HomeMy WebLinkAboutAn Overview of the Lionshead Master Plan 0301Vail Town Council March 1, 2011 Community Development Department Two Distinct Steps… Overview Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Lionshead Mixed Use-2 District Development Review Process NOW Development Review Master Plan Amendment Major Subdivision Rezoning SDD Amendment Commercial Core Parking Amendment LATER March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 2 PURPOSE… Master Plan Zoning Regulations Development Review Actions to Date Next Steps March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 3 What is a Master Plan…? “A master plan is a guide, a flexible framework for future action. It articulates a community’s fundamental land use policies, principles and goals in a broad and general way. It plans for the future physical development of an area of the community, including its functional and circulation systems and public facilities.” March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 4 What’s the Problem…? Lionshead lacks the charm, character, appeal and vibrancy expected of a world class resort. It lacks a sense of arrival and a sense of place. Pedestrian flow through the mall can be confusing and disconnected… Potential hospitality, retail and recreational uses, and community amenities are unmet or unrealized. It would be short-sighted to ignore these conditions and do nothing. The opportunity exists for the public and private sectors to act collaboratively to renew and revitalize this important component of our community. Vail Town Council, November 4, 1996 March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 5 What is the Plan’s Role in the Development Review Process…? “...a proposal’s adherence to the policies contained in the adopted Master Plan will be one of the factors analyzed by staff, the DRB, the PEC, and the Town Council” March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 6 Who Implements the Plan…? Applicants Staff DRB PEC Town Council March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 7 Purpose of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan…Chapter1 …outlines the Town’s objectives and goals for the enhancement of Lionshead …proposes economic incentives and requirements for public and private properties ...comprehensive guide for property owners and town officials responsible for planning public improvements …recommends specific public improvement projects that are strategically important to the future success of Lionshead March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 8 Six Policy Objectives…Chapter 2 Renewal and Redevelopment …become warmer, more vibrant Vitality and Amenities…conference facilities, ice rink, parks Stronger Economic Base Through Increased Live Beds…increase the bed base Improved Access and Circulation…pedestrian, bicycle, vehicle and public transit flow Improved Infrastructure…public and private services improved to meet guest and resident expectations Creative Financing for Enhanced Private Profits and Public Revenues…fiscally realistic strategies and adequate capital March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 9 Existing Conditions…Chapter 3 Existing Conditions…Chapter 3 Existing Conditions…Chapter 3 Overall Master Plan Recommendations – Chapter 4 Maintain Visual Connections with View Corridors and North/South Orientation of buildings Provide Physical Connections to Gore Creek & Red Sandstone Creek Create Public View Corridors Provide Public Transportation to West Lionshead and Public Transit Improvements March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 13 Overall Master Plan Recommendations – Chapter 4 Improve Vehicular & Pedestrian Circulation with Frontage Road Realignment Complete Frontage Road Improvements to Handle Increased Traffic Volume Provide a Pedestrian/Bicycle Path Along the South Frontage Road Encourage the Future Creation of the Simba Run Underpass March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 14 Overall Master Plan Recommendations – Chapter 4 Construct Dispersed Loading & Delivery Facilities Provide Public Parking Improvements with Strong and Convenient Relationships to the Primary Destination Public Parking Must Be Created to Meet the Desired Demand March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 15 Overall Master Plan Recommendations – Chapter 4 West Lionshead is a Potential New Site for Public Parking (400 spaces) West Lionshead is a Identified as a Location for Significant Employee Housing Provide Public Art in Pedestrian Areas Create Opportunities of Youth Recreation (ie, Pearl Street Mall) Maintain, Preserve and Enhance Live Beds March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 16 Master Plan Recommendations – Chapter 5 Examines individual parcels or groups of parcels Identify important functional relationships Describe potential development scenarios All proposals consistent with the plan should be considered March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 17 Site Design Guidelines…Chapter 6 Describes the details that create “place” Creates character and quality Focuses on the fabric of the public spaces March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 18 Site Design Guidelines…Chapter 6 Development Standards…Chapter 7 Density GRFA Site Coverage Setbacks Landscape Area Building Height Adopted LMU-1 & 2 Zone Districts in 1999 March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 20 Architectural Design Guidelines…Chapter 8 Vision Statement… Designing in response to our regional heritage, adhering to a consistent architectural order, and enhancing the public experience will enable Lionshead to define its own identity…making it a distinct and special place full of vitality and interest. March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 21 Architectural Design Guidelines…Chapter 8 The pedestrian experience is the most important… …careful design of the architecture that defines the public spaces. …avoid monotonous streetscape framed by monolithic concrete slabs of building. …use of ornament, artwork, detail, and color reflects individuality and establishes variety March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 22 Architectural Design Guidelines…Chapter 8 New vs. Old Should & Shall “Triggers” Prioritization Criteria for Deviations Quantitative Design Criteria March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 23 Architectural Design Guidelines…Chapter 8 Portals Edge Definers Public Space Definers Landmarks Pedestrian Streets Architecture Form and Massing Building Height March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 24 Architectural Design Guidelines…Chapter 8 Exterior Walls Doors and Windows Roofs Dormers Gutter and Downspouts Snow Guards Chimneys March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 25 Master Plan Amendments… How have conditions changed since the Plan was adopted? How is the Plan in error? How would an addition, deletion, or change to the Plan be in concert with the Plan in general? March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 26 Lionshead Mixed Use-2 …provide sites for a mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, light industrial activities. …ensure adequate light, air, open space. …maintain the desirable qualities by establishing appropriate site development standards. …encourage incentives for redevelopment per the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 27 LMU-2; Not Like the Others… …specifically developed to provide economic incentives for redevelopment. …incentives include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density. …create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment. …help finance public, off site improvements. …created to eliminate SDD’s March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 28 Major Exterior Alteration...LMU-2 SCOPE NARROWS March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 29 March 1, 2011 Criteria for Review & Findings… That the proposal is consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood. The proposal is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use -2 District. The proposal is in substantial compliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan Community Development Department 30 March 1, 2011 Findings… “The burden of proof shall rest solely with the applicant to demonstrate that the proposed applications are in compliance with the prescribed criteria for review.” Community Development Department 31 March 1, 2011 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES… Town Council Establish Policy Direction Final Decision Developer Improvement Agreement (IGA) Major Subdivision Master Plan Amendment Zoning Code Amendments Rezoning SDD Amendment Call-Up/Appeal Community Development Department 32 March 1, 2011 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES… Planning & Environmental Commission Implement Policy Direction Final decision Major exterior alteration Conditional use permits Advisory to Town Council Major Subdivision Master Plan Zoning Code Amendments Rezoning SDD Amendment Community Development Department 33 March 1, 2011 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES… Design Review Board Final Decision Chapter 11, Design Guidelines, Vail Town Code Chapter 8, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Community Development Department 34 March 1, 2011 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES… Town Staff Technical review Facilitate the development review process Community Development Department 35 Actions to Date… Master Plan Amendment Recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the amendments to Chapters 4 and 5 March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 36 Actions to Date… Major Subdivision Recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the preliminary plan March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 37 Actions to Date… Rezoning Recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the proposed zoning March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 38 Actions to Date… SDD Amendment Recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the proposed major sdd amendment March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 39 Actions to Date… Commercial Core Text Amendment Recommendation of approval, with conditions, on the incorporation of the project in the commercial core parking area designation March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 40 Next Steps… Town Council Action March 1, 2011 Community Development Department 41