HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0090. , 10-13-2011 Inspection Request ����� r_n _ r�r orting Page 12 Requested Inspect Date: Friday October 14, 2011 Site Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI A/PID Information Activity: B11-0090 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Insp Area� ISSUED Const Type: Occu�panc . Use: Owner: VAIL INTERNATIONAL COND�ASSOC Contractor: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. Phone: 970-926-8703 Description: REPLACEMENT OF PARKING STRUCTURE RAILINGS AND DECK RAILINGS ON NORTH SIDE OF CONDO �- Ite 98�BLDG-Final u or: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. ments: 376-1082 �ed To: *.,,,....*.,. Action: „� Time Exp: Requested Time: 11:00 AM Phone: 926-8703 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K � i l (� �� � Inspection Historv / Item: 410 Special Inspect-progress rept*" Approved � 06/21/11 Insp�ector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: EXTERIOR GYPSUM 1ST F OR ONLY BETWEEN STAIRS ONLY APPROVED Item: 30 BLDG-Framing '" Approved *" 06/14/11 Inspector: mdenney Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: 2nd and 3rd floor sofFits. typ railing detail. Provide SI report for structural steel and bolting 06/30/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI-PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Soffit east and west parking structure 07/26/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 3rd and 4th floor soffits only Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/0 �� Approved *� 10/13/11 Inspector: Warren Action: AP APPROVED Comment: All work completed Item: 420 S ecial Inspect-final rept Item: 90 BL�G-Final REPT131 Run Id: 13656 m � � `�OWN OF YA� ' Jat� Name: JobAddress: ,_ _. Permit No,: SPECIAL iNSPECTfON AN[3 TESTfNG AGREEMENT (To applicants of projects requiring Spacia! tnspection or Testing per Secilon 1701 of Ehe IBC) The owner ar hislher representative, an lhe advice of lhe design professional in responsible charge, shafi complete, seai, sign and submft a copy of the Speeial inspecilon Agreement and Structurat iesls 5cheduled to the Town of Vaii for review and approval. Signatures are requfred on both pages; photocopied or faxed signatures are a�ceptabie. The owner and his/her general contractor, wi�ere appllcable, shafl afso acknowledge tbe following condilions applicabie to Specia[ Inspection Testfng: � 1. Contractor is respdnsib►e f4r proper notification ko ihe Inspection or Testing agency for items listed.(Page 4} {IBC 1704� 2. �nly the testing laboratory shoufd take sampies and iranspott them to theit labotaiory, 3. Copies of ali laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent directly to the Town af Vail by the Testing agency art a week{y basis. 4. Inspection agency to submit names and qualifications aE on-site special inspectors to the Town o' Vail for review and approval_( Page 2) 5. 'fhe speciaf inspecior is responsible to immedialety notify the Town of Vail Building OEficial in writing ot any concerns andlor pro�lems encountered. 6. It Is the respo�sibilify of the contractar to review the Town of Vail approved p4ans for additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. A pre-construction conference ai lhe job site is recommended to review special inspection procedures. 7. The special inspector shali use only the Tosvn of Vail approved drawings. 8. All special inspection field reports must be left on site for review by the Town of Vai! staff prior to required inspections or re-inspeciions�. BEFORE OCCUPA�lCY WILL BE GRANTED: The speciak inspecE'ton agency shalt submit a signed and seaied statement that all items requiring testing and inspecfion were lulfilled and reported. 7hose items not tested and/or inspected shail �e noted in this statement. A copy ot ths s#atement shail be maintained ak the job site for lhe Building Inspeclor's review prior to finai inspection. Acknowledgement: � Owner, Special Agencyt �f' Project / Aml�l� Contractor: Ptint Name flate �a t� �. Si u2 CrEc�t s`�o 1l Print Name Date 'r4,�.1 �L � t� �i��.i�,�/'� Prin( Name Oate �it� �ti�/// � � �/ Print Name Date -3= a i T�j�tO�YAII� A SPECIAL INSP�CI'(ON AND TE5TING SCHEDULE / (!BC '170� Project Name: C' � �' �� i]'�/�j- C' Permit # Uvrr;c:r's NamP• Tes�irlg Ins � lol e. printName Date Agency� � � —�� 019 v.I_11 � . S%Gtl��G�1 ,�:� —/ / Testing Inspection Signeture PrintName Da(a Hereby cert�es that ihe Testingllnspection Agency named above has been engaged fo perform s(rucEural tests and inspections during construcfion as checked bebw, to satisfy all applir.able portions of lhe Building Cade. Prior to final inspection, lhe Inspedion Agency shaii su6mit a statement that ail items of deslgnated work pe�formed were reported. A�y items checked but not tested or inspected will be noted and expiained. Whenever any designated items on the lisl are ready for sampiing, testing, or inspeclion, it shall be the responsibility o( liie contrac(or to give fimely noUce to the inspection agency so ihat the required services may be performed. REINFaRCING STEEL: UNn�RPINNING: Tensile & 6end, one set per heat per lons —_ iemporarylPermanenl _ Inspecfion of Plaoement Inspection of Steel Fabrication Inspecfion o( We}ding Inspeciion of Reinforcing & Forms �__ Epoxy Inspedion of Concrete Placement _...., Inspe�ion ef Ti°backs MASONRY: . Prelim. Acceptance Tests (Masonry Units, Wall Prisms) ..� .... . 5DiL NAILS: 5ubsequent Tests (Mortar, Grout, Fieid Watl Prisms) 7emporary Shorfng ___ , Inspection of Piacement and Grouting Permanent Wall CONCRETE, SHOTCRE7E, GROUT At�D MORT.AR: STRLICTURAL STEEL: Concrete Shot Grout Morlar , 5amp[e & Test (Lisl specfic members below) Aggregate tests fordesign 5hop Identi6cation & Welding Inspection sulqbility of aggregates Shop Ullrasonic lnspection Mix Qesi�ns Shop Radiagraphy Test Panal _i._ Field Weiding Inspection Bal�h Plant InspecUon ._�' Field Soiting tnspecE"ron , Cement Grao Sample —_. Field Uflrasonic tnspection tnspect Plecing Fiek1 f2adiography r�m„�.«,.,�, ro��. Metal �eck Welding inspection Check Reinforcing iests . Inspection of Reintorcing Piacement Tendon Tesis _ Inspectioq oFTendon PlaGement _^_ lnspeciion of Concrete Piacement inspection of Concrete Batching , Irtspection ot Pane1 Attachment & lnserts Compression Tests , _, . , inspection ot Stcessingffransfer P1LiNG, CA)SSQN5, CAPS, TlES: _ inspeclion of Reinforcing Placemenl _ Inspectlon ot Conerete Placement _ Inspection of Concreto 8alching Specify other tests, inspections ar speciat lnstructions required. � FlREPROOFING: Inspection & Placement SOILS: Acceptance TesEs Moisture-Density Determinatlon Field �ansity Drilied Piers Deep Foundafion STRUCTURAL WOOD: Inspection of Fabrication Inspection of Truss Joint Fabrication Sample & Test Components fnspection of Glu Lam Fahricatlon SMOKE CdNTROL: SPECIAL CASES: SPECIAL INSPECTION: Seismic Resistan�e Wind Requirements INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-6T4-7560 Page 1 of OBSERVATION REPORT 061411 6-14-11 Client: Alpine Mountain Builders, Inc. ITIS Job No. Date: Project: Vail International Location: Vail Colorado inspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel weiding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. ��: David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspec r #1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level III INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPEGTION SERVICE►5 INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page 2 of 3 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM IIVITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. 061411 Date: 06-14-11 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: Type of Weld Inspected: Fillet Groove Other Type of Component (ie: column, beam, girder, moment welds, etc.) As Recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS, IBC and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION Main Building, Balcony S. Level or Elevation: Levels 2 3 and 4 New Railinsz and Post HSS Tube Connections Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: Balconv Walkway Loca�{ons Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. The referenced section specifie� full vertical_welds on each side Two inches of 3/16" flare bevel welds at the top of the connection and three inches (3") of 3/16" fillet at the tube to existing tee embeds ezists now. Engineering reviec,r, attached, finds the as-built condition acceptable. Parking Garage Level or Elevation: Roof EE of Sl 0 Epoxy-set Exvansion Mchors Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: Sou h Wall _ Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. The G C is usinA four inch� i4")'`'lonA anchors where a�_:� three inch (3") m�n�num is r�q�+�rPd The epoxv nced was confirmed to be Simvson Stronrz-tie. Tvpe AT. At two locations on the east end. anchors �PrP_ found loose and were marked. The G.C. and erector were informed. Level or Elevation: Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the azea(s) inspected/tested: Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. INDEPENDENT TESTING & IN►SPEGTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page �_ of 3 ADDTTIONAL INFORMATION Inspector: David L. Sturgeon ITIS Job No. _ 061411 Date: 6-14-11 This form contains additional inspection information not specifically covered in the prepared formats of testing and inspections. X AdditionalInformation Additional Inspections Additional Tests Conies of the welder qualificaitons have been reviewed and were found conforming. The G.C. has retained copies in the project file onsite. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPEC'1'ION SER�rICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page 1 of 2 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Alnine Mountain Builders ITIS Job No. 061411 Date: 6-2�-11 Project: Vail International Hotel Location: Vail, CO nspector: David L. Sturgeon This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed flreproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. If there are any questions regarding the content of this repo�t, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenien . • -( � David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level III .-�-, INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPEGTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page 2 of FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: David L. SturQeon ITIS Job No. 061411 Date: 6-27-11 Field Made Welds: _� Shop Made Welds: Type of Weld Inspected: Fillet �_ Groove Other Type of Component (ie: column, beam, girder, moment welds, etc.) As Recorded Applicable Code or Standard: AWS, IBC and Proiect Standards AREAS OF INSPECTION LevelorElevation: Roof DD of 52,0 Post to Tee Connections Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: Parkin� GaraAe Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. ThP Gh;m j1� 3?'P$ an� the associated weldinsr were viewed. At the east end poatuconnections 3 and 4. shime nlates were not installed. The west end post connection 10 11 12 and 14 need additional weldina at the top. The G.C. is to provide additional access for welding. Al1 connections were clearly marked and reviewed with the G C. for correction. Level or Elevation: Roof Exvansion Anchors Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the azea(s) inspected/tested: ParkinA Gara�e Provide informarion re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. The expansion anchors at the post are noe pre-tensioned, and grouted and were found conforming. Level or Elevation: Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. ` � �= � INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPEGTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-6T4-7560 Page 1 of? OBSERVATION REPORT Client: Alnine Mamtain &a7-ders ITIS Job No. 061411 Date: 7-25-11 Project: �� ����� Location: ��+ m Inspector: 17�vid L. Sturgea► This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience Q+2G� G7�� -- David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspect 1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level III � INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page 2 of 2 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FORM INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING Inspector: I�vid L. Sturs�ecn ITIS Job No. 061411 Date: 7 25-11 Field Made Welds: X Shop Made Welds: _ Type of Weld Inspected: Fillet X Groove Other Type of Component (ie: column, beam, girder, moment welds, etc.) As Recorded Applicable Code or Standazd: AWS, IBC and Proiect Standards IIIDGE AREAS OF INSPECTION Level or Elevation: L-2 and L-3 1 of SL 0 Arrhorag� Wel ing Cmd Line Locarion(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/teste�: Post to Tee Belcrnv Locatia� Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. 'Ilye installed anchors were famd cmfo�s. Faur anchors were nat yet insra��r�i at three locaitons. Zhe G.C. is to verifv canPl:etion with photo doa.martatirn. 'Ihe field t.elcLnQ was famd confoinanst PARI�I3,:SIn[�IUtE Level or Elevation: Roof D of 52.0 Post to Tee Connections Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the azea(s) inspected/tested: Post ca�ctioas 10. 11. 12 and 14 (n�mt�ered fran west to east) Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. Oh Jime 27, 2011. TI7S mted four camections reauirinrz additional weldinA. The needed Mel.ds have been pi3ee� and were foiu�d crnfo�n¢. Level or Elevation: Grid Line Location(s) encompassing the area(s) inspected/tested: _ Provide information re: conditions of nonconformance. Include the O.D. item number and attach a copy of the O.D. List if applicable. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES , ,. �u�o��°�; ° Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0090 Job Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location......: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI Parcel No....: 210106402057 OWNER VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDO ASS 04/28/2011 300 E LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC 04/28/2011 PO BOX 69 EDWARDS COLORADO 81632 License: 336-A CONTRACTOR ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC 04/29/201 105 EDWARD VILLAGE BLVD, STE. A205 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: C000003134 Phone: 926-8703 Phone: 970-926-8703 Description: REPLACEMENT OF PARKING STRUCTURE RAILINGS AND DECK RAILINGS ON NORTH SIDE OF CONDO Occupancy: Type Construction: Project #: Applied.....: Issued. . . : PRJ11-0032 04/28/2011 05/24/2011 Valuation: $152,000.00 ..................,,,,,,,,..................,.,.,........,.,,.,....,....,........,,.,.. FEE SUMMARY .............,,..........,.,...>..,......,..,>...,....,...,,...,....,..._,,,_, Building Permit -----------> $1,284.95 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $835.22 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $2,840.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $4,965.17 Payments------------------------------> $4,965.17 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 ......< ........................x..............................,...,.�..,.,.,...........,.......,.......«««....»........x...�................,.,.,.......,.,..,,,....<x..<,.....,.,..... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. �' n/� y �� G�,�� ��fJ Signature of Owner or ontractor Date � (`� r�� � Print Name combination permit_012811 ���r�wwr«exwwa��www+ww«����xwww+���w���wwww�x���x�xx�:��:x��+�������+�x�wewew+w++��ww�ww++w�w+���+e��x<x«a��:�������+�w�wwwwxww�w::�+we�x+����x�<x«�wwwwx��wwwe���w�����x�+�+��xww+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 611-0090 Owner: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDO ASSOC VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: .,,.......<x«...�,....< .....................<..x.x...,,.,,.......,,.,......,,....,,.,.....,,.....�,.»...,,.,.�,,.�...,.....,,...,....,........,.,......,......,..,...,.............. Cond: CON0011928 Special inpsection agreemnt required for welding and High Strenght Bolting combination permit_012811 , - i ��a��.� . �********.*********************************.***�******************************************�***************************************************�****** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: B11-0090 Owner: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDO ASSOC VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: *************„**.,***«**„*,,.,****,�***�*.**„*«*«**********„*.,*�***************.*,.******************.,*************.*******�...****...**.******�,,.****,,,,.* Item: 00410 Special Inspect-progress rept Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Item: 00420 Special Inspect-fina� rept Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 *************�**********************+******************************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **+*******************************************�****�**************************************** Statement Number: R110000538 Amount: $4,129.95 05/24/201103:37 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 28891 alpine mountain builders ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0090 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-064-0205-7 Site Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI Total Fees: $4,965.17 This Payment: $4,129.95 Total ALL Pmts: $4,965.17 Balance: $0.00 ***+*********************+******��*****************************************�**************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code BP 00100003111100 UT 11000003106000 WC 00100003112800 Description ------------------------------ BUILDING PERMIT FEES USE TAX 4 0 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 1,284.95 2,840.00 5.00 � � � — c�� �c� . , T���NOF VA1i� F SPECIRL� iNSPECTiON AHO TE571NG SCHEDULE ,�� � / c►8� �7��> �j l i � Project Name: " /�%�" +� �!'��t � � t r� " Permit # U���r,ot's Nam�• Tesling Ins io� �. Pdn�Name Data Agency — .�6�.��_�%� ' �L_ ;�'�'l1 rBSflllc� it15(18f1fOf1 Signatura Prin! Name Date Hereby cerf�ies lhat fhe i esUngJinspection Agency named above has been engayed to pedorm sirucfurat tests 2nd inspecfions during canstrudion as checked bebvt, to satisEy ali aoplicable portions of lhe Buiiding Code. Prior to fina! inspection, the inspection Agency shall submit a sletement fhat 21l items of designated tivork periormed t�rere repor'�ed. Any items checke�i taut not tested or inspected vriH 6e noted and explained. Whenever any designated items on the list ate ready for sarcipiing, testing, or inspec!ion, it shaD bo ihe responsibility of ihe contracter to r�ive timely n�UCe to fhe Inspectien agency so ihak the required services may be performed. REINFORGN6 STEEL: ,_ 7ertsi!e 8 8enti, one set per F>at per (ans , inspectian cf i'lacerr�ent ^ Inspection of WeYJina ......_. Epoxy hiASOtdRY: � Pralim. P,cceptancr_ iests (F+lasonry Units, Wall Prismsj � Subsequent Tes(s (h�ortar, Grout, Pield 1h'all Pcisms) _�, inspection of P(acem°nl and Grouting _ Relnfo�dng Tests . , . Inspectian of Reiniorcing Placem.nk iendon 7ests i Insgection of Ter,don ptacemeni ...__. _ Inspection af Concrele PiacemRnt ,__.__ inspecfion c( Canerefe Balehing , Inspection at Pane1 Attachment & In:erEs _, CompressionTests ,_ , , lnspecUon o! Stressingffransfer PIltN6, CAISSONS, CAPS, TIE&: _ inspecUon ot Retnforcing Piacement � _ Inspection ot Conctete Placerrpnt inspection of Conueto Batching Spacify ofhet tests, lnspeGions orspecia! lnslrucltons requlrzd. � UNQERP1NNlt{G: �_ Temporary/Permanent Inspedion nf Sleel Fabricali�n inspedion of Reintorcing & Fotms lospedion ot Concreta Placem nt _. ._. _. Inspectian et T;:baaks SDIL NAILS: � '(emporary Shoring Permanent Wall STRUCTURAI ST"eEl: , Samp[e & Test (List specfc members beic�r) shop identi6ratton RVdelding Inspe�ion Shop Ulirasonic Inspeciion Shop Radiography �_ Fie�J Welding inspettion "�� FieEd Boiting Inspect'an , __, Ffe{d.l�rirasonic tnspection Fie!d Radiography hietal Deck Welding InspaU(on FlREpROflF1NG: Inspection & Placement SOILS: Acceptance Tesls Maistute-Density t?elemtineUon Fiek! Oensity Driiled Piers qeep Fovnda:ion STRUCTUF{AL tiY00D: Inspecticn of Fabrication Inspection oi Truss Joint Fabricat(on 5ample R Test Components inspeclion o! Gtu Lam Fabri, atlon SfAOKE CONTROL: SPECIAL CASE5: SPECIAL INSPECTlON: 6eiamr Resistance Wind Requirements 64/22/2011 09:00 9704761086 SPAEH ARCHITECT AIA PAGE 01 � . �or�o�v,� � Job Natne: Job /lddress' .__. — - Petmit No.: _,_„_;� � � �' vd �� SP�CIA�. INSPECTION AND TFSTING At3R�EMENT (To �pplicwv3M of proj�cts roquf�ing Spveial lnsp�clbn or Tvstlt�g p�r Section 1TA1 � ths IBC) fhe awnsr ur h1�A�er represantatfve, on Ihe advicp of the desipn prdesslo�wl in re�Qons�ta Cha►ge� et�f �ompleM. �I, si0n And aubmll a copy of the SPeckd M�pectlon 1'►9reeme��t �nd Stnicuual "feMs ichedulad to Ihe Town of Vail for revlew and spprowsl. Sipn�►mr ere requbod on boY� pe�t: �ho�000p�Od vr teoced sipnatures ere eac:aptabde. �bs o�wner and Mis/F�sr perwra4 oo�tlractor. wt�e appl�sble. shaM �Iw adcnawledSi� ��W �pndlqp� applicable t�o Spec�al lnspectlon Tastln@; !. Contrecla is roeponefbEa tor prop�r noNflcelbn b p�e In+pec�on a Te.HnC apencY for tlrms I�ed.(Poga 11 (IBC 1704) t. . Qnl�► fha 1si11nD labo�a�ary at►ould take samples end t�w�ofl lham io thak labor6ibry. �. ('.oQles of aN laboratory raports and ir�tpectlons are b bA Sent d�ecNf► to ths TaWn of VaN by tlre Te�tln9 �gancy on s weelcy► bssis. 4. I�aipacfton apa►cy E� aubmit namea and qu�lific.tions ot on-sils �p�etlsl �ers !a tM TaNm d V1�N for twrlew and appravaF.( Psge 2) 5. Ths � inspada� ts respon�tbls !o Immsdtately aoti[y 1he Tawn o1 VaM �uiidin0 O�idal In w�fnp�d a►ty cartcerrta snd/or lorobfans e+noauntered. 8. it �s ure ���N � a,e ca�+,�wr a rawaw �e Ta�n d vM appmved plrr� lor addl6onM ir�sp�raton a taes�ing requirama�,te rnat may be nnted. n p�aon�ctia► confe�+er�a a� the job .ile is reca�me�dsd to ravisw apac4al (�spectinn Procedu�es. 7. Ths spsclel fn�pec{a aheJ1 use ony the Torwi qf VW apptvwd draiwi�Os. B. IIN dpeci�d �iat fleM roPOrts muat ba bR dn �ite for re�rlew by fhe Tam o1 Vs� awlf prior b raquired irnpectbns or re-k►spactlon�. BEFOR� OCCIIPANCY WiLL BE GRANT�A: Th• special Ir�epsclbn asenqr �haM subrtdt a tfp��ed and �lea wetemenc chat � �tem. requ�ru►� cssUnp ann lnspedion wera �uNiMtl e�td reporbd. '/i►os+ ila�ra not las�md a�dllor Inspac.-iad shall b� noied M thls statement. A oopy► ot N� atelement eha� be msiWrined ot �e pD s#e lor tl�s 8uild'mg Inepeclors rsvlew P� to fk►sl lnsr�edlon. � �� ,, ,. , ��„��� - • � ���'i �%� %i��..i . �.% , _ �. , r. � "'' , . ���� ArrhlE.� _, i t',r, �,� '� �.�,� p ����1 iM rfsnw �/� �A/// ��I� �� �lli 1'�NO� �� -3= �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-29-2011 at 11:02:48 04/29/2011 Statement �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Statement Number: R110000382 Amount: $835.22 04/29/201110:59 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #28805 / ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0090 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-064-0205-7 Site Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI Total Fees: $4,965.17 This Payment: $835.22 Total ALL Pmts: $835.22 Balance : $ 4, 12 9. 95 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 835.22 �� � BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate permits are required for e�ectrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. Project Street Address: Z% � �AS?' �l a1�Sl�/-� C� �f �2 GL� (Number) (Street) (Suite #) BuildinglComplexName: �//�li-� ����.1`��T16���` �t�D�a-�i� 1�-��s �,��,�. Contractor Information: \ �� Company: ALPIN� �OU/�'7"QIN �fJViL�.�S'l�. Company Address: �� C� 1 Ciry: �i.vA�C�S State: �� z�p: g1�3� Contad Name: �a1� /��«-�- Contact Phone: �� d� 3��O � l ��� E-Mail J�,��'t � c'�c,Vh y� VCLt �� �� 3n1 � Vail �ontractor Regi ration No. 3 3� r'l '� A Signature (required) Property Information ,,y` A.� �, f•-; Parcel #: �' � !� '��l �'{ �.��� ° �, �,.-�e��..�it,x'.. „;i�'w (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) Tenant Name: ���` Owner Name: Va I�- ����%�"Ti °�14�' v"�° l.ln1�� �(,��25 �SSA�, _ �___.__,��.,�,.� Valuations (Labor 8� Material)) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: i i Total: $ ��ja.�0oc� $ � $ � $ r ��l ��,avv Office Use: � /J �� / ��3 Z Project #: ��— � DRB #: ;J � ►1 ��� Building Permit #: Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Detailed Description of Work: �����F'�`!T 6� i�t�►2KIr►� S�yt,UCfUt2� ►ed�1W6s � j�A[�ti ���o✓��-rt� �,�c�� ap G�� 6 C'.zs►eyt t v�� � �AG,; N C� ?��s� �rJ i� (Q� . (use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (� Repair ( ) Other ( ) Work Type Interior ( ) Exterior (x) Both ( ) Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family �) Commercial ( ) Other ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Yes (� No () Monitored Alarm? Yes (� ) No ( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes () No (p� #& Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log X Wood/Pellet Wood Burning D� #& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood/Pellet Wood Bumin I� C�,��uv � I � � Date Received: n APR 2 "� 201 � 8-Jun-09 s �� 10-12-2011 Inspection Request Re Va�l Cn - Cltv � ng Page 11 Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, October 13, 2011 Site Address: 300 E LIONSHEAD CR VAIL VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDOS, NORTH ELEVATI A/P/D Information Activity: 611-0090 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occu�panc�y: Use: Insp Area: Owner: VAIL INTERNATIONAL CONDQ ASSOC Contractor: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. Phone: 970-926-8703 Description: REPLACEMENT OF PARKING STRUCTURE RAILINGS AND DECK RAILINGS ON NORTH SIDE OF CONDO Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. Comments: 376-1082 Assigned To: ""`""`"*""" Action: Time Exp: Item: 420 Special Inspect-final rept Requestor: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS INC. Comments: 376-1082 Assigned To: "'*"'"�""`"' Action: Time Exp: _ em: 4 PLAN - FINAL C/O R uestor: ALPINE MOUNTAIN BUILDERS I C. C mments: 376-1082 Assi Adi o: BGIBSON Time Exp: �, D�,�V�.� ID - I 3� I I Requested Time: 09:30 AM Phone: 970-926-8703 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 10:30 AM Phone: 970-926-8703 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 08:15 AM Phone: 970-926-8703 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Inspection Historv Item: 410 Sp06%21%11 elnsprectoss r�p� �' Approved ""` Action: AP APPROVED R Comment: EXTERIOR GYPSUM 1ST FLOOR ONLY BETWEEN STAIRS ONLY APPROVED Item: 30 BLDG-Framing "" Approved '`" 06/14/11 Inspector: mdenney Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: 2nd and 3rd floor sof�its. typ railing detail. Provide SI report for structural steel and bolting 06/30/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: Soffit east and west parking structure 07/26/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 3rd and 4th floor soffits only Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Item: 420 Special Inspect-final rept Item: 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 13655