HomeMy WebLinkAbout1. Ever Vail final doc 1-10-10 rev Original Applica,on March 2007 Re‐Submi:ed December 2008 Revised November 2009 Revised November 2010 Revised December 21, 2010 ! Consultant Directory Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road Avon, CO 81620 (ph) 970‐754‐2544 Tmiller1@vailresorts.com Mauriello Planning Group PO Box 1127 Avon, CO 81620 (ph) 970.748.0920 dominic@mpgvail.com CALLISON 1420 FiVh Avenue #2400 SeaXle, WA 98101‐2343 (ph) 206.623.4646 Alpine Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 97 Edwards, CO 81632 (ph) 970.926.3373 Paladino and Company (ph) 206.522.7600 www.paladinoandco.com AMEC Earth & Environmental 1002 Walnut, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80302 (ph) 303.443.7839 Thompson and Trautz, LLC PO Box 984 Avon, CO 81620 (ph) 970.949.1413 Kimley‐Horn and Associates, Inc 950 Seventeenth Street Suite 1050 Denver, CO 80202 (ph) 303.228.2300 LandWorks Design, Inc. 3457 Ringsby Court Suite 110 Denver, CO 80202 (ph) 303.433.4257 PCL Construcaon Services, Inc. 2000 South Colorado Blvd. Tower Two ‐Suite 2‐500 Denver, CO 80222 (ph) 303.365.6500 Peak Land Consultants, Inc. 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 (ph) 970.476.8644 BBC Consulang 3773 Cherry Creek N. Drive, Suite 859 Denver, CO 80209 (ph) 303.321.2547 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 2 Table of Contents I. EVER VAIL UPDATE – NOVEMBER 2010 ....................................................................................................4 A. INTRODUCTION ........................... .....................................................................................................................4 B. BACKGROUND .................................................................. ...............................................................................6 C. EXISTING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... ........................................9 D. PROPOSED CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................10 E. EVER VAIL AND LEED CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................12 II. ZONING ANALYSIS .......................... .....................................................................................................13 III. MASTER PLAN REVIEW ....................................................................... ..................................................15 A. LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN ........................................................................................................15 B. COMPREHENSIVE OPEN LANDS PLAN ..................................................................................................................28 C. VAIL TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN ................................................................................................................29 IV. MAJOR SUBDIVISION .............................................................. ..............................................................30 A. INTRODUCTION OF THE MAJOR SUBDIVISION REQUEST ..................................................................................... ......30 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR A MAJOR SUBDIVISION ......................................................................................................30 V. REZONING .............................. .............................................................................................................34 A. INTRODUCTION TO THE REZONING REQUEST ............................................... ..........................................................34 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR A REZONING REQUEST ................................................................................................ ........35 VI. SDD MAJOR AMENDMENT ....................................................................................................................38 A. INTRODUCTION TO THE SDD MAJOR AMENDMENT ................................................................................................38 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE SDD MAJOR AMENDMENT ........................................... ................................................38 VII. TEXT AMENDMENT ...............................................................................................................................4 1 A. INTRODUCTION TO TEXT AMENDMENT ...............................................................................................................41 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR A TEXT AMENDMENT ........................................................................................................43 VIII. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS .............................................................. ...................................................46 A. INTRODUCTION OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS ..............................................................................................46 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ...............................................................................................46 IX. MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION ....................... ......................................................................................49 A. INTRODUCTION TO THE MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION ............................................................. ..............................49 B. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THE MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION .......................................................................................49 X. HOUSING PLAN ....................................................................................................................................52 XI. ADJACENT ADDRESSES .................................... ......................................................................................57 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 3 I. Ever Vail Update – November 2010 A. Introduc4on Ever Vail, LLC, an affiliate of Vail Resorts Development Company (the Applicant) is providing updated plans and applicaaon materials for the Ever Vail project. The Ever Vail project has been in the Town of Vail approval process since 2007, having been reviewed in approximately 35 meeangs and hearings with the Town and the community. The review process has posiavely shaped and re‐shaped the project since the original plan submiXed three years ago. Many milestones have also been achieved in that process, including the review and approval of the relocated South Frontage Road by CDOT and FHWA. The revised plans provided today reflect the input and comments we have received over the last year and which we believe have craVed a beXer project overall. The most significant change to the programming is the reducaon of the total square footage of commercial retail uses within the project. We heard strongly from the community, the Town Council, and the Town staff that that there was concern that the amount of retail being proposed would compete too heavily with the other core retail areas. Your economic and fiscal consultant, EPS, and our economic and fiscal consultant, BBC Research, were also concerned about the viability of the amount of retail area being proposed. We are convinced that reducing the commercial retail area to a level that is necessary to simply serve the populaaon living, staying and parking at Ever Vail is the right approach for this project. There is now enough retail floor area to serve Ever Vail with success and vibrancy, but those staying within Ever Vail will need to seek out other shopping and dining opportuniaes within the Town to feel commercially saasfied. The following are some of the more significant aspects of the project that have been improved or maintained in the updated design that will add to the success of the project: • Revisions to the Red Sandstone Creek corridor creaang a larger open park‐like area. We eliminated one of the two pedestrian bridges across Red Sandstone Creek and added a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge across Gore Creek making the project much more accessible to the Gore Creek trail. The Applicant is also proposing to grant a conservaaon easement for the Red Sandstone Creek to the Town, which today runs across private property, as suggested by the Town’s Comprehensive Open Lands Plan; • There is a significant reducaon in the building mass based on comments we received from the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), eliminaang most of the bridges connecang buildings and opening up the pedestrian areas to more light and air; • With the reducaon of retail floor area, Market Street has been modified to a pedestrian area with a short segment of residenaal development at the grade level, complemenang the grade level of the Ritz‐Carlton Residences across the street, and then leading to the front door of the new RockResorts hotel and into the commercial zone of the Ever Vail project; • A 4‐star RockResorts hotel with 102 hotel rooms will be complemented by the addiaon of 29 lock‐off units within the hotel. There are also an addiaonal 20 lock‐offs in the project bringing the number of Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 4 keys to potenaally 342 (hotel rooms + managed dwelling units + lock‐offs) and helping to meet Town goals of “warming up” the project as much as possible. • The revised transit and bus stop faciliaes in the project, given the nod by both Town staff and PEC, are capable of accommodaang both skier drop‐off and bus stop faciliaes in close proximity to the proposed gondola; • The 400 publicly‐available parking spaces beyond the required parking for uses on the site remain in the project. The Town’s master plan suggests that the property accommodate public parking in this area. The Applicant took this master plan goal one giant step forward by not only accommodaang for the 400 parking spaces, but actually commivng to paying for their construcaon at no financial impact to the Town of Vail. With the required parking to serve retail uses on the property, the proposal includes a total of 665 spaces available to skiers and consumers; • Ever Vail is proposed to contain approximately 67% of the employee housing requirement on‐site which is in excess of the Town’s requirements; • The relocaaon of the weekend DEVO program from Golden Peak to Ever Vail remains in the plans, thus reducing the congesaon problems encountered along Vail Valley Drive. The 12,000‐square‐foot recreaaonal facility for the Vail Recreaaon District’s Youth Services includes an 80‐foot‐tall climbing wall within a glassed structure acang as an iconic element for the project. • The project master plan maintains the USGBC Stage One LEED for Neighborhood Development approval with a Plaanum designaaon, the highest level achievable under the program. The Applicant believes that the sustainable and green aspects and LEED raang of this project will set Ever Vail apart from other resort projects across the country and throughout the world, and will help posiaon both Vail Resorts and the Town of Vail as leaders in their collecave pursuits of sustainable goals; and Finally, the Applicant has revised the project such that there is no need for any variances to Town Code. The project fully complies with Town Code and is consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 5 B. Background In March of 2007, the Applicant submiXed the original applicaaon for a rezoning and major subdivision to facilitate the review process for Ever Vail. The applicaaon was reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on September 22, 2007, following a staff recommendaaon of approval, who subsequently recommended approval to the Town Council. The Town Council requested that the Applicant return with all applicaaons necessary to facilitate the Ever Vail project, rather than just the Major Subdivision and Rezoning request, and the applicaaons were subsequently withdrawn to allow the Applicant to prepare the enare enatlement package for review by the Town of Vail. On December 2, 2008, the Applicant submiXed all applicaaons to facilitate the development of Ever Vail. The early part of 2009 was spent reviewing the proposed Frontage Road and a general overview of the project, with meeangs occurring all through 2009 and culminaang in substanaal revisions to the plans based on the input from Town Town Staff, Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Review Board, and Town Council, in addiaon to input received at the various public open houses. Revision to the plans were made in November of 2009, addressing this input. Since the March 2007 submiXal, the following public meeangs have occurred: Mee,ng Board Date Topic 1 Planning and Environmental Commission 5‐14‐07 Worksession 2 Planning and Environmental Commission 6‐25‐07 Worksession 3 Planning and Environmental Commission 7‐23‐07 Worksession 4 Planning and Environmental Commission 9‐24‐07 Major Subdivision approval, rezoning discussion 5 Planning and Environmental Commission 10‐22‐07 Recommendaaon of approval for Rezoning 6 Town Council 1‐22‐08 Update 7 Town Council 7‐1‐08 Update 8 Town Council 7‐15‐08 Rezoning Request 9 Town Council 9‐2‐08 Amendment to Vail Land Use Plan for Cascade Crossing, Vail Professional Building, GLOB 10 Planning and Environmental Commission 12‐22‐08 Frontage Road 11 Design Review Board 1‐7‐09 Frontage Road 12 Planning and Environmental Commission 1‐12‐09 Frontage Road, Major Subdivision 13 Planning and Environmental Commission 1‐26‐09 Frontage Road, Major Subdivision, Extensive Site Visit 14 Planning and Environmental Commission 2‐9‐09 Frontage Road, Vehicular Circulaaon, Pedestrian Connecaons 15 Planning and Environmental Commission 2‐23‐09 Frontage Road, Major Subdivision 16 Planning and Environmental Commission 3‐13‐09 Frontage Road, Major Subdivision, PEC approval of width of R‐O‐W 17 Town Council 4‐21‐09 Frontage Road endorsed for submiXal to CDOT 18 Planning and Environmental Commission 12‐14‐09 Project overview, public and private parking, skier parking analysis 19 Town Council 12‐15‐09 Update on project 20 Design Review Board 12‐16‐09 Project overview, review of site plan and landscape plan, general architecture Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 6 Mee,ng Board Date Topic 21 Public Open House 12‐30‐09 Project overview and review of changes 22 Planning and Environmental Commission 1‐11‐10 Core Area Parking, vehicular circulaaon below grade, Traffic Report, Walker Parking Report 23 Town Council and Planning and Environmental Commission 1‐19‐10 Project overview at joint worksession 24 Planning and Environmental Commission 1‐25‐10 Circulaaon, public spaces and plazas, ground level uses, Market Study 25 Planning and Environmental Commission 2‐8‐10 Other programming 26 Community Meeang 2‐11‐10 Transportaaon, Traffic Circulaaon, Skier Drop‐Off 27 Planning and Environmental Commission 2‐22‐10 Fiscal Impact Analysis 28 Community Meeang 3‐5‐10 Project overview 29 Planning and Environmental Commission 3‐22‐10 Building bulk and mass, setbacks, transit, connecaons to Cascade and Lionshead 30 Town Council 4‐7‐10 Project Update 31 Town Council 4‐20‐10 Metro District Update 32 Art in Public Places 3‐2‐09 Project Overview, Potenaal Art Opportuniaes 33 Planning and Environmental Commission 4‐26‐10 Transit, connecaons to Cascade and Lionshead 34 Planning and Environmental Commission 5‐24‐10 Bulk and Mass 35 Town Council 6‐15‐10 EPS Fiscal Review Addiaonal meeangs occurred prior to the March 2007 submiXal, including extensive meeangs to amend the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan for West Lionshead and subsequent meeangs to amend the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to include the Glen Lyon Office Building site (submiXed by others). In addiaon to the meeangs with all of the various boards and commissions, the Applicant has aXended weekly meeangs with staff to ensure that all issues have been addressed. Previous studies have been revised when necessary, and provided for review by the Town of Vail. All of the applicaaons submiXed to the Town for review and approval are listed below: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 7 Applica,on Type Brief Descrip,on Reviewing Board* Major Subdivision The preliminary subdivision plan which was approved by the PEC in 2007 has since expired. The purpose of the preliminary subdivision plan is to plat the property into Lots 1 and 2 of the Ever Vail Subdivision. From the previous approval, addiaonal land has been added to accommodate some ualiaes. The preliminary subdivision plan includes the relocaaon of the S. Frontage Road. The Town of Vail has approved a paraal Preliminary Plan establishing the north property line of the Ever Vail property in 2009. PEC final approval Rezoning The area of Ever Vail to the west of Red Sandstone is currently zoned ABD and the current S. Frontage Rd. is unzoned. Glen Lyon Office Building (GLOB) is currently part of SDD #4, Cascade Village. These areas will be zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 2, to match the remaining poraon of the property and consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. PEC recommendaaon TC final approval SDD Major Amendment Along with the rezoning, a Major Amendment applicaaon to SDD #4 is proposed to eliminate the Glen Lyon Office Building from this SDD. PEC recommendaaon TC final approval Text Amendment Ever Vail is not currently within the Core Area for parking requirements. The amendment allows for Ever Vail to be within the Core Area, consistent with its intended use and transit faciliaes. PEC recommendaaon (approved 1.11.10) TC final approval Condiaonal Use Permits The private parking structure, certain residenaal uses, office, conference and meeang space, maintenance facility, transit center, and the gondola are idenafied as condiaonal use permits in the LMU‐2 zone district. PEC final approval Major Exterior Alteraaon The construcaon of buildings within LMU‐2 requires a major exterior alteraaon. PEC final approval Flood Plain Modificaaon Permit The relocaaon of the South Frontage Road impacts the flood plain. Addiaonal flood plain modificaaon permits may be required for improvements to Red Sandstone Creek and will be provided during the Design Review process. PEC final approval *the Town Council can call‐up the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 8 C. Exis4ng Condi4ons Ever Vail is a project proposed on an approximately 12‐acre site in the area known as West Lionshead. The site includes the Vail Professional Building, Cascade Crossing, the Vail Maintenance Yard, the old BP Gas Staaon, and the Glen Lyon Office Building, along with poraons of the exisang South Frontage Road. The gas staaon was demolished and environmental remediaaon undertaken in preparaaon for this project, so the gas staaon site is currently used as Vail Resorts employee parking (59 spaces) displaced by the construcaon of the First Chair employee housing project . The following table provides background informaaon about the current uses on the site: Site General Descrip,on Specific Use(s) Vail Professional Building Offices and limited retail 1,938 sf retail 17,987 sf office Cascade Crossing Retail and limited office 8,584 sf retail 1,479 sf restaurant 1,020 sf office Old BP Gas Staaon Former gas staaon and auto repair, temporarily used for employee parking 3,374 sf repair shop Glen Lyon Office Building Offices 10,829 sf office Vail Maintenance Yard Maintenance yard and VR employee parking 245 parking spaces 9,600 sf office/warehouse Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 9 D. Proposed Condi4ons These revisions to the previous applicaaons are intended to address all comments received to‐date and to allow for final approval of the Ever Vail project. The most substanaal change made to the project is a significant reducaon in commercial uses on the site. The Town Council, staff, and the Town’s consultant expressed concern that the level of commercial use in Ever Vail was not appropriate based on the proposed density of the project and the needs of the Town of Vail. As a result, a significant amount of commercial square footage was removed from the plans. This had the ripple effect of reducing the parking requirement and commercial linkage employee housing requirements for the project. All commercial uses were removed from the west side of the project, allowing for a new park‐like feature at the confluence of Gore and Red Sandstone Creeks. Commercial uses were also removed from the east side of the project and replaced with residenaal uses on the first floor. As a result, a new Condiaonal Use Permit Applicaaon was submiXed for these uses. Other changes include the eliminaaon of some of the bridges which connected buildings, eliminaaon of the transit center in the front setback, eliminaaon of the variance for site coverage (underground uses), a reducaon in height of certain buildings, the conversion of a poraon of Market Street to a completely pedestrianized zone, etc. Hotel and Commercial Uses The project conanues to include the extensive list of uses and ameniaes as previously conceived. The Rock Resort Hotel with 102 rooms and associated conference and meeang rooms of over 9,807 sq. V. (gross) is sall proposed. With the addiaon of 49 lock‐off units the hot and warm bed count of Ever Vail has been increased dramaacally. Ever Vail will have an approximately 13,000 sq. V. specialty market, along with 15,000 sq. V. of general retail. There will be an addiaonal 16,000 sq. V. of restaurant area and a 6,600 sq. V. nightclub. Ever Vail will also include approximately 34,600 sq. V. of office uses, increasing the total amount of offices uses currently exisang (approx. 29,000 sq. V.) on the site. Residen4al and Employee Housing Ever Vail includes 381 condominium units with approximately 570,000 sq. V. of GRFA. Forty‐nine (49) of these condominiums will have lock‐offs, resulang in a significant increase in warm beds available in the Town of Vail. In addiaon, there will be approximately 41 employee housing units, both for‐sale and rental units, meeang approximately 67% of our requirement on‐site. A poraon of the employee units will be restricted to lower income families pursuant to the LEED ND program, well beyond the requirements of the Town of Vail. Parking and Transit The Applicant remains commiXed to providing 400 day‐skier parking spaces, as outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to alleviate parking currently occurring on the Frontage Road and to accommodate the shiVing demand for parking as a result of the new gondola. Along with the 400 skier spaces, there are an addiaonal 289 289 parking spaces to saasfy the “no net loss” policy of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. There are an addiaonal 265 commercial spaces for a total of approximately 665 parking spaces open to the public for commercial users and skiers. A complete parking analysis is provided in Secaon II of this update. Since the previous update, substanaal work has occurred on finalizing a transit center design for Ever Vail. Now approximately 25,000 sf, the Ever Vail transit center will accommodate four buses, and 13 skier drop‐off spaces, with opportunity for expansion onto the Frontage Road for addiaonal transit uses should addiaonal bus bays be necessary. At a direct cost to the Applicant of approximately $8,000,000, this is a huge benefit to the enare Town of Vail community. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 10 Vail Mountain Ever Vail is about the mountain. A new gondola will be provided, helping to alleviate congesaon at the other mountain portals. Finally, mountain operaaons will receive a brand‐new, state of the art, completely subterranean mountain operaaons facility with direct access to the snowcat bridge and access road up Tract K. The following provides a general summary of the programming proposed based on each building for Ever Vail. A complete zoning analysis, with a more specific breakdown of all uses is provided in Secaon II: Building General Descrip,on Uses and/or Approx. SF WEST W1 Residenaal 45 du 17 ehu W2 Mixed‐Use 65 du (includes 20 lock‐offs) 12,172 sf children’s services W3A‐E Residenaal 34 du 5 ehu EAST E1 Mixed‐Use 20 du 5,732 sf commercial 2,887 sf office 3,487 sf meeang space E2 Mixed‐Use 58 du 6 ehu 10,311 sf commercial 1,900 sf office E3 Mixed‐Use 51 du (includes 24 lock‐offs) 56 au 16,368 sf commercial 9,950 sf spa E4 Gondola NA E5 Mixed‐Use, Transit Center 52 du 4 ehu 29,882 sf office 2,332 sf commercial 25,041 sf transit center E6 Residenaal 27 du (includes 5 lock‐offs) 46 au E7 Mixed‐Use 29 du 9 ehu 19,935 sf commercial Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 11 E. Ever Vail and LEED Cer4fica4on The U.S. Green Building Council has developed a LEED for Neighborhood Development Raang System. The U.S. Green Building Council, the Congress for the New Urbanism, and the Natural Resources Defense Council—three organizaaons that represent some of the naaon’s leaders among progressive design professionals, builders, developers, and the environmental community—have come together to develop a naaonal set of standards for neighborhood locaaon and design based on the combined principles of smart growth, new urbanism, and green building. The goal of this partnership is to establish these standards for assessing and rewarding environmentally superior development pracaces within the raang framework of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Raang System™. The Neighborhood Development raang system is designed to cerafy exemplary development projects that perform well in terms of smart growth, new urbanism, and green building. Projects may consatute whole neighborhoods, fracaons of neighborhoods, or mulaple neighborhoods. Smaller, infill projects that are single use but complement exisang neighboring uses should be able to earn ceraficaaon as well as larger and mixed‐use developments. Ever Vail has been accepted to be a LEED cerafied neighborhood development and has received its Stage One approval by the USGBC. The Ever Vail Master Plan achieved a LEED Plaanum Raang (the highest possible raang) in September 2008 when it completed Final Stage One LEED‐ND Review was returned by USGBC. According to USGBC, Ever Vail was the: • 12th LEED‐ND project cerafied • 2nd Plaanum LEED‐ND project • 1st LEED‐ND project in Colorado/Rocky Mountain Region • LEED‐ND project furthest east of the Pacific Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 12 II. Zoning Analysis Requirement Allowed/Required Proposed Lot Size: Buildable Area: 10,000 sq. V. 10,000 sq. V. 12.617 acres /549,574 sq. V. 480,313 sq. V. Setbacks: Front/Side/Side/Rear: Gore Creek: Red Sandstone: 10 V./10 V/10 V./10 V. 50 V. 30 V. 10 V. minimum 50 V. minimum 30 V. minimum Height: Max: Average: 82.5 V. 71 V. 82.5 V. <71 V. Density: Units: Units per Acres: 430 units 35 units/acre 381 units 30.20 units/acre GRFA: 250% of buildable area 1,200,783 sq. V. 131% of buildable area 628,462 sq. V. (includes hotel) Site Coverage: 70%/384,701 sq. V. 69.98% /384,623 sq. V. (Above‐grade site coverage = 46%) Landscape Area: 20%/109,914 sq. V. 28.28% /155,381 sq. V. SoVscape: 23.56% /129,484 sq. V. Hardscape: 22.63% /124,345 sq. V. Loading and Delivery: Max of 5 bays 10 straight‐body truck bays 3 semi truck bays 1 hauler cat bay Parking: (a full analysis is provided in Secaon VI) 772.3 spaces 1,478 spaces As the Zoning Analysis indicates, Ever Vail meets the requirements of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone zone district and no variances are required for approval. In addiaon to the zoning requirements, Ever Vail fully complies with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, which in some cases is more restricave than the zoning. The Zoning Analysis provided above outlines the project with regard to the zoning standards, but does not give a complete picture of all of the uses proposed on site. The following table is intended to provide an understanding of all of the various uses proposed: Use West East Total Dwelling Units (DU) 144 237 381 DU GRFA 215,776 355,542 571,318 Units with Lock‐Off (not addiaonal DU) 20 29 49 Accommodaaon Units (AU) 0 102 102 AU GRFA 0 94,482 94,482 Employee Housing Units (EHU) 22 19 41 EHU GRFA (on‐site) 26,155 23,544 49,699 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 13 Use West East Total Office NSF 0 34,669 34,669 Retail NSF 0 31,527 31,527 Eaang and Drinking Establishment NSF 0 22,337 22,337 Eaang and Drinking Establishment (Seaang SF ‐for calculaang parking) 0 11,307 11,307 Conference and Meeang Space NSF 0 9,807 9,807 Conference and Meeang Space (Seaang SF ‐for calculaang parking) 0 7,465 7,465 Spa NSF 0 9,950 9,950 Skier Tickeang NSF 0 2,526 2,526 Children’s Services NSF 12,172 0 12,172 Mountain Ops 0 91,561 91,561 The following table provides a summary of the parking analysis (addiaonal calculaaons are provided in Secaon VI): Use Parking Required Dwelling Units Employee Housing Units Total Residen,al 413.4 44.4 457.8 Accommodaaon Units Office Retail/Skier Services Eaang and Drinking Conference Spa Children’s Services Mtn Ops Total Commercial/Other 55.3 72.5 61.2 35.0 23.4 7.7 9.4 50 314.5 Skier Parking Obliga,on 400 Employee Replacement Parking Obliga,on 289 Total Required + Obliga,on 1,461.3 Total Spaces Provided 1,478.0 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 14 III. Master Plan Review A. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (LRMP) provides the framework for the Town of Vail to review this applicaaon to facilitate the redevelopment of Ever Vail. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was originally adopted in December of 1998 and amended numerous ames. At the ame of adopaon, the Town recognized that Vail was nearing an important crossroads and that major changes were necessary to remain at a compeaave advantage in the ski resort industry. The purpose statement of the LRMP clearly idenafies how Vail intended to face this compeaaon head‐on: (Sec. 2.1) This master plan was ini4ated by the Town of Vail to encourage redevelopment and new development ini4a4ves within the Lionshead study area. Both public and private interests have recognized that Lionshead today lacks the economic vitality of Vail Village, its neighboring commercial district, and fails to offer a world‐class resort experience. Lionshead’s economic poten4al has been been inhibited by a number o f r e c u r r e nt t h eme s : l a c k o f g r owt h i n accommoda4on units (“hot beds”), poor retail quality, the apparent deteriora4on of exis4ng buildings, an uninteres4ng and di sconnected pedest r ian environment, mediocre architectural character, and the absence of incen4ves for redevelopment. Redevelopment is cri4cal for Vail and Lionshead if the community is to remain a compe44ve four‐season resort. Other resorts are spending millions of dollars to upgrade their facili4es in order to aYract more visitors year‐round. Growth in the number of skiers annually has slowed to one to two percent, intensifying compe44on for market share. Skiers are spending less 4me skiing and more 4me shopping, dining out, and enjoying other off‐mountain ac4vi4es. As a result, the demand for quality retail shopping and a greater diversity of experiences has drama4cally increased. All of these are sorely in need of improvement in Lionshead. Vail, and specifically Lionshead, will fall behind if the community fails to upgrade the quality of its facili4es and correct the exis4ng flaws in its primary commercial nodes. This purpose statement reads much like the Applicant’s purpose for the Ever Vail development: • An increase and diversificaaon in hot beds. This is accomplished through the Rock Resort hotel, 49 lock‐offs, and dwelling units have the opportunity to paracipate in a voluntary rental program. • An increase and diversificaaon in retail offerings, a live music venue and a specialty market/grocer. • Removal of older, deterioraang buildings, including an aging maintenance facility and the exisang strip malltype use. The new structures will be built to LEED standards and the new maintenance facility will allow Mountain Operaaons to have a state‐of‐the‐art, efficient facility to serve their needs in maintaining Vail’s premier mountain status. All of this will be done in an exciang and inter‐connected pedestrian environment bounded by sophisacated architecture and an extraordinary natural environment. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 15 The LRMP provides six policy objecaves which further detail this purpose statement: (Sec. 2.3) Renewal and Redevelopment Lionshead can and should be renewed and redeveloped to become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and coherent iden4ty, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthe4c character. Vitality and Ameni4es We must seize the opportunity to enhance guest experience and community interac4on through expanded and addi4onal ac4vi4es and ameni4es such as performing arts venues, conference facili4es, ice rinks, streetscape, parks and other recrea4onal improvements. Stronger Economic Base Through Increased Live Beds In order to enhance the vitality and viability of Vail, renewal and redevelopment in Lionshead must promote improved occupancy rates and the crea4on of addi4onal bed base (“live beds” or “warm beds”) through new lodging products. Live beds and warm beds are best described as residen4al or lodging rooms or units that are designed for occupancy by visitors, guests, individuals, or families on a short term rental basis. In order to improve occupancy rates and create addi4onal bed base in Lionshead, applica4ons for new development and redevelopment projects which include a residen4al component shall provide live beds in the form of accommoda4on units, frac4onal fee club units, lodge dwelling units, 4meshare units, aYached accommoda4on units (i.e, lock‐off units), or dwelling units which are included in a voluntary rental management program and available for short term rental. Further, it is the expressed goal of this Plan that in addi4on to crea4ng addi4onal bed base through new lodging products, there shall be no net loss of exis4ng live beds within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. Improved Access and Circula4on The flow of pedestrian, vehicular, bicycle and mass transit traffic must be improved within and through Lionshead. Improved Infrastructure The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways, transporta4on systems, parking, u4li4es, loading and delivery systems, snow removal and storage capacity) and its public and private services must be upgraded to support redevelopment and revitaliza4on efforts and to meet the service expecta4ons of our guests and residents. Crea4ve Financing for Enhanced Private Profits and Public Revenues Financially crea4ve and fiscally realis4c strategies must be iden4fied so that adequate capital may be raised from all possible sources to fund desired private and public improvements. Maintenance Yard Chapter 3 of the LRMP idenafies all of the exisang condiaons presenang challenges to the objecaves of the Town of Vail. Many of these are described in general terms. However, the maintenance yard is specifically idenafied and addressed: (Sec. Vail Associates Service Yard The Vail Associates service yard, bordered by the South Frontage Road on the east and south and Red Sandstone Creek on the west, currently contains a wide variety of mountain opera4on func4ons such as snowcat service and fueling, warehouse storage, and maintenance shops. While the service yard is cri4cal to Vail Associates’ mountain opera4ons there is a strong interest on the part of the Town of Vail to see the majority of these facili4es relocated on‐mountain. According to Vail Associates it may be possible Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 16 to relocate many of the facili4es, but the snow cat service and fueling opera4ons must remain at or near its current loca4on. Specific issues regarding the service yard include: a. Visual Like its neighboring Amoco service sta4on, the service yard is at the western front door to Lionshead. Much of the yard is screened by an exis4ng berm, but the facility is inconsistent with the exis4ng land uses in Lionshead and the desired visual character of a des4na4on resort. As redevelopment occurs in west Lionshead it will become increasingly important to address these visual concerns. b. Access The snow cat fueling and maintenance opera4ons are a significant component of the service yard func4ons. Snow cats and snowmobiles must cross the South Frontage Road to access the mountain, frequently conflic4ng with traffic on the frontage road. c. Forest Road Mountain Access Snow cats from the service yard currently access the mountain via Forest Road to the Born Free ski run. Though a pre‐exis4ng condi4on, the presence of the snow cats on Forest Road has long been a consistent complaint of the Forest Road property owners. It is clear that the removal of snow cats from Forest Road is desirable but there is no exis4ng secondary route to the mountain and the alterna4ves for crea4ng a new access way, while possible, are problema4c. The compleaon of the ski cat access road up Tract K opens up the opportunity to relocate Mountain Operaaons to the area adjacent to the “Bridge to Nowhere” as it will now go somewhere. Locaang Mountain Operaaons completely below grade minimizes its impacts to adjacent properaes (within and adjacent to Ever Vail) and furthers the goals of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. No Net Loss of Parking This chapter also discusses the exisang Vail Resorts/Vail Mountain parking situaaon, with specific reference to the basic ground rule of “no net loss of parking”: (Sec. 3.9.4) 3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parking Vail Associates currently u4lizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its employee parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3‐15), with a capacity of approximately 105 cars, is located behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transporta4on facility, employee housing, and other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LMU‐1). The west day lot, located just west of the MarrioY parking structure, has an approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significant development opportunity. Parking displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within the Lionshead study area to sa4sfy the ground rule requiring no net loss of parking. The displaced parking will be provided in West Lionshead within a parking structure included as part of the Ever Vail project. As part of the project, the Applicant will be proposing replacement of parking at the Ever Vail site, to meet the “no net loss” policy as outlined by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Recent construcaon of projects on the West Day Lot (now the Ritz‐Carlton) and North Day Lot (now First Chair), have displaced parking onto the Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 17 exisang Ever Vail site. With the construcaon of Ever Vail, all parking to saasfy the no net loss policy will be fulfilled. The following chart provides an analysis of all VR employee parking that existed in Lionshead preredevelopment, and tracks it through to the compleaon of Ever Vail: Site Spaces Notes Historical: Pre‐Lionshead Redevelopment West Day Lot 160 Holy Cross Lot 129 Includes Mtn Ops parking North Day Lot 105 TOTAL 394 Total Replacement Obligaaon Ritz Post‐Construc,on West Day Lot 0 WDL becomes the Ritz Carlton Residences Holy Cross Lot 295 Move adds 166 spaces to Holy Cross Lot (160 to replace WDL, 6 for future North Day Lot development) North Day lot 105 TOTAL 400 Net surplus of 6 spaces North Day Lot Post‐Construc,on West Day Lot 0 Holy Cross Lot 295 Includes shop parking North Day Lot 61 Employees plus surplus parking Old BP Lot 59 PCL office removed, parking lot created for paraal replacement of NDL TOTAL 415 Carrying a credit of +21 spaces Ever Vail Post‐Construc,on West Day Lot 0 Ritz Carlton Residences Holy Cross Lot 0 Becomes part of Ever Vail North Day Lot 61 Developed as employee housing and parking Ever Maintenance Shop 50 Relocated Maintenance Shop Ever Vail Replacement 289 Replacement for BP lot, Holy Cross Lot TOTAL 400 Net increase of 6 spaces to maintain No Net Loss Policy This equates to a total parking replacement of 289 parking spaces. These spaces are included in the parking calculaaons provided in this document. West Lionshead Policies Chapter 4 of the LRMP provides recommendaaons for the overall study area and includes a secaon on the West Lionshead neighborhood: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 18 (Sec. 4.1.5) West Lionshead – Residen4al/Mixed‐Use Hub West Lionshead includes the Vail Associates Service Yard, Holy Cross site, Vail Professional Building site, Cascade Crossings site, Glen Lyon Office Building site, former gas sta4on site, and the Eagle River and Water and Sanita4on site. This area of Lionshead is generally under u4lized and from an aesthe4c standpoint is not in keeping with what the Town would like to see Lionshead become as it redevelops in the coming years. The Town of Vail does place a high value on maintaining the office and retail areas in West Lionshead and any redevelopment should reasonably increase the square footage of exis4ng office and have “no net loss” of retail square footage in West Lionshead. With their recent acquisi4on of addi4onal proper4es in this area, Vail Resorts has the opportunity to bring lij service to this part of Lionshead. Lij service brings with it great poten4al for the redevelopment of this area and in doing so expand all of Lionshead to the west with improved pedestrian connec4ons, new retail and office ac4vity and other improvements. While lij access will certainly energize this area during the winter months, aYen4on should be given to crea4ng a year‐round aYrac4on within this area of Lionshead. The master plan recommends that this hub become a residen4al/mixed use area with an emphasis on mee4ng the needs of both the local community and our guests. Appropriate uses could include high density residen4al development, lodging, community and visitor based office and retail space, employee housing and parking, bus or transit func4ons and a ski lij connec4on to Vail Mountain. The catalyst for this mixed use hub is ski lij access to Vail Mountain. Considera4on should be given to integra4ng employee housing into the redevelopment of West Lionshead in accordance with the Town’s employee housing policies and regula4ons. To the extent possible development paYerns in this area should reflect north‐south orienta4on of buildings, visual penetra4ons to the mountain, and a pedestrian oriented environment. The degree of north‐south building orienta4on may be difficult given the rela4vely narrow east‐west orienta4on of this area. In addi4on, the introduc4on of ski lij access in this loca4on creates a catalyst for a structured public parking facility. All service and delivery demands created by development in this area shall be accommodated on‐site. The site will con4nue to accommodate the exis4ng and poten4ally expanded func4ons of the Vail sanita4on plant. The mountain service yard could be reduced in size, as some func4ons can be moved to less central loca4ons. It may also be possible to relocate the en4re mountain service yard to a new loca4on in the West Lionshead area which would allow for greater flexibility in the redevelopment of this site. However as the area develops it is cri4cal that new uses be connected to the primary pedestrian corridors and that they be served by the Town of Vail in‐town transit system. The above secaon of the LRMP clearly states the intenaon for this area to become a residenaal and mixed use area, to include high density residenaal development, lodging, office, retail space, employee housing and parking. The uses proposed at Ever Vail clearly align with this intent. While each of these uses will be addressed in later secaons of this submiXal document, it is clear that Ever Vail is consistent with the LRMP. Public Transporta,on Chapter 4 also includes the following secaon on public transportaaon: (Sec. 4.5.1) Connec4on to West Lionshead West Lionshead consists of the Vail Associates Service Yard, Holy Cross site, Vail Professional Building site, Cascade Crossing site, Glen Lyon Office Building site, former gas sta4on site, and the Eagle River Water and Sanita4on site. Because it is an area of poten4ally significant growth, it is important that it be fully integrated into the Town of Vail transit system. The West Lionshead proper4es are at the outside edge of Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 19 the acceptable walking distance to the ski yard (1200 feet). With a mixed use development in the area which integrates a ski portal, retail space, office space and residen4al development, transit service to this area and interconnec4ons to other portals will be cri4cal to develop in the future. In addi4on, the update of the Vail Transporta4on Master Plan shall provide direc4on on the ul4mate loca4on of a Lionshead Transit Facility along with needed interconnec4ons between ski portals, regional transit stops, and other transporta4on modes. The addi4on of a ski lij in this area would make this area more viable to redevelopment as it would be within the acceptable walking distance of a lij (1,200 feet). (Sec. Relocate the Regional Transit Stop It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at the Lionshead Place culde‐sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lot, the Lionshead parking structure, and West Lionshead. This will provide a Lionshead connec4on between the regional transit system and the Town of Vail transit system. In addi4on, visitors and employees coming to Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead of the current “back door” on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regional buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible to locate elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in conjunc4on with a new ski lij and parking facility. However, given its loca4on on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may not be the most viable loca4on for a regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the above, facili4es for skier drop‐off, private shuYle vans and Town of Vail in‐town buses should be included in the design of the ski lij and parking facility. In 2006, the Town of Vail ini4ated an update of the Vail Transporta4on Master Plan. In addi4on, the Town ini4ated a development compe44on for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment, which would include a transit facility. It is an4cipated that the Transporta4on Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment process will provide direc4on on the ul4mate loca4on for a Lionshead Transit Facility and/or the type of transit facili4es that may be necessary in West Lionshead. As this secaon indicates, redevelopment of West Lionshead would be challenging without the addiaon of a liV. All areas of Ever Vail will be within 1,200 V. of the proposed gondola, while public parking and skier drop‐off are within 400 V. This gondola has been designed to be central to the site, to maximize accessibility. In addiaon, the intent is to maximize public transit and bus access to the site, and faciliaes have been provided for skier drop‐off, private shuXle vans, and regional/in‐town buses. Road Reloca,on Chapter 4 provides direcaon on the potenaal realignment of S. Frontage Road: (Sect 4.6.2) South Frontage Road Recommenda4ons outlined below address poten4al re‐alignment of por4ons of the frontage road, ingress and egress improvements, bicycle/pedestrian improvements, and visual improvements. For a detailed discussion of capacity and the impacts of future development on the frontage road, see the traffic impact study contained in appendix A. Figure 4‐9 depicts poten4al redevelopment without the realignment of the Frontage Road while Figure 4‐9a depicts redevelopment with a par4al realignment of the Frontage Road. Poten4al Realignment The concept of realigning the South Frontage Road at the western end of the study area grew out of public discussions about land development and traffic flow in West Lionshead. Rela4ve to traffic flow, Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 20 realignment will remove the conflict that now exists between through‐traffic and mountain service vehicles (snow‐cats and snowmobiles) entering and exi4ng the Vail Associates service yard. Realignment will posi4on the road to the north of most new development, thus reducing the poten4al for conflic4ng turning movements. Regarding future land use, the realignment of South Frontage Road will allow the west day lot and the service yard to be combined into a con4guous development parcel. This is an important considera4on for the development conceptually depicted in figure 4‐9a, and it would be necessary if the service yard property is used for a secondary public parking facility or other uses. Any exis4ng parking on the West Day Lot must be replaced within the Lionshead study area. Through the Transporta4on Master Plan update it is an4cipated that a significant traffic control device will need to be installed in the West Lionshead area. Such a device may include a round about. Specific considera4ons regarding realignment are. a. Proposed Alignment The proposed realignment of the South Frontage Road is depicted in figure 4‐9a. Cri4cal design issues include the width of the road and the radius of the curves. Both of these factors will be important in reducing the speed of vehicles entering the Lionshead area and the amount of land consumed by the two curved road sec4ons. Coopera4on between property owners, developers, the Town of Vail, and the Colorado Department of Transporta4on will be necessary to implement the realignment of the Frontage Road. b. West Lionshead Circle Connec4on It is proposed that West Lionshead Circle connect back to the frontage road at the west side of the Vail Spa. The alignment depicted in figure 4‐9a terminates perpendicular to the frontage road and does not require the acquisi4on of private property. A new parcel of developable land, suitable for offices or non‐resort retail, would be created on the southeast corner of this intersec4on. c. Forest Road Connec4on Forest Road could be realigned to cross through the newly created development parcel, providing access to that site and connec4ng at right angles to the frontage road. Another alterna4ve that should be considered is to connect Forest Road to West Lionshead Circle via the exis4ng Frontage Road right‐of‐way. d. Transit and Emergency Vehicle Corridor A transit and emergency vehicle corridor should remain in the exis4ng alignment of the frontage road. This connec4on is necessary to provide a through‐transit route to the west end of Lionshead and also keeps in place the exis4ng u4lity corridor. e. Feasibility of Realignment The ability to realign the frontage road will be heavily influenced by costs, CDOT (Colorado Department of Transporta4on), and the Federal highway administra4on. Future west Lionshead developments will require significant upgrades and widening of South Frontage Road, poten4ally including the widening or reconstruc4on of the bridge over Red Sandstone Creek. The cost of realigning the frontage road is in addi4on to the mandatory costs of improving the road. f. Future Frontage Road Re‐alignment The opportunity may exist to re‐locate the Frontage Road the full length of the West Lionshead planning area. The benefit of this alterna4ve would be to eliminate the Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 21 “Frontage Road barrier” between the Holy Cross site and the Vail Professional Building. While this alterna4ve would require coordina4on with other surrounding land owners, it could warrant further study and evalua4on in the future. The Applicant has been working successfully with CDOT on the complete re‐alignment along the full length of the planning area and the Town has made the applicaaon to CDOT for the road relocaaon. Final approval by the FHWA is currently pending. A traffic study by Kimley‐Horne and Associates has been provided to further address the S. Frontage Road alignment. Public Parking Related to the issue of transportaaon, Chapter 4 of the LRMP provides direcaon on Public Parking and potenaal locaaons, including the following: (Sec. West Lionshead The construc4on of a new public parking facility at the west end of Lionshead has been a planning considera4on since the comple4on of the Vail Transporta4on Master plan in 1991. This site is currently undeveloped (except for the Vail Associates maintenance yard) and is large enough to meet projected parking demand. It is well located in rela4on to the poten4al new eastbound I‐70 access ramps. The viability of a new public parking facility in this loca4on would be enhanced by bringing lij service to this area. The construc4on of a new public parking facility would address the exis4ng deficiency of off‐street parking on peak days and the shijing demand of parking created by the introduc4on of a new ski lij in West Lionshead. It is an4cipated that the new public parking structure would contain approximately 400 public parking spaces, which would be in excess of any parking requirements generated by proposed development. The update of the Vail Transporta4on Plan should provide final direc4on on the loca4on and quan4ty of addi4onal public parking spaces in the Town of Vail. The loca4on of addi4onal public parking should consider where parking is most op4mal for both guests and employees, year round u4liza4on, mountain opera4ons, and overall traffic circula4on. Given the loca4on for this parking facility, it had been assumed that regular transit or shuYle service would be necessary because of its distance from the retail core area and the ski yard (greater than a 1200‐foot walking radius). However, the loca4on of the parking structure would be proximate to the new lij and as such the need for regular shuYle service would be minimized. However, some provisions for bus stops and/or a transit facility should be considered for the parking structure. The Applicant is proposing to not only accommodate 400 public skier parking spaces, in compliance with the recommendaaons of the LRMP, but to construct and operate these publicly available spaces at no cost to the Town of Vail. Ulamately, approximately 660 spaces will be available for public parking. Employee Housing (Secaon 4.8.4) 4.8.4 Parking for Employee Housing The unit‐to‐parking space ra4o for employee housing should be reduced to maximize the housing opportuni4es in west Lionshead. During the master planning process, the Vail Town Council toured several employee housing complexes in Keystone Resort that averaged .25 cars per bed (one parking space per four‐bed unit). Most of these complexes at Keystone are removed from the core and depend on a bus transit system to carry employees to and from work. Yet, Keystone property managers have not observed a parking shortage. Likewise, at the Rivers Edge employee housing project in Avon, a parking ra4o of .75 cars per bed has been more than adequate and the parking lot is underu4lized. At this ame, the Applicant is not requesang a reducaon in the parking requirements for employee housing. However, a reducaon would allow for a greater number of public parking spaces. Employee Housing is also a primary subject of Chapter 4 of the LRMP, and the West Lionshead neighborhood is idenafied as a potenaal site: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 22 (Sec. West Lionshead West Lionshead includes the Vail Associates Service Yard, Holy Cross site, Vail Professional Building site, Cascade Crossings site, Glen Lyon Office Building site, former gas sta4on site and the Eagle River Water and Sanita4on site. All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town’s housing policies and requirements. In order to create ac4vity and vibrancy in West Lionshead it is appropriate to include some dispersed employee housing opportuni4es for permanent local residents in proposed developments in the area consistent with these policies. Perhaps the most promising loca4ons to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and to conform to the Town’s housing policies and requirements for new employee housing genera4on in Lionshead are the North Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, and Holy Cross site. However, housing is not the only use these three proper4es will need to support. The Ever Vail Housing Plan is submiXed in another secaon of this document. The current Town of Vail regulaaons for employee housing require that a minimum of 50% of the required employee housing be constructed on‐site. At this ame, the Applicant is proposing to exceed this requirement. In addiaon, the Applicant is proposing a variety of unit types, including rental and for‐sale, to serve both individuals and families. Beyond the requirements of the Town, the Applicant is proposing a poraon of the employee housing will be restricted to lower income families, based on Area Median Income restricaons pursuant to the LEED ND applicaaon. Live Beds Chapter 4 also discusses the priority of the Town of Vail to encourage the provision of Live Beds: (Sec. 4.13) Live Beds The maintenance, preserva4on, and enhancement of the live bed base are cri4cal to the future success of Lionshead and as such, special emphasis should be placed on increasing the number of live beds in Lionshead as the area undergoes redevelopment. The Lionshead area currently contains a large percentage of the Town’s overall lodging bed base. The bed base in Lionshead’s consists of a variety of residen4al and lodging products including hotels, condominiums, 4meshares and hybrids of all three. The vast majority of live beds in Lionshead are not accommoda4on units in hotels, but instead, in dwelling units in residen4al condominiums such as the Vail 21, Treetops, Antlers Lodge, Lion Square Lodge, Lijhouse Lodge, Landmark Tower and Townhomes, Lionshead Arcade, and Montaneros, all of which have some form of rental/property management program that encourages short term rental of dwelling units when the owners are not in residence. It has been the experience in Lionshead that condominium projects which include a voluntary rental management program have occupancy rates which exceed the occupancy rate of hotel products, and therefore tend to provide more live beds and produce more lodging tax revenues to the Town. As stated previously, the Applicant has also placed a priority on live beds and the development includes Rock Resorts hotel, 49 condos with lock‐off units, and dwelling units to paracipate in a voluntary short‐term rental program. Specific West Lionshead Recommenda,ons It is Chapter 5 of the LRMP that focused on detailed plan recommendaaons for specific areas within the Lionshead study area, and provide direcaon for the redevelopment of West Lionshead: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 23 (Sec. 5.17) West Lionshead includes the Vail Associates Service Yard, Holy Cross site, Vail Professional Building site, Cascade Crossings site, Glen Lyon Office Building site, former gas sta4on site and the Eagle River Water and Sanita4on site. South Frontage Road Improvements and Vehicular Access Planning for West Lionshead must consider two different scenarios: the realignment of South Frontage Road and its reten4on in the exis4ng alignment. While the introduc4on of lij service is viable in either of these Frontage Road alterna4ves, site design will vary depending upon what happens to the Frontage Road alignment. See Figures 4‐9a, and 4‐9b for the Frontage Road realignment alterna4ves. Notwithstanding these different Frontage Road scenarios, there should be an increase of exis4ng office square footage and “no net loss” of retail square footage as a result of the redevelopment of these parcels. Furthermore, service and delivery for West Lionshead shall occur underground or be hidden from public view. Service and delivery truck turning maneuvers should not nega4vely impact traffic flow on the South Frontage Road. With a realignment of vehicular access points, aYen4on should be given to the loca4on of service and parking areas. a. Reten4on of Exis4ng Frontage Road Alignment If the Frontage Road remains in its current loca4on the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross parcels, the Vail Professional Building site, and /Cascade Crossing and the Glen Lyon Office Building site all remain viable development sites. The most viable site for a public parking facility would be the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross parcels. While other lij loca4ons are feasible, the old gas sta4on site is a viable loca4on for a base terminal. This loca4on would require a grade separated pedestrian crossing over the Frontage Road to the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross parcels. A strong east‐west oriented pedestrian corridor with ground floor retail uses would be necessary to create a strong connec4on between this area and the rest of Lionshead. Under this Frontage Road scenario the Vail Professional Building site and Cascade Crossing could be developed as a con4guous parcel. In keeping with Policy Objec4ve 2.3.4, Improved Access and Circula4on, of the Plan, opportuni4es for public transporta4on and vehicular circula4on improvements shall be explored in conjunc4on with any future redevelopment of the sites. Possible opportuni4es for improvements may include, an improved mass transit stop, relocated/reduced/shared points of entry/exi4ng, restricted access points, accelera4on/decelera4on lanes, greater sight distances, dedicated turning lanes, landscaped medians and skier drop‐off. In the redevelopment of Cascade Crossing and the Glen Lyon Office Building site under the current configura4on of the Frontage Road, the bus stops in front of said proper4es shall be enhanced with, for example, shelters, benches, and landscaping. Pedestrian connec4ons shall be improved from the bus shelters, across the South Frontage Road and to and from the surrounding buildings to provide safe and aYrac4ve pedestrian crossing and connec4ons. Improvements may include crosswalks, walkways, pedestrian crossing warning lights, medians, and signage. Frontage Road Re‐Alignment The Frontage Road will be relocated, so the above recommendaaons are no longer applicable to the project. While the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan recognizes that relocaaon is a possibility, the extent to which it could be relocated was not understood at the ame. With the Applicant’s purchase of the Vail Professional Building, Cascade Crossing, and now GLOB, the Frontage Road will be relocated along the enare West Lionshead area. The potenaal road relocaaon is discussed below: b. Frontage Road Realignment Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 24 The greatest benefit of this realignment alterna4ve is that it results in one very large and con4guous development parcel and in doing so integrates the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross site with the West Day Lot by removal of the barrier created by the exis4ng Frontage Road alignment. It also creates the best pedestrian environment in crea4ng an extension of the Lionshead Retail area in that it provides the poten4al to establish a convenient and desirable pedestrian connec4on to the rest of Lionshead. With this alterna4ve the most viable site for a public parking facility would s4ll be the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross parcels. With the re‐loca4on of the Frontage Road lij access out of the old gas sta4on site would not require a grade separated pedestrian crossing to the Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross parcels. However, a grade separated crossing over the Red Sandstone Creek would be needed to link the Holy Cross site with the Vail Professional Building site. This alterna4ve would also present the opportunity for enhancing Red Sandstone Creek to make it more accessible to the community and an aesthe4cally pleasing water feature. Enhancements might include; streambank stabiliza4on/beau4fica4on, natural stream drop structures, interac4ve low flow areas and general improvements for wetlands and wildlife habitat. Any modifica4on or enhancement to the creek corridor would be subject to U.S. Army Corp of Engineers approval. A strong east‐west oriented pedestrian corridor with ground floor retail uses would be necessary to create a strong connec4on between this area and the rest of Lionshead. In keeping with Policy Objec4ve 2.3.4, Improved Access and Circula4on, of the Plan, opportuni4es for public transporta4on and vehicular circula4on improvements shall be explored in conjunc4on with any future redevelopment of the Frontage Road and interior roads within the redevelopment of the West Lionshead sites. Possible opportuni4es for improvements may include improved mass transit stops, relocated/reduced/shared points of entry/exi4ng, restricted access points, accelera4on/decelera4on lanes, roundabouts at major intersec4ons, greater sight distances, dedicated turning lanes, landscaped medians and skier drop‐off. Red Sandstone Creek As the Ever Vail plans indicate, the enhancement of Red Sandstone Creek is a large part of the Ever Vail project, with the ulamate goal of making it an amenity to both the project and the enare Town of Vail. As the plans for Red Sandstone Creek progress, a flood plain modificaaon permit will be submiXed to the Town for stream bank improvement, and all plans will be subject to review by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (Sec. 5.17.4) Rela4onship to Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek abut the Glen Lyon Office Building site, former gas sta4on site, Holy Cross site and the Vail Professional Building site. Any redevelopment of these parcels should consider how the creeks can be enhanced and made an amenity of this redevelopment area. A substan4al stand of mature trees exists on the banks of the two creeks, with low lying brush on the shores. Every effort shall be taken to preserve the substan4al trees and natural steep slopes along the banks of both creeks. While the natural riparian corridor of these streams needs to remain protected and preserved, the physical and visual rela4onships and references between adjacent development and the stream tract should be strengthened. Improved public access and u4liza4on of Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek for fishing and other recrea4onal purposes is strongly encouraged to create a catalyst for ac4vity and enjoyment of the streams. As stated above, the relaaonship to both Red Sandstone Creek and Gore Creek is a significant consideraaon in the planning of Ever Vail. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 25 Connec,ons Strong connecaons both towards Lionshead and Cascade Village have been integral to the planning process of Ever Vail. The design of the pedestrian connecaons, along with the layout of the buildings and public plazas have been designed to enhance this connecaon. (Sec. 5.17.2) Pedestrian and Bike Access As compared to a separate, free‐standing portal, West Lionshead is considered a part of the greater Lionshead area. In order for this area to be successful, it is important to have a strong pedestrian connec4on with the rest of Lionshead. Streetscape improvements including bike lanes or trails and sidewalks should be incorporated in any redevelopment along West Lionshead Circle and the South Frontage Road to improve the viability of mixed uses in West Lionshead. Improvements to street ligh4ng, walking surfaces, trails, sea4ng areas and public art that facilitate safe and aYrac4ve pedestrian and bike movement are strongly encouraged. Said improvements may necessitate the need for access easements through the sites. In the redevelopment of West Lionshead, pedestrian and bike connec4ons shall be made to integrate with the rest of Lionshead and Cascade Village. There is an exis4ng recrea4on path that runs across the southwest corner of the Glen Lyon Office Building site. If the site redevelops the recrea4on path shall be enhanced to meet town recrea4onal path standards and to provide a safe and aYrac4ve pedestrian and bike experience. The improvements shall include a public easement over the path where necessary. Commercial Uses Currently, approximately 30,000 sq. V. of office exists on the site, and approximately 14,000 sq. V. of retail exists. The project will increase the office square footage to approximately 34,600 sq. V. of office. Retail will be increased, with a total of approximately 31,000 sq. V. of retail uses. In addiaon, there will be approximately 22,000 of restaurant uses on the site, and a 9,000 sq. V. spa. The Master Plan states the following with regard to commercial uses in Ever Vail: (Sec 5.17.3) Preserva4on of Exis4ng Office and Retail Space There shall be an increase in office space and no net loss of retail space in West Lionshead. Opportuni4es for increasing the square footage of office and retail beyond the exis4ng condi4ons in West Lionshead shall be evaluated during the development review process. Currently, West Lionshead offices and businesses offer a variety of local services and ameni4es, which is important to preserve with the redevelopment of West Lionshead. During the winter months, the proposed ski lij in West Lionshead and the associated parking will generate significant pedestrian traffic and ac4vity. However, considera4on should be given to how West Lionshead can be an ac4ve and vibrant place year‐round. One way this can be accomplished is the reinforcement of a well‐crajed program of specialty retailers, offices, and restaurants that aYract both tourists and local residents. Also, quality architecture and the crea4on of appealing outdoor spaces in and of itself will encourage people to visit this area. An ac4ve program of public art, residen4al units that are used for “ar4sts in residence” or a culinary school are examples of uses that could create a catalyst for ac4vity. In conjunc4on with any applica4on to develop a new ski lij, a market study which analyzes the appropriate amount of office/retail square footage shall be included in the redevelopment of West Lionshead. Architecture (Sec 5.17.5) Architectural Improvements The architectural design guidelines (Chapter 8) discuss several transi4on tools that can be used to adapt an exis4ng building to the new character and architectural quality desired for Lionshead. Given the high visibility of the buildings in West Lionshead and the extent to which they influence the quality of the Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 26 experience of passers‐by, all future development of the sites should be closely scru4nized for compliance with the applicable architectural design guidelines. For proper4es that are east of Red Sandstone Creek, in West Lionshead, higher densi4es and building heights may be appropriate, par4cularly to encourage the development of employee housing. However, any development must meet the overall character and visual intent of this master plan and be compa4ble with the adjacent exis4ng development of the MarrioY and the Vail Spa. Notwithstanding the height allowances of the underlying zone districts, building height and massing shall be responsive to the Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek corridors, in that buildings shall gradually “step down” at the creek sides. Building height and massing shall also “step down” towards the Interstate, and at the western end of Lionshead. Figure 5‐25 provides a general depic4on of how building height shall gradually lower at the western end of this study area. The intent of these height standards is that building height reduces by en4re floor levels in the loca4ons as generally depicted on Figure 5‐25. Notwithstanding the height allowances depicted on Figure 5‐25, which depicts building height in an east/west orienta4on, building height and massing shall also “step down” in a n o r t h /s o u t h o r i e n t a 4 o n . Notwithstanding the height allowances depicted on Figure 5‐25, buildings fron4ng directly along Gore Creek and the western end of Lionshead shall express no more than three to four levels before “stepping back” to taller building mass. On the Interstate side of this area, building design shall be ar4culated to avoid large expanses of shear/unbroken wall planes. The addiaonal height limitaaons are intended to ensure that the buildings step down, both as the buildings move towards the west and towards Gore Creek. As indicated in the plans, the buildings on the west are substanaally lower than the buildings on the east, meeang the intent of the Lionshead Redevelopment Redevelopment Master Plan. All buildings step down and meet the average heights. Glen Lyon Office Building (Sec. 5.17.6) Redevelopment Considera4ons for Glen Lyon Office Building site Consistent with its loca4on at the western edge of West Lionshead and with respect to the extensive frontage along Gore Creek, it is appropriate to recognize certain development limita4ons and opportuni4es regardless of the underlying zone district. Height Building heights shall be consistent with Figure 5‐25, West Lionshead Building Massing and Height Limita4ons. Notwithstanding the height limita4ons set forth in Figure 5‐25, the maximum height for buildings on the Glen Lyon Office Building site shall not exceed 56 feet. Residen4al Land Use and Density Exis4ng physical improvements on the Glen Lyon Office Building site include a three‐story building with 10,829 square feet of general office space and a surface parking lot. Because of the site’s physical Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 27 loca4on along Gore Creek, it’s accessibility to Lionshead Village, and the adjacent poten4al redevelopment including a ski‐lij and ac4vity center, it may be appropriate to introduce a mix of uses on site. If residen4al uses are proposed, the use shall be consistent with the Master Plan goal to increase the number of ‘Live Beds’ in Lionshead. Residen4al density on the site should be studied and proposed in a manner that is compa4ble with the character and scale of adjacent uses and Gore Creek. Residen4al uses should be located on the basement or garden level and second floor and above in buildings on‐site. If residen4al uses are proposed on the street level or first floor, the vitality of the pedestrian and bike experience shall be considered along with the func4on and character of the adjacent uses and structure design. The mixture of land uses on the Glen Lyon Office Building site shall maintain a balance between residen4al, office/commercial and recrea4onal uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent permanent resident. Office Land Use Consistent with the Master Plan requirement for an increase of office space, the exis4ng 10,829 square feet of office space shall be replaced and increased on‐site. Employee Housing All (100%) of the employee housing requirements associated with the Glen Lyon Office Building site, as required by the Vail Town Code, shall be met on‐site. Landscape Preserva4on and Rela4onship to Red Sandstone and Gore Creeks The Glen Lyon Office Building site borders on the Red Sandstone Creek along the east property line and the Gore Creek along the south property line. The redevelopment of the Glen Lyon Office Building site should consider how the creeks can be enhanced and made an amenity of the area. A substan4al stand of mature trees exists on the banks of the two creeks, with low lying brush on the shores. Every effort shall be taken to preserve the substan4al trees and natural steep slopes along the banks of both creeks. While the natural riparian corridor of these streams needs to remain protected and preserved, the physical and visual rela4onships and references between adjacent development and the stream tract should be strengthened. Improved public access and u4liza4on of Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek for fishing and other recrea4onal purposes is strongly encouraged to create a catalyst for ac4vity and enjoyment of the streams. The addiaon of the GLOB site has allowed for a much more comprehensive planning approach to the West Lionshead area than could have been considered before. As the plans indicate, Vail Resorts intends to comply with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan recommendaaons for this site, along with the private covenants that also run with the property. Height has been limited to 56 V. on the GLOB site, and all of the employee housing requirement has been met on‐site. It is the intent of the Applicant that Ever Vail not only comply with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, but to actually further its objecaves by becoming a redevelopment project that, through its architecture and pedestrian orientaaon, along with sustainable, green building principles, can be an example for all redevelopment projects in Vail. As each applicaaon to facilitate the development of Ever Vail is addressed in more detail, please refer back to this secaon in consideraaon of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. B. Comprehensive Open Lands Plan The Town of Vail has adopted a Comprehensive Open Lands Plan, intended to guide policy with regard to sensiave land within the Town boundaries. The Comprehensive Open Lands Plan idenafies Red Sandstone Creek corridor through Ever Vail as a “medium priority.” It is idenafied as Parcel #19 and provides the following guidance: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 28 The Applicant is proposing to grant a conservaaon easement to the Town of Vail in accordance with this recommendaaon and to ensure conanued protecaon of the resource. C. Vail Transporta4on Master Plan The Vail Transportaaon Master Plan, adopted in June 2009 provides guidance on transportaaon improvements throughout the Town of Vail, including public parking improvements in Ever Vail, staang the following: (Page 69) The Town should look to expand the public parking supply within Main Vail to reduce the frequency of Frontage Road use for overflow parking. Based on accommoda4ng a 90th percen4le and based on Frontage Road parking data over the past few ski seasons, 400 new spaces should be developed over the short term. Over the long term, 1000 addi4onal spaces (600 more) should be developed in Main Vail. To the extent possible, more new public spaces should be located in the eastern sec4ons of the Main Vail area. Poten4al loca4ons include: • West Lionshead (up to 400 addi4onal spaces) • Lionshead Parking Structure (as part of its redevelopment; possible net gain of 300 spaces) • Ford Park (at least 300 addi4onal spaces, and possibly more if the above‐men4oned loca4ons do not include an increase) The addi4on of these parking areas, along with addi4onal commercial and skier access would “spread out” Vail’s base area to approximately 1.6 miles of frontage. Because of the increased density, ac4vity, and distance, the Town’s transporta4on system within and to the Main Vail area clearly needs to be enhanced to support these ac4vi4es through the combina4on of roadway improvements and transit service enhancements. A more detailed parking study to verify these loca4ons and the associated number of addi4onal spaces will need to be completed by the Town prior to any implementa4on. The study will need to take into account the aforemen4oned poten4al recommenda4ons as well as looking at alterna4ve loca4ons, transit incen4ves, in combina4on with parking management solu4ons that may alleviate the parking situa4on, which may include outlying lots with bus service. As indicated in the plans for Ever Vail, the Applicant is proposing to construct and operate public parking in Ever Vail, including providing 400 public skier parking spaces above and beyond those spaces needed to serve the uses on‐site. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 29 IV. Major Subdivision A. Introduc4on of the Major Subdivision Request The Applicant has previously submiXed a request for a major subdivision to facilitate the redevelopment of West Lionshead. The Ever Vail subdivision creates new development parcels and allows for the relocaang of South Frontage Road. The major subdivision will include a substanaal poraon of the West Lionshead area, including the sites of the Vail Professional Building, Cascade Crossing, the old Vail BP site, Glen Lyon Office Building and the Holy Cross lot, along with the Frontage Road right‐of‐way. Some of these properaes are currently unplaXed. A full‐sized copy of the plat has been provided with the plans. The Planning and Environmental Commission has approved the northern boundary of the Ever Vail subdivision. The Preliminary Plan has been submiXed with the plans and is provided below: B. Review Criteria for a Major Subdivision 1. The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objec,ves and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compa,ble with the development objec,ves of the town; and Our Analysis: To be the Premier Mountain Resort Community… We share this vision with the Town of Vail. It is our intent to further this vision through the addiaon of world‐class faciliaes in a new mixed use village, called Ever Vail. This subdivision will enable the redevelopment of Ever Vail. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 30 This vision is further supported by stated development objecaves of the Town of Vail. The purpose statement of the Lionshead Mixed Use‐2 Zone District states: The Lionshead mixed use 2 district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mul4ple‐family dwellings, lodges, hotels, frac4onal fee clubs, 4meshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial ac4vi4es, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead mixed use 2 district, in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other ameni4es appropriate to the permiYed types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quali4es of the zone district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This zone district is meant to encourage and provide incen4ves for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. This zone district was specifically developed to provide incen4ves for properproper4es to redevelop. The ul4mate goal of these incen4ves is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incen4ves in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residen4al floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan study area. The primary goal of the incen4ves is to create economic condi4ons favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Addi4onally, the incen4ves are created to help finance public, off site, improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. Public ameni4es which will be evaluated with redevelopment proposals taking advantage of the incen4ves created herein may include: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan provides the framework for the Town of Vail to review this major subdivision applicaaon to facilitate the redevelopment of Ever Vail. A complete analysis of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan is included in a previous secaon of this overall document. The preliminary plat approval of this major subdivision allows the Applicant to move forward in the development of the Ever Vail into the mixed‐use hub desired by the Town of Vail as described by the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. 2. The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this ,tle, as well as, but not limited to, ,tle 12, "Zoning Regula,ons", of this code, and other per,nent regula,ons that the planning and environmental commission deems applicable; and Our Analysis: The proposed subdivision complies with all of the Town’s codes. Each parcel created by this subdivision meets the minimum lot area requirements of 10,000 sq. V. This plat is being submiXed in conjuncaon with a rezoning request so that the enarety of Parcels 1 and 2 will be zoned Lionshead Mixed Use‐2. The total area of the Ever Vail subdivision is 12.617 acres or 549,574 sq. V. Of the total area, 11.027 acres is defined as “buildable” or areas not within the flood‐plain or with slopes in excess of 40%. Both parcels being created by the subdivision will be treated as one parcel for the purposes of zoning and development standards. Parcel 1: Parcel 1 is the eastern poraon of the Ever Vail site, encompassing the parcels currently plaXed as Tracts A and B, South Frontage Road Subdivision (which is to be vacated by the proposed Ever Vail plat). It also encompasses the current poraon of the Frontage Road right‐of‐way along this poraon. It is 7.322 acres (318,940 sq. V.). Approximately 6.3% of Parcel 1 consists of slopes in excess of 40% (20,196 sq. V.) and 9,574 sq. V. are with in the floodplain. Subtracang the total area of the site with slopes in excess of 40% minus the areas in the floodplain (excluding the areas which overlap) from the total site area leaves a 6.652 acres or 289,758 sq. V of buildable area. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 31 Parcel 2: Parcel 2 is the western poraon of the Ever Vail site, just to the West of Red Sandstone Creek, and is the current locaaon of the Vail Professional Building and Cascade Crossing (zoned ABD), along with the poraons of the exisang Frontage Road along this site. Parcel 2 now includes the Glen Lyon Office Building site (zoned SDD #4). Parcel 2 is 5.295 acres (230,634 sq. V.) with 32,147 sq. V. with excess of 40% slopes and 9,497 sq. V. in the floodplain. This equates to a total of 4.375 acres or 190,555 sq. V. of buildable area. 3. The extent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable rela,onship among land uses consistent with municipal development objec,ves; and Our Analysis: Ever Vail provides a unique opportunity for redevelopment. The exisang uses in the area vary from office uses to more industrial uses. The proximity of the site to both the ski mountain and Gore Creek creates remarkable opportuniaes to capitalize on these assets, while providing uses and services that the Town desires and needs. The relocaaon of the S. Frontage Road furthers these opportuniaes by creaang a site that can fit these uses while minimizing impacts to adjacent properaes. Moving the S. Frontage Road to a locaaon along side I‐70 consolidates these major thoroughfares, thus minimizing the effects of traffic on nearby properaes and provides a more efficient vehicular corridor. The proposed uses within Ever Vail are consistent with municipal objecaves and present a unique development opportunity within the Vail community. 4. The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and Our Analysis: The proposed subdivision will allow for uses consistent with the zoning on the property and compaable with the surrounding area. The subdivision allows for the redevelopment of a Brownfield area (the former gas staaon site and the Vail Maintenance yard) that will have a posiave effect on the surrounding area. The subdivision further allows for improvements and enhancements to Red Sandstone Creek, allowing for it to become an even greater amenity to the Town of Vail while preserving and repairing the riparian area. Direct neighbors to Ever Vail include the following: • East: Vail Spa is currently a mula‐family residenaal project, with limited office uses included. It is currently zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 1, which allows for development consistent with the uses proposed at Ever Vail. • West: The Glen Lyon neighborhood, including the Cascade Resort, is the nearest neighbors to the west and is separated by significant distance (right‐of‐way and stream tract). Future development and redevelopment in this area will likely be enhanced by the proposed development occurring at Ever Vail, including the new gondola. • South: The ERWSD building is the nearest neighbor to the south is zoned General Use, along with the stream tract and Tract K. • North: Ever Vail will generally be bound by the relocated South Frontage Road and I‐70 right‐of‐way to the north. 5. The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid crea,ng spa,al pa:erns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplica,on or premature extension of public facili,es, or result in a "leapfrog" pa:ern of development; and Our Analysis: The major subdivision is necessary to facilitate the redevelopment of the Ever Vail area. As a result, this subdivision is highly efficient as public ualiaes already exist in the site. Because Ever Vail is a redevelopment project, it does not result in a “leapfrog” paXern of development. The project is more consistent with in‐fill Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 32 development paXerns. It is taking an exisang, underualized area and redeveloping it to a beXer use. The realignment of the S. Frontage Road will allow vehicular traffic to flow more efficiently through the area. 6. The extent to which the u,lity lines are sized to serve the planned ul,mate popula,on of the service area to avoid future land disrup,on to upgrade undersized lines; and Our Analysis: High capacity uality lines already exist in the area and since this area was already considered in the master planning of the area, proper planning of uality capacity was already undertaken. Any impacts to the ualiaes will be miagated by the Applicant. 7. The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and Our Analysis: The re‐alignment of the S. Frontage Road will allow for development to occur in a more logical paXern, along with consolidaang and minimizing the impacts of the traffic associated with the S. Frontage Road and I‐70. The alignment of the S. Frontage Road parallel to I‐70 has been successful in other parts of Town and allows for an efficient flow of traffic. In addiaon, the properaes in the Ever Vail area are a mix of unplaXed, metes and bounds legal descripaons and plaXed lots. The proposed subdivision will allow this area to be developed in a more orderly paXern. The subdivision is one step in the overall process to allow for the redevelopment of the West Lionshead area into Ever Vail. The subdivision allows for the provision of public parking, a new ski liV and mixed‐use hub for the Vail community. The Applicant believes that this redevelopment serves the best interest of the community as a whole. 8. The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegeta,on, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; Our Analysis: This major subdivision request will not result in adverse impacts on the natural environment. The site is currently developed with commercial uses and quasi‐industrial uses on the site. All development proposals on the site will be completed with the utmost concern for the protecaon of the natural environment in the area, as we consider natural areas ameniaes to the guests of Ever Vail. As other included applicaaons indicate, we are hoping to improve the riparian characterisacs of Red Sandstone Creek, which borders the property to the east of the Vail Professional Building. The Applicant hopes to make the creek a great asset to the area and to do so, will ensure that there are no adverse impacts to the natural environment. As stated previously, the project is in the LEED‐ND Pilot Program, details of which can be found in another secaon of this document. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 33 V. Rezoning A. Introduc4on to the Rezoning Request The Applicant is requesang a rezoning from Arterial Business District (ABD) to Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 (LMU‐2) for Parcel 2, created by the Ever Vail Subdivision. The site is currently zoned Arterial Business District and is the site of the Vail Professional Building and Cascade Crossing, located at 953 and 1031 Frontage Road. With the addiaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building site, Vail Resorts is also requesang that this site be rezoned from SDD #4 to Lionshead Mixed Use – 2, consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The Applicant is also requesang to zone the poraon of the S. Frontage Road right‐of‐way, which is currently unzoned, to LMU‐2. The end result will be the enarety of the Ever Vail Subdivision zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 2. The majority of the site is already zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 2, including the Vail Maintenance Facility and the old gas staaon site (see below). Exis,ng Zoning Condi,ons: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 34 Proposed Zoning Condi,ons: B. Review Criteria for a Rezoning Request 1. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objec,ves and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compa,ble with the development objec,ves of the town; and Our Analysis: The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan provides the framework for the Town of Vail to review this rezoning request from Arterial Business District to Lionshead Mixed Use‐2, including the zoning of the Frontage Road right‐of‐way. Recently, the Town of Vail approved the inclusion of the Glen Lyon Office Building into the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The rezoning of these properaes furthers the adopted goals and policies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. A complete analysis of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and other peranent master planning documents is in included in a previous secaon of this document. 2. The extent to which the zone district amendment is suitable with the exis,ng and poten,al land uses on the site and exis,ng and poten,al surrounding land uses as set out in the town's adopted planning documents; and Our Analysis: The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan indicates these properaes to be a part of the West Lionshead mixed‐use development. The property on the east side of Red Sandstone Creek, which includes the current maintenance facility, is currently zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 2. The proposed site is bounded by I‐70 to the North. The re‐alignment of the Frontage Road will allow this area to become one cohesive development and the zoning of Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 to the property is more suitable than the current zoning designaaons. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 35 In addiaon, the rezoning is suitable with the surrounding land uses: • East: Vail Spa is currently a mula‐family residenaal project, with limited office uses included. It is currently zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 1, which allows for development consistent with the uses proposed at Ever Vail. • West: The Glen Lyon neighborhood, including the Cascade Resort, is the nearest neighbor to the west, and is separated by significant distance (right‐of‐way and stream tract). Future development and redevelopment in this area will likely be enhanced by the proposed development occurring at Ever Vail, including the new gondola. • South: The ERWSD building, is the nearest neighbor to the south, and is zoned General Use. • North: Ever Vail is generally bounded by the relocated South Frontage Road and I‐70 right‐of‐way to the north. 3. The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmonious, convenient, workable rela,onship among land uses consistent with municipal development objec,ves; and Our Analysis: The rezoning of these properaes to Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 will allow for a more harmonious, convenient, and workable relaaonship in the proposed redevelopment of the West Lionshead area. Cascade Crossing and the Vail Professional Building are the only properaes zoned Arterial Business District in the Town of Vail. The Glen Lyon Office Building is substanaally physically separated from the remainder of SDD #4. Rezoning them to Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 allows for redevelopment which meets the town’s development objecaves as outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, Zoning Regulaaons, Vail 20/20, etc. 4. The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not cons,tute spot zoning as the amendment serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and Our Analysis: As the adjacent area to the east is zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 and this area is part of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area, it is clear that this does not consatute a spot zoning. This amendment will help to allow the redevelopment of the West Lionshead area into a mixed use hub, serving the needs of guests and residents alike. 5. The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegeta,on, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and Our Analysis: This rezoning request will not result in adverse impacts on the natural environment. The site is currently developed with commercial uses on the site. All development proposals on the site will be completed with the utmost concern for the protecaon of the natural environment in the area, as we consider it an amenity to the guests of West Lionshead. As future applicaaons will indicate, the Applicant intends to improve the riparian characterisacs of Red Sandstone Creek, which borders the property to the east of the Vail Professional Building. The Applicant hopes to make the creek a great asset to the area and to do so, we will ensure that there are no adverse impacts to the natural environment. An Environmental Impact Report has been submiXed with this applicaaon to provide further clarificaaon on this criteria. 6. The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district; and Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 36 Our Analysis: The purpose statement of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 Zone District is as follows: The Lionshead mixed use 2 district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mul4ple‐family dwellings, lodges, hotels, frac4onal fee clubs, 4meshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial ac4vi4es, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead mixed use 2 district, in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other ameni4es appropriate to the permiYed types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quali4es of the zone district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This zone district is meant to encourage and provide incen4ves for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. This zone district was specifically developed to provide incen4ves for proper4es to redevelop. The ul4mate goal of these incen4ves is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incen4ves in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residen4al floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan study area. The primary goal of the incen4ves is to create economic condi4ons favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Addi4onally, the incen4ves are created to help finance public, off site, improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. Public ameni4es which will be evaluated with redevelopment proposals taking advantage of the incen4ves created herein may include: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. The applicaaon of Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 to this site, as part of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area, is consistent with the above purpose statement. The rezoning will further the goals of the Town of Vail, and ensure consistency with the Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 Zone District. 7. The extent to which the zone district amendment demonstrates how condi,ons have changed since the zoning designa,on of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate; and Our Analysis: The Arterial Business Zone District was originally adopted in 1982. At the ame, the enare Vail Valley was a different place. The populaaon of the enare county in 1980 was just under 15,000. Today, it’s esamated to be over 50,000. Beaver Creek Mountain opened in 1980. The Lionshead Parking Structure was completed in 1980. The Vail Professional Building was constructed in 1985 and Cascade Crossing was constructed in 1990. Twenty‐five years ago, the idea of a “billion dollar” renewal of Vail was unfathomable. The ABD Zone District is primarily a zone district intended for strip mall development. This site is no longer appropriate for this out‐dated form of development. Furthermore, the designaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building as part of SDD #4 is no longer appropriate for the site. Due to the physical separaaon from the remainder of SDD #4, and its proximity to Ever Vail, a zoning designaaon of Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 is more appropriate so that the enare site can be planned as one development site. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 37 VI. SDD Major Amendment A. Introduc4on to the SDD Major Amendment In addiaon to the rezoning request, the eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building is a major amendment to Special Development District #4: Cascade Village. The following is the definiaon of a major amendment an SDD: MAJOR AMENDMENT (PEC AND/OR COUNCIL REVIEW): Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residen4al floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommoda4on units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved special development district (other than "minor amendments" as defined in this sec4on), except as provided under sec4on 12‐15‐4, "Interior Conversions", or 12‐15‐5, "Addi4onal Gross Residen4al Floor Area (250 Ordinance)", of this 4tle. B. Review Criteria for the SDD Major Amendment “The purpose of the special development district is to encourage flexibility and crea4vity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and u4li4es; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail comprehensive plan.” The following design criteria are used by the Town in the evaluaaon of a Special Development District. Because this is a unique applicaaon to remove an area from an exisang Special Development District, many of the criteria are not applicable. Below is a summary of how the project implements each of these criteria. A. Compa,bility: Design compa,bility and sensi,vity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent proper,es rela,ve to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, iden,ty, character, visual integrity and orienta,on. Our Analysis: As the proposal is to include the exisang Glen Lyon Office Building into the overall Ever Vail development, the review of proposed development on the site will be subject to the Lionshead Design Guidelines and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, along with the development standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone district. This property was specifically added to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan by Resoluaon No. 26, 2008 adopted in February of 2009 by the Vail Town Council. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not i m p a c t t h e a b o v e ‐menaoned c r i ter ia on S p e c i a l D e v e l o pme n t District No. 4: Cascade Village. B. Rela,onship: Uses, ac,vity and density which provide a compa,ble, efficient and workable rela,onship with surrounding uses and ac,vity. Our Analysis: As the proposal is to include the exisang Glen Lyon Office Building into the overall Ever Vail development, the review of proposed development on the site will be subject to the uses, both permiXed and condiaonal uses, of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone district. As indicated in the Zoning Analysis included with the full Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 38 Ever Vail submiXal, the Ever Vail project complies with the density standards of the zone district. For uses which require it, condiaonal use permits have been applied for. This property was specifically added to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan by Resoluaon No. 26, 2008 adopted in February of 2009 by the Vail Town Council. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. C. Parking and Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Title. Our Analysis: The proposed Ever Vail development meets the parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 10. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans. Our Analysis: In September of 2008, the Town Council voted to amend the Vail Land Use Plan by Resoluaon No. 19, Series of 2008, which stated: This Resoluaon clearly indicated that the Town’s intenaon for redevelopment of the Glen Lyon Office Building would be under the guidance of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Furthermore, early in 2009 and following review that same year, the Town Council voted to amend the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan to include the Glen Lyon Office Building as part of the Lionshead area, with Resoluaon No. 26, Series of 2008. The amendments included by this resoluaon have been incorporated into the proposed development on this site, including all standards which are more restricave than the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone district. This proposed amendment conforms with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. E. Natural and/or Geologic Hazard: Iden,fica,on and mi,ga,on of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Our Analysis: There are no natural or geologic hazards exisang or mapped by the Town for this site. Poraon of the site are in excess of 40% slopes, but no development is proposed in these areas. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and loca,on and open space provisions designed to produce a func,onal development responsive and sensi,ve to natural features, vegeta,on and overall aesthe,c quality of the community. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 39 Our Analysis: As the proposal is to include the exisang Glen Lyon Office Building into the overall Ever Vail development, the review of proposed development on the site will be subject to the Lionshead Design Guidelines and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, along with the development standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone district. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. G. Traffic: A circula,on system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off‐site traffic circula,on. Our Analysis: A Traffic Impact Study has been submiXed as part of the Ever Vail project which addresses this criteria. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. H. Landscaping: Func,onal and aesthe,c landscaping and open space in order to op,mize and preserve natural features, recrea,on, views and func,on. Our Analysis: As the proposal is to include the exisang Glen Lyon Office Building into the overall Ever Vail development, the review of proposed development on the site will be subject to the Lionshead Design Guidelines and the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, along with the development standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use ‐2 zone district. The eliminaaon of the Glen Lyon Office Building will not impact the above‐menaoned criteria on Special Development District No. 4: Cascade Village. I. Workable Plan: Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, func,onal and efficient rela,onship throughout the development of the special development district. Our Analysis: Cascade Village is substanaally complete and the removal of the Glen Lyon Office Building has no impact on the phasing plan of the Special Development District. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 40 VII. Text Amendment A. Introduc4on to Text Amendment Note: The text amendment was reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission, who forwarded a recommenda=on of approval to the Town Council on January 11, 2010, following a recommenda=on of approval by Town Staff. As the Town Council has not yet reviewed the text amendment, this sec=on is included in this document, but does not require further ac=on by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Secaon 12‐1‐19 is requested to be amended to include the Ever Vail Subdivision to be within the Core Area Parking Requirements. Specifically, this secaon would be amended as follows (text to be deleted is indicated in strike‐through; text to be added is indicated in bold): 12‐10‐19: CORE AREAS IDENTIFIED: Tables 1 and 2 (Core Area Parking Map aYached to the ordinance codified herein, and available for inspec4on in the office of the town clerk) shall be used to iden4fy proper4es within Vail's commercial core areas for parking purposes. In addiaon to the text amendment, the following map will be included in the amendment (final map to be coordinated with Town Staff): Core Area Parking Map Recognizing Ever Vail as a mixed‐use development and as an addiaonal neighborhood of Vail, the Core Area parking requirements are more applicable for the following reasons: • Availability of public parking in close proximity; • People accessing residenaal and retail and skiing are only making a single trip and need only one parking space or less (mixed use); • Desanaaon skiers do not always have a car and are shuXled to hotels/residence; Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 41 • Availability of share car; • Gondola access to the mountain; • Shared vehicle program • Access to in town shuXle and other bus routes; • Inclusion of a transit facility on‐site for regional and local buses One of the recommendaaons of the planning process associated with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was to look at the parking requirements of the Vail Village and Lionshead areas to study the Town’s parking requirements and the needs of these areas. During the summer of 1999, the Town hired the firm of Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig to conduct an in‐depth analysis of parking generaaon in Vail’s commercial core areas. The primary purpose of the study was to determine the influence of external factors (mixed uses, transit/pedestrian trips, hourly variaaons in business acavity) on parking generaaon. In 2000, the Town adopted the Core Area Parking Requirements for certain areas of Town – Vail Village and Lionshead. At the ame, the redevelopment of West Lionshead into Ever Vail was not a consideraaon. Ever Vail will be a mixed use development, emphasizing alternaave means of transportaaon and an extension of the Lionshead Area. Including Ever Vail in the Core Area Parking Requirements is not an across the board reducaon in parking requirements. For some uses, the parking requirements are actually more stringent. The Core Area Parking Requirements reflect what historically has occurred in the core areas and more accurately reflect the needs of the core areas. The following table provides a general breakdown of the parking requirements and obligaaons based on the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan: Use Code or Master Plan Public or Private Total Spaces Provided Residenaal Code Requirement Private 457.8 Commercial Code Requirement Public 314.5 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 42 Use Code or Master Plan Public or Private Total Spaces Provided Skier Parking Master Plan Recommendaaon Public 400 Replacement Parking Master Plan Recommendaaon Quasi‐public 289 TOTAL (Code Requirement + Obliga,on): 1461.3 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 1478 Comparison of Core Area Parking Requirements to Non‐Core Area Parking Requirements: Use Quan,ty Core Area Parking Req. With Allowable Reduc,on Not Core Area Parking Req. With Allowable Reduc,on Dwelling Units 381 1.4 per unit 413.39 if du>2000 sf, 2.5 /if du<2000, 2 714.38 Accom. Units 102 .7 per unit 55.34 .4 per au + .1 per 100 sq. V. of GRFA 30.60 EHU 41 1.4 per unit 44.49 <500 sf, 1.5 /if less than 2000 sf, 2 61.50 Hotel Conference 4,980 1 per 330 sf seaang area 11.70 1 per 120 of seaang floor area 31.13 Meeang Room 2,485 1 per 165 sf seaang area 11.67 1 per 120 of seaang floor area 15.53 Restaurant 11,307 1 per 250 of seaang floor area 35.05 1 per 120 sf of seaang floor area 70.67 Retail 34,053 2.3 per 1000 sf net floor area 60.70 1 per 300 sf of net floor floor area 85.13 Children's Services* 12,172 1 per 1000 sf net floor area 9.43 set by PEC (calc'd at 1/1000) 9.13 Spa* 9,950 1 per 1000 sf net floor area 7.71 set by PEC (calc'd at 1/1000) 7.46 Office 34,669 2.7 for 1000 sf net floor area 72.54 1 per 250 sf net floor area 104.01 Maint. Facility 1 esamated need of 50 spaces 50.00 esamated need of 50 spaces 50.00 TOTAL Core Area Parking Requirements 772.02 TOTAL Non‐Core Area REquirements 1179.54 *Spa and children's services are set by the PEC, but calculated at 1 per 1000 sf of net floor area in accordance with previous approvals B. Review Criteria for a Text Amendment The Town of Vail Zoning Regulaaons provide the criteria for review of a text amendment. For the purposes of this applicaaon, each criterion will be addressed below: 1. The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the zoning regula,ons; and Our Analysis: The Town of Vail Zoning Regulaaons, in Secaon 12‐1‐2: Purpose, describes the general purpose of the regulaaons as follows: 12‐1‐2: PURPOSE: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 43 A. General: These regula4ons are enacted for the purpose of promo4ng the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town, and to promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residen4al community of high quality. Secaon 12‐1‐2 also provides the specific purposes of the regulaaons as follows: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanita4on, drainage, and public facili4es. 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche, accumula4on of snow, and other dangerous condi4ons. 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circula4on and to lessen conges4on in the streets. 4. To promote adequate and appropriately located off street parking and loading facili4es. 5. To conserve and maintain established community quali4es and economic values. 6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient, workable rela4onship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objec4ves. 7. To prevent excessive popula4on densi4es and overcrowding of the land with structures. 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the town. 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods, hillsides, and other desirable natural features. 10. To assure adequate open space, recrea4on opportuni4es, and other ameni4es and facili4es conducive to desired living quarters. 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable community. In addiaon, Secaon 12‐10‐1 of the Zoning Regulaaons provides the purpose of the Parking and Loading Chapter:12‐10‐1: PURPOSE: In order to alleviate progressively or to prevent traffic conges4on and shortage of on street parking areas, off street parking and loading facili4es shall be provided incidental to new structures, enlargements of exis4ng structures or a conversion to a new use which requires addi4onal parking under this chapter. The number of parking spaces and loading berths prescribed in this chapter shall be in propor4on to the need for such facili4es created by the par4cular type of use. Off street parking and loading areas are to be designed, maintained and operated in a manner that will ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety, and, where appropriate, insulate surrounding land uses from their impact. In certain districts, all or a por4on of the parking spaces prescribed by this chapter are required to be within the main building in order to avoid or to minimize the adverse visual impact of large concentra4ons or exposed parking and of separate garage or carport structures. While many of the purpose statements are not necessarily applicable to this paracular code amendment, it is important to note that it does further many of them. Including Ever Vail into the core area for parking requirements means that the parking provided will more adequately meet the demand. This demand has been established by numerous studies completed by the Town. Parking will almost enarely be provided below‐grade or in structured parking, minimizing the the visual and aestheac impacts of parking. Most importantly, this amendment promotes adequate and appropriately located off street parking faciliaes. 2. The extent to which the text amendment would be:er implement and be:er achieve the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objec,ves, and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compa,ble with the development objec,ves of the town; and Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 44 Our Analysis: A complete analysis of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan has been included in a previous secaon of this document and provides support for this amendment. 3. The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how condi,ons have substan,ally changed since the adop,on of the subject regula,on and how the exis,ng regula,on is no longer appropriate or is inapplicable; and Our Analysis: While this text amendment is considered independent of the other applicaaons submiXed for Ever Vail, it is necessary to consider the development as a whole to understand why the Core Area Parking Requirements are more applicable to this site. The Core Area Parking Requirements as codified today were reviewed and adopted in 1999 and 2000, immediately following the adopaon of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan in 1998. While it was understood that the West Lionshead area was likely to redevelop in some manner, the properaes were owned by a number of different enaaes, and it was not thought that this area would be under single ownership and could be developed in a more comprehensive manner. More importantly, neither a ski liV, a public parking structure, or a transit center were considered for this site at the ame of adopaon. In the nearly 11 years since the adopaon of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and the Core Area Parking Requirements, many factors have changed. In conjuncaon with the Ever Vail parking structure, the Applicant is planning many transit uses on‐site, which will allow in‐town buses and the ECO Bus system to provide service to this site. Finally, the Applicant is moving forward with the LEED for Neighborhood Development ceraficaaon process. To be cerafied, Ever Vail will be a mula‐modal transit community, where all forms of transportaaon will be encouraged and, in some cases, mandated. The intent is to maximize public transit to the site and the proposal includes: • Bus drop‐off/pick up on the east side of the site. • Skier drop‐off spaces on the east side, along with substanaal short‐term drop‐off spaces in the west side parking structure to accommodate DEVO drop‐off and other parking needs at other ames of the week. • Extensive connecaons to Town pedestrian and bicycle networks. • Hotel shuXle drop‐off and pick‐up locaaons onsite. 4. The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable rela,onship among land use regula,ons consistent with municipal development objec,ves; and Our Analysis: The proposal to include Ever Vail in the Core Area parking requirements furthers the Town’s goals of providing parking adequate to serve the uses of the development. In addiaon, the amendment allows for addiaonal parking to be provided for the public, rather than allocated for private use. Maximizing public parking is a stated goal of the Town of Vail. 5. Such other factors and criteria the planning and environmental commission and/or council deem applicable to the proposed text amendment. Our Analysis: Not applicable. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 45 VIII. Condi,onal Use Permits A. Introduc4on of the Condi4onal Use Permits The Applicant is requesang condiaonal use permits to allow for the following uses: • Private parking structure (including transit faciliaes) • Maintenance Facility • Gondola • Mulaple‐Family residenaal dwelling units on the first floor and garden level • Professional office on the second floor and at garden level • Recreaaon faciliaes • Conference and meeang space on the garden and basement levels These uses are all condiaonal uses listed in the Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 Zone District. A condiaonal use is further regulaaons by Chapter 16, Condiaonal Use Permits, Vail Town Code. The purpose of this chapter is as follows: 12‐16‐1: PURPOSE; LIMITATIONS: In order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objec4ves of this 4tle, specified uses are permiYed in certain districts subject to the gran4ng of a condi4onal use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteris4cs, condi4onal uses require review and evalua4on so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this 4tle and with respect to their effects on surrounding proper4es. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compa4bility and harmonious development between condi4onal uses and surrounding proper4es and the town at large. Uses listed as condi4onal uses in the various districts may be permiYed subject to such condi4ons and limita4ons as the town may prescribe to ensure that the loca4on and opera4on of the condi4onal uses will be in accordance with development objec4ves of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or proper4es. Where condi4ons cannot be devised to achieve these objec4ves, applica4ons for condi4onal use permits shall be denied. B. Review Criteria for a Condi4onal Use Permit 1. Rela,onship and impact of the use on development objec,ves of the town. Our Analysis: To be the Premier Mountain Resort Community… The Applicant shares this vision with the Town of Vail. It is the Applicant’s intent to further this vision through the addiaon of world‐class faciliaes in Ever Vail. This vision is further supported by stated development objecaves of the Town of Vail. The purpose statement of the Lionshead Mixed Use‐2 Zone District states: The Lionshead mixed use 2 district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mul4ple‐family dwellings, lodges, hotels, frac4onal fee clubs, 4meshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial ac4vi4es, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead mixed use 2 district, in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other ameni4es appropriate to the permiYed types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quali4es of the zone district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This zone district is meant to encourage and provide incen4ves for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Ever Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 46 This zone district was specifically developed to provide incen4ves for proper4es to redevelop. The ul4mate goal of these incen4ves is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incen4ves in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residen4al floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan study area. The primary goal of the incen4ves is to create economic condi4ons favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Addi4onally, the incen4ves are created to help finance public, off site, improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. Public ameni4es which will be evaluated with redevelopment proposals taking advantage of the incen4ves created herein may include: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan provides the framework for the Town of Vail to review the condiaonal use permit applicaaons. The LRMP is discussed in a previous secaon of this document and should be referenced in support of this secaon. Each of the condiaonal uses proposed are specifically idenafied in the LRMP as prioriaes for this site. These uses are consistent with the development objecaves of the Town of Vail. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribu,on of popula,on, transporta,on facili,es, u,li,es, schools, parks and recrea,on facili,es, and other public facili,es and public facili,es needs. Our Analysis: The addiaon of the public/private parking structure, with substanaal transit faciliaes, will have posiave effects on the above criteria. The addiaon of a new portal through the new gondola onto the ski mountain will serve to disperse skiers, allowing addiaonal choices for their point of entry onto the mountain, as the study of skier distribuaon indicates (see study under separate cover). The new gondola and the parking structure are integral in the ability to serve the populaaon by providing both a new liV and the parking necessary to serve the new liV. In addiaon, this will help to alleviate congesaon in liV lines in the Village and Lionshead, by providing skiers with an addiaonal choice to park to access the mountain as well as substanaally reducing parking which occurs on the Frontage Road. The maintenance facility is completely subterranean and is a much needed improvement to an outdated facility. The addiaonal recreaaon faciliaes, including the new indoor climbing wall and improvements to the Gore Creek and Red Sandstone Creek corridors will improve both acave and passive recreaaonal uses throughout the Town of Vail. Finally, the new conference and meeang space will help to reduce the seasonality of the Town of Vail, by providing substanaal new meeang space to enhance the exisang group business in Town. 3. Effect upon traffic, with par,cular reference to conges,on, automo,ve and pedestrian safety and convenience, convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. Our Analysis: The Applicant and the Town of Vail are working with CDOT in the re‐alignment of the Frontage Road and CDOT is very supporave of the proposed re‐alignment. In addiaon, the Applicant is providing several transit stops both within the proposed transit center and at the street level in front of the proposed market to serve the parking and the overall West Lionshead area. The ski liV will be in close proximity to the proposed parking structure, allowing for skiers to safely walk from the parking structure to the proposed ski liV. Having a gondola to service the skiers parked in the public parking structure allows for less impact on the Town’s transportaaon system. In addiaon, with Mountain Operaaons below grade, there is no impact of the snow cats on the public road system. The other proposed condiaonal uses have no impact on this criteria. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 47 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in rela,on to surrounding uses. Our Analysis: The proposed parking structure is an integral part of the proposed mixed‐use hub that Ever Vail is envisioned to become. The maintenance facility will be completely subterranean and have no impact to surrounding uses, which is a substanaal improvement over the exisang facility. The other proposed condiaonal uses are integrated into Ever Vail, and have no impact on increasing the scale and bulk of the project. Ever Vail meets the height limitaaons of the LMU‐2 zone district, and the substanaally more restricave limitaaons of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 48 IX. Major Exterior Altera,on A. Introduc4on to the Major Exterior Altera4on In the Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 Zone District, a Major Exterior Alteraaon is required for the following types of projects:12‐7I‐7: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: Review Required: The construc4on of a new building or the altera4on of an exis4ng building shall be reviewed by the design review board in accordance with chapter 11 of this 4tle. However, any project which adds addi4onal dwelling units, accommoda4on units, frac4onal fee club units, 4meshare units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substan4al off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior altera4on in accordance with this chapter and sec4on 12‐3‐6 of this 4tle. Any project which requires a condi4onal use permit shall also obtain approval of the planning and environmental commission commission in accordance with chapter 16 of this 4tle. Complete applica4ons for major exterior altera4ons shall be submiYed in accordance with administra4ve schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. B. Review Criteria for the Major Exterior Altera4on The Lionshead Mixed Use‐2 Zone District does not supply criteria for review as in the case of a Special Development District. However, it does offer a descripaon of the “compliance burden.” 12‐7I‐8: COMPLIANCE BURDEN: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior altera4on or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead mixed use 2 district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead redevelopment master plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant nega4ve ve effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substan4ally complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 1. Purpose of the LMU‐2 Zone District Our Analysis: The Lionshead Mixed Use 2 zone district was created in 1999, as the implementaaon phase of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. It intended to create incenaves for properaes to redevelop. The purpose of the LMU‐2 zone district is as follows: The Lionshead mixed use 2 district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of mul4plefamily dwellings, lodges, hotels, frac4onal fee clubs, 4meshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial ac4vi4es, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead mixed use 2 district, in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other ameni4es appropriate to the permiYed types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quali4es of the zone district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This zone district is meant to encourage and provide incen4ves for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. This zone district was specifically developed to provide incen4ves for proper4es to redevelop. The ul4mate goal of these incen4ves is to create an economically vibrant Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 49 lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incen4ves in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residen4al floor area, building height, and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan study area. The primary goal of the incen4ves is to create economic condi4ons favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Addi4onally, the incen4ves are created to help finance public, off site, improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. Public ameni4es which will be evaluated with redevelopment proposals taking advantage of the incen4ves created herein may include: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. All the uses proposed at Ever Vail are listed in the Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 Zone District as permiXed or condiaonal uses. As stated in the purpose statement and as a stated goal of Ever Vail, the goal is “to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area.” The redevelopment of West Lionshead into Ever Vail is consistent with the purpose of the Lionshead Mixed Use – 2 Zone District. 2. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Compliance Our Analysis: A complete analysis of Ever Vail’s compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan has been provided in a separate secaon of this document and should be referenced with respect to this secaon. 3. Character of the Neighborhood Our Analysis: The exisang uses in the West Lionshead area could be considered light industrial – the Vail Mountain maintenance facility, old Vail BP site (temporarily a parking lot), and the ERWSD treatment facility. While the maintenance facility will remain at Ever Vail, the facility will be relocated to an underground locaaon, greatly improving the character of the neighborhood. Direct neighbors to Ever Vail include the following: • East: Vail Spa is currently a mula‐family residenaal project, with limited office uses included. It is currently zoned Lionshead Mixed Use – 1, which allows for development consistent with the uses proposed at Ever Vail. • West: The Glen Lyon neighborhood, including the Cascade Resort are the nearest neighbors to the west, and other than the Glen Lyon Office building, is separated by significant distance (right‐of‐way and stream tract). Future development and redevelopment in this area will likely be enhanced by the proposed development occurring at Ever Vail, including the new gondola. • South: The ERWSD building is the nearest neighbor to the south, and is zoned General Use. • North: Ever Vail will generally be bound by the relocated South Frontage Road and I‐70 right‐of‐way to the north. The proposed development at Ever Vail will vastly improve the character of the neighborhood. The exisang strip mall development will be eliminated, and a new sustainable, economically vibrant, and aestheacally pleasing development will replace it. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 50 Exisang Condiaons: 4. Other Applicable Elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan Our Analysis: The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan has been covered in depth in previous secaons of this document and is incorporated here by reference. The Vail Land Use Plan, which was originally adopted in 1986, also includes goals that are applicable to this project. 1.1 Vail should con4nue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residen4al, commercial, and recrea4onal uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the addi4onal growth in exis4ng developed areas (infill areas). 2.1 The community should emphasize its role as a des4na4on resort while accommoda4ng day skiers. 2.2 The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together to improve facili4es for day skiers. 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incen4ves, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restric4ons. 5.4 Residen4al growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. 5.5 The exis4ng employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Addi4onal employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Now over 30 years old, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan is outdated in general, but many of the concepts of the plan are applicable to development today. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 51 X. Housing Plan I. CALCULATION METHOD A. Exis,ng Condi,ons The following table summarizes the exisang uses within Cascade Crossing, the Vail Professional Building, the old Vail BP, and the Glen Lyon Office Building, to establish the exisang commercial uses on the Ever Vail site: Use Cascade Crossing Vail Professional Building Vail BP Glen Lyon Office Building Total Retail 8,584 1,938 3,374 0 13,896 Eaang & Drinking Establishment 1,479 0 0 0 1,479 Office 1,020 17,987 0 10,829 29,836 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Any development that includes uses such as business offices, professional offices, accommodaaon units, general retail, grocery, liquor and convenience, recreaaonal amenity, real estate offices, conference faciliaes, health clubs, eaang and drinking establishments, service oriented businesses, or similar uses. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT: A development that includes at least one dwelling unit, including single‐family dwellings, two‐family dwellings, mulaple family dwellings, fracaonal fee club units, lodge dwelling units, aXached accommodaaon units, and ameshare units. B. Net New Commercial Development for Ever Vail The following table summarizes the proposed uses, the net new square footage of each use, and the employees generated by the net increase in square feet in Ever Vail: Use Net New Sq. Ft. or Units Employees Generated Retail 17,631 42 Eaang and Drinking Establishment 20,858 141 Spa 9,950 21 Office 4,833 15 Children’s Services 12,172 39 Conference 9,807 8 Hotel 102 units 71 Total 338 20% Mi,ga,on Rate 67.53 Total Commercial Linkage Requirements: 67.53 employees C. Net New Residen,al Development for Ever Vail Residenaal Development Increase = Inclusionary Zoning Inclusionary Zoning requirement = 10 percent of net new residenaal sq. V. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 52 The following table provides the calculaaon for the Inclusionary Zoning Requirement for Ever Vail: Inclusionary Zoning EHU Requirement Net New GRFA 571,318 sq. V. Genera,on Rates (10% of net new) TOTAL IZ EHU SF required 57,131.8 sq. V. D. Mi,ga,on Method Commercial Linkage: The total Commercial Linkage (CL) employee housing requirement is to house 67.53 employees. We are proposing to meet 64% of this requirement on‐site, through the provision of dorm‐style units. Employees Generated: 67.53 Dorm‐Style Unit SF: 1,200 sf per unit Employee Per Dorm‐Style Unit: 4.8 Number of Dorm‐style Units CL Requirement: 9 units Number of Employees Housed On‐Site: 43.2 employees (64%) Remaining Off‐SIte Requirement: 24.33 employees Inclusionary Zoning: The total Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) employee housing requirement is 57,131.8 sf. The on‐site requirement will be met with the remaining dorm‐style units and the for‐sale employee housing provided on‐site. The remaining requirement will be met through the provision of off‐site units. This equates to the following: Total IZ Requirement: 57,131.8 sf For‐Sale EHU sf: 39,555 sf Total On‐Site IZ Requirement met: 39,555 sf (69%) Remaining Off‐Site IZ Requirement: 17,576 sf • Total Employee Housing Requirement Met On‐Site: 67% (49,518 sf) • 64% of CL requirement • 69% of IZ requirement • Remaining Off‐Site Employee Housing Requirement: 33% (24,414 sf) 2. PLANS A dimensioned site plan and architectural floor plan that demonstrates compliance with Secaon 12‐24‐3, Building Requirements. The typical EHU floor plan includes four‐bedrooms, two full baths, living area, dining area, and kitchen, totaling 1,200 sf. 3. LOT SIZE The average lot size of the proposed EHUs and the average lot size of other dwelling units in the commercial development or redevelopment. Not Applicable 4. SCHEDULES A ameline for the provision of any off‐site EHUs. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 53 Deed restric4ons for off‐site units will be provided in accordance with the TCO Sequencing Plan as provided under separate cover. 5. OFF‐SITE UNITS A proposal for the provision of any off‐site EHUs shall include a brief statement explaining the basis of the proposal. The Applicant is proposing to meet 64% of the Commercial Linkage Requirement and 69% of the total Inclusionary Zoning Requirement, for a total of 67% of the total EHU requirement. The remaining 33% or 24,414 sf requirement will be met off‐site, as is allowed by the Town Code. Providing off‐site units will afford a benefit to the Town of Vail, as it will immediately have employee units in place. 6. OFF‐SITE CONVEYANCE REQUEST A request for an off‐site conveyance shall include a brief statement explaining the basis for the request. Not Applicable 7. FEES‐IN‐LIEU A proposal to pay fees‐in‐lieu shall include a brief statement explaining the basis of the proposal. There will be no fee‐in‐lieu. 8. WRITTEN NARRATIVE A wriXen narraave explaining how the employee housing plan meets the purposes of the Chapter and complies with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. A. Chapter 12‐24‐1 The purpose of Chapter 12‐24‐1 is as follows: The purpose of this Chapter is to ensure that new residen4al development and redevelopment in the Town of Vail provide for a reasonable amount of employee housing to mi4gate the impact on employee housing caused by such residen4al development and redevelopment. Chapter 12‐23‐1: The purpose of Chapter 12‐23‐1 is as follows: The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that new commercial development and redevelopment in the town provide for a reasonable amount of employee housing to mi4gate the impact on employee housing caused by such commercial development and redevelopment. As indicated, the Applicant is proposing to meet approximately 67% of the employee housing requirement on‐site, exceeding the Town’s minimum requirement of 50%. It is the intent of the Applicant that Ever Vail is a vibrant community within the Town, with a mix of residents. With the mix of unit types, and both for‐sale and rental housing, Ever Vail will be providing for employee housing at a variety of income levels, miagaang the impact of both residenaal and commercial development. In addiaon to meeang the Town’s requirements, the Applicant will be restricang the occupancy of some of the employee units to lower income residents by using County AMI standards for affordability. B. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Ever Vail was recently included in to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The following is taken from Chapter 4 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan: Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 54 4.9 Housing Recent community surveys and grass‐roots planning efforts such as Vail Tomorrow have iden4fied the lack of locals’ housing as the most cri4cal issue facing the Vail community. Early in the Lionshead master planning process, west Lionshead was iden4fied as an opportunity area to implement some of the community’s housing goals, par4cularly rela4ng to employee housing. These opportuni4es and associated issues are outlined below. 4.9.1 No Net Loss of Employee Housing Ground rule number five of the master plan states that there shall be no net loss of employee housing in Lionshead as redevelopment occurs. 4.9.2 Visual Issues The financial reali4es of affordable housing ojen require cost reducing measures, generally involving the quality of detailing, planning, and architectural design. Given the strong desire to make these housing projects feasible, it is recommended that some la4tude be granted to affordable housing developers. However, it is also important that financial reali4es not be used as an excuse to produce unsightly, poorly designed, substandard products. Employee housing does not need to match the architectural sophis4ca4on of a five star resort development, but it does need to be good quality construc4on and design. Rivers Edge in Avon is a good example of an aYrac4ve yet affordable employee housing project. 4.9.3 Policy Based Housing Opportuni4es The first means of implemen4ng housing goals in Lionshead is through policy based requirements such as the employee genera4on ordinance currently being pursued by the Vail Town Council. As required by a future ordinance, all development and redevelopment projects, as a prerequisite to project approval, should provide housing for employees generated and to the extent possible this housing should be located in the Lionshead area. At the ame of the adopaon of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, the pracace of the Town of Vail was to require miagaaon of the employees generated by a project. Neither the Town nor the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan ever anacipated the current requirements. As result, the employee housing provided by the Ever Vail development clearly exceeds the expectaaons of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and is therefore in compliance. The Town Vail Land Use Plan offers the following goals with regard to employee housing: 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by limited incen4ves, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restric4ons. 5.5 The exis4ng employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Addi4onal employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 55 Ever Vail complies with these statements from the Town of Vail Land Use Plan. Specifically, integraang the employee housing at Ever Vail into the project allows for employee housing to be slope‐side and near their employment. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 56 XI. Adjacent Addresses 210312109003 GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING C/O ANDREW D. NORRIS 1000 S FRONTAGE RD W STE 200 VAIL, CO 81657 210312100005 000934 FRONTAGE RD VAIL CORPORATION PO BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620‐0959 210312100004 001031 FRONTAGE RD SOHO DEVELOPMENT LLC 950 17TH ST STE 1600 DENVER, CO 80202 210312100002 000953 FRONTAGE RD SOHO DEVELOPMENT LLC 950 17TH ST STE 1600 DENVER, CO 80202 210312124001 000923 FRONTAGE RD W VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 210312109004 SUB:GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION LOT:39‐2 ROBERT J. ROSEN 2005 QPRT NANCY ROSEN 2005 QPRT 1127 LAKE AVE GREENWICH, CT 06831 210312109005 ORRAS, IGNACIO 777 POST OAK BLVD 550 HOUSTON, TX 77056 210107216001 000846 FOREST RD EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DIST 846 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 81657 210107200001 210312109002 210312100010 210107200001 210106302004 210107218002 210107218001 TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 210107217004 000825 FOREST RD GORE CREEK PLACE LLC PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 210107217002 000728 LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 000710 LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL, CO 81657 DANN PETER ‐Registered Agent PO BOX 5480 AVON, CO 81620 001000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL RUN RESORT COMMUNITY 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 Vail Run Resort Community Assoc Inc William I Fleischer ‐Registered Agent 1000 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 210107217002 RCR Vail LLC 390 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT STE 1000 BROOMFIELD , CO 80021 Gore Creek Place LLC 390 Interlocken Crescent, Broomfield, CO 80021 210107222004 JPSSE VAIL IMMOBILIERE LLC RUBEN DARIO 115 TORRE 2 602 MEXICO D.F. CP 11580 MEXICO 210107222003 3 GCP INC AV CHAPULTEPEC 18 MEXICO DF 06640 MEXICO 210107222002 MARK GREENHILL REV TRUST ‐ELIZABETH GREENHILL REV TRUST ‐MARK GREENHILL FAMILY DESCENDANTS TRUST 153 SHERIDAN RD WINNETKA, IL 60093 210107222001 CAREY, ROBERT B. 6912 E HUMMINGBIRD LN PARADISE VALLEY, AZ 85253 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 57 210107222007 SHARE SYNDICATE XIII LLC ALISON BUCHHOLTZ 675 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL, CO 81657 210107222008 JANICE SAUVAGE TRUST NO 1 8650 W TROPICANA AVE 208 LAS VEGAS, NV 89147 210107222006 SCHICIANO, KENNETH 43 HIGHGATE RD WELLESLEY, MA 02481 210107222005 5 GCP INC AV CHAPULTEPEC 18 COL DOCTORES MEXICO DF MEXICO 2103‐014‐01‐068 TELLEEN, DANIEL E. 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 2101‐063‐03‐015 JOSEPH O. BROUGHTON TESTAMENTARY TRUST 240 ASH ST DENVER, CO 80220 2101‐063‐03‐016 BROUGHTON, JOSEPH O., JR & LINDA K. 240 ASH ST DENVER, CO 80220 2101‐063‐03‐014 RICHARD E. & MARTHA GRIFFITH DEAN TRUST, RICHARD E. & MARTHA GRIFFITH DEAN TRUSTEES PO BOX 970 TONGANOXIE, KS 66086 SIMBA RUN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Farrow HiX 1100 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 BREAKAWAY WEST ASSOCIATION Chrisane A. Spaeth PO Box 3717, Eagle, CO 81631 BREAKAWAY WEST ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1743, Vail, CO 81658 SANDSTONE 70 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. Vail Tax & Accounang, Inc. BOX 5940 AVON, CO 81620 SANDSTONE 70 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. PO BOX 1679 AVON, CO 81620 CDOT 4201 E. ARKANSAS AVENUE DENVER, CO 80222 MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LLC POST OFFICE BOX 1127 AVON, CO 81620 2101‐072‐11‐032 VAIL RESORTS DEV THE FIXED ASSETS DEPARTMENT 390 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT STE 1000 BROOMFIELD , CO 80021 2101‐072‐23‐001 WDL VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. GRAHAM FRANK POST OFFICE BOX 959, AVON, CO 81620 THE GORE CREEK PLACE HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION 728 W. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL, CO 81657 LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS 1476 WESTHAVEN DR, VAIL, CO 81657 LIFTSIDE, L.L.C. ABPLANALP LAW OFFICE, LLC SUITE 301 521 EAST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE CLUB ASSOCIATION DON MACLACHLAN 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL, CO 81657 2103‐121‐19‐001 2103‐121‐00‐015 2103‐121‐00‐012 L‐O WESTHAVEN INC THOMSON REUTERS PTS 1125 17TH ST STE 1575 DENVER, CO 80202 XCEL ATTN: RICH SISNEROS PO BOX 1819 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 QWEST 591 CENTER CIRCLE PO BOX 739 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 58 HOLY CROSS 3799 HWY 82 PO BOX 2150 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81602 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PO BOX 25127 LAKEWOOD, CO 80225 WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST 900 GRAND AVE. P.O. BOX 948 GLENWOOD SPRINGS CO 81602 VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT 700 S FRONTAGE RD EAST VAIL, CO 81657 EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE DISTRICT PO BOX 990 EDWARDS, CO 81632 COMCAST ATTN: TONY HILDRETH PO BOX 679 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DIST 846 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE VILLAGE ASSOCIATION, INC. JULIE GRIMM 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST #200 VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT ROBERTSON & MARCHETTI, P.C. 28 SECOND STREET, SUITE 213 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 JULIE GRIMM 1000 S. FRONTAGE RD. W., #200, SUITE 200, VAIL, CO 81657, UNITED STATES MARIA SISON 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE, #1, VAIL, CO 81657, MCMAHAN, JOHN T. & LYNN 676 N ST CLAIR STE 1575 CHICAGO, IL 60611 WALTON GROWTH FUND LP IN CARE OF NAME MARINER HOLDINGS 4200 W 115TH ST STE 100 LEAWOOD, KS 66211 FLOWER, MICHAEL G. & ELIZABETH RAMSEY 31899 CIRCLE DR LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651‐6860 MILLRACE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION JULIE GRIMM 1000 S FRONTAGE ROAD WEST #200, SUITE 200, VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE, #1, VAIL, CO 81657 FERRY, TERRANCE F. & GAIL LOWENTHAL 1390 WESTHAVEN DR 6 VAIL, CO 81657 KARINN KIM‐GRANGER REVOCABLE TRUST 600 TRADE CENTER BLVD CHESTERFIELD, MO 63005 PETERSON, JERRY W. PO BOX 1408 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80150‐1408 CGC VAIL LLC 115 SHORECLIFF RD CORONA DEL MAR , CA 92625‐2646 KAISER, PETER & ANAFU M. 10 EDWARDS POINT RD RUMSON, NJ 07760 BLUME FAMILY PTNSHP IN CARE OF NAME FRED P. BLUME PO BOX 504 CHEYENNE, WY 82003 DEWS, JULIANNA PO BOX 362 VAIL, CO 81658 JAMES A. BELTZ REVOCABLE TRUST ‐J. ANNE BELTZ REVOCABLE TRUST 447 PEAVEY RD WAYZATA, MN 55391 MCCULLOH, HUGH & NANCY L. 375 SAINT PAUL ST DENVER, CO 80206 SKI CASCADE LLC C/O PETER AND GRETCHEN BROWN 3696 LAKE MENDOTA DR MADISON, WI 53705 HEINEN, NANCY A. & JOHN J. 2565 SOM CENTER HUNTING VALLEY, OH 44022 HASSMAN, ALAN R. & GLORIA J. 8 CREEKSIDE LN CAMP HILL, PA 17011 Ever Vail Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 59 FLOWERS, DAVID & IZABEL 4701 S LAFAYETTE ST ENGLEWOOD, CO 80113 H&C STONE REVOCABLE TRUST 615 PALISADES AVE SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 VALENTINE, ROSSLYN M. PO BOX 910 VAIL, CO 81658 LIPNICK, JANIE B. 6238 29TH ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20015 BLUE OX LLC 17 CAMPBELL RD WAYLAND, MA 01778 BEARD, STANLEY S. & BONNIE K. 500 W TEXAS AVE STE 705 MIDLAND, TX 79701 EPIC RESOURCES LLC 1490 W CANAL CT 3000 LITTLETON, CO 80120 BRAMANTE, M.A. & ELEANOR 1285 WESTHAVEN CIR VAIL, CO 81657 MCMAHON TRUST 792 SAN LORENZO ST SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 PEDIGO, JAMES & RUTH ANN 2019 ALAQUA LAKES BLVD LONGWOOD, FL 32779 MARC B. LESSANS REVOCABLE TRUST PO BOX 510 FREDERICK, MD 21705 JOHN L. ALFOND 2004 TRUST IN CARE OF NAME DEXTER FAMILY OFFICE TWO MONUMENT SQ PORTLAND, ME 04101 MASON, TIMOTHY JOHN ROLLIT 2120 PARK PL STE 500 EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 SIROTKIN, NEIL & GABRIELA J. 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL, CO 81657 MILLER, GARY E. & V. EILEEN 1415 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL, CO 81657 HOWELL, JOHN N. & MARY L. 4605 ROCK SPRING ROAD ARLINGTON, VA 22207 AXIS HOLDINGS LTD 170 MIDWEST RD SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO M1P 3A9 CANADA 1239 B WESTHAVEN CIRCLE LLC 29 LAUDER LN GREENWICH, CT 06831 1245 WESTHAVEN LLC C/O CURTIN 55 EMILY ROAD FAR HILLS, NJ 07931 BDB HOLDINGS LTD 8111 PRESTON RD STE 715 DALLAS, TX 75225 FLORES, REGINA MONTE PARNASO 161 LOMAS DE CHAPULTEPCE DF 1100 MEXICO FERRELL P. MCCLEAN REVOCABLE TRUST 7939 SE GOLFHOUSE DR HOBE SOUND, FL 33455 BERTOLE, PHILLIP & HELEN 701 GRASSMERE AVE INTERLAKEN, NJ 07712 SPICER, WILLIAM J. ‐GLEN LYON DEV 1710 PLATTE ST DENVER, CO 80202 ARENT, STEPHEN W. ‐SPICER, WILLIAM J. 1710 PLATTE ST DENVER, CO 80202 SMITH, DEBRA 5614 S LANSING WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 BROOKS, MICHELLE 1520 E 12TH AVE DENVER, CO 80218 BRADSHAW, DAVID C. 65 CENTRAL PARK W UNIT 15‐B NEW YORK, NY 10023 RAYJIM LLC ONE NE LAGOON ISLAND CT STUART, FL 34996 FERGUSON, JOHN & VIOLET 3 HEPPLEWHITE WY THE WOODLANDS, TX 77382 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 60 KCV L.L.C. ‐RAINER, WILLIAM & JULIE PO BOX 550 OLATHE, KS 66051 MORGAN, MITCHELL ‐ETAL IN CARE OF NAME VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS INC 1476 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL, CO 81657 SI PARTNERS LTD 252 CLAYTON ST 4TH FL DENVER, CO 80206 MDSB LP 5752 S JASMINE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80111 SEP‐HAVEN LLC 12770 MERIT DR STE 1000 DALLAS, TX 75251 WOLF, MARY PO BOX 354 WINNETKA, IL 60093 ALEXANDRA P. LINN REVOCABLE TRUST, ALEXANDRA P. LINN TRUSTEE 1350 GREENHILL CT VAIL, CO 81657 LOHRE, JOHN O. & MARY B. 165 COOK ST STE 311 DENVER, CO 80206‐5310 PURCHASE, JOHN LAYTON & LARA JUNE 1310 GREENHILL CT VAIL, CO 81657 GERSTENBERGER, ALLEN & JANET 5255 BOW MAR DR LITTLETON, CO 80123 HORN, JEFFREY M. & SALLY HELMS 1320 GREENHILL CT A VAIL, CO 81657‐5835 KARLIN, MITCHELL J. PO BOX 8488 NORTHFIELD, IL 60093 GLEN LYON ASSOC LLC IN CARE OF NAME MADELYNN HAUSMAN ATTORNEY 77 W WASHINGTON ST STE 1119 CHICAGO, IL 60602 MOREIRA, DOMINGO R. 7231 SW 63RD AVE MIAMI, FL 33143 WILKINS, F.D. 4430 ARAPAHOE 165 BOULDER, CO 80303 GRANITE RANGE LP 4614 BRYN MAWR LN LN HOUSTON, TX 77027 COHEN, RICHARD W. 20 10TH ST 1904 ATLANTA, GA 30309 ELLENORE JOINT VENTURE IN CARE OF NAME PHILIPP A KORT 210 N CHAMBORD DR ATLANTA, GA 30327 GURRENTZ, HEDY & KENNETH G. 5360 S BOSTON ST GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111 1334077 ONTARIO INC 2531 STANFIELD RD MISSIGAUGA ONTARIO L4Y1S4 CANADA BLIVAS FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 148 S WESTGATE AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90049 SUSAN RUBENSTEIN QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST 65 E GOETHE 5 E CHICAGO, IL 60610 DUNNING, PETER B. & LUCY 1461 GREENHILL CT VAIL, CO 81657 ORLINSKY, DAVID 103 W 89TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10024 ORTEGON, ANTHONY & VERA 2 ROCKBRIDGE LN PUEBLO, CO 81001 SCHUBERT SIBLINGS TRUST 2005, MICHAEL J. & THOMAS F. SCHUBERT TRUSTEES 3703 VILLAGE PARK DR CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 NAGLE, TIM W. & KAREN M. 4 LACEWOOD LN HOUSTON, TX 77024 LANDERS, JOHN & DEBRA 2530 OUTLOOK TRL BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 1456 VAIL LLC PO BOX 745 VAIL, CO 81658 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 61 JACK F. KEMP REVOCABLE TRUST 1901 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW STE 300 WASHINGTON, DC 20006‐5805 CUNNINGHAM, BARRY E. 271 ANEMONE DR BOULDER, CO 80302 HARLAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC C/O HAL P HARLAN PRESIDENT 7597 E US HWY 36 AVON, IN 46123‐7171 HOVEY, NANCY M. 1 WOODHOLM LN MANCHESTER, MA 01944‐1057 1439425 ONTARIO INC 17 CHESTNUT PARK RD TORONTO ONTARIO M4W1W4 CANADA MARJORIE H. ODEEN REVOCABLE INTER VIVOS TRUST 1435 HARVEST CROSSING DR MCLEAN, VA 22101 MORLEY, REBECCA D. & ANDREW W. 1330 SONGBIRD CT BOULDER, CO 80303 HINZ, PAMELA SHEILA 1460A GREENHILL CT VAIL, CO 81657 PHILIP H. CORBOY JR TRUST 33 N DEARBORN CHICAGO, IL 60602 1359 GREENHILL COURT LLC 101 S CLERMONT DENVER, CO 80246 MEISTER, RICHARD W. & JULIE L. 39 LOCKWOOD AVE OLD GREENWICH, CT 06870 DULUDE, RICHARD & JEAN PO BOX 537 1134 LAKE AVE GEORGES MILLS, NH 03751‐0537 KIRKPATRICK, DOUGLAS H. & JOAN M. 48 HYDE PARK CIR DENVER, CO 80209 THE CASCADES ON GORE CREEK OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. VAIL CASCADE CONDOMINIUMS, 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE, #1, VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE RESIDENCES INC., PO BOX 1152, VAIL, CO 81658 1310 BUFFALO PROPERTIES LLC, PO BOX 331, BOULDER, CO 80306 MONFORT, CHRISTINE A. 3519 HOLMAN CT GREELEY, CO 80631 COVINGTON REALTY CORP AND KNIGHTSBRIDGE REALTY CORP WIGGIN & DANA 450 LEXINGTON AVE STE 3800 NEW YORK, NY 10017 HARTUNG, CHARLES G. & PETRA T. 4000 DUSTIN RD BURTONSVILLE, MD 20866 L‐O VAIL HOLDING INC THOMSON REUTERS PTS 1125 17TH ST STE 1575 DENVER, CO 80202 NYQUIST, JAMES A. ‐DURELS, JOCELYN E. 967 SCIOTO DR FRANKLIN LAKES, NJ 07417‐2821 NEUFELD ENTERPRISES LLC PO BOX 11387 GREEN BAY, WI 54307 BLUE TIGER LLC 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE RESIDENCES INC ‐CMC RESIDENTIAL SUBASSOCIATION INC PO BOX 1152 VAIL, CO 81658 SSK INVESTMENTS LLC 4315 WASHINGTON ST COLUMBUS, IN 47203 WESTHAVEN AT CASCADE VILLAGE ASSOCIATION MARIA SISON 1476 WESTHAVEN DRIVE, #1 VAIL, CO 81657 CASCADE CLUB ASSOCIATION 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL, CO 81657 DANN PETER PO BOX 5480 AVON, CO 81620 ELDORADO REALTY CO 5291 E YALE AVE DENVER, CO 80222 Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 62 GLORIA J. MCMAHON TRUST 1700 ROSAMOND MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360 VAIL PARK ASSOCIATES LTD 1472 MATTERHORN CIR VAIL, CO 81657 BOYER, MICHAEL 1472 MATTERHORN CIR VAIL, CO 81657 PARK MEADOWS 6D LLC J PALMISANO 401 W SEMINARY AVE LUTHERVILLE, MD 21093 HUDGENS, MOYNA N., JAMES L. & JOHN M. ‐BILR CORPORATION 43 SUNSET DR CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, CO 80113 OGNIBENE, PETER J. 509 PENDLETON ST ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 BOYER, EDLYNE 1200 MCARTHUR LN MCALESTER, OK 74501‐7150 SVOBODA, ROBERT ‐LANNI, LEONARD PARK MEADOWS LODGE 1472 MATTERHORN CIRCLE VAIL, CO 81657 EDRICH, ANDREAS J. 9643 LAS COLINAS DR LONE TREE, CO 80124‐4200 All plans and programming are proposed, remain subject to governmental approvals (which have not yet been obtained) and no representaaons are made about the accuracy of any informaaon for the final project. Any reference to size or square footage is approximate. Views are not guaranteed. All informaaon presented in this notebook is proposed and all elements are subject to change or eliminaaon without noace. The project is working towards LEED‐ND ceraficaaon and no representaaons are made regarding the final ceraficaaon which will not be determined unal the project is complete. The Ever Vail™ project is being developed by Ever Vail, LLC an affiliate of Vail Resorts Development Company. Designated trademarks are the property of Vail Trademarks, Inc. © 2010 Vail Resorts Development Company. Ever Vail (Rev. 12.21.10) 63