HomeMy WebLinkAboutStreet, Jared 3G , ° 05 - 18 - 09 ; 07 : 44AM ; ; (G70) 984 - 9339 # ; I 1 �/ V1 � l I V �.I VJ � TV `+ WJ11 �. JVJl� VtiIT I T ! � � f ���� WE�pER QUALIFICATtdN TEST RECOR� {W4TR) AWS D 1 .1 Structu �ai We[ding Codc - Steel - - ' WC'TR Na. PS!-12U PQR� J$ 3G Welder Jpson Stroot !D JS_. WPS PS1 - 170 Rev Qii jn�! ��te � � 3/26/U� WJMG sl �Q090y9 Kocord Actu31 Values puaGficadon Ra� � Used In Quali(Catian � V3rinhlos PrpCesslT SMAW SMAW Electrvde si� le or mulapie) Si� �e Sln tc CurrenUl�olari p�EP �G�� Position 3G CJP 8� PJP: ve�rttcat, hotironL7t, llat Fidcts: ver(i�al, horizoat�l, llat Weld Pro ressfon U . � BGCking (YES or NO) No Ne and Yes Motenal/S c. B3sc Metal ASTM A36 w A36 Grou 7or 2 to Grou 1 or 2 Th►ckness: Plate Groava �.375 0.125" • 0.750" Flltet 0.12a — Unlimitep '1"Hicknc�S: Pi e/tuh� Groovo 6.125' - �.750" F����� 0.725"- Unllrnited f�iametcr. �°p�� Over La" Glarneter Fillet OvQr 24" di�mctcr Fiilo� Metal . S ec. Na. A 5. 1 q 5_� ' Class E7p� � E7098 —" F-Na. 4 4 or fe3s Gas/Fiux T c E)eetrodc plame�er 1 /B" 5/32" and less V�SUAL INSPECTJON — Accept .---��_„ Guldod Bend Test Ro�ults T e �e,zlt � T Roo� y Result Accn i Face 9 AccG t Root 2 Accopt Face 2 Acr,c� t + , F(1[st Tnst Rpyuits Apyear�ncc NA F�II@C Sito N/A � Fradure Ycst Root Penatr�tion N/A Mocroelc{, N/A M 9 � � � Inspecled by Jesse Gran[ham�WS CW! #98Q410G7 7es! Nvmber 2008079 Or� anization Weldin � Joi�in M mt Grou . WP,st Date 3/2G/OB RAOIOGRAPHi� T�ST RESL,II.TS Ftlm laen[ificatton Fllm ideriiiti�ation Number Number Resutrs Rnmarks Resultg Rem�rtcs NA » „_ �, � _ lnicrpreted by N/A Toui Nu,tiber N�q Orpanizauco N/A Oata N/A We, Ihe under,rignod, ceRify 1h2� st�e St3temants IA this recercl are aorroct and that rho test wetd; wnre preparrd, weldect, and test�U in accordanco with the requir�monts of Section 4 oFANSI/AWS D1 . t Structural Steat welding C000, Company; �` Plonee� Stoo{, tnc. Aut�orized 8y; Mr. Den Bousman ,_ Date: 3l26/D8 �_, 38246 Rivet Front�e Rood New C�stic, CO H7647