HomeMy WebLinkAboutTC MP overview parking 5-3-11 #2 Town Council May 3, 2011 1 What Are We Going to Discuss Today • Review of PEC action on Amendment to LHRMP (Staff) • Overview of LHRMP Amendments (Staff) • Focus on Individual Topics • Parking (Applicant)2 Key Topics for Future Discussion • Parking • Meeting Space • Hot Beds • Office • Other? 3 Today PEC Action: LHRMP Amendment 4 • Recommended Approval: 1/24/11 • Vote: 3-1-2 (Rediker opposed) • Modifications/Conditions: • View corridors to not impair neighboring property’s ability to redevelop • Clarification to ERWSD access language • Minor revisions to text and correction of typo • Timing of office replacement is concern • Strengthened language regarding wetlands, tree replacement, creek reference, and mitigation of development impacts • Modified reference to LEED and green design principles • PEC asked staff to relay concern about future architecture of ERWSD LHRMP • LHRMP contemplated development in West Lionshead (now known as Ever Vail) • General concepts for development in West Lionshead since 1999: ‣ South Frontage Road relocation ‣ High density residential ‣ Mixed-use portal ‣ Relocating Mountain Operations underground 5 Why Amend? • Amendments allow for more specific recommendations for West Lionshead as Ever Vail • Provide specific direction on uses, height, density, road realignment, parking, etc., based on Ever Vail • Proposed Amendments are only in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, which are specifically related to Ever Vail 6 Chapter 4 Amendments View Corridors Frontage Road Alignment 7 Chapter 5 Amendments Amends the detailed recommendations for West Lionshead (Ever Vail) Comparison of LHRMP 8 Current LHRMP Proposed LHRMP “No Net Loss” Parking No change, formalizes that no net loss spaces will go into Ever Vail Public Parking (400 spaces) No change, formalizes location Office & Retail Replacement No change to concept, formalizes the proposed increases in office and retail sf, based on EV plans View Corridors Adds 4 new view corridors Meeting Space No meeting space was recommended for West Lionshead, now identifies that meeting space will be provided Height No change, maintains additional limitations on west side of Red Sandstone Creek Frontage Road Recognizes preferred Frontage Road alignment Hot Beds Hotel was not identified as use in West Lionshead, adds in hotel as proposed use Topic: Parking Town Council May 3, 2011 9 10 Public Parking Public Parking 11 • Vail 20/20 Strategic Action Plan-November 2007 • Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan -May 2010 • Vail Transportation Master Plan -June 2010 Public Parking -20/20 • Maintain the supply of parking where all demand is met except up to a maximum of 15 days of winter and 3 days of summer when parking demand exceeds supply in the short term • Meet future parking needs of approximately 1,000 spaces by developing parking supply that is conveniently located to destinations Public Parking • 400 public parking spaces in West Lionshead (Ever Vail) • Master Plan indicates that the Transportation Update will provide final recommendations ( (b)) • Vail Transportation Master Plan Update: June 2009 Public Parking: Location West Lionshead (EverVail): 400 spaces “to address the existing deficiency of off-street parking on peak days and the shifting demand of parking created by the introduction of a new ski lift in West Lionshead” Public Parking: Summary • Studies indicate a need for approximately 400 spaces in West Lionshead (Ever Vail) as a portion of 1,000 spaces needed in the long-term (20 years) • PEC recommended 400 public parking spaces in West Lionshead (Ever Vail) pursuant to the LHRMP “No Net Loss” Policy • Warren Campbell “No Net Loss” Policy • Ground Rule of the Master Planning Process #4: “There will be no net loss to the Vail community of either local’s housing or parking spaces (public and private) now existing in Lionshead.” • Recognizes that development of certain sites could potentially displace employee parking (NDL and WDL) (LHRMP 3.9.4) • Parking displaced by development on these sites will be provided in West Lionshead (LHRMP 3.9.4) Proposed LHRMP Language: 5.17.3 Parking • “Section 2.4: Ground Rules for the Master Planning Process, states that there shall be no net loss of parking spaces now existing in Lionshead. Ever Vail must include parking spaces to offset displaced existing parking from the former gas station site and Maintenance Yard/Holy Cross Site in accordance with section 4.8.1. These spaces are in addition to parking required by the Vail Town Code and any public parking spaces provided by Ever Vail.” 18 Ever Vail Parking and Master Plan Compliance • No Net Loss • Total Parking Breakdown • New Parking Reality • Ever Vail Skiers • Conclusion “No Net Loss” Policy • Detail on tracking No Net Loss by the Applicant Where was that parking? Parking Prior to No Net Loss Policy (1999) Parking Spaces Notes West Day Lot 160 Holy Cross Lot 79 79 Holy Cross emp. North Day Lot 105 Total 344 50 Mtn. Ops carried as commercial requirement Where is that parking today? Parking Today (2011) Parking Spaces Notes West Day Lot 0 WDL is now the Ritz Holy Cross Lot (Redeveloped in 2003) 245 160 WDL replacement 6 NDL Replacement 79 existing Holy Cross employee spaces +(50 Mountain Operations Facility as commercial) North Day Lot 61 32 original approved replacement 29 added when skier drop-off removed Old BP Site (Approved in 2010) 38 38 NDL replacement + 21 surplus spaces Total 344 + 21 surplus spaces Where will that parking go? Parking in Future Parking Spaces Notes First Chair 61 Ever Vail 283 283 remaining replacement spaces Total 344 Satisfies “No Net Loss Policy” Ever Vail Parking • Total Parking Provided: 1,478 spaces • Approximately 664 available for skiers and shoppers • Parking serves a mix of uses, just like the Vail Village and Lionshead structures • How are these spaces allocated? Parking Use Parking Required Dwelling Units Employee Housing Units Total Residen4al 413.4 44.4 457.8 Accommoda;on Units Office Retail/Skier Services Ea;ng and Drinking Conference Spa Children’s Services Mountain Opera;ons Facility Total Commercial/Other 55.3 72.5 61.2 35.0 23.4 7.7 9.4 50 314 Public Skier Parking 400 No Net Loss Parking Spaces 283 Total (Required+Skier Parking+No Net Loss) 1,455.3 Total Spaces Provided 1,478.0 457 spaces for private residential uses 314 spaces for commercial uses 400 spaces for public skier parking 283 spaces for employee parking “no net loss” TOTAL SPACES: 1,478 25 Required by Code LHRMP Parking Allocations 26 0 100 200 300 400 500 Condos EHU Hotel Conference Spa Office Retail Restaurant Kid’s Services Public Skier Mtn Operations No Net Loss 283 50 400 9 35 73 61 23 8 44 55 413 Serve the people shopping, eating, working, visiting, and skiing out of Ever Vail (664 spaces) Serve the people working in Mtn Ops and on Vail Mtn (333 spaces) Serve the people living in Ever Vail (457 spaces) VR Public Private Public Parking Demand: Where are we today? 27 • All major construction projects are complete = Reduction of construction workers parking in structures • Some projects have provided additional parking beyond requirements (i.e. Solaris, Arrabelle, Manor Vail) • Commercial parking requirements also serve as public parking spaces • Council requiring construction workers to be shuttled in • This year is the new reality. Overflow Parking 28 Ski Season Overflow Days Average # of Cars Overflow days with >400 cars Annual Ski Visits 2008/2009 24 days 355 cars 8 days 1,622,000 2009/2010 21 days 380 cars 10 days 1,599,000 2010/2011 7 days 239 cars 0 days To Be Determined Public Parking: Implementation & Funding • “If future parking studies demonstrate a need for significant public parking in the west Lionshead area, a joint venture between Vail Associates, the Town of Vail, and other potential development interests should be considered.” (LRMP • The LHRMP recognized a public cost for a parking structure in West Lionshead ranging from $4,000,000 to $10,000,000, depending on level of participation from private developer (Master Plan Appendix) Public Parking: Implementation and Funding • As a public benefit, Vail Resorts is proposing to entirely fund public parking at Ever Vail • 400 public parking spaces at no cost to Town of Vail taxpayers Ever Vail Skiers • We are increasing skiers on Vail Mountain • We are not changing the manage-to number on Vail Mountain • We are not expanding terrain on Vail Mountain as part of this project 31 Source: Allender, 10/26/10 memo Ever Vail Skiers • Total Ever Vail max daily bed base population of 2,416 (estimated based on residential plan) • Total Ever Vail peak daily skier population of 923 skiers (estimated based on occupancy rates of ski season and skiing habits of visitors) • Approximately 100,000 annual skier days from the Ever Vail population (up to 138,000 annual skier days) 32 Source: Allender, 10/26/10 memo These people are parked in residential and hotel parking spaces What does this mean? • 400 skier spaces in Ever Vail is the appropriate number of spaces • On an average overflow day, there are just under 300 cars parked on the Frontage Road = these can be accommodated in Ever Vail • Surplus of 100 parking spaces remain on an average overflow day • Skiers from the Ever Vail population are parked • Parking available to the public (commercial) provides a total of 664 spaces 33 Proposed LHRMP Language: 5.17.3 Parking • “Ever Vail shall be developed as a commercial core that includes mixed use development, pedestrian streets and plazas, direct access to transit options, bicycle and pedestrian connections and access to Vail Mountain. As a commercial core, Ever Vail should be incorporated into the Town’s adopted commercial core parking areas, which allow for reduced parking requirements due to proximity to mixed use development. Ever Vail shall meet the parking requirements of the Vail Town Code. The appropriate parking requirements for ski lifts and other potential land uses that do not have a specified parking requirement will be determined by the Planning and Environmental Commission.” 34 Proposed LHRMP Language: 5.17.3 Parking • “Ever Vail shall include an additional 400 public parking spaces, as identified in section 4.1.5: West Lionshead – Residential/Mixed Use Hub. These spaces will address long term parking needs, including the Town's goal to eliminate parking from the South Frontage Road as further detailed in Section of this master plan. During development and phasing of Ever Vail, there will be periods of time when surface parking lots and staging areas may be necessary to meet skier parking and construction needs. Surface parking lots shall not be maintained as a long-term solution to meeting parking demand.” 35 Proposed LHRMP Language: 5.17.3 Parking • “Skier drop-off is an essential component of a successful ski portal. Skier drop-off at Ever Vail will improve the guest and local experience. The transit facility in Ever Vail should accommodate 10-14 short-term or skier drop-off parking spaces. Short-term parking is a key aspect to community commercial uses, allowing customers to quickly and conveniently patronize establishments. Outside of skier drop-off and pick-up during peak periods, these spaces could be utilized as short-term parking serving the commercial uses in close proximity, such as the grocery store.” 36 Proposed LHRMP Language: 5.17.3 Parking • “Skier drop-off spaces are also envisioned in the parking structure on the west side of Ever Vail. Approximately 50 parking spaces should be available for short term parking and skier drop-off when not in use for children’s ski school activities, which traditionally occur one day per week in the winter. These short-term parking spaces, given their location at approximately 500 feet from the gondola, would provide skier drop-off capacity in the event the short-term spaces in the transit facility are displaced due to expansion of bus activity.” 37 All plans and programming are proposed, remain subject to governmental approvals (which have not yet been obtained) and no representations are made about the accuracy of any information for the final project. Any reference to size or square footage is approximate. Views are not guaranteed. All information presented in this notebook is proposed and all elements are subject to change or elimination without notice. The project is working towards LEED-ND certification and no representations are made regarding the final certification which will not be determined until the project is complete. The Ever Vail™ project is being developed by Ever Vail, LLC an affiliate of Vail Resorts Development Company. Designated trademarks are the property of Vail Trademarks, Inc. © 2010 Vail Resorts Development Company. 38