HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110202 ���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l ��TI��I F�F�1�1 � - � � � ����rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r��r�i�� ����I��r��r�� # �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I�r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� �1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���� ���.��I�������f�l Project Name: ZIMET WATER DAMAGE REPAIRS DRB Number: DR6110202 Project Description: SIDING REPAIRS FROM WATER DAMAGE. SAME FOR SAME REPLACEMENT. Participants: OWNER ZIMET, CARL N. &SARA G. 06/09/2011 400 E 3RD AVE 901 DENVER CO 80203 APPLICANT PALACE CONSTRUCTION CO INC 06/09/2011 Phone: 970-212-7790 PATRICK HIBLER 635 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAI L CO 81657 License: C000003165 CONTRACTOR PALACE CONSTRUCTION CO INC 06/09/2011 Phone: 970-212-7790 PATRICK HIBLER 635 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAI L CO 81657 License: C000003165 Project Address: 5136 GROUSE LN VAIL Location: UNIT 2 Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block: 20 Subdivision: VAIL MEADOWS FIL 1 Parcel Number: 2099-182-2001-1 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 06/15/2011 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Va i I Bu i Id i ng person nel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of a pprova l, pu rsua nt to the Va i l Town Code, Cha pter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0011979 The applicant shall match all siding material and paint colors to those existing prior to requesting a final planning inspection. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 � 4.y y� � '�� "��. T '' .' e-vr�—�.E a-sr�vr +,vrat. ' -�' ; .�.}� �� :F S�� Z i:� �� I�'� 2`s ' �` �:,�`�, �� ti t ;. ,; ��i „v���' - "`"�°'`-. � "�'��, �;- Depar-trnent of Community Developmenfi�� i '�. ye ,� d c` '-�, 4- 't ar a t �p3<��r ':�� �y .i J - � ,� ,� , ' � r �`� f � , �y� �r � ' � �� � �'�.�, , J=} � _ � , - r��� ,{ .�75 South Frontage hoad � � �ra Y F- 3 �5 ' t '� �' tai {. S a � 1i l '1'� ✓ ".� at �. _ ..� � afh t° - � �f�a �mla3 �c+},� � �� �'t ,e�, �i �",.;,�`w , � ` ;� .,�.��� �Fa.. � Vail,��olorado�896�7�; � f, � ; ` , r, ,�4, � _�� �., F ,� �_,: �r� �Tel 97�0``479 2128`j �c 1 ' � ,� �ti'��� �'s�;��,,�, r r�:y �r � �.� �e � '"' ( � ii�y` �1� ; '�d �n��� ...,_ � �-� �a..� '�Fa�C 97p 479,.245�'� p 4�.` j� .i � t� '"� �,i� ..t�r � .!� �.�:r �1 F1{r. da�'� � a�,- � �..�_ � 9 i y � r�+ M�v }N i:, .}� � � '� � `R„� :�a 1 i: a �� , „��z �, x,. s� .- ;;�.� acdr�� r,: �,�iNeb�,�r✓ww va�IgoVlcam � F..� i�� �S f e� h�� .- r' � k si ��� � �_ - �j ' � d � h tT� '�i��l`� � .:VAI.�� t � 4 .Rlr V -�ti # 7 i, � �. .� ii"��rA r� ,,�3 ;F lr�F�.��v,���.�i#� `��� g Tl „^ s��,R�,+ •;�, Deu�e`I�opp�ent R�vietN.�G�oordinator�;� A.� ���¢� �� —...___._•__...�j�� `� ,�.��Yrc}�3'i-lsYu�Fi'"�-Y'�:i�: �'�'r�?.��'��3'�. 8 '4�°��:'r �N�,4 IY.'i�' i �``�t'.. + ..�'s�` ] �e .. � .�,.�.� ��,,,,, _t o:� .,t k� �.ss,. � t' � _'.�.,;r_�...�_�.,..��.�..?...'�;_3 AppBication for Design Review Nlinor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and.site im- provements, such as rooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at www.vailctov.com under Vail Information —Town Code Online. All projects re- quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plan- ning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction commences. � I Fee: $2 for Multi-Family/Commercial ��� �� , $�for Single Family/Duplex � ' � �_Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: �EPLia C F. �► t1 i n�� Of�mr�F n �y ��1�-TE�L �EAII �,��TN 1Uc�� ���ih�� ��N�c�, Lo,�� �YIR rc_M �x�sr�A,►r, Physical Address: 5���D � (S l.t�F. l � Parcel Number: r�Q�� ��a—���— ( (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Property Owner: ~ Mailing Address: �� V� �Z�� Q Phone: v-�C7.�-3SS��p�� Owner's Signature: � -- Primary Contact/ Owner Rep sentative: zl� �'� (,(� G�Q GI Mailing Address: �n 3� �� �1�17�/� /�UrC101 �roST � ti4�l, �[� �(n�� Phone: `��C�' Z/ z ' � 'j � E-MaiL• PV!1���4�{��C�lt'-�C.�G�'f•`�a/�Fax:__�� ' 2/ Z � � 7�8-/ For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# Exp. Date: Auth # Check# Fee Paid:����}� V�f� Received From: Meeting Date: DRB No.: �2��� oao� Planner: Project No: �s 5 l\— f��E�� Zoning: Land Use: Location of the ProposaL• Lot:�_Block: �b Subdivision: �R i� m�A�rc,:<. �i�j A:G, 1 oi-.r�-ti JUN-07-2011 TUE 10�59 AM HUNNICUTT & APPELMAN, FAX N0, 3035721910 P, 02 JUN. 7. 2011 8;22AM � N0. 432 P, 2 , + y ta�H�PAU' . ; 70INT PIROPERTY�"VV�IE6t � , WRITTEN APPRaVAL LETTER The appiic�nt must submlt wrltQen folnt property owner approval tbr applicatfons afYecHng shattd ownership properttes such as d�plexr condomic+�um, and muld-tanant buildings,-fhis form, or simltr wriden cofre5ponde�ce, must be cam- pleted b}+the adjpfnit�g dupfex unit owner or the aui�orized agent oF the home owner's assoGation 1n the casc af a con- dominium!or mu�tenant buUding.All completed fam�s must be submltted wifh the applicants compleh�d appflr�tion. �,(print n�me � � � ��1 Q� a ohrt own o auH�o' )— �T .�, j er, r u onty of the assodation, of Qropertjy locat�d at L 1! r L � prevtde this Ietter as writhen approval of the plans dabed / whlch have b�er► submitted tn the Town of Vai)Community Devebpment Departrnent for tfie praposed 1mpPovemenis to be oomplebed at the addr�ess not- ed above.C undersland dt�at�e propos�d Imprvvemerits include: ' . .��p����'�2 7� �q�-�r��. ��e1�rr�,� ��a.,�,�� �O' � �s� ; . � � ll , tS� ri ) (��) . AddiHan�ly,p�ease c}ledc the staatemetit be�ow which is most appflcable ta qou_ ! � 1'underste�d that minvr mod"fi�b'ons may be made to the pibns ovpr�5he caarsa af ffie r�ulerv p�oce.ss[r�ensure wm- i pl'ianas Wit�t 6rie Town's app//�ble mdes and r�gu/ations. � (In/dalhe�?J • ,Y u�rderslaAd that a//modlf7cat/ons,minor or o�rrvise,Which are made to the p/ans over tfie mursae of G5e reviaw,a-o- c�s,be brought fn my atQ�ban by tfie app//ont fvr a4d/b'onal approira/b�fnns unduqoing furtlter revlew by the Town. (Initfa ) i ' �, PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding g� �� S/�iNq �o l��l9��iL �X�Sr/i��i �z��iLi� Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors _ Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fiashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walis Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. f:\cdevlformslpertnits\Planning\DR8\DRB_Minor Exterior Alteration_010111 A N � . �•�-4�.�.����"4�_"r�1�:, � -��v u, t,��y �:�. � � � h y:y � � �-. :�_ # : .. 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