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. � architects ............................ PO Box 1492 tel 970�79-7387 � Vail,CO 81658 fa�c 97a476-0077 ' �2005 TrD architects,Inc All a�ts resaved Jup15nIC1"ION; �'OWN 0� VAI�, C01.0�0 ` ��� CONSU� � C�UI�nIN COn�; 20 � �S �� G 0 I N1��NA�10NA� CO�� o � F� � � � � p 5�15MIC ZON�: ZON� I � v � �� � > � � � � �� � G�D�OGIC ZON�; NON� � OCCU�ANCY ��� p� ��51n�N11A� ' 1551.�� CON51�:UC�'ION 11'p�; 11'�'� 5�� -�f�UnG�1"p�NG ` AUGU51"23, 2005 ZONING; M�nIUM n�N511"Y MU��1'�I�MII.Y -n�51GN p�VI�W S�p1"28, 2005 -ppICING � NOV 15, 2005 -p��Ml1' � J � •� � � � R � � � � � � , � � �! \ . � � � �� o � ; o � s , � � � �r1� arc4� i��c�s � �; o ° � � � �� 1�ox 1 ��2 � �' � O � �I�� SN��� � � a � o � � Vail Col ora�o 816 58 a , � o � , C O N n O M I N I U M M A� �H A S� I � � � , ;, � � „- Ov �7O'�-7� '7�j87 � CONbOMI�IiUM MA�-�NAS� II � o � _ � 9- O � �� A201 ��00� p�ANS � � � � U � � y A�01 �X��10� ���VA�'10�15 y ,����ovE� � s Sub�ect to mspect�on and Comphance to all � / \C_/OI W�� S�C�'I�N5 relevant Adopted Buiiding and Municipal Codes. � � Changes in Plans MUST be approved. Date 0� o�Lo(�6 By `�/'1 � r� Code:_ Zoo3 /RG (1 / �� Colorado Inspection Agency � �� ,i gOS- D3C�5� �!F ` ^ Q v � .K� � '�� ��������� �, , , ,� '° � :;��m�nify C�velopment Department ��t„ - '� '��n� 5afct���.*�J Inspection Services �� �+; � ,� Ssc�:c �O �� - -` _ „_a �,0,�0 �������t�ma8ioea�l E�e���3��s�sal Cocie V;.';� ., . � �._'o Th�issuance or grant�ng of a per�t chall not be cc��:ru�;.��:,L�� pernit fcr,er an approval of, any viof4ticn of 4F �o�Oq ,� any of tlio Frov�:.,�n:,cf th�s coda or of any other ordman��cf the �Q 900 junsdiction Per;��ts p,esumong to give authoriry to violata cr ca�c�l the provisions cf th�a code or other ordinances of the�unsd�cti�n sh�'I n�t be �t � valid The issuance of a pe t based on constn:ction decumcnts and ;� other data sha��nct prev t the uildmg off ial from requinrg ti�o '� R bert `, correcticn ef errors m e const �ctio ocu Qnts and other data.The 306044 ' budding offia�l is al author vent ccupancy or use of a .s structure v�h�ra n ; lation e or f any other ordmances of c�j �, t this�urwdiction � ��l`y ���t. PLANS EXAMIN . DATE: �� � � `sFQ ��C� � � �I� ,, � SN���' � � ; � � � � F 3 q�_ . �-�1-dS _ =1 �� �-�� _ _ __ _ -� -- - - - . �.� - - -, - -- I � CONDOMINIUM MA P � � � , ! A SUBD/ V/S/ON /N � � C�RTIFICATION OF DEDICATTI�N �ND OWNERSHTP • / / /� Towr�shi � �O�! I � ��/� � �� ��� �� V� ���+ � ��• + • � ,` • I4now all m�n by these pr�sents that �pruce Creek Tc�w��t���e�s at S�c�io , p , q Vail , being sole owner in �ee siFnple of all that r��l prap���y described EAGL E COt1NT�; C OLORADO a� f°11°"S : A parcel af land located in �he Southc�est Q�ar��r af Sectian SH T � Of �// NoTES: 12 , Township 5 South, R�.ng� 8]. We�t of thc� �i��h Principal M�ridian � ac�ord�ng to th� Depend�r�� F���rv�y of said tcaw��hip and range � ' 1) Basis of B�aring� Vai1 Village_ Y�l��t, Fil��g �o. 3 a�.dicat�d as app�oved by the U.S. �urveyc�r General i� n�nv�r� Color�.dc� c�� � %�� beari�;g for the ides�t line o� �ect�.o� 1�. S�ptember 13 , 1943 , said parcel being mor� p�.r�icuJ.arly de�cri.b�d � �'�'� 2) Street �ddr�:�s : f as follows, to �ait: b� w 3) Estimat�d compl�tion date �.� I�overnber 1�8�. 0�9 w ! a o 4) Surveyed on �iove�tber 1979. -Commencing at a point on the west line o� sa.ic� �ectiotz i2 � � � � "� 0 5) � Indieates pin and cap found. the 5outherly r�ght-of way l�ne o� Tnterstate H�.c�i�way Ns, 74 , / o o and the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. �iiqhway Na. 6 , fram ''�i R=28/SOp° wW� �� .� 6) L.C.�. ir�dic�.te� Limitec� Co�or� Fleme�t ���-�����a�n� ta �he which the Southwest Corner of saic� Sect.�Qn 12 bt�ar� S.OI°�6` 3�"V�, � 6 " ��.=/3/26' � �_ • ad�acent unit. , � 1056 . 70 f.�et distant; thence alanq th� �outhe�°Iy ri�3��--ca�-way , � aG�h=/3/24 :�:• O2, „ � -� '�a 7) G.�.E. �.ndica�e� General Corr�or� Eleme��. line of U.S. Highway i�o. 6 , I�. 44°31' 33"�. 535. 9� �e�:� �� the C# R�diu� Delta Arc Chp�d Bearin+g �hQr�. ��y ���=Ns�g49'E 0 1''� ,.r •... / 8) �11 out��d� �t�irw�y� �.r� G.C.E. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; �hencE cor�tinuing aZong s�.id �ou�herly � " �'YELL S/ Q� '� v� 9) Eleva-kions are b�sed �r� th� elevat�.o� �f ��� Ic�wer 1�vE1 right-of-v�ay line 399 . 94 feet alonq the arc r�f a 281.5. Ofl foc�t C-1 2815. 00 ' 02°26 ' 3&" 12�. 0� ' �Y'. 45°4� ' 51"E. 1�4. 4� ' / T,E' �.� �o C-2 240 .0� ' 69°Ol' 17" 289 . 12 ' S. �9 °00 ' 12"(r�l. 271. 9�' , � l0/ 9/' y�° � `r ��' � �oor of Building P, being 100. 0t3. radius curve to the riqht, th.e chord o� wh�.�h be��'s N.�8°35' 46"E. C-3 Z40 .00 ' �8°06 ' 25" 117. 87 ' S. lfl°�5 ' 21"W. 11�.6� ' �j� � N9o°o0'00" � 6 � �_ 10) The flood piain (3.00 L 399 . 61 feet; thence dep�rting �aid riqh�-o�--�ay line 5. 37°10 ' 39"E. �.y 5 �1 / yr. ) fo� Gorc� Cr��l� �a� e�eter�i�ed \ � _ from a study dan�: b� �i�dro Tr�ad, �t�.. , L�k�w�a�e�d.t �olaradc�. 2. 30 £eet to the Northwe�� Corr�er of Lot I�o. l , �ail Vi.l1a e W�st � ` � 4 �oz°s6'/2" g ) o�� . , �-28/sao' Filing FIo. 2 Subdivision; thenc� along the 1�cartl����.y bounr�ary 3.a.ne ` ,�{� L=/44,28 , Un,,t A_/ of said Subdiv2�ion on the fo7.lc�wi.�g four {4) cc�ur��� and distax�ces; �o� 8 � �� �B-NS, ,52� �. � � � �� Ch= /4426' '"i , ,� g�� �pc'0 �,'� A-2 � ,`• �> s: o�°i� � 2i��w: 20�:s2 ���t , �p '" /�1N �'� � ' EASEMENT NOTE 3) S, 20°03 ' 21"V+1. 46 . Q6 feet � , �1 R / /1 � ,Q-3 � �) S. 37°14 ' 21"W. 3.�9 . 39 feet; , � 1J ��j, / / � N � � / Utility companies have the right of ingress and egress acros� o � +Y � / � / A4 N ° l�' � thence departing said Northe�l� boundar� 1.ir�� �'. 34 l�i 54 W. 82, 2$ I ` 90 ii' �: rn '�1 / th� Ceneral Common Element of Spruce Creek Townho�tes at Vail t teet; thence I�. 64°27 ' 14''W. 2'7(1. 13 te�t �o th� `���T� 1�C��N'�` a�' �3E- ' ( �' � � �J� /6/4/' Pha�e I fo.� the distinct purt�o�e ot GII��3II�G, and containing 9Q ,175. 5 squar�: �eet �x �. (3741 acr�:s, � \ , � � �', �h�f�� o ..� maintenanc� on the �xisting utitit�� lines within th� existinq u�ility more or le�s. � / ��k • , easements. Such rLght to be used onJ.y �n a prudent manner. ' ` / (��(�Pr� f,32 � �.. , does hereby certify that tY�s Condom�r�ium Ij�ap o� "����CE ��E�S� Tt7thT�IS�4�ES f � �� P� '�i�� �� AT VAIL, PHAS� I" i� filed ir� conjunctiQn with �Y�e Ctan�c�ma.z�i�tm T�ecla�atic�n � � �� �tar "SP. E C?tEEK T4WNHONI�S AT �AII�'" i.rr BQ�k 2..`� a�. Page_;���.....�.. p 9 ,1 ' �h � �� ,a3 � � O Q, �� � � �j (� � of tk�e E gle Ca�t� Cler a�njd R�co�der' s Of fic�. �1"�j��'�j'� 4 � � !'��.'3."L.��' !h� ���/.A')'��ltRj .�JfC. n�°"'�.g. .. >nrl: R (� 1/ ' , 4� �+� 40' � B 4 � � � � ,°', ` � � ��N�R: � �� a e� �� �_�� �.,;t�.i�_ �� �- � ��'�- � � � � �,$ � /60 B7' ° :r S�FtUCE CREEK TO[dNH �� AT VA�L �A�/o�r�f l�en�ur�� } {��i,�������6��-0"���� /� s A �: A:�9 �V �f� / '��90, / � �� Ca.rl P�l. Dietz , Aufl7o�iz�d Off�cer � .,� �t « � / . �� v, / „/ l/r�,f G!/ ,.. P. O. Box 3 8 8 � � ��Q 7 �io, ^ , Vail, Colorado 81657 ' - / V!� � \ �, %F L^l�3 w .. . � �/,�,� � � STATE OF COLORADO) SS i . `� . �^.��r�.. �O ° : `•� ����.�„�� x� , / � ��(� / �� �-)��y C 3 . `�\ � COUNTY OF EAGLE ) : • a ..}`�,�E. e �� � a � ,� ° � . �hY _ � � `� � '� �G (� / � ` ���- � a� Q� ., � Th� f4regoing certificat� w�as �.cl�r�owledq�d befo�c me �hi.s ,��� /� � � / (�� ��� , � C_ O da of �p �f � 4 � �b' ti j� Y �r�uary r �-9_8� . f� , / �P� / `�93,9, y� ,��y �3 , Witness my hand and seal e�.'.,,� ,/��e g6 I ��a � r� ry��Q,�, 6�� t Y Notary Public �1 ' 3y / / �'� , ��/ k99 � �\ My C O�t1Ttt i H�1 G�n �3���.z°�:s - - -��,�-.�7 l/9�.Z ,,,,. ......_......_ � , � � ,���2° �- / 3°� � � L, �' ����t��^$ � N oo� + : � , � i -� 1 ' / �r��- 2 / �O �' '� ,\ '." SURVEYOR' S CERTIFICATE - - -- + � 1`V�� . / z \ � �� I, Jack GT. Johnson, a re�ist�red La�.d S�r����r i� the State o� � Co�.orado, do hereby certif�y tl�at thi� Co�dc�ra�.��� ��p �f �g�ucc Crc�ek ' � /� ' �, p���h� �� To�house5 at Vai1, Fha�e T; was pr�par�d u�d�� �� st��erv�.sion a�d / 5� ' � / � (p . y, � tha� thE r�ap ful]�y aMd accurately depict� t��e �.a�e��s , r�t�asur��e�i�� , and � PLANNIT�G CONiMISSION CER�IFICATE �► � � ; lo�ation of all the im�prov�e�ents , tl�e Cc�ndo�it�.�.ut�. de��.�r�ati.ans , �he di- r / � ,� �� /,�� / � � ,•; mensions of such Co�.do�nir���ns , a�.d the eie��ti��� o€ tY�e floor� a�.1d This Plat, ap roved by the Eag1e County Planning and Zan�.ng Cc�mm�.�sa.r�n / ��- � p a1i �� ce�lin�s of the �ub�tantially eompleted Car�.tflrn�nit��ns. this /�� day' of���,���.,� �A.D. , 19 _ � , : / �,'�"� � / 31 �3 . � In witnes� wher�of, I ha�e �et m� i�,and �,r�d �e�l ��ii� y',�ft ° .�..�r ; / � � ��� \ � " day of �etrruor�y A. D. , 19 e9'D ` ! .�� / �! '�' � M�!� � / '� (� ,3p� f,+ � Chairman , � o� ,�;�.s�.� � / ►a �'��ti << < . �: 3 �� � �� � / � � 5 ::� -�:� �� � � �r� e / ::: . � o � � ' e� ,, � � ' i.:~:�' J��� �. �°��'�°� �.�. �. �*���- C�UNTY COMMISSION�R' S C�RTIFTCATE � 3 / / �'S � 5�/ 1°� Q� � JK/7$/251 � ��� �� � �, � . f � ,, \ This Plat approved by tl�e Bo�rd of Commis�ioners of �ag�e �au�.��, , / � �( o�� r�O :;,`� \ Colorado this day of , A.7�. , I.9�, ,� , 3 ,�1� �.h {� v �y ; ' .:,� for filing wi�h�� Clerk anc� Recarde a �ag � Caunt�y and �c��: � . 03�b� / � �� `� � �� �b• t•`' ' �.s�. J���p'R. veyance to the County of the public dedicatio�� �,h�wn hereoM; sub k�� b � / / 1� ,.,..., , / � \ • �����+��,�tsze�,�o.��"'�,�M�' j ect to the provision that approval in �.o way �bl�iga�e� Fag�.� �t�u��y � / for financing or canstructing of impro��mc?nts on ].�.nds , s�r�e�� or ! � — — — _ — — � a� �� . ��,.; �5 �� `�� easements dedicated to the publi� e�c�pt a� �p�ci�i�a1.T.� ag�e�d �c� _� by the Board of Cfln�iissioners and �'urther �hat said ap�pra�a�. shal.�. �.n � � �� � � � s�3''B°26'46'�' �„i '`� °�, :. ' « • � � « 4:C�� no way obligate Eag1e County £or mainteMance of s�t�c��:�s dadi.cated / 346 0¢' L� 1 ''r � ,:r, . ����'��dk g,�t`�±�"!�Q'�' P � � ,' to the ublic until construction af impro�re��n�s th€�reon shall. ha�-e ^ � �/ ,, . -.�••, �"'�`'�'�'"*�""'�„�',�` been corn leted to the satis�action of h� Board Qf Cammzs��.orters . . .,' � � - I , �, � , , .� , � ,��,�}��```` P , , � � � 3 ,,�,� - �._ _ t fi , , _ . � � / ��. � � _ # „- , , '.�" � ".�.'-'.�- Chairm�n / , � , ,y'• �+ y �, �' m �; _ % � � /�9 � �j9 6� �j�°�,3- � ;'� \ ,.":� .�, "� �"V ° " ,� '� ' , � �;� • ' Witness my hand and seal of the Cc�ur�ty of Eagle � �, / 3-�-- . . . ��p.�� , . . � �� ���- ..• ,� . �� / �. , ., „ , ,' "�"�'''�» �` - . � ,�} � ATTEST �` .,��.` � �.,� ��� � � ��,�'�•�/ O��'��i� � r � , � ti���'� ^ � �"� 1 l .�( . ,�p<.,;y�-�'��,.�'v+"° � ,i . �t .,i�.Y� �n��t `,?aE,-'L. � � ,, � I :r� + S7� \ ' 4 � Q �� �� ,�' �,s� � � f�t C,�L1T1�y C",,��9:� ,'�'t�,.�u��`�f„�;;�` ,,,''� ;�. I / ..^ ` . �� }( y}°�-'�°'�"���;z=�'.,-E`- i . � r . �.� � �,,,.,._, i��.�-.. ,•, 1 � � I ,'� � , \ f � � 1 I ,A , . �5..,.zj�.;�',_�y ,.,� �1" � j '� .� Y (y,�� y +5:1�;�"'°`:t'�r� ` 4� �.` '• H' � �� � � _ �^��� � � -Y !„s�ifr'fAVbb �. Y�r� (V � 1 "1 1 ~ti • •L� �• • ` T _ , %� � I^ (,� Y)'i�ti.y�M ,(��+;� Ft .N".{� u •< < -— I �.�..'i��'z{;`' �,�a. � � ��1 � .♦ 'i l�� � I t t. '� .� ' _ ,,Dr �"'/�"� �<�Mt'+�v';e t".���t:��,�s � � t+ ' 1 � i��., .�,,. / � , . ..�,� �,. % : / ; C�� :r:� Y 1 .;, I i• I �• I I -�.:�:• ;�, „_ - :f , � ° �,' � ,� �'��� � �- �► ��'� � CERTIFICATE OF TAX�S PAID r-a`,:,;-�,�y.r������F��a�i�,,�:��: � f '`� ` � . Si�e � ���: ��;. ������ / '+ y ('� /�}�Jt ��, � � ��,,. i< / \ '' •\ \ :.. I ,_, I • '% . ~ ,''+;r�• � t?�. '� ) �� V '_ �• +P.�' � 't) ">d;�i�. �A,i �,w;w;. '��`i'"'f ur., / �'r \ �': I .j +" I � /. . y. �y' � t~_� 1 +� � � � ���� �.�• � „y 1 '� � � a .€�?�'� �d� R �x„ . � ���� :.�"s«. '� �� ' � � Y�LI����1 1��Jni/'M ) �y .�e���� r�j ����'�F�,fl"F��a+,�, `� � � � , � ���,�_,.5 _ �, I the undersi ned do hereby cer�if that t � �n��.r�: arn�st�� �_ �y_„�.��€ ,_ � \ � � i � '� �� _ � �:,�::. : , �' � � �'`�,- - ,� � I I 1 �:;;�z,,.-� -*'_ �� �'� ' �,�,- .�- ,�' ����� i'=��c�' , �� taxes and assessments due and. p�yabl� as m��.�� up��. �,��-...,"` ' V � \ �� � � � , .p ���;<��_�;:y° � �,� � ;�°`� , , � � � „ .._;�,a�,: ,�, y. , ,, � �, d i �u�.l.�x , � \ / f.s�;, ;�t,.,�.:;.,� * � s ,�, t��� � � parcels of real estate described on this P1a�,,,�re paz n . � � r.,, ,• ::�;`':s t% ,� — �• �I �9�} n� l ,p y ...�, � ��� � _ .. ��:�....� - � j ,oy , �/� ) f � • . . ' • .i � . t.. � / .:�y�ij_�m,�'�t; wx^ �"�'� jY�� "`� '*' � , l� , �d � 1 �� f � �4'f.S�L `�,�. ^�J �.�....•�.��..r�s' f'`��»�.r� '`�,,t,„�,,,,,,, iy ^ ' •• i�r' 's t.j . , . • . .! • / � p��:}{i`'��;F�..r' +'� � �+M, +II�' �,,� $� (J f� ,r �+ ��) \ , . ;� �.:� .�c � •�'; ��.r,:���' �".� '��'��,,.'����"' �► , . T��'� " D e Hubert e�er�on, Tr�asur�� o�' � . . . �,._ :i;�. Y ,_ oU v '�"��� . '�'.° ' ' `'`" -4 _ - ""��'�- ,�y� �''� k ��} ,.,�'���I � � Eag1� Coun�y, Col.Qrad� \ � �:' ..� �`•: � ,�, ��`". , � � ..5• � i ! �� �.S r� �'� ` � �A► ��F.�T�'� �'�'�" � � -.I � ~, • •... r •� � .,s r.. �.. .3� 4.' t. �I• � i:..s :•`< <.J - ^ .�✓�f�y � �p,E' �`�s,�` +�. 1�� ��f� � � t i• � i � �' S t •l� :I.n f e` S CLERI�. AND ItECORD��' S CERTIFICL��E �„��5 � - ,� +�' .� r_ , �� l� � ' �'f '�` � _ - � '� � °� r''� " "� ' � i for recard in the Offi�e vf �h� C1�rk and ~-.�`,� ' .�� ,-_"" �' This Pla�t was f �.ed � ,� �- 19�� �� �, - �'�' � � �143 - !2� Record�r at� {� o' clock M�...��i' �' � , , T � �f�= c .—_ � +� and is duly xeco�de� in Boak � 9� �'ag� Na �(�� , �. � , ,� � . ; ''� �, � , � , �� � �� _ .� �`fLn' °�`�• Q�' , d' .5Q' /DD C/�Q � C�.e�rk a�d �.ecc�rc�e� � ��� I � u'1�Y COfi'�t/�R B�' S�CT/D� �� vnCALE ' /" =.5'D' �Jy,�J , , :r�.�,��:y ` -° • -� - - - - -_--- --- _�_ -- --- --- -- - -- �,�'�,��-"/' p CONDOMINIUM MA P � � ! A sueoi visioN i�v ' � ' f the � fh. P. �l��I r� l� Towr�shi 5 South Rar� e 8� l�Ve s� o Secfio , p , 9' CERTIFICATION OF DEDICATION AND �4+�T1E��HIP ' EAGL E COIINT Y, C OL�RADO SH 7- j Of �� Know all men by these presents that �p�uce Creel� '�ownhc�u��s ' ; , at Vail, being sole owner in fee simple of all th�t real prc��erty � described as follows , to wit: / � y3� A parcel of land located in the Southwest Quarter of S�c�a.c�n i 12 , Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Prir�cipa3, �r � Meridian, according to the Dependent Re�urvey o� said Township ,• �',, and Range as approv�d on Sept�mber 13, ].943 ; said �aarc��. beir�g U� / Q. more particularly described as follows, to wit; w �3Aa .r/f''`���'� 9= Aeginning at a point on the South�rly Righ�-o�-Way L�.ne ' �' ���'Z6 � / of U. S. Highwa� No. 6 , from which the Southwest Cornex o� � � E Ch�1�i 2y �t,�` ' Section 12 bears 5. 15°37' 49"��1. 149 3. 71 fee� distant; thence ,�► ��,=Q�- yo'�s~ ��' ,3y /�c,e=.vs�'i9'YZ� pn ;vJ • � along the Westerly Boundary of Spruce Creek Townhouses, Phase ' �� !,/_�//�1 t_�---- � �' — — — 5 ,�q w I, the following courses and distance5 : � R' � � C �oi 9 ' � c " Q N 90°DO'O�"L✓ �j5 'a i N�T�S : '� �$ / N- ' � 1) S. 64°27' 14"E. 270. 13 f.eet d on Vail Village Tn7est, Filing No. � �� a =0.2'.�'G'�a'' - -� 1) Bearings base � � �_'���'�, r----f- ' n for the West Line af Section i2 � S / /' �'/5"�z8 � � 2) 5. 34°16 ' S0"E. 82. 28 feet � indicated beari o , �v, l c,�s-,vs�-�isz•E � g `,�. .p% �a�/ ��=1yyL�_ _ i � `•• to the Northerly Boundary of Vail Village West, �'il.ing Na. 2 i � which is S. 01°�6 ' 36"w. � �� � /a�� � � : Subdivision; thence along said Northerly Bounda�y th� �ollpwing j 2) Completion Date : August 1982 ��� $�S /�ryq� �/ i_I BL,/�,.,� �1 � � � courses and distances: ' , 3) indicates pin� four�d or set �� �1 / i A f �— h /� � ► 4) T�ie floodplain (100 yr. ) for Gore Creel� wa� determined 1� � / 1) S. 37°14 ' 21"W. 53. 1� feet �, � I from a study done by Hydro Triad, Ltd. , Lak�wood, Colorado , 2) S. 45°39 '21"W. � i � / 83. 82 fee t .� � r� � � � 5) Survey Date• August 1981 �. �-- - - - ---� �/ � 3) 5. 42°34 ' 21'°W. 130. 00 feet � • �. / V/ c'� r-------� � x�� �fi i � �, thence N. 38°37' 51"W. 348. 15 feet to the Sautherl� Right�-of-�1�1�� �a' ,��y� ; � Line of U. S. Highway No. 6 ; thence al.ong sa�.t� Right-flf-Way 6) L.0 E. - Limite�i Common Element / I , . s�l�b i � N. 44°31' 33"F. 153.07 feet to the point of beginning. � 7) G C E, - General Common Element /� �� i t B��Id,�� __i � Said parcel of land contains 1. 780 ac�:es , rnar� cs� less ; � � � ' / �� ��� �,/ '� � / � B i � \ does hereby certify that the Condominium Map o� "5PR'UCF CR�'Eif g) Elev�tions ba�ed on assumed elevation of R / � � � � TOWNHOM�S AT VAIL, PHASE ZI" is filed in �onjuneti,a� wi��Z th� 1Q0 feet for building A from Pha�e I � � , ' � \ �inal Plat whi�h equat�s to U. �.G.S. P.� � � e / � �___________; o Condominium Declaration for "SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOM�S AT 'C)AT�," s�:'a l�vel of 795�. 58 feet. � / � � , O ___`_____ �' in Book at Page ��!"�_ of the Eag1e County Clerk � � , --� � and Recorder's Office. �� / � � / i 1 , � ,' �•��� �1�i�'s°�i �" �� � ��'�d � I - �� �� j � \ Oin1NER: SPRUCE CREEK TOWNHOMES AT Z73�IL . O �l, � � � �s'L6, ,.� Bu./d.�� �� �� � (A Joint Venture) , � '� p�3 / ��y\z-- ; C i � , � , ' � e ,y,q� � � � ; ; oo� o� � �� � 3/ 6'/ �� /�� �� / / �'\ �� I____-�----- � O b � _ , G� / ' � n �3� -� V � t Carl M. Di�tz Pre ide�t � � STATE OF COLORADO ) e� � �(� � / � yy2° 4�v � - COUNTY OF EAGLE � SS Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. � � ' / r �p. � o Vn�� �_� fi $�� Authori�ed Ofticer ,( rl � � , gox 38� � �/ �?� � p .6"�s� � a � � The foregoing cert�.ficate vaas acknaw�e:dg�d b�fore me this Vail� Ct�lorat3t5 8�.658 � 53 / / \ `� /1�� �✓ � �/OD � D-2 �^- . Q� � � � ,31 s� day of ,,Q 9�/ST , A.ll. r 19� hy Carl M. � / � Dietz as President of arpen�ry Un�.imit�d,� I�c. , � Joint �re _ G i � t �/oo' � � cQ� al , ��ar�eeoar$y� L� ,p-���/ ti� a L�-3 / '` �� , Venturer, SCTAV. �rr���� ���'HC.�,�p��°osm � � �n�.�� �� / � I+l O / �\dJ ,`� - �m���� �f��reaeamg��s,������ �i / S,,�/ 4 O / �1 � 1 m � -""�� /�6/ a A"`� a \ \ Witness my hand and official �ea� ��y2�s2�%f/►-1�� �'�'� `� , �� � � HD�'� •� ?j � �' a .� � ,S� y •.� 0 4�4'2O' � �► nj uo��r� P�b.L�.c� .ti� � a / ►��,��. � `°� �; �r _ °� y � ������ � � a i.���,/ "'\ S. y�'�' / / / �,�y�j � � r Gd y0" \ �j�`��' r, \ � My commission expires: � '� ����'��� �. �����e,�v� � , � � ` � ,� � / 9�, �f ; �¢�°'�`„� �+����a.� ��,�� SURVEYOR 5 CERTI�'I�ATE ' q �S� r o � � s � ".. �������=�� - � � � � � � ��i � c°- a , , � �`: �' e'� �� 6� �Z' •' ��g°�'*�ee�a��+��'`°�, I , David L. Kunkel, a Rec�istered Land �u�`v�y��' in th� ?� �% a t� � � j o�� ��/ �j• . TITLE CERTIFICATE State of Colorado, do hereby certify that �h�.s Ct7nd��a.nium � � / \ � � • tio.a• � 3 $a�Q • �-. Map of "Spruce Creek TowMhouses at Vai�., ghas� IT" was p�s� �� �%� . �o�o' o° �e / �` , � 9 � �.a,.�� �',�;�,�. �,,,,.�.,�o..h.�-e�e.. �.a, does herebvi cer�ify that I have ,33 �, � �,�� a �� �� �j � � examin�d t�e Title to all �ar�ds sho�,vn u�on tY�is Plat and that Title pared under my supervision and that the map full� �nd ac�u- q , . rately depicts the layouts , mea�urements , anc3 �.oca�ian o� a3� ak / 3 , 5� �s �j °3 ,•1 � to such lands is vested in free and clear of aII �ie�s, taxes and a11 the improvements , the Condominium designatior�s , the a� GP�3 \ S�? � t�r/ 'o. � l,}� � ` encumbrances , except as follows: dimensions of such Condominiums , anc� the eleva�XC�ns �� the I� �'���° � / a5�( � 7 �;' �y g �d',�. ��,r,or�,� ' L �Z."'L.. �" `� �. �3� floor� and ceiling� of th� substantial3y �omplet�d Condamiz�a.a�ms. 0 `/�OV �� / � ' / ,✓•2.�'fX 6� �� 6 6'�, f�bri� r � � r�'�/ �� � � , \ \ , � "d n Wday�of �S"� �,���1��� set my hand,and s��l �i�.s 19 8/ . � �,�� � ��_ p� ;,c � �� � �00����,�(� N 6yf � ��:3p >` ���������sr��,��,g-� � � �Z,�� / / \v,� �o� 1 Dated this �J�rx day of � -�"Ervr,� �-r' A.D. , 19 ' � . ' ° i� � \ �� � 1 �. �..� E a'�� t�tr�rra�'"��; David � Iiunke�. R.�,. . 1�1fl9 \ ,.� . � ��.,.. . / ' / � -- — — — � , v� �,�� � _. — —... ..— / 1 � �� \ \ Signature �� ,��-�.�`�' v'Lti. ,.�,,.�' r ���������b`��`���.� o \b :,, �.-- �� �,�.� t� ��,�5,� ,:�, �°r��„ ���,���. PO B � .588°26�5��` 3H6.O'/� / � � � --.-- 'i � �:, � j TOV�1N QF VAIL —pLANNIMG COMM15S10N A�'RF�OVQL / — — - - - — — - - - -- - —� y � , ' " ' � � ' ' _ , � y , � . . {z Thi� pl �ti aPdayvo� b�,� tY��"�/,��'� of Va;l� P�At�N1��CO�i� th�s � �2 � � �� ' i � � / ` �b' \ , : Q , • � � • .� 1r �`� � 6 /f/�j �' , ,-' � ;. $ p� / . !�� \ _ � � � . Q 4 � . w ...W. y $ _�-�Q9 6 �33 ,, r� ; • � . � . • . ,� , y� �...-��..�� ��,��- f,��. - ( -9,�y�-_..—�-- �p. , ,� . .. , . " '` I "� �,�/ � _ , '+ '+., a , , l} �' _ m , 7 �� ��53 � 0��,1/ � � . . � +' � ,�•� , � � / � ,C� „ � zoninc� Admir�i�t�'�.�z�x � � �r1 . � !j • /,,i .� N % �7 � i , � I :� ' ✓�� \ ./ !p � S �� t / °\ _ � �'r� r r + . ,'� 1 - � 1 I , • I I r � ' : r� ' \ �'� � �♦ � i j " +•"' �� ~t r , • 1 .� <, , ` , 1 , ''; `,•; �.f� I , I I � � + � � � ` +�, +Y' �q,� �1 CLERI� AND RECORDER S CER'TIFICATE ������ ' / � L • \ ,►? 1 v'� , ' �- I �.. 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