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'p1� WPS - PSI4��
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(3ee Clause 6 Qualification , 6 . 1 . 1 and 6 . 1 . 2 . 1 Prequalified Fillet Welds )
WELD3NG PROCESS �he welding shall be done by the SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING ( SMAW) process using
Manual weldi.ng equipment . A Constant Current Welding .Power Source is required . -
WELDING E4UiPMBNT (MAC�ii&ES� All Welding and Thermal-Cutting Equipment shall be i.nspected monthly
to assure it meets the manufacturers safety requirements , and is in such condition , to enable
designated personnel to follow the Welding Procedures and attain the results of the Welding. Code .
The welding Machines shall be Certified Annually, prior to any production welding or the Welder ( s )
taking a Qualification Test . The Nlachine Certification shall i.nclude a Record of the Annual check .
The Certification shall be performed by a qualified person , authori2ed bp Management , The Record
shall include Machine No . , Brand name , Serial No . , Alternating Current ( AC ) , Di.xect Current ( DC ) ,
Constant Current ( CC ) or Constant Voltage ( CV) and a Certified recorded accuracy of a ± l � on open
Circuit voltage ( O . C . V . ) , recorded accuracy of a ± lg on Amps /Volts , Low range , Medium range and
High range , Am�s and or Volts must match Machi.ne gaqe or di,ai (Amp/Volt ) within a ± 1� tolerance ,
if not the machine gage ( s ) or dial ( s ) shall be re-calibrated in such a marm.er that the Welder or
Weldinq operator can determine the correct Amps and or Voltaqe settings , the Leads length shall
be recorded in feet , Electrode and Ground also if the Leads are coiled or uncoiled during the
Machine Certification . The person authorized to perform this certification shall , when completed,
sign; and date the record and affix his /her seal if appropriate . A copy of this Record of
Certification shall be posted on the machine and the original Record of Certification secured by
\ Management and shall be available to those authorized to use or ezamiYie them.
� BASE METAL The Rei.nforcing Steel Base Metal shali conform to the specifications listed in
ANSI /AWS D1 . 4/D1 . 4M : 2005 5teels approned , 1 . 2 . 1 , 1 . 3 . Carbon equivalent shall not exceed U . 55 � .�
Fi�� i�f'si, ��ne fiiier Metiai �peciiications ; AW5 AS . i or � . 5 , 1'' LVUIDA@r 4 1Atl COIIIOTIIIS LO C'1155
E%%15 , EXX16 , E%X18 , etc . for Carbon Steel Electrodes ( see Table 5 . 1 ) .. The Chemical Composition
of the weld deposit shail fall within the limits of ANSI /AWS Specification A5 . 1 or A5 . 5 . When
requested by the Owner/Engineer, Manaqement shall furnish the electrode manufacturer ' s
certification .
ELECTRODE STORAGE +�ONDiTIOHS iteference AWS D1 . 4 /D1 . 4M : 05 , 5 . 8 through 5 . 8 . 5 . and Table 5 . 3 .
MANDATORY : Low Hydrogen Electrode AIQSI /AWS A5 . 1 & A5 . 5 , { E70XX , E70XX-X , E80XX-X etc . ) Shall ,be
purchased i.n hermetically sealed containers , immefliately after opening the hermetically sealec�
containers , electrodes Shall be stored in ovens held at a temperature of a� least 25Q °F ( 120 ° C }
cr Shall be baked by the user for at least two hours between 504 ° F ( 260 ° C ) and 800 ° F ( 430 ° C )
before they are used and Shall after atmospheric exposure Maximum of ( see Table 5 . 3 } 1 /2 hour/ 9
hours . will be returned to the onen for at least 4 hrs . at a Minimum of 250 ° F ( 120 ° C } , then the
electrode may be reissued . Electrodes sha13. be issued to the Welder ( s ) and held in quiners , or
other small open containers . Electrodes Shall be rebaked no mare than once . Electrodes that have
been r�et Shall Not be used . Ovens Shall remain on continually, never turned off .
ENVIRO�E�T WELDIHG CO�DITIONS See 5 . 2 . 2 , Welding shall not be done when * ambient ( * See Note on
bottom of page 2 ) �Cemperature is lower than 0 ° F [ - 18 ° C ] , or when surfaces to be welded are -exp�sed
to rain ; snow, sleet , any moisture , excessive wind , or if the weld area is frosted or wet . Maximum
Wind velocity . SMAW SHALL AOT be done in a draft or wind unless the weld is protected by a
shelter . Such shelter shall be of material and shape appropriate to reduce wind velocity in the
� vici.nity of the weld to a maximum of f ive ( 5 ) miles per hour [ 8lam/h ] . F�TRlCKT. MULYiiIE
. � � Cihil 9011Q7]1
OCf EXP. 11/01/11
Pg Z of 6 � - v�r,-rai �rt�:
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P03ITI0� See Figure 6 . 4 : The pasition of production welds shall be classified as 1F-Rotated , 2F-
Fixed , 2F-Rotated , 4F-Fixed and 5R-Fixed . Tbis WPS - PSI 420A is prequalified for All Positions .
MINIMUM PREA&AT -& i1QTERPASS TSMPERATURES : See 5 . 2 . 1 , 50 ° F *minimelm, - see *Tabl.e 5 . 2 .
POSTWELD HEAT T��'�m►�'� : None ( Not qualified for =PWHT_ aPPlications ) . :
PREPARATioN OF BASE MATERIAL AWS D1 . 4 ., 4 . 1 . 1 & 4 . 1 . 2 ; The edges of the parts to be joined by
welding shall be prepared by oxyqen Cutting , air carbon arc cutting , sawi.ng or other mechanical
means as shown on the attached sketCh and shall be cleared of oi1 or grease and excessive amounts
of scale , rust or other foreign material .
ELEG'�RICAL CHARAGTEtt�t5TiC8 The current used shall be DCEP . The base material (work or plate )
shail be on the negatine side of the line . ( Reverse polarity , electrode positive ) .
JaIIaTS (JOINT DSSIG�i) See Fig . 3 . 5 , ( A) External Fillet Weld . This WPS (WPS-PSI 420A) is detailed
for both Produetion Welding conditions as well as for WPQ Testing (Fig. 6.6 (D) F�let Weld Bar to
Plate), which aiso inciudes Production Welding. .
APPEARAbTCE OF WELDiHG LAYERS The weldinq current and manner of depositing the weld metal shall
� be such that there shall be practically nA undercutting on the side walls of the welding groove
or the adjoining base metal . Arc Strikes 5 . 3 : Are strikes outside the area of permanent welds
� shall be avoided , especially on reinforci.ng bars . See page 5 for Acceptable and Unacceptabie Weld
Profiles (see section: 4.4.1)
CI�SA�ING Initial cleaning ; may be Chemical & !or mechanical and shall be dry prior to welding .
Interpass Cleaning ; Mechanical only , shall have All slag , silicate or flwc re�aaining on any bead
of we3di.ng removed bp cnipping ( siag nammerj , nand or power wire �rusn%ng .
DEFECTS Any cracks or blow holes �hat appear on the surface of any bead of welding shal], be
removed by chipping , grinding , or gouging before depasiting the ne�rt successive bead of weldinq .
PEENiHG None ; if Specitied , proceed only as specified in the fabrication document .
Note: 0°C (32°F) does not mean the ambient environmental temperature, but the temperature in the immediate
vicinity of tlae weld. The ambient environmental temperature may he below 0°C (32°F), but a heated struciure or
shelter around the area being welded could maintain the temperature adjacent to the weldment at 0°C (32°F) or
Company Name: PIONEER S1'EEL, INC , 38246 River I+�antage Road, New Castle, CO 51647
Authorized by: GERALD SITRB. President Date: 06 0/ 1/2009
per. Mulville's Welding Inspection and Code Consultin.g Date: 06/19/Z009 Revision No.: N A
� Welding Procedure Specification No.{s) PSI 420A Supporting PQR(s) No.(s) N/A per
_ _ PAiR(CKT. Mi1LfitLE
� � CVIfI 90110171 �
QCt fXP. 1t�Q�f�
pg3 of6
_ _ _. _------ --_
_ ---- _ _ _ _ ___
ANSI/AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2005 Structura.l Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel
Contractor Pioneer Steel, Inc. �
Authorized by Gerald Burk. President Revision No. N/A
Supporting_PQR Identification_ N/A ner _ _ Test Date N/A Prec�ualified
wELD TYPE: ❑ Groove : ■ _-Fi1let: __ _
_ .
JOINT TYPE: ❑ Direct Butt � Indirect Butt ■ T-Joint
Joint(s) Qualified (see Table 6.2) N/A Prequalified, See Figure 3S(A) & F'�ure 3S(_DL
Posititon(s) 1F-R ZF F, 2F-R. 4F-F & SF-F Groove Type N/A
Root Openi.ng N/A Root Face N/A Groove Angle N/A
Backing: � Yes ■ No Backing Type N/A
Sackgouging: ❑ Yes ■ No Backgouging Method N/A
TECH1�iIQLTE: ■ Stringers ■ Weave (1F Rota.ted only)
G�rrent: ❑ AC ■ DCEP ❑ DCEN
Transfer Mode (SMAV�: ❑ Short-circuiting � Globular ❑ Spray
Material Specifica.tion A706 or Any in Crron� I or II C�rrade 50 or any in Group i or II
Welded to: Material Speci�cation A36 or as Iasted in AWS D1.1 Grade As listed in AWS D1.1
Niaximum Ca.rbon Equivalent 0.55 % Bar size Not limited Plate Thicl�ess 1/8" min - Unl. M
Coated Baz: ❑ Yes ■ No Type of Coating N/A
� � Fii,LER METAL � � �
AWS SpeciBcation A5.1 & A5.5 AWS Classification E70X.X. E70�X, EBUXX-X eta See Table 5. 1
Describe filler metal (if not covered by AWS specifications) N/A
�j� f-1 C�» �� rl M;.�.,rs. ("ntnnncil�inn 1V/d �(�gv Ta*P. NIA
u Viu� u a�aaa��+av waaarvva va� s .iaa - —
Preheat/Interpass Temperature (Min) 50°FJ50°F Interpass Temperature (Max) Si?0°F
Current Travel
Pass Electrode *Amperage Volts IIectrical Speed Joint
Number(s) Diameter Type Range Ra.uge Stickout (ipm) Detail
AT T " 1 " DCEP 80 - 150 N A N A N A See Pg. 4 & 5
ALL 5 32" D P 105 - 220 N A N A N A for Enlarged
AT T " 316" DCEP 170 - 290 N A N A N A Joint Details
�Amperages listed are a guide only, the Manufacturers Welding Data Sheet (Amps) for the Electrodes being
ased Shall be Followed and is an Essential Parameter of this 'V4'PS PSI 420A
Note: 3/16" dia. for Flat & Horizontal only.
Mannfacturer or Contractpr PIONEER STEEI� INC , 38246 River Frontage Road, New Castle, CO 81b47
Authorized by Gerald Burk, President Date: 06 0/ 1/2009
� per. ��ulville's Weldin�Inspectian a�d Code Consultin� Date: 06/19/2009 Revision No.: N/A
� CWI 98iiQ711 .
�Ct OIP. t ifii/11
ANSI/AWS D 1 .4/D 1 .4M:2005 s' WPS - PSI 420A
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Figure 3. 5 - Details of Joints of Anchorages, Base Plates, and Inserts
Prequalified for AlI F�lets tSee b . 1 .2. 1) See Figure 6.4 - Positions of Fillet Welds
� + CW! 901i0711 .
pg5 oi6
ANSI/AWS D 1 .4/D 1 .4M:2005 �
WPS - PSI 420A
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Fillet weld size (s) , Shall be as Specified on the Welding Symbols
or as Specified by the Engineer on the Contract Documents
, � �
Bar Size Diameter ' ' um Fillet Weld Size
. � � in. mm in. mm in. mm�
3 10 0.375 9.52 0. 187 - 3/16 4.762
4 13 U.500 12.70 0.250 - 1J4 6.350
5 16 0.62� 15.88 0.312 - 5/16 7.94U
6 19 . 0.750 19.05 0.375 - 3/8 9.525
7 22 0.875 22.22 0.437 - 7I1b 11. 112
8 25 1.00Q 25.40 0.500 - 1/2 12.700
9 29 1. 128 2$.65 0.562 - 9/16 14.287
10 32 1.270 32.26 Q.635 - 5/8 16. 129
11 3G 1.410 35.81 0.700 - 11/16 17.907
Prequa.lified for All Fillets (See 6. 1.2. 1}
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