HomeMy WebLinkAboutB09-0115NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 700OFvAM Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location......: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Parcel No....: 210312102011 Permit #: Project #: Status .. : Applied .. Issued ... Expires ...: B09 -0115 PRJ094A999 U C4 T� ISSUED ( 05/14/2009 � ('t A6f4812009 f` 1 C) 12/15/2009 OWNER DYROFF, MATTHEW C. 2033 11TH ST 6 BOULDER CO 80302 APPLICANT DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L CONTRACTOR DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L 05/14/2009 05/14/2009 Phone: 303 - 442 -7369 05/14/2009 Phone: 303-442-7369 Description: ADDITION TO SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING (1752 SQ FT GRFA) Occupancy: IRC Type Construction:] RC Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: $324,996.00 1752 .......».»»» ..............»...,...»»»..»..»„»..», ....,......... ».,............ »» FEE SUMMARY .,.,. »....... ,.....»».......,».,»,,......,....» ...,...., »,.,,._. »....,....,._. Building Permit Fee ------ > $2,253.75 Will Cal Fee --------------------- > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees------ - - - - -> $10,505.41 Plan Check--------------- - - - - -> $1,464.94 Use Tax Fee --------------------- > $6,299.92 Additional Fees------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours- $220.00 Restuarant Plan Review - - - - -> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES --- ---------- > $10,505.41 Investigation------------ - - - - -> $0.00 Recreation Fee------------ - - - - -> $262.80 Payments -- ---------------------------- > $10,505.41 Total Calculated Fees--- - - - - -> $10,505.41 BALANCE DUE------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatior as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INS ECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. I ��"n � ­q - 1 6 � ature of Own o tra Date Print Name b Id_a It_co n st ru ct i o n_pe rm it_041908 xrit � rxrrrrxr xxrr r xrrx xrxxxxrrrrrrr xrxx xrrrrrrx xrrxxxxxrrrrrxrxxxr. xxxxxrrrxrxrr xxxxrrrrrrrrrrxxxx« rxrrrrr+ xr. xxrxrrrrrrrrrxxxxxx, rrrrrrxrrrx xxxxxevrrrrrrrxrrrrrrx•xrrrrr APPROVALS Permit #: 609 -0115 as of 03 -04 -2010 Status: ISSUED Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/08/2009 cg Action: CR comments sent to applicant 06/15/2009 cg Action: AP approved corrected plans 03/01/2010 cg Action: AP APPROVED REVISED SHEET S1.2 Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/18/2009 bgibson Action: AP There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/20/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved with conditions (see conditions). Access around perimeter is extremely restricted by grade and landscaping features. Also, note listed on pages E1.0, E1.1 and E1.2 stating, in part, that "Electrical subcontractor shall provide all exiting and other life saftety notification systems..." is incorrect. Monitored fire alarm system shall be installed by an approved (By VFES), registered (by TOV) fire alarm contractor. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/26/2009 cdelles Action: AP Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 08/20/2009 Martin Action: AP Revision to structural Delta 2 See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. b Id_a It_construction _pe rm it_041908 xxxx...wwxwr �e. xrxrrrr. x. xxxrxrrrw. wwxx. xxxr. rrrrxxx. xxrxx.. r... rw. r. xxxxxxrr. r.....:. wxxxxxxrrrr:.r rxxxxxr... rr. wwxwrxxxrr. rr.. xx. xxxxxr. rrrrw. rxrxxxxxxrrr *x..xrxx *xxxrrrrr.rr....x CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B09 -0115 as of 03 -04 -2010 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0010723 There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Cond: CON0010734 Monitored Fire Alarm system required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: CON0010735 Fire Sprinkler System required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 13R (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: 18 (BLDG 2003): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG 2003): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG 2003): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0010934 Geotech engineer to submit design to reatianing wall drainage prior to inspection bld_a It_co nstru ction_perm it_041908 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R100000164 Amount: $110.00 03/04/201003:14 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: RLF Notation: CREDIT CARD - NICHOLAS MAYERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B09 -0115 Type: ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 121 - 0201 -1 Site Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Total Fees: $10,505.41 This Payment: $110.00 Total ALL Pmts: $10,505.41 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R090000475 Amount: $1,464.92 05/14/200912:14 PM Payment Method: Check Init: RLF Notation: 1860 MATTHEW C DYROFF Permit No: B09 -0115 Type: ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 -121- 0201 -1 Site Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Total Fees: $10,022.61 This Payment: $1,464.92 Total ALL Pmts: $1,464.92 Balance: $8,557.69 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 1,464.92 A Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re- issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: ,8 0 -c� //� Project Street Address: (Number) (Street) Building /Complex Name: () Revisions () Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter ( ) Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Description / List of Changes: Contact Information: _/� / XC + /���� Company: �f /P l �_ /T/� Q S / Company Address: � j City: State: _ Zip: AW � " t ,, 7 , e CGj c� O Contact Name: _ Z_11AX � 'r _ /�/' +� kZ 1 Q �1 V�Ll Contact Phone: 3 0 E -Mail C K . k1-1 a y e rS Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: $ (use additional sheet if necessary) Plumbing: $ Date Received: Electrical: $ Mechanical: Total: $ —i F nnFEB 2 3 2010 TOW OF VAI Attention: (Suite #) 01 -Jan-10 TRANSMITTAL FORM r V= I t HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNECAL April 22, 2009 Coburn Attn: Pete Weber kI fu lt ?tal .1 �3�.��rc.i�d�ia +._ I!r�. _'_ ul e% 9 70-` 4 i `451 1811 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Job No. 109 094A Subject: Preliminary Foundation Recommendations, Proposed Addition and Guest House, Dyroff Residence, 1451 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Weber: As requested, a representative of Hepworth- Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the subject site on April 21, 2009 and reviewed geotechnical conditions in the area for information to develop preliminary foundation design recommendations. The study was conducted in accordance with our proposal for geotechnical engineering services to you dated April 14, 2009. Proposed Construction: The project consists of a two story addition to the east side of the residence and a two story guest house in the southeast part of the lot. The foundations will be cut into the ridge at the addition and the hillside at the guest house. Spread footings placed on the natural soils have been assumed for the building support. Site Conditions: The building sites consist of a boulder laden glacial moraine that is known to be relatively stable and well drained in this area. The ground surface slopes steeply down to the north - northwest and south from the ridge top. Numerous boulders up to about 4 feet are exposed on the ground surface. The ridge has been deeply cut into by the recent development of Lot 1, Cliffside to the east. Low stacked rock and timber walls border Cliffside Drive and the driveway into the subject property that appeared to be in relatively good repair. Vegetation consists mostly of brush on the ridge and south slope with tall pine trees on the north - northwest slope. Prelinnary Recommendations: The recoirunendations presented in this section are for preliminary foundation design and are estimated based on our review of the site 1 1 `) 11� 1Ed!E1z Coburn April 22, 2009 Page 2 conditions and previous experience in the area and additional analysis should be conducted for specific design parameters. The soils in the area are dense, glacial moraine deposits suitable for spread footings. We expect the soils to have a bearing capacity for preliminary design of 3,000 to 4,000 psf. Bedrock on hillsides to the north and underlying the subject site is the Minturn Formation of mainly sandstone also suitable for footing support if encountered. Care should be taken not to dislodge boulders that could roll down into adjacent properties and to not destabilize the existing boulder wail off of the east property line. We should observe the completed excavation of each building site for evaluation of the actual bearing conditions. Limitations: Presumptive soil parameters have been estimated based on our experience in the area and should be further evaluated by on -site excavation observation. If conditions encountered during construction are different from those estimated by this review, the conclusions and recommendations given in this report could change. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — PAWLAK GEOTCHNICAL, INC. F � `[ ti'� g4o►s Steven L. Pawlak , P.E. 15222 jj ; V • soO �Z G�,�4i SLPJvann F C4 0 Job No. 109 094A tech CNJ REScheck Software Version 4.2.1 Compliance Certificate Project Title: Dyroff Addition Energy Code: 2003 IECC Location: Vail, Colorado Construction Type: Single Family Glazing Area Percentage: 30% Heating Degree Days: 9248 Construction Site: 1451 Buffehr Creek Road Vail, CO 81657 Owner /Agent: Matthew Dyroff Designer/Contractor: Coburn Development 1811 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 81224 303 -442 -3351 Ceiling 1: Roof. Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 965 49.0 0.0 25 Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Interior Insulation 1647 11.0 0.0 152 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1993 21.0 0.0 50 Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low -E 1045 0.350 366 Door 1: Glass 65 0.350 23 Floor 1: Main: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 3399 21.0 0.0 150 Air Conditioner 1: Electric Central Air 13 SEER Boiler 1: Gas -Fired Steam 95 AFUE Compliance Statement. The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.2.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name - Title Signature Date Project Notes: Referenced Eagle County Zone 15 for minimum required thermal performance. Project Title: Dyroff Addition Report date: 05/13/09 Data filename: N: \Dyroff VaikAddition_res check.rck Page 1 of 4 Compliance: 3.3% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 792 Your UA: 766 CNJ Ceilings: REScheck Software Version 4.2.1 Inspection Checklist ❑ Ceiling 1: Roof: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss, R-49.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above -Grade Walls: ❑ Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry: Interior Insulation, R -11.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R -21.0 cavity insulation Comments: Windows: ❑ Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low -E, U- factor: 0.350 For windows without labeled U- factors, describe features: Wanes Frame Type Comments: Doors: ❑ Door 1: Glass, U- factor: 0.350 Comments: Floors: Thermal Break? Yes No (3 Floor 1: Main: All -Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space, R -21.0 cavity insulation Comments: Heating and Cooling Equipment: ❑ Air Conditioner 1: Electric Central Air: 13 SEER or higher Make and Model Number: ❑ Boiler 1: Gas -Fired Steam: 95 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number: Air Leakage: ❑ Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. ❑ Recessed lights are 1) Type IC rated, or 2) installed inside an appropriate air -tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance from combustible materials. If non -IC rated, fixtures are installed with a 3" clearance from insulation. Skylights: ❑ Minimum insulation requirement for skylight shafts equal to or greater than 12 inches is R -19. Vapor Retarder: ❑ Installed on the warm -in- winter side of all non - vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Materials Identification: ❑ Materials and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. ❑ Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. ❑ Insulation R- values, glazing U- factors, and heating equipment efficiency are clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. ❑ Insulation is installed according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R -value without compressing the insulation. Duct Insulation: Project Title: Dyroff Addition Report date: 05/13/09 Data filename: N: \Dyroff Vail\Addition_res check.rck Page 2 of 4 Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to at least R -11. Ll Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to at least R -6. Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to at least R -11. Return ducts in unconditioned spaces (except basements) are insulated to R -2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Where exterior walls are used as plenums, the wall is insulated to at least R -11. Duct Construction: n Duct connections to flanges of air distribution system equipment are sealed and mechanically fastened. ❑ All joints, seams, and connections are securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic -plus- embedded - fabric, or tapes. Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181 B. Exceptions: Continuously welded and locking -type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). ❑ The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Thermostats exist for each separate HVAC system. A manual or automatic means to partially restrict or shut off the heating and /or cooling input to each zone or floor is provided. Service Water Heating: Water heaters with vertical pipe risers have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: rl All heated swimming pools have an on /off heater switch and a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non - depletable sources. Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: ❑ HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. Project Title: Dyroff Addition Report date: 05/13/09 Data filename: N: \Dyroff Vail\Addition_res check.rck Page 3 of 4 Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Non - Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Heated Water Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5' to 2.0" Over 2" Temperature ( "F) Piping System Types Range("F) 170 -180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140 -169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100 -139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) Project Title: Dyroff Addition Report date: 05/13/09 Data filename: N: \Dyroff Vail\Addition_res check.rck Page 4 of 4 Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Fluid Temp. Piping System Types Range("F) 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25' to 2.0" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressurerremperature 201 -250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 106 -200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate (for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant and 40 -55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) Project Title: Dyroff Addition Report date: 05/13/09 Data filename: N: \Dyroff Vail\Addition_res check.rck Page 4 of 4 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWW K Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B09 -0115 Job Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location......: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Parcel No....: 210312102011 OWNER DYROFF, MATTHEW C. 2033 11TH ST 6 BOULDER CO 80302 APPLICANT DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L CONTRACTOR DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L 05/14/2009 05/14/2009 Phone: 303 -442 -7369 05/14/2009 Phone: 303 - 442 -7369 Description: ADDITION TO SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING (1752 SQ FT GRFA) Project #: PRJ09 -DOW Status .. ISSUED Applied ..: Issued...: 05/14/2009 9G138l=9— G 1q/ O Expires ...: 12/15/2009 Occupancy: IRC Valuation: $324,996.00 Type Construction: IRC Total Sq Ft Added: 1752 ................................................ ............................... FEE SUMMARY ,.........,.........,.,......,................,, ......,,,,,,,.,,,............,. Building Permit Fee ------ > $2,253.75 Will Cal Fee--------------- - - - - -> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees ------- — ---- > $10,395.41 Plan Check--------------- - - - - -> $1,464.94 Use Tax Fee --------------------- > $6,299.92 Additional Fees — -------------------- > $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours -> $110.00 Restuarant Plan Review - - - - -> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES -- ----------- > $10,395.41 Investigation -- -------------- > $0.00 Recreation Fee-------- -- - - -> $262.80 Payments------------- --- — ------- —> $10,395.41 Total Calculated Fees--- - - - - -> $10,395.41 BALANCE DUE--------------- - - - - -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 :0 PM. Signature of Owner r Contractor Date a yew Print Names b l d_a It_co n st r u ct i o n_pe rm i t_041908 rrrltrYY rxrrrxxxYrwx rr*** rr r YY Yx#** x* x* HrrrrYY# Yrwww* wrrrrrrrrrxY## ww** xxrxwxrrrxrrrrxwwxwxrxwrrxrrrxYY# xrxxr** rrrrrrYYY##* xx** xrrrrrYY# ww# www* *wx *rrrrrrYYYYYYYYx # #* * #r * *xrrr APPROVALS Permit #: B09 -0115 as of 09 -04 -2009 Status: ISSUED *#* r* xxYYYYY##**#*** r* rx* xr* x## w* r* xxrxxYYrxxYYxw* xw** rrrrrrrYxYx# ww** r* wr* xxrxxrrYYrrYxYx** twrx* rrxrrYr### w### rr* rxxrxYr######* x* xxxrrrrxxYY###* rr*** *rx :xrrrrrYr #x ##Y #x #w * # #r *x#rxr Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/08/2009 cg Action: CR comments sent to applicant 06/15/2009 cg Action: AP approved corrected plans Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/18/2009 bgibson Action: AP There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/20/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved with conditions (see conditions). Access around perimeter is extremely restricted by grade and landscaping features. Also, note listed on pages E1.0, E1.1 and E1.2 stating, in part, that "Electrical subcontractor shall provide all exiting and other life saftety notification systems..." is incorrect. Monitored fire alarm system shall be installed by an approved (By VFES), registered (by TOV) fire alarm contractor. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/26/2009 cdelles Action: AP Item: 05101 BUILDING DEPT REVISION 08/20/2009 Martin Action: AP Revision to structural Delta 2 #* rYxr r Y* x* xrxxrYYY##### k* xxr rYYYYYY 4 rxrrrwYYxrYx#*# w** rxxrx» rrx# xY# w## r** xrxrxrrrrrxYwY##* rY* rrrkYY##*# r#* r* rxrxxY#####*** rY* rxYYYYYw#####* xk *rrrrrrrYYxxx#x # ## * * *xrrrrrrY See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_a It_construction _perm it_041908 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B09 -0115 as of 09 -04 -2009 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: CON0010723 There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Cond: CON0010734 Monitored Fire Alarm system required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: CON0010735 Fire Sprinkler System required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 13R (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0010934 Geotech engineer to submit design to reatianing wall drainage prior to inspection bld_a It_construction_perm it_041908 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R090001140 Amount: $110.00 09/04/200909:58 AM Payment Method: Check Init: MH Notation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B09 -0115 Type: ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 -121- 0201 -1 Site Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Total Fees: $10,395.41 This Payment: $110.00 Total ALL Pmts: $10,395.41 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re- issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: [3®q -o /t Project Street Address: /ors/ 8OFF - OR cep RD F (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building /Complex Name: Contractor Information: Company: �M,47t F F Company Address: �G�? 5 ;City: f�O�i�✓x !- State: Zip:. Contact Name: Contact Phone: 303 e ? z 1 -: 7 FWJ E -Mail f7 /Ge Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: L3 U vex_ (X= C t c r Signature (required) Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: $ Plumbing: Electrical: / $ Mechanical $ Total: � $ / 0 AUG 17 2009 IU WN OF VAIL Attention: () Revisions () Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter (__)Deferred Submittal ( ) Other Description / List of Changes: �l t ; � Tian s'/cy ����r w�tti S"TG•zc� (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: 29- May -09 TRANSMITTAL FORM le; G( oTtech HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL July 20, 2009 Coburn Attn: Pete Weber 1811 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302 DO S Job No. 109 094A Subject: Observation of Excavation, Proposed Addition t Dyroff esidence, 1451 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Weber: As requested by Nick Mayers, a representative of Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. observed the excavation at the subject site on July 16, 2009 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. We previously submitted preliminary foundation design recommendations for the project, report dated April 22, 2009, and observed the guest house excavation, report dated May 26, 2009, Job No. 109 094A. The proposed addition will be attached to the northeast side of the residence and typically include a below grade level. Spread footings placed on the natural soils and designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2000 psf were assumed for the building support. At the time of our visit to the site, the foundation excavation had been cut in multiple levels from 2% to 20 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The steps in grade were between about 2%2 to 5' /z feet high and the deepest cuts were in the eastern part. The soils exposed in the bottom of the excavation typically consisted of natural, silty sandy gravels with scattered cobbles and occasional boulders. The soils at the southeast part, closest to the new guest house, consisted of on -site fill soils placed as foundation wall backfill. The results of laboratory Proctor compaction and gradation analysis performed on a sample of silty sandy gravel fill (minus 3 inch fraction) are presented on Figures 1 and IA. A liner sample of predominantly sand fill was subjected to moisture content and density testing to assess relative compaction of the backfill with the results presented in Table 1. No free water was encountered in the excavation and the soils were slightly moist to moist. We understand from the contractor, Nick Mayers, that the backfill depth is about 6 feet below the existing cut depth (and footing bearing level). The natural gravel soils exposed in the excavation (excluding the backfill area next to the new guest house) are consistent with those assumed at the site and suitable for support of spread footings designed for the recominended allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Loose disturbed soils should be removed in the footing areas to expose the undisturbed natural soils. The relative compaction of the backfill based on the limited testing appears Coburn July 20, 2009 Page 2 to be about 90% and some future settlement may occur. We understand from Joel Ambrosino with Gebau Inc. that the foundation for the below grade utility room in the southeast area next to the new guest house will be designed to span the backfill with some of the load transferred down to bearing of the guest house foundation. Foundation walls should be designed to resist a lateral earth pressure of at least 50 pcf equivalent fluid unit weight. A sliding coefficient of 0.5 and passive earth pressure of 400 pcf equivalent fluid unit weight can be assumed to resist lateral foundation loading for the on -site soils as backfill. An underdrain should be provided behind foundation walls to prevent hydrostatic loading and wetting of the adjacent below grade level. Other recommendations presented in our previous report which are applicable should also be observed. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the excavation. Variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation could increase the risk of foundation movement. We should be advised of any variations encountered in the excavation conditions for possible changes to recommendations contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. Sincerely, HEPWORTH — PAWLAI NICAL, INC. L. Fq 1/ e • Steven L. Pawlak, P 15222 , 7fL!`d 9 �: SLP/ksw e si ONA L � e AQ�� �- attachments Figure 1 — 4 6 v octor Compaction Report Figure I — Gradation Test Results Table l — Summary of Laboratory Test Results cc: Nick Mayers ( nick. mayers@gmail. co m ) Job No. 109 094A Gtr tech r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 7000HE Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B09 -0115 Project #: Job Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location......: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Parcel No....: 210312102011 OWNER DYROFF, MATTHEW C. 2033 11TH ST 6 BOULDER CO 80302 APPLICANT DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L CONTRACTOR DYROFF, MATTHEW 2033 11TH ST, SUITE 6 BOULDER CO 80302 License: 463 -L 05/14/2009 05/14/2009 Phone: 303 -442 -7369 05/14/2009 Phone: 303-442-7369 Description: ADDITION TO SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING (1752 SQ FT GRFA) Occupancy: IRC Type Construction: IRC Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status .. : Applied .. Issued ... . Expires ...: PRJ09 -OOW o wi ISSUED 05/14/2009 06/18/2009 12/15/2009 $324,996.00 1752 + r+ r+«« wrr« wwr+«+ rwr+ r+ rrr+ r+ rrr+ r►+++««++++ r+r rw« w « ++rw ««+rww « «wwwwww +«« « + «rrrww FEE SUMMARY wwwwww««w www« wwwwwwwwww« ww« w« ws.« wwww« wwwwww+ swww «ww + +r + +wr+++ + «ww +rr++ + «w + + + + +w Building Permit Fee ---> $2,253.75 Will Cal Fee--------- ---- -> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees— > $10,285.41 Plan Check-- - - - - -> $1,464.94 Use Tax Fee--- —­ $6,299.92 Additional Fees -- —> $0.00 Add'I Plan Check Hours- $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review - ---> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES - - - -> $10,285.41 Investigation -- -- -> $0.00 Recreation Fee--- - - - - -> $262.80 Payments— - - -> $10,285.41 Total Calculated Fees — ------ > $10,285.41 BALANCE DUE - -- -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. , WaWe oTOwner or Contractor Date 0 A A Pr)it me bid alt — construction _perm it- 041908 + x+ x+ xxw+ w+:+►++++» rxxww++++++++ rrxr w++ w++ w+ ww++++x nrwwwww++ www++++++rrrxx xrww www w+ www+ w+++ r+ r+rr x+ wwwwww+ www++++++rxrr wwrwww ww++++++ r+ rrrrwrrwwwwww++ +ww +++ +t: +rxr,rrrww +wwwwwww +rrr APPROVALS Permit* B09 -0115 as of 06 -18 -2009 Status: ISSUED x+++++++++ r+++ xxxx+ xw+ r++++++++++++ xx+ ww+++++++++++++++ rxxxx+ x+++++ rww+++ x+++ rrrrrxwwwwww+++++++++++►+ rxxwxx+++ w++++++++++► rrr+ wxwww++ ww+ www:++++++ xrrrrxw +wwww +w + +w +++ + :errrxxwwwwww Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/08/2009 cg Action: CR comments sent to applicant 06/15/2009 cg Action: AP approved corrected plans Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/18/2009 bgibson Action: AP There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/20/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved with conditions (see conditions). Access around perimeter is extremely restricted by grade and landscaping features. Also, note listed on pages E1.0, E1.1 and E1.2 stating, in part, that "Electrical subcontractor shall provide all exiting and other life saftety notification systems..." is incorrect. Monitored fire alarm system shall be installed by an approved (By VFES), registered (by TOV) fire alarm contractor. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/26/2009 cdelles Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld_alt_construction _permit 041908 4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B09 -0115 as of 06 -18 -2009 Status: ISSUED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: CON0010723 There shall be no more than 28 non - exempt exterior light fixtures on the entirety of Lot 6. Cond: CON0010734 Monitored Fire Alarm system required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: CON0010735 Fire Sprinkler System required throughout the entire residence and shall comply with NFPA 13R (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. bld_a It_ construction _perm it_041908 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Statement Number: R090000699 Amount: $8,820.49 06/18/200911:57 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JLE Notation: 1915 MATTHEW C DYROFF Permit No: B09 -0115 Type: ADD /ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 121 - 0201 -1 Site Address: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK RD VAIL Location: 1451 BUFFEHR CREEK DR Total Fees: $10,285.41 This Payment: $8,820.49 Total ALL Pmts: $10,285.41 Balance: $0.00 ************************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ------ -------- - - - - -- ------------ ------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2,253.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES .02 RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEES 262.80 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 6,299.92 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 4 Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc. Project Street Address: (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building /Complex Name: Contractor Information: `o�-' ^«fz_ Company: /�4 77_ Company Address: A2 /Z L " S T JS ,6 �� City: State: ef"& Zip: V ? 40 - 2 Contact Name: Contact Phone: IVIek Alla u.? r < 3 o 3 - c/ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: Property Information Parcel* 2 - 1 0 - 4 — (Z ( — OZ —0 1( (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970 - 328 -8640 or visit www.eaglecouty.us /patie) Office Use: Q _� d y c Project #: / DRB M U 1 Building Permit #: 11 Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Detailed Description of Work: C °k54 I re S � SON► cep Cs F 1=dk— i � 7Sz s4. �}-- (use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition (>f' Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Work Type Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both Type of Building: Single- Family C>9*4' Duplex ( ) Multi - Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Other t?t3i cr Tenant Name: "A 'D y(t- Does a Fire Alarm Exist? Owner Name: �A A—T T 1-4iL " ' (?Tft -o E F C-0 A i t N °I70 - u7 -14" fz-o -a i - wes +-p r.- �-`�.. yr S �'w�^.e fS� yG. L.-o' f Valuations (Labor & Maferial)) d Building: $ ZCi q 0 1 Plumbing: $ ? V 0 U Electrical: $ 21 00 0 0 Mechanical: Total: $ 0 Monitored Alarm? Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes ( ) No (}�) Yes ( ) No 04 Yes ( ) No X) # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood /Pellet Wood Burning # & .Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Log Wood /Pellet Wood Burning Date Received: F 0 0 MAY 14 2009 TOWN OF VAIL Apr -09 F BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION COBURN LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Nick Mayers FROM: Peter Weber (303) 442 -3351, x -1115 DATE: 5/13/2009 PROJECT: Dyroff: Addition VIA: CONTENTS: (4) EA I Dyroff Residence: Addition Permit set (24x36 sheets) (1) EA Res Check compliance certificate (1) EA Soils Engineering report (1) EA Dyroff Residence: Addition Permit set (CD)digital file PDF format (1) EA TOV permit application form (1) EA Check for Permit Deposit Fee DATED 05.12.09 05.13.09 04.22.09 Q4-:21.09 OF, 15 REMARKS: Hi Nick, Here is the Dyroff: Addition Permit submittal, 1451 Buffehr Creek Road, Vail, Colorado. - Matthew Dyroff will be applying as a Owner/ Builder so we have left the Contractor information on the permit application T.B.D - Please submit these drawings to: Development Review Coordinator Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 P 970.479.2128 F 970.479.2452 If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the number above or email me at r)weber@coburndev.com Best, Peter Weber (Grant Yamaki) PLANNERS . DESIGNERS . BUILDERS 1811 PEARL STREET BOULDER, CO 80302 (303) 442 -3351 FAX (303) 447 -3933