HomeMy WebLinkAbout416 Vail Valley Dr Asbestos Report.pdf u _�� -------..______.. �� i�� o � � � � � � l �.� s e �� � � s �� s �t� � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � I� . C� e � ox 1 � 30 �� i �;c�n, �� a � 152Q - 1 � � 0 C�II 9'�Q-�270tl� 6 � 9 Hom� �hor� e 970 -464m5265 7NSl���TIC�N P�FPOI�T PI�FF��.�D F'C}I2.: �a��� s-IIorn Lodg� 416 Vai� Va1] �y Drive �Iail , COo 81G57 �,c����rzc��r : �ar1�s -z�or�� � ,�a�� �416 Vazl �I�.11�y L�rive �� il, �� 0 8 � b � '7 ��.�� �� � �R��'.1� �� �� � �r� f Q�1�1 �. ����1"°SI7c�r7 Insp �c;to�° .10��n�.��xQ Ce�°tif cate Noe 660.� � � � d � � G � TT 60 b0 � nd _._____-.. .�.�_. __ �.._..., it � �S� � ��� � � ��� � �� � ��b�stos T�stin�, Project �esxg�l, and Co�.sLtlting ��`�"[��I3�TC�'TIC}�Te C�n 11�arc� � 9 , 200 � an i�:s� ectior�/�urv�y r�a� cond��cted ar�d �21��.�1k s��x��l �s tiver� colle���d from the: ff��ms -�Ior� �,adg� 4X6 'olail Valley ��riv� Var� , �{� e $ 105 '7 Th� pur°pose ai th� ins�ectiorilsurv�y w�s to locate anci sam�l� �us�ectec� Asb �stc�s conta�ning znaterials that may be present in the ceilin�s and walls ot the hallways and units thai are prann�d �°ar renovatio�a . "�'h� rnspection was made , and the samples wer� �o1l �cted by �ohn Ro �' �ten�lan, �n �. I-� . E .�. Aa a�id State o�' � olorado t��z�i�ied Asbestos Tnspeci:or. Cxre�t cay-e �,as talcer� during the inspection and sa.mplin� to be as � ccurat� as possible. It sho� ld l�� noted �hat minimal damag� was d� n� to the existing building structures dui-ing th � zr�s�ection so thez•e is no dc�cume7�.tatic�n foi° unseen co�zd�tions or ��or�d xt�ms . A1� sam��les r�ere analyzed by r3 �1V� S �i�n�� �,�,b �n �Ih�� tridge, �O . �'his labaratc��°y is deeral�d ` c�'ro ��� en�" in tI1� E. I� . A . C��� l�ty �1.s �u�a�1c� (Q.�,.) p�-c��;ram far the c��� ern�zn�tiox� o�° �.,sb�stos it1 l�ulk z�nat�ria �s, �nd is a�cr�c�i��d by thc ,An��rican �Iy���n� Assac� �.�io� (.AI�) . ��4. I'�,�N� �ZZ�`�'C}��I� a �,, random saz��lin� scheme was used to sam�ale th� suspec� 1nat��ial� �l��t were di �cov�red . If d�.�ring a��y futuze rlemolition c�r �°enovation �c7o�°kq suspe�;t zr�ateri � l i� discove�•ed that h�sn ' t b��� sampled a.nd would be dist�rbed, �rc�rlc s�lould be halted untii t�e matezi �l �as ���n te.s�cdo 3 Z d � 9 � = T T BO f� D � � d iii S � s � s � � �i � �x � �� � ��� .�sbestasTestifag➢ P�o��c� L�c�si�;n, c�ncl C�'r�n,sa.al�i�ig Ft�ns�l�ax°n �..,od�e 416 Vail �all �y l>x°ive �I��i1 , �O . � � 657 � i ���T���:�r� � � � ��s �� �rc�� a T'1'e l�ams- �Saz-z� �,ad�;e is a thz°e� stoi°y bu �ldin� that �s planned �'c�r ���novation tl�at wzll involve tl�e intcr°iar and e�t��°ioz�, T11c roaf rs a built-�p ��oof with gi-avel a7x it, and fhe soffits are wood . Th� exterioY° walls are covered �vith 5tucco and wood sxdi�zg. The int�rior �valls are cov�red wi�h sheet�acic and tr��ro types of text�.irea The c�zling� are co�rered in sh�etrock ��rith a �zght �cx�ur�, and exposed wood. The floors a�°e covered with car��f, ceran-�ic tiles, stonc, and finzshed woad. T'he heating i� p�•ovidcd by a hot water heatrn� system, and fire places , The pz�in� above th� com�non hal �ways has fib �r�lass and mudded fi�tim�s . Th�re ar� fourt�er� ( 14} �Tnit� zr� tl� i � buildirag � �C����.������ � �' �7� �l� �`T'���� s �,a�oratary �na� �szs , o�` the bu�k s �rrip � �s, indica�e that �,�l��s�a� wa� o1�ly �ou�d in �l�e ��.�Lrd �ip� �nsula.tzon. TIY� Asb �stos cont�r�t o �` the �n�xd �ai�� irisuia�zon xs �r�at�Y° than �h� R_�gLilatory Limi�t (C�reater th� �� 1 % Asbe�t�s) � '1'l7e n1� d pipe i�sulatian vc�ill r���cl to be h�.rzdl�d a� p�r �o�o . R�go #� o Tlz� reinazning b�.alk sa�npl �s contain No Asbestos . 4 � � � q �' � T T rr1 a� n � r7u � ����a �#ar� h � 9�hs 2 €l €}� � L�c�t� �ar� : ��rr�s- � aa�°� �ca �f€�e, � � � �� € [ ��If�y � ���� � tf�� [ ; �� . � � 65� S �� ��.� Is �A'�'�f.��� SAft� PLE �i�� � El� a�REA SF�f� FL� ��C� �'�E� �d� �3� t? 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Sid� �xter�or Stu�co t� � R �lL - � fl08 �irsf � €oos� H�1l�ray F#afch f�[ ud Joar�� lt�suiatsor� °f�S F? �dL - � a�9 #4 Bedr�s�rn �4a�et ���i Cam�osi#e Sheetrock �uf 7°ext�re � f3 REfL - � 0`� Q #4 �torage � Eas�t ��Ed �t� g �arrtpasit� S�teetrock v�l �'exture �fl �HL - �3 t�11 #3 Cfos�t V�af6 �ompos €te Sheetrock �,r/ Tex�€�r� �� F€f�L - � 4 # 2 #3 �ec3rc�c�� �Imse� �e�€Fr�g Cc�re� pasit� Sheetroc�C �t T�xtur� � C� #� €i � - � (}'f3 #8 �ta�rsr�a� �all �omposife Shee�rock v,rl 3'�a�ture E�C3 �?F#L - � Oi � #8 fi� as�er �ecfrma�'€ �e�6 �r€g ��enposite Sheetrocic w/ Textu�e �� I� I� L - B �15 #6 �edrmar� �lall �orrtpasige Shee�r�ck wt T�x�ur� �'Q 4��iL - � E?'I � #6 EialB�r�y ��iE�r�g Caenpersite Sheetrock urf T�x#�re � � f� HR. - � 017 #� 4 �edroc�r�s �iose� �Ta�{ �orn �osite Sheetro� k v�r! °Texi��'� � C3 � � L - � f}'f � #1 � tViast�r �eciraa�s� �e€ise�� Ca3t� pasit� SheefrooEc wJ Tex��ar� [��3 €�H�. - � fl19 �� 2 Esat�� � fose� VYa( € Ca� �aasite Sheetroc€C �rr! �'�xfu �e � � f� HL - � Q2t} #� � Par�try �tos�t ��il � �� eosnposite Sheefroc4c �et T�xt�r� �€� F� FiL - � Ct2i 3a�e1 Fto�r #�alEv�rey �y 12 �C Composi#e SheetroCk �rf 'T�xt�ar� E�C� � FfL � � fD22 3rd �loar St�3€�relE ��°si°sr�� ��smposi#e � heefs�ack �/ TQxtt� re �iC� � c� c� . o � � m � �- - � - aa � � ����: �� r�l� � �tf� , �D4 � � � ��cat€� � o �� a�z �- �lar €� ���g �g � � � �� iE �'�li�� � ri��, �� i � , �� , � � 657 � � ?�IP�� S �T�`�5m �a:r� �� � r�� r� � � � ���� � � �-r►� r� �� � � src�� �r�� � �io � � �- � � ��� � ui�€l� rz� �rc�nt �a�f ��� �, O(} � FiL - � UQ2 � �� idir�g �°rcan� ��st �A� �.tIQ � �-fL - � €B�3 � t3AId°st�g �e�i`� S �ci� �e4[3 E3at�d � NL - � d(!4 � �s [ gd €a�g S. �e � €�� ��� £� .f�£� R �°6 �, - � 4305 � c� itdi �a� by � l��ire� �aQtr� ��q� �y.�� F3�iL - � �}Q� E� �s� id�rzg R€. 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