HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst Chair Special Inspection Application - TOV Executed i 1 TOWNOFVAII, ' SPECIAL INSPECTION POLICY The International Building Code (IBC) requires special inspections be performed on buildings constructed within the scope of Chapter 17. Following are the general , procedures that will be utilized for these provisions. ' i 1 . Site-Specific Special Inspection Requirements A. The Design Professional(s) shall submit a statement of special inspections compiiant �i with Chapter 17 of the Intemational Building Code. QBC 1705) The Special Inspection Statement shall include any additional special inspections as specified in the site specific � design documents. B. Owner or owner's agent shall submit a list of special inspectors to be used to comply � with the special inspection program for approval. The list of special inspectors shall also include the qualifications of the speciai inspectors. ( IBC 1704. 1 . 1 ) i 2. Special Inspection Reports Required I A. Owners or owner's agent shail submit a recommended report submittal schedule to the '; Building Official for approval prior to the start of construction. ! B. Final report of special inspection required. (IBC 1704. 1 .2) � 3. During Construction (IBC 1704. 1 .2) I A. Contractor(s) must notify special inspectors when work is ready for inspection and retain � inspection reports. i � B. Reports of special inspections must be provided to the Building Official prior to lhe � applicable inspections being requested by the contractor as required by the codes. No required inspeclions will be made until all applicabie special inspections reports have been received. C. Special inspector(s) must notify the contractor AND design professional(s) in responsible charge, of field discrepancies observed during inspections. I� D. All field discrepancies observed during speciai inspections must be resolved, and � applicable reports indicating such must be submitted to the Buiiding Official prior to any required inspections being approved by the jurisdiction. i E. Routine construction inspections otherwise required by the code must still be performed at the appropriate stages of co�struction. (IBC 109) j I F. Certificates of Occupancy / Temporary Certificates of Occupancy wiil not be issued until ' all required special inspections are approved, required progress reports and final reports j of Special Inspections with seal and original signatures are received by the Building i Official. i , i I - 1 - � . , TOWNOFVAfI, ' ' SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL PROCESS � The building regulations of the Town of Vail require special inspections for types of work specified under Chapter 17 of the Internationai Building Code be performed by individuals approved by the Building Official. The Building Official will issue approvai in each special 'i inspection classification required to be performed. (IBC 1703. 1 ) 1 . Required Forms and Documents A. The required documents shall be submitted by all applicants for new and additional i approvals as Special Inspector. 8. All applicants must provide verification that they have curcent certifications as listed on ! the Qualification of Special Inspector. i C. An applicant shall submit a statement-of-qualifications from a Registered Design Professional (Engineer, Architect who has the certifications Iisted in Qualification of j Special Inspectors) that has direct supervision of the applicant; Iisting the applicanPs ! education and experience. , D. The approval of the statement-of-qualifications from the Registered Design Professionai I is up to the discretion of the Building Official based upon the review of the applicanPs ! education and experience and the Registered Design Professional's experience and I education. The Building Official has the discretion of requesting additional specific experience documentation from the applicant and the Registered Design Professional as is deemed necessary. (see Appendix C for minimum qualifications) i E. All Registered Design Professional's must be approved by the Building Official to be a � special inspectoc His/Her experience is subject to review of the Building Official. � I I ( � � � -2- � i Job Name: ����� ���� `� Job Address: ��QF�� , PermitNo.: SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT (To appllcants of projects requlring Special Inspection or Testing per Section 1701 of the IBC) The owner or his/her representative, on the advice of the design professional in responsible charge, shall complete, seal, sign and submit a copy of the Special Inspection Agreement and Structural Tesls Scheduled to the Town of Vail for review and approval. Signatures are required on both pages; photocopied or faxed signafures are acceptable. The owner and his/her general contractor, where appiicable, shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Special Inspection Testing: 1. Contracior is responsible for proper notification to lhe Inspection or Testing agency for items listed.(Page 1) (IBC 1704) 2. Only the testing laboratory should take samples and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent directly lo the Town of Vaii by the Testing agency on a weekly basis. 4. Inspection agency to submit names and qualifications of on-sile special inspectors to the Town of Vail for review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The special inspector is responsible to immediately notify the Town of Vail Building Official in writing of any concerns and/or problems encountered. 6. I[ is the responsibility of the confractor to review the Town of Vail approved plans (or additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. A pre-construction conference at lhe job site is recommended to review special inspection procedures. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8. All special inspection field reports must be left on site Tor review by the Town of Vaii staff prior to required inspections or re-inspections. BEFORE OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED: The special inspection agency shall submit a signed and sealed statement that all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and repoAed. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be noted in this stalement. A copy of the statetnent shall be maintained at ihe job site for the Buildig Inspectors review prior to final inspection. � Acknowledgeme� _� Owner. - -- ���p V.,. F=U �..� IC 5'i'�� /� C.�l Signature Print Name Date / �ra A�encl lnspectlon ����� ��f������� �j � �. �� 9 Y � I\ i n ture Print Name ale Project �j�� �*`�r � � �O Arch/Eng: v'1-, 1�1�.1V���� Signalure., Print Name ate , > Contractor /,', �-- y_> ��, r—�i r,�> C c�/�r�/6%iv�� 5� / ` il' � � Signature Print Name Date -3- . . i .� � .. . ., ���- :_t_ I '.— .._. ... . .. v � II . . 'i ?i`. � �1 I 11 � 1`�I I i ,ll{illl' � �Rllli.11ff tiI'h.('IPfDJI f(b:iil �. I11 I I �. �I I �1\I II\I 1 1 1\`1�1 \1 II IIII I�1�I1.\' I L 1 � �II' I'I. I 1 ' ' I I I � �.I1..1 ••lil' '.'I� I I - 1\1 I I.II r II. 1 I .II 1 '. \� IIII\ `.III 11 . . I�II 1 1 I � i �. �I '. . � � 111 .�. \111 . .�I'i�Ili. �. ���ti !f�\I�i i �1'r .�I'il' i i.i i. I .�i . '.I. i .. .III " . � \I,� i . �.. . I��i i i i . i .i . . ... . . ,i.. i li'.I . �. � . .. I .. . ��� �� � � 1bWNOFVA2 � SPECIAL INSPrCfION ANU TES"I'ING SChIEhULE � �� 'f���� "'°""`�. �iec ��oa> I� � ��ti, � Project Name:�1�S Permit t� Owner's Name: _1��c cr.�4Qp w .-�c}�.,� ,s�i�,/� Testinc� InspecF q S!gnal Pri I Name oaie Agency: `,� ���� —2�� (� � Testing Inspec ion s�9�awre P�;,,iNa,�e " �aie I Hereby certilies thal �he Testingllnspection Agency named above has been engagcd lo perform strucWral tesls and � inspedlons durinc�construction as checketl 6elo�v,to salisfy all applicab�e portions of the 8uilding Code. �I i Prior to final Inspeclion, the Inspeclion Ac�ency shall submit a statement ihal all ifems of designated �•iork performed were repoded. Any ilems checked but not tested or inspecled will be noted and explained. Whenever any designated ilems on Ihe list are reatly for sampling, lesling, or inspection, it shall 6e the responsibility of Ihe confrector lo give �imely no�ice to�he Inspeclion agency so lhal!he requlre[7 services may be perfornted. , REINFORCING STE[L: UNDERPINNING: , Tensile 8 BenJ,one sel per heat per_lans _ Temporery/Permanent � T Inspeclion of Placement _ Inspeclion of Steel Fabricalion � Inspeclion of Welding _ Inspeclion ol fteinfarcing E Fonns � Fpoxy _ Inspection of Conerele Placzment _ Inspsction of Tiebacks h1ASONRY: � Prelim,Acceptance Tests(Masonry llnlls,Wall Prisms) = SOIL NAILS: Su6sequenl Tesis(Pdotlar,Groul,FielA N/all Prisms) Temporery Shoring Inspeclion ol Placemenl and Gwuting Permanent Wall CONCRETE,SH07CRETE,GROUTAND MORTAR: STRUCI'URALSTEEL Concrete 5not Gmul fnotlar Sample A Tesf(List specdic membere belovQ Aggregaie tes�s lordesian � Shop Idenl'�lication E Weltling Inspeclion� Suilablluyolaggregatas _ SnopUllrasoniclnspec�ion f.ux Deslgns Shop R2diogiaphy TeslPdnel � FIEId Weldin�IpSpBCIIGO (falch vlan!Inspzclion � Field Bolling Inspec�ion CemenlGrabSampk � FieldUl:�asonicinspeclion Inspec;Placing � Fleld Rodiography G Compressicn Te:ls PAetal Decrt Welding Inspeclion CaslSpccimens FIR[PftOOFING: aick-up 5amp'.es _ �[ Inspeclion E Placemenl Shnnkaqe Bars T� Yle!tl Check SOILS: � A4 Check �X, Ac[eplance Tesls �ry Unil We!g�t _� p1oisture-Density Oelerminalion PRECAST CONCRETE: _� Field oensity __ Relnfarcing Tesls Drllled Piers _ Inspeclion of Rein(orcing Placemenl _ Deep Foundalion _ Tendon Tesls _ �nspection o(Tendon Placement STRUCTl1RAl WOOb: _ Inspedion of Concrete Plzcernent _ Inspeclion of Fabricalion _ Inspeclion of Concrela Batching _ Ins�ection of I"russ Joint Fabricalion _ Inspectlon of Panel Nltachmenl&Inserls _ Sample Z Test Componenls _ Compression Tes(s Inspecllon of Glu Lam Fa6rication _ Inspeclion af Stressingfirensler — SIAOI(f CONTROL; PIIING,CAISSONS,CAPS,TIES: _ Inspection of Rein(orcing Plarement SPECIAL CASES: _ Inspection of Conerete Placem�nl _ Inspeclian o/Concrete Batching SPECIA�INSP[CTION: Seismic Resislance Sp�cilyolherfesls,inspectionsorspecialinstruc(ions�equiied _ V✓indRequirements ..4e APPENDIX C �� QUALIFICATIONS OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS TOWNOf�iN1i/ Catego Code Reference Minimum Qualifications � 1 . If required, see beiow for type of fa6rication. ', Inspections of Fabricators IBC Section 1704.2.2 Z Fabricators auihorized approved by special ; inspection agency ', I Steel Construction IBC Section 1704.3 1 . Current ICC Structural Steel and Welding , Certiticate. I High — Strength Bolts IBC Section 1704.3.3 � 2. Current AWS/AISC Certified Steei Struciure Inspection. 3. Current ICC StrucWral Steel and Bolting Special inspector Certificate. �� Welding IBC Section 1704.3. 1 1 . Current American Welding Society (AWS) � Certified Welding Inspector. 2. Current AWS Certified Welding Educator. ' 3. Current AWS Certified Welding Engineer. � 4. Current American Weiding SocietylAmerican i Institute of Steei Constructio� (ASW/AISC) CeAifled Steel Structure Inspecloc � 5. Current ICC Structurai Weiding Special Inspector Certificate. a) Nondestructive Testing of Welds IBC Section 1704.3; 1 . Current Nondestructive Tesling Level II or III Table 1704.3 (5); 17072 a) Level II personnei shall be quali(ed in accordance with the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) documenl SNT-TC-IA (currenl edition). Levei II certification as determined by a Ievel III ���� examiner is required for each category. i b) Level III Examiner shall be certified by I ASNT unless all level II personnel have a current I ASNT/ACCP certification. Only lhen will �I in-house designation of Level III ! nondestructive tesling personnei be ; permitted. ' I I I � -5- j � Concrete Construclion IBC Section 1704.4 t . Current Intemational Code Council QCC) ! Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector 2. Current American Concrete Institute (ACI) j Concrete Fiefd Tesling Technician — Grade 1 , Certification. I Masonry Construction IBC Section 1704.5 1 . Current ICC Structural Masonry certificalion. ; 2. Professional Engineer. � Wood Consiruclion IBC Section 1704.6 1 . Professional Engineer � Soils IBC Seciion 1704.7 t . Current National Institule tor Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) Level II � Pile Foundations IBC Section 1704.8 certificalion in geotechnicai engineering ; technology/construction. I, 2. Registered Geologist. I 3. Registered Engineer. I Wall Panels and Veneers IBC Seciion 1704. 10 1 . Professional Engineer. I ' Sprayed Fire Resislant Materiais IBC Seclion 1704.11 Currenl ICC Spray-Applied Fire proofing i certificate. � i Prestressed Concrete (PC) IBC Table 1704.4, 1 . Current ICC Reinforced Concrete Certifcation i Pretension Tendons (PC1) Items 8 and 10 2. Current ACI Concrete Field Testing � Technician Grade I Certification. � I i Post-Tension Tendons (PC2) 1 . Current Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) i Post-Tension Siabs-on-Ground (PTS) Certification. I � � i � -6- � Exlerior Insulation and Finish Syslem IBC Section 1704.12 1 . Registered Architect. (EIFS) 2. Current Association of Wall and Ceiling � Industry (AWCI) EIFS Inspector Certification. Special Inspection for Smoke Control IBC Section 1704.14 1 . Current NICET N-II-FPAS certificalion. � i 2. Current NICET N-II-FPFA certification. .. 3. Current Natiooal Environmental Bala�cing ; Bureau certificalion. 4. Current Associated Air Balance Councii ! certification. ' I Qualiiy Assurance for Seismic Resistance IBC Section 1705 Professional Engineer ! Quality Assurance for Wind Requirements IBC Section 1706 Professional Engineer I Special Inspections for Seismic IBC Section 1707 Professional Engineer � Resistance I I a) Mechanicai and ElecUical IBC Seclion 17077 Components Structurai Testing for Seismic Resistance IBC Section 1708 Professional Engineer Structural Observalions IBC Section 1709 Professional Engineer Design Strengths of Materials IBC Section 1710 Professional Engineer Alternative Test Procedure IBC Seclion 1711 Professional Engineer Test Safe Load IBC Seciion 1712 Professionai Engineer i In-Situ Load Tesls IBC Section 1713 Professional Engineer ( Pre-construction Load Tests IBC Section 1714 Professional Engineer i I Material and Test Standards IBC Section 1715 Professional Engineer i � I i i _7_ i �� T014,NOF�4AILV i SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY APPROVED LIST RC = Reinforced Concrete SS = Structural Steel Welding/Bolting ' PC = Prestressed/Post Tension Concrete PP = Spray Applied Fireproofing � SM = Structurai Masonry ! A enc Name Address Phone Number RC PC SM SS FP ' I i � I ( ( I � ( � I -$- I , , 7C1WN OF VAIL ' REPORT OF SPECIAL WSPECTIONS Projeci: �` IT�S_C C���I� Permit Number: �1� fJ�l•� ProjectLocation: (OCJO !_IVr��S/ff��D C ��L_ llAtl� Owner �1A1.1� �Q.���Q�S Address`\o� �c�k �1 `l6�! City: �a�� Zip: K� b Z•c� Registered Design Professional �.����N����L ��m��c, In Responsihle Charge: Address: ��-�k I��� City: ��` 1 State:�V Zip�16Z� Phone:�-��I'1-��� Fax: ����g-����"� E-mail: ��NC�..I����E.-N�V�I���,' C.� This Report of Special Inspec�ions altached is submilted as a condition from permit issuance in accordance with Section 1704 Intemational Building Code. It includes a Schedule of Special Inspection Services applicable to the above referenced project as wel� as the identity of the individuals, agencies, or firms intended to be retained for conducting these inspections. The Special Inspector(s) shall keep records of all inspections and shall furnish interim inspection reports to the registered design professional in responsible charge al a frequency agreed upon by the permit applicant and building oHicial prior to the start of work. Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate altention of the contractor and design professional in responsible charge for correction. If the discrepancies are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought lo the atlenlion of the building offcial by the registered design professional in responsible charge prior to the completion of that phase of work. A Final Report of Special Inspections shall be submilted by the design professional in responsible charge to the building official at the conclusion of the project and before a certificate of occupancy will be issued. Prepared by: �=� Q'�`t�� i�fi�NC�o� ,'�:��}���:::,�.;.�'? �\ , ,<, , .',Sr_.F.�''i�. Type or Prinl Name � �O'."•�"�� ��1�' v�v��'C ( � '�-�: �� � :1 � �Y.� [� Signature , , s� ���o <,..;•.. lo ;;���,, � ss� �vne es``'•°' �'i� Date ��'� �� ���' �,�%r'i t,)4- . Preparer's Seal an Signature Required To be filled out by the jurisdiction and returned to applicant Building Official's Acceptance of Special Inspections Frequency of Interim reports: _Monthly Bi-Montlily _ Upon Completion Per Attached Schedule Signalure Date Pormit Number -10-