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� _ . : ��, Weid�ng Procedure Spec�fication (Wpg) - �,� AWS- D 1 1-Structural Welding__Code- -=Steel - - - -- _ _ _ _ --� . . � , `- _ - -- _ _ _ WPS lVo.. ` PSf - 120 __ _ _ _ _ _ Revision: Ori inal Date: ; Company.• Pioneer Steel, Inc. —� 2/25/08 Project No.: 2008079 Welding Process: Authorized by.- Don Bousman Supporting PQR No. : PSI-120 PQRl1& PQR2 Type:- Manual X Semi-Automatic In accordance with_AWS_ D1-.1-Section 4 Machine Automatic — JOINT DESIGN _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ _. _ _ Type Sing)e Vee Groove Butt Joint P�SITION Single: X Double Weld Pos��on of Groove:- = ` ° . -.. - _ AII Fillet.• AII - - - Backing: Yes ° _ No X Backing MatL• Uertical Progression: Up X Down -- Back Gouging: . Yes No X Method -- Root O n : — — '- ELECTRICAC CHARACTERISTICS p g 0. 125"- 0.250" Root Face: 0: 0_ 3_p. pg�� Transfer Mode GMA - Groove Angle: 45° - 60° included an le � �� _ Short-Circuiting Globular BASE METALS — SpraY Puised � Material Spec.: Group 1 or Grou 2 Current.• AC DCEP X DCEN ' Type or Grade: _ __ p Tungsten Electrode (GTAWJ: Size: N/A Thickness: Groove: 0. 1_ Fi��et.• 0: 125" to U � : Diameter (Pipe): > 24„ � Base Metal Thickness U = Unlimited TECHNIQUE . Stringer or Weave Bead Either or both FILLER METALg Multi pass or Single Pass: Either or both AWS Specification: Number of Electrodes: Single AWS Classi�cation: A5' 1 y Electrode Spacing: Longitudinal � E7018 � N1/� Lateral N/A SHIELDING Angle N/A � Flux: – Gas: __ Inter-pass Cleaning: � Mechanically Clean Electrode-Flux Class : Composition.- -- Contact Tube to Wo�k Distance: � ) -- Flow Rate: Peening: N/A Gas Cup Size: N/A - ~ N/A • � � coc`{`�A�_ : _ iP�STw��� u�;� iR�i�T��l�l7 ✓i __n�. i _�.• _ . . .��_ . -- .. Preheat Temp. Min: Temperature: N/A Up�N'I�� 32° F (Nofe 1 ) Time: lnter-pass Temp. Min: 32° F (Note 1 ) Max. 375° F Cooling Rate: N�A 4a -- N/A Note 1 Minimum Preheat and inter ass tem erature for base material befinreen 0.750" to 1 .5" thickness is 15 ° #UELDIN�G P�O�EDURE 0 ,, - , , Filler Metals � ` ` Weld Current " La er s P�OCess Class Diameter TYPe & Travel S eed Polarit Amps Volts �PMp Sketch � ' SMAW ± E7018 . ; � /8" ; Joint Detail 2 I SMAW ` E7018 1/8" 1 �CEP , 100- 120 j 23-25 � : 8 -10 As re i DCEP f 110- 130 24-26 ; 8 -10 j SMA1N j E7018 1/8" ; � I DCEP ; 110-130 ( 24-26 ± 8 - 10 i f . . i . ' ' � i �-J . � � . . i . � � . . .. . � � � . i � � f � ' � 38246 River Frontage Road ♦ New CasUe CO 81647 Page 1 of 1 � � P.-ROCEDURE QUANFICATIO.N RECQI�D (PQR) -_ = -_ - _ -- - - - - • -� • AVIIS D1 . 1 Structurai Welding_Code = Steel -: - - -- � _ . --= --- - --- _ . _ __ _ . — _ _ _ � _. __ , Page 9 of 2 PQR No. : PSI - 120 PQR1 3G Revision:, Ori inal Date: 3/25/08 Project lVo. : 2008079 Company: Pioneer Steel,_Inc. - - Authorized-b : . _ Welding Process: SMAW : y Mr: Don Bousman.:.. Supporting WPS No. ; _ Type:— Manual X Semi-Automatic _ _ _ PSI =120 - ,_ _ - - - - _ _ _. - Machine ; - _ _ -= In accordance with RWS D1 . 1 Secfion 4 . A�fomatic - -- — -- JOINT DESIGN_ __ . _ __ _ . _ _ - TYpe� Single Vee Groove Butt Joint POSITION Single: X Double Weld Position of Groove: 3G Fillet.- = . _ _. : Uertical Progression: Up : - X Down Backing: Yes No X Backing MatL• -- ° Back. Gouging: Yes No X Method• -- �� ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC3 Root Opng: 0. 125° Root Face: 0.0625 Transfer Mode GMA Groove Angle: 50° included an le � �� _ Short-Circuiting . - Globular BASE METALS . : ' SpraY Pulsed Material Spec.: Current AC DCEP X DCEN Group 1 Tun sten Electrode GTA Type or Grade: ASTM A36 g � �� S►ze: N/A " Thickness: Groove: 0._ 3_ Fillet: _ Diameter (Pipe): -- TECHNIQUE Base Metal Thickness U = Unlimited Stringeror Weave Bead: Both � � 4 ' FILLER METALS � � Multi pass or Single Pass: Multi-pass - AWSSpecification: NumberofE/ectrodes; Sin le A5. 4 Electrode Spacing: Longitudinal N/A ) ; AWS Classification: E7018 � _ Lateral N/A SHIELDING '4n9�e N/A Flux: -- Gas: lnter-pass Cleaning: Mechanicall Clean — Composi#ion. : -- Ccr,tact uuc «_ ;;vaeK uisrance: Llectr�de-,�'lax (Classj: _ . -- Flow Rate: - rJ/A-_.__ . _ _ Gas Cup Size: ° Peening: N/A N/A r : PREHEAT ` POSTWELD HEAT TRE,a►TMENT A� P�eheat Temp. Min: 50 F Note 1 Temperature: N�A . : �jC � � ) Time: ` N/A lnter-pass Temp. Min: 50° F (Note 1 Max. 355° f Cooling Rate: A' � N/A Note 1 : Minimum Preheat and inter ass tem erature for base material between 0. 750" to 1 . 5" thickness i ' F : , _ _ aIYELD1fV.�;'PROCEDURE Filler Metals Current Weld Type & La er s Process Class Diameter Amps Volts Trave( Speed Sketch � ; SMAW � E7018 � �$ Polarit IPM Joint Defail � „ 2 i SMAW i E7018 � � DCEP i 110 � 24 I 9 As re SMAW ; E7018 � ��$„ � DCEP � 1 .10 25 � ! i DCEP ( 110 � 25 t 9 i ` ' � ' i ; � � � , � i ! ; i j ; � t ` ; � � � � � r i : i ? + � � � � / 38246 River Frontage Road � New Castle CO 81647 � _ PROCEDURE_QUAUFICATLON RECORD (PQR _ _ _�� .. - � -_ -'� •� AINS D1 . 1 Structural Welding _Cotle-= Steel ,� . -- _ _ - ��— _-_ _ _ - - --- - _--- _ _, " _ d __ .. _ _ - ' . . . - . . . . � . . - . �. . . . . . . . . . . � . . . � . . . Y . . . . . . PQR #: PSI-120 PQR1 3G WPS #: PSI-120 ___ _ ._ - _ _ WJMG Job #: 200$0. 79 ; PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) - ° Test Results _ __ - - -- -- -- -- -._ -- _ __ __ . , . _. , -_ ___ - TENStLE TEST :_..: -- _ _ . - - -... Specimen Width Thickness Area Ultimate Tensile Ultimate Unit Character of Fa�lure Na - z Load Ib ` T� 4 . 13" 0.299" . . : - 0.338 _ 25 309 Stress, psi and Locafion T2 1 . 11 " 0.300" 0:333 24,351 74'879 Broke in Base Metal 73, 426 Broke in Base Metal _ _ . . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Specimen TYPe of Bend GUIDED BEND TEST No. Result . Remarks Face 1 Face Acce t Face 2 Face Acce t Root 1 Root Acce t Root 2 Root - Accept VISUAL INSPECTION Appearance: Accept �► Undercui:• None Ultrasonic examination Concavity.• _ Accept UT report.• __ See Pro'ect # Result.• _ Accept . � : Convexity.• Accept FILLET WELD TEST RESULTS Minimum size ►nultiple Maximum size single _ : -j , _ _ R!/� _ _ � • N/A _ : 2. N/A 2. N/A **Note: " When base metal temperature is below 32° F, the A��-Weld-Metal Tension Test AWS base metal shall be preheated to a minimum of 70°F, Tensile stren th QC 1 : . ; and the minimum interpass tem perature sha l l b e g ' PS�" N/A , � �g� G ; s ha l l be maintained. Y i e l d p o i n t/s t r e n g t h, psi: N/A � � Elongation in 2 In., %: N/A yy� Labo�atory test no.: N/A _ Welder's name: Jared Streef Tests conducted by.• Weldinq and Joininq Manaqement Group West abo ato,ry Test Number.• 200 079 Tests & Welding Witnessed by. Mr. Don Bousman We, the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct and thaf the test welds were prepared, weided, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of ANSI/AWS D1 . 1 , Structural Welding Code -Steel. Date: 3/26/08 Signed: Mr. Don Bousman ,� 38246 River Frontage Road � New Castle CO 81647 � ��� _ _ PROCEDURE=QUALIFICATION RE _.__ CORD (P(,ZR) _ _ _ . - � .. - _ _-�) . AWS D1 . 1 Structural 1Nefding Code-- Steel - - e - _ — - _ _ -- -_ _-- _ --- --- _. _:. `- . . . . . . . �� � . . : A . . .. . . . _ . . _ . _ . - . . � . . . . . . _. _. � . . . � � .. . . _. � . . . . . . . . . � - . . . - . . . . - � . . � � PQR No. : PSI - 120 PQR2 4G : Company.• Revision: Ori inal Date: Page 1 of 2 Pioneer Steel,_Inc. -� 3�25/08 Project No.: _ 2008079 - Welding Process: - . Au#horized.by.• -. ` ` -`SMAIN M�: : Don Bousman' Supporfing WPS No. : _ PSI-- 120 : TYPe:- Manual X Semi-Automafic __ _ _ - - -- __ _ Machine _. _ - - : - -- - - " - n accordance with-AWS D1 . 1 Section 4 _ _ _ Aufomafic -- _ JOINT DESIGN _ _ - - - - - _ _ .__ Type= Sin le Vee Groove Butt Joint POSITION Sing/e: X Double Weld_ Position of Groove: 4G Fillet. Backing: Yes _ No X Backin MatL• Vertical Progression: UP -- Down -- Back Gouging: Yes 9 -- -- Root Opng: 0. 125" No X Method.• -- ` �- Root Face: ,� ELECTRICAL CHARACTER(STICS - Groove Angle: o • �•�5_, Transfer Mode (GMAW : - 50 included an le � _ S�o�t-Circuiting BASE METALS _ Globular Material Spec_ : Cur�ent: AC SAray Pulsed . DCEP Grou 1 Tungsten E/ectrode (GTA X DCEN Type or Grade: -- Vt�: Size: N/A Thickness: Groove: 0.�_ Fillet.• Diameter (Pipe)c -- Base Mefal Thickness U = Unlimited TECHNIQUE p Stnnger o� Weave Bead.• w FILLER METALS M�Iti pa�s or Single Pass: Both AWS Specification: NumberofElectrodes: Multi-pass � AWS Classification: A5. 1 Elecfrode S acin Sinqle � E7018 p 9� Longitud►nal N/A SHIELDING _ Lateral N/A Angle N/A Flux.- -- Gas __ Inter-pass Cleaning: Mechanicallv �Iea•, ���,,,f.,�_ ,-, ,.. Composition: __ ��r,�ac� i une io iiVOCk.Distane�; _ ".,.,�, ��C-�«x � s�iass;: Fiow Rafe: -- N/A_.. _ : _ Gas Cup Size: � -- : N/A __ Peening.• N/A �. . . . � � . - r�. PREHIEAT POSTWELD HEAi' TREqTMENT A� �,. Preheat Temp. II�Im: Temperature: QC i` `. lnter-pass Tem . 50° F (Note 1 ) Time: N�A ,� p Min: 50° F (Note 1 ) Max. 355° F Cooling Rate: N/A � . . a � � N/A , Note 1 . Mmimum Preheat and mter ass tem erature for base material between 0. 750" to 1 . 5" t ' - VYEtDIIVG P:I�OGEDURE .°. hickness is F Weld Filler Metals Current La er s Process Class Diameter TYPe & i E7018 Polarit Amps Volts Travel Speed Sketch 1 � SMAW 1 /8" IPM 2 ( SMAW ; E7018 „ �CEP i 110 { 24, i Joint Detail As re i SMAW � E7018 ( 1 /8 � DCEP 110 , 25 g � 1/8" DCEP 110 � 25 � f � g , , , � ! � � � � F � ' , � + , � � ..,.� . . . . . . . . . . � . 38246 River Fcontage Road � New Castle CO 81647 � _ "'--a�-� - PROCEDURE =QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR -- - - - - - - - - --- - ) _. - - -"" � AWS D1 . 1 StructuraF Welding Code_--_Steel -_--_- -�} � _ -- - — - -- _ _ — _. _ -- - - - - � - _ _ _ _ _ _ , , : _ � PQR #: P51-120 PQR2 4G WPS #: PSI-120 - PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (PQR) ` W�MG Job #: 2008079 Test Results ` . - _ . __ _ _ --- - -- _ _ - - _ .. __ _ - . _ TENSILE-TEST _ _ _ Specimen Width Thickness Area Ultimate Tensile Ultimate Unit Character of Failure Na Load Ib . T1 1 .00„ 0.260" p,260 19 237 Stress, psi and Location T2 0.89" 0.250» 0.223 . 16, 102 73, 998 Broke in Base Metal 72,206 Broke in Base Metal ; Specimen T GUIDED BEND TEST Na YPe of Bend Result Remarks Face 1 Face Acce t : _ Face 2 Face Acce t Root 1 Root Acce t Roof 2 Root • Acce t VISUAL INSPECTION ► Appearance: _ Accept + " y " Undercut.• None Ultrasonic examination Concavity.• UT report.• See Pro'ect # Result.• Accept > Convexity.• Accept _ _ -- _ Accept FILLET WELD TEST RESULTS Minimum size multiple Maximum size single _ _ _ _ 9 . _ _ _ ".i; . _ _ 9 . N/A 2• N/A 2. N/A . .� *�Note: When base metai temperature is below 32° ,F, the All-Weld-Metal Tension Test A� base metal shall be preheated to a minimum of 70°F Tensile strength, psi: �. a� QC 1 M ' ` and the minimum interpass temperature shall be � shall be maintained. Yield po�nt/strength, psi: N� �s : Elongation in 2 /n., %: N/A 1 Laboratory testno.: N/A Welder's name: Jared Street Tests conducted b : �/elder l.D. # JS Y Welding and Joining Mana ement Group, West Laboratory Test Number.- 2008079 Tests & Welding Witnessed by. Mr. Don Bousman We, the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance wifh the requirements of Section 4 ofANSI/AWS D1 . 1 , Structural Welding Code —Steel. Date: 3/26/08 Signed: Mr. Don Bousman � 38246 River Frontage Road � New Castle CO 81647