HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0089NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: 1311 -0089 Project #: PRJ11 -0039 Job Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL Applied.....: 04/28/2011 Location......: 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE Issued...: 05/23/2011 Parcel No....: 210109205006 OWNER KELTON, ARTHUR M., JR & ELAI 04/28/2011 225 WALL STREET SUITE 210 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION 04/28/2011 Phone: 970 - 471 -1221 PO BOX 1202 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 1067 -B CONTRACTOR LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION 04/28/2011 Phone: 970 - 471 -1221 PO BOX 1202 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 1067 -B Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF DEN WITH NEW WINDOWS ON SOUTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS, FLOORING REPLACEMENT, LIGHT FIXTURE REPLACEMENT, MOVE EXISTING CLOSET 3 FT., REMOVE EXISTING SHED Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $21,000.00 ......................................,...... ..,..........,,..........,....� FEE SUMMARY ........... »...,........,x..............., ... .............................,. Building Permit ------ - - - - -> $335.25 Bldg Plan Check ----- - - - - -> $217.91 Use Tax Fee------------------ - - - - -> $220.00 Electrical Permit ---- - - - - -> $115.00 Elec Plan Check ------ - - - - -> $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review--- - - - - -> $0.00 Mechanical Permit - - - - - -> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---- - - - - -> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------- - - - - -> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --- - - - - -> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---- - - - - -> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------- - - - - -> $0.00 Investigation------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 Will Call ------------------------------ > $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES --- ---------- > $972.91 Payments -- ---------------------------- > $972.91 BALANCE DUE------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4.00 PM. r Signature of Owner or Mntractor Date Print Name combination permit_012811 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: B11 -0089 Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL Owner: KELTON, ARTHUR M., JR & ELAINE WHITE Location: 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE combination permit_012811 O WN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: B11 -0089 Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL Owner: KELTON, ARTHUR M., JR & ELAINE WHITE Location: 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE Item: 00120 ELEC -Rough Item: 00030 BLDG - Framing Item: 00050 BLDG - Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG - Sheetrock Nail Item: 00190 ELEC -Final Item: 00090 BLDG -Final combination permit_012811 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R110000518 Amount: $698.45 05/23/201110:04 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2850 - LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: Bll -0089 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101 - 092 - 0500 -6 Site Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL Location: 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE Total Fees: $972.91 This Payment: $698.45 Total ALL Pmts: $972.91 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- 00100003111100, GFPO BP 00100003111100 EP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 UT 11000003106000 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ELEC PERMIT FEES- GFP012 95.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 335.25 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 20.00 PLAN CHECK FEES 18.20 USE TAX 4 9 6 220.00 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 10.00 303 231 -1002 (Office) 303 235 -0124 (Fax) May 3, 2011 Mr. Mike Dowling P.O. Box 5110 Eagle, CO 81631 MAY - 3 2011 TOWN OF VAIL Subiect: Asbestos Final Air Clearances in Home Scheduled for Remodel Dear Mr. Dowling: CB Environmental. LLC (CBE) was retained by Cernark, Inc ( Cemark to perform industrial ;iytJ:ieoe seivicej ielated to punt- asbestos auatement woiK aiewcontainrYient visuai ana ail rmrNni +vrinn clearances. This r is specific t o the events co n ducted nn May ? 2011 tccated at 1034 Homestake Circle, 'Vail, Colorado. Clearance services were conducted in the den of the house. The CBE on -site representative was responsible for consulting with the Cemark renre enr tide hhr i=nnaue � stac.'v t0 ensure Me abatement areas and materials rE?r''L'VeG! were understood so that clearances could be properly performed. CBE was not present during asbestos removai activities. Final Visual Clearance -- -- -. _ .e*'^o ° avt; : alas, a final . ist.:gi : nSpe J . required by the applicable regulations. A certified AMS must visually inspect the work area for any dust or debris remaining in the area If the inspector notes any such dust or debris, the abatement contractor is required to re -clean the work area until such time that the inspecting AMS does not observe any dust or debris in the work area Mr Mike Lococo conducted the final visual inspection of the site Mr Lococo is certifiers (#13438) as an Asbestos inspector, Abatement Designer, and Air Monitoring Specialist as specified by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment iCDPHEI. It was deter -mined that the auat e riient contractor nau pioperiy cieanea the work area compieteiy of ail dus and debris. T i is ii ispeCtio ig �rv�v reyii+rir� i iv further icr iicailii ig. Final Clearance Air Monitoring and Sampling Methodology Final oiearance a= Garnples mi ist be r..ni!erteti frnm the ,yorlt araa after ^�mnletdnn n€ ? final visual inspection and prior to teardown of the containment structure. Anaivsis of each these samples must snow airborne asbestos fiber concentrations of less than or equal to 0.010 flcc. If concentrations exceed this limit. the abatement contractor must re -clean the work area and a second set of final clearance air samcles must be collected and analyzed. This process is pea rntil o ar? sl tii�ai ra It ni rrt fin i i A ra ail gArT)n ;AC M-PiAt the on of ltnry .ed _ _ . th _ , su..s e a e art o . standard. Only upon successfully completion of the final clearance air monitoring process may an asbestos abatement project be considered complete. and teardown of the containment structure can commence. Mr. Lococo completed the final clearance air sampling. Final clearance air samples were collected usin constant flow t high- volume air sampling plumps, . :.3 . , < ..ii 5iii {iii ;; iy vCiS'e iubJ :y d: id ad asicatiEC 5cii :1 - =plin; cassettes were attached to one end of the flexible tubing and placed on the stands approximately forty -eight (48) inches above the fioor. The opposite ends of the flexible tubing were attached to the air sampling pumps. Each pump was activated and operated at a flow rate Y f aor r xi- ,ately s xteer? liters per !?iinute (1F LPM1 for a period of approximately eighty - five (85) minutes. Aggressive air sampling tecrtniques, as described in 40 C;FIR Part 783, Appendix A iu S ubyai t E. we utiliz throughout the sal nple collectioi l process. Upoi completion of the final clearance air sampling, labels containing sample identification numbers. sample location. pump flow rate, and total sample time were applied to each sampling `- asset's' P er the appiicau i egula tior i s, uaseci on ine quantity cif Ak i removea ouring ine auaiei i let ii project. five (5) final clearance a ir samp were collected in the full cont ainment work area located at the site. Analytical Methodology and Laboratory results r, is :GinEj .3 , 1:ase VoS :Li G 1�Y i croscopy s.ry �a :3 Gi3ai Occupational Safety (NIOSH) 582 Equivalent Course and successfully participates in the American industrial Hygiene Association (AiHA) Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (PAT) for determining concentrations of airborne asbestos fibers (Lab ID 201293). The results of the laborator,, analysis of the finai clearance air monitoring samples confirm that Eire concentrations ul airoome loners within irie wuiK area were Uelow the f egula tory limit OT v.v .v "cc. Results below the detection limit are listed as BDL. �' copy o the analytical result's of the final clearance air sampling is included in Appendix A of this Report Conclusions: i�il= r:.,,jed asoesi- , k;,ca3 .ais:,e aarirt,ez� ;i; t;Ie w; :L3 >tg iocaieu a'. 1354 Homestake Circle Vail Colorado on May 2, 2011, Air samples were collected in a full containment until ail samples were beiow the regulatory ievei of 0.010 ficc and before teardown of containment was approved. Therefore, the work area was clean upon completion of fine abatement project and is ready for re- occunan,_v , ° +: on ,. . �i�i itatia T his report describes the data collected and observations made by CBE during the final clearance sampling in the den of the above referenced building. CBE represents that its cer„irac , ktcrp ne —fn r th th e l scrip b y rNlin bl regut {teth _ __. .. u n e i .m its ._.� ore scribe , n a..r...�a. :.e fa . �,..... ris .. i ;:..n s cone ^ f .. work as approved by the EPA and the State of Colorado and in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other professional consultants under Similar CBE accepts no responsibility for data collected. the recommendations made or expressed to die client, andiuf Whei cufruniFdTlents made by peisons or Firms other than CBE. No other representation is made to the client, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended. Respectfully Submitted, CB Environmental, LLC Mike Lococo Project Manager Attachment LABORATORY RESULTS 5 5! Q. E -E tit zi l� UM J ail vl V,c I �, l 3 c Q col co 5 5! Q. z Ir tit zi ,4 J IM d) �, l 3 c Q col co C: All M2 121 V! �2, ot 8: C) E l 1 9 El 11 n co P if x � U Ca CL t° �� i Z� UJI c CL at R. M La :2 z Ir tit zi a. 00I co col co C: All M2 121 V! �2, ot 8: C) 11 n co P if x � U Ca CL z Ir tit zi a. 00I co col co a. All M2 121 V! �2, ot 8: C) t° �� i Z� UJI c CL 0 cri co M z z Ir a. 00I co col co a. All M2 121 V! �2, ot 8: C) t° �� i Z� UJI c CL 0 cri co M z 0 (D CL CL E E 1 NI (ni o { (0 co CL z Ir rHv�os CBEnviron.mental, LLC M %,," tk � mwa- v= '0 Date of Photographs 201 1 rinai Clearance 1034 Homestake Circle. Vail, CO nm ! Nan=tiv-s Air rrA,rhinp 1 19" y 12' Vairzri.�-,v xr si CERTIFICATIONS a I ♦ t +r t, +l /t /���. \t Nt t• ♦tt oll mill j :� — �f r � �t,\�,Y fi / rj l ♦� ><�> t Y� �rft� f.r / /r ^ \1 .. Y•Y1 Ur er r. � /. .�;e�.tt.l.. .- :���•.r,. ,.����la!re. �. 61t. t.a!r!. W .a�0.,�•: Y . i / \• \t ! / / /// \\ \l f R / AA' \\ \�. fl /t I l \ /. IiM:IY 4 / /J. • \ 3 /..T I / ik�E or rt �.� 'vT'N•'7'.r'1'*rr„ n .. n - ,- ...+.' •r-*,r� r - -. •sr*. = 1(f 1' r 4 Y . t . s t r U y N Is! vi of i, `t Mi �i at �4 r ,' If ) Y } f . A .. 4 rr r+ n 4 ? rr 4 Shit i- _ f STATE nF COLORADO ASBESTOS "'T .:.� _ ,fir ►���-•�� � � ,ATE �� 1�'7 Colorado Department of Public Health and Env:ronme:zt Air Pollution Control Division This certifiYs that Michael Loeoeo Ce tl 1 I L: 1 -.11 c CKf has met the requirements of 25 -7 -507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8. Part B, and is herebv certified by the Stale of Colorado in the �ollo�ving ;iisc►piine: rs ! ' �i via Air Monitoring Specialist* _kssned: 8/12/2610 i, a r, :r t!' r rI r. \ 1 r! r/ :• i ice• i 1 i Expires on: 8/12/2011 _�� °• � 1 _ C,t At! prized APCQ Rpnre. —Mativa C(( • This �Cl rifCfir is vQ /ia o re!} „irb .y p p nSco;,s:nr 7 f n Crrr►Plrf !liVdS►/ °jJ'. T'/!!'4i/'ilr? C ^!!• °P ` i v tz t rrrtifrrntin. in'► d:criplin• spacifpd shove. v f1 r 5 ,s r tf�l =AY Y4 f�} - :�fi zt?q' :'.�, ���; . � r� ( ���� �tt+l'��rt� "Ie � ! L'tu�i! � �SiL � „r�,.. •�;vtr�erifr:.f �k �.+ d n.,F�� v�rr ^•��i ^4 � �., •j�'` / f ° / e S / r` /'i �'a a t \ ,/der aver / .i a'i a r S l / fsj � \ \ lY %s r 61 4V,, =` < f : * ° y / •'`.�• : ° ' \ t�'� r'� r \ Ri `•�'m�i l �'• / °„ Y °tk. \Nrjr, e r�ee fff f le Y Y� \.may / r n'e fr'^ \t '� i..�ti �a� r 1 .\a�''/ jf,o �f r .: Sri -.er, e i _i\r. ;f �fe r�lz r °trYY; � r•f�� - ° i \ � \ � �f/ ft/j l/• 1�f 14i4 °°4 \ \:�� ' trlfjfetn�efl /Y�a�� \\ ../ /j[�i ° IiYyR ��.: '! Y�f�Pe °fe j4 lY t t'A,. r igf i ° ° l Y l t :�'�llfl le'rf f�'r l� , �»'� r f Y � f SSiF 4 Y ktl '. e / /: ;t 1 Yirfrer,4`.1 °j �.+ibr �i ° ►f .. • � • i • � •• b t l ll �: �, � � ;if v °R ti; �' �:'+. �i'd ° 0 ° I l t +! ��i /if iystl+f lea � "i� � /4 1 t 1 / 0 ° �� 4 'i + i p, i ° �4� ° i� ° � f� %pia *1r1 +14i9b °c:a .fay } + �{+j 1 1� r ,r:��t(: t�oa`,� ' . *'" %.: +�•e.�° ♦ '• +.: *t +�o• / ;� '+r.:.:•�••• / .� " +.d ♦i ♦.j i; : � . . 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J ;•, \ 1 1 r� 'r' ��r� t;t ° , ! .ri�ht;ta J. rrrr .,.,,�� ^�,a� .� ��+ii• �• jj •f i•// \!\ 'e ° \' '/i rr 4'\S ` r l%� t Y \ r \ ap n r r i' \ \ r /�♦ t r f \ ► ` 'r rI /n \Y• ��« �a�_ •. P �--- •Y T \ JJ , t. I r '�i h T n rtd :w !r r t. �'� t rt t S'• i ��. 4� C TA COLORA A. Irr � / �t Colorado Department of Public Health . r : Pollution Centro! Di vi sion •r �,. ° :tea« � l s� 'j'h;s cr!rti r,- thot :o L is • r.� yJ = +r ,k • •� has met the requirements of 25 -7 -507 C.K•S. and Air Quality (•O ntrnl °;, Commission Regulation No. 8. Part B, and is hereby certified by the :• r sate of Colorado in the `o11U In discipline: I :« ✓dI Building Inspector*=••�1 issued: 7/30i2010 =� + • I r Expires on: 7/30/2011 ti _ Auth rizPd APCD RPoresentativst 6 III •►-i \ `Ci((f • Th %c ^.P.rTi, !S f•r! %;!{ on[r >•'ftir rl+n ^ABBE -SCinn n!'v Ctt >•o••l /) %Y'F� %rt'f- &_• ^•O "r "G /'Q1ni•r•• �o•'••�,• 1 � `a � F ,/. rrr!Ification in the dtsciptirrf crPC•ifrtd abnw .• ��•'. : 1w.•. .. �r ,► x . ti * %r /la t ��'i ri /lr � � irHJ ti � r'"/ / '� \ �.. ;lrlV: t \�s: ?�r/ . `°w,+rlJ r t ,, ; /1011/ n h `, 3,•;: =" . A la i // \► ♦ / \1 a / \t ♦ r ! \t ♦ r �iY\ , , / r r. \\ ::f .\ t YviJ .. \ { ,l a, 1 \ \ /r /, .. t \ /, \ 'V�j t \ / L w /, +. -. ... ♦ t / r . \ s ,,4. 1..:�\ ��i, ,.,/rj� r lr` 1,. � \ rr �Ir it ° '\ �t \S�// %��• r t +ii °,' :. /`'� 'r i I i i'\.�\ / tit � r ° 'VS . \ \� r rr r '�I i. i. I er ,r y 1 �iir�r °• ,. r' �V.' 1 tii�r'. t y r � r +N ;c`t -: �" a � '.�� l �r,,rr r9 1 r tt \t .�° irrfi r' rSt\�. r 11 rr tt \t. /trr /rrrr 1 \n: ! ► y 1 .��i 1r rr P i. r {r °Yta \. Yy, { NtrYl\� \TTTh lriitrtef /+'r` �i +. ��swi� iAi �j * �� i /tl A i t l Ji' �i �j { r l tltt1t116 1 \ Y ' ri ��r �i { j jtttt /t�1�1j� `iill�l�r � ':dt�t�Ir�lAltttt \ \. v►.�rlrr�{'lr�/ 1 �� i /e / {r r /t - `i //rJ /tlrrOlttSAttS�t tlt,, f �� i +� o'!'��t •:.`. +iA!'!l /1tt4. ...;.�rltr + l�;•• •.+;a�tllttttt,�. .� " %;:� { +tilillllti:�r '�.;,i + +�tt��t ; ►, .e;,�,+ + 1�1kt'r '.�sM�i {til + f�ta A ��r' •.Ssyr b °!�: .a; +!.!.+ �'.r� « ���• + �!•` •.: ,, + ; • ..�� + 1. . + + ! ri;+!s!:•y .rr�r! n •;rq�!!,! + !. •.•r�ial,+ . ��.. AW ft " i! O � ME- go 'a W6 NJ'. - 5 4 Lk 00 , ami, l j U5 cli ;D qe� 'Mail c oil C) > WO k N1 ,cllF�: ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R110000366 Amount: $274.46 04/28/201111:32 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2841 / lundberg construction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Permit No: Bll -0089 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101 - 092 - 0500 -6 Site Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL Location: 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE Total Fees: $929.81 This Payment: $274.46 Total ALL Pmts: $274.46 Balance: $655.35 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 274.46 Project Street Ic 51 f S 12ke �jrc�e (Number) (Street) (Suite 8) Building/Complex Name: Project #: t " \ DRB # M- / Building Permit #: — UU Lot #: Blodc # Subdivision: Contractor Information Business Name: 1S Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration ( •� Business Address: • V • V�)�� ��7� Type of Building: _ City State: & Zip: Single- Family 0 Duplex( ) Mutti- Family ( ) l aille, L Commercial ( ) Other ( ) Contact Name: Contact Phone: ft Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both) Contact E -Mail: 1 e r2 Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Co ctor R istration Number: Electrical (XYes ( )No ( )Yes � (>QJNQ X Mechanical ( )Yes (x)No ( )Yes (ANo Owner /Owner's Representative S' tune (Required) Plumbing ( )Yes (?dNo ( )Yes (>dNo Project Information Building ( / 4Yes ( )No (Yes ( )No , :Owner Home: 'r M . "(d Parcel 'O � r Q� � � � Value of all work being performed: $ d #: ,��� (value based on IBC Section 109.3 8 IRC Section 108.3) (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors OlRce st (970.32B4*W or visit ,l www.eagleewnnty.usrpeft) Electrical Square Footage V Detailed Scope and Location of Work: c><�c1,��.i 1(�a r �I IaCeyw ( IdfC f� (y� It 16ht �e+LX'2 vet (use additional sheet if necessary) W _ •.s . . For Office Use Only- Fee Paid: Received From: CS�S�r Cash Check # CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: Auth # _ Y )ate ZqCi.4co APR 27 2011 TOWN OF VAIL 01- Jan -11 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are req uired for alarm & sprinkler) TOWNAIL' BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Residential additionsiremodels (112 family IRC buildings) ** *Return this foam with your application *** ❑ 2 sets of plans required for decks 3 sets of plans required for interior remodels ❑ 4 sets of plans required for additions Supply DRB application number (.e. DR13090001) or copy of DRB Action Form L Architect stamp required on architectural plans if prepared by architect. Engineer's stamp required on all sheets of structural plans Site plan required if any exterior work is proposed ❑ Asbestos project checklist & testing results Ir Floor plans for the unit showing all proposed work. Clearly show new, existing and demolished walls. Provide a complete floor plan for each level of the building where work is proposed Exterior elevations with all exterior materials shown if any exterior work is proposed. For deck additions, show guardrail requirements. ❑ Roof plan and building cross section required for any additions. Show all insulation R- values at walls/floorstroof. Show Gass A roof covering material for any new roofs per TOV requirements Window schedule required for additions, or window replacements. Include U -value and safety glazing requirements. ❑ For additions, include energy code compliance forms (Rescheck) and heat loss talcs http: //www.energvcodes.aov • Structural plans for any proposed structural work (stamped and signed by engineer). Complete foundation and framing plans • Mechanical plans required for all proposed mechanical work. Show bath fan locations, size, location and efficiency of any heating equipment and venting termination locations o Show locations, types and venting of all proposed fireplaces ❑ Plumbing plans for all proposed plumbing work Include gas piping and sizing plan ❑ Electrical plans for all proposed work. Include electrical power and lighting plans, panel schedule and load calculations Notes: FACDev\BUILDINGIchecldiststlRC construction 022410.doc A APR 27 2011 TOWN OF VAIL DS Consulting, Inc. Asbestos Inspection and Sampling Report 1034 fl€ mestake- Cir, Vail, Colorado 816 ? Presented To: Mr. Duane Piper Piper /Architecture, Ltd 48 E Beaver Creek Blvd PO Box 5560 Avon, CO 81620 Performed & Prepared By: Mr. Steve Shurtliff DS Consulting Inc. PO Box 6864 Avon, CO 81620 (303) 378 -1544 Project Details: Project Number: 2727 Conducted: August 31, 2010 Kelton Residence EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On August 31, 2010, Mr. Steve Shurtliff with DS Consulting, Inc. (DSC) performed a limited asbestos inspection and performed asbestos bulk - sampling at 1034 Homestake Cir, Vail, Colorado in order to identify potentially hazardous friable and non - friable asbestos - containing materials (ACM) within a portion of the above - referenced, single- family residence scheduled for a renovations. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's (CDPHE) Regulation 8, Part B defines an asbestos - containing material (ACM) as a material containing more than 1% asbestos. Mr. Shurtliff performed asbestos bulk - sampling of a single type of drywall (surfacing material) in a total of three (3) locations within the main level den and den closet. All three (3) bulk - samples were analyzed by Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. (NVLAP #200860 -0) in Denver, Colorado with two (2) bulk - samples of the drywall collected reporting as positive for asbestos at 4% Chrysotile (see Appendix B for laboratory results). The following sampled materials were found to contain asbestosgreater than 1% (ACM): K *Quantities are approximations of damaged material and /or material to be removed and are subject to field verification, DO NOT use for bidding purposes. PROJECT OVERVIEW I. Introduction A limited asbestos inspection and bulk - sampling for ACM was conducted at 1034 Homestake Cir, Vail, Colorado, by Mr. Shurtliff on August 31, 2010 at the request of Mr. Duane Piper with Piper /Architecture, Ltd. Mr. Shurtliff is a Colorado State Certified Building Inspector; having EPA Accreditation #15413 (see Appendix A for certificate). The purpose of the inspection was to identify, sample and assess potentially hazardous friable and non - friable ACM within the main level den and den closet of the residence. II. Structural Design The structure is a wood - framed, multi- level, single- family residence with attached garage. III. Sampling and Analytical Procedures The inspection, assessment and sampling were conducted by an EPA and AHERA accredited Building Inspector qualified by experience, education and training in the recognition of potential ACM and approved bulk - sampling techniques. The asbestos bulk - sampling was conducted on suspect ACM with a limited number of bulk- samples being collected within the residence. The inspection, assessment and sampling were performed in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency / AHERA recommended procedures. These procedures call for the visual inspection of the area of concern and the collection and analysis of representative bulk - samples of suspect material. Some minor destructive sampling was conducted. Walls, columns and perimeter pipe chases were not broken into in order to locate and quantify suspect ACM. It should be noted that additional ACM might be located in these and other inaccessible areas. Random bulk- samples, representative of the suspect asbestos - containing building materials (ACBM) of each homogeneous area (HA), were collected according to the guidelines published as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Final Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 USC, Sections 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763. Representative sampling is based on the following criteria: 1. The distribution of the suspect material throughout the HA. 2. The suspect material's physical characteristics and application. 3. Random sampling patterns determined for each HA. Suspect materials sampled and analyzed should be considered to be representative of materials in each HA if they exhibit similar physical characteristics and the application of the sampled material can be correlated to the application of un- sampled material. Bulk - samples collected were analyzed utilizing the EPA's Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials (EPA 600/R/116, July, 1993) and the McCrone Research Institute's The Asbestos Particle Atlas as methods references. Analysis of the bulk - samples was performed on the "date reported," as listed in the bulk - sample analysis report ij IV. Notes on Report Format Suspect materials alike in appearance and application were sampled as HAs. Suspect materials were divided into three classifications: 1. Surfacing Material: sprayed or troweled onto structural building member. 2. Thermal System Insulation (TSI): any type of pipe, boiler, tank, or duct insulation. 3. Miscellaneous Material: other suspect materials, floor tile, sheet vinyl /linoleum, ceiling tiles, insulation, and finishing materials. Condition assessments were performed by the accredited inspector at the time of inspection. Condition assessments are listed in the following section. Ratings of "good," "damaged," and "significantly damaged" are meant to indicate the overall condition of the material. A material in "good" condition has no visible damage or deterioration, or showing only very limited damage or deterioration. A material in "damaged" condition has the following characteristics: The surface is crumbling, blistered, water - stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one -tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed (one - quarter if the damage is localized). Accumulation of powder, dust or debris similar in appearance to the suspect material on surfaces beneath the material can be used as confirmatory evidence. A material in "significantly damaged" condition has one or more of the following characteristics: The surface is crumbling or blistered over at least one -tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed (one - quarter if the damage is localized). One -tenth (one - quarter, if localized) of the material is hanging from the surface, deteriorated, or showing adhesive failure. Water stains, gouges, or mars are over at least one -tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed (one - quarter if the damage is localized). Accumulation of powder, dust or debris similar in appearance to the suspect material on surfaces beneath the material can be used as confirmatory evidence. Response - action recommendations for asbestos - containing HAs are listed in the section VII. Recommendations may be for more than one HA, if materials are alike. Recommendations are either "general' or "immediate." An immediate recommendation indicates the presence of asbestos greater than 1% within the bulk - sample, or a bulk- sample in the same HA, and should be addressed accordingly. A general recommendation indicates asbestos does not exist greater than 1% within the bulk - sample, or a bulk- sample in the same HA, and no further abatement activities are required for removal of the material. Any sample reporting a "TRACE" amount of asbestos must be considered to be positive for asbestos greater than 1% unless it is analyzed by the point -count method to be less than 1 %. V. Inspector Comments Asbestos - containing material was identified during the bulk - sampling conducted at 1034 Homestake Cir, Vail, Colorado. A total of three (3) bulk - samples were collected from drywall within the main level den and den closet of the above - referenced residence. The following two (2) of the bulk - samples of the drywall collected reported positive for asbestos at 4% Chrysotile. 4 ■ Asbestos was identified in the main level den wall drywall (surfacing material) sample DW01 -01 at 4% Chrysotile ■ Asbestos was identified in the main level den closet wall drywall (surfacing material) sample DW01 -02 at 4% Chrysotile VI. Homogeneous Area Descriptions The following section contains sampled HA descriptions and sample locations. Percent - asbestos content for each sample indicated can vary depending on sample locations, homogeneity of the materials, and type of application. The quantities are approximations and are subject to field verification: Homogeneous Area #01 Homogeneous Area #01 Sample #: DW01 -01 Sample #: DW01 -02 Sample Description: Drywall Sample Description: Drywall Sample Location: Main Level Den Wall Sample Location: Main Level Den Closet Wall Material Classification: Surfacing Material Material Classification: Surfacing Material Material Quantity. <1,000ft Material Quantity. <1,000ft Material Condition: Good Material Condition: Good Sample Layers - Asbestos Detected: Sample Layers - Asbestos Detected: White paint - Negative White tape - Negative Brown wall covering - Negative White texture w /white paint - Negative White texture - 4% Chrysotile White joint compound - 4% Chrysotile White tape - Negative White /tan drywall - Negative White joint compound - 4% Chrysotile White texture w /white paint - Negative White tan drywall - Negative Recommendations. IMMEDIATE -See Section VII Recommendations. IMMEDIATE - See Section VII Homo geneous •1 Sample #: DW01 -03 Sample Description: Drywall Sample Location: Main Level Den Wall Material Classification: Surfacing Material Material Quantity. <1,000ft Material Condition: Good Sample Layers - Asbestos Detected: White texture w /white paint - Negative Brown wall covering - Negative White tan drywall - Negative Recommendations: IMMEDIATE -See Section VII 61 VII. Recommendations IMMEDIATE: The laboratory results of the potential ACM sampled at 1034 Homestake Cir, Vail, Colorado, indicate that two (2) bulk- samples of the drywall collected from the main level den and den closet were reported as positive for asbestos at 4% Chrysotile. If the above - referenced ACM is to be removed from the residence and the total quantity exceeds any of the regulatory trigger levels of 50 linear feet on pipes, 32 square feet on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55- gallon drum, a Colorado- licensed asbestos abatement contractor is required to perform the removal, including formal notification to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment prior to the abatement of the ACM. M APPENDIX A CERTIFICATION APPENDIX B LABORATORY ANALYSIS ASSOCIATES, INCORPORAYD CONSULItNU LAUORAKWY Certificate of Analysis 13949 W. Colfax Ave Suite 205 Lakewood, CO 80441 303.232.3746 vwwv.aerobioloov. net Client Name Street address DS Consulting, Inc. 5366 Flatrock Ct. (�- Cfm \V Date Collected: Date Received: 08/31/10 08/31/10 City, State ZIP Morrison, CO 80465 Matrix Material (composition Date Analyzed: 09/02/10 Attn: Steve ShurtlitT NVLAP Lab Code 200860 -0 Date Reported: 09/02/10 Client Project Name: 1034 Homestake Cit. Vail, CO Project ID: 106338 106338 -1B Brown Wall Covering N Job ID: Negative Tact Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. EPA - 600 /R- 93/116, July 1993. Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample; Additional Comments H omo- geneous es/no Number of La ers % Asbestos Detected Non-Asbestos Fibers area % Non-Fibrous Material area %) Matrix Material (composition Cl ient Lab Sample um r DWO1 -01 106338 - 1A White Paint N 7,2% Negative 100 106338 -1B Brown Wall Covering N 7,4% Negative 50% CELL 50 106338 -1C White Texture N 7,6% POSITIVE 4% CHRY 96 C 106338 -1D White Tape N 7,6% Negative 98% CELL 2 106338.1E White Joint Compound N 7,10 POSITIVE 4% CHRY 96 C 106338 -1F White Texture w/ White Paint N 7,12% Negative 100 106338 -IG White/Tan Drywall N 7,60% Negative 15% CELL 85 G DWO1 -02 106338.2A White Tape N 4,4% Negative 98% CELL 2 106338 -2B White Texture w/ White Paint N 4,10% Negative 100 C 106338 -2C White Joint Compound N 4,10% POSITIVE 4% CHRY 96 C CHRY=Chrysotile SYN = Synthetic G = Gypsum "Y `` # _ CR = Crocidolite WO = Wollastonite M = Mica TR = Tremolite NTR = Non - Asbestiform TR T =Tar Paul Knappe Adam Humphreys Trace —Less Than 1% NAC — Non- Asbestifotm AC P — Perlite Laboratory Analyst Asbestos Laboratory Supervisor FT = Fibrous Talc O = Organic AH =Animal Hair B = Binder OP = Opaques *Page 1 of 3 13949 W. Colfax Ave. Suite 205, Lakewood CO 80401, 303.232.3746 D = Diatoms A = Amosite C CELL = Cellulose Q Q = Quartz AC = Actinolite M MW = Mineral Wool C C = Carbonates AN = Anthophyllite F FBG = Fiberglass V V = Vermiculite '%k,ArRobio1oqY [AbORATORY .A.SS(7i( W-%, INC0RPrORATLD CON5ULIt N(; LAt1O1211TOltY Certificate of Analysis 13949 W. Colfax Ave Suite 205 Lakewood, CO 80401 303.232.3746 ~.aerobioloay.net Client Name Street address DS Consulting, Inc. 5366 Flatrock Ct. r � ,���(� /� U �:1 UL"J Date Collected: Date Received: 08/31/10 08/31/10 City, State ZIP Morrison, CO 80465 -" Date Analyzed: 09/02/10 Attn: Steve Shurtlill' NVLAP Lab Code 200860 -0 Date Reported: 09/02/10 Client Project Name: 1034 Horrestake Cir. Vail, CO 15% CELL Project ID: 106338 DW01 -03 106338 -3A White Texture w/ White Paint Job ID: 3,5% Teat Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. EPA - 600 /R- 93/116, July 1993. Sam le Identification Physical Description of Sample; Additional Comments H omo- geneous es/no Number of La ern % Asbestos Detected Non-Asbestos Fibers area % Non-Fibrous Material area %) Matrix Material (composition Cl ient Lab Samvle Number DWO1 -02 106338 -2D White/Tan Drywall N 4,76% Negative 15% CELL 85 G DW01 -03 106338 -3A White Texture w/ White Paint N 3,5% Negative NAC — Non- Asbestifotm AC 100 C 106338 -3B Brown Wall Covering N 3,10% Negative 50% CELL 50 106338 -3C White /Tan Drywall N 3,85% Negative 15% CELL 85 G A = Amosite CELL = Cellulose Q = Quartz AC = Actinolite MW = Mineral Wool C = Carbonates AN = Anthophyllite FBG = Fiberglass V = Vermiculite #, CHRY=Chrysotile SYN = Synthetic G = Gypsum CR = Crocidolite WO = Wollastonite M = Mica TR = Tremolite NTR = Non - Asbestiform TR T =Tar Paul Knappe Adam Humphreys Trace —Less Than 1% NAC — Non- Asbestifotm AC P — Perlite Laboratory Analyst Asbestos Laboratory Supervisor FT = Fibrous Talc O = Organic AH =Animal Hair B = Binder OP = Opaques Page 2 of 3 13949 W. Colfax Ave. Suite 205, Lakewood CO 80401, 303.232.3746 D = Diatoms A ERobI�Y 1o(j L.AbORATORY 13949 W. Colfax Ave ��� J Suite 205 .ASSOCIATES, INCORIP" ATED Lakewood, CO 80401 303.232.3746 C(NVS1 I IIhG I AB{�R.4TO UY Certificate of Analysis www.aerobioioav net DS Consulting, Inc. Date Collected: 08/31/10 5366 Flatrook Ct.� Date Received: 08/31/10 Morrison, CO 80465 1 T Date Analyzed: 09/02/10 Steve Shurtliff NVLAP Lab Code 200860 -0 Date Reported: 09/02/10 Client Project Name: 1034 Homestake Cir. Vail, (70 Project ID: 106338 Job ID: General Notes Negative indicates no asbestos was detected; the method detection limit is 1 %. Trace or " <1" indicates asbestos was identified in the sample, but the concentration is less than the method detection limit of 1 %. ► All regulated asbestos minerals (i.e, ehrysotile, amosite, eroeidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and aetinolite) were sought in every layer of each sample, but only those asbestos minerals detected are listed. Amosite is the common name for the asbestiform variety of the minerals cummingtonite and grunterite. Crooidolite is the common name used for the asbestiform variety of the mineral reibekite, ► Tile, vinyl, foam, plastic, and fine powder samples may contain asbestos fiber of such small diameter (< 0.25 microns in diameter) that these fibers cannot be detected by PLM. For such samples, more sensitive analytical methods (e.g. TEM, SEM, and XRD) are recommended if greater certainty about asbestos content is required. Semi - quantitative bulk TEM floor tile analysis is accepted under the NESHAPS regulations, ► These results are submitted pursuant to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inv.'s current terms and conditions of sale, including the company's standard warranty and limitation of liability provisions. No responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted. ► Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this report, Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc, will store the samples for a minimum period of thuty (30) days before discarding. A shipping and handling charge will be assessed for the return of any samples. Notes Reauired by NVLAP ► This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government. ► This test report relates only to the items tested or calibrated. I. This report is not valid unless it bears the name of a NVLAP- approved signatory. ► Any reproduction of this document must include the entire document in order for the report to be valid, 13949 W. Colfax Ave. Suite 205, Lakewood CO 80401, 303.232.3746 06 -29 -2011 Inspection Request Re Page 9 4:18 pm Vail, CO - City Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, June 30, 2011 Site Address: 1034 HOMESTAKE CR VAIL 1034 HOMESTAKE CIRCLE A/P /D Information Activity: 611 -0089 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: KELTON, ARTHUR M., JR & ELAINE WHITE Contractor: LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION Phone: 970 - 471 -1221 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF DEN WITH NEW WINDOWS ON SOUTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS FLOORING REPLACEMENT, LIGHT FIXTURE REPLACEMENT, MOVE EXISTING CLOSET 3 FT., REMOVE EXISTING SHED Reauested Insoection(s Item: 90 BLDG -Final Requestor: LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION Comments: 471 -1221 Assigned To: JMO GON Action: Time Exp: r Item: 190 ELEC -Final Requestor: LUNDBERG CONSTRUCTION Comments: 471 -1221 Assigned To: S Action: Time Exp: Requested Time: 02:30 PM Phone: 970 -471 -1221 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 08:30 AM Phone: 970 -471 -1221 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Inspection Histo Item: 120 ELEC -Rough ** Approved ** 05/31/11 Inspector: sgremmer Comment: Item: 30 BLDG - Framing ** Approved ** 05/31/11 Inspector: sgremmer Comment: Item: 50 BLDG - Insulation ** Approved ** 06/06/11 Inspector: sgremmer Comment: Item: 60 BLDG - Sheetrock Nail ** Approved ** 06/06/11 Inspector: sgremmer Comment: 06/08/11 Inspector: JRM Comment: Item: 190 ELEC -Final Item: 90 BLDG -Final Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 13240