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Street, Jared 4G
, p6 - 18 - 09 ; 07 : 44AM ; ; {a � 0) � � 4 - 9339 # 8 / 1 V V11 t ! v �I v �J • Tvr Wv11V yyv ` yyT � � ♦ r • v � W�LDER QUALI�ICA7lON TEST R�CORD (WQTR) � AWS D 1 .'1 Structura[ We[ding Cade - Steel .. - WQTR No. PSI•72p PQ�Z JS 4G , Weldet .f:sson Streat ID JS WPS FSI - 12D Rev. Oriqin�! Dete �/?,6/08 � � WJMG �t 20460%9 � Rocord Actuaf V�lues p�o���a�on Rango U:ed in Quaiificatlon t'ar!-eblea Pb�e�g1T e SMAW SMAW ElectroCc (singlo or multlpiel S{n 1e Sin te CurrenVPalari DGEP �C�P Postuon 4G CJP 8� PJP: overhead, ft3t I'111ots: overhead, liat W�ta p ression _ _ Backin FMS vr Np � Np No ano Yes IVlat�riaUS , &�se Me[a! . ASTM A36 to A36 Grou 10r 2 to Grou�„1 oc 2 Thickrt�s: (P1ato) Groove � ` _ . _ .._ U�TS" 0.125" - 0.780" Flliet 0. 9 25" — Unlimited TJtiCktlaRS: Pi gftLbe Groovo 0.� ?.5" - 0.750" Ftlet 0. 125"- UnlirnileC Diameter. Pi e _,,r.., , Groove pvQr 2d" dl3meler I=,Ilei pvor 24� di�meler f-711er Me�al S ec. No. A 5.1 A 5.1 Class ET018 E7018 •� F-Ne. a 4 or tes� GaslFlux 7 e _ _ EfecVptl�r Dlameter 9/(f" 5I32" and Icss VISUAL INSPECTION — ACCepI GuiCed �onA Tost Results �" T � Result T Rc,sult Rool 1 Acce t Face S Acce t Roat 2 2cce t Fase 2 �cc t Filiot 7ast Re$�Its Appearence fVA Fillet Sue NIA FractureTost f�oot Penetration N/A ,_� Macroetch N/A . � . 1ESSE �. M � Inspeeted by Jcs.sA Grantham, AWS CWI lt�J8D41061 Tost Number 20p9p79 ' � ,► O�ganizadon Wolding & doininq Mqrnt Graup, west Date 312slne RADIOGRAPHIC TFST I�ESULTS Fl�m tCeniiflcatien Fqm IdontlficaUon Number Number Results Remarka Rcsults Rer►�►3rks IVA .. � _ _ Interpreted by N/A Test Numbcr N/A Orpan(zalion N/A Date N!A We, the undor�inned, ce�ity ihat the st�lemen�5 in this record are correcl and tnat snp tost we14s were prep�rn0, woldoa, and tested in accordance with thn roquirements ot SecGon 4 pf ANSI/AWS D1 .1 StrucWrai Steel Wdd�r►8 Codo, Company: Pionccc Stcpl, InG. Autharu.od 8y; Mr. Durt BouFmsx� ... ..� .. Qate• 3/�[ilpe ., 38Za6 River Frontopo Ro�d Nn.v CasUe, CO b1fi47