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Vail Village Filing 2 Lot 7
AFTER, THE FACT PER -MIT APPLICATION' LANDSCAPE FEATURE 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO PR ['", I R LD 13Y MRONAMENTAL SOLUTIONS Ltd . POS I OFFICE BOX 281 THORNE, COLORADO 80498 PHONE (970) -168-0450 FAX (970') 262 -2162 MAP.-CH, 2003 APR -17 -2003 11:52 ar0i r 1 N , I % - -2 - DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U -S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, SACRAMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 -2922 REPLYTO ATTENTION OF April 16, 2003 Regulatory Branch (200375128) Ms. Anna Higgins Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd_ post office Box 281 silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Dear Ms. Higgins: 7. We are r.espon.ding 'to your request for an after- the -fact Department of the Army permit to restore impacts associated with landscape improvements and a water feature at 232 West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. The project site is located at Gore Creek within the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 of section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, Eagle County, Colorado. The Chief of Engineers has issued nationwide general permit number 18 which authorizes the after - the -fact discharge of dredged or fill material in waters of the United States for minor discharges. We have determined that your project will not affect threatened or endangered species protected by the Endangered Species Act. Your project can be constructed under this authority provided the work meets the conditions listed on the enclosed information sheets, is completed according to the plans submitted to our office and the following special conditions: 1. You must provide after construction photographs' within 30 days of project restoration. 2. You must prepare and submit an annual mitigation progress report depicting the degree to which your mitigation of 1459 square feet at the impacted wetland area is successful. 3. You must send a signed letter of certification to the Corps of Engineers within 30 days after completion of the work (see general condition number 14). A copy of the certification statement is included for your use. This verification is valid until April 16, 2005- if you have not completed your project by that time, you should contact the Corps of Engineers to obtain information on any changes which may have occurred to the nationwide permits. You are responsible for remaining informed of such changes and for ensuring that all construction and contract personnel are familiar with the terms and conditions of this permit. APR -17 -2003 11:53 -2- We have assigned number 200375128 to your project. Please refer to this number in any correspondence with this,office. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Mark Gilfillan of this office, telephone (970) 243 -1199, extension 15 or e -mail Mark .A.Gilfillan @usace.army.mil. Sincerely, Ken Jacobson Chief, Colorado /Gunnison Basin Regulatory Office 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 82.501 -2563 Enclosures Copies Furnished: Mr. Mery Lapin, 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Eagle County, Post Office Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631 TOTAL P.02 ANT. MONTANE �L, Soti ENVIRONMENTAL SOL UTIONS Ltd. Mr. Mark Gillifan Pµ c �70 Sacramento District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers t 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand junction, Colorado 81501 -2563 March 11, 2003 SUBJECT: NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 - AFTER THE FACT NOTIFICATION 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE Dear Mark; Please find enclosed an after the fact permit application for a landscape water feature installed at 232 West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado. The water feature is part of landscape improvements made on the property with water previously contained within a subsurface culvert, now daylighted. Part of the water feature is located in jurisdictional wetlands. The construction of the water feature affected 1,459 square feet (0.03 acre) of jurisdictional wetland, where vegetation was cleared and approximately 224 square feet (0.005 acre) of that where cobble fill (approximately 7 cubic yards) was placed. The wetland type affected is a slope /riverine wetland. The purpose of the notification is to obtain your approval for the fill and ' temporary disturbance and to address the Town of Vail's concerns regarding compliance with the 404 program. 1 Included in this package is the full wetland delineation report. If you have any questions regarding the application, please contact me at (970) 468 -0450. Sincerely, Y ' Anna Higgins MONTANE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, Ltd. 1 CC: M. Lapin .. — .. — .. — . — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — .. — P.O. Box 281 • SILVLRI HORN[, COLORADO 80498 • PHONE (970) 468 -0450 • FAx (970) 262 -2162 LAPIN RESIDENCE 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS AFTER THE FACE PERMIT APPLICATION I. PURPOSE & NEED AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................... ..............................I II. DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS TO BE DISTURBED .................... ..............................2 III. DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCE ................................................................ ..............................2 IV. MINIMIZATION OF WETLAND IMPACTS 3 V. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ............................................................................ ..............................4 FIGURES FIGURE I - SITE VICINITY, VAIL WEST, COLORADO 7.5 MINUTE QUAD FIGURE 2 - WETLAND BOUNDARY SURVEYED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. FIGURE 3- JURISDICTIONAL IMPACTS FIGURE 4 - CROSS SECTION FIGURE 5 - CROSS SECTION WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT I. INTRODUCTION II. VICINITY AND GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION .......................... III. WETLAND DESCRIPTION A . HYDROLOGY ................................................................................... ..............................2 B . SOILS ........................................................................................................... ..............................2 C. VEGETATION .................................................................................... ..............................2 IV. METHODS USED ............................................................................................................. ..............................3 V. RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................ ..............................4 APPENDICES DATA FORMS FIGURES FIGURE l - SITE VICINITY, VAIL WEST, COLORADO 7.5 MINUTE QUAD FIGURE 2 - WETLAND BOUNDARY SURVEYED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PHOTOGRAPHS 1 9 Ai , 44 NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18- AFTER -THE FACT NOTIFICATION LANDSCAPE FEA TURE AT 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE APPLICANT: Mr. Mery Lapin PROPERTY OWNERS Mr. Mery Lapin and Town of Vail APPLICANT ADDRESS: 232 West Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 (Town of Vail) APPLICANT PHONE 970.479.6001 970.479.2138 (Town of Vail) LOCATION OF PROJECT 232 West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado, Eagle County. VAIL, COLORADO LISGS 7.5 Also known as a Part of Lot 7, Vail Village Filing No. 2, MIN. QUAD located at approximately 39° 38' 34" North, 106 22' 51" West and the NE 1 /4 NE 1 /4 NE 1 /4 of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West (FIGURE 1). Accessed from Interstate 70 to Exit 176 (Main Vail) south under I -70 to Vail Road; from Vail Road, west onto West Meadow Drive. The property is immediately across from the Vail Valley Medical Center on the south side of West Meadow Drive DATE OF JURISDICTIONAL October 2002 - Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. WETLAND DELINEATION: AUTHORIZED AGENT Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. Post Office Box 281 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 (970)468 -0450 " 0 I. PURPOSE AND NEED AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION �• The Applicant hired a landscape contractor to daylight a stormwater culvert that ran along the east boundary of 232 West Meadow Drive. He wanted the exposed water routed into a water feature lined with an impermeable layer and river rock. The lower section of the water feature is within jurisdictional wetlands and includes a small aesthetic pool. Approximately 7 cubic yards of medium sized (6.12 -inch) river rock was used (see PHOTOGRAPHS 1 &2 of wetland delineation report). The contractor removed wetland vegetation from approximately 1,459 square feet ' (calculation does not include removed upland vegetation) and installed 224 square feet of water feature within the cleared wetland area. ' The water feature is intended for aesthetic purposes only. The Applicant wanted to utilize the stormwater runoff contained in the buried culvert as an amenity to his landscape design. Lapin, 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado, March 11, 2003 P. 1 �.+ `✓ C II. DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS DISTURBED A delineation of wetlands was conducted by Montane on October 7, 2002 using the 1987 Corns Manual for Wetland Delineation Methods for "Atypical Situations" were used due to the recent ., clearing of vegetation and lack of historic photographs. The full delineation report is attached to this notification. There is one wetland area identified on the property, but again its boundary was approximated due to the after - the -fact nature of the delineation. It may be classified as slope and low -order riverine wetland, associated with the alluvial aquifer of Gore Creek and groundwater daylighting on the banks of Gore Creek. Wetlands removed, based on what is seen in those remaining, were likely willow dominated shrub wetlands alongside Gore Creek. Past disturbance is evident from the proliferation of weedy, invasive plants such as Canadian thistle. Native species within the wetlands include Salix monticola, S. planifolia, S. drummondiana, Distigea involucrata, and Agrostis stolonifera. III. DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCE The contractor removed wetland and upland vegetation during development of the water feature. The area of removed wetland vegetation is 1,459 square feet, The soil has also been compacted due to heavy equipment and trampling by workers (see PHOTOGRAPHS in wetland delineation report). It appears that only vegetation clearing has occurred with the ordinary high water (OHW) level. The water feature is located outside of the 100 -year floodplain and is therefore also likely outside of the OHW plane as well. The water feature permanently affects 224 square feet of jurisdictional wetland and (FIGURE 2). It is likely the impermeable fabric in the drainage will prohibit any groundwater recharge to adjacent wetlands however the wetlands on the property persisted when the water was contained in a culvert. Therefore it is not likely any indirect impacts will occur by its permanence. Water re- directed from the culvert will enter the water feature and discharge into Gore Creek. The ' location of the discharge will remain the same, in addition, quantity of discharge into Gore Creek will remain nearly the same with minimal evaporate loss, as shown in the table below. 1 Lapin, 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado, March 11, 2003 p. 2 • National Oceanic and Atmos pheric Administration, , National Weather Service Technical Report 33 • *Western Regional Climate Center, 3/2003 website. IV. MINIMIZATION OF WETLAND IMPACTS The Applicant will restore the cleared wetland vegetation around the water feature, with native wetland and mesic material in spring, 2003. Appropriate siltation control will be installed and maintained during planting so to minimize runoff into Gore Creek. A suitable erosion control fabric will be installed and maintained after seeding until vegetation is established. Plants from the following list of wetland species will be planted to meet both the Applicant's needs and the native wetland community. These plants are all available locally in the nursery industry. Willows will be planted alongside Gore Creek and within the OHW to stabilize the bank and prevent erosion. ESTIMATED MONTHLY EVAPORATIVE LOSSES FROM WATER. FEATURE 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 820 square feet (224 jurisdictional 596 non - jurisdictional) - Annual Evaporative Loss 34* Month Estimated Evaporative Loss in cubic feet Estimated Evaporative Loss in acre -feet No. of Days in Month When Temps >32 °F ** Pro -rated Evaporative Loss Based Upon Freezing Temps in acre -feet January 0 0 0 0 February 0 0 0 0 March 0 0 0 0 April 209 0.004 2 0.0002 May 290 0.007 12 0.003 June 360 0.008 22 0.006 July 371 0.009 29 0.008 August 302 0.007 29 0.007 September 256 0.006 15 0.003 October 174 0.004 3 0.0004 November 0 0 1 0 December 0 0 _ 1 0 Lapin, 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado, March 11, 2003 p 3 ( O WETLAND VEGETATION COMMON NAME Agr ostis stoloni era FACW Creeping bentgrass Calamagrostis canadensis OBL Bluejoint reedgrass Carex micro tera FAC Smallwing sedge Deschara sia caes itosa FACW Tufted hairgrass Geranium richardsonii FAC Richardson's geranium Geum macro h llum OBL Largeleaf avens Juncus arcticus, confusus,tracyi FACW Native rushes Lonicera involucrata FAC Twinberry honeysuckle Mertensia ciliata OBL Mountain bluebells Salix drummondii FACW+ Drummond willow Salix monticola OBL Mountain willow Salix planifolia OBL Diamond -leaf willow V. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Vegetation removal, grading, and water feature installation completed in summer 2002. The Applicant would like to continue with revegetation in Spring and Summer 2003 and upon approval by the Corps and the Town of Vail. Re vegetation will be performed by a qualified landscape professional with oversight from a wetlands specialist. J* Lapin, 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado, March 11, 2003 P. 4 w i - wES T MEADOW DRIVE FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 16827 (ELEV. = 8133.6') �V i O . '0 N 50' STREAM SETBACK A= 11'43'32" 3= 525.00' L= 107.44' T= 53.91' CH= 107.25' CB= S79'47'56 "E LOT 7 0.524 ACRES ADDRESS: 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE OUTLINE OF EXISTING HOUSE LOT 8 MULTI —LEVEL WOOD DECK (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) WETLANDS BOUNDARY S. ♦ ! OO • RAIL ROAD TIE WALL \ �� \ 2 1 0 \ O EDGE OF CREEK ISLAN\/ \ EDGE OF CREEK \ GORE CREEK EXISTING FOOTBRIDGE EDGE OF WATER FEATURE (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 1 FIN. FLR. 1 0 6134.4' / l 1 1 � 1 1 g0 OF 1 1 r WAT R FEATURE � / 1 \ f FIN. FLR. 1 C 8131.7' OUTLINE 1 \ O OF EXISTING BUILDING SAMPLE POINT tl ELEV. = 8125.6' ✓IN VERT 36' EVERGREEN 6121.4' I S�6), / g � ?o 0 0 � S 9. \ EDGE OF CREEK \ ` \ 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN P EAK L CON SULT INC \ PEAK LAND SURVE INC. 170 - 476 -11644 FAX 970- 476 -8616 \ 000 UON'S RIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 S85'44'33 "E — 5.02' O O N I GO O N O FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR LOT 6 WEnANC6 DELINEATED BY MON TAW FNVIR.oNmEN TAL SOWRDN SS LTD. OCTOBER 72002 1�1 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV. = 8143.3' INV ELEV. = 8126.2' (PROJECT BENCHMARK) GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FTM ) 1 inch = 20 ft. GENERAL NOTES 1 DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST 24, 2002. - 2 PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT E. ALONG WEST MEADOW DRIVE (SEE DRAWING). RIM ELEVATION = 8143.3', INVERT ELEVATION = 8126.2'. 3 FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON BASED UPON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUCY FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1982. 4 THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS 1OPOCRAPHIC MAP IS TO SHOW THE TOPOGRAPHY AND LOCATION OF FEATURES IN THE AREA OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 5 PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS —OF —WAY OF RECORD. NO TITLE POLICY OR COMMITMENT WAS PROVIDED TO ESTABLISH THE EXISTENCE THEREOF. BOUNDARIES AND EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT. 6 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL. ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST' DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFT:CT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 7 DECKS AND STRUCTURES DO EXIST IN AREA OF TOPOGRAPHY AND ARE NOT SHOWN PER OWNER'S REQUEST. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. GORDON S. PAGE, A PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY SUPERVISION, AND THAT THE MAP :S ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE: GORDON S. PAGE COLORADO P.L.S. 29048 FOR & ON BEHALF OF PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A PART OF LOT 7 VAIL VILLAGE FILING No. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE CO UNTY, COLORADO DRAWN: JF REVIEWED: CP DATE: 09/25/02 1 PLC JOB# :1174 SHEET 1174T A= 11'43'32" WEST MEq R= 525.00' DOW D RIVE t_= 107.44' (50 R.0.W) T= 53.91' CH=107.25' FOUND No. 5 REBAR / CB= S79'47'56 "E WITH ALUMINUM CAP L.S. No. 16827 (ELEV. 8133.6') N LOT 8 A LOT 7 Cu 0.524 ACRES p ADDRESS: 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE 0 �O Z OUTLINE. OF EXISTING HOUSE \ EDGE OF WATER FEATURE MULTI -LEVEL WOOD DECK (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) \ I FIN. FLA. 8134.4' / ,120 WETLANDS BOUNDARY S ( ) �1J FLOWLINE OF • ��' r` i ' ( ' RAIL ROAD TIE WALL r WATER FEATURE \ F \ ' 1 EDGE OF CREEK `\ ` �l� I / FIN. FLR. 8131.7 \ OUTLINE OF EXISTING BUILDING \ �J 1 SAMPLE POINT 50' STREAM SETBACK / \ ISLAN\ , ELEV. - 8125.6' \ 3G" EVERGREEN EDGE OF CREEK I / / S6 ,>- 00 , P p'. GORE CREEK EXISTING FOOTBRIDGE ` EDGE OF CREEK AhL PEAK LAND CONS ULIAN IS, INC. \ \ PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. 910- 06 -86N FAX 970 -08 -8616 1000 LION'S MOLE LOOP VA9_ M 81657 \ O O N I O N O In S85'44'33 "E — 5.02' - FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR Approximate � boundary of water feature (jurisdictional fill) ® Approximtate boundary of cleared Vegetation LOT 6 100 -YEAR FLOODPLAIN wEi LAMS DH.WFATID BY MONTAN IE EN[VBLONMF7JTAL SOLUiICM LTA OCTOBER. 7;2= SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV. = 8143.3' INV ELEV. = 8126.2' (PROJECT BENCHMARK) GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN F'EE'T' ) 1 inch = 20 ft. GENERAL NOTES 1 DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST 24, 2002. 2 PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT E. ALONG WEST MEADOW DRIVE (SEE DRAWING). RIM ELEVATION = 8143.3', INVERT ELEVATION - 8126.2'. 3 FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON BASED UPON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1982. 4 THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IS TO SHOW THE TOPOGRAPHY AND LOCATION OF FEATURES IN THE AREA OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 5 PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTADUSH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. NO TITLE POLICY OR COMMOMENT WAS PROVIDED TO ESTABLISH THE EXISTENCE THEREOF. BOUNDARIES AND EASEMCNTS SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT. 6 NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 7 DECKS AND STRUCTURES DO EXIST IN AREA OF TOPOGRAPHY AND ARE NOT SHOWN PER OWNER'S REQUEST. . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I. GORDON S. PACE, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE 8Y ME AND UNDER MY SUPERVISION, AND 1HAT THE MAP IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST Of' MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE: GORDON S. PACE COLORADO P.L.S. 29048 FOR k ON BEHALF OF PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A PART OF LOT 7 VAIL VILLAGE FILING No. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGL COU NTY, COLORADO DRAWN: Jf T REVIEWED: GP DATE: 09/25/02 PLC JOB�J:1174 SHEET 11747 !A m m mom m m m m m m m m 'Xv �Z. 2a 2z zm t� . FIGURE 4 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO CROSS - SECTION,. ►o to 3b Ro 30 60 ►6 w TL""D F NlAlt/ Mmcg CaaRE to .30 HGUPLE 5 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO CROSS- SECTION WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT ?32 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO SON TAN- FEBRL.(AR.Y 20, 20034 MR. MERV LAPIN Prepareddby 7 g F MONTANE E SOLUTIONS, Ltd. POST OFFICE BOX 281 SILVERTHORNE, COLORADO 8049 (970) 468 -0450 WETLAND DELINEATION REPORT LAPIN RESIDENCE ' 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL COLORADO I. INTRODUCTION Montane Environmental Solutions, Ltd. (Montane) was retained by Mr. Mery Lapin (Client) to identify jurisdictional wetlands that occur on his property located at 232 West Meadow Drive in Vail, Colorado, Eagle County. It is also known as a Part of Lot 7, Vail Village Filing No. 2, located at approximately 39° 38' 34" North, 106° 22' 51" West and the NE 1 /4 NE 1 /4 NE 1 /4 of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West (FIGURE 1). It is accessed from Interstate 70 to Exit 176 (Main Vail) south under 1.70 to Vail Road; from Vail Road, west onto West Meadow Drive. The property is immediately across from the Vail Valley Medical Center on the south side of West Meadow Drive, house number 232. The delineation was conducted on October 7, 2002 and is part of an after - the -fact permit application for a Nationwide Permit Number 18 - Minor Discharges. The wetland delineation is an approximation of the former jurisdictional boundary prior to residential hardscaping where water that was once enclosed in an underground culvert has been opened up into a water feature through the property. Part of the water feature, which is lined with PVC liner and river cobble ( - 5 -12 inch diameter cobble), is located within jurisdictional wetlands (PHOTOGRAPH 1). In addition, during construction, vegetation was removed entirely for construction access and installation (PHOTOGRAPH 2). According to the Client, no historic photographs are available, however the jurisdictional wetland boundary was approximated based upon remnant native vegetation, adjacent vegetation, remnant and native soil horizons, and indicators of ordinary high water of Gore Creek. II. VICINITY AND GENERAL SITE DESCRIPTION The property is located in Vail Village at approximately 8,120 46ot elevation within the Gore Creek valley, which is also occupied by Interstate 70. It is situated in a residential neighborhood and commercial area where significant development has occurred and little remains in native condition. The natural ecosystem of the valley slopes at this elevation is lodgepole, spruce -fir, and aspen forests. West Meadow Drive is on the south side of Interstate 70 and runs east /west paralleling Gore Creek, separated by approximately 1 /2 acre single - family residences. Spruce trees dominate the riparian canopy of Gore Creek in this reach, and willows with twinberry, and occasional bog birch dominate the shrub layer. The property is a sloping parcel, which is part of the former active floodplain of Gore Creek. The slope is approximately 17% from the main house to the active channel. It is upon this slope where part of the water feature has been located and vegetation has been removed (PHOTOGRAPH 3). The upland areas have been landscaped however a few large native spruce trees remain around the Wetland Delineation 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado P. 1 house. III. WETLAND DESCRIPTION The wetlands that occur on the property are located on the banks of Gore Creek. They are associated with the alluvial aquifer of Gore Creek and groundwater that appears to daylight on the lower elevations of the property near the creek. They may be classified as slope and low -order riverine wetlands. The remnant wetland areas that occur on the property are low quality in that they have been significantly invaded by thistle Cirsium arvense (PHOTOGRAPH 4). The Town of Vail had a culvert along the east property line that conveyed stormwater and surface water from upgradient drainages to Gore Creek. The Client wanted to daylight the water and create a water feature on his property. During construction, the contractor removed all necessary vegetation to accomplish the project, including some jurisdictional wetland vegetation. The cleared area likely resembled that of the remnant wetlands located east and west of the property. As stated previously, there are no historic photographs available, according to the Client. The dominant wetland vegetation is mountain willow (Salix monticola) with occasional twinberry honeysuckle (Distigea involucrata). The understory is primarily C. arvense. A. HYDROLOGY Both groundwater daylighting on the Gore Creek slopes and the alluvial aquifer support the wetlands located on the property. At the time of the survey which was late in the year and during a drought year, the soil was not saturated, but moist. B. SOILS There is no soil survey coverage for the Vail Village area by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). However it is possible that the soil identified is the Forsey cobbly loam 3 to 12 percent slope because that is the soil series that is shown immediately downstream in the NRCS soil survey. The Forsey series is a loamy - skeletal, Argic Cryoboroll, this is a like a typic Cryoboroll (a Mollisol) with an argillic horizon. The soil identified on the site appeared to me a mixture of native soil (Sample Point 2) and ' imported topsoil (Sample Point 1). At Sample Point 1 the horizons appeared to be combined due to the recent disturbance and no mottles were present (PHOTOGRAPH 5). However in Sample Point 2, which was located near the protection of a spruce tree, the ' horizons remained intact with the B and C horizons exhibiting mottling PHOTOGRAPH 6). ' G VEGETATION The remnant wetlands adjacent to Gore Creek are mesic riverine wetlands dominated by Wetland Delineation 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado p. 2 dense willow growth with occasional twinberry honeysuckle (Distigea involucrata) and patches of thistle ( Cirsium arvense). Evidence of more extensive graminoid vegetation remains, but late in the season there had been considerable die -back. It is likely that the cleared wetland vegetation was similar to this existing vegetation. The riverine wetlands were probably much wetter historically, however development along the creek has interrupted any groundwater supplementation. The table below lists the common plant species identified on site. V& - TLAND VEGETATION UPLAND VEGETATION Aconitum columbianum FACW Cirsium arvense Agr ostis stoloni era FACW Bromus inerme Betula glandulosa OBL Geranium richardsonii Calamagrostis canadensis OBL Picea en elmannii Carex sp Pinus contorta Disti ea involucrata FAC Po ulus tremuloides Equisetum arvense FAC+ Geum montanum OBL Rudbeckia am la Salix drummondiana FACW+ Salix monticola FACW+ Salix planifolia OBL N. METHODS USED ' The wetland delineation methods used were in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual January 1987. An on -site inspection for an "Atypical Area" was performed. The data for the sampling points included vegetation and hydrology indicators. Soil pits were dug to a depth of 16- inches and were used to identify the presence of reduced soil conditions; depth to saturated soil, and depth to free water. Where indicators had been altered, interviews with contractors, and the landowner were conducted. In addition, inferences were made from adjacent native vegetation, soils, and hydrology. Wetland boundaries were determined by the percentage cover of hydrophytic plant species (obligate, facultative wet, and facultative), indicators of wetland hydrology, the presence of hydric soils, and topography. Wetland Delineation 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado p• 3 V. RESOURCES 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1987), Wetland Delineation Manual 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey Staff. (1975) Soil Taxonomy 3. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1988), National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands ( Region 8). 4. U.S. Natural Resource Conservation Service (1980), Soil Survey of Aspen -GWsum Area Colorado 5. Weber, W.A. (2001), Colorado Flora:(Western Sloes Colorado Associated University Press. 1 1 t Wetland Delineation 232 West Meadow Drive, Vail Colorado P. 4 II DATA r V i� Y all 1 ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project /Site Z WaJ G J t ` Date W d Applicant / Owner PXV i County Investigator �' I � State Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? YES NO Community ID # Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? ES NO Transect ID 4 Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed explain on reverse YES NO Plot ID VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 ❑ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Other 9 ❑ Drift Lines 2 ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required): FIELD OBSERVATIONS 10 (in) 3 G ❑ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Water- Stained Leaves 11 Depth to Free Water in Pit (in) 4 12 5 „�-`" ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 • Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC -) Remarks Cleared HYDROLOGY WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS f r: ❑ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) Primary Indicators: ❑ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge ❑ Inundated ❑ Aerial Photographs ❑ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Other ❑ Water Marks ❑ Drift Lines ❑ No Recorded Data Available ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required): FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water (in) ❑ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Water- Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit (in) ❑ Local Soil Survey Data ❑ FAC - Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil VQVy YvlolS� SM (in) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) onll C CIA. - o e 1 ( 7") Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): rIC) 5b►!r, Ivi( C Vcct.k Drainage Class: Taxonomy (Subgroup) C Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? YES NO PROFILE DESCRIPTION Depth Horizon Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, inches Munsell Moist Munsell Moist Abundance /Contrast Structure, etc. 0 - 1 u 7-12" i 0 Y K412 2 ° lowm 12 toy k4R 6 ° o d HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS: ❑ Histosol ❑ Concretions ❑ Histic Epipedon ❑ High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils ❑ Sulfidic Odor ❑ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ❑ Aquic Moisture Regime ❑ Listed on Local_ Hydric Soils List J1 Reducing Conditions ❑ Listed on National Hydric Soils List ❑ Gleyed or Low - Chroma Colors ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: .+D - 7 sotI WFTI ANn nFTFRMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? YES NO Wetland Hydrology Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO°' Hydric Soils Present? YES NO Remarks UR �O O�r tfY 9J C I� FICA�,)S I: V �- Vac t h -N��$ o ✓�;,� -4 s � IAA U k-IXM4 0 - - o� slvy s q -�,,, .a fp d t.� ,�l,�s a k� i ve, -4eA;ai J DATA FORM — ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION Page 2 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project /Site 032 U D , , - - "),J CA-� -` y-0— Stratum Date �� L Applicant / Owner kl v Stratum County Investigator State C--�D ( Do Normal Circumstanc xist on the site? YES NO� Community ID Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? YES NO Transect ID Is the area a potential Problem Area? (if needed, explain on reverse) YES NOD Plot ID VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 t CQLt_ P V G 1M 0. .�t l�f��` - 9 ❑ No Recorded Data Available ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required): 2 (in) A C . 10 ❑ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Water- Stained Leaves 3 t/ 1 UM ce . V ✓e44 Depth to Free Water in Pit (in) 11 4 12 (in) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) 5 13 6 14 7 15 I 8 16 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC (excluding FAC -) Remarks G.���� �`� 6 '�� F^^�Y L/�- '�'�r"�,. �.`��. e � `°'L (`1� � �p��b'�. L - l ^ % - V�i� f�+� -�'�if V r Mb"I — .1071115019 VA El Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks) WETLAND HYDROLOGY INDICATORS ❑ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: ❑ Inundated ❑ Aerial Photographs ❑ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Other ❑ Water Marks ❑ Drift Lines ❑ No Recorded Data Available ❑ Sediment Deposits ❑ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more Required): FIELD OBSERVATIONS Depth of Surface Water (in) ❑ Oxidized Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches ❑ Water- Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit (in) ❑ Local Soil Survey Data ❑ FAC - Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil (in) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): ,�, C Drainage Class:'.NP �� Taxonomy (Subgroup) Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? E NO Depth Horizon inches PROFILE DESCRIPTION Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, Munsell Moist Munsell Moist Abundance /Contrast Structure, etc. 2�f E q , v /o HYDRIC SOIL INDICATORS: ❑ Histosol ❑ Concretions ❑ Histic Epipedon ❑ High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soils ❑ Sulfidic Odor' ❑ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ❑ Aquic Moisture Regime ❑ Listed ©n Local Hydric Soils List ❑ Reducing Conditions ❑ Listed on National Hydric Soils List - ❑ Gleyed or Low - Chroma Colors ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? YES NO Wetland Hydrology Present? YES NO Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? YES NO Hydric Soils Present? YES N Remarks ' DATA FORM — ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION Jt 1 Page 2 - - 1 ., f_.;� :t� -. �q l� },.; ",_.t _ \� {t� ��t r..• (� � �"`. �( S � � - i ��;S )� t�1{ \ j� ��- '�� �f� / .� i ! -- - ' i c .... X34 37C1_� Sv OF Vail 1I , • - 1 J- , 1 j t 9738 li ����'• r .. ., 19936 .'( _.. -._-- - '•, • -,. ..�' / � -" OPERTY • _ j / t." -- - -..-,' I / -: '851,3 / - - i - - ��"� - II (( 1' f _ all ` i .t r _ 8; l ; f � j. �I NTI /RNI :• .( .• "i; ' :!'. t.' /JH 25r 3]q 3HO E. �R- LEOL04tC�..� UgvEr w.5 �'.L *OVO� -.9PP NT � USGS 7.5- MINUTE VAIL FIGURE I A: WEST, CO 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, COLORADO °L AL 10L i i t A LOT 8 WEST MEADOW DRIVE \ (50' R.O.W.) FOUND Ne. S REBAN WON ALUMINUM CAP LS No. 16821 (ELEV. 8133.8') / OUTLINE OF EXISTING HOUSE MULTI-LEVEL WWO DECK (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) T 1� A= 11'43'32" R= 525.00' L= 107.44' T= 53.91' CH= 107.25' CB= 579'47'56 "E LOT 7 0.524 ACRES ADDRESS: 232 WEST MEADOW DRIVE EDGE BE WATER FEATURE (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) %114. FLR. 8134.4' / WETI ANDS BOUNDARY FLOWLINE OF RAIL ROAD BE WALL \ �l' \ ( (1 Y W ATER FEATURE EDGE OF CREEK \ O8 / M. FEB. } 1 1 8131.7 OUTLINE OF EXISTING BUILDING 1 DATE OF TOPOCIAPHY: AUGUST 21, 2002, 2 PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER \ �J \ I$ANO\ \\ ( SAMPLE POINT ELEV. - 8125.5' 50' STREAM SETBACK INSURANCE STUDY FOR THE TOM W VAR. DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1982, O A THE SOLE PURPOSE BE THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 15 TO SHOW TIE TOPOGRAPHY AM LOCATON OF FEATURES IN THE AREA OF THE NEW CONSTRUCNON. N 5 PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH BE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESIABLISTH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. \ EDGE W CREEK — \ I I )"p M 6 NOTICE: 36' EWRGREEN \ N OSCOWR SUCH EFFECT. IN NO FWNT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED WON ANY DETECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF \ GORE CREEK EIOSTMG FOOTBPoDOE \ . \ <EDGE OF CREEK \ AbL V( LAA CONS U L TANTS, INC. \ \ --AK LANG SURVE INC. 35'44'33 "E — 5.02 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE RNA EIFV. 8143.3' NV EIAV. B128.2' (PROJECT BENCHMARK) FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR GRAPHIC SCALE 28 o 10 20 40 ( IN rm ) I Inch = 20 Ft. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE L CORDON 5. PACE A PR OFESSIMAI LANG SURVEYOR REISTERED UNDER THE LAWS O THE STATE OF COLLNADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY SUI'ERMSION, AM THAT THE YAP 'S ACOUAAIE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNO DOE. DATE: _ CORDON S. PACE I C01- ADO P.LS. 29048 FOR S ON BEHALF O PEAK LAND SURWYNG. INC. WEE -At S DEUNFATFT3 BY MCNITAK FNVBIO ocr 7200ALSOLUfiOtJ�LTQ oeExlzlw2 100 -YEAR FLOOOPIAIN TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A PART OF LOT 7 VAIL VILLAGE FILING No. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWN: JF REVIEWED: GP DATE: o9 /zs /oz PLC JDB�:1174 SHEET 1174T n 1 DATE OF TOPOCIAPHY: AUGUST 21, 2002, 2 PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE, LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER O LOT E. ALONG WEST MEADOW DANE (SEE DRAWING). RIM ELEVATION - 8143.3', INWRT FLFVATON - 8126.7. 3 FLOOD PLAIN INFORMAnCN SHOW HEREON BASED UPON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR THE TOM W VAR. DATED NOVEMBER 2, 1982, O A THE SOLE PURPOSE BE THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 15 TO SHOW TIE TOPOGRAPHY AM LOCATON OF FEATURES IN THE AREA OF THE NEW CONSTRUCNON. N 5 PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH BE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESIABLISTH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. NO TITLE POLICY OR COMMITMENT WAS PROVIDED TO ESTABLISH THE EMSTENCE THEREOF, BOUNDARIES AND EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT. 3 6 NOTICE: OJ LOT 6 ACCORDING TO COLORADO I:AW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL. ACTON RASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU MST N OSCOWR SUCH EFFECT. IN NO FWNT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED WON ANY DETECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM ME DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. O 1 OW AND STRUCTURES DO E1fI5T N AREA BE TOPOGRAPHY AND ARE NOT SHOW PER (f) OWNER'S REOlK51. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE L CORDON 5. PACE A PR OFESSIMAI LANG SURVEYOR REISTERED UNDER THE LAWS O THE STATE OF COLLNADO DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY SUI'ERMSION, AM THAT THE YAP 'S ACOUAAIE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNO DOE. DATE: _ CORDON S. PACE I C01- ADO P.LS. 29048 FOR S ON BEHALF O PEAK LAND SURWYNG. INC. WEE -At S DEUNFATFT3 BY MCNITAK FNVBIO ocr 7200ALSOLUfiOtJ�LTQ oeExlzlw2 100 -YEAR FLOOOPIAIN TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A PART OF LOT 7 VAIL VILLAGE FILING No. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DRAWN: JF REVIEWED: GP DATE: o9 /zs /oz PLC JDB�:1174 SHEET 1174T n