HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ05-0295 ASB07-0026 Jul �1 2008 10: 03AM ELITE ENVIRONMENTAL 3036745463 p. 2 . �Pf�L��ATTOi1R'1�lIl.L Ad�T�:E�1�i��€�T�D'IF�iVC�frIPL�T� O�t l3NSIGNEDp a _ Project #: I �d� --d`2�� � � �, � �� , ,, . . � � � ���� �!_� � i�i� �� �,�� ,��' i � � � 1 � 1 � � � � 1 � a � � � M � LT � � E � � IR � � ME � T � L � � � � 7 � � � � � � m � ; � I � r� � � �a ��� �� , ub9o � � 1� #� � r� rr� � r� n � nt F�ir �calluti �n ��r�t��l D�vi�ic�� --- Indoa ;r Envir�r� rr��nt Pr�gr� rn -� A�b��tr��/1A(� lJr�i� � 4-3�0 � h�rry �re�k� �riv� �� uth , ,����tli � m � 1 D���v�i°., �� I �r�d � �g24�6m1 �3� �h �r� � : 3C���69��3�1t�Q �- �ax. 3�3-���m�2`7� ` �-r�� il : ����sf�s��tate :c� . u� , � � ` _ . Thi� �ermit is granted subj�cl: to Coloradc� Air• Qaxality Cot�trol Comtnission Id.egulation. l'�o . �, �'ac� B9 adopfee� December 21 , 2Q07, ' ancl eff�ctive Januaiy 3 (7, 200$9 the Calorado Air 1'allution 1�Y�ewentio� an.d Co� Crol Act (25 �7� 101 or 25m7-501 et �ec�. , C..P.. � .) and the followin�; �rovisions , It rs eiaiy foY th� p�uu°po�e of alla�i� asb�stos abateztaeixg. .. . ADI➢1T'iC�1�7AI. P'E�IVII'I' �']IZO�S�O1�Sc I ' �Y P�rformmis� Evork tuz�ier t��i5 pee�it the abat�ment conlr�ctor a�•�es that t,�e Divisic�n znay re�rol�e or susper��i this p� ra�it i should the Division find t�'at I:he cantrau�or: ` , � has violatecl or has aided and abet�ed in .the violatiott �f 2.547� 10I ox 2��'��501 et s�q.; C.�:. S . ot° I�egul�t�ati No . 8, Part B, ar an ord�r of the Div�sian ar �ammission, - : � � l�as failec� ta rneet ariy �ernut. �.nd not°if'ica�iolr requirernent br f�l�d to cor�~ect an.y �iotations �ated by the Z7ivxsion dw-ix�g any inspection �writhin a reasonabTe �;eriod oi�time, as may. b W d�termined by r�ie. Uivisio2t;. + has used mis�epresenlation or.,fr'atid in obtaining this pea-rnui�, ar, • �as cornrnitted .any act or atnHSSion rwhich does not meet ge$zerally accepted standards of the �r�ctice of asbestos abakecne�xt.. As a contractor, you may be subject to other liccnscs and percnHtsp depending on the..requirerricn.�s af the eounty and munici�ality in which the worlc is bei��g pexforx�xecl . The CoIorado Departrnent of PuYrlic Health and F.n�;ironmenfi, Air Pollut�on. Control Division strot��ly suggests that you checl� with county and mu{nieipal au�horities in order. to deterinine any other loca.l buildin�pe�nittin�; reauiremants tliat rr,.ust �e�met. ' , . . H w ,� � AJA.�1-A.'J-d .A a.e � .L . �J 1 1 w �e ����1SJ . .• d � �� A � � H .C�iJ.S.d Y� 1�ir2. e ''�.Ja ' � . . . ' . . ' , . . . . IncmediateE`y noe�fy. Che A.�besto,�/CA� Clrae£ o,f'projeet �rao�'�"ccatioras /xy;yF'a,�: (rtrsrnbey above) or e�eozdl (addres� alrbve) cr�rd the appropriate cotenty �ker�ltlt �'epta�°ga�ae�rt Gy fax. .i'r�o,�ec8 ni:odf�crrtaoras aetclrade clamsa�es 1sz t12� sco,v� o,j`' work n° �lz� ,sc/Eedulea� work daees, etc ; . T`Ius asbesto� a�bat�rrient p�rrni� is �valid be�u��in� 5/29/2008 through 11 eS9 PM or�. 6/27� v (?Q� . , '�'kie actual �c�xedi.�led v✓arl� c�tes ��re froz� 'i/2�/2008 t1�oti��h �/30/200 � . Approval fssued on: 5/29i2008 , l�ee paid: � 1SU .U0 R�cord nwnber: 62�A�7 Check ntrartber: �670 l�Ics�nc� i'�duc�ib� x°: 05��3 �4��.� � , Praject �ca��er�isoro �Ia�iance : None i 1�eSto�° l� ����1Caba Ca�nt7a�nts: I�one Geri�ication �o. : 1376g �'or �la� lo�atforz sp�cified below; ' Praje�� AM� ; � �°e����� '�e�t �onc�o�sinix�z�s I�.�xt°�fs � .. �ir�be►�r �1�xt �1��. �93 L�o�s S�rd�e l,. aop Leri�ca�ion I�do. : 35�4 ��� ! Project 1Vtanager: ���1� Gou�a� � , `I'his permit has t�een issued to: ��a�e ����i �°a���n �a� ���°�-��e�< ��gca ' 15�0 Lai•iin�r Sr., #517 � �lenver, C � � 0� 0� . I ued by: 1WA , � y . . � � � _ . . . . . . . , . � I ' . . . � � � . � � 1 � l � � � � � � s � � RM � LITE � � � I � � � M � � T � L � � � 6 � � � � � � � m � � ; ' . 4 , . . . . ., . � . . �r � 6�;11 Rir1�r,. Jr., �ovemor . Jamos B. Martin, �x�cutiv� D"erectnr , �4 c��� ,t�:_ . I3edicated 4o protectin� �nd im�rc�ving the healfh and cnvironment o� fhe �pople nf �e�ibr�d� �� , � 43q(} �heery Cr�ek Dr. S . � Laborat� ry Serr+ic�s bivisiorr '� �� * �enver, Coloradca 802�b6-1 :°a3f7 9 � 06 I�owry Blvd. � � Phone (303) 592-2000 benver, coioraao soz�o-s�z� � 'B '6 � 7f7D Line (303) 691 -7'700 (�D3) 692�3 �90 , . �rlorddo L�ej�axQr�.�t �ocated in Glendale, Colnr�,do , CB'��LZb�I.G �1 hiip:l/www.cdph�.sta��.�o.us � . �x1.d.�v7T'o9x%]1e11t ��y �� e � Oa� � iif� Envir�r� rn�n�� l � � r�� � , . Ir� �a � . 1550 L�rirr�er �t. #517 � D�r�v� r, � � � 0�0� . � �x: (303} �7�-5A��3 k�� : �rnerg �n�y� Preaj ��t � Bre�k�w�y �1ie�t �� r�dar°�ir°tiut�� , � 9� L"oor�� �idg� L��p , i/�il , �� Tn V10hom 1# f1� ay Cancern : � . The �snergency Perr� i� �pplic�tion �c�r �r� akCa�vday W�st �or�r� ornir� i�am� , �� � Liar�� Ridge L.c�op , � �'ail , C�7 has been ��� P ���� l��sed . on yo �ir � ubmittal , tea be� ir► c� �� rati�n� vn. �ay �9 , 2� 0� . (� y� u h�ve any que�ticans � r �omments , pl�a�� f��E �'r�;� t� c�n��ct r�n� �t (�Q�) 6�2���73 . Sincereiy, . v ; . � � 0. j '•'� /��.+ � r i °dl ` f(��6" 1 .-..._ . 3 ': !'� � i . V { `�'� S J e�t� . � t� aa j ! n _ � i � �t Air P �II ��i � �� r� l � ivi�i �n � , l . . ; � � 1 � 1 � � � � 1 � a0 � � M � � IT � � � � I � O � � E � T � � � � � � � � � � � � � s � ' /CK Eizl�u� vr7rnrnlcrl cYc Derricrlit;'on �S'�rvices�, /nc° ! � 950G ApcicGae �'�a � P�zrker, Co�orrarlv b'Ud 3� , ; 7� 0 876-0&0� ; ; � ; ; . . l�1ay 2 � , Z00 � . , Coloraclo J��pa�°ti��r�t of l�ublic � ealtl� arid � j�r� ironrraea,� 43QO Cl�.�i�xy Ci°eek Soti�h Drive L�en�ret°, �O � 0246 iZeferen� e : R�que�t for VJai�v�� 0f 10 �� a� '�'aiti�� P�riad T'o 1�/hor�i It 1VIay � ur� c�r�� : � d�n behalf of the owner, I3reakawayi V�1est �::` �� ndo �tssociatiatap KK Envir .ar, � :�<= ; � � ervices Inc . (I� K.ES } is requcstixag a r�raiv�z• o�:° tlZe l.��day ti�ait�xzg peris��i 4v , 1art tl�� asbestos abat�ment pxaject at 993 I:,io:ns Rid �;e Loop in Vaii , Colorado , urait 413 A . I�.uring construction/rena�� ation. in the apartz�nent unit abov� �# � 1 ; f�, th� ceiling in th� bedroom of' t�nit � 13 A was darraagecl . Elite Environrnental � �rvic�s In�, ha� be�en contracted to perti��nx tl�e removal at�� dispQSal oi' � �praxirnately 144 squarc feet of as6estos containin� t� xture. We� r�que� t a vvaiver of the 1 a-day wait pe�°xod tor Elite t� begin work to clea� the r�c�rn , p'evetpt loos� texture f�°o�� fallin� , and to allo�v the r�sidents to retu�°ri to the cdr�d.omir�iunY as �oon as �ns�ible . If �ol� 1-�a�� c� u�g�i�ns, pl �ase conta�t rr�e; at 303 - � � 7�4995e Tt �S�a�ctfuily � a.dbnaitted , � IC.I� �raviror��n��l S �r°vz ��s I �c . � B � 4 I� urtis Cr . T�: i .r� hnei° 1'residertt ; ; ;