HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW11-0025 R.A. Nelson a � ��� T� , TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1309 ELKH�RN DRIVE VAIL; CO 81�57 p. 970�479-2'!98 f. 970-479-2'i 6fi Enspections 97D-479-2149 11iOTE: �HIS PER1V11T MUS�B� PRES�'NT A�'JaB SITE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT � Permit # PVIi11�0025 Jnb Address: 60d W L�ONSHEAD C1R VA1L Stat�s , . . ; ISSUED Lacation.....: FIRST CHAIR Issue Date. . : 041"�2{2Q1� ' Parcel N�...; 210106308004 APPLIGANT R.A. NELSON &ASSOCIAT�S, tN �4112120'19 Phone: 970-949-5152 PO DRAWER 5400 AVQN Colorado 81B20 Lieense: 170-A CON7RACTOR R.A. NELSON &ASSOCIATES, IN 04/12/2011 Phone: 970-949-5'�52 PO DRAW ER 5400 AVON Calorada 8�62(} License: 170-A OWNER VAIL C�RP Q411212Q19 PO B�X 7 VAlL C� S'i 658 Descip�ion: NORTH DAY�OT DEVELOPM�NT �F#R:t*1!f##:M4!#fa�i'y`witi4klk*+Yi�F**R�h1t�l�YiYt��1M'Mfa�txrfewrwdsfFifll:li**Ml+ie��f t+t*<+F�MW#k'k*+YkkiWNA�.iw+Mwr*4k*k:Y*R#:YkkYr*k�i}-tia-aa�fiyy�rtt!/:YYf+Fi:1:YlY'k*A:Y4twRM�R�'yYi^���ttY#�Faxa�isawi+wv�a:4fY CONDiTION O�APPROVAL ifara»rR-i/fl+t*�1:Y�F+ekMir*le�Mx�/+.rf^+xxrswwvltrkAint,t:FkrMrAwl.sr�ifaf ixfiwsik�rhrwwwwrawwRiYMfriYwR:rhxx*kziKrmi�wii.rrft��YirAffRffx}xkff*irekfA*+4rrrwr�e�xsRx�ew:Yfr�r�kMf►..e,twww,r�xkkeA+ri��y . �ECLARA710NS I certify that � have read all chapters of Title 8 and Ti#le 13 of the Vai1 Municipal Code and all utility campany agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the sarne, a�d that al! utilities as required. P�blic Works wili ha�e a specidetail book a�aifahle in April af 1998. **'�`**�""�` REQU S FOR INSPECTION SHAl.L BE MADE T�NENTY-FtaUR HOURS IN '�"*��� V NCE TE PHaNE AT 970-479-2'[49 DR AT OUR OFFICE FR4M 8:�0 AM - 4 PM. , � ` � SIGNA3UR OF 0 N� OR CONTRACTOR FOR H1MS�LF AND OWNER DAT �"� �►`�. � PRINT NAME ##*�***������*�#*�*��#��**�*�**##�&*�,k�*#*###�����w#*t#�t#���##��#������#��###**�#�#*#�*�*�� TO�VN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staeennen# *�k�k�8�#�k*:t�*�k�k:k�kx*�k+k�M�R��iwk*�k�k=F�*#�ki�#�#�k#k��k�N b�M&k��N�k�k�k�k�k�k��k+k�k##�k##*�*#*#�k#*�k*�k*�R#�k�k�k#�k*�k:kxa�&�k���k#��k Stateinent Number: R1.100Q0299 AmounL: $150.0� 04/J.2/201103:09 PM Payment Methad: Check Init: LS Notation: ck# �.87737 Fermit No: Pin711-0025 Type: PUBLTC WAY P�RMIT Parcel No: 2107.-063-06D�-4 5ite Address: 600 G�7 LIONSHEAD CIR VA�L Location: FIRST CHAIR Tatal E`ees: $7.5D.OD This Payment_ $1.50.00 'Tota7. A�L Pmts: $15D.00 Balance: $0.00 *��*����*�*����:�****:�*�x��s�*��*�*��x*�a�*�*�*a������:x�=��*�*��*�x��*�*u�x:��x��*:���s���x�x��*��x*�a�x��*�� ACCOUN'�'TT'EM LIST: Account Code Description Gurrent Pmts ST �O1000D3�.12Z00 PUBLIC W'AY FE�S �5E].00 MUST B�SUBMITTED MflV 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRiOR TO PERMiT ISSUANCE . APPLlCATION FQit RIGHT�F WAY USE-STREE'F CUT P��MIT PRJ#: '�`�'' �`��� . Town of Vai1 pW#; �j,� (J��� Puhllc Works Dept Parcef#: 93p9 Elkho�n Dr� B[dg Perr�it#: B(."�' C] ��-� Vail,C4$1657 WARNING: lncluslatt of falsn information in#his�ermit application establishes an automat�cdenial far a Right of Way Use-5treet Cut Permit and forFeiture of applfcatlon fees. By signing this permit,the applicant declares helshe has read all contents of fhis document, 7own of Vail Roadway 5tandards and chapters of 7itle S—Public Ways and Property,of the Vai!Munirapal Gode and is fully aware of its requirements and agrees to pay all app�icabfe fees. Appfication Fee:$900.�0 , Company , CQmpany Narrie: �r f�=��-�5 0�±�- Phone: a�'�G3 �'�'��� ���� CitylStatef . Cornpany Address: �.t�. � ��''C� Zip: I� � �lC! �!�� Cvntractor License Numher: . �mail:�� �✓�sL.� ��/�" x�,�c�.�/l , �� Contact Contact N�me: -�G���v� �.��`�-7a-r Phone: `�7� �f�/-Ct�C.} � -- � . . ROW Use l.ocation: � Requested ROW / ;.: .` .. Requested .' � Use Dates: �,��t�J�� 1 to 3/� l'�` `�� Work Tir.ries: _ ID s4;r�r ,�..i:�l� PurpoSe for Request: � r � .� � . Streat C�iE.Dirnens"ron(if applicable}: � . ❑ Underground l3tility lnstallation � . � ' /' , . � � , 0 Landscaping . LengtEi: N/ 7" �Ternp Site Access � � �r i: �. � . ❑ Construction�Staging V1lidth (min 4'): � � .� � 0 Roadway Constructio � ��[ � - � f •� _ ❑ Other(expfain): �r���'-�CG�� � �°�(��:Tata!Square��.Footage: �„IlT.• . : ". Requested ROW Use: � � ' . . ❑ Single Lane Closure-Iff o'F closure(including:taper) ;. � . . � Tvvo Lane Closure-Ift of closure (inclui�ing-tap�r) � � �� � ��� � . 0 Theee Lane Closure-Ifk of.cEosure,.(incfudi�g taper) : ❑ SidewalklBike P�ath�.:=Ift of��clasure � � � � � ' � Other:(explain):��: � CGZ�<• c- _ , . �b,,��: G.�,� . 1. Applicant sha[I subrriit'a:fraffic.:control�plan,and-work s�tel&tagin�Gplan wi4h this:application. Traf#ic Control Plan sh�li he in compliance�ivitii the MUTCD and shall shov�►streets with.r�arr��s,adjacent intersectivns, acivanced wami�g signage,:taper�lengf�is,tiuffer space and rrvork zori�d�mensiahs:�Na fUll street closures are allowed � . . 2. Appfivant must cantact Public Works bepartment at 473-2"[98 2A�hours prior to commenciRg of work. F'ailure to r�oti�y the Tawn will res�lt in forfeiture of 6ond money. 3. Applicanf is res�onsible for obtafning appravals from all utility companies F�aving an existing utility line within the project site,atpplicant has vption of routing application through the Public Worics ofFice to obtain the necessary'Town af Vail signatures. Please a11ow up to one vsieek to ptocess. ' r ,. )Ccel Enery (84D-822-7987) � ��. Qwest(.80U-922-�987} Cor�cast{SOa-922-'I987) � Hofy GroSS��ect�ic(800-922-1887) Eagle River Water&Sanitatian Qlstrfak(974-47��-5453) Town oP Vail E(ectric(97U-479-2959) T of Vail frrigatlon(970-479-2758) � , �t,�-; S J� �r Prtnt Appliaent Narne App i nt gnature a#e �;Icdev�FORMSIPermiislPubllc Workslrow application_ nd fees�0425 B.dod Page'4 of 9 D210312009