HomeMy WebLinkAboutRitz Carlton Safebuilt Contract Li._>..�,� ..�� �..,—�._..W ...�.,�, _,.� �.�.....__,�.:�.� _..��.�.�_ W..Y.�.�..u�.,_..,,...._.�,...��..�..W.W. ..w._..�..__�..oG.�,.�_ ..�..�._.._.�_, ...,...._,a.�_ �.,� _ ynne Campbell-ritzfees3.DOC W Page 1 ' . , � � � � ; � � � ; �� I � ., ���� � � � Department of Community I Deve%pment � Bui/ding Safety and I�specdon Services ' 75 South Frontage Road � � �ail, Co%ado 81657 970-479 Zi38 a � 970-479-2452 i I � October 11,2�(� � www,uailgov.com . � I2itz-Caxiton Pro�ect Projected Valuation $110,000,000.00(this nurnber given by developer) T.O.V.Building permit Fee $403,458.75 ('� � �U� � T.O.V.Plan Check Fee $262,248.1.���1 ����",'� � i , Total Fee $665,706.93(excludes other fees i.e.rec.fee) � ' ! � C.I.A.Fee Building Permit 65°/a $262,248..1�8" `�1 � ' ; C.I.A,Fee Pian Check 80% $209,798.54 ' C.I.A.Total Fee $472,046.72 I Retainer Fee 10%of CIA Total Fee$47,204.67(retainer fee charged by CIA to accept) �I The above listed project and associated calculated fees are based on anon-phased/fast track project. The percentages listed for payment to CIA provides all plan review,project management and building inspection services per the contract dated 9/19/O5.C.I.A has requested a 10%deposit be paid up front prior to accepting this project.The Town will be invoiced for this fee prior to any work occurring on thrs project.The Town shall require the 10%deposit to be paid by the developer prior to work occurring on this project.The Town will in turn reduce the total fee due by the developer at the tirne which the building permit is released for constxuction � � i � Charlie Davis I Chief Building O�ciaUI.C.C.Plans Examiner i , Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2142 ! cdavis@vailgov.com � � � i � I ( � ' I 'I ii ---------- ----- ---------------._-----------_--------------------...-------�__.__-------- -------------------- I , I � I ...RS�a,,. � ,-e-�sr.nar-+--e-��: • � � � � �c — I I �"��41"BL�Q��l��i�lt�` �, ' AGE"�' Municipal Buiiding Department Services INSPECTION SERVICES AGREEMENT: SINGLE PROJECT SERVICES This agreement is made this 18th day of October,2005,between M2E, Inc.dlb/a Colorado inspection Agency,("CIA"),and the Towm of Vail,(°Municipality°). The purpose of this Agreement is to document and ciarify the senrices CIA,will provide to the Municipality as well as the fee, invoicing,and payment stn�cture both parties are agreeing to. Scope of Services: CIA will provide all necessary plan reviews and buildng code inspections on the project and building at the ' location identified below from site excavation through completion and sign-off of all inspections. The reviews and inspections wiil encompass founda6on, stn�ctural,electrical,piumbing,mechanical and life safety provisions. All inspections will be performed �'dpr��e�al-basifless-�edr�88-a�r�i�89-�r�.;Mofldayy�FFriday}exeept#fiat-iflspeetians-performed-oatside-ofino business hours may be performed for additional compensation to be paid by the property owner. CIA is not obligated to perform senrices beyond what is contemplated by this agreement. Any changes or additions to the scope of work shall be done only in writing which wri6ng shall spec�caliy sate the ad�itional fees,if any;for such changes. CIA is under no obligation to perform and will not perform any inspection senrices relating to site infrastructure incluc�ng roads,parking lots,landscaping,drainage or other matters not inciuded as building code issues. CIA wiii perform work at a level of competency in accordance with industry standards. Building Name and Project Location: Ritz Cariton Project—Vail,Colorado Fee Structure: CIA fees are based on the valuation of the project as provided by the Buii�ing Owner calculated using industry standard data. The fee schedule used by CIA is based on the Municipality's most current permit fee stnacture in effect as of 20Q5. CIA will calculate the buiiding permit fee using total constn�ction valuation,including the Mechanical, Plumbing,and Electrical valuations. Using this i�formation,the fees associated with this project are: Project Valuation CIA Fee � Pian Review Fee TBD 80%of a standard 65%plan review fee Electrical Permit Fee TBD 100%of all electrical permit fees Building Permit Fee TBD 65%of all buii�ing permit fees � invoice&Payment Structuee: CIA will invoice the Town of Vail per the below schedule. All payments at�due to CIA wifhin 30 days of invoice date. Fee Invoice Milestone %of CIA's Fee to be Invoiced Project Deposit Upon execu6on of this agreement 10%of tota)CIA fees Plan Review Fee Upon plan review comple6on 100°�less deposit paid Electrical Permit Fee Date of permit issue by Vail 100°� Building Permit Fee Date of permit issue by Vail 50% 6 months from date of ermit issue 40% At the Town's discretion,not to exceed 2 10% years from date of permit issue Municipality Obligatians: The Municipality shall timely provide all data information,plans,spec�cations and other materials required by CIA to perfoRn the Scope of Senrices. RitzCarlton_Contract_101805 Page 1 of 2 ^:.`Ya ,�,�,�, � ' r �� ,,�jitT,,� � , �i,� i ..3.., :1; � ��} 3 . ��`� v.a - `�r�6i;;�,A� / ......... ...... ......_ ...._ __. __. _... _.__ ..,.... ...._. .__. ...... .__.. . ...._. .__ _...... ....... .._. ....... _.... Time of Pertoemance: CIA will pe�form the services commencing upon execution of this contract and will do so timely in the manner consistent with industry standards. CIA obligation under this contract shall end and will be deemed completed upon the completion and sign-off of all inspections for the project Insurance: CIA will provide insurance in accordance writh the cerfificate of insurance previously submitted. This policy will be non-cancelable and name the Town of Vaii as additional insured. Indemnification: CIA will procure and maintain,at its own expense,adequate insurance against and to indemnify and hold the Town of Vail harmless against any and all of the following types of claims: Claims by any CIA employee for compensation,fringe benefits of any kind whatsoever,or indemnification for tort claim � damages or similar claims for damage. Claims by any other part.y for damages for any alleged unlawfuf act or omission,negligent or willful,on part of any CIA employee acting pursuant to this agreement CIA or its employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of the Town of Vail or any officer,agent,or employee thereof,and the Town,to the extent permitted by law,agrees to indemnify and hold CIA harmless for any and all daims arising out of such acts. "-signment:GG4�ay-�e�assiQa-ttais�a�at�aEt�uitpoutrtbe c�psent of the Munici�ity which consent shall not be unreasona6ly withheld. Nowever,CIA is permitted to subcontract portions of the services to be provided. CIA remains responsible for any subcontractor's perfotmance. Subcontractors will be subject to the same performance criteria expected of CIA. Performance clauses will be included in contracts with all subcontractors to assure quality levels and agreed upon schedules are met Third Party Reliance: This agreement is intended for the mutual benefit of the parties hereto and no third parf.y rights are intended or implied. Independent Contractor: CIA is an independent contractor and neither CIA nor its employees will be considered as employed by Municipality. Termination of Agreement: If either party cancels this Agreement,CIA will immedately invoice Municipality,and Municipality agrees to pay,for all senrices rendered to Municipality prior to cancellation of this Agreement Senrices rendered will be determined by monthly progress reports in a format agreed upon between the parties. Goveming Law:This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance.with the laws of the State of Colorado and all services to be provided will be provided in accordance with applicable federal,state and local law. Town of Vail Colorado Inspection Agency C�----� �="-�' _ By: Mr. Stan Zemler,Town Manager David Thomsen,C.0.0. Date�� I �l ��_ Date: ��l �� I d� ATTEST: �;*1 b� V � ,.ee..ae���' ,c. , "°' f � r r. r•� �_� a � � ...`LJ1 � e By: � . . o e ei Donaldson, �"e� °� Town Glerk �'p�O��p� � RifzCarlton_Contract 101805 Page 2 of 2 __ ,�. ' i e � �ow�oFV�, � Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www vailgou com November 10, 2005 Mr. Dan Feeney, P.E. Senior Project Manager Vail Resorts Development Co. Design and Construction P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Ritz Cariton and Front Door Dear Mr. Feeney, Attached you will find copies of invoices for the 10% retainer fees from Colorado Inspection Agency(CIA)in regard to the above mentioned projects. Please remit paymenfi to the Town of Vail, attention Lynne Campi�ell, Community Development Department. If you have questions contact Charlie Davis at 970-479-2942. Sincerely, l��_�,, '�t-.'�._ �,' f ,: � Lynne Campbell Office Manager . enclosures qaRECYCLEDPe2PER . I _ . _. _ _ _ 11/01l2605 15:08 3037740455 CDLOR�DO INSPEC? P�GE 04 � i� t V � �°_ AGEN4Y �� ���v� ,�- . � c6 a�Building De axtment Sexv��es Centennie�t3ffice: I2503�.�uclid Drivo,$uiGe 2tU•Ce�;tcninta,l,CO B01lt •(303)734-4569•Fe,�(303)70B-1790 WindsolC O�Ffice: 561�.Guxden Drivc.U�it�3•Windsor,Ct7$0,550•(9'](1)666-7511 •i-800-4�-158a•F�x(5�70)686-9246 �irestane Off�ce: 11409 Busqn�e+��'ark Circle,Supcc 350•Firostolno,GO 805U4•(303)774,]388•Fe�c(3Q3)7740455 � r�,����� Date Invoiae# tai3��2nas R131769 B01 To � xpw�of Vail 75 South Frpntage Rd , � Terms Praject Net 3p Desoription Rate Amnunt � 709b Retainer�ee�'o�'�ltx Carlton Projeet�$ea,A,ua�hod 47,204.G7 47,2�4.67 ����� �4'1,204,67 Ma�1 Paynneat To: PaymentslCredtt� $o.W 561 E.C�e,�dct�U�ve,Unit 8 Windso�•,CO 8U35Q ����6"��.°� �R,��� $4�,204.la7 +o . n •0 1 B � : -e e�a � t o � � o o e m . ., . ., ..t ,� :,. � . � � .. � . ,' .. �:. � ;:� '��� �,�, ' � � �.y.: . .. .. US BANK EAST.GI2AND FORKS •.:, 9�� : ' � . ' . , a : 351'�47 i �'A 1 � .`. � E;� t� F� T S� : East.G and Forks MN'S6721 ' �a�l $eaVeY:Creet�$r�ckenridge Keyston� : • . 390�nterlockea Crescent Sroomfield,GC180021(303)404-1800 �: , ' : ,, . . , - .: , .: ate ec/ D. D 22/2006 " � � � � � �f K � ,r _ Pay; ****TWO HUNDRED FIETEEN THOUSAND FORTY-THREE AND 52/100 DOLLAR**** !: r ,: AFT R 9 ;.. . ` ' ; AMO �0,0 0 REQ D S IGNATUREB ; ,vo , : ,.: : .., ., : ,; uNYS avER , , : 4 : 'Fo The , : TOWN OF"�z�II, i, ; , , � , c� Or[�erOf� . . i .;: y 75 S FRONTAGE RD. � r� • � = r,r VAIL,CO 81657 , ' = 7�.. f,Y . ' � l . ,�::, Y( th J t{ 1 .: . t � '.i , ., . ...�r . . .'�' :: : ..' , ''' :: . �'. . �: '. .; ..:.:: . .. ... . . .. ... .. . .. . ... .. . - . -.. � - ... .. . :. . : . :.;.. ..: Authon Signnture BOflDERC A1N$MICROPflINTiNG ��' 35L74 ?�i° �:09 � 2 � 5927�: � 52 � 180 � 2573��' Check Date: Dec/22/2006 Check No. 351747 Invoice Number Invoice Date Voucher ID Gross Amount Discount Available Paid Amount 101106 Oct/11/2006 00927857 215,043.52 0.00 215,043.52 Ritz Carloton Plan Check Fee Ven or Number me T t 1 Discounts 0000012588 TOWN OF VAIL $0.00 Check Number Date Handling Code Total Amount Discounts Taken Total Paid Amount 351747 Dec/22/2006 HD $215,043.52 $0.00 $215,043.52 � Fee Items- B06-0352 09:29 12/14/2006 Item# Description Fee Amount Pmt Amount Balance Account code 10 BUILDING PERMIT FEES $141,210.56 $0.00 $141,210.56 BP 00100003111100 19 BLDG PERMIT FEES- $262,248.19 $0.00 $262,248.19 BP 00100003111100 GFP092 . _�.._, ___.__ <80 ': PLAN CHECK FEES .,!.: $52,449:64 $0.00 $52 449.64 PF 00100003112300, �'� ��,r� S'Z �.,81 -� RLAN CK-project GFP012 $162,593.88 $0.00 , $162 593.88 PF ? � � :4 _ �. _ _ . ,__..... .. _ _ _. "� . 00100003112300, GFP012 140 RECREATION FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 RF 11100003112700 150 WILL CALL INSPECTION $3.00 $0.00 $3.00 WC FEE 00100003112800 160 RESTAURANT PIJ�N $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 FS 00100003112400 REVIEW 1210 INVESTIGATION FEE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PN 00100003153000 B�DG Total Rows:8 S �� I r.� !, ;�y,s � �G--v._G 1�..- -1- ���'`'� � V ! (�,.,r, � ��-- ����.�- � 5 Page 1 _ _. __ __ ' �' � � January 18, 2006 I Mr. Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. � Vail, CO 81657 C � � . an c ec ees or e i z- ar on esl ences � � 1 Dear Charlie: � � Please find enclosed Vail Resorts check no. 294236, in the amount of$47,204.67, as partial pre- � payment for plan check fees for the Ritz-Carlton Residences. I understand that the full amount of the pre-payment will be applied to the overall building permit fee,which will be due prior to a building permit being issued by your department. I � � i Sincerely, c s 2 Arrabelle At Vail Square, LLC By Vail Resorts Development Company, its Member I Director of Construction cc: Jack Hunn Ross Baron ; i � I I I i � 137 BENCHMARK ROAD • POST OFFICE Box 959 • AVON, COLORADO 81620 (970) 845-2535 • FAX (970) 845-2792 ' Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road ; Vail, CO 81657 ' i Name: �f(�-+.�, �,���.1r'�3 Receipt No. ��"l `�2-- Address: Project: Date_�/ � / U � i, • Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL I Account No. Item No. Code# Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning Maps ZA $20.00 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB * 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 * 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 '` 001 0000 314 1111 Master Plan MS * � � 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc. MS * �� 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees CL. evsleper-I�reaer�e�t#-Agree�rent�epasi 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee TOV) RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. SA ' 110 0000 314 1115 Resale Commission MS ' c�c�i--c-�°��c.�3 v-L� Other- `rn,��jw-5�.. a r� MS Z,�,t,(,� C F?UI Other- MS Other- MS Other- MS I Other- MS � 001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.4%(State)-Tax payable TP � 001 0000 310 1200 Taxabie 4% Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 TOTAL: l.. 2�'t-1- � I . i Comments: p�Ct7 �"S�,at` ,� ��,,� G'�..L'2.� (.,G--ti,-�_ i/�e_iI i 9`�-� u . • fL�: °L.tv- �G,5 -� Cash Money Order# Check# ,Z'���2'� � Received by: LL. . , . f/cdev/forms/admin(sales action form 2006 Update 12/06/2005 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Check Date: Jan/09/2006 Check No. 294236 Invo►ce-Number Invoice Date Voucher ID_ Gross Amount Discount Available Paid Amount �-- CIA-R131'769 Ocb31/2005 0076G337 47,204.67 0.00 �` 47,204.67 Town af Vail �## CUST[tMER RECEIFT #** Dper: P�iARPE Type: FB Drawer: 1 Date; 21Q�7/Q�6 Q�1 Reeeipt na: 2�C7 D25Ci"1 ptinn Quantity Aoount MS hiI5CELLAPdE0U5 1.�!0 �472�4.67 G/L accaunt nuober: 001��+��31944�� UAIL RESORTS REC ��714c Tender detail Ci{ GHECIS �'�4236 �47C4�4.67 Tatal tendered �47�04.67 Tntai payment �472�4.67 Trans date: t/�7J�6 Tir�e: li:c�:@7 TNA�K YatJ FGR YaUR PAYtfiENT! Vendor Number Name Totai Discounts 0000012588 TOWN OF VAIL 0.00 Check Number Date Handling Code Total Amonnt Discounts Taicen Total Paid Amount 294236 Jan/09/2006 PC 47,204.67 0.00 47,204.67 _ I __._ ti_._.�.. _�.. ...,��: �v, . .F _ � _._ _ . ;(03/12/2007��ynne Campbeli� Ritz-Carlton-Phased Submittal _ _..____^__T_T _ _.m____.�._^ _._._.__ Page 1 ; Prom: Charlie Davis � � �i To: Chad Salli; jplano@coinspect.com; Leonard Sandoval; Mike McGee; Mike... j Date: 03/12/2007 10:17 AM Subject: Ritz-Carlton-Phased Submittal � Attachments: TOVphasedprojects.DOC !� CC: Diane Golden; Joseph Suther; Lesiie Tillman; Lynne Campbell To AII, This project came in late Friday afternoon and has elected to become a"phased"submittal.The permit drawings received ; Friday are for that intent. I I The applicant is aware that we accepted this"phased"submittal on a conditionai basis.The applicant is missing the !, additional plan check fees and a bond/letter of credit and will get these items in soon.I'm not sure if any other information � is missing at this stage. (It was a bit of a surprise on Friday) ' The plans/information will be routed to each department this week. Please review the information and determine if any � additional information is required for the submittal or if conditions of approval for a phased submittal is met. (I have ; attached the Building Team's critiera for review) Please communicate al) information to CIA,at mroyerC�coinspect.com or by phone at 328-1790, Matt Royer. Thanks for all your help. Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail 970-479-2142 cdavis@vailgov.com i I' I� I I _ i i � I � `�' � �.� i _ .... .. ; �'��.��� � i Department ofCommunity Deve%pment Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road �ail, Co%rado 8Y657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479 2452 www.uai/gov.com Cr6ter6a for Phasesl �4ppro+ach �o Construction Pro'�ect� Listed below are minimum requirements that shall be met to allow the Town of Vail to consider the above listed pro�e or a p ase approac o cons ru ion. urren y, e own o ai oes no a ow p asmg or construction projects due to the risk involved if a project is unable to complete the construction or obtain ', compliance to the Town's adopted codes in a timely fashion.The list provided below is designed to reduce the ', risk invoived with a phased approach to project construction. I 1.) Unconditional Planning Department approvals must be obtained prior to application for a phased project ' 2) Unconditional Public Works approval of all aspects of the civil work proposed for the project must be ' obtained prior to application for a phased project. '�, 3) A complete building code analysis of the proposed construction must be performed by the architect of ' record and submitted to the Town for approval prior to application for a phased project. This analysis shall include: ' a. Occupancy classification ' b. Type of construction , c. Fire sprinklers/alarms. (If equivalency is being proposed using a sprinkler system, provide an ' analysis from a registered Fire-Protection-Engineer) d. Height—Actual/Allowable ' e. Stories—Actual/Allowable f. Area—Actual/Allowable g. Occupant load h. Exits—Required/Provided i. Required fire resistance of the exterior walls and protection of openings due to location on property j. Exterior finish materials proposed k. Structural analysis 4) A master exit plan (5 sets) for the entire structure shall be approved prior to application for a phased project. a. A site plan with a scale adjusted to make clear and readable plans b. Show property lines, (real and assumed). c. Show relationship of all buildings and structures on the properly. d. Locations and widths of clear and unobstructed exit discharge to the public way. e. Show location of and shortest route to the Fire Command Center when applicable. f. Floor plans showing all areas of the building g. Show primary use of all rooms and/or areas h. Indicate square footage and occupant load for each room or area. i. Show all exits, openings and their sizes, and allowable and actual number of occupants each exit is to accommodate. j. Use arrows to indicate fihe direction of travel and number of occupants using each designated path k. Show all travet distances using the actual path of travel _ i I. All fire-rated exit ways such as corridors, exit enclosures and exit passage ways etc. shall be ', clearly indicated. ' m. Show locations of all occupancy separations and hourly fire-resistive ratings of these , separations. ', n. Show locations of all area separations (fire walls) and the hourly fire-resistive ratings of these !, , � separations. '' o. Width of all stairs, exit openings, hallways, corridors, etc. shall be shown p. Direction of swing for all doors shall be shown. �� q. Plans for assembly use areas, conventions spaces, meeting rooms etc. showing movable ' partitions with all possible room con�gurations and the location of all exits associated with ' different room configurations (if applicable). 5) A letter of credit or cash deposifi equal to 125% of the cost to restore site to a natural state shall also be required prior to release of a partial permit. The above listed items are intended as a guide. There may be other items required that will be determined on a � case by case basis.These additional items may be identified in a mandatory pre-application meeting with all i Town departments prior to application for a phased project. il � F:\cdev\BUILDING\TOVphasedprojects.DOC ; . i . i i i i II � � I ; i • � � j ' Ili � ti . �I 0 � • � C : ' : � '� D � D . � • . . � I-... O . °O 0 . . \ � \ „ g { �� ..,�,'�. s.dti�`"{' �'c��a � .� � ��'`+w sr�� . ' .... _ ; iJS$ANKEAST G'RAND FORKS �sg 7 364$45' : s ` '� , + � t I"r;F � ` , ' � 3 Third Street NW . 30 , I ; ' ' > � , r ..,. r c. , . ; East Grand Forks,MN 56721. , � - '�'� � �. , � ;� � � � -r� . , : Vail, �ea�e�ereelc�B�reckenndge �CeysYone� ; '� I "' 390�nte�rfoc�Cen Gre�eent}3rflom�eld �O 8dd21(303)404 1800 • ' „ „ , , ' � ' : , ;r�...,,; .'� • : ` Da'te MarllS/2Q07 . � � � . . s , t : � 1 Y # � i .. : ... ,� ,� � ,., � . . �: . �.. J .,. ,. �. -.� . .:: . ��. ( � „ . ...: . : .. ... ,.. Pay ` �'***ONE:;I-I�?�fDREI)EIGH'�`Y.�EIGHT THOUSAND`FOUR I-�Y:TN'I�RED FI�"�'�EN.<A2��;23/100'DOLLA�;:**** .;; ` � _ rt f � � ;z � , ,. r, 7 1 l Y hT i j t . . . . ;, ,, , ` z ` ' VOID AF ER '' . .: . 1 1 t . ,. '.: " ,- .. . . , ,.. � . AN10UfVT5 QV�1��2' OQtt 90 I�E , SIGNATURES � .' � ' . J. .. .' � T �, � ! �� ''� : ..� , � ! 7 4 � � .7�J ��,. .,. '.�..�. .� .:�s.., .� ' . . . ` . ' -.�. ;. -. . .: .,:�0�'�1� . �� . . . ;' . ; '. i. : � � . �' " . ,. ,,. , : . TtJWN OE VAIL . .:,. ..•.;.. >...:::.;k.,:. ... :...:.,� ..:... �. c � , Qrder�Jf� x '75.b`�'RONTAGE RI� � '{ ��?�,�VATL CO�$1657� , !t� 1� V�' 1a C:�:,..;•f� �1n 1 s i � � , �..� � .i � � ,. '' ` � � - � t4 � . 4 .�a � 1 .}.� 5 �' � .c.t � , : . J' .C �. � S a . . ,. r � r. ,, t 6on S�gnature � ! `x' �y ' v ��r�� � utBOROEfl CONTAINS MIGPOPRINTING �. ; ,d^F t P '� .. ._. ,_. . .�_. .� __..,..____A ���,��_�..__.._.�.___.._.—_.�..�__,.__ �im 3 6 4 8 4 5 ii° o:0 9 1 2 L 5 9 2 ?�. � 5 2 � L 8 0 � 2 5 ? 3 i�° ' ate• / 200 Check No. 364845 Invoice Number Invoice Date Voucher ID Gross Amount Discount Available Paid Amount V093205 Mar/12/2007 00974605 188,415.23 0.00 188,41523 RCR LLC Building Permzt 806-0352 . .._ . ,_. ,. ,,. ._., , _ , , . . ,. .- . ., _: „ .., . :.. .. ;:,, ,:. .. ., ,.. , � •. � ; RECEIPT-The Town of Vail , �� ���'�� 'i ' � �' � �.(1 20�� ; � DAT'E !'1 , � ' , , ; ' �(�.-`' � 'f�'e.__�,-C"-�' � RECENED FROM ; - , ; � ADDRESS ; , � � , , �,,� . ��.�.Z. � cU-\l...r� .'�l_ �q-�.�.. �- J:� � ;v� C..��..�,.. ; � ���-�... �� ``DOLLARS$ I ��.�.�, �(.J�S, Z� � � � ; ; �,r��s, � C��3 S z..�:- � - , , � , , ; Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers � -��,/ ; HOW PAID—Cash Check (��l `��`��' BY - r��� . �---------------------- -_---------�---------- ---------------- ---------------—-- Vendor utnber ame Total Discounts 0000012588 TOWN OF VAIL � �0.00 Check Number Date Handling Code Total Amount Discounts Taken TotaL Paid Amount 364845 Mar/15/2007 HD $188,415.23 $0.00 $188,415.23 __. i ;