HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0229 Plans4x4 CORNER TOP OF DECKII SIDE AT ^TOrANO'BOTTOM TYPICAL HANDRAIL ELEVATION C� Town of Vail REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE / Z Date: --® By: a Code:. O =) N o i � LL O J C 2x4 TOP RAIL CONT. 10 RAILS - EACH SIDE AT TOP AND BOTTOM 4x4 POST BEYOND - 2x6 DECKING JOISTS PER STRUCTURAL SECTION CJ c oCJ ILLM ULM a i Town ®f Vail REVIEWED /gFOR COUE GENERAL NOTES ON OPa0R6` r /s. M 9 m � t A. N _ 1. CONDITIONS AT PARTY WALLS NAY VARY DEPENDING ON AMAL UNIT OFFSETS AND DECK DnENSM CHOICES MADE BY OWNERS. DETAILED FRAMING AND FOUNDATION PLANS' @!, BLiDINGS WALL BE PROVIDED OILS OWNER DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. 2 DECK SUPPORT BEAMS MAY BE MOVED TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF DEC( AND BE FRAMED FLUSH WITH JOIST HANGERS IF NECESSARY TO ACCO/OOATE 1 ALL FRAMING LUMBER 6 TO BE PRESSURE- TTZEATFD HEN FIR R. 4 2x6 DECKING AM HANDRAIL FRAMING MATERIAL WILL BE REDWOOD. 1 ( II 23199 4 �° \ a as s•'1� E PARTY WALL o � � I f PARTY WALL E P 17 -5 314' Z S IV -5 314' F I . ✓� IV-6 3/4' J O U C � �°1iiS`ljo_ G U , *x x< $ m 7 -5 3/4' 1'-1T 1Y-0-' 0- -5 3/4' i� 1'-0' 9'-0' C -5 314 Q W UDw O O b 2 b b EH U b b 1210 ovrc Pier. TYP. b 4 2M =. j 2x12 [ 4 2112 (,6:202 V ON NI !1A 1 4 OR 1 A4 Q! 1 1x14 yr� l a OR 1 4 OR 4 designed by I drawn by KRM checked by —DOUBLE JOIST BELOW Issued DOUBLE JEST BELOW WALL PRELIM €€ I REVISED ° ' b ._ I b , b 2k10-1i • /6' OiC. i GRADE BM. TYP. b 2x10-. O 16' 041 € e' CONC GRADE TYP. io 2k10-x O 1N1. 0-.c 6' CONC GRADE BM. TYP. S2.0 lY'5210- TYP I a W$ZIQ „P.; U1b4f0 TYP. ATTACH LEDGER TO WOOD RIM W/ ATTACH LEDGER TO WOOD RIM W/ ATTACH LEDGER TO WOW RIM W/ i (2) - %'*W LAGS O 10-' 0.c OR TO OWL GRADE BM. TO (2)- 9C1x4' LAGS O 16' 0.c OR TO DWL GRADE BM. TO (2 )-9COx4' LAGS O 15• a0-. OR TO GRADE BM. TO CONOCIE FOUNDATION W/ (2)- %'1x6' I E%STA CONC. FOUNDATION CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ (2)- %'1x6' I DHSTC CONC. FOUNDA CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ (2) - %'H�' I EX E76RG COIC. FOUNDATION / ANCH. O 16' D.C. W/2) -� DWLS. x 24 EXP. ANL O 16' O.C. 7 W/(2)-05 OWLS, x 24 EXP. ANCH. O 16' QC W/(2) -R DWS x 24Dom. DRIVEN INTO %71 x 4' I DRIVEN NNW %'1 x 4' DRIVEN INTO 91'1 x 4' HOLES, TYP. HOLES, TYP. HOLES. TYP. 8' DECK — NO STORAGE 8' DECK — WOOD STORAGE I 8' DECK — STORAGE SHED I E PARTY WALL I I E PARTY WALL I E PARTY WALL IW -7 1/2' 1V -7 1/1' 11' -7 1/2' V -5 3/4' 1 314' 1'_D` y'-0' 9'-53/4- 1 3/4' 1' -O' 9'-0' W -5 3/4' 1 3/4' 2 4 2 4 2x12 ry 41-202 „ I' Po 4 2tl2 2N2 . OR :h 4 OR (i }6x14 O1 1 b1 I DOUBLE JOIST BELOW ; .� , DOUBLE JOIST BELOW WALL b do 'q 2s10-A • 111' tlG ROOF POSTS I 2K10-6 0 )6' Y COdc GRADE BM. TYP. b 2jn0-e • 16' dc'7 { h r COI4C. GRADE BM. TYP. IY CONC. GRADE SM. TYP. Ulmal TIP. MIT- 2xIO i 1 lJl$R1Q T. W$Iq IYP. 1 [[ ATTACH LEDGER TO WOW RIM W/ ATTACH LEDGER TO WOOD RIM W/ ATTACH LEDGE TO WOOD RIM W/ (2)- %'1x4' LAGS O 16' O.C. OR TO DyL GRADE O1. TO (2)-%'1x4' LAGS O 1e' D.C. OR TO OWL GRADE BM. TO (2)- 9CIx4' LAGS O 16' Mc OR TO GRADE BM. 70 CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ (2) -9(i 1x6' De'. ANCH. O 16' D.C. I DIM CONC FOUNDATION W/(2 )-05 DYLS. x 24' CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ (2)-%'1x6' DIN. ANCH. O 16' Or- EXSTC. CONC FOUNDATION W/(2) -05 DWLS. x 24' CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ (2)-%'1x6' DIP. ANCH. O 16' 0.c DI OUI''c FOUNDATION DRIVEN INTO 9C1 x 4' DRIVEN INTO %'1 z 4' W/0 S. xx 2, I DDRIWN INTO 90-1 x24'• HOLES. TV. HOLES. TYP. HOLES. TYP, 11' DECK — NO STORAGE 11' DECK — WOOD STORAGE 11' DECK — STORAGE SHED Town ®f Vail REVIEWED /gFOR COUE GENERAL NOTES ON OPa0R6` r /s. M 9 m � t A. N _ 1. CONDITIONS AT PARTY WALLS NAY VARY DEPENDING ON AMAL UNIT OFFSETS AND DECK DnENSM CHOICES MADE BY OWNERS. DETAILED FRAMING AND FOUNDATION PLANS' @!, BLiDINGS WALL BE PROVIDED OILS OWNER DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. 2 DECK SUPPORT BEAMS MAY BE MOVED TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF DEC( AND BE FRAMED FLUSH WITH JOIST HANGERS IF NECESSARY TO ACCO/OOATE 1 ALL FRAMING LUMBER 6 TO BE PRESSURE- TTZEATFD HEN FIR R. 4 2x6 DECKING AM HANDRAIL FRAMING MATERIAL WILL BE REDWOOD. 1 ( II 23199 4 �° a as s•'1� o � � Z S FF F e o9�i 7.w J O U C � �°1iiS`ljo_ G U , *x x< $ m Q W UDw O O CC O EH U 7 V yr� l designed by KRM drawn by KRM checked by TDH Issued PRELIM 07/15/10 REVISED 08 /05/11 sheet S2.0 JOB 1005 -18 t N Dena c a PTARMIGAN TOY =SE DEats toe eto�s 1e Roof LM Lnod (Snow) - - - -- — 100 Pd Roof Dead Load -- - - - - -- 15 pef Deck LM LOW ----- ---- ------- - - - - -- 100 pat Deck Dead Load --- - -- - -- 15 Pof Mind (3 Second 6L9t) __ —__— 90 mph (Esp. B) Seismic Desgn Catagry - - - -- DIEMPT IBCIRC EdOan — _-- _— __ —�_— 211109 FOUNDATION OESlQ! a. Design of footiiga is based an an awuned madmum alkrwcble bearing prewure of 2500 psf (dead load pus fall Ihw kwd). b. Footings shall be placed an the natural undisturbed sot. below frost depth. FEINFORern SONCREM: Q. Structural concrete shall have a minimum 28-doy carrhpreaiw strength of 3000 PwL b. Comsat• shall be proportioned using Type i-II Hate- rwietant smart Admixtures containing diarm. e"is slwl not be used. m Cold weather oonaeti g procedures shall be provided an recanmended In the ACI Manual of d. g for minfavch stash 1. Concrete cast against and permanently erpawd to earth: 3' 2 C arts -pa-d to earth or wathar. A. J5 bar and smiler 1 1/2' B. /6 through /18 bar 2' 1 Concrete not •posed to weather or In conical: with ground: A. Slabs, sdis, plot. (i11 bar and malt) 3/4' B. B•mns. oalumrs 1 1/2' 1RTNF2112NC MEEL m =l ng, fabricalbn and piaaer mt of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the Aa Mmual of mvaM Pr- 'U-b. Erupt share othenviw noted an the drawings, reinforcing ban shat conform to ASTM Spedflwtbn A615 and shat be grade e0 crept ties, field bed bars share permitted by robe an plaM1 or bas to be welded, ahirh Shall be grads 40. c Epcey adhosin for reinforcing dowels shall be t or 'Sinpwn' or appravad aw w-t adhesive systems. Whk-. emb•drrnnts. R not specifically indicated an the drawing., shot be ac—*q to the masfachsers op•cifc tion . d. Metric bar she oarro rsion table: METRIC /10 #13 /16 /19 (22 #25 R9 #32 #W NCH- -POUND a H a is n /8 #9 n0 /11 STRUCTURAL 11000 ERAMMIl o. E—pt where noted othsrwW, d 2' nominal lumber, except studs, shall be Douglas Fir -Lnalh a Hen Fir f2 and batter, and d slid timber beans ad posh 3' nanlnd and wider shall be pressure- treated Here Fir jl. All Y narnlnd deck framing mwMra shall be prmue- treated Hen Fir JZ b. Studs shall be Shad grade and better Dalglaw Ft -Lade ar Hem Fir. c Built -up beans ng of multpe 2. mertb. shall be naled together sith tax, rows of led now spaced at tY an canter, ar aft tea row of 11'Y diameter thru -belts good at 24' an center. d. Ledges attached to concrete *dim shall be treated Hen Fir 62. e. MI k.nbr used In construction shall low a maximum moisture content of 12X (.171FR r RF�Q�IAFMFNIS m Construction praetfoss: Cenral contractor Is rsag for meets. methods, tac niquw, wquenew and procedures for construction of this project Notify structural enyyi•er of amissiar r carhfllate between the waking drawings and exiting codition . Jobelts safety is the sale rap* Ity of th e contractor. N motads used for conelrectlan viol be in accordance with the latest edtkns of the BCARC. b. Dotal s not spelftcelly shoo n an the drawings shd be constructed In a manner similar to the datols that are shown far We conditions. Theo. Items shall be brought to the attention of the structural ehgireer as ern ce pawn I for opprwd App-al shall be abtdnad prior to mtdafim. C. NI aatoproaeng and flashing M the responsibility of the contractor. d. It Is the responsibility of the oadraetor to certact the structural engines at the appropriate time to per-form she abwrwllm visita. M--U- visits to the job ft by the -4,— are for determination of gene an al conformance ofth the construction doomed. o d shall not be —.trued as Inspection. a. Though every .Bart is made to provide a compete and des set of eastructio n d— - to, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings antkpates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor. architect and ehgiesr to provWe the beat possEN structure Thaw drawings haw been prepared for the Mss of a qudifled cmtncbar anced In the construction techniques, and systems E EE*sting sfruchrroc Cmfxto l be saparbs for wdfyhhg dmensins. dewUans. frralng, foundation and anything des that may affect the work shown an the die aiga Underplwhig, shoring and bracing of existing atrucbrrea shall be the ..qm bitty of the cont act- M awe vas ace tv a ss ra•v • r I mw M a sera ,. ee, sosn =RAAwlowl WOOD STORAGE ROOF FRAMING BEAM PER PLAN WI8x13 x 0` -914" W/(3) -WO - TLRU -BOLTS TO SM. AND (4) -3i'• x 4' EXP. ANCH's TO CONCRETE (OR THRU -BOLTS AT BACK -TO -BACK CONNECTIONS) (2) —j5 DMLS x 6" 0 in 0 T 1 1/4" �il'IP 9191 IJh)Idhl i E0. E0. (OR 28 "e BIGFOOT) CONCRETE GRADE BM. AND FOdN VOID AS IN SECTION 1/52.3 12". CONCRETE PIER W/ _ (2) -05 DAS x 2L e• 2-0 x 2' -o x 12' Coma FOOTING OR Wit BIGFOOT 2 SCALE 3 4' a 1' -O" STORAGE SHED ROOF FRAMING (2 )-2x6 BEAM 4x4 POST EAO END 2.6 REDWOOD ON 2x10 JOIST! PLAN B" MADE OONCR BEAN W /(2) -f TOP 3 BOT. At VERT. O 1Ir a 4" FORM VOID GRADE BEAM 1 SCALE: 3 4' r 1' -01" Town of Vail REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Date: rnrlca• 2x8 RAFTERS O le G.C. W/ A- PLYWD. SHEATHING (2) -2x8 HEADER DOUBLE JOIST BELOW BEARING WALL ,GONLOMC�� D II I n, AUG O8 2011 � OF VAI k • • �i 23198 j • 'r4 o i $ c o Mr, ;Z z �K J 7 N � P U C o �olYa � M Q $$b� o o� v 1 [W �W V 1 p • Vl 0 e U (~ e E-4 a 7 F-�-i y a designed by KRM dram by KRM dled(ed by TDH issued PRELIM 07/15/10 REVISED 08 /05/11 sheet S2.3 J08 1005 -18 k