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09�19/2006 07:56 �195786914 EAS OF DENVER INC PAGE 02 APPLZCA'IZON WILL NOT BE A,CCEPT�p IF TIVCOMPLETE OR UN5IGNEp �. P%�ect#� � � � A �� sutlding Permi�#�: _ � v � Asbestos Pe��npt#: . . �}y������ '� TOWN O.F V,ATL ,I�SBESTOS ABATEMEI�T pE1�MIT' App1.TCA�TxON Requ�red per Ordlnance No. 19, Series o�F 1998 '" 75 S� �rontage Rd. Permit apptica�tion wil� no� be accepted wi�hout the fo�lowing� V�1i�, Calo�rado 81657 1, Capies of General Abarement Certffica�e and State ofi Colorado Ccr�ificai:ion Z. A copy of wr(t�en arrangements with the Paci{ity operators for any temporary disabling vF the air handling sys�ems, fre sprinkler system, and alarm systems with �he nam�s and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site p(an with d�tails addressing: waste container sbor�ge location. waste load out area location. entry and exiting details of abatement area. details af�ntry and �xiting plans for�he accupants of the structure in unaffec�ed areas, CaMTRACTOR�NFORMATION On Site A�atement Conrractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Cantact and Phone #'s: ��S ��C�w��eJv�"1�J�. —�' �l II�•- 3'7�� �5'�'S����.:se J i`r� �5�-C,ler,a` �-Mail Address: ��„ S,o,E� �-�s�� C �,,,(,����,k. ,U��- . Contractor Signature: �. � COI�PLET�VpLUIlTION FOR ASB�STOS ABATEM�NT PERMIT (�abor& Ma�erials) Asbesras fibatement: $ p �O� -0 ey Cont�ct Ea le Cou,n Assessors p�ce at 9,7Q-328^$S�O D�I'I/f5%�" W w,ea e�coun ,com for Parce,/,�` �'?!��:CEM'�' °-�� tl (a 1 a 4 C+ O�`� ... -.,. . __ w 7ob Name: �„`��,py< +�� V�;,` l�r.�. 1� � ]ob Address: ��o w L�v�,'�I���,G� ��. Legai Description Lot; Block: Fiting: Subdivision: owners tvame: ���-�rJ.� �� ��, Address: fo�� . I� 1�hs 1,����s �L Phone: _. 'Project Manager:5�� ���� � Address: Phone: � � ��� � ��� � �w�vk.�.�c.c �'� i S - "1 p� Project Designer: S�� Address: �� �� � � �l �sc,�. e �, � � Phon�, �cc� - SIt� - 5�a � Air Moni�oring Specia ist: � ��L Addr�ss: Phane: 303 ��f�� ^USI�, Detailed description of work; gbc s�c 5 �b�. _, S��.RP,►�F �.�;Pe d�� Start Date; �p � � � �nd Date: jp � p � S�rt 7ime: � , �„ I�-�. Quit Timc: �',+3p Amount oP Asbestos: Linear Feet: _� Square Feet: " GO 55JGa1 Drums: Work Class: New( ) Additifln (' ) Remodel � y Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Type: Zn�erior(� Exterior( ) Bath ( ) � T e oF Bld .; Sln le-famil Two-famil hqulti-famil Commercial Rest,�urant Other Da�s a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (� No O �oes�F' , nk_ri�` -'�o ( 1 �i,���t��*�a�*��***x��*���x���*,a,��*x,��a����� �Pt�liQ� �$�i�i��a . .,. FOR O�FIC� US� ONLY��*�** � ����*�*,�,����.�.�;�,* I�1Y�1.4,i I i.IiiG '.�i��'"�Y� �.��' � � � �a� � r� � �6 :u�ri�r�,u� � y'y � ,,L � � �A �.R,e���v d�� � �-1,� ,,.{� �,���IA����tar � � 17 . r ,,, ��� , t ,����' ';��i'i� °� :' ''"!C�u�� .O.':l.i.�w.��.�r�._',:.',':, ` ! �',, ,�(, . . � �p u'v r � .,� � - ��- ' ��,,:� � E l 4• '•, �>����°;, ��;.::�° \�Vail�data\cde��FORM5\PERM�fS�ASBEPERM.DDG - e9 � � � ,� 2ee � 2 � 0 � � �ri � 5 � s � � � � ��'�rS 01= DENV�R � iyc ��-,�� e � n i, q �'�i ° . 9��i{J�W�! +�t�� r �� `T L T �1 � , ' � 4301 �outh ��d�r�) �Ivd. Suite 112. Engl�+n��od ��Ior�da �0110 Ph�n� (��3� 795m9pQ9 ��� (303) 7�5m�02q 11 � ��mmerce �t. C� lorado �prings� C�I�rado �0907 Phan� (719� 57�m1575 F�x (719) 57�m091A� a ; 9/1 /06 1°0o J�� ��ther / 1��. m � ��� h�r� �t� m T'�� rt of ��wl F��e 970-�79tl2452 / 970 T���776 Fr� ; ��tt el���t � a �ntil�r at �'� il tJni� 1 O2 b�stos �b�ter°net�t �roje�� PI���� ��� th� a � hed p� it � ppRi���i�� � n � upp� °� ��r� rn��� r an �rp corni � pr�ae��o 1°h �nk y� u on ad�+ar�c� �or y�ur h �l� i � �hi� a r. If y�� ��rr� � rry qu ��tion or n �e �f �� r�h �r w��� ��oorr f��l fr�� to ��n �� e �t ? 1 -5� Q�5226e ir�� �ly, � ��tt �I�� � � r�j�ct a �� �r Pag�� including the co��r �B���to 14 �lease c�ll the phone nurnb�r abov� if you da n�� r�ceive all pagc� af this �x. 1"h��le You . 69I18/2006 13: 39 7195780914 EAS OF DENVER INC PAGE 02 � ENVIRONMENTAL �BATEMEIVT SERVIG�S �F DENVER, INC. 4301 South Federal Bivd. Suite 112. Englewood Colorado 80110 Phane (303)795-9009 Fax(303)795�9020 111 Commerce St. Colarado 5prings Calorado 60907 Phone(719)578-1575 Fax(719) 578-0914 9115106 Jae Suther Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. 1�ail, CO 81657 Lt. Mike Vaughan Vail Fire Department �5 5. Frontege Rd. V�il, CO 81657 R�: Vail Permits For asbestos abatement ,4ntler at Vail 680 W. Lionshead Place Units 102 Mr. 5uthers, Environmental Abatement Services of Denver, Inc. (�AS) has been contracted to perform the asbestos abatement in the above referenced condomir�ium. I have atkached a copy of permit applications for Town of`�Iail and the stat�of Colorado as well as a copy of EA5's Gene�al Abat�ment Certificate and updated insurance certificate. This work is intended to start on October 2"d, 2006 this unit should be complefied by Octnber 6`", 2006. The air handing system v►,rill be sealed with 6-mil poly�thylene and Bron tape from inside the unit and will not be affected during the aba#ement operations. The fire suppression system will remain �ctive during the abatement operations. The alarm system will de�ctiva�e at the start of the proae�t b the buildin owner the s stem shou e reactiva#e after com letion of el, he buildi�g contact person is Tom Schlander phone number is 970-�76-2471 the site representative will be Bc� Posey Cell phone number is 719-5'10-8760. Please fihe attached drawing a ofi typical unit at the above referenced site I hawe placed fihe location of the negative air machines, handheld fre extinguishers, deconfiaminatian and waste load out. I haue also included a layaut of the bui(ding in relation to work and egresses. EAS dose not expect tv change any of the buildings egresses considering fihat there are stairwells on either sid� of the building. Vail PBrmIYS � a5 ?' � � � � ee � 13a39 � 19575 � 914 E�S OF DENVE� INC P�GC � 3 °Th� w��t� ��� r�g� �� ntai �er v�ill b� � 12 f��t �r�ilit�° �r�iler th �t will b� rr��v� �� ��eded ar�� par�ed in ��� rn�in I�� wh�n n�t in u�� . I h��� �I�� in�l�d�d � ��py �f �h� r��� uf���ur� �p�r�t� r'� r� �rru � r f�r th� n�g��iu� � ir rn��hir��� S u��� , Yh� m��hir�e� �r� �h�ck ���h tirr�� t��y � r� ��n� t� � pr�je�t � nd pri�r t� �t�rt � p �� �h� prr�j��t. Th�� k y�u in adv� n�� f�r h�lp in t�i� rn �t��rs df yo�a h��e �r�� qu���i� r�� �r n��d of furt� �r infi�rr� ��i� n pl���� f��l fr�� �o ��nt��f r� � �t 719�51 �-5�26 . � inc�r�9y, f? � � 6i ' �c�t� �Jel�� n Pr�j��� �an �g� r �+�ii perm�cs 2 0911812006 13:39 7195780914 E�S OF DEN�ER INC P�GE �5 04'�O<q ASBESTOS ABATE�AEIV�' AIOTIFICATION Permlt�Coordlnator �; Colorado Depi.oi Publlc HeaNh `� -��: � and PERNIIT A�'PLICATI�N FORM Q •• and Environmenl '�`i"%'�� O APCD•SS�61 * �� � * F�� MUST ACCOMPANY TWIS FORM. q300 Cherry Creek Drive 5outh ��s�.�* INCOMP�.�TE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURN�D. �enver,co so2�ns-��3a .�1g,���, Phone:803•092•3100 _ _ (Permit will be mailed to abatement contractor uniess specified otherwise) Fax: 303-'I82�oa�a Permit Type 30-Day 90-Day One-Yea� Notice Only Tra�nsfer Courb�sy Notice _......,._..----- single-Famliy Re6ldentlal Dwalling ONLY NO �@� >5o LF or 32 SF or a 55-gal,erum,but 0 $165 �f $275 [] $385 ❑ $55 ❑ $4U ❑ s 200 LF or 160 SF or a 66•gal, dNm Okay 4o Fax ---._....._... . ........................___ _........ ......_...._--° --- - Public&Commercial,School,and Singlo• NO �@8 Famlly Fiasiaentlal Onrelling Bullding � $Z�$ � $�J50 ❑ $B25 ❑ $55 ❑ $a0 ❑ Okay to Fux >28D 4F or 16D SF or a 5�gal.drum Company Name Buiiding Name � Em�ironmental Abatemcnt Services of Denver,lnc. A�ntlers at Vail � SlfCet �t �3pedry locatlon In the bullding wherA wotk wlll tAke plAte(e,p,(IooG room,wing,etc.) c 5'�0 East Colorado Awe. � ilnit ]02 p ...___......_..__.....---- �.. ..._..... :..,._,,.....--- --.._._. V City State Zlp Code � Street � �reieora.do Springs__ _ ___ _ CO 80903 � 680 West Livnshcad Placc Col � � phone With Area Coda Colorado GAC NumeEr � Clty � 5tete County �Ip Code ,;; i 719-578-1575 Sd-1530665 d Vaii CO Gagle R1057 _ __I._` -.. p � Project supervisor Colorado Cert.Numeer 9uilding Conloel Telephone wll�Area Cotle Buiiding Con�id Parson `t IIo Posey 1967 970-476-2471 'Tom Schlander Le�ndfiil Name Ownef's Name �y g��, o� � Antlers at Vail _ ---...,--..__.._._.___....----�---- � .°. streei _.._.._... ......__.......----- --� � si�et 3 w � S$`''and ToweT Raad � � 680 Wesr lionhcad Pl�ce _.._.......... ...__..._._..--� -- Clry State Zip Cotle �C p Clry State Zip Code �N' Commer.ce Ci CO ;° ` Vail , _�_CO ____ $1657 --- � Talephone wth Area CoGe m p Tolephone wlth Area�Code� 303-371-2886 970-476-2471 Coloratlo Project Menagers Name S19f1 D81e End D�� `� N/A 10/2/06 �n/G/OG � -- --�-��--�--.._ . � Telephone With Area Code Colo.Proj.Dsgr.Gert.Numbe� C Start Timo ,qM End T�me � �AM � � 07:00 ❑ Pl�f 05:30 � PM ' ..__,..... ._ . ........_._........._....._..----._..__.. a .. .. ............-�--�-�---- ---- d Colorado Pro)ect peslgner's Name � � p C Amount oF Aabestos __.__ �y N�� � Linaar Feat: 5quare Foot� 5s g�l prums;� �� Televhone Wlth A�a Code Colo.ProJ, Dsgc Cert.Number c 7G0 _ •r --- — � � Days,oE Oporation—CMeck all thae a p�;____ ^ Alr M Ctl YOCk eclallsts Na ------ _ ❑ . .�._.. . : ,---- .. � Sun, Mon, I TUe. Wed. ; Thu. Fri. ',. Sat. .... ..... _..,..—•••—•— , ..—_.. me n � m Laur a ...... � . ��.... ._._�---�__.-�--__._...._�-'—���- .. . . .....------- - ._— Q Telephone With Aree Code Colo,AMS,Cert.Numbel' • 0. I—I � 3745 Emergency Pro)act? Yes IJ No ! TH�s Box�s FoR CDPH�U9�ONI,Y: Project Manager Required7 Y N W ; Permit#: Postmark or Hand Delivery Date; � : Check#; Issued: ' Please describe below the work practices and procedures Lo be employed in conducting the abatement of asbesto&, BE SPECIFIC, Indicate type(s)of AC6M to be abated(e.g.VAT,ceiling tfle,TSI,ete.). Use another page if necessary. Thc v,vet remvval of approximately 760 sqaare feet of'ceiling tcxCUrc. This work wi11 be preformed.following the criteri�set 1'orth For full co�ntainment. � 9l18120 � 6 13e39 7195 � 80914 EwS OF DE��ER TNC PAGE 06 . � � V \ f , i • �� � L I � + � , � , + 1 '1 ' r 1 � e � � � � �� � ��� � � �. I J � � .i1� �..e � y.�i.� ,. � ��•:. • i • `--' ~ �. � � � ` �1 I , . 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I�i d�'�t'�� 'Fl1�'i:14ti� S�f�I�t '� " ' ly�o �(f fi1�r�: �r� �c�n� questl�r�� r���rr�lrrg,.th� 't�se c�f this unlfi �I��s� conf��t it,� di�trlbu��r frorn rn qrc5w �tir�hi��� 41i� �riit �'r ��lf A���err�err�t T�S�hn�lo�les �t 770-33��� IJ,S. �r 9f75�6� 1ed720 C�n�da frri��df�t�fy� � � , �l�TEc Tt,� U, S, Envir�nm�nfc�l Prof��l�rr A��n�y"s �� • �PI�� ��ulc��ne� .f�r �,or�fr�il►n� �skr���s-���t�lrrlrig Mer��rl�ls In, 9wildings°, EP� �5-�5-��, i�t�ltides h�lpft�l IYtf�Pr�°I�#1�19 ��t �lY 'flifr�ft�n '�'r�r��; A��t�msn� Teehnol��l�s stron�ly s�r�es �nyon� �rPc�rrnln� aela�shes a�at�rrrerrt t� r�c�Q f{i�' r�xf r��en�, ��Pfl�r� �� �►s� �P,4. publi��tl�n �P�a�� �ara� �ff�nt�� afr pre,ssure 9�Ifr�a4l�n sysP�m. . . �E���P. INFC�Rh+1�TI�N D►t��ar�n4lal preseure arr �utrp�lon sy��m� �r� one �f � �e1m�n� r��r�s o� e�nftrring and rr�lnim�ln� �Irborn� asmrsstas fltaers, �4 � n�g�l+� p�r��a�r� cr�nditle�h �zlsP� �mrh�n �P�� sY�fi� �ressu� Ir��li��th�o �rioloa�� �rork �r�� Is taw�rthan thdt of �rh� ranwtronmen� ouistde #hle areo. Tho differenfl�l Iffi cr��f�d and ma)nfqlr�ed �y l�ovfrr� �ir �r�rri �th'e w�rk �re� �her�u�h ari.�lr..flltrat�r�r�.�sralt tr� the �nvlr+�nrnen� o���fsld� thls ar�a. The r�PYe�t use of �he W�P��AIRE 1.49U �(urin� ��i���� '�t��mm�n� h'eip8 �ar�wen't t'he I�e��-scal� 't�l�aso of . fibers ta fhe envlrnnment outsld� the woek �rrea in case fh� .�oi�othylen� ��n'��Inrnan� bqrrler Is t�m or puncfiur�d: tn a��lttor�, tt iqw� rs 1he �onc�nfrn#lan of alriaom� fibers fnslda $h� werk �t��. FUh1�1'1�(J t�F TN� W�P�°,�IR� 1 �N� fi�S �O�AF��IEt�TS ��T�Mn���� � ��� • _ b�R_ . ! �� i� �'!6�p Y � �U�al P /'7� � "' G+6 �W18 �J,. � � ' 7 � . n.. . . . � d`!4/xR m]l.A4 � ��y.1�:'.:q.,i:� ; �.. :'.�,��'�.: . � .��cl'd9 ���' ' . . . . . :. :. ..: . . �q:��"�1N0��?Y f1GI�7 . . . . „ . P1�1u`��`�C7�e , ' , ;FP��%�48�8 , • , . ' ;'I�i';,.�,::�,;f: : • . • FILT�RS � , , ' .: „ • . :.,�',' ' �. �:� , ".. • � . . , .. . ...,.: ' ' ; .. � . . . • . � .t . ' � . .� . �. � .�: �I � ..1F':.��ry�' �i. I'• �''�'1:• � ': '. � .�V ':{�•.. . � r . . . . . . . . . . . . �.. ' . .. .. . . �.: ' �.�.,,' .'� :'y i .I . � .. 1�. ' � �,�..� '��• t.•�.n� . • �1 '�4�1 : . . .. .: . ! � :I �.i: .I:�I'� ,r � '.P� . :� .� ..'� ' it ..6. . '. . ' ' . �y �-- ����5 :�(�' �r�l�i'r�N�' : I���I�g''..��' ;�ie�•s���Yi�arq �n� W�P� �Il��rs 'by ror�resrJlh'� :I�r�� �e�rhl�lr�s ( 10 � PTIICPAt�4 tlP1� I�fQf�P)a • . I , ' i � : : . � . � . . . . .: . . . .� ;.. ' ..� ' . ; „ n . . . ' .' �:�• • .� i.�. ' S : r :. u. . • . . 5����5��c}� �- '�'r�af�c� �� i°�di`� � �' ` ''�i�lv� 1����:$1ii'�p �y�.1'���ri�wl'ng �drfl�l�s �hl�h ar� '1 'rYrl�ra� �P'i�lr��t tTV�(��If� . . ` ��•°1e F31�C��f1'PVS. � ITi��PtJ'fl`�Q����9:%. ; . ., ; : . ; . ,�. ....; ;.;r•.y •: . i' + :r�r; , ,• • ' . ,�: f � , . , . . . , ,. .. r " •• 'r. r• • ( .:. •... `; . : . ':: ; ' . 1:: .,;�....:::':� �. � • 1 .: • � . . � . . . .. . .. .. . .:. „ ; .. . . �Fi�p,� " � '�ici� �n �Ttl�l�rt�'r?rdtin� '�f. �:��;. ir�:�rc�t°rit�vfiri�`q:3 "r4�'f�r�'n �1�: pd�tl�1�s: � Tf�a '�I�pA �Iif�rs fh�s smc�ller �1z� ' eis�s�tis ���r§ a� ��nti�frtl�c,�e�I �1e fi!�tus '��eta�h �he��Wrik�; .``Ct�i� W�PA �flff�P us��l ts rrst�d qf' 1 ,5 = 1 .i ihch�es w�'ter � columr� t1+v.c,, pres�ur� drop �h � 100 ��rri. ,�n� �fl�n�l fllt�sr �nrh(ch has an �fflcteney of 99. 99`�s 1� �Iso avr�lfabl�r. ��<U7"I�P�f; �'tibOt��[it�iilg'T�I1f11�10 , v'.F�EP14-�8i��� �)Y'�Cft'i�;ICifl:iYi�iCf1i116�5 �P� d�Sl�►�e�d ilo Prl��¢ �tiT BXC��C1 �#�P�dtlC�S for'hl�h 'etYi�t�n��r 'a�r �ltrafinn �UYpitlo�': .'Us�" �ti�ly�•'l�b�YYt�c1t�1'd1�1111�1a�g1�s pe�tP�s 'Irt�cl�a�ir�� '���5(COCelvr�nF FTEPY4' . F�tf�rs. us� of nan�A��taferh�nt T�+ch��l�f�s p�t}� or WEP,A, mk�rs vol�is our �rrociwct ware�n�y �r�� vuic(s �ail p�tfer- Pn�cv��� �f •alrrl� ' ' t�ROT�RfFAN A,SS�(Vf6LY - Zhe rrio4oP p��wers th� cer�telfu�ql �f°y►e ft�n wnlCh pulls coni�mfn�i�ed dlr thrr�ugh a cle�n s�t o� . �i�Yare �t a stc�vlc pressur� drop of 2.�7 - 2.2 Inches of water column as rn��sured by th� unifs preasura �aug� wlth Ci��n fiftars and no v�tacMrn��4s (manlfolds, flex ducf), O � r' 181200 � 1 � a 39 7J. 95 � � � '� 14 �r—"a5 [�1= DEN�'�.R TNC P�GE 1 :1. ,, . a : � . . . . ; , . r:,. � ��F����PER�T��'-TWE�t�6�^��i �� ''i�i�� . ,' ��'�.t., . : ..v, ' ° . t� , , � '�'�"►'lL.F��I�hl RE�UIR�R�#E�ITS . � 7ha .Envlr�nrrt�Pt�'�I Pr�t��tl�rr .4��t��r CEP� P�s�c�rri�tt�r�e�� � �f� ���t�� � ry �h��r� tY►ttt�t�� (�• • �. ��ntr�lnt°��nf ar��e. ..,7'� c�ef�rt�►i�� tc�f�l air �1�� ��r�lr�rn�n� . i > Cal�ul�� 4h� w�lurr�� of tt�� 3vori� �r��a In ��1� f��t E�y m�ttPl�l�ir�g �h� fla�r �r�� O�n�fY� ?� �1(�l�p�y �����:��ypt�� :. I�el�h�h, , . 2, OIvP�� ft�� �e�l�r�� �f tl� rr��vic �r�� t�y i5 r�lnc�4�s� °' , ��rt��l�. , � [31r��r�slear°� �f ar��:,, , , . � , . � . JO •i���;lon�d 3� '�Y. �i��e '� f.t�..;�If�h .. , • , , . . ' V�IuFrY� �f: 'aY�tle ��;� '7�3�5�� �. . i�ii�� �tubi� ��f��� . . . . Tota! �le �Ia� r�q�ir�c9 � �cF�it�� ran� ale �lian�� �v�r� 15 ��inr�f�s,., = 16,6C� �tab1� 'F��f '� 15 mint;r��s � 19 �[i �Ubl� ,f��� p�'P ri�lYii:�t'� ��F�)• . ;•,, ,. . , . w. . ..v.. �.. :........__.._...m,�' . .• tf�a��li�d-�Ir��s�fr�'r�r� at'� �ufltli��,-�s�1rn fh���t�I���P'�IPsup�l(�c� �r�� ��{ thls-tcrr�ri��l�����lurr7� �e��n . .... e�l�ulnl'ln� ��f�l �Ir �Irsw r�qulCemert�s� �� �L PAhl�t� �O�A S: (5�a Ola�r�rn e�n Peag� 3� , . , 1 , �e�ti�d �a�i� ;�ir�uf� ttif� ` t. t'��i� .-° 9his�,Is �� .�I��firl��i .sc���ty d�vi�e �thc�t ►n�l(I frl�•�ricis�op fh� .fiou�.�f �I�trt�ftyv If any: ' ' . . s�g�t��a�'� 'I�i�kd�e o� �urtent Is �ef�cf�: , . . . ' 2, � � �ir�utt Sr��k�r �- �D �rnp• clr�utP br�ak�r �ar�vl�ea overi�ad ���t��tl�n for �� hl�her �1•arting arnpr�rag�s �f rn�trar, , � • PVCJ►�T1pl �(JBP�f(t1� ql'Y1��P�g�S `�41(I be It1 ;fYtA fCYf1�� OP 1 ���8'. � � 1e `� !�i , , . .. � �, W�ur �gi�r � penvle�es � ��uni� ot fhe f�4�i �pmr8tln� i��u�. 4, pnw�r Savit�h — 7h� rnain pawer On-Off sv�itch, • 5. S�re�d 5�1�+�9i�n �wHc� -- 1Yr[� swrtF�h •s�i��ts the hl�h or t�w sF,,��� �of the mo4nr. It mus� b� In the "i�l�h" pasiflors � befor� �it�m mat�r le sf0rf�cl, . 6. Pr��awr� ���sg� --� Th� minlf�it�Y��u� ali�i� �t�� pr�saure beln� �r��'red �n th� neg��i�� slde of #h� cc�kalnei�, It � r���sure�d in Inch�s c��F w�er e�;I�Yi1�i '(���,J, E1.��iRl � R��W ME�� � . � , 1 . Elecfrlc�( p���r �r �h� ur�tt sh�`uld ��: si,ip`blf�d ,fc�rrr•�autald� �t�� ' cs�aa, Tl�� HEt�AmAIRE 1 . . .. �s u1���d +�rit� � �reu�d F�caif Clreuif ir�fa t .F��fy°.�1��4''t1��1 �af�#y '��vic� �s• st��eldr� �e�ulpr�cerrf, TMIs ls e�� n�fr�rrs�l� (n1p��fanf ��aturm �or t1°�� �r�f���tan �f ��� :�s�r �s�u+r�li cis�Fr� ���1prr��n�t.' ,� �FCI u1111 �rl� �h� �ir�u�° if an,y 9(��I'ft�c��t I�c�ltr��� d�� ; �urr�n�P Is �i������. �, F�t � I�ttuPtt �s�r 's�f�t�p' ttY� H�P�a�a�IR� t 5��ulQ �� ��n�����d f� � f��e��ppo�g �t�.i��i���i ' �ufl�t ulp ' wHf� a�� `��vl��, � . 2, �411 �I��cc�( ��►�Iprr��rif 'cra�d �ri th� .jc5�, rn�s� b� I� qe�od ��ndi�lon ��� �r�p�riy gro�nd�r�, �h���. �e�tlr�f�, wrlrin�, ' ,. ' ` ` �sacF�rnslori ;�at�s:;���:tf9�::pr��ri� �lrts �i� piu�e. , ,. . ,. , . � . ;, , , . . ; :::�: : ,� ;, .:; ..�:.;:�:�, ; r,�.,. ., ., ; � � � � •,• � ;: •> ' �`�',;. . ,,., ...i .,. . : ,, ..,. , � � • :�.,, � ' ' . , ,., ;.., . ..�.:. ,.,, .. •. . .. . . . . .... , ` • . : � �, , , ,,,; ,,; ,;,, ,,, .. ,: .;:, ., : ; , . . ,.,, . . . , ,,. �' : : . �`'',i'�L��?"';''`' �, ' ,;, , ;, , . , < � . 3, ,' . �o r��i`��h`fYi�,:�i��¢t9�1 vruirin� >�n� ;��r��'�'�'�s�flq�r�:. 11��y: gli�ul� � ��1�v�ee� fe� k��p fh�rn ��iN� '` ',f��YY'i`�ti�P�r'�ri�' ; . :` :."'�., �; � c���lc��ri�al d�r�r���:,`•!�'is1�,��,��i �e�s �h�sui��! ��� �� �I�v��� .�tFY�. �es�1��; ��li� c�r wir�� �,..�y���;�Fttli�i�°.� `us�:�t . , ' y11'sY��d;`;: �`; , :.�'•,;; `. ,; . .; •• ; ,: . , . • , . . .. : �, . . ..: � �: ..,.. . , °. . . .. . �. �, , . � . . , . . � . . ; . . . .. . ; �.;: : ., �;, .,: ; : � : . :� +. � , : ��� • . � . ,. : : . . ,; . . � . . . ; � , .. : :. ,. . . , � . A, ; : '::�#�rrsl�i�':��r,��';i:��d<f�r. :�::W��:F�;;411��:�19�. rr��rgi: �� th� P���uV �u�ty fVo. i0-� �tndu�frial;gr��n;���l'r,��`f��s: Th� ��r.�� . . . . . �„ ..: ..;;. . . :, . : ,: . , , . ... . . . . . mw�f k� In �d�� ��n�i}i�lon �nd'In ��ffnnr�u� I�n��h'S 4r►� spltcing); .7h���r �I�riwl� naf������+�d °T�: ��� In lert�tf�� . . , , ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , .. . . . . . ittf��. �;TH�' WEP�w�;IR� ':.1, "" ' `p °! :.°fP�s :�,�'t�6�1�' . '� ..df, .11� wr�(f� :�� � w�� �r���rly. . �i���. ce�{�1�: 4�'�t ���+ ���t�rt�i�ri ' ��rrQs us��l� �o°n�# r��te' . .��wr�r f� th� rr��et�ln� 't� I�s� th� i 1Q v�N$. : tls� ��F � +raltm�p�r:4� ��rsi�rrr� ����u�t� rratt�g� is r��c�rrtm�n��d� . . . . � . . .. . 5, T17e W�F�aA,IRE i99�0 drra� � meyxlmurrr aE a��ro�irn�ly ; 10�4 - 11 .2 ar�pA,.of �wrr�ns� durin�; narm�l e,p�res�lon: h�+.� e��r, d�s2 to 'rrro�l�rlfar�r sfer�-� eui�a'rif� �Wr�, �he unff• reqwirms cs 2� �am� •cir�ulf wr�ich ts ff�e. af afher I�+ads. G, The wn� e��utres c�p�roximai�ly .2 s�conds t� rea�h tuli ��rfocmqn�e air tiow an high. spee,rl. .oThls..is � noP,m�l �i�i�y, for ' s�h� sqster� ��sl�n. ' 2 09 ,� 18rf 2e06 1 ;� : 39 ? 19573 � 914 E�`�� OF TI�N'�ER 1NC P�GE. 12 P�kt�C�l� f�R+$INTEhlfatdCE e4�I� �S�R'4lI�E ���t1 (RE(dl�hhCi'S ❑ Obsonre uny' for any �lic�rt�c�� ir� runn(n� �ndltfan �t cany unusudl nolse. 0 CY�eck �,If rn�vin�j parts f�ar �reae evm�, st� rerc�r�fhs, , 0 Che�k 41gY�fnrvss oC frirs on shr�f�d ��aNrt� anci p�lt�yo s�t sce���s avery sP� P�nc�nY�13. DRI�JE �,LI�fVM�NT Peftl� �ELT .4bJ[IST�GPd�' ��It panstvn must I�c ociJusteti tlgh4 enougll �r� pr�v�nY beit sllppa�� �n start��up vrhll� ur�der fW(-loc�d np�ratlnn, Tile lovfcr b�it shoul�l he�vo p,� �our �,vf�ll� ap�rCSfin�. IF t�� rnueiy sl�ac:k ls pr�s�r�t, i�tts rt�ay Rqua�i; i( •�'lis oP� tc�o 4��h9 . axcrsslv� �7dC7PIf1� vJO�r I°i1t��0 6CCLPf. ' �f���L 199i� � ��t�l'R�L P�N�L b � °�° � ' ° �'/u1�1`l� i`� � tl . � �• ` ���G�� _ ,� ; . � !q� • ���h - ar� � os � a Q • � • ' M �JDE4 H19 � dC � ao � � � r, ° �•,n ' aau■ acrce °°� � ' � �• r�e.�,u. aPCea °�qCHC vr.G. ° � PB69AU C GWOC Q � � 2 � � � � .. .,, locr�rioN �F uNiTCS> TI�r �°FI'�-I�,IR� I ��e1 s, l-ir�uid b� p�sreie�n�es at a maxlmum distanco Prarn ;h� worker �e��c�:ss r�pe� nlnt� c>r et9�,� r mni<r� -up �Ir snurCr,. h mUSt' ,'�n�i t:�r� exhousted to uncnntamin�ted ar ocCUpled ar�c�s of the hullr,iing. Th� F� n� o.f t1�� �=Khn�.lst r�ir� nifqicf ' or �IP>;li� lr_ �-y,11��.is� ��u�_ f sh�uld be placed ihr�augh an o�r� nln� It1 thc plas;•i� botrlcr c�r wo� i r_:n�r-_�i��ca ;,, s�_ilt��_�It- c;i.i!:f to�n �hnt.ild b� u^G� �! io sn �,1 r�'T r�ny n�nilin�5, NoTG; 7HE Hrr/�-,�iRE, t9ofl uNP7s f�RE �ESl�N �fi� F� R li��bea� 1J5E e�NGY. usE �F rN � HEf',q =AIRE 199D C]ncc 1hc work ear�a prepard�lon s�ra�e of fhe pro�eCq Is �orr�plef� the untt shauid b� sfcrfad (s�;r� �7�c:re�plr�r� Insl�ru�uhle�r�s, ' t�r (ore cany asL� stos cabaPemenf k�e�ins. Srnnke 9-crbes �.can �ae us�d �e� vls�c� ily che�k thc alr 1;0w r�ircctlo� In `hc work car�a, T1�e stari� pressur� dif�� renP�Ir�i �etw�e�1 fiho �v�rk are� �nd 'hh� � r�viranrn�rl; r�ufslde 7h� contal� r7��; n� arna Can br monl�lc�r�d wi1�Yr c� suli�c,bl� oress�r� dlffaren�ic�f r�r�r�ff�ring syystor�y, ' IP prav,�� r tallur� e�ccurs whllc fPr� H�PI-�-AIR� 1 � Is In c�� rc�tlr�el. ,�Yr�� e�bptEmon4� vvork erntll pc�w�r is r�s9�c�r�r� r�nd fihe unif Is nperc�i�ing age,ln, m o Thc W�P/�,n�faE 1g9D is ec�ulpp�d wthh arr du-tor�o-tic re��ea�t syst��y, If �h�r� Is c� fc:fnporary It�SS ot cioc5rlc�l �otiver, fYre unit wlli automcatically �� -starf r�s saon as po�arer Is r�s���red t� fh� oLr9'let, 'f� STA,�T UNtT 1 , S� I��ci' Iii� l� �, r Lcw s���d. 2, 5�t Pnwc ! ",wi1•r,.h io ` On° p�si`lan . 3. C,�rc� i , Il�ht ' c.� n ° Inc�icnt� s norm�al opc� rc�tlon. FII,'C� R REPI„�ACEfv4GNT Tlie cond��l�nc Ir� thc work c�reo (particulariy airborn� flb� r conCr_. n�tc,tian) dnt� rminc n�w oftrn ��It�� rs r��c;c9 ro �l:�c�mrnt, Pr�5onllnl r�c�c, ii; �1�10 fc�r cl�ongin� ftlt� rs must wer�r NICiSH approved t�s�, iratrnrs clong �vit'h t�hr_. o�l��� r rr.-.c]�.�irr.;r1 �arntc�rlivF �C1U11�r'r1C� nt, /tS Ilv� 11IS �?rs h�col'��F Ioaded , "he �7iY �i�w copaclty oi thc I-I .r: rA •aifiF,. 199� U�_�c: ra� nsn �, Whn_ t; 11�r;: `�n3S,;rC� t�c-� �ir.7;� pfi Ifv.-� .r„ i?i: � r�l t;c5ri�:l �::�rn � r,iS �. (,� In���; n � w�tcr cc7li.�mn, 'Yh� "PPIPT9t�t}�" fii '. ef 5 `ioiil�i hr:•� K: r,inr..r,., �;1 C: ,l 1c)Ilr;v�E. � 09 / 1S / 20 � 6 13 : 39 719 � 7 � 0 � 14 CP�v Ci� DEN��� � NC PAG� 13 1 . �it�i 4f�e unit op�rafln�< f+�id irr �i1� sl��� �f ftr� �Yir�e�py fII�P �rt� c�is�qs� ot It �ts as��afr�s +�ras4�. put cs r�evv flit�r in li's pf�c�. �nd ch�ck th� pr�ss�are �aa���o If 4h� pr�sst�rt� �au�� s�till exc��ds �. 6 It�CYres �( �v��r �C�fumrr, f�y� ��cortd�►y fllfc�r ffih�u(d ta� tb�sler��d �s €pli��rs� 2. Wlth fhe unl� �p�t�ting, a�wn�vr� th� pP(r��ry ¢I1t�r °a�s �t�9�rib�d In Cl ) ot�� �hdh�� th� ����r�ct��yr gll�ee> 7tte le�ar�eef Se�ond�ry �It�r shauld �n dispesed af qs c�s�es�as wr�ste, P►a�e ��� R�i fi31#er..•!r� d��r��r ��sl�C�n, �l�s� t�r� �ir�{c� , �rlll tic�car qn� �h�ck fh� prmssure gqu�e. IP �Ph� pees9ur� gc���� sfllf ex�e�s 2,6 Ir�Ci�s �f w�r ��turrrn, 4�e Fi�P� filt�t sYroul� b� r�plac�d �� T�Il�vvs... 3, 1°urn the t�nit c�ff c�nd Dl O�t�lE�TTh1E P�1M�R �c�Rd FR�M i�l� P�WER 5UpPLY. Rr�rnr�wg �f��. ,prlr� . an� 5���n��►yr fllf�rg, R�rn�vr-� �h� WEPA fllf�r kay lo�senlrt� thm four r���nfilen br��k�t nu4s. P�oi��t� 9h�o i°�e�un4in� faE�s auf e�f th� +�r�y �nd slic�e the H�PA tilt�r o�r'r �f th� �abinei�. bis�ose �f th� W�P� fllfer a� �ab�sh�s.,��t� I�s�ecF th� �asket �rr tF��r r�€�w WEPA .flifi�r howsln� �s w�ll �s �t� th� HEP�4-AIRE 144G1 fiUi'�t Pn�uni9Pt� sur@a��s make sur� YYt�rt� qr� td� Cr�cks, ��ps oe d�t`��. Crecks, ���s a�tC{ ��fects could p�rr�l� (eakage �f �on9�mlP'�1'�d alr fhr�u�t� tk1� �an�. WBR�J OI� D���criV� G,aSKEi'S nr1�sT �E REPL����, Iristaq � .n�w A�bat�m�nf T�chnol�gi�s �15PR �fltfet n�41� thd td�7ifi�dt '�yaustr�� r3lrr�e�m. sl�ns as the �ne k�in� repictce�. T�IE ��S ��� �qF tNi� Fi�P� IS �laA��� I�1°O �E IBNfY FlR�fe Whmn in�f�llln� �h� HEPA fllter, Yhe r�o�anrin� ta�a resust �e f��n�d s��rdly fo pr�v�r�i� c�lr leaks but �vt �verpl�Yiten�d. Inatali th� se��nr��ry �nd �rimary fliters QtlCl Glose fh� int�k� gPlll �oAr. Uvh�n�ver th� HEW,� �71��r (s r�ploc�d. fllG,.�PIPP'1�fY at7� 5�C8CiCjO(� fII�'1'�PS S}9@Ll�GI GIJS� �"JA P���(�C9�, N�7E. D� N�T� �PER�t� Cd[�tT t1NLE�S �bL FILT�RS �RE IN5'T�ILE�� ,��l� �K� �RIl,I. �R IS �I�S�D. Th1E FtL7�Rs �RE ��T REU5�4�RE, T�lE��FOR� D� h1oT fiTiE�r9F�' 7� GLEA�� a4�lG� R��u� TWE�. REC�A��7EI���D FILiER �l�thl�� I�dT�aV�,�.S On an q�era�e bd9►8o �'I1B �PIt8P8 8}IOUIC� �J� ��°I�II(�9C� �' �'f1� PfSIIOW�f°1(� 1P1tAN�I3 ��Y (710P� O��ry If Pl�C�BS�f`/�: Prim�ry � EVery 30-60 rrtlnul�es, ' S�oond�ry -- C7nce eo�h day or moro of�en If necass�ry, HEpA � 700 hours peP EPA recomPr'r�ndatlons, I.pnp�r selwice Iivos hqv�, 4�en ts�9�lned, Whon �h� HEP.A�AIRE T99C1 Is shut CiCrwn e� fh� er�d oS a �ar�J�cY, the fli4��s �hr��sld be i�ft Inslde Pha untt and th� Ir�t�ka e�t�ei �x�raust openln�s seol�cl wffri polyefhyl�ne shee�hin� and duc4 t�pm. This 16 Clono 9�o pr�vent rc-eo�ttiqrnlr���Fin� fh� ear�cr c�fter flnal cleqn up. • N�TE: �111 �le�tric�l ��I°nponen9� �r� IJL (tJnderwritars l��b�rateries) I.Ist�d. • t�EP�-�41R� 1 5P6CIFI��Ti�FJS F�A1'lJ(�E hl 194d� Net �uel�ht WJfllters: 133 I�s, 5hip�rn� w�i�ht: 1551es, blmensl�rts�l, x iA� x H: 35' x 22° X �0 5/6° Powar supplu re�, o 715 vol4s, 15 arnpa, 1�r�x ��c�rntlrtg �rr��s; 1G, � eatr�ps, Normat ap�r��tng �hi�s� 1 �.� arrrps �r C�as. � M�for: 1 �4 HP, hlgF� �ffi�l�ne.y. 2 ��r�ed, wN'h i� I �vedo��� , ..r�_ s�r, &C1 WZ, �If�gl� ph�a�. Aut�rrt�tic res�e�rP - Yes ' mcrcptln� will �utam�'rlcally� res4c�rt �tsc�P a�ter i�mpor�rry� ��wer IntetYUpttat�o t31ow�� Patin�r �i��0 CFPvi°nomine�l ratln� operating flovd r�t�; 1600 CFM (higf� speed) (wlfh eloarr fllt�rs) �5D �FM t(ow speed) Cabinet rfl�terlal: Alrcr�ft grade aluminuPn :064' fhl�knoss, Cabine� aeams: Assembled with solld rtvats and seai�cl: 171dJC1P S�Qft15 ClI60 welC��fJ. � 09 � 1S12006 13039 7195780914 ��S 0� DENVER ING P�GE 14 ( � C.�,�sters: . hl��ay rJuh�; 3s5' e�I�Pt`�f�r �c t ' tn,1C►�, ^� Ftxad�� swiv�l: smul�rel ��stors ���rlpp�ry � 'udf�h �BSltiv� I�kPrt� ft��9� br�kes; rerrttsval�l9 to pcmql�h s9-acklr�� nf a'na�t�Pryes. � I � �arrylrig hr�ndl�s; 2 j Contr�sl Panel: hne,dular d�sign +nrhlch Is r�mc�uabl� fr�rt� macl�trye for s�rvrl�tn�. ��rr9-rc�l I � ��t1�1 cabir��t is se�l�d �� pr�ven� io�l�e��c a� corttcrmin�g�d ralr 4t�rc��r�h ar � e�roull� �abin�f� � �ul(t-In �(�und Fata(i� Yes , . . Clr�utt Int�Ptlapf C�F�I): , • • 1°ilgh pr�ssurr� waerlltig P�rrtlrtlh�llc pr�ssu�f� �erugo, syrtr�rr�-L�lockod Infako &/or nlf�r ' � . av� rlac�d: 20 am� �IrcuYr �r��k�r Y�s • . . . .. . . . _ , . . . Primdry flltcr: .. . 24' x 16' x 1 /2', tacleliled no�t-wc�veiri polyester. F'/Rf N19C11 S��one�aty fllf�r; °�4° X 19' �i 2°, plecsf�Cl. 1 mlcron �ffl�l�r�cy, P/N H 19G72-12 • WEP,h fl(ter, 24° x 16' x 11 1 (2", •w9fY� pr�4�CPive screen, rerYp� 1 .5° - 1 .7 ° w, c, �ressure dra�i at ' 1100 CFIia1. 1 �yt, �OP tostae! �r�d Cprtiflod i�c� be 99,97% �f�icl���F ��ainsf 0_3 rnicrc�n �ar�icl�s, PJN H1410ES Fllt�r accass; Easy�openln� ningod 'doar Is s�cured t�y 2 ha�vy duty sprin��loaaed closur� ' �Il�s anb gasketod to pro4eCY� dgt�lnst prlmary flltne5�y-�pe��s, hJ�TE: SPE�IFI�ATIO(VS SU6JE�T TO CH/kN�E VJiTHOUT NCYTIC:E, TRO[1BL� SFi�bTtid� �UIQE F�R FIEPA°1�IRG 1990 PR084�M PUSSIBLE Cp,USE ,°>Q !, �lTIC� N NO RESPONSE WWEN i HE POWER - D��EC7'tVE PC:31�i/�f� CO(�D � CHECK fILL CONNE�TIO(a1S � I5 7URNED oM1l ltNp GpN�171pN C�� C0f2D(S)� � � NOT C�p��,rtE UNBT 1�9TH D�4FAt�,�E� FC7Vd�R ��R � (Sy. _ TRIPI�Cb �II��UIT 8f2C�AKER. - f2E5�t �3RF.,�46EI�. w TRIPpE� �D Af�P �Ift�tlfT° 9R�leER - ta.FSFP Brz�AK�r� �N �c7R17rac� l �N �Of�TR� L p�tt�EL, PP,N��, � TRIPP�[] �I��IJfV[� FAULT CIf��L1fT � f'E5�1' �F�i ��! ��M"I��L Pe�,PVEL I�IT�I�t�UPT, ANbJ�R �T P�VVER S�UR�E. � m - TW�M�L �VEf�LO�i� �i� TN� m Ft� P� P�IJi'C31��,T1� RE'��i' M�T� RS, MCJT�fd FiAS TRIPPE� TIJf�N UfVIT °OFF', UJ�ff 2CI�o MINU7ES � f1Np rE51'Ai3T. FC7R (vtWNUAL RE5�1' Mt�l'C51�a; �t�� S'Wil'�9� �FF, OISCONNFC7 Fo1N�R ��RD, PdEPvit�WE fILTERS AfJ� PUSW f�ED 6U11'OtV C5N � EP�D C�F t�IOTC�'C. (d�IR(STALI. FILTERS f�ND ST/11�T U�IIT. UN�T RUM6LES WHEN ATfFMPTING m LOVd V9LTP�GE �R LIMITFD �• CHCCK POWEI� SUPPI,Y -d UN17 TO ST�RT , AMPEI�AGE IS SUPPLIEI�. RE�UfR�S 115V 2t1 J�MP CI(�GUIT WNICH I5 LOF+,O ffdEC. � EXT�NSlC7N CdRG 70 TC)O 1_C�NG - USE CRdUNDED 3-WIR� 10 ' Of. O� Tc�p HIGW t�,4UCE. GAUGE CDRD, C4NN�CT 1 tJN1T F�R I_INF & STl1RT MpCHI (JES ON S�'tMF �IR� UIT �1' C�IF�FR�NT TIt�1C9. • �THER MACFIINF.,fi OR LOI�nS C� N f?EM[_�VE t�l'HFR Lr,� At7S f-4G� M . 5/�M6 CC7R(7 OR CIRCUIT. ;AI✓�� C: IRCUI7. 5 i3 � 1 � 5 / 2 � Oh 439 : 45 719578E3514 E(�5 OF �ENIJER INC �(�GE � � „ a912 � f � � �6 1. 4 . 7. ? 3 �1 �i�� '362 � �AS �GNV�R PI�GE �� ' � � � t� �f t� ' � � ��1# fi �� w ��� k�� �ir ��ll�t��r� ����r�l �ivi�i� � � S��tr�n�,r°� �+��ra�� F�ra� r�r� � ls�d �a� �ir Ll�i� �€�C�Q �h�rry �r��k � riw� �c�utt� , �I������m � � C��n��r, ��lor�d� �t��46- � ��� F�Y��a� �, �t��-6��m�� �1 � ���' 3�����2-4��� ��m �if� �����#��t��fi�Y�.��e�� , ; ,,, • ' � �� ��, � N � i1 ' � �t . '�'lai � p��a,t is gr���ed sub� a�k t+� �a4�r�i�,�C.i� C�uati,�+ �vn�`b� ;�Qrnrr�is�#an 1�.��la�i�,;�i�o. 8, P�.r� �o adopta� ����mb� 1G . 2aa3 „ at�ci ��k'�a�txv� �C�°�h �, 2�osP �},� C+�.k�z�a A.ir ��a�l�ion � � ���i,'��: �t��tr�i ��t �,�;;�. �,(2�s�7-1. ot �� zsr7-st31 �c seq) �i�d �t�e fnd�rar�in,� pr�vist�� s, Zt ia� c�t�1�, �rY° �� p�c�s� d'�=_a1 ,,,, , � ����5tc�'��,, .f� �.t�. �I?�'�'i � ,�'� �„ , f _; 1 � .. :. ,, ..,,�,,, ', , . . .. a , , �y p�r�rt�ang �v�zk ut�d�° �I�t`s. � r�,� t�t� ��.t �� �ar�. tiv�° ��'e�� ti���,tk� S�i•�'�isz�tt rn�y r�u��t� at �uspe.s?d �kai� p��i� sht�t�td the t�6vasa�n find that �e' ��n.�act�sr::. . ��� , . ., � . : � , ,, � , , � has v{�i�ted or ��q aad�d a�d �be��. 'sxt t� v�3e'�tib�n �'�.547��� �'��r ��5m'��ab1 � �qe, � ,�.�, �° �,�g���.�►.t�r� N� . � o ar �� d�t'cier �sf, tlt� I7��i�aon or ��srai�s's'�n, � , ,; � . � — . . � " ' � �� ; , � I,9s �b.�i�d t� rYrs�t �v p��„i�,�t�d ,��a,ca3a,��`� � : ; . ' . � -,�„F����,� '. �' �c, r _ .,y. d. � � � ��a. dut�r�� �y , ` .. ...._. , ,, , , '� �i� ,�. .'� �,t.�� �i,�b v �fl in����tio� �+ichzn a z'�a�o�gl�Pe ��riad �c��t�ne, as s�t�r bc de�r°rr,in.�� kr� '�� T�ivis�o�B � Ytas us�� tniss�i��'�s�ntat�an C�'. �i'aad ir.� ob�ie�:t�is ��t°s�,it, or, , , � � h�s c�rrsrni�d any aet or oarai�its�, wY't���2 �i�s IIt��'��ia��t �n�r��iY a�c��d s�an.��s 4£ �c� _ ire �f ��i��stas �6at�m�r�t, ;, ,��;, � r ' . /�.� Ei, 6t�fltt'fl�Ec7rp y0�t k�%�a� be �u���t to �'�t�t ��'��s a�d" ' ,"+��'9�����:�� `r1��,r6qu�c��a�Y�, a�` e�� cc+tu��y �.r�d m�r� i����lity ifl VY�GC� 1�p� rNC�rk t9 F]� R'�� �S��RYY��, 'C:�e ��1������l,e����t� t�� Pfl�li� k����l�.�asxd;����.�,�rtt, Aiz� t��sllUtion �onir�l L�iv�sir��n stran �ly su����t� t�aat yatt �C�i�k wxth. �o9z�ty ,�rii�'�t�;i���a�r�tE€�i,E��J i�t qrde�r t� .rt�termine �r�y �al;her fc�ca,l bt�i�ding/p�titti�,� r�c�ui�r�e��at� that �t�t,�;b� r`tz�t. . � , � Y-e ���AJ �lPd �i� .' � i .. '��� ... . . bN h R�J A /��^ � 1 � �� A A9 �� . Im � � ��8 � ��' . . � i ' .. � l:��rt�a�'�r�`��Y �sa�t,� t�� tJr�� nf,p�rv.�ec� �rzq�rli�CiX�."iG�fPS II_y f�7C �Idl{�R7��Y (d�J7�9id� DP �"°f9RQ�tR �lLt�il7`E'.45 d�7UV4� /YFB� �It�' tY�fF�YCFf11�F�E crrr�n�r h �'adt�a d�r�.�e�� hy f� �'�+�j�P r►a��di�c��in�RS �c�r�� ��Z��tg�s r�x 8,�e s�,�� r�f wt��F� r�r ��e ,scr�scl�cf�n1 PNr�rk �#�#�,c, �tc. "('liis ��best� s �.�at���.t p�xr�a�t is �r�,1zr� b�znning i, 01�1�0�6 thra�,�[a t 1 :�9 PIV! o� 1 �13 � ��0�6. 7�a� �ct�a�.� sc�.�d�ul�� �rork c��t�� �'� �ZO�`n � �I�/ZO� � t�iro�1�X� 10lC�l�pQ6 . �P�r�v�,l ps����f �n; 9/21 /2�tD� Arn�ru�� ����: �" a .�dJ �„a�orcl n�r�bex: a � �4� �1��k ��urrr'�er : 1 ��� ��s�i�� ��rr�b��°o 0���,�0�2,� ���,�cct 5�5��isor : ��:i�� r.�; T�fc�v�� �x�li�c� ��.tp� '�bs��� ��� �as�.t��t�� T���e �cri,�,��tian lw°� . : 1 �f 7 ��,� tR� l�c,�ta� s���i�°s�d, b�i��v: Pxvj��� ��: #1��°s �t ��il �,��tr�� k€. �at°'� �z�af �� �r �i�r�t�e�� ����� ��se��ati.at� 1�+�. : 3 ��� ''��x� T�r�j��t T+��n��ee: ���1� �e�m�st� '�'bia ��er�ft �r.�..� bee� i�sued ta; ���r�a�rr��tt��1 �.bat��,z��# �����s , ���--� _ ,,.a.�_.. ,�� .,�,�,.. . .�am., --�.,,, .. .. _.� ..._._ �3{�t �a k�der�t �lvd., #11� �ktgl��waci4 �� �0 & �, 0 ��su�� : �J�, �