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���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l ��TI��I F�F�1�1 � - � � � ����rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r��r�i�� ����I��r��r�� # �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I�r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� �1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���� ���.��I�������f�l Project Name: LITTLE DINER EXTERIOR CHANGES DRB Number: DR6110200 Project Description: ADDITION OF CONDENSER UNIT ON ROOF. REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING AIR INTAKE ON ROOF. ADDITION OF NEW SMALL LOUVERED AIR INTAKE IN BREEZEWAY ABOVE FRONT WINDOWS. ADDITION OF EVAPORATIVE COOLER MODULE ONTO EXISTING MAKEUP AIR UNIT ON ROOF. REPLACEMENT OF Participants: OWNER HUGHES LAND HOLDING TRUST 06/07/2011 3324 STATE ST STE C SANTA BARBARA CA 93105 APPLICANT HUGHES LAND HOLDING TRUST 06/07/2011 3324 STATE ST STE C SANTA BARBARA CA 93105 Project Address: 616 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Location: CONCERT HALL PLAZA -THE LITTLE DINER Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CONCERT HALL PLAZA CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-063-1800-6 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 06/14/2011 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0011972 Prior to final inspections, the applicant shall paint the air intake louver above the front window to match the color of the wall siding. Cond: CON0011973 Prior to final inspection, the applicant shall paint all new rooftop equipment a flat gray color. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ,�►� ';��, ,"�^w epartment of Community Development v� ' ��"�� , j j� � ��.� � ��; ;j `�,� 75 South Frontage Road � i1°-�. � . , . �� � � � Vail, Colorado 81657 � .IU� � � �011 Te�: 970-479•212e. � Fax: 970•479•2452 � •,. ' Web: www.vailgov.com � � ' ���� �� VA��- Development�ReYiew Coordin�tor,. � r . �:.,�.: � ��,'�;n' „.�.�...�.w��.•.�-..����+�3k�� Application for Design Review Minor Euterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site im- '� provements, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail �I Town Code sections can be found at www.vail4ov.com under Vail Information -Town Code Online. All projects re- quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until atl required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $250 for Multi-Family/Commercial $20 for Single Family/Duplex Single Family Duplex Multi-Family ✓ Commercial Description ofthe Request: Please see attached sheet. Physical Address• 616 W. Lionshead Cir., Ste. 204 Parcel Number: 2�01-063-1800-6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) PropertyOwner: Hughes Land Holding Trust Mailing Address: 2$ Anacapa St., Ste. D Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone: (805)331-8281 Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: B ria n L ittle MailingAddress: PO Box 1602 Vail, CO 81658 Phone: (970)331-6D69 E-Mail; thelittlediner@hotmail.com Fax: For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check # � � Fee Paid: �0150.00 Received From: ►4.� Lirr�L-, Meeting Date: DRB No.: ��'c�1 1 D�O� Planner: Q� Project No: ��S I � -D�St� Zoning: Land Use: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: A1� �.10�75td�A[�FI��n3C�y 01-Jan-ll Application for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteration Description of Request: -Addition of condenser unit on roof area above restaurant for HVAC system replacement. -Replacement of existing air intake on roof area above restaurant for HVAC system. -Addition of new small louvered air intake in breezeway above front windows for the economi�er unit associated with replacement HVAC system. -Addition of Evaporative Cooler Module onto existing Makeup Air Unit on roof. -Replacement of existing red wooden residential patio entry doors with red commercial aluminum storefront entry doors. JUN-06-2011-MON 04: 28 PM P, 002 . �� mw�o�r�n� ' �Q��I��'�itOPEttI"Y OWh1ER IM��'I"�'Et� APPROVaI D.�TTEit. The appllcanT must submlt Written joint properly owner.approvai Por appllcations affe�hing shared ownership properlties such as dupl�x, mn�ominium, and multi-ten��t buildings.This form, or slmilar written correspondence, must be com- ; pleted by the;ac�joining dup{ex unit owner oi�the authorized agent of the home owner's assodadon In the�case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed fot'ms must be submitt�d with the applicants completed �pplicatlan, � I, (print name) K im F1 u g h e s a joint owner,or authoriry of the assaclatioh, : of property Iqcated at 616 W, Lionshead Cir., Ste. 204 Vail, CO 81657 , provlde Chis letter as written approval of the plans dated 6/412011 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail�Community pevelopmer�C Department fnr the proposed improvements.to be completed aC the address.nat- ed�bove.I tjnderskand that the proposed improvements indude: � -Replaceme�toi exisling HVAC system w�ih a new NVAC unit and new AC Condense�lo roo(.This includes Ihe replacem ent�ol the eXlstlhg•�Ir inlake on the rool and ths intake louver for lhe aconom izer above Ihe iron�l wlndows. •Addlfion of�n evapvraflve coaling module to exlsting Makeup Air Unit. -Replaceme�l oi existing red residantial wooden patio entry doors with new red commercial aluminum-clad storeironl � entry doors.; � . � �� _�l��_ ; ( gnature) (Dats) Additionally,ple�se check the sta�ement below whlch is most appllcable to you: I I urK/ersbn�+that�minor mod"�Fications may•6e made�o�he p/ans over the cnurse of the r�view prncess to ensue�e com- pliance WiCh�tMe raWn's appUcatile tz�des and rayulatlons � (Tn ere,� . .(' ;,� i',���. .:�.. � }-. I anderstan�tl�at a!I modificatrons, minor or otherwlse, which are made to the p/ans aver ifie course of I�e�eview pro- • cess, be bmught Ib.my attendon by the applrcant for addidona/approval befa'e undergoing furthe�revlew by►�`ie Tnwr�. �(Inib�a ereJ i . l ; � . � � � . � � � � ; ; . � ; � . . �.';ELG�;;EVAP COOLER http://floaire.com/cata log/genpartCatal og.asp?I pri nr 1&cati d=266 CELDEK EVAP COOLER F/..,�;��► /L[�`i[ �� � .::.�..,. ,,; ;r � EVAP COOLER(CELDEK) The evaporative cooler module is designed to deliver cool and humidified air in regions with a hot dry climate. Units are designed for indoor or outdoor installation. Packages are available in sizes that can handle up to 20,000 CFM. Units have a large access door on the side to provide access to all electrical components and to facilitate the removal of filters. Standard features include 12"thick Celdek media. Units consist of a galvanized enclosure with removable 12"media and pre-piped, pre-wired controls. Units are designed to work on standard water line pressure, and have a built in moisture control and temperature switch. To satisfy a variety of installation and climatic requirements units can be joined togeth�er in conjunction with other modules,which include direct fired or indirect fired module and/or blower section.All modules bolt together to form a rigid common base structure that mount onto a single curb structure. Operating Principals On a call for cooling (when the outside air reaches a level above the built-in thermostat set-point),the internal solenoid is powered allowing water to flow through the manifold and out through discharge nozzJes. Water leaving the nozzles saturates the face and top of the CELDEK media and eventually soaks the thickness of the 12"media.A timing circuit controls the flow of water to the media, thus optimizing the a�rriount of moisture in the media at all times. While this is occurring,there is continuous airflow through the CELDEK media, absorbing the moisture in the media. Benefits of this type of operation are the following: • No sump or re-cycling pump is required. Because of this,there is less bacterial build-up in the evaporative cooler and the air being delivered to the space is much healthier. • There is a continuous wash-down of the media to keep it flushed. This lengthens the life of the media and reduces service required.This keeps scaling and particle build-up minimized. � There is no sump drain-off required in the winter. Since there is no water reservoir, the concern about sump freezing is eliminated. 1 of 2 6/3/2011 2:57 PM Snbmitiz�Drawiu�g http://floaire.com/CATALOGCONTENT/EUAPCOOLER/CELDEK SUBMITTAL DRAWIN... CELDEI� EVAPORATIWE COQLER INTAKE rs,,.K�i�.'a,�, NOTEe 1.} MA}C. WATER PRESSURE �0 P51 � 70 DEG. F :r ' . ^Gd�: �'�r��y7:��'¢':;r ?:ti:5;' >:3' ��'���1'l�^Jt::. ° MAIN RAILS INCLUDED ❑M M❑DULAR UNITS ❑NLY DI M "B' DIM "F" DIM "G �-+- DIM '�A"-� DIM ''L' �DIM "K' . , ��.•w.z...,., ...�..� �ky�l+ # r rf�v '} fkti � J q .'�?/ t t �:. e? .. �4} .S fiA,e i< . 4 k�f, �� •° ;.: ' �rY '�; �t� f.4 .J'S�S J 4 sr�� 3'k, DIM .HA ; , f`r�� � .�';x{n�;,�f��,x .; .�,XOrt•��rM�r}:.:;'�s': AIRFL011 �. 1 1d.� fy�:�;':y`� ��q ..;s�Fa �xp�,��r �• DIM D ls�'s": `.�'�x,�<, DIM �lt f`Y yjp��r�?� � ��l i t_U"✓� L1� Af+�r :+ii:ff�.�r',�,'�'��'i,a�}'4:i;,�s•. ! r 1' 5r v! 5.. . '� . ' i ��J'l~Y :f}�G}:5:: > � �� �s illy�� W,•�1,` r•��'�-� Ll! 4 }d'� '�R Y/�+lr 1 ' i�Y� K�� � ` � !... •f� '� . . • }. DIM 'J" 'e -- , DIM "E' a DIM "N` � DIt� 'S' I-�DIM 'T° DIM�.._� �DIM '�1-1/2" � °R" aP. WfiTER �1l2" NPT 1JATER INLET DRAIN WA1ER INLET DRAIN 0 ENING CDI-01 135 LBS - - - 3-3/4 - - - - - - - - - - cni-o� i� �ss - - - - - CDI-03 230 LBS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CDI-64 300 LBS - -1 - b- - - - CDI-OS 3&5 L$S 35-1td 58-5/8 58-3/S 53-1I8 5-if4 d-Sf8 50-1lS d8-718 ?-lf2 d-SIS d7 d�718 7-112 4-1f2 5-3/4 �-7!S 17-1t2 CDI-46 S00 ES - - - - - - ALL DIMENSI�NS ARE NOMINAL AND GIVEN IIV INCHES, INIT INFORMATI�N � M�D�L ram� wax �w carE CDI-OS 20'x24'x12' 12 39 GPH ni-❑ DI-0 30'x36'x12' 2$ 84 GPH 1 of] 6/3/201 I 2:58 PM . -�.,:-�. ,��: . • .. . . �"':.. .. � -.. ,., . .r � � . �1"h.� �t '��.P !,� ��j . ��, � ��, r) R �i" r�'�, -���. ��� , ,�. ��� '� � .;a��: ,I' � �.t �'° �, �„ �w rC����IM� ,np:'�1 ry�� ��.• s�s .'� w> i'' Y ! I J ��`����'W.��_� k���Y�:+�'���W A ��'.�� � � ��.� `1 � j 1 .. 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SEER - up to 74.0 1.5to5Tons Cooling Capacity - 77,g00 to 62,000 Btuh __ MODE�;NUINS�R 1D�1VTiF���1;�i0� , � ; : ' QCi - - 3 -� _ _ Untt Typs� Minor Revision Humber AC=Air Conditioner Voltage 230=208/230V-1ph-60hz Serles Nominal Cooling Capacity 018=i.5 tons 024=2 tons Q30=2.5#ons 036=3 tons 042=3.5 tons 048=4 tons 060=5 tons DIMENSIQI4� , MNCI�E� �-_ �., ��� � -x ;. � ; � � � :- . : .. ._._.._ .�.w.�., r.-� _._, x COIL DRAIN OUTLE7S Q c�o� (Around perimeter of base) � � UNtT SUPPORT FEET � � ;� � � a° ° � J ao � p �0 0 � SUCTION L1NE � � CONNECTION F O H � -� ( LiQU1D LINE �� TOP VIEW CONNECTION D E TOP WEW BA$E SE�TIQN C g DISCHARGE t AIR �;o�o�o�o a o, ��;o�o o ����oo d o Q+of o Q �o,�:�� o�� °o. °u° -- °��°o � � °v °�°i�Q�-� �.. o`yo 0 o'r=� ,�u°'�oyoc°-� F---:�o o+o c'- ' � '�,�, °� � ? � �,< , �1�3 _.a� c� (� �� c-"��olo�o[oo r—_� /l �°�'�.�`a �1��0€�° ELECTRICAL �-°:°t�"`� � ��'°°<<°�.�»�° o°��� �+°�o`—'�°° INLETS •�=d�- o o�oso o°° °Q�o� .��..-� �. .°,°�°��o a �,,�.�.a� .--,;�.o�o 0 1 0�0:��0;� oY�•.'[_-.�'t._...iy�_� L� °�;°�� 4-914 a-sia 2 UQU1D LINE SUCTION IINE � CONNECTION CONNECTION 31DE VlEW SIDE VtEW Artodel No. A 8 C D E F G H J AC13-018 31 27 28 5-iJ2 13-1/2 8-3/4 8-1/2 8-1/4 9-1/2 .�AC13-024 35 27 28 5-1/2 13-1/2 8-3/4 8-1/2 8-1l4 9-1/2 � AC13-030 31 27 28 &-912 13-112 8-3J4 8-1/2 8-'!/4 9-1/2 AC 13-436 AC13-042 35 27 28 5-1/2 13-1/2 8-3/4 8-1l2 8-1/4 9-1/2 AC13-048 39 30-1(2 35 8-3/4 18 9 11-1/2 9 11-112 AC13-060 45 30-1/2 35 8-3/4 18 9 91-1/2 9 11-1/2 AC13-1.5 to 5 Ton Air Conditloners/Page 6 . , . • �Nsr�A►��.�1,'�#���zl���►��' : _ , .,.. -- T ._.. ., ' _. See NOTES NOTES: Servtce claarance of 34 in.must 4a m�intained on one of the sldes adjacent to the control box. Claarence to one of ths other thre�sides must be 361n. �� "�'�� Clesrance to one of the remaining two aldes may be 12 in.and the NOTES NOTES final side may be 6 fn.. � A cfearance of 24 in.must be malntalned betwean two units, See NOTES C°ntrol Box 4B in.ciearance required on top of unit. �����'11�3'Qi� -�� x • �....... �� - - 4 1_ � � „<y�-��,4���������..�-���a. ; > ' ' �__._�- _ - _.:.�_ .._..,_ .,,,;- . :; � , : �ARi Standard 21Dt240 Ratings �-M_� --�� . I " Cooling Capacity � EHictency � Total Unit I Indaor UnEt Model No �Expansion __ Btuh__1_kW_1_SEER _L_EER_J__Watts --�-------------------- iDey14� -------�----------- AC13-018 WITH TXV i.5 TON Up-Flowlr►doorColls ^-----y---r--�----r�-rUp•PlowColla ----�--��--y�-----�--r`--- --17,600 T 5.2 �r 13.0 rT^ 11.5 T 1520 ^�C33-30N6 � ��---r---' �-'"�_-`�---- � 26f(34 17,700 ( 5.2 + 13.0 ! i1.5 ' t520 '3�$C33-24A �2 26K34 18,100 � S.3 ' 13.0 � 11.6 ( 1525 i 3 C33-19A �2 28K34 18,400 + 5.4 ' 13A I 12.0 , 'l525 I 3 C33-2bA/B f�2&K34 " 18,700 � 5.5 I 13 0 � 12.0 � 1525 �3 C33-31A/B �x 28K34 ---�---�-----_1-----_L_____J_------- -----------------�------- Down-Flow indoor Colls �'W--"-- ---- Down•Flow Coits --1'8,20U T 5.3 r 13.0 ^T ii.5 T 1525 -�CR33-24AlB-F -----�--^----�1't2�� -____. 18,600 � 6.6 ( 13 0 � 12.0 ! 1525 '3 CR33-30/36N8-F 'Z 26K34 -------1-----1__----�--------�-------- ---------------�-------_ Horizottta!Indoor Cofls �� -`�--�-- ----- __ LHorizonkal Coils 17,900^T� 5.2�� 13.0 T 11.5 �' �1520 -T�Cfi33-24J30A-2F �'^�-----��---►'126K34-V`___. _..�___--1--___1...-----t--____.1__�__--- ______--------__1_------------ Air Handters �--"-" --i8,300 r 5.4 � i3.0 T�12.0 T��1485 ��CB BtJFi 018(Up-Flow%Horizonta{j FactoryTXV---�. ---�---- 18,700 I 5.5 � 13.0 � 12.0 � 1520 �3 CB30M-21/26(Mutll-Position) ���y�/ 18,700 � 5.5 � 13.0 � i2.0 I 152Q �3 C630U-21/26(Up-Flow) �Factory TXV , i8,800 ( 5.5 � 14.0 � 12.5 � 1500 �3 C830M-31 (Muiti-Posltion) �Factory TXV _`19_200`1_ 5_6 _lr 14.0__L^ 12.5 ^�`_ �495 __L3CB34U_31(Up_Flow) _^`__^^---1Fac#ory7XV --`- AC13-018 WITH RFC 1.5 TON Up-flow tndoor Colis �----�_�'^r-^---��-�---r�P.Flow Cofis ^�---r--�r�-----�---�--`-- _ T._____�-------�---___�._------ � 17,500� 6.1 f3.0 11.5 1505 �C33-19A �^r " � � ��0.055(27J64} �� 18,400 � 5 4 � 13.0 � 12 0 � 1525 (3 C33-25A1� �2 0 055 ZTJ64 - ---__1._-�--�------i--=---�--------�-----------------------�..-�--t-__ � NOT€-Ratlngs la atl C33 coils incfude ail cased and uncased coNs. ---• � CerOfied in acowdance with USE eertiflcatlon program whlch Is based on ARI Standard 210V240;95•F(35•G)outdoor ak cemperaturo,80°F(27•C}db!67•F(18•C)wb enteAng evaporatw alr witA 25 fl.(7.8 m)of connecUng raGigerenf Ihes. T Factory Installed RFC or expanston valve on indoor unH kfU3T be repiaced with expanston valve klt(ordered ssparateiy)or RFC shown 3 81SOwer�mus b�e�capeble of Utme-0If bb►yer delay.Ttme Defay Relay K#t(SeM81)Is recommendecl for Fefd tnatai{ation. 5 Most popular indoor coll. AC73•1.5 to S Ton Alr Conditloners J Page 7 .,r- �. ;,,- : - , �. . _ _- w �.. -:-._......._�._.�.__._,_ �,.� "`�"� '-r" ""'�'� ✓• �__..,.,_:_ ' '._ 4� i , •- _ � .,__ ,..,,, _�__._.__._._. __,._ �yp• a/ `p�— ..__.._ � � � � � � " � � _ _ _. _ ._ . _._ _ + ... . _. _ _. _ ..._...._�_._,_. � .. -_ ..__�._...__. � w t � _ _. __ � � _ ` � �. _ 1 � . . . � _ i� ' ;; , � _ _ � _--- " � . _ — , , � _ . _.._ � . ' .,.. �_...� . ..�___.__.�. �_.__.._..._. ._ ____.____.__ n , . . __,_ _,.._—_.._------- -_ .____._�_ , �_ _.__'_ . _._ __ � _....�,�. , � . _ ._._._.—f' , . __ . . ,, .: 1 m � ;,�, � , __--�---� � � . 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