HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0097NOTE: TH/S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .• row��vAa,�. Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0097 Job Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location..:...: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 Parcel No....: 210107101012 OWNER VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST 05/03/2011 PO BOX 100 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT MIKE MCGEE 05/03/2011 Phone: 970-376-0738, Mike McGee VAIL FIRE 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 05/03/2011 Phone: 970-479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: 463-B Description: demolition of two non-bearing partitions in apparatus bay Occupancy: Type Construction: Project #: Applied.....: Issued. . . : P RJ 11-0157 05/03/2011 12/01/2011 Valuation: $0.00 ffe�/f�tkR/#frffRRf'f1ntRRfV4Rftl1'1'iRfiFYrty'#+tky'frtt'R'kf�fr4liRf�/ff��Vflrt�trt'fff�fff4Rf4fRtRt�Rf FEE SUMMARY 44iR##41�itf/4AInFARxRRRlrtftl'iR4txVYfrfrfYlt�tMrS1RfY#t4tVtMA/MHf4Rk4AM44RMRitARi}Alit�/R Building Permit -----------> $0.00 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $0.00 Use Tax Fee-----------------> $0.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $115.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review----> $0.00 Mechanical Permit -----> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees-------------------> ($109.75) Plumbing Permit -------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee---------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Will Call--------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------> 585.00 Payments--------------------> E85.00 BALANCE DUE -> a0.00 ��:krx�vrw��wxK��xxv.��:���:��:�����rrrr�:ix�xxrwrs.�s.wrxaix+:��er�e+Rwxwxxr�+wwx+wrr+w�wwwwra��x:ww�x,r+:�.x�x.r:::e�x�:::�wx�wz:wieeewe�w:,r�ree:�+r+e�ee��wwwwr+,ee:eerwwwrwwvrwr�wwraxwwrrrk� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Signature of Owner or Contractor Print Name combination permit_012811 Date ! Vfll� iitidl'*iAfAt4tftR4Y�y'4�Y9fr*t*}lfffft�4iFy'fy'A�kk44kfffrif4l'1rfrf�ttYrtk�Ff�fit+�fN}fVRRV V VwxttfrYffrrtrtrt4#1f��Rtrw�ihlfVy'RYRN4kRkRwf'f'1rR1r1rf�VYY�4W#rtYr4lr�f'1'lffYik�F�ttdY**41rRNff�Ye4itt4YRhtR�4A#fM�fYtVYiFi�YHit! CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B11-0097 Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAfL Owner: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST Location: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 krtMtttftYY4l�tYtit/t1rR4RMIrRRlVf�fYf1'i4YY#'k+tY�ffffV�fi�lRf�iRfYfY'Yfrf�4hYVl4irffrlff�tfe4fewfV�fVYfYf1'A'iRy'rtik4y'MI/`*#RitfiYlf�Vf/1rwi4ft�ktf�RklrY`fitR#RRlRktr#fRrty'1'y'i4tYiiikRtRRf�fV VRKitftYYYffy'IfYltitfYrRkkVf`trlff combination permit_012811 Tn11�VNNOF �A� V ......*..***.*�*....,.,.**.,.**.***.*....*..,**��******,.......*..*.*�***.....******..*.*..*....***.,..�*.,,.,,*,.*...*....*.*.,*.*.***.....,....�***.*.�.,. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: 611-0097 Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST Location: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 *,,..*..,,..��««***«****,�,�«,,.,*�*««***.,.*.,..,.,.*...,,..**.**.*,,..,...,,,,,,***.*....*..**.,..*,,,,,,.,.,*..*.,**«,.,....***..*.***«.*„*...........,,,,.,.......*.......*.. Item: 00120 ELEC-Rough 11/30/2011 By: sgremmer Action: AP Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing 11/28/2011 By: JRM Action: AP Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00190 ELEC-Final item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 ****�*******************+*�******************�************+*�***�****s***+**r************�** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �*******************************����*���**��**�*�****+*************+*********�**+**��******* Statement Number: R110001733 Amount: $85.00 12/O1/201109:06 AM Payment Method: Other Init: LC Notation: BUDGET TR.ANSFER OCCURING FROM FIRE TO APPROPRIATE REVENUE ACCTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0097 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-0101-2 Site Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 Total Fees: $85.00 This Payment: $85.00 Total ALL Pmts: $85.00 Balance: $0.00 **********r***********************�********�*�***�+*+**********s**********��**************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ 00100003111100, GFPOIZ ELEC PERMIT FEES-GFP012 85.00 >� )��<<cc• j`b� � " �-s�� -/1 ��c GL Gun/�-� ,.�� , ✓,�.i !�0l2 ��1�-`.'� , l� �U/"" �-� �J6'� ,Z 7� ,�,, , � � U'""'3��2 / .�:' J . , % c � �-.1 ���,,�n.2: - APPARATUS BAY APPARATUS BAYS V 1 t-1 L., C EXIST(NG STEEL BEAM ABOVE TO REMAIN � ( � EXISTtNG STEEL COLUMN TO REMAIN ... F�.�E � PRE ENTI OFFICE THIS AREA, REMC WOOD )OIST CEI — — � OF TJI'S _ J �-� EXISTING STEEL C�LUMN TO REMAIN REMOVE EXISTfNG N�N-BEARING GYP. BD AND WOOQ STUD WALLS TYPIGL .v.a, r� �``„'f °�p `� ��� a �f- �""' 1.�� � ���� � . �_� 3 1 ij' �` �'j �`i `� . ,�:, EXISTlNG STEEL BEAM ABOVE TO REMAIN � � � ! � � � ~ � , 4�. �l��.: �,�,o �,��� `r`� ��`�4 � � � , ��� �/�,� ��,� . �, � - ��., t ,� �/ � � os U � �� � � � ti �_ Vfa erriali 5/3111. �°���r��� �� �<'��i ; a ��c�-o�c M��r � � zo�i TOVNiV OF VAIL 1. DEMO LIGHTING AND POWER AS, REQUIRED AT FlRE PREVENTION OFFfCE AND TERMINATE,�IRCUITS BACK TO IJEAREST'�' BOX i 2. DO NOT REMOVE OR CUT ANY � STRUCTURAL OR SUPPORTING ELEMENT THAT MIGNT RE5ULT IN STRUCTURAL DEFICIENCY OR UNPLANNED COLLAPSE OF AN PORTION OF THE STRUCTURE. IF CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT MIGHT LEAD TO DEF(CIENCY OR COLLAPSE, DO NOT PROCEEd WITHOUT PRIOR REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECT. 3. PATCH AND REPAIR HOLES AND DAMAGED SURFACES CAUSED BY DEMOLITION AT LOCATIONS WERE WALLS ARE REMOVED AND AT BOTTOM OF SECOND STORY FLOOR STRUCTURE. � ����� ��� ` �"�� �' . � ���. � �h � '�4� � �� ������ � �,�� � � ������ ������`-•�` �'°' �'=�,�'; � ( t 1 � Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections wili be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: () Revisions ; j /( .. � `� � `� ( ) Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter J�� � /1 _ v j � ` '� ( Deferred Submittal (� Other Project Street Address: � � � ������� �� (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: L���C S'�7�%i��'� L Contractor Information � `"!�,,.:��jG ,l% % Business Name: / � Business Address: ��' t���� City ������ State: � `y Zip: �`�� �`� / ContactName: /j�%ll�/ '�cGc�-3� Contact Phone: � �� `�� J��� Contact E-Mail: ���'�� % �`��� ��L� �G �c�,�/� X ��'�—�-°��� '�_.�--� Owner/Owner's Representative Signature (Required) Applicant Information � Applicant Name: ����� Applicant Phone: Applicant E-Mail: For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # _ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Auth # exp. date: Description / List of Changes � � �/'2�'�.6SJ s /'�,�L,��� � ��`r� � �"c� .�fT-�'� � G�i;v���,- .�r< ���s%/� C-or/�,� G� �c ��i, � ; S �/ � ��v�� . �:,:> �i�r 5 �,«/ �.� �// �LG (use additional sheet if necessary) Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor 8� Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: $ $ ,!-� $ ��,�. $ $ Date Received: / �/, z .p�� �� p ������ NOV 2 1 2011 0� TOWN OF VAIL o �-o�c-> > NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �p�,r/��+ �t xi lU11IXUt P���� Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2749 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0097 Job Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAI L Location......: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 Parcel No....: 210107101012 OWNER VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST 05/03/2011 PO BOX 100 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT MIKE MCGEE 05/03/2011 Phone: 970-376-0738, Mike McGee VAIL FIRE 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL 05/03/2011 Phone: 970-479-2100 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: 463-B Description: demolition of two non-bearing partitions in apparatus bay Occupancy: Type Construction: Project #: Applied.....: Issued. . . : PRJ 11-0157 05/03/2011 05/11 /2011 Valuation: $0.00 .......,,,�.x..........,,,..,,,,....,. ......................».......................<.> FEE SUMMARY .....,....x,..........................,,,.........,....,.x,,,..............�.... Building Permit -----------> $0.00 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $0.00 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $0.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $0.00 Payments------------------------------> 50.00 BALANCE DUE-----------------------> $0.00 ...«....,, ..........................................,�........,.+�...»............................x�.................«,.�.............,.........,,.............,........................, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM R�nn nM - 4:00 PM. ���,�1� =��..�_..""'�. Signature of Owner or Contractor �rfi7ic.�,�s�lLJ7 ��� l� �''1.r Print Name combination permit_012811 JJ�°//• Z-�i/ �/ Date ��� .....» .................>..,.........,......,.,,...,,,........,.........,.......................,...,..................,.,..........>.....,.,..,..,..................,,.......,........ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 611-0097 Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST Location: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 fY`Yl1w�k�kM�k#i(fi(tifle*wwYrYrf4Ye�k41�***if�YrYrf##rtwYe4�RkR4f�R}frRwwteRY'wfri4M�F%YrfYrrt#*R444t(f1'iit4hA'Rrthh#rtYrrtwMY'f'kM'M�k�*'k4f4+4�kfA+t'k'kYfXkiFtrtrte#hrt�krtY'fY'Y'Yertf4rtit*#irY*feR4�*#1`1`f*#4*f *t�R+*itMft'T1(**w'k*ttrffi'R'kYe'k+#N combination permit_012811 i � ��'NQF YA� . *�**************,.****************,*******************************************************************�**************************,****�********„****** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: B11-0097 Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST Location: VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2 „************.,****„««*�*****«***«************,«**********,�*********«*******�*****«**«****«*******,.*****************�*«********,+*„*****„******,.*****.,« Item: 00030 BLDG-Framing Item: 00050 BLDG-Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 �!, � �ai� � k;� �Lr� ; �.� � , G,S `_ ��xrv;2�. / � ��*+C__G� G�^J��;i' �� -� ` �on /��,���i/� . t �;,� �/��/� a iJf�'Js f�l� i�,; �'Z" �: � U""�'2 �� �". ,���:.-G=-�• �.9� Hi�/� :. TL !.. .. APPARATUS BAY �PPARATUS BAYS O F F I L. E EXISTfNC STEEL BEAM ABOVE TO REMAIN '� STAI _ � EXISTING STEEI COLUMN TO REMAIN . _ :.__._. _ : : � I{ __�I�E � l� �.._--- � P RE E N T 1 N ( I TM�S AREA� REM EXISTIN GYP, BD AND �, WOOD J015T CEI ING FRAM NG AT 8'-6" AFF OFFICE _� �_== AMtNG AT 12' ,� nrr � v Rcmn�rv� rn ��.n r�ruart A i tsV 1 i V _ � OF Tjl'S ------J �-- -� EXISTING STEFL COLUMN TO REMAIN REMOVE EXISTING WON-BEARING GYP. BCt A►VD WOOD STUD WALiS TYP�CAL EXISTING STEEL BEAM ABOVE TO REMAIN 1�7�t t ` Q;v�� �^� �. §� �����: ' �� . ���' , � � j .';� ,. �� �%�- � � .� �-- :. �:....;�� - �-=� , � O : f�•; Received �ia �mai1 5/3/11. IC �� 1� ��� �'�� �,�`�� . � +;� ��,�i��✓°�.�,�t�° ��o � �� .������ q� �� � c������ . � �/ ����, O �:,� U � � �� d � �, '`� � -�. � b � �, � , �� L'-� V� C� 0 V MAY � 1 2��1 � ��� �� � �� �� ��� �� � ���; G : � ���r. � �� -r- � �.s � �,,, �� : ��� ,4. . � `� � � �0F ��� � � �. �,��� � �� �;� �.� Ta�r� �F V�� � : NOTES: 1. DEMO LIGHTlNG AND POWER RS REQUIRED �T FIRE PREVENTION OFFICE AND TERMINATE �IRCUITS BACK TO NEAREST'J' BOX r 2. D� N�T REMOVE OR CUT ANY � STRUCTURAL OR SUPPORTiNG ELEMENT THAT MIGHT RESULT IN STRUGTURAL DEFICIENCY OR UlVPLANIVED COLLAPS� OF AN PORTfON OF THE STRUCTURE. IF CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTEREQ THAT MIGHT tEAD TO DEFfCIENCY OR COLtAPSE, DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT,PRIOR REVIEW BY THE ARCHiTECf. 3. PATCH AND REPAIR HOLES ANQ DAMAGED SURFACES CAUSED BY DEMOLITION AT LOCATIONS WERE WALlS ARE REMOVED AND AT BOTfOM OF SECOND STdRY FLOOR STRUCTURE. IVLAt N 1 FVFI (�F�VI[3f IT�["lN e N n �� pRnvF�►�r FtiT p� e N t/��f = ��Rlry T � � �� a � � m m, � : U m - � � � � _ � �t T � � � m � � �� �� a� � � � � � � � � c � � � n . Z 4 � o !I c � � � r �� d � � � Y : �� � � � 0 � � rtment.M:Cornmunlh► �- .°.� "_, � ���'��; � ' ,:�, � # � ; �'3 South F �, _� �', � �'�,, + . �',�y¢ ° 1�eil.�C �� :� . �- � � �e.. � '4' yj �\� '#y � �� , � .g" _ ' f �v � � ft f � � , �' r�` � i � t� � 6� �: p.�. . � i� .� � . . _ - _ _ _ _';� Project Street Add�ess: 42 W Meadow Dr (Number) (Street) t �� �.. . Wp� f .; �-,, M ;ks�. �< �� BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate appiications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Buildinp/Complex Name: Va(I Fire Station 2 CoMrector Information Business Name: Town of Vaii (Suite #) � Project #: PRJ11-0157 I DRB #: Building Permit #: �� ��l � '� 1 � � Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Aiteration ( � ) Business Address: �5 S Frontage Rd W Type of Building: ��ry Vail State: CD Zip: 81657 Single-Famfly () Duplex () Multi-Family () Commercial (�/) Other ( ) Contact Name: Michael McGee Contact Phone: 970 376-0738 Work Type: Interior (✓ ) Exterior () Both () Contact E-Mail: mmcgee�vailgov.com Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Contractor Registration Number: TOV 463-B Electrical ( )Yes ( �>No ( )Yes ( ✓}No X ���.��� �--���'� ���- Mechanical ( )Yes ( ,/)No ( )Yes ( ✓)No OwnedOwner's Representative Signature (Required) Plumbing ( )Yes ( �/)No ( )Yes ( �/)No ProJect intormation Building ( �/)Yes ( )No ( �/)Yes ( )No Owner Name: I own ot VaU Parcel #: 2� 01 071 0101 - 2 (For P.resl �, comact Eeglo County Aseaason Otflcs at (970-328-8640 or vislt www.sagkcouMy.uslpstla) Value of all work being performed: g NA (value based on IBC Sectlon 109.3 3 IRC Section 10B.3) Electrical Square Footage NA Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Demolition of two non-bearing partitions in apparatus bay. (use add�fonal sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: auth # Date � � � � � D MAY - 3 2011 �i � Q �-�-�` I T01IVN OF VAIL � C/ o�aan-i i _� . « Indoor Environmental Services, Inc g� �-ooss Dba: Q Consulting, Inc. Town Of Vail Site 5— Fire Station 2, Main Vail 42 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Asbestos Inspection Report — Page 1 of 2 March 1, 2011 John Gallegos Facilities Manager Town of Vail On February 24, 2011, Quentin Danziger conducted an asbestos inspection of the suspect materials throughout the building. Asbestos was NOT found, as described below. Homogenous Description Number of % Asbestos Square Type/Friable? Area Sam les Feet Ol Texture 3 Non Detect 02 Sheetrock/JC 3 Non Detect 03 Upper Kitchen 3 Non Detect Floor Tile 04 Concrete 3 Non Detect Texture OS External Wall 3 Non Detect Pa er O1 (4/27/11) Carpet 3 Non Detect Adhesive BACKGROUND: The Town of Vail requested an asbestos inspection of this building. Roofing materials were not seen, but inspection was limited due to snow. If suspect roofing material such as tar paper is found during remodel, contact Quentin at 970-390-0087. The above does include the plan room behind the bays that is scheduled for removal. This inspection includes only suspect materials that are visible to the inspector. If other suspect materials become visible during demolition, they must be sampled before they are disturbed. Examples of suspect materials include but are not limited to: linoleum, floor tile, ceiling tile, mastic, sheetrock, joint compound, roofing materials, etc. There are over 3000 known asbestos containing materials. � A_ Indoor Environmental Services, Inc Dba: Q Consulting, Inc. Town Of Vail Site 5— Fire Station 2, Main Vail 42 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Asbestos Inspection Report — Page 2 of 2 SAMPLING PLAN: Colorado State Requirements - For each homogenous area of less than 1000 square feet, a minimum of three samples must be collected in random areas. For each homogenous area of 1000 — 5000 square feet, a minimum of five samples must be collected in random areas. Areas of 5001 square feet or greater require a minimum of 7 samples. These laws are defined by the EPA (AHERA) and Colorado State Regulation 8. Determination of homogenous sampling areas — Homogenous Areas are determined by type of suspect material, texture, color and location. Determination of random sampling areas — The samples were collected in a random manner. Thank you for using Q Consulting, Inc. We are proud to be your local indoor air quality consultants. We look forward to working with you in the future. Quentin Danziger, BS, CIE, ABI — Colorado Asbestos Inspector Certification # 12781 Indoor Environmental Services, Inc. Dba Q Consulting, Inc. 970-390-0087 QConsultingInc@yahoo.com � EMSL Analyticai, inc. 200 Route 130 North, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Phone: {800) 2203675 Fax: ($58) 788-5974 Email: we�tmontasblaha�EMS��cam An�: Quentin Danziger Q Consulting, Inc. PO Box 997 Vail, CO 81658 Fax: Phone: (970) 390-0087 Project: TOV - VAIL FIRE STATION Customer ID: INES78 Customer PO: Received: 02/28/11 9:00 AM EMSL Order: 041104361 EMSL Proj: Town of Vail Analysis Date: 2/28/2011 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non-Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance °/, Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type 01-01 - TEXTURE White 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected oai�oassi-000i Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous 01-02 P41f04361-0002 01-03 0411P4361-0003 02-01 041f04361-0004 - TEXTURE White Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous - TEXTURE Various Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous - Brown/White SHEETROCK/JOI Fibrous NT COMPOUND Heterogeneous 3% Cellulose 10% Cellulose 5% Glass 100% Non-fibrous (other) 97% Non-fibrous (other) 85% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected None Detected None Detected 02-02 - Brown/White 10% Cellulose 85% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 041f04361-0005 SHEETROCK/JOI Fibrous 5% Glass NT COMPOUND Heterogeneous 02-03 - Brown/White 10% Cellulose 85% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 0411P4361-0006 SHEETROCK/JOI Fibrous 5% Glass NT COMPOUND Heterogeneous 03-01 - UPPER Various 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected oa>>oa3s�-000� KITCHEN FLOOR Non-Fibrous TILE Heterogeneous Initial report from 03/01/2011 07:23:57 Analyst(s) Will DiBella (15) _��fs�`�--' r' •_ ���ti •� Stephen Siegel, CIH, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL maintains liabiliry IimiteA to the cost of analysis. This report relates only to tha samples reported above and may not be reproducetl, exept in full, without wntten approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibiliry for sample collection actitities or analytical method limitations. Interpratation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This repoA must not ba used by the dient to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVIAP, NIST or any agancy of the federal gooemment. The test results contained within this report meet the reQuiremants of NELAC unless otherv✓ise spacified. Samples received in good condition unless ottierwise notad. Samoles analvzed bv EMSL Analvtical. Inc. Cinnaminson, NJ NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0, AIHA-LAP, LLC-IHLAP Lab 100194, NYS ELAP 10872, NJ DEP 03036 Test Report PLM-7.23.0 Printed: 3/1/2011 7:23:57 AM � EMSL Analyticaf, lnc. 20Q Route 130 Plorth, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Phor7e: {8p0) 220•3675 (=ax: (�58j 786-b874 Email: westm�ntasblaby'r�E_M�L,com An": Quentin Danziger Customer ID: INES78 Q Consulting, I11C. Customer PO: PO Box 997 Received: 02/28/11 9:00 AM Vail, CO 81658 EMSL Order: 041104361 F�� Phone: (970) 390-0087 EMSL Proj: Town of Vail Project: TOV - VAIL FIRE STATION Analysis Date: 2/28/2011 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non-Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance °/, Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type 03-02 - UPPER Various 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 041 f04361-0008 KITCHEN FLOOR Non-Fibrous TILE Heterogeneous 03-03 - UPPER Various 041104361-0009 KITCHEN FLOOR Non-Fibrous TILE Heterogeneous 04-01 - CONCRETE Gray ao��cwss�-0o�o TEXTURE Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous 04-02 - CONCRETE Gray ao��oass�-0o>> TEXTURE Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous 100% Non-flbrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected None Detected None Detected 04-03 - CONCRETE Gray 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 691f04361-0012 TEXTURE Non-Fibrous Heterogeneous 05-01 - WALL TAR Brown 60% Cellulose 40% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 041f04361-0013 PAPER Fibrous Heterogeneous 05-02 - WALL TAR Brown 60% Cellulose 40% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 041104361-0014 PAPER Fibrous Heterogeneous Initial report from 03/01/2011 07:23:57 Analyst(s) ,�=�---� �,�-u� Will DiBella (15) Stephen Siegel, CIH, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory tMSI mamtams uabiliry limitetl to the cost of analysis. This report relates onty ro the samples reported abooe and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection acliNties or analytical method limitations. InterpreFation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This report must not be used by the dient ro claim product certification, appmval or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal gouemmenL The test resWts contained within this report meet the requirements ot NELAC unless otherwise specified. Samples receieed in gootl condition unless otherwise noted. Samples analyzed by EMSL Analytical, Inc. Cinnaminson, NJ NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0, AIHA-LAP. LLC-IHLAP Lab 100194. NYS ELAP 10872. NJ DEP 03036 Test Report PLM-7.23.0 Printed: 3/1/2011 7:23:57 AM 2 .. � EMSL Analytical, inc. 200 Route 13U North, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Phone: {800) 220•3675 Fax: ($58} 788-5974 EmaiL• westmontasblabCcaEMSL,com An�: Quentin Danzi er 9 Customer ID: INES78 Q Consulting, II1C. Customer PO: PO Box 997 Received: 02/28/11 9:00 AM Vail, CO 81658 EMSL Order: 041104361 Fax: Phone: (970) 390-0087 EMSL Proj: Town of Vail Project: TOV - VAIL FIRE STATION Analysis Date: 2/28/2011 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non-Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance % Fibrous % Non-Fibrous % Type 05-03 - WALL TAR Brown 60% Cellulose 40% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected 041f04361-0015 PAPER Fibrous Heterogeneous Initial report from 03/01/2011 07:23:57 /�� j Analyst(s) .�..�.�.�-t.-�' Will DiBella (15) Stephen Siegel, CIH, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory EMSL mainlains liabilily limiled to the wst of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported abova and may not be reproduced, e�sept in full, without written approval by EMSL. EMSL bears ra responsibility for sample collection activitias or analytical method limitations. Inlerpretation and usa of tast results are lhe responsibility of the clienL This report must not be used by lhe dient lo claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of lhe federel go�emmenL The test resulls contained within this raport meel the requirements of NELAC unless otharwisa specified. Samples recaived in good condilion unless otherwise noled. Samoles enalvzed bv EMSL Analytical, Inc. Cinnaminson, NJ NVLAP Lab Code 101048-0, AIHA-LAP, LLC-IHLAP Lab 100194, NYS ELAP 10872, NJ DEP 03036 . Test Report PLM-7.23.0 Printed: 3/1/2011 7:23:57 AM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. r EMSL Anaiyticai, Inc. 7330 S. Alton VYay Building 12 Su+te A, Centenniai, CC1 80112 Phane: (303) 740•�700 �'ax: {143} 741-1x00 Email: denvertap�a�emsl co��i Ann: Quentin Danziger Q Consulting, Inc. PO Box 997 Vail, CO 81658 Fax: Phone: (970) 390-0087 Project: Main Fire Dept - TOV Plan Room Custaner ID: Customer PO: Received: EMSL Order: EMSL Proj: Analysis Date: INES78 04/28/11 9:05 AM 221101219 Town of Vail 4/28/2011 Test Report: Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via EPA 600/R-93/116 Method using Polarized Light Microscopy Non-Asbestos Asbestos Sample Description Appearance °/, Fibrous °/, Non-Fibrous °/, Type 01-01 Carpet Adhesive Tan 100% Non-fibrous (other) None Detected zz>>o�2�s000� Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 01-02 CarpetAdhesive Tan 22>>o�2�s-0oo2 Non-Fibrous Homogeneous 01-03 CarpetAdhesive Tan 22U01219-0003 Non-Fibrous Homogeneous Initial report from 04/28/2011 17:33:07 Anayst(s) Erin Orthun (3) 100% Non-fibrous (other) 100% Non-fibrous (other) Erin Orthun, Laboratory Manager or other approved signatory None Detected None Detected tMSL maintams Ilablliry limited ro cost of analysis. This report relates only to the samples reported and may not be reproduced, e�ept in tull, without wntten approval by EMSL EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection actiNties or analyti�al method limitations. Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. This ieport must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the federal goeemment. Non-friable organically bound materials present a problem matnx and therefore EMSL recommends graNmetric reduaion prior to analysis. Samples received in good condition unless otherwise noted. Samoles analvzed bv EMSL Analvtical. Inc. Centennial. CO NVLAP Lab Code 200828-0 Test Report PLM-7.23.0 Printed: 4/28/2011 5:33:07 PM THIS IS THE LAST PAGE OF THE REPORT. OFFICE M�� : : TLT OFFICE ST�I F[RE PREVENTI� C}FFICE _ � �� �___ HC7SE TVirR APPARATUS BAY APPARATUS BAYS � EXiSTtNG STEEL BEAM ASOVE TO REMAIN _ � � i EX(STfNG STEEI COLUMN 70 REMAW � �( "--THIS AREA, REM E EXiSTIN GYP. BD AND WOOD jOfST �EI ING FRAM NG AT 8'-6" AFF JI FIOQR RAMING AT 7 2' � OF TJI'S _ � � �-� EXISTING STEEL CflLUMN TO REMAiN REMOVE EXISTING NON-BEARING GYP. BD AND WOQD STUD WAlLS TYPICAL " �- �;,� � �' �iro'� � , � " � .. _ ;� �� � � ,. 5�-��-�� _��_. 4. �ia;: �. __ EXISTING STEEL BEAM AB(JVE TO REMA(N � 0 � < =. � , NQTES: �� �.� m� � ��; � � � � �; �� � _� �� � � �sry ds '; � �, F � � � `" Y � �1 � 3 ��.p � �" ,. .� � � ����� �'d'�t €� j.:,, .�y • � f • �yf' f � a � � _T� �o, 'S � � � &� � '+.x� �..c�° g 0. � 3 ;q � � �� � � � -: �� � �:;,� � ��. � :����� .� � �4-�_ �� � F� z^ '^`., �- � y�� 43����(� 'p 1� '�.o �� y�� � � � ro s�b � �> � � � � �.,���+� �` . s a :Ir _ ��� � ���� ���.fii�l D ��� � ,� ����� I t. DEMQ LlGHT1PIG ANII fTOWER AS REQUIRED AT F[RE PREVENTION OFRCE AND TERM(NATE �IRCUITS BACK TQ NEAREST')' BOX 2. C)O N07 REMOVE �K CUT AhlY STRUCTURAC OR SUPPORTING ELEMENT THAT MIGHT RESULT IN STRUCTURAL DEFIGENCY QR UNPLANNED COLLAPSE OF AN PC3RTldN OF THE STRUCTURE. IF CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED THAT MIGHT LEAD TO DEFICIENCY OR COLLAPSE, DO t�iOT PROCEED WITHOUT PR(OR REViEW SY THE ARCHfTECT. 3. PATCH AND REPAIR HOLES AND DAMAGED SURFACES CAUSED BY DEMOL(TION AT LOCATIONS WERE WALLS ARE REMOVED AND AT BQTTOM OF SECONd STC7RY FLt?OR STKUCTURE. MA[ N LEVEL DEMC�L[TI�N AN D IMPR(�3VEMENT PLAN !/UIf _ 1l�011 ! � � T "'` N � C � o m � � � �� � �� � �� �, _ � 'a� r- c � � �. m � N �N —��, tt') � � �� � � � � � � �y its � > � � � w .r� c o � _� o ii � o m 0 m � � � � ,�_; ;� : .4: °,� ot. ,t7s' ;h: :`"'�� ,.Y � �: �;�� � �� ,.� .w; J ` .:,.,,lu .. m<I; 0 0 02-07-2012 Inspection Request Re orting Page 1 4:11�m —_ --- Vail, C—O CitT O� ��.-'�ll -015�" Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday February O8, 2012 Site Address: 42 W MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL FIRE STATION NO. 2- A/P/D Information Activity: 611-0097 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Owner: VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DIST Contractor: TOWN OF VAIL Phone: 970-479-2100 Description: demolition of two non-bearing partitions in apparatus bay Requested Inspectionls) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: TOWN OF VAIL Comments: 376-0738 Assigned To: JM D Action: Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: TOWN OF VAIL Comments: 376-0738 Assigned To: JMON R Action: � V �/ � l.� � Inspection History Item: 120 ELEC-Rough 11/30/1 i Inspector: Comment: Item: 30 BLDG-Framing 11/28/11 Inspector: Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation 12/02/11 Inspector: Comment: Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail 12/02/11 Inspector: Comment: Item: 190 ELEC-Final Item: 90 BLDG-Final Time Exp: Time Exp: '� Approved ""' sgremmer ** Approved *� JRM JRM proved "` "` Approved "' JRM Status: ISSUED Insp Area: Requested Time: 01:00 PM Phone: 970-479-2100 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 11:30 AM Phone: 970-479-2100 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 14081