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���� �� � , �,� �, • � � � ,_�... Department of Community Development � , � [ ; ��-7 75 South Frontage Road N .• �, b , � _ � \"1 `�- � '�' ,� � �, >5 � � Vail, Colorado 81657 " ���� � � � � MAIf 2 3 ZOII � Tei: s�o-�7s-z�zs � �� � � ��� �` �. ' . FaX: 970-479-2452 � � �� . � � '� � t ' �:� Web: www.vailgov.com � , ► :;,�., �TO'WN UF VAIL yeioprx�ent Review Coordi N `��. . �r . ..... . 'f Application for Design Review Sign Application General Information: This application is required for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. All signs re- quire Design Review approval. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be reviewed on-line at www.vailgov.com under Vail Information—Town Code On-line (Title 11 Signs). An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. Design Review approval lapses unless sign is installed within one year of the approval. $50 PLUS$1.00 per square foot of botal sign area Business/Building Name: ��+���S S �d�J `��-� f �d Cl2�K�2 � ��+��+�(�?' Number of proposed signs: � Number of existing signs: Z Length of business frontage: ���°iG'� �A�e Height of sign(s)from grade: Square Footage of Sign: "�3�`'� � 3 �S`g ❑ Free Standing Sign ❑ Hanging/Projecting Sign ❑ Window Sign o Wall Sign ❑ Business Sign ❑ Building Identification ❑ Subdivision Entrance ❑ Joint Directory Sign �Menu/Display Box ❑ Business Operation Sign ❑ Open/Closed Sign ❑ Sale Sign ❑ Sign Program o Gas Filled/Fiber Optic o Temporary Site Development Sign Other ���-�� ��� Physical Address: ZS� � ���� �- Parcel Number: Z�o l D A Z�{�} t� � (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Properly Owner: �� � S���"1 Mailing Address: �3 �- .06� S-r`�= F,� �11�?��G— LL� �O(ao ( `{�Y_''� .Ssy- �C N/��� � ga 20 2 Phone: 3 ��3 - Sq Z- I (�'Z� �3 o 3 -S�� • ���� l Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: �a-���� �0��� Mailing Address: /���- c�, 6�r��r/r�- �. C�,A�� C'e �'r��7 Phone: � 7� � ��� E-Mail• �L� J C� �'t S '�-Ov�" F�• �7�n � �8�P For Offiye Use Only: Cash'� CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check# Fee Paid: � Received From: Meeting Date: l� \ DRB No.: � - � Planner: "�� Project No: ��I - (Za Sl Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot:�r�Block:�.�Subdivision: I�G..../ 1�� l�G..r,e �i li�� O1-Jan-II �v��y �o � � �,�+.-,�,N .n,�, .wy� ��,.-.r v��,v N,� .. � ,.. ._ _._ ; . - _ , ; ,. . , : ;, ... . _,.� . � _ . , .. � .,�;;,,,� . . �� _ . `�,.�-� � :�c�- � :�rM �'' .��.�y (� � �, ttment,.of,�Cotnm�tinity Deaielopmen�;� � t -�: , �'� �� .'75 So�th Fror�tage Ro d � 04, �.��^ �r .1.� �.< ~tv� �. k i.. �,,j[ `�" ��`� ,ti, r� .��� �` s: .�� � - . • .. � Va���• �.�rG���: 1.P+ � ' � �1��'-� ,. _ r �;�"e�97��}�4 � �.,'�'d�� ±' � ,:� ,�� '•.� - �°• ����� F"' '� ,'/ � �r���� � +��e t .V1f�e :. ' �.y , ��:` - Appiication for Design Review Changes to Approved Plans Genera! Information: This application is fnr all changes to approved plans prior to Certificate of Oaupancy. An ap- plicat�on for Design Review cannot be aaepted until aii required information is rece+ved by the Community De+relopment _ Department. Design review appro�ral expires one year from the date of appraval, untess a build�g permit is issued and construction oommences. Submittai Requirements: 1. Three(3} Copies oF aft pertinent approved pians with iilustrated, labeled changes 2. Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, if appiicabie Fee: $20 Single Famity Duplex M�ti-Family Comroercial DescripEion of the Request: 1'�'t� ���� .��� FC' � << R-��5 s�� . T� `� �s`% -F���It- �< �E of eoL��r�c,.1 _ �f��v (��? A� �'P�c�A�-�- ��.� S��2.,a� Piiysicai Address: �� Q 2•'�b �7- Parcel Number: `� � � � ��Z 4`� �3 (Gontact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property�wner: �� S�L�S i� Ma'tling Address: �l�•�Fi'� S 1- �J r C�}t��-r LL(� �O(a t �`.�r!* Si� �,�N�`�L (�'j 202 � Phone: � `� ' ��g2- �l aZ�30� -�8�- o�o t i" Owner's Signature: ' Primaey Contad/Owner �esentative: �o�� �"1 �J� ��� � Mailing Addres� �7l ��- � 6£l+�t�/�- � - Vi�'� �- (i�'��_,�lfa 17 Phone: `T� LD ���� E-Mail: �P�- J P-1� u�l s� Co� ��� _ �7 c� � t��� Far Office Use Oniy: Cash✓CC: V'isa/ MC Last 4 CC# Exp, Date: Auth # Check!� fee Paid: � ��.DO Received From: �OE. Meeting Date: DRB M1to.: Planner: .___..__. Projed No: � Zoning: Land Use: locatbn af the ProposaL• Lot: Blodc: Subdivisior�: G1-]an-1 I iv�ny i v i i v-r.-+vN �w .ivy�.c a i v-r i v i:+w N,i ��� �I JOIiYt PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The appGcant must submit written joint property owner approval fnr appl(cations aK�ing shared arvnership proper�e,s such as dupiex, oandominium, and m�k-tenant buiklings. This form, or sim�ar writhen rornespondenoe, must be com- pfeted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association�the case of a ton- dominium or multf-tenant bur1ding.All campleted forms must be subrMkted with the apptiqnts compfeted app�icatbn I, (print namej_ ��-� �C L�� a joint owner, or author,'ty of the as�ociation, aP property located at 2X G+���6� �>. 1/ t t-. C O � �_ . �ovide this letter as tivritten approval of the plans date�i �— t$-Zc 1 t which have been submittec! to the Town of Vatf ComrriuniEy pevelopment pepartrnent for the proposec! improvements to be campfeted at the address not- ed above. T under5qnd that the proposed impravements indude; _ Nlb�,(� � � 5 � �� Il� N� �a�-�-6� � ��P��•A�L (.S��A-rc� "Z� l�tS�S� �C,eJlr S ,b, — � c� C� �v ru,.� � St�� �Ert�+� �1�-6�2Ac� ,--, �' / , � (s nature) ;" , ���) Additionalty,ptease d�ecic the s�atement below which is rnost app�Cable#o you: I understand that minor modifrcatinrrs may be mads to the pJar�s over the course of bhe revJew praess fi en.sure ct�m- plfaace wlth Nie Town s applfcable cmi�s and regu(ab�on.� (Inflfa/hereJ I u�ersbnd that a!/madifications, minor or otherwis� whirh ar2 maore fi t�e p,lans a�,�,r���of the revlevv pr�o- ce�s, be brought to my attention by tfae applicant for additlona/a�vrova!befor�undergoing further reuiew by bhe To►vn. {In�b�al her�) �nay �u �� v�r.-wy wrv wyw :u i v-r r v i uw �r.t �--!��r > �g � �fo :. � sc�. '��-� �1� �� � ���5� J � � V ; • __ '�.�t,c�I, %J �-� ,) -�i �-��� �f•�, Z`t'i ,�'� �` e."[ = � �� �r - �Q rr � --- b -� � �t- J wt � Z o �� GJ s6�� =7 Nl��e � a �. s S ��n���� ��•-;;�.. 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'�, �,� � i ���QP,+��y���y . �. q.��- ��� .d. a ��. ��Ns� M> . .5'. ��, `� r 7.:0.. _ _.,t. ***************************�********�******************�************************************ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R110000531 Amount: $58. 00 05/24/201110:03 AM Payment Method: Cash Init: SAB Notation: CASH-JOE JOYCE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB110179 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2101-082-4400-3 Site Address: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: JOE'S DELI Total Fees: $58.00 This Payment: $58.00 Total ALL Pmts: $58.00 Balance: $0.00 ***�**********************�******************�********************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts --------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50. 00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 8.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel Friede Dimond From:margo mullally <margomull@hotmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, June 15, 2011 8:40 AM To:ppljpj@msn.com; Rachel Friede Dimond Subject:joe's deli sign Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged Rachel I approve the proposed new signs for Joe's deli. Please contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Margo Mullally President Bridge Street Building HOA. 303 818 8521 1