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5a. Ever Vail - November 2010 TIS
Traffic Impact Study Ever Vail Vail Resorts Development Company Prepared for: Review by Town of Vail © Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2010 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ .................... i APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................ i LIST OF TABLES ....................... .............................................................................................. ii LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................... ............................. iii 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................1 2.0 INTRODUCTION ......................... ........................................................................................8 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS...................................................................................... ............ 12 3.1 Existing Roadway Network ..................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Existing Study Area ......................... ......................................................................................... 12 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumes ............................................................................. ............................. 12 3.3 Future Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 14 4.0 PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 20 4.1 Trip Generation ................................................................................ ......................................... 20 4.2 Trip Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 24 4.3 Traffic Assignment and Total (Background Plus Project) Traffic ......................................... 24 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS .................................................... ........................... 39 5.1 Analysis Methodology ............................................................................................................. 39 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysis.................................................................................... 40 5.3 Auxiliary Turn Lane Recommendations ................................................... .............................. 51 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 54 APPENDICES Appendix A – Conceptual Site Plan Appendix B – Existing Traffic Volumes Appendix C – Vail Transportation Master Plan Traffic Volumes Appendix D – Trip Generation Worksheets Appendix E – Intersection Analysis Worksheets Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Page ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Traffic Generation ....................................................... ................. 21 Table 2 – Day Skier Parking and Transit Center Traffic Generation .............................................. 23 Table 3 – Level of Service Definitions ....................... ........................................................................ 39 Table 4 – Background LOS Results .......................................................................................... ......... 42 Table 5 – South Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Sidra LOS Results ........................... 43 Table 6 – South Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Rodel LOS Results .......................... 44 Table 7 – Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle LOS Results ......................................................... 45 Table 8 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access A LOS Results ............................................... 46 Table 9 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access B LOS Results ................................................ 47 Table 10 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C LOS Results ............................................. 47 Table 11 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D LOS Results ..................... ........................ 48 Table 12 – Forest Road & Proposed Access E LOS Results ............................................................. 49 Table 13 – Forest Road & Proposed Access F LOS Results.............................................................. 50 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Page iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Vicinity Map .................................................................................. ...................................... 9 Figure 2 – Existing Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3 – 2015 Background Traffic Volumes................................................................................... 16 Figure 4 – 2015 Future Laneage and Control................................... ................................................. 17 Figure 5 – 2015 Relocated Background Traffic Volumes ................................................................. 18 Figure 6 – 2030 Background Traffic Volumes................................................................................... 19 Figure 7 – Trip Distribution West Side without Simba Run Underpass ........................................ 25 Figure 8 – Trip Distribution East Side without Simba Run Underpass .......................................... 26 Figure 9 – Trip Distribution West Side with Simba Run Underpass .............................................. 27 Figure 10 – Trip Distribution East Side with Simba Run Underpass ............................................. 28 Figure 11 – Traffic Assignment West Side without Simba Run underpass ................................... 29 Figure 12 – Traffic Assignment East Side without Simba Run underpass ................... .................. 30 Figure 13 – Traffic Assignment Skier Parking without Simba Run underpass ............................. 31 Figure 14 – Traffic Assignment West Side with Simba Run underpass ......................................... 32 Figure 15 – Traffic Assignment East Side with Simba Run underpass .......................................... 33 Figure 16 – Traffic Assignment Skier Parking with Simba Run underpass ................................... 34 Figure 17 – Transit Center Traffic Assignment Rerouted Trips ................................................. ..... 35 Figure 18 – 2015 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes without Simba Underpass ............... 37 Figure 19 – 2030 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes with Simba Run Underpass ............ 38 Figure 20 – 2030 Future Laneage and Control .................................................................................. 41 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Vail Resorts Development Company (VRDC) currently plans a redevelopment project, Ever Vail, within the West Lionshead area in Vail, Colorado. The conceptual plan consists of redevelopment of two separate parcels located west of the West Lionshead Circle intersection along South Frontage Road. With redevelopment of these parcels, a realignment of South Frontage Road is proposed to align South Frontage Road adjacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). The frontage road is proposed to have an 80-foot right-of-way width through this segment adjacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan this has been discussed as part of the Frontage Road planning with preliminary acceptance from CDOT. With realignment of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is also proposed where the roadway will intersect South Frontage Road at the approximate existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle in a roundabout. With this realignment and due to roadway geometrics, it is proposed that West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road in a T-intersection south of the roundabout, with a southbound to eastbound left turn lane that provides approximately 75 feet of storage. The entire Ever Vail project is anticipated to include approximately 381 residential units, 51,194 square feet of retail and restaurant uses, 34,669 square feet of offices, a hotel with 102 rooms, and 41 units of employee housing. Redevelopment of the two parcels is also anticipated to include parking garages on each of the western and eastern portions of the site, of which 400 of the parking spaces will be reserved for public parking. A transit center for 13 skier dropoff/pick-up spaces and four (4) transit buses is proposed on the east side of the development site. A new gondola is also proposed on the east site. At the request of CDOT and to maintain consistency with the Vail Transportation Master Plan and plan for other future growth in the area, analysis has been completed for the 2015 near term and 2030 long term horizons. The purpose of this study is to identify project traffic generation characteristics, to identify potential project traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 2 measures required for identified impacts. The following key intersections have been included for evaluation in this study: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle (existing alignment) South Frontage Road & Forest Road (future alignment), West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road (future alignment), and All proposed access driveway intersections. Regional access to the West Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access to the site is provided by South Frontage Road. Direct access to the western portion of the site is proposed from one full movement access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access A), and one threequarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access B). The western west side access (Access A) will provide a direct access to the parking structure. The eastern access on the west side will provide access to the residential porte cochere and parking structure. Direct access to the eastern eastern portion of the site is proposed from one three-quarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access C), one exit only access driveway on South Frontage Road (Access D), and two access driveways along Forest Road. Access E driveway along Forest Road will provide full turning movements and Access F driveway is an entrance only access. The western South Frontage Road access to the eastern site (Access C) will provide access to the transit center and the Market Street porte cochere. To address Town of Vail concerns, this street will not continue beyond the porte cochere so that pedestrian movements in this area will be clear from vehicle conflicts. The eastern South Frontage Road access to the eastern site (Access D) will primarily provide exiting trips out of the transit center and skier drop-off/pick-up spaces, as well as for exiting trips from the In-Town Shuttle. The western access along Forest Road will be the main access to the parking structure on the east side. The eastern access along Forest Road will be an entrance only roadway for the In-Town Shuttle, few deliveries, and for a few on-street parking spaces. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 3 Using CDOT approved methodology without any internal capture reductions, the Ever Vail development is expected to generate approximately 6,500 daily weekday driveway trips. Of these, 245 trips are expected to occur during the weekday morning peak hour, while 595 trips are expected during the weekday afternoon peak hour. Including the trips generated by allowing public parking on-site along with the transit functions, the anticipated full trip generation without internal capture is 1,133 during the AM peak hour and 1,483 during the PM peak hour. A separate trip generation memorandum has been prepared for the project to estimate impacts of the project for actual trip making characteristics for use by the Town to establish a transportation impact fee as may be required. Distribution of site traffic on the street system was based on the area street system characteristics, existing traffic patterns, anticipated surrounding development areas, and the proposed access system for the project. This distribution was developed in accordance with recommendations provided by Town of Vail representatives. For the 2015 near term analysis, it was assumed that the Simba Run underpass had not been constructed. To be consistent with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, the long term 2030 analysis assumes that the future Simba Run Underpass improvements are completed, which provides the most conservative analysis meaning that the presence of the Simba Run underpass exacerbates traffic conditions adjacent to Ever Vail. The background traffic volumes and trip distributions both account for these two scenarios. Assignment of project traffic was based upon the trip generation described previously and the distributions developed. Based on the analysis presented in this report, Kimley-Horn believes the proposed Ever Vail Redevelopment project will be successfully incorporated into the future roadway network. The proposed project development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the following recommendations: South Frontage Road Recommendations With redevelopment of the proposed project, South Frontage Road will be realigned adjacent to Interstate 70 between the existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 4 and the western project boundary where the road will resume its current alignment. In conjunction with this realignment, Forest Road will be realigned to the approximate location of the current western intersection of West Lionshead Circle with South Frontage Road in a roundabout. Due to roadway geometrics, West Lionshead Circle is proposed to terminate in a T-intersection with Forest Road approximately 200 feet south of the future roundabout. These improvements are consistent with the Vail Transportation Master Plan. According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan, South Frontage Road is recommended to be widened along the project frontage to include one through lane in each direction with continuous eastbound and westbound acceleration/deceleration lanes. According to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However, acceleration lanes are not warranted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. Based on recommendations included in the Vail Transportation Master Plan, acceleration lanes will be constructed to provide continuous acceleration/deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage. In addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed even though the lane appears to be isolated and unconnected. Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed left turn lanes along South Frontage Road are recommended to be constructed in accordance with the State Highway Access Code as required by CDOT. Since the speed limit of South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through lane transition lengths will follow the redirect taper of 15 to 1. Access A & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 5 project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. According to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed to provide 150 feet for a full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South Frontage Road (west of Access A) proposed with the project to help facilitate northbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. This westbound left turn acceleration lane should be constructed to provide 90 feet of full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn lanes be constructed to facilitate more efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access B & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted (will be constructed) at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. In accordance with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane will be constructed at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 6 access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access A. It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access C & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage (which includes passenger car equivalents for transit vehicles) with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. As recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access B. It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access D & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 7 Access E and Forest Road Recommendations It is recommended that the proposed western Access E driveway along Forest Road operates with stop control on the minor street approach to Forest Road with a “STOP” (R1-1) sign placed according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. General Recommendations All on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements should be incorporated into the Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDOT standards, as well as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices – 2009 Edition (MUTCD). Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 8 2.0 INTRODUCTION Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Kimley-Horn) has prepared this report to document the results of a Traffic Impact Study of future traffic conditions associated with a proposed redevelopment of the West Lionshead area to be named Ever Vail in Vail, Colorado. The vicinity map illustrating the Ever Vail project site location is shown in Figure 1. The conceptual plan consists of redevelopment of two separate parcels located west of the West Lionshead Circle intersection along South Frontage Road. With redevelopment of these parcels, a realignment of South Frontage Road is proposed to align South Frontage Road adjacent to Interstate 70 (I-70). The project team has discussed this with and obtained preliminary acceptance from CDOT. The entire Ever Vail project is anticipated to include approximately 381 residential units, 51,194 square feet of retail and restaurant uses, 34,669 square feet of offices, a hotel with 102 rooms, and 41 units of employee housing. Redevelopment of the two parcels is also anticipated to include parking garages on each of the western and eastern portions of the site, of which 400 of the parking spaces will be reserved for public parking. A transit center for 13 skier dropoff/pick-up parking spaces and four (4) transit bus loading/unloading is proposed on the east side of the development site. A new gondola is also proposed on the east site. The development area is identified on Figure 1. Of the residential units, 144 condos and 22 employee housing units are proposed on the west side, while 237 condos and 19 employee housing units are proposed on the east side. The hotel and all other retail/office areas will be located on east side of the development. The 400 spaces of public parking will be located on both the west and east sides. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 10 As requested by CDOT and to maintain consistency with the Vail Transportation Master Plan and plan for other future growth in the area, analysis has been completed for the 2015 near term and 2030 long term horizon. The current site plan illustrating the development and access locations is shown in Appendix A. The purpose of this study is to identify project traffic generation characteristics, to identify potential project traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigation measures required for identified impacts. The following key intersections have been included for evaluation in this study: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle (existing alignment) South Frontage Road & Forest Road (future alignment), West Lionshead Circle & Forest Road (future alignment), and All proposed access driveway intersections. Regional access to the West Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access to the site is provided by South Frontage Road. Direct access to the western portion of the site is proposed from one full movement access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access A), and one threequarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access B). The western west side access (Access A) will provide a direct access to the parking structure. The eastern access on the west side will provide access to the residential porte cochere and parking structure. Direct access to the eastern portion of the site is proposed from one three-quarter access driveway along South Frontage Road (Access C), one exit only access driveway on South Frontage Road (Access D), and two access driveways along Forest Road. Access E driveway along Forest Road will provide full turning movements and Access F driveway is an entrance only access. The western South Frontage Road access to the eastern site (Access C) will provide access to the transit center and the Market Street porte cochere. To address Town of Vail concerns, this street will not continue beyond the porte cochere so that pedestrian movements in this area will be clear from vehicle conflicts. The eastern South Frontage Road access to the eastern site (Access D) Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 11 will primarily provide exiting trips out of the transit center and skier drop-off/pick-up spaces, as well as for exiting trips from the In-Town Shuttle. The western access along Forest Road will be the main access to the parking structure on the east side. The eastern access along Forest Road will be an entrance only roadway for the In-Town Shuttle, few deliveries, and for a few on-street parking spaces. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 12 3.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.1 Existing Roadway Network The proposed development is to be located along South Frontage Road west of the western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road. Primary access to the site is expected to be provided by South Frontage Road. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road currently provides a single through lane in each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. According to the State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule, the segment of South Frontage Road adjacent to the site is categorized F-R. 3.2 Existing Study Area The existing site is comprised of a service yard, storage facility, the existing South Frontage Road, parking for resort operations, the Glen Lyon Office Building, the Vail Professional Building, and Cascade Crossings, a retail strip center. South Frontage Road is currently located south of the Vail Resorts Maintenance site (storage facility and service yard) but it will be relocated and realigned to the north side of the site with redevelopment of the four parcels. South Frontage Road will reconnect with the existing roadway alignment at the western project boundary. 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumes Existing afternoon peak hour traffic volumes were collected during the peak season at the study intersections in the project area, which includes West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road and Forest Road with South Frontage Road for the Vail Transportation Master Plan. The existing peak hour traffic volumes are illustrated in Figure 2. The existing traffic volume figure from the Vail Transportation Master Plan is included in Appendix B. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 14 3.3 Future Conditions To address Town of Vail comments, the existing traffic volumes from Figure 2 were grown at an annual growth rate of 2 percent (2.0%) to obtain 2015 background traffic volumes without the proposed roadway improvements that are recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and are to be included with the development of the Ever Vail project. 2015 background traffic volumes at the existing intersection of West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road and intersection of Forest Road and South Frontage Road are illustrated in Figure 3. With development of the proposed project, South Frontage Road will be realigned and improved adjacent to the project site. According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan, this realignment has been discussed as part of the Frontage Road planning with preliminary acceptance from CDOT. With realignment of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is also proposed where the roadway will intersect South Frontage Road at the approximate current western intersection of West Lionshead Circle in a roundabout. Forest Road will likely assume some of the existing alignment of South Frontage Road next to the Ritz Carlton site. With the roadway realignments, due to roadway geometrics, it is proposed that West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road in a T-intersection approximately 200 feet south of the roundabout. Direct access to the Ever Vail development is proposed as follows: Western West Side Access Driveway (Access A) – Full Turning Movements Eastern West Side Access Driveway (Access B) – Three-Quarter Turning Movements Western East Side Access Driveway (Access C) – Three-Quarter Turning Movements Eastern East Side Access Driveway (Access D) – Northbound Right Exit Only Parking Garage Access Driveway (Access E) – Full Turning Movements Forest Road Access Driveway (Access F) – Entrance Only Movements Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 15 The proposed access locations for the Ever Vail development site are shown in Figure 4. This figure also illustrates the proposed realignment of South Frontage Road and Forest Road and the 2015 intersection lane configurations and control anticipated with the realignment. The 2015 background traffic volumes from Figure 3 were relocated to account for the recommended improvements to the adjacent street network proposed in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and associated with the proposed Ever Vail development. The relocated 2015 background traffic volumes are presented in Figure 5. Future traffic volumes with realignment of South Frontage Road were obtained from the Vail Transportation Master Plan (Felsburg Holt & Ullevig). These future long term traffic volume estimates were developed as part of a Frontage Road study being conducted by the traffic consultant for the Town of Vail, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig. These future future traffic volumes take into account development that is under construction, development that is already approved, development that was recently submitted to the Town for consideration, and potential development that might more efficiently utilize a given parcel of land. These background traffic estimates included redevelopment of the Lionshead Parking Structure, although it is questionable as to whether or not this site will redevelop. Therefore, the future traffic volume estimates may be a little high resulting in an overall conservative analysis. Also included in background traffic estimates is the relocation of Vail Resorts’ employee parking that is currently provided on the Vail Resorts Maintenance Site. With this redevelopment project, these employees are anticipated to be relocated to the future parking structures planned within the Ever Vail project. The existing maintenance and operations vehicles are included in the background volumes shown using the parking structure that is accessed from Driveway E. The future background traffic volumes for 2030 are shown in Figure 6. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 20 4.0 PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Trip Generation Site-generated traffic estimates are determined through a process known as trip generation. Rates and equations are applied to the proposed land use to estimate traffic generated by the development during a specific time interval. The acknowledged source for trip generation rates is the Trip Generation Report1 published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE has established trip rates in nationwide studies of similar land uses. For this study, Kimley-Horn used the ITE Trip Generation Report average rate equations that apply to Recreational Homes (260), Specialty Retail (814), Apartment (220), Resort Hotel (330), Supermarket (850), Quality Restaurant (931), Drinking Place (925), and General Office Building (710) for traffic associated with the redevelopment. All of these uses were separated to address previous comments. In addition, no internal capture percentage was applied to provide a conservative analysis. A separate trip generation memorandum has been prepared for the project to estimate impacts of the project for actual trip making characteristics for use by the Town to establish a transportation impact fee as may be required. Table 1 summarizes the estimated generation for the proposed Ever Vail development. The trip generation worksheets are included in Appendix D. These calculations illustrate the equations used, directional distribution of trips, and number of daily trips based on the published ITE rates. 1 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation: An Information Report, Eighth Edition, Washington DC, 2008. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 21 Table 1 – Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Traffic Generation Daily Vehicles Trips Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total West Side Residential Employee Housing 456 146 15 2 8923 11 15 9 22 5 37 14 West Side Subtotal 602 17 17 34 24 27 51 East Side Residential Employee Housing Hotel Office Retail Market Restaurant Night Club 748 126 430 382 690 1,360 1,412 750 25 2 23 48 10 296-138966 197-38 10 32 54 16 48 13 -25 8 18 9 18 71 79 49 37 4 25 43 24 69 39 26 62 12 43 52 42 140 118 75 East Side Subtotal 5,898 143 68 211 277 267 544 Ever Vail Total 6,500 160 85 245 301 294 595 Day Skier Parking In addition to the aforementioned development, the project is also anticipated to accommodate a total of 400 public parking spaces for day skier use. For analysis purposes, it was assumed that 35 percent of the 400 public parking spaces would fill during the morning peak hour resulting in 140 trips entering the parking structure in the morning peak hour. It was assumed that 35 percent of the 400 public parking spaces would vacate during the afternoon peak hour resulting in 140 trips exiting the parking structure during the afternoon peak hour. The volumes for the day skier parking were split evenly for the west and east side structures. In addition, it is anticipated that DEVO Ski School pick-ups and drop-offs will occur. It is anticipated that 150 vehicles will enter and exit during both the morning peak hour and the afternoon peak hour for the Ski School use. This traffic was applied to the west side parking structure only. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 22 Employee Parking Vail Resorts employee parking is also being relocated to the site. This parking will be relocated to this site from the Ritz Carlton site and Vail Operations Maintenance. The Vail Operation Maintenance traffic already occurring on site during the peak hour is included in the background volumes, with some overall traffic growth. Therefore, these employee trips are accounted for within the traffic volumes. Transit Center A transit center is proposed on the east side of the Ever Vail development. The transit center will provide an area for 13 skier drop-off and pick-up parking spaces, as well as loading/unloading areas for four (4) Eco Buses and the Vail Transit Service. Passenger vehicles and transit buses will access the transit center at Access C and exit the site at Access D. The skier pick-up and drop-off parking spaces are anticipated to turn over on average every 5 minutes. This equates to 12 vehicles using one pick-up and drop-off parking space (12 in and 12 out per space). This equates to 312 peak hour trips created by these spaces. In addition, based on the transit routes identified from the Town of Vail through the North Day Lot and Lionshead Transit Center projects, the transit center is anticipated to be used by six (6) Eagle County (ECO) Buses and 62 Town of Vail buses. The In-Town Shuttle stop is proposed within the project area off of Forest Road at Access F. Table 2 summarizes the estimated driveway trips for the day skier parking and transit center. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 23 Table 2 – Day Skier Parking and Transit Center Traffic Generation Vehicles Trips Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total Day Skier Parking on West Side 200 parking spaces 220 150 370 150 220 370 Day Skier Parking on East Side 200 parking spaces 70 0 70 0 70 70 Transit Functions Skier PU/DO ECO Buses Vail Transit 156 6 62 156 6 62 312 12 124 156 6 62 156 6 62 312 12 124 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 24 4.2 Trip Distribution Distribution of site traffic on the street system was based on the area street system characteristics, existing traffic patterns and volumes, and the proposed access system for the project. The directional distribution of traffic is a means to quantify the percentage of sitegenerated traffic that approaches the site from a given direction and departs the site in the same direction. This distribution was developed in accordance with recommendations provided by the Town of Vail. Distributions have been prepared separately for the scenarios with and without the Simba Run underpass of Interstate 70 (I-70). Without the Simba Run underpass, it is assumed that the trip distribution would be 40 percent to and from the west and 60 percent to and from the east. With the Simba Run underpass, it is assumed that the trip distribution would be 50 percent to and from the east and west. These trip distributions are based on information provided by Town of Vail staff. Distributions have also been prepared separately for the west side and east side of the development due to the proposed access for each of the parcels. Figure 7 and Figure 8 illustrate the expected project distribution for the west side and the east side without the Simba Run underpass. Figure 9 and Figure 10 illustrate the west side and east side distribution with the Simba Run underpass. 4.3 Traffic Assignment Traffic assignment was obtained by applying the distributions to the estimated traffic generation of the development shown in Table 1. Figures 11, 12 and 13 illustrate the traffic assignment for the west side, the east side, and the day skier parking/skier drop off-pick up, respectively, without the Simba Run underpass. Figures 14, 15, and 16 illustrate the traffic assignment for the west side, the east side, and the day skier parking/skier drop off-pick up, respectively, with the Simba Run underpass. The transit movements were applied by determining the amount of new movements caused by the rerouted trips on the proposed network. These transit volumes are shown in Figure 17. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 36 4.4 Total (Background Plus Project) Traffic Site project traffic volumes were then added to the background volumes to represent estimated traffic conditions for the near term 2015 and long term 2030 horizon. Figure 18 illustrates the background plus project traffic volumes for the 2015 horizon without the Simba Run underpass. Figures 19 illustrates the background plus project traffic volumes for the 2030 horizon with the Simba Run underpass. Of note, there is a strong possibility based on traffic volumes anticipated at the eastern West Lionshead Circle intersection with South Frontage Road that this intersection will require the northbound left turn to be restricted in the future. This was identified when studying the North Day Lot redevelopment project. The 80 vehicles per hour anticipated to be making this northbound left turn at this intersection were rerouted to the northbound left turn movement at the proposed Ever Vail roundabout (street interconnectivity will exist). The westbound right turn movement at the western West Lionshead Circle intersection with the Forest Road extension included this relocated traffic volume and the westbound through movement through the roundabout was decreased by this traffic volume. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 39 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Kimley-Horn’s analysis of traffic operations in the site vicinity was conducted to determine potential capacity deficiencies in the 2015 and 2030 development horizon at the identified key intersections. The acknowledged source for determining overall capacity is the current edition of the Highway Capacity Manual2. 5.1 Analysis Methodology Capacity analysis results are listed in terms of Level of Service (LOS). LOS is a qualitative term describing operating conditions a driver will experience while traveling on a particular street or highway during a specific time interval. It ranges from A (very little delay) to F (long delays and congestion). For intersections and roadways in this study area, Town of Vail recommends intersection LOS C as the minimum threshold for acceptable operations. Table 3 shows the definition of level of service for unsignalized intersections. Table 3 – Level of Service Definitions Level of Service Unsignalized Intersection Average Total Delay (sec/veh) A B > and C > and D > and E > and F > _______________ Definitions provided from the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 2000. 2 Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Washington DC, 2000. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 40 Study area intersections were analyzed based on average total delay analysis for unsignalized intersections. Under the unsignalized analysis, the level of service (LOS) for a two-way stop controlled intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service for a two-way stop-controlled intersection is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Level of service for a four-way stop controlled intersection is defined for each approach and for the intersection. Level of service for a roundabout is determined by the computed or measured average control delay and is defined for each lane. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysis Calculations for the level of service at the key intersections identified for study are provided in Appendix E. Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersections was calculated using Synchro analysis software with the LOS calculated using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology. Level of service for the roundabout was calculated using Sidra and Rodel analysis software, as requested by Town of Vail staff. Although the Rodel program developers recommend an analysis based on a 50 percent confidence level, an 85 percent confidence level was used in the analysis as requested by the Town of Vail. Initial construction of the realigned South Frontage Road will include primarily one through lane in each direction with a westbound bike/parking lane and eastbound auxiliary right turn deceleration and acceleration lane as shown in Figure 4. Sometime in the future prior to the twenty-year study horizon of 2030, the South Frontage Road is anticipated to be a five-lane roadway, providing two through lanes in each direction. The westbound bike/parking lane and eastbound right turn auxiliary lane would be converted to through lanes once the entire South Frontage Road reconstruction project is complete. Figure 20 illustrates the proposed realignment of South Frontage Road and Forest Road and the 2030 intersection lane configurations and control anticipated with the realignment. Therefore, the lanes shown in Figure 4 were used for the 2015 total analysis and the lane configurations shown in Figure 20 were used for the 2030 total analysis. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 42 2015 Background Analysis As required by CDOT traffic study guidelines, 2015 background analysis was conducted for the existing intersections of South Frontage Road with West Lionshead Circle and Forest Road. In the background year of 2015, without the realignment of South Frontage Road or the addition of Ever Vail project traffic, all movements, with the exception of the minor street approach left turn movement, of both intersections are expected to operate with acceptable levels of service during both the morning and afternoon peak hours. The minor street approach and left turn movement may operate with long delays with the current configuration of the South Frontage Road during the afternoon peak hour at both intersections. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 4. Table 4 – Background LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Background South Frontage Road/West Lionshead Circle Westbound Left/Right South Left 16.2 8.8 CA38.8 8.6 EA 2015 Background South Frontage Road/Forest Road Eastbound Left Westbound Left Northbound Left/Through/Right Southbound Left/Through/Right 8.1 8.5 16.1 22.5 AACC 9.1 8.4 25.3 37.8 AADE Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 43 South Frontage Road & Forest Road With realignment of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is also proposed. With this realignment, the future intersection of South Frontage Road with Forest Road is anticipated to be a roundabout. With development of this project, West Lionshead Circle is anticipated to intersect with the realigned Forest Road in a T-intersection approximately 200 feet south of the roundabout. Sidra Analysis As requested by Town of Vail staff, this future roundabout intersection has been analyzed using Sidra analysis software. With this configuration, the future roundabout intersection of South Frontage Road with Forest Road is anticipated to operate acceptably throughout the long term 2030 horizon during both AM and PM peak hours evaluated with or without the Simba Run underpass. Table 5 provides the results of the Sidra level of service at this future roundabout. Table 5 – South Frontage Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Sidra LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba 5.2 A 23.9 C 2030 Total with Simba 5.3 A 23.1 C Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 44 Rodel Analysis As requested by Town of Vail staff, this future roundabout intersection has also been analyzed using Rodel analysis software. The roundabout is anticipated to operate acceptably at LOS A during both peak hours of the long term 2030 horizon. Table 6 provides the results of the Rodel level of service at this future roundabout. Table 6 – South Frontage Road & Forest Road Roundabout Rodel LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba 3.8 A 7.8 A 2030 Total with Simba 6.3 A 8.9 A Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 45 Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle The future T-intersection of Forest Road with West Lionshead Circle is anticipated to operate with stop control along West Lionshead Circle. As such, all movements at this future intersection are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 7 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 7 – Forest Road & West Lionshead Circle LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left/Right Southbound Left 11.2 7.8 BA14.6 8.7 BA 2030 Total with Simba Westbound Left/Right Southbound Left 13.5 8.3 BA18.9 9.1 CA With development of the project, it is recommended that a southbound left turn lane be constructed along Forest Road at West Lionshead Circle. The maximum vehicle queue length for the southbound to eastbound left turn at the access driveway is anticipated to be 25 feet (as shown in the 2030 analysis in Appendix E). Therefore, the 75-feet of storage provided in the current design is expected to accommodate the southbound left turn vehicle queues. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 46 South Frontage Road & Proposed Access A Access A will provide full turning movements to and from the west side of the Ever Vail development along South Frontage Road. As such, all movements at this future intersection along South Frontage Road are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term horizon. Table 8 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 8 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access A LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left Northbound Left Northbound Right 9.4 16.0 13.1 ACB 9.3 23.5 14.7 ACB 2030 Total with Simba Westbound Left Northbound Left Northbound Right 13.0 25.0 15.1 BCC 10.6 23.7 13.6 BCB It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn lanes be provided along the access driveway approach to South Frontage Road. It is also recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along South Frontage Road at this proposed full movement access driveway to help facilitate northbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 47 South Frontage Road & Proposed Access B Access B is anticipated to provide three-quarter turning movement access to and from the west side of the site along South Frontage Road. This future T-intersection with South Frontage Road is anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 9 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 9 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access B LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left Northbound Right 8.8 12.6 AB9.1 13.8 AB 2030 Total with Simba Westbound Left Northbound Right 11.1 13.1 BB10.1 12.0 BB South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C Access C is anticipated to provide three-quarter turning movement access to and from the east side of the Ever Vail development along South Frontage Road. This future T-intersection with South Frontage Road is anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 10 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 10 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access C LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Westbound Left Northbound Right 10.0 11.7 AB10.6 12.7 BB 2030 Total with Simba Westbound Left Northbound Right 14.6 13.1 BB12.8 12.2 BB Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 48 South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D Access D is anticipated to provide right-out only access from the east side of the Ever Vail development site along South Frontage Road. This future T-intersection with South Frontage Road is anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 11 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 11 – South Frontage Road & Proposed Access D LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Northbound Right 13.2 B 14.4 B 2030 Total with Simba Northbound Right 22.2 C 18.1 C Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 49 Forest Road & Proposed Access E Access to the east side of the development site will be provided by a full movement access along Forest Road. It is expected that this intersection will operate with stop control on the driveway approach to Forest Road. With development of this project, it is expected that all movements at this future access are anticipated to operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 12 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 12 – Forest Road & Proposed Access E LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Northbound Forest Approach Driveway Approach 2.0 10.4 AB1.2 14.9 AB 2030 Total with Simba Northbound Forest Approach Driveway Approach 0.7 11.2 AB0.6 17.7 AC Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 50 Forest Road & Proposed Access F Access to the east side of the Ever Vail development site will be provided by a full movement entrance only access street along Forest Road. With development of this project, it is anticipated that all movements at this future access will operate acceptably during both AM and PM peak hours throughout the long term 2030 horizon. Table 13 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection. Table 13 – Forest Road & Proposed Access F LOS Results Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Delay (sec/veh) LOS Delay (sec/veh) LOS 2015 Total without Simba Southbound Approach 0.3 A 0.1 A 2030 Total with Simba Southbound Approach 0.3 A 0.1 A Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 51 5.3 Auxiliary Turn Lane Recommendations The State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule categorizes the segment of South Frontage Road adjacent to the site as F-R. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road provides one lane of travel in each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. As such, auxiliary turn lane requirements at the existing intersections of South Frontage Road with West Lionshead Circle and the proposed access driveway are recommended based on requirements provided in the State Highway Access Code for category F-R roadways with a 25 mile per hour speed limit. According to the Access Code, a left turn deceleration lane plus taper with storage length is required for any access with a projected peak hour ingress volume greater than 25 vehicles per hour (vph). A right turn deceleration lane plus taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour ingress turning volume greater than than 50 vph. Based on the 25 mile per hour posted speed limit, acceleration lanes would not be required. As such, auxiliary turn lane requirements are as follows: Access A & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. According to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed to provide 150 feet for a full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South Frontage Road (west of Access A) proposed with the project to help facilitate northbound to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 52 westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. This westbound left turn acceleration lane should be constructed to provide 90 feet of full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn lanes be constructed to facilitate more efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access B & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted (will be constructed) at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. In accordance with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane will be constructed at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access A. It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access C & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 53 According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. As recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access B. It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access D & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 54 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis presented in this report, Kimley-Horn believes the proposed Ever Vail Redevelopment project will be successfully incorporated into the future roadway network. The proposed project development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the following recommendations: South Frontage Road Recommendations With redevelopment of the proposed project, South Frontage Road will be realigned adjacent to Interstate 70 between the existing western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and the western project boundary where the road will resume its current alignment. In conjunction with this realignment, Forest Road will be realigned to the approximate location of the current western intersection of West Lionshead Circle with South Frontage Road in a roundabout. Due to roadway geometrics, West Lionshead Circle is proposed to terminate in a T-intersection with Forest Road approximately 200 feet south of the future roundabout. These improvements are consistent with the Vail Transportation Master Plan. According to the Vail Transportation Master Plan, South Frontage Road is recommended to be widened along the project frontage to include one through lane in each direction with continuous eastbound and westbound acceleration/deceleration lanes. According to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However, acceleration lanes are not warranted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. Based on recommendations included in the Vail Transportation Master Plan, acceleration lanes will be constructed to provide continuous acceleration/deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage. In addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed even though the lane appears to be isolated and unconnected. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 55 Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed left turn lanes along South Frontage Road are recommended to be constructed in accordance with the State Highway Access Code as required by CDOT. Since the speed limit of South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through lane transition lengths will follow the redirect taper of 15 to 1. Access A & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. According to the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access A (western west side full movement access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed to provide 150 feet for a full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that a left turn acceleration lane be designated along westbound South Frontage Road (west of Access A) proposed with the project to help facilitate northbound to westbound left turn movements exiting the development onto westbound South Frontage Road. This westbound left turn acceleration lane should be constructed to provide 90 feet of full lane width with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn lanes be constructed to facilitate more efficient egress movements onto South Frontage Road. This northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 56 Access B & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted (will be constructed) at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 90 feet of storage with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. In accordance with the Vail Transportation Master Plan, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane will be constructed at the intersection of Access B (eastern west side access) with South Frontage Road with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access A. It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access C & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations According to the State Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on traffic volume projections with development of the proposed project. According to the code, this left turn deceleration lane should provide 175 feet of storage (which includes passenger car equivalents for transit vehicles) with an additional 7.5 to 1 taper. As recommended in the Vail Transportation Master Plan and in accordance with the State Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane is warranted at the intersection of Access C (western east side access) with South Frontage Road based on projected traffic volumes with development of the project. This eastbound lane should be constructed as a continuous acceleration/deceleration lane from Access B. B.Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Redevelopment Page 57 It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access D & South Frontage Road Intersection Recommendations It is recommended that the right-out only northbound approach should operate with stop control and be posted with an R1-1 “STOP” sign in accordance with MUTCD requirements. Access E and Forest Road Recommendations It is recommended that the proposed western Access E driveway along Forest Road operates with stop control on the minor street approach to Forest Road with a “STOP” (R1-1) sign placed according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. General Recommendations All on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements should be incorporated into the Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDOT standards, as well as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices – 2009 2009 Edition (MUTCD). Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDICES Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDIX A Conceptual Site Plan Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDIX B Existing Traffic Volumes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDIX C 2025 Traffic Volumes from Vail Transportation Master Plan Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDIX D Trip Generation Worksheets Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail APPENDIX E Intersection Analysis Worksheets Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Sidra Analysis Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Rodel Analysis Revision No. 3 11/05/10 2015 AM Confidence Level – 85% Modified AM Traffic Volumes LOS Queuing Calculations Forest Road (Northbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 Frontage Road (Westbound Leg) Frontage Road (Eastbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 2015 PM Confidence Level – 85% Modified PM Traffic Volumes LOS Queuing Calculations Forest Road (Northbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 Frontage Road (Westbound Leg) Frontage Road (Eastbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 2030 AM Confidence Level – 85% Modified AM Traffic Volumes LOS Queuing Calculations Forest Road (Northbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 Frontage Road (Westbound Leg) Frontage Road (Eastbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 2030 PM Confidence Level – 85% Modified PM Traffic Volumes LOS Queuing Calculations Forest Road (Northbound Leg) Revision No. 3 11/05/10 Frontage Road (Westbound Leg) Frontage Road (Eastbound Leg) Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 096094.004/Vail Resorts’ Ever Vail Synchro Analysis