HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC110031 Lodge at Vail Minor Alteration Attach B Exterior Altera,on Modifica(ons to an Exis(ng Outdoor Dining Deck May 16, 2011 rev. May 23, 2011 Project Overview The Lodge at Vail and Rock Resorts, Inc., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, is reques,ng an Exterior Altera,on, in accordance with Sec,on 12-­‐7B-­‐7: Exterior Altera,ons or Modifica,ons, to allow for the modifica,on of an exis,ng outdoor dining deck, located at 174 E Gore Creek Drive. More specifically, the Wildflower Restaurant and Mickey’s Bar at the Lodge at Vail will become a new restaurant. As part of the conversion into this new restaurant, an awning will be added to a por,on of the exis,ng outdoor dining deck and some other minor modifica,ons to the deck will be included. The modifica,on of an exis,ng outdoor dining deck is considered an Exterior Altera,on subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The exis,ng pa,o contains 1,241 sq. Y. of outdoor dining area. The applicant is proposing to provide an awning over approximately 554 sq. Y. of the exis,ng pa,o, while maintaining the remaining area as open-­‐air. There are slight modifica,ons to the area of the exis,ng pa,o which impact some exis,ng landscape area. However, the sq. Y. of landscape area that will be removed will be replaced at a 1:1 ra,o. A new fence will be added around the en,re pa,o, along with fencing to define the pa,o area that will be underneath the awning. The proposed awning is a black canvas awning with tan canvas screens that can be dropped down in inclement weather, but which will be retracted when the weather allows. The sides will only be used 6 months of the year and remain open in the summer months. The awning will be supported with black tubesteel columns. The awning will be a\ached to the exis,ng roof and appear integral with the structure. Zoning Analysis The Lodge at Vail is zoned Commercial Core 1 (CC1). Ea,ng and Drinking Establishments are a permi\ed use in this zone district. There are some interior modifica,ons to the exis,ng Wildflower Restaurant and Mickey’s Bar, however, these interior modifica,ons do not require Planning and Environmental Commission approval and are instead reviewed at the staff level. The modifica,ons to the exis,ng outdoor dining deck are considered an Exterior Altera,on, which does require Planning and Environmental Commission approval, but have limited effect on the zoning standards of the CCI Zone District, except landscape area, parking, and employee housing. The CC1 Zone district states the following with regards to landscape area: Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 2 12-­‐7B-­‐16: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: No reduc(on in landscape area shall be permiLed without sufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified in the Vail Village design considera(ons as adopted in sec(on 12-­‐7B-­‐20 of this ar(cle. As a result of this requirement, any landscape area which is to be removed shall be replaced so that there is no net loss of landscape area for this property. Because 196 sq. Y. of landscape area is proposed to be removed, 196 sq. Y. of landscape will be added. This is primarily accomplished by reducing the area of the uncovered pa,o to allow for addi,onal landscape area. (Note: In the CC1 Zone District, pa,os are included in the calcula,on of site coverage but are not counted as landscape area, as they are in other zoning districts.) The following table is provided to further explain the area of the pa,o and landscape areas: Total Pa,o Area Exis,ng: 1,241 sq. Y. Total Pa,o Area Proposed: Area Beneath Awning: Area Uncovered: 1,249 sq. Y. (includes 110 sq. Y. devoted to circula,on) 554 sq. Y. 695 sq. Y. Area of Exis,ng Landscape to be Removed: 169 sq. Y. Area of Addi,onal Landscape Area Proposed: 169 sq. Y. In addi,on to the exterior modifica,ons occurring, there are interior changes proposed which have an impact on the employee housing and parking requirements. Plans showing these modifica,ons have been included in this submi\al (pg 11-­‐12). The following table provides a summary of how the proposal meets the parking and employee housing requirements and includes both the exterior and interior changes: Standard New Floor Area Allowed Proposed Parking 482 sq. Y. net new sea,ng area 1 per 250 sq. Y. 482/250 = 1.928 spaces required 2 spaces will be accommodated (Parking Plan included on pg 13) Employee Housing 716 sq. Y. net new floor area 6.75 emp per 1,000 sq. Y. * 20% mi,ga,on 6.75 * (716/1,000) * .2 =.97 employees There is a deed-­‐restricted unit that was used to meet a VR employee housing requirement un,l First Chair was completed. This unit will be used to fulfill this requirement with the remaining credits of the unit to be allocated to future projects. Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 3 Criteria for Review The CC1 Zone District provides the following statements for the review of an Exterior Altera,on: Compliance With Comprehensive Applicable Plans: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the planning and environmental commission that the proposed exterior altera(on is in compliance with the purposes of the CC1 district as specified in sec(on 12-­‐7B-­‐1 of this ar(cle; that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Vail Village master plan, the town of Vail streetscape master plan, and the Vail comprehensive plan; and that the proposal does not otherwise nega(vely alter the character of the neighborhood. Further, that the proposal substan(ally complies with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and the Vail Village design considera(ons, to include, but not be limited to, the following urban design considera(ons: pedestrianiza(on, vehicular penetra(on, streetscape framework, street enclosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; and that the proposal substan(ally complies with all other elements of the Vail comprehensive plan. Compliance Burden: It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the design review board that the proposed building modifica(on is in compliance with the purposes of the CC1 district as specified in sec(on 12-­‐7B-­‐1 of this ar(cle; that the proposal substan(ally complies with the Vail Village design considera(ons, and that the proposal does not otherwise alter the character of the neighborhood. To provide an analysis of how this proposal complies with the above-­‐men,oned criteria for review, each element of these statements (similar elements have been combined) have been listed below, and an analysis of compliance followed each element: 1. That the proposed exterior altera1on is in compliance with the purposes of the CC1 district as specified in sec1on 12-­‐7B-­‐1 of this ar1cle. Analysis: The purpose of the CC1 Zone District is as follows: 12-­‐7B-­‐1: PURPOSE: The commercial core 1 district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The commercial core 1 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other ameni(es appropriate to the permiLed types of buildings and uses. The zoning regula(ons in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considera(ons Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 4 prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preserva(on of the (ghtly clustered arrangements of buildings fron(ng on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure con(nua(on of the building scale and architectural quali(es that dis(nguish the village. The CC1 Zone District is clearly intended to protect the unique characteris,cs of the Village that make Vail Village iconic and unique. This includes a dominant focus on the pedestrian level, and encouraging ac,vi,es and uses that create a lively and ac,ve pedestrian environment. The proposed modifica,on to the exis,ng outdoor dining deck clearly further these inten,ons by crea,ng street life and enhancing the pedestrian and guest experience. 2. That the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Vail Village master plan, the town of Vail streetscape master plan, and the Vail comprehensive plan; Analysis: Each of these master plans provide guidance to development in Vail Village, each with an emphasis on a different element. Where these plans speak specifically to this property, or speak generally about applica,ons such as these, the sec,on of the plan has been provided, along with a brief analysis as to its applicability to the proposal. Vail Village Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan provides guidance for the development and redevelopment of proper,es within Vail Village. While minor applica,ons such as this modifica,on to the outdoor dining decks are not necessarily specifically addressed, there are some applicable sec,ons that have been provided below: The Vail Village Master Plan recognizes that this plaza area is appropriate for addi,onal development on the ground level to encourage pedestrian ac,vity. (Pg. 37, VVMP) This sec,on refers back to certain objec,ves and policies to further guide development in this area. The follow sec,ons are applicable to this applica,on: Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 5 Streetscape Master Plan The Streetscape Master Plan provides specific recommenda,ons for improvements to the public streets within Vail Village and recognizes that private property in this area is oYen perceived as being part of the public streetscape. This area adjacent to the Lodge at Vail is covered in the following graphics: Each of these policies and objec,ves are furthered by this applica,on. (Pg. 9, Pg. 13, VVMP) Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 6 The exis,ng inventory recognizes improvements needed to be made to Wall Street. The vision outlined here has been realized by recent improvements to this area but no recommenda,ons that affect the outdoor pa,o. (Figure 14, SMP) The improvement plan for this area does not recognize that any improvements are necessary beyond the park improvements that have been completed and therefore have no impact on this applica,on. (Figure 15, SMP) Vail Land Use Plan The Vail Land Use Plan generally defers to the above-­‐men,oned plans to guide development in the Vail Village. However, the following goals are iden,fied for Vail Village in the plan: These goals are implemented with the proposed outdoor dining deck modifica,on. (Pg. 6, VLP) Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 7 3. That the proposal does not otherwise nega1vely alter the character of the neighborhood. Analysis: The proposal does not alter the character of the neighborhood. Restaurants with lively outdoor dining decks are prevalent through Vail Village and add life and ac,vity at the pedestrian level. Similar awnings have been approved throughout the Village (some currently exis,ng while others have been removed for major redevelopment.) Sweet Basil and Pepi’s have both had awnings over por,on of their outdoor dining decks, though in recent years have converted these to permanent indoor space. In addi,on, this loca,on is somewhat off the pedestrian flow of the Village and does not have the visibility of other outdoor dining deck loca,ons. 4. That the proposal substan1ally complies with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and the Vail Village design considera1ons, to include, but not be limited to, the following urban design considera1ons: pedestrianiza1on, vehicular penetra1on, streetscape framework, street enclosure, street edge, building height, views, service/delivery and sun/shade analysis; Analysis: This proposal substan,ally complies with the applicable sec,ons of the Vail Village Urban Design Guideline Plan. While some of the considera,ons are not applicable to the proposed modifica,ons to the outdoor pa,o, there are many sec,ons that speak specifically to outdoor pa,os and awnings. The sec,ons are provided below, along with a brief analysis of compliance: The Urban Design Guide Plan encourages ac,vity generators that will provide street live and visual interest at the pedestrian level. Outdoor pa,os are a key factor in this goal. (Pg. 4, UDGP) Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 8 Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 9 The Urban Design Guideline Plan recognizes that while most materials in the Village are stone, stucco, and wood, in earth-­‐tone colors, it also clearly recognizes that canopies and awnings are an important ingredient in the urban fabric and that these may be of materials and colors different from those found on the buildings themselves. (Pg. 14, UDGP) The Urban Design Guide Plan encourages canopies and awnings to create a pedestrian focus and change the percep,on of building height. (Pg. 6, UDGP) Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 10 The Urban Design Guide Plan clearly recognizes the importance of outdoor dining decks, and recognizes that “umbrellas or other elements for color and scale.” (Pg. 19, UDGP) The Urban Design Guide Plan recommends canvas awnings and canopies to provide interest movement, and contrast to the Village. (Pg. 21, UDGP) Floor Plans for Parking and EHU Analyses Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 11 Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 12 Parking Plan Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 13 Additional Parking Spaces Adjacents VAIL CORP THE FIXED ASSETS DEPARTMENT 390 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT STE 1000 BROOMFIELD, CO 80021 CHALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL LLC VAIL RESORTS MANAGEMENT CO 390 INTERLOCKEN CRESCENT STE 1000 BROOMFIELD, CO 80021 The Chalets at the Lodge at Vail Homeowners Associa,on, Inc. Chris LaCroix c/o Garfield & Hecht, P.C., 601 E. Hyman Avenue, Aspen, CO 81611 The Chalets at the Lodge at Vail Homeowners Associa,on, Inc. 390 Interlocken Crescent Broomfield, CO 80021 THE LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. STANLEY P. COPE 200 VAIL RD VAIL, CO 81657 ONE VAIL PLACE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION TEAK SIMONTON PO BOX 3965, 287 Castle Peak Rd., EAGLE, CO 81631 TOWN OF VAIL FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 GORSUCH RANCH FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LLLP 263 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL, CO 81657 THE LAZIER-­‐ARCADE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. WALL STREET BUILDING CONDOMNIUM ASSOCIATION. JOHN W. DUNN 108 S FRONTAGE RD W STE 300 VAIL, CO 81657, United VAIL FIVE K, LTD 303 STRATFORD LN LAREDO, TX 78041 RIVA RIDGE (NORTH) CHALETS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION PAUL BREITENWISCHER PO BOX 2631 VAIL, CO 81658 RIVA RIDGE (SOUTH) CHALETS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION TIM D HARGREAVES 74 WILLOW ROAD VAIL, CO 81657, United States PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LLC Jay K Peterson P.O. 425 Wolco\, CO 81655 DOWLING, HEBE S. 1700 TREASURE LN PO BOX 1835 BOCA GRANDE, FL 33921 PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTD ONE PO BOX 5664 VAIL, CO 81658 JAWS LLC ALEXANDER HOERLE 108 E 91ST 3B NEW YORK, NY 10128 WOODS, MATTHEW G. -­‐ETAL 606 CLIFFGATE LN CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104 WOODS, SARAH E. & MATTHEW G. -­‐RANDAL H. WOODS QPR TRUST 606 CLIFFGATE LN CASTLE ROCK, CO 80104 TANG, OSCAR L. 551 FIFTH AVE 33RD FL NEW YORK, NY 10176 YOUNG, SHIRLEY DAVID HSIEH 142 DEL MONTE DR WALNUT CREEK, CA 94595 SITZMARK AT VAIL INC 183 GORE CREEK DR VAIL, CO 81657 Gore Creek Plaza Condominium Associa,on Stephen L Stafford PO Box 2264 Edwards, CO 81632 THE LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. JAMES S. BAILEY 1660 LINCOLN ST STE 3175 DENVER, CO 80264 BELL TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Steve MacDonald c/o Vail Mangement Company PO Box 6130 Avon, CO 81620, United States BELLTOWER 201 LLC TEXIE LOWERY 15 LYNN RD ENGLEWOOD, CO 80113 WILHELMSEN LLC 201 E GORE CR DR C2 VAIL, CO 81657 BELL TOWER PARTNERS LTD MACFARLAN CAPITAL PARTNERS 8343 DOUGLAS AVE STE 200 DALLAS, TX 75225 SERENITY LLLP PO BOX 5000 VAIL, CO 81658-­‐5000 STAUFER, HERMANN PO BOX 5000 VAIL, CO 81658-­‐5000 Modifica,ons to Outdoor Dining Deck 14 SEATING FLOOR AREA 2,791 SF 1,977 SF 1,241 SF 814 SF 5 SF 43 SF SEATING FLOOR AREA = PARKING EXISTING TOTAL SEATING FLOOR AREA 3273 SF NEW AREA 355 SF COVERED PATIO 559 SF AREA REDUCED 491 SF SEATING FLOOR AREA = PARKING PROPOSED NET FLOOR AREA 3,764 SF 1,241 SF CLST NET FLOOR AREA = EMPLOYEE HOUSING EXISTING TOTAL NET FLOOR AREA 4.480 SF NEW AREA INTERIOR 157 SF COVERED PATIO 559 SF AREA REDUCED 24 SF NET FLOOR AREA EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROPOSED