HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110130�1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���i � r� I���i �� ��� r��l ��TI � �I F� F�1�1 ���� rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r�� r�i�� ����I��r��r�� �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I �r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� ��� ; ��r�.��i I���, ��r�n Project Name: WAGNER CHANGE TO APPROVED DRB Number: DR6110130 Project Description: WINDOW CHANGE TO DECK ENCLOSURE- COMPLIES WITH WMP Participants: OWNER KARIN WAGNER REVOCABLE INTER 05/06/2011 KARIN WAGNER TRUSTEE 405 BONTONA AVE FT LAUDERDALE FL 33301 APPLICANT PURE DESIGN STUDIO 05/06/2011 Phone: 970-470-1220 MILLIE ALDRICH P.O. BOX 527 WO LCOTT CO 81655 License: C000002418 Project Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM UNIT 14 Location: Legal Description: Lot: 0 Block: 5D Subdivision: VILLAGE INN PLAZA Parcel Number: 2101-082-6101-4 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 05/11/2011 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 05/04/2011 13:50 954-467-9295 H WA6NER PAC� 01 ,v.. �54;,��� �`..��,���f�'.� �'L •x hy' ,t.��...�a.—�.�..r.., r- :ti �y . ; L?��$�r[1e!�t. � �`oOiczLl�ltliiltj� t�v�kslj.ir)?et�t' "�, _ �5 South Frantage �d�Q:. ..���, . � v_-� �ra�_':__�.:._- w ^ :s " .� � . , . . ,.�.. .. Appiic�tion for C�esign �teviev�r Changes to Approved Plans G�neral I�nform�tian: This appii�ation is for aU ehanges to approved piarns priar � Certificate oF C?tCupancy. An ap- plicatian far DeSign Review c�'tnot be accepted urftil a!1 rQquit�d irtforrrtativn is reeeived !�y the Commur�ity Devek�ttertt C�partm�t. C3esign review �pprt�va( expires ane year fram the date c� approval, u ''� canstruction eommen�es. � Submitt�l Requirements: � 1._ 'Citre� (3} Copies of ali perOnertt �proved plans with INustrated, l�led chang�s 7. Joirrt Property Owner WrftDen Approval Letter, if appGcabf� Fee: �2b MAY 0� ZU11 _ _ OF VAIL ._ _ s��i� ��i�y �,�x �/ w,�v-���ry ---- - - co��«r ��n �f �� ���. windosnr change to deck enclasure The propvsed hlana Glass cre�te5 a wfnd and dust Shield rnaking the deck weather resistarrt rtot weathet tight. The clients �re conc�med if the windows are weather tight the deck will h�ve � gr� house effect. ���� ��; Va�l Village Pla�a Cando: iQ0 Esst Meadvw br. Unit 14 Far�l Nu�rtber: 2101g8261p14 _ (�Rtact Eagle Co. ASSessor at 970-3�8-8b40 fOr parcel no.) PrApErty Owner: �nn Wagner Re�ocable tnter Yvos Tn.rst �Jct Karin Wagner Mairing Addres�� 405 gontoona Ave �ort Lauderdale, FL 333pi ��y��: $54-467-92$4 Own�r's Signatune. '�'���f� � _ _ �f��-c�'�2 - Prnnary Co�ttactf Qwner RepreseRtative: �illi� Aldrich ( Pure Design Studio Mailing A�ress� PO Box 527 Walcott, CO $1C�g �e: �70-47�-1222 E-M�il• millie(r�pt.KeQesign-s#udio.com �x. 974-92fi-9Q78 For OfFi�e U$e t1nFy: Ca�h^ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 Ce #_ Exp. pate: Auth #� Ct�edc # I 1 a y Fc-� Faid: ��f�.DO „� Ft�eived Frorrt: �I.�fZC ,�E�SI GAI Meeting Dc�tE: . DRB NO.: �_ I( � � 3 Ptanner: ,_ 1�,(� Pro j e t t Na: P�,�' 1 �— �/D 3 zcming: � „� l.and t1se: Lacatfon of tF►e Propo�sal: Lot:�� B1ock:,�_ � SuC�ivision:, � A I� UI l. L,�,{'��� 01-,5, n-I t g� ❑ i� �111i � 7�, • ]OINT PROPERTY pWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETi'�R The appf�cant must submi# writtaert jvirrt �pertY owner approva! for appfications affedin� 5hared owriership ProPerries suth as duplex, condaninium, and muJ�-renant ix,iidings. This fc�rm or similar written �rresAandence, must be com- �eted by th� adjoining duplex unit owner or tt�e auti�orized agent of the home owner's ass�ciation in the case of a can- tlomit�ium of mUltti-tenarrt building. AII complet�ed farrr�s m�st lae submitted with the �pplicants completed application. I, (print name} =�W�_����-.-��,7 � �.-� Vait Vilta e Inn Ptaza 100 E�st M�dow pr U��{ �3 $�nt oWner, or authority c�F the associa�ior�, of proRe►-t�+ lotaeed at 9 provide #his letter as wriiten apprpyat of the plans dal�ed 4-29.11- render;ngs and plans whith hav2 beer� submitted Co tfie Town 4f Vaff Community bevelopme+'�t Departmern for tt� prop4sed itttp�ovest�rrts t'o be completed at the addr�ss no�ecJ above. I unti�stand tltat the praposed improv�nent5 include: °1A�;��.�, '��KCw� '�� A►ddittonallY, p�se clieck t�e sta�emen# beMw which is rrx�st �PP�icable to yau: I thdf minor madifiptia�rts m�3y 6e rrtade to the p/arts tn� the aau�5e af the r�eyv pv�ocess to er�sure c�m- p/iarite i"own� apjolKa6le codes and r�ru/a#larts. � (InlfraJ her ) f u t}�t al/ moditicativ�s, minor or' � w�iirh �r� made ta the plans ar�r the course of the revlew pro� ess, be C ta my ati.�rition by the appfkant far add+�rHtal a,r.go�roua/ before undergorng further reuiew by the Tnwn. � ' (Ini[ia Z0/T0 3�id �JI IM Z9b59Lfi0L6 ��:69 ITOZ/b9/50 �.�. _ __._. ....+. .",� n�,,',�y . �i�'yC' i�."..��l..i � L- r.........�._.. .,�- � , _.,. ��.�� : - . ��- _�..- . � �. � .,.-- ; ; � g �. � �� ' �� i.' • : . �_;�� :���? _ �. 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'� �a�� �j��( �����:�� (J �I.��� l @P� l9 ��� � r. • . ;.;� +��✓��,� ;, 5 �� �� - �� -�-..�.,� �}' T �► p► ;1.� O C M ; O C m � � O� � � Q � � � W V O V S � � U �n o o. � O N � � � ❑� • � :S C . � P � � G V r Q V O S � 9 O 0 3 � N C rn � � � � � � �V/� \ � V �� !�/ `� \ � �.��� � r y� � e� •, � � � SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION - PROPOSED OPEN n.t.s. s� 4� .. . ,:��u � . � � 1 ��-�;I<i.. ��'����� ����y�� � . q �F_ /" �. i. : " /�, ���A'i��� ��r 1��J i.� ��r�� � � 5��,_ �, _ �. _ �-�, _ ... a� �� �� ch N « � �m � � c e� �Q �~ � W � V �2 �V T; �° L� ,o e �. � C1 H ,TS � e n$ i � � . � n P io C i O Y 0 s r� 0 0 u D � � �' a� N � � �� Y . __ �-:.�:� �� � �, � � .� �� �. � #� � �� �:,:, : �;.. � � � :�:� � "�'� SOUTH BUILDING ELEVATION - PROPOSED CLOSED n.t.s. � ,�� � ' �� ar i��! �'� ��! C�i� � - "�,.`�,� ��� ��� � - , �"� �����r��;�, ��,`�;`�: - 5�� �- �' � � ------- �. � - _,�_- r%�l? ,�.��_� __�....a �f T � n � � M N ^a ro �m � � e SQ �~ � W �U �z j0 V s. � �d,' u .� 4o d o � „ c � �+ � � gii t P ;e ic U V G a � S � O O C � N c � � � � � Q � G RFA. ADDITION 84 sq. ft. , EXISTING DECK 1 /4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED DECK ENCLOSURE 1 /4" = 1'-0" ..� �� ;�, � � �%t?t.�,: ����� ����' `� " �- �'����'C' � r ������ t�j' � 5/l � ( � �— �� p n�ncvao N � N I� � (O N � O � O c0 � � U � � O p_000 � U � � O a "- �--� � � � � � � � � � O � W w U zw Q� � W � d� > T � W O � � ¢ � � �o Z >o C� U � ° ¢ g �> >m PROJECT: 1102 DATE: DRB03.30.11 REVISIONS: DRB 04.29.11 DECK FLOOR PLAN . � EXTERIOR WINDOW SCHEDULE WINDOW LOCATION TYPE QTY FRAME MATL. INTERIOR FRAME MODEL & WINDOW SIZE HINGING WINDOW R.O. GLAZING COMMENTS # MAT'L. DESCRIPTION WIDTH X HT. 10'-9" x 4'-0" 10'-10" x 4-0'-" TEMPERED, SAFTEY GLASS MATCH EXISTING OPEN W1 a DECK A 1 ALUMINUM ALUMINUM NANA SL25 b 1 PINE PINE DIRECT SET SEE ELEV. TRANSOM SEE ELEVATION GUARDRAIL GLASS IN WOOD FRAME MATCH EXISTING FOLDING WINDOW NANA GLASS SL25 —� EXISTING DECK FLOOR 10'-10" R.O. 5'-3�� 4" 5�_3�� VFY. VFY. b b a WINDOW TYPE: n FOLDING WINDOW DIRECT SET ABOVE WINDOW TYPE 1 /4" = 1'-0" o� c%> > �1ir�:f ��'ti.: �,�xi r�l`=���� I����,�i� r- � 4- � � . - :� ;i �� l, =}. f^`�-. JJ'� `.�. .r . ... _ 1 _ _.. � � � �� � � � �-+ f� �f1 N c0 N N N f� �A (O N O r � O � O CD � O f� N � Ud'� Q O O � U � � O a "" � C � � � Qi _ �, 0 � � � T W � � � w U � _ � z W z ; O C'3 p Z O a� W Z� � � g °> J � 5 00 PROJECT: 1102 DATE: DR603.30.11 REVISIONS: DRB 04.29.11 WINDOW SCHEDULE � **************+*****************************+**************************+************+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-08-2013 at 16:14:45 O1/08/2013 Statement *********************+*********************+**********+*****�****************+************** Statement Number: R110000416 Amount: $20.00 05/06/201109:18 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DR Notation: CK# 1124 PURE DESIGN STUDIO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB110130 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2101-082-5603-9 2101-082-5604-0 2101-082-6101-4 2101-082-6102-0 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM UNIT 14 Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***********************�*********************************************+********************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------