HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB060540 APPEAL�� ecar,�rairr o�v��c��+��r A PP� Desi�n �evi�w �c�ar �I�TI�D�i �t)RM D�epartment af C�mmunity Derrelapment 75 South Frnntag� Road, Vaif, Calorada 81b�7 t�1:970.474.2139 f��t.970.�79.��52 web: wrNw.vail'gav.com Project Name: LANDMARK COMMERCIAL CONDOS DRB Number: DRB060540 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL OF COMMERCIAL FACADE RENOVATIONS Participants: OWNER LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CC 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR STE 100 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCNITECTS 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL CO 81657 License: C000001402 ARCHITECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL CO 81657 License: C000001402 11/27/2006 11/27/2006 Phone:970-476-6342 11/27/2006 Phone:970-476-6342 Project Address: 610 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: LANDMARK CONDOMINIUMS Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 1 Subdivision: Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Parcel Number: 2101-063-0706-1 Comments: APPROVED BY TOWN COUNCIL Motion By: MOFFIT Second By: NEWBURY Vote: 6-1 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/13/2007 Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 8 r (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Pianner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: �300.00 . -- � i ���F' YA� ' A�,�ea�s Form Depa'rtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road., Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com i �D i L�C�[�OM� FEB 2 J 20U7 � .,�r011�li� C�F \/e�1I General Information: This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board, or Planning and Enviranmentai Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar days of the disputed action/decision. ""' "°N" ` ;�".. � Action/Decision being appealed: �..,.�,�.,�.�,� ,Q�°` ��.� v,, _;,; ,��=�" f�'°;.��,,,�'�.., ��'::;� /Y7��1'='�:;�-°z1/�`~'b�1,�.r�._! �" � 7�1.� ��'�i4,jC.._ f`�C�,/'�k`�..� y- ��T �..� :�.. l �`�'1 �f? �... ��Jl�1 t7t� �i�J ) �"...8 j C� �`'� `� DateofAction/Decision: _��,�.,.,� �/� ��'�.�;,�. Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: ,���/�;,�.f ,/�x'=� � f.�'i,�.,z ��`��', {:-��-�y Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land (yes) no) If yes, are you an adjacent property owner? (yes (no) , Name of Appellant(s): �.�".n.iti�i'l�}"Z°r�rt`�;.. Ca��+�-�C/�'� _.G%.� :�'�'�,� �'��`--f%�a Mailing Add / Physical Address in Vail: ��l� Legal Description of Appellant(s) Property Appellant(s) Signature(s): /�� r�' # �L-- / c7 e� � �;� i°�`�'� �"� �./ P.�C� �- Phone• ��' ���� � � . il: Lot� BlockL Subdivision: � lv�St�'..�P;.'`j � �t.L�. � /� .� r' (Attach a list of signatures if more�pace is required). Submittal Requirements: 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". 2. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. 3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of alt owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening barrier). 4. Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS T0: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Only: Date Received: Activity No.: Planner: Project No.; F:\Users\cdevlFORMS�APPLIC1Appeals.doc FEBRUARY 22, 2007 APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DECISION LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY STATUS AS AGGRIEVED PERSON The Aggrieved person is the Applicant. NATURE OF APPEAL The Applicant, Owner of the Commercial Space at the Landmark Condominium, desires to install improvements to the existing facades of the Landmark Building in Lionhead. The Applicant met with the Design Review Board (DRB) several times and incorporated many changes suggested by the DRB. At the February 21, 2007 meeting the DRB conducted a vote on the Application and the vote culminated in a 2-2 (Dunning, Rogers against) tie, resulting in disapproval of the Application. The objections of the DRB were focused on the extent of glass incorporated in the design. Dunning referenced the Vail Village Design Considerations (which apply only to the CC 1 zone district) as allowing only 70% of the wall surface as glass. The Applicant referenced the Lionshead Master Plan Architectural Design Guidelines, Section, which states "with no limits set on the amount of glass permitted at retail level". The amount of glass proposed by the Applicant is significantly less than what exists today due to the amount of stone veneer that is incorporated into the design. The Applicant believes the proposed design will provide a superior retail fa�ade and requests that the Town Council overturns the action of the Design Review Board. It is the Applicant's intention to implement the improvements this spring in advance of the Streetscape installation planned for summer and fall. If the project is not started this spring the project will have to be delayed an entire year because the construction associated with the Streetscape would prohibit staging this fall. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, March 13, 2007, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Design Review Board's denial of a minor alteration design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for commercial fa�ade renovations, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB06- 0540) Appellant: Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. \� �� \�� ��� 03-09-07;11:04AM; ;19709490839 # 1/ 2 511ERRY DORWARD ASLA LANDSCAPE ARC111TECT PO 130X 376G 151•9 BlJfl`LI•IR CR[EI� ROA� b31 VAtI.. COLURADA RiGSH March 9. 2007 Members of Vafl Town Councll 75 South Frontcage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 (Sent vla email) Re: Appeal to Councll of Deslgn Revlew Board Denlal Landmark Condominlums Comme�clal Facade Dea� Councll Members; In the past, when a declslon of the Qesign Revlew Board has been appealed to Council, DRB members have been Invited to write an explanatlon of thelr votes. In the case of the Lcandmark Condominlums, whlch came to DR6 for Its flnal hearing on February 21, the DRB members were divided 2-2 (Fritzlen recused), a vote that constltuted denlal of the applicants' deslgn for Improvement of the retall fo�ade, Mine was one of the two votes to approve the deslgn, I would Ilke to explaln why 1 felt then that the pro)ect deserved approval a�d why I urge you to overtum the DRB's denlol, DRB hdd previously revfewed canceptual plans for this renovatlon on, I beileve, at levst three occaslons, and In each sesslon the dlalogue was both constructiva and supportive of the design team's approach. The board was sympathetic to the dlfflculty of refacing a dated, overscaled 1970's precast concrete bullding and the urgency of doing so successfully If the retailers ore to remaln competltive with Arrabelle across the street. in the speclfic malter of the Commerclal fa�ade, the board had already endorsed the additlon of stone veneer, stone columns, an overhead awning structure, new wlndows above the corner shop e�trance, and Improved Ilghting of wlndow dlsplays. Still, at the last meeting, an issue surfaced regarding the area and extent of the ground floor shop windows. An excerpt from the 1980 Vail Viilaee Urban Design Gulde Plan was dls�rlbuted by the planner whlch states that "the most characterlstic and successful ground floor facades (In the village core) range from 5596 to �096 of the total length of the commerciai fa�ade" (paee 17, "Vall Vlllage Desi�n Consideratlons"), Based on thls, as well as some uncertointy about proposed dlsploy cases In the stone co�umns (glass "vltrines"), the two dlssenting members felt the Landma�k commerclal focade had too much glass, In splte of the fact that the new deslgn for the commerclal fo�ode actually reduces the area of glass fram what exists todoy, two members felt this one fcactor was sufFcient justlflcatlon to veto the appllcation, This is an unsupportoble basls for denial, Firstly, the 1980 plan does not suggest this rotlo as a maxlmum: on the contrary, It only says thot "transparent store fronts are people attroctors"...and that "g�ound floor commercial facades are 970.a76,�537 pl�onclfaa 970.4i0.3930 cci( sddor�v;irdCUmsn.cum 03-09-07;11;04AM; ;19709490839 # 2/ 2 proportionately more transparent than upper floors," Secondly, the Urban Deslgn Gulde Plan applles to the village core only, where tradmonai Alpine archltectural styling may be less compatlble wlth lorge expanses of glass. It fs essentloily Irrelevant for Llonshead, whlch has a dlfferent - and obviously stlii evolving - character. Thirdiy, the architectu�al deslgn guldellnes In the lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan speclflcally state that "commercial fronts,.. must hwe the ablllty to display shop wares... (and) are therefore permltted more latltude wlth respect to,..amounts of glazing" (page 8-14), Finally, In every relevant pollcy dec{slon, the Council has been supportive of actlons that strengthen the retail envl�onment, not constroln it, I do hope these comments asslst you In maklne a decision to support the renovatlon of the londmark commerclal frontage and overtum the DRB denlal. eest regards, Z��'.��� Sherry Dorword, ASLA Cc: Bfll Glbson, planner, TOV Community Development Department Bill Plerce, Frlizlen Plerce Architects Page 2 +► . LANDMARg COM1ViERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 610 W. Lionshead Circle, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 970-476-3535 Febn�ary 14, 2007 Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Hsud Delivered to: Bill Gibson (2115/07) Dear Board Members: I am the owner of the commercxal space of the Landmark Building and I have been apprised of the recent responses/suggestions made by the Design Review Board concerning out design plans for redevelopment. Bill Fierce and others have be�a before the DRB for over two months now in regards of obtaining DRB approval for our project. We feel that Pierce's design plans for the commercial space aze outstanding and create a dynamic retail presez�ce for Lionshead. A# the last DRB meeting there w�e a few more is�►es that needed to be addressed. This came as a complete swprise to us and has cost us another two week delay of going forth on this project. I would ask you to understand that timing is crucial for us to have a start date of mid April and completion by June 30�` of 2007. This time frazne is imperative for staging with the Fire Depart�c�t (which we have met with M'ike McGee on) and also the currecIItt streetscape proje�t. If we are delayed witil the Fall we will then have difficulties with coordinating with streetscape efforts and also impose a lengthier hardship on ow tenants which they have alre�dy s��stained for over two years. In light of the above, I would ask that if there is anything else that need be addressed that we have not foreseen to date, that you would make us aware of these issues before the next DRB meeting on February 21°� so that we can pr�ent options to those issues in hopes of getting final approval. I have been told that a major concem the DRB has at this time is the amount of display glass and the style of the vitrines (glass display cabinets). Pierce's office has reviewed the is�te of "too much glass" and has determined that with the added stone veneer, we actually have d'uninished the amourn of display glass from the ea�isting fa�ade. As for the vitrines, Bill Pierce has tweaked the design a bit and we think it is a creative way of dispiaying our merchandise for increased sales. �'f s �� We feel our redevelopment project needs to make a dynamic, creative statement because of Arabelle's overshadowing presence acxoss the way. We believe that Pierce's firm has come up with such a design that will enhance the Landmark Building and Lionshead as a whole. Again, I reiterate that time for us, is of the essence and appreciate your response and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, �0 ,La,�,�C. /�,.o.��..��,►.,.... RICHARD N. BROWN, Partner Landmark Commercial Cc: Bill Pierce Geoff Wright � FROM: DATE MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Development Department February 13, 2007 � �� � ��,� � J�k� � � � �, �� v� L�, �� SUBJECT: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application for a minor alteration, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for storefront fa�ade renovations, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB06-0540) � � � Appellant: Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Landmark Building located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3. The appellant, Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is appealing the Design Review Board's February 21, 2007, denial of a design review application for a minor alteration, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for storefront farade renovations. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellant, Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, has standing to file an appeal as they are the owners and representatives of 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application for a minor alteration, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for storefront faCade renovations, located at West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-05, Vail Town Code, the Vail Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: "The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met." IV. BACKGROUND On February 7, 2007, the Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the appellanYs proposal to renovate the storefront facades of the Landmark Building adjacent to the Lionshead Mall. The Design Review Board had only two issues of concern that the V appellant agreed to address at the Board's next public hearing: provide architectural detail drawings further describing the assembly of the proposed stonework and reduce the overall amount of storefront window glazing to be more consistent with the style of an outdoor pedestrian village, rather than an indoo� shopping mall. The dissenting board members were concerned this project could be precedent setting for other storefront renovations in Lionshead. On February 21, 2007, the Design Review Board held a public hearing for the final review of the appellant's design review application for a minor alteration to allow for storefront fa�ade renovations to the Landmark Building. The Board evaluated the plans that the appellant had revised since the Board's February 7, 2007, hearing. The Board was supportive of the appellant's proposed stonework details. However, the Board was split concerning the appellant's revised storefront window plans. Two board members believed the appellant's revised plans addressed their concems about the amount of window glazing, while the other two board members believed a further reduction of the window glazing was necessary. The dissenting Board members did not believe the revised windows met the intent of Section, Exterior poors and W indows, of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Since the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan does not have a quantitative window standard, the dissenting Board members used the Vail Village Design Considerations standard of 55% to 70% of commercial storefront window transparency as a point of reference. Since the February 21, 2007, hearing, Staff has done some rough calculations based upon the appellant's architectural plans. The appellant is proposing approximately 50% to 60% of the exterior wall surface areas to be window and door openings. Approximately 60% to 70% of the total linear wall perimeter includes some form of window or door opening, with a maximum of 85% of the length of an individual wall segment. The Board voted 2-2 (Dantas and Dorward approve the revised application as submitted. and the application was therefore denied. in favor; Dunning and Rogers opposed) to The motion for approval failed by a split vote On February 23, 2007, the appellant filed an appeal the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Section 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for storefront fa�ade renovations at the Landmark Building, located at 610 West . Lionshead Circle. Architectural plans (Attachment A), the appellant's appeals form and letter (Attachments B and C), an excerpt from the Vail Village Design Considerations (Attachment D), and the public notice (Attachment E) have all been attached for reference. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Town Code Section 12-3 Administration and Enforcement (in part) Section 12-3-3: Appeals (in part) C. Appeal of Planning and Environmental Commission Decisions and Design Review Board Decisions: 2 f 1. Authority: The Town Council shall have the authorify to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to the provisions of this Title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. 5. Findings: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met. Section 12-11 Design Review (in part) 12-11-1: INTENT: A. Attractive Attributes Recognized: Vail is a Town with a unique natural setting, internationally known for its natural beauty, alpine environment, and the compatibility of manmade structures wifh the environment. These characteristics have caused a significant number of visitors to come to Vail with many visitors eventually becoming permanent residents parficipating in community life. B. Area Character Protection: These factors constitute an important economic base for the Town, both for those who earn their living here and for those who view the Town as a precious physical possession. The Town Council �nds that new development and redevelopment can have a substanfial impact on the character of an area in which it is located. Some harmful effects of one land use upon another can be prevented through zoning, subdivision controls, and building codes. Other aspects of development are more subtle and less amenable to exact rules put into operation without regard to specific development proposals. Among these are the general form of the land before and after development, the spatial relationships of structures and open spaces fo land uses within the vicinity and fhe Town, and the appearance of buildings and open spaces as they contribute to the area as it is being developed and redeveloped. In order to provide for the timely exercise of judgment in the public interest in the evaluation of fhe design of new development and redevelopment, the Town Council has created a Design Review Board (DRB) and design criteria. C. Design Review: Therefore, in order to preserve the natural beauty of the Town and its setting, to protect the welfare of the community, to maintain the values created in the community, to protect and enhance land and property, for the promotion of health, safety, and general welfare in the community, and to attain the objectives set out in this Section; the improvemenf or alteration of open space, exterior design of all new development, and all modifications to existing development shall be subject to design review as speci�ed in this Chapter. D. Guidelines: It is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possible to the individual designer while at the same time maintaining the remarkable nafural beauty of the area by creating structures which are designed to complement both their individual sites and surroundings. The objectives of design review shall be as follows: 3 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this interdependence may continue to bene�t its citizens and visitors. 2. To allow for the development of public and private property which is in harmony with the desired character of the Town as defined by the guidelines herein provided. 3. To prevent the unnecessary destruction or blighting of the natural landscape. 4. To ensure that the architectural design, location, con�guration materials, colors, and overall treatment of built-up and open spaces have been designed so that they relate harmoniously to the natural landforms and native vegetation, the Town's overall appearance, with surrounding development and with o�cially approved plans or guidelines, if any, for the areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made for such matters as pedestrian and vehicular tra�c, surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light and air, and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Exterior poors and Windows Window Sizes, Shapes and Types As with exterior doors, window sizes sl�ould be appropriate to their surrounding wall materials, with narrow, relatively tall windows used in stone or concrete, and larger, more expansive windows used in field materials such as stucco and wood siding, orin window wall assem6lies. Fenestration within field materials should be designed with decorative trim and sills, or heavy structural frames, so they do not appear as "punch-outs" within those materials. Windows located along retail streets and other public ways offer locations in which to display goods to pedestrians, and should therefore be designed with particular care. Window walls should be designed in proportion to their associated frontages, with windows at large retail centers or hotels significantly larger than those found in smaller, more intimate shops. Otherfenestration, regardless of/ocation, shou/d be designed as part of an obvious hierarchy, with lower-level, retail street openings the /argest, and windows above somewhat smaller. Shapes of windows should a/so relate directly to their locafions on the building, with rectangular shapes being the most prevalenf. Fenestration located within the middles of buildings shou/d be shaped and organized info fairly regular patterns, to establish rhyfhm and continuity. Specially-shaped windows are encouraged at walls along retail frontages, or as custom openings in disfinct areas of private residences. They are also appropriate at dormers and other special roof elements. As with doors, specially-shaped windows should relate to the overall building architecture. And as a general rule, the variety of geometric shapes used should be limited to 3 on any given building. 4 Acceptable window types include high-quality fixed, double-hung, awning, and casement units. Sliding windows and multiple-opening units such as jalousie are generally lesser- quality units not conducive to the mountain environment and should be avoided. At retail levels, bay, box and bow windows are encouraged fo animate the pedestrian street and integrate public and semi-public domains. All windows should strive to add visual interest through careful design of mullions, muntins, and divided lites. The intent of the Guidelines is to recall the regional heritage through the thoughfful design of fenestration and how it re/ates in scale, proportion, and materials, to the tripartite order of structures within the community. Window Materials and Colors � Windows within Lionshead shall be painted orstained wood, orclad in maintenance-free metals such as copper, or aluminum and steel with baked finishes. Copper cladding may be left to pafina naturally, while baked enamel colors for aluminum and steel cladding should be similar to trim co/ors, and in similar complementary hues to wall colors or stained wood colors. Factory finishes should be selected to withstand the intense ultraviolet radiation found at higher elevations, and prolonged fade-resistant warranties should be considered. In addition, glazing shall be non-reflective, to minimize off-site glare, particularly from the ski mountain. Decorative shutters are permitted within Lionshead only if fhey are designed to operate or appear to operate. When used, they should be constructed of wood and finished with durable stains or paints. Their design and placement should be consistent and should not take on a random or haphazard appearance. Design freedom is encouraged within these parameters, and within the context of fhe otherarchitectural elements found on the building, including handrail designs, ornamental iron, and similar detailing. VI. Findinqs On an appeal, the Town Council shall make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, have or have not been met. Should the Town Council choose to uphold the Design Review Board's denial of this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Council makes the following findings: "The Town Council finds: 1. The proposed minor exterior alteration does not comply with Chapter 11, Design Review, Vail Town Code. 2. The proposed minor exterior alteration does not comply with all requirements of fhe Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, specifically Sections Exteriorpoors and Windows." Should the Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial of this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Council makes the following findings: 5 "The Town Council �nds: 1. The proposed minor exterior alteration complies wifh Chapter 11, Design Review, Vail Town Code. 2. The proposed minor exterior alteration complies with all requirements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, specifically Sections Exterior Doors and Windows." VII. ATTACHMENTS A. Architectural Plans B. Appellant's appeal form C. Letter from the appellant D. Vail Village Design Considerations (excerpt) E. Public notice and list of notified properties C� Lyni� Frilzlen: :41A. Arc.l�iled 1�Villiam � Fierce, .Architrrcl 1��+�n DeardulL Direitoru(:�rc;Iiileclure Kathy He�linga, l�iiir.e Mana�er February 14, 2007 Dear Bill: Attachment: A FRiTZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Attached please find information related to The Landmark Commercial DRB final application. FRITZLEN PIERCE As you know, we are committed to retaining the Vitrines in the commercial fa�ade, and have included information and photographs supporting the design and inclusion of them. We are supported by the tenants who feel that the vitrines are an important component of the retail display system at the fa�ade. We have reduced the overall size of the windows by increasing the width of the stone on either side of the windows. Additional information supports the detail of the base of the wall which we feel is both important to the integrity of the stone and responds to specific comments in the Lionshead Design recommendations. A sample of the actual stone is included and, as you can see, the stone is fairly delicate. We feel it should not extend to the ground. . I am, Very sincerely yours, Tyson 5. Dearduff Director of Architecture tE>5n Fast Vail Valley Drive, Fallri�l;�e C-1, V3i�, C(��i?I'�C�U Sil ��i' P: U.'(l.�l?b.bi�2 f : `{ � (1.4; (�.�l��tl1 E: infor�vailarchitccts.com �n:�..�a: vail�rrhi1FC15_i nm LANDMARK CO1VIlViERCIAL DEVELOPMEN'T COMPANY 610 W. Lionshead Circle, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 970-476-3535 FebntaYy 14, 2007 Ta� ofv� Design Review Board 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Hand Delivered to: Bill Gnbson (2/15/0'n Dear Board Members: I am the owne� of the commercial space of the Iandmark Building and I have been apprised of the rec,ent responses/sugge.stions made by the Design Review Board conceming out design plans for redevelopme�t. Bill pierce and athezs have bee� before the DRB for over two months now in regards of obtaining DRB appraval for o�ur project. We feel that Pierce's design plans for the commercial space are outstanding and create a dynamic r�etail presence fur Lionshead. At the last DRB m�eting there w�e a few more issues that needed to be addressed- This came as a complete surprise to us and has cost us anothe�' tv�►o week deday of going forth on this project. I would ask you to understand that �g is �� for us to have a start date of mid April and completion by June 30'� of 2007. This time frame is impe�i�e for staging with the Fire Departrnent (which we have met with Mke Mc�ee on) and also the current streetscape proled- If we are delayed uutil the Fall we will then have difficulties with coordinating with stree�tsscape �fforts and also impose a lengthier hardshig on our tenants which they have already sustained for over two years. In light of the above, I would ask that if there is az►ything else that n�d be addressed that we bave not fore.seen to d�, tl�at you would make us a�ware of these issues before the . next DRB meeting on February 21"� so that we can prese� options to those issues in hopes of getting finai approval. I have been told that a major concern the DRB has at this time is the amoum of disglay glass and the style of the vitrines (glass display c�binets). Pierce's office has revie�ved the issue of "too much glass„ and has determined th�t with the added stone veneer, we actually have diminished the �nt of disPlay glass from the existing fe�ade. As for the v�trines, gill pierce has tweaked the desiga a bit and we thinlc it is a creative way of displaying our merchandise for increa.4ed sales. -2- ro ect needs to make a dynamic, creative statement because We feel our redevelopment P J We believe that Pierce' S�� of Arabelle's overshadowing presence across the way. Building and Lionshead as a come up with such a design that will enhance the Landmark whole. Again, I reiterate that time for us, is of the essence and appreciate your resFonse and consideration m tlus matter. Sincerely, ��,�,�',C, �w���•,�._.. RICHA.RD N. BROWN, Partner Landmark Commercial Cc: Bill Pierce Ceoff Wright • STANDAR� AB9REY�ATIONO � �� �n M19G.AO9REVIATION9 ��0.�� WMC FW� n�Wv it P�it! JNtt 1E a �c.,� ��,� vRn.niw cor+v�*rriows F-} . a..,. � G �;,._.,. ��� (�-,}"_-.._._ �- •T?��A N:.�:� ��Z�..�_ �_ �_� MATERI/LL 51?!@O�_5 ,�'.:,� �.�, �� f'o'�`0ia��i � LL :�'.�?�s ,�� ,.K.....o i%%;. R�.���'` �i4'�'�� '�F�i� �r--�' ���i .a. >,o..... 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FRITZLEN PIERCE The Landmark Condominiums � Commerc.i�l Stc�r�fronC Rendering �"-.' `��+li' � , "7�..a.""�»a�'D�,y .,.*, . t�� � 1 � `� ^� _ �-. . , . .. . �. � ^e� . � . , �- �. . .. _ . .c. _ � .< ,. , z; i a; 2or�� LIONSHEAD MALL SEGTION � PUBLIG R.O.W.(A4� x,u.e, uo xµ.e LIONSHEAD SEGTION � PUBLIG R.O.W. �BS) xKe� no x,ue j 1 �'� 0� VAi� ' Attachment B Appea�s Form Depa'rtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road., Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com 1 � � � � � � FEB 2:� 2U�7 TOWN O� VAIL General Information: This form is required for filing an appeal of a StafF, Design Review Board, or Planning and Environmental Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be submitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar days of the disputed action/decision. Action/Decision being appealed: ��/,AL.� �� ��� ,r�f "�'�''�`'-��,�� ��. l/'7? F�'�...�-� 1���-�-�-�t'�'� 7..r� �`�"T�jt, F`� G,�,�� ��T .1...� r..f ��'J� �-�- � ov.� 73'11,+�../ 1 U rYt � Dateof Action/Decision: ��� ��. �°�" c�-;�- Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: y�S�6sV ��c //�.i.�.? �l�°�:-F%'� Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land (yes) no) If yes, are you an adjacent property owner? (yes (no) , NameofAppellant(s): �tk�f%��T.�..'�'�• Car�'7y�-J�Gi�'-�,,,.- ,_,t,��C..'t��?�..-tiii �a Mailing Address Physical Address in Vail: c�1 Q Legal Description of Appellant(s) Property Appellant(s) Signature(s): � /�� �n.�/ .�./C�/Lj�I;��a� �".� L� P��� Phone• �� �J��� � : Lot;.� BlockL Subdivision: � Jo�'S��P�`�� (Attach a list of signatures if more�pace is required). Submittal Requirements: 1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affected person". 2. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. 3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of property who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent proPerty owners (including owners whose properties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening barrier). 4. Provide 5tamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3.). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITfAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII, COLORADO 81657. F:�Users\cdevlFORMSWPPLIC1Appeals.doc - - Attachment C ,' FEBRUARY 22, 2007 APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DECISION LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY STATUS AS AGGRIEVED PERSON The Aggrieved person is the Applicant. NATURE OF APPEAL The Applicant, Owner of the Commercial Space at the Landmark Condominium, desires to install improvements to the existing facades of the Landmark Building in Lionhead. The Applicant met with the Design Review Board (DRB) several times and incorporated many changes suggested by the DRB. At the February 21, 2007 meeting the DRB conducted a vote on the Application and the vote culminated in a 2-2 (Dunning, Rogers against) tie, resulting in disapproval of the Application. The objections of the DRB were focused on the extent of glass incorporated in the design. Dunning referenced the Vail Village Design Considerations (which apply only to the CC1 zone district) as allowing only 70% of the wall surface as glass. The Applicant referenced the Lionshead Master Plan Architectural Design Guidelines, Section, which states "with no limits set on the amount of glass perxnitted at retail level". The amount of glass proposed by the Applicant is significantly less than what exists today due to the amount of stone veneer that is incorporated into the design. The Applicant believes the proposed design will provide a superior retail fa�ade and requests that the Town Council overturns the action of the Design Review Board. It is the Applicant's intention to implement the improvements this spring in advance of the Streetscape installation planned for summer and fa11. If the project is not started this spring the project will have to be delayed an entire year because the construction associated with the Streetscape would prohibit staging this fall. Attachment D Transparency Pedestrian scale is created in many ways, but a major factor is the openness, attractiveness, and generally public character of the ground floor facade of adjacent buildings. Transparent store fronts are "people attractors", opaque or solid walls are more private, imply "do not approach". On pedestrian-oriented streets such as in the Village, ground floor commercial facades are proportionately more transparent than upper floors. Upper floors are typically more residential, private and thus less open. As a measure of transparency, the most characteristic and successful ground floor facades range from 55% to 70% of the total length of the commercial facade. Upper floors are often the converse 30%-45% transparent. Examples of transparency (lineal feet of glass to lineal feet of facade) on ground level: - Covered Bridge Bldg. 58% - Pepi's Sports 71 % - Gasthof Gramshammer 48% - The Lodge 66% - Golden Peak House 62% - Casino Building 30% - Gorsuch Building 51 % � �r''� � rer �Ffaar� .�ta�t���Z 'L ��v�' u�(��� ,,,t�,• 4 �� t7��. � � , � i��� � � � ^ � �� -/ ir�" ; �`' ;�.. � : ��� � .�. � : t f =�r,�K� ��f�+"s �r�dt�r��3��I� . ��i .c�6ky�� �'�� p+���� �►�sk�� � � � f`f� � �� = � �4 �� � �-'"'�—� �v��rfa _ -,.. .;, .,. , . ;,.. :: ,: �r:, ,;•- .:: ;; ... .. ;i .r . ., ., :� },, ti•. . ., , . ; .- • .�: :�. =r;' � ''' -, . • • .:. � • .. ;, ...�.. .. . :. .., ., , , ..n .. � .. . . $p . r , . . •. - . .. .. � �� : •'`-�' . ra .. �C.` � . �� �s ��,Tx�� ' 17 Attachment: E THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, March 13, 2007, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: ITEMlTOPIC: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Design Review Board's denial of a minor alteration design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for commercial fa�ade renovations, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB06- 0540) Appellant: Landmark Commercial Development, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. �\� �� \�� ���