HomeMy WebLinkAboutB08-0086.pdf � _F�� � C�� - �� C� , � � � � � co � � D&D Environmental Consulting, Inc. MAY 2 3 �008 7000 South Broadway,Suite 2D Centennial,Colorado 80122 (303)730-7877 FaX�so3>�soass� TOWN OF �/AI L___ May 23, 2008 VIA E-MAIL Mr. Brent Arnold Pre-Construction Manager J.L. Viele Constiuction,Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail,CO 81657 RE: Report of Findings—Limited Residential Asbestos Renovation Survey 1995 Chamonix Lane Vail,CO D&D Project No. 080513 Dear Mr.Arnold: D&D Enviromnenta] Consulting,Inc. (D&D) is pleased to provide the results of the walk-tlu•ough and collection of representative bulk samples of suspect asbestos containing iliaterials fi•om the residential structure referenced above. The asbestos survey was limited to collection of representative bulk samples of suspect diywall and diywall joint coinpound,texture and floor tiles and associated mastic. Reportedly,these materials may be impacted by the renovation activities. The walk-tln•ough of the renovation areas,collection of representative bulk sainples,and delivery of the bulk satnples to an independent analytical laboratory was completed on May 15,2008. The work was perforined by D&D Building Inspectors,certified and accredited by the Enviromnental Protection Agency (EPA)and the State of Colorado. UNDERSTANDING D&D understands that a representarive of J.L. Viele Constiuction,Ii1c. was seeldng a professioilal enviromnental consulting company to conduct a walk-tlu•ough and conduct a limited asbestos survey of the areas impacted by renovation,collect representative bulk samples of suspect inaterials,and submit the bulk samples to an independent analytical laboratoiy for analysis based on iush 24-hour turnaround time. This report of findings was prepared based on the results of the analysis. SCOPE OF WORK Twenty-nine representative bulk samples were collected of suspect asbestos coutaining materials(ACM)on May 15, 2008. The representative bulk samples were submitted for asbestos content analysis of the following matet•ials: • Texture(5 types) • Drywall&drywall joint compound(3-types) • Floor tile and associated mastic ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES The bulk samples collected of suspect asbestos containing materials were deliver•ed to DCM Science Laboratory,a National Voluntary Laboratoiy Accreditation Program(NVLAP)asbestos laboratory located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado for iush 24-hour turnaround time analysis. All bulk samples are archived for six inonths unless otherwise stipulated by the client. �- --., i D4r. Brent Arnold 1995 Chammiix — Limited Asbeslos Survey OS0513 ivtay 15, 2008 Page 2 According to the analytical laboratoiy, the bulk sa�lzples were analyzed in acco��dance with �PA Method 600/R- 93/ ll 6. Small portions of the sample were placed in Sei•ies : E High Dispersion Refi•active Index Liquid ou a microscope slide. The prepared samples were observed at I OOX (power) under polarized light using a McCrone Dispersion �taining Objective . The cilaracteristics of the fibers were compared to the laiowu propel•ties of asbestos fibers for dispe7sion color, polarity, extinetion aud general morphology. Sample content (given by percentage) was made by visual estimates by comparison of asbestos fibet•s to total materials. I2ESiJ�.'�'S The US �ilviromilental Protection Agency (EPA) , the Occupational Safety and I-3ealth Admuiistratiozi (OSHA) , and the State of Colorado Au• Quality Control Commission considers a matet�ial as asbestos contaiiung if the reported amoui7t of asbestos is gr•eate�• than oue percent. According to the analytical report, all of the samples were reported as a trace amouut ( 1 % or less) of asbestos. I3owever, tl�•ee of the drywall joiut compound samples were reported as contaiuing a trace amount of clu•ysotile asbestos and nine of the texture samples were reported as containing a trace amount of clu�ysotile asbestos . The remainiug texture and drywall and floor tile samples were reported as none detected (ND) for asbestos coiitent. The nuie texture sainples and the tlu-ee drywall joint compouud sainples we1•e re-submitted for rush 2-hour turnaround time point-count analysis. According to the analytica] results, the poilit-count of the nine texture samples confinned the results of the visual analytical method of a trace amouut of asUestos. The results of two of the three bulk samples of drywall were coufumed as containing a trace ainount of asbestos in the joint compound layer. Then remainiug sample was reported as containing 1 . 25 percent chiysotile asbestos in the diywall joint compouud layer and the coii7posite result of this sample was calculated to be less than oi7e-percent. A summary of the State of Colorado ' s policy statement regarding drywali and diywall joint compound, as it relates to deiuolition and renovation activities, listed below. The appropriate chain of custody form and the analytical results are attached . The Natioilai Binission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) requires that inaterials reported as contauiing a trace amount of asbestos ( 1 % or less) be confir•med by the poiut-count analytical method before they are reported as unregulated. If the point-count result con�rnls the result of the PLM method, those ivaterials may be considered u1n•egulated and will not have to be reinoved prior to demolition activities. According to the analytical report of the point-count analysis, the texture samples and the drywall joint compound samples were reported as trace amouilts of cluysotile asbestos. Therefore, these inaterials will not require removal prior to colmnencing demolition activities. However, under the OSHA Asbestos Regulations, limited engineer•ing controls, such as wet methods, must be designed and iustalied to �revent the f�elease of asbestos fibers during periods of disturbances. In addition, the renovation contractor as well as all other persomiel working in and around flie texture il�ust be notified of the trace amounts of asbestos detected and their locations. The Colorado Depar�ment of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) issued a policy statement regardiug demolition and renovation projects impacting asbestos containing diywall joint compound. A sununary of that policy follows . Dryi��czll nai+cl I7�as been foat�id, in m�any situati.ons, to coritain sign�ca�nt aisaounts of asbestos while tlae ,substrate syaaterial tlzat it zs appdied over inay not con�tain asbestos. Accordirrg to tlae State of Colorndo, if the composi.te analysis (pe�-cef�-t of asbestos iii the cofnbfa��ecl i�zzs.d/d�ywnll) is�dicates an asbestos co�zte�at of on.e�ef•cent or less, even th�oitgh th�e inu�d �nay cor7tnin. greatei° tlzan one pe��cent, the n�.aterzad r�s not co�zsic�e�-ed �asbestos contazn�ing for� tlte pu�poses of der�zolition of th.e enti.f•e wall, a�ad tlzer�efo�°e does not fall unc�ef° the asbestos crbate»ient i•equire�nents ofRegulatiori 8. However, if th�e d�ywall niud itself is im�pacted by sandii�g, drilling or scraping, these actil�ities may fall un�der• tlze CDPHE Regiilation No. 8. Iii acic�ition, unc3er OSHA r�egu�latiofzs, tlae de»aodition cont�°actor must be �aotified of the t�°ace anzount,s of asbestos. Cont�°ol rneczsures nzust be ii�stadled th.at elimin�ate potential exposur•e to the wof°I�ef�s wh�en it is distz�rbed. Mr. Brent Arnold 1995 Cli�unoiiix — Li�nited Asbestos Survey 080513 May I5, 7008 Pa�e 3 �������������� � ��� ������� Although the Yextures and drywall joint compound are not considered a regulated material by the State of Colorado or the USEPA, the OSHA Asbestos Regulations must be followed during periods of disturbances and require the use of limited engineering controls, such as wet inefhods, and notification of the asbestos content to all persomlel involved with f�enovation activities. D&D appi•eciates the opportunity to assist you with your asbestos sampling needs. If you have any questions regarding this report of findings, please do not hesitate to call us at (303 ) 730-7877 . � nicerely, D&D �NVIRONM�NTAL CONSULTING, .INC. David A. Schmitz Douglas A. Aldinger, O . H . S .T. Director of Operations General Manager Attacl»vents