HomeMy WebLinkAboutM05-0328 TOWN 4F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUN�TY J]EVELC}PMENT 7S S. FR�NTAGE RQAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2]38 NQTE_ THIS PERMIT ML15T BE P�STED ON J�BSITE AT ALL TIMFS MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0328 Job Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSU�D L.�cation.....: 17$7 ALPINE DR Applied . . : 121D912005 Parcel I�io...: 21Q312312D44 Issued . . . 1211512�45 Legal Description: --���� - �;����? Expires . .: 06/13/2006 Project No : �WNER DAN'�'AS BC7ILD�RS INC 12�09/2005 P[a Box �o i 5 AvoN CO 81620 APPLICANT DIVIDED SKY P & H LLC 7.2/49/2t�05 PYtone: �719} 486-1934 �.�1 E. 1STF3 STREET LEADVILLE COL�RAI�O $0461 License: 321-M CO�TRA�TOR L�IVILrED SKY P & H L�,C 12/09��Q05 Phone: (719} 486-1934 111 E.� 15TH STRE�T I,EAI]V I LLE COL�RAn� 80461 License: 321-M Desciption: IN FL��kx RADIANT HEAT FQR 4000 SQ �T; 800 SQ PT QF SNOWMELT; COMBUSTTON AIR BY OHTERS; FIREPLACE VENTING 8Y �THERS. Valuation: �I S,OOD.OD Fu'eplace infvrmation: Resvicteii: Y !{oF Gas Appliances: D Il of Gas Lc�gs: 0 H of Rrpod Pellet: 0 �*e�x�x��r�ixixx�*r�a�Mer�a�������z*���*�*s�*at����**e����*ix�*���er���sarx���a* FTB SUMMARY �**�sx�x�r*�x�**M��x�n���+*a**a�r***�**��**�a*�M�x�x���******t��*� h4echanical--� $3DD.04 Restuarant PlanRe�iew--] $o.oa �o[al Calculatr�d Fees---� S3'18.00 Plan Check---7 g75.DO TQTAI,FEES-----� $378.Qo Additivnal Fees-•------•--� $4.Oo lnvestigadon-] g4.00 Total Permi�Fee----------7 5378.ov Will Call-----] S3.00 Paymen�s-----------------� $378.00 BALAI�iCE DU�-------> So.vo ��x�xn��x�x�ar�*�rs�x�►*�**�sar**e��a«���s�x��sx�*���x*���*w��«��k�**�**�*�aa�*+x*�����xMea����se**«s*t��*��*t*�����*r�•t�tx*s***����aa*�x������x�*r�*�s*r��*t����z Item: 05100 BU�L�ING DEPARTMENT 12�a9/2�45 JS ACtivn: AP Item: 05600 FIRE �EPARTMENT C�NDTTION �F APFROVAL Cond: 12 � {gLDG.} : gYE� ZNSPECTI�I�TS ARE REQUIRED Td CHECIC F�R C�L1E CQMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 tBLDG. } : �OMBUSTIDN AIR IS REQUIR.ID PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTI�N 304 �F THE 2403 IFGC AS MC7DIFIED BY '.�OWN {)F VAIL. Corid: 2 3 �ALDG. } ; BpIELER ZNSTALLATIDN MUST C�NFORM TO MAATi1FACTLTRE�t.' S INSTRUCTI�NS AND CHAPTFsR 7.� DF THE 2 0(33 IMC. Cond: 25 {BLDG.} : GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCt?RDING TC) CHAPTER 5 �F THE 2003 IFGC. C�nd: 29 f {BLDG. ) : ACCESS T� MECHANTCAL EQUIPMENT MvST C�MPL� WITH CHA�TER 3 DF THE 2aa3 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 QF THE 2003 IFGC. . Cond: 31 (BLDG. } : BOILERS SHAI�L BE MOUN'�E� ON F�Q4RS �F NONCOMBUSTIBLE C�NST. UNLESS LISTEn F�R M�U1�I'ING �N COMBUSTIBLE FLQQRING. Cond: 32 [BLDG. } : PERMIT, PLANS AND C�DE ANAL,YSIS MUST BE P(7STED i�N MECHANICAL RQQM PRIOR T(] AN, INSPECTION RE�DEST. Cond: 3D (BLDG. } : �pIT�ER RUaMS SHAI�L BE EQIIIPPPED W�'�`H A FLt]�R DRAIN OR OTHER A.PPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING �F LIQU�D WASTE PER SECTI�N 10�4.6. �ks�K t t�k�F!�F#�t b Y*�#t###t d�i�}?�b�#!���t��k A�#�k�k#�k�k k#ak*Y�ek�C�t�k#�k Y��K k�F 4 A�*t Y!##�3######t###4 t i���Y�k��k*x�k t&%�M&�K��#s#f#ic#*i��#�k�k#�k�%�k*�%�k+k t�R�Rt F#i*#i#�#t###A►t+k*��:Y� DECL��rzo�vs I hereby acknowledge that I ha�e read ttxis application, filled out in full the information reGuired, completed an a��urate plot plan, and state that all the in�armati�n as required is correct. I agree to comply wirh ttie informatian and plat plan, to �oznply with all Tow� ordinazlces and state laws, and ta build this structure according to the towns ztyning and subdivision codes, design revi�w approved, Intematianal Building and Residential Codes az�d other ordinances of the Town applicable [hereto. T2EQUF�TS FOR 1N5PECTION SHA].L SE MAbE"1'WEi�FTY-F�UR HQL1R5 IN AIIVANCE BY TELEPI-l�N AT 4 l49 OR AT�UR OFFCCL FRpM 8:[l0 A,UI-4 Ph4. �� SIGAlAT�IAE 0�OW�IE �R CONTRACI'012 F�R HIMSBL�A�D OWNEF ####*�***#*######��*��**�**#�#���6��##*t****######***#######**#*�#�&tt###t***4����#*##*#*#*N TOWN�F VAIL, CUL�RADO Statement ***********��**��t*�*********************�x**�*�**�������x+��**�*****�**�x��******++*�*����x***« Statement Numher: ROSQDQ2174 Amount: $378.�Q �.2/15�20Q5a3:51 PM Pay�nent Method: Check Init: LC Notatian: #1042/1]IVIDED S KY P&I-T ------�--------------------------------------------------------------,-------- Permit No: MD5-0328 Type: MLCHANICAL QERMIT Parcel Na: 2103-123-7.2d4-4 Site Address: 1788 ALPINE DR VAIL ,Locati�n: 7.787 ALPINE DR Total Fees: $378.00 This payment; $378.00 Total ALL Pmts: $378.�0 Salarace: $�.{�0 ****�**************���s�x�r�x*****�****�s*�►ro��x���a��a���*�**���*��******#*****�*��***t*****,x�����r� ACCC?C]NT ITEM L[S7': Account Code Description Current k'mts MP OO1QOOd3117.100 i+'fECHANICAL PERMIT F$ES 3Q�.00 PF qQ1�Q0�3112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 WC OOlafl0031�2840 WI�,L CALL I1+75PSCTIQI3 F$E 3 .40 ----------�---------------------------------------------------�_------------- , APPI3CATI�N WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Z, TQV Projer.t #: � � ��D Building Permit : � Mechanica� Permit #: C� - 2.� � 97�-479-�149 (Inspections) ���F�� TOWN �F VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATI�N 75 S. Frontage Rd. Perrnit will not he accepted without the following; Vail, Cotorado 81657 Provide Mechanicai Room l.ayout drawn to scale to include: ❑ Me�hanical Room Dimension Co 'on Air Du ' e a ior� �j I vent�a e 'ze cation o ea ss�a cs. q ' nt Cut/Sp ts C4NTRACTOR INFQRMAT�ON Me�hanir_al Contractar: Town of Vail Re�. fVo.: Car�tact Person and Phone #'s: Dr v�,}cv s'�y' P� y � ��r— r�-r ��,��.���E� ��c�-:3�� -as�c� E-Maii Addr�ss: Fax#c Cantractor S9gnatur�: C�MPLETE VA�IIATIDN FQR MECHANICAL PERMIT l.abvr Sc Materials MECHA�IICAL: $ � S� G�U(� Contact Ea Ie Caun Assessnrs 4�ce at 970-328-8644 nr vi�it www:ea le-coun .cam for Parce/# Parcel # �/� . (� �,C�- b�� 1ab Name: i1���F� ��►�7Ef�+t� l�Jr'��� Job Address: ' 7�� [jL��� �R. ri � � Legal Descriptiost Lot: � � Block; �iling: � Subdivisian: v'qr���� �'t�,r Qwners Name: Address: Phnne: Engineer: Address: Phone: petailed descriptiQn of work: .T� �c� ��� ��' r'o� �lCc�C� 5��T- (y����l�nl�?I: ���"�.� x. 8c7Q`` Fr � s�v�,,.��'��i .�� �'c�bri.�y d �1�g � Wark Class: New� Additian ( } Alteration { ) Repair( ) �ther( ) 6oiler Location: Interior{� Exteriar( ) Other ( } Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes � } I�❑ Type of Bldg, 5ingle-family ) Duplex{ ) Mul�-family( 7 Co:nmerciaf{ } Restaurant( ) Other( ) Na. of Existing Dwelling Units ir� this building: Na of Accammodation Units in this building: EVojT' e of Fir� laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas t s Wood Peltet Wood 8urnin No�I'ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Applianoes(�' ) Gas Logs ( } WoadjPeliet{ } Wood Burning (NOT RLLOWED) Is this a conver5ion fram a wood �urning �ireptace to an EPA Pha�II device? Yes ( ) No � } �k�k�k�c�K�k�k�K�k�K�k�K�k�k�k�K*�k�Ic�K�k�K�k�k �k�k�k�k�k�ic�k*yk*�K�K�k�k�k�k���k�k{�k�� _�� FOR OFFICE USE O�VLY D Other Fees: Planner Si n-aff: Acce ted B : } DR6 Fees: Date Recei�ed: ; � � 9 ��0� �� F:lcdev11iU1LDIAiG1APPL1CAT10IVS1M�.CH�'ERM20�5.11C?C ..y'�]� _.�.0���.��� ��6 � .__ C! - i''� � i �, � M05-0328: Entries for Item:390 - MECH-Final 16:40 10/24/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP JRM 08/10/2007 A000103 537 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 , J � ��V OP YAII. Tawn af Vaif M�chanECal Codes and Desiqn Criteria ♦ You must obtain Design Review �oard (DRB} approv�l if any of the mechanical work wiE! in�ol�e ANY exterior wark. Tiiis includes and is not iiMited to remo�al and replacernent af dri�eway snow meEt systems. Please contact a PlaRner ati 479-2I28 for additional information. . The Town of Vail has adopted the 2��3 International Mechanical Cocie and the 2D03 international Fuel Gas Code. * All r�ew construction within tite Tawn of Vail is cor�sidered to be of unusually tight canstruction, thus all comhustion air is required to be draw� fr�om outside the structure for me�hanical equipment. Town of Vai� FireoEace 4rd�nance In September of 1991,the Vail Tawn Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use +of opert hearth F�eplaces within mun�cipai boundaries. Since that tirne the ordinanae has undergone n�merous�hanges and re�isions,stri�ing for compromise�yet efFecti►►eness in adcfressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has heen adopted: + Constrt�ction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is na longer permitted within Town of Vail municip2�l boundaries. ♦ Dwellinp Units— Each new dwelling unit may con�ain: � Qne(1] EPA Phase xY certified sotid fuel burning de�ioe and na more tttan two{2)gas ap�iiances �B�ent) OR Two (2} gas log firepia�es and no more than two (2} gas appfiance fireplaces (B bent). • Restricted Dwellin4 Uni�s— Each new restricted dwelling unit may co�tain: One (1} gas Iog Freplace an� not more than one (1� gas appliance firQplace. • Accommodation Units— Each new accommodation u�it may cantain: �ne (1) gas log fireplace or one {1} gas appliance frepiace. + If two or more separate dwelling units vr accommodation units are cambined to form one larger uni�the combined unit may retain arte woociburning fireplace [i#ane afready exists}and no more tha� 2 gas applian�e Frepla�es. or may �an�ert up to two existing fireplar�es ta gas. * xf d�+ring the oourse of a remode� an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or maved, the unEt must then campfiy with al� pro�isions of the ordinan�ce. That is. the Freplace must he con►►erted to natural gas or replaceci by an �PA Phase II certified unit F;1cds.wlSUI1.D1AlGW'PC.ICAT10?�l51M ECH PEAM2065.DOC 4fi1fl8rL0a5 ` �� .. � � � �� ��� �a�� �� �� ��� c�� � .� � � r{ Z� �� x�;A•i�LUa�5umimA�x JOB NAME DANTAS LOT 12 RESIDEI�TCE INST,A,�.i,A,T10N TYFES USED CLiS'�'GrIER DIVIDED SKY�LBG SLAS GYPCR�TE STAPLED UY AA'X'� 14/27/OS YES YES NQ Zrii ROOM SQ BTU BTU NO. O.C. 'TUBE LOOP TOTAL 1�AX GPM �T �`LOOR COVERXNG FT HEAT PER LOO�S (ll�f} INSTAL LGTHS FT Q� SUPPLY HEAD TYPE llSED LDSS S FI' TYPE {F'I'} TUBE T�MP � GARAGE 511 12526 21 4 IZ SLAS 1'15 740 1S4 I.3 0.8 CONG'3tETE 2 Mllb ROOM 141 i525 I1 I2 SLAB 0 154 Tll.E 2 LALTNDRY 38 236 6 1 I2 5�..,AE 204 20� 1SU �.2 p.4 'TTL.� 3 ENTRY 9$ 3431 35 1 8 GYP 240 200 l50 4.3 0.9 TII.E 4 G�ST MASTER 255 3983 16 12 SLAS 0 150 LITE CA.RPST&PAD 4 GUEST MA.STLR BATH 134 2224 1? 2 12 SLAB 225 450 i50 0.6 1 'FILB 5 MASTER BED 214 7192 34 2 $ GYP 200 4(l� 150 0.7 1.5 LX7E CARPET&PAF7 6 MASTER BATH/CLaSETS 229 2496 I! 1 l2 GYP 25� 250 150 0.3 1.2 TILE 7 �'0'WX]�k2/L.ANDING 51 16D4 31 12 GYP 0 �SQ TILE 7 LIV7NG 363 12468 34 8 GYP � 1SQ LITE CARP�T&�AI] ? I�ITCHENIDINING 42A 5314 13 S 12 GYi' 220 11D� 150 1.9 1.7 314"�nwoo❑ 8 FAMII.Y R�QM 353 8869 25 ]2 �YP 0 1S0 �.�'�CAR.PET 8c PAD $ HALLWAY 85 17,12 20 2 ]2 CrYF 250 500 lSp 1 2.9 LF'FE CARPET&PAF] 9 $ATH 2 SU 1478 30 12 C'rYY D 15Q TII..E 9 $�DROOM 2 lfi� 2349 15 1 l2 GYP' 250 25Q 150 U.4 1.9 LITE CARPET&PAD 14 $ATH 3 62 1334 22 12 GYP Q 150 TILE 10 BEDROOM 3 213 4281 20 2 12 Gi''P 15U 30� 150 0.6 0.7 LIT�CARPBT&PAD R�AIANT TOTALS 3484 73Q2Z 2l 2I 4350 15Q 7.3 2.9 BA.SEBOARD TUTALS � 0 6 S�'ACE HEATING TQTALS 3484 T3022 21 51''+TQ�VM�LT TQTAGS U D 2I 4350 TY 4�'].Ix"PF.X TUBING& FITTINGS RE(�'D TCITAL NET STUIH RE �.TI.�ED 73U22 U U Q'�'Y Ci�'31$" PEX TUSING& FITTINGS RE 'D �• NOTES AND SUPP.L,EMENTAL HEAT R� ULREMEi�ITS JOB I►1AME �ANTAS L�T I2 RESXDENCE C2iSTC?�ER �NmED SKY PLBG llATE l U1271Q5 NOTES: 1. GAS�R WDUD RLREPLACES R'X�`HOUT SEALED DDORS MAY ADVERSELY A,FF`ECT THE 1'ERFORMANCE OF RAJIiANT RL��R SYS'I`E11xS. 2. �'T'WU��MENSIONS APPEAR Il�THE "UC(Ii+�" CULUMN,WSTALL 5�°/a ��'FLUUR AREA,QN ONE DIT4%ENSI�N AND THE OTHER 50% ON THE DTHER DlmENS�ON. THE CLUSER T[iEE S�ACING SHUULD$E DUNE CW�EST TO EXTL�OR GLAZED WALLS. 3. SMALL SEPA.RAT�WATER CLOSET R�UMS WITH A WiNDUW CAN BE CClLD AREAS IF PRNACY DUQIt IS LEFT CLOSED TU ATTAC�D SATH. SIIPPLEMENTAL HEAT IS REQt7iREU lN THE BEZ,OW LISTED AREAS. 7N ROQM SQ STU BTU AIIX °/a FT HEA',i' �ER BTU'S TUT LO5S SQFX' RE 'D STT] �'TFJE TABL�ABUVE�S Ei1�PTY AIYU THE I.LS'�U FLDUR COVERINGS ARE�URRECT SUPPLEMENTAL HEA.T IS NUT RE ❑TRED. IF'T�PRINTS DU NOT LT�T �'LUOR CUV�RIN�S UR FLDOR CUVERINGS AXt,E CHANG�D AFI'ER THE �ATL055�,5 CUMPLETED,TH� MECHANiCAL CONTRACT�R TS RES��NS]BLE�UR SU�P�.YING A CflRRECT I.IST U�'FC.UflR CUVERiNGS Sfl�HE HEAT�.{1S5 CALC[7LATIUNS CAN BE REVISED TO REFLECT THE FL�UR COVERINGS ACTUALLY BEWG Il�ISTALLED. ALY. RlWOOD FLUDRS UVER GYPCRETE(3R LFtE WEIGHT CDNCRETE ARE ASS[TMED TU HAVE 314"�'LYWQQ�INSTALLED BE'X'WEEN THE HARiIWUDD AND'THE GYPCR�:'�`E UR LTI`E WEIGHT CQNCRETE. ALL HARDWQUD FL()UR UUT�UTS LLSTED ARE FOR BARE FLQQR�NLY AND NOT ADJE7STED F�R ANY AREA RC7G USA.GE. DE'�'A.�LS UF ANY�NDWMELT N�1.,L BE SHOWN ON A SEPAR�.TE SNDR'ME�,T CALCULATXUN'S`HEET. DETAIIS DF ANY BASEB�ARD ZUNES WX4�L�E SHUWN D1Y A S��ARATE BASEBUARD HEATLUSS SUMMARY SHEET. AlYX R�J3L4NT FLUQR AREAS LISTED BELOW ARE AT THEDt��[TM OLTTPUT AT DESIG!►t WIT`8 THE FL4UR C4VERiI�G L�5'S`�D. 0 JOB IrIAME DANTAS LdT]2 RESIDENCE CUS'!"O:�ZER DNIDED SKY PLBG DATE 10I271a5 DESYt�N C:I�JTERIA U�k:D �C1R NI�A'1'LU55 I.:A1.C:ULA'1'lUnS RADIANT CUNS'I`RU�ON TYPL�AND "�t"VALi3ES HAVE BEEN A.SSUMED IF NOT SHOWN ON THE�'RINTS. �LEASE USE THLS SHEET Ta CORREC'�ANY ASSUMPTIONS NL4U�THAT ARE INCORRECT. SOURCE UR ea�.�rx,oss gu��n w�u.r..s �.oG wlv.Ls CEII.ING GLASS SKYLIGHT5 DDORS k�LC7aRS UNDER SL.AB SJ AB EDGE F4UNQATIaN WALL AIR C�-IANGEtHIt °/a GLYCOL INSIDE DESIGN TEMP �U"I'SIDE DESIGN TEMP LITE CARI'PT&PAD HEAVY CARPET&PAD R"VALUE USED R2Q R10 R38 R23 R1.6 R2,5 R19 4 � 0 CALCULATED 0.3 68 DEG. F -25 DEG.F R1.4 R2.3 TAE R.A��IANI'FLpOR INSTALI,ATIUN TY�E IS ACTUALLY(CIRCLE�NE): 1 TUBING STAPLED IINDER SII��,4UR 2 TUBING lN CUNCRETE SLAB CHAI�?GE „R„ T� : [LIST CAAI�TGES} 3 Ti]73Il�IG IIY GYPCRETE WITH FIMSHED FLQDR�IRECTLY UVER GYl'CRE'�'E 4 TCIBIl�'G IN GY�CRETE W�'i'H "SUBFL�UR DQtECTLY DVER GYPCRETE XS THERE ANY PLANS T�INSTALL AN AIlt-T�-AxR HEAT EXCHANGER?? Y N IS THERE ANY PLANS TU INSTALL t#N'X EXHAUST SYSTEM DTHER THAN BATHRQ4M�'ANS OR RANG�HOOD?? Y N E3uti�rus G� 142 . Uitra-Ef�icier�t 9Q�' 1Nall-Hung Heaters . . . .. . . .. � ,� � .�� . . . �� .,j . �y�' ; .'` �i` .�� • � ,f .•• 5��• ��cS. 1���� ' ' ..:1� .., i'r •A !',��,y, i fY ... '� „�s�� ���C�' • ���f sC�=' . ' d. ���, y f '': � +: � . ...��•��:: ��i����i��.�:il.ff�� �.., , r-- S�'� �����:y^ ; ' �I'.� .}�� :is , , r .z �• ��:'' :1 , :� �,• ,',j. , . •. .f .. i . J A' �� , ; ;� :� � r ��f S'. • � � ,��/- � -- i.. .. . •' • � �+ Ef'�IC{�nC�/ ■ Wh�sper Quiet ---- Fully En�losed Housing � NG or LP Fired - Sealed Combust�on �nd Direct V�n# ■ S�mple Inatallation with Pre-piped Sailer Mani�o�d ■ 4 Made�s witfi �n uts �rvm S�,SQO to 'i�8.$�0 BTUH '�`��`z'�` P ���.,;: . '��,::�.�" i�"� .I., � � . . �� •�� �S';� �� �p �'�� . .�,� Buder�� G B 142 ' Ultra-Efficient 9�+ Wa�t-Hung Heat�rs Thc srsoNUf�e�rt dai�of dne GB11�wid►asc sM�iiavm 5nc a�e�a aad iou�grsocd ainu�ol�,�a a�c caa�bnnado�oF o�esno�g 9��7 P�d'�'� c�eoepe{on�1 ralu�- EJt�st°8 °dwn�ed ca"°dm'�g • �haoio� +�e Hnduus GBt4x vFaQHuqg Ham a�c}miscs�hea�ina v�lue of cvcry wbk Foot aF � � aa�►!� or prapana I�a rmJi �ze and mimm�l �� pcmidc flrcmuulo�. 'X'l,�eks to thc pssb6dcaord manibold�.e GBi+L2 has � . 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W��u+e rgt+t W mdae�rry ctNnQes du��a ta�w+ic�ewd�iMonid Bude�vs►�rdrw+k�yst�ma�ntla�w.eudenu.nrt i Q In�alla�on and 5en�i�ng instructlans Lopan�ax plus(i8142�Al9Q/4518U■Veralan 02f2q05 � a � � Eiectr�zal cannectlons aa�ss S�ah as�umps�o��oo��ana s-way v#IMe 8fe 8p s�nnac'EBiI W tl10 61I�i41W1 C�D�[ICCtlOrk 6aerd. �1 1�+e�scitiCal Gonine#�ons!o tha appqarsce must be made Irt acoondtnoe rriih an sppllCabla}oo�ll oodes and �a Musst�or�a ttw Natlanai Fled�l ccde, ANSUNFPA-70 lnalaa�tiorrs ahoWd adao oonform wilh G5A C22. i Carla�sn LlsCtli�el GDde PeK f�f ir,�ll�iR Gelrtiad� ` �.1 E�[�1fil CO�It1�I4R�0��''� COf1�Q11s , IYIOk!aU+d�clrical oor�rlvC6orla iniidQ V1e euct�►Itei , _ .;. . DotlneCdon boa[. � ,� • Fiefnore 1he ACVrsr d!hs s�errwl Gonneai'ivn box t�•�• ■/■�� Cor�eoelnp l�amhtip power ■�■ The app�sa�ve�!h�Wenrlca�y 9rounded �`� �p+r'�°''°r�m�h.�c�ar�r+�c+lb�no�ur �� in�ad�novwilh Ioex�l oodea,ar ln a�ser� of loca!cOdYS�with Oha�Va[GOnal EIBCtrfaal .::': . CDda,AN.SiIIHFPA 70 enNOr tl� � CSd�I C�2.1.E.leclrical Code. 1� Inalap a 120Y[�wble W 41e aPP���t9e9�Q.23, �-1� � . ��,r,������9�c��.�, ; �.�. � � Terrnins4�--B(�.24l�r�lowwaltape�aonnecbians �Pa .eo.mr�a++nrc�o�r bouv end taRMr�ls 7-10[�It}24)an0 t?A VoR Conr�dlons. � G►�t� RC�A WA�EV DWV PK P$ P2 Nqtx .y■ RI�1[d��Ilaek. , � a�CA 1h4 mpin Po��s�P�f►IS Dn thgAthE/e p f�12dV on lermind;7—�0(pn vn�be 1 � 8 � S B 7 8 S 10 us�d w�h�a corract canllguretlon d th� aontrol un�and�pvdRc�m hY���]� if tho�ByY�Eh of 1he BC10 bai�C f►�.�s C�onr�opores la s�bnal�nrx�edllOA D�Or►tlI oontrallpr is sr�6�hsd o�. A6br. [�o1ar FiC ber111117�1 RG o�anye RC Noan tharn+oita!o0ltltaCGp1 for s Cnr�far k�sla�r��E on PIC oontrolfer Ivr indDOr ��� raset o¢�rsibn or�mDdt�lv, fA 61ue Of�fu�eeryDr PA atm111d WA �►een Pvler�aF�lre�C?�K�If�aR�OiE� Tr,ig�s ms re+mr�au wnsrs you oor�aot v,e�doar �" � °���1°`�"�0f taRlpBr�lure�6BSOr.Orlly n�sprY far DuEdaar � ►ed �tern�l�rikiiirrQ oa�Nac�,pWMIMN� wAA�'I�f f�ipof�l►e We�tiW'i. 1v►Tioar 1WqM�q E�OIy M0. ❑WV preen CorrtlaCtlOn 1�1f w�0er�l 9-�May YaAr� w�mrm� �c y�+«� �r waa n��aav ea�+: �or conneotlon of s pobnC�l irr�tharrnovtat or relay ps y�y or�w�nle r�rnp�mv eaFa plutal o11d�witvh. P2 I�ao DFiW ieGrai�np qimp 120V 60Fh FW N� wf11a meql CaRneCEibn i20N BOHt Cannacdvn tor an exlsrnal�FfW ter►k senSqr rVa nserv�rn�r9pti m make��hnpee dur b�i Rwaree�lar�sl 8ud�na if�d+enla 5�iem+•�av'�pWww.budenw.n�t �4 InsteAatJnn�nd Servlang Instrua3�vns l�agsmau pfus QB142-24�OI4G�GD•Ver6lon 021�OOfi . . ■ r . �11 termfr�al(extemsl swl�ctdnQ wn[�d) Thi�te�nal e�n be used far�xample Mr tT►e safety avvl6ch of float heating.7Ms pratw�thQ fbor healing �slnst�oa higtF appqar�cs weterTcmperaturts Ssut9mal marwsi resot hiqh 6mit). 7!w appliance�s shu�ctown wt�en the ezt�naJ switch�r�� oarstact ia operred. DWV 7armina�tor oonneet�an of an qRem813-way�ahre. �� Connacmrfar the primmry lqoA purnP 1�OV BOHz. PS CannBCtar f4r th9 QlfW tank pump 120V Ba-iz. PZ Conneclvr 1vr the OHW reoiraii8ting pump 120V 60Ftz. I+fel� 1+{g1n pOwar oonnector 120V�Ofiz.. 1�-�nnit connectlong � CAUi1�N ! Meke sure th81 the power cangumptlnn ot each oT 1he l9Rrdnels 7—9(see circuR �rn}doss na vxoeea�a w. wa rrservv ma rqp�n b make enr cl+a�+gas dwe w cednlal nw�r�leew 6uawus f�v��le&y:e�++x,-n�qa�nvww.bud�ius.nel lnsieAaqon and 8arricing Inatruatlorts Logartrax plus G13�42-2�41'30145f�(?•Versivn� 25 . � _ � . � WARPIiFI� � LBbed all wlr�a pri�r to di�onneallorl when se�vicir�g. Wiring 0Iro►s oan cauee lrnpraper snd ctan�roµs oporaflon. � � a � �� � � � �� � � � � � �� � � � � � �� �#� � � � �}� �� �� a� i� � ��J a �� � � � `� � ~` �� r �r .r .� ww� � f� �� -'f s � � ��"' e� � ' — ' M��rMw+�+�P+��rwrM J �'.��'•�^_'_"i . n.r- - + �'-"'r-'-'-"--'"-------r------------�r��'�� 1 ' ' 1 1� IZ�rSA.R=3r�� ..� 'n S � 1 �.w_'.___ _ .. ". �r_------_.._.___ _aa _ ras�so�ors��t�a�ila�'!: .s■ 'a�.,qi'.j tq'I _ �.________------- ...� �:.........:_�___ � ____- �_: � . .. ..� ��� � . �, �3 a � ° : � . � . � :I � � � b � �:� � � ; � � � � ;-: . ! 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