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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0105NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES : .� row�o���; • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0105 Job Address: Location......: Parcel No....: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL 210106317011 OWNER VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 710 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 3419 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000003087 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 3419 VAIL CO 81658 License: C000003087 05/10/2011 05/10/2011 Phone:970-845-1001 05/10/2011 Phone:970-845-1001 Description: exterior improvements to an existing building including a new snowmelt system for the primary vehicular entry. Project #: Applied.....: Issued. . . : PRJ10-0578 05/10/2011 06/16/2011 Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $539,000.00 ..,,,,..,........,, ..............................................�........,,,,,.,,... FEE SUMMARY ...............,,......,�......,.....,....,,....�,,.,,..................,...,,...., Building Permit -----------> $3,419.00 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $2,222.35 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $10,580.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $402.50 Elec Plan Check -----------> $261.63 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $2,400.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $600.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $20.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $19,905.48 Payments------------------------------> $19,905.48 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 �fe�kYrf #frf f f#YrYrYrYrYrYrf rt4rtYrtrtrrtf f fYrhtrhil'trwVrtw#4trh%�trtrhY`w#+Fw»Yew+*Aw4Yrw1`trte�*tx�itfkf A4l+F rt##1`#i(�lirrt��ki(ilYYw#�f frkf iFfrtYrY'YrYrrtrttrf i4rtfYreYr/rY�wtrhhtrit�t4Yefrww:t+q'wlwe+�w*MwMXiF xiFiilf irf irrttr444�kYeA'ilkwk�Rf'�RYeRfrhf'�kY'Yewwtrw�.F�krt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. combination permit_012811 tS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM � .. , � _ Date k*���l�#wwwwwNxk#iRR�f�4#frt#hwwY#fwkw�4!#*4f4fY�Mwwww#+*l4�i++#X#rtrtrtwYwwk**4�f���w#wrtwff#!Aflif4�lfrtwwwwkwR*Rx�k*#wwfww**wRii*fRlwwwwwwf*44��4���ffw*#NRwfik#4�fffYw#�f�fk�wwfwwx�Rw�i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: B11-0105 Owner: VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: •rtNtrwR+i41`/rfi`i(il�k�ktr�FYriPf V ArRRYr:t�R�Ri1`fir/r/rtri�*�kY�ffftr�,1'*trk*ifffiri(i(kfff V f#Yr4fffe*i(iri(�kkfY'Yr�IrYeYrxYeiwR4il�kfY`#rt�RhtwwleRfrfffR#rt#Y'rtYtrtrrtktr/r1##1`#rt#fYrYrhYr+�k�R44i(f�k!lkfYr#kk�RR*#rt1e4f�FhYr4Yr#1rir�*#�khYtrhw*f�RA44#'rtrth combination permit_012811 . � � i� V� ��r ; � ********************x**�*********«««*„«**,.*..�**********«**********«*****«**********************«**********,,**.,***««*******************«**«««,.******* REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 611-0105 Owner: VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: ************************�****«*,.***********«*«**********�*.*******.,***********,.*.,*�********************«„«**«*****.�********************************„ Item: 00010 BLDG-FOOTING Item: 00020 BLDG-Foundation/Steel Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00240 PLMB-Gas Piping Item: 00310 MECH-Heating Item: 00340 MECH-Misc. Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00190 ELEC-Final Item: 00290 PLMB-Final Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 ****************************+*+****************************++***************************�*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************++*****+*+**********************+**+*************++**+******** Statement Number: R110000652 Amount: $17,433.0406/16/201108:15 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 40228 - NEDBO CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0105 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-063-1701-1 Site Address: 710 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: Total Fees: $19,905.48 This Payment: $17,433.04 Total ALL Pmts: $19,905.48 Balance: $0.00 *�*********************************+******+*******************************+***************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description -------------------- ------------------------------ 00100003111100, GFPO ELEC PERMIT FEES-GFP012 BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Current Pmts 170.00 3,419.00 232.50 2,400.00 611.54 10,580.00 20.00 � a� 3 t � Pleau see responses in red below. BUILDING �OMMENTS Architectural Comments: Sheet CI.I I. Revise plans to reflect the 2009 IBC as adopted by the Town of Vail —Done, see revised sheet 2. Provide handrails at new stairs per section 1009.11 IBC. —Done, see revised sheet -01�5 p ���o�� .lUN 0 7 2Q11 sheet Aoo� �_TOWN OF VAIL I. Show proposed Trash building in compliance with Building Type referenced on cover page. Section 602.2 IBf —Done, see revised sheet. Removed roof over trash enclosure. 2. Revise annotations to reference the 2009 IBC (2003 ANSI) as adopted by the Town of Vail. —Done, see revised sheet Structural �omments: Sheet 5001 I. Please clarify if special inspection will be required for welding and masonry. See field welding on plans and call out for high lift grouting. Reference sections 1104.3.1 and 1104.5 respectively. —Done, see revised sheet and attached Statement of Special Inspections. 2. Provide a completed special inspection agreement with resubmittal. —Done, see above Sheet 5103 I. Proposed sub flooring and decking to comply with heavy timber construction as specified in section 602.4.4 IB�. —Done, see revised sheet Sheet 5501 I Epoxy grout product proposed in detail c does not require special inspection? Pease clarify —Done, see attached Statement of Special Inspections t Plumbing Comments: Sheet Q.0 I. Show compliance with section 404.1� IfG� where gas piping is going under the new trash structure. —Done, see revised sheet. . Removed roof over trash endosure Mechanical �omments: Sheet M I.0 I. Revise general note to reference the Town of Vail building codes and amendments. —Done, see revised sheet Electrical Comments Reviewed and accepted PLANNING LOMMENTS Please revise plans to reFlect changed location of trash enclosure. —Done, see revised sheet 110 WEST �IONSHEAD CIRCLE, SUITE A vai� te�oa�c�o 8Ids1 910.411.2990 910.411.296f�F) f�Ek+BER OF iNF A,S'ERICA:4 !NSlITG'It ('F �kZ,tilitCl> STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS 2009 IBC Project: Vail Spa Exterior Improvements Location: Vail, CO This Statement of Special Inspections is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of IBC Sections 1704 and 1705. Included are: Schedule of the Special Inspection and Testing Agencies that will be retained to conduct the tests and inspections. Schedule of Special Inspections and tests applicable to this project: � Special Inspections per Sections 1704 and 1705 ❑ Special inspections for Seismic Resistance ❑ Special inspections for Wind Resistance SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTING WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THIS STATEMENT AND IBC SECTIONS 1704, 1705, 1707, AND 1708. THE SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SUMMARIZES THE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTS REQUIRED. SPECIAL INSPECTORS WILL REFER TO THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DETAILED SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. ANY ADDITIONAL TESTS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL ALSO BE PERFORMED. Interim reports will be submitted to the Building Official and the Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge in accordance with IBC Section 1704.1.2 A Final Report of Special Inspections documenting required Special Inspections, testing and correction of any discrepancies noted in the inspections shall be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Use and Occupancy (Section 1704.1.2). The Final Report will document: • Required special inspections. • Correction of discrepancies noted in inspections. THE OWNER RECOGNIZES HIS OR HER OBLIGATION TO ENSURE THAT THE CONSTRUCTION COMPLIES WITH THE APPROVED PERMIT DOCUMENTS AND TO IMPLEMENT THIS PROGRAM OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THESE OBLIGATIONS, THE OWNER WILL RETAIN AND DIRECTLY PAY FOR THE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED IN IBC SECTION 1704.1. THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DEVELOPED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WILL: • REVIEW AND APPROVE THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SPECIAL INSPECTORS WHO WILL PERFORM THE INSPECTIONS. • MONITOR SPECIAL INSPECTION ACTIVITIES ON THE JOB SITE TO ASSURE THAT THE SPECIAL INSPECTORS ARE QUALIFIED AND ARE PERFORMING THEIR DUTIES AS CALLED FOR IN THIS STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTION. • REVIEW SUBMITTED INSPECTION REPORTS. • PERFORM INSPECTIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING CODE. G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 1 of 11 Prepared by: Robert B. Redwine Registered Design Professional in Responsible Charge Signature Owner's Authorization: Owner Signature 6/3/2011 Date Date Building Official's Acceptance: Building Official Signature Date G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 2 of 11 SCHEDULE OF INSPECTION AND TESTING AGENCIES The following are the testing agencies and special inspectors that will be retained to conduct tests and inspection on this project. Responsibility Firm Address, Telephone, e-mail 1. Special Inspection To Be Determined (exceptfor geotechnical) 2. Material Testing To Be Determined 3. Geotechnical To Be Determined Inspections 4� To Be Determined G:yob_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 3 of 11 SCHEDULE OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Notation Used in Table: Column headers: C Indicates continuous inspection is required. P Indicates periodic inspections are required. The notes and or contract documents should clarify. Box entries: X Is placed in the appropriate column to denote either "C" continuous or "P" periodic inspections. Denotes an activity that is either a one-time activity or one whose frequency is defined in some other manner. Additional detail regarding inspections and tests are provided in the project specifications or notes on the drawings. Verification and Inspection '17U4.2 — inspection of fabricators 1704.2.1 - Inspect fabricator`s fabricatiart and quality cantrol procedures. C I P I Notes -- '--- ( Not required for appraved fabricators (e.g. AISC ! ; ( Certified} 1704.3 — Steel Construction Table 1704.3 — Steel 1. Material verification of high-strength bolts, nuts, and washers. a. Identification markings to conform to X ASTM standards specified in the approved construction documents. b. Manufacturer's certificate of X compliance required. 2. Inspection of high-strength bolting: a Bearing-type connections X -----_ —_-- -- ----- ----------------- -- , b. Slip-critical connections X; X' ', — ! �— � — _ _; � Mai2rlal ve�ificaticn of struct�ir:l �;P�I a. Identification markings to conform to --- --- ASTM standards specified in the approved construction documents. b. Manufacturer's mill test reports --- --- 4. Material verification of weld filler materials: G:�job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 4 of 11 Verification and Inspection C P Notes a. Identification markings to conform to --- --- AWS designation listed in the WPS. b. Manufacturer's certificate of --- --- compliance required. 5. Inspection of welding: a. Structural steel 1) Complete and partial penetration X groove welds. 2) Multipass fillet welds. X 3) Single-pass fillet welds > 5/16". X 4) Single-pass fillet welds <_ 5/16". X 5) Floor and roof deck welds. X ------ b. Reinforcing stee! - - — - - ` ---� — � , 1) Verification af weldability of i X reinforcing steel ather than ASTM � A706. ; ! ; 2) Reinfarcing steel-resisting flexuraf � X` and axial forces in intermediate and ; special moment frames, and ; I baundary elements of special reinfarced concrete shear walls, and � shear reinforcement � 3) Shear reinforcement. j X 4} Other reinforcing steel � X --! ----- --- - 6 Inspecticn of steel frame;eint uetails for � X compliance with approved construction documents: a. Details such as bracing and stiffening. b. Member locations. c. Application of joint details at each connection. 1704.3 - Welded studs when used for structural ; X` � diaphragms. � I 1704.3 - Welding of cofd-formed sheet steel ; X framing members. i 1744.3 - We[ding of stairs and railing systems. ; X G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 5 of 11 Verification and Inspection 1704.4 — Concrete construction Table 1704.4 - Concrete 1. Inspection of reinforcing steel, including prestressing tendons and placement. ; 2. Inspection of reinforcing steel welding in ' accordance with Tab(e 1704.3 Item 5b. 3. Inspect balts ta be instalied in concrete prior to and during placement of cancrete where aiiawable loads ha�e been increased. 4 Verifyinc use ef requir2d design mix 5. At time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate specimens for strength tests, perform slump and air content tests and determine the temperature of the concrete. 6. Inspection af concrete and shotcrete T placement for praper application techniques. 7. Inspection for maintenance of specified curing temperature and techniques. 8. Insgection of prestressed concrete. � a. Application of prestressing forces. b. Grouting of bonded prestressing tendons in the seismic force-resisting system. 9. Erection of precast concrete members. 10. Verification of €n-situ conerete strength, prior to stressing of tendons in postensioned concrete and prior ta removal of shares and forms from beams and structurai siabs. 11. Inspect formwork for shape, location, and dimensions of the concrete member being formed. C I P I Notes X �_ € __ [ I X ! � _ X �� X � X � � X X X X G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 6 of 11 � ! Verification and Inspection 1704.5 — Masonry Constructian Table 17U4.5.1 - Level 1 Masonry inspections. 1. At the s#art of masanry constructian verify the folfowring to ensure campliance: a. Proportions of site-prepared mortar. b_ Canstruction of mortar jaints. c. Location of reinforcement, connectors, prestressing tendons, and ancharages. d. Prestressing technique. e. Grade and size af prestressing tendans and anchorages. 2. Verify: a. Size and (ocation of structural elements. b. Type, size, and location of anchors, including other detaiis af anchorage of masonry to structural members, frames ar other construction. c. Specified size, grade, and type of reinforcement. d. Welding af reinforcing bars. e. Protection of masonry during cold weather (temperature below 40 degrees F) or hot weather (temperature above 90 degrees F} f. Application and measurement af prestressing force. 3. Priflr to grfluting verify the following to verify compliance. a. Grout space is cfean. b. Placement af reinforcement and connectors and prestressing tendans and anchorages. c. Proportions of site-prepared grout and prestressing grout for bonded tendons. d. Construction of mortar joints. 4. Verify graut placement to ensure compliance with code and construction document provisions. a. Observe grouting of prestressing bonded tendons. C ! P ! Notes X � � X i � X i i X X [ € I x i G X � i I ; ; X X i X � � E i � f � X ; X ; X � ; X � X X � �_ X i G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 7 of 11 I Verification and Inspection ', 5. �bserve preparation of required grouf ', specimens, martar specimens, andlor prisms. ' 6. Verify compliance with required inspection ' provisions of the construction documents and the approved submittals. Tabls '[704.5.3 - Leve{ 2 Masonry Inspections 1704.6 — Wood construction 1704.6 - Inspect prefabricated woad structural elements and assemblies in accordance with Section 1704.2 1704,6 - inspect site buiit assembiies. 17�4.6.1 - inspect high-load diaphragms: 1704.7 - Soils Table 1704.7 - Inspection of Soils 1. Verify materials below footings are adequate to achieve the desired bearing capacity. 2. Verify excavations are extended to proper depth and have reached proper material. 3. Perform classification and testing of controlled fill materials. 4. Verify use of proper materials, densities and lift thicknesses during placement and compaction of controlled fill. 5. Prior to placement of controlled fill, observe subgrade and verify that site has been prepared properly. able 1704.8 - Pile Faundations Table 17Q4.9 - Pier Foundations 1. Observe drifling aperations and maintain complete and aecurate recards for each pier. 2. Verify pEacement locations and plumbness, confirm pier diameters, bel( diameters (if applicable), lengths, embedment into bedrock (if applicable) and adequate end bearing strata capacity. 3. For concrete piers, perfarm additional inspectians in accardance with Sections 1704.4. C I P I Notes X j � E i i i � � i � X X X X X X X LICABLE G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 8 of 11 I Verification and Inspection 4. For masonry piers, perform additional ; inspections in accordance with Sec#ion 1704.5. C i P I Notes 1704.10 - Sprayed Fire-Resistant Materiats i 1. Inspect surface for accordance with the --- --- approved fire-resisfance design and fhe approved manufacturer's written instructions. � 2. Verify minimum ambient temperature before -- --- and after applieation. i 3. Verify ventilation of area during and a�ter ; � X application. { � i � 4. Measure average thickness per ASTM E605 �-- ;-- and Section 1704.1 �.3. : 5. Verify density of material for canformance with --- �--- the approved fire-resistant design and ASTM E605. 6. Test cohesiveladhesive bond strength per --- �--- Section 1704.1 d.5. , ; NOT APPLICA�LE 1704.11 - Mastic and intumescent Fire- !--- {--- NOT APPLICABLE � Resistant Coating i i 1704.12 - Exterior [nsulation and Finish Systems (E1FS) 1704.13 - Alternate Materials and Systems 17U4.14 - Smake Control System 1705.3 - Seismie Ftesistance 1705.4 Wind Resistance 17U7 - Special Inspections for Seismic Resistance 17Q7.2 - Special inspection far welding in accordance with AESC 341. 1707.3 - Struct��al Wood 1. Inspect field gluing operations af elements of the seismic-force-resisting system. --- . --- i NOT APPLICABLE --- . --- I NOT APPLICABLE -- . --- I NOT APPLICABLE � X SEE TABLE AT END OF SECTION SEE TABLE RT END OF SECT(UN NOT APRL(CABLE G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 9 of 11 Verification and Inspection 2. Inspect naiiing, bolting, anchoring, and other ', fastening of companents within the seismic- ' force-resisting systerr�, including: ' a. wood shear walis, , b. wood diaphragms, c. drag struts, braces, ; d. shear panels, ' e. hold-downs. ' 1707.4 - Cold-Formed Steel Framing 1707.5 - Pier Foundatians 1. Placement of reinfarcing ' 2. Piacement of concrete ! 1707,6 - Anchorage of storage racks and access ; floors 8 feet or greater in height. ', 1707.7 - Architecturai Components ^ ' 1. Inspect erection and fastening of e�eriar ', ciadding weighing more than 5 psf. 2. Inspect erection and fastening of interior and exteriar non-b�aring walls �nreighing more than 15 psf. 3. Inspect erection and fas#ening of interiQr and exterior veneer weighing more than 5 psf. 1707.8 - Mechanical and Electrica! Componen#s 1. Inspect anchorage of electricai equipment f�r emergency or stand-by power systems. 2. Inspect anchorage of non-emergency electrical equipment. 3. Inspect instailation of piping systems and associated mechanicaf units carrying flammable, combustible; or highly toxic confents. 4. Inspect installation of HVAC ductwc�rk that contains hazardous materials. V5. Inspect installation of vibration isolation systems where required by Section 1707.8. 1707.9 - Verify that the equipment fabel and anchorage or mounting conforms to the certificate af eompliance when mechanical and electrica( equipment must be seismically quaCified. 1707.1Q - Seismic isolation system: Inspection af isaiatian system per ASCE 7– Section C ! P ! Notes � X _� ; E t I f i I � � i I � , � � X � � X j � I x� i i i X X ! [ I � � X J X X i � I i X � X [ [ � _�— ; G:�job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 10 of 11 Verification and Inspection ! C! P I Notes , 1708 — Structurat Testing for Seismie � I NOT APPLICABLE ' Resistance ! ; 1708.1 - Masonry Testing for Seismic Resistance � ', 1708.3 - Obtain mi[I certificates for reinforcing -- ;--- ' steei, verify compliance with approved i construction documents, and verify steel supplied ' corresponds to cer�ificate. ' 1708.4 - Structural Steel: Invake the QAP Quality �--- --- I '; Assurance requirements in AISC 341. � I f ; 1708 5 Obtain certificate that equipment has -- j--- ', l�een tested per Section 1708.5. ; ' 1708.6 - C;btain system tests as required by -- --- ! ASCE 7 Section 17.8. . SEISMIC REQUIREMENTS (SECTION 1705.3.1) DESCRIPTION OF SEISMIC-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM AND DESIGNATED SEISMIC SYSTEMS SUBJECT TO SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AS PER SECTION 1705.3: NOT APPLICABLE THE EXTENT OF THE SEISMIC-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM IS DEFINED IN MORE DETAIL IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. WIND REQUIREMENTS (SECTION 1705.4.1) DESCRIPTION OF MAIN WIND-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEMS AND WIND-RESISTING COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 1705.4.2: NOT APPLICABLE THE EXTENT OF THE WIND-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM IS DEFINED IN MORE DETAIL IN THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. G:\job_docs\11 Files\11008 Vail Spa\Statement of Special Inspections.docx Page 11 of 11 '"'���'�,�. „z .sz.,. r�� r wa�,,.� �^���,�,� -�,,� �u� . r _�.. , ..�_. � .� — - : ,» . .. _. r_. , . , , ,. „i, �z��� �".� �`'� ° �„_ ' ����.��` Department of Community Development r�,. � � . � �' � �°� �, `'�" ���"� ` � ����"�� 75 South Front �g age Road w , ` _ . � . , ,� t , �.^,;u� �� °'°:> �� 7y;�:� ,, _ .,.�' . Vail, Colorado 81657 - �x . ` ' , ` Tel: 970-479-2128. �,� . ., ,� � � � ., w ry ��, . , w �` � . .a . : �;. ,} ,, Web: � :4. p - t' ���`" ���°� -�� • ° �` . �� ew Coordinator Develo ment Revi ,�r � ,, - . , T�" t���' ,�', � .. , " ,r�,� � � �` � p � � a, . . . � r ._�� �� .' fi, te ��, , .,,.,... , . �..� � a '. ' ....��^�., ..,.��._. ..»., . ..<..�+o.�.... . ,�w.,W.� ' ....i' a"a�ns�L�''r� ;"��n,n. � BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: 711: D� �S'f� �IGns �i� � � rt�e (Number) (Street) (Suite #) '� i�a����rl �,��C���� Building/Complex Name: �li�,"� s�;,� I Building Permit #: �� ���� �'�J Contractor Information , Business Name: %�` r���� Cc ��Si ��� }', �x � Business Address: (-'C% (�z;x � `I ��� City �i41i� State: C� Zip: �'IIyS2s Contact Name: �oll�•e �j{shc� Contact Phone: 'S�l �i - � CZ� f Contact E-MaiL �c:'�1/,a��=1�z���". c: y�+ Contractor Registration Number: � Zg � •7 � X � - -�✓ Owner/Owner's Rep se ative Signature (Required) Project Information Owner Name: �/..,, � S�t� Parcel #: zlLl - Cc:s = i7-G�II -�1L,,1 5r„ FJ.s�'�. (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970-328-8640 or visit www.eag lecou nty.0 s/patie) Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration (� ) Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial (x) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior () Exterior (�) Both () Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Electrical (�)Yes ( )No (,x)Yes ( )No � ScZ �`�o" Mechanical (�)Yes ( )No (�( )Yes ( )No �a��00d - Plumbing ( x)Yes ( )No ( X )Yes ( )No � ��� `� �rlt. _ Building (,� )Yes ( )No (,� )Yes ( )No �/L�c� �� Value of all work being performed: $ 6 Z(�� C�{'� �value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3� Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Fi����+� 1v.►pr�►•Ewu���s }� c•,b, ��is�;n,,� ��i 1�,;,.{ �n �,,. j� vr� �� !'�'��.r �;'u;w1vM,�� Svi�-1.y7 'F�.r- }� r�riv�u�yv v'�ki c J�wr' �'i+r W (use additional sheet if necessary) For Of6ce Use Only: Fee Paid: � ��'� a .'i y Received From: �ash Check # `i 0 !'7 D CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: Auth # Date Received: � � � U V � D MAY 0 5 2011 TOWN OF VAIL O1-Jan-11 State of Colorado Asbestos Testing & Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex- posure to harmful asbestos. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directly for their requirements at the contact info listed below. When is asbestos testing required? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing: One- and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet All Others (commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet Definition of a single-family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including multi-family/condominium units, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified abatement contractor. The clearance letter must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit will be issued. Project Checklist My project falls into the category checked below: � Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. � Tested negative, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test results included) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included) Tips & Facts: • Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buildings of � age require testing. The "1989 Ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO, 81657. Town of Vail Contact: Fire Prevention Bureau Vail Fire Department 75 S Frontage Rd 970-479-2252 State of Colorado Contact: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group 303-692-3158 www. us � O1-Jan-11 � PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, If�. Variance Request Vail Spa Remodel PLC Job No. 1776 970-476-8644 • FAX 970-476-8619 • 1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP • VAIL, CO 81657 May 3, 2011 Tom Kassmel Town Engineer Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Variance Request for 4' wide concrete pan at Vail Spa Condominiums Dear Mr. Kassmel: The Vail Spa, located at 710 West Lionshead Circle, is proposing to remodel their driveway. As part of this construction we are proposing to install a 4' wide concrete pan with a 2" deep flowline at the entrance to the South Frontage Road. The Town of Vail code 14-3-1 Minimum Standards Table 2 indicates the use of an 8' concrete pan at the entrance to Multiple-Family structure with more than 11 dwelling units. On behalf of the owner, I would like to request a variance to be able to install a 4' concrete pan as this will help to facilitate gentler grades approaching the existing structure. Attached is a small drainage area map showing the contributing area to the proposed concrete pan. The drainage area is approximately 0.065 acres. Using the rational method, the 100-year runoff to the concrete pan as proposed would be 0.35 cfs, using a C of 0.93 for asphalt, and intensity of 5.8 inch/hour and the area of 0.065 acres. (Q100=CIA or 0.35 cfs = 0.93 x 5.8 inch/hour x 0.065 acres.) The capacity of a 4' concrete pan at 4% is 1.13 cfs, which is greater than the 0.35 cfs of the contributing 100-year storm. The 4' wide concrete pan warks hydraulically in this application as it will have the capacity to contain runoff contributed from the Spa driveway and the Frontage Road. Please feel free to inc ely, J . , John W. Kronholm, PE Engineer questions or comments. % � ; •PO o. R �C/S' O �J K Rp �'•�'(� o : � 't'y :�m V�= O: :0 36662 �;° � �. :� o � ., . � �ss���G�� � � � �-v Page 1 of 1 � � ��hannel Report Fiydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD� Civil 3D� 2009 by Autodesk, Inc. � <Name> Triangular Side Slopes (z:1) = 12.00, 12.00 Total Depth (ft) = 0.16 Invert Elev (ft) = 1.00 Slope (%) = 4.00 N-Value = 0.015 Calculations Compute by: Q vs Depth No.lncrements = 10 Elev (ft) 2. o^ 1.7; 1.5C 1.25 1.00 0.75 Section Monday, May 2 2011 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.16 Q (cfs) = 1.127 Area (sqft) = 0.31 Velocity (ft/s) = 3.67 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.85 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.16 Top Width (ft) = 3.84 EGL (ft) = 0.37 - � �.., � 1.5 3 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 ).00 -�.25 3.5 4 4.5 5 . COMcheck Software Version 3.8.0 Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate 2009 IECC Section 1: Project Information Project Type: New Construction Project Title : Vail Spa North Entry Construction Site: 710 W Lionshead Cir Vail , CO Owner/Agent: Section 2: Interior Lighting and Power Calculation Des ig ner/Contractor: Chuck Langston AEC 40801 US Hwy 6 #24 Avon, CO 81620 970-748-8520 q B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts I ft2 (B x C) storage area (Warehouse) 540 0.8 432 Total Allowed Watts = 432 Section 3: Interior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast storage area ( Warehouse 540 sq.ft.) Linear Fluorescent 1: D: surface wraps / 48" T8 32W / Electronic Section 4: Requirements Checklist Lighting WatWge: � 1. Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Proposed Watts Complies 432 320 YES B C D E Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. 2 5 64 320 Total Proposed Watts = 320 Controls, Switching, and Wiring: � 2. Daylight zones under skylights more than 15 feet from the perimeter have lighting controls separate from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. � 3. Daylight zones have individual lighting controls independent from that of the general area lighting. Exceptions: � Contiguous daylight zones spanning no more than two orientations are allowed to be controlled by a single controlling device. � Daylight spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions and containing two or fewer light fixtures are not required to have a separate switch for general area lighting. � 4. Independent controls for each space (switch/occupancy sensor). Exceptions: � Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Project Title: Vail Spa North Entry Report date: 05/02/11 Data filename: P:\Current Projects\11015.00 - Vail Spa Exterior Improvements\Calculations\COMcheck\11015-COMCHECK.cck Page � of � Lighting in stairvvays or corridors that are elements of the means of egress. , � 5. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. ' � 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. � 7. Medical task lighting or art/history display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. � 8. Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least 50 percent by either controlling all luminaires, dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, altemate luminaires, or alternate lamps, switching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps, or switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exceptions: � Only one luminaire in space. � An occupant-sensing device controls the area. � The area is a corridor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or sleeping unit. � Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. � 9. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. Excep[ions: � Sleeping units, patient care areas; and spaces where automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security. � 10.Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: � Lighting intended for 24 hour use. � 11.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires (No single-lamp ballasts). Exceptions: ❑ Electronic high-frequency ballasts; Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Interior Lighting PASSES: Design 26% better than code. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 3.8.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. � �1��� �; L�.� s�� -�" r- � � s/�/„ Name - Title nature Date Project Title: Vail Spa North Entry Report date: 05/02/11 Data filename: P:\Current Projects\11015.00 - Vail Spa Exterior Improvements\Calculations\COMcheck\11015-COMCHECK.cck Page 2 of � 2009 IECC COMcheck Software Version 3.8.0 Exterior �ighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project Information Project Type: New Construction Project Title : Vail Spa North Entry Exterior Lighting Zone: 2(Neighborhood business district) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 710 W Lionshead Cir Chuck Langston Vail , CO AEC 40801 US Hwy 6 #24 Avon, CO 81620 970-748-8520 Section 2: Exterior Lighting Area/Surface Power Calculation A B C D E F Exterior Area/Surtace Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Proposed Watts Wattage Watts Watts / Unit (B x C) parking (Parking area) 8300 ft2 0.06 Yes 498 440 Total Tradable Watts' = 498 440 Total Allowed Watts = 498 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts" = 600 " Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. ** A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surFaces. Section 3: Exterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A B C D E Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. parking ( Paricing area 8300 ft2): TradaWe Wattage HID 1: A: WALL STEP LIGHT (LED) / Other / Standard 1 1 10 10 Incandescent 1: C: SCONCE / Incandescent 150W 1 2 150 300 HID 2: B: PATH LIGHT (LED) / Other / Standard 1 13 10 130 Total Tradable Proposed Watts = 440 Section 4: Requirements Checklist Lighting Wattage: � 1. Within each non-tradable area/surface, total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Across all tradable areas/surfaces, total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Compliance: Passes. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: � 2. All exemption claims are associated with fixtures that have a control device independent of the control of the nonexempt lighting. � 3. Lighting not designated for dusk-to-dawn operation is controlled by either a a photosensor (with time switch), or an astronomical time switch. � 4. Lighting designated for dusk-to-dawn operation is controlled by an astronomical time switch or photosensor. Project Title: Vail Spa North Entry Report date: 05/02/11 Data filename: P:\Current Projects\11015.00 - Vail Spa Exterior Improvements\Calculations\COMcheck\11015-COMCHECK.cck Page 3 of � � 5. All time switches are capable of retaining programming and the time setting during loss of power for a period of at least 10 hours. Exterior Lighting Efficacy: � 6. All exterior building grounds luminaires that operate at greater than 100W have minimum efficacy of 60 lumen/watt. Exceptions: ❑ Lighting that has been claimed as exempt and is identified as such in Section 3 table above. � Lighting that is specifically designated as required by a health or life safety statue, ordinance, or regulation. ❑ Emergency lighting that is automatically off during normal building operation. � Lighting that is controlled by motion sensor. Exterior Li�hting PASSES: Design 60% better than code. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2009 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 3.8.0 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. �? �� S� C l�vL k l_ {n� , �>•1 ' '" r- / C�!/ °'l� ��'/(/ Name - Title �— Signature Date Project Title: Vail Spa No�th Entry Report date: 05/02/11 Data filename: P:\Current Projects\11015.00 - Vail Spa Exterior Improvements\Calculations\COMcheck\11015-COMCHECK.cck Page 4 of 4 i , T�WN OF VAIL ' REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Project: Fire & Emergency Services Sta #3 permit Number: �� O� D� Project Location: 2399 North Frontage Road West Owner Town of Vail Address 1309 Elkhorn Dr City: Vail Z�p: 81637 e i seri�TT�1 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc ���� e (Materials Testing & Special Inspections) Address: PO Box 464; 101A Airpark Dr #9 City: Gypsum State: CO ZiP: 81637 phone: 970-524-0720 Fax: 9� 0- 524 - 0 721 E-mail; EvanKC�GroundEng . com This Report of Special Inspections attached is submitted as a condition from permit issuance in accordance with Section 1704 International Building Code. It includes a Schedule of Special Inspection Services applicable to the above referenced project as well as the identity of the individuals, agencies, or firms intended to be retained for conducting these inspections. The Special Inspector(s) shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish interim inspection reports to the registered design professional in responsible charge at a frequency agreed upon by the permit applicant and building official prior to the start of work. Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor and design professional in responsible charge for correction. If the discrepancies are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the building official by the registered design professional in responsible charge prior to the completion of that phase of work. A Final Report of Special Inspections shall be submitted by the design professional in responsible charge to the building official at the conclusion of the project and before a certificate of occupancy will be issued. Prepared by: �..rK �v� C[ t'/�'� Type Print Name �" Sgnature 3' 1�•11 Date To be filled out by the jurisdiction and returned to applicant Building Official's Acceptance of Special Inspections Frequency of Interim reports: Signature JQ`1;�.:: ''���l, ` �Q�`.•�Vff; :� • v<i �f1. /;a �'.�- A9' 3'�Q'�� .:�c,Q. . O�u.L4� �° "'��-�� � � ��;: f,1. L�' _: �-::v - Preparer's Seal and Signature Required Monthly Bi-Monthly Per Attached Schedule -10- Date Upon Completion Permit Number March 16, 2011 Subject: Summary of Materials Testing & Special Inspection Services, Fire & Emergency Services Station #3, Vaii, Colorado Job Number: 10-6534 TOV Permit #B10-0105 Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mr. Todd Oppenheimer, This letter summarizes the materials testing GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) performed during the construction of the Fire and Emergency Services Station #3 building, located at 2399 North Frontage Road in Vail, Colorado. The special inspections and materials testing services were performed at times scheduled by the Owner, Contractor and/or Subcontractors between June 6 and December 1, 2010. Representatives of our office were present on a part time basis to periodically observe the placement of backfill for the footings and for the floor slab. Nuclear-moisture density testing was periodically performed on the processed soils. Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc (KCE) were onsite to observe the foundation subgrade soils between 7/13/2010 and 7/20/2010 and provided additional recommendations regarding the foundation subgrade during these site visits. GROUND was onsite as requested by the Owner and/or Contractor during this time period to observe the foundation soils. Please see GROUND's observation reports and KCE's onsite recommendations and their original soils report #09-033 dated 8/6/2009 regarding preparation of the foundation subgrade soils. During construction, representatives of our office periodically observed reinforcing steel placement and performed periodic testing on the structural concrete placed for the foundation, foundation walls, slabs on deck and other structural elements. Samples of the structural concrete were periodically tested to determine physical properties and compressive strength. Representatives of our office periodically observed reinforcing steel placement and grouting operations, during masonry construction, when scheduled by the Owner, Contractor or Subcontractor. At the time of our visits, representatives of our office observed the placement of reinforcing steel and the general construction of the masonry - ----_�.� � � � � �.._ .._. .__._.__ . .... ......... ... _ ._ _. _ _ __---- .._—__.. _ __.._ ___.. _ E N L� I N E: E Fl I N G C O N S tJ �:r f-:a N 1" '_; I N 1 101A Airpark Dr., Unit 9, P(� Box 464, Gypsum, CO 81637 f'hone (970) 524-0720 Fax (970) 524-0721 www.gro� Uffice Locations: Englewoocl • Commerce City • L.oveland � Granby • Gypsum Fire & Emergency Services Station #3 Vail, Colorado walls. Mortar, grout, and masonry prism specimens were cast periodically during construction and tested for compressive strength. Structural steei welded and bolted connections were observed during construction by a certified welding inspector (CWI). These observations were completed at times scheduled by the Owner, Contractor or Subcontractor. Based on the final test results to date, field observations, RFI's received and other project documentation received from the design team, it is our opinion that the materials tested and/or observed for the structural concrete, reinforcing steel, structural masonry, and structural steel were in general accordance with project plans, specifications, and/or applicable RFI's. The observations and materials testing as indicated above were performed periodically to provide data to the Owner, Contractor and Subcontractors to assist them in evaluating the general compliance of the tested materials and/or work with the contract documents at the times of our observation and testing. We did not supervise, direct or have any control over any of the Contractor's or Subcontractor's work. We were not responsible for the Contractor's or Subcontractor's scheduling of our services, means, methods, procedures, techniques, or sequences of construction, nor responsible for ensuring that any Contractor or Subcontractor performed or completed the work in accordance with the contract documents or construction industry standards. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact our office. Sincerely, GROUND Engineerin�Consultants, Inc. �_ � / � i'��� __�_—_ Evan E. Kuhn ,,� . ,��2�P��'„�� �'��;y `>-. oo„ G��.o�'����; . �, . � � is.. `� .� . ; 0 0 2 'o .° � ` �� t } a^ �tr . e ��,i� ���`"=��e�.o �C� . s�� ,, ,,:.:s���?oNr���� . a Reviewed by James B Kowalsky, P. E. Job No. 10-6534 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. Page 2 of 2 `_� 1U-ZS-2011 Inspection Request Reporting Page 3 4:22 nm Vail, Cn.�itv Of Requested Inspect Date: Monday October 31 2011 Site Address: 710 W L�ONSHEAD �R VAIL A/P/D Information Activity: B11-0105 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupanc�y: Use: Insp Area: Owner: VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC Contractor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-845-1001 Description: exterior improvements to an existing building including a new snowmelt system for the primary vehicular entry. Reauested Ins ection s ___- - -- �_ Ite . 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Request r: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION IN Commen � 77-0328 Assigned To: N Action: Time Exp: Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC Comments: 977-0328 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Action: Time Exp: Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requestor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC Comments: 977-0328 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Action: Time Exp: Requested Time: 08:15 AM Phone: 970-845-1001 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 01:00 PM Phone: 970-845-1001 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 11:15 AM Phone: 970-845-1001 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Item: 390 MECH-Final Requested Time: 10:45 AM Requestor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-845-1001 Comments: 977-0328 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: QI �.v�t� �� ��.--�G `� � t i � �� b i� c, ��n , -. ����� � ���� C����.�.�.,�- 1 " r� � ��� � �o � � . ' �'�� � Inspection Historv �_�� Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING 08/02/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: wafl for ramp onl� Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel * Approved "` 07/12/11 Inspector: �sg r�emmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: First lift of CMU wall SI reports required for grout and motar 07/13/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 2nd lift 07/18/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 3rd and final lit including bond beam Need Si reports turned in to the TOV Item: 120 ELEC-Rough ** Approved `* 08/23/1'f Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 200 MECH-Rough REPT131 Run Id: 13695 � ,�L�I����SFa Inspection Request Re�ortin Vail_ C(� _ Cifii [� Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, May 01 2012 Site Address: 710 W LIONSHE�D CR VAIL Page 1 A/P/D Information Activity: 611-0105 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupanc�y: Use: Insp Area: Owner: VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOC Contractor: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC Phone: 970-845-1001 Description: exterior improvements to an existing building including a new snowmelt system for the primary vehicular entry. Requested Inspection(s) Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor: Phone: Assigned To: BGIBSON Entered By: SHANE K Action: Time Exp: Comment: . con ui an boxes shall be pain e'i�% mafch adjacent facade. Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: Assigned To: JMO G Action: Time Exp: Comment: ee an ing mb, and Electrical to pass �rsi- Comment: Nee lanning to sign off � ` r�j Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: Entered By: SHANE K Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING "` Approved ** 08/02/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: wafl for ramp only 03/19/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel "* Approved *" 07/12/11 Inspector: �sg r�emmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: First lift of CMU wall SI reports required for grout and motar 07/13/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION Comment: 2nd lift 07/18/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 3rd and final liit includin b��d beam Need Si reports turned in to the TOV Item: 120 ELEC-Rough ** Approb�d 08l23/1 i Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 240 PlM6-Gas Piping `* Approved `" 08/02/11 lnspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 310 MECH-Heating "* Approved `" 03/19/12 fnspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: na Item: 340 MECH-Misc. "` Approved *" 03/19/12 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: na Item: 30 BLDG-Framing *" Approved ** 09/28/11 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation "Approved `"' 09/29/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 14397