HomeMy WebLinkAboutRamirez, Leon 3G Oct 06 09 05 : 25p WJMG 3032804747 p . 2 � "` WELDER QUALIFICA710N TEST R�CORD (WQTR) ��� AWS D 1 .1 Structural Welding Code - Steel �M WQ7R No . PSI-120 PQR1 �R 3G Wclder Leon Ramiroz ID LR_ 3597)_. WPS . PSI - 120 _ Rcv � �� Original Date � 10/6109 �� � WJMG # 2009422 Rccord Actual Valucs qu� lification Range _ Uscd in Qu2lificstion Vari� bles � ProcesslT e SMAW � SMAW � � Elecvodc (single or multiplo) _ ,_ Sin le Sin le . CurrCtlVPol;�ri DC .F. P DGCP Position 3G CJP & PJP : vertical , hori�ont�l, flat -- .. Fillets : vcrtir,�l, horizonl:�l , flat __ . .. Wnld Prot� ression U U Backin (YES or NO) Yes Backin or Back ou � _ .. Maleri:�l/Spcc. _ Ba�e Motal T_ ASTM A36 to A36 Group 1or 2 to Group 1 or 2 . 7hickness:, (Plato} ' - ° - , ._ _ Groove . . 0 .37;" '� 0. 125" - U.750"-- Fillet 0. 125" — Unlimited , Thicknoss : (Pipe/tubo) _ , .Groove 0, 125" - U .750" . Filfct 0 . 125"- Unlimit[:d Diamctcr: (Pipe) _ . �_ Groove Over 24" diamotor Fillet Over 24" di2meter � Filler Mel;� l ��� 5 . pc. No. � A 5. 1 A 5. 1 .. _. _ C1ass .._ t7Q18 � E7o16 _ _ _ F-No. 4 ^ 4 or less , Gas/Flux Tv e _ � Elnctrode Di3metcr 1 /8" 5/37.' and less � .,, , VISUAL INSPEC710N — Acce t . Guided Bend Tost �Results - T � Result � `f e Result Root 1 Aece t Face 1 Acee t Root l Accept Face 2 Accepl _ ,_ Fillot Test Results Appear�nce _ NA Fillet Sizc NlA � Fracturc Test Root Penotration N/A , Macroetch N/A _ �_ Inspected by Jesse Granth�m, AWS CWI #980Q1061 7cst N� mber 2b09422 8 Organization Welding 8 Joining Mqmt Group West Oate 10/6/09 1 F�ADIOGRAPMIC TEST R�$ULTS Film Identificatiqn Film IdGntifica�on Numbcr Number Results Remarks Resulls Rr�marks NA -. .. ,_ Interprct�d by N/A Test Numbcr N/A Organization N/A Date N!A We, the undersic� ned , certify that the statemonts in this rccord are corrcct and that the test wclds were prep�red, welded , and t�sred in 2ccordance with the rcquiroments of Scction 4 of ANSUAWS D1 . 1 Structural Steel Welding Code, Company: _ Pioneer Sleel, Inc. � Authori�ed By: Mr, Gerald Burko Date: 10/6/09 ` " 3B24(i F2iver Fronlage Road New Castlo, Cp 81 G47