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NOTE: THIS PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS/TE AT ALL T/MES � �jy� ({�+(� k� ! 1/�I i/l f)A ta ���.: ' tllle Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0096 Job Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT E AKA 312 Parcel No....: 210108255077 OWNER VML LLC 05/03/2011 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT BLACK DIAMOND FIREPLACE LLC 05/03/2011 PO BOX 7 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: C000003120 CONTRACTOR BLACK DIAMOND FIREPLACE LLC 05/03/201 PO BOX 7 LEADVILLE CO 80461 License: C000003120 Description: remove existing fireplace direct vent install similar direct vent located in living room, same route as old venting Occupancy: Type Construction: Phone: 719-293-0441 Phone: 719-293-0441 Project #: Applied.....: Issued. . . : Valuation P RJ 11-0154 05/03/2011 05/23/2011 $2,779.00 ..................,,«......,.....,,......................................�.....,.., FEE SUMMARY .................�.....................�.�............�..........«..,..,....�,. Building Permit -----------> Electrical Permit ---------> Mechanical Permit ------> Plumbing Permit --------> $83.25 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $54.11 $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 $60.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $15.00 $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 DECLARATIONS Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> ($137.36) Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $80.00 Payments------------------------------> 580.00 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S�ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A - 0 PM. `„� % �`'� .L.�.-ZL�. ��.C2�!F' G' '�i'�� sY�l f� �� i°ature wner or Contractor Date � ��. G P�n� - Print ame combination permit_012811 ..............................................................................................>,.....,�..,«.,......,,...�.........,.�,,............,..........�........,.......,,.,,. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 611-0096 Owner: VML LLC MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT E AKA 312 Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL ..................................................z...,..........,...,�.........,...,..,,,..............,,....,.,.x...,.,,.,...........,,..............................,,..,.,,..,..., combination permit_012811 f � ���� �� ��I ' ! * * * * * * *+r � * * * * r r * * * * «*,t * * * * *.. w , t ««, r * * * * * * * * t,t ,t ,r ,r * * w ,r, r , r , r * r «* * * * * * * t r t * �r ,t,r * * * * * * «* «,t * * te * +e :t. w. +» �r * * * * * * , r , r «, r «*, r , r * , t «r * * r * r * * t * * * * tr * * a * t *. w w. *,t * * * w * * * «««w x * r « REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 611-0096 Owner: VML LLC MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT E AKA 312 Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL *�*.,,,,*****««****«****«„**.,.,*****,,,,«********,.*****«,.,,*********«*******�*******««„********k**«*«********************«****«***********************,,�*** Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00390 MECH-Final combination permit_012811 ***+**+**************************++*++************************************+*************+*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******************�**************************+**************+++**************************** Statement Number: R110000524 Amount: $80.00 05/23/201101:06 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: SAB Notation: CASH - CHARLIE GOERDT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0096 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-5507-7 Site Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT E AKA 312 Total Fees: $80.00 This Payment: $80.00 Total ALL Pmts: $80.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 WC 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 }�;��`��4$�����1 �'�.� �"� - � {� , �j „ ` F . :.... r� :: ;`_ .�,�:; � ��. ;� � ? �� ��� :� � �F ��' � �, Departmen# of":Community De�elopmen��=k � � � ��� � � ���`� ���� � � �, 75 South Fr�ntage�Ro�� � � � � �, � 4� � �S� . ` ��� ` q. � � �� �� , ;s� ,� f: � � , �, ¢ , �al�;";C�U�OCa��« i� �� S p�7� ��; �'�������t � ," ' � ,.:�'` �a"�@.1,�� � � � �� �, � �:� s, �� ��; x � .� �P�,� r %� ��. _ ..a'��5�_. . '+ . � . ., . .. . _ _. < _. ,�,.. .r . . .`� £ . < r y _ . , , `4 � � -� � Dev�lop er��R �� :,�� � �, ���€ � ,� °;S m„ . � . . _ .� �+.c . � s`r.P'�* � r �. , .�a? . . . . � Y' • , �.� . :.., .. . �_ . . , �" � . z„ �� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project #: � �S � � ' U �, > `{ , �� � � �a�l� E- (Number) (Street) (Suite #)' DRB #: Building/Complex Name: �� 1 � ¢ �j ,,T ,� Building Permit #: � \ " � l � Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Contractor Information ---- -- - -- — ----..._ Business Name: � Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration � Business Address: �� � Type of Building: City _ State: Cr Zip: ���� %� Single-FamilY () Duplex () Multi-Family� / ` Commercial ( ) Other ( ) Contact Name: v: � *° Contact Phone: ^� Work Type: Interior� Exterior () Both () Contact E-Mail: � _�� Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Wor1c Contractor tion Number: , Electrical ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No �}-, 0 X Mechanical �jYes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No L ( O er/ wner's Represen ' ignature (Required) Plumbing ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No Project Information Building ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No Owner Name: � d ' Parcel � �Q � � �� �� � 7 � Value of all work being performed: $ (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3� (For ParceP#� conWct Eagle County Assessors OfFice at (970-328-8640 or visit i www.eayiecounry.us�par;e) Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: � � !Mr (use additional sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # _ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # � exp date: ♦ Date Received: �I(� �.� MAY 0 2 201 � �� )V1iiv oF 'v�►� O1-Jan-11 /� TRANSMITTAL FORM ; Revision Submittals: 1_ "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections wi[I be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. ; 3. Fees for re�iewing revisions are $55_00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance- I Permit #(s) information appfies to: Attention: ; �L�2D�1p � Project Street Address: (,lM �Y' � a °� �. l�'ZEaoo� �2 a • 3 (Number) (Street) (Suite #) �1'L � . — Building/Complex Name: Confact lnformation_ ` Company: ��jL.r4C.iL �1riOv� �� REPLA Cf� � Company Address: 1" D �n�t ! Ciy: �„rr qpV � L.L� State: �� Zip: ` Contact name: � Contad Phone: 1 i � ' oC �,_,� — � �� E-Mail ' Revised ADDITIONAL Vafuaiions {Labor 8� Materiats) (DO NOT include original va(uation) ( ) R sions ( esponse to Correction Lerter attached copy of correction (etEer ( ) Deferred Submittai I ( ) Ofher Description / List of Changes: ��T�.t 1 �u �n i F� oo �e. Pc,E! nI (use additional sheet ir" necessary) Date Received: pC�C�`���1�(� � Ma� � � zo» TOWN OF Vl�IL _F SLACI; DIAMOND FIREPLACE P.O. SOX Z LEI�DVILLE CO. 8046 9� Z 19-293-0481 1����, ��� �� � J� � , � � � �� � � od o� T�" c�t°S�d' �s �i�e.. � � �r����1� � � � � . m�U�c�c� �/'ci>� �B// — d 0 �%�O � ' �� ��� ��� p C��I�D�1� � � MAY 1 "� 20�1 � �'OWN OF VAIL � �L � �� ;�' � Y ___ � i/��-��/-�( ;� o�rr��► � '�., HEAT-N-G�I.ip LISTED U� VENTED DECORATIVE GAS FIH`�PLACE � a Heat•N•Gto, a division of Hearth Technologies Inc. � 8R54 C � 6665 West Highway 13, Savage, MN 55378 � CFX-DA Modele Seriai CFX-DAN ANSI Z21.50-1996• Serte Vented Gas Firepla eG oyer aungaz a evacuation VENTED GAS FIREPLACE - NOT FOR USE WITH SOLID FUEL. FOYER A GAZ VENTILE. NE DOIT PAS ETRE UTILISE AVEC UN COMBUSTIBLE SOLIDE. Typ�* of Gas/Sorte De Gaz Natu�as Min. P�rrr�issibie Gas Supply For Purpo�es of Input AdJustment Approv. Min. �e Gaz Acceptable 5.0 in w.c. Po. Col. d'eau Max. PressJPression 14.0 in w.c. Po. Col. d'eau Manffold Pressure/Pression 3`� in, w.c, Po. Col. d'eau Requires one of the foliowing vent kits for proper installation: DVK-01 D - Horizontal Termination DVK-01TRD, DVK-F�EX3-02A dVK-FLEX3-02D, DVK-Fl.EX3-027RD DVK-NCD - Vertical Termination Normal Power Consumption: A�d de: 0-2000 FT. ��N CANADA) 2_----- 500 FT. Input: Max.40,000 36,000 � _ __.L.TU_ H.1__ �--' Orifice Size: #31 DMS #32 DMS R�quiert une ou ptusieurs trousesses suivantes pour 1'installation : DVK-01 D- La terminaison du horizontal DVK-01TRD, DVK-FLEX3-02A DVK-FLEX3-02D, DVK-FLEX3-02TRD DYK-NCp - La terminaison du vertical 120 Vac, 60Hz, less than 12 Amperes. 120 Vac, 60F►z, moins de 12 Amperes. This app!iance must be installed in accordance with locai codes, if any; if none, foltow the current ANSI Z223. i or CANiCGA-B149, Instailation Codes, Installer I'appareil selon les codes ou reglements locaux, ou, en I'absence de tels reglements, selon les codes d'installation CAN/CGA-61qg, This Froduct is covered by one or more of the following patents (kcs nroduits sont cowerts par un ou plusieurs des brevets suivants): (United States) 4,112,g13; 4,408,594; 4,422,426; 4,424,792; 4,520,79 i; =. 793,322; 4,852,54g; 4,875,464; 5,000,162; 5,016,609; 5,076,254; 5,191,877; 5,218,953; 5,328,356; 5,42g,495; 5,452,708; 5,542,407, 5,613,SS7; (qustrafia) 543790; 586383; (Canada) 1,123,Zgg, � P97 �qs, 2,195,264; (Mexico) 97•0457; (New Zeatanc� 200265; or other U.S. and foreign patents pending (ou autres brevets americains et etrangers en attente). - - - - - �.r� br r;.:r�:,�-r�y.��..,.,..�,.__. ._. �—___ 514-990 ; �� ,: p���a�� � MAY � � 2�i1 TOWN OF VAIL � t ^ xr Y�� �y l.]� 1 _ i'�,�T� M�j'' F"�� T yr'4�,�,;1 —_. _. . . i� � ' . ... �y�.._:.'Z'. . , , .�. ,, �, . h„ .. ` .� a. }... 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J.� ,��5y.��+r � Q. . , � �i.. : ;.. ..� !��'' '•r��-: K ,� ._ . . ; �,:. ., .f �.�. ._� .�5� F . .. � _� ._� .�� . � . .. . �• .� � . �. �� �� _� � . . -�.. ..LLL.'? /N � V � ,�,"} � �.�:, ,� 0 `\ I `_. �l � � � � r'��'�� f' f ;. #932_ NG 26,000 17,500 Sl% -1 LP 26,000 19,000 80 % #936 NG 36,000 23,000 81 % #936-1 LP 35,000 23,000 80% Steady state efficiency at high burn Install Kozy Hea nace rated, high efficient fireplace and save money - ower your fuel bill w6en you turn your fumace down and heat only the room(s) where you'll be spending tune in. High qualiry borofloat glass � 12" x 27" —#932) (1T' x 30" — #936) Quick-latch glass with standard arched valance Seasonal heat-dump baffle Refractory firebrick panels (back and sides) High-low regularor Zero clearance Parented bumer and log design Tested ro 50 pascals of negative pressure which passesthe Minnesota Energy Code for Residential Ventilation Dura-VentT*' adapter ring for DV-GS pipe (for vertical terminations) Upper and lower grill sets (several sryles/finishes available) Arched valance brass or chrome glass trim Black, brass, and/or chrome "T" trim (#936 only) Decorative scteen doors (several sryles/finishes available) Rectangular valance — replaces the arched valance (#936 only) Valance Screen Automatic fan kit with variable speed control (2 - 75 CFM —#932) (2 - 110 CFM — #936) Remote control or thermostat remote control Wall mount thermostat / wireless wall mount thermostat Decorative (beveled) oval design or paneled design glass (#936 only) Interior or e�cterior black trim (for finishing around edges) Rock refractory (#936 only) Wall, comer cabinet & flush surround - refer to the Cabinetry brochure Each unit factory tested! Tested by Interrek Testiog Services (formerly Warnock Hersey) complies with ANSI Z21.88 - 2002 • CSA 2.33 - M02 `Vented Gas Fireplace Heater' Sealed combustion chamber Removable millivolt board with 30-second delay pilot Requires no electricity ro operate - excluding fan Automauc pressure relief glass system Bedroom and mobile 6ome approved From unit sides/back/top stand-offs - 0" To flooring - 0" From flue vent - 1" From unit glass to an adjacent sidewall - 8" From upper grill oudet to mantel — refer to installation manual QUALITY ['IREPLACES FOR LIiE ������� � Height - 25 1/4" Width - 32 1/Y' Depth - 18 1/Y' Platform - 32" W x 18 1/4" D Firestop Framing - 9 1/2" x 9 1/2" Height - 32 1/4" Width - 36 1/2" Depth - 18 1/2° Platform - 36" W x 18 1/4" D Firestop Framing - 9 1/2" x 9 1!2" #745 Direct vent kit - 4' termination #718 Direct vent kit - S' termination 4" e�chaust, 7" intake co-axial #746 D'uect vent extension kit - 6' additional pipe ro extend the #745 or #718 vent kits Horizontal Terminations Minimum vertical rise - 18" (determined by horizontal run) Minimum horizontal run - 6" Maximum horizontal run - 20' Elbows - (1) 90° (or equivalent thereof) ' 1/4" incline per horizontal foot must be maintained Vertical Terminations Minimum vertical rise - 18" (determined by horizontal run) Maximum vertical run from top of unit - 32' Dura-Vent DV-GS pipe terminanon - 4" x 6 5/8" (vertical only) Adapter #923-C must be used with Dura Vent GS pipe'" Elbows - maximum - (2) 45° Note: Refer ro the #932 DV and #936 DV installation manual for complete installation and venting requirements. t--- z� ��I � zs ta �• � 32.��, #932 DV Model Weight - 145 Ibs. il'nc• ,O �42 �/ss• 59i�/�y � 32uY i8uz O � 1�' I--- �G #936 DV Model Weight - 165 Ibs. —a-- • O r�' � 1���' �a�� TOWN OF VAfL Black Diamond Fireplace , . P.O. Box 7 ��� i � ��`� Leadville CO 80461 �� � � ' 719-293-0481 ----..._________.___.� �.� �� � � �� �e � � � ��� � �� �s�-�- N�� �' � � �� � �dLC�� c� sA-�-c �''f�� R.�cv� �� �-im Rw< < � a�-� vr� � � � f ��� ��� � + ��.�..,�-�- . 0 � � �� �5��7 � �� �/ Z �/ U �� � ` ` � � � u���� �/o � .�� ) � .6 — , �,� ,�,�� �� � � �� a 3 j � �/ � 3 � � v� �y � � ��' Lo �� , 05-25-2011 Inspection Request Re orting Page 16 4:27 pm VaiI,�CO - Citv O� Requested Inspect Date: Thursday May 26, 2011 Site Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT E AKA 312 A/P/D Information Activity: B11-0096 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner: VML LLC Contractor: BLACK DIAMOND FIREPLACE LLC Phone: 719-293-0441 Description: remove existing fireplace direct vent install similar direct vent located in living room, same route as old venting ,_-- ,i—� Ite : 2Q8 MECH-Rough Reque or: BLACK DIAMOND FI PLACE LLC �omm nts: 719-293-0441 ssigne To: '""""""'" Act n: Time Exp: Inspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rough Item: 390 MECH-Finar REPT131 � � � Requested Time: 09:30 AM Phone: 719-293-0441 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Run Id: 13110