HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ04-0368 D04-0022.pdf 09/22/2004 14:31 FAh 303 534 7034 1iAC BESTOS INC [�002 -. __. __,. . „�. ,,1 ,�rJJG7<14�1. FAMILY EN1�TR F'AGE @3 . � �Family ' , �riv�ranm�nta� ' � � Cu�pliane� � �1'V'IC�S'� �h�. ; I � �0�- Q �LZ- Septemb�r 22,24Q4 � �������D MfacCiestas��tc. ' S F� `�, � C J�pi � Jim Rivas,.rr. I235 De)awaxa � '�'C��/-COnII.�EV. Dcnv�r, CU 8020q� _.__..-.._ _.__ --�._---.�_�_.. R�; PCM.Final Air C1e�rance/S(?Q E, i�9�nshead�V�.�1, CU Aq req�xested, �'a.�i.1y Envimtltn�ttaj Cornpliance Services, lnc,p�omacd a tna.l dirclearanr,� for your asbestos abatez�acr�t projcc�at the abov�referenced address, Fina) clearance ai.r sanrapRz�g was perforinecl fall�yvin�;the renraoval of tlae asb�stcss cont�i�t.i:��; material and s�mp�es w�e.r�colleated,and ana.iy�d by a suce�ssfu!AIH�1 pa�rticipating r�;ez�rxbtr. American Abateme��, [�c, pez�o�med Che removal and di�posa�l of the asbestns cantaa��ng rnate.riai. I��t�ily Environment�I Cvm�liance Se,rvaces,Inc. conducted a visua}abscrvation of�ti�e wa��C area a�v,re�1 a,,5�'C'M Finat Air Clearance Tes�in�g, �t+eas were visihly c�ea�n of as�stos an� collected mir sar,�pt�testrlts were O.Q1 f/cc(ft�xs per cubic cerrtimete.r o�air)or y�ss,at the tim�e c�f t#tis sanipfin�. �`k�is is�e lcvel the EFA at�d th�State of CvbrAdo,A,a,r(?ua�aty C�ntrol G�mmission xcqu��res all samptes tn be eqy�,) to,or l�ss than, in vrder to have an area reiea,sec� to the pub�ic. A visual ob5e�rr��o�wae eonducted to ensure that ric� visib�e duat or d�bris re���,�d in the wark area. L7�a sa.xxsfacCory cornpl�tion o.;�t�e�visual o8servat�ax�th��ir Mcmito.riag Specialist/lnspector pertorrned the finaJ c)ea,ra.nco testin�. Upon sakisfacfc�ry ccszzzpJetion of the visua(in;spcetic�n, the abat��cnt contractor was pc�mittec�t� e�capsulat�t��e wo�r�C ar�a„ 'This activity is perfarmed to coz�tm]the pos:,yble�lease of any nc�n- v�siblc fibers and to loc�.davtm�ny�Fbers�te�aining in the air,. �'k�is enc�sul�io�.process wa� per.�'oxmed usin�an air]ess sprayer and a 1iqu�d material tihat c�ates�seaJ Qr men►�bxat�c Av�r ti,� surf�cc bi�nding to�ether the cotnponents, �r�dl,�� Nv�,��a�cons: 365d Chastnut Ci�ea • Derwer.Cnla►'ada 8U21G �.��+ae-a R1�one:3�3�2�8�bU22 � Fa�x;3�3�2'92-f451 • C�mail: �amilyEn,v�rolQaal.ca.n AIWA (PAY) .PROfiICIEN'f, n9 ! 22 / 2004 14 : 31 F'!�<L' 303 5 .`i4 7034 �fAC BES'TOS INC f�ji. 00 >3 . _ _ _ 4 . �..� . .� .� .��� � � �.� �a �z ��6�firLY �ilIl� �'�:. l�4 , � �zx�e t,�� �n��gss��� ��� �.�, t�Z� ���. r�r� y �a� f��3 �� c���z��e T°h� .A,�x �c�.c��c����� ; � �al �st �Sex,fca �d � ��.��r� � , pZx�$ �� . � � 1 �1�e�� � ��� � i } "s�r� • �� :��a�. ; `�f'h� �c�� �f�a �1���� ��a���D� ���, x&�e �c�� ° t sa� � r�rs� tw ��� �ri�� a�` '' �s��tt�i:���a� ���.� ��t �� �p���d c°c��a�rz� y � �r� I �l �� ���ir��. ; ; Fi� (5) �;i� ������ �� ��;n ��a1l��t.� cc�ir�� �:r�h ��rol�t,tt�� �p �. �a l� �`� ���l�s°�G�� �� � dr��t�� �,i.�° �t �. �.�� c��' �{��-c��c��ar.�l� � q �a�cs �r ° �rt� CL.�� ' �1� 25rrazzs �a�ed ���1�x1�a� ' �t�r � � ��� ti�ro� t�.$ ���.�F} .�1�. , ��c�. � hc� d ia� �h I �e��ax d ��. 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