HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110288 ���i�r� I���i�� ���r��l
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Project Name: WILKINS TREE REMOVAL DRB Number: DR6110288
Project Description:
OWNER WILKINS, F.D. 07/22/2011
CO 80303
APPLICANT A CUT ABOVE FORESTRY 07/22/2011 Phone: 970-547-8581
PO BOX 9037
CO 80424
Project Address: 1390 GREENHILL CT VAIL Location:
Legal Description: Lot: 12-W Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SU6.
Parcel Number: 2103-124-0305-7
Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP
Second By:
Vote: Date of Approval: 07/22/2011
Cond: 8
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Cond: 0
(PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with
Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.
Cond: 201
(PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of
approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.
Cond: 202
(PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following
the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is
commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.
Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $0.00
Jul 15 2011 13: 55 HP LASERJET FR}{ page 1
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Depariment of Community Davebpment
75 South Frontage Raad
TOWN OF YA(L' va��,co s�s�7
Developrr�nt Revlew Coo�dinator
Application for Design Review
Dead or Diseased Tree Removai
Cieneral Infarmation: This approval is grarrted for the removal of dead or diseased trees only. A separate application is re-
quired to request tree removaUreplacernent in the Town of Vail. This forrn must ae signed by a Town of Vatl authorized rep-
resentative who has inspected the tree(s). To request an irtspectbn, piease call Tom Talbot,Wlldiand Coordlnator at(970)
Applicant has 30 days from the date ot this application to submit a mitigatlon plan to the Town of Vail Wildland Coordinator.
Fee: Waived for dead tree(a)
� Stnple Family �_ Duplex Multl-Family Commercial
DescNpfion of the Request: Remove �standing dead aspen
Tree Species (removal):Aspen Number ot trees: �
Tree Species(removal): Number of trees:
Comments: these are located on both east and west sides of property/dupfex
Tree Specles (replacement): Number af trees:
Physical Addreas: 1390 Gree�hill Court West
Parcel Number: 2103-124-03-057 (�ntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 97U-328-8640 for parcel no.)
Property Owner: F.D.Wilkins (Charlotte Shifrin)
Malling Address: ��7 Grant Place, Boulder, CO 8�302
Phone: �Za'S -3200
Owner's Signature: � '�'i-.s
Primary Contact!Owner Represerrtative: ���n Springer/A Cut Above Forestry
Mailing Address; PO Box 9037 Breckenridge, CO 8Q424
Phone: 970-547-8581
E-Matl: ��tens�acutaboveforestry_com �x. 970-453-4916
Appllcation Date: 7-13-11
Mitigatlon Plan Submittal Date: 7-13-11
Estimated Date of Cumpletion: �-13-11
For Office Use Only:
ProjectNo: _ F . D o.:_�Q�I�l�n�c3
TOV Authorized Signature: !� �`�
Locatlon of the Propasai: Lot; k: 5ubdivision:
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The appiicant must submit written joint property owner appcava!for applicadons affectlng shared ownership propertles
� such as dupiex, condominium, and mulii-tenant b���dings.Thi�farm,ar simil�r written r.orrespondence, rnust be eom-
, pleted by the adjaning duptex unk owner or the authorized agerit of the hame owner`s association in the case of a con-
' dominium or muiti-tenarrt buitding.All compleied farrns must be submitted wit�the appiicants completed application.
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, �, (P�nt narrre) Romingo Moreira � Sre�dy Y'�(�jY12�c a.joirrt.owner, or aulhotity oP the association� -- - --
; nf property located at 1394 Greenhtll Court E(parcel#2103-124-03-058} provide this letter as written
approvai of the plarn dated 7-13-11 whi�fi fiave besn submfttect to the
: fi
Town of Vall Communiry Developmeni Department for the propased itnpravements to be completed at the address not-
ed above.I u�lerstarsd that the proposed improvements include:
; , removing 7 standing dead aspen on both sides affhe property(east&west)
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Additionally,piease check ths statemertt bel�w which is mc�rt appi{c�te ta you:
I understand thai minor mo�tica�oru may!�made to the p(ans over the course of Nre review process to ensure campJi-
ance wr7h the Town's applicable codes arx�reJUl�tions.
f (lnitla/hereJ
I understand that a/l madiflcaffons, mfrrot'or atherwise, whlch are made to the plans over the caurse of the review prcr
' `. cess,be brought to my attentran by the applicant tor addltiona!appravaf before undergaing turiher revlew by the Town. ` :
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