%����....' Project #: Yd� Sf� S - OS(o9
�` Building Permit #: 7�07- da27S
_�y Asbestos Permit #: ��r/-/�(J/]�
Required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998
75 S. Frontage Rd. Permit application will not be accepted without the following:
Vail, Colorado 81657 1. Copies of General Abatement Certifcate and State of Colorado Certifcation �
2. A wpy oP wntten arrangements wlth [he facility operators Por any Yemporary dlsabling of the
alr handling systems, fre sprinkler system, and alann sysCems with the names and contact
phone numbers of Lhese individuals.
3. Si[e plan with det'ails addressing: waste containersrorage location. waste load ouC area
location. entry and exltin9 Uetails of aba[emenC area. details of entry and exlGng plans for the
ocnipants of the structure in unaffected areas.
On Site Abatement Contractor. Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s:
E4'ftEn 'ron „��ISlrr: ���- �` Qro k �os nf • 7 • S 37
E-Mail Address: .f , �
Contractor Signature:
ASbestosAbatement: $ � � �OO . Oa
Contact Ea /e Coun Assesso�s Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-coun(v.com for Parce/ #
Parcel # 2 Z 2 p0
)ob Name: GrOS51"pq�s S�o�;�� ('wfyr Job Address ��{3 E. Ml�ow Qf.
Legal Description Lot; Block: Filing: Subdivision:
ownersName: [,k�,y4sAvee:.fn Address: 12 Vh:� �• � �OU Phone: q70, 1179 _ 7Soa
Project Mznagec Address: Phonc:
Project Designer. Address: Phone:
nir Monitoring Specialist:�h,. �� Address: 726I W. � /�, Phonc: 30,3 ]6,3 - 9639
Detailed description of work: L., .� e W
w, r.! � botle. • l, ;o : • �'oll, aa, t,d, � �-
StartDate: yj �� EndDafe: y ,26 � � StartTime: g'; pUp� QuitTme: [�'OU ..
Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet �.D Square Feet 2,00 55/Gal Drums: _
Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel �' Repair ( ) Demo ( ) Other ( )
Work Type: Intenor �i Exterior ( J Both O
T eofBid .: Sin le-famil Two-famil Multi-famil Commercial Restaurant Other
I Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes � No O - I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Yes No O
___ ., , �. ;:;._, . .-,:::. .. . ..___,:POR OFFICE USE ONLY: __,:. --::,: , . ::•,,:.:
MAR - 7 2007
P:AcdevAFONMSVPermiLqFreVasbestos_Germ 10-19-06.DOC PageLOfl 10/19/Oti
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IONS tNILL 8E RETIJRI�ICD . Cenver, CO 8u^24g_� �30
\� f`876 '�' , o ' � Phane= 303-c^g2-3100
` ..� (J � rmii �fvi11 be mailed io abGiem .. nt coniractor unless s �e;ified oihen���ise)
' �ax: 303-782-02!8
_ . . ��� .. ..�. -. r.�YV:��-�.� �..�_:.-�,�.3�- '
� Permit Ty� c- � 30-�ay I 90 Da�r � One-Yea � t�lo�ic.: Or. I� iu5:Tra7�fer� I�G_o�esy �� ot� ce �
. Single-Yamily Residentiai Dwel(ing ONLY � ! � ' i � i ,`�
; > �0 !F cr 32 SF ora 55-aal. drum, but i � � i o� I { ��%� I I �3�� I I �v� I ��.Q I I � O 1�2° u
5 260" i_F of � fi0 SF oi a 55-gal_ drUm � �
� I � i i , Ckay io Pax �
Public & Commercial, School, and Single- j j � '
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� I Company iVame ' Il9uilding Name � ��������_I A
o � Elite Enviror?men } al Services , Inc� � Cross Roads 5hopping Center
`' Sireet �
� i . � N � Specii�� location in ihe 6uilding tvnere svork arill take piac� (e.g. rloor, room, wing, e[c.)
� 1550 Larimer St , � 517 � � Basemen �
UCiiy Stace � Zip Code C ! Stree; — ;
� ( �
� I Denver ` I CO I80202 � � 143 Ee Meadow Dre
� � Telepnone With .Area Code Colorado G�C ��umber � �;
� � � tY Siace Ceunty Zip Code
a� 303 - 674 - 5437 46 - 9706139 � � Vail � � IEagle � 81657 ,
� I Project Supervisor Coloraao Cari. ��umber ' Bwldina Contact i efe hore wuh Area Code
i p Buliding Contact Person
`� Armando Lopez 9523
_ 970 - 479 - 7500 IMichael English
� .andfill iVame I Owner's i�ame
�, Tower Rdo & Foothills Landfill �, L � English and Associates �
� Street � � Street ;
� 88th �� vea & Tower Rda � � � 12 Vail Rda Ste 700 ;
p L�tY � State Zip Code � = (;;'ry State P e --
�, Commerce City CO � 80022 � c� Vail � CO � 81 657 �
❑ I Teiepnone VVth �>rea Code • �=, `
� p l elephone Wih Area Code
� 303 - 371 - 5115 � � �
,�.,... ,� ' 970 - 479 - 7500
i Colorado Project Managers Name � Start Date End �aie �
� 4 / 23 / 7 I4 / 26 / 7
� ! Telepiione Wiih :�rea Coae I Colo. Pro Ds r Lert. Number I Start Time I
� � �' g ' �(V End Time �I
07 I C
� � � — •-° 8 m .00 PM , 4 a 00 PM
� ( Colcrdo Projeci Designer's Name �
I � I__ Amount orAs6estos
� � 0 f �inear �eer. Square Feet I 55 gal Drums:
G� � � - "- I
� a I Telephone VUth Area Code j Colo, °roi. Dsar. Cart. Number = 2 2 O
� i
� � I � i_ Days of Oaeration - Check all thai apply:
�, i Air Nloniiorina Specialists Name � .-
U �-. I Sun. I iVion. Tue. I VUed. Tnu. i �ri. i 5at.
� � 5herri Herron °- � � XXX XXX I XXX � XXX �
� IC i e�ephone �Nich �rea Coae �,oio qibiS . Cert. Numner �� � I I ,
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Approximately 200 square feet of boiler insulation and 20 square feet of
pipe insulation will be removed inside a full containment using wet methods
and hand toolsm
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� ERR� � HERRON� EnterprisesUSAlnc. PhFax �303) ]839686
��' E-Mall Lennle.Harron@comcasl.net
�$IIBd Aabestos`Lead Paint'MOItl`Hazartlous Materials Websi[e www.HERRON.Enlerprlses.com
EnWronmental Services'Intlustrial Hv9lenlsts ]Y61 W H tl A L k tl C I tl BU22) 5305
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"� ` ' � ��41 �ST"��EAD�OW DRIVE; VA1L�, CO 81 5T -_
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� � ��B � I ����PLAN OF ACTION)ECT DE GNt � '�
�� !BA OF REPORT; FEBRUARY 20, 07 �>
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� ��o � � F�hon� (3Q3) 763 9639
� � �nterpris�s tlS�, ir�c. Fa� (303) 763 96�6
��Ma6! Ler�ni�.Werrorr@cemcast.ne�
b� °�� �bestos�L��d 6��in4��old*Nazardacss ��terial� �etssite s��r�r. Fl�RFt�� -�nterprises.corr�
�nviranrnenfi�P Service��le�dustriai Hy�ienists 7261 E�V. W�erapder� Ave., L�kewoad, �oidr�do 80227a53Q5
Feb�uary 20, 200'7
Thi� Praject Design (Plan of A�tion) has been submcantracted to and developed by HERRQN� Enterprises USA, Inc.
(HERRON�') for the Owner and/or General A.batement Contractar. HERROIV� has specifically prepared this Project l�esign
(Plaii of Action) fo� the use of th� Owner and/or General Abatement Can�ra�tor, a�id in coinpliance with th� submi�ted
requirements of Asbestos Abatement Specifications a�:
(3�� Pr�,� �c� 1'd€�a : 0�19031
�T�b �oo : Vet°bal
L,oc�.t�o�< �ofTet° I2oorr►, Ct°ossroads S��p�f�ag Cen���°, Va�t, CO �1657
3�at�(s) o�' Ser�ice: A.pr�123�26, 2007
S�r�v�ces I��q�aesteda ����onrr�e�a�l Consc�itat���/As�estos �1.����rrten� �t°o� ec� D�s��ta
Ofv�ae�°/�ro,�ect �4dr�inistrato�o Contt°tcct�t'
�ttgli��Z an�l �4ssocia�es �late �nvaN�n�nentral S`ervices �ra�
12 Vazl 1Zt1 1 S50 Larr�rze� S`treet #517
Vailp CO l�I657 1)e�ver�, CO �0202
(97Q)479 7500 / Fax (970)479 7501 (343) 674�5437 / Fax (303) 674�5463
�'szail: 1�ichaed@�'ngCish�ndassocia8ee c€s �'maal: broseazPraPer�aJaol corrt
c%. lElr. ltlicltael �nglish c%a Mr �root� Roseaz�ratet°
�rep��ed by I�esi��ae�°
H� ON� �nte�p�ses 8"I�`A, .I�c.
7261 W �r��rapden Ave�, Lakewood, CO �0227-5305
(303) 763 9639 /F� (303) 763 9686
�N��ale Le�nie.d��r°r�ota(a�ca�atcaszt�et
M�°< L.I' (Len�zie) �er°ro�t, dta�lc€stt°��l �,y�aen��t
I°�Iate: I�rawing of containtnent(s), location of �IEPA units, decontatnination unit(s), r�mate shower(s) load out(�), approved
landfill(s) subinit�als, statements, etc. are to b� provided by Con�ractor at time of Pr�-Coiistructioii Coiiferenc�.
Should the scope of work cl�ang� to the extent that these examp�les are �iot applicable, or if work area exam�les are ta be
scaled down to a mor� confined area, amended drawings sliould be provid�d by Cont�actor, prior to e�ecution, and sllould be
included in Project Desi�n (Plan of l�c�ian) ,
'Tllis Proj �ct IJesign (Plan af Action) is developed far the use of the Qv✓ner andlor General Abatement Contractar at the
aforementianed location, and is not intended far use at any oth�r location. Use of tl�is Project Design (1'lan of Ac�ion) by
the ather than the in�ended Client and/or their authoYized FZep�esentatives, and/or unauthorized reproduction without th�
express written permission of an officer of I�ERROlV�, is prohibited.
The Project Administrator9 Asbestos Project Manager9 and/or T3esigner retain th� rights to waive any farnlalities contained
herein, which may be iri the best interest of the Client, with Client authorization.
�� �RO � p �l�ane (3Q3) 763 9&39
E ,� �rtt�rpris�s fJ�A, Ersc. Fax (303) 763 96�6
�-�aiE Ler�nie.Herran@comcast.ne�
bP1� `� ,�sb�s4cs�*L�aci ��irst*Meld�l�a�ardaus �at�riaEs �/ebs@t� wvrr�.F9�R��� ��n@erprises.com
�nvirar�mental �ervices*Indu�tri�l Hygienisks 7261 Vd. li�svrpd�n Ave., Lak�wood, Coi�rado �0227�53@5
�'re�aa°�cl b�> Co�a�r� ct��°a
OPd� E�ete��s�s TJSA, I�eo EP�t� E�v�ron�e�r���l ���c�s I�c<
7261 �e �I�.�pde� Ae�ea, I ,a���o�d, �O �0227m5305 1550 L�.r���x° Stre�� #517
�303) 763 9639 / ��� (303) 763 96�6 I3e�tver°, CO �0202
E�1VI��Ie L,�ta�H�a�-I��°t°ot�@�ma���s�o��� (303) 674m5437 / F'a� (303} 674m�463
����e bz°�asen�ra�et° c�r �oi,c€�tr►
1VFro I..�'a (I .e����) I�e�°r°o�, I�d���ri�.l �I�gi�r�ist
I��si�ne�° Ivoa 25'72 l�t°a �rm�k Fto�end�°ate�
p �ressr�ad� �hnpping ��nte�
Errg�rp�ises USPa, Inc. ___ �ngli�h and o�ssocia�es, inc.
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S�+ C'TrO� C�3�1T'�+ I�dT
The fol�o�n� Sec�zons � re f��I�ade�i ��e�°e � p�bie,
01013 Surnrnary Of Work d Asbestos Abatement
01043 Project Coardinatian
01046 Cutting � Patching d Asbestos�Cantaining Materials
01091 Defmitions And Standards - Asbestos Abaternent
01092 Codes, Regulations Atid Standards N Asbestos l�ibatemen�
01313 5ch�dules, Reports, Paytnents - Asbestos Abatement
01340 Shop I3rawings, T?roduct Data And Sainples
01410 Air Monitoring � Test Laboratory Services
015Q3 Temporary Facilities - Asbestos Abatement
01513 'Temporary Pressure T�ifferential & Air Circulation System
01526 Temporary Bnclosut°es
01527 Regulated Areas
01529 Small-Scale Short-Duration Work
01560 Worker Protection - Asbestos Abatement
01562 FZespiratory Protection
01563 Decontamination LJnits
01701 Project Closeout - Asbestos Abatement
01711 Project Decontamination
01714 Work Area Clearance
02081 Removal Of Asbestos-Containing IVtaterials
02084 Disposal Of Asbestos-Containuig Waste Material
02087 Resilient Flooring Removal - Asbestos Abatement
09&05 Encapsulation of Asbestos-Containing Ivlaterials
O Cros�r�ad� �hopping ���t�r
�nCerpri��� �1��, {n�. --- �r�gli�h �nd �s�cia���, in�.
� 1013 �!J A�Y �F � EC � �� �S°�O� � A`�� ��1°
I'roje�t name is
O��' Pro,� e�t ��m > 0�19031
�T�b I�o, a �et°�al
I.�ca���: �3a�le�° �2�c�rn, �re�ssro�ds St���g���� ��r��e�°g ��1i, �� �1657
�a�e(�) �f 5����e �'��, 2007
�e�c�s R.�c��a�st��: ���t°on��r���l Co���a��a�im�/�s��stc�s Ab��etr�ec�� ��°o,� ��� I�es�g�
� shown oii eontract I�ocuments (if applicable) .
This Project Design (Plan of Actian) is develo�ed to speci�ically address the Scope of Work det�rmined, however; �hould
the Scope of Work change, ancl/or should additional materials be reqnired to be removed �i order to accomplish this project,
tl�is Project I3�sign (Plan of Action) should be an ad�quate tool in accoinplishing the remaini�lg poz�tiati(s) of the project in
complzar�ce with local, state and/or federal regulations.
7'�e Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement work practices submit�ed by Contractor is in accordance with the
requirements in OSHA., with and in addition to the Asbestos Abatement Specifications (if applicable), and 'ui accordance with
the Bid Subinittals, listed h�r. e according to the sequence of the work.
I�ote: for this project, the terms Asbestos Abatement Specifications, �pecifications, or Contract I3ocuments will reference all
lacal, state, and/or federal regulations, u�cludi�ig but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8, O�HA 1926 . 11 O 1 , etc.
�With use of this Plan of Actioii, and/ar use of these services, Client(s) agrees that HERRON� has been given the authority by
the Owner(s) of the property to enter to aforementioned premises, perfozm the services. 'The Client(s) further agrees and
assures HERRON �' that all local Building Cades, including but nat limited to the Vail Colorado Town Code
(http ://wvv��.sterlingcodifiers.com/CO/Vail� will be coinplied with concer��ing any replacement materials required due to any
activities af Asl�estos Abaternent, ar�d agree ta indemnify, hold harxnless, aild defend HEItRQN�, its Officers, Employees,
A.ssi�ns, et�. far any afld all claims, costs or datnages that result from services contractedy EyiLC.y in the ab�ence of gross
n�gligenc� or wiliful misconduct of �IERR OI�T�, its Officers, Einploye�s, Assigns, etc.
�� ��� 1�I��
�. Tl�e Work will be conducted in �lias�s.
l . Phase: �7Jopk of tl�e phases s17a11 be slzbstaixtiall� carn}�lete, ready for recan�t�°uction prior to that pha�� af the
�ailtract, as indicated in the Con�ract, and i�i accaz°dance with the followirlg I'roj�ct Schedule:
a. All �ork �°ea(s), Asbestos Abateme�lt, Cantz°actor is to mobilize and coYi�nence ori !-��a�1239 2�Q7, az�d shall
b� substantially completed and demobilized or� or before Eipr� 26, 20�7, with actual Asbestos Avatemen� not to
exceed 4,0 iiormal warking days.
b . Actual Asbestos Abat�ment Schedule : 7 : 30 A.M. till 7 : 30 I� .IVI. (over�izne, weekeY�d and holiday work is
iiot autharized under the base bid e�cept as indicated) .
HERRONz Project No. 0819031 Page No. 1 February 20, 2007
O �r�sseoads SE�oppir�g ��nf�r
�nterprises U�A, inc. __ Er�glish ar�d ,�ssociates, Inc.
�COI'E OF ��
Ftemove, in accordarice with Specification, local, state andlor federal re�.alations :
�---__._.____.___.__ -- _ _ _ — _..__ . _ _.__—_ __.__.___.� _.___...._ —__ __ __ --__�_. ___ .__.__� , _ .____.__._._.____
i �'orP� A�°e� : #1
��m�sie No. F�o�no�eneous I�I�tergal I3escrfpt�on .r�ppro��m AFIE Asbes�os I_,ayer/
mate Ra�� g �,abm�°atory PF�ysic�l i3escrf��c�r�
Q�zaa�ti I2esults
NA Boiler Tnsulation, Therinal Systezn Instalation 320 �F 6 > 1 .0%
(TSp, Non-Friable, Good Condition (Current
Condition), tlu�oughout Complex Mechanical
Mechanical System will be deactivated on Mechanical system
A ri123 , 2007
PdA Pipe insulation, Thetmal System Insulation 20 LF 6 > 1 .0%
(TSp, Non-FriaUle, Good Conditian (Current
Condition), throughout Conlplex Mechanical
Mechanical System will be deactivated on Mechanical Systei��
_ u—_�___�ri123 , 2007 .___ __n _. . _ ._—.__._.
_ _ �__. ._ �----_____. _.__ _._______ _� _ ______..__.._ __ .�_ � __.__ _. .�__..
1 Recoinmendahon: Abatement
� .._____________._ .. __._ . �._ _— .�. ._�...____ ._ _._-- _._____ _ _ __ _.___�._..�._______ � __ _ _
; �e�pe of Work: Abate all existing Asbestos-Containing I�aterials by Gross Remaval methods within �ingle
' Full Enclosure Work Areas (PCIv1 Clearance)
Alternates : Alternate Bid Work Areas have been d�fined as follows, and are indicated as Appenc�ix A. , Alternate Bid:
1 . Additive Alter�iates
a. �ot applicable,
2. Ueductible Alt�nlates
a. I`�ot applicable.
tlnit Prices : �hould the 4wner/Project Adtninistrator elec� to use �JJnit I�rices, all terms and canditions of pricing shall be in
acc�rdance with th� Con�ractor Agreement.
]. . Additive Lump �um Uriit Prices
a. IVat applicable.
2, l�eductible Unit Prices
a. Not applicable.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 2 February 20, 2007
H E R RO N� Crossroads Shopping Lanter
_ _ Enterprisas USAJnc. _ �sh antl Associates, Inc.
'P��pical Job Site Photooruphs
(tl�is section is not intended to de �icl all areas of �r�ork, but is snbmi[teA for info[matlonal purp08¢s)
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HERRON• P�ojwt No. 0819031 Page No.3 Febniery 20, 3009
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O �r�ssr�ads �hcsp�ing ��n��r
�nterprise� 41�A, lnc. __ �rs�li��r arrd AssocEate�, Inc.
S��I,�, �iJ� �'�2CB�II�I��IS >
A. The follocvit�.g item� a�e not �o be dama�ed, aild are to be salvaged and return�d to the Ovane�:
1 . A.s directed by the O«ner.
� . The follovvzng itein� ar� to b� deznolished ax�d disposed of as t�CM waste:
1 . `A11 ' AsbestosmCan�.ining Materials, Debris, and Contamiria�ian (as indicated).
C. Th� following item� are not to be dama�ed, are to rernaui in place, aiid ar� ta be protected frozn ` any ' darnage�
1 . l�s directed by the Owne�.
2 . `A11 ' mechanical, ph�inbing, electrical, telecom systems, etc . , �nd their compon�nts, which have not beet�i
specified as being reinoved, d�rnolished, and/or disposed of.
I7 . The following items are to be demolished and disposed of as Non�ACM waste:
l . Not applicable.
E. The followin� additional requiremer�ts will be observed by the Contractoi•:
1 . This project �1 be pennitted in accordance with AQCC Regulation 8, and the Town of Vail.
2. Contractor filed the Town of Vail Permit and obtaitied required licenses .
3 . The Con�ractor r�nay mobilize and con�mence set�u� an permit dat� after the Tovm of Vail Fir� I3epartYnent
reviev�s and approves the Design.
4. �ire Control �ystem will remain active durin� the projec�, and the Contxactar will be required tc� protect the
syst�rn during abatement.
5 . Tl�e entries to tl�e �dork Area� � Cont�actar is to secure the I�oars of the �lork Areas ir� a inanrier tihat:
(i). is a�cessible to the �ire �epartrtzent in an e�nergeucy by being able to eitlyer unlock th� doars, or to
renlove padlocks (Own�r to �ravide appropriate lock box�s for �ir� I�e�a�ner�t use).
6� 5hould there be any questions as to the proc�ss, please contac� the Town of �ail �ire L3epartri�.ent at (970} 479
zzs� ,
7 . .As indicated, locations, approximate quantities affected, approxiznate areas affected have been offered as an
informational tool, and are estinlates observed at tlie tiYxie of assessments and development of this document.
Quantity determinations are the responsibility of the Coutractor, and therefore, it is recommended that field
verification be made by the �antractor. The Contractor is advised that ` all' quantities are estim.ates9 whether
indicated as Units or as I.ulear ox Square Feet, and that the Contractor should base their Response on Contractor
quarltification `within the Wark Area' , to include ` a119 ASV�JLOSy Overspray, Debris, Residue, ete.
8. Contractor v✓ill t�e required to designate the Iocation af the �iltered discharge of water to sanitary sewers. All
other sanitary sewer locations within the work areas wi11 be sealed, a�1d not used.
9. The Contractor may use mechanical devices for Asbestos renioval, however, procedures will be pre-approved by
the Owner/Designer before the perfonnance of the work.
HERRON� ProjecY No. 0819031 Page No. 5 February 20, 2007
p �ro�sra�ds �happi�rg �enter
_ �ntertsris�s lJ��, fnc. ` _ �ngiish �nd A��e��ia4es, fr�c.
10. 'The removal method wi11 be designed in such a way that vaater use is cantained within �he work areas, and nat
over the walls into chase� of void spaces . Th� use of`high' pressure water use for `removal ' will Ylot be approved.
11 . �IVAC Units and Duc�ing rnay b� in the Work Area. The Contractor is to install ci°itical barriers on ` any '
penetrations located in the 5ystem, and install secondary �ritical barriers over all retur�l atld su.pply diffuser°s in the
building, priar to ` any ' abatement.
12 . Staging Area:
a. R.oll-Offs may b� pe�ni�ted on site (Contractor to arra�ige with General Contractor) . Roll-aff locations tha�
are coordit� ated with the Ov✓ner are acceptable for trucks to be Ioaded and unloaded. The Contractor
understands that he rnust have his trucks, used for hauling nlaterial off site, not parked where they would
block access areas . All asbestos containing waste ma�erial must be insp�cted by the AMS prior to the
removal froin �he sit�.
b . Equipment may be staged ifl t1�e Lobby area of tlae BuildirYg.
c. Property l�anagement contact: Nfi°. Greg Gastii�eau - (970) 476� 1464.
13 . Temporary Toilet Units : the Cont�actor will be required to pravide self-contained, si��gle-occupant toilet iuiits of
the chemical, aerated reci�culation, or combustion type. Provide units praperly vented and fully enclosed with a
glass-fiber-reinfoa-ced polyester shell ar similar nonabsarbent material. The Contractor will be required to provide an
adequate number of Units, for both male and female employees of the Contractor, and Air Monitoring Specialist.
14. Tl�e Contractar may util 'zze l�ouse power and water, as available.
a. Power requirements : Contractor tn.ay utiliz� appropriate power sources .
(i) . Connection to the Owner' s pawer source is to be n�ade by qualifi�d personnel (licensec� electrfciaii
where applicable and required).
b . Contractor shall supply ��tensions from the elec�°ical supply for Qwner' s use r�hile conducting dail� air
moiiitoring, visual inspections, and final clearance azr zi�onitoring as follows :
(i}. Two in each work area (duriil� abatement) .
(ii) . One at �lean side of each l�econta�runatian Unit/VJast� �,oad Ou�.
(iii}. �ne �t clean side of each Cri�ical Barrie�.
(iv) . Qne at each e�sliaust location for ��EPl� filtered fan vnit� .
(v) , One outside of the �3uilding(s) .
(vi). Five inside work area (or as otherwise directed for fin�.l clearazice to accommodate p�unps and fa�is).
c. T�mporary Water Service Contlection: Connectzons to the C}wner's water system shall include backflaw
protection. �Ialves �hall be temperatur� and pressure rated for operatioil of the temperatures and pressures
encountered. After completion of use, connect�ans and fittings sha11 be reinoved without damage or alteration to
existing water piping and �quipment. L�aking or dripping valves shali be piped to the nearest drain or located
over an existing sink or gr•ade where water will not damage existing finishes or equipYnetit. Provide separate
hoses and/or pumps for shower water and am�nded water, without the possibility of cross connection.
(i}. Connection to the Owner' s water system is to be made by qualified personnel (li.aensed plumber where
applicable and required) .
(ii) . Water Hoses : Provide heavy-duty, abrasion-resistant, flexible hoses in diameters and lengths
necessary to adequately serve temparary facilities, and with a pressure rating greater than the maximum
pressure of the water distribution system. Provide adjustable shutoff nozzles at hose discharge.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 6 February 20, 2007
� �r€s�sr�ads �h�pping C�r�t�r
-- _ Ee�t�r�rise��1�Fe, Pnc. __ _ -- �nglisPr �nd �s�ciates, 6nc.
(iii) . Provide water into eacii �rork area and to each Deconta�ination Unit. I'rovide fitting� as required to
allaw for connection to existin� v✓all hydrants or spouts, as �vell as temporary �water heatin� equiprnent,
branch ��iping, showers, shut-off nozzles and equi�ment.
15 . In accordance �vitil A(ZCC Regulaf:ion 8 (State}, the �axiznum Allowable Asbestos Level (MA�1 �) may not
be e�ceeded, at any tirne. HERROIa�� has previously deteg°nlined that the various materzals within the Building
are nat Asbestos Materials, hoc�aever, r�iay contain Traces of Asbestos. This document s�rves as a Hazard
Conunianzcation that should eith�r th� Abatem�nt Con�ractar or other Contractors n.o� comply with Iocal, s�ate,
and/or federal regulations a�id these s��cificatians, i. e. , wet methods, engineerizig controls, etc . during any Nozi-
Asbestos Demolition activiti.es, that th� Nf�AL could be exceeded. Should this occur, tlae area, ar�as, ai7d or
�uilding in its entirety could be considered contaminated, and a Major �pill Respanse rnay be respor�ded ta at the
expens� ofthe responsible Contractor(s), in accordance with these S�ecifications.
F'o Su��ruttal Proc�ssitig:
1 . Pre-l3.batement Subinit�al Proces�ing: Cotitractor vvi11 be required to forward the follo��ing items to the
I�esigneY, prior to mobilization:
a, Project Design ( z ,000 LF, or 3 ,000 SF), or I'lan of Action describing Contractor' s Work Practices.
b . Project Schedule.
c, Project Dixectory.
d, Notifications, and Notices (Polic;� and Fire I�epart�rnents).
e. Permits.
f, GAC License.
g. Historic Azrborne �iber Data (NEA).
h. �1I�ERA Acereditation: for eac;h worker.
i, State and Local License : for each worker.
j , �ertificate Worker Acknowledgment: for each worker.
k. Report frozn Medical Examination: of each warker.
L Repart from Respirator Fit Test Examination: of each �vorker.
m. Ii�ttaine anci addres� of land�ill.
2 . Alrow suffcient time for initial review. Allova additional titne if the Asbestos Proj �ct �ianager/��szg�ler inust
d�1ay processiiig to per�nit coordination witli subsequ�nt su.bmiCtals.
3 . I� at� intermediate submitrtal is ilecessary, proc;e�s �he sa�n� as th� initial submittale
4. Allow sufficient �ime for r�pro��ssing eacll subtniCtal>
5 . IVo ext�nsion of Con�act Time will be authorized Y�ecause of �ailure to transmit submit�als to th� ,P�sl�estos
Proj �ct Marlager/�3esigner suf�ciently in advance of the Work to permit processing.
6 . I)urxng atxd T�ost�Abatement Subinz�tai Processing; Contractnr will be r°equired to fc�rward the following item.s
to tl�e Desi�;ner, during abatern�nt (wh�re required), and inlznediately oi� job completian:
a. I�aily Log;s.
b. Entry/Exit Logs .
c. Pressure Differential I�/Ionitoring Results (if applicable).
d. Copies of manifests and disposal site receipts.
e. Any Special Reports.
7. 'rhe Designer has prepared this detailed plan of the procedures proposed far use in complyirz� wit11 the regulatory
requirements. The Contractor �vill be required to include (forward) in the plan the location and layout of
decontamination areas, the sequencing of asbestos work, the uiterface of trades involved in the performance of work,
HGRRONa Project No. 0819031 Page No. 7 February 20, 2007
O �rogsro�ds �hopga6ng ��nt�r
�nt�rpri��s t���, Irs�. _ -- �ngl6�h ar�d ��oci��e�, Inc.
rnethod� to be used to assure the safety of buildin� o�cupants and �isitors to the site, disposal plazi iticluding location
of approv�d disposal site, and a detailed description of the methods to be eznployed to control pollution. �xpand
upozi the use of portable HEPA ventilation system, closi��.� out ot° the building's HVAC systein, method of remaval to
prohibit visible emissions, and packaging of removed asbestos debris . This Plan of Action is include all of the
requireinents of "Project Design99 in accordance with AQCC Regulatian 8, Part B, ". . .means the prepara�ion of plans,
speci�ications, project procedures, containment design/placement, descriptioYis of �ngineering con�rols, and shop
drawings for an asbestos abatement praject or response action. It shall include ari accurate and detailed scope of
work, quantities of mater�al to be remaved, removal methods, and air exchange calcula�ions. Bravvings shall include
locations af ACM to be abated9 location of the decontarnination unit, vdaste load out, negative air units, air intake and
e��aust, and �mergency exits when ap�licable. Prio�° to the start of any asb�stos abatement involvin� 1 ,000 linear
feet on. pipes, or 3 ,000 square feet on other surfaces, a writ�en project design shall be developed by a proj�ct designer
certified under these regulations. A signed copy of the p�oject design shall be available on site at alI tirnes di�ring �he
abatement activities for review by insp�ctors, the Praject Manager and Ai�• Monitaring �pecialist. . .", Owner, Project
Adtninistrator, and I3esigner.
G. Contractor will:
1 . 1 rovide perznits, licensing, etc. (as described in the Contract I�greement) .
2. Use discretion in and about the project site, i.e. , do not disturb General Public, do not wear protective equipment
outside af the regulated area, etc.
3 . Ilse discretion in the location of the waste container(s}, which may be mot�ilized at the Project Site, with nlinimal
exposure to the General 1'ublic.
4. Mobilize on Apt�� 23, 2007.
5 . Perform setup operations, as described above.
6 . Pergorm removal and clean�up of Asbestos�Containin� Materials.
7. Perform OSHA Complia�ice (exc�sion and persanal) air ��zanitorin�, as established l�y Q�HA 1926. 110Iy for a
Excursion Lirrut (EL) criteria of each sample of < 1 . 00 f/cc, P�M, and for a 1'ermissible Ex�,osu�e Liznit (1'�L)
criteria of each sample of 0. 10 f/cc, PCM (wllere applicable).
� . Aft�r successful cornpletior� of post�abaternent contai��n�nt �inal vi�ual inspection(s}, aaid �inal cleara�lce
(N1�1AI,} air monitoring, as estabiished by AQCC �egulatian 8 (�tate}, 29 CFR 1926 . 1101 (O�I-3�}, 40 CFR Part 61
EPA (NES�TAP), atld 40 CPR '163 EPA (AHERA) (where r�quir�d), rneeting a c�iteria of each sample of <=p.01
f/cc, PCIr�, ai�d/or <70. 0 �/n�n�, TEll� (whez°e applicabl�), �wi11 r�Ynove setup .
9 . Demobilize at th� conclusior�. of project, estimated by A,�� 26g 2007a
H. On bellalf ot' the O�vner•, H�RTdON� wi11:
1 . Perform baseline (1VIAAL) air monitori�lg (outside of the wark areas}, as estavlished by AQCC Regulation 8
(5tate), 29 CFR 1926. 1101 (05F�A), 40 CFR. Part 61 EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (AHETZA) (where
required), rne�ting a criteria of each sample of <=0.01 f/cc, PCI�, and/or <70.0 s/�nrn2, TEM (where a�plicable).
2 . Perform `prelimii�aty9 pretlabatement containment visual inspection(s), prior to areas of demolition in order to
install critical baYriers.
� . Perform pre-abatement containment visual inspection(s), after installati.on of critical barriers where demolition is
required, prior to removal operations .
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 8 February 20, 2007
p �ros�raad� �hopping CenY�r
�nt�rpr'ss�� U��, Irrc. �ngiisH and �sociates, inc.
4. Perform removal (IVf1�I,) air rnonitoring (outside af tlie work areas), as established by AQCC Regulation �
(�tate), 29 CFI� 1926 . 1101 (QSI-3A}, 40 CFR. Part 61 EPA. (NE�IIAP), aiid 40 CPR 763 EPA (AHERA) (where
requir�d), me�tzng a ci°iteria of each sample of <-0.01 f/cc, PCM9 and/or <7Q.0 s/min�, TEI�i1 (where applicable) e
5 . Perform �ostmabatement containment final vi�ual inspection(s), after reznoval opera�ians are completed.
6. Perform �i�lal clearance (Il�IA.AL) air mon.itoring, as established by A.QCC R�gulat�oti 8 (�tate)9 29 C�R
1926 . 1101 (dSI-�A.), 40 CFR �'art 61 EP!-� (NESHA�'), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (AHE�2A) (where required), in�eting; a
criteria of each sample of <-0. 01 flcc, PCI�, and/or <70.0 s/�, TEM (where applicable), and confirm removal of
seCup .
7 . l�emobilize froln the t�ork Area at the conclusion ofproject, estirnated b� A��°�126, 2007.
�'I, :. I�TCI. �5 (A� S "I'T�I3I3�' 'I' C�31�T'T' C"I'QI2} a
�. Containment Design:
l . Pull�Enclosure of �econdary-Er�closure containmexit eiigineering cantrols shall b� used for the �•emoval of all
Asbestos Containing Materials, azid contamination as described.
2 . A personnel decontamination unit and waste load-out will be attached to the Ful1-Enclosure contaizvnent areas,
and a change room �vill b� attached to the Secondary-Enclosure containtnent areas.
3 All critical barrier•s will be marked with the proper "I3ANGER" signs .
B . I�econtamination Units :
1 . The personnel Decoil unit will consist of three chamb�rs and the waste load-out will be two. Each chaYnber
will be three feet by three feet. They will be attached ta the Full-Bnclosure containment as shown oz�. szte
C . Air Flows and Filtering:
I . Fu11 corxtairunerits will be urider a z�linirnt�n�. of �, OZ inches W. C . of ne�ative air �r°essur°e. 'I'lxe air flaw will be
through deconta�nination units . The negativ� air filtration units �cvill be l.ocated opposite these de�ons . Th�
filtratzon units will be exhausted to t11e exterior of the building via ducting.
2 . �econdary containments wi11 l�e under negative aiz pressur�. The air flow will b� through the clran�e rooms .
Th� negative air �ltration units �vill be located op�osite th�se change roomso Th� filtratian units v�ill be
e�austed to the ext�rzor of the building via ductin�,
D . Negative Pressure Differen.tial Equipment:
1 . Fu11 containmeYlts : 2,000 CFl� HEPA �ltration units will be used to �arovide a minimuin of four air changes
per hour. A manotneter with strip chart v�ill be on sight to monitor and record a minimuin of mmE�2 inches W.C . of
negative air pressure, ensuring that the air v,rithin tlYe worlc area is exchanged a rrunimum of for�z° (4� times per hour.
Back-up fans will be on sight �n case of equipment failure.
WA# 1 , Boiler Room
�> ((7,004/1,500�/4) = 1 . 16�i61o1AMS (�'fil ��e t�ai�ir�� t� �f Z 1V�IVI' s)
HEItRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 9 rebruazy 20, 2007
� �ro��r�ads Shapp€ng C�rs4er
Enterpris�s 11�.4, 0nc. _ �__ �ngli�h and Associates, le�c.
E. Removal Methads :
1 . All ACM will be removed by wet, hand methods, in accordance with the follovaing �raject design s�ctions :
a. 02081 Removal Ofl�sbestos-Con�aining Te�ate�ials
(i). l�ll ACM v✓i11 be removed by wet, hand rnethods .
F. Waste �-Iaildling�:
1 . A11 ACWM will be placed in two prog�erly labeled 6mmi1 poly bags and disposed of at an approved Iaiidfll.
Tlxe bags will be removed to a praperly lin�d, en�losed truck/trailer/dumpster and taken off si�ht.
Ge �mergency Procedures :
1 . Etnergency exits will be marked with orange spray paint and e�nployees will be u�formed of alternate escape
routes. Pire extinguishers will be kept within reach, botb inside and outside contair�xnent areas. The Cont�actor has
HazCom programs. These progratns, as vaell as Ivlaterial Safety Data Sheets, shall remain on sight through the
duxation of the project. Each employee has been trained in these pragra�ns.
�l� OF SECT�OT+1 v 01013
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 10 February 20, 2007
� Crossreac4s �h�pping �er�ter
` �E1�BP�CtS@^� �SA, IF1C. .� _ �Pt�ESSFt �Ytd �SSOCB3t�S Inc.
01043 PROJEC�° C�� �� E ���°f�� mA� ���°t�S A �'�� E�°�
The I'roj�ct Design (Plan af Ac�ion) an.d asbestos abatement work practices subXnitCed by Contractar is ul accordance witl-� the
requi�e�nents iri O��IIA, with and in addition to the �sbestos Abatement �peci�ications, and in accordance with the �id
Submittals, listed here accordang to the sequence of the «ork:
�eneral �u�erinteiident: �Iill provide a full-tune General �u�erintendent who �s e�perienced in adn-zinist�atian and
supervision of asbestos abatetnent prajects iricluding warlc practices, protective r7�easuz°es for building and perso��nel, di�posal
procedures, etc. TIZis person is �he Contractors Repres�ntative res�onsibl� for c;omplianc� wzth all ap�licable federal, state
and local regulations, particularly those relating to asbestos��ontaining mat�rial5e
E�erience and Trainin�: 'The General Superintendent lxas completed a course at an EPA Training Center or equivalent
certificate course in asbestos abatei�ient procedures, and has had a minimum af t�vo (2) years on-the-joU trai�iin� in asbestos
abatement procedures.
Com�etent Person: The General �uperii7teYident is to be the Cot�lpetent 1'erson as requi��d l�y 05HA.
1-�ecreditation: 'The General Supe�itendent is accredited as aii Asbestos Abatement Supervisor in accorda.nce with the
AHERA regulation 40 CFR Part 763 , Subpart E, Appendix C, local, state and/or federal regulations .
�pecial Reports : Except as otherwise indicated, will submit special reports directly to C)wner within one day of occ��rrence
requiring special report, with copy ta Owner's Representative and others affected by occurrence.
Reportin� Unusual Events : When an event of unusual and significant uature occurs at site (examples : failuxe of pressure
different�al system, rupture of temporary enclosures), will prepare and submit a special report listing chain of events, persons
participating, response by Contractor's persannel, evaluation of results or effects, aiid similar pertinent information. When
such events are known or predictable in advance, will advise Owner in advauce at earliest possible datea
Reportin� Accidents: Will �repare and submit reparts of significant accidents, at site and anywhere else work is in progress.
Will record and document data and ac�ions; comply witli industry standards. Fa� this pur°pose, a signi�icant accident is
d�fined to include events where persanal i�ijuty is sustaui�d, propez�ty loss of s�bstance i� sustained, or �here the event posed
a significant threat af loss or personal 'uijury.
Re�ort Discover�d Condi�iot�s: When an un.usual conditioil of the building is discovet•eci d�°ing th� �vorl� (e.g. l�aks,
termites, corrosian) will prepare a�1d submit a special repart indication conditioti discovered.
Contin�enc� Plan: I�ave prepared a cotlting�ncy pla�i for em�rgencies iz�cluding �rre, acciderit, power failur�, pz°essr,�°e
differ�ntial system failure, or any otll�r event that may require mod'zficatioz� or abridgnlent of d�contamination or work ar�a
isolation procedures , Have included i�i plan specific procedures for decotitamina.tion or warlc area isolation. Note that
nothin� in this s�ecifcation has impeded safe exiting or providing of adequate medical att�ntion in the ev�nt of an
Refer to ��ctian:
O1. 503 anc� 01526 for fire and accident.
01526 and 017I1 for power failure, pressuxe differential system failure, or any other ever�t that may require
madification or abridgtnent of decontamination ar work area isolation procedures.
Will o�st: In clean room of Personnel Decontamination IJnit telephone numbers and locations of emergency services
including bu.t not limited to fire, ambulance, doctor, hospitaly �}OIIGeiy power cornpany, teiephone company.
Refer to END OF SECTIQN - 01043 .
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 11 PeUruary 2Q 2007
� �rossr��ds Sh�pgsing �ea�ter
�rrt�rprise� U�,�, Inc. — — — English �r�d ��oci��e�, lnc.
l�a�ificatians: Will notify other enti�ies at the job site of the naturr� of the asbestos abateme�t activi�ies, location of asbes�o��
containii�g materials, requirements relative to asbestos set farth in these specifications and applicable regulations .
�i11 notify �mergency service agencies includiiig fire, ambulance, police or other agency that inay service the
abatexn�n� wark site in case of an emergency. Notification i�icludes rnethods of entering work area, emer�ency entry
and exit locatians, modi�cations to �ir� notification ar fire �ghting equi�ment, a�id other znfarmation i�eeded by
agencies provzding emer�ency services .
FZ�fer to END QF SECT"TOl�T � 01043 .
Natifications of Eme�ency: As1y inclividual at the job site rnay no�ify erner�ency service agenci�s if necessary wit�iout effe��
an this Contract or the Cant�•act Sum.
��} �� ��C'TIO� 0 01043
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 12 rebruary 20, 2007
� �ro��road� Sh�pping Cent�r
-- Ent�rpri��� E�S�, Cn�. �ngli�h and ��esciaf�sg I�c.
r��a E$�e� ��1� �� �:eL
T S E1�3 �E I� IT� �0��'� ��� �'I-� "T�E ��ZQJJE�'� �3�5�G1� S���I�'�C�7'��N� ��� �'I-€��
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P�}�,IC'� e 911
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�3�t.��I� RO�EI�'� '�'E� �F�'I�� / (303) 674m5437
�i'�OJ�C'T I�AG�) �EI ,I,TJI. / (303) 5�0m0214
HEItI20N$ Project No. OA19031 Page No. 13 FeUruary 20, 2007
O �ro��rmad� �h�pping ��nter
�nferpri��s U�A, Er�c. _ _ �ngli�h a��d Associates, 1��.
� � 046 Cl1�°�I � G AN � P��"� Fil � � � A�� ����� C�NT"�C �I � G A°�� I�L�
The Project I�e�ign (plan of Actioil} atid asbestos abatement �vork practice� submitted by Contra�tor is in accordance with th�
requireznents in OSHA., with and in additiaii to the Asbestos Abaterrient �pecifications, and in accordance �vith the �id
Submi�tals, listec� h�re according to the sequence of the work:
In the event that abatetneut work extends to Cuttin� and Patching, the follawing wrll apply.
Tools : Will equip with �1�EPA vacuum dust collection attachrnents
�Jill camply with:
�ectiori 01527 � Regulated Areas
5�ection 01561 u Worker I'rotection - IZepair & Maintenance
Section 01562 - IZespiratory Protection
Will perfarm cutting, drilling, abrading, or other�rise penetratzng any asbestos-contaiziing material in a maruxer that
will minimiz� the dispersal of asbestos fibers into the air.
Will provid� adequate local e�chaust to capture fibers produced by cu.tting, drilling, or abrading by meails of an
approved High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA) filter vacuum. Will use specialized equipnlent such as drills
or saws having integral ventilation l�oods which are connected to a F-IEPA vacuum with a flexible hose. Will hasidle
and dispose of HEPA filters as contaminated rnaterial. See Section 02Q�4.
Will thoroughly saturate absorbent suxfaces of asbestos-containuig material to be penetrated �vith a penetrating type
�ncapsulant. Will allow encapsulant to penetrate to substrate before working on materials.
Will seal edges of asbestosncontauling mate�ial exposed by cut�iiig, drilling, ar abrading, ete. with two (2) coats of an
approved penetrating encapsulant applied in accordance with manufacturers' printed instx�uction for use of tke
encapsulant as an asbestos coating aiid requirements of Section 09805 .
E OF' S�C'TION � 0� �46
HERRONd Project No. 0819031 Page No. 14 Pebruary 20, 2007
� Cres��r�ad� �hopping C�n��r
�s�4�r�ar6�es U�A, fn�. --- _ �ngf6sh �nd �smciat�s, Inc.
�� as� �� �i � E�i � � ���� ��� ����� � ���a� ���°�� ���
Th� Project I7esign (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement work g�ractices submrt�ed by Con�ractor is in accordanc� with the
requi�ements in OSI�A, wit� and in addition to the Asbestos Abatemetit �pecifications, and in accordatice with the Bid
Submit�als, listed here accordiixg to the sequ�nce of the work:
L)efinitions . Per .l�sbesto� Abatezne�t �pecificanans.
Perrriits, Licenses and Cer�titicates : Por �he Owtier`s recat•ds, have submitted copi�s of pe��lits, licenses, certifications,
inspectioil reports, releas�s, j�urisdictional settleme�its, t�otices, r�ceipts for fee payrnents, judgments, atid similar docutnents,
carrespondence and records estabiished in conjunctior� with compliance with standards and regulations bearing upon perfor-
mance of the work.
�I��7 �� ���'�'IOI� � 0� 091
HERRON= Project No. 0819031 Page No. 15 February 20, 2007
� �ras�roads �hoppir�g �err��r
�n�erprise� t1��, Enc. _-- �ngli�h �r�d A��ociate�, In�.
01Q92 C���� 9 ��� LiLA7°f��� �� D STA� ����� m �� ��7'�� ���T� � � t��
The Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abaternent work practices submitted by Con�ractor is in a�cordanc� with th�
requirements in OSHA, with and in addition to the Ast�estos Abatement �pecifications, and in accardance wit.h the �id
Submittals, listed here accordin� to the sequence of the work:
Copies wilr be available on-site.
�I��7 O�' S�C'�'I�1�1 m O1d92
I�RRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 16 Pebivary 20, 2007
C� �COS�C6�d9 �h0�3�3Ef1C� �@tt `l@C
�nterprEses t1S�, fn�. --- �rrgfish and �saciate�, 6nc.
41313 �C � � DU ��S, ���OR�°�9 PA� � �°f� � �� �51°�� ��A1°� � � ��°
Th� Project I3e�ign (Plan of Action) and asbestos abateme�it work �t•actices submitted by Contractar is i�x accordance with the
requirements in O���A9 with and in additian ta the Asbestas Abatement �p�ci�cations, and in accordance witla the �id
Submittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work:
Pro�ress Meetin�s:
General : In addition to speci�ic �oordination and pre-installation rneetings far ea�h elefnent of work, and other regular
project meeting� l�eld for other purposes9 Owner's Representative will hold general progress zneetings as rec�uired. These
meeting will be scheduled, where possible, at ti�ne af preparation of paytnent request. Will require each entity tlien involved
in planning, coordination or perfonnance of work to be properly represented at each meetiiig.
Pre-Construetion Conference: An initial progress meeting, reeognized as "Pre�Con�truction Confer�nce'° will be eonve�ied
by the C}wz�er's Representative prioY• to start of a.aziy work. Will n�eet at project site, or as otherwise directed with General
�uperintendent, Qwner, Ovvner's Representative, Project Admiuis�rator, and other entities coilcerned with the asbestos
abatement work.
This is aiz organizatio�ial meeting, ta review responsibilities and personnel assignments and to locate the containment
atid decontamination areas and temporary facilities u�cluding power, light, water, etc.
Daily Lo�: Will maintain within the I}econtaminat�on Unit a daily log docurnenting the dates and time of but not liznited to,
the following items:
Meetings ; purpose, attendees, brief discussion
Visitations; authorized az�d unautharized
Personnel, by name, entering arid leavin� the work az°ea
Special or unusual events9 i.e. barrier breaching, equipment failures, a.ccidents
Air monitoring tests and test results
l�ocumentation of Con�actor's campletion of �he following:
Inspection of v�ork area preparation prior ta start of removal and daily thereafter.
Remaval af any sheet plastic Uarriers
Coi��ractor's inspections pr'ror to spray ba�k, lack back, encapsulatiozi, enclosure or any other operation that will
conceal tlle condition of asbestos-containin� m.aterzals or the sul�s�rate from whi�h suclr materials have be�n
R�moval of waste materials from v✓ark area
Decontamznatiozz of equipment
�ontractors fn�al i�lspection/final air t�st analysis.
«i11 submit copies of this log at �nal Claseout of project as a project clase� out �tzb�riittal,
� �� �E�'I'I�� p �1313
HERRONm Project No. 0819031 Page No. 17 Februazy 20, 2007
p �r�ssr�a�s Shapping ��nt�r
_ �r�#erprises US�, Enc. -- — �nglfsh and ��ociates, le�c.
01340 �� �� D H � �� , P �� �tJC� ���°� �� � SA �l��S
The Proj ect I�esign (Plan af �ction) and asbestos abatement work practices submitted by Contractor is in accordance with th�
requirements in O �HA, with axld u1 addition to the Asbestos Abatement �pecifications, and in accordance �vith tlxe Bid
Submi�tals, listed here accarding to the sequence of the work:
Refer to Bid Submittals .
� �� �ECTI�N � 01340
HERRONg Project No. 0819031 Page No. 18 February 20, 2007
O �ra��roads �h�pping �ent�r
_ �e�terprE��s U�A, frrc. � �ngii�h arrd �i..ssaciaf�s, En�.
01410 AIR ONf`T��I � � �°�S`T O T �Y �� �VEC �S
T"he Proj �ct I�esign (I�Ia�i ot" ?bction} and asbe�tos abatement work pract'rces subnirt�ed by Contractor is izi accordance with the
requirements in 05HA, with an.d in addition to the A�bestos Abatem�nt �pecificatioz�s, and in accordance with the �3id
Submittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work:
Air inaYlito�ing required by OSHA is work of the Cont-ractor and i� not cov�red ir1 this sectioii.
Inside �Jnrk Area: �dii1 maintain an averag� airbome count in the �Jork Area of less than 0. 5 fibers per cubic centimeter. If
the fiber counts ris� above this �'igure for any sarnple talcen, will revise vvork pracedvxes to lower f�ber counts . If the Time
Weigllted A.veiage (T�JA) fiber count for any work shift or 8 hour period exceeds 0. 5 fibers per cubic centimeter, will stop
all work, leave l�ressure Differential �ystezn in operatian and riotify Ovarter's Repr�sentative. Af�er correcting cause af high
fiber I�v�ls, will not recon�znence t�ork far 24 hours uriless otherwise authorized, iu �vriiting, by O��ner's P�epresentative.
If airbome fiber counts exceed 1 . 0 fibers per cubic centimeter for any period of tune will cease all work except
corrective action until fiber counts fall belovv 0. 5 fibers per cubic centuneter ar�d notify Owner's Rey�resentative.
After correcting cause af high fiber Ievels, vvill nat recoir�mence work for 24 houz°s unless otherwise authorized, in
writing, by Owner's Representative.
Outside Work Area: If any air sample talcen outside of the Work Area exceeds the base line established, or as established in
Speci�ications, Iv1AAI., (0.01 f/�c), whichever zs lower, will immediately and automatically stop all wark except correc�ive
action. The Owner's Ftepres�ntative will detennine t1�e source of the high reading aud so notify the Contractor in writing.
Ff the high reac�ing was the result of a failure c�f Work Area isolatian measures will initiate the following actions:
�nmediately erect new crztical barriers as set forth in Section 01526 Temporary Enclosuxes to isolate the
affected area from tl�e bal.ance of the build'uig. Erect Crztical Barriers at the ne�.t e�.istin�; stx°uctural isolation
of' the involved space (e.g. . wa11, ceiling, floor) .
Decontaminate tl�e affected area in a.ccordance with Scction OI712 Cleaning & Decontamination Proceduxes.
�equirz that respiratory �rotection as set forth u1 �ectian 01562 �tes�iratory Frotec�ion be worn in aff�cted
area until az°�a is cleared for recsccupai�cy an accardance with Section 01714 Work Area Clear. ance.
Leave ��°itical Bar�-i�r� in plaee ��il �ompl�tion af work and iusure tl�at tlie operatiori of the pressure
diff�rential systerri in the Work Area results in a � ow of air from th� balance of the building %nta the aff�cted
�f' the exit f�orrr the el�axi room of t1� e personnel deco�itaminatiorl u��it eriters th� affect�d ar�a, establish a
deconta.ix�ination facility consisting af a Shavaez° Roo�n and Changing RooYn as set fo�h in �ection 01563
Decantamination Units at eritry point to affected area.
Af�er Certification of Visual I�lsp�c�on in the VJork Axea remove cr�ti�al barriers seg�arati�lg the work at°ea
from the affected area. Fi�ial air saznples wzll be taken within the ent�re area as set forth in �ection 01714
VVork Area Clearance.
If the 11i�h reading was the result of other causes initiate corrective action as deterinined by the Ow�1er's
�� C3�' �EC'TIOPd m 41410
HERTtON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 19 February 20, 2007
p Gro�sr�ads �ha�p°sng ��rst�r
�nterpri�e� tS��, Er��. _ �e��lish and A�so�i�t�s, in�.
01503 `�� �� R� �AGiLI�I �� � A�� ��°�Q� A �`T� �FJ'�
The Proj ect �esign (Pla�i of Action) and asbestos abateYnent work practi�es submitted by Con�actor is in accordance vaith the
requiremer�ts in O �HA, with and in addition to the Asbestos Abatemeii9 5peci�ications, and in accordance with the Bid
5ubmittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work:
�caffoldin�: �hall comply wit1Y all applicable �SHA provisioizse
VJater Service: �wner's water systein.
Electrical Service: Electrical pawer to be tabbed and locked-aut by Corifiractor � Temporary Power will be �rovided frotn
subpanels to Ternporary Electrical Panels by Cont�actor•' s �lec�rician (if and where required) .
First Aid Supplies : On�site.
Fire Extinguisliers : Will provide type 1WFPA Standard 10 " �tandard f'or �'ortable Fire E�;tinguishes" , i. e., convenient
locations around work area(s) .
� OF S�C'TI�31� - 01503
I�RRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 20 FeUniary 20, 2007
O Crcr��ra�d� �h�pping ��nter
�nY�rpras�� �l�A� ir��. �rr�Eisl� and .��ocEa4es, In�.
01513 T'� �� RY ������ �� �� FF� �EF�1°!�L AN � �! � �f �Cl1LA�'I� �
The Project I,esign (Plan of Actidn} and asbestos abatement work prac�ices submi�ted by Cantractor is in accordance with the
requirements in O �HA, with atid in additian to th� Asbestos AbateTnent 5pecifications, and in accorda.��ce with t1�e �id
5ubmi�tals, listed here accordiz�g to the sequence of the work:
On a weekly basis: Will submit printaut fronl pressure differential n�onitoring equipment. �Jill mark printout with date and
start of tim� for each day. Will use printout paper that indicates elapsed tirne in ultervals zzo greater than hours. Will indica9;e
on each days recard tisnes af starting and stopping abatem�nt �vork, type of worlc in progress, brealcs for lur�ch or other
purposes, periods of stop work, and filter changes. Will cut printout into seg-�� nents l�y day, attach to � 1 /2 " by 11 " pape�°.
VVill label with project iiame, contractors name and date.
�uality Assurance: Will monitor pressure differential at P�rsonnel and Equipment Decontamination Units witl�z a differential
pressure meter equipped with a canti�iuous recorder. ]Vleter shall be equipped with a warriing buzz�r v✓hich vaill sound if
pressure differen�ial drops �e1ow 0.02 " of water.
HEPA Filtered Fan Units :
General : VVill supply the required nu�nber of HET'A filtered fan units to the site ii1 accordance with �these s�eci�ications. Will
use units that ineet the following requirements.
Cabinet: Will be constructed of durable materials able to withstand datnage fi°oin rough handling and transportatian. The
width of the cabinet will be less than 30 inches to fit tl�rough standard-size doorways. Will provide units v�hose cab%nets are:
Factory-sealed to prevent asbestos-containing dust from being released during use, transport, or naaintenance
Arranged to provide access to and z°eplacement of all air filters from intalce end
Mounted on casters or wheels
Fans_ Will rat� capacity of fa�i accord'zng to �sable aig•-movixi� capacity uxider actiaal operating canditzons .
HEPA Filters: Will provide units vahos� fu�al �lter is the HEPA type with �h� filter m�dia (fald�d in�o closely pleated
panels) completely sealed an all edges with a st�ucturally rigid fratne.
Will provid� units with a con�int�ou� rubber gasket Iocat�d b�t�veen. �he filter and the filter hausin� �o forrrr a �ight
�Ni11 provide I-�EPA filters that are individually �ested and certified by tl�e manufacturer to lxave at� efFici�ncy of not
less than 99.97 percent when challeiiged with 0.3 wn dioctylphthalat� (l�QP) particles wh�n tested in accordance
j�it17 Militazy �tandard T�Iumber 282 and Axmy Ifistruction Manual 136-300� 1751-�. Will provide filters tlaat bear a
UL5 �6 label ta indi_cate ability to perfo� under specified coildit�ans.
Will provide �ilters that are marked with: the name of' the znanufac�er, serial number, air flow rating, �fficiency and
resistance, and the direction of tes� air flow.
Prefilters, which protect the final fil�er by removing the larger particles, are required to prolong the operating life af the
HEPA filter. Two stages of prefiltration are required. VJill provide units with the following prefilters :
First-sta�prefilter: low-e�ciency type (e.g., for particles 100 um and larger)
Second-sta ,�e �or intermediate) filter: medium efficiency (e.g., effective for particles down to 5 um)
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 21 February 20, 2007
O �ros�ro�ds �h�pp6ng ��nter
�nt�rpr6ses U��, Enc. _i �_ �ngti�h ar�d �s�oci�Ye�, lnc.
VdiII provide units with prcefilte�s and int�rm�diate flters installed �itiher on or in �he intalce grid of the unit and held
in place with spe�ial housings orc clamps .
I�istrumentation: Will pravide uxiits equipp�d �vith:
Magnehelic gauge ar inanorneter to measure the pressure drop across �ilters and indicat� v✓ITen filters hav� becomc
loaded and need to be changed
F� table indicating the usable air-handling capacity for various stati� pressur� r�adings on the �Iagnehelic �auge
affixed near th� ga�ge for reference, or the IVla�iehelic reading irtdicating at what poin� the �ilters should b� cha�iged,
noting Cubic F�et �er Minute (CPI�R} air delzvery a� that paint
Elapsed �une meter to show the total accurnulated hours of op�ration
Safety and Warnifi� Devices : �ill provide units with the fallov✓ing safety and r,vaming devices :
Electrical (or mechanical) lockout to prevent faYi from op�rating without a HEPA �lter
Automatic shutdown system to stop fan in the event of a nxpture in the HEPA filter or blocked air dischar�e
Warnu�g lights to indicate uormal operatian (�reen), too high a pressure drop across the filters (i.e., filter
overloading) (yellow), and too law of a pressure drop (i.e. , rupture in HEi'A filter or obstructed discharge) (red)
Audible alarm if unit shuts down due to operat�on of safety systems
Electrical compone�its : Will provide units with electrical camponents approved by the National Electrical NZanufacturers
Association (NEMA) and Undervvriter's Laboratories (IJL,). Each unit will be equipped wit.h overload protectian sized for tl�e
equipment. The motor, fan, fan housing, and cabinet will be groundedo
Ivlanufacturer: Subject to campliance vvith z°equirements, v,riil provide products, but n�cessarily limited to, the fallowin�:
Abatement Technologies (2000)
CR�I (2000)
Czi�ical Services (2000)
1'ressure Differential Isolatiou: �Iill isolat� �he Work AY°ea frain all adjac�nt areas or systems of the builc3ing with a Pre�sux�
I�iff�rential that will cause a mov�ment of air from outside to inside a� any breach in the �hysical isolation of the Work Area .
Relative Pressure i�i Work Area: �ill continnously znaiil�ain tl7e work area at an air pressur� that is lower �haai �hat in any
surroundin� space in th� buildi��.g, or at any locatzox� ui �he immediate �roximity ot�tside of the buildin� envelope. This
pressure differ�nt�al c�1�e�i measured across any physical or cri�ical barri�r will equal or e�ceed a static presstu°e of:
0.02 inches of water.
Will acconlplish the pressure differential by exhausting a. sufficient nun�ber of I�PA filtered fan units from the work
area. The nutnber of units required will depend on macliine characteristics, the seal at barriers, and required air
circulation. The number of units will increase with inereased make�up air ar leaks into the Work A.rea. Will
determine the number of units required for pressure isolation by the following procedure:
Will establish required air circulation in the work area, personnel and equipment decontamination units.
Will establish isolation by increased pressure in adjacent areas or as part of seals v�here required.
Will e�aust a sufficient number of units fram the v✓ork area to develop the required pressure differential.
HERRUNg Project No. 0819031 Page No. 22 Febnrary 20, 2007
� �rossraad� Sh�p�ring �en�er
�nterp�rise� U��, ir��. ��rgli�h and A�s�ei�4e�, Inc.
The requiredl number of units is tl�e number det�rrnined above plus otxe addi�ional unit.
Will vent H�PA filtered fan units to outside of buildin� unless autllorpzed in writing b� C3wner°s Represerl4ative.
Will mount units �o exhaust directly or thraugh dispasable ductvvork.
Will use only fiew dtrctwork exce�t for sheet mLtal connectians and elbaws.
Witl use ductwark and �ttin�s of sarrie diameter or Iarger than dischar°ge conziecCian an fan uriit.
Will use inflatable, disposable pla�tic ductwork in lengths not �reater than 100 fe�t.
�Iill use spiral wire-reinforced flex duct in lengths not greater than 50 f�et.
Will arrange e�aust as required to inflate duct to a rigidity sufficietlt to prevent flapping.
If directian of discharge froin fan unit is nat aligtied with duct will use she�t metal elbow to change directian. Will
us� six feet of spiral wire reinforced flex duct after direction change.
Isolation of elevators, stair towersq and return air intakes : Will erect seals with an air space at doors to elevators and stair
towers, and return air� intakes.
Will fabricate seal by first sealing doar with duct tape and 6 mil polyethylene. Will seal barrier with 6 mil sheet
plastic and duct tape.
Isalation of return air ductwork: This duct work is to be isalated frotn the Work Area.
Wi11 wrap the duct cvith 6 mil polyethylene. Will seal all polyethylene seams with spray glue and duct tape.
Will enclose wrapped duc� with two layers of poly�thyle�ie: Will fahricate inner layer froz�n 6 mil polyethylene ��vith
all seams seal�d with spray glu� and duct tape. Vdill arrange outer layer to suppart inner layer.
A.ir Circulation I�i The Work Area: For purposes of this section a�° c�rculation refer� ta �ztller th� introductian of outside aiz
to th� Worl� Area or the circulation and cleaning of air vvithin the Work Area.
Air circulation in the Work Area is a izunimum requirerr�ent intended to help nzaii�tain airbome fiber caunts at a level
that does not significantly ehalleng� tihe wark area i�olation measures. The Con�ractor n7ay alsa use this air
circulatiorl � s part of the engin�eri�ig controls in his worker �7rotectio�x pragram.
I3eter�ninin� the f�.ir circulation Rec�uii•ements : Will provid� a fully operatianal arr ci�culation sy�tem su��lying a miiiimutn
of the follo��ing air circula�ian rate:
4 azr chaiiges per hour, to iriclude one ( 1 ) additional unit as a backup in case of equipnlent failut°� or machine
shutdown for filter clianging.
E�aust S, sy tem: Pressure differential isolatian and air circulation in the Work �rea are to be accomplish�d by az1 exlaaust
system as described belo��.
Will B�aust all iuizts from t11e WoY•k Area to meet air circulation requiremen� of this section.
Location of HEPA Filtered Fati Units: Will locate farl unit(s) so that makeup air enters wark area primarily through
decontamination facilities and traverses Wor�C Axea as much as possible. This may be accomplished by positioning the
HEPA filtered fan unit(s) at a maximum distance from the worker access opening or other makeu� air sources.
HERRON� Project I�TO. 0819031 Page No. 23 Pebruary 20, 2007
� �ro��roacls �h�p�is�g �enter
�nterpri�e� U�,4, Inc. — -- �nglish ar�d �sociat�s, Inc.
V�ill Place �nd of Unit an intalce duct or its �xliaust duct �h�ou.gh an openin� in th� plasti� barrier or vvall covering.
�Iill seal plastic around t.he unit or duct with tape.
VJill �ent to Uutside of �uilding, unless autl�orized 'zn writing by the Owner's l�epresenta.tive.
�econtamination Uiiits : �Ii11 Arrange Work Area and decantan�izia�ion units so that the majority of rnake up air comes
tlu°ou�h the Decontamination Units. Wi11 us� anly �ersonnel or equipment Decontam�nation Unit at any time and seal th�
other so tl�at make up air passes t��rough unit � use.
Supt�lemental Makeup Air Inle�s: Wi11 Provide where required for proper air �low through the Vdork Area in location
approved by the Owner`s Representatzve by making og�enings in the plastic sheeting that allow air from outside the building
into the Work Area. Will locate auxiliary makeup air in.lets as far as possible from the fan unit(s) (e.g. , on an opposite vvatl),
off tl�e floar (�referably near the ceiling), and away frorn ba�ers that separate the Work Area from occupied clean areas.
Wi11 cover with fla�s to reseal automatically if the pressure differential system should shut down for any reason. �Iill spray
flap and around opening with spray adhesive so that if flap closes m�eting surfaces are bot11 covered with adhesive, �Jill use
adhesive that fortns contact bond when dxy.
Ai� Circulation I�Z Decontamuiation Units :
Pressure Differential Isolation: Will Con�inuously znaintain the pressure differential required for the ��vork area in the:
Personnel Decontamination Unit: across the Sho�ver Room with the �quipment Roorn at a lower pressure than the Clean
E�c ui�tnent Decontarnination Unit: Across the �Iolding Room with the �ash IZoo�n at a lower �ressure than th� Clean Room.
Air Circulation: Will Cantinuously maintain air circulation in Decontaminatioil Units at saine level as required for Work
Air �✓Iavement: Will Arrange air circulatian through the Persannel I�econtazni�iation Unit so �hat it produces a rnovement of
air from. the Clean Room through the Shower Room into t1�e Equipment Roazn. Will �naizxtain caiit�nuous miniznum
v�lo�ities o£ �iYty (60} feet �er minute ui th� breatlli�i� zane area of tlle showex and tl�irty (30) feet per mim�te in all othe�°
locations of the show�r.
Us� Of The Pressure I�ifferential And Air Circulatioti �vstem: �;acl� unit shall be s�rviced �y a dedicated minimrun 115V�
201�. circt�it v�rith ground fault eircuit ulterrup�er (C`iFCI) supplied fro�n temporary power supply irZStalled �.ander requireinents
of �ection 01503 "Temporary Facilities. " �Till not u�e �xisting branch cir�uzts to pawer fari usiits.
Testin� the �vstem: Will Tes� pz°�ssure differ�ntial system befnr� any asbestos-containing ma�erial is v✓etted or r�nlaved.
A�:er the Work !-�rea has been prepared, tlle decontamination facility set up, and th� fan ut�it(s) installed, will start the unit(s)
(ot�e at a t�me). �ill D�monstrate op�ration and testzng of pressure differential system to Owner's Represer.it�tive.
Will Demonstrate Qperation of the pressure differential system to the Owrier's Representative will include, bttt not be
1i�nited to, the follawing :
Plastic barriers and sheeting move lightly in. toward Work Area,
Curtain of decontatnination units mave lightly in toward Work AY°ea,
There is a noticeable Ynovement of air through the Decantamination Unit.
Will LJse smoke tube to demonstrate air movement from Clean Room tl�rough Shower I�oom to Equipment Room.
Will Use smoke tubes to demanstrate a definite motion of air across all areas in which work is to be performed.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 24 Februazy 20, 2007
p Cr�s�resad� SP��pppng �err4�r
�n�erpri�es U�A, in�. _ � _� �ngli�h and �s�oci�tes, inc.
�Jill Use a differential pressure meter or manometer t� demonstrate the requir�d pressure di.ff�rential at every barrier
s�parating the Work Area froin the balance of the buildin�, equipment, ductwork or outside.
Will I�odify the Pressure Differential �ystetn as riecessary to demonstr°ate successfully the above.
Use of �vstem �urinp Abatemen� O�erations: �Iill �tar� fan units befare begu2ning work (before any asbestos-cozitainzng
material is disturbed) . After abatement work has begun, will run units contuluously to �naintain a constant pressure
differential and air cir°culation until decontamii�a�ion of the ��ork ar�a is complete. Will not tu.rn off uilits at the end of the
work shift or when abaterrient operations tempararily stap .
Wzll not shut down air pressure differential system dui�izig encapsulating proc�dures, unless authorized by the
Qwner's IZepresentative in writin�. ��Jill supply suff�cient pre-filt�rs ta al1o� frequent chati�es.
Will Start abatement work at a loca�ion farthest from the fan units and �roceed toward th�m. If an elec�c pawer
failut°e occurs, �vill imtneciiately stop all abatement work and will not resume ut�til powei• is restored and fan units are
aperating again.
At completzan af abatezx�ent work, will allow fan units to run as specified U�1der section 01711 , to reYnove airborne
fibers that may have been generated durin� abatement work and cleanup and to purge the Work Area with clean
n�akeup air. The units may be required to run for a longer tune after decontatr�ination, if dry or only partially wetted
asbestos material was encountered durzng any abatement work.
Disrnantlin th�e S s�em� When a �'inal inspection and the results of final air tests izidicate that the area has been
decaiitaminated, fan units may be removed frorn the Work Area. Before removal from the Work Area, will remove and
properly dispose of pre�filter, decontaminate exterior af tnachine and seal intake to the machine �vith 6 mil polyethylene to
prevent environmental contamii7atioii from the filters.
� C)�' S�CT�Ol�d m a151�
HBRRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 25 Febniary 20, 2007
p �rmssraads �hoppirrg �enter
Er�terprE�es U�A, ie��. ��glish and Associafres, Ir�c.
01526 °�� P� �Y �� C�O� IJR��
Th� Project I7esign (Plan ofAction) and asbestos abatement v✓ork practices submitted by Contra�tor is in accordance with the
requirements in OSHA , with and in addition to the Asbestos Abatenlent ��ecifications, and in accordance with the Bid
Submit�als, listed here according to the sequezlce of the work:
Polyethylene Sheet:. Will provide flaine-resistant reinforcedl polyethylene film that confonr�s to requirements set forth by the
IVational Fire Protection Assoc;iation Standard 701 , Small Scale Fire Test for FlamemResistant Tex�iles and Films, if zequireda
VJi11 provid� largest size possible to minimize searns, 4.0, 6.0, or° 10.0 mils thick as indicated.
Remove aIl removable fiuniture and uncontaminated equipznent and/or supplies : To be removed b� �wnero
All other fixtures will be cam�letely covered �c�vith two (2) layers of polyethyleYle sheeting, at least 6 mil in thickness,
securely taped in place with duct tape. �uch fumituie and equipment shall be considered outside the work area
unless covering plastic or seal is breached.
I�isable ventila�ing svstems : To be disabled by Contractor.
Lockout power to Work Area: To be locked out by Contractor.
Lockout nower to circuits runnin t� hrough work area: To be locked out by Contractor.
Emer�enc.y Exits : Will provide emergency exits and emergency lighting as set fort1� below:
At each ex,istin� exit door from the Work Area �vill provide the follov✓ing means for emergency exiting:
Will arrange exit door so that it is s�cure from outside the Work area but permits ea�iting from the Work Area,
Will mark outline of door on Primary and Critical �arriers with lumznescent paint at least 1 " wide.
�Nil1 izang a razor knife on a s�iing b�side outlzn�.
Wzll arra�lge �ritical and PrirnaY°y barriers so that they cdn be easily cu� with on� pass of razor lcnife,
tTJi11 �airat words "El�ERUEIVC�' E�IT" ii�side au�line with lumin�scent g�aint in let�ers a9; leasti one foot higll and �"
�ontrol Access: Wi11 isolate the Work Area to prevent en�°y by buildirig occupants in�o �Vork Area or surroundiiig
�ontrolled areas .
Locked A.ccess : �ill arrange Worlc �rea �a that tlie only access into �Jork �rea is through lockable doars to �ersonnel at� d
equipment de�ontatnination units.
Critical Barriers: Will completely separa�e the Wark Area from other portians af the buildin�, and the outside �by closing all
openings with sheet pla.stic barriers at least 6 mil in thickness, or by sealing cracks leading out of Work Area t�ith duct tape.
Will individually seal all ventilation openings (supply and e��aust), lighting fii�tures, clocks, doorways, windows,
convectors and speakers, and other openings into the Work Area �rith duct tape alone orr with polyethylene sheeting
at least 6 mil 'ui thickness, taped securely in place �with duct tape, which are to remain in place. Will maintain seal
until all work including Project Decontamination is completed. Will take care in sealing of lighting fixtures to avoid
mel�ing or burning of sheetiing.
Will provide Sheet Plastic barriers at least 6 mil in thickness as required to seal o�enings coznpletely from the Work
Area into adjacent areas. Seal the perimeter of all sheet plastic barriers with duct tape or spray cement. Will
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 26 February 20, 2007
� Crossroads �hop�ing Cent�r
�nEer�rfs�� lJ��, le��. _ Eng(i�h and ��ociafies, inc.
mechanically Support sheet prastic i�idependently of d.uct tape or spray �;ern��t s�als so �hat seals do not su�poz�t the
weight of the plastic, where required .
V1i11 provide Pressure I�ifferential �ystem per Sectioii 01513 .
Will clean hou�ings and ducts of a11 ov�rspray materials �rior to erection of any Critical Barrier that v✓i11 res�ct
�caffoldin� Will HEPA vacuum and vaet clean area prior ta scaffoldigxg installation.
Will renlove all electrical and mechan�cal items, such as lighti�i� �ixtures, clocks, diffiasers, registers, escutcheon
plates, etc. which cover any part of the suz•fac� to be wark�d on with the work.
Will clean all contaminated furniture, equipment, and o� su�plies with a HEPA �Zltered vacu�n cleaner or by v✓e�
cleatiuig, as speci�ied in Section Ol '712 Cleaning and Decontanlination Procedures, prior to being moved or covered.
VJill clean All Surfaces In Work Area with a HEPA filtered vacuuin or by wet wiping prior to the installation of
primary barrier.
Frimary Barrier_ Will protect build 'uig and other surfaces in the Work Area from damage from water and high l�.utnidity or
from contamination from. asbestos-containing debris, slurAy or high airborne fiber levels by covering with a primary barrier as
described below.
Sheet Plastic: Will protect surfaces in the Wnrk Area with two (2) layers of plastic sheeting on floar, walls, and ceilings, or
as otherwise directed on the Contract Drawings or in writing by the Ovaner's Representative.
Will perform work in the following sequence :
Covei• Floor of Work Area with 2 individual layers of clear polyethylene sheeting, each at Ieast 6 mil in thickness,
turr��d up walls at least 12 incl�es. Forn1 a sharp riglrt angle bend at junctian of floor and wall so that there is no
radius which could be stepped on cal�sing the wall attachmerit to be pulled loose. Both spray-glue and duct tap� a.il
seanls in iloor covering. Locate seams in top layer six fee� fl°om, ar at right angles to, seams in bottom layer. I�ZStall.
she�ting so that top layer can be renloved iudependently of bottom layer.
Cover SP�eet Plastic in areas wh�re scaffolding is to be used with a single layer of 1 /2" CD� plywood ar 1 /4°'
tem�ered hardboard. Wrap edges and corners of each sh�et wi�h duct �ape. At com�letion of abate�nent �vork wrap
plywood or hardboard with 2 layers of 6 �nil polyethylene and rnove to next V�ork Area or dispose of as an asbestasre
contaminated waste material it� accordance with section 02084 of this speci�cat�on.
�ta�rs and Ram�s �. Will not cover stairs or ramps wzth tulsecured sheet plastic. �Ihere stairs or r°amp� are covered wi�h
plastic, �vill provide 3/4" exterior grade plyv✓ood t�eads securely held in place, over plastic. Wi.II nat cover g°uungs or rails with
any type of protective materials.
�.eg�air of I7ama�ol�ylene Sheetui�_ Will remove and replace plastic sheet�ng ��hich has been damaged by removal
operations or where seal has failed allowitig water to seep between layers. Will remove aff��ted sheeting and wipe down
entire area. I�1sta11 new sheet plastic only when area is completely dry.
Isolation Area: Will maintain isolation areas betWeen tl�e Work Area and adjacent building area.
Stop Work: If the Critical or Primary barrier falls ar is breaclied in any manner will stop work immediately. Will not start
work until authorized in writing by the Owner's Representative.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 27 February 20, 2007
C� �re�sroads �hoppir�g C�r�ger
�nterpri�es U�A, in�. � �nglish and ��ocia8es, Inc.
�xtensian af work area: If the Crit�cal �arrier is breached in any manner that could allovd the passage of asbestos debris ar
airborne fibers, then will add affected area to the Work Area, enclose it as requir�d by this Sec�ion of tlie speci�icatian and
decontarninate it as described in Section 01711 Project Decontarriiva�ion.
Secondary barrier: Secandary layer of plastic as a drop cloth to protect the primary layer fram debris generated by the
asbestos abat�ment worlc is specified in the appropriate wark sections.
E O� �E�T��N m 01526
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 28 Febniary 20, 2007
� �rc���roads Sh�pping �eraYer
�r��erprises 11�A, {nc. — -- _ EngEi�h ar�d ��cs�'sate�, inc.
0 � 527 m ��� EJ �A`t�� �R���
The Project I)esign (Plan of Action) and asbestos a�atement wark practices submitted l�y Contractor is in accordance with the
requi�°ements in QSI�A, v✓ith and �1 additiari ta the Asbestos Abatement �pecificatians, and in accordance with the I3id
�ubmittals, listed here accarding to the sequence af the work:
Secure woz°k area from access by occupants, staff or user� of the bi�ilding. Accamplish this wlaere possible, by locking doais,
windaw�, or other �nea�is of ac�ess to the ar�a, or by constnactin� temporary wood �t�d and plywood barrier�.
l7emarcate each Regulated Area vaith a sheet plastic dro� she�t as d�scrib�d below.
Post warning signs that ca�°y the following leg�nds :
�'YOVide sig� s in bath Engli�h and �panish:
First Si�n:
Provid� warning signs at each locked door Ieading to the controlled area reading as follo�vs:
Le„gend Notation
KEEP OUT 3 inch Block
Second Si�n:
Irnznediately inside �he locked door and outside tl�e controlled area post an appz°o�imately 20 inch by 14 inch maziufactured
caution sign displaying the follat�ing legend with letter sizes and styles of a visibiiity requ�red by 29 CFR 1926 �
r�e�ena :
����� � �� r.,r�� �����.��
��� �� ��r����� �������� �� � �� � � �
��Jhere the coritralled area is i�i a large area such as on part af a boil�r roar� or op�rl af-i`ice ar�a, delizi�at� area with 3 inch
v1id� polyeth�lezie ribbon with �he printed �arnizig, "�ATJ'I'ICl� A����'��� l�IC3� " , Instali thi� ribbon at bettiveen 3
and 4 feet above the fioor.
The follow�ng pi�cautions and procedur�s have a�plication to wark of this sect�on. VJorl�ers tnust exercise caution to avoid
releas� of �sbestos fibers into the aa�:
�etup and management of the controlled area is to be under the supervision of a C)SHA Competent F'erson as
described in �ection 01043 i�roject Coordination - Asbestos Abatement.
Before start of work comply with requirement for worker protection in �ection 01560, and respiratory protection ui
section 01562.
I7o not allow eating, drinking, smoking9 chewing tobacco or gum, or applyuig cosmetics in the Regulated Area.
Shut down any air handl 'uig equipment bruiging air into or out of the Regulated Area.
HERItON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 29 February 20, 2007
p Cr��sro�ds Shoppfng ��n4er
�nferpris�� U��., 6r��. _ �nglish and As�ociates, Inc.
Clean any existing dust or d�bris from the �loor and walls, and otl7�r surface it1 tli� i�mediat� location of the work
pr•zor to commencin� work by datnpmmopping or by use of a �Iigh Ef�iciency Particulate Air (HEPA) filt�red
Cover floor in vicinity of Work Area and six (6) feet beyond, wit11 6 mzl poPyethylene drop sheet. V1her� work is
adja�ent to wall, extend drop sheet up wall and secure �t ceilitig �aith duct tape. This drop sheet demarcat�s the
boundary of the Regulated Area.
Seal all openings, su�ply and exhaus� vents, and canvecto�s within ten ( 10) fe�t of th� Work �S.rea dvith 6 mil
polyethylene sheeting secured and �ornple�ely sealed with duct tape.
Perform the work per the appropriate specification sec�ion while on plastic cirop sheet.
Itrunediat�ly remove any asbestos-containiti� debris which collects on the drop sheet either by using a H�,PA
vacuum or by spraying with arraended water or removal encapsulant, collecting with �vet paper towels, placing in a
disposal bag while still wet, and cleaning surface of plastic sheet with wet paper towels.
Complete the following at cornpletion of work in an area before stepping
off drop sheet.
While standing an plastic sheet thoroughly I�PA vacuum ladder and any tools used and pass to worker
�tanding off sheeto
Worker standing off the sheet HEPA vacuum thoroughly the worker standang on the sh�et.
Worker on the sheet thoroughly HEPA vacuum alI surfaces of the plastic sheet, bags, and any other items on
the sheet includ'uig his a�m feet.
If moving to th.e next Work Area in the sazne secured area: Worker on the drop shee� is to don clean foat covers,
placing each foot, in �, off the sheet as the foot cover is put on. Rernove clean foot covers at the ne�t VJork �4.z°ea
while standing on the sheet. Dispose of the used f'oot �ov�rs alang with the plastic sl7eet at completzan of wark in
that area. Do not reuse fbot covers to znov� off' the sheet.
If work day is com�le�e or if' nex� Work Area is in az�othe� secured area: all �vvorkers rernov� pap�r suit� turni�ig tl�em
i�iside ou� while doing so. The person on �he sheet step with each foot off the sheet as th� foot cavers are removed.
Fold sheet and all its cantents toward �he center.
Place the sheet zn a prop�rly labeled disposal bag.
Neck down the bag and collapse it with the HEPA vacutiam.
Twist tl�e bag shut, bend over and seal with duct ta�e by ��ra�ping around bag neck at least 3 tunes.
Clean all surfaces of the Work Axea by use of a HE�'A filter vacuusn i�ntil no viszble �°esid.u� remains.
At campletiazl of �vork require all workers to complete vaet deconta.mination procedures izl accarc�ance with Sectiori
01560 Worker Protec�ion m Asbestos-Abatement.
ENI3 OF S�C'I'I€}�i m 01527
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 30 February 20, 2007
� Cros�re�d� �hopping ��nt�r
_ �r�t�rpris�� U�.�, In�. _ �r�gEf�h and ��esci�te�, ln�.
01529 � S ALL � �C�l�� �E�� ��° � � � °��OIV ���5
The Project Design (Plan of Action) an.d asbestos abatement woric practices submitted by ConCractor is iti accordance with the
requirezneiats iti OSHA, with and in additzon to the Asbestos Abatement 5pecifications, and in accordance with the Bid
�ubmit�als, listed here accordin� to the sequence of the work:
Minor �ork� Use �rovi�ions af this se�tion when minor work i� to be �erforin�d on asbesto��containing nlaterials.
Will catnply w'rth Se�tion Ol. �26 - 'T�mporaiy Ez�clasures if the qua�atities of asbestos-containing materiars exceed local, state
or fed.eral regulatians, or if airborne fib�r counts generated by the �vork exceed 0. 1 fil�ers p�r cubic centimeter in the br�atl7uig
zone of the persoYl perfarming the work.
Disturbance of Asbestos Containin� Materials: Will use �rovisions of this section whetl the work involve� dist�rrbance of but
not rerrioval of small area� of asb�stos�containing materials .
G�love ba�: provide minimusn 6 mil polyethylene, polyvinylchloride or equivalent plasti� sack, with Cwo sealed inward
projecting lang-sleeved gloves or inittens, preprinted vaith same wam%ng notice as a disy�asal bag, equipped with a pouch for
storage of tools, with designated location far wand or �-IEPA vacuum wand, and suf�icient capacity to hold removed materials
and permit sealirig as specified.
Garden S r�� ayer: Fravide a hand pump type pressure�can garden sprayer fabricated out of either metal or plastic, equipped.
with a m�tal �vand at the end of a h.ose that can deliver a stream or spray of" liquid under pressure.
Will complete the following befor� start of work of this section:
01527 Regulated Areas
O1S62 Itespiratary I�rotection
01560 Worker Protectzon - Asbestos �.batem�nt
� efore be�innin� v,�ork with an� inaterial for w11ic1Y a I�aterial �afety Irata Sheet lias been submi�ted will provrde worker�
vaith the required �srotective �quipment. Will require that appropr�ate �ratective �quipment be used a.t a11 t%mes.
C�lave �a�:
Will i•en�ov� asbestos-�ontaining i�zat�rial inside a glov� ba� acco�ding to the follavaing prac�dure :
�heck pipe where the �work v�ill be perfbz�med. VJrap damaged (brok�n Iag�ing, hanging, etc.), pipe in 6 mil plastic
and "candy�stripe" ��ith d�ct tape. Place one layer of duct tape arouu��..d undamaged pipe at each end t�here the glove
bag will be attached.
Slit top of the glove bag opei� (if necessa�) asid cut down the srdes to accommodate �he sice of tlae pipe (about tvao
zriches longer than the pipe diarneter} .
Place i� ecessary tools into pouch located inside glove bag. Th�s v�ill usually include : bone saw, utility knife, ra�s,
scrub brush, w�re cutters, tin snips and pre-wetted cloth.
Place one strip of duct tape along the edge of the open top slit of glove bag for reinforcement.
Place the glove bag around section of pipe to b� worked on and staple top together through r. einforcing duct tape.
N�xt, duct tape the eilds af glove bag to �ipe itself, where previously covered with plastic or duct tape.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 31 February 20, 2007
� �ros�r��d� �hopping Cer�tgr
�nfi�rpr6s�s EJ��, fnc. ----- � English and ��ociates, Inc.
LJse sinok� tube aud aspirator bulb to test sea1. Place tube into wateg° sleeve (tv✓oaincli opening to glove bag)
squeezing bulb and filling bag with visible smoke. Reinove smolce tube and twist ��ater sleeve clo�ed. While holding
the water sleeve tightly, gently squeeze �love bag and l�ok for srnoke l�aking otiit, (especially at the top and ends of
the glave bag) . If leaks are found, tape closed using duct tape and re-t�st.
Insert wand fran� garden sprayer through water sleeve. I�uc� tape �ateY� sleeve �ightly around the wand to prevent
Thoroughly wet inate�ial to be v✓arlced on with anzenc3ed water ar removal encapsulant and alloaa to soak in. Wet
ad�quately to pene�rate and soak material through to substrate.
One person places his ha�Ids into the lori��sleeved gloves �vhile th� secand �erson directs garden sprayer at the wark.
Use bone saw9 if required, to cut insulation at each end of the sec�ion to be rernoved. A bone saw is a serrated l�eavy
gauge wire with ring�type handles at eac1� end. Tl�roughaut this process, spray amez�ded water or removal
encapsulant on the cut�uig area to keep dust to a minunum.
Remove insulation usiiig putty knives or other tools. Place pieces in bottom ofbag without dropping.
Rinse all tools with water inside the bag and place back into pauch.
Using scrub brush, rags a�ld water, scrub and wipe down the e�:posed pipe.
Remove water wand from water sleeve and attach the sma11 nozzle from HEPA-filtered vacuum. Turn on the
vacuum only briefly to collapse the bag.
Remove the vacuum nozzle, twist water sleeve closed and seal vaith duct tape.
Fronz outside the bag, pull the tool pouch away from the bag. Place duct tape over twisted portion and then cut the
tool bag froYn tlle glove bag, cutting tl�rough the t��isted/taped section. Contaminated tools may then be placed
directly into next �love bag without cleaning. Altematively, tool pauc�h with the taols can be placed in a bucket of
�vater, opened underwater, and tools cleaned and clri�d. Discard rags and scrub hrush vaith asbestos waste. If rnore
than one adjacent section of pipe is to be removed, glove bag may be 1oos�ned a� each end and slid aloi�g the pipe to
the next sectian. In this case, the tools rnay reznain in the ba� for con�nued use.
�Jith remaved insula�ion iri the bottom of tlle bag, tv�ist �he ba� sev�ral tirnes and ta�se it to keep the material in ti�e
bottom dlaring ren�oval of the glove ba� fram tl�e pipe.
Slip a 6 inil disg�osal bag over the glo-ve bag (stzll attach�d to ti�e pip�). Reznove tap� or cut bag and op�n the top of
the glnve bag and fold it down into dispasal bag.
Clean all surfac�s in the Work �ea using disposable cloths wetted with wa�er with surfactant ar removal encapsulant
added. VJhen these surfaces lrave dried, �Iean with a H�PA filter�d vacuum. Matenial adhered to a surface with
removal encapsulant may require the applicatian of additianal r�moval �ncapsulant to facilitat� cle�nu�g.
Seal exposed ends of' remainin� pipe insulatioYi in accordatice with �ection 15254.
Remove disposable suits and �lace these into bag with waste.
Collapse the bag with a HEPA vacuum twist top of bag, seal with at least 3 wraps of duct tape, Uend over and seal
again with at least 3 wraps of duct tape.
HERI20N� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 32 February 20, 2007
O �ros�roa�s �hopping �e�#er
� �n�er�ri��s U�,4, In�. _ �ng66sh and �ssociate�, E�c.
A 1Vlini-Enclosure is any containment barrier s�nall enough to re�t�z°°ict entry ta the Asbestos Work Area to no more thati two
�vorkers, constructed around an area where smallWscale, shor� duration Asbesto� AbatemeYit is to be perfort�ied. This system
vvill consist of airtight barriers to isolate the V1ork Area to pr�vent migration of air from th� Work Area with an a�a�hed
s�parate Change RooYne Worker deconta�nulation �vill �equire a retnote g�ersonnel decon�amina�ion unit.
5�conda�°v�Enclosures :
A. Secondary-Enclosure is a systern of airtight barriers to isolate the Work Axea to �revent mi�ration of air from the Work
Area and cor�sists of a sYnall Work Room (typical larger projects consistin� of non-friable ACM IVlaterials, or friable ACM
Materials removed withirl Glove Bags) with an attached separate Change Room. Worker decontaminatio�i will require a
remote personiiel decantanunation uslit.
Se u9 ence of Work: Before beginning worlc of this sub-section will coznplete the following:
Isolation of area in accordance with �ection 01527 Local Area ProtectioY�.
Canstruction of a perso�uiel decontatnination unit in accordance with Section 01563 I�econtamination Units.
Work Room: Corlstruct Wark Room in the same manner as a Prix�iasy Barrier fabricated from 6 mil sheet plastic. Arran�e so
that Primary Barrier provides both a Critical and Primary Barrier. Line �valls and floor of ��Jork Roam with a contipiuous
Secondary Barrier.
Chan�e Rootn: Pravide an approximately 3 '�0" by 3 '-0" Change Room, with additional space as required for storage,
attached to each Work Room. Fabricate Chaiige Raom from 6 mil sheet plastic in the same manner as a Primary Barrier.
Locate so that access to Work Area is thaugh Chan�e Room.
Step Off Area: Cover f�oar in froiit of entry to Change Room with one layer of 6 mil sheet plastic. Securely anchor sheet
plastic to prevent slippuig.
�lap�aed Door Const�xction: I'rovide f�apped door as ent�°y to Change Roam and entry from Change Roam ta Work I�oam.
�abricate each flapped door fron� overlapping contactin� layers of sheet plastic. Fa�ten ea�l� layer on the top aiid one side.
Each flap is to �e 3 " langer than door openul�. Reinforce fr�e side and bottom of each sheet with c�uct tape. Alte�iate sid�s
that are fastetied on each la��r. �ar7n arrows g�oisitin� to �ntry side frotn duct tape ora inside and outside of door.
5i�nape: 1-�t ent� ta Change Ftoozn post aiz appraxinzat�ly 20 inch by 14 inch rna�xt�fact��d cautian sigr� di�playing the
following Ie�end with Ietter siz�s and styl�s of a visibility requi�ed by 29 CFIZ 1926 :
� ��Ft �dF1 I.IT�G �7IS�r�S� ��Ai2T�
I�1 'I'F�IS A
Provide spacing between respective luzes at least equal to the height of the respective u�per line.
Complete requirements of the following:
Section 01560 Worker Protection � Asbestos Abatement
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 33 Febivary 20, 2007
� �rea�sr��ds �hoppin� C�nter
_ �c��er�rises t�SAc, in�. _ � �ngli�h arsd �..ssociafes, ta�c.
SectioY101562 �espiratory Protec�ian
�ection 01513 Temporary Pressure IIifferential � Air Ci�culation Syste�n: HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner with
vacuum in space outside Mini-Enclosure �na� be tas�d for �otnpliance with this section. Provide a minimtun of 8 air
changes per hour in the �ork Room.
Entry to Work Roon�: Requlre that any time a worker enter t1�e VJork Room the fallowulg procedure is followed.
O�tside of Charlge Room remove all s�reet clothes and don clean coveralls and respirator. Pb switn suit or second
dispasable suit may be warn beneath out�r coveralls.
Enter Change Room be sure that entry i� com�letely closed.
Enter Work Room be sure that entry is cotnpletely closed.
Worker 13econtamination: �.�quire that any time a worker leaves th� nlini�Enclosur� the following procedure be followed.
IV�aintain a bucket of clean patable water in the Work Area. Do not atnend with a w�ttui� agent.
Remove contamuiated suit inside the Work Area. Leave respirator in place.
Wash hands, face and surface of resp�rator �vith water and �wet �aper to�vels . Use caution to avoid breakirig seal
between respirator face- piece and face.
Proceed with respirator in place to Chan�e Rooin.
Be sure that entYy to Work Area is campletely closed.
In Change Roorxi don clean disposable suit leaving respirator in place.
Exit change roorn be sure that en�ry to Cllange l�oom is cornpletely closed. �roceed to next l�ini-�rxclosure, ar a
remo�e shower.
At end of worlc day decontaminate firlly in accordance with procedui�s i�a. ap��ropriate s�ecification s�ctioti
describing Worker Pratection.
I�aterial I�econtaminat�on: R�quire that the follawing procedure be us�d it1 removinp equipmeilt and bag�ed debris froni th�
Work Roome
Tl1r�e work�rs ar� r�quir�d. One in the Work. Roazn, one in �h� Change Izoor��, ai�d one ati Step �ff �°�a.
Equipmez�ti atid bagged debris are to be removed from the I�ini��nclosure in separate operations.
VJorker in Work Room cleans equi�m�nt and bagged debris and hands one piece of equipment or o�ie ba� of debris
at a tune to worker in Change Room.
VJorker in Change Room wet cleans each pi�ce of equipment or bag and stores them in Change Room. Equipment is
sealed completely in 6 mil sheet plastic in the Change Room.
Wher� the amount of stored material in the Change Roatn becomes large enough that the worker cannot clean
incoming material without contactitig previously cleaned material the door betvveen the Work and Clean Room is
T3ERT20Na Project No. 0819031 Page No. 34 February 20, 2007
O �ro�sro�ds Shopping Center
�nt�rprises U3�, lr�e. _, EngBEsh anci Assaciate�, inc.
The worker in the Chariging Room tl�en passes each item inta a new disposal bag held open in the doorway between
the Changing Room and �tep Off Area by the warker on the Step Off Area. The Work�r on the Step Off Area place�
each bag in a sealed cart for transport to the load out area. IVo bags are to be stored outside af the Mini-Enclosure.
All bags ar� to be �ransported through the buildin� in clean sealed cozitainers that have never been in a asbestos VJork
Area, Mini-Enclosure or decontamination unit.
Mini-�nclosure Decontaminat�on: A� completion of all work decozitami�iate the Work and Chan�ing Roo�rrs as set forth in
Sectioti 01711 Project Decotitamulatian for non-friable materials .
'Work I�rocedures :
Prefonlied Pine Insulation: Remov� preformed pipe insulation either air cell (corrugated pa�er), plaster, or millboard
(layered cardboard) using the following p�ocedures :
HEPA vacuum the work site.
Wet surface with amended water or rerrzoval encapsulant.
Allow the aznended water or removal encapsulant to soak in. If the insulation is tlle consistency af moist putty it may
be removed, otherwise inject more amended water or rernoval encapsulant and wait for it to soak zn.
�lit jacket of the iusula�ion at both lateral and annular joints, cut metal bands and lower into an asbestos disposal bag
held open belaw the pipe.
Clean the exposed pipe ��it1� wet decontamination procedures as specified in section Ol '712. I7ispose of the rags or
paper towels in the disposal bag used above.
Collapse the bag with a HEPA vacuum, t��vist top of bag, seal with at least 3 wraps of duct tape, bend over and seai
again with at least 3 wraps of duet tape.
Seal exposed ends of remaining pipe insulation.
.Tob Nlolded Plaster Fittin� Insulation: Thoroughly v✓e� with amended watel or r°emoval encapsulant arid allow to soak in.
Wet adequately to �enetrate and soak material through to substrate.
�.emoval af Sma11 Areas of Fireproofin� or Arcl�itectural Finishes: Thoroughly wet aff�cted ar�a and G " beyai�d with a
g�enetrating encapsulant. �.11ovv to soak in.
�egi�i woi•k v✓hen tnaterial is thoroughly saturated with a consistency similar to oatrneal.
Using wand of �-IEPA vacuum �s a �ool, retnove material using a cookie�cutter tz�otion so �hat all material is sucked
up by F�EPA vacuuin.
� �F' S��T'IO� � Q1529
HERRON$ Project No. 0819031 Page No. 35 February 2Q 2007
C� Cro��rca�ds �Shopping Cent�r
�rrter�ris�s t1��, In�. _v �ngiish and A�sociat�s, lrrc.
01560 � �FC�� � �O°��C°�IQN � �S ���°��� A��°�� � � ��
The Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatetnent work practices subrz�itted by �ontractor is in accordance with the
requirements in OSHA, with and ui addition to the Asbestos Abatement Speci�ications, and in accordan�� with the Bid
�ubmittals, listed here according to gh� sequence of the work:
Worker Trainin�: T'rained, in accordance with 29 CFR 1926, all workers i�i the dangers inherent in handlin� asbestos and
breathing asbestos dust and in proper work procedures and p�rsonal and ar�a �rotective measuY•es. Included but do riot
limited to the topics covered in the couxse of the follawin�:
Methods of recogxlizing asbestos
Health effects associated with asbestos
IZelationship between smoking and asbestos i�� producing lung cancer
Natiare of opera�ions that could result in expasure to asbestos
Impartance of and ins�-uction in the use of necessazy protective controls, practices and procedures to minunize
exposure including:
En�ineering controls
Work Practices
Housekeeping procedures
Hygiene facilities
Protective clothing
Decontaminatian pracedures
Emergency procedures
Wast� disposal procedures
Pur�ose, proper use, fitting, instructions9 and liznitatians of respi�ators as requirecl by 29 CFR 1910e 134
Appropriat� �vork practices for th� work
Requirements of inedical surveillarice �rogra�n
Review of 29 CFR. 1926
Pressure I7ifferential �ystems
Wark practices iticluding hands on or on-job training
Per•sanal Deconta,mination procedures
Air inonitaring, personal and area
Medical Examinatians :, Have submitted medical examinations for all workers wlio may eilcounter an a�rborne fiber level of
0. 1 f/cc or greater for an 8 hour Time Weighted Average. In the absence of specific airborne fiber data have �rovided
medical examinations for all workers who will enter the Work Area for any reason. Examination at a rninimum is to meet
OSHA requirernents as set forth in 29 CFR 1926.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 36 February 20, 2007
� �ra��sroad� �h�pping �ent�r
--- �¢�terpri�e� lJSA, {ttc_--- — �nglish and Assoeiates, Inc.
f���FZA Accreditation: �--Iave submitted copies af certi�cates fr•om an EF'A�ap�sroved 1�I-IERA Abatement Workers caurse
for each worker as evid�nce that each asbestos Abatement Worker is accredited as required by the A�IE�2A Regtzlation 40
CFR 763 Appendix C to subpart E, A�ri130, 1987 .
State and Local License. �-Iave submitted evidence that all workers have been trained, certified and accredited as requi�ed by
state or local code or regulatior�o
Certificate Worker Acknowl�d _gment: Have su.bmitted an original signed copy of the Certificate of VJarker's
Acknowledgment per the Asbestos Abaten�e�lt �pecifications, fog° each worker who is to be at the jab site or �nter the Work
�ort from Medical �xamination: �Iave subinitted within last 12 months as part of coznpliance with OSI� medicai
surveillance requirements for each worker who is to enter th� Work Area. Hav� submitted, at a miniinum, for each warker the
Name and �ocial �ecurity Number
Physicianns �Jri�ten Opifiion from examining physician includin� at a rninimum the following:
Whether warker has any detected medical conditions that wauld place the worker at an increased �isk of mat�rial
health impainnent from exposure to asbestoso
Any r�conunended limitations on the worker or on the use of personal protective equipment such as respirators.
Stateznent that the worker has been infoi°�ned by the �h�sician of the z•esults of the medical �xamuiation and of any
medical conditions that may result from asbestos exposure.
Copy of inforznation that was provided to physician in compliance with 29 CFR 1926
Statenlent that worker is able to wear and use the ty�e of resp�ratory protection �raposed for t11e �raject, az�d is able
to work safely in. an en.vironment capable of producing heat stress in th� worker.
I�rotective Clothin�:
�overalls : Will provid� disposable fullmbody caveralls atld di�posable liead covers, a�ld require tl��,t they �e worn by all
workers in the �Jork �, rea. Wil1 provide a suf�czent ziumber for all requir�d changes, far all worker°s in the Wotk Area.
Baots : Vdiil provide �ork boots with rian�ski.d soles, and where required by OS��Ay lOO4 rSrOI,PCI.1VC,iSy far all workers. �ill
provide boot� at no cost to v✓ork�rs. Will paint uppers of all boots r�ed v✓ith wate�roof enan��l. VJill z�ot a11ov✓ boats to be
x°emoved from the Work Area for any r�ason, after b�ing contaminated �vith asbestosmco�itaining material. �Wzll dispos� of or
ba� boots as asbe�tos�contanlinated waste at the eild of the wark.
I�ard Hats : Will provide head protectives (hard hats) as required by OSHA for all workers, and provid� 4 spares for use l�y
Owner`s Represeiltative, Project Actminzstrator, and Ov✓i1er. Will label hats with same warning labels as used on disposal
bags . Will require hard hats to be warn at all tunes that work is in progress that rnay potent�ally eause head injury. i�Jill
provide hard hats of' type with plastic strap type suspensian. Will require hats to remain in the Worlc Area throughout the
work. Wi11 thoroughly clean, decontaznuaate and bag hats before removing them frozn Work Area at the end of the wark.
Go�1es : Will provide eye protectives (goggies) as required by OSHA for all workers involved in scrapzng, spraying, or any
other activity whicli may potentially cause eye injury. Will thoroughly clean, decontaminate and bag goggles before
removing them from VtTOrk Area at the end ofthe work.
Gloves: Will provide work gloves to all workers and require that they be worn at all times in the Work Area. Will not
remove gloves from Work Area and dispose of as asbestos-contaminated waste at the end of the work.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 37 February 20, 2007
� �ros�road� �hopping ��rrter
�ng�rpri�es 11�A, ir��. v� �nglisi� and �ssociates, Inc.
Additional Protective Equiprrient: Respirators, disposable coveralis, h�ad covers, and foottivear covers shall be procTided by
the Contractor for the Own�r, O�ner's Representative, Project Adminis�rator, and other authorized representatives who inay
inspect the jab site. Will provide ttivo (2} respirators and six (6) complete coveralls and, where applicable, s� (6) respi�ator
filter changes per day.
General: Will provide workex protection as required by the rriost stringent OSHA and/or EPA stai�dards applicable to the
work. The follov✓ing procedures are minimutns to be adl�ered ta regardless of fiber count in the Wark Area.
Each tim� Work A.x°°ea is ent�red remove all street clothes zn the Changing �2oam of the Persarinel T�econtanunation
Unit and put on new disposable coverall, nevv head cover, and a clean respiratar. Proce�d thraugh show�r roam to
equipment room and put on work boots.
Decantamination Procedures:
1/2 Face Air-Purifying Respirators : Will require that aIl workers use the following decontaznination proceduz°e as a ininim.um
requirement whenever leaving the Work Area:
When exi�ing area, reinove disposable coveralls, disposable head covers, and disposable footwear covers or boots in
the equipment room.
sti11 wearing respirators, �ro�eed to showers . Sl�owering is mandatorv. Care must be talcen to follow reasonable
procedures in removing the respirator to avoid asbestos �bers �vhile showering. The following procedure is required
as a minimum:
Thoroughly wet body including hair and face. If using a Povaered Air-Purifyuig Respirator (PAl'R) I� old blower unit
above head to lceep canisters dry.
With respirator still in place thoroughly wasl� body, hair, resp�°ator face piece, and all parts af the respirator except
the blower u�it and battery pack ori a l'APR. Pay particular° attention to seal between face and respirator and under
straps .
Take a deep breath, hold 'zt and/or exhale slowly, coznplet�ly ��et hair, face, and respirator. �Jhile still laolding
breath, remove respirator and hold it av,�ay froin face before sta,rting to breath.
Ca�efully wash facepiece of respirator inside and out.
If �sixig �APR: shut dowr� in the follo�uing sequence, �rst cap iill�ts to �lter cariY°idge�, theti tur� off blov✓er i.ulit (thi�
sequerace wi11 help lceep debris which has coliected on the inlet side of �'ilter fro�n dislodgin� and contazninating the
outside of the unit). Thorauglaly was1� blow�r uni� azxd hoses . Carefi.ally wash �attery pack with wet rag. }�e
extrefnely cautious of getting ��at�r in battezy pack as th°rs will short out and destroy battery.
Shovaer cotnpletely with soap a�1d water.
Rinse thoroughly.
Rinse shower room walls and floor prior �o exit.
Proceed from shower to Cl�angin� Roam and change into st�eet clothes or into new disposable work items .
Within Work Area: Will require that workers NOT eat, drulk, smoke, chew tobacco or gum, or apply cosmetics in the Work
Area. To eat, chew, drink or smoke, workers shall follow the procedur� descri.bed above, then dress iu s�reet clothes before
entering the non-Work Areas of the building.
HERItONg Project No. 0819031 Page No. 38 February 20, 2007
U Grossrmads �E�opping Cent�r
�n�erprf��� �l�A, Err�. �€�g66�h and .4s�6ei�te�, Ene.
Certificate Of Worker's Acknowl�d�ii� After each worker has been included in the Can�ractor's Respiratory Prot�c�on
Pro�ranl, completed the trainul� program and medical examiziatian, will s�cure a fully ex�cuted cUpy of this forz�r .
� C�� �ECTIC3I�1 m 01560
HERI20N$ Project No. 0819031 Page No. 39 February 20, 2007
� �ros�ro�ds �17opping C�nter
��terpri��s l��A, In�. __ _ �_ �ngiish and �sociafe�, Irrc.
o � ��Z ��� �� �� � � ���������
The Project IJesign (Plan of Action} and asbestos abatement work practices submi�ted by Contractor is in accordance with the
requirements in OSHA, �with and in addition to the Asbestos Abateznent Specifications, a�d in accordance with the Bid
�ubmittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work:
Descri�tion Of Work: Have in�tructed and trained each v�orker invalved in asbestas abateme�it ar m�intenance and repair of
friable asbestos-contairiing materials in proper respiratory use and require that each warker always wear a respirator, properly
fitted on the face in the Work Area frotn the sta�9; of atly operat�on which may �ause airborne asbestos �bers until the Wark
Area is cornpletely decontaminated. Wi11 use respiratory protection appropriate for tlae fiber level encountered in the wor�C
place or as required for ather toxic or axygen-deficient situatioias encountered.
�tandards : Where there is a conflict in requirements set forth in these regulations and standards, will rr�eet the more sttriingent
�S�-IA�U. S . Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Admitiist�ation, Safety and Health �tandards 29
CFR 191d, Section 1001 , Section 134, and 5ection 29 CFR 1926. 1101 .
CGAmCo�npressed Gas Association, Ina , New York, Pamphlet G�7, "Compr�ssed Ai� for Hraman Respiration", and
Specification G�7 . 1 "Commodity Spe�ification for t� ir" .
CSA-Canadian Standard Association, Rexdal, Ontario, Standard Z180. 1 - 1978, "Conlpressed Breathing Air" .
ANSI-American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88 .2- 1980.
NIOSH-National Institute for Occu�ational Safety and Health
MSHA �Mine Safety and Health Ad�ninistration
Air Purifyin� Res irp ators:
Res�ira�or Bodies : �Jill provide, at a �ninimum, T�Ialf face ty�e respirators .
�ilter Cartrid�es : Will provide, at a tninin�unl, II�PA �pe filters lab�led with rdIQSH and �I�HA Certification far
"Radionnclides, Radan L)aughters, Du�t, �uxnes, I�ists including l�sbestos-Containing l�usts and 1Wlists" and color coded in
accordance with ANSI Z228 .2 ( 1 .980) . In addition, a ch�rnical car�rid�e section ma� be adcled, if requir�d, .for solvent�, etc.,
in ��se. In this ca�e, will provide cas�f.i�idges that have each section of th� cornbinaLion �anist�r labeled wi�h the appropria�e
c;olor code and NI4SIUMSFiA Cer�ifica�ian.
Respiratorv Protection Pro r�; am: Will camply v�ith AIVSI Z�� .2m1980 "�'ractices for l�espirator� Protectior� " and OS�-IA 29
CPR 1910 and 1926 .
VJill require tihat res�iratory prat�ctian b� used at all times that there is any possi.bility of disturban.ce of asbestos-
containitlg mate�ials whether intentional or accidental.
VJi11 require that a respirator be worn by anyone zn a VJork Area at all times, regardless of activity, during a period
that starts with any operation which could cause airborne fibers until the area has been cleared for re�occupancy in
accordance with Sec�ion 01714,
Regardless of Airborne Fiber Levels : Will require that the nlinunum level of respiratory protection used be U2 Face
Air Purifying Negative Pressure Respirator with. high efficiency filters.
Will not allow the use of single�use, disposable, ar quarter-face respirators for any purpose.
�IERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 40 February 20, 2007
p �r�ssraads �hoppir�g Cenksr
_ �nter��k��� U��,, Enco _. ___ _ �nglish ar�d �ss�eiat��, irac.
Fit Testiii�:
�nitial Fitt�in�: Vi�ill provide initial fitting of respiratory protection during a resp�ratory protection course of �raining. �Fdill �t
types of respirator to be actually worn by each individual. Wi11 allow an individual �o use only tihose respirators for whicl�
training asid fit testzng has been provided.
f)n a ��deeldv �asis : Will �heck the fit af each worker's respi�a�or by having irritax�t smoke blo�ni onto th� respiratior from. a
smoke tubee
Upon Each WearinQ: Will require that each t�me an a�r-purifying respirator is put an it be checked for �it �ith a positive ar�d
negative pressur� fit test iii accordance with the manufacturer's i.nstructions or AN�I ��8 .2 ( 1980).
'�e Of Respiratorv Protectiou Required: Will provide Resp�ratory Protec�ion as ir�dicated 'zn the Asbestos 1-�batement
minimum, Half Face !-�ir Purifyuig Negative Pressure Respirator with high eft"iciency filt�rs.
Permissible Ex�osure Litnit �EL�
Fibers : Far purposes of this section, fibers are defined as all fibers regardless of composit7on as counted in the OSHA
Reference Method (ORM), or NIOSH 7400 procedure.
Time Weighted Average (TWA) � 0. 1 fibers/cubic centimeter
Ftes�iratory Protzction Factorc:
Respirator__Type Protection Factor
Air Purifying: 10
Negative pressure respirator
High efficieilcy filter
Half facepiece
Powered Air° Purifyi�ig (PAF'R) : 50
Positive pressure respi�ator
�Iigh efficiency filter
Full fac�pi�ce
P�i� Purifying l�espirators: I�legative Pressure air purifyit�g half face inask:
Negat�ve pressure � half ar full fac� mask, �%Vill. sr,tpply � suf�icient quan�ity of respi�ator filters approv�d for
asbestos, so that workers can change �ilters during the work day. Will require that respirators be wet-r'rnsed, and
filters discarded, each time a worker leaves the Wark Area. Will require tha� new filters be zr�stalled each time a
worker re-e�ters the VJork Area. Will store respu°ators and filters at the job site in tl�e changin� r�om and protect
totally from exposure to asbestos prioz° to their use.
Povvered Aiz° Puri , ing Respiratois : Powered air purifyin� fiall face mask:
Wil1 supply a suf�cient quantity of high efficiency respirator filters approved for asUestos so that workers can change
filters at any time that flow tY�rough the face piece decreases to the level at ��hich the manufacturer recommends filter
replacement. Will require that regardless of flow, filter cartridges be replaced after 40 hours of use. Will require that
HEPA elements in filter cartridges be protected from wetting during showering. Will require entire exterior housiug
of respirator, including blov✓er unit, filter cartridges, hoses, battery pack, face mask, belt, and cords, be washed each
HERRONa Project No. 0819031 Page No. 41 February 20, 2007
� �ros�roads 5h�ppE�g Cerrter
�nE�rpri�es U�A, Irs�. ��glish and ,4ssoci�te�, lnc.
ti�ne a worker leaves the Work Area. Cautian. should be tiased to avoid shorting battery pack during �ashing. Will
pravide an extra bat�ery pack for each respirator so that one �an be charging while one is in use.
R.espiratory Protection Program: IHave submitted compiete form "Respirator� Protectian Program" , indicat��g type of
respiratory protec�ion proposed for each portion of the work.
� �33� S��TI�N � 01562
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 42 Febivary 20, 2007
C� �r�ffisroads �h��ping �ent�r
-- �nter�ri�es tJ�.�, Inc. _ ----- �ngii�h �nd �s�aciafes, Errc.
01563 � �C�N`TA I �AT'� �N �1PJ1°f�
The Project �esigti (I'lan of Action} and asbesto� abaternent work practices submitted by Con�°actor is in accordaslce v✓ith th�
requirements i�i 05HA, with and in addition to the Asbestos Abatement �pecificatioyis, aaid in accordasice with the Bid
�ubmittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work:
Polvethp ly ene sheet: Will provid� f�arne r•esistasit reitifar�ed �olyethylene �ilm that confo�°ms to requirements set forth by th�
1�1at�onal �ire Protec�ion. Associa�ion Stazidard 701 , �mall 5cale Fire Test for Flame�resistant T'extiles and Fil�ns, if req�ired.
�ill �rovide largest size possible to minimize seam�, 4.0, 6.0, or 10.0 rnil thick as indicatedy �°osted or black as indicated.
I3uct Ta�e: Will provide du�t ta�e in Z°' or 3 `° widths as indicated, with an adhesive which is fonnulated to stick a�gressively
to sheet poly�thylene.
5�pray Adllesive. �i11 provide spray acil�esive iti ae��osol cans �which is specifically formulated to stick tenaciously to sheet
Shower Pan: Will �rovide oi�e piece water�roof shower pan 4' x 8' by 6" deep. Fabricate from seamless fiberglass nunimu�r�
1 /16" �hick reinforced with wood.
�hower Walls : Will provide 3 ' long by approximat�ly '7' high walls fabricated from rigid, impervious, waterproaf material,
either conugated fiberglass roofing or equivalent. Will structurally support as necessary for stability.
5hower Head and Controls : V�i11 provide a factory�made shower head producing a spray of water which can be adjusted for
spray size and intensity. Will feed shower with water mixed from hot and cold supply lules. Will arrange so that con�rol of
��ater temperature, flow rate, and shut off is from inside shower without outside aid.
Filters : Wil1 provide cascaded filter units an drain lines from showers or any other water source carrying asbestos-
contaminated water from the Work Area, Will provide units with disposable filter elements as indicated belaw. Wi11 connect
so that discharged water passes primary filter and autput of �runary flter passes thraugh secondary filter.
I;rimary Filter - Passes particles 20 micro��s and smaller
Secondary Filter � Passes �articles 5 �nicrons and small�r
ium �'��. tunp : Will pr� vide totally submersible waterproof susxi� pum.p with integral float switcli. 1'rovide unit sized to pump
2 tiznes the flow capac;ity of all sl�owers ar hoses supplyu�g water to t11e surnp, through the filters speci�ed I�erein whezl th�y
are loadecl to the extent that replacem.e�it is required. Will provide urlit capable of puinping debris, sand, plaster or ather
rnaterials washed off dui�ng decontaznina�ian pracedure� without darnage to rnechan.iszn of pum�. �Jill adjust float switch �a
that a nii.nimum af 3 " iernairis betzvee�i tap of liquid and top af sum� paiie
Persoi� el 13econtatniriation Unit: Wili provide a �'ersonj�el Decontarnination Utiit can�rst�n� of a serial arran�ement of
�onnected rooms or spaces, Changin� Roon1, I}zying Room, Shower Room, Equipment Room. Will requiz°e all persons
without e�ception to pass tht°ough this Deconta�nination Unit for ent7y into and exiting fx•om the Work Area for any purpose.
Will rlot allow parallel r•outes for en�°y or exzt. Will not remove equipment ar materials througli Personnel Decofitam�nation
Unit. Will provide temparary lighting within Decontamination Uziits as zlecessary to reach a lighting level of 100 foot
Changin� Room (clean room� Will provide a room that is �hysically and visually separated from the rest of the building for
the purpose of changuig into protzctive clothing.
Will construct using polyethylene slieeting, at least 6 inil iri thickness, to provide azl airtiglit seal between the
C1�anging Roorn and the rest of the building.
Will locate so that access to Work Area from Changing Room is through Shov�er Room.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 43 Februaay 20, 2007
� Crossraad� �hopping Center
-- �n�erpri�e� U�A, Inc. ---- — __ �r�glish arrd �s�ciat�s, lnc.
VJill �eparate Changing Room from the building by a sheet plastic flapped doorv✓ay.
Will require workers to ren�aove all s4reet clothes in this rooni, dress iri clean, disposable coveralls, and don
respiratory protection equipment. Vdill riot allow asbestos-contatninated items to enter �his room. Will require
Workers to enter this room either from outside the structure dressed in street clothes, or nalced from the showers.
Will �naiutain floor of cl�ariging room dry and cl�an at all times. �ill not allo� o�erflow wat�r from shower to wet
floor in changing rootn.
Will damp v✓ipe all su�°faces twic� a�Cer each shift change with a disinfecta�it salution.
Will provide posted information for all em�rgency phone numbers and procedures .
Will provide 1 storage lo�ker per employ�e.
Dr�n�m: Will provide a drying room as an airlock and a place for workers to dry after showering.
Will separate from Changing Room by a sheet plastic flapped doo�°way.
Will �rovide a continuously adequate supply of disposable bath towels .
Will provide a rigid, tight�sealing hinged door between Brying Room and Clea�i Room. Arrange so that there is a
sensible movement of air from clean room through breathing zone of worker in Shower and Drying Room toward
Equipment Room.
5hower Room: Will provide a completely watertight operational shower to be used for transit by cleanly dressed workers
heading for the Work Area from the Changin� R.00m, ar for showering by workers headed out of the Work Are� after
undressing in the Equipznent Room.
Will coiistruct room by providin� a shower pan and 2 sho��er walls in a coilfiguration tlYat will cause cvater z,unnzilg
down wa11s to drip in.to pan. Will in�tall a freely draining wooden floor in shower pan at el�vatioil of top of pan.
V1i11 separate this room from the rest of the building witll airtight �va11s fabricated of 6 mil polyethylene.
Will separate this raom from th� Drying Roorri air�ight wa11s fabr�cated of 6 inil polyethylene.
Wi11 provide show�r head and cont�ols.
Wil1 provicie t�m�oraY°y �xtetisions of existing 11ot and col.d vaater and drainage, as n�c�ssary for a complet� and
o�erable shower.
Wi11 provide a soap dish and a cantinuously adequate supply �f soap and maintain i�� sanitary condition.
Will az�°ange so that water from shawering does nat splash into the Changin� or Equipment koams.
Wil1 arrange watet° shut off and drain pump operatian controls so tliat a single ifldividual can shower without
assistance fram either izxside or outside of the Work Area.
Will pump waste water to drain, provide 20 micron and 5 micron waste water filters in line to drain. �TJi11 change
filters daily or more often if necessary. Wi111ocate filters inside shower unit so that water lost during filter changes is
caught by shower pan.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 44 February 20, 2007
C�? �rQ��rnad� �h�pping ��nt��
�n��r�rises U��, i�c. - - -- �nglish anci �ssaciates, 9nc.
E�c uipment �Zoom (con�aminated area : Will requ�re work equipznent, foo�wear and additiona,l con�amiizateci work �lothing to
be lef� here. This is a change and transit area far warkers.
Will separate this room from the Work Area by a 6 �nil polyethylene fla�sped doorway.
Vdill separate this roam franm the r��t of the buildin� with aiz°tight v✓alls fabricated of 6 tnil polyethyl�ne.
VJill separate this roorn from the �hower �oorri a��d VJork Area with airtight walis fabrica�ed of 6 mil pol�ethylen�.
�ill provide a drop clo�h layer of` sheet plastic on floor in the Equ.ipment F2oom for e�very shift change expect�d.
Will roll drop cloth layer of plastic fronl Equipment Roozn into Work Area after each shift chamge. Will repiace
befor•e next shift change. Will provide a m�imutn of two (2) layers of plastic at all ti�nes. Will use only clear plastic
ta cover floors .
Work Area: Will se�arate VVork A.rea from the Equipment Room by polyethylene barriers. If the airborn� asbestios level in
the Work Area is expected to be high, as in dr°y removal, will add an intermediate cleaning space between the Equipment
R.00n1 and the Work Area. Will daznp wipe clean all siarfaces afl:er each shift change. Will provide one additional floor layer
of 6 mil polyethylene per shift chatige and remove contaminated layer after each shift.
Decontamination Se u� ence : Will require that all workers adhere to the following sequence when entering or leaving the
Work Area.
Entering Work Axea: Worker enters Changin� Room and removes street clothing, puts on clean disposabl� overalls
and respirator, and passes through the Shower Roam into the Equipinent Room.
AY1y additional clothing and equipn�ent left iu Equipment Room t�eeded by the worker are put on in the Equipment
�Worker proceeds to �ork Area.
Exitit�g Wark Area: Sefare leaving the Wark Ar�a9 will require the worker to remove all gross contaminat�an a�ad
debris from overalls and fe�t.
The work�r tllerz proceeds to the Equipment l�ootn and rezrioves all clothing �xcept respiratory protection
Exfi�a wark clatl.�in� sucl� as boats, hard hats, �oggles, gloves ar� to be stox°ed in contarninated �nd of' th� Ec�uipment
l�isposabl� coveralls are placed in a ba� for disposal with otl�er material.
Will require tnat I�econtaznination procedures found in Section 01560 be followed by all individuals leavin� the
�Jark Area.
After showering, the worker moves to the Changing Room and dresses in either new coveralls for atiather en�t°y or
�treet clothes if leavin�.
E�c. uipment l�econtasnination Unit:
Load-out .Area: The load-out area is the transfer area frozn the building to a truck or dumpster. It will be a separate
room or loading dock area. Will erect Critical and Przmaty barriers as described in Section 01526 "Temporary
Enclosures" in load-out area.
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 45 FeUruary 20, 2007
O �rossroad� �hoppi�g G�n�er
�nterprr��s USA, Enc. --- — Engl@sE� a�sd �soci�te�, Inc.
I3uring transfer of material from load-out ar�a erect primary barriers as described in S�ction 01526 '°Temporary
Enclosures" as necessaty to seal path from load-out area to t�°uck or dump�ter.
I?econtamination Sequence: Wi11 take all equipment or material from tlie �ork Area through the Equipment
Decontamination Unit according to tlie follov✓ing procedure:
Will tlioroughly wet clean contami�lated equipinent ar sealed polyethylene bags and pass into ��ash Room.
When passing equipinent ar containeg°s �hrough the load out, wi11 �lose all doo�vays of the Eqr�ipment
Decontamination Unit. Will keep all outside personnel clear of the Equipment Decontzmination Unit.
When cleaning is complete will pass itexns into Holding Room. Will close all doorvaays ex�ept t.he doorway bet�veen
the Holding room and the Clean Room.
Workers frnm the building exterior will enter I�olding Area and r�move decontaminated equipinent arldlor contaii�ers
for disposal.
Will require these workers to wear full pratective clothing and a�propriate respiratory protection.
At no time is a worker fram an uncontazninated area to enter the enclosure �vhen a removal vvorker is inside.
Construction Of The Decontamination Units :
Walls and Ceiling: Wi11 construct �irtight walls and ceiling using polyethylene slleetuig, at least 6 rnil in thickness.
Will attach to existing building components or a temporary frameworko
Floors : Will use 2 layers (minimutn) of 6 mi1 palyethylene sheet�ng to cover floars in a11 areas of the
Decorltamination Units. Will use only clear plastic to cover floors.
Flap Doors: Will fabricated frorri three (3) averlapping sheets with openings a minimum of three feet (3 ') wide. Will
canfigure so that sheeting overlaps adjacet�t surfaces. Will weigh sheets at bottoms as z•equired so that th�y quickly
close after being released. Will put art°ows on s2�eet� to indicate darection of overlap and/or travel. Will provide a
mi�iiinutn of �ix feet (6') between entrance and e�it of any roarn . Will provide a minimum of three feet (3 ') betw�en
ElectricaL• Will provide subpan�l at Chaxlgu�g Roorr� �o accomznodat� a11 removal equi�sment. Will ��wer subpan�l
directly from a buildin� electrical pan�l. Will cont��ct all electrical bran�h cir. cuits in Decontazninatioti unit and
particularly any pum�s in sho�uer rooin to a ground-fault circuit protectic�n d�vzce,
Cleanulg Of I�ecozitamination Units : Will cleaii debris and residue froin inside of l�ecantapnination LJnits oii a daily basis or
as otherwis� indicated on Contract Drawings, VVi11 damp �wi�� ar hose down all suxfaces after each shift �hang�e Will clean
d�bris from slaower pans on a daily basis.
If the Changing Room of the Persannel Decontainination Unit becomes contaminated with asbestos-cotitaitiing
debris, will abandon the entire Decontarnination Unit and erect a new Decontamination �Ilnit. Will use the forrner
Changing Room as an inner section of the new Eqr,iipment Roam.
Si�ns: Will post an approximately 20 inch by 14 inch manufactured caution sign at each entrance to the Work Area
displayin� the legend with letter sizes and styles of a visibility required by 29 CFR 1926 .
�I� �F SECT�(3Pd � 01563
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 46 F'ebruary 20, 2007
� �rns�r�ads �h�pping Cer��er
�r�t�rpri��� iJS�4, Inc. __ �_ �nglish ar�d �sse�6ates, Inc.
�� I � 1 f°'i11 � IV1 [� IV �
pecr�ntamination _ 2 �fage La�d Uut
Shower C�� G � r�aors � �o ��
Clean Roo��n
con � � � � � � � / � � f � it�
HF,RRON� Project No. 08I9031 Page No. 47 Febn�ary 20, 2007
pp �ros�r�ads �hopping �ente�
�nter�rrise� U��, Ir�c. ------- �ngEi�F� arrd �sociate�, fe��.
017Q1 ���J ��'T CL���Ol3`�
The Project I7esign (Plan of A.c�ion) arid asbestos abatement �work practices submi�ted by Cantractor is in accordance v✓zth the
requirements in �SF�A, vaith and in addition to the Asbesto� Abatement 5p�cifications, a�id in accordanc� �with tl�e F3id
�ubmittals, listed here according to the sequezice of the vaork:
�'er Asbestos Abatement Sp�ci�icatians .
� O�° ��C'�'IC�N 01701
H�T2ItONg Project No. 0819031 Page No. 48 February 20, 2007
p �r�ssro�ds Shopping ��nter
�n�erpri��� tl��, Inc. ---- ---- �nglish anci As�esciat�s, Inc.
� � 71 � � ��J �C`T ������°A � �A`�I ��
Th� Proje�t Design (�'lan of Action) and asbestos abatement v�ork practices subrnitted by Cantractar is in accordance with the
requirem�nts in. OS�IA, with and �1 addition to the Asbestos Abatetnent �pecifications, and in accordan�e with the Bid
Subznittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work.
C�e�eral: L)�contamiilation of th� Work A_r�a follo�ing asbestos abat�ment.
If the asb�stos abaternent worlc is on damaged ar friable materials the work is a four step procedure vvitli t�uo
cleanings of the Primar°y �arrier plastic prior to its r�moval and f,wo cleanings of the room surfaces to remave any
new or existing contasnination. Uiiless specifcally indicated otl�erwise all znater-�a1s are �onsidered damaged or
friable for purposes of this section.
In all cases aperatior7 of the pressure differential s��tem dvill be used to remove airborne fibers �enerated by the
abatement work.
First Cleauin�: Will carry out a �irst clea�iing of a11 surfaces of" the �work area includin� item� of r�maining sheeting9 lOO1Sy
scaffoldin� andlor stagi�g by ase of dar�lp-cleaning and mopping, and/or a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered
vacuum. (Note: A HF,PA vacui,un may fail if used with wet material.) Will not perfor�n dry dusting or dry sweeping. Will
use each surface of a cleaning cloth one time only and then dispose of as contaminated waste. VJill conti��ue this cleaning
until tl�ere is no visible debris fram reinoved materials or residue on plastic sheeting or other surfaces, at which time
encapsulation of the substrate (lockdown) will occuro
Will remove All Filt�rs in Air Handling 5ystem(s) and dispose of as asbestos-containing waste in accordance with
requirements of Sectian 02084 Disposal of AsbestosmContaining Waste Material.
Will use osczllating fans as necessary to assure circulation of air in all p�rts of work areas during this period. Will
tnaintain Pressure I�ifferential System in operation for the entire air change period.
Second Clean�: Will earry out secand cleaning af all surfaees of t11e work area in the same manner as the previous
VJill �°emove Ali Filt�rs in Air Hagidlin� �ystem(s) and disg�o�e of a� asbestos-caz�taining waste in accordance with
requu°enlents of �ectian Q2084 I3ispasal of Asbestos-Containing �Naste Material.
Will use oscillating fans as zie�essary to assure circuiation of a�r in all parts of wark �°ea� du�°ing tihis period. Will
maintain I?ressure I�ifferential �y�tezn i�� operatian far° the entir� air charige period.
Fiilal Cleani�e Wi11 �a1ry ai�t a final cleanin� of all si�rfaces �n t11� �Jor.k Ar�a in the saine Ynanz�er as �1�� previous cl�ani�i�.
Will wait the entire air chaug� �eriod to allow HEPA �iltered fan units to clean azr of aiz°borne asbestas �bers . �ill
use oscillatin� fans as necessary to assure circulation of air in a11 parts of work areas during this period. Will
maintain �sressure differential system u2 operatian for the entire air change period.
Visual Ins�ection: after the en�re air change period and Final Cleanuig will perform a Complete Vzsual Inspection of the
ei�tire Work Area including: all s�faces, ceiling, walls, floor, decoritamination uni�, a11 plastic sheeting, seals over ventilation
openings, doorways, witidows, and other openings; will look for debris frorri any sources, residue on suxfaces, dust or other
�natter. If aily debris, residue, dus� or other matter is found will repeat fulal cleaning and continue decontamina�ion
procedure from that point. When the area is visually clean, rio debris, residue, dust or other material is found, will conlplete
the certification per th� Asbestos Abatement Specifications. Visual inspectiofi is not complete until confirmed in writing, on
the certificat�on, by Praject Administrator.
HF,RRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 49 I'ebruuy 'L0, 2007
C� Cr��sroad� �h�pping ��nt�r
_ Err�erpri��s lJ�e�, Ir��. -- -- �n�l's�h �nd ���cia�e�, lnc.
Renloval C)f Worlc Area Isolation. A�ter all requ�remetits of tki� sec�ion and 5ec�ian 01714 ��ork Az°ea Cl.earance have been
Will shut da�vn and remove the Pressure I�ifferential System. Wi11 seal �-IEI'A filtered fan uuits, HEPA vacuums and
similar equipment with 6 inil polyethylene sh�et and duct �ape to fo�n a tight �eal at intake end before bein� inoved
from Work Area.
Will remove Persorm�l I7econ�aminatzon Unit.
Will rernove the Cri�icai �arrie�•s separatzng tn� Vdork Area froYn the res� of tl7e building.
Wi11 rernove all equipment, rnatei7als, deb�•is from the work sit�.
Will dispose of all asbestos-containin� vaaste tn�t�rial as specif'red ui S�c�ion 02Q841�isposal af Asbestos �ontaining
Waste Ivlaterial.
� O�' �EC"TIOIi� - 01711
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. SO FeUniary 2Q 2007
p �r�ssr�ads �hopp'srrg C�nt�r
�nterprise� l��,4, Inc. �nglish �nd ,4ssociat�s, I€�c.
01714 ��� A��A � L��. �C �
"I"he Project I�esign (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement vaork practices subznitted by �oz�tractar is in accordance with the
requirements in O�HA, with and in additian to tlie Asbestos Abatemer�t Speciiications, and in accordance with the Bid
5ubinittals, listed here according to the sequence of the woric
Contractor Releas� Criteria: Per Asbestos Abatement Specificatiaiis.
The Asbestos Abatement Work Area is Cleared when the Work A.rea is vzsually clean and airborne asbestos s�r°uc�iare
concentra�ions have be�n reduced to th� level specified in the Asbestos Abatertlent �pecifi�atians, and as follows:
VisualIns et� ction:
Work of this Section will not begin until the visual iiispection described in Sectian OI '711 Project Decontarnination is
complete and has been certi�ied by the Project Administrator.
Air Manitorin�:
To deterniine if the elevated airborne asbestos structure concentrat�on encow.�tered during abateznent operations has been
reduced to the specified level, the Owner will secure samples aud analyze them according to the following procedures.
PCM samples atid analysis will be perfonned, unless TEIvI sanlples and analysis is otherwi�e indicated iri Section
01013 Sulnmary of Work - Asbestos Abatement.
Aggressive samplin� procedures as described below will be followed.
PCM samples �✓ili be secured as indicated belov✓, If the area meets the clearance cz7teria TEM (if required) sampling
will proceed.
Aggressive sampling proceduxes will be repeated.
�chedule of Samples :
General: The number and volume of air samples talcen and afiaiytical �nethods used by the C)wt�er will be ir� a�cordance with
the followin� schedule. Sampl� voluznes given may vary depending upon th� analytical instrl��lents us�d.
Pha �e Contxast Nlicrnscot�v:
In each homo��neous Work Area. after coznple�ion of all cleaning work, a minimiam of 7 sam�l�s will be taken and a�lalyzed
a� folio�vs :
Sam�les vaill be collected on 25 rrrrn. casset�es witl� the fallowin� �ilter naedia:
PCIvI: 0. � mixed cellulose ester in a cassette with a conductive extensian cowl..
HERRONm Project No. 0819031 Page No. 51 February 20, 2007
p �r��sroad� 5hoppf�g ��nter
�r�t�rprise� 11��, Inc. _----- �r�giish and �s�oci�te�, Inc.
In each Wark Area after completion of all cleanirig wark, a rr�irx'rmuin of '7 samples will be taken and analyzed as
follows :
_.____Locatian ��anpied _ _.__w; IVo. af �a�ples _. _ Licnit Vai�ae i _ __.���ro�i��te _�__ � ate � ._
� ' g (FibersJcc) ' '�'�Iume ; ' {I ,iter� �er `
t ' ;
�__ _ _w. �� �___�M_ _.__ _ �----_�_. _ . ..__ _ 'a_� _� _� .�__._��_ �� ��� _ ' (�.����s) � ' ' l4�Iinute) � � i
� _. .____ _ . __ __ _ �� --_.__ __ _ � _____._ �
; Each Work A.rea � S 0.01 ' 1 ,300 � 1 - 10
' Or � i
� Each Il.00�n of VJork 1 i
; Area (5 min.) 0.01 � 1 300 1 � 10 �
: __ . ._.._._---- , - --- � - _._.__.. _ �___�_ . . . .-.--- �___ _.__ - --_��_ ______a. . . . __�_.__?�---_ ___.___� . _ _.�___._. ._T_._._�_, ._._._...�
; Work Area B1a�ilc j 1 j 0.01 ; 0 open for 30
I '
� seconds
___ _ _ __._ _. � _.. __� _ _ ._ _ ----- �. _ _�___ _.__ �__.. _�. _�_. _ __ __--
� Laboratory Blank ._ _ � _ �., __. __ 1 � __ ' . ____ 0.01 i .._ _ .__ ._ 0 � Do Not O�en �
. ............._.__� . . 3.,...__._ ..
Analysis: Fibers an each filter will be measured using the l�IIO�H Method 7400 entitled "Fibers" published in the
1�TI05H Nla�ival of Analytical Methods, or the OSHA Reference Ivlethod (ORI� (29 CFIZ 1926. 1101 Appendix A) .
F'ibers : referred to in this section include fibers regardless of composition as counted by the pha�e contrast
microscopy method used.
Split Sample : One Work Area sample may be split and both halves analyzed separately far duplicate analysis.
Release Criteria: l�econtaminatian of the work site is coznplete when every Work Area sample is at or below the
Detectian Limit above. If any saznple is above the Detection Limit then the decontamination is incornplete and
recleaning per section 0171. 1 Project Decontamination is required.
Transnlission Electron Microscot�y
In eacl� Work Area after completionn of all cleaning work, a minimum of * 13 samples �vill be taken and analyzed as
fnllows (if required):
' i .ocation S� �pled ; I�To. of' �a�npies _. _Attaiyti�al , Approsin�ate 12ate - - ,
3 � ��n�itivity F �� Volum� �� ��� (I,��e�� �'e� � i
� ___.:� ____ � � __.__.__; ��� �� (��ruci�t�es/�c},_� � w___(���ers) � � ' i4!�nute} � 3
�_ _�- _ _._ _
_ _ ______. ____ ______m__.__.----
��. .�___ __� _ .__ ____�
� Each Work Area ` 5 � 0.005 ( 1 ,300 � 1mI0
' _Outside Each Waik Ar�a_ � w _.__. .._5� _ _.__—__�_.______ 0.005 __ � �_--____��300 _.__�--�-.__.__ __1� 10
i Work Area Blanlc 1 � 0.005 � 0 � op�n for 30
� ;
----------- -----_�__
' ----- -�_� _; _. ---__ secon s
i Outside �larik � 1 ; 0.005 j 0 open for 30 �
I _ _ _ . _ ___ _ . __ ___ � _ ��_ _____._� -1 ____. _ _ ___ vt ._ _ .__ _ _ ._ __ 1 ,__. _ seconds _�
Laboratory Blank � ^ l � 0 005 � 0 � Do No� Open _ �
_ _ _ _ .— � __ _ _._ _.__ _ � _ _ _._
* 13 Samples utilized in accardauce with AI�EF� protocol in �chools, and is obtained at a �ate between Im10 Liters Per
Minute. Vdhere TEM analysis is used as the Release Criteria in �aciliti�s other than �chools, 5 samples wi11 be obtained
from Each Work Area, and may b� abtained at a Rate between 1 � 14 Liters Per Minute.
Analysis wi11 be performed using tlle analysis inethod set fbrth in the AI�ERA Regulation 4Q CFR Part 763 Appendix A.
Asbestos Structures refened to in this Section include asbestos fibers, bundles, clusters or matxices, as defined by method
of analysis.
T3ERRON@ Project No. 0819031 Page No. 52 February 20, 2007
p Crossroad� �hopp'sng ��rrter
_. �nt�r�aris�s !l�Fa, Pnc. ---- �ngli�h and r�ssoci�tes, In�.
I�elease Criteria: Decontamina�ior� of the work site is conlplete if �ither of the fallov✓izi� two sets of conditions are met:
Work Area �atnpl�s are below filter background levels
f�il Work Area sampl� volumes are greater than 1 , 199 litez°s for a 25 n�n. sa�npling cass�tte.
The average ca�centration of asbestos of the f�ve Vdork Area �amples does not �xceed the �ilter backg-�°aund
l�vel of 70 structui°es per square millimeter of filter area.
Work �.rea Samples are not sta�istically different fram Qutside sainples
All sarnple volu�nes �xcept for blanks are greater than 5601iters for a 25 mtn. sampling cassetteo
The a�verage asbes�os concentra�ion of the three blanks is below the filter backgrour�d level of 70 structures per
square inillimeter of filter area.
Average asbestc�s concentrations in Wor�C Area Samples are not statistically different from Outside samples, as
determined by the �-test calculation fout7d ui 40 CFR Part 763 , �ub�7art �, Appendix A (� is less that or equal to
l . 65)
If these conditio�is are not met then the decontanunation is incomplete, repeat the cleaning procedures of this section.
Terminati.on of Analysis : if the arithmetic mean (average) asbestos concentra�ion on the blank fil�ers exceed 70
structures per square millimeter of filter area the analysis will cease and new samples collected.
�NI3 b�� SEC'�"IC3N � 01714
HERRON$ Project No. 0819031 Page No. 53 FeUruary 20, 2007
p �rassroad� �ha�ping �ent�r
�nter�tre�e� ClS�, Irs�. --- _ � �r�gli�h aned �ssociat��, lr�e.
02062 � �� m�� ��'TO� � � �i�i'TIO �
The Project Design (PlaYi of A��ion} and asbestos abat�inent work �ractices submitted by �ontractor is in accordance wit11 the
requirements in O�HA, with aiid in addition to the Asbestos Abaternent S�secifications, and 'zn accordance with the �id
Submit�als, listed here according to the sequence of the vaork:
Extent af nonmasbestos s�Pectiv� demalition �vark is indicated on drawings.
Te] oti�Asbesto� Uemalit�on �Iark: Nanmasbestos demolit�on requires the selective re�naval and �ubsequent of� site disposal of
the following z�onmasbestos containin� installations:
] . A11 components of the structure as indicated on drawin�s and as required to accommodate the proj ��t (where
applicable within tihis project) .
Job Conditions:
A. Occupancy� Owner will be continuously occupying areas of the building irnmediately adjacent to areas of selective
demolition. Will conduct selective demol�tion woz°k in manner that will minimize need for disruptioii of Owner's normal.
operatior�:s. Will provide minimum of 72 hours advance notice to Owner of demolition activities which will iznpact
Owner's normal operations.
B . Conditian of Structus°es; Owner assuznes no respansibility for actual condition of items or st�°uctures to be
1 . Couditions existing at tune of commencement of Contxact will be rnaintained by Owner insofar as practicable.
Hovaever, variations within structure may occur by Ovmer's removal and salvage operat�oiis prior to start of selective
demolition work.
C. Partial Demol 'rtion and kemoval: �tems indicated to �ie removed but of salvable value to Contractor may be removed
from structure as work progresses. Will transport salvaged items from site as th�y are removed.
1 . Storage or sale af removed ztems nn site wi11 z2ot be p�maittecl.
L7. P�atections . Will �rovid� tempo�ary barricad�s and other forrns af pzotection a � requir�c� to protect Ovrner'�
pez°sonnel and general public from injury due to selective deznolitiori work.
1 . Will provide prot�ctiv� measures as required to prc�vid� free and safe passage of Ovdn�r's persoz�.r�el anc� ge�e�al
publi� to and fz°om occupied portion� of tsuildin�.
2 . �Till erect ternporary covered passagevrays as required by authorities having jurisdict�an.
3 . Will provide interiar and exterior sharing, bracing, or supl�ort to preveiit mav�ment, set�lement, ar collapse af
structure or element to be deznolished, and adjacent facilities or wark to reiilairi.
4. Will protect from dan�.age e�isting finish work that is to r�main in place and becomes �xposed during d�molition
operations .
5 . Will protect floors wit11 suitable coverings when necessary.
6. Will constrr� ct temporaiyy it�:sulated salid dustproof partitions where required to separate areas where noisy or
extensive dixt or dust operations are perfonned. Will equip partitions with dustproof donrs and security locks if
T-IEERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 54 February 20, 2007
p �ros�roads �h�pping Cen#er
�nterpris�s Et5,4, Er��. _ �rrglish and �,s�ociak��, Inc.
7. Will provide temporary �eather protection during interval between demoli�ion and removal of existin�
construct�on on exterior surfaces, and installation of iie� �onstruction to insure that no water leakage or dama��
occurs to structure or inte�or areas af ��isting building.
8 . VJill rernove protections at com�l�tion af wor�C.
B . I3amages: Will pram�tly r�pair damages cau�ed to adjac�nt facilities by demolition v✓ork at no cost to Owner.
C. Traf�c: Will conduct selective demolition operations anci d�bris removal in a �ilaiiner to ensure ininitnunY
int�rference witYa roads, stre�ts, walks, and other adjacent o�cupied or used faciliti�s.
l . Will not close, bloek or otherwise obstri.�ct streets, walks or other oecupied or used facilities withaut written
pertnission from authorities I�aving juxisc�iction. Will provide alternate routes at•ound closed or obstructed �°affic
ways ifrequired by govemin� regulations.
D. Explosives: Use of explosives will not be permitted.
E. LTtility Services : Will maintain existing utilities indzcated to remain, keep i�i service, and protect against damage
during deznolitiori opera� ons.
L Will not interrupt existing u�ilities servin� occupied ar used facilities, except c�hen authorized in writing by
authorities having jurisdiction. Wili provzde temporary services diuing int�mxptiofis to existing utilities, as
acceptable ta governing authorities.
F. EnviroYUneiztal Controls: Will use water sprinkluig, temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust
and dirt rising and scattering ii� a,ir to lowest practical levelo Will camply with governin� regulations pertaining to
environfxiental protection.
1 . Wi11 not use w�ter when it may create hazardous or objectional�le conditions, such as ice, floodi�xg, or pollution.
A. Przar° to commencemen� of sele�tive detnolition ��or�Cy will inspe�t areas ir� which ��ork will be �erfoz�ned. Will
photograpl� existing conc�it�zons �f st�-uctur�, surfaces9 equipmerit c�r of surrour�ding ��rope�ies vvl�ich could Ue
misconstruec� as damage result�ng from selective demolition work, Will submit copies of photograplzs to Proj��t
Adm�inistrator/Asbestos £�roj �ct IVlana�er/F�esigner prior to sta�ting worko
A. Uecontamination Unit: Prior to begizzning work of this �ection v�ill compl�te installation of a �'ersonnel
l�econtamination LJnit as c�escribed in Section 01563 I3econtarnination Units .
B . Competezit person: Woz�k of this Section �vill be supervised by a11 OSHA Compet�nt Person as described in �ection
01043 l�roject Coardination.
C. Will �rovide interiar and exterzar shoring, bracing, or support to prevent movement, settlement or collapse of
structures ta be demolished and adjacent facilities to reinain.
1 . Will cease operations and notify the Project Adzninistrator immediately if safety of structure appears to be
eiidangered. Will talce precautions t� support structure until detennination is made for continuing operations .
D. Will cover and protect furniture, equipment and fixtures to reinain frozn soiling or damage when demolition work is
performed in roorns or areas from which such items have not been removed.
HEI2RON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 55 FeUruary 2Q 2007
� Cros�r�ads �hopping Center
�ntsrprises U �A, {nc. �nglish and ,4ssociates, {nc.
1 . Will erect and maintain dustproof partitians and closures as requir�d to prevent spread of dust or fiatnes ta
occupied portians of the building.
2 . In areas where asbestos abatement work is to follow selectiv� demolition will cr�c�; barriers to control access as
described in section 01562 66Temporary enclosures."
3 . VVhere no asbestos abateinent work is to follow selective demolitions and the cvork is i�nmediately adjacent to
occupied portions of tl�e building, will canst7°uct dustproof partitions of minimum 4 inch ( 100 mm) studs, 5/8 inch
( 16 mm) dzywall (�oints taped) on occupied side, 1/2 uich ( 13 mm) fire-retardant plywood an demolition side, and fi11
pax°tition cavity with sound-deadeniilg insulation.
4. Will provide weatherproof closures for exterior apenings resultin� from demolitian wark.
A. Will perf'orm selective demolition work in a systematzc znanner. Will use such methods as required to com�lete work
indicated on Drawings in accordance with demolition schedule and governing regulations.
� . Will demolish concrete a�id �nasonry in small sections. Will cut concrete and masonry at juncttuzres with construction
to remain using poc7✓er-driven masonry saw or hand tools; v,�ill not use power�driven impact tools.
C. Will locate demolition equipment throughout structure and promptly reYnove debris to avoid imposing excessive
loads on supporting walls, floars or framing.
D. Will provide services for effective air and water pollu�ion controls as required by local authorities having jurisdiction.
E. If unant�cipated mechanical, erecttriical or structural elements which conflict with intended functiari or design are
encountered, will inv�stigate and measure both nattiu�e and extent of the conflict. Will submit report to Proj ect
Administrator/Asbestos Project Manager/Designer in written, accurate detail, Pending receipt of d%rective from Project
Administrator/Asbestos Project IVlanager/]3esigner will rearrarlge selective demolition schedule as necessary to contirlu�
overall job progress v✓zthout delayo
F. Asbestos contari�ination� If a d�sturbance of ACIvI occurs v✓ill remave any released material and decor�taminate the
iminediate vici�lity of the release in accordanc� witla tl� e requirei�ients of Section 01712 Cleaning & l�econtatnination
I'rocedures .
�alva�e Materials :
A. �alvage Iten�s� Whez•e indicated on L}rawirngs as " Salvage � Deiiver to Owzaer," will carefully remove indicated i�ems,
clean, stare and ti�rn over to Owner aiid obtai�� receipt.
1 . Historic artifacts, including coinerstones and their cantents, comYn�morativ� plaques and tablets, aiitiques, and
other articles of historic significance renlaizi the property of the Owner. Will natify Project Administrator/Asbestos
Project Manager�Designer if such items are encountered and obtain acceptance regarding nzethod of removal and
salvage for Owner.
B . Will carefirlly remove, clean, and deliver to Owner the following items :
1 . Not applicable.
Hazardous Waste Mana�ement arid Disposal:
A. All hazardous waste management and disposal will be coardinated with the Project Administrator/Asbestos Project
Manager/Deszgner, and designated Owner Representative(s).
HERRdN� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 56 February 20, 2007
� Cras�roads �hopping �er�t��
_. �nterprises U��, Inc. -- --- --- �ngiish a�d �,s�oeEa�e�, Er�c.
� . Will inanage arxd. dispase of hazardous waste such as I�CB balla�ts, fiuorescent light tubes5 batteries, and mercury
thermostats, etc. , in accorda�ice with the requirements of Section 02086 - Hazardous Waste 1vla�iagement. Hazardous
materials/equipment is defined to include, but not liniited to the fbllowing:
Exit lighting (where required, to be salvaged for the Owner)
PCB ballasts
PCB transformers
Mercux°y Thermostats
Mercury and Sodium Vapor Lights
Smoke Detectors/Fire Alarms (v✓h�re required, to be salvaged fox the Owner)
Refrigerants, where required (the Cont�actor ma� be required to endarse tl�e Demolition Permit Applicatian Form
verifying that all refrigerants from air canditioning/refrigeration appliances (CFC ' s) have been prop�rly recovered
in accordance with �QCC R�gulation No . 15}
�tc .
C. Will not nux potentially hazardous vvaste streaxns. Where feasible, wi11 separate each type of hazardous waste from
other types of hazardous wastes, from asbestos waste and from construction waste.
D. Will segregate, package, label, transport and dispose of Hazardous Vdaste u1 accordance v✓ith �70T, EPA, State and
Local regulations .
Disposal of Demolished Materials :
A. Will remave debris, rubbish and other materia.ls resultin� from demolitioii operations from buildin� site. Will
t�ansport and legally dispose of materials off site.
� . If hazardous non-asbestos containing materials are encauntered duri�ig demolition operatzons, will comply wzth
applicable regulations, laws, and ordinances conc�nling reinoval, handling and protectian agaiz�st exposure or
enviranmental pollution.
C, Burnin� of removed n� aterials is not pernlitt�d on project site.
�. I�isposal of asbestos�containing v✓aste is not in the work of` this sectian. Disposal of this inaterial �s specified ir1
��ction 020�4 I3isposal of Regulat�d A.sbestos Containing Nlaterial,
Clean�up a�id Repair
A. iJpon eompletion of deznolitio�i v✓ork, will renlove tools, equipm��lt and demolished Yz �aterials frarxi site.
� . I�i areas wl�er� no asbestos abatement wark is ta occur, will reznove pratections and leave interiar area� t�raon� clean.
C. In areas �here asbestos abatement work is to occur, will leave protections in place as required by abatement work.
Vdill leave area broom clean. Additional cleaning as requ'rr°ed for abaten��nt work is ziot in work of this section.
D. Will repa�r demolition performed in excess of that required. Will return structures and �urfaces to remain to canditioil
e�:isting prior to commencement of selective demolitiori �vork. Will repair adjacent canstruction or surfaces soiled or
datnaged by selective demolition work.
E. Will perfor�n all repair �uork in asbestos abatement Work Areas after cotnpletion of asbestos abatement work.
EI� OF SECTI�I�t m 02062
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 57 February 20, 2007
� �rossroads �h�sppie�g �enfer
�rrt�rprises U��, le�c. -- _ English �nd Associ�te�, In�.
02�� � �� ���� � � �� ����� ������ � I � � ��� �{���
'The Project I3esign (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatenlent �vork practices submit�ed by Coiztractor• is in accardance vdith the
requirements in OSHA, with and in addition to th� !-�sbestos Abatement Speci�icatians, and in accordance with the �id
Submittals, listed here accord'uig to the sequence of the wark:
Specifically, removal shall be conduct�d in accordance with �pecifcations �ection 020�0, pages 020�0- 1 t1u°ough 020�0- 12,
local, stat� and/or federal regula�ions.
�urfactant: Have subinitted product data, u�e instruuctions and recom�nendations f�rom manufacturer of surfactant intended for
use. Have included data substantiatin� that ma�erial complies with requirements.
Removal Encapsulant: Have submitt�d product data, use instructions and recommendatioiis from nlanufacturer of removal
encapsulant intended for us�. Have included data substan�iating that rnaterial campli�s with requirements.
NESHAP Certification: F�ave sub�nitted certification from manufacttiuu°er of surfactant or removal encapsulant that, to th�
extent required by this specification, the material, if used in accordance with manufacturer's instruct�ons, will wet Asbestos-
Cantaining Materials to which it is applied as required by the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Pollutant�
(NESHAP) Asbestos Regulations (40 CFR 61 , Suvpart M).
Material Safetv I3ata Sheet: Have submitted the IVlaterial Safety Data Sheet, or equivalent, ul accardasice with the O�HA
Hazard Cammunication Standard (29 CFR 1910. 120Q) for each surfactaiit , encapsulating material and solvent proposed for
use on the work. Have included a separate attachment for each sl�eet indicating the specific v✓orker protective equipment
proposed for use with the material indicated.
Wetting Ivlaterials : Will wet materials prior to disturbance of Asbestos-Containi�ig Materials using either amended water ar a
removal encapsulant:
Amended Water: Will provide water to whzch a surfactant has been actded. Will use a mixture of surfactant and water vvhich
results in wetting of the Asbestos-Containing Material aild retardatiat� of fiber release during disturbance of the material equal
to or greater than that provided by th� use of one ouzlce of a surfactant consistu�g of 50% palyoxyethylene �ster and 50%
polyoxyethylene ether mixed with �ve gallons of watex.
Polvethvlene Sheet: VVill provide flame resistant reiiiforced polyethylene film that conforms to requir�n7ents set forth by the
Na�ional Fire Protect�on Association Standard 701 , 5ma11 �cale Fi�•e Test for Flamemresistant Textiles aud Fi1ms, if requi�ed.
Will provide largest size possible �o miniinize s�ams9 4. 0 ar 6 . 0 mil thick as indicated, f�ostec� or black as indicated.
I7uct Tat�e : VJill provide duct tape in 2" or 3 '° widths as it�dica�ed, wit11 an adhesive which is forrz�ulat�d to stick aggresszvely
to sheet polyethylene.
�ray Cement: Will provide spray adhesive iza aerosol cans whi.ch is specifically farm.ulated �o stick tenaciously to sheet
Dist�osal Ba�s : Wi11 provide 6 mil thick leakmti�l�t polyethylene ba�s labeled as required by Section 02084 Dispo�al of
Asbestos Containin� Waste IVlateriaL
Secondarv �arrier: Over the Primary Barrzer, will install as a drop cloth a clear 6 tnil sheet plastic in all areas where asbestos
removal work is to be carried out. Will completely cover floor with sheet plast�c. Where the work is within 10'-0" of a wall
will extend the Secondary Barrier up wall to ceiling. Will support sheet plastic on wall witli duct tape, seal top of Secondary
plastic to Primary Barrier with duct tape so that del�ris is unable to get behind it. Will provide cross strips of duct tape at wall
support as necessary to support sheet plastic and prevent its falling during zemoval operations.
H�RRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 58 February 20, 2007
� �p�s�ro�d� �hoppirrg �enter
_ �nt�rpri�es lJSA, Ir�c. `_ �n�li�h �nd As�oci�tes, Inc.
WiII i�istall Secondary Baz�rier at the be�innin� of each work shift. Will install only sufficient plasti� for work af t11a�
Will Y•emove Secoz�dary Barrier at end af each work shift or as wark in an area is comple�ed Will fold plastic
toward center of sheet and pack in disposal bags. Will keep tnatei�ial oi1 sheet cantinuously wet utitil bagged.
Worker Protec�ion: �efore beginning work with any material for which a Material Safety L�at� �heet has been suhtni�ed will
provid� workers with th� required protective equipinent. VJill r�quire that appropniate protective �quipment be used at al1
f imes.
Wet Removai: Will thoroughly wet to satisfaction of Owner's Repre�entative Asbestos-Containing Ivlatei�ials to be reinoved
prior to s�ripping aridlor tooling to reduce �ber dispersal into the air. Will accomplish we�ing by a fine spray (mist) of
amended water. Will saturate material suf�iciently to wet to the substrate withaut causing excess dripping. Will allow time
for anlended water to pefietrate material thoroughly . Will spt•ay �naterial repeat�dly during the work process to maintain a
continuously wet conditian. Will perfarate outer covering of any installation which has been painted and/or jacketed in order
to allow penetration of amended water, or use uijection equipment to wet material i�nder the covering. Where necessary, will
carefully strip away while simultaneously spr. ayirig amended water on the ulstallation to minim�ze dispersal of asbestos fibers
znto the air.
Will mist wark area continuously wzth amended water whenever necessary to reduce airhome �ber levels.
Will remove saturated Asbestos-Conta.ining Material in small sections fro�n all areas . Will not allow material to dry
out. As it is removed, will simultaneously pack material while still wet into disposal bags. Will twist neck of bags,
bend over and seal with minimum three wraps of duct tape. Will clean outside and move to �Iaterial
Decontamina�ion Unit.
Will evacuate air from disposal bags with a HEI'A filtered vacuurn cl�atier before sealingo
Far elevated areas9 disposal bags will be lowered, not d�°op�ed to th� grnund.
Airbonie Fiber Counts : �Nill us� work pracedures that result izl aii � hour Titne ��deighted Average (TWA} airborne �ber
coti,uit less than that indicated in tlle section of these specificatians on "Air Monitoring - Testing Laboratory S�rvices" . If
airborne �ibe� count� exceed this level will imr�aediately mist the area with ainended wat�r to lower �iber couslts and revise
work pracedure� to inaintain ai�borne fiber lev�ls withiTi the required limit.
� �� SE�"�'If3� m 020�1
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 59 February 20, 2007
� �r�ssro�d� �h�ppi€�g ��nt�r
�a��erpri��s U�,4, Inc. " _ __ �ngiisFs and �so�sate�, Inc.
�Za�� �l� ���AL � F A� �S`��� C� ���[ � fP� � A�T°� A�°����L
The Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement v✓ark practices submitted by Contractor is ui accordance witl� the
requirements in OSHA, with and in addition to the Asbestos Abatement �pecifications, and in accordance with the Bid
�ubmittals, listed here accordin� to tlie sequence of the work.
Before Start of �ork: Have submi�ted the following to the Owner°s Repr�sentative for review. Will not start work ur�til
these submittals are retumed vaith Qwner'� Itepresentative's actian stamp indicating that �h� submittal is r�tumed for
�unres�ricted use.
Copy of state ar local licerise for waste 1lauler.
Nanze and address of land�'ill where asbestos-containing waste materials are �o be buried. �ticluded cantact p�rson
and tele�hor�e number.
On a weekly basis will subrnit copies of aIl matizfests and disposal site recei�ts to Owner's Representative.
�isposal Bags : �ill provide 6 mil thick lealc-tight �ol�ethylene bags properly labeled.
Will comply with the following sections during all pllases of �his work:
Section 01560 Worker Proiection � Asbestos Abatement
Section 01562 Respiratory Protection
General: All waste will be hauled by a waste liauler with all required licenses forzn all state and lacal authority with
Will load all asbestos-containing waste material in disposal bags . All materials are to be contained in the following
Two 6 mil disposal bags
�Iill carefully load containerized wast� in fully enclosed dumpsters, trucks or oth�r appropriate vehzcles for
transport. ��ill exercise care befaie and during transpoi�t, to i�isure that ri� unauthorized p�rsons have acc��s to th�
Will not store corltaiYieriz�d zna�erial� outsid� af t11� Work Are�. �7ill take contain�r� from th� Wor•1� Ar�a dir�ctly
to a sealed truck or dumpstero
`�Jill not tran.spart disposal bagged nlaterials on apeil trucks.
V�ill advi�e the landfill v�erator, at least ten days ii1 advance of �z°ans�art, of the quantity of mate�ial to be deli.vered.
At disposal site �vill unload containerized waste:
At the disposal site, sealed y�lastic bags may be carefully unlaaded from the t�ucke If bags are brok�n or damaged,
return to work site far rebaggirig. Clean entire truck and contents using procec�ures set forth in section 01711 Project
The Client v�i11 only accept landfill of asbestos�containing materials at the following sites for friable asbestos-
containing materials:
As determined by Contractor in Pre-Construction Conference atld approved by Owner
The Client will only accept land�ll of asbestos-containing materials at the following sites for non-friable asbestos-
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 60 February 20, 2007
� �rcr�sroad� �hopping ��r�f�r
— -- Err�e�pri�es 1���, lr��. v �ngBish and �s�oci�t��, E�r�.
�O11�a1111I1� IYla��Y'lalS :
A� determizied by Contractor igi �'re-Coilstruction Conference arld a�prov�d by Qwner.
R.etau� receipts fram land�ill ar �rocessor for materials disposed of.
!-�t conipletion of hauling and. disposal of each load will subrnit copy of�waste rnanifest, chain of custody fa�n, and
lat�dfill receipt to (3vmer's Repres�nta�iv�.
�� E3�' ��C"I'I�1� m Q20�4
HERRON� Projec4 No. 0819031 Page No. 61 February 20, 20Q7
p �ro��raads �hmp�ing C����r
Ertfgr�arEs�s U�A, Inc. __ �nglish and ,4s�€�ciate�, Ine.
D�n�� � ���� �� ��� � ����� � � �� ���� � �� ����� � ��� ���
The F'roj �ct Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement warlc practices submit�ed by Cont�actor i.s in accordance with the
requirements ir1 OSHA, with and in adciition to the Asbestos Abatement Spe�ifications, and in accordance vlith the Bid
Submittals, list�d here according to the sequence of the work:
�'er Asbestos Abatement S�ecificatians, and in accordance with S�ecificatioYis, local, state a�id/or fed�ral regulaxians,
including but not limited to Ftecozntnended Work Practices for tl�e Renloval of l�.esilient I�loor Coverings, issued by the
R.esilient I�loo�° Covering Institute, dated Aug,ust, 1995 .
� ON�' SEC'T�O�d 020�7
I�RRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 62 February 20, 2007
� �ro��road� Shopping ��nter
�r��erpri��s �1S�., Inc. — -- �nglish and �sscsciat��, In�.
09�Q5 � � � CA��IiLAT� N O� �����T°�5-�� �T�� NE �G AT°�RIA.L�
The Proj ect Design (I'lan of Action) and asbestos abatein�nt work practices submi�ted by Contractor is in accordance v�ith the
requ�rements in OSI-�A, with and in addition to the Asbestos Abat�ment 5peci�ications, and in accordance with the Bid
Submittals, listed here according to the sequence of th� work:
The Extent of eilcapsulat�on work is shown o�l the dravvin�s aiid as h�rein �pecified.
The work includes the encapsulating of a�be�tos�containing �ir�praofing located above sus�ended acoustic ceilings.
Prior to a�plyiflg any encapsulating znaterial, �vill ensure that applicatio�x of the sealer will not cause the base �naterial to fail
and allow the sealed rriaterial to fall of its o�vn weight or separate from the substrate. Should Contractor doubt the ability of
�lae installation to support �he sealant, request direction from the �wner's Representative before proceeding with the
encapsulating worke
Will not commence A�plication of encapsulatitig materials until aIl retnoval work withui the work area has been completed.
B�fore beginning work with any znaterial for which a Material safety Data Sheet has been submitted will provide woricers
with the rec�uir°ed protective equipment. Will require that appropriate protective equipment be used at all times.
In addition to protective breathing equipmei�t required by O�HA requirements or by this specification, wi11 use pai�iting pre-
filters on respirators to protect the dust filters wilen organic solvent based encapsulant are in use.
Examine Existin� Conditions: Wil1 determine if the friable Asbestos-Containing Material to be encapsulated remains
sufficiently bonded to receive the encapsulation process and if process will effectively prevent release of asbestos fibers from
the material. If tlie existing Asbestos-Containing Material is loose and deteriorated, will immediately natify the Owner's
Representative of opinion before encapsulation.
Before start of work on an architectural finish wi11 complete the work of' the following:
Sect�on 01560 Worker Protection - Asbestos Abatezx�ent
5ection 01562 Respiratot°y Protect�on
Sectian 01526 Temporary Enclosures
�ection 01563 D�coi�tamination Uni.ts
�Jill comt�ly with aIl manufacturer'� instruct�oiis for particular �onditions of installation in each case. Will consult �ith
zna�iufacturer's tecluiical representative for conditions not covered.
VJill encapsulate all surfaces in full campliance with maziufacturer's �rocedures, insurin� that the friable �.sbestos�Con�aining
IVlaterial to ve encapsulated remains sufficieiltl� l�onded to receive �he en�apsulation process, and �hat the encapsulation
��Zeets local, state, and/ar federal regulatior�s for compatibility witix the friable Asb�stos-Contai�iing �/Iat�rial as a fireproofitig.
At completion of Eiicapsulation and before removal of Work Area enclosures and Press�u°� I�iffexent�al Sys�em, vaill
decontaminate space in accorda�ice with requirements of sections 01711 and 01714e
� ��' SECT'IOl� m 09�05
HERRONm Project No. 0819031 Page No. 63 February 20, 2007
Page 1 of 1
L.P. (Lennie) Herron
From: L.P. (Lennie) Herron [Lennie.Herron@comcast.net] �� � . �
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 7:37 AM . '
To: Mike Vaughan (mvaughan@vailgov.com)
Cc: Joe Suther Qsuther@vailgov.com)�, Melroy Klemetsen (mklemetsen@aoLcom)�, Brook Rosentreter
(brosentrater@aoLcom); 'Sherri K. Herron'
Subject: 0819031 , Crossroads Shopping Center, 141 and 143 E. Meadow Dr. , Vail, CO 81657
Importance: High
Attachments: 0819031 , Crossroads Shopping Center,Vail, CO, Plan otAction, 0220.07, Fire Department 03.01 .07.pdf
Good morning Mike,
Attached is the project design for the last work area of The Crossroads Shopping Center Complex, before demolition.
Permit applications have been made by Elite with a scheduled mobilization on April 23 and completion by April 26.
Let me know if there's anything else you need.
Please feel free to contact the undersigned should you have any questions.
Thanks in advance,
LP. (Lennie) Herron, Indushial Hygienist
HERRON� Enterprises USA, Inc.
7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, CO 80227-5305
(303) 763 96391 Fax (303) 763 9686
Email: Lennie.Herron@comcast.net
This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it may contain information that is
confidential or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that you must not read this transmission and that any tlisdosure, copying, printing, distribution
or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF you have received
this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone or return e-mail and delete the original transmission
and its at[achments without reading or saving in any manner.
Copyright OO 2001 -2007 HERRON� Enterprises USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
� E�"O � HERRON� EnterprlsesUSA ���� PhFax (303� �639808
� ,�, E�Mail Lannle.Herron@comcastnat
Asbestos`Leetl Paint`Moltl•Hazartlous Materlals Wabslle www.HERRON�Enterprises.cem
, Envfronmen[al5ervlees'Intlusttlal Hvpieniste 1261 W H tl A L k d C I tl 801P]3305
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���aii Lenni�.h�erron@corncast.net
1 �sb�stes*L�ad �air�t*hA�{d*hdazardau� �a@erEals VVeb�i4e �w.H����NaEnterprises.eore�
_ �nvironmental Senrices'�II1dUSti1°I$I Hj/�!@it[�C� 7261 1M1�. �9ampd�n Fave Lake��aoad, Coiarado 80227�53Q5
February 20, 2007
This Project I�esign (Plan of Action) has been sub-con�acted to and developed b� I�ERIZON� �nterpr'rses USA, Inc.
(HERkON�) for the Owner and/or �'reneral AbatemeYit Con�°actor. FiERTZON� has specifically prepared this Project Design
(Plan of Action) for the use of the Owner andlor �eneral Abaterrrent Cont�actor, and in complzance with the submitteci
requirements of Asbestos Abatement S�ecifications at:
O�t� Pro,� eet Noo : 0�19031
�Fob �Io> m Verbal
I,oc��ora : �o�ler° Roarn, Cro�sro�ds S�o�p�rcg �e�tter, Vafl, C(� �1�57
I)a�e(s) of Se�ceo �pril 23a26, 2007
Se�ces IZ�q�e���d : E�virar�tr�entafl C��sa�ltat���/As�esg€�s Abat�r€�er►� I'ro,�ect I��si��
(3tiv�e�°/Pr�aject �4dr�zEnzstra�or: �'vtzt�°acto�°
�n�Cish a�cd �4ssoc�cctes �la�e E�tvaros��aental S"er°vic�s In�
l2 �aillZ� I550 Lari�azer S�eet #517
Ya�l, CO 81657 Denver, CO 80202
(970)479 7500 /Fax (970)479 75P11 (303) 674-5437 /Frtx (303) 674-5463
�trce�dd, ld�ichae�@EnglashandassociaPe. r�s �mazlo broseaztraPe�ceod. eoarz
c%: lt�r. lf�dchael �nglis�a e%: 1l�r. Brooi� �t�sentra�er
p�°epat�ed' by Desd�ner
�"� �1�� E�e�erp�zse� IISf1, �tzca
7261 �T'. �I�rnp�Petz �4ve., Lakewood, CO 80227 530.5
(303) 763 9639 /Fax (303) 763 9686
�-1f�aal: �erct�i�,Her�roaz�eosttcas� neP
�� L.� (�enatae) �et°ro�t, I�dzasP�°pal H,y�zenfst
I�ote: I7rawing of cofitainment(s), loc�tio�i of HEPA u�lits, decontamination unit(s), remote show�r(s} load out(s), approved
landfill(s) submittals, statements, etc. are to b� provided by Con�ractor at time of Pre�Construction. Conferenc�.
�hauld the scope of work change tn the exten9; that thes� exaznples are not appii�abl�, or if work area �xamples are to be
s�aled down to a more con�ined area, amended drawings should b� provided by Contxacto�°, prior to �xecutinn, aild should be
included in Project Design (I'lan of A.ction) .
This Project Design (Plati of Action) is d�velop�d for �he use of t� � Owpier and/or Gen�ral Abatement Contrac�or at the
aforementioned location9 and is not ii�tended for use at any other location. Use of this I'roject I�esign (Plan of Action) by
the other than the intended Client andlor their authorized Representatives, and/or unauthor�zed reproduction v�ithout the
�xpress written permission of an of�cer of HERR.ON�9 is prohibited.
The Project Administ�ator, Asbestos Project Manager, and/or Designer retain the rights to waive any formalities contained
herein, which may be in the best interest of the Cli�nt, with Client authorization.
� ER�� � � �nger�rises C7��, Err�. �hF�z (303) 763 9&86
�-�aEl L�nnie.Nerron@comca��.net
b� 1 �b�stas*L��d f�aint*�Aald�f�agardous E�ateri�Es 1�ebsite v�aw.i��RROM1!-�r�terprises.core'
Envirorrm�ntai �erviee��fndustria6 �8ygieni�t� 72&1 �. Harnpder� Av�., LaRew�od, Calorado �0227-5305
P°re�a�°ed �yo Co�ata°�ctoro
�1�T� Et��erprPS�s IJ�A, I�c. ��t� Envi�°�n�neta�al �e�e�s It►ca
7261 �Ia I-Ia�pden As��>, I,al�e`�ood, �'C? �d227mS305 1550 Lari���° �t�°ee� #517
(303) 763 9639 / �a� (303} 763 96�6 I3er►v�r, CO �0202
�m1Vf��1: I.e�►te�e.�I�ra°o� c�co�c� st.net (303) 67��5437 / �� � (303} 674m5463
��r►aal: brosen�r����°�� mlacs��
I�It°a I,,Po (L,en�fe} �-Ierron, Indusg�°��l �Iyg�er►ist
Designer l?�oa 2572 1VI�°o �t°oo� R�ase��a°�.�er
� �rossr�ads Shbppir�g ���7t�r
�nt�rpri�es USA, Inc. �rrgiish and ,�sse�ciate�, Inc.
�� �� �� ��������
��CT'IO� ��N'��NT
T�e �oilmwa�►$ Sec�o�s are incisxded �her� a�a�sl�ca�le,
01013 Summat°y Of Work - A.sbestos Abatetnen�
01043 Project Coordination
01046 Cutting � Patching - Asbestos-Containing Materials
01091 Definitions And Standards - Asbestos Abatement
01092 Codes, Regulations And Standards v .A.sbestos Abatement
01313 Schedules, Reports, Payments � Asbestos Abatement
01340 Shop l�rawings, Product Data And Samples
01410 Air Monitoring - Test Laboratory Services
01503 Temporary Facilities - Asbestos Abatenietit
O1 � 13 Temporary Pressure Differential �i Air Circulation System
01526 Temporary Enclosures
01527 Regulated Areas
01529 Small-Scale Short-Duration Work
01560 Worker Protection - Asbestos Abatemeflt
01562 Respiratory Protectiozi
01563 Decontamination Units
01701 Project Closeout - Asbestos Abatement
01711 Project Decontamination
01714 Work Area Clearance
02081 Removal Of Asbestos�Containing Materials
02084 Disposal Of Asbestos-Containing Waste Matei-ial
02087 Resilient Flooring Removal - Asbestos Abatement
09805 Encapsulation of AsbestosmContaining Materials
� Cra��roads �hopping Center
�nt�PpY9��s U�A, Ine. --- �nglish �rad ��oci�f��, Ine.
01013 51J AR� F O�K � A� ��`TOS � AT� �Nl
I'roject name is
O1V� P�°o,� ��� I�o. : 0��9031
�T�b lvo. > V �rbal
�,�ca�oreo �i��ler �tao�cc, Ct��ssr�acis S�o��in� Ce�t��°, ��fg, �� �1657
��te(s) of �ei°vacea "T�I�d, 2007
S�r�ces Req�est�d : E��r��a��nf�l Cons�alt��on/Asb��t�s �b��e�r►��a� I'�°oject Ilesagn
as shown on Con�ract Docut�nnents (if applicable) .
This Project I7esign (Plan of Actian) is developed to speciiically address the Scope of Work detertnined9 however; should
the �cope of Work change, andlor should additional inaterials be required to be removed ui ord�r to accomplish this project,
this Project Design (Plan of Action) should be an adequate tool in accomplishing the remaining portion(s) of the project in
compliance with local, state and/or federal regulations.
The Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abateYnent work practices submitted by Contractor is in accordance with the
requirements in OSHA, with and in addition to the Asbestos Abateinent S�ecifications (if applicable), and in accordance with
the Bid Submittals, listed here according to the sequence of the work.
Note: for this project, the terms Asbestos Abatement Specifications, Specifications, or Contract Documents wi11 reference all
local, state, and/or federal regulations, u�cluding but not limited to AQCC Regulation 8, OSHA 1926. 1101 , etc.
With use of this Plan of Action, and/or use of these services, Client(s) agrees that �-IERRQN� has been given the authority by
the Owner(s) of the properiy to enter to aforementioned premises, perfo�n the services. The Client(s) fiu•ther agrees and
assures HERRON� t1�at all local Building Codes, including but not limited to the Vail Colorado Town C�de
(http ://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/CO/Vail� will be complied with concerning any replacement materials required due to any
activities of Asbestos Abatemer�t, and agxee to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend HERROI�t�, its C?f�xcers, Bmployees,
A ssigns, etc. for any and all claims, costs or damages that result from services contracted, etc., in the absence of gross
n��li�ence or willful misconduct af HERRON�, its Officers, Employees, Assi�ns, etc.
i'V 4.J l�Fe� lJE�liT4��r`
f�. The Work wiil be conducted in phases.
1 . Phase: Work of the phases shall be s�zbstantially camplete, rread� far re�ons�ruction pYior to that phase of the
Con�°act, as indicated in the Contract, and in accordance with the follavaing I'roject Scheduie:
a. All �Jork Area(s)9 Asbe�tos Abatement9 Contractar is to mobilize atid commence an �p� 23, 2007, and s11ai1
be substantially completed and demobilized on or before �pa°�126, 2007, witl� actual Asbestos Abaten�ent zlot to
exceed 4a0 normal working days.
b . Actual Asbestos Abatement �chedule: 7 : 30 A.M. till '7 : 30 P.I�. (over�ime, v,�eekend and holiday work is
nat authorized und�r the base bid except as indicated) .
HERRONg Project No. 0819031 Page No. 1 Febniary 20, 2007
p Cro��r�ads �happin� �es�ter
Ent�rprise� lJ�A, Inc. �ngBi�h �nd �so�iat��, Inc.
SCO�'� (3�+ WO <
Remove, i.n accordance �vith Speeification, local, state and/or federal regulations :
�..._....._...__....._.._._._____.._..._._�..�__.._ r . ... ... . ..... ... _ .. .... . .... ... .... ..... ...
r...._.._. __._._....__._.....__. _._. . . _ _..�_ ._. ._.. __.__. _. _. . _. _ .,....._._.._._....___......_____.____.____..__�_..._.a___..__.___......_._.__.....e...._....._._.__..__..._.._........_. __. _... __. _
( �0�'�£ E�T'�ao � �� �
�at�i�rle I�da I-Ionto�e�eous �Iat�rgal Desc�°fpt�ar► Approxi- �I� Asbestas �,ayer/
ina�e R�Y�n� L.�bmratory �hg�sfcalI9escr°i��ot�
QuanE� Ftesults
NA Boiler Insulation, Thermal System Insulation 320 SP 6 > 1 .0%
(TSn, l�on-Friable, Good Condition (Current
Condition), throughout Complex Nlechanical
Mechaxiical Systeni will Ue deactivated on Mechanic�l �ystein
Apri123 , 2007
NA Pipe insulation, Thennal System Insulation 20 I�T 6 > 1 .0%
(TSn, Non-Friable, Good Condition (Current
Condition), throughout Complex Mechanical
Mechanical System will be deactivated ou Mechanical System
_._.._._�___.__.._...____..... Apri123 , 2007 __.._.__._ _._.__.__...._..___...._.�...._._..._---.--
�._...._._.__..._.... _.__________ , ..______.__--- ....--. —___.__� __ _._..._..._____.__.._.___._._._.�..._......___._._____.
! Reco��en�€ata��xe � Abatement !
(.__.___ ______________ �__._._...._�._______a._._._._ __.._____._.___---..____._.__._____.._..�_.....__...__.._.___._...._____..______...__....__....__._.___._..__..,...�........__._._____._._._._._._____._______.______.....___.._..._._._......:
Scope of i�Vork: � Abate all existing Asbestos-Containing Materials by Gross Removal methods within Single ;
� Pull Enclosure Work Areas (PCM Clearance) �
�-------____ _________�__________...`___..- - _-_----------- - a
Alterna.tes : Alternate Bid Work Areas have been defined as follows, and are indicated as Appendix A ., Alternate Bid:
l . Additive Alternates
a. Not applicable.
2. I3eductible Alte�nate�
a. Not appli�able.
Unit Prices : �l�ould the Qwn�r/Project Administrator �l��t to use �J�1it P�ices, all t�rzns and conditions of pz°irin� sha11 be in
accordan�e vaith the Contractor AgfeemeYit.
1 . l�ddit�ve Lump Suxn tJnit �'rices
a. �Tat applicabl�.
2 . I�eductible Unit Prices
a. l�tot applicabl�.
HERRUN� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 2 Febniary 20, 2007
H E RRO N� Crossroads Shopping Cenler
Enterorisas U5A Inc Enpllsh and Avsoclates Inc
'Pypical JoD Sitc Pholograpiis
(this secHon is no[ inCended to �u �ict all nroas of �so�1., bnl is subiniefeA Yor- intbrmatlonal purposes)
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FgRRON• Yroject No. 0819031 Pa6e No. 3 Febmnry 20, 200)
HERRON` ��,�z `�,'6„„,�;�
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Nm�: Plmo�picdbyp.nniaioo,vdlottdo. SEffi�ivaikialxa�m�imalcWMAma
IIfAAORPqa�eMIPo11 M1gNo.l icryy,p))
� �rossroad� �happing Cen4�r
Er�terpris�� 1���, Ir��. �n�li�h and �socia�e�, inc.
�C'EI,�. t�IIS I'I2f1t�SION� a
P,. 'r'he following items are not to be damaged9 axYd are ta be salvaged and r�turned to the Qwner:
1 . As directed by the Owner.
� . The following iterns are �o be dernolished and dispo�ed of as ACIvI �ast�:
1 e ` All ' Asbestos�Containing �at�rials, I3ebri.s9 and Cantamina�ian (as indica�ed) .
C . The following items are noti to be darnaged, a�e to ren�a� in place, and are to be prot�cted �ofn ` any ' da�nag�:
1 e As directed by the Owner.
2. `AII ' tnechanical, plumbing, electrical, telecom systeins, etc. , and their components, �hich have flot beeti
speci�ied as being removed, demolished, a��dlor disposed of.
l�e The follawing items are to be demolished and dis�osed of as 1Von-ACIVI waste:
1 . Not applicable.
B. T'he following additional requirements v�ill be observed by �he Contractor:
1 . This project �11 be permit�ed in. accordance with AQCC Regulation 8, and the To�vn of Vail.
2 . �ontractor filed the Town �f Vail Perznit and obtained required Iicenses,
3 . The Contractor may mobilize and commence set-up on �aermit date after the Tawn of Vail Fire Departrr�ellt
reviews and approves the Besign.
4. Fire Control. �ystem will remain active during the �roject, and th� Contractor will be r�quired to protect th�
system during abatement.
S . 'T he en�ri�s to tlie VVork Area� � Con�ractor is to �ecure the �oars of the Work AreaS iii a inantier that:
(i). is accessibl� to the �'ire I�epartment in an emer�ency by being able to either unlock the dooxs, or to
remove padlocks (Owner �o provid� a�prapriat� ].ock boxes for �ire I3epartr�lent use).
6. Should ther� be atay questions as tn the process, please coiitact t.h� "I"own of �Iail �i�e I�epaz-tment at (970) 479
2252 .
7 . As indicated, locat�ons, approximate quantities affected, approximate area� affected have be�n offered as an
informationai tool, and are estimates observed at the time of assessments and development of this docum�nt.
�uatitity determinations are the responsibility of the Con�°actor, and therefore, it is recommended that field
verification be made by the Cantractor. The Contractor is advised that ` all ' quantities are estimates, v✓hetiler
indicated as Units or as Linear or Square Feet, and that the Contractor should base their Response on Cont�actor°
quantification `within the Work Axea' , to include ` all' Asbestos, Overspray, Debris, Residue, etc.
8 . Contractor will be required to designate the location of the filtered discharge of water to sanitary sewers. All
oth.er sanitary sewer locations within the work areas will be sealed, and not used.
4. The Contractor may use mechanical devices for Asbestos removal, however, procedures will be pre-approved by
the Owner/Designer before the performance of the work.
HERRON$ Project No. 0819031 Page No. 5 Febniary 20, 2007
C� Cro�sr�ad� �hmpp°sng ��n4�r
�nfierprfses U5�„ Inc. -- _ �ng9ish and �sso�ia�es, Onc.
10. The removal method will be designed in sucl� a way that water use is co�tained within the work areas, and not
over the walls into chases of void spaces. The use of ` high' pressure water use for `removal ' will not be approved.
I l . HVAC Units arid I3ucting may be in the Work Area. The Contractor i� to install critical barriers on ` any'
penetrations located in the System, and install secondary critical ba�°riers over all ret�rn and supply diffiasers in the
building9 prior to ` any ' abatement.
12 . Staging Axea:
a. RollaOffs tnay be permit�ed on site (Con�ractor to arrange with General �ont7cactor) . Roll-off locations that
are coordinated with the Owner are acceptable for trucks to be loaded and unloaded. The Cantractor
understands that he must have his trucks, used for hauling material off site, not parked where they would
block access areas . All asbestos containing waste material must be inspected by the AMS prior to the
removal froin the site.
b . Equipm�n� may be staged in the Lobby area of the Building.
c. Properiy IV�[anagemen� contact: I�Ir. Greg Gastirieau - (970) 476� 1464.
13 . Temporary Toilet Units : the Contractor will be required to provide self-contained, single-occupant toilet units of
the chemical, aerated recirculation, or combustion type. Provide units properly vented and fully enclosed with a
glass-fiber-reinfarced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material. The Contractor will be required to provide an
adequate number of Units, for both male and female employees of the Contractor, and Air Monitoring Specialist.
14. The Coiitractor �nay utilize house power and water, as available.
a. Power requirements : Contractor may utilize appropriate power souxces .
(i). Connection to the Owner' s po�ver souxce is to be made by qualified personnel (licensed electrician
�vhere applicable and required).
b . Contractor shall supply extensions from the electrical supply for Owner' s use while condu�ting daily air
monitoring, visual inspectiozis, and fin.al clearance ai.r monitoring as follow� :
(i) . Two in �ach wark area (dixring abaterrient}.
(ii). One at clean side of each I�econtami�iation Unit/VJaste Load Qut.
(iii). Qne at clean side of each Critical IIarrier.
(iv). �ne at each exhaust location for HEPA filtered fan units.
(v) . One outside of the Buildin�(s}.
(vi). Five inside wark area (or as otherwis� dir�ct�d for final clearance to �cco�nodate pumps and fans} .
c. Teznparary Water �ervice Cannection: Connections to the Owner's water system shall include backflo�v
protection. Valves shail be temperature and pressure rated for o�eration of the temperatures and pressures
encountered. After completion of use, connections and fittings shall be remov�d without damage or alteration to
existing water piping and equipment. Leaking or dripping valves shall be piped to the nearest drain or located
over an existz�ig sink or grade where water will not damage e�isting finishes or equipment. Provide separate
hoses and/or pumps for shower water and amended water, without the possibility of cross connection.
(i). Cannection to the Owner' s water system is to be made by quali�ed personnel (licensed plumber where
applicable and required).
(ii) . Water Hoses : Provide heavy-duty, abrasion�resistant, flexible hoses in diameters and lengths
necessary to adequately serve temporary facilities, and with a pressure rati.ng greater than the maximum
pressure of the water distribution systezn. Provide adjustable shutoff nozzles at hose discharge.
HERRONS Project No. 0819031 Page No. 6 Febivary 2Q 2007
p �res�road� �hopping Center
�nYer�ri�e� U��, Ir�e. __ Engiish and P�sociates, lnc.
(iii) . �'rovide water into each work area and to �ach Decon�aYnination Unit. Provide �ittings as required to
allow for connection rco existi�ig wall hydrrants or s�outs, as well as temporary r�vater heating equipment,
branch pipingy S11OWC�iYSy shut-offnozzles and equipment.
15 . In accordance with AQCC IZegulation � (State), the Maximum A.11owable Asbestos Level (IVIAAL) may not
be exceeded, at any time. �-IERIZOI°�T� has previously determined that the various materials within th� Building
az•e not Asbestos Materials, however, may contain Traces of Asbestos. This document se�ves as a Hazard
Cornmunication that sl�ould either the A.batement Contractor or other Con�actors not camply with local, state,
and/or federal regulations and these Sp�cific;ations, i.e. , �vet methods, engineerin� con�rols, etc. du�ing any Non-
Asbestos I7emolition activities, that the I�AAL could be exc�eded. �hauld tkis occur, the area, areas, and or
�uilding in its entirety could be considered contaminated, and a Major 5pi11 Response rnay b� respot�ded to at t11�
expense of the responsible Contractor(s), in ac�ordance with these Sp�cificatiotis.
F. Subrnittal �'rocessing:
l . Pre-Abatenient Submittal Frocessin� : Contractor will be required to forward the followin� items to the
Designer, prior to mobzlization:
a. Project L�esign ( 1 ,000 LF, or 3 ,000 SF), or Plan of Action describing Contractor' s Work Practices .
b . Project Schedule.
c. Project Directory.
d. Notzfications, and Notices (Police and Fire Departments}.
e. Permits.
f. GAC License.
g. Historic Airborne Fiber Data (NEA).
h. AHERA Accreditation: for each warker.
i. State and Local License: for each worker.
j . Certi�icate Worker Acknowledgment: for each worker.
k. IZeport fron� Medical Examination: of each worker.
1, Report from F�espirator Fit Test Examination: of each worker.
rn. IVame and address of landfill.
2 . !-�llow suf�cient tim� for initial re�iew. �llow additional tim� if th� Asbestos Project T/lanage�/I7�sig-n�r rriust
delay processin� to �sertnit coordinatiozi with subs�quent subznitrtals.
3 . If an intennediate submittal is riecessary, proces� the sazne as the ixiitial submittal.
4. A11ow sufficient �i�ne for r�process�zlg each submittal.
5 . No extensiazi of Contract Time will be authorized because ofi failure to �ransmit sul�mit�als to tlle Asl�estos
I�roject Manager/�3�sig-lier sufficiently in advance of' the Work to peg�nit processing.
6 . Durin� and Post�Abatement �ubrni�tal Processitig: Cantractor v✓ill be required to forward the following items
to the Desi�ner, during abat�ment (where required}, and immediately on job com�letion:
a. I�aily Logs.
ti . Entry/Exit Logs.
c. Pressuxe Differential Nlonitoring Results (if applicable).
d. Copies of manifests and disposal site receipts.
e. Any Special Reports .
7. The I�esigner has prepared this detailed plan of the procedures proposed for use in complying with the regulatory
requirements. The Contractor will be required to include (forward) in the plan the location and layout of
decontamination areas, the sequencing of asbestos work, the interface of trades involved in th� perforrnance of work,
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 7 February 20, 2007
� Crossroad� Shappir�g C�nC�r
-- �nterprise� 4J�P�, Inc. �nglish and �societes, Irrc.
methods to be used to assure the safety of building occupan�s and visitors to the site, disposal plan including location
of approved disposal site, and a detailed description of the methods to be employed to control pollu�ion. Expand
upon tlYe use of portable HEPA ventilatian system, closing out of the building's I�VAC system, method of removal to
prohibit visible emissions, and packaging of removed asbestos debris. This Plan of Action is include all of the
requirements of "Proj ect Design99 in accordance with AQCC Regulation 8, Part B, ". . .rneans the preparation of plans,
�peci�ications, project procedures, contauunerlt design/placement, descriptions of engin.eering controls, and shop
drawings for an asbestos abatement project or response action. It shall 'uiclude an accurate and detailed scope of
work, quantities of inaterial to be removed, removal rnethods, and air exchange calculat�ons. Drawings shall include
locations of ACll� to be abated, locatian of tl�e decontamination unit, waste load out, negative air units, air intalce and
exhaust, and emergency �xits when a�plicable. Prior to the start af any a�bestos abatement involving 1 ,000 linear
feet on pipes, or 3 ,000 square feet on ather surfaces, a written project design shall be developed by a project designer
certified rznder these regulations. A signed copy of the proj ect design shall be available on site at all times during the
abatement activities for review by inspectors, the Project Manager and Air Ie�onitaring Specialist. . .", Owner, Project
A.dministrator, and Designer.
G. Contractor will:
1 . Provide permits, licensing, etc. (as described in the Contract Agreement) .
2 . Use discretion in and about the project site, i.e., do not disturb C'seiieral Public, do not wear protective equipment
outside of the regulated area, etc.
3 . Use discretion in the location of the waste container(s), which inay be mobilized at the I'roject Site, with minimal
e�posure to the General Fublic.
4. Mobilize on ��i-�123, 2007 .
5 . Perform setup operations, as described above.
6 . Perform removal and clean-u� of Asbes�os-Containing �aterials.
7. Perform OSHA Compliance (excursion and ��ersonal) air monitoring, as established by O�I�A 1y26. 1101 , for a
Excursion Limit (EL) criteria of each sample of < 1 .00 f1cc, P�IvI, and for a Permissible Bxposure Lin�it (I'EL)
criteria of' each �anzple of 0. 10 f/cc, PCM (where applicable) .
� . After succ�ssful campletion of post-abatement containxnent �ina1 visual inspection(s), and fnal clearance
(M.AAL) ai� rnonitoring, as established by !-�QCC Regulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926. 1101 (C35I�), 40 CFF2. I'art 61
EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EP�4 (A�TERA ) (where requir�d)9 IY1��tillg a CI°1�e2'11 Of �1C11 SaIi1�JI� O�' <=O.OI
f/cc, P�IVI, and/or <70,0 s/mn12, TE�I (where ap�licable), will remove setup .
9 . Demobilize at the conclusion ofpraject, �stinlated by A.�a°�I 26, 20E�7.
H. On behalf of the Owner, HERRON� �uill:
1 . PerForm baseline (MAA.L) air rnonitoring (outside of the work areas), as established by AQCC Regulation 8
(State), 29 CFR 1926 . 1101 (OSIIA), 40 CFR Part 61 EPA (NE�HAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (.�HERA) (where
required), meeting a criteria of each sample af <=0.01 f/cc, PCM, and/or <'70.0 s/mn�2, TEM (where a�plicable).
2. Perf'ornY `preliminary' pre-abatement containment visual inspection(s), prior to areas of demolition in order to
install critical bai�riers.
3 . Perform pre-abatement containment visual inspection(s), after installation of critical barriers where deinolition is
required, prior to removal operations .
HERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 8 February 20, 2007
� �rca��r�ads �hopping Center
�n�erprises U�,�, Inc. �r�glisP� �nd dhss�ciaEes, In�.
4. Perfarm removal (M�L) air mat7itoring (autside of the work area�), as established by AQCC Regulation 8
(�tate)9 29 CFI� 1926. 1101 (05HA), 40 CFR Part 61 E�'l�, (NESIIAI'}, and 40 CFR 763 El'A (AHERA) (where
required), meetiri� a criteria of ea�h sa�nple of <=0.01 f/cc, PCM, and/ox <70.d s/n1m2, T�M (where applicabl�) .
5 , Perform post-abatemerit containment �inal visual inspection(s}, af�er removal operations are completed.
6. �erform final clearance (1�1�,�i.L) air monitoring, as establ 'zshed by A�CC Regulation � (State), 29 CFIi.
1926. 1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR I'art 61 El'A (NESHAP}, and 40 CFFZ 763 EPA (AHERA) (where required), rneeting a
criteria of each sample of<=0.01 f/c�, PCM, andlor <'70.0 s/mm2, TEM (where applicable), and confirm removal of
setup .
7. Demobilize from the VJork Area at the conclusion of �roject, �stimated by Ap� 26, 2Q07.
1'I,AI°� I�CL, ES (l�� � 'T'�EI� ��' 'T C��1'I' C'I`�FZ} °
A. Containrnent Design:
l . Full-Enclosure of Secondary-Enclosure containment engineering cont�ols shall be used far the removal of ail
Asbestos Co�ztaining Materials9 and contamination as described.
2 . A personnel decontamination unit and waste loadnout will be attached to the Full-Enclosure containment areas,
and a change room will be attached to the Secondary-Enclosure containrnent areas .
3 All critical barriers will be marked wzth the proper "DANGER" signs.
B . Decontamination Units :
1 . The persoYU�el Decon unit wi11 consist of three chambers and the waste load-out �vill be two. Each chamber
will be three feet by thre� feeto They will be attached to the Full-�nclosure containment as showzi on site
drawings .
C . A.ir Flows and Filtering :
1 . Full containments v�ill be under a nliriiznum of �aQ2 i�lche� W. C . of z�egative air pressure, The air flow vai11 be
through decon�arnination units . The negative air f�ltration units will be located op�osite thes� deconse The
fltratioti �nits will be exhausted to the e�cteriar of th� building via ductir�g.
2 . �econdaty containments will be under n�gative air �ressure. The air flow will be through the cl�atige rooms .
L'he n�gative air �itration units will be located opposite tlYese �hange room� . The fltration unit� wi11 be
e�austed to �h.e ext�rior of the building via dlxctin�.
II� e Negativ� Pressure Differential Equipment:
1 . �u11 containments : 2,000 CFM HEPA �ltration units will be used to provide a minimum of four air chaiiges
per hour. A manometer with strip chart will be on sight to monitor and record a minimum of a>02 inches W. C . of
ne�ative air pressure, ensuring that the ai� within the �vork area is exchanged a minimum of fr�ezr (4) tunes per ].ZOUr.
Back-up fans will be on sight in case of equipznent failure.
WA# 1 , Boiler Room
a. ((7,004/1,500)/4) � 1 . 1666 Nl-�19�� (Vd�il �se rni�i��am of 21�I�M' s)
C3ERRON� Project No. 0819031 Page No. 9 February 20, 2007
� Crassroads �h�pping �ent�r
�c��ert�ri�es U��, @r�c. �ngl6�h and �ssociat��, lnc.
E. Removal �ethods :
1 . All ACM �vill be removed by ��vet, hand inethods, in accordance wi9:h the following project design sections :
a. 02081 Removal Of Asbestos�Contauiing IVlaterials
(i) . All ACI� �uill be renloved by v✓et, hand m�thods ,
F. Waste �-Iandliglg:
I . All ACWM[ will be placed in two properly labeled 6-mil poly bags and dispo�ed of at an approved Iandfill.
The bags will be remaved to a properly lined, enclosed truckltrailer/dumpster and takez� off sight.
G. Emergency Procedures :
1 . Emergency exits will be rnarked with orange spray paint and employees will be �nformed of alternate esca�e
routes. Fire extinguishers will be kept within reach, both inside and outside containment areas. The Contractor has
HazCom pf•ogramse These progranls, as well as Material Safety Data Sheets, shall remain on sight throu�h the
duration of the project. Each employee has been �rained in these programs.
EI� �F �EC'TIO� 0 01013
HERRON� Pxoject No. 0819031 Page No. 10 Febniary 2Q 2007