment - Steel Roof Deck:
1. First Layer: Secure first layer of insulation to steel roof deck with mechanical fasteners throughout
• •
roof area. Density and placement of fasteners shall meet requirements of FMRC for required wind
uplift rating, based on specified density and placement requirements for mechanical fastener, and
requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 and NRCA for
attachment of insulation to steel roof deck. Fasteners shall be installed perpendicular to and
penetrate through underside of roof deck top flange 3/4 inch minimum and 1 -1/4 inch maximum
such that insulation is retained in compression. Fasteners shall not penetrate bottom flange or
sides of roof deck. Do not overtighten fasteners as to deform insulation or fasteners, or strip
2. Subsequent Layers: Secure subsequent layers of insulation with insulation adhesive.
I. Attachment - Plywood Roof Deck:
First Layer: Secure first layer of insulation to plywood roof deck with mechanical fasteners
throughout roof area. Density and placement of fasteners shall meet requirements of FMRC for
required wind uplift rating, based on specified density and placement requirements for mechanical
fastener, and requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 and
NRCA for attachment of insulation to plywood roof deck. Fasteners shall be installed
perpendicular to and penetrate through underside of roof deck 1/4 inch minimum and 3/4 inch
maximum such that insulation is retained in compression. Do not overtighten fasteners as to
deform insulation or fasteners, or strip attachment.
2. Subsequent Layers: Secure subsequent layers of insulation with insulation adhesive.
J. Application - Prefabricated Roof Curbs: Perlitic board insulation for vertical surfaces of prefabricated
roof curbs and equipment supports; coordinated with details of curbs. Total thickness of insulation
shall provide exterior surface of insulation flush with exterior face of roof curb nailer.
K. Cants: Install cant strips at junctures of built -up roofing with vertical surfaces and at edges, major
penetrations and interruptions of roofing membrane. Coordinate with vapor barriers, blocking,
insulation and roofing membrane.
L. Tapered Edging: Provide tapered edge strips at edges of roof as applicable. Coordinate with vapor
barriers, blocking, insulation and roofing membrane.
M. Traffic: Do not permit construction traffic over installed insulation, except as required for installing
roofing membrane.
A. Roofing Membrane:
1. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of roofing manufacturer, and requirements for
warranty by roofing manufacturer, except to extent more stringent requirements are indicated by
Contract Documents.
2. Layout: Lay roofing to accommodate contours of roof deck and for proper drainage across laps,
not against exposed edges of laps, without impediment.
3. Nailers: Where roofing is installed over insulation or non - nailable substrate, and instructions of
roofing manufacturer requires nailing due to slope, provide preservative treated wood nailers
meeting instructions of manufacturer and meeting applicable requirements of Section 06100 -
Rough Carpentry.
} 4. Application: Membrane lies shall be rolled into hand mopping pp p Aping of roofing asphalt.
5. Anchoring: Nail membrane to wood nailers as required, with nails spaced as instructed by roofing
manufacturer but at not more than 8 inch maximum centers.
B. Base Flashing:
1. Install base flashing meeting instructions of roofing manufacturer. Bond flashing to vertical
surfaces at edges and at penetrations through membrane. Support edges of flashing as required.
2. Splice flashing to roof membrane meeting instructions of roofing manufacturer.
3. Terminate exposed edges of flashing, seal edges of flashing and support edges of flashing as
4. Base flashings shall be counter flashed.
C. Control Joint Vapor Barrier: Install vapor barrier over roof control joints meeting requirements of
Section 07620 -Flashing and Trim. Integrate with roofing membrane and coordinate with cold storage
work. Barrier shall provide a positive and continuous vapor tight seal.
D. Base Flashing Support at Cap Flashings:
1. At integral cap flashings of roof hatches and like items, insert continuous length of backer rod into
available space between cap flashing and roof base flashing installed behind cap flashing as
means to secure top of base flashing and provide support of base flashing, and seal space
opening at top of base flashing, except as otherwise required by roofing manufacturer.
2. Install backer rod of size, shape and density required for entire length of cap flashing, compressed
to approximately 50 percent. Depth of backer rod shall allow for proper installation of sealant. Do
not leave gaps between ends of backer rod units and do not stretch, twist or tear backer rod.
Backer rod shall not be visible after installation.
3. Apply continuous bead of mastic sealant to secure position of backer rod and make installation
weathertight. Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
E. Stripping: Install stripping where metal flanges are set on roofing. Set metal flanges in contact with
roofing in a continuous coating of roofing cement. Provide cap membrane ply set in a continuous
coating of hot asphalt and extended onto deck 8 inches minimum beyond edge of metal flanges.
F. Roof Drains:
1. Extend roof membrane into roof drains.
2. Install roof drain flashing of lead sheet, 4 psf minimum (1/16 inch thick) and 30 inches square
minimum with roof drain cut -out hole in middle of flashing sheet. Edges of cut -out hole shall
uniformly extend under clamping ring of roof drain.
3. Seal between membrane and roof drain flashing with a continuous coating of roofing cement
meeting instructions of roofing manufacturer.
4. Cover lead flashing with stripping as specified.
5. Securely tighten clamping rings of roof drains to provide constant pressure on roofing.
G. Pipe and Conduit Flashings:
1. Except as otherwise required, flash pipe penetrations through roof membrane with prefabricated
roof penetration seals and conduit or project site fabricated seals meeting instructions and details
of roofing manufacturer.
2. Clamp top of seals with stainless steel clamping ring.
3. Seal top edge with continuous bead of appropriate speed sealant.
4. Leave watertight and free of leaks.
H. Granular Surfacing:
1. Apply granule surfacing where roofing asphalt overruns onto granular surface of cap membrane at
side and end laps. Embed loose granules into hot asphalt overrun. Roofing asphalt shall not be
visible after application of granular surfacing.
2. Uniformly distribute granular surfacing at rates required to match surface of cap membrane as
acceptable to Architect.
I. Daily Seal: Complete installation of roofing system up to line of termination of days work. Install
temporary water cut-off edge seal at loose edge of roof membrane at end of each days work. Remove
upon resumption of work.
A. Application:
1. Locations: Install roof protection at following locations.
a. Where indicated on Drawings.
b. Four feet wide area around equipment roof curbs and supports, roof hatches and like items,
except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
c. Entire roof surface area under elevated or like supported equipment and like items to 4 feet
beyond exterior perimeter of such items.
d. Roof surface areas at sills of doors, bottom steps of stairs and like conditions, 3 feet wide by
length of condition.
e. Roof surface areas at bottom and top of ladders attached to building, 3 foot square minimum
at each location.
f. Discharge of downspouts, 3 foot square minimum at each location.
g. 25 feet minimum wide area on both sides of maximum foreseeable loss fire walls, except
where greater distance is required.
2. Types:
a. General: Provide walkway pads, except as otherwise required.
B. Protection Sheet: Provide one additional cap membrane ply set in continuous coating of hot asphalt
applied over areas of roofing to receive roof protection coverings. Torch application not permitted.
Extend protection ply 12 inches minimum beyond perimeter of such items, except at perimeter edges
of roof areas and exposed edges of obstructions. Overlap edges of adjacent ply units 4 inches
C. Walkway Pads: Install walkway pads providing 1 inch between units at 4 foot maximum centers. Joint
width and spacing interval shall be uniform. Adhere walkway pads to protection sheet meeting
D. instructions of roofing manufacturer. Apply granular surfacing where roof asphalt overruns onto
granular surface of cap membrane. Meet requirements of Article - Installation - Roofing Membrane,
Paragraph - Granular Surfacing.
E. Splash Blocks:
1. General: Provide precast concrete splash blocks at each downspout outlet discharging onto roof or
onto grade at pavement or ground, as applicable.
2. On Roof: Set splash block on top of protection sheet and support each corner of splash block with
a pedestal pad. Provide 1/4 inch space between underside of splash block and protection sheet to
allow for drainage.
A. Fastener Pullout Tests: Manufacturers of roofing system and mechanical fasteners shall perform
mechanical fastener pullout resistance tests at project site to evaluate and confirm fastener and roof
deck holding resistance and resultant density of fasteners required for installation of roof insulation.
Meet requirements of FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 and ANSVSPRI FX -1. Perform 10 tests
minimum for each type and size of fastener relative to each type of roof deck at perimeter, comers and
field of each roof area. Use average value of pullout test performance for each type and size of
fastener and each type and area of roof deck.
B. Rain Storm Inspection: After completion of roofing and associated work, and either during or
immediately after a rain storm, and before final acceptance of the work, installer shall meet with
Contractor and Owner at project site and inspect building for evidence of leaks in roofing and
associated work. Without delay, Contractor shall prepare a written report covering inspection, and
submit to Owner with copy to Architect.
C. Inspection: At end of construction period or at a time when remaining construction work will in no way
affect or endanger roofing, roofing manufacturer shall make a final inspection of roofing system for any
deterioration or damage found in the work. Manufacturer shall prepare a written report covering
inspection, and submit to Contractor, installer, Owner and Architect.
A. Repair Work: Only installer shall repair or replace damaged, deteriorated or defective work found prior
to or at time of final inspection. Repair or replace work so that there will be no question as to condition
of roofing and associated work at time of final acceptance.
o •
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Flashing and trim are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Flashing and trim include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Flashing at penetrations in roofing, except as otherwise required.
2. Roof trim.
3. Counter flashing for roofing.
4. Spring lock flashings, including associated surface mounted reglets.
5. Gutters and downspouts.
6. Conductor heads, scuppers and downspouts.
7. Coping atop walls, except as otherwise required.
8. Gravel stop - fascias.
9. Fascia panels.
10. Fascia assemblies.
11. Expansion joint covers or flexible closures.
12. Miscellaneous flashing, trim and sheet metal accessories.
13. Blanket/batt insulation associated with flashing.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -7 and 1 -7S, Wind Forces on Buildings and Other Structures.
2. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -22, Criteria for Maximum Foreseeable Loss Fire Walls and Space
3. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28, Design Wind Loads.
4. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1- 28R/1 -29R, Roof Systems.
5. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29, Above -Deck Roof Components.
6. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -34, Hail Damage.
7. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -49, Perimeter Flashing.
8. FMRC - Approval Guide.
9. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual.
10. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Specifications.
11. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
B. FMRC Compliance - Roof Assembly:
1. Flashing and trim associated with roofing system, including anchorages and fasteners of type, size
and spacing, shall meet and be in coordination with requirements of roofing specification and FMRC
- Approval Guide, and applicable requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention
Data specked in this Section, for wind zone condition and velocity pressure forces at location of
t� O
flashing or trim component.
2. Prefabricated flashing and trim components shall be FMRC -Approved and Labeled for respective
wind zone condition and velocity pressure.
C. Metal Flatness: Flat metal components shall have exposed surfaces of such flatness that when
measured, maximum slope of surface at any point, measured from nominal plane of surface, shall not
exceed 1.25 percent.
A. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall have 5 years minimum documented experience in detailing,
fabrication, installation and maintenance of type and quality required for the work. Upon request,
provide proof of qualifications.
fiKili'E "91:1 if, I1iVT>�9
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each product, component and finish of work. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Indicate details showing
configuration, materials, thickness, dimension, jointing, expansion and contraction provisions,
securing of products, relationship to contiguous work, weatherproof connections to adjoining work
and at obstructions and penetrations, and types, sizes and spacing of fasteners for anchorage to
supporting construction. Show layouts at 1/4 inch scale, details at 3 inch scale.
2. Roof Assembly: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of flashing and trim associated
with roofing systems. Include type, size and spacing of anchorages and fasteners based on roofing
data and requirements specked in this Section and in roofing specification.
C. Samples: Submit 8 inch square samples of each material to be exposed in the completed work.
Review of samples by Architect will be only for visual characteristics and quality.
A. Coordination: Coordinate work with adjacent work, including installation of roofing membrane, drains,
blocking, nailers, reglets, framing at openings, curbs and other adjoining and substrate work.
B. Sequencing: Do not proceed with installation of work until completion of construction to receive work.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of Contract, except warranty shall include
additional provisions of this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, work which is not
weathertight and watertight, abnormal deterioration, aging or weathering of the work; excessive
deflections and structural failure of components resulting from exposure to pressures, loads and
forces up to specified limits; failure of operating parts to function normally; deterioration and
discoloration of finishes in excess of normal weathering and aging, and failure of work to meet or
perform to other design criteria and performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent:
a. Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or not meeting requirements of
Contract Documents at no addition to Contract Sum. Included shall be removal, replacement
and correction of damages resulting from such defects or nonconformance with Contract
Documents, and of other materials and work to extent required to repair or replace work,
exclusive of repairs required as a result of improper maintenance, or of normal wear. Corrective
work shall be performed by original installer.
b. If a leak or other defector failure should occur within warranty time period, installer shall repair
such leak or failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by Owner. If at end of this time,
installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of taking any step necessary to make
repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for any expenses incurred in performing
repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of warranty provisions.
3. Limitations: Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
conditions of warranty.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitation and at no expense to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor and installer.
E. Time Period: Extend warranty time period to 2 years.
A. Metal Flashing:
1. Stainless Steel Sheet: ASTM A167 and ASTM A666, Type 304, fully annealed, soft temper, unless
required to be of harder temper appropriate for proper forming and performance for application,
0.018 inch minimum thickness, AISI 2D finish.
2. Copper Sheet: ASTM 8370, Temper H00, cold rolled, except where Temper 060 is required for
forming, not less than 16 ounces/square foot (0.0216 inch thick).
3. Aluminum Sheet: ASTM B209, Alloy 3003 -H14, H24 temper where required for spring action, 0.032
inch minimum thickness, mill finish.
4. Prefinished Aluminum Sheet: Aluminum sheet meeting requirements of Paragraph - Aluminum
Sheet, of this Article, with a fluorocarbon organic finish. Fluorocarbon organic finish shall be high
performance, heavy duty, polyvinylidene fluoride resin paint system. Finish coats shall contain 70
percent minimum byweight of polyvinylidene fluoride resin, Elf Atochem North America, Inc., Kynar
500, or Ausimont, Hylar 5000.
a. Performance: Finish system shall meet requirements of AAMA 2605.2 and for 20 years
minimum service life shall not chalk more than ASTM D659, Number 8 Rating, not fade more
than 5 A Hunter units of color change when evaluated by ASTM D2244, and not check, craze or
peel. In addition, finish system shall meet performance requirements and data indicated in
i current system specifications of specified paint manufacturer.
b. Colors: Solid colors, except bright and metallic colors, of paint manufacturer to match color and
sheen as selected by Architect.
B. Flexible Flashing:
1. EPDM Sheet:
a. Description: Synthetic rubber sheet of EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) non -
reinforced, cured or self- curing as applicable for application, formed into uniform, flexible sheets
of thickness required, but not less than 0.060 inch thick, black color, meeting following:
1) Hardness: 55 to 75 Shore A Durometer, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
2) Tensile Strength: 1,300 psi minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
3) Ultimate Elongation: 300 percent minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM D412.
4) Tear Resistance: 150 pounds per linear inch, minimum, when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D624, Die C.
5) Heat Aging Resistance: After exposure for 28 days at 240 F, when tested meeting
requirements of ASTM D573:
a) Hardness: 15 point maximum increase when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM D2240.
b) Tensile Strength: 1,200 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
c) Ultimate Elongation: 200 percent minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM D412.
d) Tear Resistance: 150 pounds per linear inch minimum when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D624.
6) Ozone Aging Resistance: No cracks after 168 hours exposure to 100 pphm ozone in air at
100 F at 50 percent elongation, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D1149.
7) Water Absorption Resistance: Less than 4.5 percent volume gain after 168 hours of water
immersion at 150 F, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D471.
8) Compatibility: EPDM shall be compatible with contact surfaces, including contract or
splicing (tie -in) with hot bitumen materials.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) Carlisle SynTec Systems, Sure -Seal EPDM Membrane (Cured) and Sure -Seal EPDM
Elastoform Flashing (Self- curing).
2) Firestone Building Products Company, RubberGard EPDM Roof Membrane (cured) and
RubberGard EPDM Form Flash (self- curing), except not for contact or splicing (tie -in) with
hot bitumen materials.
A. Two Piece Spring Lock Flashings:
1. Description: Prefabricated combination receiver lock device and cap flashing insert complete with
appurtenances for a weathertight system, of dimensions required for application and installation
conditions, and meeting requirements for metal flashings of this Section. Intersections shall be
formed by lapping flashing units.
• ,
a. Receivers: Formed of same metal as required for cap flashing and with a special vertical
interlocking slot key that requires no malleting or bending to hold cap flashing insert in place.
b. Cap Flashing: Formed of prefinished a sheet as specified in Article - Materials, of this Section,
and designed to snap lock into receiver, and provide a spring like contact against base flashing.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Fry Reglet Corporation, Springlok Flashing Systems.
b. W. P. Hickman Company, Drive -Lock Reglet with Snap -In Flashing.
c. Keystone Flashing Company, Two -Piece Cap Flashing.
d. MM Systems Corporation, Snap -Tite Reglet and Counter flashing.
B. EVansion Joint Covers:
1. Description: Prefabricated one piece, seamless expansion joint cover assembly of synthetic rubber
and metal complete with appurtenances for a weathertight system, of profiles and dimensions
required for application and installation conditions, and meeting requirements for metal flashings of
this Section. Covers shall consist of a flexible and insulated bellows with integral rigid metal flanges
on each side. Bellows shall be of synthetic rubber sheet permanently anchored between and sealed
to non - perforated metal flanges, and with foam insulation permanently laminated to inside of
bellows area. Provide flanges of width to provide 4 inches minimum engagement with adjacent
work. Provide bellows of 6 inches minimum width measured on flat surface, but in no case less than
required for joint being covered as recommended by manufacturer. Fabricate in standard lengths
prepared for jointing. Intersections shall be factory fabricated, one piece and seamless units.
Provide nails, splicing strips, adhesives and other accessories required for installation of covers.
a. Synthetic Rubber Sheet: EDPM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) sheet as specified in
Article - Materials, of this Section, 0.060 inch minimum thickness.
b. Insulation: Closed cell flexible foam insulation of 0.27 k -value at 5 year age.
c. Metal Flanges: Same metal as required for adjacent metal flashing, otherwise copper sheet as
specified in Article - Materials, of this Section.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Johns Manville Corporation, Expando -O- Flash.
b. York Manufacturing Company, Superflash Expansion Joints.
C. Coping:
1. Description: Prefabricated coping assembly complete with appurtenances for a weathertight system,
of profiles and dimensions required for application and installation conditions, and meeting
requirements for metal flashings of this Section. Coping assembly shall consist of snap -on type
coping units, including prefabricated corner units, concealed gutter splice plates, continuous cleats
to receive edges of coping and anchorage devices. Joints in coping shall be uniformly located in
each application run and in alignment with any modular system of adjacent construction.
a. Coping Metal: Prefinished Aluminum Sheet meeting requirements of Paragraph — Prefinished
Aluminum Sheet, of this Article, with a fluorocarbon organic finish.
b. Concealed Metal: Stainless Steel Sheet: ASTM A167 and ASTM A666, Type 304, fully
annealed, soft temper, unless required to be of harder temper appropriate for proper forming
and performance for application, 0.018 inch minimum thickness, AISI 2D finish.
c. Coping Corner Units: Mitered, continuously welded and finished to match and blend with parent
i t ,
metal and finish.
D. Gravel Stop - Fascia:
1. Description: Prefabricated gravel stop - fascia assembly complete with appurtenances for a
weathertight system, of profiles and dimensions required for application and installation conditions,
and meeting requirements for metal flashings of this Section. Fascia assembly shall consist of
snap -on type fascia units, including prefabricated corner units, concealed splice plates, continuous
cleats to receive edges of fascia, concealed cant dam to receive fascia and anchorage devices.
Joints in fascia shall be uniformly located in each application run and in alignment with any modular
system of adjacent construction.
a. Fascia Metal: Prefinished Aluminum Sheet meeting requirements of Paragraph — Prefinished
Aluminum Sheet, of this Article, with a fluorocarbon organic finish.
b. Cant Dam Metal: Stainless Steel Sheet: ASTM A167 and ASTM A666, Type 304, fully annealed,
soft temper, unless required to be of harder temper appropriate for proper forming and
performance for application, 0.018 inch minimum thickness, AIS12D finish.Fascia: Comer Units:
Mitered, continuously welded and finished to match and blend with parent metal and finish.
A. General:
1. Metal Work: For metal work, provide type electrodes, solder and fasteners recommended by
producer of metal sheet for fabrication, installation and best appearance match with metal sheet.
2. Non - Metallic Work: For non - metallic work, provide types of substrate primers, adhesives, tapes and
fasteners recommended by producer of flashing for fabrication and installation.
B. Solder — Copper: ASTM B32, 50 percent tin and 50 percent lead with non - corrosive rosin flux of type
recommended by steel manufacturer.
C. Solder -Stainless Steel: ASTM B32,80 percent tin and 20 percent lead where exposed and 60 percent
tin and 40 percent lead where covered, used with an acid flux of type recommended by stainless steel
manufacturer, except use a non - corrosive rosin flux over tinned surfaces.
D. Pressure Bars: Type 304 stainless steel bar, 1/4" x 1 ", AISI 2D finish, with predrilled holes for
penetration of fasteners at required centers, free of burrs and sharp edges.
E. Fasteners and Anchors: Anchors, nails with anti- withdrawal feature, screws, rivets and other fasteners
of same material as metal flashing and of types and dimensions applicable for application, performance
and durability, and shall not cause electrolytic corrosion as recommended by manufacturer of flashing.
Exposed fasteners shall have heads finished to match finish of adjacent flashing and integral gasket
type seal washers under heads.
F. Rubberized Asphalt Underlayment:
1. Description: Self- adhering, cold applied, flexible composite sheet of 0.040 inch minimum total
thickness, consisting of rubberized asphalt laminated to a high density cross laminated polyethylene
film, and release paper to be removed from rubberized asphalt to expose adhesive surface. Provide
primer when recommended by manufacturer.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. W. R. Grace & Co., Ice & Water Shield.
b. TC MiraDRI, WIP 3000HT.
• r
} c. Polyguard Products, Inc., Polyguard Deck Guard.
d. Protecto Wrap Co., Jiffy Seal Ice and Water Guard.
e. Royston Laboratories, Inc., Ice Guard Membrane No. 108 -AG.
G. Elastomeric Sealant: Polyurethane sealant, multi or single component, non -sag type meeting
requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use where sealant will not be in contact with synthetic
rubber or bitumen products.
H. Mastic Sealant: Butyl rubber sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use
where sealant will be in contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
I. Adhesives: Type recommended by flashing sheet manufacturer for weathertight and waterproof
seaming, adhesive application and bonding to substrates and penetration through flashing.
J. Unfaced Mineral Fiber Blanket/Batt Insulation:
1. Description: Thermal insulation produced by combining mineral fibers of types described belowwiM
thermosetting resins, meeting requirements of ASTM C665, Type I (blankets without membrane
facing) and as follows:
a. Mineral Fiber Type: Fibers manufactured from glass, slag or basaltic rock.
b. Density: 2.5 pounds per cubic foot nominal.
c. R- Value: 3 nominal at 75 F.
d. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E136.
e. Surface Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame spread and smoke developed values of 25
and 50, respectively.
2. Acceptable Manufacturers:
a. CertainTeed Corp.
b. Knauf Fiber Glass.
c. Johns Manville Corporation.
d. Owens - Coming Fiberglas Corp.
A. General: Shop fabricate work to greatest extent possible. Provide flashing, counter flashing, trim and
similar items to profiles, dimensioning and details required, and to meet standard industry details as
indicated by SMACNA standards referenced in this Section, instructions of manufacturers, and
requirements specified in Part 3 of this Section.
B. Materials and Finish: Except as otherwise required, fabricate flashings of following materials:
1. Metal Type: Copper sheet or strip as specified.
2. Metal Type: Stainless steel sheet or strip as specified.
3. Flexible Type: EPDM sheet as specified.
4. Metal Type: Aluminum sheet or strip as specified.
5. Metal Type: Prefinished aluminum sheet or strip as specified.
C. Scuppers:
1. Gravel Stop: Include gravel stop with weir to permit flowage of water.
2. Metal: Fabricate from prefinished aluminum sheet as specified in Article - Materials, of this Section.
D. Conductor Heads:
1. Overflow: Built -in overflow opening where top of conductor head is not 1 inch below adjacent
2. Guards: Removable strainer cap of 1/2 inch square mesh by 20 gage copper hardware cloth, with
salvaged edges and means of securing in place.
3. Metal: Fabricate from prefinished aluminum sheet as specified in Article - Materials, of this Section.
E. Roofing Gutters and Downspouts (Leaders):
1. Metal: Fabricate from prefinished aluminum sheet as specked in Article - Materials, of this Section,
except as otherwise indicated on Drawings.
2. Sizing: Size of gutters and downspouts shall be as indicated on Drawings, but not less than sizes
meeting requirements of SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual for rainfall intensity meeting
requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
3. Metal Thickness: As minimum, base on girth dimension of gutter and downspout meeting
requirements of SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
F. Expansion Joint Gutters and Downspouts:
1. Metal: Fabricate from stainless steel sheet as specified in Article - Materials, of this Section.
2. Metal Thickness: As minimum, base on girth dimension of gutter and downspout meeting
requirements of SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
G. Fascia Panels:
1. Metal: Fabricate from prefinished aluminum sheet as specified in Article -Materials, of this Section.
2. Joints: Joints between units shall be weathertight with no visible sealant.
3. Appearance: Surfaces shall not indicate oil canning. At bends, metal shall not separate or craze,
and finish shall not craze or otherwise be defaced.
H. Fascia Assemblies:
1. General: Form fascia assembly members from sheet metal of type and thickness, and to profile
required. Provide underlayment, reveals, trim and concealed anchorages for attachment to
supporting construction.
2. Underlayment: Provide underlayment under entire fascia, properly flashed to adjacent construction
and for positive drainage.
a. Metal - Exterior: Form components which project 4 inches or less from and are self - supporting
from prefinished aluminum sheet as specified in Article - Materials, of this Section.
3. Joints: Back -up plate using sealant; weathertight.
4. Weep Holes: Provide weep holes for positive drainage from between metal fascia and
undedayment. Fill weep holes with weep hole filters.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
'i Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in
Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for work, and instructions and
recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered by
printed instructions.
B. Performance:
1. Coordinate flashing with other work for correct sequencing of items which make up entire flashing
system of weatherproofing and rain drainage. Flashing shall be permanently weathertight and
watertight and not deteriorate in excess of published limitations of manufacturers.
2. Fabricate and install flashings for weathertight and watertight performance; with expansion
provisions for running work, sufficient to permanently prevent leakage, damage or deterioration of
the work. Form work to fit substrates. Meet instructions and recommendations of material
manufacturers for forming material.
C. Unit Lengths: Provide equal unit lengths of flashing for any overall length of application with joints
uniformly located and in alignment with any modular system of adjacent construction.
D. Unit Profile: Provide uniform profile throughout overall length or run of application.
A. Seams and Joints - Non - Prefinished Metal:
1. For non - moving seams provide fully soldered flat -lock seams with minimum 1/2 inch wide hook
flanges, except as otherwise required. Meet instructions and recommendations of metal producer
for tinning, soldering and cleaning joints.
2. Where welded joints are required, form upturned and hooked flanges, weld between adjoining
sheets, and lay seam flat with minimum 1/2 inch wide hooked flanges.
3. Provide corner and like intersecting units of one piece construction or of two piece construction with
continuously welded joints.
B. Seams and Joints - Prefinished Metal: For non - moving seams of prefinished flashing, provide seams
fully sealed with adhesive, except as otherwise required. Meet instructions and recommendations of
metal producer and adhesive manufacturer.
C. Expansion Provisions:
1. Provide for thermal expansion of metal flashing work exceeding 15 feet running length. Provide
expansion joints at 10 feet maximum spacing, and located 2 feet each side from corners and
2. Where lapped or bayonet type expansion provisions in work cannot be used or would not be
weatherproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep,
filled with elastomeric sealant (concealed within joints).
3. Where elastomeric sealant filled expansion joints are used, embed hooked flanges of joint
members not less than 1 inch into sealant. Form joints to completely conceal sealant. When
ambient temperature is moderate at time of installation (40 to 70 F), set joint members for 50
percent movement either way. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient
i temperatures. Do not install sealant type joints at temperatures below 40 F.
D. Tinning: Tin edges of noncoated steel to be soldered, for a width equal to width being joined by
soldering, using solder and flux required for steel being soldered. Remove every trace of flux residue
from the metal promptly after tinning or soldering. Meet instructions and recommended methods of
manufacturer for cleaning and neutralization.
E. Sealant Joints:
1. Where movable, non - expansion type joints are required for proper performance of work, form metal
to provide for proper installation of sealant meeting requirements of SMACNA standards.
2. Where movable joints are required within flashing or at interface with other work, form flashing to
provide proper shapes and sizes of sealant beads, with adequate joint bond surfaces. Applysealant
using primer meeting instructions of manufacturer. Use primer even though sealant manufacturer
may not require use of primer.
F. Separation: Separate metal work from dissimilar materials with rubberized asphalt underlayment
meeting instructions of flashing manufacturer.
G. Details:
1. Fabricate and install work with lines and corners of exposed units true and accurate. Form exposed
faces flat and free of buckles, excessive waves and avoidable tool marks, considering the temper
and reflectivity of the metal. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds
and sealant.
2. Fabricate, support and anchor flashing in a manner which will withstand thermal expansion stresses
and full loading by water or ice, without damage, deterioration or leakage.
H. Hems: Fold back sheet metal to form a hem on concealed side of exposed edges.
I. Drips: Turn out bottom edges of exposed vertical flashing 30 degrees to form a 1/2 inch wide drip.
J. Fasteners:
1. General: Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions wherever possible in exposed work, and
locate so as to minimize possibility of leakage. Cover and seal work as required for a weathertight
and watertight installation.
2. Cleats: Provide cleat type anchorages for metal flashing and trim wherever practical, arranged to
relieve stresses from building movement and thermal expansion. Cleats shall be of same metal as
metal flashing being anchored and with holes for anchoring to supporting structure. Metal thickness
shall be 1 gage heavier or thicker, as applicable, than metal flashing being anchored. Cleats shall
be 2 inches minimum width and of continuous length for application.
K. Laps:
1. On vertical surfaces, lap ends of flashings 3 inches minimum and lap roofing base flashing 4 inches
2. On sloping surfaces of less than 6 inches in 12 inches, lap ends of flashings 6 inches minimum.
L. Flange Embedment: For embedment of metal flashing flanges in base flashing or roofing or other like
work, extend flanges for a minimum of 4 inches embedment.
M. Penetrations: Seal penetrations for fasteners and like conditions through flashing with appropriate
specked sealant.
N. Edge Retaining:
AESI 27210 FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 -10
• •
1. General: Where required, provide saw cuts, retaining or pressure bars and similar devices for
securing edges of flashings to other work. Insert flashings into reglets, retaining and clamping
devices or similar retainers, and anchor by mechanical means as recommended by flashing and
retaining device manufacturer. Seal joints and flashing weatherlight with appropriate specified
2. Anchorage:
a. Where reglet or retainer does not provide for snap -in anchorage of the flashing, provide wedges
of compatible metal, spaced 2 feet on center, and driven well into retainer so as to be completely
covered by sealant.
b. Fasten retaining or pressure bar device to supporting structure at 12 inch maximum centers.
3. Pressure Bar Raggle: Where V- shaped raggle occurs above or adjacent to a retaining or pressure
bar device, provide raggle of 3/8 inch depth. Fill raggle space with continuous bead of appropriate
specified sealant. Shape exposed surfaces of sealant to freely shed water.
O. Cleaning: Clean exposed surfaces of flashing of every substance which is visible or might cause
corrosion, defacement or discoloration of the metal surfaces. Exercise extreme care to remove such
substances, including fluxes, ferrous metal particles, welding splatter and grinding dust without
defacement of surfaces.
A. General: Extend flashing to provide a complete membrane over area to be flashed. Do not stretch
flashing between points of anchorage. Where possible leave loose folds in flashing to provide for
movement with elongation of flashing.
B. Seams and Joints:
1. Conceal fasteners wherever possible.
2. Bond flashing to substrates and to other surfaces as required or recommended by flashing
manufacturer and seam and seal joints as applicable. Seal flashing to penetrations through
3. At interface with roofing system or other like work, provide not less than 4 inches adhesion of
flashing with such work, and cover edges with tape or stripping.
C. Details:
1. Fabricate and install work with lines and corners of exposed units true and accurate. Form exposed
faces flat and free of buckles, excessive waves, and tool marks. Provide uniform neat seams with
minimum exposure of adhesive and sealant.
2. Fabricate, support and anchor flashing in a manner which will withstand thermal expansion stresses
and full loading by water or ice, without damage, deterioration or leakage.
D. Expansion Joints: Fasten flanges of flexible expansion joints to strips, curbs and walls as required and
meeting instructions of manufacturer.
E. Penetrations: Seal penetrations for fasteners and like conditions through flashing with appropriate
specified sealant.
F. Edge Retaining:
'' 1. General: Where required, provide retaining or pressure bars and similar devices for securing edges
AESI 27210 FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 -11
of flashing to other work. Insert flashings into retaining and clamping devices or similar retainers and
anchor by mechanical means as recommended by manufacturer of flashing and retaining devices.
Seal joints and flashing weathertight with appropriate specified sealant.
2. Anchorage: Fasten retaining or pressure bar device to supporting structure at 12 inch centers.
3. Pressure Bar Raggle: Where V- shaped raggle occurs above or adjacent to a retaining or pressure
bar device, provide raggle of 3/8 inch depth. Fill raggle space with continuous bead of appropriate
specified sealant. Shape exposed surfaces of sealant to freely shed water.
G. Cleaning: Clean exposed surfaces of flashing of every substance which is visible or might cause
corrosion defacement or discoloration of flashing surfaces. Exercise extreme care to remove such
substances, without defacement of surfaces.
A. Cutting: Cut prefabricated units to required lengths, allowing for expansion. Drill holes for additional
anchors at ends of cut members.
B. Installation: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturer for installation and anchorage of
units. Provide gasket type washers underexposed screw and bolt heads. Shim and seal under units as
required to provide continuous, level, plumb and true lines, and weathertight and watertight construction.
A. Clean exposed surfaces of every substance which is visible or might cause corrosion, deterioration of
finish, non - uniform aging of surface or like condition. Exercise care when removing such substances.
AESI 27210 FLASHING AND TRIM 07620 -12
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Prefabricated roof curbs are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work
necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Prefabricated roof curbs include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Expansion and wall roof curbs for building expansion joints.
2. Conventional roof curbs at openings through roof and to support equipment.
3. Equipment supports to support equipment, piping and other work above roof.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -7 - Wind Forces on Buildings and other Structures.
2. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -28 - Design Wind Loads.
3. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1- 28R/1 -29R - Roof Systems.
4. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1 -29 - Above -Deck Roof Components.
5. FMEC - Loss Prevention Data 1-49 - Perimeter Flashing.
6. FMRC - Approval Guide.
7. NRCA - Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, for applicable installation details of prefabricated roof
curb units.
8. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual Specifications, for applicable specifications of
prefabricated roof curb units, including base plates and cap flashing to coordinate with type of
roofing required.
9. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, for applicable details of prefabricated roof curb units,
including base plates and cap flashing to coordinate with type of roofing required.
10. Roofing specification.
B. Performance Basis: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, dimensions, performance and like requirements. Within these limitations, work shall
meet arrangements, performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, and include
components not indicated but necessary for performance and to be complete. Perform modifications
only as necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to coordinate the work, subject to
acceptance by Architect. Maintain performance requirements without altering basic arrangement.
Variations in details and materials shall not adversely affect performance, strength and durability.
Provide complete drawings and data of proposed modifications.
C. Performance Requirements:
AESI 27210
07721 -1
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, wind loads, creep,
shrinkage, deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements,
seismic forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
3. Coordination: Coordinate actual sizes, dimensions and details of each roof curb unit to properly
interface with:
a. Equipment or component to be supported by roof curb unit.
b. Dimensions and details of supporting structure and other adjacent building construction,
including openings.
c. Dimensions and details of work passing through roof curbs, including required clearance.
d. Details of roofing system and associated base flashing for best integration of work to provide
permanent and weathertight construction.
4. Loads: Roof curb units shall effectively support respective component to be supported by roof curb
unit, and bear and transmit imposed loads to supporting structure. Roof curb units shall include, but
not be limited to, loads imposed by following, as applicable:
a. Total Weight:
1) Supported components.
2) Supported equipment operating at 100 percent weight capacity, or operating at or filled to
100 percent capacity with product to be contained by such work but not less than weight of
water, whichever imparts greatest load.
b. Live Load: Uniform live load acting over gross horizontal area of roof curb unit, except when
greater loads are required, as follows:
1) External (Acting Inward): 40 psf.
2) Internal (Acting Outward): 20 psf.
c. Wind Load: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements and as required
by FMRC requirements, and FMEC requirements and recommendations forwind zone condition
and wind pressure at location and over gross vertical area of roof curb, including wind pressure
over gross area of respective supported component.
5. Level Top: Top surface of roof curbs after installation shall be level, except for expansion joint curbs
not adjacent to perimeter walls or when required for transition or sloping end units. Vary height of
curbs and slope base plates to compensate for slopes in roof deck. Tapering of nailers is not
6. Heights: Height of roof curb units shall be such that after installation, top of each roof curb is 12
inches minimum above top of roofing system, not roof deck.
7. Movements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements.
8. Weathertightness: Provide roof curb units complete with accessory items as required for a
weathertight and watertight installation.
9. FMRC Compliance: Prefabricated roof curbs, including anchorages and fasteners of type, size and
spacing, shall meet and be in coordination with requirements of roofing specification and FMRC -
0 .
F Approval Guide, and applicable requirements and recommendations of FMEC - Loss Prevention
Data specified in this Section, for wind zone condition and velocity pressure forces at location of roof
A. Product Qualifications: Provide products indicated under same category as complete units produced by
one manufacturer for the entire Work.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings, load data, rough -
in diagrams, details and installation instructions of manufacturer for each product and finish. Include
published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory report of manufacturer substantiating
each proposed product meets requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Indicate location and
layout plans, and details and requirements for jointing, insulation, hardware, accessories, finishes, and
types, sizes and locations of fasteners for anchorage to supporting structure based on roofing data and
requirements specified in this Section and roofing specification.
C. Support Certification: For roof curbs which are to support equipment, include certification of
manufacturer that roof curbs have been load tested by an independent testing agency and will safely
support required loads.
0 1) A. Coordination:
1. Where roof curbs are to support equipment, do not proceed with fabrication of roof curbs until sizes
or dimensions have been checked for coordination with equipment as indicated by shop drawings or
rough -in sheets of equipment, certified by equipment manufacturer.
2. Coordinate installation of roof curb units with work for which units are required and with supporting
construction and other adjacent building construction to assure best integration of work to provide
permanent, weathertight and watertight construction.
A. Description: Expansion and wall roof curbs shall be of types, heights and details required, each
consisting of a base with integral base plate, nailer, cap flashing when required, anchorage provisions
and accessories required for a complete and weathertight unit, and shall meet performance
1. Construction: Roof curbs shall be of heavy duty design and fabricated from zinc coated steel sheet
meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Commercial Quality, minimum, Coating Designation G90, of
14 gage minimum base metal, except as otherwise required. Provide in maximum 10 foot lengths.
Corners shall be mitered, and joints and seams continuously welded.
2. Bases - Single -Ply Roofing:
AES 127210
07721 -3
a. General: Roof curb bases shall be a box section profile with exterior walls and integral one piece
base plate. Fabricate from specified metal. Width of base plate shall be 6 inches minimum.
Provide base with angular bottom comers coordinated with roof deck slope to have plumb curb
walls, cants not acceptable, details to properly interface with roof deck and roofing system, and
provisions for anchoring to supporting structure.
b. Insulation: Thermally insulate inside of base at factory with semi -rigid fiberglass board insulation
of 3 pcf minimum density, 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness and total R -value of 6.4 minimum.
Secure insulation in position. Inside face of insulation shall have a non -paper facer.
c. Liners: When required, provide liner of seamless construction. Liner shall be fabricated from
specified metal of 22 gage minimum base metal. Liner shall span from base plate to top of
3. Nailers - Single -Ply Roofing: Provide at top of curb base, preservative treated wood nailers of size
required to support and anchor equipment or component and to attach roof base flashing. Nailer
shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness bywidth to accommodate thickness of curb wall insulation.
Outside face of nailers and curb base shall be flush. Preservative treatment shall be 100 percent
pure alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterbome preservative by
vacuum and pressure impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1. Retention
of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.25 pd for ACQ and 0.10 pd for CA-13 of wood
minimum as determined by assay. Mechanically anchor nailer to curb base.
4. Cap Flashing: When required, provide removable cap flashing (counter flashing) formed to cover
and match top of roof curb, and to overlap roof base flashing 4 inches minimum vertically. Cap
flashing shall have drips. Cap flashing for each unit shall be one piece insofar as practicable,
otherwise provide with 3 inch overlap type joints. Fabricate from specified zinc coated steel sheet, 18
gage minimum base metal. Corners shall be mitered and joints continuously welded.
B. Acceptable Products - Single -Ply Roofing:
1. Custom Curbs, Inc., CEJ -3.
2. The Pate Company, ej -2.
3. Roof Products & System Corporation, EC -2A.
4. Thybar Corporation, TXJ -3.
A. Description: Conventional roof curbs shall be of types, heights, opening sizes and details required, each
consisting of a base with integral base plate, nailer, cap flashing, anchorage provisions and accessories
required for a complete and weathertight unit, and shall meet performance requirements.
1. Construction: Roof curbs shall be of heavy duty design and fabricated from coated steel sheet of 14
gage minimum base metal, except as otherwise required. Corners shall be mitered, and joints and
seams continuously welded. Coated steel sheet shall be as follows:
a. General Roofing: Zinc coated steel sheet meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Commercial
Quality, minimum, Coating Designation G90.
2. Bases - Single -Ply Roofing:
a. General: Roof curb bases shall be a box section profile with exterior walls and integral one piece
base plate. Fabricate from specified metal. Width of base plate shall be 6 inches minimum.
Provide base with angular bottom corners coordinated with roof deck slope to have plumb curb
} walls, cants not acceptable, details to properly interface with roof deck and roofing system, and
provisions for anchoring to supporting structure.
b. Insulation: Thermally insulate inside of base at factory with semi -rigid fiberglass board insulation
of 3 pcf minimum density, 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness and total R -value of 6.4 minimum.
Secure insulation in position. Inside face of insulation shall have a non -paper facer.
c. Opening Liners: When roof curb will be located over an opening in roof deck, provide opening
liner of seamless construction. Liner shall be fabricated from specified metal of 22 gage
minimum base metal. Liner shall span from base plate to top of nailer.
3. Bases - Metal Roofing:
a. General: Roof curb bases shall be a box section profile with exterior walls and integral one piece
base plate with integral water deflection cricket or diverter at high slope side of curb unit to
provide unrestrictive drainage around curb unit. Fabricated from specified metal. Width of base
plate shall be 6 inches minimum. Provide base with angular bottom corners coordinated with
roof deck slope to have plumb curb walls, cants not acceptable, details and profile to match and
properly interface with metal roofing system and to fit over metal roofing at low slope side and
under metal roofing at high slope side so overlaps are in direction of drainage flow, and
provisions for anchoring to supporting structure.
b. Insulation: Thermally insulate inside of base at factory with semi -rigid fiberglass board insulation
of 3 pcf minimum density, 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness and total R -value of 6.4 minimum.
Secure insulation in position. Inside face of insulation shall have a non -paper facer.
c. Opening Liners: Provide opening liner of seamless construction when roof curb will be located
over an opening in roof deck. Liner shall be fabricated from specified metal of 22 gage
minimum base metal. Liner shall span from base plate to top of nailer.
4. Nailers - Single -Ply Roofing: Provide at top of curb base, preservative treated wood nailers of size
required to support and anchor equipment or component and to attach roof base flashing. Nailer
shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness bywidth to accommodate thicknessof curb wall insulation.
Outside face of nailers and curb base shall be flush. Preservative treatment shall be 100 percent
pure alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by
vacuum and pressure impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1. Retention
of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.25 pcf for ACQ and 0.10 pcf for CA -B of wood
minimum as determined by assay. Mechanically anchor nailer to curb base.
5. Nailers - Metal Roofing: Provide at top of curb base, preservative treated wood nailers of size
required to support and anchor equipment or component. Nailer shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum
thickness by width to accommodate thickness of curb wall insulation. Outside face of nailers and
curb base shall be flush. Preservative treatment shall be 100 percent pure alkaline copper
quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by vacuum and pressure
impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1. Retention of preservative
injected into wood shall be 0.25 pcf for ACQ and 0.10 pcf for CA -B of wood minimum as determined
by assay. Mechanically anchor nailer to curb base.
6. Cap Flashing: Provide removable cap flashing (counter flashing) formed to cover and match top of
roof curb, and to overlap roof base flashing 4 inches minimum vertically. Cap flashing shall have
drips. Cap flashing for each unit shall be one piece insofar as practicable, otherwise provide with 3
inch overlap type joints. Fabricate from specified zinc coated steel sheet, 18 gage minimum base
metal. Corners shall be mitered and joints continuously welded.
U 0
7. Burglar Bars: When required for roof curbs located over an opening in roof deck, provide 1/2 inch
diameter hot rolled steel bars spaced at 6 inch centers in two perpendicular directions and welded at
each end to a 1/4 inch thick steel perimeter frame and at alternating intersections. Frame shall fit
inside curb at bottom and be welded to curb. Bars and frame shall be shop primed painted after
fabrication and before installation in curb.
B. Acceptable Products - Single -Ply Roofing:
1. Custom Curbs, Inc., CRC -3.
2. The Pate Company, pc -2.
3. Roof Products & System Corporation, RC -2A.
4. Thybar Corporation, TC -3.
C. Acceptable Products - Metal Rooting:
1. Custom Curbs, Inc., CMB -1.
2. The Pate Company, pc- 2mb -1.
3. Roof Products & System Corporation, RC -7, Condition 4.
4. Thybar Corporation, TC -3 M.B.D.N. modified.
A. Description: Equipment supports shall be of types, heights and details required, each consisting of a
base, base plate, nailer, cap flashing, anchorage provisions and accessories required for a complete
and weathertight unit, and shall meet performance requirements.
1. Construction: Equipment supports shall be of heavy duty design and fabricated from coated steel
sheet of 14 gage minimum base metal, except as otherwise required. Comers shall be mitered, and
joints and seams continuously welded. Coated steel shall be as follows:
a. General Roofing: Zinc coated steel sheet meeting requirements of ASTM A653, Commercial
Quality, minimum, Coating Designation G90.
2. Bases:
a. General: Equipment support bases shall be a box section profile of 6 inches minimum width with
exterior walls and integral metal base plate. Fabricate from specked metal. Width of base plate
shall extend 6 inches minimum from faces of base. Provide base with square angular corners
coordinated with roof deck slope to have plumb curb walls, cants not acceptable, details to
properly interface with roof deck and roofing system, and provisions for anchorage to supporting
b. Insulation -General Roofing: Thermally insulate inside of base at base plate atfactorywith semi-
rigid fiberglass board insulation of 3 pd minimum density, 1-1/2 inches minimum thickness and
total R -value of 6.4 minimum. Secure insulation in position.
c. Insulation - Metal Roofing: Insulation not required.
3. Nailers - Single -Ply Roofing: Provide at top of support base, preservative treated wood nailers of
size required to support and anchor equipment or component and to attach roofing and base
flashing. Nailer shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum thickness by total area of support top. Outside face
of nailers and support base shall be flush. Preservative treatment shall be 100 percent pure
alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by
vacuum and pressure impregnation treating process meeting requirements of AWPA U1. Retention
• •
of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.25 pcf for ACQ and 0.10 pcf for CA -B of wood
minimum as determined by assay. Mechanically anchor nailers to support base.
4. Nailers - Metal Roofing: Provide at top of support base, preservative treated wood nailers of size
required to support and anchor equipment or component. Nailer shall be 1 -1/2 inches minimum
thickness by total area of support top. Outside face of nailers and support base shall be flush.
Preservative treatment shall be 100 percent pure alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) or copper azole
Type B (CA -B) waterborne preservative by vacuum and pressure impregnation treating process
meeting requirements of AWPA U1. Retention of preservative injected into wood shall be 0.25 pcf
for ACQ and 0.10 pcf for CA -B of wood minimum as determined by assay. Mechanically anchor
nailers to support base.
5. Cap Flashing: Provide removable cap flashing (counter flashing) formed to cover and match top of
equipment support, and to overlap roof base flashing 4 inches minimum vertically. Cap flashing
shall have drips. Cap flashing for each unit shall be one piece insofar as practicable, otherwise
provide with 3 inches overlap type joints. Fabricate from specified zinc coated steel sheet, 18 gage
minimum base metal. Corners shall be mitered and joints continuously welded.
B. Acceptable Products - Single -Ply Roofing:
1. Custom Curbs, Inc., CES -3.
2. The Pate Company, es -2.
3. Roof Products & System Corporation, ER -2A.
4. Thybar Corporation, TEMS -3.
C. Acceptable Products - Metal Roofing:
1. Custom Curbs, Inc., CEMS -3.
2. The Pate Company, es -2.
3. Roof Products & System Corporation, ER -2A.
4. Thybar Corporation, TEMS -3.
A. Fasteners and Anchors: Bolts, nuts, screws, washers and like devices of same metal and finish as item
fastened or non - magnetic stainless steel and of types and dimensions applicable for application,
performance and durability. Fasteners and anchors shall not cause electrolytic corrosion as
recommended by prefabricated roof curb manufacturer. Exposed fasteners shall have integral gasket
type washer under heads.
B. Elastomeric Sealant: Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants, for sealant type and
application. Use for applications where sealant will not be in contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen
C. Mastic Sealant: Butyl rubber sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants. Use for
applications where sealant will be in contact with synthetic rubber or bitumen products.
D. Zinc Coating Repair Paint:
1. Description: Zinc rich paint for repair of damaged areas of hot -dip zinc coated steel surfaces
meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94 percent
minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
E. Aluminum -Zinc Coating Repair Paint: High metal dust content paint for repair of damaged aluminum-
zinc coated surfaces as recommended by metal manufacturer. Paint shall equal performanceof base
A. General: Fabricate prefabricated roof curbs to profiles, dimensions, materials and finishes required.
Achieve performance requirements and coordinate with other work. Meet instructions and
recommended tolerances and procedures of respective material manufacturers. Provide
appurtenances required for complete work.
B. Curb Reinforcement: Integrally reinforce roof curbs with supplementary framing members of metal to
match curb construction as required to provide rigidity and structural adequacy, including strength to
withstand lateral forces and superimposed loads from supported construction, components or
equipment as applicable.
C. Steel Deck Reinforcement: Where roof curbs are required, provide channel shaped steel deck closure
strips to reinforce perimeter edges of openings in steel deck. Fabricate strips from same metal and
thickness as required for roof curb.
D. Clearances: Inside dimensions of roof curbs for penetrations passing through curbs, such as pipes,
ducts and like items, shall include 2 inches minimum clearance between inside surfaces of curb and
outside size of penetrating work, including any insulation or covering.
E. Jointing: Provide proprietary jointing system of manufacturer which is secure, tight, concealed and
weathertight where exposed to interior. Where welding is used, meet AWS recommendations to
minimize discoloration of aluminum at welds and finish welds to match parent metal.
F. Assembly: Fabricate components into complete units true to line with accurate angles and straight
edges. Methods of assembly and joining shall be proven methods optional with the manufacturer.
Methods shall produce workmanship and finished items acceptable to Architect.
G. Fasteners: Minimize exposure of fasteners on exterior of roof curbs and conceal fastenersfrom viewon
interior of units.
H. Finish: Clean and touch -up paint components meeting applicable requirements of Article - Finishes, of
this Section.
A. General: Finish metal surfaces of roof curbs after fabrication and before deliveryto project site. Provide
type finish specified for each roof curb and meet applicable requirements of this Article.
B. Cleaning: Remove welding residue, oil and other contaminants from metal surfaces meeting
requirements of metal producer and applicable SSPC Surface Preparation Standards.
C. Metallic Coated Surfaces: Touch -up paint welded and damage areas of metallic coated surfaces using
appropriate repair paint to match initial metallic coating. Prepare surfaces and apply repair paint
meeting instructions of paint manufacturer. Insure full coverage at comers and edges. Touch -up coating
shall equal performance of base metal.
• •
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performances of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Document, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Separations: Separate metal surfaces of roof curbs from dissimilar materials by a separation material
as recommended by roof curb unit manufacturer and as required to prevent corrosion.
C. Sealing: Where base plates of roof curbs are to be installed directly on a flat roof deck, provide a bed of
mastic sealant to form a continuous seal.
D. Anchorage: Anchor roof curbs to supporting construction using mechanical fasteners and methods
which are appropriate for anchorage to supporting construction and adequate for respective type, size
and location of roof curb unit, and to meet performance requirements.
E. Fasteners: Conceal fasteners wherever possible in exposed work, and locate so as to minimize
possibility of leakage. Cover and seal work as required for a watertight installation. Seal penetrations
for exposed fasteners and other like conditions with appropriate specked sealant.
F. Cap Flashings: Install cap flashing (counter flashing) after roof base flashing has been installed. Install
cap flashings to provide weathertight installation, including cap flashing overlap of roof base flashing.
Seal any overlaps between cap flashing units with appropriate specified sealant. Remove sealant
extruded from joint areas.
A. Cleaning: Clean roof curbs promptly after installation meeting instructions of manufacturer.
B. Touch -Up: Touch -up paint damage or defaced metallic coated surfaces using appropriate repair paint
to match initial metallic coating. Provide dry film thickness of 3.0 mils minimum.
A. Description: Sprayed fireproofing is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary
and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Sprayed fireproofing includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Cementitious fireproofing - low density.
2. Cementitious fireproofing - medium density.
3. Cementitious fireproofing - high density.
4. Cementitious fireproofing -medium density with cementitious protective coating (hardcoat) -high
C. Applications: Required applications of sprayed fireproofing include, but are not limited to, columns,
beams, bracing, joists, decking and like items as required to achieve fire resistance requirements and
ratings indicated on Drawings. Exclude sprayed fireproofing from such items required to be encased
with other fire resistant construction assemblies to achieve fire resistance ratings.
A. Concealed: Concealed sprayed fireproofing refers to applications which will be concealed from view
f } behind other construction when the Work is completed.
B. Exposed: Exposed sprayed fireproofing refers to applications which will be exposed or semi- exposed to
view when the Work is completed.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AWCI - Technical Manual 12 -A - Standard Practice for Testing and Inspection of Field Applied
Sprayed Fire - Resistive Materials; an Annotated Guide.
2. FMRC - Approval Guide.
3. ICC - International Building Code.
4. UL - Fire Resistance Directory.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include loads, creep, shrinkage, deflections,
temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic forces, vibration,
differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent requirements of Contract
Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
3. System Detail: Provide fireproofing system for each like condition and fire resistance rating of one
typical detail for the entire Work and Project. Each detail shall be documented by a design assembly
as listed by UL or shall be an extrapolation of a design assembly as listed by UL, prepared and
certified by UL fire protection engineer for speck condition, application and fire resistance rating
and shall meet requirements and be approved by public authorities bearing on performance of the
Work. Extrapolations prepared only by fire protection engineer of fireproofing manufacturer without
certification from UL are not acceptable.
4. Fire Resistance Standards: Provide products and assemblies identical to assemblies which have
been tested and defined in publications by rating agencies acceptable to public authorities bearing
on performance of the Work.
a. UL Compliance: Sprayed fireproofing products shall be UL Spray - Applied Fire Resistance
Materials (CHPX) and UL Classified Product as listed in UL - Fire Resistance Directory.
b. FMRC Compliance: In addition to meeting UL requirements, fireproofing products and
assemblies shall meet requirements of FMRC - Approval Guide.
c. Fire Resistance: Meet applicable hourly ratings and design designation of UL - Fire Resistance
Directory when evaluated meeting requirements of UL 263 or ASTM E119, except as otherwise
required by requirements for design designation.
d. Surface Burning Characteristics: Materials, including any coating, shall have surface burning
characteristics (flame spread and smoke developed) of 25 maximum for each characteristic
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E84.
5. Fire Resistance Ratings:
a. General: Provide products and assemblies which have been evaluated meeting requirements of
ASTM E119, UL 263, or NFPA 251 for fire resistance, and rated by UL or other industry
recognized agency for required resistances.
b. Single Element: For purpose of fireproofing, provide fire resistance rating for single building
element only; assembly base rating not permitted.
c. Multiple Elements: For fireproofed building elements which require multiple fire resistance
ratings or require multiple types of fireproofing, provide surfaces of entire building elementwith
one type fireproofing which provides highest fire resistance rating and density.
d. Construction Restraint: For purpose of fireproofing, construction assemblies to be fireproofed
shall be considered thermally unrestrained based on requirements and definitions in ASTM
e. Steel Deck Rating: Where applied on underside of steel decking, provide fireproofing approved
by FMRC for Class 1 construction.
f. Steel Beams: Adjust thickness of fireproofing for weight of heated perimeter ratio when steel
beams are smaller than minimum sizes indicated in UL Design Designations. Adjustment shall
meet requirements of UL Listings.
6. Material Content: Fireproofing products shall be free of carcinogenic materials.
7. Primer Compatibility: Any primer coating on substrate to receive fireproofing shall be compatible with
fireproofing and not impair performance of fireproofing.
8. Topcoating: Fireproofing materials shall be compatible to receive a topcoating of paint as specified
in Section 09900 - Painting, without effecting performance and fire resistance rating of fireproofing.
A. Product Qualification: Provide products indicated under same category produced by a single
manufacturer. Materials used for patching shall match initially applied materials.
B. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section, have 5 years
• 0
`} minimum documented experience in detailing, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality
required for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturer, including having had manufacturer factory
training. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
C. Project Site Mock -Up: After processing of initial submittals and before proceeding with application,
prepare a sample installation of work, approximately 100 square feet, providing an example of each
type fireproofing required, applied on each different substrate, to produce each different rating and finish
required, and reasonably representative of entire fireproofing work. When nominally cured, examine
mock -up for general qualities and meeting requirements of Contract Documents. Review visual
requirements with Architect. Make adjustments in materials and installation procedures to meet
requirements of Contract Documents. Mock -up work which meets requirements of Contract Documents
and is in undamaged and acceptable condition may be retained as part of permanent work.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings indicating requirements to achieve fire resistance ratings. Shop
drawings shall consist of structural framing plans with tabular or similar schedule indicating following
1. Extent of sprayed fireproofing.
2. Required fire resistance hourly ratings for various structural components and assemblies to be
3. UL Design Designations proposed to achieve fire protection for various structural components and
4. Minimum thickness of fireproofing required to achieve required fire resistance rating of structural
components and assemblies.
5. When applicable, treatment of fireproofing after application.
C. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports from an independent quality control service substantiating
fireproofing meets requirements of Contract Documents, including properties, characteristics and
D. Compliance Certificate: Submit material compliance certificate, issued by manufacturer, attesting each
material meets requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements for characteristics and
compatibility with associated materials and substrates.
E. Primer Certificate: Where primers are applied to substrate, submit statement from fireproofing
manufacturer, certifying that primers are compatible with fireproofing, has been evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E199, and will not impair performance of fireproofing.
A. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturer for handling, storing and protecting
B. Packaging: Deliver products to project site in original, unopened packages with labels indicating
manufacturer, product name and designation, preparation and installation instructions and like
information and instructions. Include on labels, date of manufacture and shelf life, where applicable.
Also include UL labels for fire resistance ratings applicable to project.
C. Storage: Store materials inside, undercover, above ground and in a manner to keep materials dry until
ready to use. Remove from project site any materials that have been exposed to moisture or have
otherwise deteriorated.
D. Shelf Life: Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from project site and
discard any materials whose shelf life has expired.
A. Cold Weather Requirements: Do not install fireproofing when ambient air or substrate temperatures are
40 degrees Fahrenheit and falling, unless temporary protection and heat can be provided to maintain
ambient air and substrate temperatures at or above required temperature for 24 hours minimum before,
during and for 24 hours minimum after application. Meet instructions and recommendations of
manufacturer and heat materials when instructed or recommended by manufacturer.
B. Warm Weather Requirements: Protect fireproofing from uneven and excessive build -up of heat and
C. Ventilation: Ventilate spaces where fireproofing is installed by means of natural or, where this is
inadequate, of forced air circulation during and after application and until fireproofing is cured. Meet
instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
D. Protection: Protect contiguous work from moisture deterioration and soiling which may resultfrom work
operations. Provide temporary covering and whatever other provisions may be necessary to minimize
spattering of materials on other work.
E. Sequencing:
1. Proceed with application after clips, brackets, hangers, piping penetrations and similar interruptions
of substrates to be fireproofed have been installed.
2. Proceed with application after permanent loads are imparted to structure to be fireproofed.
3. Fireproofing shall not be applied to underside of decks prior to completion of work on deck,
including complete roofing system, placement of equipment units and cessation of other traffic.
4. Apply fireproofing prior to installation of ductwork, major piping, equipmentand similar work which is
near substrate to be fireproofed and would obstruct proper installation.
5. Integrate scheduling and coordination of fireproofing work with other work so fireproofing will not be
exposed to weather and other damaging ambient conditions, will not be unnecessarily exposed to
abrasion and other damage likely to occur during subsequent work, will be installed prior to
installation of enclosing or concealing work, will provide time allowance for inspection and testing,
and subsequent correction of defective fireproofing, and will minimize time other work to be
protected by fireproofing is exposed to possible fire hazards.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warrantyshall include
additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, failure of work to
meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents; fireproofing which has cracked,
flaked, dusted excessively, peeled or fallen from substrate, or otherwise deteriorated to a condition
where fireproofing would not perform as intended for application.
2. Extent: Warranty shall include failures or defects for which causes cannot be determined.
3. Limitation: Include speck statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
j conditions of warranty.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitations and at no cost to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
A. General: Provide products meeting requirements for performance, fire resistance ratings, material
composition and physical properties.
B. Cementitious Fireproofing -Low Density, Indoor Applications:
1. Material Composition: Factory mixed, cementitious and chloride free, dry formulation of gypsum,
inorganic binders, lightweight aggregates, mold inhibitor and additives, mixed with water at project
site to form a slurry and conveyed through a hose for dispersal by compressed air introduced at a
spray nozzle. Fireproofing shall be suitable and UL Classified for indoor applications.
2. Physical Properties: Applied fireproofing shall meet applicable requirements of Article - System
Description, of this Section, and following:
Dry Density: Average and individual densities as required for fire resistance ratings when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E605, but average density of 15 pounds per cubic foot
minimum and individual density of 14 pounds per cubic foot minimum.
Indentation Hardness: 0.120 inch maximum penetration when evaluated meeting requirements
of ASTM C569 -83.
Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 10 and 0, maximum,
respectively, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E84.
Compressive Strength: 10 percent maximum deformation of fireproofing when subjected to
1,000 pounds per square foot minimum compressive force when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E761.
Bond Strength: 20 times minimum weight of fireproofing, but 200 pounds per square foot
minimum average and 150 pounds per square foot minimum individual bond strength, on
unprimed steel when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E736.
Bond Impact: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E760.
Deflection Resistance: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E759.
Corrosion Resistance: Steel with applied fireproofing shall show no evidence of corrosion when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E937.
Air Erosion: Weight loss of 0.005 grams per square foot maximum in 24 hours when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM E859. Fireproofing surface shall be as sprayed applied, not
Abrasion Resistance: Volume loss of 15 cubic centimeters maximum when evaluated meeting
requirements of City of San Francisco, Bureau of Building Inspection test method.
Fungus Resistance: Resistant to fungi growth for life of installation when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM G21.
Thermal Resistivity: R -value of 1.8 minimum per each 1 inch of thickness at 75 degrees
Fahrenheit when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM C518.
Acoustical: Noise reduction coefficient of 0.75 minimum for 1 inch thickness of fireproofing
applied over a solid substrate when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM C423.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. Carboline Company, Southwest Type 5 GP.
b. W.R. Grace & Co., Monokote MK -6 /HY.
c. Isolatek International Corporation, Cafco 300.
C. Cementitious Fireproofing - Medium Density, Outdoor and exposed Indoor Applications:
1. Material Composition: Factory mixed, cementitious and chloride free, dry formulation of portland
cement or gypsum, inorganic binders, lightweight aggregates, mold inhibitor and additives, mixed
with water at project site to form a slung and conveyed through a hose for dispersal by compressed
air introduced at a spray nozzle. Fireproofing shall be suitable and UL Classified for indoor
2. Physical Properties: Applied fireproofing shall meet applicable requirements of Article - System
Description, of this Section, and following:
a. Dry Density: Average and individual densities as required for fire resistance rating when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E605, but average density of 22 pounds per cubic foot
minimum and individual density of 19 pounds per cubic foot minimum.
b. Indentation Hardness: 10 durometers minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
D2240, Shore D.
c. Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 10 and 0, maximum,
respectively, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E84.
d. Compressive Strength: 10 percent deformation of fireproofing when subjected to 1,000 pounds
per square foot minimum compressive force when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
e. Bond Strength: 20 times minimum weight of fireproofing, but not less than 1,000 pounds per
square foot minimum average and 750 pounds per square foot minimum individual bond
strength, on unprimed steel, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E736.
f. Bond Impact: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E760.
g. Deflection Resistance: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E759.
h. Corrosion Resistance: Steel with applied fireproofing shall show no evidence of corrosion when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E937.
L Air Erosion: Weight loss of 0.005 grams per square foot maximum in 24 hours when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM E859. Fireproofing surface shall be as sprayed applied, not
j. Fungus Resistance: Resistant to fungi growth for life of application when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM G21.
k. Thermal Resistivity: R -value of 1.3 minimum per each 1 inch of thickness when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM C518.
I. Acoustical: Noise reduction coefficient of 0.65 minimum for 1 inch thickness of fireproofing
applied over a solid substrate when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM C423.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. Carboline Company, Southwest Type 7 GP (portland cement).or Southwest Type 5 MD
b. W. R. Grace & Co., Monokote Z- 106 /HY (portland cement) or Monokote Z -106/G (gypsum).
c. Isolatek International Corporation, Cafco 400 (portland cement).
D. Cementitious Fireproofing - High Density, Outdoor and Indoor Applications:
4b) 1. Material Composition: Factory mixed, cementitious and chloride free, dry formulation of portland
cement, latex modified inorganic binders, lightweight aggregates, mold inhibitor and additives, mixed
with water at project site to forma slung and conveyed through a hose for dispersal by compressed
air introduced at a spray nozzle. Fireproofing shall be suitable and UL Classified for outdoor and
indoor applications.
2. Physical Properties: Applied fireproofing shall meet applicable requirements of Article - System
Description, of this Section, and following:
Dry Density: Average as required for fire resistance ratings, but 40 pounds per cubic foot
minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E605.
Indentation Hardness: 40 durometers minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
D2240, Shore D.
Surface Burning Characteristics: Flame spread and smoke developed of 5 and 10, maximum,
respectively, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E84.
Compressive Strength: 10 percent deformation of fireproofing when subjected to 80,000 pounds
per square foot minimum compressive force when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
Bond Strength: 20 times minimum weight of fireproofing, but 10,000 pounds per square foot
minimum average and 8,000 pounds per square foot minimum individual bond strength, on
unprimed steel, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E736.
Bond Impact: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E760.
Deflection Resistance: No cracking, spalling, delamination from substrate and like condition
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E759.
Corrosion Resistance: Steel with applied fireproofing shall show no evidence of corrosion when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E937.
Air Erosion: Weight loss of 0.005 grams per square foot in 24 hours when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E859. Fireproofing surface shall be as sprayed applied, not finished.
Fungus Resistance: Resistant to fungi growth for life of application when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM G21.
Thermal Resistivity: R -value of 1.1 minimum per each 1 inch of thickness at 75 degrees
Fahrenheit when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM C518.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. Carboline Company, Southwest Type 7 HD.
b. W. R. Grace & Co., Monokote Z -146.
c. Isolatek International Corporation, Fendolite M -11.
A. General: Provide accessory fireproofing materials which are compatible with fireproofing products and
substrates, approved for use by fireproofing manufacturer and acceptable for use in applicable fire
resistance rated design assemblies.
B. Substrate Primers: Provide primers which are compatible with condition of each substrate to be
fireproofed, including shop primers applied under other sections of the Specification, and is
recommended by fireproofing manufacturer for compatibility with bonding material and fireproofing
C. Bonding Material: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturer for use of adhesives, bond
coats and similar materials to ensure bond of fireproofing to substrate. Provide material or system
which will ensure required minimum bond strength.
D. Metal Lath: Expanded metal lath fabricated from material of configuration, weight and finish required to
meet fire resistance rated designs and recommendations of fireproofing manufacturer, but 3.4 pounds
per square yard minimum and hot -dip zinc coated. Include clips, lathing accessories and other
anchorage devices required to attach lath to substrates.
E. Water: Potable, fresh, clean and clear; free of unusual or objectionable smell or taste, and deleterious
substances which impair strength, durability, compatibility and appearance of work and as required by
product manufacturer. Do not use water which has been used to clean equipment or tools.
F. Sealer: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturer for sealing surfaces of fireproofing.
Sealer shall be fungus resistant and an integral part of fireproofing or applied separately. When applied
separately, sealer shall contain a fugitive dye to make identification of application. Sealer shall provide a
weather, erosion and abrasion resistant surface during construction operations and for permanent and
continuous exposure.
A. General: Examine substrates and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Cleanliness: Verify substrates meet requirements of specification section in which substrate and related
work is specified and are free of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale,
dirt or other foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fireproofing with substrate under conditions
of normal use of fire exposure.
C. Coated Surfaces: For substrates suspected of being coated with substances not readily identifiable but
potentially capable of impairing bond, conduct tests recommended by manufacturer to determine
presence and effect on adhesion of fireproofing.
D. Penetrations: Verify objects which will penetrate fireproofing, including clips, hangers, support sleeves
and similar items, have been securely attached to substrate.
E. Decks: For deck substrates, verify installation of completed deck assembly and traffic is prohibited
during application and curing of fireproofing.
A. Cleaning: Clean substrates for direct application of fireproofing, removing loose material and
substances which might impair work. Examine painted surfaces and remove paint which is not suitable
as a bonding surface.
1. Clean substrates of substances including oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers and
loose mill scale.
2. For exposed fireproofing applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that
could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of fireproofing. Remove minor
projections and fill voids which would telegraph through.
B. Priming: Prime substrates where instructed or recommended by fireproofing manufacturer, covering
surfaces to receive fireproofing, except where acceptable shop primer is in satisfactory condition to
receive fireproofing, as determined by installer.
C. Metal Lath: Install metal lath as required to meet fire resistance ratings and recommendations of
fireproofing manufacturer for conditions of exposure and intended use. Securely attach lath to
supporting substrate in position required and to support and reinforce fireproofing to achieve required
fire resistance rating, using anchorage devices of type recommended by fireproofing manufacturer.
Lath units shall overlap 1 inch minimum and be tied with 18 gage minimum zinc coated steel wire. Only
mechanical fasteners shall be used to attach lath to supporting substrate; do not use epoxy or self -stick
studs. Attach lathing accessories as required.
D. Masking: Cover adjacent work which might be damaged by fall -out or over -spray of fireproofing
materials during spraying operations. Provide temporary enclosure as may be required to confine
operations, protect environment, and ensure required ambient conditions. Provide ventilation and avoid
excessive drying rates.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Bonding: Coat substrate with bonding material where use of bonding material is required or
recommended by fireproofing manufacturer.
C. Mixing: Use mechanical mixing equipment, except small applications requiring less than 3 square feet
or one bag of fireproofing material, whichever is smaller quantity, may be hand mixed.
` 1. Do not use materials which are frozen, caked or lumpy or which are dirty or contaminated by foreign
2. Do not use excessive water in mixing and application of fireproofing materials. Test mixfrequentiyto
insure meeting instructions of manufacturer.
D. Application: Apply fireproofing materials by spray method to maximum extent possible. Unless otherwise
instructed by manufacturer, apply fireproof covering in a single course. Following spraying operation in
each area, complete coverage as necessary and finish surfaces.
1. General: Apply fireproofing to uniform thicknesses and densities to achieve required fire resistance
2. Profile: Maintain profile of fireproofed substrates. Completely fill voids between members, including
voids formed by steel deck ribs on or at beams, inverted corners and similar voids. Maintain full
thickness at projecting comers.
3. Terminations: Terminate fireproofing to be exposed in completed work, at adjacent construction not
required to be fireproofed, with straight line and no over application or dusting of fireproofing.
Provide necessary masking or other covering.
4. Decking: Cover deck underside and also cover structural members supporting deck, those portions
of members required to maintain a constant and uninterrupted blanket. Apply to thickness
necessary to achieve required performance.
E. Finishes:
1. General: Surfaces of fireproofing shall be uniform with firm, crusty surface, no fuzzy overspray and
free of rough and void areas, and shall match finish of final reviewed project site mock -up as
acceptable to Architect.
2. Finishes: Provide surfaces of fireproofing with finishes as follows and scheduled in Article -Sprayed
Fireproofing Schedule, of this Section.
a. Spray Texture - Normal: As applied surface finish, generally with no further treatment, providing
a uniform and flat appearance.
F. Sealing: Seal following surfaces of low density fireproofing:
1. In ceiling plenum spaces.
2. Exposed to contact by people in the completed work.
3. Exposure to weather.
A. General:
1. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance and
control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specked in this Article. Quality Control
Service will provide testing facilities and equipment.
2. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect anytime during progress of work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense of
Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Work Evaluations: Evaluate completed fireproofing in successive stages as follows and meeting 1J
requirements of ICC - International Building Code relative to sprayed fire resistant material tests and
inspections, and AWCI - Standard Practice for the Testing and Inspection Procedures for Field Applied
Sprayed Fire - Resistive Materials:
1. Extent of Each Test Area: Minimum of one bay per floor or for each 10,000 square feet of floor
area, whichever produces greatest number of test areas, except when governing codes require
more frequent testing.
2. Thickness and Density: Within each area, randomly select a typical bay, and test one of each type
fireproofed structural element within bay for thickness and density meeting requirements of ASTM
3. Cohesion and Adhesion: Within each area, randomly select one typical fireproofed structural
element of each type and test fireproofing for cohesion /adhesion meeting requirements of ASTM
C. Additional Testing: If Quality Control Service discovers fireproofing not in compliance with requirements
of Contract Documents, Quality Control Service will perform additional testing to determine extent of
non - compliance at expense of Contractor at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Repair:
1. Repair or replace fireproofing within areas where test results indicate fireproofing does not meet
requirements of Contract Documents. Apply additional fireproofing where measurements indicate
0 •
s thicknesses less than required. Fill voids in the work.
2. Areas to be repaired shall be resprayed or patched by troweling with same material as used for
original application or with patching material as instructed and recommended by fireproofing
B. Cutting and Patching:
1. Cut, patch, repair and point up fireproofing as required to accommodate other work. Repair cracks
and indented surfaces. Point up surfaces around items which are built into or penetrate fireproofing
surfaces. Repair or replace work to eliminate blisters, buckles, excessive craze cracking, dry outs,
efflorescence, sweat outs, damaged areas or surfaces, and similar imperfections. Repair or replace
work as necessary to meet required fire resistance ratings.
2. After completion of other work in and around areas of fireproofing, repair and replace fireproofing
which has been damaged during course of such other work.
3. Do not permit fireproofing to be covered over or otherwise concealed before patching is completed.
C. Cleaning: Remove temporary covering and whatever other provisions were made to minimize spaftering
of fireproofing on other work. Promptly remove fireproofing materials from surfaces which are not to be
fireproofed. Repair surfaces which have been stained, marred or otherwise damaged during work.
When work is completed, remove unused materials, containers, equipment and debris.
D. Protection: Protect fireproofing to ensure treatment will be without damage or deterioration at time of
acceptance. Repair or replace work which has not been successfully protected.
A. General:
1. Types: Provide sprayed fireproofing of types and finishes required for areas of application as
indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Designations: Sprayed fireproofing types and finishes specified in this Schedule correspond to
designations indicated by Contract Documents.
B. Sprayed Fireproofing OSF -S1:
1. Application: Outdoor steel columns, bracing, beams and underside of deck to be exposed in the
completed Work and not covered or protected from weather.
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing - high density.
3. Finish: Spray texture - normal.
C. Sprayed Fireproofing OSF -S2:
1. Application: Outdoor steel columns, bracing, beams and underside of deck to be exposed or
concealed in the completed Work and covered or protected from weather and for semi - abusive
exposures and humid environments, such as outdoor steel columns covered with column covers or
indoor steel columns of open air parking structure.
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing medium density, yp p g - Portland cement only (no gypsum), or high
3. Finish: Spray texture - normal.
D. Sprayed Fireproofing ISF -S1:
1. Application: Indoor steel columns, bracing, beams and underside of deck to be exposed in the
completed Work, to 12' -0" above floor.
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing - high density.
3. Finish: Spray texture -smooth.
E. Sprayed Fireproofing ISF -S2:
1. Application: Indoor steel columns, bracing, beams and underside of deck to be exposed in the
completed Work, above 12' -0" above floor.
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing - medium density.
3. Finish: Spray texture - normal.
F. Sprayed Fireproofing ISF -S3:
1. Application: Indoor steel columns, bracing, beams at outdoor perimeters and other like locations to
be constructed in the completed Work but to be temporarily exposed for more than 30 days during
construction. 'j
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing - medium density, portland cement only (no gypsum).
3. Finish: Spray texture - normal.
G. Sprayed Fireproofing ISF -S4:
1. Application: Indoor steel columns, bracing, beams and underside of deck to be concealed in the
completed Work.
2. Type: Cementitious fireproofing -low density.
3. Finish: Spray texture - normal.
H. Sprayed Fireproofing ISF -W1:
A. Description: Firestopping is indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary and
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Firestopping includes, but is not limited to, firestopping systems that provide resistance to
spread of fire and associated temperature, and passage of air, smoke and other gases, and provide for
dynamic movement, meeting requirements of this Section.
C. Schedule: Required systems and applications of firestopping include, but are not limited to, assembly
arrangements, materials and application locations specified in Article - Firestopping Schedule, at end of
this Section. .
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ASTM E84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
2. ASTM E119 - Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
3. ASTM E814 - Test Method for Fire Test of Through - Penetration Fire Stops.
4. ASTM E1399 - Test Method for Cyclic Movement and Measuring the Minimum and Maximum Joint
Widths of Architectural Joint Systems.
5. ASTM E2174 - Standard for the Inspection of Through Penetration Firestop Systems.
6. ASTM - Proposed Standard for the Inspection of Joint Systems.
7. ASTM - Proposed Standard Test Method for Determining the Fire Endurance of Perimeter Fire
Barrier Systems using the Intermediate Scale, Multi -Story Test Apparatus.
8. FCIA - Manual of Practice.
9. FMRC - Approval Guide.
10. FMRC 4991 - Approval of Firestop Contractors.
11. ICC - International Building Code.
12. IEEE 634 - Cable Penetration Firestop Qualification Test.
13. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code.
14. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code (Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures).
15. NFPA 5000 - Building Construction and Safety Code.
16. UL 1479 - Fire Tests of Through - Penetration Firestops.
17. UL 2079 - Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems.
18. UL - Fire Resistance Directory.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specked in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include loads, creep, shrinkage, deflections,
temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic forces, vibration,
differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent requirements of Contract
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -1
Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
3. System Detail: Provide firestopping system for each like condition and fire resistance rating of one
typical detail for the entire Work and Project. Each detail shall be documented bya design assembly
as listed by UL or shall be an extrapolation of a design assembly as listed by UL, prepared and
certified by UL fire protection engineer for specific condition, application and fire resistance rating
and shall meet requirements and be approved by public authorities bearing on performance of the
Work. Extrapolations prepared by fire protection engineer of firestopping manufacturer without
certification from UL are not acceptable.
4. Ratings: Firestopping systems shall meet Flame (F), Temperature (T) and Air Leakage (L) ratings
as tested by nationally accepted test agencies meeting requirements of ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire
tests and UL 2079. Flame rating shall be 2 hours minimum, but not less than fire resistance rating of
assembly being penetrated. Fire test shall be conducted with a positive air pressure differential of
0.30 inch minimum water column.
5. Fire Resistant Systems:
a. Firestopping and associated opening, sleeve, penetration or other work, through or in building
construction assemblies requiring a fire resistance rating, shall have a fire resistance rating at
least equal to rating required for adjacent building construction.
b. Coordinate firestopping with associated opening, sleeve, penetration or otherwork, and adjacent
construction, including interface with adjacent construction, size of opening to be firestopped and
limitations of firestopping, to provide and maintain a complete fire resistance rated assembly.
6. Physical Properties:
a. Firestopping shall be a material, or combination of materials, to maintain integrity of fire rated
construction by maintaining an effective barrier against spread of flame, smoke and gases, and
meet requirements of ASTM E84, ASTM E119, ASTM E814, UL 1479 and UL 2079, as
1) Materials shall meet and be acceptable for use by BOCA - National Building Code, ICBO -
Uniform Building Code, ICC - International Building Code, NFPA 5000 - Building
Construction and Safety Code, SBCCI - Standard Building Code and NER - 243.
2) Materials shall meet requirements of NFPA 70 and NFPA 101.
3) Materials shall have a flame spread of 25 maximum and smoke developed of 450
maximum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E84.
b. Firestopping components shall be free of carcinogens.
c. Firestopping components shall be compatible with each other, substrates forming openings and
items penetrating firestopping under conditions of required service.
d. Firestopping, after installed and cured, shall not shrink, have void areas, fag in cohesion and lose
adhesion to substrates to allow cracks, voids or through openings to form.
e. Firestopping shall be resistant to moisture and water immersion (submersed in standing water),
and shall not re- emulsify or soften when subjected to moisture.
f. Firestopping components, after curing, shall not emit odor.
g. Firestopping shall be suitable for firestopping of penetrations made by steel, glass, plastic,
insulated pipe, cables, cable trays and like items.
h. Firestopping shall be flexible and pliable after curing to allow for normal, dynamic and seismic
movements of building structure and substrate, expansion and contraction of building assemblies
and movement of penetrating objects without cracking, becoming displaced or allowing cracks,
voids or through openings to occur.
i. For insulated pipe, fire rating classification shall not require removal of pipe insulation, except
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0 0
when pipe insulation is combustible and firestopping is not intumescent.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single installer having undivided responsibility for
providing complete work for the Work and Project, and for performance and quality of work.
B. Product Qualifications: Provide firestopping systems and materials as complete systems produced by
one manufacturer for the Work, except as otherwise required or acceptable to Architect.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be a FMRC 4991 Approved Firestop Contractor, listed in FMRC -
Approval Guide, and shall have 5 years minimum documented experience in detailing and installation of
types and application conditions required for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturers. Upon
request, provide proof of qualifications.
D. Regulatory Requirements:
1. Governing Authorities: Firestopping systems, materials and installations shall meet requirements of
codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work, and shall be
approved by governing authorities for fire resistance ratings required for adjacent fire rated building
construction assemblies and conditions where firestopping is required.
2. Fire Resistance Ratings: Provide systems, materials and installations which are UL Classed and
FMRC Approved as Fire Resistance Rated Building System or Assembly Designs of fire resistance
rating equal to or more than fire resistance rating of adjacent fire rated building construction
assemblies and conditions.
E. Project Site Mock -Ups: After processing of initial submittals and before delivery of firestopping materials
} to project site, prepare a sample installation of each firestopping system required for each different
construction, to produce each different rating as required. When nominally cured, examine mock -up for
general qualities and compliance with requirements, and review specified visual qualitieswith Architect.
Make minor adjustments in materials and installation procedures to meet requirements as directed by
UL fire protection engineer. Mock -up work which meets specified requirements and is in acceptable
condition may be retained as final work in place.
F. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work at
project site and delivery of products to review conditions and quality assurance program associated with
performing work. Meeting shall include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions,
environmental requirements and coordination required for installation of work. Meeting participants shall
include Architect, representative of manufacturer, representative of Quality Control Service, installer of
work and installers of related work, including floor, roof, ceiling and wall work, mechanical work and
electrical work. Record discussions of meeting, and agreements and disagreements reached, and
furnish a copy of record to each participant.
G. Manufacturer Representative: Furnish installation assistance services of factory trained representative
of product manufacturer to give product preparation and installation instructions, and perform like
services at project site as necessary.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings, and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each firestopping system and material required for each different
condition, application and fire resistance rating. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test reports of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product and product
system meets requirements of Contract Documents for each firestopping condition and system.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -3
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of each UL Listed firestopping system required for the work and
indicate location where each firestopping system is proposed for installation. Include detailed design
assembly drawings prepared by firestopping manufacturer for installation of each firestopping system
required for each different condition, application and fire resistance rating. Each detail shall be
documented as specified for assembly detail in Article - System Description, of this Section. Include
typical and special details and requirements pertinent to each firestopping condition and application.
Details shall reflect actual conditions and applications of work and indicate materials, reinforcement,
anchorage, fastenings and like items required to achieve fire resistance rating. Also, indicate contents of
each identification label and location and spacing of labels.
C. Sample - Identification Label: Submit sample of actual permanent identification labels to be used for
identifying firestopping systems.
D. Certificates: Submit following certificates:
1. Letter of certification or certified laboratory test report substantiating that each material or
combination of materials meets Flame (F), Temperature (T) and Air Leakage (L) ratings as tested
by nationally accepted test agencies meeting requirements of ASTM E814 or UL 1479 fire tests and
UL 2079.
2. Certification of firestopping product manufacturer stating products meet product requirements and
are suitable for intended use.
3. Certification of firestopping installer stating that installation meets firestopping requirements
specked in this Section.
A. Packaging: Deliver products to project site in original, unopened containers with labels indicating
manufacturer, product name and designation, date of manufacture and expiration period for use, where
applicable. Also include UL Labels for fire resistance ratings applicable to work.
B. Shelf Life: Use products with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from project site and
discard any products whose shelf life has expired.
C. Storage: Store products inside, under cover, above ground and in a manner to keep products dry with
seals unbroken and labels intact meeting instructions of manufacturer. Remove from project site and
discard any products that have deteriorated.
A. Coordination:
1. Proceed with firestopping only after clips, brackets, hangers, penetrations and similar interruptions
of spaces to be firestopped have been installed and any associated examination of work is
2. Coordinate firestopping work with requirements of work passing through firestopping and of adjacent
work, including interface with adjacent construction, so as to eliminate need for cutting into or
removing installed firestopping.
B. Sequencing: Coordinate firestopping with other work so firestopping will not be exposed to damaging
conditions, will not be unnecessarily exposed to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during
subsequent work, will provide time for inspection, testing and subsequent correction of defective
firestopping, and will minimize time opening to be firestopped is exposed to fire hazards.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -4
W. R. Grace & Co.
Hilt, Inc.
Johns Manville Corporation.
Nelson Firestop Products.
PSI Thunderline /Link -Seal.
Specified Technologies, Inc.
Thermafiber LLC.
Tremco Incorporated.
A. General: Provide combination of materials and components for firestopping systems which meet
performance requirements of this Section to return system penetrated to hourly rating. See Article -
System Description and Article - Firestopping Schedule, of this Section.
B. Sealant: One component liquid elastomeric silicone sealant for firestopping meeting requirements of
ASTM C920 and ASTM C719 and with movement capability when cured of 40 percent extension and 25
percent compression for 65 percent total movement, minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements
of ASTM E1399. Sealant shall be UL Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
C. Intumescent Sealant: One component liquid elastomeric intumescent material for firestopping with
movement capability when cured of 5 percent extension and 5 percent compression for 10 percent total
movement, minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E1399 and which expands to 5
times minimum of original volume upon exposure to temperature of 300 F. Intumescent sealant shall
be UL Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
D. Foam: Two component liquid formulated to provide foam -in -place elastomeric silicone foam for
firestopping with movement capability when cured of 40 percent extension and 40 percent compression
for 80 percent total movement, minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E1399.
Foam shall be UL Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
E. Joint Spray: One component liquid elastomeric sprayable material for firestopping with movement
capability when cured of 25 percent extension and 25 percent compression for 50 percent total
movement, minimum, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E1399. Jointsprayshall be a UL
Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
F. Mineral Fiberboard: Stone or slag base mineral fiberboard, with or without vapor retarder as required for
application and performance of firestopping system. Mineral fiberboard shall meet requirements of
ASTM C612 and shall be 8 pcf. When required, vapor retarder shall be laminated aluminum foil,
reinforcing scrim and kraft paper vapor retarder membrane facing on one face of board. Mineral
fiberboard shall be a UL Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
G. Fiber Matting:
1. Mineral Fiber: Stone or slag base mineral fiber formed into batts, blankets or semi -rigid board, with
or without vapor retarder, as required for application and performance of firestopping system. Fiber
shall meet requirements of ASTM C665 and shall be 4 pcf minimum. UL Fire Hazard Classification
shall be 25 maximum.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -5
C� A
2. Ceramic Fiber: Refractory ceramic fiber formed into batts or blankets as required for application and
performance of firestopping system. Fiber shall be 6 pcf minimum. UL Fire Hazard Classification
shall be 25 maximum.
H. Intumescent Wrap: Intumescent protective material for firestopping which expands to 10 times minimum
of original volume upon exposure to temperature of 300 F. Intumescent wrap shall be a UL Classified
Product with UL Classification Marking.
Modular Seals: Modular mechanical seal consisting of expandable, interlocking fire resistant silicone
synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill and seal annular space between penetrating metal pipe
or tube and sleeve or opening. Seal shall be of fire resistance classification required, FMRC Approved
with FMRC Classification Marking. Provide with zinc coated plates and stainless steel threaded
fasteners for outdoor applications. Service and size designations of seals shall meet instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer for application.
J. Pipe Collars: Factory or project site manufactured pipe collars for firestopping combustible pipes, tubes
and any associated thermal insulation, consisting of a hot -dip zinc coated sheet steel housing with
mounting tabs containing intumescent material which expands to 10 times minimum of original volume
upon exposure to temperature of 300 F. Pipe collars shall be UL Classified Product with UL
Classification Marking.
K. Intumescent Blocks: Factory manufactured, ready to use intumescent block material for firestopping
which expands to 5 times minimum of original volume upon exposure to temperatures of 300 F.
Intumescent blocks shall be UL Classified Product with UL Classification Marking.
L. Firestop Pads: Intumescent, non - hardening pliable compound in pad or sheet form with aggressive
adhesion for firestopping electrical boxes which expands to 5 times minimum of original volume upon
exposure to temperature of 250 F. Pads shall be UL Classified Productwith UL Classification Marking or
FMRC Approved with FMRC Classification Marking.
A. Backing: Component material as required to meet fire resistance rating of firestopping system.
B. Damming: Alumina silicate fireboard, mineral fiberboard, mineral or ceramic fiber matting, mineral fiber
putty, duct tape, gypsum board, plywood or particleboard as required to meet fire resistance rating of
firestopping system.
C. Retainers: Devices to support firestopping materials and dams as applicable of type, size, profile and
material as instructed by firestopping manufacturer for the application and as required to meet fire
resistance rating of firestopping system.
D. Primer: Type as recommended by firestopping manufacturer for fireproofing material and substrate
E. Identification Labels: Permanent labels for identifying firestopping systems meeting requirements of
FMRC 4991 and this Paragraph. Labels shall be of permanent non - corrosive material, X x5" size, with
self- adhesive backing for attachment to substrate and provide for destruction when removal is
attempted. Labels shall of red color with wording DO NOT DISTURB - FIRE RESISTANCE RATED
FIRESTOP SYSTEM. In addition, labels shall have prelabeled blank spaces for indicating UL
firestopping system designation, hour rating, manufacturer and product names, installation date, and
imprinted name and address of installer. Data shall be neatly and legibly inserted in appropriate blank
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -6
0 0
spaces using permanent marking system. Wording on labels shall be of color contrasting co or area
being imprinted.
A. General: Examine areas, substrates and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance
with requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work
is satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Verification:
1. Verify substrates to be in contact with firestopping are free of oil, compounds, incompatible primers,
mill scale, dirt or other substances capable of impairing bond of firestopping with substrate.
2. Verify objects which will penetrate firestopping, including clips, hangers, support sleeves and similar
items, have been securely attached to substrate.
A. General: Clean substrates of dirt, oil, loose materials and other foreign substances which may affect
proper bond or installation of firestopping meeting instructions of firestopping manufacturer.
40) B. Adhesion Tests: For substrates suspected of being coated with oil, compounds or other substances not
readily identifiable but potentially capable of impairing bond, conduct tests as instructed or
recommended by firestopping manufacturer to determine presence and effect on adhesion of
C. Impediments: Do not remove combustible materials and loose impediments from penetrations, void
openings and involved surfaces, except as otherwise required for firestopping to meet fire resistance
rating and as required by requirements of Contract Documents or acceptable to Architect.
D. Primers: Provide primers as required which meet instructions and recommendations of firestopping
manufacturer for various substrates and conditions.
E. Treated Surfaces: Do not apply firestopping to surfaces previously painted or treated with a sealer,
curing compound, water repellent or other coatings, unless tests have been performed to ensure
compatibility of materials. Remove coatings as required by instructions of firestopping manufacturer.
F. Masking: Mask where necessary to protect adjoining surfaces. Remove excess material and stains
from adjoining surfaces.
A. General: Install work meeting instructions of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers to
provide required fire, temperature and air leakage ratings. Consult with manufacturer for conditions not
covered by printed instructions.
B. Devices: Ensure that anchoring devices, backup materials, clips, sleeves, supports and other materials
used in actual fire test of firestopping system are installed.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -7
C. Backing and Damming: Provide backing and damming as required to control application and arrest
leakage of firestopping materials. Whenever possible, when not required for fire resistance rating, and
when backing and damming materials and other accessories are combustible, remove backing and
damming after firestopping material has cured.
D. Thickness:
1. Install firestopping to thicknesses required to meet fire resistance rating.
2. Provide firestopping at locations exposed incomplete work flush with face surfaces of construction
adjacent to opening or joint, or with ends of sleeve, as applicable, except when performance of
firestopping will be jeopardized.
E. Application: Install firestopping to properly fill and seal openings and to provide uniform density and
texture to ensure an effective seal against flame, temperature, and air and other gases.
F. Finishing: Tool exposed surfaces as applicable.
1. Surfaces of firestopping exposed in completed work shall be smooth; free of crevices, voids, trowel
licks, undulations and like characteristics.
2. Remove excess firestopping material promptly as work progresses and upon completion.
G. Loading: Firestopping to be installed in void openings in floors subject to traffic shall be protected from
H. Labels: Provide specified identification labels at locations meeting requirements of FMRC 4991. In
addition, provide labels at each side of construction where a firestopping system has been installed;
securely attached in place. Also, provide labels in finished spaces, except as otherwise directed by
Architect. Coordinate exact location and spacing of labels with Architect.
A. Contractor:
1. Immediately notify Architect if firestopping systems cannot meet requirements of this Section.
2. Examine firestopping to ensure proper installation and full compliance with this Section.
3. Areas of work shall be accessible until inspection and approval by applicable code authorities.
4. Correct unacceptable firestopping and provide additional inspection to verify compliance with this
Section at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Quality Control Service:
1. General:
a. Owner will employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance
and control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract
Documents. Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article.
Quality Control Service will provide project site testing facilities and equipment.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -8
b. Work may require re- evaluation as directed by Architect at anytime during progress of work. Re-
evaluation of rejected work and evaluation of replacement work shall be performed at expense
of Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
2. Work Evaluations: Perform inspections, tests and evaluations meeting requirements of applicable
evaluation procedures specified in this Section to verify firestopping meets requirements of this
3. Inspections: Perform following inspections and evaluations, as minimum:
a. Product qualifications, specified in Article - Quality Assurance.
b. Performance requirements, including assembly details, specified in Article -Quality Assurance.
c. Appropriate firestopping system was provided for respective conditions, specified in Article -
Firestopping Schedule.
d. Specified identification label provided at each firestopping installation.
4. Testing: Perform destructive tests of 2 percent minimum, but not less than one, of each firestopping
type for each 10,000 square feet of floor area. Installer shall replace removed firestopping with new
firestopping immediately after removal of firestopping.
5. Reports: Submit inspection, test and evaluation reports within 24 hours after performing inspection,
test or evaluation.
A. Cutting and Patching:
1. Repair or replace firestopping as necessary to meet fire resistance ratings, including firestopping
which has been damaged or subjected to destructive evaluation. Do not allow firestopping which
} requires patching to be covered over or otherwise concealed before patching is completed.
2. Cut, patch and repair firestopping as necessary to accommodate other work. Repair cracks and
indented surfaces. Repair surfaces around items which are built into or penetrate firestopping.
Repair or replace firestopping to eliminate blisters, buckles, dry out and similar imperfections.
3. Patch firestopping installations which have been cut away to facilitate installation of other work so as
to maintain complete firestopping system.
B. Repair: Repair or replace work which has not been successfully protected or firestopped.
C. Cleaning:
1. When fireproofing will be visible in completed work, clean fireproofing from adjacent surfaces
meeting instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
2. If visible in completed work and permitted by firestopping system design, remove temporary dams
after initial cure of firestops.
3. Be responsible for correction of staining and discoloring on adjacent surfaces relative to
A. General:
1. Provide firestopping system of respective type for firestopping location indicated in this Schedule. In
addition, provide firestopping system of appropriate type at locations not specifically scheduled.
2. Firestopping shall meet requirements of Article - System Description, of this Section.
AESI 27210
07840 -9
3. Where firestopping will be exposed in completed work, use sealant as exposed material, except as
otherwise required.
4. Where sealant is scheduled for application at locations to be exposed in completed work, provide
polyurethane sealant whenever possible, except as otherwise required for fire resistance rating.
B. Applications: Required applications of firestopping include, but are not limited to, following locations:
1. Openings and voids in, or at periphery of fire rated construction.
2. Openings and penetrations in fire rated construction that enclose spaces.
3. Penetrations of service shafts.
4. Openings around structural members which penetrate walls, floors and roofs.
5. Joints in fire rated walls, floors and roofs.
6. Openings between top of walls and suspended floors or roof.
7. Openings between edges of suspended floors and roofs, and inside face of outdoor wall
8. Annular spaces between sleeves or openings through or in fire rated floor slabs, roof decks and
walls, and penetrating piping, ducts, conduits, cables, wiring and like items.
9. Other locations where required to retard passage of flame, temperature, and air and other gases,
and to prevent drafts.
C. Wall Joints:
1. Application: Joints or openings in fire rated walls between ends of walls and adjacent building
construction, and between wall modules or units, except as otherwise required for a fire rated
assembly which requires associated firestopping to be an integral part of fire rated assembly.
a. Type: Sealant or foam with applicable backing or damming material.
D. Top of Wall Joints:
1. Application: Joints or openings in fire rated walls between top of walls and bottom of adjacent floor
or roof construction.
2. Type: One of following assemblies:
a. Sealant or foam with applicable backing or damming material.
b. Mineral or ceramic fiber matting with sealant, foam or joint spray cap seal.
E. Wall and Floor Expansion and Control Joints:
1. Application: Spaces in expansion and control joints of fire rated walls and floors.
2. Type: One of following assemblies:
a. Sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b. Mineral or ceramic fiber matting with sealant, foam or joint spray cap seal.
F. Suspended Floor Perimeter - Concrete or Masonry Walls:
1. Application: Openings between edges of suspended floors and faces of adjacent concrete or
masonry wall construction, except glass fiber reinforced concrete.
2. Type: Mineral or ceramic fiber matting with sealant, foam or joint spray cap seal.
G. Suspended Floor Perimeter - Curtain Wall:
1. Application: Indoor vertical surface of curtain wall, of glass fiber reinforced concrete, stone panels,
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -10
0 0
l metal panels or metal framing and glass, above and below floor level, and adjacent openings
between edges of suspended floors and vertical firestop surface of curtain wall.
2. Type: Mineral fiberboard faced with vapor retarder over vertical surfaces and mullions of curtain
wall, and mineral or ceramic fiber matting with sealant, foam or joint spray cap seal for opening
between edges of suspended floors and face of mineral wool board on vertical surfaces.
H. Roof Deck Perimeter:
1. Application: Openings between edges of roof decks and faces of adjacent wall construction, except
curtain wall.
2. Type: Mineral or ceramic fiber matting, except as otherwise required.
I. Roof Expansion Joints:
1. Application: Space in roof expansion joints.
2. Type: Mineral or ceramic fiber matting.
J. Through Penetration - Annular Spaces:
1. Applications: Annular spaces between openings through fire rated construction and penetrating
piping, ducts, conduit, cables, wiring and like items, installed either concentric or eccentric within
2. Type: Firestopping system for each application shall provide for maximum quantity of penetrations
permitted by system regardless of actual quantity of penetrations required for work.
a. Non - Combustible Penetrations - Not Insulated:
1) Single or Simple Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b) Modular seals.
2) Multiple or Complex Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Sealant, intumescent sealant or foam with applicable backing or damming material.
b. Non - Combustible Penetrations - Insulated:
1) Single or Simple Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Intumescent sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b) Intumescent wrap with gaps sealed with sealant or intumescent sealant, both sides.
c) Pipe collar with annular space between penetration and sleeve or opening filled with
sealant or intumescent sealant, both sides.
2) Multiple or Complex Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Intumescent sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b) Intumescent wrap directly around combustible penetrations with gaps sealed with
sealant or intumescent sealant, both sides, and foam, or sealant or intumescent
sealant with applicable backing or damming material, for balance of space.
c) Intumescent blocks with continuous intumescent sealant bead between each block
and between block infill and perimeter of opening and perimeter of each penetration,
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -11
both sides.
c. Combustible Penetrations:
1) Single or Simple Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Intumescent sealant with applicable backing or damming materials.
b) Intumescent wrap and sealant.
c) Pipe collar with annular space between penetration and sleeve or opening filled with
intumescent sealant, both sides.
2) Multiple or Complex Penetrations: One of following assemblies:
a) Intumescent sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b) Intumescent wrap directly around combustible penetrations with gaps sealed with
sealant or intumescent sealant, both sides, and foam, or sealant or intumescent
sealant with applicable backing or damming material, for balance of space.
d. Duct Penetrations: As specified for non - combustible and combustible penetrations, except atfire
and smoke dampers. At fire and smoke dampers, provide smoke seal of continuous 1/4 inch
nominal bead of sealant between each toe of steel angle fitting of ductwork and adjacent duct
and wall construction, except as otherwise required. Do not fill annular space to allow for
operation expansion clearance of dampers when under fire condition.
K. Through Penetration - Electrical Boxes:
1. Application: All external surfaces of metallic and non - metallic electrical boxes which penetrate
surface material of fire rated walls, except solid masonry walls, and overlap space between
electrical box and backside of wall surface material.
2. Type: Firestop pads.
L. Empty Holes:
1. Application: Empty holes and unused or abandoned sleeves or openings in fire rated building
construction, except as otherwise required.
2. Type:
a. Holes Less Than 2 Inches: One of following assemblies:
1) Sealant with applicable backing or damming material.
b. Holes 2 Inches and Larger: One of following assemblies:
1) Sealant or foam with applicable backing or damming material.
2) Intumescent blocks with continuous intumescent sealant bead between each block and
between block infill and perimeter of opening and perimeter of each penetration, both sides.
AESI 27210 FIRESTOPPING 07840 -12
A. Description: Joint sealants are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary and
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Joint sealants include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Elastomeric liquid sealants.
2. Non - elastomeric liquid sealants.
3. Preformed sealants.
4. Joint fillers.
5. Appurtenances.
C. Schedule: Required types and applications of joint sealant include, but are not limited to, materials and
application locations specified in Article - Joint Sealant Schedule, at end of this Section.
A. The words "sealant ", "caulking," "calking" and "sealing" shall be synonymous when used on Drawings
or in Specification, all such words referring to a sealant for closing or sealing a joint or seam, and shall
not be interpreted as defining type or quality of materials. Refer to Article - Joint Sealant Schedule, at
10) end of this Section.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ACI 302.1 R - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
2. ACI 360R - Design of Slabs on Grade.
3. ACI 504R - Guide to Sealing Joints in Concrete Structures.
4. ASTM C717 - Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants.
5. GANA - Sealant Manual.
6. SWRI - Sealants: The Professional =s Guide.
B. Performance:
General: Sealant joints shall be continuous seals that are weathertight, watertight and airtight and
cause no staining or deterioration of joint substrates.
2. Joint Filler: Joint filler in concrete floor joints shall support edges (shoulders) of concrete which form
joint to prevent concrete from cracking and spalling when subjected to wheel loads of material
handling vehicles.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -1
A. Product Qualifications:
1. Obtain materials from only manufacturers who will send a qualified technical representative to
project site, for purpose of advising installer of proper procedures and precautions for use of
materials, unless manufacturer confirms in writing that application is so basic that a visit to project
site is not required.
2. Provide products indicated under same category produced by one manufacturer.
B. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in detailing, installation and maintenance of type and quality joint
sealants required for work and successfully completed within last 5 years at least five joint sealant
applications similar in type and size to that required for work. Upon request, provide proof of
C. Testing Laboratory Qualifications: Independent testing laboratory satisfactory to Architect, based on
evaluation of laboratory submitted criteria meeting requirement of ASTM E699, that laboratory has
experience and capability to satisfactorily conduct testing required.
D. Application: Mixing and application of sealants shall be in strict accordance with printed instructions of
manufacturer. Initial mixing and application shall be under direct supervision of the representative of
E. Preconstruction Testing:
1. General: Sealant manufacturer shall conduct tests to verify compatibility, adhesion, non - staining
(fluid migration) and other like performance characteristics of sealants with adjacent materials and
to verify other physical requirements of sealant as required. Materials tested and installation
procedures shall be identical to materials and installation procedures to be incorporated into actual
2. Tests:
a. General: Provide material samples of actual joint substrates to be sealed to sealant
manufacturer for laboratory testing and evaluation of sealants to:
1) Verify compatibility, adhesion and non - staining of sealants to primed and unprimed
substrates, and compatibility with secondary seals.
2) Determine joint preparation procedures and if priming is required to obtain rapid, optimum
adhesion of sealant to joint substrate under environmental conditions that will exist during
actual installation.
3) Verify other physical requirements of sealant as required.
b. Test Methods: Use test methods specked, otherwise use test methods standard with sealant
c. Exception: Testing will not be required when sealant manufacturer is able to substantiate and
submit product data and previous testing documentation which is acceptable to Architect based
on current sealant products required for work with joint substrate materials equivalent to
substrate materials required for work.
3. Test Results: Sealant manufacturer shall issue a compliance certificate for materials tested covering
compatibility, adhesion and non - staining of sealant materials to substrates, verify joint preparation
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -2
procedures, and verifying other physical requirements of sealant as applicable. Certificate shall be
j accompanied by actual test samples.
F. Product Testing: Provide comprehensive test data for each type of joint sealant based on tests
conducted by a qualified independent testing laboratory on current product formulations within a 24
month period preceding date of submittal of test results to Architect.
1. Test elastomeric sealants for compliance with requirements specified by reference to ASTM C920.
Include test results for hardness, stain resistance, adhesion and cohesion under cyclic movement
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM C719, low temperature fle)ability, modules of
elasticity at 100 percent strain, effects of heat aging, and effects of accelerated weathering.
2. Include test results performed on joint sealants after they have cured for 1 year.
G. Preconstruction Field Tests: Prior to installation of sealants, field test for adhesion to joint substrates as
1. Location: Locate test joints where directed by Architect.
2. Applications: Perform field tests for each application indicated below:
a. Each type of elastomeric sealant and joint substrate.
b. Each type of non - elastomeric sealant and joint substrate.
3. Witness: Perform tests in presence of Architect and technical representative of sealant
manufacturer. Notify Architect one week in advance of date when installation and tests will be
4. Test Method: Test adhesion to substrate by hand pull method as follows:
a. Install joint sealants in 5 feet joint lengths using same materials and methods required for
completed work. Allow sealants to cure before testing.
b. Make knife cuts horizontally from one side of joint to the other followed by two vertical cuts
appro)amately 2 inches long at side of joint and meeting horizontal cut at top of 2 inch cuts.
Place a mark 1 inch from top of 2 inch piece.
c. Use fingers to grasp 2 inch piece of sealant just above 1 inch mark; pull firmly down at a 90
degree angle or more while holding a ruler along side of sealant. Pull sealant out of joint to
distance recommended by sealant manufacturer for testing adhesive capability, but not less than
that equaling twice specified ma)amum movement capability in wdension; hold this position for 10
5. Report: Indicate whether or not sealant in joint connected to pulled -out portion failed to adhere to
joint substrates or tore cohesively. Include data on pull distance used to test each type of product
and joint substrate.
6. Evaluation: Sealants not evidencing adhesive failure from testing, in absence of other indications of
noncompliance with requirements, will be considered satisfactory. Do not use sealants that fail to
adhere to joint substrates during testing.
H. Project Site Mock -up: Prepare a mock -up installation of each major type and use of sealant. Install
sealant between materials matching those required for work, complying with conditions similar in every
respect to anticipated work conditions. Prepare mock -up well in advance of scheduled installation, so
that normal cure time is allowed and final adjustments can be made, if necessary, before proceeding
with installation.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -3
O �
1. Joints infield constructed mock -ups of assemblies specified in other sections which are indicated to
receive joint sealants as work of this Section.
2. Retain mock -ups during construction as standard for judging completed work.
I. Regulatory Requirements: Verify sealant materials meet requirements of codes and regulations of
public authorities bearing on performance of the Work, including USDA and FDA requirements when
J. Joint Configuration:
1. Rabbet: Joint configuration, joint surfaces and backing forming sealant rabbet shall be acceptable
to sealant manufacturer for satisfactory performance of sealant.
2. Width: Do not install sealant if joint width is less than required by design or by instruction of sealant
K. Statement of Non - Compliance: When it is necessary to proceed with installation of sealants under
conditions which do not fully meet requirements, because of time schedule or other reasons which
Contractor determines to be crucial to work, prepare and submit a written statement to Owner with copy
to Architect indicating nature of non - compliance, reasons for proceeding, precautionary measures taken
to ensure best possible work, and names of individuals concurring with decision to proceed with
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data and installation instructions of manufacturer
for each type of sealant and associated material required. Include published data, certified
conformance report or certified test laboratory report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed
material meets requirements of Contract Documents and is intended for application. Performance data
shall be in format of SWRI - Sealant Validation Program.
B. Shop Drawings - Precast Concrete Rain Screen: Submit shop drawings indicating sealant application for
pressure equalization joints of precast concrete wall panels. Indicate arrangement, areas, location and
details of air chambers, sealant beads, and vent and drainage tubes.
C. Samples - Initial Selection: Submit standard bead samples of manufacturer consisting of strips of actual
sealants showing full range of colors available, for each product exposed to view.
D. Samples - Verification: Submit standard length samples of manufacturer of each colorrequired (except
black) for each type sealant exposed to view in the completed Work. If requested by Architect, install
sample between two strips of exact materials of surfaces where sealant will be used, held apart to
represent typical joint widths. Samples will be reviewed by Architect only for color and texture.
E. Test Reports: Submit following test reports:
1. Preconstruction Testing:
a. Preconstruction sealant substrate test results, including recommendations of sealant
manufacturer for joint preparation and application of sealant applicable to work conditions.
b. Certified test reports of each type sealant required for work evidencing compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents.
2. Product Testing: Certified product test reports of elastomeric sealants evidencing compliance with
requirements specified based on comprehensive testing of current sealant formulations within a 24
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -4
month period preceding date of submission of test reports to Architect. Include test results foraged
1 performances including hardness, stain resistance, adhesion and cohesion under cyclic movement,
low temperature flexibility, modules of elasticity at 100 percent strain, effects of heat aging, and
effects of accelerated weathering.
3. Preconstruction Field Tests: Preconstruction field test results reported by installer indicating which
sealants and joint preparation methods demonstrated acceptable adhesion to joint substrates.
F. Certificates: Submit compliance certificates of sealant manufacturers attesting sealants meet
requirements of Contract Documents and are suitable for exposure conditions and applications.
A. Deliver materials to project site in original unopened containers with labels indicating manufacturer,
product name and designation, color, expiration period for use, curing time and mixing instructionsfor
multicomponent materials.
B. Do not use materials that have been stored for a period of time exceeding expiration period for use.
A. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to delivery of products to
review conditions associated with performing sealant work. Meeting shall include reviewof construction
conditions, environmental conditions, sealant contact substrate conditions and coordination required for
proper application of sealants. Participants in meeting shall include Architect, sealant manufacturer
representatives, installers of sealant and installers of related work. Proceed with application onlywhen
everyone concerned agrees required conditions can be provided and maintained.
B. Weather Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of sealants under adverse weather conditions, or
when temperatures are below or above limitations for installation recommended by manufacturer.
Proceed with work only when forecasted weather conditions are favorable for proper cure and
development of high early adhesive strength. Wherever joint width is affected by ambient temperature
variations, install elastomeric sealants only when temperatures are in lower third of installation
temperature range recommended by manufacturer, so that sealant will not be subjected to excessive
elongation and bond stress at subsequent low temperatures.
C. Sequencing:
1. General: Install meeting requirements of manufacturer for cured substrate promoting proper
2. Concrete Floor Slabs: For concrete floor slab joints required to have joint filler, do not install filler
until 90 days minimum after placement of concrete.
3. Waterproofing: Schedule installation of sealant to occur 21 days minimum and 30 days maximum
after completion of waterproofing contingent upon instructions of sealant manufacturer, unless
otherwise required.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, leakage of water
and air; failures in joint adhesion, material cohesion, abrasion resistance, weather resistance,
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -5
extrusion from joint resistance, stain resistance (fluid migration) to adjacent materials forming joint
and general durability; failure to perform as required, and general appearance of deterioration in any
other manner not clearly indicated by submitted product data as an inherent characteristic of sealant
2. Extent: Warranty shall include damage covered by vandalism or conditions exceeding performance
requirements indicated by Contract Documents. However, warranty shall include failures or defects
for which causes cannot be determined.
3. Corrections: Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or not meeting
requirements of Contract Documents. Included shall be:
a. Removal and replacement of work, other than sealant work, which conceals or obstructs
replacement of sealants.
b. Replacement of materials defaced or damaged by staining from liquid migration of sealant.
C. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
D. Time Period: Extend warranty time period as follows:
1. Elastomeric Sealants: 5 years, except as otherwise specified.
2. Polyether Sealants: 20 years.
3. Exterior Silicone Sealants: 20 years.
4. Non- Elastomeric Sealants: 2 years.
5. Joint Fillers: 5 years.
A. Compatibility: Before purchase of each sealant and accessory material, investigate compatibility with
joint surfaces, joint fillers and other materials in joint system. Provide only materials which are known to
be fully compatible with actual installation condition, as indicated by published data, testing, field
experience or certification of manufacturer.
B. Foot Traffic: Where exposed to foot traffic, select nontracking materials of sufficient strength and
hardness to withstand stiletto heel traffic without damage or deterioration of sealant system.
C. Colors: Provide standard colors of manufacturer as selected by Architect.
D. Elastomeric Sealant Standard: Provide elastomeric sealants of base polymer required meeting
requirements of ASTM C920, including Type, Grade, Class and Uses; with successful adhesion and
cohesion when evaluated for maximum cyclic movement meeting requirements of ASTM C719, and to
withstand movement increase of 25 percent minimum and decrease of 25 percent minimum of joint
width as measured at time of application, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
E. Hardness: Hardnesses of sealants specified are intended to indicate general range necessary for
overall performance. Consult technical representative of manufacturer to determine actual hardness
recommended for conditions of installation and use. Except as otherwise specified orrecommended by
sealant manufacturer, provide sealants within following ranges of hardness, Shore A, fully cured, at 75
degrees Fahrenheit:
1. 15 to 30 for high percentage of movement and minimum abrasion resistance.
2. 30 to 45 for moderate percentage of movement and abrasion resistance.
3. 45 to 70 for low percentage of movement and maximum abrasion resistance, including foot traffic
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -6
• •
on horizontal joints.
,I 4. 80 minimum for joint filler in joints of concrete floors.
F. Modules of Elasticity: For joints subject to movement, either thermal expansion or dynamic movement,
provide elastomeric sealants which have lowest modules of elasticity which is consistent with exposure
condition, application, performance of joint movement and abrasion resistance. Meet recommendations
of manufacturer wherever no other requirements are indicated.
G. Preformed Sealants: Provide size and shape of preformed sealant units as recommended by
manufacturer, either in published data or upon consultation with technical representative.
A. Multi- Component Polyurethane Sealant:
1. Description: Polyurethane based, multi- component elastomeric sealant, meeting requirements of
ASTM C920, Type M, Grade P (self - leveling) and Grade NS (non -sag) as required for application,
Class 25 minimum, except sealant for joints in vertical surfaces shall withstand movement increase
of 50 percent minimum and decrease of 50 percent minimum of joint width as measured at time of
application, Use appropriate for exposure condition, and USDA and FDA acceptability regulations
when required. Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each application.
2. Acceptable Products - Horizontal Surfaces, Grade P (Self - Leveling):
a. Degussa Corporation, SL 2.
b. Pecora Corporation, Urexpan NR -200, Urexpan NR -201 (USDA) or DynaTrol II -SG.
c. Polymeric Systems, Inc., PSI -270 S /L.
d. Sika Corporation, Sikaflex 2c SL.
e. Tremco Incorporated, THC -900 or Vulkem 245.
3. Acceptable Products - Vertical Surfaces, Grade NS (Non -Sag):
a. Degussa Corporation, Sonolastic NP 2.
b. Pecora Corporation, DynaTrol II.
c. Polymeric Systems, Inc., PSI -270 GG.
d. Sika Corporation, Sikaflex -2c NS.
e. Tremco Incorporated, Dymeric 511 or Vulkem 922.
A. One - Component Polyether Sealant:
1. Description: Silyl terminated polyether based, one - component, non -sag elastomeric sealant; 100
percent solids containing no solvent, neutral cure and for bonding to non - porous and porous
surfaces; meeting requirements of ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS (non -sag), Class 25 minimum.
Use appropriate for exposure condition; non - staining, no fluid migration when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM C1248 with no compression set, and USDA acceptability regulations when
required. Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and
application, including porosity of joint surfaces.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Degussa Corporation, Sonolastic 150 (USDA).
b. Polymeric Systems, Inc., Sili -Thane 801.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -7
B. One - Component Polyurethane Sealant:
1. Description: Polyurethane based, one - component, elastomeric sealant, meeting requirements of 4)
ASTM C920, Type S, Grade P (self - leveling) and Grade NS (non -sag) as required for application,
Class 25 minimum, Use appropriate for exposure condition, and USDA and FDA acceptability
regulations when required. Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure
condition and application.
2. Acceptable Products - Horizontal Surfaces, Grade P (Self - Leveling):
a. Degussa Corporation, Sonolastic SL 1.
b. Pecora Corporation, Urexpan NR -201 (USDA).
c. Polymeric Systems, Inc., Flexiprene PSI -952.
d. Sika Corporation, Sikaflex 1 c SL.
e. Tremco Incorporated, Vulkem 45.
3. Acceptable Products - Vertical Surfaces, Grade NS (Non -Sag):
a. Degussa Corporation, Sonolastic NP 1 (USDA).
b. Pecora Corporation, DynaTrol 1 -XL (USDA).
c. Polymeric Systems, Inc., Flexiprene 1000.
d. Sika Corporation, Sikaflex 1a or Sikaflex 15 LM.
e. Tremco, Incorporated, Dymonic, Vulkem 116 or Vulkem 921.
C. Building Silicone Sealant:
1. Description: Silicone rubber based, one - component, non -sag elastomeric sealant; 100 percent
solids containing no solvent, non -acid, neutral cure and for bonding to non - porous and porous
surfaces; meeting requirements of ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS (non -sag), Class 25 minimum,
except sealant shall withstand movement increase of 50 percent minimum and decrease of 50
percent minimum of joint width as measured at time of application, Use appropriate for exposure
condition; UL 263; non - staining, no fluid migration when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
C1248 with no compression set, and USDA and FDA acceptability regulations when required.
Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and application,
including porosity of joint surfaces.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Dow Corning Corporation, 795.
b. General Electric Company, Silpruf SCS 2000.
c. Pecora Corporation, Pecora 895 (USDA).
D. Mildew Resistant Silicone Sealant:
Description: Silicone rubber based, one - component, non -sag elastomeric sealant, 100 percent
solids contain no solvents, non -acid, natural cure resistant to mildew and moisture, and for bonding
to non - porous and porous surfaces; meeting requirements of ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS (non -
sag), Class 25 minimum, Use appropriate for exposure condition, tests of ANSI A136.1 for mold
growth, FDA Regulation 21 CFR177.2600, and USDA and FDA acceptability regulations when
required. Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and
application, including interior applications of seal around ceramic tile, showers, sinks, plumbing
fixtures, food service equipment and similar applications subjected to mildew growth, and porosityof
joint surfaces.
2. Acceptable Products: 'i
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -8
0 •
! a. Dow Chemical Corporation, 786.
b. General Electric Company, Sanitary Sealant SCS 1700.
c. Pecora Corporation, Pecora 898 (USDA).
A. Acrylic Terpolymer Sealant:
1. Description: Acrylic terpolymer, solvent based release curing, one - component, non -sag
thermoplastic sealant compound; 95 percent minimum acrylic; meeting requirements of AAMA
808.3 and ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS (non -sag), Class 12 -1/2 minimum, use appropriate for
exposure condition. Sealant shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition
and application, including general use as an exposed building construction sealant.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Tremco Incorporated, Mono 555.
B. Butyl Rubber Sealant:
1. Description: Polymerized butyl rubber and polyisobutylene, solvent based, one - component, non -sag
sealant compound; 75 percent minimum solids with inert fillers, non - staining, tack -free in 24 hours,
withstand movement increase of 5 percent minimum and decrease of 5 percent minimum of joint
width as measured at time of application, meeting requirements of ASTM C1085. Sealant shall be
recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and application.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. H. B. Fuller Company, PTI 757 Butyl Sealant.
b. Pecora Corporation, BC -158.
c. Tremco Incorporated, Butyl Sealant.
C. Acoustical Sealant:
Description: Synthetic rubber base, one - component, sealant compound; permanentlyflexible, non-
drying, non - hardening, non - shrinking, non - skinning, non - staining and non - migrating; meeting
requirements of ASTM C834 and ASTM C919. Sealant shall be effective in reducing airborne sound
transmission through joints when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E90. Sealant shall be
recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and application, including sealing
interior concealed joints to reduce transmission of airborne sound.
2. Acceptable Products - Exposed Applications, Painted:
a. Pecora Corporation, AC -20 FTR.
b. Tremco Incorporated, Acrylic Latex 834.
3. Acceptable Products - Concealed Applications, Not Painted:
a. H. B. Fuller Company, PTI -808 Acoustical Sealant.
b. Pecora Corporation, AC -20 FTR.
c. Tremco Incorporated, Acoustical Sealant.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -9
A. Expanding Foam Sealant: 4)
Description: Preformed, precompressed self - expanding sealant strips of high quality, open cell
polyurethane foam impregnated with a non - asphaltic, non - drying, water repellant and stabilized inert
chemical; formulated to provide a watertight joint and airtight seal with adhesive bond to joint
surfaces even if joint opening increases by 50 percent in a vertical mode and 40 percent in a
horizontal mode; permanently elastic, paintable, mildew resistant, non - staining, non - migrating, self -
extinguishing meeting requirements of UL 94, Classified 94 V -O, and capable of installation in
temperatures to -40 degrees Fahrenheit; size for openings as recommended by manufacturer.
Provide density as recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition and application, and
factory precom pressed to sizes and to fit joint widths.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Emseal Joint Systems Ltd., Backerseal.
b. Illbruck/USA, Inc., Will -Seal 150.
B. Preformed Sealant Tape:
1. Description: Highly adhesive and elastic extruded preformed tape of 100 percent solid, solvent free,
crosslinked butyl polyisobutylene meeting requirements of AAMA 804.1 and AAMA 807.3; no cold
flow, no oil exudation, non - staining and non - migrating, and packaged in rolls with a release paper on
one side. Provide without or with continuous built -in spacer shim and of size as required and
recommended by manufacturer for application.
2. Acceptable Products - Without Spacer Shim:
a. H. B. Fuller Company, PTI 606.
b. Pecora Corporation, Extru -Seal.
c. Tremco Incorporated, Tremco 440 II Tape.
3. Acceptable Products - With Spacer Shim:
a. H. B. Fuller Company, PTI 606 Pre -Shim.
b. Tremco Incorporated, POLYshim II Tape.
A. Epoxy Filler:
1. Description: Semi - rigid, pour grade, multi - component 100 percent epoxy resin joint filler for concrete
floors, requiring no primer, unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer; concrete gray color,
and meeting floor joint filler guidelines of ACI 302.1R and ACI 360R, and USDA and FDA
acceptability regulations. Filler shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition
and application. When cured, filler shall meet following:
a. Hardness: Shore A of 90 minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D2240.
b. Tensile Strength: 500 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D638.
c. Tensile Elongation: 20 percent minimum at 70 degrees Fahrenheit when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D638.
d. Adhesion: 285 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4541.
e. Compressive Yield: 1,530 psi minimum at 57 percent deformation when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D695.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -10
0 •
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Euclid Chemical Company, Euco 700 Semi -Rigid Industrial Floor Joint Filler.
b. Metzger /McGuire Co., MM -80 Epoxy Joint Filler.
c. Sika Corporation, Sikadur 51 SL.
B. Polyurea Filler:
1. Description: Semi - rigid, pour grade, multi- component 100 percent polyurea polymer resin joint filler
for concrete floors, requiring no primer, unless otherwise recommended by manufacturer, concrete
gray color, and meeting floor joint guidelines of ACI 302.1 R and ACI 360R, and USDA and FDA
acceptability regulations. Filler shall be recommended by manufacturer for each exposure condition
and application, including cold storage applications. When cured, filler shall meet following:
a. Hardness: Shore A of 90 minimum at 70 degrees Fahrenheit when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D2240.
b. Tensile Strength: 930 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D638.
c. Tensile Elongation: 170 percent minimum at 70 degrees Fahrenheit when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D638.
d. Adhesion: 350 psi minimum when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D4541.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. The Euclid Chemical Company:
1) General: Euco QW INoint 200.
b. Metzger /McGuire Co.:
1) General: Spal -Pro RS88.
c. VersaFlex Incorporated:
1) General: VersaFlex SL/85.
A. Joint Cleaner: Joint cleaning agent or compound acceptable to sealant and sealant backing
manufacturers, free of oily residues and other substances capable of staining or harming in anyway
joint substrates and adjacent surfaces, as determined from preconstruction sealant substrate and field
B. Joint Primer /Sealer: Joint primer /sealer recommended by sealant manufacturer, establishing whether
primer is staining or non - staining for joint surfaces to be primed or sealed, formulated to promote
optimum adhesion of sealants with joint substrates, as determined from preconstruction sealant
substrate and field tests.
C. Sealant Backing:
1. General: Preformed, compressible, resilient, flexible, non - waxing, non - staining, non - extruding strips
of foam material which is compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers and other joint fillers; of
size, shape and density to control liquid sealant depth and contribute to producing optimum sealant
performance and approved for applications by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and
laboratory testing.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -11
2. Backer Rod: One of following as applicable:
a. Open cell polyurethane foam.
b. Closed cell, non - gassing polyethylene foam, nonabsorbent to water and gas, nonoutgassing in
unruptured state.
3. Elastomeric Tubing: Neoprene, butyl, EPDM or silicone tubing meeting requirements of ASTM
D1056, nonabsorbent to water and gas, capable of remaining resilient at temperatures down to -
26 degrees Fahrenheit, compatible with sealant and acceptable to sealant manufacturer for use
with sealant. Provide products with low compression set and of size and shape to provide a
secondary seal, to control sealant depth, and otherwise contribute to optimum sealant performance.
D. Backer Rod - Joint Fillers: Extruded, compressible, resilient, flexible, non - waxing, non - staining, non -
extruding strips of PVC rod, Shore A hardness 90 minimum, which is compatible with joint substrates
and fillers; of size, shape and density to control joint filler depth and contribute to producing optimum
filler performance and is approved for applications by filler manufacturer based on field experience and
laboratory testing; and furnished by filler manufacturer. For joints of greater width than backer rod sizes
available, use silica sand furnished by filler manufacturer.
E. Bond Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as recommended bysealant manufacturer,
to be applied to sealant contact surfaces where bond to substrate or joint filler must be avoided for
proper performance of sealant. Provide self- adhesive tape wherever applicable.
F. Masking: Non - staining, non - absorbent tape type product compatible with sealants and surfaces
adjacent to joints.
A. General: Examine joint surfaces, backing and anchorage of construction forming sealant rabbet and
conditions under which joint sealants are to be installed for compliance with requirements of Contract
Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of sealant are satisfactory. Do not
proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved. Commencement of
installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
B. Joints: Inspect joints to receive sealants for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, width
and depth, installation tolerances and other conditions affecting correct installation and performance of
sealant. Coordinate with requirements of work which form joints.
A. Cleaning: Clean joint surfaces immediately before installation of sealant. Remove dirt, insecure coatings
and other substances that could interfere with adhesion of sealant. Remove laitance and form release
agents from concrete. Clean surfaces by means which are not harmful to substrates or leave residues
capable of interfering with adhesion of sealants. Remove loose particles remaining from cleaning
operations without contaminating joint substrates.
B. Elastomeric Sealants: For elastomeric sealants, do not proceed with installation of sealant over joint
surfaces which have been painted, lacquered, waterproofed or treated with water repellent or other
treatment or coating, except when a laboratory test for durability and adhesion meeting requirements of
ASTM C920 and ASTM C719 has successfully demonstrated that sealant bond is not impaired by
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• 0
coating or treatment. If laboratory test has not been performed or shows bond interference, remove
10) coating or treatment from joint surfaces before installing sealant.
C. Alkalinity Conditions: Etch concrete and masonry joint surfaces as necessary to provide a clean, sound
substrate to remove excess alkalinity to provide substrate capable of developing optimum bond with
sealants, except when printed instructions of sealant manufacturer indicate that alkalinity does not
interfere with sealant bond and performance. Etching method shall not be detrimental to joint substrates
and adjacent surfaces and sealants.
D. Non - Porous Surfaces: Roughen joint surfaces on non - porous materials, wherever printed data or
instructions of manufacturer indicates lower bond strength than for porous surfaces. Roughening
method shall not be detrimental to joint substrates and adjacent surfaces and sealants.
E. Dry Surfaces: Joint surfaces to receive sealant shall be dry, free of moisture, condensation, frost and
F. Masking: Use masking as required to prevent contact of primer and sealant with adjoining surfaces
which otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods
required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling sealant without disturbing
joint seal.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Installation Standards: Meet requirements of following for installation of sealants as applicable to
materials, exposure conditions and applications, except to extent more detailed or stringent
requirements are specified in this Section:
1. All Sealants: ASTM C1193.
2. Acoustical Sealants: ASTM C919.
C. Priming: Prime or seal joint surfaces where instructed or recommended by sealant manufacturer based
on preconstruction sealant substrate and field tests and prior experience. For elastomeric sealants,
prime or seal joint surfaces even though sealant manufacturer or preconstruction tests may not require
use of prime, except when use of primer or seal is not recommended by manufacturer. Confine primer
or sealer to areas of sealant bond; do not allow primer or sealer to spill or migrate onto adjoining
D. Backer Rod:
1. Install backer rod for liquid sealants, except as otherwise required or where instructed or
recommended to be omitted by sealant manufacturer.
2. Install backer rod of type required to provide support of sealants during application and at position
required to produce cross - sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths
which allow optimum sealant movement capability.
a. Do not leave gaps between ends of backer rod.
b. Do not stretch, twist, puncture or tear backer rod.
c. Remove absorbent backer rod which have become wet prior to sealant application and replace
with dry material.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -13
E. Bond Breaker Tape: Install bond breaker tape wherever required by joint profile or by instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer to ensure sealants will perform properly. Sealant shall adhere only
to sides and not to back of joint so as to eliminate three -sided adhesion.
F. Techniques: Install sealants by proven installation techniques, that result in sealants being deposited in
uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete wetting of joint bond surfaces
equally on opposite sides, completely filling recess rabbet provided for each joint configuration and
providing uniform cross - sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant
movement capability.
1. Typical Joint: Except as otherwise required, fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface, slightly
below adjoining surfaces.
2. Interior Corner Joint: Where horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and a vertical
surface, fill joint to form a slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture and dirt.
G. Sealant Depth: Install sealants to depths as instructed and recommended by sealant manufacturer,
within following general limitations, measured at center section of bead.
1. Pavement Joints: For sidewalks, pavements and similar joints to be sealed with elastomeric
sealants and subject to traffic and other abrasion and indentation exposures, fill joints to a depth
equal to 75 percent of joint width, but neither more than 5/8 inch deep nor less than 3/8 inch deep.
2. Elastomeric Sealant Joints: For normal moving joints to be sealed with elastomeric sealants, but
not subject to traffic, fill joints to a depth equal to 50 percent of joint width, but neither more than 1/2
inch deep nor less than 1/4 inch deep.
3. Non - Elastomeric Sealant Joints: For joints to be sealed with non - elastomeric sealants and
compounds, fill joints to a depth in range of 75 percent to 125 percent of joint width.
H. Spillage:
1. Prevention: Do not allow sealants or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to
migrate into voids of adjoining surfaces, including rough textures. Use masking tape or other
precautionary devices to prevent staining of adjoining surfaces by primer, sealer or sealant.
Remove masking tape or other devices after tooling sealant without disturbing joint seal.
2. Excess: Remove excess and spillage of compounds promptly as work progresses. Clean adjoining
surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage, without damage to
adjoining surfaces or finishes.
Tooling and Configuration - Non -Sag Sealants: Immediately after application of non -sag sealants and
prior to time skinning or curing begins, tool sealants to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration
required, to eliminate air pockets and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint.
Remove excess sealants from surfaces adjacent to joint. Do not use tooling agents which discolor
sealants or adjacent surfaces or are not approved by sealant manufacturer. Provide applicable type
joint configuration as follows:
1. Concave Configuration: ASTM C1193, Figure 5A, except as otherwise required.
2. Flush Configuration: ASTM C1193, Figure 513, sealants for floors and elsewhere as required.
Sealant shall be perfectly flush with surfaces of adjacent floor units.
3. Recessed Configuration: ASTM C1193, Figure 5C, of recess depth and at locations required.
J. Preformed Sealants: Install each unit of preformed sealant immediately after removing protective
wrapping, taking care not to pull or stretch material, and meeting instructions and recommendations of
manufacturer for installation methods, materials and tools that produce seal continuity at ends, turns
and intersections of joints. Bond ends of preformed sealants together at corners; do not overlap sealant
units. For applications at low ambient temperatures where expansion of sealant requires acceleration to
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -14
• 0
produce seal, apply heat to sealant meeting instructions of manufacturer. Joints shall be weatherproof,
It, including water and air penetration from wind driven rain.
K. Curing: Cure sealants meeting instructions and recommendations of sealant manufacturer, to obtain
high early adhesive strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability.
L. Cleaning: Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as work progresses by
methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of sealants and of products in which
joints occur.
A. General: Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed
submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult
with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Priming: Prime or seal joint surfaces where instructed or recommended by joint filler manufacturer
based on preconstruction filler substrate and field tests and prior experience. Confine primer or sealer
to areas of filler bond; do not allow primer or sealer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces.
C. Techniques: Install joint fillers by proven installation techniques that result in fillers being deposited in
uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete wetting of joint bond surfaces
equally on opposite sides, completely filling recess rabbet provided for each joint configuration and
providing uniform cross - sectional shapes and depths.
D. Filler Depth - Floor Joints: Install joint fillers to depths as instructed and recommended by filler
manufacturer, within following general limitations, measured at center section of filler.
1. For floor joints to be sealed with joint filler, fill joints full depth, except as otherwise required. Provide
total bottom backing support for filler, including means to prevent filler from escaping.
2. When joint depth is more than 2 inches deep, joint filler backer rod and silica sand backing
materials, as applicable, shall be used to provide total bottom backing support for filler. Install
backer rod and silica sand backing materials, as applicable, full depth below joint filler to provide 2
inches minimum depth of filler, including means to prevent backer rod or sand from moving or
escaping. Meet instructions and recommendations of filler manufacturer.
E. Spillage:
1. Prevention: Do not allow joint fillers or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to
migrate into voids of adjoining surfaces, including rough textures. Use masking tape or other
precautionary devices to prevent staining of adjoining surfaces by primer, sealer or filler. Remove
masking tape or other devices after shaving filler.
2. Excess: Remove excess and spillage of compounds promptly as work progresses. Clean adjoining
surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage, without damage to
adjoining surfaces or finishes.
F. Curing: Cure joint fillers meeting instructions and recommendations of filler manufacturer, to obtain high
early adhesive strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability.
G. Shaving: Afterjoint filler has cured, remove excess material only by shaving meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer. Grinding or other means of removing excess filler is not permitted.
Profile and surface of filler shall be flush configuration, smooth, without undulations or ratchet marks,
and perfectly and absolutely flush with surfaces of adjacent floor units.
H. Cleaning: Clean off excess joint fillers or filler smears adjacent to joints as work progresses by methods
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -15
and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturer of fillers and of products in which joints occur.
A. Outdoor Joints:
1. After cure of outdoor sealants which are exposed to weather, test for water leaks. Flood joint
exposure with water directed from a 3/4 inch garden hose held perpendicular and 2 feet from joint.
Water pressure at nozzle shall be 30 pounds per square inch minimum static. Move stream of
water along joint at approximate rate of 20 feet per minute.
2. Test approximately 5 percent of total joint system at locations which are typical of every joint
condition and which can be inspected easily for leakage on opposite face. Conduct test in presence
of Architect, who will determine actual percentage of joints to be tested and actual period of
exposure to water from hose.
3. Where nature of leakage indicates possibility of inadequate sealant bond strength, Architect may
direct that additional testing be performed at a time after joints have cycled through extreme high
and low temperature exposures and returned to lowest range of temperature in which it is feasible to
conduct testing. Perform testing at any reasonable time within 24 months of installation date, except
as otherwise directed by Architect.
4. Repair sealant installation at leaks or, if leakage is excessive, replace sealant installation.
B. Filler Floor Joints: Six months after floor is subjected to normal traffic, inspect jointswith Owner. Correct
joint installation where sealant is loose, firmly attached but partially separated from floor material or
otherwise defective as deemed deficient by Owner.
A. Repair: Repair, replace or otherwise correct sealant installation meeting instructions and
recommendations of sealant manufacturer. Repair work shall match and blend in with original
A. General: Protect sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances or
from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes. If, despite such protection,
damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated sealants and reseal joints
with new materials to produce sealant installation with repaired areas indistinguishable from original
A. General: Where Contract Documents do not indicate a specific type sealant, provide sealant of
respective type for joint location indicated in this Schedule. In addition, provide sealant of appropriate
type at locations not specifically scheduled as required for weathertightness or sealing one space from
another space.
B. Applications: Required applications of joint sealants include, but are not limited to, following locations:
1. Outdoor wall joints, except as otherwise required.
2. Control and expansion joints, except for joints in fire resistance rated construction assemblies,
except as otherwise required.
3. Isolation joints between construction elements, except for joints in fire resistance rated construction
assemblies, except as otherwise required.
4. Indoor sound - sealed and air - sealed joints.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -16
5. Flooring joints, except as otherwise required.
6. Pavement and sidewalk joints, except as otherwise required.
7. Joints at penetrations of walls, floors and roofs by piping and other services and equipment, except
as otherwise required.
8. Joints between different materials as required.
9. Joints between items of equipment and other construction.
10. Other joints as required.
C. Outdoor Joints:
1. General:
a. Typical: Sealants for outdoor applications at or above final grade elevation and not for water
immersion service, except as otherwise required.
b. Movement Capability: Elastomeric sealants shall withstand 25 percent minimum increase and 25
percent minimum decrease of joint width as measured at time of application, except as otherwise
required by Contract Documents.
2. In Vertical Surfaces:
a. Typical: Multi- component polyurethane, or polyether sealant.
b. Metal Wall Cladding - Lap Joints: Preformed sealant tape without shim.
c. Perimeter of Door, Window and like Penetration Frames: Multi- component or one - component
polyurethane sealant, or polyether sealant.
3. In Horizontal Surfaces:
a. Typical:
1) Subject to Traffic: Multi- component polyurethane sealant.
2) Not Subject to Traffic - General: Multi- component or one - component polyurethane sealant,
or polyether sealant, except as otherwise specified.
3) Not Subject to Traffic - Exception: Multi- component polyurethane sealant when in same
general plane as adjacent surface which is subject to traffic.
b. Metal Roof Panel Cladding - Lap Joints: Preformed sealant tape without shim.
c. Under Thresholds: Acrylic terpolymer or butyl rubber sealant.
4. Penetration Openings:
a. Requiring Closure to Air and Water, Non -Fire Resistance Rated: Multi- component or one -
component polyurethane sealant, or polyether sealant.
5. In- Contact with Bitumen, Rubber or Synthetic Rubber Base Products: Butyl rubber sealant.
D. Indoor Joints:
1. General:
a. Typical: Sealants for indoor applications and not for cold storage rooms and water immersion
service, except as otherwise required.
b. Movement Capability: Elastomeric sealants shall withstand 25 percent minimum increase and 25
percent minimum decrease of joint width as measured at time of application, except as otherwise
required by Contract Documents.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -17
2. In Vertical Surfaces:
a. Typical: Multi- component polyurethane sealant, or polyether sealant.
b. Perimeter of Door, Window and like Penetration Frames:
1) Typical: Multi- component or one - component polyurethane sealant, or polyether sealant,
except for interior side of outdoor components use same sealant as required for outdoor
2) At Ceramic Tile: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.
3) Where Subject to Moisture Contact: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.
c. Ceramic Tile: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.
d. Where Subject to Moisture Contact: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.
e. Sleeves and Penetrations:
1) Requiring Closure, Non -Fire Resistance Rated, Except As Otherwise Required: Included
under Section 07840 - Firestopping.
2) Between Gypsum Board and Penetration for Acoustical Seal:
a) Where Joints are Exposed in Completed Work: Acoustical sealant - exposed
b) Where Joints are Concealed in Completed Work, Non -Fire Resistance Rated:
Acoustical sealant - concealed application.
f. Sound Attenuation: Except as otherwise required:
1) Where Joints are Exposed in Completed Work: Acoustical sealant - exposed application.
2) Where Joints are Concealed in Completed Work: Acoustical sealant - concealed
application. 'i
3. In Horizontal Surfaces:
a. Typical:
1) Subject to Traffic: Multi- component polyurethane sealant.
2) Not Subject to Traffic - General: Multi- component or one - component polyurethane sealant,
or polyether sealant, except as otherwise specked.
3) Not Subject to Traffic - Exception: Multi- component polyurethane sealant when in same
general plane as adjacent surface which is subject to traffic.
b. Concrete Floor and Like Flatwork Construction Joints and Control Joints: Filler of type as
indicated for space:
1) Storage Spaces: Epoxy or polyurea filler.
2) Subfloors to be Covered with Floor Finish System, except where Filler or Sealant is Integral
Part of Floor Finish System: Epoxy filler.
3) Spaces Subject to Vehicle Traffic:
a) Light Traffic: Epoxy or polyurea filler.
b) Moderate or Heavy Traffic: Epoxy filler.
c. Ceramic Tile:
1) Typical: Multi- component polyurethane sealant.
2) Shower and Wet Areas: Multi- component polyurethane water immersion sealant.
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -18
d. Under Thresholds: Acrylic terpolymer or butyl rubber sealant.
4. Between Equipment and Building Construction, Except as Otherwise Required: Multi- component or
one - component polyurethane sealant, or polyether sealant.
5. Where Subject to Moisture Contact: Mildew resistant silicone sealant.
6. Penetration Openings:
a. Requiring Closure, Non -Fire Resistance Rated, Except as Otherwise Required: Included under
Section 07840 - Firestopping.
7. In- Contact with Bitumen, Rubber or Synthetic Rubber Base Products: Butyl rubber sealant.
E .3
AESI 27210 JOINT SEALANTS 07920 -19
A. Description: Hollow steel doors and frames are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include
work necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Hollow steel doors and frames include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Carbon and Zinc Coated Steel Units:
a. Hollow steel doors.
b. Hollow steel frames for hollow steel doors and wood doors.
c. Hollow steel frames for sidelights, borrowed lights, windows and like openings.
d. Steel panels and louvers associated with hollow steel work.
2. Fire rated assemblies.
3. Thermally rated doors.
A. Hollow metal or steel work, standard or custom hollow metal or steel work and words of similar
meaning used in the Contract Documents shall be synonymous when used on Drawings or in
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ANSI A115 - Specification for Door and Frame Preparation for Hardware.
2. ANSI A250.4 - Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance for Steel Doors and
Hardware Reinforcings.
3. ASHRAE Standard 70 - Method of Testing for Rating the Performance of Air Outlets and Inlets.
4. ASTM E90 - Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission
Loss of Building Partitions.
5. ASTM E336 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings.
6. ASTM E413 - Classification for Rating Sound Insulation.
7. AWS D1.3 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel.
8. ICC - International Building Code.
9. NAAMM /HMMA - Hollow Metal Manual.
10. NAAMM /HMMA 801 - Glossary of Terms for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.
11. NAAMM /HMMA 802 - Manufacturing of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.
12. NAAMM /HMMA 810 - Hollow Metal Doors.
13. NAAMM /HMMA 820 - Hollow Metal Frames
14. NAAMM /HMMA 830 - Hardware Selection for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
15. NAAMM /HMMA 840 - Installation and Storage of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
16. NAAMM/HMMA 850 - Fire Rated Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.
17. NAAM /HMMA 860 - Guide Specifications for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.
18. NAAMM /HMMA 861 - Guide Specifications for Commercial Hollow Metal Doors and Frames; forall
hollow steel doors and frames, except as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents.
19. NAAM /HMMA 865 - Guide Specifications for Sound Control of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames.
20. NAAM/HMMA 890 - Hollow Metal by HMMA.
21. NFPA 80 - Standard for Fire Doors and Windows, for fire rated door assemblies.
22. NFPA 101 - Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures, for fire rated door
23. NFPA 252 - Fire Test of Door Assemblies.
24. UL 10C - Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
B. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specked in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section
2. Durability: Hollow steel work shall meet physical endurance requirements for performance and
hardware reinforcing when evaluated meeting requirements of ANSI A250.4 and shall meet
Acceptance Criteria for Level A Doors. Test specimen shall be 3' -0" x 7' -0" x 1 -3/4" thick door
representative of material required for work.
3. Louvers: Louvers shall meet requirements of ASHRAE Standard 70 and SMACNA - Architectural
Sheet Metal Manual. Louvers shall be of characteristics and provide free air area for air flow rate
and velocity required for work without resulting air drafts and noise generation.
4. Fire Rated Assemblies:
a. General: Wherever a fire resistance classification is required for hollow steel work, provide fire
rated hollow steel doors and frames investigated and tested as a fire door assembly, complete
with type of fire door hardware to be used. Identify each fire door and frame with recognized
independent testing and inspecting agency labels, indicating applicable fire rating of both door
and frame.
b. Standards: Construct and install assemblies to meet requirements of NFPA 80, NFPA 101, UL
10C and [CC - International Building Code, and which have been tested, listed and labeled
meeting requirements of ASTM E152 and applicable requirements of UL and FM, bya nationally
recognized independent testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities bearing on
performance of the Work. Provide each door and frame with a UL Label and FM Label as
evidence of rating, with label indicating rating in hours of duration of exposure to fire.
c. Oversize Fire Rated Door Assemblies: For door assemblies required to be fire rated that exceed
size of tested assemblies for which a label is offered, provide UL or FM - Certificate of Inspection
for Oversized Assemblies or other documentation from an independent testing and inspection
agency indicating door and frame assembly meets requirements equivalent to requirements
established by individual listings for tested assemblies. Certification of manufacturer is not
d. B Labeled Doors: UL or FM, B Labeled doors shall be 1 -1/2 hour fire resistance rating, except
as otherwise indicated by Contract Documents.
e. Temperature Rise Rating: At vertical exit enclosures (stairwells) and exit passageways, provide
doors which have a Temperature Rise Rating of 450 degrees Fahrenheit maximum in 30
minutes of standard fire test exposure.
f. Pairs of Doors: Where pairs of UL or WHI, B Labeled or C Labeled doors are required, doors
shall be of type providing fire rating without use of an astragal.
5. Thermally Rated (Insulated) Assemblies:
a. General: Provide outdoor hollow steel work as thermally rated assemblies, when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM C236.
b. Rating: U -value of 0.24 Btu•h•ft maximum, except as otherwise indicated by Contract
C. Allowable Tolerances: Installed hollow steel doors in respective frames shall be within following
1. Non -Fire Rated Doors: Provide clearances of 1/8 inch at jambs and heads; 1/8 inch at meeting
stiles for pairs of doors, and 3/8 inch maximum from bottom of door to top of floor finish or covering,
except as otherwise required by Contract Documents. Where threshold is required, provide 318 inch
maximum clearance from bottom of door to top of threshold.
2. Fire Rated Doors: Provide clearances meeting requirements of NFPA 80 and NFPA 101, and
limitations of authority having jurisdiction, except do not exceed clearances specified for non -fire
rated doors.
3. Metal Flatness: Flat steel sheets and panels shall have exposed surfaces of flatness that maximum
slope of surface at any point, measured from nominal plane of surface, shall not exceed 1.25
A. Product Qualifications:
1. General: Provide products indicated under same category produced by single manufacturer. Use
only one type, brand, source and manufacture run of each product.
2. Sound Rated Door Assemblies: Provide sound retardant doors and frames, including gasketing,
thresholds, hinges, when integral with design, and other appurtenances essential for sound control,
manufactured by a single firm specializing in producing this type work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
{ C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall specialize in performing work of this Section and have 5 years
minimum documented experience in detailing, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality
required for work and shall be acceptable to manufacturer. Upon request, provide proof of
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Include published data, certified conformance report or
certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Include location, type,
size and swing of each door, elevation of each door design, fire rating and sound retardant ratings when
applicable, vision lite and louver cutouts, undercut dimensions, details of construction, location and
installation requirements of finish hardware reinforcements, and details of joints and connections. Show
anchorage and accessory items.
1. Provide a schedule of doors and frames using same reference numbers for details and openings as
those indicated on Drawings.
2. Coordinate frames and stops with requirements for associated work.
C. Samples: Submit representative samples of each type door and frame required for the Work.
1. Doors: Submit V -0" x V -0" corner section with exposure of hinge preparation, top and internal
construction, and edge and corner construction.
2. Frames: Submit V -0" x V -0" comer section showing head to jamb intersection detail. Include hinge
mortise, reinforcement and plaster guard in one rabbet and glazing stop applied as specked in
opposite rabbet. Glazing stop shall be applied to both head and jamb section to show comer joint.
3. Door Louvers: Submit full size sample of door louver with required finish and color.
4. Moldings: Submit a corner section of each type molding to be used for vision lites and louvers with
required finish and selected color.
D. Durability Test: Submit test report or certificate of compliance of durability test which shall include a
description of test specimens, procedures used in testing and indicate compliance with Acceptance
Criteria of test.
E. Label Certification: For door assemblies required to be fire rated and exceed size of tested assemblies,
submit UL or FM certification that each door and frame assembly has been constructed to conform to
design, materials and construction equivalent to requirements for labeled construction.
A. Deliver hollow steel work cartoned or crated to provide protection during transit and project storage.
B. Inspect hollow steel work upon delivery for damage. Minor damages may be repaired provided
refinished items are equal in all respects to new work and acceptable to Architect; otherwise, remove
and replace damaged items as directed.
C. Store doors and frames at project site under cover. Place units on minimum 4 inches high wood
blocking or on floors in a manner that will prevent rust and damage. Avoid use of non - vented plastic or
canvas shelters which could create a humidity chamber. If cardboard wrappers on doors become wet,
remove cartons immediately. Provide 1/4 inch minimum spaces between stacked doors to promote air
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specked in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, abnormal
deterioration; doors and frames which have warped (bow, cup or twist), show weld marks or
telegraphing in face sheets do not meet tolerance limitations, and failure of work to meet
performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent:
a. Warranty does not include damage caused by vandalism or material conditions exceeding
performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents. Warranty shall extend to repair or
replacement of defective work, including reinstallation which may be required.
b. Warranty of sound rated doors by manufacturer for rated STC.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitation and at no cost to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
I A. Steel (Carbon and Zinc Coated) Doors and Frames:
1. Allied Steel Products, Inc.
2. Curries Company.
3. Overly Manufacturing Company.
4. Other members of Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association Division of the National Association of
Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM /HMMA).
A. Hot Rolled Steel Sheets and Strips: ASTM A1008, Commercial quality carbon steel, pickled and oiled.
B. Cold Rolled Steel Sheets: ASTM A1011, commercial quality carbon steel, pickled and oiled.
C. Zinc Coated Steel Sheets: ASTM A653, Coating Designation G60, mill phosphatized, commercial
quality zinc coated carbon steel sheets.
D. Supports and Anchors: Fabricate of 0.067 inch minimum base steel thickness, zinc coated steel sheet.
E. Inserts, Bolts and Fasteners: Standard units of manufacturer, except hot -dip zinc coat items to be built
into exterior walls, meeting requirements of ASTM A153, Class C or D, as applicable.
F. Insulation: Material of type and characteristics required for application which is non - combustible,
impervious to fungi and mildew, and of insulating value required for application. Insulation flame spread
and smoke developed indexes shall be 25 and 50 maximum, respectively, when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM E136.
W G. Primer Paint: Rust inhibitive primer paint, either air drying or thermallycured which meet requirements of
ASTM 8117 Salt Spray for 150 hours with a rust grade of 6 minimum as defined in ASTM D610, and
ASTM D1735 Water Fog Test for organic coatings for 200 hours with any quantity of Number 8 blisters
but not more than few Number 6 blisters as illustrated in ASTM D714, and suitable as a base for
required finish paints.
H. Repair Paints:
1. Primer Paint: Same paint as specified for primer paint.
2. Zinc Coating - Hot -Dip:
a. Description: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of hot -dip zinc coated steel surfaces
meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94 percent
minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film and shall meet USDA acceptability regulations.
b. Acceptable Products:
1) ZRC Products Company, Z.R.C. Cold Galvanizing Compound.
I. Bituminous Coating: Cold applied asphalt mastic meeting requirements of SSPC Paint 12,
compounded for 15 mil dry film thickness per coat. Provide inert type non - corrosive compound free of
carcinogens and deleterious impurities.
A. General: Fabricate hollow steel units to be rigid, neat in appearance and free from defects, warp or
buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles. Wherever practicable, fit and assemble
units in factory. Clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment, to
assure proper assembly at project site. Weld exposed joints continuously, grind, dress and make
smooth, flush and invisible. Filler material other than weld filler metal to conceal manufacturing defects
is not acceptable.
B. Standard - Carbon Steel Units: Steel doors and frames shall meet requirements of HMMA 802 and
HMMA 861 and as specified in this Section.
C. Faces: Fabricate exposed faces of doors and panels, including stiles and rails of nonflush units, from
only cold rolled steel.
D. Steel: Fabricate frames, concealed stiffeners, reinforcement, edge channels, louvers and moldings
from either cold rolled or hot rolled steel.
E. Exposed Fasteners: Countersunk oval head screws and bolts with Phillips drive slots.
F. Thermal Rated (Insulating) Assemblies: For outdoor doors and elsewhere as required, provide hollow
steel units which have been fabricated as thermal insulating assemblies with noncombustible insulating
core construction.
G. Finish Hardware Preparation: Prepare hollow steel units to receive mortised and concealed finish
hardware, including cutouts, reinforcing, drilling and tapping in accordance with final Finish Hardware
Schedule and templates provided by hardware supplier. Meet applicable requirements of HMMA 830
and ANSI A115, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
1. Reinforce hollow steel units to receive surface applied hardware. Drilling and tapping for surface
applied finish hardware may be performed at project site.
2. Locate finish hardware meeting requirements of Section 08710 -Door Hardware.
H. Sound Retardant Door Assemblies:
1. General: Grade and construction shall meet requirements for non -fire rated and fire rated, as
applicable, door and frame assemblies, except as otherwise specified in this Paragraph.
2. Accessories: Provide hardware required to meet required STC rating. Provide neoprene or
magnetic, one -piece head and jamb seals, automatic door bottom or compression seal with cam
hinges at sill and smooth surface threshold.
I. Shop Painting - Carbon and Zinc Coated Steel Units:
a. Clean, treat and paint exposed surfaces of fabricated hollow steel units, including zinc coated
b. Clean steel surfaces of mill scale, rust, oil, grease, dirt and other foreign materials before
application of paint.
2. Zinc Coated Surfaces: After fabrication and before application of shop applied paint, touch -up paint
damaged areas of zinc coating with zinc coating repair paint.
3. Pretreatment: Apply pretreatment to cleaned metal surfaces, using cold phosphate solution
meeting requirements of SSPC PT2, hot phosphate solution meeting requirements of SSPC PT4, or
basic zinc chromate vinyl butyl solution meeting requirements of SSPC PT3.
4. Application: Apply shop coat of prime paint within time limits recommended by pretreatment
manufacturer. Apply a smooth coat of even consistency to provide a uniform dry film thickness of
2.0 mils minimum.
2.04 DOORS
A. General:
1. Provide flush design doors, 1-3/4 inches thick, seamless faces and seamless vertical edges, hollow
construction, unless otherwise required by Contract Documents. Welds made on door edges and
faces shall be completely invisible.
a. For single acting swing doors, bevel both vertical edges 1/8 inch in 2 inches.
b. For double acting swing doors, round vertical edges with a 2 -1/8 inch radius.
2. Unless otherwise required, provide mineral wool filler of noncombustible insulating material solidly
packed full door height and width to fill voids between inner core reinforcing members.
3. Reinforce doors with rigid tubular frame where stiles and rails are less than 8 inches wide. Form
tubular frame with 0.060 inch minimum base steel thickness, welded to outer sheets.
B. Outdoor Doors - Zinc Coated Steel: Fabricate outdoor doors of 2 outer zinc coated, stretcher leveled
steel face sheets of 0.060 inch minimum base steel thickness. Construct doors with smooth, flush
surfaces without visible joints or seams on exposed faces or stile edges, except around glazed or
louvered panel inserts. Provide weep hole openings in the bottom of doors to permit escape of
entrapped moisture.
1. Reinforce inside of doors with vertical zinc coated sheet steel channel shaped sections or
interlocking Z- shaped sections of 0.030 inch minimum base steel thickness. Space vertical
reinforcing 6 inches on center and extend full door height. Spot weld at 5 inches maximum on center
to both face sheets.
2. Continuous truss form inner core of zinc coated sheet steel reinforcing of 0.015 inch minimum base
steel thickness may be provided as inner reinforcement, in lieu of above. Spot weld truss
reinforcement 3 inches maximum on center vertically and horizontally over entire surface of both
3. Reinforce tops and bottoms of doors with horizontal steel channels of 0.060 inch minimum base
steel thickness, welded to outer sheets.
4. Close top and bottom edges to provide weather seal, as integral part of door construction or by
addition of zinc coated steel sheet inverted channels of 0.060 inch minimum base steel thickness,
spot welded in place and made continuously air tight.
C. Indoor Doors - Carbon Steel: Fabricate indoor doors of 2 outer cold rolled, stretcher leveled steel face
sheets of 0.048 inch minimum thickness for typical indoor doors, and 0.060 inch minimum thickness for
indoor doors of equipment rooms and like spaces, except when otherwise required for fire rated doors.
Construct doors with smooth, flush surfaces, without visible joints or seams on exposed faces or stile
edges, except around glazed or louvered panel inserts.
1. Reinforce inside of doors with vertical, hot rolled, 0.030 inch minimum thickness steel channel
shaped sections or interlocking Z- shaped steel sections. Space vertical reinforcing 6 inches
maximum on center and extend full door height. Spot weld at 5 inches maximum on center to both
face sheets.
2. Continuous truss form inner core of 0.015 inch minimum thickness steel sheet reinforcing may be
provided as inner reinforcement in lieu of above. Spot weld truss form reinforcement 3 inches
maximum on center vertically and horizontally over entire surface of both sides.
3. Reinforce tops and bottoms of doors with, horizontal steel channels of 0.048 inch minimum
thickness, welded to outer sheets.
4. Close top and bottom edges to provide seal, as integral part of door construction or by addition of
steel sheet inverted channels of 0.048 inch minimum thickness, spot welded in place and made
continuously air tight.
6 "
D. Finish Hardware Reinforcement: Reinforce doors for required door hardware with same type steel and
protective coating as required for door faces, as follows:
1. Hinges: Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1 -1/2" wide x 6" longer than hinge, secured by 6 spot welds,
2. Mortise Locksets and Dead Bolts: 0.105 inch base steel thickness, secured with 2 spot welds,
3. Cylinder Locks: 0.105 inch base steel thickness, secured with 2 spot welds, minimum.
4. Flush Bolts: 0.105 inch base steel thickness, secured with 2 spot welds, minimum.
5. Surface Applied Closers: 0.105 inch base steel thickness, secured with 6 spot welds, minimum.
Provide reinforcement for surface applied closers for all doors, regardless if door requires closer.
6. Push Plates and Bars: 0.075 inch base steel thickness, except when through bolts are required,
secured with 2 spot welds, minimum.
7. Surface Eat Devices: 0.075 inch base steel thickness, except when through bolts are required,
secured with 2 spot welds, minimum.
8. Automatic Door Bottoms: Reinforce for mortise type units with 0.105 inch base steel thickness, and
0.075 inch base steel thickness for surface applied units, minimum.
E. Hardware Enclosures:
1. Provide enclosures within doors for electrically operated door hardware, interconnected with UL
Listed, 1/2 inch diameter conduit and connectors. Weld enclosures to door.
2. When necessary, provide access plates to enclosures fabricated from same material, finish and
thickness as face sheet of door and fastened with four security fasteners spread at 6 inches
maximum centers.
A. General: Hollow steel panels shall be manufactured of same materials and construction, and finished
in same way as specified in Article - Doors, of this Section.
A. General:
1. Extent: Provide hollow steel frames for doors and other openings, of types and styles as indicated
on Drawings.
2. Thermal Breaks: Provide thermal break frames for outdoor doors. Provide thermal break frames
for frames used with indoor thermal rated (insulating) doors.
B. Construction:
1. General: Fabricate frames of full welded unit construction of types, profiles and sizes indicated on
Drawings. Finished work shall be neat in appearance, square and free of defects, warps and
buckles. Frames shall be straight and of uniform profile throughout length. Any fasteners shall be
2. Knock Down Frames: Project site assembled or knock down type frames are not acceptable.
3. Corners: Corner joints shall have contact edges closed tight, formed by sawed or die mitered cut
corners, reinforced, and continuously welded through full throat at inside of frames (rabbet, stop and
soffit), and at face and return edge of frame. Exposed surfaces shall be ground and finished
smooth. Use of gussets or splice plates as a substitute for welding shall not be acceptable.
4. Stops:
a. Depth: Depth of stops shall be 5/8 inch minimum.
5. Oversized Frames: When shipping limitations dictate, frames for large openings shall be fabricated
• 0
in sections for assembly at project site. Provide alignment plates or angles at each joint. Such
components shall be same thickness as frame. Project site joints shall be continuously welded and
finished meeting applicable requirements of this Paragraph.
C. Sheet Steel:
Carbon and Zinc Coated:
a. Outdoor Locations: Form frames of zinc coated sheet steel.
b. Indoor Locations: Form frames of cold or hot rolled sheet steel.
c. Thermally Rated: Form frames for thermally rated (insulating) doors of zinc coated sheet steel.
D. Steel Thickness:
1. Outdoor Use: 0.075 inch minimum base steel thickness for outdoor openings.
2. Indoor Use:
a. Typical: 0.060 inch minimum base steel thickness sheet for indoor openings up to and including
4 feet wide and 0.075 inch minimum base steel thickness sheet for indoor openings more than 4
feet wide, except when otherwise required for fire rated doors.
b. Doors of Equipment Rooms and Like Spaces: 0.075 inch minimum base steel thickness sheet
for openings up to and including 4 feet wide, except when otherwise required for fire rated doors.
E. Finish Hardware Reinforcement: Reinforce frames for required door hardware with same steel type and
protective coating as required for frame, as follows:
1. Hinges and Pivots: Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1 -1/2" wide x6" longer than hinge, secured by not less
than 6 spot welds, minimum.
2. Strike Plate Clips: Steel plate 3/16" thick x 1 -1/2" wide x 3" long, minimum.
3. Surface Applied Closers: 0.105 inch minimum base steel thickness sheet, secured with 6 spot
welds, minimum. Provide reinforcement for surface applied closers for all doorframes, regardless if
door requires closer.
4. Concealed Closers: Removable steel access plate, 0.105 inch minimum base steel thickness
internal reinforcement of size and shape required, and enclosing housing to keep closer pocket free
of mortar or other materials.
F. Mullions:
1. Provide closed or tubular mullions, except as otherwise required by Contract Documents, of same
steel type and protective coating as required for frame. Fasten mullions at crossings and to jambs
by butt welding, except where removable mullions are required. Reinforce joints between frame
members with concealed clip angles or sleeves of same steel and thickness as frame.
2. Where installed in masonry, leave vertical mullions in frames open at top so mullion can be filled
with grout.
3. Provide false head member to receive lower ceiling where frames extend to finish ceilings of
different heights.
G. Jamb Anchors: Furnish jamb anchors as required to secure frames to adjacent construction, formed of
0.060 inch minimum base steel thickness steel of same steel type and protective coating as required for
1. Masonry Construction: Adjustable, corrugated or perforated, T- shaped to suit frame size with leg not
less than 2" x 10" long. Furnish at least 3 anchors for each jamb up to 7' -6" height; 4 anchors up to
8 foot jamb height; plus one additional anchor for each 24 inches or fraction thereof over 8 foot
height, spaced at 24 inches ma)amum between anchors.
2. Metal Stud Partitions: Insert type with notched clip to engage metal stud, welded to back of frames.
Provide at least 4 anchors for each jamb for frames up to 7' -6" height; 5 anchors up to 8 foot jamb
height; plus one additional anchor for each 24 inches or fraction thereof over 8 foot height, spaced
at 24 inches maximum between anchors.
3. In -Place Concrete or Masonry: Anchor frame jambs with minimum 3/8 inch concealed bolts into
expansion shields or inserts at 6 inches maxdmum from top and bottom with intermediate spacing at
24 inches maxdmum, unless otherwise required by Contract Documents. Reinforce frames at anchor
locations. Apply removable stop to cover anchor bolts. Detail means of anchorage so that frame will
not deform when installed.
H. Floor Anchors: Provide concealed floor anchors for each jamb and mullion which extends to floor,
formed of 0.075 inch minimum base steel thickness, zinc coated steel sheet, as follows:
1. Monolithic Concrete Slabs: Clip type anchors, with 2 holes to receive fasteners, welded to bottom of
jambs and mullions.
I. Head Strut Supports: Provide 3/8" x2" vertical steel struts extending from top of frame at each jamb to
supporting construction above, unless frame is anchored to masonry or to other structural support at
each jamb. Bend top of struts to provide flush contact for securing to supporting construction above.
Provide adjustable bolted anchorage to frame jamb members.
J. Structural Reinforcing Members: Provide structural reinforcing members as a part of frame assembly,
where required at mullions or other locations which are to be built into frame.
K. Head Reinforcing - Masonry Walls: For frames over 4 feet wide in masonry wall openings provide
continuous steel channel or angle stiffener, 0.105 inch minimum base steel thickness for full width of
opening, welded to back of frame at head. Frame head reinforcing shall not be used as lintels or load
bearing members.
L. Head Anchors - Steel Stud Walls: Provide 2 anchors at head of frames exceeding 3' -6" width for
frames mounted in steel stud walls.
M. Spreader Bars: Provide temporary removable spreader bar across bottom of frames, tack welded to
jambs and mullions.
N. Rubber Door Silencers: Except on weatherstripped and soundstripped doors, drill stop to receive 3
silencers on single door frames and 4 silencers on double door frames. Drill for 2 silencers at heads of
each door in double swing frames. Install plastic plugs to keep holes clear during construction.
O. Plaster Guards: Provide 0.018 inch minimum base steel thickness steel plaster guards or mortar boxes,
welded to frame, at back of finish hardware cutouts where mortar or other materials might obstruct
hardware installation and to close off interior of openings.
A. Door Louvers - Non -Fire Rated:
1. General: Fabricate louvers and mount into doors without frames or moldings overlapping on surface
of door facing sheets, integral with door faces, and no visible seams. Provide internal support as
instructed and recommended by louver manufacturer. Prime paint carbon steel units after
2. Configuration: Sightproof, stationary type, constructed of inverted Y- shaped blades formed of 0.030
inch minimum base steel thickness of same type steel as door set into 0.048 inch minimum base
steel thickness frame. Depth of louver shall be 1 inch and of detail for type of installation into door
as required. Face size shall be as indicated on Drawings. Louvers shall have 50 percent minimum
free air. Assemble units by welding, including blades to frame.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. Anemostat Door Products, Series CHDL for V- shaped and Series AFDL -T for Y- shaped.
B. Door Louvers - Fire Rated:
1. General: Fabricate louvers and mount with frame having tight corners and countersunk mounting
holes. Provide internal support as instructed and recommended by louver manufacturer. Prime paint
carbon steel units after fabrication. Louver and frame unit shall have UL 10C Label for required fire
2. Configuration: Sightproof, movable type, constructed of Z- shaped blades formed of 0.048 inch
minimum base steel thickness of same type steel as door set into 0.048 inch minimum base steel
thickness steel frame. Louvers shall provide 36 percent minimum free area. Provide with concealed
fusible link rated at 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Acceptable Products:
a. Anemostat Door Products, Model FLDL -UL.
A. General:
1. Provide stops and moldings around panels in hollow steel units and in frames to receive doors,
except as otherwise required by Contract Documents.
2. Coordinate width of rabbet between fixed and removable stops with required type of panel and type
of installation.
B. Fixed Stops: Form fixed stops and moldings integral with hollow steel unit, except as otherwise required
by Contract Documents. Fixed stops shall be oriented to outside or corridor side.
A. General:
1. Standard: Meet requirements of NAAMM AMP 500 Series relative to application and designations of
2. Sequencing:
a. Finish hollow steel work after fabrication and before delivery to project site.
b. Whenever possible, complete hollow steel assembly, including connection of units before startof
finishing operation.
c. Whenever possible, complete finishing of surfaces of individual components of hollowsteel work
before fabrication. After fabrication, finish joints, bends, abrasions and other surface blemishes
to match parent finish.
d. Finished surfaces of hollow steel work shall be of uniform texture, color and finish, including
welded, ground and other worked surfaces.
e. Protect finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by application of strippable adhesive coveror
other temporary protective covering, prior to shipment.
f. After fabrication, tool marks and surface imperfections shall be finished to make surfaces and x"
weld joints free from irregularities.
B. Carbon Steel: Immediately after surface preparation, apply primer paint meeting instructions and
recommendations of manufacturer and requirements of SSPC PA1. Provide a continuous and uniform
dry film thickness. Coating shall provide full coverage over surfaces, including joints, comers, edges,
crevices, welds and other like conditions.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General:
1. Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed submittals
for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers.
2. Meet requirements of HMMA - Hollow Metal Manual and applicable specific HMMA Standards.
3. Door Hardware: See Section 08710 - Door Hardware.
4. Install frames and doors at fire rated openings meeting requirements of ICC - International Building
Code and NFPA 80, and meeting terms of fire rated listing.
B. Clearances: Install hollow steel doors accurately in respective frames and within clearances specified in
Article - System Description, Paragraph - Allowable Tolerances, of this Section.
C. Setting Masonry Anchorage Devices: Provide masonry anchorage devices where required for securing
hollow steel frames to in -place concrete or masonry construction.
1. Set anchorage devices opposite each anchor location, in accordance with details on final shop
drawings and instructions of anchorage device manufacturer. Leave drilled holes rough, not
reamed, and free from dust and debris.
2. Floor anchors maybe set with powder actuated fasteners instead of masonry anchorage devices
and machine screws, if so indicated on final shop drawings.
D. Placing Frames: Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned and braced securely until
permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces and
spreaders leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged.
1. Protective Coating - Carbon Steel Frames: Protect inside (concealed) faces of frames in masonry
or plaster construction using fibered asphalt emulsion coating. Apply approximately 1/8 inch thick
over shop primer and allow to dry before handling.
2. In masonry construction, building in of anchors and grouting of frames are included in masonry
specification. Locate 3 wall anchors per jamb at hinge and strike levels, except as otherwise
required by Contract Documents.
3. In metal stud partitions, install at least 3 wall anchors per jamb at hinge and strike levels. In closed
steel stud partitions, attach wall anchors to studs with tapping screws.
4. At in -place concrete, masonry or metal construction, set frames and secure to adjacent construction
with machine screws and anchorage devices appropriate for condition and application.
5. Make field splices in frames as detailed on final reviewed shop drawings, welded and finished to
match factory work.
6. Remove spreader bars only after frames or bucks have been properly set and secured.
A. General: Owner may employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance
and control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specified in this Article. Quality Control Service
will provide project site testing facilities and equipment.
B. During Construction -Sound Retardant Door Assemblies:
1. Selection: Test completely installed sound retardant doors randomly selected by Owner.
2. Testing Requirements: Conduct field tests meeting requirements of ASTM E336, with results
meeting requirements of ASTM E413 to confirm operating field STC values are within 5 dB of
laboratory STC values.
3. Test results shall be reported promptly and in writing by Quality Control Service to Owner,
Contractor and Architect.
4. Non - Compliance: Repair or replace components of sound retardant door assemblies where test
results indicate STC rating does not meet requirements.
A. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating finish hardware items in hollow steel work just prior to
final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective
work, including doors or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise unacceptable.
B. Painting - Touch -Up: After installation, touch -up paint abraded and rusted areas of shop protective
coated surfaces. Prepare surfaces and apply paint meeting instructions and recommendations of paint
manufacturer. Insure full coverage at corners and edges.
1. Primer Paint Coated Surfaces: Use primer repair paint. Provide dry film thickness of 2.0 mils
2. Hot -Dip Zinc Coated Surfaces: Meet requirements of ASTM A780. Use zinc coating repair paint.
Provide dry film thickness of 3.0 mils minimum.
C. Cleaning: Clean steel surfaces after installation, exercising care to avoid damage to steel surfaces and
any coating or finish.
A. Description: Aluminum doors and frames are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include
work necessary and incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
B. Included: Aluminum doors and frames include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and installation of work.
2. Standard swing stile and rail doors, outdoor, vestibule and indoor applications, and associated
3. Anchorage to supporting structure, including providing anchorage devices, supports, fasteners
and like items to be built -in or attached to supporting structure.
4. Closures, covers, fascias, trim and flashing integral, adjoining or associated with work.
5. Sealants, fillers and gaskets, as applicable, at joints within work and at joints between work
and adjoining construction.
6. Receiving and installing door hardware, except cylinders for locksets.
7. Operating hardware, weatherstripping and other components required for complete door and
frame units, except as otherwise required.
8. Glass panels and accessory glazing materials associated with work, including devices and
anchorage required to retain glass panels in place.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents, and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing
on performance of the Work:
1. AA - Aluminum Standards and Data.
2. AA - Specifications for Aluminum Structures.
3. AAMA GSM -1 - Metal Curtain Wall, Window, Store Front and Entrance Guide Specifications
4. AAMA SFM -1 - Aluminum Store Front and Entrance Manual.
5. AAMA 607.1 — Voluntary Guide Specification and Inspection Methods for Clear Anodic
Finishes for Architectural Aluminum.
6. AAMA 1503 - Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Condensation
Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections.
7. AAMA 2605.2 - Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for
Superior Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels.
8. AISC - Manual of Steel Construction.
9. ANSI A117.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
10. GANA - Glazing Manual.
11. GANA - Sealant Manual.
12. ISO 3210 - Acid Dissolution Test.
13. NAAMM - Metal Finishes Manual.
14. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code (Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures).
15. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
16. USDOJ - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
17. Handicapped people accessibility codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
B. Performance Basis:
General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, visual concepts, profiles and sightlines of members, dimensions and modules
of units, performance, function, operation and like requirements. Within these limitations,
work shall meet arrangements, visual concepts, performance criteria and like requirements
indicated by Contract Documents, and include components not indicated but necessary for
performance, function, operation and like requirements, and to be a complete system.
Perform modifications only as necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to
coordinate the work, subject to acceptance by Architect. Variations in details and products
shall not adversely affect visual concepts, appearance, performance, strength and durability.
Provide complete drawings and data of proposed modifications.
2. Qualification: Contract Documents are intended to cover complete work and to outline
performance criteria and products required, but not to cover details of design and
construction. Such details shall be responsibility of manufacturer. Contract Documents do
not invent or develop any part of work, but have made only selections from choices made
available by manufacturer.
3. Certification: Work shall be designed, certified, reviewed and inspected by engineer of
Contractor subject to minimum requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents,
including requirements specified in this Paragraph' and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, creep, shrinkage,
deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements,
seismic forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most
stringent requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public
authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
3. Design Features:
a. Frame, Jamb and Glass: Each shall be in one plane respectively, except as otherwise
indicated on Drawings.
b. Traffic Performance: Withstand anticipated traffic as follows for life of building as
specified in Section 01415 - Performance Requirements, but not less than 40 years with
normal maintenance as defined by maintenance manual of manufacturer.
1) Outdoor and Vestibule Door and Frame Units: 4,000 open /close cycles per day.
4. Loading: Work shall withstand a minimum uniform pressure, both positive (acting inward) and
negative (acting outward), acting normal to plane and over gross area of surfaces, of uniform
static air pressure meeting requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E330, without exceeding deflection requirements:
5. Dead Loads: Withstand actual weight of systems, materials and components, including items
supported by work.
0 0
6. Ultimate Structural Loads:
1 a. Door and Frame Units:
1) Door and frame units, including operable components shall withstand for duration of
10 seconds, 1.5 times required pressures and loads, both positive (acting inward) and
negative (acting outward), acting normal to plane and over gross area of surfaces,
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E330.
2) At conclusion of test there shall be no glass breakage, and no permanent damage to
panels, actuating mechanisms, hardware parts, fasteners and anchors, or damage
making operable components not perform or be inoperable. Permanent deformation
of any framing member shall not exceed 0.2 percent of clear span.
b. Anchor Components: Anchor components shall withstand 2.5 times required pressures
and loads, both positive (acting inward) and negative (acting outward), acting normal to
plane and over gross area of surfaces, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM
7. Deflections: For required pressures and loads, limit deflections and stresses to work as
follows, except restrict deflection further as required for performance and assembly of
a. Normal: For pressures and loads acting normal to plane of surfaces, deflection of framing
members shall not exceed U200 of span length, except U300 of span length for glass
supporting members, or 3/4 inch, whichever is least, and shall not exceed flexure limit of
glass or panel unit with full recovery of glazing and installed materials.
b. Parallel: For pressures and loads acting parallel to plane of surfaces, deflection of
horizontal rails shall not reduce glass or panel unit bite below 75 percent of design
dimension and shall not reduce glass or panel unit edge clearance below 25 percent of
design dimension or 1/8 inch, whichever is least, and shall not exceed limit of glass or
panel unit with full recovery of glazing and installed materials.
c. Connections: At connection points of framing members to supporting structure and
anchors, deflection of anchors shall not exceed 1/16 inch. Where connection points and
anchorage are not clearly defined, maximum anchor point deflection which is used to
determine span of element shall not exceed 1/16 inch.
d. Interaction Stresses: Stresses shall take into account interaction, including allowable
values established by standards and specifications specified in Paragraph - Codes and
Standards, of this Section. In no case shall allowable values exceed yield stress.
8. Permanent Deflections:
a. Framing: At 1.5 times required pressures and loadings, net permanent deflections of
framing members shall not exceed 0.2 percent of span length, and components shall not
experience failure and gross permanent distortion.
b. Connections: At connection points of framing members to supporting structure and
anchors, deflection of anchors shall not exceed 1/8 inch and permanent set shall not
exceed 1/16 inch. Where connection points and anchorage are not clearly defined,
maximum and permanent anchor deflection which is used to determine span of element
shall not exceed 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch, respectively.
9. Movements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements.
10. Twist: Twist of glass and panel supporting members, supporting full dead load, shall not
exceed 1 degree between ends and center.
11. Building Tolerances: Work shall accommodate variations in relation to theoretical building
12. Corrosion: Where dissimilar materials exist in a relationship or environment where galvanic or
other types of corrosion or deterioration could occur, provide adequate measures to prevent
corrosion and deterioration at places within and adjacent to work.
13. Glass Design Factor of Safety: Meet requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing for minimum
design factors.
14. Door and Frame Units - Outdoor Work:
a. General: Meet requirements of AAMA 101 for Heavy Commercial Class Swing Doors (HC),
except as otherwise specified in this Section.
b. Design Features: Door and frame units shall have thermal break design and exhibit
pressure equalization design.
c. Air Infiltration: Air infiltration through outdoor door and frame units, including glass,
panels, weatherstripping and exterior thresholds, when subjected to direct exposure of 25
mph wind velocity shall not exceed 0.50 cfm per linear foot of operable door crack length
(perimeter) when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E283.
d. Water Resistance: Water resistance of door and frame units shall be as follows:
1) Definition: Water leakage is defined as any water, other than condensation, that
appears on any indoor surface of work.
2) Design Provisions: Provisions shall be made in design of outdoor door and frame
units to drain to outdoor face any leakage of water occurring through assembly
including, but not limited to, joints, condensation taking place within construction and
migrating moisture occurring within assembly.
a) Framing: Isolate each component so any leakage is confined to and weeped
from component of leakage origin.
b) Openings: Openings for each lite shall function independently for control and
drainage of water. Isolate glazing perimeter of each opening so leakage is
confined to and weeped from opening of leakage origin.
c) Weeps: Provide weep system as required to provide leakage control and to drain
entering water to outdoor face of work. Dam and seal gutter termination
d) Doors: Each door shall function independently for control and drainage of water.
3) Performance: No water leakage shall occur when subjected to uniform static air
pressure difference of 20 percent of design pressure, but not less than 6.00 psf, when
evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E331.
e. Insulating Values: Work shall have insulating values at 15 mph wind velocity, 5 year aged
value for insulation, when evaluated meeting requirements of AAMA 1503. Data derived
from calculations, theoretical assumptions and test results of different size or arrangement
of units is not acceptable.
1) Metal Framing: Fixed areas with U -value of 0.65 Btu* h•ft maximum.
2) Glass Panels: Meet requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing, for respective glass
f. Condensation Control: Design, fabricate and install doors and frame units to prevent
condensation on indoor face with building heating and ventilating system in normal
operation. See outdoor and indoor environmental criteria in Section 01415 - Performance
Requirements. Architect will furnish specific heating and ventilating ata as may be
9 Y
requested by Contractor. Condensation is defined as visible water, ice or frost on any area
of any module of door or frame unit, or accumulation of uncontrolled condensation flowing
from door at any location.
g. Condensation Resistance: Areas of door and frame units shall have a condensation
resistance factor (CRF) of 60 minimum when tested for thermal performance meeting
requirements of AAMA 1503. Except for size, proposed units shall contain same weep
holes, hardware and operating characteristics as door and frame units tested for structural
performance, air infiltration and water resistance compliance. Data derived from
calculations, theoretical assumptions, and test results of different size and arrangement of
systems are not acceptable.
h. Thermal Break Criteria: Assume thermal breaks to have no ability to transfer stress for
composite action of members. Also assume elements joined by thermal break to act
separately. Provide backup connection which will hold frame together in event of
breakdown or failure of thermal break material.
1) Provide units with an integral, concealed, low conductance, thermal barrier located
between exterior materials and members exposed on interior, in a manner that
eliminates direct metal -to -metal contact.
2) Provide thermal break construction that has been in use 3 years minimum, has been
tested to demonstrate resistance of thermal conductance and condensation, and has
been tested to show adequate strength and security of glass retention.
15. Door and Frame Units - Indoor Work:
a. General: Doors shall be of construction detail to meet requirements of AAMA 101 for
_t Heavy Commercial Class Swing Doors (HC), but are not required to meet non - structural
performance requirements of outdoor doors.
D. Tolerances: Completed work shall be within following tolerances:
1. Location Variation: Deviation from theoretical or designed position in horizontal or vertical
plane, including deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle, shall not exceed 1/8 inch
in any 12 foot run in any direction or 1/4 inch total at any location.
2. Alignment: Deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle shall not exceed 1/8 inch in any
12 feet of actual length of any member or 1/4 inch in any total run in any line, whichever is
3. Plane Alignment Offsets: Limit offsets from true alignment between consecutive or adjoining
members placed end - to-end or edge -to -edge in same plane as follows:
a. Maximum offset of 1/32 inch for required flush alignments, including any alignment to be
1/4 inch or less out-of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane of 2
inches or less.
b. Maximum offset of 1/16 inch for required out -of -flush alignments, including any alignment
to be more than 1/4 inch out-of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane
of more than 2 inches.
4. Glass Framing Offset: Maximum offset between glass framing members at corners of glazing
channel shall not exceed 1/32 inch.
5. Metal Flatness: Flat metal sheet and panels shall have exterior surfaces of such flatness that
when measured the maximum slope of surface at any point, measured from the nominal
plane of surface, shall not exceed 1.25 percent.
6. Appearance Variation: Variations in appearance of finishes shall not be noticeable from 10' -0"
by Architect under lighting conditions at place of installation.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single manufacturer or installer having
undivided responsibility for providing complete work and for performance, quality and appearance
of work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer, or installer acceptable to manufacturer and specialized in
performing work of this Section, with 5 years minimum documented experience in design,
engineering, detailing, fabrication, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality
required for work. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
D. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as
a structural engineer in jurisdiction where the work is located and experienced in providing
structural engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of
work similar in extent, design and products to that required for the work.
E. Bolting Qualifications: Qualify shop and field bolt tightening procedures meeting requirements of
AISC - Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. Verify shop and field
bolting crews ability to install bolts in accordance with selected method of tightening.
F. Welding Qualifications:
1. General: Prior to commencement of welding operations, qualify welding procedures and
personnel to be employed on fabrication and installation work meeting requirements of AWS
D1.1 and D1.2, as applicable.
2. Personnel: Qualifications shall remain in effect for duration of work, unless there is reason on
part of Quality Control Service to question ability of welding personnel. Verification of
qualifications of welding personnel required for work shall be performed by Quality Control
Service at expense of Contractor, at no addition to Contract Sum.
G. Compliance Certificates: Compliance certificates of products may be submitted in lieu of testing,
when acceptable to Architect. Compliance certificates shall be certified by product manufacturer.
H. Quality Control:
1. Compatibility and Adhesion Tests - Sealants: Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint
2. Finish: Independent Quality Control Service employed by Owner will select random samples
from production run of finished components for evaluation.
I. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work
and delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall
include review of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements,
ambient conditions and coordination required for installation of work. Meeting participants shall
include Architect, representative of manufacturer, installer of work and installers of related work.
Record discussions of meeting, and agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copy
of record to each participant.
J. Project Site Mock -Ups:
1. General: Prior to installing work, provide full size mock -up of each door and frame type,
suitable for visual review and to indicate qualities of materials and execution of work.
2. Mock -Ups:
a. Each mock -up shall be a complete and accurate construction including, but not limited to,
framing system, doors, panels, glazing and detail assembly. Mock -up shall accurately
represent door and frame units.
b. Mock -ups shall be part of permanent work installed in permanent location.
c. Locate mock -ups on project site in location and of size indicated by Contract Documents,
or if not indicated, as directed by Architect.
d. Notify Architect one week in advance of date when each mock -up will by ready for review.
e. Obtain acceptance of Architect of each mock -up before start of actual door and frame
f. Retain and maintain mock -ups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a
standard for judging the completed work.
g. Acceptable mock -ups may be used as part of permanent work.
3. Construction: Construct mock -ups in accordance with final reviewed submittals and
requirements of Contract Documents. Use materials and methods identical with those
prepared for actual work. Any deviation or addition to details are subject to acceptance by
Architect. Accepted modifications shall be incorporated into shop drawings and into actual
production materials and installation.
4. Unsatisfactory Review:
a. When review has been completed with unsatisfactory results, revise mock -up or provide a
new mock -up as necessary until review is satisfactory. In addition, perform any additional
testing. Submit reports of each review and testing until satisfactory results are obtained.
Remove unsatisfactory mock -up work from project site.
b. Modifications shall be realistic relative to project conditions and shall maintain specified
standards of quality and durability required by Contract Documents.
c. Any deviations from or additions to details are subject to acceptance by Architect.
Accepted modifications shall be incorporated into submittals and into actual materials and
d. In event unsatisfactory results necessitate any deviation from or addition to details or
retesting, and additional expenses incurred as a result of such work, including expenses
incurred by Owner, shall be at expense of Contractor at no addition to Contract Sum.
A. Product Data:
1. General: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and
installation instructions of manufacturer for each material, component and finish required.
Include published data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report of
manufacturer substantiating that each material, component and finish meets requirements of
Contract Documents.
2. Cleaning Agents: Submit written verification that recommended cleaning agents for cleaning
work are compatible with materials, components and finishes, and adjacent building materials
and finishes.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work, including associated
components. Shop drawings shall be prepared by manufacturer. Shop drawings prepared by
installer are not acceptable. Organize shop drawings into one coordinated submittal indicating
proper relation to adjacent work. Identify each component of work using same identification
reference indicated on Drawings. Include plans and elevations at 1/4 inch scale, typical unit
elevations at 3/4 inch scale and detail sections at full scale. Indicate requirements and details
for following and other pertinent data not included in submitted product data:
a. Layout arrangement, dimensions and details of entire work, including associated
components. Indicate arrangement, and where necessary, details of adjacent construction
relative to work, correctly detailed and dimensioned.
b. Show anchorages, framing components, joints, movement provisions, glazing details,
hardware and other components.
c. Profiles, sections and dimensions of each material and component, and type, size and
location of reinforcement.
d. Specifications for materials.
e. Reactions imparted by work to supporting structure, reactions locations and proposed
connection details for coordination with supporting structure.
f. Location and details of anchorage devices and inserts, including devices and inserts to be
embedded in or attached to supporting structure. Show types, sizes, location, shimming
and adjacent materials. Furnish templates if required for accurate placement.
g. Typical and special details of performance, assembly, installation and anchorage. Include
1) Joinery details and techniques, including joint system types, horizontal and vertical
expansion and contraction provisions with locations and sizes, weldments, fasteners
and sealants. Identify type and location of shop and field applied sealants.
2) Internal water drainage system including weeps.
3) Doors and associated components, including provisions for hardware and hardware
mounting locations.
4) Glazing systems, including position and clearances of glass edges relative to framing
2. Certification: Shop drawings shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who
performed design work, stating work meets most stringent requirements of Contract
C. Samples:
1. Metal: Submit samples of each required type and color of finish on 12 inch long sections of
extrusions and 12 inch square sheets of same metal alloy to be used for work. Where normal
color, sheen and texture variations are to be anticipated, include 3 or more units in each
sample to show extreme range of such variations. Samples will be reviewed only for visual
2. Other Materials: Submit samples of other materials and components exposed to view in the
completed work. Samples will be only for visual characteristics.
3. Verification: Right is reserved for Architect to require samples of typical fabricated sections to
show design, fabrication and workmanship before fabrication of work proceeds. Samples will
be only for information.
4. Others: Right is reserved to require additional samples to show fabrication, techniques,
workmanship, and design of hardware and accessories. Samples will be only for information.
D. Structural Calculations:
1. General: Submit structural calculations for work required to meet performance criteria
indicated by Contract Documents, prepared in accordance with good and prudent structural
engineering theory and current design practice and in accordance with appropriate design
standards. Submittals will be only for information.
2. Analysis: Calculations shall include analysis for required loads on supporting structure,
including performance criteria specified in Paragraph - Performance Requirements, of this
Section, and resultant reactions at each connection point to supporting structure. Show
section property computations for framing members. Existing test reports, data from other
projects, or untried or unproven theories will not be acceptable.
3. Certification: Calculations shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who
performed design work, stating work meets most stringent requirements of Contract
E. Test Reports: Submit test reports from a recognized independent testing laboratory certifying
performance of work. Each report shall be certified by party conducting or supervising test.
Submit reports for following:
1. Uniform load structural performance.
2. Door component structural performance.
3. Uniform load deflection.
4. Air infiltration rate.
5. Water resistance.
6. Thermal transmittance.
7. Condensation resistance.
F. Performance Certification: Submit performance certification prepared, certified and sealed by
engineer of Contractor who performed design work. Certification shall specifically indicate work
meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulation of public
authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
A. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturers for handling, storing and
protecting products.
B. Handling: Only manufacturer or installer shall unload and distribute products to respective areas
for installation.
C. Storage: Store materials and components in a manner which will prevent damage or
contamination, distortion, breakage and structural weakening.
08120 -9
D. Built -In Items: Coordinate and deliver components to be built -in supporting structure. Provide
final reviewed shop drawings, diagrams, templates and instructions for installation of built -in
A. Protection: Protect installed work from damage and deterioration meeting requirements and
recommendations of product manufacturers, other than effects of normal weathering until final
B. Coordination: Coordinate installation of work with requirements of supporting structure, including
framing and connections to supporting structure for support and anchorage of work.
A. Data: Provide maintenance data for work and appurtenances. Include instructions for operation
and maintenance, including cleaning and repair of finishes, and product data of manufacturer for
each material and component. Also include recommended cleaning agents.
B. Demonstrations: Demonstrate proper cleaning methods to designated personnel of Owner during
final cleaning.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall
include additional requirements specified in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship include, but are not limited to, abnormal
deterioration, aging and weathering of the work; air infiltration and water leakage exceeding
specified limits; excessive deflections and failure of components resulting from exposure to
pressures, loads and forces up to specified limits; failure of operating parts to function
normally; deterioration and defacement of finishes in excess of normal weathering and aging,
and exceeding specified limits; breakage and deterioration of glass units, and failure of work
to meet performance criteria indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent: Warranty shall not include normal wear of weatherstripping, damage caused by
vandalism and conditions exceeding performance criteria. However, warranty shall include
failures and defects for which causes cannot be determined.
3. Corrections: Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or not meeting
requirements of Contract Documents. Included shall be:
a. Removal, replacement and correction of damages resulting from such defects or non-
conformance with Contract Documents, and of other materials and work to extent required
to repair or replace work, exclusive of repairs required as a result of improper maintenance
or operation, or of normal wear.
b. Removal and replacement of other materials and work covering defective work, to extent
required to repair or replace defective work.
c. Corrective work shall be performed by original installer.
4. Repair Period: If product or work defect or failure should occur within warranty time period,
installer shall repair such defect or failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by
• 0
Owner. If at end of this time, installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of
taking any action necessary to make repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for
any expenses incurred in performing repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of
warranty provisions.
5. Limitations: Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
conditions of warranty.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitations and at no expense to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
E. Time Period: Extend warranty time period as follows:
1. General: 5 years, except as otherwise specified.
2. Other Components: Component work specified in other Specification Sections shall have a
warranty time period as specified in respective section, except when a greater time period is
required by this Section.
A. Aluminum Doors and Frame Units:
1. Arcadia Products Incorporated
2. Dorma North America, Inc.
3. Kawneer Company, Inc.
4. Modu -Line Windows, Inc.
5. TRACO Architectural Systems, Inc.
6. Wausau Metals Corporation.
7. Manufacturer of storefront or curtain wall as applicable.
A. Aluminum:
1. General: Meet requirements of AA - Aluminum Standards and Data and specified material
requirements, except for more stringent requirements where required to assure proper
function and performance of door and frame units and components. Aluminum alloys and
tempers shall be as recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for product type,
performance, and application and control of finish, but not less than 22,000 psi ultimate
2. Extrusions: ASTM B221, prime billet.
3. Plate and Sheet: ASTM 8209.
4. Bars, Rods and Wires: ASTM 8211.
B. Carbon Steel:
O 4
1. General: Meet requirements of AISI - Steel Products Manual and specified material
requirements, except for more stringent requirements where required to assure proper
function and performance of system and components. Profiles and dimensions shall be as
2. Structural Hot - Rolled Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A572, Grade 50 minimum, ASTM
A992 or ASTM A36
C. Concrete Stud Anchors: Cold drawn low carbon steel meeting requirements of ASTM A108,
Grade Designation 1020. Finished studs shall meet applicable requirements of AWS D1.1, shall
be of types and sizes required for application, and shall have following mechanical properties as
determined by ASTM A370.
1. Tensile Strength: 50,000 psi minimum.
2. Elongation: 20 percent minimum in 2 inches.
3. Area Reduction: 50 percent minimum.
D. Self- Drilling Expansion Anchors: Hardened carbon steel tooth self - drilling type expansion anchor;
FS FF -S -325, Group III, Type I, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc FS
QQ -Z -325, Type II, Class 3. Diameter shall be appropriate for application.
E. Threaded Fasteners:
1. General: Bolts, nuts, screws and washers shall be of types and dimensions required for
application, performance and durability, and shall not cause electrolytic corrosion. Provide
lock washer or other like positive locking devices at bolted connections.
2. Concealed: Threaded fasteners concealed in the completed work shall be corrosion resistant
and compatible with contact materials.
3. Exposed: Threaded fasteners exposed in the completed work shall be of same material as
fastened components, otherwise of non - magnetic stainless steel. Provide countersunk, oval
head screws with Phillips drive slot. Finish heads to match finish of fastened component.
4. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125 inch thick,
reinforce the interior with aluminum or non - magnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads,
or provide standard noncorrosive, pressed -in, splined grommet nuts.
F. Welding Electrodes: Meet requirements of parent metal manufacturers and AWS D1.1 and AWS
D1.2, as applicable for metals to be welded. Type electrode and metal filler alloy to meet
instructions and recommendations of manufacturers of metals to be welded and shall be as
required for strength, compatibility and finish in fabricated work.
G. Insulation: Mineral fiber insulation formed into batts, blankets, or semi -rigid board, with or without
vapor barrier, as required for application and performance of door and frame units. Insulation
shall meet requirements of Section 07210 - Building Insulation. When required, vapor barrier
shall be aluminum foil type laminated to one face.
H. Concealed Flashing: Dead soft stainless steel, 0.018 inch minimum thickness, or extruded
aluminum, 0.026 inch minimum thickness, of an alloy and type selected by manufacturer for
compatibility with other components.
I. Sealant:
1. General: Sealant required for use as an adhesive or joint seal in fabrication and installation of
an assembly or component part of work, except for glazing and sealing joints between work
and adjacent construction, shall be a non -acid neutral cure silicone sealant meeting
• 0
requirements of ASTM C920, Class A (non -sag). Specific type and performance of sealant for
each application, considering intended function, joinery, movement and substrates, shall be as
recommended by sealant manufacturer. In addition to requirements of this Section, meet
applicable requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
2. Glazing: Sealants for glazing shall be as specified in Paragraph - Glass and Glazing, of this
3. Adjacent Construction Joints: Sealant for sealing joints between work and adjacent
construction shall be a sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
J. Compression Weatherstripping: Replaceable stripping of either molded neoprene gaskets
meeting requirements of ASTM D2000. Designation 213415 to 313620, or molded PVC gaskets
meeting requirements of ASTM D2287.
K. Coating Materials:
1. Steel Primer Paint - Alkyd:
a. Description: Modified alkyd rust- inhibitive primer, lead and chromate free, 54 percent
minimum solids by volume, 3.2 Ibs/gal (383 g/L) maximum VOC unthinned, one coat
coverage, non - immersion service, flat sheen finish.
b. Acceptable Product:
1) Tnemec Company, Inc., 10 Series Tnemec Primer.
2. Aluminum Primer Paint - Epoxy:
19 ) a. Description: Modified polyamidoamine epoxy, self- priming, 82 percent minimum solids by
volume, 1.4 Ibs/gal (172 g/L) maximum VOC unthinned, non - immersion service, meeting
USDA and FDA acceptability regulations, flat sheen finish.
b. Acceptable Product:
1) Tnemec Company, Inc., Series 135 Chembuild.
3. Repair Paints:
a. Alkyd Primer Coating: Same paint as specified for primer.
b. Epoxy Primer Coating: Same paint as specified for primer.
c. Zinc Coating:
1) Description: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of zinc coated steel surfaces
meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94
percent minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
d. Acceptable Product:
1) ZRC Products Company, ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound.
4. Finish Coating Materials: Meet requirements of Article - Finishes, of this Section.
0 1
A. Aluminum Framing System:
1. General: Provide aluminum framing systems of types required for glazing or installing panels
and to accommodate associated components.
2. Material: Framing system members and components shall be of extruded aluminum with
minimum wall thickness as follows:
a. Frame: 0.125 inch.
b. Secondary Components: 0.062 inch.
c. Snap -On Covers: 0.050 inch.
3. Plastic Components: No plastic, polymer resin or like material or component shall be used in
framing system as only means of retaining, securing, anchoring, and connecting glazing stops
and panels to framing members, metal components and like conditions.
4. Reinforcement: Reinforce framing members for structural adequacy and support of
appurtenances as required.
5. Clearances: Provisions shall be made in framing for minimum edge clearances, bite (edge
cover) and width of glazing rabbet for type and thickness of glass or panel unit to be installed,
meeting instructions of respective manufacturer and applicable requirements of Section
08800 - Glazing.
6. Water Drainage: Provisions shall be made in outdoor framing to ensure water drainage
pattern to outdoors without internal water accumulation and contact with perimeter of glass or
panel units.
7. Associated Components: Closures, covers, and trim associated with framing shall be of
aluminum sheet or plate of 0.125 inch minimum thickness depending on size of components.
B. Supplementary Framing:
1. General: Provide supplementary framing for support of door systems fabricated of carbon
steel structural shapes, tubes, plates and bars as applicable. Meet requirements of AISC -
Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings, AISC - Specification for the Design, Fabrication
and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings and AISC - Manual of Steel Construction.
2. Attachment: Attach supplementary steel to supporting structure by means acceptable to
C. Anchorages, Supports and Reinforcement:
1. General: Provide anchorages, supports and reinforcements for structural support, anchorage
and reinforcement of work.
2. Anchorages: Anchorage devices and inserts, embedded in or attached to supporting structure
shall be fabricated of carbon steel. Provide devices and inserts with appropriate integral
appurtenances for proper anchorage to supporting structure.
3. Metal Components:
a. Exposed: Metal components exposed in complete work shall be fabricated of same metal
and finish as adjacent door and frame units or non - magnetic stainless steel.
b. Concealed: Metal components concealed in completed work shall be fabricated of carbon
steel, except whenever possible, reinforcement integral with framing shall be fabricated of
aluminum. Where steel is required for internal reinforcement for higher strength or other
unavoidable necessity, provide fabrications of carbon steel.
D. Flashing:
1. General: Provide flashing external and internal to door and frame work.
2. Standard: Meet requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim and meet applicable
requirements of SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual and SMACNA - Architectural
Sheet Metal Specifications.
3. Material: Flashing shall be of same metal and finish as adjacent door system component,
except as otherwise required. Units of flashing shall be uniform and free of oil canning,
undulations, and other undesirable visual effects as required to meet flatness performance
criteria of this Section. Provide stiffeners welded or bonded to concealed surfaces of flashing
as required to assure optimum flatness of final flashing units.
4. Internal Flashing: Aluminum sheet of 0.020 inch minimum thickness or dead soft stainless
steel sheet of 0.018 inch minimum thickness.
5. External Flashing: Meet requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
6. Joints: Joints in flashing shall occur at 10 foot maximum centers uniformly spaced in each
application run of flashing. Also, locate joints 2 feet from each side of intersections. Provide
for expansion and contraction movement. Joints shall be weathertight. Exterior surfaces of
adjacent flashing units shall be aligned flush with no accentuation of joints. Typical joint detail
shall be butt seamed with back -up plate, tongue and groove or other similar detail acceptable
to Architect. Joint detail at corners and like transitions shall be corner units of one or two
piece construction with joints continuously welded and finished to match and blend with parent
7. Details:
a. Hems: Fold back the sheet metal to form a hem on the concealed side of exposed edges.
b. Drips: Turn out bottom edges of exposed vertical flashing 30 degrees to form a 1/2 inch
wide drip.
c. Cleats: Provide cleat type anchorages for metal flashing and trim wherever practical,
except as otherwise required. Arrange cleats to relieve stress from building and thermal
movements. Cleats shall be of same metal and thickness as metal flashing being
anchored and with holes for anchoring to support structure. Cleats shall be 2 inches
minimum width and of continuous length for application.
d. Fasteners: Insofar as possible, provide flashing with concealed installation fastening
E. Glass and Glazing:
1. General: In addition to requirements of this Section, glass and glazing materials and glazing
systems shall meet requirements of Section 08800 Glazing.
2. Glazing Gaskets: For glazing factory installed glass and panels, and for gaskets which are
factory installed in a captive assembly of glazing stops, provide stripping of molded neoprene
meeting requirements of ASTM D2000, Designation 2BC415 to 36620, or molded PVC
meeting requirements of ASTM D2287, or molded closed cell neoprene meeting requirements
of ASTM C509, Grade 4.
3. Accessories: As recommended in GANA - Glazing Manual.
A. General: Provide standard accessories of manufacturers that meet with requirements of
standards specified in this Section.
B. Slip Pads: Provide high impact resistant plastic isolators, spacers or bearing pads to assure free
movement between moving components at thermal movement connections and other like joints.
Slip pads shall be of types, configurations and dimensions required for each application,
performance and durability.
C. Weep Hole Filters: Protect weep holes from intrusion of foreign material with 45 pour/inch open
cell, fully reticulated foam, compressed to 50 to 60 percent.
D. Door Hardware: Receive door hardware, associated operators and templates furnished under
Section 08710 - Door Hardware and coordinate with requirements of this Section. Prepare doors,
frames and other work as applicable for door hardware. Meet requirements for door hardware
preparation specified in Article - Fabrication, of this Section. Refer to door and hardware
schedules and details for hardware items. In addition to requirements of this Section, meet
requirements of Section 08710 - Door Hardware.
A. General: Fabricate work to profiles and dimensions indicated by Contract Documents from
materials of types, thickness and finishes required. Achieve required performance criteria and
coordinate with other work. Meet instructions and recommendations of respective material
manufacturers. Provide appurtenances required for complete work.
B. Coordination:
1. General: Coordinate fabrication with related construction. Correct any errors, omissions and
inconsistencies before proceeding.
2. Related Components: Complete cutting, fitting, forming, drilling and grinding of metal work
prior to cleaning, finishing, treatment and application of coatings, except as otherwise
customary to work process.
C. Materials:
1. Type: Materials incorporated in work shall be corrosion resistant, non - staining, non - bleeding
and compatible with adjoining materials.
2. Size and Thickness: Use materials of size and thickness required by Contract Documents as
minimum requirement. Select size and thickness to provide necessary strength and durability
in finished work for intended application.
D. Reinforcement: Reinforce work as required to meet performance criteria, for anchoring work to
supporting structure and for reinforcement of hardware and operating mechanism.
Reinforcement shall be concealed in completed work.
E. Exposed Work:
1. General: Exposed work shall be carefully matched to produce continuity of line and design,
and accurate relation of planes and angles.
2. Surfaces: Select materials for flatness, smoothness and freedom from surface blemishes,
including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discoloration and other like conditions.
Imperfections are not acceptable.
3. Sizes: Materials shall be one piece units as applicable for application of required profiles and
F. Joinery:
1. Joints in work shall be accurately fitted, square and in alignment, rigidly secured with hairline
contacts and sealed weathertight. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a
manner to exclude penetration or infiltration of water.
2. Form sections to provide flush meeting edges without laps at joints and exposed edges.
3. Fit components to be free of vibration and rattle.
4. Cope or miter corners and other intersections as applicable.
5. Joinery methods shall not effect finish or be unsightly.
6. Conceal fasteners, wherever possible.
7. Weld by methods recommended by manufacturer of parent metal and AWS to avoid
discoloration at welds. Grind exposed welds smooth and restore finish.
8. Maintain continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. Provide secure
attachment and support at mechanical joints, with hairline fit of contacting members.
G. Bent Corners: Form bent corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation,
discoloration and otherwise impairing work.
H. Edges: Remove arises from cut edges, and ease edges and corners to a radius of approximately
1/64 inch.
I. Flatness and Rigidity: Surfaces shall be uniform and free of oil canning, undulations, and other
undesirable visual effects as required to meet flatness performance criteria of this Section.
Provide stiffeners welded or bonded to concealed surfaces or laminated backing as required to
assure optimum flatness and rigidity.
J. Assembly:
1. General: Fabricate components into complete units true to line with accurate angles and
straight edges. Methods of assembly and joining shall be proven methods optional with
manufacturer. Workmanship and finished items shall be acceptable to Architect.
2. Clearances: Fabricate work allowing for minimum clearances and shim spacing of
components within limits of performance criteria, yet enabling assembly and installation.
3. Fasteners:
a. General: Do not use exposed fasteners, except where unavoidable for assembly of units
and unavoidable for application. When required, exposed fasteners shall be equally
spaced, countersunk and finished to match fastened component. No fastener shall impair
independent movement of components.
b. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125 inch thick,
reinforce interior with aluminum or non - magnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads,
or provide standard non - corrosive pressed -in splined grommet nuts.
4. Welding:
a. General: Perform welding with electrodes and by methods recommended by parent metal
manufacturer and AWS standards. Soldering and brazing are not acceptable. Avoid
distortion and discoloration of parent metal and filler metal at welds, and ensure uniformity
of finish color.
b. Methods: Welds behind finished surface shall be performed so as to minimize distortion
and discoloration on finished side. Weld spatter and welding oxides on finished surfaces
shall be removed.
c. Finishing: Weld beads on exposed surfaces shall be ground and finished to match and
blend with finish of adjacent parent metal. Grinding and polishing of non - ferrous metal
shall be performed only with clean devices and compounds free from iron, iron compounds
and other substances which would result in stain or discoloration of surfaces.
5. Distortion and Overstress: Fabricate and fasten work so work will not be distorted nor
fasteners overstressed from expansion, contraction and other movements of work.
K. Separations:
Moving Joints: Separate surfaces at moving joints with slip pads to permanently prevent
freeze -up of joints.
2. Dissimilar Materials: Separate dissimilar materials and other sources of corrosion, including
electrolytic corrosion, by providing separators or 3 mil minimum dry film thickness application
of zinc chromate metal primer paint meeting requirements of ASTM D478 on concealed
contact surfaces. Do not extend materials onto surfaces exposed in completed work.
L. Drainage System: Fabricate to ensure water drainage pattern to outdoors; internal water
accumulation is not acceptable.
0 0
M. Door Hardware Preparation:
1. General: Prepare door and door frame work units to receive mortised and concealed door
hardware. Refer to door and hardware schedules and details, for door hardware items. In
addition, meet requirements of Section 08710 - Door Hardware.
2. Procedures: Comply with final hardware schedule and shop drawings and with hardware
templates and other essential information required to ensure proper fit and operation of doors
and hardware. Meet applicable requirements of ANSI - Series Specification for Door and
Frame Preparation for Hardware. Work with accurate templates of hardware mortises in
doors and door frames to verify dimensions and alignment before proceeding with machining
in factory.
3. Work: Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap work as required to receive door hardware, except do not
drill and tap for surface mounted items until time of installation at project site. Meet
instructions, recommendations and template requirements of hardware manufacturer. Use
concealed fasteners wherever possible. Install door hardware, except surface mounted
hardware, at place of door and frame unit fabrication. Remove door hardware only as
required for final finishing operations, and for delivery and installation of work at project site.
N. Weatherstripping: Provide weatherstripping on contact face of door for outdoor door frames, and
on other frames where required, to be adjustable and replaceable without dismantling doors and
1. Outdoor: Where outdoor door stiles or head rails do not close against fixed stops equipped
with compression weatherstripping, provide sliding weatherstripping, retained in an adjustable
strip mortised in edge of door. Provide EPDM /vinyl blade gasket weatherstripping in bottom
door rail, adjustable for contact with threshold.
2. Indoor: At indoor doors and other locations without weatherstripping, provide neoprene
silencers on stops to prevent metal to metal contact between doors and stops.
O. Completed Fabrications: Completely fabricate components, including cutting, fitting and like
functions, before cleaning, finishing and applying coatings.
Ir r • 1Rf&1rz=
A. General:
1. Finish: Meet requirements and recommendations of NAAMM - Metal Finishes Manual relative
to finishes required. Factory finish components providing required type finish. Finish surfaces
exposed in the completed work shall match final reviewed samples. Coordinate finishes of
components to assure uniform quality and finish, including color, textures and sheen.
2. System Qualifications: Application of each finish system shall be qualified by finish
manufacturer. Provide certification that applicator is acceptable to finish manufacturer and
that process, including surface preparation and pretreatment, and coating applications and
curing, is in accordance with specifications of finish manufacturer.
3. Repair: Repair or touch -up of finished surfaces shall be as specified in Article - Adjusting and
Cleaning, of this Section.
B. Required Finishes: Provide components with respective type finish as follows and meeting
0 1
requirements for type finish as specified in this Article:
1. Concealed Ferrous Metal:
a. General: Prime paint.
b. Internal Framing Reinforcement: Zinc coating.
2. Exposed Aluminum: PVDF finish, solid color to match existing Condominium Tower North
Window system; Kynar painted bronze finish, color number K70634.
C. Ferrous Metal Coatings:
1. General: Provide coatings after completing fabrication of respective component or assembly.
2. Prime Paint: Prime paint exposed surfaces and initial 2 inches of embedded areas. Prepare
surfaces meeting requirements of SSPC SP3. Apply steel prime paint meeting requirements
of SSPC PA1 and instructions of paint manufacturers. Paint coat shall be uniform and 3.0
mils minimum dry film thickness.
D. Zinc Coating: Hot -dip zinc coating meeting requirements of ASTM Al23 and ASTM A153, as
E. PVDF Finish: Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) finish shall be high performance, heavy duty, resin
finish system. Finish coats shall contain 70 percent minimum by weight of PVDF resin, Arkema
Inc., Kynar 500, or Solvay Solexis, Inc., Hylar 5000.
1. Performance: Finish system shall meet requirements of AAMA 2605.2, and for 20 years
minimum period service life shall not chalk more than ASTM D4214, Method A, Number 8
Rating, not change color more than 5 A E Hunter units when evaluated meeting requirements
of ASTM D2244, and not check, craze or peel. In addition, finish system shall meet
performance criteria and data indicated in current system specifications of specified finish
2. Applications:
a. Coil: Use coil application finish system for sheet metal substrates.
b. Spray: Use spray application finish system for extruded substrates.
3. Colors: Conventional solid color, except bright and metallic colors, of finish manufacturer as
selected by Architect.
4. Texture: Smooth finish.
A. Door Frame Configuration:
1. Type: Provide same type and profile of frames as required for work.
2. Framing: Frame members with joints coped, reinforced with concealed metal components
and continuously structurally welded; developing full strength and maximum rigidity in
framework. Portions of frame shall be removable for access to operating mechanisms as
3. Door Stops: Provide non - removable door stops for single acting doors extruded integrally
with frame or applied with fasteners which are concealed when door is closed.
4. Sidelights and Transoms: Aluminum framed, fixed glazed units in profiles with properties
matching adjacent operating units. Match profiles shown on drawings.
5. Silencers: Where weatherstripping is not provided, install neoprene silencers on door stops to
prevent metal -to -metal contact between doors and stops.
B. Components:
1. Reinforcement: Reinforce metal components for structural adequacy and for support of
appurtenances as required.
2. Clearances: Provisions shall be made in assemblies for minimum edge clearances, bite
(edge cover) and width of glazing rabbet for type and thickness of glass or panel unit to be
installed, meeting instructions of respective manufacturer.
3. Hardware: Provide hardware necessary to properly operate, tightly close, and securely lock
doors. Do not use aluminum in frictional contact with other metals. Where exposed, provide
cast white bronze, wrought aluminum, solid white metal with special coating finish, or non-
magnetic stainless steel.
4. Glazing: Provide glazing system with non - removable glazing stops on same side as required
for adjacent work and snap -on extruded aluminum removable glazing stops.
5. Water Drainage: Make provisions to ensure water drainage pattern to outdoor without internal
water accumulation and contact with perimeter of glass or panel units.
6. Replacement Provisions: Doors and door frames shall facilitate replacement of glass, and
replacement and adjustment of weatherstripping without disassembly of door stiles and rails
and disassembly of door frame.
A. Door Configuration:
1. Type: Thermally broken stile and rail doors with stile and head rail face width as specified
below. Height of sill rails shall be in alignment with top surface of adjacent sill frame, except
as otherwise indicated on Drawings, but in any case meeting requirements for handicap
accessibility. Edge of head rail shall be flush and joints sealed to exclude moisture.
a. Stiles and Top Rail - Wide: 5 -1/2 inches nominal wide face width.
b. Bottom Rail: 12 inches minimum height.
2. Thickness: 2 inches.
3. Framing: Thermally broken tubular members with joints coped, reinforced with concealed
metal components and continuously structurally welded with deep penetration and fillet welds
at stiles and rails; developing full strength and maximum rigidity in door work.
It ,
a. Walls: 3/16 inch throughout door and frame, except 5/16 inch at hinging/pivoting hardware
b. Thickness - Doors: 0.09 inch minimum.
c. Thickness - Frames: 0.06 inch minimum.
A. Door Configuration:
1. Type: Thermally broken stile and rail doors with stile and head rail face width as specified
below. Height of sill rails shall be in alignment with top surface of adjacent sill frame, except
as otherwise indicated on Drawings, but in any case meeting requirements for handicap
accessibility. Edge of head rail shall be flush and joints sealed to exclude moisture.
a. Stiles and Top Rail - Narrow. 2 -1/2 inches nominal wide face width.
b. Bottom Rail: Manufacturer's minimum height.
2. Thickness: 2 inches.
3. Framing: Thermally broken tubular members with joints coped, reinforced with concealed
metal components and continuously structurally welded with deep penetration and fillet welds
at stiles and rails; developing full strength and maximum rigidity in door work.
a. Walls: 3/16 inch throughout door and frame, except 5/16 inch at hinging/pivoting hardware
b. Thickness - 3" x 5" minimum.
B. Sliding Door Operating Mechanism:
1. General: Operating mechanism for sliding doors shall be an integral part of door and frame
2. Sliding Door Hardware: Stainless steel track cap and steel tandem rollers. Extruded wire pull
handles. Locking mechanism includes an Adams -Rite MS +1850 heavy -duty high- security
mortise lock standard with stainless steel bolt. Exterior screens.
3. Sliding Door basis of Design: Arcadia Products Incorporated, Series 5000 Monumental sliding
aluminum door.
A. Door Configuration:
1. Type: Thermally broken stile and rail doors with stile and head rail face width as specified
below. Height of sill rails shall be in alignment with top surface of adjacent sill frame, except
as otherwise indicated on Drawings, but in any case meeting requirements for handicap
accessibility. Edge of head rail shall be flush and joints sealed to exclude moisture.
a. Stiles and Top Rail - Wide: 5-1/2 inches nominal wide face width.
2. Thickness: 2 inches.
3. Framing: Thermally broken tubular members with joints coped, reinforced with concealed
metal components and continuously structurally welded with deep penetration and fillet welds
at stiles and rails; developing full strength and maximum rigidity in door work.
a. Walls: 3/16 inch throughout door and frame, except 5/16 inch at hinging/pivoting hardware
b. Thickness - Doors: 2 inches minimum.
c. Thickness - Frames: 3" x 5" minimum.
B. Power Actuated Door Operating Mechanism:
1. General: Operating mechanism for doors shall be an integral part of door and frame unit.
Configuration as indicated on drawings.
2. Sliding Door basis of design: DORMA Group North America, Model No. ESA -300
3. Swing Door basis of design: DORMA Group North America, Model No. ED-400
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work
are satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been
resolved. Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Meet requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in
applicable reference specification sections and in Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final
reviewed submittals for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product
manufacturers, except where more stringent requirements are indicated by Contract Documents.
Consult with manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Defective Components: Do not install components which are observed to be defective, including
warped, bowed, dented, abraded, and broken members, and glass with edge damage. Remove
such components and replace with new components as applicable before time of acceptance.
C. Cutting: Do not cut, trim and joint components during installation, in manner which would
damage finish, decrease strength, and result in visual imperfection and failure in performance of
D. Trueness: Install components level, plumb, square, true to line, free of warp and twist, correctly
aligned, and with uniform joints and reveals. Maintain dimensional tolerances and alignment with
adjacent work.
E. Anchorage:
1. Anchor components securely in place by permanent mechanical attachment system, which
meets performance criteria and permit movements which are intended and necessary.
2. Secure to supporting structure using methods of attachment permitting sufficient adjustment
to accommodate construction tolerances and irregularities. Use non - staining and non
corrosive shims, anchors, fasteners, spacers and fillers.
F. Joints: Seal joints within work and between work and adjacent construction where installation of
work creates final joints to provide weathertight construction.
G. Water Drainage: Maintain integrity of internal water drainage system.
H. Welding:
1. Steel Work: Welding of steel work shall meet requirements of AWS D1.1. Avoid distortion of
members. Make welds to metal embedments installed in concrete construction using welding
methods that will ensure against damage to concrete by heat convection from embedded
metal. Grind welds smooth and remove weld slag.
2. Aluminum Work: Welding of aluminum is not acceptable.
3. Finishing: Touch -up welds and damaged shop applied protective coatings. Use same prime
paint for prime painted surfaces and zinc coating repair paint for zinc coated surfaces.
Separations: Install separators as applicable on concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar
materials, before assembly and installation, wherever there is possibility of corrosion, including
electrolytic corrosion.
J. Insulation: Meet requirements of Section 07210 - Building Insulation.
1. Set insulation units with vapor barrier to inside of construction. Tape joints and ruptures in
vapor barrier, using adhesive tape of type recommended by insulation manufacturer, and seal
each continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction so as to ensure vapor tight
installation of units.
2. Provide insulation packed in interior spaces of framing and shim spaces, applied over cover
assemblies and non - vision areas, and at other like locations, completely filling void spaces or
covering areas to maintain continuity of thermal resistance and to prevent air drafts in or
through system.
K. Sill Members: Set sill members and other like items in a bed of sealant or joint filler to provide
tight and weathertight construction. Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
L. Thresholds:
1. Cut and fit threshold and associated covers to profile of door frames, with mitered corners and
hairline joints, joint units with concealed welds or concealed mechanical joints. Cut smooth
openings for spindles, bolts and similar items. Provide stainless steel blocking beneath jambs
where threshold abuts jamb.
2. Anchor thresholds to substrate with 1/4 inch diameter stainless steel machine screws driven
into appropriate type anchors.
3. At outdoor doors set thresholds in a bed of butyl rubber sealant to completely fill concealed
voids and exclude moisture from every source. Do not plug drainage holes or block weeps.
Remove excess sealant.
A. Operable Components: Adjust and lubricate operable components of work to function properly,
without binding, and to provide proper fit at interface areas within required tolerances.
B. Protective Covering: Remove any temporary protective covering provided by manufacturer at
time of Substantial Completion, except as otherwise instructed by manufacturer.
C. Restoration:
1. General: Restore damaged work so no evidence remains of correction work. If results of
restoration are not acceptable to Architect, remove damaged units and replace with new units.
2. Coatings: Clean and touch -up minor abrasions in finish coatings with air dried coating that is
compatible with and matches type, color and sheen of factory applied coating and blends with
initial surface.
D. Cleaning:
1. Clean work surfaces after installation, exercising care to avoid damage to finish surfaces.
Remove protective material from prefinished surfaces, labels, excess sealant and glazing
materials, dirt and other substances. Remove dirt from corners.
2. Cleaning materials and methods shall meet instructions and recommendations of
manufacturer and shall not be detrimental to materials and shall promote achievement of
uniform appearance.
3. Maintain work in a clean condition throughout construction period, so work will be without
damage or deterioration, other than normal weathering, at time of acceptance. Immediately
before final completion, thoroughly clean inside and outside surfaces.
G j
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Wood doors are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary and
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Wood doors include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Solid core flush wood doors with wood veneer faces, transparent finish.
2. Solid core flush wood doors with medium density overlay faces, opaque paint finish.
3. Fire rated solid core flush wood doors with wood veneer faces, transparent finish.
4. Solid wood stile and rail interior doors, transparent finish.
5. Factory or shop fitting to door frames (prefitting), factory or shop preparation for hardware
(premachining) and factory or shop finishing (prefinishing).
D. Related Work:
1. Wood doors required to be provided as part of single responsibility work.
2. Completion of finishing primed only prefinished wood doors.
3. Steel frames for wood doors.
4. Wood frames for stile and rail interior doors.
5. Door hardware.
6. Glass and glazing associated with wood doors.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. ASTM E90 -Standard Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission
Loss of Building Partitions.
2. ASTM E336 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings.
3. ASTM E413 - Classification for Rating Sound Insulation.
4. AWI - Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Sections 1300 and 1500, referenced in this
Section as AWI Quality Standards.
5. ICC - International Building Code.
AES127210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -1
6. NFPA 80 -Standard for Fire Doors and Windows, for fire rated door assemblies.
7. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code, for fire rated door assemblies.
8. NFPA 252 -Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.
9. UL 10C -Positive Pressure Fire Test of Door Assemblies.
10. WDMA IS 1 -A - Industry Standard for Architectural Wood Flush Doors.
B. Quality Marking: Factory mark each wood door with WDMA Wood Flush Door Quality Certified Seal of
Approval certifying compliance with applicable requirements of WDMA IS 1 -A. Omit certification marking
if marking would be visible after finishing and submit compliance certificate.
C. Endurances: Doors shall withstand 1,000,000 opening and slam closing cycles minimum.
D. Door Louvers: Door louvers shall meet requirements of AMCA 500 and SMACNA - Architectural Sheet
Metal Manual. Louvers shall be of characteristics and provide free air area for air flow rate and velocity
required without resulting air drafts and noise generation.
E. Fire Rated Doors:
1. General: Provide fire rated wood doors, investigated and tested as fire doors complete with type of
fire door hardware to be used, with UL or WHI Listing Mark or Classification Marking for rating
required. Identify each fire door with metal UL or WHI Listing Mark or Classification Marking
indicating applicable fire rating of door.
2. Standard: Provide assemblies meeting requirements of ICC - International Building Code, NFPA80,
NFPA 101, NFPA 252 and UL 10C.
3. Oversize Assemblies: For wood doors required to be fire rated and exceeding the size for which a
UL or WHI Listing Mark or Classification Marking is offered, provide UL or WHI - Certificate of
Inspection for Oversize Assemblies indicating that materials and construction of assemblies are
equivalent to UL or WHI labeled assemblies. Certification of manufacturer is not acceptable.
4. C Labeled Doors: UL or WHI, C Labeled doors shall be 3/4 hour fire resistance rating, except as
otherwise required.
5. Temperature Rise Rating: Provide doors which have a Temperature Rise Rating of 250 degrees
Fahrenheit maximum in 30 minutes of fire exposure and no back side flaming.
6. Pairs of Doors: Where pairs of UL or WHI, B Labeled or C Labeled doors are required, doors shall
be of type providing fire rating without use of an astragal or steel edges.
7. Intumescent Seals: Provide UL 10C, Category A, built -in intumescent seals, factory installed,
concealed by door edge veneer.
F. Coordination: Coordinate wood doors with door frames, door hardware and templates.
G. Allowable Tolerances: Installed wood doors in respective frames shall be within following tolerances:
1. Non -Fire Rated Doors: Provide clearances of 1/8 inch at jambs and heads; 1/8 inch at meeting
stiles for pairs of doors, and 1/4 inch maximum from bottom of door to top of floor finish or covering,
except as otherwise required. Where threshold is required, provide 1/4 inch maximum clearance
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -2
from bottom of door to top of threshold.
2. Fire Rated Doors: Provide clearances meeting requirements of NFPA 80 and NFPA 101, and
limitations of authority having jurisdiction, except do not exceed clearances specified for non -fire
rated doors.
A. Product Qualifications:
1. General: Provide products indicated under same category produced by a single manufacturer for
work. Use only one type, brand, source and manufacture run of each product.
2. Sound Control Rated Door Assemblies: Provide sound control doors and frames, including
gasketing, thresholds, hinges, when integral with design, and other appurtenances essential for
sound control, manufactured by a single firm specializing in producing this type of work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specified in Part 2 of this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Installer shall be certified by AW I Quality Certification Program as competent to
perform installation work specified in this Section. Upon request, provide proof of qualifications.
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each type of wood door and accessory component. Include details of
core and edge construction, inner blocking, trim for openings and similar components, and finishing
specifications for doors to receive factory or shop applied finish. Include published data or certified test
data of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets requirements of Contract
B. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work. Include location, type, size
and swing of each door; elevation of each type door design, fire classification marling, vision life and
louver cutouts, undercuts, vision lite and louver moldings, details of construction, location and extent
of hardware blocking.
2. Schedule: Provide a schedule of doors using same reference numbers for details and openings as
those on Drawings.
C. Samples:
1. Transparent Finish Doors: Submit unfinished veneer leaf from each flitch proposed for Premium
Grade face veneers, indicating range of grain pattern and variation. Also submit strips of solid wood,
3" x 12 ", of species to be used for exposed edges, trim and other solid wood components.
2. Door Finish: Submit samples, approximately 1 foot square of each different type of wood door
showing complete range of factory or shop finish and finish variation on same veneer or face and
edge construction proposed for doors.
3. Door Louvers: Submit full size sample of door louver with required finish and color.
4. Moldings: Submit a corner section of each type molding to be used for vision lites and louvers with
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -3
required finish and selected color.
D. Label Certification: Submit UL or WHI certification for oversize fire rated wood doors. Certification shall
meet requirements specified in Paragraph - Fire Rated Doors of Article - System Description.
A. General: Protect wood doors during transit, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and
deterioration. Meet project site care recommendations of WDMA - Care and Finishing of Wood Doors,
and with instructions and recommendations of manufacturer.
B. Identification: Identify each door with individual opening numbers which correlate with designation
system used on shop drawings for doors, frames and door hardware. Use marking designations as
specified for each door.
C. Prefinished Doors: Provide protective coverings at factory or finish shop prior to shipping. Use protective
cartons and mark with identification required for proper installation.
D. Fire Rated Doors: Meet instructions of manufacturer for precautions to prevent moisture deterioration
and damage of any fire retardant treatment.
A. Environmental Conditions:
1. Meet instructions and recommendations of wood door manufacturer for optimum temperature and
humidity conditions of wood doors during storage and installation. Do not install wood doors until
temperature and humidity conditions have been attained and stabilized, and will be maintained in
storage and installation areas.
2. Maintain temperature and humidity conditions in storage and installation areas as required to
maintain moisture content of wood doors within a 1.0 percent tolerance of optimum moisture content
from date of installation through remainder of construction period.
B. Coordination: Coordinate with hollow metal door frames and door hardware in order that wood doors
are properly prepared to receive hardware and to properly fit.
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specked in this Article.
B. Coverage:
1. General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but not be limited to, doors and
associated type panels which have warped (bow, cup or twist), show telegraphing in face veneers of
construction below faces, do not meet tolerance limitations of WDMA and AWI, deterioration or
discoloration of finishes in excess of normal aging and failure of work to meet other performance
requirements indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent:
a. Warranty does not include damage caused by vandalism or material conditions exceeding
performance requirements. Warranty shall extend to repair or replacement of defective work,
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -4
• 0
including refinishing and reinstallation which may be required.
b. Warranty of sound rated doors by manufacturer for on -site rated STC.
c. Warranty does not include project site finish of doors.
C. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer and manufacturer.
D. Time Period: Extend warranty time period as follows:
1. Indoor Solid Core Doors: Life of original installation.
A. Solid Core Doors:
1. Algoma Hardwoods, Inc.
2. Eggers Industries.
3. Marshfield DoorSystems, Inc.
4. Oshkosh Architectural Door Company.
B. Solid wood stile and rail doors:
1. Sun Mountain Door
A. General: Provide wood doors meeting applicable requirements of referenced standards for kinds and
types of doors required.
B. Exposed Surfaces:
1. General: Provide kind required and as further specified. Provide same exposed surface material on
both faces and all edges of each door.
2. Fire Rated Doors: Provide exposed faces and edges to match non -fire rated doors, except as
otherwise required. Provide trim for openings which have been tested and listed for kind of door and
rating required.
C. Metal Door Louvers: Non -Fire Rated:
1. Description: Sightproof, stationary type, constructed of inverted Y- shaped blades and formed of
0.0299 inch minimum thickness cold rolled steel sheet. Depth of louver shall be 1 inch and of detail
for type of installation into door as required. Face size shall be as indicated on Drawings. Louvers
shall have approximately 50 percent free air, except as otherwise required. Assemble units by
welding, including blades to frame. Provide factory finish, thermal cured enamel paint of standard
color of manufacturer as selected by Architect.
2. Acceptable Product:
a. Anemostat Door Products, Model AFDL.
D. Vision Panel and Louver Moldings: Provide trim, bead and stop moldings for door vision panels and
louvers as specified in Article - Fabrication, Paragraph - Openings Through Doors, of this Section.
A. Solid Core Doors - Transparent Finish:
1. Standard and Grade: AWI Quality Standards, Section 1300, and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade.
2. Door Symbol: AWI Quality Standards, SCLC -5 (structural composite lumber core).
3. Design and Thickness: Flush panel design and 1 -3/4 inches thick.
4. Core Construction - SCLC: Solid structural composite lumber core (SCLC) meeting requirements
of AWI Quality Standards with interface between core and stile and rail edges bonded, except fire
rated doors shall be as specified for fire rated doors. Core strength shall allow surface mounted
hardware to be attached with screws which do not penetrate through door. Screws shall penetrate
1 -1/2 inches into door.
5. Face Panels: 2 ply construction, hot pressed to core.
6. Adhesive: Type I.
7. Face Veneer:
a. Red Oak - Rift Sliced: AWI Quality Standards and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade, Grade AA
face veneer of rift sliced Red Oak, slip match adjacent veneer leaves and center balance match
assembly of veneer leaves on door face.
b. Sets of Doors: Pair match face veneer of doors in pairs and set match face veneer of doors to
be hung in adjacent sets as applicable, providing continuous sequence of veneer between pairs
of adjoining series of doors using same width of veneer leaves on adjoining door faces. Meet
specified requirements for veneer quality and matching.
8. Edge Construction: Solid wood of same species as face veneer. No joints permitted. Edges shall
be impact resistant. Provide edge construction and blocking for compound screw hold capability
and splitting resistance. Hinge stile edge construction shall assure successful use of hinges.
B. Solid Core Doors - Opaque Finish:
1. Standard and Grade: AWI Quality Standards, Section 1300, and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade.
2. Door Symbol: AWI Quality Standards, SCLC -5 (structural composite lumber core).
3. Design and Thickness: Flush panel design and 1 -3/4 inches thick.
4. Core Construction - SCLC: Solid structural composite lumber core (SCLC) meeting requirements
of AWI Quality Standards with interface between core and stile and rail edges bonded, except fire
rated doors shall be as specified for fire rated doors. Core strength shall allow surface mounted
hardware to be attached with screws which do not penetrate through door. Screws shall penetrate
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -6
• 9
1 -1/2 inches into door.
5. Face Panels: 2 ply construction, hot pressed to core.
6. Adhesive: Type I.
7. Face Veneer: AWI Quality Standards and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade, medium densityoverlay.
8. Edge Construction: Solid wood. No joints permitted. Edges shall be impact resistant. Provide edge
construction and blocking for compound screw hold capability and splitting resistance. Hinge stile
edge construction shall assure successful use of hinges.
C. Solid Wood Stile and Rail Doors - Transparent Finish:
1. Standard and Grade: AWI Quality Standards, Section 1300, and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade.
2. Design and Thickness: C4 2 -panel top rail arch, 1 -3/8" thickness.
3. Finish: Knotty Alder with light distressing in Gunnison River stain.
D. Solid Core Doors - Fire Rated:
1. General: Grade, construction, face panels, adhesive, face veneer and edge construction shall meet
requirements specified for non -fire rated solid core doors, except as otherwise specified in this
2. Standard and Grade: AWI Quality Standards, Section 1300, and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade.
3. Door Symbol: AWI Quality Standards, FD.
4. Faces and Grade: Faces and grade shall meet requirements for specked non -fire rated wood
5. Core Construction:
a. General: Core construction standard with manufacturer of solid wood core as specified or
mineral core fortified with fiber as required to provide fire resistance rating.
b. Hardware Reinforcement:
1) General: Heavy duty high density wood composition or Techtonite blocking inner
reinforcement as required for surface mounted hardware to be attached with screws which
do not penetrate through door. Screws shall penetrate 1 -1/2 inches into door.
2) Surface Mounted Closers: Provide reinforcement for surface mounted closers for all doors,
regardless if door requires closer.
c. Mineral Core Doors: Provide special hinge stiles of laminated construction for improved screw
holding capability and splitting resistance.
E. Solid Core Doors - Sound Retardant:
08210 -7
1. General: Grade, construction, face panels, adhesive, face veneer and edge construction shall meet
requirements for non -fire rated and fire rated, as applicable, solid core doors, except as otherwise
specified in this Paragraph.
2. Grade: AWI Quality Standards, Section 1300, and WDMA IS 1 -A, Premium Grade.
3. Door Symbol: AWI Quality Standards, SR.
4. Faces and Grades: Faces and grades shall meet requirements for specified non -fire rated wood
5. Core Construction:
a. General: Sound deadening core construction standard with manufacturer as required to provide
sound retardant rating.
b. Hardware Reinforcement: Heavy duty high density wood composition blocking inner
reinforcement as required for extra strength for surface mounted hardware and to allowsurface
mounted hardware to be attached with screws which do not penetrate through door. Screws
shall penetrate 1 -1/2 inches into door.
6. Accessories: Provide hardware required to meet required STC rating. Provide neoprene or
magnetic, one piece head and jamb seals, automatic door bottom or compression seal with cam
hinges at sill and smooth surface flat threshold.
A. General: Prefit and premachine wood doors at factory. Meet tolerance requirements of AWI for
B. Face Gluing: Faces shall have 100 percent glue contact with substrate.
C. Telegraphing: Telegraphing of door core or substrate construction through faces is not acceptable.
D. Door Edges:
1. Single Acting Doors: For single acting swing doors, bevel both vertical edges 1/8 inch in 2 inches.
E. Door Hardware Preparation: Machine doors to receive door hardware requiring cutting of doors. Meet
final hardware schedule and door frame shop drawings and with hardware templates and other
essential information required to ensure proper fit and operation of doors and hardware. Work with
accurate templates of hardware mortises in doors and door frames to verify dimensions and alignment
before proceeding with machining in factory. Locate door hardware meeting requirements of Section
08710 - Door Hardware, and using hardware templates.
F. Openings Through Doors: Factory cut and trim openings through doors and associated panels for vision
panels and door louvers as required. Also, factory install door louvers. Meet application requirements of
referenced standards for kinds of doors required. Provide for positioning vision panels and door louvers
at mid - thickness of door. Profile configuration of bead and stop moldings for wood doors shall be of
rectangular, flush molding style with eased edges, except as otherwise required. Solid wood and wood
veneer species and finish shall be same as required for door face.
1. Vision Panel Openings:
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -8
a. Non -Fire Rated Doors: Trim openings with solid wood bead and stop moldings.
b. Fire Rated Doors: Trim openings with wood veneer wrapped, non - combustible bead and stop
2. Door Louvers:
a. Non -Fire Rated Doors: Trim openings with solid wood bead and stop molding.
A. General: Prefinish wood doors at factory or finish shop.
B. Standards: Meet requirements of AWI Quality Standards, Sections 1300,1400 and 1500, as applicable
for respective finish and quality grade required.
C. Transparent Finish:
1. Standard: AWI Quality Standards, Finish System TR -6 - Transparent Catalyzed Polyurethane,
Premium Grade, open grain wood finish, non - filled, and closed grain wood finish as applicable for
wood species as defined by AWI Quality Standards. Finish shall be capable of being touched up
and repaired at project site without visual effect as acceptable to Architect.
2. Color and Sheen: Stain color and finish sheen shall be as selected by Architect from standard stain
color and finish sheen range of finish manufacturer. Unless otherwise selected byArchitect, provide
uniform 20 Flat sheen, 10 to 25 degree sheen on 60 degree Gloss Meter when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D523.
D. Opaque Paint Finish - General:
1. Standard: AWI Quality Standards, Finish System OP -6 - Opaque Catalyzed Polyurethane, Premium
Grade, open grain wood finish, non - filled, and closed grain wood finish as applicable for wood
species as defined by AWI Quality Standards. Finish shall be capable of being touched up and
repaired at project site without visual effect as acceptable to Architect.
2. Color and Sheen: Finish color and finish sheen shall be as selected byArchitectfrom standard color
and finish sheen range of finish manufacturer. Unless otherwise selected by Architect, provide
uniform 20 Flat sheen, 10 to 25 degree sheen on 60 degree Gloss Meter when evaluated meeting
requirements of ASTM D523.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. Conditioning: Condition wood doors to prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas before hanging.
Meet requirements of Paragraph - Environmental Conditions, of this Section.
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -9
B. Hardware: See Section 08710 - Door Hardware.
C. Instructions: Install wood doors meeting instructions of manufacturer.
D. Prefit Doors: Align and fit door to frames and machine for hardware to whatever extent not previously
worked at factory as required for proper fit and uniform clearance at each edge. Field cutting is not
permitted without prior acceptance of Architect.
E. Job Fit Doors: Where prefitted doors are not feasible, align and fit doors to frames and machine for
hardware as required for proper fit and uniform clearance at each edge.
F. Fire Rated Doors: Install fire rated doors in corresponding fire rated frames meeting requirements of
ICC - International Building Code, NFPA 80 and NFPA 101.
G. Clearance: Install wood doors accurately in respective frames and within clearances specified in Article
- System Description, Paragraph - Allowable Tolerances, of this Section.
H. Prefinished Doors: Restore finish of prefinished doors at cut surfaces. Refinishing areas to match
original factory finish as acceptable to Architect.
A. General: Owner may employ a Quality Control Service to perform during construction quality assurance
and control evaluations of work to verify compliance of work with requirements of Contract Documents.
Evaluations will include, but are not limited to, criteria specked in this Article. Quality Control Service
will provide project site testing facilities and equipment.
B. During Construction - Sound Retardant Door Assemblies:
1. Selection: Test completely installed sound retardant doors randomly selected by Owner.
2. Testing Requirements: Conduct field tests meeting requirements of ASTM E336, with results
meeting requirements of ASTM E413 to confirm operating field STC values are within 5 dB of
laboratory STC values.
3. Test results shall be reported promptly and in writing by Quality Control Service to Owner,
Contractor and Architect.
4. Non - Compliance: Repair or replace components of sound retardant doors where test results
indicate STC rating does not meet requirements.
A. Operation: Rehang or replace doors which do not swing or operate freely, as directed by Architect.
B. Finished Doors: Refinish or replace doors damaged during installation, as directed by Architect.
C. Protection and Completed Work: Protect installed wood doors from damage or deterioration.
AESI 27210 WOOD DOORS 08210 -10
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to this Section.
B. Description: Access doors are indicated by Contract Documents and shall include work necessary and
incidental to completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Access doors include, but are not limited to, following:
1. Access doors where equipment, devices, controls and like items to which access is required for
periodic adjustment, servicing, replacement or maintenance are located behind finish construction
or concealed in construction.
2. Wall access doors.
3. Ceiling access doors.
4. Components to be built -in supporting structure for installation of access doors.
D. Basis: Provide access doors of types and sizes as required by Contract Documents. Provide additional
access doors required for the Work, but not indicated by Contract Documents, on a unit price basis.
Contract Sum will be adjusted for actual variations of access doors provided in the completed Work on
basis of Contract provisions related to changes in the Work.
E. Schedule: Required types and applications of access doors include, but are not limited to, types and
application locations specked in Part 2 of this Section.
F. Related Work:
1. Openings in construction for access doors.
2. Finish materials and coatings associated with access doors.
3. Access doors for ductwork.
A. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specked in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance of work shall include live loads, creep, shrinkage,
deflections, temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismic
forces, vibration, differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent
requirements of Contract Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
AESI 27210 ACCESS DOORS 08310 -1
3. Access Doors:
a. General: Provide access doors where equipment, devices, controls and like items to which
access is required for periodic adjustment, servicing, replacement or maintenance are located
behind finish construction or concealed in construction. Equipment, devices, controls and like
items include, but are not limited to valves, traps, coils, dampers and pull boxes.
b. Not Shown: Notify Architect before starting work as to where access doors are not indicated by
Contract Documents for access to equipment, devices, controls and like items requiring periodic
adjustment, servicing, replacement or maintenance which are located behind finish construction
or concealed in construction.
c. Coordination: Coordinate location, type and size of access doors with work requiring door and
type work in which door is to be installed. Location, type and size of access doors shall be
acceptable to Architect.
4. Design:
a. Access doors shall be of type that are almost undetectable when installed, except as otherwise
b. Access doors shall be of design and construction that will permit covering with matching
materials and finishes flush with adjacent or surrounding surface, except as otherwise required.
5. Standard Units: Provide access doors standard with manufacturers, modified as necessaryto meet
specked requirements. Where standard units are not available fortypes and sizes required, provide
equivalent units of manufacturers meeting specified requirements as acceptable to Architect.
6. Material: Provide access doors of carbon steel, except provide access doors of stainless steel when
located in toilet rooms, food service areas and other like spaces, except as otherwise indicated by
Contract Documents.
7. Door Size:
a. Access doors shall be of sufficient size to make possible periodic adjustment, servicing,
replacement or maintenance of equipment, devices, controls and like items located behind finish
construction or concealed in construction through opening of access door.
b. Door size of access doors shall be as indicated on Drawings. If size is not indicated on
Drawings, provide door size for location as follows:
1) Walls and Ceilings: 24 inches square.
c. Obtain acceptance of Architect for standard size units which may vary slightly from required
8. Insignia: Names, designs or labels are not acceptable on exposed surfaces of access doors. Also
not acceptable are access doors which bear evidence that an insignia has been removed.
A. Product Qualifications: Provide products indicated under same category produced by one manufacturer.
AESI 27210 ACCESS DOORS 08310 -2
A. Product Data: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each product. Provide setting drawings, templates, instructions and
I directions for installation of anchorage devices. Include published data, certified conformance report or
' certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating each proposed product meets
requirements of Contract Documents.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings indicating exact position of access door units.
A. Built -In Items: Promptly deliver components to be built -in supporting structure. Furnish final reviewed
setting drawings, diagrams, templates and instructions for installation of built -in components.
B. Keys: At completion of work, submit keys for access doors to Owner.
A. Carbon Steel Sheet: ASTM A366, cold rolled, roller leveled.
A. General:
1. Furnish access door assemblies manufactured as an integral unit, complete with parts and readyfor
2. Fabricate access doors of continuous welded steel construction. Grind welds smooth and flush with
adjacent surfaces. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to secure access
panels to supporting structure.
B. Frames:
1. Fabricate from 16 gage minimum carbon steel sheet or 0.0595 inch minimum thickness stainless
steel sheet.
2. Flanged frame access doors shall have a concealed frame with integral exposed flanges
approximately 1 inch wide around perimeter of frame. Flange shall be one piece, no joints, or
corners of flange shall be mitered, welded and finish to match parent metal. Open joints will not be
3. Flangeless framed access doors shall have a concealed frame with integral casing beads or edge
terminations at adjacent or surrounding surface materials and finishes.
a. For plaster construction, provide expanded hot -dip zinc coated steel lath to be concealed and 22
gage minimum hot -dip zinc coated steel plaster casing beads welded to perimeter of frame.
b. For gypsum board construction, provide zinc coated steel gypsum board comer casing beads of
type to be concealed with gypsum board jointing compound, welded to perimeter of frame.
4. Furnish frames with following anchorage devices as applicable for supporting structure:
0 ) AESI 27210 18JAN08 ACCESS DOORS 08310 -3
a. For plaster construction, furnish with holes for fastening to supporting structure.
b. For gypsum board construction, furnish with holes for fastening to supporting structure.
C. Flush Panel Doors: Fabricate from 14 gage minimum carbon steel sheet or 0.0751 inch minimum
thickness stainless steel. Provide with concealed spring loaded hinges set to open to 175 arc degrees.
Flush panel doors shall be of one piece construction. Door panel shall be in same plane as
exposed flanges or casing bead of frame.
D. Recessed Panel Doors:
1. Fabricate solid panel doors from 18 gage minimum carbon steel sheet or 0.0480 inch minimum
thickness stainless steel.
2. Fabricate expanded panel doors from expanded metal of 18 gage minimum hot -dip zinc coated
steel sheet and furnish with 22 gage zinc coated steel sheet casing beads of type appropriate for
applied finish and in same plane as casing bead of frame.
3. Face of panel shall be recessed below surface of applied finish either 1 inch or 1/2 inch as
applicable for finish material to be inserted in panel. Reinforce panel as required to support
materials and to prevent buckling.
E. Locking Devices: Furnish flush type locks of quantity required to hold door in flush and smooth plane
when closed. Key all locks alike and furnish 4 keys per lock.
1. Non -Fire Rated Units: Furnish minimum of one cylinder operated cam lock for each access door.
Other locks required shall be screwdriver operated cam locks. Furnish access sleeves for each
lock of recessed panel doors.
F. Finish: Provide surfaces of access doors with finish as follows:
1. Carbon Steel: Prime paint coating standard of manufacturer.
G. Anchorages and Fasteners: Furnish inserts and anchoring devices which must be built into supporting
structure for installation of access doors. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to
secure access doors to supporting structure.
A. General:
1. Types: Provide access doors of types required for adjacent construction as indicated in this
Schedule, consisting of subsequent Paragraphs.
2. Designations: Access door designations specified in this Schedule correspond to designations
indicated by Contract Documents. Provide access door type, size and anchoring method as
required for respective application. Schedule does not reflect access door sizes and anchoring
AESI 27210 ACCESS DOORS 08310 -4
r� L
B. Access Door AD -3CS:
! 1�
1. Description: Recessed solid panel door lined with expand metal lath with flangeless frame and
integral plaster casing beads for plaster walls and ceilings:
2. Acceptable Products:
a. Karp Associates, Inc.: Type DSC- 21 0PL.
b. Milcor Incorporated: Style AP.
c. Nystrom Building Products, RP Series.
C. Access Door AD -4CS:
1. Description: Flush panel door with flangeless frame and integral gypsum board casing beads for
gypsum board walls and ceilings.
2. Acceptable Products:
a. J.L. Industries, Model WB.
b. Karp Associates, Inc., Model KDW.
c. Milcor Incorporated, Style DW.
d. Nystrom Building Products, NW Series.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. Install work meeting requirements of Contract Documents, as indicated by final reviewed submittals for
work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers. Consult with
manufacturers for conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Coordinate installation with other work.
C. Set frames accurately in position and securely attach to supports with face panels plumb and level in
relation to adjacent finish surfaces.
D. Adjust hardware and panels after installation for proper operation.
E. Remove and replace panels or frames which are warped, bowed or otherwise damaged.
08310 -5
r I
A. Related Documents: Provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of the Contract, Drawings and
Division 1 - General Requirements of the Specification, apply to the work of this Section.
B. Description: Metal framed storefront is indicated on Contract Documents, and shall include work
necessary and incidental to proper completion and performance of the Work.
C. Included: Metal framed storefront includes, but is not limited to, following:
1. Design, engineering, detailing, fabrication and installation of work.
2. Glazed aluminum storefront framing system, continuous multi -bay and multi -story, unitized or non-
unitized framing system:
a. Outdoor: Framing system, thermally broken, with exterior pressure plates and removable snap -
covers over pressure plates.
b. Vestibules and Indoors: Framing system with center channel glazing rabbet and indoor
removable snap -in glazing stops.
3. Anchorage to supporting structure, including providing anchorage devices, supports, fasteners and
like items built -in or attached to supporting structure.
4. Steel framing and brackets for support and anchorage, except building structural steel members
and components.
5. Panels, closures, covers, fascias, trim and flashing integral, adjoining or associated with work.
a. Mullion closures, covers and similar border and filler items indicated as integral components and
associated with work.
b. Column covers associated with work. Insulated metal panels associated with work.
c. Sills associated with openings or at terminations of work.
6. Thermal insulation required or associated with work.
7. Firestopping related to storefront wall.
8. Sealants, fillers and gaskets, as applicable, at joints within work, and at joints between work and
adjoining construction.
9. Swing doors and associated door hardware, operating appurtenances and weather seals.
10. Receiving and installing door hardware associated with doors included in work, except lockset
11. Glass panels and accessory glazing materials associated with work, including devices and
anchorage required to retain panels in place.
12. Protective and finish coatings.
D. Related Work:
1. Firestopping, except for firestopping included as part of storefront work.
2. Furnishing door hardware associated with doors included in work and providing cylinders for
3. Glass requirements.
A. Codes and Standards: Meet requirements of following, except to extent of most stringent requirements
of Contract Documents, and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of
the Work:
1. AA - Aluminum Standards and Data.
2. AA - Specifications for Aluminum Structures.
3. AAMA CW -1 through 13 - Aluminum Storefront Manual.
4. AAMA GSM -1 - Metal Storefront, Window, Storefront and Entrance Guide Specifications Manual.
5. AAMA SFM -1 - Aluminum Storefront and Entrance Manual.
6. AAMA 501 - Methods of Test for Metal Storefronts.
7. AAMA 502 - Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Windows and Sliding Glass Doors.
8. AAMA 607.1 - Voluntary Specification for Anodic Coatings.
9. AAMA 910 - Voluntary "Life Cycle" Specifications and Test Methods for Architectural Grade
Windows and Sliding Glass Doors.
10. AAMA 1503 - Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Condensation Resistance of
Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections.
11. AAMA 2605.2 - Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for
Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusion and Panels.
12. AISC - Manual of Steel Construction.
13. ANSI A117.1 - Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities.
14. GANA - Glazing Manual.
15. GANA - Sealant Manual.
16. ISO 3210 - Acid Dissolution Test.
17. NAAMM - Metal Finishes Manual.
18. NFPA 101 -Life Safety Code (Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures).
19. SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.
20. USDOJ - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
21. Handicapped people accessibility codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on
performance of the Work.
22. Specification Sections:
a. 05500 - Metal Fabrications.
b. 07210 - Building Insulation.
c. 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
d. 07920 - Joint Sealants.
e. 08120 - Aluminum Doors and Frames.
f. 08520 - Aluminum Windows.
g. 08800 - Glazing.
B. Performance Basis:
1. General: Descriptions and requirements indicated by Contract Documents establish basic
arrangements, visual concepts, profiles and sightiines of members, dimensions and modules of
units, performance, function, operation and like requirements. Within these limitations, work shall
meet arrangements, visual concepts, performance criteria and like requirements indicated by
Contract Documents, and include components not indicated but necessary for performance,
function, operation and like requirements, and to be a complete system. Perform modifications only
as necessary to meet requirements of Contract Documents and to coordinate the work, subject to
acceptance by Architect. Variations in details and products shall not adversely affect visual
concepts, appearance, performance, strength and durability. Provide complete drawings and data
of proposed modifications.
2. Qualification: Contract Documents are intended to cover complete work and to outline performance
criteria and products required, but not to cover details of design and construction. Such details shall
be responsibility of manufacturer. Contract Documents do not invent or develop any part of work,
but have made only selections from choices made available by manufacturer.
3. Certification: Work shall be designed, certified, reviewed and inspected by engineer of Contractor
subject to minimum requirements of Contract Documents.
C. Performance Requirements:
1. General: Work shall meet performance requirements indicated by Contract Documents, including
requirements specified in this Paragraph and in other parts of this Section.
2. Performance Conditions: Performance shall include live loads, creep, shrinkage, deflections,
temperature variations, stresses, expansion and contraction requirements, seismicforces, vibration,
differential settlement and other like conditions meeting most stringent requirements of Contract
Documents and of codes and regulations of public authorities bearing on performance of the Work.
3. Design Features:
a. General: Storefront shall have thermal break design, pressure equalization design and rain
screen principle.
b. Frame, Jamb and Glass - Outdoor Work: Each shall be in one plane respectively, except as
otherwise indicated on Drawings.
4. Loading: Work shall withstand a minimum uniform pressure, both positive (acting inward) and
negative (acting outward), acting normal to plane and over gross area of surfaces, of uniform static
air pressure meeting requirements of Section 01415 - Performance Requirements when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM E330, without exceeding deflection requirements.
5. Dead Loads: Withstand actual weight of systems, materials and components, including items
supported by work.
6. Ultimate Structural Loads:
a. Storefront Assembly:
1) Storefront assembly, including operable components shall withstand for duration of 10
seconds, 1.5 times required pressures and loads, both positive (acting inward) and negative
(acting outward), acting normal to plane and over gross area of surfaces, when evaluated
meeting requirements of ASTM E330.
2) At conclusion of test, there shall be no glass breakage, and no permanent damage to
panels, support arms, actuating mechanisms, hardware parts, fasteners and anchors, or
damage making operable components not perform or be inoperable. Permanent
deformation of any framing member shall not exceed 0.2 percent of clear span.
b. Anchor Components: Anchorage components shall withstand 2.5 times required pressures and
loads, both positive (acting inward) and negative (acting outward), acting normal to plane and
over gross area of surfaces, when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E330.
7. Deflections: For required pressures and loads, limit deflections and stresses to work as follows,
except restrict deflection further as required for performance and assembly of components:
a. Normal: For pressures and loads acting normal to plane of surfaces, deflection of framing
members shall not exceed U200 of span length, except U300 of span length for glass
supporting members, or 3/4 inch, whichever is least, and shall not exceed flexure limitof glass or
panel unit with full recovery of glazing and installed materials.
b. Parallel: For pressures and loads acting parallel to plane of surfaces, deflection of horizontal
rails shall not reduce glass or panel unit bite below 75 percent of design dimension and shall not
reduce glass or panel unit edge clearance below 25 percent of design dimension or 1/8 inch,
whichever is least, and shall not exceed limit of glass or panel unit with full recovery of glazing
and installed materials.
c. Connections: At connection points of framing members to supporting structure and anchors,
including braces, kickers, and like items, deflection of anchors shall notexmed 1/16 inch. Where
connection points and anchorage are not clearly defined, maximum anchor point deflection
which is used to determine span of element shall not exceed 1/16 inch.
d. Interaction Stresses: Stresses shall take into account interaction, including allowable values
established by standards and specifications specked in Paragraph - Codes and Standards, of
this Section. In no case shall allowable values exceed yield stress.
8. Permanent Deflections:
a. Framing: At 1.5 times required pressures and loadings, net permanent deflections of framing
members shall not exceed 0.2 percent of span length, and components shall not experience
failure and gross permanent distortion.
b. Connections: At connection points of framing members to supporting structure and anchors,
deflection of anchors shall not exceed 1/8 inch and permanent set shall not exceed 1/16 inch.
Where connection points or anchorage are not clearlydefined, maximum and permanentanchor
deflection which is used to determine span of element shall not exceed 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch,
9. Movements: Meet requirements of Section 01415 -Performance Requirements.
10. Twist: Twist of glass and panel supporting members, supporting full dead load, shall not exceed
one degree between ends and center.
11. Air Infiltration - Outdoor Work: Air infiltration through storefront shall be as follows for respective
a. Fixed Areas: Maximum 0.06 cfm per square foot of fixed area at a uniform static air pressure
difference equal to 20 percent of the uniform wind pressure specified but not less than 6.24 psf,
when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E283. Do not include following components in
computing fixed area:
1) Doors: Meet requirements of respective door specification.
12. Water Resistance - Outdoor Work: Water resistance of storefront shall be as follows:
a. Definition: Water leakage is defined as any water, other than condensation, that appears on any
indoor surface of work.
b. Design Provisions: Provision shall be made in design of storefront to drain to outdoor face
leakage of water occurring through assembly including, but not limited to, joints, condensation
taking place within construction and migrating moisture occurring within assembly.
1) Framing: Isolate each component so any leakage is confined to and weeped from
component of leakage origin.
2) Openings: Opening for each lite shall function independently for control and drainage of
water. Isolate glazing perimeter of each opening so that leakage is confined to and weeped
from opening of leakage origin.
3) Weeps: Provide weep system as required to provide leakage control and to drain entering
water to exterior face of work. Dam and seal gutter termination conditions.
4) Doors: Meet requirements of respective door specification. Each door shall function
independently for control and drainage of water.
c. Performance: Water leakage through work shall be as follows for respective components:
1) Fixed Areas - Static Pressure: No water leakage shall occur at a uniform static air pressure
difference equal to 20 percent of the uniform wind pressure specked but not less than 12
psf, when subjected to a water spray applied over exterior face at rate of 5 gph per square
foot of wall area for 15 minutes when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM E331. Do
not include components in computing fixed areas.
2) Fixed Areas - Dynamic Pressure: No water leakage shall occur at pressure equal to 20
percent of uniform wind pressure specified, but not less than 12 psf, when subjected to a
water spray applied over exterior face at rate of 5 gph, per square foot of wall area for 15
minutes when evaluated meeting requirements of AAMA 501.1. Do not include
components in computing fixed areas.
3) Doors: Meet requirements of respective door specification.
13. Insulating Values -Outdoor Work: Work shall have insulating values at 15 mph wind velocity, 5 year
aged value for insulation, when evaluated meeting requirements of AAMA 1503. Data derived from
calculations, theoretical assumptions and test results of different size or arrangementof units is not
a. Metal Framing: Fixed areas with U -value of 0.30 Btu •h•fe -F maximum.
b. Glass Panels: Meet requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing, for respective glass unit.
14. Condensation Control - Outdoor Work: Design, fabricate and install storefront to prevent
condensation on indoor face with building heating and ventilating system in normal operation. See
outdoor and indoor environmental criteria in Section 01415 - Performance Requirements. Architect
will furnish specific heating and ventilating data as may be requested by Contractor. Condensation
is defined as visible water, ice or frost on any area of any module of storefront, or accumulation of
uncontrolled condensation flowing from surfaces at any location.
15. Condensation Resistance -Outdoor Work: Areas of storefront and associated sashes, ventilators
and doors of work shall have a condensation resistance factor (CRF) of 60 minimum when tested
for thermal performance meeting requirements of AAMA 1503. Except for size, proposed units shall
contain same weep holes, hardware and operating characteristics as storefront tested for structural
performance, air infiltration and water resistance compliance. Data derived from calculations,
theoretical assumptions, and test results of different size and arrangement of systems are not
16. Thermal Break Criteria -Outdoor Work: Assume thermal breaks to have no ability to transfer stress
for composite action of members. Also assume elements joined by thermal break to act separately.
Provide backup connection which will hold frame together in event of breakdown or failure of
thermal break material.
a. Provide units with an integral, concealed, low conductance, thermal barrier located between
exterior materials and members exposed on interior, in a manner that eliminates direct metal-to-
metal contact.
• •
b. Provide thermal break construction that has been in use 3 years minimum, has been tested to
demonstrate resistance of thermal conductance and condensation, and has been tested to show
a. Maximum offset of 1/32 inch for required flush alignments, including any alignment to be 1/4 inch
or less out-of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane of 2 inches or less.
b. Maximum offset of 1/16 inch for required out -of -flush alignments, including any alignment to be
more than 1/4 inch out -of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane of more
than 2 inches.
4. Glass Framing Offset: Maximum offset between glass framing members at comers of glazing
pocket shall not exceed 1/32 inch.
5. Metal Flatness: Flat metal sheet and panels shall have exterior surfaces of such flatness that when
measured the maximum slope of surface at any point, measured from the nominal plane of
surface, shall not exceed 1.25 percent.
6. Appearance Variation: Variations in appearance of finishes shall not be noticeable from 10' -0" by
Architect under lighting conditions at place of installation.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single manufacturer or installer having undivided
responsibility for providing complete work and for performance, quality and appearance of work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specked in Part 2 of this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer, or installer acceptable to manufacturer and specialized in
performing work of this Section, with 5 years minimum documented experience in design, engineering,
detailing, fabrication, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality required for work. Upon
request, provide proof of qualifications.
adequate strength and security of glass retention.
Building Tolerances: Work shall accommodate variations in relation to theoretical building lines.
Corrosion: Where dissimilar materials exist in a relationship or environment where galvanic or other
types of corrosion or deterioration could occur, provide adequate measures to prevent corrosion
and deterioration at places within and adjacent to work.
Glass Design Factor of Safety: Meet requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing for minimum design
D. Tolerances:
Completed work shall be within following tolerances:
Location Variation: Deviation from theoretical or designed position in horizontal or vertical plane,
including deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle, shall not exceed 1/8 inch in any 12 foot
run in any direction or shall not exceed 1/4 inch total at any location.
Alignment: Deviation from plumb, level or dimensioned angle shall not exceed 1/8 inch in any 12
feet of actual length of any member or 1/4 inch in any total run in any line, whichever is less.
Plane Alignment Offsets: Limit offsets from true alignment between consecutive or adjoining
members placed end- to-end or edge -to -edge in same plane as follows:
a. Maximum offset of 1/32 inch for required flush alignments, including any alignment to be 1/4 inch
or less out-of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane of 2 inches or less.
b. Maximum offset of 1/16 inch for required out -of -flush alignments, including any alignment to be
more than 1/4 inch out -of -flush and any separation by a reveal or protrusion in plane of more
than 2 inches.
4. Glass Framing Offset: Maximum offset between glass framing members at comers of glazing
pocket shall not exceed 1/32 inch.
5. Metal Flatness: Flat metal sheet and panels shall have exterior surfaces of such flatness that when
measured the maximum slope of surface at any point, measured from the nominal plane of
surface, shall not exceed 1.25 percent.
6. Appearance Variation: Variations in appearance of finishes shall not be noticeable from 10' -0" by
Architect under lighting conditions at place of installation.
A. Single Responsibility: Work shall be performed by a single manufacturer or installer having undivided
responsibility for providing complete work and for performance, quality and appearance of work.
B. Manufacturer Qualifications: One of acceptable manufacturers specked in Part 2 of this Section.
C. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer, or installer acceptable to manufacturer and specialized in
performing work of this Section, with 5 years minimum documented experience in design, engineering,
detailing, fabrication, installation and maintenance of extent, type and quality required for work. Upon
request, provide proof of qualifications.
a 0
D. Engineer of Contractor Qualifications: Professional engineer of Contractor licensed to practice as a
structural engineer in jurisdiction where the work is located and experienced in providing structural
engineering services that have resulted in successful installation and performance of work similar in
extent, design and products to that required for the work.
E. Bolting Qualifications: Qualify shop and field bolt tightening procedures meeting requirements of AISC -
Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts. Verify shop and field bolting crews
ability to install bolts in accordance with selected method of tightening.
F. Compliance Certificates: Compliance certificates of products maybe submitted in lieu of testing, when
acceptable to Architect. Compliance certificates shall be ratified by product manufacturer.
G. Quality Control:
1. Compatibility and Adhesion Tests -Sealants: Meet requirements of Section 07920 -Joint Sealants.
2. Finish: Independent Quality Control Service employed by Owner will select random samples from
production run of finished components for evaluation.
H. Pre - Installation Meeting: Conduct a pre - installation meeting at project site prior to starting work and
delivery of products to review conditions associated with performing work. Meeting shall include review
of construction conditions, substrate conditions, environmental requirements, ambient conditions and
coordination required for installation of work. Meeting participants shall include Architect, representative
of manufacturer, installer of work and installers of related work. Record discussions of meeting, and
agreements and disagreements reached, and furnish a copy of record to each participant.
A. Coordination:
1. Performance Certification: Prior to or concurrent with any other submittal required for work, submit
performance certification specified in this Article.
2. Structure Loadings:
a. Prior to submittal of shop drawings for any portion of building structure, submit shop drawings for
work indicating maximum, static and dynamic load reactions imparted to supporting structure,
locations of reactions, and proposed connection details signed and sealed.
b. Changes to building structure resulting from failure to meet this requirement shall be made at
expense of Contractor at no addition to Contract Sum.
B. Product Data:
1. General: Submit product specifications, technical data, standard detail drawings and installation
instructions of manufacturer for each material, component and finish required. Include published
data, certified conformance report or certified laboratory test report of manufacturer substantiating
that each material, component and finish meets requirements of Contract Documents.
2. Cleaning Agents: Submit written verification that recommended cleaning agents for cleaning work
are compatible with materials, components and finishes, and adjacent building materials and
C. Shop Drawings:
1. General: Submit shop drawings for fabrication and installation of work, including associated
components. Shop drawings shall be prepared by manufacturer. Shop drawings prepared by
installer are not acceptable. Organize shop drawings into one coordinated submittal indicating
proper relation to adjacent work. Identify each component of work using same identification
reference indicated on Drawings. Include plans and elevations at 1/4 inch scale, typical unit
elevations at 3/4 inch scale and detail sections at full scale. Indicate requirements and details for
following and other pertinent data not included in submitted product data:
a. Layout arrangement, dimensions and details of entire work, including associated components.
Indicate arrangement and, where necessary, details of adjacent construction relative to work,
correctly detailed and dimensioned.
b. Show anchorages, framing components, joints, movement provisions, glazing details, hardware
and other components.
c. Profiles, sections and dimensions of each material and component, and type, size and location
of reinforcement.
d. Specifications for materials.
e. Reactions imparted by work to supporting structure, reaction locations and proposed connection
details for coordination with supporting structure.
f. Location and details of anchorage devices and inserts, including devices and inserts to be
embedded in or attached to supporting structure. Show types, sizes, location, shimming and
adjacent materials. Furnish templates if required for accurate placement.
? g. Typical and special details of performance, assembly, installation and anchorage. Include
1) Joinery details and techniques, including joint system types, horizontal and vertical
expansion and contraction provisions with locations and sizes, weldments, fasteners and
sealants. Identify type and location of shop and field applied sealants.
2) Internal water drainage system including weeps.
3) Glazing systems, including position and clearances of glass edges relative to framing
2. Certification: Shop drawings shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who performed
design work, stating work meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents.
D. Samples:
1. Metal: Submit sets of samples of each required type of metal finish on 12 inch long sections of
extrusions and 12 inch square sheets of same metal alloy to be used for work. Where normal color,
sheen and texture variations are to be anticipated, include 3 or more units in each sample to show
extreme range of such variations. Samples will be reviewed only for visual characteristics.
2. Other Materials: Submit samples of other materials and components exposed to view in the
completed work. Samples will be reviewed only for visual characteristics.
3. Verification: Right is reserved for Architect to require samples of typical fabricated sections to show
design, fabrication and workmanship before fabrication of work proceeds. Samples will be onlyfor
4. Others: Right is reserved to require additional samples to show fabrication, techniques,
workmanship, and design of hardware and accessories. Samples will be only for information.
E. Structural Calculations:
1. General: Submit structural calculations for work required to meet performance criteria indicated by
Contract Documents, prepared in accordance with good and prudent structural engineering theory
and current design practice and in accordance with appropriate design standards. Submittals will
be only for information.
2. Analysis: Calculations shall include analysis for required loads on supporting structure, including
performance criteria specified in Paragraph - Performance Requirements, of this Section, and
resultant reactions at each connection point to supporting structure. Show section property
computations for framing members. Ebsting test reports, data from other projects, or untried or
unproven theories will not be acceptable.
3. Certification: Calculations shall be certified and sealed by engineer of Contractor who performed
design work, stating work meets most stringent requirements of Contract Documents.
F. Test Reports: Submit test reports from a recognized independent testing laboratory certifying
performance of work. Each report shall be certified by party conducting or supervising test. Submit
reports for following:
1. Uniform load structural performance.
2. Storefront component structural performance.
3. Uniform load deflection.
4. Air infiltration rate.
5. Water resistance.
6. Thermal transmittance.
7. Condensation resistance.
G. Performance Certification: Submit performance certification prepared, certified and sealed by engineer
of Contractor who performed design work. Certification shall specifically indicate work meets most
stringent requirement of Contract Documents and of codes and regulation of public authorities bearing
on performance of the Work.
• i
A. General: Meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturers for handling, storing and protecting
B. Handling: Only manufacturer or installer shall unload and distribute products to respective areas for
C. Storage: Store materials and components in a manner which will prevent damage or contamination,
distortion, breakage and structural weakening.
D. Built -In Items: Coordinate and deliver components to be built -in supporting structure. Provide final
reviewed shop drawings, diagrams, templates and instructions for installation of built -in components.
A. Protection: Protect installed work from damage and deterioration meeting requirements and
recommendations of product manufacturers, other than effects of normal weathering until final
B. Coordination: Coordinate installation of work with requirements of supporting structure, including
framing and connections to supporting structure for support and anchorage of work.
A. Data: Provide maintenance data for work and appurtenances. Include instructions for operation and
maintenance, including cleaning and repair of finishes, and product data of manufacturer for each
material and component. Also include recommended cleaning agents.
B. Demonstrations: Demonstrate proper cleaning methods to designated personnel of Owner during final
A. General: Warranty work meeting provisions of Conditions of the Contract, except warranty shall include
additional requirements specked in this Article.
B. Coverage:
General: Defective materials and workmanship shall include, but is not limited to, abnormal
deterioration, aging and weathering of the work; air infiltration and water leakage exceeding
specified limits; excessive deflections and failure of components resulting from exposure to
pressures, loads and forces up to specified limits; failure of operating parts to function normally;
deterioration and defacement of finishes in excess of normal weathering and aging, and exceeding
specified limits; breakage and deterioration of glass units, and failure of work to meet performance
criteria indicated by Contract Documents.
2. Extent: Warranty shall not include normal wear of weatherstripping, damage caused by vandalism
and conditions exceeding performance criteria. However, warranty shall include failures and defects
for which causes cannot be determined.
3. Corrections: Warranty shall include corrections of work found to be defective or not meeting
requirements of Contract Documents. Included shall be:
a. Removal, replacement and correction of damages resulting from such defects or non-
conformance with Contract Documents, and of other materials and work to extent required to
repair or replace work, exclusive of repairs required as a result of improper maintenance or
operation, or of normal wear.
b. Removal and replacement of other materials and work covering defective work, to extent
required to repair or replace defective work.
c. Corrective work shall be performed by original installer.
4. Repair Period: If product or work defector failure should occur within warranty time period, installer
shall repair such defector failure within a 24 hour period after being informed by Owner. gat end of
this time, installer is unable to begin repairs, Owner will have option of taking any action necessary
to make repairs, and installer shall reimburse Owner, in full, for any expenses incurred in
performing repairs. Any such action shall not be a breach of warranty provisions.
5. Limitations: Include specific statements of any limitations, required maintenance and similar
conditions of warranty.
C. Costs: Warranty shall be without cost limitations and at no expense to Owner.
D. Signatures: Warranty shall be signed by Contractor, installer, and manufacturer.
E. Time Period: Extend warranty time period as follows:
1. General: 10 years, except as otherwise specified.
2. PVDF Finishes: 20 years for coil application and 10 years for spray application.
3. Other Components: Component work specified in other Specification Sections shall have a warranty
time period as specified in respective section, except when a greater time period is required by this
A. Kawneer Company, Inc.
B. Modu -Line Windows, Inc.
C. TRACO Architectural Systems, Inc.
D. Wausau Metals Corporation.
E. Tubelite Architectural Systems.
A. Aluminum:
1. General: Meet requirements of AA - Aluminum Standards and Data and specked material
requirements, except for more stringent requirements where required to assure proper function and
performance of storefront and components. Aluminum alloys and tempers shall be as
recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for product type, performance, and application
and control of required finish, but not less than 22,000 psi ultimate strength.
2. Extrusions: ASTM 8221, prime billet.
3. Plate and Sheet: ASTM B209.
4. Bars, Rods, and Wires: ASTM 8211.
B. Carbon Steel:
1. General: Meet requirements of AISI - Steel Products Manual and specified material requirements,
except for more stringent requirements where required to assure proper function and performance
of system and components. Profiles and dimensions shall be as required.
2. Structural Hot - Rolled Shapes, Plates, and Bars: ASTM A572, Grade 50 minimum, ASTM A992 or
C. Self - Drilling Expansion Anchors: Hardened carbon steel tooth self - drilling type expansion anchor; FS
FF -S -325, Group III, Type I, and listed by EAMI, FMRC and UL. Anchors shall be zinc FS QQ -Z -325.
Type II, Class 3. Diameter shall be appropriate for application.
D. Threaded Fasteners:
1. General: Bolts, nuts, screws and washers shall be of types and dimensions required for application,
performance and durability, and shall not cause electrolytic corrosion. Provide lock masher or other
like positive locking devices at bolted connections.
2. Concealed: Threaded fasteners concealed in the completed work shall be corrosion resistantand
compatible with contact materials.
3. Exposed: Threaded fasteners exposed in the completed work shall be of same material as fastened
components, otherwise of non - magnetic stainless steel. Provide countersunk, oval head screws
with Phillips drive slot. Finish heads to match finish of fastened components.
4. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125 inch thick, reinforce
the interior with aluminum or non - magnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads, or provide
standard noncorrosive, pressed -in, splined grommet nuts.
E. Insulation: Mineral fiber insulation formed into batts, blankets or semi -rigid board, with or without vapor
barrier, as required for application and performance of storefront. Insulation shall meet requirements of
Section 07210 - Building Insulation. When required, vapor barrier shall be aluminum foil type laminated
to one face.
F. Concealed Flashing: Dead -soft stainless steel, 0.018 inch minimum thickness, or extruded aluminum,
0.026 inch minimum thickness, of an alloy and type selected by manufacturer for compatibility with
D 4
other components.
G. Sealants:
General: Sealant required for use as an adhesive or joint seal in fabrication and installation of an
assembly or component part of work, except for glazing and sealing joints between work and
adjacent construction, shall be a non -acid neutral cure silicone sealant meeting requirements of
ASTM C920, Class A (non -sag). Specific type and performance of sealant for each application,
considering intended function, joinery, movements and substrates, shall be as recommended by
sealant manufacturer. In addition to requirements of this Section, meet applicable requirements of
Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
2. Glazing: Sealants for glazing shall meet requirements of Paragraph - Glass and Glazing, of this
3. Adjacent Construction Joints: Sealant for sealing joints between work and adjacent construction
shall be a sealant meeting requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
H. Compression Weatherstripping: Replaceable stripping of either molded neoprene gaskets meeting
requirements of ASTM D2000, Designation 26415 to 313620, or molded PVC gaskets meeting
requirements of ASTM D2287.
I. Coating Materials:
1. Steel Primer Paint - Alkyd:
a. Description: Modred alkyd rust- inhibitive primer, lead and chromate free, 54 percent minimum
solids by volume, 3.2 lbs/gal (383 g /L) maximum VOC unthinned, non - immersion service, flat
sheen finish.
b. Acceptable Product:
1) Tnemec Company, Inc., 10 Series Tnemec Primer.
2. Aluminum Primer -Epoxy:
a. Description: Modified polyamidoamine epoxy, self - priming, 82 percent minimum solids by
volume, 1.4 Ibs /gal (172 g /L) maximum VOC unthinned, non - immersion service, meeting USDA
and FDA acceptability regulations, flat sheen finish.
b. Acceptable Product:
1) Tnemec Company, Inc., Series 135 Chembuild.
3. Repair Paints:
a. Alkyd Primer Coating: Same paint as specified for primer.
b. Epoxy Primer Coating: Same paint as specified for primer.
c. Zinc Coating:
1) Description: Zinc -rich paint for repair of damaged areas of zinc coated steel surfaces
meeting requirements of ASTM A780, SSPC Paint 20 and USDOD P- 21035, with 94
• •
percent minimum zinc dust by weight in dry film.
0 1
d. Acceptable Product:
1) ZRC Products Company, ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound.
4. Finish Coating Materials: Meet requirements of Article - Finishes, of this Section.
A. Aluminum Framing System:
General: Provide aluminum framing systems of types required for glazing or installing panels and to
accommodate associated components.
2. Material: Framing system members and components shall be of extruded aluminum with minimum
wall thickness as follows:
a. Frame: 0.125 inch.
b. Secondary Components: 0.062 inch.
c. Snap -On Covers: 0.050 inch.
3. Plastic Components: No plastic, polymer resin or like material or component shall be used in
framing system as only means of retaining, securing, anchoring and connecting glazing stops and
panels to framing members, metal components and like conditions.
4. Reinforcement: Reinforce framing members for structural adequacyand support of appurtenances
' as required.
5. Clearances: Provisions shall be made in framing for minimum edge clearances, bite (edge cover)
and width of glazing rabbet for type and thickness of glass or panel unit to be installed, meeting
instructions of respective manufacturer and applicable requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing.
6. Water Drainage: Provisions shall be made in outdoor framing to ensure water drainage pattern to
outdoors without internal water accumulation and contact with perimeter of glass or panel units.
7. Associated Components: Closures, covers and trim associated with framing shall be of aluminum
sheet or plate of 0.125 inch minimum thickness depending on size of components.
B. Flashing:
1. General: Provide flashing external and internal to storefront work.
2. Standard: Meet requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim and meet applicable
requirements of SMACNA - Architectural Sheet Metal Manual and SMACNA - Architectural Sheet
Metal Specifications.
3. Material: Flashing shall be of same metal and finish as adjacent storefront system component,
except as otherwise required. Units of flashing shall be uniform and free of oil canning, undulations,
and other undesirable visual effects as required to meet flatness performance criteria of this
Section. Provide stiffeners welded or bonded to concealed surfaces of flashing as required to
assure optimum flatness of final flashing units.
C i
4. Internal Flashing: Aluminum sheet of 0.020 inch minimum thickness or dead soft stainless steel
sheet of 0.018 inch minimum thickness.
5. External Flashing: Meet requirements of Section 07620 - Flashing and Trim.
6. Joints: Joints in flashing shall occur at 10 foot maximum centers uniformly spaced in each
application run of flashing. Also, locate joints 2 feet from each side of intersections. Provide for
expansion and contraction movement. Joints shall be weathertight. Exterior surfaces of adjacent
flashing units shall be aligned flush with no accentuation of joints. Typical joint detail shall be butt
seamed with back -up plate, tongue and groove or other similar detail acceptable to Architect Joint
detail at comers and like transitions shall be corner units of one or two piece construction with joints
continuously welded and finished to match and blend with parent metal.
7. Details:
a. Hems: Fold back the sheet metal to form a hem on the concealed side of exposed edges.
b. Drips: Turn out bottom edges of exposed vertical flashing 30 degrees to form a 1/2 inch wide
c. Cleats: Provide cleat type anchorages for metal flashing and trim wherever practical, except as
otherwise required. Arrange cleats to relieve stress from building and thermal movements.
Cleats shall be of same metal and thickness as metal flashing being anchored and with holes for
anchoring to support structure. Cleats shall be 2 inches minimum width and of continuous length
for application.
d. Fasteners: Insofar as possible, provide flashing with concealed installation fastening system.
C. Glass and Glazing:
1. General: In addition to requirements of this Section, glass and glazing materials and glazing
systems shall meet requirements of Section 08800 - Glazing.
2. Glazing Gaskets: For glazing factory installed glass and panels, and for gaskets which are factory
installed in a captive assembly of glazing stops, provide stripping of molded neoprene meeting
requirements of ASTM D2000, Designation 2BC415 to 313620, or molded PVC meeting
requirements of ASTM D2287, or molded closed -cell neoprene meeting requirements of ASTM
C509, Grade 4.
3. Accessories: As recommended in GANA - Glazing Manual.
A. General: Provide standard accessories of manufacturers that meet requirements of standards specified
in this Section.
B. Slip Pads: Provide high impact resistant plastic isolators, spacers or bearing pads to assure free
movement between moving components at thermal movement connections and other like joints. Slip
pads shall be of types, configurations and dimensions required for each application, performance and
C. Weep Hole Filters: Protect weep holes from intrusion of foreign material with 45 pourrnch open cell,
fully reticulated foam, compressed to 50 to 60 percent.
A. General: Fabricate work to profiles and dimensions indicated by Contract Documents from materials of
types, thickness and finishes required. Achieve required performance criteria and coordinate with other
work. Meet instructions and recommendations of respective material manufacturers. Provide
appurtenances required for complete work.
B. Coordination:
1. General: Coordinate fabrication with related construction. Correct any errors, omissions and
inconsistencies before proceeding.
2. Related Components: Complete cutting, fitting, forming, drilling and grinding of metal work priorto
cleaning, finishing, treatment and application of coatings, except as otherwise customary to work
C. Materials:
1. Type: Materials incorporated in storefront shall be corrosion resistant, non - staining, non - bleeding
and compatible with adjoining materials.
2. Size and Thickness: Use materials of size and thicknesses required by Contract Documents as
minimum requirement. Select size and thickness to provide necessary strength and durability in
finished work for intended application.
D. Reinforcement: Reinforce work as required to meet performance criteria, for anchoring work to
supporting structure and for reinforcement of hardware and operating mechanism. Reinforcement
shall be concealed in completed work.
E. Exposed Work:
1. General: Exposed work shall be carefully matched to provide continuity of line and design, and
accurate relation of planes and angles.
2. Surfaces: Select materials for flatness, smoothness, and freedom from surface blemishes,
including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discoloration, and other like conditions.
Imperfections are not acceptable.
3. Sizes: Materials shall be one piece units as applicable for application of required profiles and
F. Joinery:
1. Joints in work shall be accurately fitted, square and in alignment, rigidly secured with hairline
contacts and sealed weathertight. Fabricate joints that will be exposed to weather in a manner to
exclude penetration or infiltration of water.
2. Form sections to provide flush meeting edges without laps at joints and exposed edges.
3. Fit components to be free of vibration and rattle.
08410 -17
4. Cope or miter corners and other intersections as applicable.
5. Joinery methods shall not effect finish or be unsightly.
6. Conceal fasteners wherever possible.
7. Maintain continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. Provide secure attachment
and support at mechanical joints, with hairline fit of contacting members.
G. Bent Corners: Form bent corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation,
discoloration, and otherwise impairing work.
H. Edges: Remove arrises from cut edges, and ease edges and corners to a radius of approximately 1/64
I. Flatness and Rigidity: Surfaces shall be uniform and free of oil canning, undulations, and other
undesirable visual effects as required to meet flatness performance criteria of this Section. Provide
stiffeners welded or bonded to concealed surfaces or laminated backing as required to assure optimum
flatness and rigidity.
J. Assembly:
1. General: Fabricate components into complete units true to line with accurate angles and straight
edges. Methods of assembly and joining shall be proven methods optional with manufacturer.
Workmanship and finished items shall be acceptable to Architect.
2. Clearances: Fabricate work allowing for minimum clearances and shim spacing of components
within limits of performance criteria, yet enabling assembly and installation.
3. Fasteners:
a. General: Do not use exposed fasteners, except where unavoidable for assembly of units and
unavoidable for application. When required, exposed fasteners shall be equally spaced,
countersunk and finished to match fastened component. No fastener shall impair independent
movement of components.
b. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125 inch thick,
reinforce interior with aluminum or non - magnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads, or
provide standard non - corrosive pressed -in splined grommet nuts.
4. Distortion and Overstress: Fabricate and fasten work so work will not be distorted nor fasteners
overstressed from expansion, contraction, and other movements of work.
K. Separations:
1. Moving Joints: Separate surfaces at moving joints with slip pads to permanently prevent freeze -up
of joints.
2. Dissimilar Materials: Separate dissimilar materials and other sources of corrosion, including
electrolytic corrosion, by providing separators or 3 mil minimum dryfilm thickness application of zinc
chromate metal primer paint on concealed contact surfaces. Do not extend materials onto surfaces
exposed in completed work.
L. Drainage System: Fabricate to ensure water drainage pattern to outdoors; internal water accumulation
is not acceptable.
M. Weatherstripping: Provide weatherstripping on contact surfaces where required.
N. Completed Fabrications: Completely fabricate components, including cutting, fitting and like functions,
before cleaning, finishing, and applying coatings.
A. General:
1. Finish: Meet requirements and recommendations of NAAMM - Metal Finishes Manual relative to
finishes required. Factory finish metal components providing required type finish. Finish surfaces
exposed in the completed work shall match final reviewed samples. Coordinate finishes of
components to assure uniform quality and finish, including color, textures and sheen.
2. System Qualifications: Application of each finish system shall be qualified by finish manufacturer.
Provide certification that applicator is acceptable to finish manufacturer and that process, including
surface preparation and pretreatment, and coating applications and curing, is in accordance with
specifications of finish manufacturer.
3. Repair: Repair or touch -up of finished surfaces shall be as specked in Article - Adjusting and
Cleaning, of this Section.
B. Required Finishes: Provide components with respective type finish as follows and meeting
requirements for type finish as specified in this Article:
` 1. Concealed Ferrous Metal:
a. General: Prime paint.
b. Internal Framing Reinforcement: Zinc coating.
2. Exposed Aluminum: PVDF finish, solid color to match existing Condominium Tower North Window
system; Kynar painted bronze finish, color number K70634
C. Ferrous Metal Coatings:
1. General: Provide coating after completing fabrication of respective component or assembly.
2. Prime Paint: Prime paint exposed surfaces and initial 2 inches of embedded areas. Prepare
surfaces meeting requirements of SSPC SP3. Apply steel prime paint meeting requirements of
SSPC PA1 and instructions of paint manufacturers. Paint coat shall be uniform and 3.0 mils
minimum dry film thickness.
3. Zinc Coating: Hot -dip zinc coating meeting requirements of ASTM Al23 and ASTM A153, as
D. PVDF Finish: Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) finish shall be high performance, heavy duty, resin finish
system. Finish coats shall contain 70 percent minimum by weight of PVDF resin, Arkema Inc., Kynar
500, or Solvay Solex is, Inc., Hylar 5000.
(a r
1. Performance: Finish system shall meet requirements of AAMA 2605.2, and for 20 years minimum
period service life shall not chalk more than ASTM D4214, Method A, Number 8 Rating, not change
color more than 5 A E Hunter units when evaluated meeting requirements of ASTM D2244, and not
check, craze or peel. In addition, finish system shall meet performance criteria and data indicated in
current system specifications of specified finish manufacturer.
2. Applications:
a. Coil: Use coil application finish system for sheet metal substrates.
b. Spray: Use spray application finish system for extruded substrates.
3. Colors: Conventional solid color, except bright and metallic colors, of finish manufacturer as
selected by Architect.
4. Texture: Smooth finish.
A. General: Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be installed for compliance with
requirements of Contract Documents and to determine if conditions affecting performance of work are
satisfactory. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been resolved.
Commencement of installation shall constitute acceptance of conditions.
A. General: Meet requirements of Contract Documents, including requirements specified in applicable
reference specification sections and in Part 2 of this Section, as indicated by final reviewed submittals
for work, and meeting instructions and recommendations of product manufacturers, except where
more stringent requirements are indicated by Contract Documents. Consult with manufacturers for
conditions not covered by printed instructions.
B. Defective Components: Do not install components which are observed to be defective, including
warped, bowed, dented, abraded, and broken members, and including glass with edge damage.
Remove such components and replace with new components as applicable before time of acceptance.
C. Cutting: Do not cut, trim, and joint components during installation, in manner which would damage
finish, decrease strength, and result in visual imperfection and failure in performance of work.
D. Trueness: Install components level, plumb, square, true to line, free of warp and twist, correctly aligned,
and with uniform joints and reveals. Maintain dimensional tolerances and alignment with adjacent work.
E. Anchorage:
1. Anchor components securely in place by permanent mechanical attachment system, which meets
performance criteria and permit movements which are intended and necessary.
2. Secure to supporting structure using methods of attachment permitting sufficient adjustment to
accommodate construction tolerances and irregularities. Use non - staining and non - corrosive shims,
anchors, fasteners, spacers, and fillers.
F. Joints: Seal joints within work and between work and adjacent construction where installation of work
creates final joints to provide weathertight construction.
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G. Water Drainage: Maintain integrity of internal water drainage system.
H. Separations: Install separators as applicable on concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar materials,
before assembly and installation, wherever there is possibility of corrosion, including electrolytic
I. Insulation: Meet requirements of Section 07210 - Building Insulation.
1. Set insulation units with vapor barrier to inside of construction. Tape joints and ruptures in vapor
barrier, using adhesive tape of type recommended by insulation manufacturer, and seal each
continuous area of insulation to surrounding construction so as to ensure vapor fight installation of
2. Provide insulation packed in interior spaces of framing and shim spaces, applied over cover
assemblies and non - vision areas and at other like locations, completely filling void spaces or
covering areas to maintain continuity of framing system, thermal resistance and to prevent air drafts
in or through framing system.
J. Sill Members: Set sill members and other like items in abed of sealant or joint filler to provide tight and
weathertight construction. Meet requirements of Section 07920 - Joint Sealants.
A. Operable Components: Adjust and lubricate as applicable operable components of work to function
properly, without binding, and to provide proper fit at interface areas within required tolerances.
B. Protective Covering: Remove any temporary protective covering provided by manufacturer at time of
Substantial Completion, except as otherwise instructed by manufacturer.
C. Restoration:
1. General: Restore damaged work so no evidence remains of correction work. If results of restoration
are not acceptable to Architect, remove damaged units and replace with new units.
2. Coatings: Clean and touch -up minor abrasions in finish coatings with air dried coating that is
compatible with and matches type, color and sheen of factory applied coating and blends with initial
D. Cleaning:
1. Clean work surfaces after installation, exercising care to avoid damage to finish surfaces. Remove
protective material from prefinished surfaces, labels, excess sealant and glazing materials, dirt and
other substances. Remove dirt from corners.
2. Cleaning materials and methods shall meet instructions and recommendations of manufacturer
and shall not be detrimental to materials and shall promote achievement of uniform appearance.
3. Maintain work in a clean condition throughout construction period, so work will be without damage
or deterioration, other than normal weathering at time of acceptance. Immediately before final
completion thoroughly clean inside and outside surfaces.
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