HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ06-0339 ASB06-0021.pdf APPLICATION WILL NOT eE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Q \ � � - Q�� Prqect #: '�� � Building Permit #: - �� �� � �� ' Asbestos Permit 7F: ��� TOWNOF VAlI. ` � TOWN OF VAIL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION Required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998 75 5. Frontage Rd. Permit application will not be accepted without the following: Vail, Coloratlo 81657 1. Copies of General Abatement CeKificate and State of Colorado Certification 2. A mpy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any temporary disabling of the air handlinq systems, fire sprinkler system, and alarm systems with [he names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site plan wlth details addressing: waste mntainer storage locatlon. waste load out area location. entry and exiting detaiis of abatement area. detalls of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas. CONTRACTORINFORMATION On Site Abatement Contractor. Town of Vali Re No.: ('n ntact a Phone 's� � 9' 1� � N�A �i�eEMK� 3c3 - 96 �� a � 26 � 4-K <<i �ti,,�a�., ,,�,, r _ c�.,.i c� �zo - ss - sZ�s E-MailAddress: ( Cok cP . Nsf Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ S 3 $'O. ob Confact Ea /e Cnun Assessnrs Office at 970-328-8640 0� visit www.ea /e-roun .com fo� Parce/ h` Parcel # - 0 3 - Da - Job Name: Jop Address: Ce �.oDo �.v �o Ua ��- i 8 6Y/ W. Lo� �.ue� C�d Va�l Ca `G/bS7 Legal Description LoF. Block: Filing: Suhdivision: Owners Name: yRi R. 1 . �o��3s' cs 1 �� i � Phon � o - SVS- 63s Project Manager. Addresr. 5m� Phone: (w,�/ Go�c i sz Jn ,iw GD 3o3 - S71-S9J3 Project Designer� �N ` � � Ad���: � �FF f� L � n Phone: .F wL(' ]2e. 339 - S] 9Z Air Monitoring Sp cialist: A r s: Phone: y ��n�� /Fursr � �C� w . // w L �.ao��d �2� . 35 - s'79i Detailed description of work: �sLae.45 � R�n'� Start Date: � ��o � End Date: 9 q a 6 Start Time: � ; 3 a Quit Time: �^; �� Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet: Square Feet: Z�a 55/Gal Drums: Work Class: New O Addition O Remotlel �j Repair O Demo ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior� Exterior O Both O T e of BIO .: Sin le-famil Two-famil Multi-famil Commercial Restaurant O[her Does a Pii`e Alarm Exist: Yes ( No O Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O No (�} .._,....,,,.x..:.x..<.�....,.....��, • fM� F "F_��E�NLY�,,.-. u,. n.....+� + ... +� Other Fees: Dabe Recelved h' Iw 1 :s, � i'�.0 '� 2.�1C41�1 �_ Public Wa Permit Fee: q� � g � ' —' S F� OcCUCdnev GrouP' 'h�`�'�- ..' S� � ! 6 �'�r^N` � T � 5` ,�gr..�, _ � Q.c.� � � O� �'�� _ F:�me�\�ans\veawrrs\F�re�asnesms_ce�,,,_u-s-os�8: Fi�2F l�USPECF�2 . .. _—_ � �" _ —.__ iz/os/zoos UatB: �{ p*�i �� � E�'�O � HERRON� p Phona (309i ]839639 Enter risee USA, Inc. Faa 309 '!6� 9886 1� E�Mail Lennle.Herron�comcaeLnal Haurtlous Materials'MOItl'ASbestos'Lead Paln[ Websltewww.HERRON-Enterprises.cam Envlronmental ServicBe'Intlus[Aal Hyplenists ]Y61 W. Hamptlen Ava., Lakawootl, Colo�atlo BOY2)-WO6 ��� �� c� (���5 � �� �� �� SRE BUILDERS ��n n � C'� ��'�` � Si 1 1 �� � v � �.°�` . :° �' 31 , MONTANEROS AT V O IN� '�"� �� , , I '� 641 WEST D I �t n �' y� r .�i„�f .� j; ' � i W IC 57 �� ul �� S B NT PROJECT DE G� Ail N OF ACTION) � , i. o " d � ; -� � AUGUST 17, 2006 , . . .� � � �U H ON� PROJECT NO. 073 67 ' �% �S� O��> �°����� � C�� �� , , � ^� 'i � PM1One �303� �69 9639 Er�`� � HERRON EnterprisesUSA ��a Faz �300� ]6� 9686 � E-Mall Lennie.Herron�comcastnet � Haurtlous Ma[erlals'MOItl'Aabastos'Leatl Palnt Wabsite www.HERRON-Enterpriaea.com EnvironmenGl Servicea'Intluetrial Hygienls[n ]Y81 W. Hamptlen Ave. Lakewootl Coloratlo 80]2]�5306 Prepared by: Conhactor: HERRON� En[erprises USA, Ina Excel Cnvironmental, Inc. 7261 W. Hampden Ave., Lakewood, CO 80227-5305 1852 Jasper St., Ste. E E-Mail: Lennie.Herronnu,cumcastnet Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 763 9639 / I�'ax (303) 763 9686 (303) 577 9933 / Fax (303)303 577 9936 �U Email: C6COXr�,Jexcelcorp.net II niar-- Mr. L.P. (Lennie) Herron, Indus[rialllygienist Designer No. 2572 Me Carl Cox �> ��e. � ER� � HERRON� EnterprlsesUSA, lnc. ��Fax �303� ]639686 ,�r E�Mail Lennla.Herron�ACOmcastne[ Hazartlous Ma[erials'MOItl'Aabeeba`Leatl Paint Webaite www.HERRON�Enterprlaee.com EnvlronmenGl Servicas'Intluafrlal HyB�enists �261 W. Hamptlan Ave. Lakewootl Coloratlo 80]3'/-5305 TABLE OFCONTENTS SECTION CONTIiNT The followine Sec[ions are included where aonlicable. 01013 Swnmary Of Work - As6es[os Abatemen[ � � _^O � � PM1OnB ��03� ]63 9639 E���� ,� HERRON En[erprieesUSA, lna Faz �303� ]639686 ,�y E-Mall Lennle.Herton�dcomcas[.net �e° Hazartlous Meterlals'MOItl'Aebestos'Leatl Paln[ Websita www.HERRON�Enlerprines.com Envimnman[al5ervicea'Intlusltlal Hygleniate ]361 W. Hamptlen Ave., LakewOOd, Colondo 60329-6306 01013 SUMMARY OF WORK - ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Project name is HERRON�' Project No.: 0731067 Job Na.: Verbal Location: Unit 3I8, Mon[aneros At Vail Condominiums, 641 W. Lionshead Cir., Vail, CO 81657 Services Requested: Environmenfal Consultation/Asbestos Abatemen[ Plan of Action as shown on Conhact Doeuments (if applicable). This P�rlect Design (Plan of AcCion) is developed m specifically address the Scope of Wock determined, howeveq should the Scope of Work change, and/or should addi[ional materials be required to be removed in order [o accoinplish [his projeci, this Project Design (Plan of Ac[ion) should be an adequate mol in accomplishing [he remaining portion(s) of the project in compliance with loral, state and/or fede�zl regulations. Thc Project Design (Plan of Action) and asbestos abatement work practices submitted by Contrac[or is in accordance with the requirements in OSHA, with and in addition to the Asbesms Abatement Specifications (ifapplicable), and in accordance wi[h the Bid Submittals, listed here aceorAing to [he sequence ofthe work. For this projeet, the terms Asbestos Abatement Speeifcetions, Specifications, or Contract Documents will referenee all local, state, anNor federal regulations, including but not limited [o AQCC Regulation 8, OShIA 192G. 1101, etc. With use of this Plan of Ac[ion, and/or use oPthcse services, Client(s) agrees [hat HERRON� hu been given the authority by the Owner(s) of the property to enter [o aforementioned pre�nises, perform the services. The Client(s) further ag�ees and assures FIERILON� that all local BuilAing CoAes, including bu[ not limited to the Vail Colorado Town Code (http://www.stedingcodifiers.com/CONeiln will be complied with concerning any replacement materials required due to any activities of Asbestos Abatement, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend HERRON�, i[s Officers, Employees, Assigns, etc. for any and all claims, costs or damages that result from services contracted, ete., in [he absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct of HERRON"', its Officers, Employees, Assigns, ero. WORK SEQUENCC A. The Work will be conducted in phases. 1 . Phaze: Work of the phases shall be substantially complete, ready for reconstri�ction prior to that phase of the Contrect, as indioa[ed in the Contract, and in accordance with the following Projeot Schedule: a. Work Areas H I , Contrac[m� is to mobilize and commence on September O6, 2006, and shall be substantially completed and demobilized on or before September 07, 2006, with actual Asbzstos Abatement not ro exceed 2.0 normal working days. b. Actual Asbestos Abarement Schedule: 730 A.M till 4:00 P.M. (over[ime, weekenA and holiday work is not auChorized under fhe bese bid, exeept es indicatect). a As [here is a preference Fmm [he Owner within the phasing of the AsAestos Abatement, [he Contrac[or shall include phasing of[he Work Areas in the Plan of Action. � i H6RRON' Prafea[Na0'A1061 YxgeNdl ��� Augast19. 3006 4 ���5 � Phone �303� ]60 9639 ,� HERRON EnterpriseaUSA, lnc. Fan �30�� ]609686 +� E-Meil LBnnie.He�ron@comcast.nat Hazartloua Ma[erlals'MOItl'ASEestos'Laatl Paint Websltewww.HERRON-Enterprlaes.com EnvironmenWl Services`Intluatrial HyBienists ]181 W. Hamptlen Ava., Lakawootl Coloratlo 8032]�6�06 SCOPE OF WORK: r Asb t'[s�:e8. �� � Multi coing[I Surfaced Dra~I ioWa1mimums 641 W Lionshead C�r Vail CO 81657_— �I Sample No. liomogeneons Material Description Approxi- AItF.RA Asbesros Lqyer/ mate Rating Lnboratory Physicai Descriptlan Quanti Results NA Multi-colomASurfaceADrywallWalis, 200SF G >1 .0% SudaceMaterial SurFacing Ma[erial (S), NomFriable, Cood Condition (CurrentConditiu�), Throughout Uni1318 Be�hrooms .__ . . __ , . .._.._ __ _— .__ __i . Assessment: � GooA Conditron with Potential for S�gmficnnt Damage (AHERA Rating. 6) .. �� I p� eaAffected: � I ThroughwtArea �� � �'� _. ' _ _. ..__ _ —_ "_— _ . .y � Accessibility: � Accessible — ' ToBuildingOccupants? I Yes . . . _.. . . . . .. . _ ... . . - -��- j � Scope of Workon �� I Aea(s))wi[Itin Sgn�leaWork A a(s)ase ubm tt dC y C o t[tmem Plao Dof Aciionl(5 Sample ��I i ..._ PCM Clearances) . . . . . ... . _.. . ... _. . _...f � i/� iicarzoNxrroi�GNo. o�3wei rxee�a. � `�' n��eunn. zaae �� a__ � G'° � H ERRONO ry Phone ;�03; ]63 9639 Enla risee USA, Inc. Fax 303 ]6� 9fiBfi ,� E-Mail Lennie.Herron�comcaeLnet Hazartlous Ma[erlals`MOId'ASbesros'Leatl Painl Websi[e www.HERRON-Enterprises.com Environmentel Servicea'Intlustrial Hygienista '!]61 W. Hamptlen Ava., LakewooQ Coloatlo 8033]-5305 D. Altemates: Alternate Bid Work Areas have been defined as follows, and are indica[ed as Appendix A, Alternate Bid: I . AdAitive Altemates a. Not epplicable. 2. DeductibleAlternates a. Not applicable. E. Areas reviewed and assessed, but not within Summary of Work, have been defined as follows, and are indicated as Appendix A., No Work or Removed from Summaty of Work: I . `Any' confirmed or suspec[ ACM inside or outside of[he currenl work area(s) which is not within the Summary of Work which at this [ime is not directly affected by the renovation. 2. During a normal inspection, and �nore specifically when non-deshvctive sampling techniques are employed, it is no[ within the scope of the inspection to remove surface mete��ials to inspect the strucNres and/or materials which may be under [he surFace, i.e., within or under concealed areas such as under caipet, under sub-Floors, within chases, walls, crawispaces, tunnels, e[c., to iemove suspect Asbestos Containing MaYerial(s), m move and/or sample elecirieel wiring whieh has not been 'locked ouP, etc. All said areas are to be assumed as containing >I .0% Asbestas, until such a ti�ne thal these arcas are mzde accessible, and/or rendered safe so tha[ sampling can be performed. 3. HERRONW recommends exh�eme caution during a renova[ion of [hese areas in the event that an aren which was not suspect, visible, accessible and/or specificd duri�g the inspectioq is discovered to contain or is suspected of con[aining a ACM. Under locel, state and/or fcAeral regulations, should such an event ocwq [he Client and or Contrector is required m cease operations which may ePfect [his (these) material(s) un[il an inspection is concluded and a detennination is made by an AHERA and S�ate Certified Asbesms BuilAing Inspec[or. 4. Disturbance of these areas could create a potential health hazard. � '% �'� VILNItON^ Projcc� NO. OIIIOGJ Pa6cNa. 3 � ��:;y'' Au6us11), 2006 C -' �� P �o�a„o,,..,,.,s h HERRONmE.e,>,�,..�s>.��.. ..��o�,,. �' .,.bo.,maa.. . Ma�a>,s.,�e,•�..aP w.s,�«� ;e�.om � �: � � ���� �� i � � � o�.�. .;, ,_ � �: : !� ��� � ,<<, i �� , . _,. • � � �m� �� . � ; � , � � � �� J � ', � . . � a r �� � I� 1 ti . . ... ... --� � �� i �IJ+1L3?'� � �91r.��e UNI.T._9�i � ..'�,,,�, �� . . _._ I � � -t ' _ -„`r '—_' :�:.-F�Q9R PI..AN-1NI: n3. "Ig w 5{A work ,\rw �u C.i wo�Gnr.�a Hmc. rie���oe�=a ny oo�,��lnlon ��m m,mie. npo��.l���om iu�na�.L �n.iamx �ti,u� w. ��m�., �a,.n , ���� n_ � ���/ ���� GN`0 � HERRON� EnlerprlsesUSA, lnc. PhFaz �30�� )6� 9666 AV E-Mail Lennie.Herton�dcomcasLne[ �tl�� HarartlousMaterlals'MOItl'ASbes[oe'LeatlPalnt Websl[ewww.HERRON-En�erprlaes.com Environmental Sarvices`Intlustrial Hygianists 'l361 W. Hamptlan Ava.. Lakewootl, Coloratlo 80121-530fi 'Pypical Job Si[c Photagrnphs thissectionisno[ m[entledtode ic[ allareasofrvnil< butissubw�IlMloi inPO� mational �m' �oses' 1 I YY �F�{ � ' Y_ �`.. TA . L ` h fl di � r :�y�xilr Yil�`�1.: t� ;e . SL ���:. ,��'�'�T'�� '�lbi r � ' � " �� i, u � 'i 3� � "i �I — ' � .G - �y�. " " , < � � � � I ' J � i�i� �.�„ � � Illi� . ���li�,ll�� �� _ _ � . .� . . � . � at� HLRRON' ProjwlNO. 093106] PegaNO_ 5 ���4 Angustl], 200fi ��� H ERRO N� p Phona '303; ]63 9898 Entor risea USA, Ina Faz 303 ]63 9686 � E-Mall Lennle.Herron�dcomcasf.net � Hazartlous Malarials'MOItl'ASbesros'Leatl Palnt Websila www.HERRON-Entarprisea.com Environmental Services'Intlustrial Hyglenis4s 1E61 W. Hampden Ave. Lakewootl Coloratlo 80]2]-6306 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: A. The following items are not [o be damaged, and zre m be salvaged and returned m the Owner: I . As direc[ed by [he Owner. 6. The following i[ems are ro be demolished and disposed of as ACM waste: L `All' Asbesros-Containing Materials, Debris, Overspray, and Contamination (as indiceted). C. The following items are not io be deinaged, are to remain in place, and are to be p�ntected fi�om `any' demage: 1 . As directed by the Owner. 2. `AIP mechanical, plumbing, electrical, telecom systems, ete, and [heir eomponents, which have not been speciFed as being removed, demolished, end/or disposed of. D. The following i[ems are to be demolished and disposed of as Non-ACM waste: I . As directed by the Owner. E. The following additional reyuirements will be observed by the Contractor: I . This project will be permitted in necordance with AQCC ReE;ulation 8. 2. The Conh�actor and Designer has consulted with the Town of Vail �ire Department and advise the following: a. Conhactor ro file the Town of Vail Permit and obtained required Iicenses. b. Town of Vail Fire Department advised tha[ �he Contracror will require ro have permit filed and Design approved prim� to mobilization and commencement of set-up. c. �ire Control System (wateror centmi systein ) exist in the unit and the Contrnctor will be required to protect the system during abatement. d. The entries to the W ork Areas - ConLactor is to secure the Doors of the W ork Areas in a manner that. (i). is accessible to the Fire Departinent in an emergency by being able to either unlock Ihe doors, or to remove padlocks (Owner [o provide appropria[e bck boxes for �ire Depanmen[ use). e. Should Hiere be any questions as to thc process, please con[act �he Town of Vail �ire DepaiYment at (970) 479 2252. 3. As indicated, loeations, approximete quantities affected, approximate areas effected heve been offered as an informational tool, and are estimates observed at the time of assessments and development of this documen[. Quantity determinations aze the responsibiliry of the Contrector, and therefore, it is recommended that field verifica[ion be made by the Conh�actor. "fhe Contracror is advised ihat 'all' quantities are estimates, whethu indica[ed as Units or as Linear or Square Feet, and Hiat the Contractor should base their Response on Contractor quantification `within the Work Area', ro include `aIP Asbestos, Overspray, Debris, Residue, ete. i . f kIGRRON• PmjcetNO. U]3106] Pa6cNa. fi �/ �// Augus� I1. 200fi ! / � _ _ �t� � G�0 ,'y� HERRON� EnterprleesllSA, lnc. PhFax �30�� 'I639686 E-Mall Lennle.Herron@comcaeLnet �� HaxartlmsMatedals`MOItl'ASbastos'LeatlPaint Websllawww.HERRON-Entarprieee.com Environmental Servlcea'Induehial Hygienla[s 1261 W. HampEen Ave. Lekewootl Coloratlo 8022]�5306 4. Con[ractor wiil be required to designate [he location of the filtered discharge of water to sanitary seweis. NI other sanitary sewer locations within the wurk areas will be sealed, and not used. 5. 'Ihe removal method will be designed in such a way [hal `any' high pressure water use is within regulatory wmpliance, is con[ained within the work areas, and will not spill over the walls inm ehases or void speces. 6. HVAC U�i[s and Ducting may be in the Work Area. The Contracror is [o install critical barriers on `any' penehations loca[ed in the System, and install secondary critical barriers over aIl re[urn and supply diffusers in the building, prior ro `any' abatentenL � 7. Staging Areas are approved as follows: a. The Contractor will stage in a manner tl�a[ it does not block [he parking lo[, and will ob[ain any required local ordinance permits. R. Contrac[or Employee Parking will be located in the parking bt of the Building. Contrac[or will obtain any required local parking passes. 9. The Con[ractor may utilize house power and water, as available. a. Power requiremen[s Con[ractur may utilize appropriate power sources. (i). Conneetion [o the Owner's power source is to be made by qualif'ied personnel (licensed electrician where applicable and required). b. Contrac[or shall supply extensions kom the electrical supply for Owner's use while conduc[ing daity air inonitoring, visual inspections, end final clearanee air monitoring as follows: (i). 'i'wo in each work area (during aba[ement). � (ii). One at dcan side ofeach Decontamination UnidWzste Load Out. (iii). One at clean side nf each Critical I�arrier. (iv). One at each exhaus[ looation for HEPA fiI[ered Fan units. (v). One outside of[he 6uilding(s). (vi). Pive inside work area (or as otherwise directed for final clearance to aceommodate pumps and fans). c. Tempotary Water Service Connection: Connections to the Owner's water system shall include backflow p�rotection. Valves shall be temperaWre and pressm�e ra[ed for operation of the temperatures a�d pressures eneuuntered. After oompletion of use, connections and fittings shall be removed withou[ damege or al[eiation to existing wa[er piping and equip�ncn[. Leaking or dripping valves shall be piped Co tlte nearest drain or located over an existing sink or grade where water will not damage existing finishes or equipment Provide separate hoses aneVor pumps for shower water and amended wacer, without the possibility of cross connection. (i). Connection lo [he Owner's water system is to be made by qualified persmmel Qicensed plumber where applioable and required). (ii). Water Hoses: Provide heavy-duty, abrasion-resistant, flexible hoses in diameters and lengths necessary to adequately serve temporary facilities, ancl wi[h a pressure rating greater than the marimum pressure of the wa[er distribution system. Provide adjustable shutoff nozzles at hose discharge. � � , � �icaaoN� r�iraNO-oaio5v ro�aNO_ v � n��s��� i'+, zooe �� � GN,O ,ry� HERRON� EntarprieasUSA, lnc. PhFax �303� p609686 E�Mail Lennie.Herron@comcaslnet �� HazartloueMatedale'MOItl'ASbestos'LeatlPaint Websltewww.HERRON-Enterprises.cam Env'ronmental Seri ces•Intlushial Hygienists ]2fi1 W. HamOtlen Ave. Lakewootl Coloratlo 80Y2]-6906 (iii). Provide water into each work area and to each Dcwntamination Unit. Provide fit[ings as required to allow fm� connection m existing wall hyArants or spouts, as well as tempo�ary water heating equipment, brznch piping, showers, shu4off nozzles and equipment. 10. In accordance with AQCC Regulation 8 (State), thc Maximmn Allowable Asbesros Level (MAAL) may not be exceeded, at any [ime. This document serves as a Hazard Communication that should either the Abatement Contrzctor or o[her Contrac[ors not comply with local, state, end/or federal regulatio�s and these Specificetions, i.e., wet methods, engineering wntrols, eto. during any Non-Asbes[os Demoli[ion aetivities, that the MAAL wuld be exceeded. ShoulA this occw', the area, areas, and or [3uilding in its entirety could be considered conta�ninated, and a Major Spill Response may be respo�ded to. E. The Owner has instruoted that the Contrac[or (Abatement Contracmr) will inelude in their Soope of Work the Collection/Removal, Handling and proper Disposal of Huardous Ma[erials (other than Asbestos) which would be required to accomplish [he work, which includes: I . As directed by Ihe Owner. P. Submittal Processing: I . Pre-Abatement Submiltal Processing: Contrac[or will be required to forward the (ollowing i[ems to Ihe Designer, priorm mobilization: a. Pmject Design (I ,000 L�, or 3,000 SF), or Plan of Action deseribing Contiactor's Work Practices. b. Pro,ject Schedule. c. Pmjecl Directory. yd. Notificalions, andNotices (PoliceandFireDepaiiments). e. Pennits. yE GAC I.icense. g. HistorioAi�UorneFiberDa[a (NEA). h. AFIERA Acereditatiore for each workcr. y i. State and Local License: for each worker. j. Certificate WorkerAcknowledgmenT. foreachworker. k. Report fmm Medical 8xamination: ofeach worker. 1. Report fmm Respirator Fit 'fest Examination: of each worker. a - y m. Name and address of landfill. ? 2. Allow sufticient time for initial review. Allow additional time if Ihe Asbestos Project Manager/Designer must delay pmcessing to permit coordination with subsequent submittals. 3. If an in[ermediate submittal is necessary, process the same as the initial submittal. 4. Allow sufficient timc for reprocessing each submittal. 5. No extension of Contract Time will be authorized because of failure to transmit submittals to the Asbestos Pro,lect ManagedDesigner sufficiently in advance of the Work ro permit processing. i � /� �/ HP,RRON`Pro�ec� NO. U]310(9 PngeNO- R //�1 r� '� AugunIV,2006 ¢`1.�% �:/4_ . ��Grv,o �s HERRON� Phane �J03� ]6� 9639 ry� EnterprlsesU50. 1nc. Fax �303� ]699686 w�r E�Mail Lennle.Harcon@comcaelnet �e� HaeartlousMalatlals'MOItl'ASbesros'LeatlPaint Websltewww.HERRON-Enterpdses.com Env'ronmenfal Servlces'Intlustrial Hygianlats ]261 W. Hamptlen Ava. Lakewootl Coloratlo 8032]�5�06 G. During anA Post-Abateme�t Submittal Processing: Contractor will be required [o forward the followi�g items ro the Designer, during abatemen[ (where required), and immediately onjob oompletion: a. Daily Logs. b. 8ntry/F.xit Logs. c. Pressurc Differential Monitoring Results (ifapplicable). d. Copies of manifests and disposal site receipts. e. Any Special Reports. 7. The Designer has prepared this detailed plan ofthe pmcedures proposed for use in complying with the regulatory requirementa The Co lacto � ll h �eauired to ' cl d (f ��u�dl 'n the plan N�e Incar'nn and lavoit nf decontamination areas, the se uencin of asbeslos work the interface of trades i 'k, me s o e use to ass �� the safe buil site, dis osal lan includin loc ion o approved disposal sit and a detailed des ` c to be em lo eA t contml pollution. Expand upon the use of portable 1-IBPA ventilalion system, closing out of[he building's FNAC system, met iod ofremoval to pmhibit visible emissions, and packaging of removed asbestos debris. This Plan of Action is include all of the requirements of`Pmject Design" in acwrdance with AQCC Rogulalion 8, Pert 6, "...means the preperatimi of plans, specifications, project pmcedures, containmeni design/placement, descriptions of engineering controls, and shop drawings for an zsbesms abatemenl projec[ or response action. Il shali include an acwrate anA detailed scope of work, quantities of material to be removed, removal methods, and air exchange calwlations. Drawings shall include locations of ACM m be abated, location ofthe Aecontamination unit, waste load out, negative air units, air intake and exhaust, and emergency exits when applicable. Prior to the start oF any asbesms abatement involving I ,000 linear feet on pipes, or 3,000 square feet on other surFaces, a written projec[ design shall be developed by a project designer certified under these regula[ions. A signed copy ofthe prqecl design shall be available on site at all times during Ihe abatement activities for review by inspectors, the Project Manager and Air Monitoring Specialist_", Owner, Project Admi�is[rator, and Uesigner. Q ContracCOrwill: JI . Provide permi[s, licensing, ete. (as described in Ihe Contrao[ Agceement). 2. Use discretion in and about [he project si[e, i.e, do not dis[urb General Public, do �ol wear protective equipment outside of the regulated area, ete. � 3. Use disore[ion in the location of thc waste container(s), which may be inobilized at the Projec[ Site, wi[h minimal �\ e�posure m the Generel Public. �l. Mobilizeon Wednesday, Sep[ember06, 2006. 5. Perform setup operations, as described above. � 6. Perform removal and clean-up of Asbestos-Containing Materials. 7. Perfnrm OSHA Compliance (exwcsion and personal) eir moni[oring, as established by OSHA 1926.1101, for a Excursion Limit (EL) criteria of each semple uf q .00 f/ec, PCM, and for a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) criteiia of each sample of 0.10 f/cc, PCM (where applicable). 8. After successful completion of post-abatanent coniainment fnal visual inspection(s), 2nd final clearance (MAAL) air munito[ing es established by AQCC 2egulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 61 EPA (NESHAP), and 40 CFR 763 EPA (AHERA) (where required), meeting a criteria of each sample of <=0.01 flw, PCM, and/or <70.0 s/mm2, 'fEM (where applicable), will remove setup. I{ERRON` ProICGNo. OJ31�6] �'ageNO_9 ' � ' (�� Au6��o� ��. �406 f ��\.-F'- �� � G�`RO � HERRON� En[erprisesUSH, lnc. PhFe (303� ]609fiB6 E-Mall Lannia.Herron�comcaetne[ �� HezardousMalerials`MOItl'ASbeslos'LeatlPafnt Websltewww.HERRON-Entarprises.com Environmental Services'Intlushial Hygianlets ]]61 W. HamOtlen Ava. Lakewootl Coloratlo 8022].5905 \V —�9. Demobilize at the coneWsion of project, estimated by Thursday, September 07, 2006. \ H. On behalf ol'Ihe Owner, HERRON� will: I . Perform posFabatement containment f'Inal visuel inspection(s), after remaval opeiations are wmple[ed. 2. Perform final clearance (MAAL) air moni[oring as established by AQCC Regulation 8 (State), 29 CFR 1926.1101 (OSHA), 40 CFR Part 61 P,PA (NESHAP), and 0.0 CPR 763 8PA (AHERA) (where required), meeting a criteria of each sample of<=0.01 flec, PCM, and/or q0.0 s/mm2, TEM (where applicable), and confrm removal of setup. 3. Demobilize from the Work Area at the conclusion of project, estimated by October 21 , 2005, PLAN INCLODES (AS SUBMITTED I3Y THC CONTRACTOR): A. Con[ainment Design: 1 . Full-Enclosure containment engineering controls shall be useA for the removal of all Asbestos Containing Materials, and contamina[ion as described. 2. A personnel remote dewntemination unit will be centrally located to ihe wntainment ereas. 3 All critical barriers will be marked with the proper "DANGE2° signs. B. Deconlamination Uni[s: I . The personnel unit will consist ofthree chambcrs. Each chamber will be three feet by three feet. <� � � C. Air Plows end Filtering: � \O �P � 1 . Full-Enclosure containments will be under negative air pressure. 'fhe filtration units will be exhausted to the exterior of the building via ducting. D. Negative Pressure Differential Equipment: L h'ull-Enclosure containments. HEPA filtrntion units will be used ro provide a minimum of four air changes per hour. Back-up fans will be on sight in case of equipment failive. 2. 2,000 CFM HEPA AIIiE filtralion units will be used to provide a minimwn of four air changes per hour. Back-up fans will be on sight in case of equipment Pailure. a. WA#L ((832/I,500)/4) = . 136 NAM'S (Will use minimum of I NAM's) E. Removal Methods: I . All ACM will be removed by wet, hand methods, in awordance with AQCC Regulation 8. QC� F. Was[e Handling: � Q � 1 . All ACWM will be placed in two properly labeled 6-mil poly bags and disposed of at an approved landfill. � QV The bags will be removed [o a properly lined, enclosed truck/lrailer/Aumpsler and taken off sighl. HERRON° I'mjcc� NO. O]]106J PageNa. 10 'i�/ August19, 2005 \� yy V" � �s HERRON� Phone (303) ]639699 ,ry� Enterprisae USA, Ina Fa[ �303) )639686 ,�y E-Mall Lennle.Herron@comcastne[ �e� HazarCOUSMaterials'MOItl'ASbestos'LeetlPaint Wabaitewww.HERRON-Enterprleas.cam Environmen[al Servicas`Intluatrlal HyBlanists ]2fit W. Hampden Ave. Lakewootl ColoraJO 8023]-6305 G. 8mergency Procedures: Da L Einergency exits will be marked with orange spray paint and employees will be informed of al[erna[e escape `�����5 �routg� Fire extinguishers will be kept within reach, both inside and oWSide containmen[ areas. The Contrac[or has Q�—TazCom programs. Thes'e programs, as well as Material SnfeTy Data Sheets, shall remain on sigh[ through [he duration ofthe pmject. Each employee haz been n'ained in these programs. END OP SECTION - 01013 � ❑F.RRON" P�o,iectNO_W3106] PagcNo. 11 � / � Augnstl], 200fi �.itt0 � G"'O � HERRON� Phona �303� ]639639 � En[erprlsee USF, Inc. Faz �303� 16� 9686 ,,�y E-Mail Lannle.Harton�,dcomcaetnet e� Hazertlous MeteAals'MOItl'ASbestos'Leaa Paint Wehsltewww.HERRON-Enterpriaea.com Env'ronmental5ervices`Intlustrlal Hygianlsta 1261 W. Mamptlen Ava. Lakawootl Coloratlo 8032]�5�06 TO: ALLCONCCRNED THIS ADVICE IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT DGSIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT. IN THC EVCNT OF AN EMERGENCY: ANY EMGRGENCY: 911 FIRE: 911 POLICE: 91 I AMBULANCC: 911 IN THC EVCNT OF AN EMERGENCY, CONTACT YOUR ON-SITE SUPERVISOR AND/OR THE APPROPRIATC AGENCY! CARL COX OFFICE / (303) 577 9933 (SUPERVISOR) CELLULAR / (720) 989 5278 LINDA FROEMKE OFFICC / (303) 577 9933 (SUPERVISOR) CELLULAR / (303) 9bl 0726 i HFRRON° PtqleotNo. 09J1�6] PagtNO_ 12 �'�� AngnctlZ20l16 __ __. _ ._ _. . __. _ _ _ _ . ,. _ �avid i�hoade� - Pages from Monfaneros At Vail . pdf �'��� 1 Air Pol(tatiqn Corriroi Division — 5tafiionary Sources Program �- Indonr P.ir Unit 43�0 Cherry Creek prive South , APCD-SS-B1 � � Denver, Calarado 80246- 1530 �~,`�„(��Q '� Phone: 303-692�3100 — Fax: 303-782-0278 E- mail : asb�stos@staYe . co . us � Tbis pernait is granted subject Yo Colorado Air Quzlity Control Commission Ttegulation No. 8, Parf B, adopteci December 16, ?Q03 , and effective March 2, 300,5, the CuJorado rAir Pollutian Prevention and C.o»irol Act C.R.S. (? :i-'7�101 and 25-7-501 et seq) and Yhe following provis'rons . Tt is only for the purpose of allowing asbestos abatement. A17CeIT'I�AIAL PER�✓(I'[' PFtO�iSIOPI�: By performing work uader this permit the abatement contractor agrees ttiat the Division may revoke or suspend this permit should tlie Division ftnd that tl�e contractor: • has violated or has �ided and abetted ici the viotation oE25-7-501 or 2S-7-S01 et seq., C. R.S, or Regulation No. 8, or an ordcr ofthe Division or C.ommission, � hss failed to meet any peim9t and notification requirement or fai(ed to correct any violations cited by the S�ivision durin� any inspection withi�i a reasonable a�eriod of time, as may be detesmined by the Divisiora, • has used misrepresentation or fraud in obtaiuing Ghis permit, oe, � has committed any act c�r omission wl�ich does not meet generally accepted standards of the practice a1' asbestos abatesnent. As a contractor, yotz may be subject to othes licenses and pestnits, depending on tt�e requirements of the co�mty and nlunicipality in which the work 'rs being perfonned. The Colorado L)epartment of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Connol Uivision strongly suggests that you check witli county and municipal authorities in arder to determine <iny other local building/perraitting requirements tfiat must be met. 'T'kIE 012I�'-INAI� �ET�IVITT 11�iLJ�'I' I3� POS'T.�D Q1�1 S�'T � f1T �.LL TINf��. Xmrnediatedy r:otify 9/te Ujtit of�roject nrudrftcatio�:s by fax (nu»tber above) or e-rr:uil (ndtfress abore) rrnd t/te appropriafe couraly lrealt/t �IeparYt�texzt by fizr. Project modificatiorzs inclrede chnrrge,s in ihe scope of worlc or tl:e scl:edulerl wark dates, ete. This asbestos a6atemcnt permit is valid begznning 9/7/2006 through ] 1 : �9 �7M on 1p/6/200C . The actual scheduIed work dates are frotn 9/7/2006 through 9/ 15/200f. Appx•ova( issued on: 8/29/20UG Amount paid: $27:i.U0 Record nutnber: �3214 Check nttmber: I 1976 �ofice �lumhcr: ObE:�392�A. Projec# Supen�isrn�: Variance : None Carl C;ox Coniments: Not�e Ceritication No. : 38 �6 F�or the location specified beiow: ProjccY A�RS : CoYtcl� -' Leonard L'. FTerrott tJezit 4 � 6�31 . Loiiz58�ead C'ir Cer�ific<ition No. : 2573 �%ai1 Eagle Co�flea4y Yr�ject Manager: i'his permit has been issued to: Excel �;t4s ironr3� eeiea[ Irte. — - __ _._ .. _..__. _ _. _ _ _ . -- ---. ,—._ _ . . 1fi52 Jasper St. C'nit � � - - �r�rora, Cf) �0011 Issi�e �..._�. ..�:�: o _ .