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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0289NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MWIN ovo Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11 -0289 Project #: Job Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location......: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT F Parcel No....: 210112229004 OWNER WHITTON, CORBETT D 226 ISLAND POINT EVERGREEN CO 80439 APPLICANT HW BUILDERS LLC PO BOX 1823 VAIL CO 81658 License: 1072 -B CONTRACTOR HW BUILDERS LLC PO BOX 1823 VAIL CO 81658 License: 1072 -B Description: WINDOW ADDITION & TONIA 08/24/2011 08/24/2011 Phone: 970-390-6089 08/24/2011 Phone: 970-390-6089 Applied.....: Issued... P RJ 11 -0343 08/24/2011 10/18/2011 Occupancy: R -3 Type Construction: V Valuation: $28,500.00 .....««.« .......................... ............................ «.> .., .......... FEE SUMMARY .............,...,...,,........,..,............ ..,.,,................,.,,..... Building Permit ------ - - - - -> $431.65 Bldg Plan Check ----- - - - - -> $280.57 Use Tax Fee------------------ - - - - -> $370.00 Electrical Permit ---- - - - - -> $115.00 Elec Plan Check ------ - - - - -> $74.75 Restuarant Plan Review--- - - - - -> $0.00 Mechanical Permit - - - - - -> $20.00 Mech Plan Check ---- - - - - -> $5.00 Additional Fees--------------- - - - - -> $0.00 Plumbing Permit --- - - - - -> $120.00 Plmb Plan Check ---- - - - - -> $30.00 Recreation Fee--------------- - - - - -> $0.00 Investigation------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 Will Call ------------------------------ > $20.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES --- ---------- > $1,466.97 Payments-- ----- -- --------------- - - - - -> $1,466.97 BALANCE DUE------------------ - - - - -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SH L ENTY -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8: 0 M - 4 – — h t s l l Signature of Owner or Coqqractor Date Print Name combination permit_012811 TOWN OFF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: B11 -0289 Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: WHITTON, CORBETT D. & TONIA L Location: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT F Cond: 44 (BLDG 2009): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R314 OF THE 2009 IRC, IF APPLICABLE UNLESS A MONITORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 combination permit_012811 t TOWN OF VAIL r , t * * * • r * * * * ,+ * * * * ,t ,r ,r ,r * *: * * * � * * * * * t r r ,r,r x+r � * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r r x * * * * r * * * * * * r r * * * * * * + * * * * * * * r ,r ,r ,r w w * ,t , r * a * r * * t * * * r * w * * * * r * * * * * * * * • ,t * * r ,r * * r w REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 611 -0289 Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Owner: WHITTON, CORBETT D. & TONIA L Location: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT F Item: 00120 ELEC -Rough Item: 00200 MECH -Rough Item: 00220 PLMB- Rough /D.W.V. Item: 00230 PLMB- Rough/Water Item: 00240 PLMB -Gas Piping Item: 00030 BLDG - Framing Item: 00050 BLDG - Insulation Item: 00060 BLDG - Sheetrock Nail Item: 00190 ELEC -Final Item 00290 PLMB -Final Item: 00390 MECH -Final Item: 00090 BLDG -Final combination permit_012811 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R110001496 Amount: $1,186.40 10/18/201112:50 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: LC Notation: CREDIT CARD FROM MATTHEW R PHILLIPS HW BUILDERS LLC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: Bll -0289 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101 - 122 - 2900 -4 Site Address: 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Location: STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT F Total Fees: $1,466.97 This Payment: $1,186.40 Total ALL Pmts: $1,466.97 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 431.65 EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 115.00 MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 20.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 109.75 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 120.00 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4$ 370.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 20.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Revision Submittals: 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions. 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re- issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: Project Street Address: Dp `L8S C® Lll�r'�".>l �I�fJI C (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building /Complex Name: Contact Information: o Company: 44 � lA!E;e Company Address: PO Lan(_ —1 Z� City: State: C D Zip: 16 TE3_ Contact Name: Contact Phone: O G npja \ E -Mail ��^'� cY 4,C,_0 QV—�l IL12 �CTIiI� Valuations (Labor & Material)) Building: $ Plumbing: $ Electrical: $ Mechanical: $ Total: $ ()Revisions Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter () Deferred Submittal () Other Description / List of Changes: w (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: OCT 112011 TOWN OF VAIL 1- Sep -09 TRANSMITTAL FORM K TOWN OF VAl f Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 - 479 -2128 Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project n. ��S� 1 ' O 3143 4�$ q C. ©I (,LA, i�:',. i,J'f-_' ` la I (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building /Complex Name: R • ♦ • • a • Contractor Information Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Business Name: �A f1O �2� Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration Business Address: �Y State: City A - t zip: �� Type of Building: �� P `� Single - Family ( ) Duplex �jQ Multi - Family ( ) Contact Name: l I Commercial ( ) Other ( ) Contact Phone: 0 60��r Contact E -Mail: 2- MA- 4t U (_o'V epresentative Signature (Required) Applicant Information Applicant Name: Applicant Phone: Work Type: Interior (V Exterior( ) Both( Applicant E -Mail: Project Information Owner Name: Co P_ gen i.� Parcel #: 210 k 22 l" lk (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970- 328 -8640 or visit Value of all work being performed: $ S C D " (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3) 4S& Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work (r�tt��D .cY,� IZF+titile -O LA��t w.a�o T!) cr{� c (use additional sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa MC ast 4 CC # p56� exp date Auth # Date Received: FE C [E n (Vn AUG 2 3 2011 TOWN OF VAIL O1- Jan -11 Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Electrical Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No -ro't9 p . Mechanical )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No / &19'0 Plumbing (i(es ( )No ( )Yes ( )No 4 . Building Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No 15 '+9-U Applicant E -Mail: Project Information Owner Name: Co P_ gen i.� Parcel #: 210 k 22 l" lk (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970- 328 -8640 or visit Value of all work being performed: $ S C D " (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3) 4S& Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work (r�tt��D .cY,� IZF+titile -O LA��t w.a�o T!) cr{� c (use additional sheet if necessary) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa MC ast 4 CC # p56� exp date Auth # Date Received: FE C [E n (Vn AUG 2 3 2011 TOWN OF VAIL O1- Jan -11 I Designer Series® Pella* (Pro Line) U- GLAZING PERFORMANCE - TOTAL UNIT Architect Series' Clad - Vent CASEMENT (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100. (Whe values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGYSTAP initiative that will go into effect in October 2010. For center -glass values, see the Product Performance section. R Value - 1N Factor SHGC - Solar Heat Gain Coeffident VLT % - Visible light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating See the General Performance section for more delailed information Shaded Areas Meet ENERGY STAR' Performance Criteria in Zones Shown U.S. I Canada Zone I ER Zone 14 Climate Zones { ��� �r► •. sus z rr". Pella 2011 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 - Openings I Windows and Doors I CM -6 11/16` clear IG with 3 mm glass 0.45 0.54 56 43 withgriltes- hetween4he�Iclass - - --- 0 .45 0_ 51 43 with iMe al _tiles 11f16' OA 0.49 _ -. __ . 5.1. 43 Advanced Low E IG with argon with 3 glass 0.30 026 48 57 widtrillesbetweenthe�Iass _ - - - - -- - -- 0:30 024 43 S7 - _ . _ .... - -- --- with inte gral grilles - ... _ .__ _ ... _ ....... .._...__...__.. 0.30 0.24 - 43 - - 57 11/16' N atural Sun Low -E IG wit a wi 3 mm lass ____ -_.-.. __-- - - - -__ - _bra► _ - �- 0.32 __ .. 0.48 _ - 54 56 _ - - - - -- _ wm rilles-betvir -rt hem ss _ - -� 0.32 0.44 49 _ 5 6 _ with integral grilles 0.32 0.44 49 56 11/16' SunDefenselm Low -E IG with on with 3 mm_glast _ _. 0.29 0.18 44 58 --- with grilles between- the glass _ ......._. 0.29 0.18 40 S8 w ith in rat grilles 0.30 0.18 40 58 11116' SunDefenseTM Dual Low -E IG with argon with 3 mm glass _ 0.26 0.18 40 46 _ _ - ___ with Apes= between thela 0._26 0.1_7 3 7_ 46 with int rat grilles ._._._ - 0.27 - 0.17 37 46 11/16' Bronze Advanced Low-E IG w/ argon with 5 mm/3 mm Low-E 0.30 0.23 31 57 wit grilles between thelass - _ - - -- 0.31_ 0.21 28 57 _ - - -- -- - - ____- - - with gt .....-.-_____..._..-______ __- _--- ------------------ - -- - 0.2 - _ _ 57 __ 11/16' Gray Advanced Lov_wE I w/ a rs on with 5 mm/3 mm Low -E _0 _ 0.33 0.21 27 57 wkh grilles between- the glass -- - -- - -- 0.34 0.19 24 57 - - - - ---- - - - - -- 0.19 24 57 11/16' Green Advanced Low -E IG_ w/ argon with 5 mm/3 mm Low-E _ 0.30 0.22 38 S7 with rilles betwee the lass ------ s-------- - - - - -- . 0.21 -- . - 4 --- . . 57 ...__.- with int rat rilles ..___._______0.31 _ -_ 031 _ 0.21 _3 34 57 HIGH ALTITUDE GLAZIN 11l1b' Advanced Low-E HA IG with 3 mm giass 0.33 0.26 48 54 _ wdFl grilles- between - the glass - '033 with integral grilles - 0.34 014 43 54 11/16' NaturalSun Low -E HA IG with 3 mmCtass - _ ^ - -� ---------- - - - - -_ --_ 035 0.48 54 53 wit c,Lrilles ----•---------- 035 0.44 - - 49 -- 53 with integral grilles _......- .- ____ -_. - - -- -- -- - - -- 036 0.44 49 53 -- •----- --- .... 11/16' SunOefense'"t Low -E HA IG with 3 mm suss _._..... _... - - -- - - -. _ -- - ........._... 0.33 - 0.20 ..._.._........ 44 54 ....._ -- - . with grilles- between - the -glass __- ___ -__- ........_...._. 0.33 ..... 0.18 -- ...._. 40 ... 54 with - integral grilles _ - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- 0.33 0.18 40 54 - -- ---- - - - - _ 11/16' SunDefenseT"' Oual Low -E HA IG wit h 3 mm glass -- --- ._....__...__._ 0.28 0.18 40 42 - with grilles- between - the -Mass - _ -_- 0.28 0.17 37 42 _ _- _ - With integral grilles 0.29 0.17 37 42 (1) Glazing performance values are calculated based on NFRC 100. (Whe values shown are based on Canada's updated ENERGYSTAP initiative that will go into effect in October 2010. For center -glass values, see the Product Performance section. R Value - 1N Factor SHGC - Solar Heat Gain Coeffident VLT % - Visible light Transmission CR = Condensation Resistance ER = Canadian Energy Rating See the General Performance section for more delailed information Shaded Areas Meet ENERGY STAR' Performance Criteria in Zones Shown U.S. I Canada Zone I ER Zone 14 Climate Zones { ��� �r► •. sus z rr". Pella 2011 Architectural Design Manual I Division 08 - Openings I Windows and Doors I CM -6 OF CO_C O # # *� DEMOLITION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM X876 , APPLICATION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED Colorado Department (Notice will be mailed to the demolition contractor unless specified otherwise) of Public Health and Environment Fee: $50 + $5 per 1000 ft of area to be demolished = $ (See instruction #1 on reverse side) Submit form to: Permit Coordinator Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment APCD -[E-B1 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, CO 80246 -1530 Phone: 303.692 -3100 Fax: 303 - 782 -0278 Asbestos @state. co. us Regulated asbestos - containing materials means (a) • viable asbestos- containing material (b) t ateaory i nonfriable ACM that has become friable, (c) CataaorY i nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, g rinding , cutting, or abrading or (d) Category It nonfriable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act on the material in the course of demolition or renovation operations regulated by this regulation. Note: Asbestos- containing sheet vinyl and linoleum must be properly abated /removed prior to demolition. F� DuA08 Ftcv 0I 130 10A Company Name Building Name: L Street: Square footage of footprint of facility or portion of facility to be demolished O i W ° Cit City. State: Zip Code: Street: d ) 4204 Co uml6 DfIvt U'l Telephone # Fax # ) City 1 Cou?q I q / C F e* p U O C O C 8 = r Project Manager: Cell Phone # Proposed Start Date ProOosed Completion Date . -— -- - -- �- I certify that the Ceniried Asbestos Building Inspector has informed me O E Method/Means of Demolition: about any remaining asbestos - containing materials in the facility to be d E demolished. 0 r Wrecking C] Burning El Implosion El Moving ❑Other, specify Signature: Print Name: i Landfill Receiving Building Debris: Burning requires additional authorization - Please call (303) 692 -3100 and ask to speak to the Open Burning Permit Coordinator General Abatement Contractor (GAC) L Owner's Name: / p ru N o O CDPHE Asbestos Permit # Total Quantity of Asbestos Removed Street. (v L N O a C Date Removal Cp Completed Telephone # — -- IJ > City: C U r��ivt State: CO Zip ode - -- Type(s) of Asbestos - Containing Material Removed: m Contact's Name: Telephone # (3/53 )&19 -1838 With my signature below, I certify that I possess current AHERA accreditation and state of Colorado certification as o an Asbestos Building Inspector. I also certify that I have thoroughly inspected the facility to be demolished, as listed in the Demolition Site block above, sampled all suspect materials, had all samples analyzed for the presence of CL asbestos by a NVLAP- accredited laboratory, and have determined that no Regulated ACM exists anywhere in the c facility.' I also certify that I have informed the owner /operator of the facility or the demolition contractor that any y) o asbestos - containing material allowed to stay in the facility must remain non - friable during demolition. Specify type(s) N M of ACM remaining, below: (check appropriate box(es)): dw Q L) El Vinyl asbestos floor the (VAT) ❑VAT mastic ❑Tar /asphalt impregnated r fln Asphaltic Asphaltic ipe coatings ❑ S ra - applied tar coatings ❑ Caulking El Other, Specify : &e /�/ 4- 7 �,0 ^ Sig n Blue Ink) Printed Name: d / U Dat Inspection CO Cen # 1-3 3 Expiration ate z lIf Telephone # j Cell Phone # (S403) 593 -D683 (303) 906 -f68Z3 I verify t at all refrigerants from air cond Rion in refrig ration appliances have been properly recovered in accordance with AQCC Regulation No. L p 15 (for information on CFC requirements call 692 - 3100). 1 further verify that all luminous exit signs (containing radioactive material) have been disposed of in accordance with 6 CCR 1007 -1 subpart information luminous O (for on exit sign requirements call 303 - 692 - 3320). d ` CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX: M O ❑ Building Owner �❑ Contractor ❑ Other Date: U Signature: I Print Name: - -- THis Box is FOR CDPHE USE ONLY: - - - -- - - -- - - -- Postmark or Hand Delivery Date: Approved B Yi Code: ❑initial -310 ❑transfer -380 Form of Payment & #: Permit #: Record # Date Issued: Regulated asbestos - containing materials means (a) • viable asbestos- containing material (b) t ateaory i nonfriable ACM that has become friable, (c) CataaorY i nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, g rinding , cutting, or abrading or (d) Category It nonfriable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act on the material in the course of demolition or renovation operations regulated by this regulation. Note: Asbestos- containing sheet vinyl and linoleum must be properly abated /removed prior to demolition. F� DuA08 Ftcv 0I 130 10A Vail Fire Department Asbestos Testing & Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from ex- posure to harmful asbestos. The Town of Vail asbestos abatement program is in addition to the State of Colorado's regu- lations. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directly for their requirements at the contact info listed below. When is asbestos testing required? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing: One- and Two - Family Dwellings: 32 square feet All Others (commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet Definition of a single - family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including multi - family /condominium units, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State - certified and Vail- registered abate- ment contractor. An asbestos abatement permit must be approved, and the clearance letter must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit will be Issued. Project Checklist My project falls into the category checked below: ❑ Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. © Tested negative, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test results included) Tested positive at more than 1 %, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included) Tips &Facts: 6la<:1C Fibf p64f - T'ar +S a 6A ` +e Or nOh- riwblk. &C_M ��.1- �-o • Even recent construction projects may include asbestos - containing materials, so buildings of any age require testing. • The "1989 Ban" on asbestos - containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, In 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so- called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA. Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos - containing product categories was set aside and did not take effect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO, 81657. Town of Vail Contact: Fire Prevention Bureau Vail Fire Department 75 S Frontage Rd Fire _ inspectors @vai 970 -479 -2252 State of Colorado Contact: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group 303 - 692 -3158 asbestos 15-May-10 AER0610LOC LAbORATORy ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED O�;H p CONSULTING LA80RATORY Company: Stiles Environmental & Industrial Hygiene Collected By_ Attn: Scott Stiles I Relinquished Page I of ww4v aerobiDlogy net Date: Date: 6y Address: 7126 Aspen Meadow Dr. Evergreen, CO 80439 Received By: - - D : O 7126 Aspen Meadow Dr_ Evergreen, CO 80439 Sampler ndersenQ ssetteQ hero to Address: Type SAS AeroTrapD Phone /Fax: 303.906.6823 PO # /)ob# /Project Name: Email: scott.r.stiles @gmai . yMY �0 /lirh� /`rid t-' dn>I>� Routine 24 Hour Q Same Day Q 4 Hour ® Hour Notes /CC Info: „ f i - A r- . / o, Sample No. Test Code o� Sample Location D�n1' Qod Total Volume /Area Direct, Qualitative- Swab /Tae W507 1050 N 1010 WATER - Potable - E. coii /fecal coliforms 1049 Direct, Quantitative - Swab/Tape/Bulk 1012 SWAB - E. coil/fecal coliforms 1005 AIR Culture - Bacteria Count w ID's 1028 Sewage Screen (E. toll I Enterococcus /fecal coliforms) 1030 AIR Culture - Fungal Count w/ ID's 2056 Heterotro hic Plate Count 1006 SWAB Culture - Bacteria Count w ID's 1026 Non-biological Particle ID (Microbiology) 1031 SWAB Culture - Fungal Count wl ID's 3001 ASBESTOS - Point count 1008 Ff"j 4 3002 ASBESTOS - PLM Analysis BULK Culture - Fungal Count w/ ID's 3003 ASBESTOS - Particle characterization W ag c f ZZ 1054 Direct, Non - viable Spore Trap 1015 Culture - WATER Le ionella 1051 Direct, Qualitative- Swab /Tae 1016 Culture - SWAB Le lonelfa 1050 Direct, Qualitative- Bulk 1010 WATER - Potable - E. coii /fecal coliforms 1049 Direct, Quantitative - Swab/Tape/Bulk 1012 SWAB - E. coil/fecal coliforms 1005 AIR Culture - Bacteria Count w ID's 1028 Sewage Screen (E. toll I Enterococcus /fecal coliforms) 1030 AIR Culture - Fungal Count w/ ID's 2056 Heterotro hic Plate Count 1006 SWAB Culture - Bacteria Count w ID's 1026 Non-biological Particle ID (Microbiology) 1031 SWAB Culture - Fungal Count wl ID's 3001 ASBESTOS - Point count 1008 BULK Culture - Bacteria Count w ID's 3002 ASBESTOS - PLM Analysis 1033 1 BULK Culture - Fungal Count w/ ID's 3003 ASBESTOS - Particle characterization 43760 Trade Center I`WP_ Suite 100, Dulles, VA 20166 -(877) 648 -9150 Fax (703) 648- 3919 - enk* lab@aembioloWnet 4501 Cade 75 Parkway. Ste A1190, Atlanta C4 30339 -(866) 620 -9313 Fax (770) 947 -2938 - emal: An 9Y,net 13949 W. Colfax Awe, Suite 205, LakeAmd, CO 80401 -(866) 620 -9348 Fax (303) 232 -3746 - erraiL de�biotogy Vt 3/09 Revision 4 13949 W. Colfax Ave AERObt0l0 LA bORATOR Suite 205 C1y y Certificate of Analysis �1 ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED EMPAT# 192683 Lakewood, CO 80401 \` (866) 620 -9348 Stiles Environmental And Industrial Hygiene - Date Collected: 08/08/2011 4602 Plettner Lane #3C Date Received: 08/10/2011 Evergreen, CO 80439 Date Analyzed: 08/13/2011 Attn: Scott Stiles #200860 -0 Date Reported: 08/15/2011 Project: 11-2514284 Columbine Dr. Unit F, Vail Project ID: 11009347 Condition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable Page 1 of 3 Test Requested : 3002 Asbestos, PLM Bulk Analysis Method : Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination in Bulk Building Materials. EPA /600 /R- 931116, July 1993 Sample Identification Physical Description at Sample Additional Comments Homo- geneous Layers Percentage Asbestos Detected Non - Asbestos Fibers (area %) Non - Fibrous Material (area %) Matrix Material Client # Lab # 11- 251 -WS01 11009347 -1A Tan/White Drywall N 50 ND 50% CELL 50% G 11009347 -7B 11009347 -1 B White Texture w/White Paint N 50 ND >99% G 11- 251 -WS02 11009347 -2A Tan/White Drywall N 35 ND 50% CELL 50% G 11- 251 -WC08 11009347 -213 White Texture w/White Paint N 65 ND >99% C 11- 251 -WCO3 11009347 -3A White Compound N 10 ND >99% C 11009347 -8C 11009347 -3B Tan/White Drywall N 90 ND 10% 90% G 11- 251 -FM04 11009347 -4 Tan Adhesive N 100 ND >99% B 11- 251 -FM05 11009347 -5 Tan Adhesive N 100 ND >99% B 11- 251 -FM06 11009347 -6 Tan Adhesive w /Multicolored N 100 ND >99% B,Q Granular Plaster 11- 251 -WM07 11009347 -7A Tan Fibrous Material N 15 ND 95% CELL 5% OP - Opaque$ 11009347 -7B Black Fibrous Tar N 85 12% CHRY 3% CELL 85% T 11009347 -8A White Compound w/Yellow Resinous N 5 ND N/A >99% C 11- 251 -WC08 Material 11009347 -8B White Compound w/White Paint N 10 ND >99% C 11009347 -8C Tan/White Drywall N 85 ND 10% CELL 90% G 11- 251 -WC09 11009347 -9A White Compound w/White Paint N 10 ND >99% C 11009347 -9B Tan/1/Vhite Drywall N 90 ND 10% CELL 90% G Asbestos Lab Analyst: ^�' L ��(��� Asbestos Lab Supervisor: a - ����" `17� TH - Trace <1% P - Panne CELL - Cellulose A - Amosite V - Vermiculite MW =Mineral Wool AC - Actlnol @e OP - Opaque$ FBG = Fiberglass AN - Anthophylllte T - Tar WO - Wollastonite CHRY - Chrysotile NTR • Non- Asbestltorrn TR CR - Crocldoltte NAC = Non- Asbestiform AC TM - Tremoltte FT = Fibrous Talc N/A AH • Animal Hair Q - Lluartz P - Panne C - Carbonates 0 - Organic V - Vermiculite B - Binder G - Gypsum OP - Opaque$ M - Mica D - Diatoms T - Tar Chi - Chlorite Hb - Homblende NO - None Detected 13949 W. Colfax Ave A L60RATOR ' Ciy y Certificate Analysis Suite 205 Layers Percentage of Lakewood, CO 80401 �\ ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED \" EMPAT# 192683 (866) 620 -9348 Lab # d 85 Stiles Environmental And Industrial Hygiene 4602 Plettner Lane #3C R Date Collected: 08/08/2011 Date Received: 08/10/2011 Evergreen, CO 80439 N Date Analyzed: 08/13/2011 Attn: Scott Stiles #200860 -0 Date Reported: 08/15/2011 Project: 11-2514284 Columbine Dr. Unit F, Vail Tan/White Drywall Project ID: 11009347 Condition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable ND 10% CELL Page 2 of 3 Test Requested : 3002 Asbestos, PLM Bulk Analysis 11- 251 -WC12 11009347 -12A White Compound Method : Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination in Bulk Building Materials. EPA/600 /R- 93/116, July 1993 Sample Identification Physical Description at Sample Additional Comments Homo - geneous Layers Percentage Asbestos Detected Non - Asbestos Fibers (area %) Non - Fibrous I Material (area %) Matrix Material Client # Lab # d 11- 251 -WC10 11009347 -10A White Compound w/White Paint N 15 ND >99% C 11009347 -10B Tan/White Drywall N 85 ND 10% CELL 90% G 11- 251 -WC11 11009347 -11A White Compound N 20 ND >99% C 11009347 -11 B Tan/White Drywall N 80 ND 10% CELL 90% G 11- 251 -WC12 11009347 -12A White Compound N 10 ND >99% C 11009347 -128 Tan Drywall N 90 ND 10% CELL 90% G Asbestos Lab Analyst: Asbestos Lab Supervisor: TR - Trace 0% A • Amoslte CELL - Cellulose MW = Mineral Wool Q - Quartz P = Partite C • Carbonates O - Organic AC • Actlnoltte FBG • Fiberglass V - Vermiculite B • Binder AN • Anthophylllte WO - Wollastontte G - Gypsum OP - Opaques CHRY - Chrysotlle CR • Crocidoitte NTR - Non- Asbestiforrn TR NAC = Non- Asbestiform AC M - Mica D - Diatoms T • Tar Chi - Chlorite 1 X/ Tremolhc ;'o 42 4 ' `' " N A= AH = Animal Hair NO - None Detected AERObiology LAbORATORy —.� ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED Certificate of Analysis EMPAT# 192683 13949 W. Colfax Ave Suite 205 Lakewood, CO 80401 (866) 620 -9348 Stiles Environmental And Industrial Hygiene 4602 Plettner Lane #3C n I l l y Date Collected: Date Received: 08/08/2011 08/10/2011 Evergreen, CO 80439 Non - Asbestos Fibers (area %) Date Analyzed: 08/13/2011 Attn: Scott Stiles #200860 -0 Date Reported: 08/15/2011 Project: 11 -251 4284 Columbine Dr. Unit F, Vail FT • Fibrous Talc Project ID. 11009347 Condition of Sample(s) Upon Receipt: Acceptable Page 3 of 3 Test Requested : 3002 Asbestos, PLM Bulk Analysis Method : Polarized Light Microscopy I Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination in Bulk Building Materials. EPA /600 /R- 93/116, July 1993 Sample Identification Physical Description at Sample Additional Comments Homo - geneous Layers Percentage Asbestos Detected Non - Asbestos Fibers (area %) Non - Fibrous Material (area %) Matrix Material Client # Lab # General Notes • ND indicates no asbestos was detected; the method detection limit is 1 %/ • Trace or " <1" indicates asbestos was identified in the sample, but the concentration is less than the method detection limit of 1%. • All regulated asbestos minerals (i.e. chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite) were sought in every layer of each sample, but only those asbestos minerals detected are listed. Amosite is the common name for the asbestiform variety of the minerals cummingtonite and grunerite. Crocidolite is the common name used for the asbestiform variety of the mineral riebeckite. • Tile, vinyl, foam, plastic, and fine powder samples may contain asbestos fibers of such small diameter (< 0.25 microns in diameter) that these fibers cannot be detected by PLM. For such samples, more sensitive analytical methods (e.g. TEM, SEM, and XRD) are recommended if greater certainty about asbestos content is required. Semi - quantitative bulk TEM floor tile analysis is accepted under the NESHAPS regulations. • These results are submitted pursuant to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc.'s current terms and conditions of sale, including the company's standard warranty and limitation of liability provisions. No responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted. • Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this report, Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. will store the samples for a minimum period of thirty (30) days before discarding. A shipping and handling charge will be assessed for the return of any samples. • Samples identified as inhomogeneous (containing more than one layer) shall be divided into individual layers and each layer tested separately. The results for each individual layer shall be listed separately on the report. Notes Required by NVLAP • This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government. • This test report relates only to the items tested or calibrated. • This report is not valid unless it bears the name of a NVLAP- approved signatory. • Any reproduction of this document must include the entire document in order for the report to be valid. —. Asbestos Lab Analyst: v Asbestos Lab Supervisor: TR - Trice <1% CELL • Cellulose A Amoslte MW - Mineral Wool AC - Actinolhe FBG - Fiberglass AN • Anthophyllite WO - Wollastonite CHRY - Chrysotile NTR - Non- Asbeatitorm TR CR = Crocidolite NAC - Non- AsbestHorm AC TM - Teemollte FT • Fibrous Talc N/A AH • Animal Hair Q - Quartz P - Pertite C - Carbonates O - Organic V - Vermiculite B - Binder G • Gypsum OP - Opaque$ M - Mica D - Diatoms T - Tar Chi - Chlorite Hb - Homblende NO - None Detected Project No: Date: gd g u o. Mv Client: 14)41 # 4 Project: / Zgel f- V,41 J 1 Sample No. Type Description Location 4', ivor�r - W `' (J r Comments: Bulk /Wipe /Soil Sampling Data Form A Page 2 07 -18 -2012 Inspection Request Reporting D h it _ ^?u'Z A/P /D Informal Activity: Const Type: Owner. Contractor: Description: Requested Inspect Date: Site Address: ion B11 -0289 Type: COMBO Occupancy: WHITTON, CORBETT D. & TONIA L HW BUILDERS LLC WINDOW ADDITION Reauested Inspection(s Item: Requestor: Comments: Assigned To: Action: Comment: 90 BLDG -Final HW BUILDERS LLC jQ�0 -AO R i. Time Exp: an p um mg to be complete Item: 190 ELEC -Final Requestor: HW BUILDERS LLC Comments: 390 -6089 Assigned To: Action: SG Time Ex p: Comment: Mov i ve nan g on island recpts. Thursday, July 19 2012 4284 COLUMBINE DR VAIL STREAMSIDE DUPLEXES UNIT F Item: 290 PLMB -Final Requestor: HW BUILDERS LLC Comments: 390 -6089 Assigned To: SGRE Time Ex Comment: am res rs for quick closing va veT s Inspection Histo Sub Type: AMF Use: R -3 Phone: 970- 390 -6089 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: Requested Time: 01:30 PM Phone: 970- 390 -6089 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 11:30 AM Phone: 970 - 390 -6089 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Requested Time: 01:00 PM Phone: 970 - 390 -6089 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Item: 120 ELEC -Rou h - - 12/07/1 f Inspector: ** Approved ** sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Item: Comment: 200 MECH -Rough 12/07/11 Inspector: ** Approved sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Item: Comment: 220 PLMB - Rough /D.W.V. 12/02/1 T Inspector: ** Approved ** JRM Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: NO PLANS 12/07/11 Inspector: sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Comment: JR checked pressure test at first inspection per the contractor Item: 230 PLMB- Rough/Water 12/07/1 T Inspector: ** Approved ** sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED Item: Comment: 30 BLDG - Framing 12/02/11 Inspector: ** Approved ** JRM Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: NO PLANS 12/08/11 Inspector: ON SITE CANCEL sgremmer Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 14648