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VAIL VILLAGE Filing 1 BLOCK 5C LOT F - K 1984.pdf
_ --____----_ _— ___�.�� ;- ---- �— —'1 -i - - _- -" _------------"-_ ` �� � ---______-_____�------�-- _ + � t i � - � � � (M) (R� � �� � �' ; a=l2°42'25" d=9°33'00'� ! ` f R=/2.00' R=/2.00' � L=2 66� �� L=2.00� sd _ , � C B.=S 2/°26 40 E � � �' / (, .,�--.-- - ---- -� --- _ _ _ �-; � ,- � ,.�..---�" � _ � ,_� -'� , T - . � �� � ' E . - o�.�- - , ��� , , E , � �R ���'=! � �9 . S ��p �'\� �� E �•� cn . �O�O� / o l�J oo P�ANrER oyp , ,-� p�,� 2� ° � ,�� - �5 i/ ��,,, _ / � ��/ �� / �' ' / tA�Rs 1 Br�ck �O � • i IE 5 ,�� .%�25 � � (R� RR T� ' , - � . - •� , ;-- 79 N J�-- � � � �� E Zo 6' �� -� � �� _ � � OQ i / L�ONY �: q o p aJ N � � � �� �5 ��'�\sroRy gA � o , R �° �' ' 2N° a - ,_:;-, ; �, _ V 5 2 �' � --, . �. ' / SET PK NA/L �a' �R � ��% v� �a � � � �,�-, 1 v/ P a ��;..., �M� i ii �R� � ii 6- vL q� � � ��� b STOR AEr \ i�v� i i� � /� 3 � ` , 4=23°36 28 4=23°3630 - -� \ P � , � , � N � /� � � � � R= 2/6 07� , � � R=2/6 07� �. �' • % \ F'" �� �,- � �'� ����'�'�`�. � � ' a � � _ PLANTER �, „ L= 89 03� �� L=89.03 ._� ��, 2' Zo 5' i�"Ga�� � \ � �:'� , - _` -- CB.=S/5°56 45 E - � ` A -- - -- � -c�`N��� ! � \ •� `�� �� , ` H� � R T/E STA/RS ,- y���� � 3�eo STORY � I� � ,\ WALL • o BGOG FAC! �, ~ ����� PLANTER • � Z�o NOOKUPR/N/(LER � `�,4 \� i � ' '� ' \` � - , • �' - �� lR T1E S�A�R �D- � � � ��`ti� "��� �` ' ` � � , _ � < , ROCK l✓<iLL �r r _� 4 � � 9 3' � ,� O , , � __ RR T/E STA/RS-� ,�1 �� � � �ALK �° \ \ , /� 3' _ = , 1+ ��-. ��� ��s '• . ,,---- � -- - '��,f�' � .p ROOF NG \ � Z�vD STORV (o � ,� � , �A D f� �`O R H \ � _ __ � _! ��-+4�' _ � f � � R a' � i 4 B A � W4LL� GEII�RAL\T��TES � , o i f // � /n 6- 7�� 1' S� oR� y t_v ' � \ � ',` 6 � l N77 35 00 E (R� � d` /D 5t ' _- \ � fl � � \� r � 1, Con�xac .�ha1 vis� �� Ie site and be resgonsible for havin� recorded all s_ D./ � ✓ 1 c �, BA�GONY _- �_ � � \ � ',` � N cendi�i � �, ithin f P P J � P � 4, , W t � �hc s o e of the ro ec't. T10 "clair� ior e:ttra cor� ensataon /9.90 �CJ � 5/ �y,�aLK � ____ \ � � ,.fl _ ba.sed o'n igr.prance of visible or zmplled ronc�i�l�ns ,•*�nll be consid�x e d.• � „ R��K o 5'� ,� 3' _- - i oto/ �Areo � . ';W� -1 . . , N73°202/ E • B � y � � � - \ � � '� � ' S,�oRYBA��N �--�� /;565'�2 Sq. Ft � \ 'l �. 2, t�11 zrorlc i�'to conform to the Buildin� De7artment of Vail Village, Colorado, 209/ (Ml � o` ZND —'_�.----� \ C 29 Aa,�-es � � \\ ', . or state Basic I3uildin� Code requirer�ent� , fire department re�ulations , utillty Z- � \ cornpa.ny requirements, OSiiA, or the bes-L- t�•ade practices , �rhichever is hi�her, i ii °� . �\ �\ \ 3� 3' 1, ' Z��, S 08°33 56 E � � �_v,; � ����� � 3, Con�ractors are �Lo verify alJ. indica�ed conditions before startin� i•ror;t and /65 (f,') � � f � � � y n \ \'\ B�/�RESS re �ort an discre anci�s to the 1lrchitect. The drawzn�s reflect conditions S �2°24�43��E � � P LA Z A L D G E _ EGFcESS EASEMENT reasonably �nterpreted'from the visil�l� condition��f or from dr��;in�; or information \ cA � fl.trnished b• the O;mer Uut cannot be uaranteed b the Architect. � • /.57 �Ml 5 6' \ � `� - \ �" � 4, P�unor details not usually shown or specified, bu�L necessary for the p:oper and I \ � i_�i � il \ � � ,� O�D STA/RWAY �OCATiON � � acceptable construc�Lion, install�.tion, or operation of any part of the rrork as � N 8�°26 04 E . \ \ � ,\ Br��k ' determined by the lirch�tect, �hall be included in �,he t•ror. as if it were �\ , \ \ � ,� _ specified or indicated in the dravinUs. 20 05� (R) ;_U-; � � ' �° � , �_Q'' � \ � � �— I � � ��' �� �� � 5. Contractors shou1d obtain and pay for all required permit�, to scliedule all N77°.3Jr��6��E ` � , \ � g� c `� � required inspections, obta.in all code approval:� and file for the new certificate 2005 (M) � S�Z � � PO B PART OF LOT�F � \ \� �' of occupancy as required. ��_� . � �� � A�PEA OF ENCROACHMENT � \ / � • i 6. Contractor shall be responsible for all union a.nd equal opportuni�,y standards or i \ ' ' � • 1 n i��c�itq��niic�r��� n _ ��n��� re uirernents, �_., , � N08°33 56 W � \ � .� � ,-, �,�_,.�.,�_��� � ,..�,.,�� �!- � ,-,�, , � - 3.DO' (Rl w \ \ / - � .,,_ � r�-; �,, ���_:.���: � �� 7. .,� �_.. � Contractor shall coordinate all 4�ork procedures with requzrements of local � ii � � � �� �_�„ � % ' authorities, nei�hborhood associations , or buildin� r�ana�ement or boards of /V/2°24 43 W 3 a ��, t _ ' .�• �1 � directors. . 3 06' (M) �. � ' F�ooR/ w 't �� � �st f M� 8, A7.1 indicated survey mate:ial is �or �enera,l inforMatian. 2'he Architect cannot be BCOG FACE N , ' J �EN ' �R� � / O�/ERHANG PEDESTR/AN responsible for it� content or correctness. y' - GOVE o. .�• S Q3 o � �� NaN� J ZZ � �� W 15 �UT/L/TY EASEME/vT ^ N73 20 2/ E 3 5'pvER _ o �7 �� 1 9, Contractor sha11 be respon�ible for the protection of all existin� ana new 2758'�M� , 11 � ���_.�i i�,,,�, �c �r•,n� ���: ��,� ��-,- 1 8 9 � /��2�-•2 ,, N �-� i "__...,,�,�, �,�,,.,,a .,i , ,-„ � , conditions and materials ��rithin tlze proposed construction area. llny daMage ! __ _ B,QicK •_� I fl�_ � �1� �� ��� fl�^�i t� � � o i ii N 4��� v� �_v � ��v �����v J�� � J 1 Contractor�andushall�be repaired11to�thtec0-mer'sJsatisfacp�on�bility of e N 77 35 00 E 2795� �/QJ � M , 10. Contra.ctor shall keep the construction site free and clear of all debris and al1 _� � E PA��� \ 1 unauthorized p�rsons, y ��' �� coN�R�T . �30�UT/LITY EASEMENT � �� n J_ � , 11, Drawa.n�s may be rough scaled for estimatin� ancl �eneral rerferenCe, � �' I4 O' � ' \ _ 12, Contractor shall lay out his ti:ork and be responsible for all dimensions and , ;�; �iJi-��_i_ ;.� �. \ Zi 4� _ provide all dimensions as required for other trades: elec�;rical, �,Iumbin�, etc. ' , � �'�L EGEND � O Set Pin 8i Cap � 13. Contractor shall desi�n and install adequate shoring and bracing �.s reouired for � � all structural or removal taslcs, He shall have sole responsibility faz a11. dama�e . � /� � Set Cross In Road� ay 8� �MaIkWC1y Se�VIC@S - or znjuries caused by this worl: and shall repair all defects wt his sole expense, \ —f�_ --� (f�J Record Bearing 8� Uistance � _ �MJ Meosured Bearir y & Distance 14. All work shal.l be �uaranteed for one yeax after final approval. T:�e General \ �r _—� �CJ Calculated Distance Contractor sh�,ll si�n the �Jrritten guarantee as provided by the Otmer, This � �uarantee shall cover all of the Cenera.l and 5ub-contractor warl:. Al.l. defects _ discovered during the guarantee period shall be repaired to the O�mer's satisfacLion � ���� at no cost to the Otaner, \ — - �(' 15, All natchin� of existin� conditions shall s�art at 1;h� nearest orea}: in plane or r � direction, A1.1 salva�ed materials shall be kept in tlle areas zndicated by O;mer` J O H N S O N • W A N Z E N B E R G �'-°- ___ R�on ___.. __ ___ _ _.___ __ _ _______--- ------------------ -- - ---___ ___---- --____ __.� -----_-_-__________ _____---------- ------- ---- -- Notes _,_________.____________,rSeal �______�____— ------ DraunngT:tle _. - --- - - -- - - - - - -- - - ------ - ----- --- - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - It3A�R, 8� w/avvEV Ho-rE� _--�,__________ __ _ _- - - - - --,-- _____- --- -- - -- -- - -____ _ _ _. ._...___ __ ___.----_____- ____________._____.__._ __ - ------ -- -- --- --- -- --- ----—.-______- ------ -- - - -- -- - ---- -____ _ _ --- - ___ __ 2 2'f APR,84- �.'�15b�-I��2 -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - _ _ � -- - __ - ---__ ____._..�__._._. ____..._---___ __ _ �___ _ � _____ __..____ _ __ ___ _ _ _. __ _-- -- -___ ___ _ _____ __ -- -- -- ______ _-----,----- -- _-- - -- -- --- _-_ -_-_- ____� __ _ .___ � e o nson, lan Wan.zenberg f�Assocrates -- -- ---- - ----- -- -- -- � __ __ _ __. - - - ____.___- --- --- _ _ ______ ____.___�__ �--..._.___�� ____.....______ __ ___ �___..�_ _---________----- ____---_�_.__.��_______� ._. - - -- _- ---- -_ -- -- --_ - - ---_ __ ___ .__.__ ._�_..`T �_ _ .___---�__ ____- -- ---- -_ __ _ _ ___—- - _- --- _- ---- ___.____..._---- - -- - --.-------- --- ____ ____�______ �__ .. ___ ------- ------ 850 Seuenth AUenue,New York,New York 101D19 -- - ----- -- - - _______ __�.___ ____�.__._. _._.____________._.__,_--_--_ ______�______._....__� _�.___________�.__..._._.._v.______ ______.__....___ , � g Telephone212•489•24510 - - -- - - - - --- - -- - -- -- - --___. .__ _ _ ____ __- --.__._____ _---- - - ---- �� _--- -- - __ _ .__ - -_ - - - - --_____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ . _ ______ __._.___------_ ____ ______ ______ ----- - -_____�__...._.._____�______._..____ _ _.____-- � __._�___.._._-__u Y--Y_R�__ _____.__ ._ _w.__�_ _ _� _.�....._..__.�_._�_ Uail, Colorado --- - - -- -- ----- - -- - - _ _ ----- _-- -- - -____ __. __--- ---- --___ ______ _______-- ` ----- - -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- --- -- --- --- - __�-^ --�- - --�-- --�.________._.._____,_____ �� _ ___� _ _�� ---- -�- ----- - --__v____�_�_______.__.__.___.____.__ _�_________�...______�___________ _______._._�.__ _._.._._______._______ Date � , Drawn �,�,�, No. __ -- - -- - - -- --__ ,__. __ __ '` ---- - - � �- -T- - -V_ _� - - mm------ --- -- --- --- -- -- -__ � _ _ _ _���-_- --- -- --___�__��__�----_�_y_��, _ _ __�_ .��----�_ �._.� � �__��._� _��_���_��T__�__ � _.� T_ ��___-_�__� __�_ ____---_______ ----- - - - -- ---------___�_ ________________ _______._,__..--- --_.__ _---___�_________w______.__________---___________�_,_______._.._._._.___ �' � � � y ��G� 6_ � _- �-- - --- --- -____. __� ______ ___ _�.- - -,_ _ _ _.___ ___ -- -- �._� ._ _._�.. ____..� _.__ -___�.�.._.__ _ __..__�_._..___...Y...__._..._.�_.� .�_.._ __._._..�..v__�_r____________�_.___ __._.._ __________.___._.__._.___._.___.__ ._ �_._._._�__�___.._....__.._.__�_..____..._ __ __ -- _--- S�,ale �}� , ct o. ' � ! Pro e N g _. _ ___ ,_ _________.__ ___ ___ __ __ __ _ __ ______ 1 I v' o' � �� � U V � � �`_'`--I'_`�,..—'� � . � � �C � �,��'�� +-- -` � � ��� ���( ' ���� w��o�N"C 1 ����'�`�� N� �.._------- ' , ��l���M�N �Q �� �T�� � , P �'�p ��N� yG � N�� �'coN ���� �p ,l,G� , � ��j� ����,t�T�' �i��� , - Go;��P�N���, C� �L �`�N �;•�.? . : �� ���i.��� �T ,�,��� ���a �.�a`N�N� � •��: : �R: �, .,�. �..�� � � � w � � .. �, . :� ,� '� . L II�IA� . `i�:.i. r • • � (,�� �( 1. (�, � �, � �UG � �� �� �,.I/��-� :'• .�;••�f , �1�� �G ��- �A��1� , i� oN �p �� � , �\,�xj�. . _,Y�, . `; + , ,,�� �'U` ���� � �o�� � �1��� �� N�A� , ��t��� �� � � �--� •:� `r ;• cij„{ v���`�' (1, cJY5��1� �� '`v`��`� �., ,�,� ;��1 '�X� � ��.��,�� .� �, "', _ '. ��� �D!?, �� WA� ��,� �� ��'��i►�1�G � ���� �� ' �-- , �'�`, � '' , j a + �'" � ,��'�OcY�D���t � �;G0�1���N NIp�2��� �� N��� .���� �� hl/�,,�A�,�G� ..- � , � , 1 V lA��' �'i� � � � ���iT�N� � ���X ,���.{� D�`�`�1 . ,- '� �"� `." >1�1�1h � It� �� ��'��-' t�� . � N����.,������ �L���,� G '����- P�' , � � , ,. ��°� � �r�� ' �'�� �r� ,� ,� ..���� _ ���;-� � � � ` � �GD�� 0� 1�Ok�f� �"o �NC��I� � ` .,�,1 G� ��p , �j�� ��'�`�p�l��(� . . `"�--��_�� _�, � ._-� , -� � __ - _ __ _ i X '���� 1��� (�, nV�` 1�� 1 � 1. �onstruction fence around pro�ect �� (,�N 1� '�� �� �/(�(�p' �rN � � �Q� ��Mr • f ' N�, � -� � ^� ?. Tenporary stairs for access into shops 'C� � �(/ �, � , ,,. ,;"'� , 3. Cutting asphalt pavement on Bridge &treet ' A� ��IL �'��M� 1�A��' ��� P`� -\,, � � . • � � � �-- 4. Demolition and removal of construcCion materials from , �x'����./�pt��` Op�'�� � ���p•�` ,�.� . •' � • - �� existin�; retaining walls, steps, concrete slabs and �O �G(� DM,� � `�' �,.(� \ �h�� ' .' '. ;' ' � r�tG���� ��0� � asphal C �Lj � �� �;� _„ , . `y •�i` �'' 1 ����A�N ^ �,� Gjppl°��� S. Bracing and protection of trees - Gallegos Masonry, Inc. � . - • • • •,r ` = � TO G�1�'a,7'r� will not guarantee the survival of these trees. , , �� � � ,� :::• � ' "..� _ E ,•,,; "• �.-�' E,. Excavation for the retaining wall foundation bottom i "1`i�` ��' � . . _' �";rti:; � .,e�t f ' i` � � � � ,.�,1�;�,, y f�l' y- 1 of footer to be a minimum of 4'-0" below finished grade � 7. Drainage pipes for gutter system downspouts to end at �1 ' - z• � , - � , '� . �/' r.r ;�; :���%� '� / ��,��'`, ,r '� � ��"�4�'? Bridge Street a�: �•�:,.' � . �/`',� �`\ „'''' t ..�: . � ,�' , II. Retaining wall foundation - 8" X 16" footer and 12" block � r� i: . . � � ' � , �,-�, ' \ grouted 2' o.c. r , ' . ,/ •,✓ � ,� ��-�'�"�`.r�` r, . . ��� ��,r, 1�� � � 'j. Backfill and compaction, where necessary-, of retaining wall ' ; ' i' -� �'�' ` �.� foundation � ;` , s.� � _ , , • �\ , r/ , � •'• °;•' � ' - '• �' r �.�r i - :0. 4" gravel subbase and compaction for concrete slab and stairs � � � ���� �� ��`�,� � ' : 1"� � ,!- . •,;F;+� ' ,�>- �,_ ,�'�\ f �1. Coordination for installation of the snowmelt piping system �N � �j1����� -�o `'�N �� /" ,� • - , • 7. r' � ' ' .�' � �� �' 1 2. 4" concrete slab with thickened edges�for pavers and under ��`�� ,�Q �'��� ,,� �� ����.;` � � `, � t ,;' , \ � � � , storage shed �'�W) �j'(A11�� � : t.,• ,j: , '' '� � � � �� Gj�� � 13. Form, pour and finish concrete stairs 3'i - . � N� . l,'�:"• • , � • , , . ��4-4`Y? . , '�"'t ` � \ \,� '"� iG. tioss rock walls 1'-0" thick with stone 4" to 6" below . . ''� t�'� �"` '`'' � • . . • i:.,''!� ' ' ,_;.,--� � ���0�� �� fnished gradQ 11 - _ _ � - . - -- � == � . . . _-�, ' ,, ;;; , ,, � _ �-"' -. i-{ l, " �,\0 �. �:�proximately � 9 of stone to be exposed inside planter � ' � i �' ',--` ' y 'r � ,� �__� ,�} ,(GV ,l C�'a 5 - ,,:�; ; -�-r �� �-� _ ` ��_�t�� - : ' �, -� 0`�' :C.� ��i�dstone cap 1'-2" wide and approximately 2" thick on � � S � ���N'� - , � ������,= � 1� � f � �, t � . �c<,ne walls. Top o f cap will be approximately 18" above ' . �X►`� � -rt ��, �T.�- �,��-;`�1 1,,� ,,�,r �- �r1 -��� �� ��� the .�aver walk and Bridge Street. _ -��--', + 1.�.�=�'�j � � ; - -� �� � i7. Sandstone cap to the existing stone walls in front of 1 _��--�5,,_ �;1 4� _ �,I� \/ ' ' ' �.v-, r � J��`��, ''��l �_ �� _ �- Y�X�1���' ' r � ' �zroselli`s -�-,�,�� 1 � '� -�- ��-=.l'"``1�,,,�.� ,�� - .1 ���10V� p��1� v GJ��� � 18 Fini�h stone wall that is located northeast of Caroselli's `=� ' - �1��`� � '�C l �":`-��-''`,��� �i ���� ''�� � entry. This wall will rest on the subgrade 1'-0" below i � �` � -, � ll ;-- � " ����-''�N�! �G��'���'� existing grade per Katheryn Berry. f� _ � 1 _ �� � v�`� ��� 19. Sptit pavers on the concrete slab with laticrete mortar ` � -t ��M, �� - , and grout joints, This includes filling in the areas _�,�`� � � G� under Carose�li`s bay windows, the walkway to the south of � --- �7----- T� - - " - "- - � �Gj ��� C��ro,elli's stairs, ,�nd the 12' :� 1/'L ' strip on the west ' '�0 , (�Gj���.�1� � __--�__ _ L. � L E ? (����� � , side uf t�ie bulld�.ng. ��, G�� � �+). Soldicr caurses will be installed at tt�e top and bottom of a„�( t�:e stairs�at the intersection line between the Mug Shop , . �nd the En�ry where th� building turns, and where the new � paver wark intersects with t}�e existing pavers south of "� Christie's entry. N�W �A����i '�V �}RV� �1tih�'ijtilG.�WE t'/��ZN, � � � , .'1. Fandom pattern sandstone in the Plaza I,odge entry hall. � `--1 I Ttie sealer to be ased wi71 be determined at a later date. ' \ , 22'. Stucco-aver the e�cisting brlck 5urfaces� on the nortti, east, � � � � � ar:d south sides of the building. Stucco repair will be done . I ' � � � � � on a T & M basis. � � l I � � � Z3, Patching of the asphalt along Bridge Street based on a 3' � �H � r � � ►` 1 � ' � wide patch - � ' 24. Core drillxng for hand rail inserts. will be billed at $35.00 ' U� ` � � � � � per Z" diameter hole . � = � _ � 'L5. All quantities are estimated from scaling the plans and _ . � �,�.� ^ � ad�ustments will be made in the field if necessary. - 1 O� C� ����{,� � - ��'G�� , 26. This includes job set-up and construction management of the � � �y,,� IQ� ��fi+,,� I 4 �(� \ exte�ior carpentry, snowmelt system, painting, handrail, , ` 1 oi� - � �h�.� ��� - �������1� and ,sll other work as described" previously. �A L�N ►� � �1�,`��� � �� � ?7. G e n e r a l c o n t r a c t o r w i l l c o n f e r w i�h t h e a r c h i t e c t o n t h e , � � p� - � exact dimenslons for the retainin� walls located at the__ � ���0 5 CN , i i p�o��T1' �-�N�S - --- - - - -- - --LL-___. , G A i � � 2 t�, �A ��5 4� i�l�I G{�i n�v��,� �ti i I�T o N� c A h �'o �In�� ; ' N'�'G' � �M 11�"�(� �DI� /�I'I'I�DYA-l� �,`� Ap,G�-I 1�'�GT � � - � 2�1 , �-�-iop �I�W i N l� �"o N>� 5ut3M�t�� �o� ����ov.4� I , ��o�N b�a��j� ��I N��,� ��- - - - - - - - - -- - - — -�� �`( �f�:�l I'I�G W�1���1��I� ��I►31.�), , �I��� 1�1 /�k�k'A� '�D� I� ' - _L - _ 3D, �ILL � 0 Su�M 1" I.-AY� �o� �X'C'�F�IDI�, � - _ - 1�Cb� �r�� o ,�f�+I��� I� o}�, �'o it�►�-�A�I-I-�T�DtJ. '�Npl�.l I N�UM M�I� �, � � 31 - �N DN � �LD01� � LOp�py� N1"ii� 'fo ` ���r�a�T f�i�M- hA►�I�N 1'0�u�t) ' _ � - 1� _ � : , ,� " i� L�V�t� l�!111�4 OUr�i 17� ��ZIGf'`� �IALKI�IA`� , ` 2 /�1.� � �,� �D� t��MdVAL. --� l � � � � �or� Ga1���o ' � �2. 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" S!2°24 43 E" �� \ i L�� L Q� � \ , .� � - ' /.57 (M) Sb' ` \ �' � � �urnz�he�3 t�y �h�' Otmer, but cat�no� be ��uar�nteed by '� ^ \ ` � ��e .�rcIii�tect, ` � � � \ '` � ri-� � ! \ ' � 1;, iiinox cleta�].s not u�u�ll.y s.�o�m o�� s��c1f�.ed, but necess�.xy for tl.� �rop�r wnd , t_v , ►� \\ \ , � �� o�D ST�tiRWAY coCATioN \ \ 3eccp�able canst�ruct�on; instal.lation, �r opera�zon o.f a.�y I ar� of ��he itorlc as N8�°26 04 E . \ Br�cK deter;�i;�ed by wl�e llrctzi�ect, sha1.� 1�e iric�,t�si4c� ln �lie work as i,� it �r�re � � � ` �-\ ,�_v� � i \ \ , \ '� ! `, spncifiec� oi• inda�ca���3 in the cir�:.i•rin�� '` ° 20 05 (R) , ' ' - - `, e . ^' � , � � Q � \ � ..-� � , .- ` N T7°.3J`��6��E I ` � ' ' J � .��5 w ` � -- '`�` - 7. Ca�1�rac�ors should obtain <�,rid r�;f for �.7.1 �-ec�uirecl y,erriits ,, �t� sch�du�.e aIl 4 � - SJZ, ` � � c ' � requ�recl xnspec�ions, ol�taa.n all coae ap��ro�rai:� z�.1 �'ile for ��e ne�* cezt:fica�e� ` 2��5 �MJ \ � �_. oi' occur��ency as xeauired, � � � , OO B, DAfi T OF L OT�' � ` \ , � - � , ��; . A�PEA OFENGROAGNMENT � \\ / � � 6. C�ntr3cvox shall be r�sto��sil�le �c�r �11.union �.ncl t�nc�c�l cr��oruunity star.c�ares Qr '_v ' ' N 08°33�56��W � ` ' � r�cuzreM�n�s, � • n ���.r� �����nn�•t��ni rt�_ �-•�r; i , 6� 1 \ ..�� 1 �-, �.�_..1..�..�J� v ,ti�l...�v ...� ��h �; , , , , � 300 �R� � � �, / ' - ' � t. ���_..�.�. .. �� �- sn��1. coordinat� �. _ "'- i�r_ i r�-; ^ ��� � ^v � ^ ., , � f �.� �_.. � , 7. - Contracto_ �13. t�ror� niQCed�lre.� wzti� reqtia,xeraents a. loc�.l � / // 3� � ,\ ' �.-� � , i�v r � �L1t�1Q�l'�l�S� I3�1��17]�I'�10E�C� �GSOC1"1'�IOT��� OT' t�U3.1(�1I7� 1�2�3;1ZE�CPILTI� OY' ��02..Y'C�f'i C3i ' N/2 24 43 GY 4 , � � � � t / ,t-�I •��'• 4 r . 3os' rM� �. a � � riirectar�. , , -r 1 t --�'�- lsr FGOOR�-�' M1 � �. A11 indict. ed �urv�e• ma�erial �.� �" 1 �' �'`'� . BLOG FAGE N , ' � �EN t � R� � ��L y� far �eneral �n�cr.,Xat�.or.. � ��e I�rc�_l��ct cannot b� eovERE �• �3 � / O!/�RNAN6 PEOE57-R/AN respoi.si'ble �r�r it5 contetl� or co�rnctnes�. _ o � �� N NG ,�.- - ZZ o" • „ w )J�� �UT/L/TY EASEME/vT , , N 73 20 2/ E �ovER o `0� 1 ,. _ , ,. + � � * �T r p ' � �5 ��"� '� Q7 9. Cont_actor ;,ha�.l be ;.�c.spanazble for dI�e pro��.ctiai�, o_ all, ex�.s�l.t�, znd n..4r , i ' � �.�'� � N ^ '-�_��1 li�»t� �� 1l:h� fl�= ��n �� � , ' � 2T.58 (MJ R /� '� f-� 1 \I_.�?vU1J1 I��ivIJ vl i J-�1 � � � 7 � 1� � ;- i r ti a n S B,QicK � � conc.it�.o�s �nd matcrial.� t�rithzn t;..e ps°opos�ri con�t u��.iat, a�ea. �',r�y €?�.:��zr;� �, ���_ � r�� � ��� ��i r' � , �,^- ���• ..� �_.. � C., ��i_f�l.i� .? i� � caused "oy dr dux'in� the �.tiecution af �11�: =roxk 3_� t;i�c respozlsi��ilit;,� a� �}le N77°35'OO„C N L�v i I 1 �OT1�iE3.C�i.OZ' c'111C1 a�iu.��.. :'!f�' I"G'�1a.12'C� f� f:��C �:�TI�CI`�.", Sc�.U7.,"iii.3.C�1C"�Tl. Y 2795� �f�J . w � ' �.0. Contr�cto:.- .�ha11 Tteep �he car�structzon si�,e �'reo anc� clear of a?� d��ris �.nc3 al� �I� -f N � PAT�p \ � 1 una�tY�ox•ize�3. persans. iry , - ���,��'' \ � �p GRET �30�UT/L I T Y EASEMENT r „� r � �,^,,• ,. , , ' �, ��"' . 11. �Jra�r�n�� ,�.a.� be rau�h �calecz L .+.. CJtima.tzn� �nd �eneral relerei�ce. �� !4 0' - /� . ` . \ �--�`�- ` . , ��Jia�_i_ �� � �F� ��,.�" . , 12. Contrac�o�- sll�,l? lay out his �.rdx�i�; ancS be res�onszble far �,Il ui.*��nsions �.nci , , . � 2 pro�;zde a11, dit�ensions �.s reauired fox atl�er tiac?e,: eJ.u�c'trical, �>lt�^:iiln�, etc. � __'L EGEND � � � � \ O Set Pin 8� Cap � 13. Cai�trac�Lo: sh�,ll desi�n and �nst�.�.�. a�3ec��aa�� �hori��; and br•���;;� �s r�r�uired f�r � ,-�'! a�l s�ructural oi remo.va.l t�sl�s�. He sha?1. ha-re sc�].e resYlor�siT�l�.itu fc�w �11 da.�a�c , � �-�' � Se1 Ct'OSS In Road� ay �-�Alalkway Serviees � o�• in4uries caused by this �;ork and s1�4'?1 ��pair �z1I de�hLcts a� �'r�i� sa'?e �:���nse, � \ -,`,� �""��� (R� Record Bearing & Uistance � , � � � ` ; � _r , �M� Measured BeQri�y & Distance l�t. �n7.1 zroric sha��. be �uaranteed fQr one ye�.r �.i"��r fina�. appyova�.. a r,e Gen�ral � . \ f/ (CJ Calculated Distance con�ractox sh�1.1 s�.�n the written �uarantee as nrovic�ed b;{ �:l�e� 'Q:mer: Tl�is - _,._.--'"'� � „u�,ran��e shaiZ cover a11, of ��� Cenera� a�2 c� Sub-�on�,z�ac�or iror k, t'�l l �,�f�c�s . ° , � ' `� -�� ' discov�rec� during tt�c �uaran�ee �e�iaa shall �e r'��,aixed �o �h� 4tmer's sa�isf�c�ion , f-�`�_ at no cost to -the Ct�rn�r. � �_ � � � , T , - � ° , 35, t�7,1 patchin� of e:tis�ir�� -cr�nd�tions siialJ. st;�,rt at thc r,eares� i;�°ealc �n pry�.ne ar � � � _ ciirection. A7.�. salva�ed r;�aterial� sl�a.11. be kep� in the a.r�as ind�.ra�ed cy E3�mer. � � �X���i � G �I�"� �(...� ` ' � � � � ` . � � � � � - �D �-�' �i��� + � ��% �d�Jj� II , - - � u , � � , J O H N S O N • W A N Z E N B E R� G N°-__�._ .. .___---- -_ __. ___._ ______.�. ___�� _�_ �_______�__.�__�_____�_�._________.___._.._..__P_.�____�_�____�___�.. ___.�___ - - _w�__.._�..___.�,_____�._�._ __�.e�... ____�.__ _..._�______ ____ _. ____r___________..�_______�..___�.._�w�.___._�____��.,__ _____��. _�._.___�..�________.� ____n___ _�.___�_____._..�_a.,.�___.______ ._ __ � on Notes Seal Draunng Tttle �I ►3A�YR,g4 w/�DpEV t-�aYES - - , _____.._.._.. .__ __._____�,. __ __._.._.__ __ _�_.____��_....__._.__ ...___..._.�...____ _...��.___,__.�__.._.....__.. �_.__._�_�...___,.__.._.._�.�_._.._....�._._._......w_ __�_._._______.._.___ ._____....,_W�_._�__...�...__�____�__e_._._�,.__ ..__..�..._______..._..M4.___..___�___.__ .� ____ ___...____ �,�r.. _ �______�_._._.____�.�_�_,�._�. _____�.._..__,__._�..._. �___�. _.._w_____�...__�._�__.,_.__ ________,_.�._�____________..._�.�......._,___e �..�..�____,.�_ I /� f� {'"� � //� I /' f� .� ed ohnson AlanWa ber ____._�. ___________�,. m_______�,.___.�,...___.�._..__�.__._.___ �,�___�w__..�_.�._._.__..�...__ __.�.�..�.__.___�.._�..�M_____.__�..�..�.�_ _�__�_._,_...._��._.__�._____. _.�._ .�____..�.__. ___...��.____._.___.�,.._ _.___.. .___. __ _�_�..__ ...�..._.__n_.__m_ ._.___.____ �._._.___��__.__.__�_._ ____.._.._ ____.._�.�_.�______..._______�._._._._.._w_ ___�.w __� ._......�_____..._.___.____.______�.__._�__ �� _._.�_._____ _.�._______._.,._.._.� __.��..�..__ �I--�' !�'��� �(1' t/ � V fA1, ( � t....-t/ � , f , nzen g �'Assoc:ates .-.°. �- ..-� _... , 850SeuenthAvenue,lVewYork,NewYo�k10019 .__, _,__ �._.. _,_�_____._ _�.----_.�..,_�___ _____d___..r__�.�_______..�.__w_.�_.�_.�. ___�,.�....____...�.___..e_��.�_._._._._....._�_....�....�.....,__ _�_..__.�__.��__.__ ._�.�_..___.�..__._.�.._.�.._._.__ ____.._ _..�.___� �___�,,.�.._y�_..,.___....._..._.,.._,�__.,_,w.._ n _ _.___.,_,. ._._.._.__ _____. , __.____�!__.._�_...,_. �._.,.�_.._�.._..�._____.�_.___��....._ _ ___...____.�____�_.____.� _,_.._.._._ _.__.�___�.._________.�. _..�.._.�.�_..__.._._.�...�.,..._ � � 'J(' �� �j , � Tele hone2l • � " _�..._.�_ _�__.__ _..___. _..�___.__��__�_..�___T___. _____.___. _.__...___w__._ �.___ __�_._...�..�.__...__..,_____�.___,____._..�.�__�_�..�___.�..... ___�_._._.'..._�_ _�..._:..w�_ ____ __._�..�...____�,__..� ____.__ _..___�_�.�.....____�.,.___�___.__�__�___w_._...._._.._�...._..____ _���....__ ._�._�. __�..�� __ _._......�.__ _..��.____._._....�.............�..__.._._�_.____._..__. _________.___,..____..�.__._. ,__.__ ___�, ___ _�.�_ ..�__._...w._� ___.._..�._.�.._..�...__._� i� - � � p 2 489 2490 � - --� ��fy�� Z __ ___.____,_._.__,______.,. ____._______..._.. ..�.__,.�___ � w___.____,___..._,_._._¢_.�....__ ....�.._._�_._....._.___.._.._.__..�.,..,__�.____�,.,__._w____._.._____..___.______. ��__.� __..._�_.__,.�___�_.._._...� _ _._.,_ y_..��.____.__�_.�_.�.�_______________ __..__ ..__�.._, _ ___ __ _�_,�. ____ W ._._..__ti�_ u_..._.._.._.�_.___.Y.._____._._......�_...._.._,�__.�_Y..�.,__.� _....___.._�.__�.o�...�__,___..__._.� ____�.�____ ___..�,_n_�_._.�.,____.._____ ___..�...�,_._._._._...._..__ ' � _ ._'_� ___.�._��___._,�._�.__.�__.._ _ ,_.___�....____.�____..__.._ ._ ...�...___ �.,-.____.�... __.__._... , ..__..__._._�...y.__._..._._._�___.�._ __..�._.._w___�.,..�..�..._�._..___..�___. � .�__�.____�,, __�.,.__.�..._�w.�.._._,�_�.._ .� vr_.�_.__.__,_�...� .�.�.,�.�_��.._�.�,.�..ro___�.___�.___..�___ _�..� __ _____ _.__ ---w____� _.._,�._�___�___________�_..__._....�.___.,.__....�.__._�..� _ .._,_.__�_,_________. ____��...�,..____.�..._�,_.__._,_,__..___�.___� _..�__...�.__�.�.___.�._�.....�,._. 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