HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC050001a � �GLeac�. -�/t�-rr�-� �,�,�� I�� ��/, %io�,�I Planning and Environmental Commission ACTIO N FO RM r - ���� Department of Communiry Development ���'��' �� �;1;��� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: LANDMARK PEC Number: PEC050001 Project Description: MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION (ELEVATOR TOWER) Participants: OWNER MARY SULLIVAN JOSEPHS TRUST O1/07/2005 MICHELE H. 1308 E CAMPBELL ST ARLINGTON HEIGHTS IL 60004 License: ARCHITECT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 01/07/2005 Phone 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO 81657 License: C000001402 APPLICANT Landmark Condominium Associa03/02/2005 Attn: Geoff Wright 610 W Lionshead Cir Vail CO 81657 License: Project Address: 612 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL LANDMARK CONDOMINIUM-COMMON ELEMENT Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 1 Subdivision: LANDMARK VAIL Parcel Number: 210106307001 Comments: Phone: 970-476-6342 Phone:970-476-1350 Location: Motion By: Kjesbo Second By: Lamb Vote: 7-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 02/14/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0006953 Approval of this major.exterior alteration shall be contingent upon Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $800.00 s y MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: February 14, 2005 SUBJECT: A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12- 7H-6, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of an elevator tower, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle (Landmark Building)/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson I. SUMMARY The applicant, Landmark Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is proposing a major exterior alteration to the Landmark Building, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle, to allow for the construction of a new 7-story elevator tower. The applicant has design this proposal to comply with the parking and building height standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, so no variances are being requested as part of this proposal. Staff is recommending approval, with conditions, of the applicant's proposal, based upon review of the criteria established in Section Vlil of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicani, Landmark Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects, is proposing a major exterior alteration to the Landmark Building, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle, to allow for the construction of a new 7-story elevator tower. The applicant intends for the architectural style and design of this new tower to be complimentary to the architectural style and design of Vail Resort's new Core Site Hotel (ArraBelle Hotel). The applicant has designed this proposal to comply with the parking and building height standards of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, so no variances are being requested as part of this proposal. Additionaliy, this proposal includes the relocation of two parking spaces displaced by the new elevator tower and the relocation of the existing trash dumpster enclosure. A vicinity map illustrating the location of the development site (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B), existing and proposed architectural drawings (Attachment C), and existing site photographs and architectural plans (Attachment D) have been attached for reference. � III. BACKGROUND The Landmark site was annexed into the Town of Vail in 1969 and the Landmark building was originally constructed in 1973. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request for a major exterior alteration, the associated design review application will be reviewed by the Town of Vail Design Review Board at its February 16, 2005, public hearing. IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BOARDS Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the PEC for impacts of use/development, then by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning, and final approval by the Town Council. Planninp and Environmental Commission: The PEC shall review the proposal and issue final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code. Desiqn Review Board: The DRB has no review authority on a major amendment to a special development district, but is responsible for the review any accompanying DRB application. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. Town Council: Actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Requlations, Title 12, Vail Town Code (in part) Article 12-7H: Lionshead Mixed Use 1(LMU-1) District 12-7H-1: PURPOSE: The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multip/e-family dwellings, lodges, hote/s, fractional fee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, otfices, skier services, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master P/an, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities } appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zone District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, and density over the previously esfab/ished zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master P/an. Additionally, the incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to redevelopment projects. With any development/redevelopment proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements. 12-7H-7: EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS: 8. Major Exterior Alteration: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existing building which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, time share units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1, 000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts (as determined by the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exterior alteration in accordance wrt.h this chapter and section 12-3-6 of this title. Any project which requires a conditional use permit shall also obtain approval of the planning and environmental commission in accordance with chapter 16 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall be submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of community development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review. 12-7H-8: COMPL/ANCE BURDEN: � It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exterior alterafion or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead mixed use 1 district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead redevelopment master plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. 12-7H-18: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS: Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating direct impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigation shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. Impacts may be determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultanhs. The extent of mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals of redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmental commission in revrew of development projects and conditional use permits. 3 Mitigation of impacts may include, but is not limited to, the following: roadway improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements, stream fract/bank improvements, public art improvements, and similar improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for large scale redevelopment/deve/opment projects which produce substantial off site impacts. Vail Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan was initiated in 1985 and adopted in 1986 by the Vail Town Council. The main purpose of the Land Use Plan is two-fold: - To articu/ate the land use goa/s of the Town. - To serve as a guide for decision making by the Town. The following goals of the Vail Land Use Plan are applicable to this proposal: 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. . 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infil! areas). Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan 2.3 The Town Council adopted six policy objectives on November 4, 1996 to outline the important issues to be addressed in the master p/an and to provide a policy framework for the master p/anning process. 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopment Lionshead can and shou/d be renewed and redeveloped to become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and coherent identity, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthetic character. 2.3.2 Vitality and Amenities We must seize the opportunity to enhance guest experience and community interaction through expanded and additional activities and amenities such as performing arts venues, conference facilities, ice rinks, streetscape, parks and other recreational improvements. 2.3.3 Stronger Economic Base Through Increased Live Beds In order to enhance the vitality and viability of Vail, renewal and redevelopment in Lionshead must promote improved occupancy rates and the creation of additional bed base (`7ive beds" or "warm beds') through new lodging products. 2.3.4 /mproved Access and Circulation The flow of pedestrian, vehicular, bicycle and mass transit traffic must be improved within and through Lionshead. � 2.3.5 Improved Infrastructure The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways, transportation systems, parking, utilities, loading and delivery systems, snow removal and storage capacity) and its public and private services must be upgraded to support redevelopment and revitalization efi`orts and to meet the service expectations of our guests and residents. 2.3.6 Creative Financing for Enhanced Private Profits and Public Revenues Financially creative and fiscally realistic strategies must be identified so that adequate capital may be raised from all possible sources to fund desired private and public improvements. 5.10.1 Landmark Tower and Townhomes Two important issues face this property: access and redevelopment of the Townhomes. The Landmark Tower currently has an informal agreement with Vai! Associates that allows it to utilize the north day lot for guest arriva/s and drop-offs. It is unlikely that this use can continue in the same way after development of a transit center on the site. P/anning for developmenf of the north day lot should explore al/ possibilities to integrate a new front door for the Landmark into fhe new facility. There is a/so an opportunity for the Landmark Tower to expand its lower level lobby over its existing parking deck, possibly tying in with the shelter building proposed at the transit center. Perhaps the best scenario for improving the Landmark's access is in conjunction with redevelopment of the Townhomes. This would make possible the creation of a drop-off loop integrated into the west end of the Landmark or an access drive and drop-off loop on the existing fire lane south of the structure. The latter would only be possib/e if a new pedestrian corridor/fire lane is created into the pedestrian core area. A joint redevelopment effort by the Townhomes, Concert Hall P/aza and Montaneros would present the greatest range of opportunities to resolve the access issue. There is little opportunity for expansion of the Townhomes because it is hemmed in by property lines to the north and by the fire lane and property lines to the south. One possibility is a structure oriented north-south over the west end of the North Day Lot. However, there would be potential conflicts with the volume of traffic entering the north day lot from this end. With cooperation from Concert Hall Plaza and Montaneros, the property might be able to expand to the south. VI. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoninq North: Parking Lot Lionshead Mixed Use 1 South: Mixed Use � Lionshead Mixed Use 1 East: Mixed Use Lionshead Mixed Use 1 West: Mixed Use Lionshead Mixed Use 1 VII VIII . , r ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Land Use Designation: Resort Accommodation Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Net Chanqe Landscape Area existing 638 sq. ft. +297 sq. ft. Parking and Loading no net loss relocate 2 spaces no change Building Height 82.5 ft. 82.5 ft. n/a Architectural Projection Height 97.5 ft. 97.5 ft. n/a Average Building Height All other development standards 71 ft. <46 ft. + <1 ft. no change CRITERIA FOR REVIEW; MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION OR MODIFICATION Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following criteria for review with respect to the proposed major exterior alteration application: 1) That the proposed exterior alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District. Staff believes this proposal furthers the following specific purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District: • ...to provide sites for a mixture of mu/tip/e-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractiona/ fee clubs, time shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified deve/opment... • ...to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirab/e qualities of the District... • ...to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area... 2) That the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood. , Staff believes the architectural style and design of the proposed elevator tower comply with the Policy Objectives, Urban Design Principles, Design Standards, and Architectural Design Standards of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the architectural style and design of Vail Resorts Core Site Hotel (ArraBelle Hotel), this proposal is the first 6 t phase of the overall renovation of the Landmark Building in compliance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, and that this proposal has a positive effect on the character of the neighborhood. 3) That the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the development goals of the Town of Vail and specifically furthers the Vail Land Use Plan goals 1.3 and 1.12, as noted in Section V of this memorandum. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, this major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-6, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of an elevator tower, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle (Landmark Building)/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting for details in regard thereto. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section VIII of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve, with conditions, this major exterior alteration, the Department of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The P/anning and Environmental Commission approves, wifh conditions, this major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-6, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of an elevator tower, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle (Landmark Building)/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting for details in regard thereto, subject to the following condition: 1. Approval of this major exterior alteration shall be contingent upon Town of Vail approval of the related design review application. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this major exterior alteration, the Department of Community Development recommends the Town Commission makes the following findings: "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vl/l this Staff memorandum to the Planning and Envrronmental Commission dated February 14, 2005, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: That the applicant has proven to the satisfaction of the Commission that the that the proposed exterior alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed-Use 1 District, that the proposa! is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. " 7 X. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: ApplicanYs Request Attachment C: Proposed Architectural Plans Attachment D: Existing Photographs and Architectural Plans Attachment E: Public Notice , . f c -,-: � w � �rr � � � � � � � :, �; �° . � � t � � � r�� � t. , . rz-g� w�°�6 - � ,� S.�R -.a. ..€'+ _> n:�.� ?��:._ .._. . . —�. _....---. ......_ _.. _�s�' �:"� . ..�._.._ .__. _�_. . --- -- -- "� ��'� �'� � � ^ � �� � " '. _ �_ ._� _ . � � � ,'_„ ,� .� , , � �° .. �. . � -` r . , , �� ` :�� �_w1�. . _ . . , ,4�. fi� Landmark Vail Condos �� � �� � � � �� �~� � � - �£ �. � �#�. � +.. �. _��:� � 610 West Lionshead Circle �� � . ,� �� :� � � � "`'�� � � �� Planning and Environmental Commission February 14, 2005 ��� � ������ �� �� �� { �� ,�, . , � .. �� �� , � � „ :_ ' .� - - �� , ���%���g=-� :. ---- c_ ���' ` `� i .. � .�.. � ,,. . �,, .» y.. 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The Landmark Condominium Association intends to install a new Elevator, and limited Elevator Lobbies, between the Tower and the "Townhouses". The new elevator will provide access from the Lionshead Mall (approximately the same elevation as the lowest level commercial) to the garage level (approximately the same elevation as the upper level commercial) and to all residential floors (not including the "loft" level above the level 7 residential floor). At each stop of the elevator a small lobby will be created to provide protection from the weather while the elevator arrives. Trash storage will be relocated south of the existing south driveway and access stairs will be provided from the south parking area to the lowest level elevator lobby. The architectural character of the elevator tower will relate to the proposed architectural expression proposed by the adjacent Vail Resorts ArraBelle Project. The Tower is proportioned to fit the scale of the tower portion of the Landmark Condominium. Two parking spaces are eliminated with the elevator installation at the garage level. Elevator equipment will be located within an existing storage space on the garage level. If necessary, Landmark will request relief for loss of the 2 parking spaces under Section 12-20- 12 of the Zoning Ordanance. c FRITZLEN PIERCE f .. .; , � .:: �:,. �, 3 :,.. -. . . ,. .. r. _ ._, ..... . . . .'.'� �i?. � �:.s _ ...., t�:R:`... .._........ �.. »�,..... . �.. 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B!g�< u � L �'x� s �� � Q J O �% Y J �f C O u1 C G + G � Z � Z K � 2 G ,J i� � Z � U L J �; ��> W � _ f— EVEL S�VE EXISTING ��� J.��� I J�� 1! �J� SGAL�: NO SG�LE W f J u #�� W N � g i H w �;� � � � d �:5.< U � � Z y rtn � U `= � � � r' Z izr Q ° � �� ��� _, , _ w -� _ F- LO�T LEVEL �XISTING -��� ����� ��� R �� I �� 5G?�LE: NO 5G?�LE Z W IF W � W � N oL � g � F- w i�k = � � �.�"i C_ 3!�,< � � � L 0 Z � �J UJ � � � � c � _ j °" mw� � _ � � Z � � �, � J G Z � J � T c % NOt�TFi ELEV�TION ���� � ����� ��� X �� I � I d SG?�LE: NO SG?�LE W J U ��� W N�� � I_ w S E � _ � u�.. � � 3*9I< Y^' L..L � �� � �. � m O C 1 � � � � Z L � J � Z _ 0 � � � H �J J - -�% LLI ` � Z � SOUTH �LEVATION —/��� __. .. ...__ . _ .... . .. .... .. . . .. . . ._.. .....__ ....._ .. A .. .. I .� _ _ _._ ��,l��l� ` e'�—�€: � ��i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ��6�i°� l.�: � i � i{� �� � i �' _ � __ __ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ !'l��:,. � `:"�' _ __ — _ _ ___ ____ _ � I ¢ - .. . ......... ........ 3g§i$� �� �!��i . . ... . . .. s roc. i�•� irz• � R-E� LE`/a lh I�' • � FFE � LEVa 6A IH•_]• . � � LLVS SA I�'�' � �.�,.. ��•-0• � FFE � LEV� �A Ill'-0' FFE e LEV� ]/. ' ioe,io, ` FFE � LG`� IA � 100'-0' � � . ��u er�• � R3` � RLTNL l5'-0' "'G I/"f/OS ZW W (, N OC I— W � � ��_�� iy� _ 's � �'�i< � �L (� I 0 lJ � Y Q � O -r ,'S O a y = O � Z � � L � � w �O � w O G J w 3 -f L C 7 W � _ � ���T TO� l�� ��� X E TOWER v SG/�LE: NO SG�LE ��� ,� � ;� ���� �i�� X SG�L�: NO SG�4LE pFG �OS W V ���i� N � e ��� % W 3y�lu LL�..IL 3i91< � � � � � Z J W f -- Z � O U V p r, m i � � s Z � L o-- WJ �?�5T ELE�/ TOWNHOMES -��� Zw � � V ��L " F" W {yf�x :-�g < L�L O� 7 i y � s ro�. ie.•-s in• . FfE � lEV9_ �A � 159'O• . PR � LPVA 6A t1i•_]• • RG � L.lJC- N 1'1!'�' . FFE � lP\8 M 176'E• V v PFE � IEVB. 9A ('\� Ili•-0• Li� � Z C� � 1'Tg � LEY9. ]A G �'� — s i�,_�o, Q p � m i F Y Z � K < � �- . FfE � IFVEl �A � ofrAC � G� G 100'O' N U T J —;� =�� W � s � �.��u = er-e� � ` FR° � RETNL 3'O' r l�e.lT 1���� �1�� X w TOWER v SG,4LE: NO SG,4LE ��� 'LCt]C]I ���� ��� R SGr4LE: NO SG?�LE �EG 'OS ZW w V N oC F_ w � a i I�� � ` � � J �..�..� � Z - .7 J O] u � C Y 1 � it K � J CJ �/ 2 � J G u J f U K _ a ` � � ����� f t �°g�� �yrl< WEST ELEV TOWN�tOMcS ��� Attachment: E „ TOWN 0� YAIL � THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will February 14, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consider�tion of: A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-6, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, a final review of a variance from Section 12-7H-11, Height and Bulk, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, and a variance from Section 12-7H-16, Parking and Loading, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for the addition of an elevator tower, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle (Landmark Building)/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant: Landmark Condominium Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public convention facility and public parking facilities and structures, located at 395 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, to allow for the temporary use of the tennis facility for conferences and conventions, located at 1300 Westhaven Drive (Vail Cascade Resort and Spa)/Area A, Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa Planner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information. � Published January 21, 2005, in the Vail Daily. , i ��3�r2 (!i(zl<�n, .A11. ;�rcl�iic�r�i . . �'t'iifia!n F. Pi: ra.�, ;�ic:hiie:�z:1 1:�lt y H�>altn���, £ii.ss3nc �>,\9<ii � FRITZLEN P I E R C E FRiTZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Landmark Condominiums Adjacent properties . . . . . Westwind Condominiums 548 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Lifthouse Condominiums 555 East Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Sunbird Lodge C/O Vail Associates Attn: Dave Thorpe P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Vail Gondola Building C/O Vail Associates Attn: Mountain Operations P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Monteneros 641 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 Vail Glo/Best Western P.O. Box 189 Vail, CO 81657 West Lionshead Plaza (Formerly Concert Hall Plaza) 616 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 (Mailing) Hughes Land Holding Trust Attn: Kim Hughes 1826 State St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 �(? Easf 1,aif �'al�;>>' (�ri�c f�(I :r���e C-1, 1.zi(. Cr�it?i3<lr:; sili,;,' � ,i-i),-1 ,.�„-�_' , . <)-f1.9-#:r..a�i{1� { ' lltiUr,:v�'.ti!Ltli��!iiteC:i�.�_�>il; iv�t��ti�.:�ailsa:itiic c'95.c?.��t� ,�„�„� � . � ' �11��o�t�lqll.. �; � Applicati�n for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us �' :�;;:� `a� 8��� General Information: �' ` '� `' �7 All projects requiring Pianning and Environmentai Commission review must receive approval prio to bmitt�g � building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval ��requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ Rezoning Major Subdivision Minor Subdivision Exemption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD New Special Development District Major Amendment to an SDD Major Amendment to an SDD (no exte�io� modifications) Description of the Request: � $1300 $1500 $650 $650 $1000 $6000 $6000 $1250 ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Floodplain Modification ❑ Minor Exterior Alteration �.. Major E�erior Alteration O Development Plan ❑ Amendment to a Development Plan ❑ Zoning Code Amendment ❑ Variance ❑ Sign Variance ��1/�T D�::� 7�D Location of the Proposal: Lot:�_Block: �_ Subdivision: $650 $400 $650 $800 $1500 $250 $1300 $500 $200 Physical Address: �n/d/ /��,-�',L,�p,,`,c�,,���� �� Parcel No.: �/a/d�o��j�� j (�n�� Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: � � Name(s) of Owner(s): ��,�..,•o,��,�� Ci�,�-t�,yi'rii,�-1/ n� �,,�t,.�. l.E�T11~,s ! Mailing Address: C�D �,���-�= 1.�,,,m%t��-F��-- !/G,1k�. L,/a,�rr�.r� '� �„���'1 � � P qne• .��( ,/� � Owner(s) Signature(s): '>� „� � �� _ r.., ,_ � Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: / (o� Phone• �.4 �1=��,�� E-mail Address: Fax �� c�� Q� For Office se Only: Fee Paid: 0 � " C. ¢eck No•_•� 3�� By: �C�N.d �t+► �( —�G�� � � Owdfl �SSOC• ' R�pliea�ien Date: Z• �V• O 3 PEC No.: Planner: 0 Pro�ect No.: � , __ �. � _ 11.� �� =�'� ��. %U,�..�� �t�. ;.�"� FRITZLEN PIERCE F � 3 .. .£_�}. '��i:"..: � ,,, � , . _ .._. February 9, 2005 Bill Gibson, Planner II Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Building Height— Landmark Condominium Bill, FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO I have completed an initial study of the heights of the existing Landmark Condominium based on the original Building Plans that indicate original grade. Per our conversation yesterday, a detailed study is not necessary in that it is apparent that the average height of the existing property is well under 71 feet. The Townhouse portion of the property has a ridge line about 225' long. The maximum height of these ridges is 40 feet. The south roof over the commercial space is a flat roof, 120 feet in the east/ west direction, is a maximum of 20 feet high. The tallest portion of the Building is the "Tower" with a maximum height of 85 feet. There are 5 sections this height or less with a combined length of 110 feet. I have attached a�y of the original Building plans that I used for the calculation. Please let me know if vou havQ� qu�stions on this matter. . , , . . E .,..�, . .. �. ❑ 1 J FRITZLEN PIERCE t ... , �S :. .. . . ... .. .. _� _ _� . � = f: �;: December 31, 2004 Landmark Condominium Addition of Elevator Statement of Purpose for Height Variance Description of Request FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Landmark Condominium consists of a 7 story multi- family tower on the east portion of the Property, a series of three story "Townhouses" on the west portion of the Property and a two story commercial building on the south portion of the Property. The Landmark Condominium Association intends to install a new Elevator, and limited Elevator Lobbies, between the Tower and the "Townhouses". The new elevator will provide access from the Lionshead Mall (approximately the same elevation as the lowest level commercial) to the garage level (approximately the same elevation as the upper level commercial) and to all residential floors (not including the "loft" level above the level 7 residential floor). At each stop of the elevator a small lobby will be created to provide protection from the weather while the elevator arrives. The architectural character of the elevator tower will relate to the proposed architectural expression proposed by the adjacent Vail Resorts ArraBelle Project. The Tower is proportioned to fit the scale of the tower portion of the Landmark Condominium. The new Elevator is intended to correct a current deficiency within the Building. The existing Elevator does not provide access from the Lionshead Mall, which is 2 stories below the lowest access point of the existing elevator. One elevator is insufficient to accommodate the needs of the Guests and Maintenance Staff. The existing elevator is too small to provide needed emergency access in a medical emergency. The height of the existing Building, needed overhead clearances required for the new Elevator, and locations of existing adjacent roofs require that the height limit of 82 feet be exceeded. The Lionshead Design Cuidelines permit a 20% height increase for "architectural projections" but due to the height of the existing Building this is not sufficient to meet the needs of the new Elevator. Section 12-7H-11 further states: "Flexibility with the standard, as incorporated in the Lionshead redevelopment master plan, shall be afforded to redevelopment projects which meet the intent of design guidelines, as reviewed and approved by the design review board." Due to the relatively small size of the new Elevator there is no negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, or public safety. 0 r L� January 5, 2005 D E S T I N A T I O N R E S O R T S Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Landmark Elevator Tower Project To Whom It May Concem: 610 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO 81657-5293 TELEPHONE (970) 476-1350 FAX (970) 476-1617 Please let this letter serve as documentation that the Landmark Condominium Association has approved and authorizes the addition and construction of an elevator tower and its associated improvements. Please let me know if you have any questions or require anything further. Sincerely, , � �.. _. �" eoffrey S. Wright, DRM Manager Landmark Condominium Ass., Inc. A Lowe Enterprises Company .From Land Ti*le (S6) Thu 06 Jan 2�105 03:33:?_� PP� ��15T Page 4 of 10 . Cliica�o TiUc lnsu�<ux.c Co►u�ury ALTA COD�In'IITDI[:NT Scl�cdule A Prcrperty Addr�,�ss: LAND��I�'� ItK �'<)�!f?f �> Our Urdrr No. VCSOOUg1190 Cust. Iicf. : 1. Efl'ective Date: Dccemtx�r 22, 2004 at 5:00 1'.I11. 2. Policv to be Llsued, and Pruposed InSUred: ;.• �� :::�:i:;:. Biu,:�.r Pm��osed T�►.su,ti�cl: LA,NllD'IAlL1C-VAII_, CONDONIINIL'M ASSOC'lA"110N, A COLORADO NON-Yit01?IT COKI'OItATION 3. Tlie esix�le ur iiileresl. in t.lic I<�nd described or rcfci•red lo iu tliis Cuimnitment xnd cuvered licreiii is: A rec Sunple �. 1'illc lo ll�c cslaLc or inlcresl a►vcrcci I�crcni is al lhc cffccli��c dalc hcrcof vcslcd iii: LANDNIAEtIt-VAIL CONllUN1INItJl��i ASSOL7ATION, A COLOl�O NUN-PRt)TIT CO1Z1'ORATION 5, Thc la�id refcrrcd to i❑ Llus Coinmilmcnl is dcscribr.d �S follo��•s: ;iLL ATTAL'HGD PA(;L(5) r()R LI:(;AL Dl;.�(:Iit['1'I()N �From Land Title (S6) Thu 06 7an 2005 03:33:7_5 PM MST Page 5 of 10 s Our Ordcr No: VCSOOU8090 I:ieT���i::i.711C!►1 CUNll1I()N AIZP�1, LANDN1A1iK VAIL C()Nll()1��IINIUD�LS, ACC()KDINC T() THI; C()NllURI1NIUII NIAl' T'III:RI;Ol�, ILI;COIZI)I:D NOVI;A11iF.R 1, 1974, IN ISOOIZ 237 A'1' I'AGi; ]77 ANT) 'i'III; SUYPLTII�II;NT '11iE;R1+'.TU KL:COKllLll nlAKCll ll, 1975. IN i300K 233 A'1 Yr1GL 918 ANll ACCOFtUING TO T11L CONll!)11•IINIDI�I DLCLAItATIO'�i TOR LANllI�fARk-VAIL CONllO��IINIUA�bS, 12�CORDI;D .1[JLY '17, 19'73, IN BQOK 230 A'I' P,�GI; 129. �1S ANiF.NDI+.i) R1'� �1��tENi)�1II?,N'[' T� DECi,AiLA'L'i�?N OF COtii>NAh°TS, CONUL"TLONS AND KL+'„STKIC'1'IO.NS F�LCOKlll':U SL'P"1't±:1�-Il3LK Z7, 1973, W 1304K 231 A"1' YAGL 111, AS I� [JRTf-I�It ANILND� I3I' S�C()ND Ah1ENll11-ILNT T() ll�CLARATI()N ()I+ C<)VGNANTS, CUNDITIONS AND IZ1:S'IRICTIONS KI�,CORDI�,D I+F,BRUAIZY S, 1974, IN i�OU[� 233 AT I'AGT: 335 ANU AS FUKTIIL+'H M�1L+'Nll1:U 13Y '1'L11KU An'[LNllNll�N`l"TO llL+'CLARA'1'lON Ol� COVLNAN"1'S, (:()NllTTI()'VS AND I2�STRICTIONS �8TAI3LISHINC A PLAN Ia()Ii C()ND()b�IINIUA�I ()�'�'NERSI-III' ()F i,AtiDh�tAPI�-�'AIi� CONDOA�IiIVTL'11-iS, Ri:COiZI)I;D SI;i''I'I+.1VfI�i:I2 23, 1974, tILT ROOI� 23G r1T PAGi�, , ,.,,. ,.,.�.�, ,,., �,. �..,,. .,,., . .,�,. ,,., . ,-. �. ,., ..,�..., , � . �%J� �.Vl�l\11 Vl Llil7L�L� J1t-11L' �Jl' L,VLVi�l111V JVDJL'l..l iV lI-li!.�11SKU'Ij� I�VIVI%i11�J1V�7 t11V17 ST7I'ULATIONS OT SAID CO_NDOhiINIUD-I D�CI�ARATION. }From Lanc! Title (Sf) Thu 06 Jai� ?005 03:33:25 PM MSf Page G of 10 A L T!� C O D1 �l 1 7' 11t [�; N'!' Schednle R - Section l (IZeqtiiremenis) Tiic followin�; arc lhc rcquircmcnls lo bc complicd ��il�: Our Ordcr Nu. V(�5U0(181190 ltcm (�) Y<rycncnl to or for thc accoun! ui' tt�c �;r�inlo��s �fr ►rKSr(�;<ihucs of (!zc fall� co��idrr.►(ion 1'or U�c csl.itc or iuleiest lo lx� in5[uecL Ikm (b) 1'��xr ui5lnuucnt(s) crcali�� Qic csluk or inlc.msl to fx� i�nurcd �nusl Ix cxcculcd awcl duly Iilcd for mco�l, U>-�`°iti: lLCRt (C) l'ityfllCllt Ol 1111 IilXC9. Ctt�ll�.?CS pf 11SSC'SS[T1CtILS 1C1'tC(1 FI[KI FL55C9SCtl '<thillOSl UlC SUI1�CCl [)[Ct111�C9 �YIIICII il[C (lUC �ll](� Fltl}'8�)�t;. Itcm (d) AddiGo►k�i mquirt�mcn6�, if anv disclosal tx�lo�v: 'il1LS CO1��I1�11'L'D�II�NT LS 1� OK INi+O1Zl��lA'T1UN ON1,Y, ANll NO I'OL1C]' 1'1'1LL IiL 1SSUl��ll PUR�UANT H�ItG1Y). . Froir Lancl Title (S6� �fhu 06 Ja�i 2005 0�:33:7_5 PM MST Page 7 of 10 A C,7'A COn�AI l'1'I�11+;N T Schedule R - Section 2 (�xceplions) Our Order No. V(�5U008(190 '1'lic Policy or policics lo bc issuccl �vill coutain c�ccplious lo [l�c I'ollo�vin�; unlces thc sa�tic arc disposcd of to the satisfactiun o(' ki►c Comp.in� : I. Ri�;hls Err cl�i:�zs of ��rlece in ��sscssioes ru�l slK��vre b�� tlic �ublic rccocYLs. 2. [?asements, or claims of ea5emenLs, nol sl�own by We public ►rco��cls. 3. UiSCnp�ux�ies, co»llicts in tH►u�xlzuj� liix�s, sho�l�e in �u-e�, enci�c��xlw�enLti, illlfl tUlj' I�iK'Lti «'�IICII a coil�ct siuve�� xncl I:iS�?C.'Cfi011 OF i�iQ })ii,'ItitSCS WOLIICI CIiSCiOSC 7I1(� WjliC�l are rxit shoi�-n i��- t�ie pubiic rcrorcts. a. An`' lien, or �iblil. to a lie�, fur services, lalx�r ur mxterird theietufo�r. or hei�:al'ter iiimislmd, impuscxl b,v law �ind not slim��� by Wc public reco�YLs. 5. Dei'ect5, liettti, etxiw�b�-�uxes, advcise clainz5 or other nuitte�s, if anj, cmxtal, iizst appe�uii� i� ilie p�d�lic iecorcls or attacl�irg sul�equenl to We effeclive clale l�e�tiof �rd p�ior lo tLe date tl�e p►o�x�sed insured acqui��es of r�,�co�Yl for valuc Wc cs4�lc or inlcresl or ►nod{;a�c llic►ron covcrcd by U►is Conunil�ncn(. 6. 'I'axes ur sExcial a,sessmenLs �vhicli a��e �x►t sho�vn as eaisting liens b,y it�e public ��eco�Yls.o Qie T��easu��t.r's c►ffice. 7. LienS for unpxid �vxler :uid ser��er ch�ugeti, ii' �u�}'.. S. l�i :xldiGon, Ihc owixr's policy �,�ill tx; s►�k�jccl to ll�c mo►-t};a�;c, if a�y, �wlcd in SccGo�i 1 of Scl�cdulc B t�cmol.'. 9. 1tIG1iT Ot� YKOYKIL+'TOIl OF A VL+'llV OR L011L+' '1'O I+:?�TKACT ANli H(?1��LUVL+' LiIS OKL: THI;ItL+'I+itON1 SFI()ULll THL+' SAN.IC I3� I�OUND T()1'�NLTRATC ()lt INTT;1L�rCT 7'HI: Plti?A�IL�IsB AS ItFSl;12VI�D IN UNT[7:D S'TATFS I'AT[;NT ItECORD7;D (N 1300K 4S A'C PACi? 5(13 ANI) IN 8001�.123 A'1' PAGL 617. 10. RLGIi'1' Ol+' 1'1'AY FOKllI'1'CIiL+'S Olt CANALS CONS'1'KUC'TLll 1IY TIiL+' AUTIiOkfl'Y OF'1'l1L UNIT�D STAT�S AS RL;;iLRVI:ll IN UNITCD STATL+'S PATLNT KEC()RULD IN B(x)I� 48 AT 1'ACTI; 503 ANU IN t;00K 723 A7' PAGI+; 617. ] t. RFSTRtCTIVI+, COVI;NAN'I'S WIIICH DO NO'I' CONTAiN A rOR1�EIT[JRI: OR RI+.VTR'ITI2 CLALIST:, IStJT OD•ll1'1'1NG AN]' COV1:i�lANT Ott 1�1;5'1'K1C'1'lON lIASLD OI�I RAC1'., COLOIt, KLL1G10N, 5I:<Y, HANllICAP, I{A1��IILIAL ,STA'TUS ()R NATI()NAL ()Rl(,IN UNLI;,SS A1VU ()i1'LY TU Ttll; i:�'CI;N'I' 'I'IIA'T SAID COVI:NANT (A) IS �I��l�:n91''P Uh'DI+,R CIIA1'I7,R 42, SI�>C'TfON 3G07 OI+ 'Cliti UNTl'LU S'TA'LL+'S C011L+' OH (13) 1tGLA'l'lS '10 f:lANll1CAl' BU'1' llOI:S NO'1' DL';CI211�III�'ATG AGAINST HANDICAI' I'rRSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INST12iJ��iFNT IZECOW)I+,D OC'I'OI;i,R l5, 1971, IN ROOI� 221 A'I' 1'AG�: 991. l2. 'CIIOSE YROVISfONS, COVf:i�'AN'I;S AND CONDI'1'IONS, I:AS1;1�'If;N'IS, AND RT:�STIL�C'I'IONS, 1NIflCEI ARIa; A KURUI+:N '1'O "I'EI1+', CONf)ONIINIUI�'1 UNI'I' DI?SCK1l�l�I) IN SC{IH:1)U1.1+', A, tiU'I' ()NITITINC ANY C()V�NANT ()It RLSTI2ICTI()N BAtiI:D ON IZAC'�, (:()L()I2, 1�LI(:I()N, 5�1, iIANDiCAP, I�An�(Ii,lAi, STA'I'US OR NA'I'IOIVAL ORIGIN UNI;I�.�SS AND ONLS' '1'O TIiI; I;�TI?N'I' ��From Land Ti*le (56) Thu O6 Jan 2005 03:33:25 PM MSi� Page 8 of 10 . . AL'1'A COi�lA11'1'�L1+:N'1' Schalale Ii - Seclion 2 (Is'xccptions) Our Orde.r No. VG500(►8090 TLc policy or policics to bc issucd ���ill coulain cxccplions lo tl�c follo�,�in�; u«Jcss U�c Samc �rc disposcd �>i' to tlte s.�tisl'actiun o!' tl�e Cumpan�•: 'TIlAT SAII) COVI�,NANT (A) IS L:aI:LVll'1' Ul\�llL+'It CI.LU''cL�t a?, SL+'C'1']ON 3607 OI� `lll[+; UNTT�D tiTA1'G.ti C()DL ()R (i�) ItI;LA7'�.ti T()1IANDI(,AP BUT D()L5 N(JT DIS(:KIi1-IlNA7ti AGAINST IIANDiC�1PPi;D PI+.i2SONS, AS CON'I'AiNI?D IN INSTR[Jh1rN7' ItI�,COIZI)1?D JCI,Y 17, 1973, IN Ii00K 23(1 A7' YAGL 129 ANU AS AIIIL:NllL+'i) llV 1NS'1'KU�ILN'1' 1tL:CU1tUL+:U SLl''IT�nIBE2t 17, 1973, IN �O()I� 231 AT I'ACL 111 AND AS A11-IGNllLD IN INSTKUNII.NT R1:CORDTD +�,Blti?,�iZY (1�, 1974, IN 1300k 2:i3 AT YAC�G 335 AND AS A7VErNDI;D I?V u�vi,i�vi`ii:��ri, i�i:i,vi�iiiiv �i�.iYi�iii:iiii:U 7�� i��'�+ ii�i ii�i�ii`� �2v i�i� i���iii� ��2. 13. I�SP:I�11.:NTS, CUVL+'IVAN"15, CONll[1'IONS, KL'',S'CKIC'TIONS, ILI�SL+'KVATIOi�lS Mill NOTL''S Oi�l 1'HI, C(1ND()��IlNIUlb1 11�LAP ()F LA?VI)1�IAItIi-VAIL C()ND()1iINIL?I!•L'i ANll SUI'PLI:�llI+1�''I:� TF3�I2�T(). 1�1. TI�.RMS, CONDITIONS AND I'ROVISIONS Or CAi3LG 7TI,I+�VtSION I�.ASI;I�ti:NT AND l�•1A1N'1'L:NANCL AG1tl+;1±;A1LNT ItLCUxu�> �unL os, ]994 1N I300K 6d2 A'1' 1'AGL 337. . TL��1S, CONllTT10NS ANll P1�OVLSIONS OF CONVL+'1'ANCL OF F.ASLNILNT 1tL+'COKUl;ll �+BRUEIR�' 21, 1984 IlV B(X)K 378 �1T PAGL 90a. . Fron? Land Title (56) Tl�u 06 Jan 20�5 r)3:33:25 F�M MS-T Paye 9 of 10 . L�Nll 7'ITLIS GUAKAN'1'L+'l�_ CO1�lYANY DISCL()SURI; S'TAT�I�IGNTti N�Ne: P�usuant tu CRS 1l)-11-122, �x�tice is heitib} given Q�xt: A) 'il�e siibject real �x•operiy niay be located in a special �»:i�� clisl�icL 13) A Ccctificatc of'1'aac�s Uuc lisii�� c<�ch t<�ain�;.ju�isdiction it��y �x oblaincc! fm�n Wc Counly Ti�aS�u�r's auiliorizc�d :�cu� C) The infor►nation regarili�eg special clistricts a�xl lt�e i�u��daE9es of such clishict5 �nay tx obtaiz�ed froit� ll�c I5o<inl of County Co,runis�io�acr�, U�c Cou��l,v Clcrlc <r�d Kccorcicr; or I�c Couui�� Asscssor. Note: ?�.fT'ecG�•e Septe�nUer l, l9)7, C[LS 30-10-406 reywcxs Qiat all ck�cumenLS �eceiveci for ��coreiiiag or filiT� i,i U�c cicrk a►xl rccorcicr's ofGcc shall co�dain a lo� nku�in ol' al Icasi o� inch anc! a Icl't, ri�;lil and I�Uom matgin ol' at le�,st onc tkili' ni' �u� iixi�. Thc cicrk illlC� ['L'C()I�L'C 1172t} 1'CI�ILSe i(> IY�(IC(I ()I' illi. illlv CI(ICl�lll;lli 1t1211. vOES LIOti COi1�UITl1, C7:�C�)f UiAi, �IC I�CCrU:tL'711C11t �OC L�If L0�3 til�;�iil SIial� t10t ���2{" �C (70CllfilC'1I�.5 USt!)¢� i0il:1S iiii ii'iiiCii Skiai.�. i5 ��iir'riiiC. i i�ii �:�iC:vC�+i�Th �ii iiiiiih iiuviiiiiiiiiiii Fii uiC iir�/ iiuL:�iii iii ui�; �ivCiiiiri;in. Notc: Colot�cb Uivisinn of Lniu�ance Keg��ations 3-5-1, Pa�agr�pli C of Arlicle VII rrquirrs ttk�t "f�.very GUc culil.v sliall bc res[x��LSiblc 1'or �dl matic�s wlaic.li �ip�ar of ncorci �iior Ic> llic [iinc of ,�cordii��; �i�lie�e�er die litle entify C()21C�IlCLS tI1C CI<IS121� �uid is iespt>iLSiblc for itironlii� or filii� ol' leg�il docwne��4s resu�ling from We transacGon whicl� �vas closecl". F'ruvided Wat I,and TiUe Guarantee ComEkmv co►xluc4s lhc clvsi�� of It�c ii�,SinY:d Ira►��aclion ai�d is res�n5iblc 1'or �-�corcliur; Wc lcgrd doctuncnts fi��m (l�c ft�u�saclion, CkCL`(ll1011 Illlll]Ix`;' S�Vill n�>t :�ppc:u• on tlx (hv�xr's `I�tic ro>>�y a�xi ct�e r.e����e�s ��o>>cy ���lie�� issuecL NOIL': L�IlI7I]i1GVL' IIIE'C11tlII1C�ti LC[1 ytl)LCCLIOtI IOL' ��it �)�V[1CC III<l}' Ix; ��v�ulable (���picuilly b,y cleletiou of i;xcepGon �w. 4 of Scl�edule R, SecGon 2 of t}�c Commitrnent from U�e Owner's Policy t�c> Ue iss�jcd) uEwn compliancc wil.l� tLc folloH�i►�; coucliUor�: A) The ltuxl deseci}xd in 5chedtde �1 uf Uu5 conutulnteut. ia�a5l lx; a sie�le i'tuiulti t�esidence wldch includes a condominiu,n or to�vnl►ouse uuit� B) Nu labur ar maft:rials l�avc Rx.cn furlushcd by niccl�anics ur lTU�l�crial-mc�i for. purpuscs ul' cuu�truction un t}►c INl(� (ICSC17I7CCI lll SCIIL'(ilt�l; A OI �WS C011llIlli111CI1L W1illlil II1C �7215f G]tlOI1LI15. Cj The Co�npany tnust inceive an a�p�vpriate afficL���it i�xlem�rifying U�e Company agair�st w�-filed mcchanic's �nd inalcrial-mcn's licus. D) T'1►e Coinp�wy nu4�;C receive pa,vment of tlie appi�►p�-ixtc: pitinvwn. i�,) If Q�ere has l�een constn�clion, imp�v��e�nents ur major rtijr.�i�� w�der-talzen on We propE:riy to t�e �x�rcliased willun six uionllLS prior lo Uic ll�lc of Wc Coi►vuitmciil, Wc ��q�u�tmc�ils lo ot�in covcr�;c 1'�►r mnecoedc�d liens «�ill includc: disclosiue oi' ceilxin c�uLStivction int'ornki6ou; iit�u�ci�il iufunnaGun as to the seller, tt�e builder a�xt or U�e contractor, ���yrnent of tlie app���xiate premimn fully cxccutcd l,xlciiu�ily A�;rccirx�nLS saGsl'<iclorv to Wc coin��F�y, <►ud, an� adciitional �qiummcnLS a5 may lx� tx;cess�uy at�ter an ea�uuil��tiou oi' tl�e �d'oiesaud itil'ut��kilion b}• tl�c Co�tap�ui}•. No covc���;c will bc �;i�-cn u�xlcr �ny circ.uriLSlmaccs 1'or la�x�r or it��ilcrial for �►�l�idt Uic i�nurY:d l��n coutixclal for or ��t�ed tu p<iy. Nolc: l'unuanl lo C1LS 10-11-123, ,�oticc is hcrc:by �;ivcu: T1�iti tx►tice applie.ti (a► nwix;t's Exilicy ci>inmitroenL` a�u(�uuing � mitx:tal seve��mce instnm�ent exceptio��, or exceptions, in Scl�eclule R, Section 2. t�� ��'�ilc�i iiK'IC IS [i:COIijCCi C\'iilC[)CC Iit£1L `si IS1iI1Cis3i CSiAiC ;�as Ix.cn sevicecci, 3ca�ec�, or u�t►c�tir�isc cui�`�eyed 1'iYmi tlie siu-face estat:e �u�d that. tliete is H sul�l<mtial likelilicx�d that a t1�ud �uiy l�old5 s0►ne or all inle►est in oil, gas, ot1tC�• �riine��ls, oi' geotl�ential C��eigy in llte pnD�eriy; atxl li) 7�h<il such mincr�l cslatc may irx�luck: Ux� ri�hl lu cnlcr and uSC QiC pro[�crty �+�iQx�ul lhc. Sl1Ij�iCl. 0��'71('[�S �t:ll111 5 51 0 11. Nolhin� licrcu� conl�iix:d will Ix: dccnxd lo obli�;<itc Wc cona�im� lo p�Y►�-idc any o1' U� co�cra�;cs [[;lE'li'E:CI I(1 IICIt',li] Lll1�CS5 iI1C illx)�'L corxlition�; �ur fully s.�tisliccl. Form DSSCLOSURE 09/O1/02 � From Land Title �S6) Thu OG )an Z00� 03:33:25 PM MST Page 10 of 7.0 � � 4 .i<)INT NOTICL O1� YKIVACI' POLICI' Tidclit}� N.�tiuu.�l Fv�ancial Croup ot' Compa�ucs/Cl�icfi�c► Tit1c L�sur�iucc Coiup��n}' �uid LF�ud 7'itic Guar�iulcc Cump��u�� Julti• 1, 201t1 Wc rcco�;nizc .�nc1 resEx�cl Wc fxi��acy crpcc�aGo��s of lod<rv's coiuumc�s .wcl Q�c n:c�iurcmcnls of applicablc fcdcr€►t a�id sialc ptivfx��- la«�s. �i'L` Il(`I1L'�'C u1JI 1]]IIiZII�; }'OU .�«-<u� nf lio�v ����t IIfiL' �011[' I1011-(7UI)IlC [?C(SOI121I lllfQ[II111G(117 ("Pc��mal lufonualion"), ai�d lo ���l�om il is discloscd, will f��nn Qic. basis for t� ctila(ioi�sl�ip of Inisl I�clwccn us acxl tUc public tht�i �i�c� �crvc. Tl�is Ptivac}� St�(c►ncnL pruvidcx ihtd i�xPlant�li�ir�. \R'c rY�sc►vc il�� ri�*h� U� chtn�;c this i'ti��s�c�• Statemc�►l from timc to lunc cornisltnl wilh �pplicablc pri��a�cy 1<i���s. ln llic coursc of our beisiness, ►vc inay collcct Ycrsonal I►iform�►lion at�out you from !]►c follo�vin�; Sourcc5: �` I?roin ap�liciriioris or olhcr fon�tis ���c �ccc:ivc I'r��iti f ou or your F�uWo��ccd rt:��t�scntulivc; x I� l:llt] )`011l' L121I15�1CI1OI15 �i'1W, or f►7►in Chc sc�viccs Ix�ing IK��linnx�d hy, ns, our a�tlili<�tcs, ur uUicis; `° i�'�vui our iutcnicl wcb silcs; '�` Flvm thc public ntiorck nti�initrincd b�� go�-crnnxni�d cnGticx Uiat wc citlicr ob��iu climcUy f'ivm U�otic �•�• r_.,._� . rrr..i..,. u_.._�. � i.ihiu(`S. vi ii�nii iriii suiiiiaw�� iii �ru�c�.a� iuiii `y Fiuni ccnz;�uncr or oll�cr �Lpoiii�� ��;cix�icti. Our Policic� Regardin� the 1'roleclion of ihe Confiden[iality aud Security of I'our Personal inf'ormation Wc main�un pli}�sical. cICCIP0I11C llllf� �l1YlCC(1UC.d s�ifeguairh to p[�il�:ct }�oiu• ]'cISO11�lI �LI��01111�111O11 I�[i)Iil U[]FIIIUlO11T.cd �CCCSS OC uli[1�Si0rL 1Vc luiul acccss to U�c 1'crscr�►1 Lifo�YnaGon only to tlu�sc c�nployccs �vt�o ncc�ci suci� acccss iu cuu�xcUou will� ptv��iding ptYxiucLti or sc�-��iccs t�► yuu �►r for oUicr Ie�;ILllil:l([ I)116lI1CS5 �UI�K16L'S. Our I'olicies and Praclicc�s ReKardinK the Sharin�; of I'our Ycrsonal Informalion �Nc nu►�� sliatti yl)lIC 1'c:isuufd InPoni��6on «�itli our fifl"�li.�tcs, sucli f�s iinuc.ux�c com��nicti, <►gc��ts, ��nd othcr n�.il cst��lc sctticmcul scrvicc p�vvidc�s. Wc also �c��y cGsclosc ,vour Yc�oi��l I��fonc��Gon: `` lo a�;cnis, brokc� or rc:presc�ilaGvcs W pror•idc you wiW scrviccs yuu l�avc rcqucsl�cd; x tu Ilucd-�kniy contractnn ur set�>icc p�x��-idci� �i�lio ptv�-idc sci��iccs ur �tfurn� muz{ccting or utltcr funclioi�s on oi�r tx�Lnl('; a�ic! * lo t►thccs ���ith wlium wc t:ulcr iaits� jnuit nulckctil� ag[zciix�nis foi� pit►di2cL5 ur ticrviccti t1i:�L Fvc lx�licvc �-��i� may lind of inlcresl. lu �xldiGon, wc will clisclosc vour 1'ccso�ud lni'oim<�lion ���hai vou dirLCl or �;ivc i�s �xrnussion, wt�cn wc an rcqui��:d by law U� du su, ur wLcn wc siitiix�ci f�audi�cut or ciw�i��d aclivilics. VVc �dso �i�}� disclosc your Pc�sui��l lnfonn�lion wl�cn oWcnvisc ���niltcd by appGc:�blc priv�cv law�s si�h us, for c�am�lc, wl►cu disclosurc: is nccdcd t�> cnfu��cc ��ur iighLs �ititiiu� oul of an} a�iY�cnu:I1L� ILd[1tiJC�1QI1 OI' T(`IJUOI1tiI11P �V1W j'OU. nnc of tl�c imEx�ti�mt rc�;�»,sibilitics of 5onuu of our �ffili�tcd ccnn�nics is to ir�cutd docuux�uLS in Utc public doinain. Sucli documcnls �rk�v conl�in �-our Ycno,�d InConn<dioc�, lti;;ht lo Acccss Your 1'crsoual Lil'orinalio�� .ind Ability lo Corrccl Lrrors Or Rcqucst Cl�an;;cs Or Dciction Ccciv� slalc�s <ill'ortl ��ou Il�c ri�;f�l to acccss your Pcrsc��:il Uifornti�Gon ��nd, uucJcr ccil<un cin.iunslancc�s, lo Cu�d oul to whmn }our Yc[suu.il lnfotv�aGun 1�� fxcn clis�luscd. ALSO, ccrt�un stuLcs �d'focd yoi� tlic ri�ht tu tY�qtx�sl co�recGon, amcixi►ncnt or cklcGon of your 1'cisor�il L�fonnaGou. ��'c �cscrvc U�c ci�lri, �vhcrc E�cnniUtxl bv l�w, to cluu�c a�tiF�tionablc fcc tn covcr tl�c cosis i��cunY�d in ►r��x►��din�; tu such �c�cjucsLti. AI] LY'(ilK=SiS S11I)tlliliC(� IO L�1C Fidclily NaGo��al 1�'iuni�ci<d Gmup of Comµuiics/Chic<�;o 1►Uc LLSUrn�x•c Comp;iny sliall Fx� i� �vii6�;, ancl dclivc�t�d to tl�c fnllo«ri�� add►zss: P,ivacy Coruplia�xe Officcr I�idcli�v NaGvnal I+i�kinci�l, I�x. �050 Callc Kcal, Suilc 220 Sanl�►13�rt�i�a, CA 9_i17.0 I�Ittiti�,lc �'roct�EClS r�: `�c: viccs if wc �r�rvidc you wilh ►r��� Wau ouc C�kluci<il ��roduct or scrvicc, you m�y rt�u:ivc mom Qian o»c priracv nvlicc I'�r>m ��s. \1'c a�x>lo�;i•r.c fur �iny incunvct�ic�xc tlus nui� ca�isc pou. Fozui PAIV.POL.CHZ T�OWNOFVAILV Department of Community Development 7S South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www vailgoucom February 9, 2005 Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 East Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Landmark Building — 2339 Chamonix Road/Lot 11, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1 Dear James and Bill, The Town of Vail Fire Department and Public Works Department have recently reviewed the amended plans for the Landmark Building elevator tower. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. A letter-of-intent must be submitted to the Fire Department outlining the Landmark Condominium Association's proposed fire sprinkler system installation schedule prior to the issuance of final design review approval. 2. PE stamped drawings must be submitted for the dumpster enclosure walls prior to the issuance of final design review approval. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, � 1 ;� V �'��� �� • Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail � � RECYCLED P.fPER RACT A B5 76p i3 'a 15 • _�E __SUBDIVISION OF RED � LOT 7 BLOCK 2 VAIL POTA SANDSTONE ROAD Z 3 4 5 6 2 �� 12 10 II 12 f f � ♦ � e y �0 772 774 776 ' 'CT D • TRACT C PC PATCH DR. �� •���33 3 58 VA l L POTATO F�►TC H 754 4 � �o � 6 . , �56 SECOf�D FILING �5 t36 746 � � 738 O 2e � 4 z� z� � 3i 740 50 i� 3 2 � SANDY LANE 777 742 746 { RESTGUR4NT 15 744 � a BLK. I PATCH � JB is RED SANDSTONE SOA LR � ELEMENTARY � 501 � � 551 9 ,o UNPLATTED • PHASE �+ASE INTERSTATE 70 IL I (IN 7.O:v.) ._. PHASE PHASE � IV 25 PEDESTRIAN TRACT E q ��L OVERPASS 891 • • • PHASE VAN GE 2 PARKING � 5 `' wESr- 5 e� VAI NSHEAD STRUCTURE WINDS I a 395 NORTH DAY � O 548 I Si. I l N G )STONE PARKING LOT � LION `oT VAI IONSHEAD 5pp VAIL • %%/� � 4th. F ING �AN 610RK UF555USE 3 52I � T��F aJ�T LIONSHEAD CI CLE � � ���� ENZIAN PL — • �RCADEQD 6(com ,ercial) 7 VILLAGE O 70TRACT F 616 �q� 531 LODGE AT LI N HEAD TR,�T C SL'!JBIRD RtETOPS �ACT J 6 'ILING � 2 �ONDOLA �IONSHEAD � I � VAIL SPA � MONTANEROS �75 600 452 684 4 ��� ��R�E � 8 TR T H CENTER 5 � LION�S SQUARE • RA 5Z �ORf M RRIOTT- �m NOf�TH � EP� MARK o 635 WEST �-�� 714 g TRACT 0 Ut�PLAT7ED LION�S SQUAR WEST ANTLERS � LODGE DAY � 80 660 TRL�'T B LOT A � 3 38� ppM GIRCLE TRACT A 525 FOREST RUAD �, s42 �5 B D LIONSHEAD " 0 ��� � 352� VAIL LION TOT LOT 401 �� � 3 �7 2 63 R SKIER BRIDGE 'T TRACT B � 383 � O o 4 3 R�� 675 0 443 42� �p�A 8 7 6 g5 4 5 625 TENNIS � 5 g�'��P 374 354 765 745 �25 • 615 COURTS D 463 7 394 � I •�fST RD � 4� 2p,� � 3a 3 22 O 3 4 375 �j 5 42 � � 454 666 I 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 • 800 798 796 756 736 716 706 696 636 616 596 5H6 556 TRqCT A � 48O 6 5 4 3 2 VA V LLA E 6 . L G 4� 446 424 4�0 366 MORCUS SUBDIVISIO VAIL�LIONSHEAD ^ : a ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R050000011 Amount: $800.00 O1/07/200503:31 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: #7313/LANDMARK- VAIL CONDO ASSOC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: PEC050001 Type: PEC - Major Exterior Alt Parcel No: 210106307001 Site Address: 612 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: LANDMARK CONDOMINIUM-CONIIKON ELEMENT Total Fees: $800.00 This Payment: $800.00 Total ALL Pmts: $800.00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOLTNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 800.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------